/,'I,i'!!...•C)' ilIatly !larnn·tt�VI. No. So. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY s, 1908 -: Price Two CeIltsAI.DIIQI iw. I t:DIIosm- IUIER -ROBBEI OF EmRE:PROIEIADE TICKET ISSUE pmosoPIY -- TwlIIIIOUICE illES OF, CASTFOR DIFRIAR OPERA-II 2111 JUNIOR COLLEGE .DECLAMATIDI COBESI Questions and Teams Now Chosenand Teams Begin Active Work forJunior Colleges Debate Champion- Parts for "Sien of'tIIe'Double Eaale"&!:ips. .Picked-The List is Subject �Cbaqe.With the choice" yesterday morn-ing, of the debating team to represent Tryout for Chorus aDd RebearsaIaPhilosophy colege, the last of the Announced-AU Candidates Jtz-teams to be chosen, the intra-college peeled Out for Choma.debaters start on their active work toLaughlin, head' of the Department of d id h h . .hi f h JT�\'cnty-one members of the Jun- Gone! Gone! Gone! And the bold eCI e t e c amprons lp o. t e U11- The Cast of the BIacldriar Operah t Political Economy, and an authority bad. thief has escaped. The deed (.f ior colleges. At the tryout yester- Packingham.George Hunt(if eligible)ior col!ege, five of t em women :lnt D'. h d in financial measures. Professor the lately �otorious telephone repair day, J. S. Salkey, C. M. Keyes and Dexter Davis ....•.•.••.•••••.••••sixt�en of them men, ave enterc h I' Albert Sabath were chosen as ,lIe D S C' ghLaughlin states his views on t e man was ec ipsed yesterday after- ••....... J. . cott or unnlD amthe lists for the winter contest Inh b team of. Philosophy debate cham- J k D '1 P J R ddmeasure in the current number of the noon, wen, etween the' hOUTS ,of 3 ac at y. .. . . •. •• ..• ••. . . e ydeclamation. Entries for the com-Journal of Political Economy, r.f p. m. Tuesday and 8:30 this morn- pions, The men will, on March 17, Court von Blow ....•••. F. J� Dykstrapetition closed Monday and. the en,- ing a package containing all but fifty argue the question: "Resolved, That Rudolph ••.....•...•••• Chamberlaintries made public by the Juntor dean s which he is an editor, and which W.1Sof three hundred tickets for the the Initiative and Referendum as Schmaltz .•.......•.... H. E.', Meachcr'office yesterday. issued yesterday from the University Washington promenade were stolen. Adopted in the Constitution of the Fritz ........•...•.•...... Carl Dixson. 1 f th on P State of Oklahoma are Desirable 0 h .... The preliminary trra s 0 e c - ,ress. Fortunately the names of the fifty -M!!.�an., .•.•........ Frank re, aruh ld Thursday f tb . l'n d h h Measures for Our State Govern-] �'A n..._testants will be e on , Portions 0 e -measnre Imp y,. stu ents woad already, purchased ean d rm, .. .• .. .••• •• .•••••• -v--n, February 13· At this time each �f the opinion of P�fessor Laugbli� tickets have been kept, and they may ments," with the team of Arts cal- Constance ..••••..•.. �.. Chas, Spencethe contestants will appear before a "a' qUality of naiy�e in Congress receive others from the Information lege, composed of David Fichman, Louise ...•..•.•...••... Ralph Benzies Ifaculty judging committee, and dp.- which would grace a child of six, but ·office. Chairman Kramer states that .M. F. Carpenter and Allen Sayles. Frau Schmidt ..•••..•. Dean Kennedyliver a portion of his selection. The disgrace a man of sixty." no ticket wiil be accepted at the prom "This question," said Dean Thomp- Miss Crampton ...•.•• H.' P. Blackfordspeeches at these preliminaries are A combination of politics and ignl)� that does not bear his signature. son, "is certainly one of great" inter- Tina ....•..•...• .: ••.. '.: •••• •• •• Openlimited to two minutes. ranee is responsible for the measure; The discovery of the loss caused no est to the student body, because so -_The semi-final trials of the contest in the opinion of:, professor Laugh- 'excitement, and it was some time be- many of them are from the middle 'This list is announced as the pres­will occur on February Z'/, at which !in. fore any.definite facts could be learn- west, and the arguments' are very ent cast of the�"Sign of the Doubletime those who have been successful "The measUr� proposed in the Se-t- ed, 'Vhen, the Maroon reporter evenly divided, It is a live and perti- �gle" as a result of the tryouts heldin the preliminaries will deliver their ate to rcmec1y our monetary and finally secured an interview with J or- nent question." in the Reynolds dub' last Saturdayentire selections. financial itis," he says, "furnishes an- dan, he received the following state- The other half of the semi-finals of evening by Coaches Cushiq andThe finals will occur on Tuesday, other example of the deadening d- ment: this harangue-fest will be between ·Smith. The parts are, ho��r. • ,,"•��Marcb ��.J an, .�,.,_.�,.n. stit.!!!S..�.L�"_ �D:, i_,��,."oL",t,' DO,_!i,�,._'... " ' .• an_.�..... ' !>,_.r•. '�,',_�,_.k. o! ��-, "At first I \Vils afraid ,it ,��.':!L4_ �e ��e te�.ms o� �it,�:a.:,�<ure .�d ,Sci�_n�e. merely temporarily fihed' and aie\.su� ,,.-: ;.�ning of the spnng convocation exer7 '_pert bo;l�·regattltO�-.mnDg; necessary to call the Prom- �ti- '0; on t1te�nn:-da�l! - The subject .15. jea2to· ... ·�h'an�:.-Tb�"1ln.�- ,,�, ....-:��lcises. The �inners of the contest are 'upon 'C��'."No� "COuld bet� second consideration, I decided that 'ResolvedAThat the Canadian Bank- is also made tbat'1msuccessfilr�'given a quarter's scholarship in the' ter show the .�iter"misancterstandiDg i"n view of certain arrangements that ing,Syst� Should be Adopted in dates for parts, 'and all other'c:ancti­University. of the iitVeDtS we �ve jUst passed I had made personally, this would be the United States." The interests of dates for the chorus. are cXpCctCd �toThose who have entered for the through . .-a.: the' scheme proposed by impossible. It will occur as sch ed- the junior scientists will be held hy appear before Earl Surlth f�: a:'Toic:e'contest and their selections are as !oi� the leaders ;;f th� Senate. Of course, uled," C. Smith, C. P, McCullough .and .:.. tryout oh Wednesday, and' hefenelows: .i� Will be urged . 'that nothiuc, really "I refuse to condemn anyone ott Benitez, against the champions ,)f· Coach Cushing' on Thursday at ..Lulu E. Rude-Child Labor and the sane could be passed; but, to this it present:' said Chairman Kramer, Literature, who are Lestem A. Stern, o'clock. Announcement of, the placeNation.-Beveridge. shonld be replied. that the propos:lI when asked about the matter. "How- A. G. Whitfield and \Villiam M�A!l- w�ere this tryout will be held ·will be.A Sab�th-Eulogy on. Benjami� of a really ·soa.nd measure would have ever as there were only two persons drew. made later •, Hill-J. ]. IngaIJs. educated the public:, aDd in, the .end about the office who knew of the tick-, Every Tuesday and nursda,. �'�tNettie C. Williams-CJcero's 9ra- would have helped on the possibility ets'l do not think 't will be 'hard to REYNOLDS CLUB TO GIVE 3:30, the chorus' will rehearse'.beforetion Against Verres. of a right solution. locate the criminals. Another fa�t RECEPTI_ON TO PRESIDENT Mr. Cushing, and a musical 'rd.ea�1Philip H. Wolfram-The Homes of "In the first place, the authors (If that Will h.:lp to fasten the accusation _ will probably' be held before Eactthe People.-Grady. the bill quite fail to comprehend that, is the remarkable increase in t!te First Reception by Club to Dr. Jud- Smith in Mandel every ThurschyFlorence Kiper-A Piece of Bread. :n the recent crisis, the inability of rumber of certain people's friends son as �ent to be Held' everiing.-Francois Coppie. banks to lend to needy borrowers was who expect to attend the Prom, ·)n. Tuesda7. COMMITTEE IS APPOIHTEDHarold B. Smith-Homes of �i1e the central difficulty which brought complimentary tickets. There will hePeople.-Grady. on failures and cessation of b�inesl. J2 Delta U's. and 24 Psi U's at th� The officers of the Reynolds club The Soc:ial Committee for FreIIIaaDRobert E. Hanneman-A Touch of If loans could have been had, many Prom. I have nothing further to wiJI give a reception for President Dance is Cbo8ea.Nature.-Anon. a concern would have been able �o say." Judson and Mrs. Judson, Tuesday,W. J. �lcAndrew-Justice for Ire- meet its obligations and continue iu ,President Barker of the senior class February II, at 8:30 o'clock.' This The reception committee for tbeland.-O'Connell. productive operations. refused to answer the reporter or wiJI be the first official reception Freshman dance next Friday will COB';'H. R. Boukhage-Reply to the En- "The plan seems to be based on the give any reply at all regarding thc at- given by the club to President JUd: sist of the class officers the members,·oYs.-Kellogg. stupidity of supposing that a borr�'R- fair. Neil Gunn acted similiarly. son as President, the one given last of the sOcial committee and seYeDIDavid Fischman-The New South er in need can not pay his debts by:\ Both gentlemen, it's believed, will he year being given while he was 'acting nther members of the c:1ass. TheMeand the Race Problem. certified check, but only by bank present at the dancc. Unlike the3e President. on the committee are: Harold Smith.I. E. Ferguson-Selection unde- notes. If a bank never issued a note silent ones 1.facCrackcn voluntcered The custom of giving' an annual r�- president; Hargrave A. Long, nee-cided. under the Aldrich bill, it could help comment without interview. He sait]: ception to the President comes from president; Dorothy Buckley, seere-W. A. Ford-R. G. Ingersoll's business men to at least five times a� "No.hing like that happened at the the East, it being trad�tional in ·the. tary, and Morris Briggs, treasurer.Speech O"er thc Body of His Dead much in loans· by keeping its reserves, Settlement dance whcn I was ;n majority of the Eastern colleges. The rest of the committee are. AleocBrother. lending, creating the usual deposit charge of the tickets." The University of Chicago has un- Whitfield, Ralph Sidster, GeoqreFrank A. Gilbert-A Character .,f account; and giving the borrower the Anothcr campus notable to offer exccllcd facilities for such a. recep- Roul�ton. Charlcs Sullivan, Robe:-tNapolcon.-Charlcs Thillips. right to draw on 'demand on that a-c- his opinion was Julius. He seemed tion, no university in the country hav- Owen, Ned' Earle. John Scott, Jean­Landcr :".lacClintock-The Glory of count. quite stirred ovcr the affair and re- ing at its di�posal such a place as the 'nette ThieJens, Virginia Frecm'll1,AtJlcns.-:".[a\:caulay. "In a condition of great stress, marked: "By golly! I am surprised Reynolds c!ub. Alice Johnson, Mary Chany F� \�f. A. Matanson-Selection unde- moreovcr, how are the three gentle- that Kramer was so ca�cless. He's The reception last year was a gr,�3t Bates, Percival Gottfried, Paul Gard-tided. men in Washington to know whether usually so . careful about money mat- success, clcven hundrcd people a!- nero Joy Clark. Raymond- MaddeD.�[ay H. Robcrts-The Blight on it is wise to allow a Chicago bank:o ter:;." tending. Thc officers of the club are Greta Hole, Helen Alling,. 'Ediththe Easter Lillies.-Markham. make a loan, and give the borrowcr Bill Hewitt made the following lac- "cry anxious to ,ha"e the entire stu- Young. Bernice LeClaire,Theo. Leon-L. J. Le\"inger-Oration on Gar- its own notes? onic statement: "Under the present dent hody in attcndance this year, ard. Margaret MacCrac1cm. EthellichI.-Blaine. "So far as putting-out of bank notes financial string�ncy, such things arc and a great effort is being made II) Kawin. Elizabeth lJur1ce. The com-S. Edwin Earle-Conclusion Roose- would meet a, run for cash, the bill always to be expected." inform everyone of the affair. A'l- mittee will meet Wednesday morn-"cIt's :\[cssagC to Congress. is to be commended; but' the proce:ss The occurrenCe took such a serious nounccments have been sent to all ing in Kent. and an members shoulclArthur R. Wilson-Duty of Litd- of providing a currency 'based on ,�- tum that it was considered advisable thc halls and fraternity houses, and try and be presen· The dance wiilary l[cn to America.-Gunke. curities practically removes this '!\d- to get an idca of how it was vicwd thc members are expected to attend be at the Reynolds dub Friday after-Rcno R. Ree\"e-What the Flag vantage from �onsideration, because from the moral side. en maS5e. The fact that the reception noon. from 4 to 6. The committee,�fcans.-Lodge. the run would be over, and the bank ··Such actions are reprehensible :n' is on the e,,'e of Lincoln's birthday is however, win be on hand at 3 0·c1oclt.E"cline M. Ph iJlips-The Martyr closed, before these emergency notes I expected to mako it possible for an I!'o tbat an th� ct:.!ls may Mcome a(�President.-Beecher. ) cOllI. be o�tiiaed." (Continucd on palte 4) unusually large number to attend. qt1aint9. _.. - . .� Women and Sixteen Men Enter,,1ft • PubliCompetition for Honors an cspeaking. Professor ,� Makes Some­Cauatic �ta Oil ProposedCurrency 'AaieJarion PoJit:k:a andIgnorance CbmbiDe ill Scheme. Financier of Washington Prom F"aadsVoid Where Stacks of AdmissionCards OU£ht to. Be.The Aldrich bill, duly labeled, hasHold Preliminaries Thursday, Febru- been consigned to the National Mu- Detectives Fail to Find Thief. Butary'13-semi-Finals February 27 seum of Curiosities in Currency Leg- Have, their Suspicions-To Print-Finals March 10. islation by Professor J. Laurence New Set._,:t",ts.I------names)ymeut---.�THE DAILY !lAlt6ON, WE1>NE5DAY, FEBRUAR:Y 5,1,01---�� -�DO YOU REIlEIIBER?One Year A&o Toda,.Professor John E. Russell ofWilHams college, spoke before theSenior colleges, suggesting '. "BeNot a Snob" as a new command-ment.Alumni Magazine appeared.The first number of the ChicagoPhilosophy college defeated theSenior colleges in basketball bythe score of 29 to 13.Two Yean Aco To ....The University Press publisheda. book by Professor George Fos­ter entitled, "The Finality of theChristian Religion."Three Yeats Aco T"',.Professor Gorsuch, of the de­partment of Public Speaking.gave a reading at the regular Sun­day afternoon tea in Hitchcockhall,Four Years Aco TN.,.The Illinois Freshmen trackteam defeated the UniversityFreshmen by a score of 59-27.Five Years Ago TodayMr. Marshall Darrach, of NewYork, presented his version ofShakespeare's Julius Caesar inKent theater.Ten Years A«o Today. J. Iprove of great advantage. Since therecent gift to the University by itsfounder of a considerable stretchof property on the south side of theMidway, the Midway, though still aling in the Chicago park system, be-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 19o5 comes a wide campus boulevard, andany improvement of ' it adds just thatmuch to the beauty of the Varsitycampus. Many and large as are theadvantages of a great city universitv,its very location appears to be fromthe start an imp9ssible handicap. the students believe, .are against a beautiful campus. Withsincere in basing. their, this great waterway' dividing :hepetition for a trip oa� campus, however, the Chicago quad-principles that are rangfes will In the future be rarelysound and grounds that are reason"; delightful for a university located on the senate has the matter under con-able, In.no sense does the comedy h lei sideration., t e oats rts of a hurJy�burly city_ 'club .·appeal for the opportun ity of. Tb M . h b . . G h . .hOf the incidental advantages, that e aroon again as een mISID- roup p �toFP,s.'a��,�ue for themaking money on a profitable tripi of the-present possibilitY or_" a Varsity formed. That_committee did Dot r� Cap .and Gown·,�u.ring; the month �1the problem is still; bothering the crew cannot be ovellestimated. Ma� Port to the senate on Saturday, and F�bruary;. . F�t�ities, clubs andclub as to what to do with. the fnndo. IIJ' the senate has not had the matter un- otber organ'·; th� terial. for stro�g crews has ever been . '. I� ... OPS" at expect to bealready in it� treasu"ry. The trip _.� available at Chicago, but the oppor- der consideration. represented in, tb�, annual �re askednot urged WIth the Idea of advertis- tunl"ty for ti" ti' h f iled Kindly make' these corrections by to �r,�n,ge· J�� s�t,ti� as early' as" '" .. . .a p�r Clpa on as aJ th.!mg the UniversIty or members of Its advocat f t publishing this letter, and oblige. possible, ·in ,oj..��·that �1l' groups may·. es 0 wa er sports.student body; nO one advances that> All th- lik· .' . Yours truly, be in the han&--:· o�. :the editors by• • IS, e. some other municipalThere IS no thought of domg more and stat:" p.. - . A. K. Parker, the last week U. f�brua& .. Accordion. . '" rO�lIses, may prove only a . Rd' . ., 'than present a play .thoroughly ac- fantastic dream· in the end. Be th.1t UniverSIty ecor er. to present indicatiQnsl there will be aceptable to the campus public before as it may 't . I large DU�ber,' of 'n�,r g;�ups, as sev-h'" bl' f "hbo' . • A ' I IS a peasant one, [he J'I'T1Io.YIOR -EN AND WOo liEN eral ne. w club.·s h'''ve ·be· ·e·n form"_dt "" pu IC 0 nelg rmg CItieS. ,�reall'zatl'o f h' h ih I ., un .. •. now IC e a umm and """,-uTS' 'final, objection seems satisfied by the student bod·. d fu' IN TRIO OF �y.m.n since the publicatio� of the last CapI . f th· '.. y, . present ·an ture, wul and Gown, and others that were nlJtp annmg 0 e proposed trip at a await with ·in�est and eagerly a:l- .. .time when it will in no way. inter- vance if in their power. Smoker, Dinner and Dance to lIake represented have' voted· to enter thisfere with the regular University eX�_ Friday Evening Eventful for year.erci:;es of its playerS: These objec- AI lIembers of 'og. Th� p��n of featuring the Junbrter two: hundred Varsity, men colleges· I"n' gto. up photocn"!tp· hs,· de;.tions, which to students of other col- h . .--ave SIgned ,the.. anti-saloon petition, vised last year, will be carried out inleges might, through growth "f it is too b, ad to shatter the new Mid- •. . � ... .. d d' . A smoker for men, a dinner f-:»r fail.. The committee in charge is a:--campus sentiment an tr� Itlon, seem way ta • f ... repu bon· or CIVIC virtue by the women, a�d a danre and a receD- '..anmng for· ph. otoa+..�hs of all eightgrounded, have, in view of a' dif- ti' h .... co' &a_ ..men onlng, t at various students g-.>t tion will form the . trio of events coll.eges. In last -!!Ir's' book all th�, ferent status at Chicago, all been met tOt . � �--w cen 5 apiece· .aor tM names d Scheduled by the Junior class fo:", men's. colleges were represented andby the Friars in their petition. their friends .,FThe Daily is clear on this one point, riday night. .souvenir cob pipes one women's college." This year theand witty speeches, is the combin'!':' three ,women's colleges that did n?thowever: The growth or decline of COIlIl11lflCATIOH.B tion promised for the smoker. come in, will be· in ·the book ma'kintYthe lack friars depends on whethe.r Editor of ,The' Daily Maroon. .,.'I':' While the men are whiling away a complete Junior college group.the raculty action is f�r or againstthe trip. II 4he trip succeeds. the My Dear Sir:-In the Daily Ma- the time with smoke and songs, the. The Cap and Gown is able to ac-roon of Frid�y, January 31, announce- women will hold a dinner in Lexing- c.ommodate' an clubs . wishing to hueclub will hold its present place, and. ment is made' of the organization of a ton, This will bemn at 6:30, whi� full page grOUps. Special· arrange-develop still more largely_ If the D'society to be called. "The Thirteen," the men will not assemble in the ments are being made with the pub-trip fails, however, the club will be .with the statement that the Board oi R�Ynolds club for the smoker until Ilshers for more half. tones, and careforced to consider seriously the mat- Student Organizations 'has passed h- 8 O'clock. will be· taken in reproductions 0,"orably upon the petition of "The At 9 o'clock the men will repair to make· them plain and distinct.Thirteen" for recognition. The 1\1 a- Le�ington hall, where a reception anj . Tht· work ·of tbe women's athleticroon has been misinformed. The dance will be held. This is the first committee is well under way, andBoard of Student �ganl· ..... tl·ons dl'd f that of the men's athletic committee'-'T.... gathering of the men and women :>not grant the petition of "The Thir- th� Junior class this quarter. also is largely.in shape. The bigge5tteen" for recognition. It was referred lioward P. Blackford has been ap- work on the annual witt be done dttr-back to the --titioners wit' h the re- . ing Febmary....... POinted chairman of the exeCtltl�equest that the proposed constitution COmmittee. "The committee hasbe amended in 'Conformity with sug- �en working hard," he said. "Thegestions made verbally to the repre- dance, with the other features, shouldsentative of the petitioners, and they certainly be a great success. If ;,,11were requested fu"her to confer rc- th� Juniors come and have a rousmggarding the matter with Dean Lovett, goOd time, the effons of the comm::-In the lfaroon of Tuesday, Febru- tee will have been well spent.";try 4, it. is stated that the specialcommitee appointed to investigate the"Sian· Of the' Doable Eagle" reportedto th� seDate on Saturday, and thatPa.toalce.Abody' would show a Wlanimo�s senti·ment in favor () ... the trip, and theThe OfIlclal 8tudent PabUcatJ_ .,. _ �':'JI.lni of recent, y�rs are, bOWD toUDlnn1q of CbIcIp. be strong i�: its. support. The OI'di-nary presentatioas' of. the BlackfriarsaDtere4 .. 8ecoDd-cl .. KaU at tile Olf".... receiee . the ... entbusiastic sui»port. ofstudents," faculty and outside friendsof the University alike. I view r.fPubUahed daUJ'. euept 8aadQ8. II8a- the 'prevailing general sentiment in� .. d hoUclQa, dar.... � support of the trip, the denial of thepetition would proce sore 'disappoint­ment to score's of friends of the jollyFriars wllo are now honiug for favor-LUTBlm D. FERNALD, y ..... ;taa s.w. -PBESl.'ON J'. GABS. Nen· Bdltor. able action.MELVIN J. ADAMS. AtbJetJc BcJ1tor.,LOUIS 8. BERLIN. Bua1D_ Ilanqu. Plans for beautifying the Midwayconstructing a water course be­tween Lake Michiganand Washington park,hith­erto regarded as delight­fully visionary, are nowappearing as not fardistant in realization.' The decision ofthe South Park commissioners toconstruct a canal the lengtli of theMidway will be a rare boon to theandFormerq. The Un1T�ral�.J' of Chlcqo Weeki,.J""UDdedThe Week." Oct. 1, 1892.1,The Dall,. Oct. 1, 1902. .Midway,BeautifulSubBcripUon price, p.OO per J'e&r;. ,LOUfor 3 m6ntha. Subacr1pUoDIJ recelyed a' University.�. )(aroon omee, Elila Ball, 6r at tbu This additional beautification willFacult, Exchanp, Cobb BalLPhone Bl'de Park 8881·The student bod+ awaits with in­terest the final action of the Facultyon the Blackfriars pe..:tition. The Blackfriars,NotaTrip?ter of its own self-preservation andguard against a decided slump. Onehundr�d men, a larger number by farthan ha\'e ever before come out, :',p­plied for places in cast or ,chorus thisyear, and the coach bas been able f (l.. c·hoose exactly the men needed for. the various parts, mainly because theimportance of the Blackfriars in viewof the proposed trip, drew the inter­est of. the men most able to fill thepla,ces. There is ·no quution tbat the, denial of. th.e Friars' petition will re­sult in the withdrawal of· a numb-..rof the most valuable candidates wbohave beeo drawn into the work of the. .play .on this particular account.A poll of the undergraduate studentI' ,:: t Thomas Temple Hoyne '99, re­signed his position as businessmanager of the Cap and Gown. A.G. Hoyt '99, was elected to fillthe vacancy.14 Years Ago TodayA story was afloat that the Fac­ulty of the University were aboutto form a club.Get in line. Send in vour 5ubscip­tior. to The Daily Maroon. B11LLBftlI POB' ftIB DAYDlYiDity School Chapel at 10:'0 a.1:1. will: be aJciressed by Dr. Rowleyin the. Haskell ass!mbly room,Y. oW. C. L. wil(hold· a meeting at10:30 a. m. Dean 'Vincent will speakFreshman Reception Commi�will meet at 10:30 a. m. in Kent. Tlli:;is important,' .''Thirteen'' will hold a meeting at10:30 a" til. in Cobb 8B; ... s , -,Junicw Jlatl-e:ludcal Club �ill. meetat 3:15 ;n Ryerson 36. Miss Millerw.ill � discuss the ft£�h chapter o� V:�b­len and Leenes' "Infinitesimal Ana1yJsis;'; and "Continueous Functions."Dagett Lectar:e--Dr. Daggett .)iHarvard University, will lecture 0:1"The Commerce .Commission's Con-'ception of a Reasonable RailroadRate," at 4 p. m., in Cobb'· Lecturehall.Y. II. C. A. will meet at 7:15 inHaskell Assembix room.Dramatic Club "Sapea" -Twelvemen are wanted. to take minor. partsin the, Dramatic club's play, to hegiven February 14 and 15. Namesmust be handed in to box 348, FacultyExchanfle.Freshmen ·who have not paid theirdues will give their money to Smith,Briggs or Miss BUckley. ". �r �� will Ite tallen bv IMarty,n free .• ft c;ba�'C!. . "Junior dais, ..... should be left atbox 356, Facol�. �ch'a�c�. .PIC-':-URES..FC)RJCAP··AN-D,GOWN ,DUE THIS . ..,NTH.. --..:......,lncreaae Ezpectecf in Number of Or­caniZaticms Repte.ented-AD Jun- ;i�r Col�:Ckoaps m�Annual.R __ fram lIoliereA reading from Moliere's, "TheForced M,amage," by Mr. Gorsuch,of . the Public· Speaking department,constitut�d the .program of the ArtscoJJege . mee�nl' yesterd�. The whole. body of· men were ,con�1sed withlaughter at- the humorous passalr-S.. NO"K il ·.tIIe ................. '..� .. ," .Special---A �lackor Blue Cheviot·orThibet Soit with extra,TroUsers of the sameor .striped material---$25�-i'WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS.Clark and Adams StreetsTRA VEL OVER THELAFAYETTE,INDIANAPOI,IS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNA TI,DAYTON.Or any Southern Point"!"icket Office, 182 South Clark St.Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk andDearborn St.VARSITY CAFES$th St. and Greenwood Ave.OPEN ALL DAY.:ltffAlS 20c AND _Ut.Chop Suey, aSpecialtySOMETHING NEWINBAsEB�Spalding's :I:iC�:� Record... Edited. by Hem): Chadwick, tee"Father of Bascball." Contains au·merous intcresting records neverheretofore collated, including winners .of National League Championshipseach year s!nce 1876. with games WO!land lost and players' who batted JOGor better since J8i6, leadcrs in eac!Jfielding position, and winning pitchers \each year from 1876; National AD­America selections from 1871; com­plete list. of clubs, with officers aDddates of admission sincc 1876; Amer­;can League records since organintion; World's championship records.from 1884, with players' names: &se­ball Field Dav records: college ret"­ords; miscella"'neou5 rccords; aJl themajor and minor Icague records �r19Oi; list of ext.ra long games !I1907; complete history of 1907 in bueball ancl other intcrsting matter.A. G. SPALDING & BRos.147 Wabash Ave., Chicago.Baseball Managers: Send for Spald­ing's New Baseball CataloO'ue for1908. Mailed frec.QtelceitlNcpIIoaa Hyde Park 18 and �� 7A. McAdamsThe Unlyer.lt7.•. F lor's t .........ouns:.0.. SN St. aD4 Jt.Im .. "k ATe. Chic.go Ctl.". ....,.,.1 allC.lferrit Pratt, '03 is at Colorado�ty, Col., in charge of a forest dis-tnet fo h U·'-_ r t e ntted States forestryvvqu. _- "' ....... _. � THE DAILY')(AR.Q.QN, ·WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5.1908 \ .. PHILOSOPHY DROPS, � tittitd t. A. A- .Wii..L. - "AMONG UNIVERSITY WOllEN·( TO FAST SCIBNCB TB.UI ",.,' MOlT ��y The Philosophy and Arts colleges� j� �.,�Da ww had pictures taken yesterday for theGet :�a" �nD118 'ad' Thirds Cap and Gown.• WiD �, B�: At the Literature college meet-_ ing yesterday morning; discussion"There �s DO doubt that tbe C. 1\.. was held on the new constitution,A. team bas enough stars to take first which has been in the hands of a com-in most of the events Friday night.' mittee. The new rules advised byIf We expect to win the meet. it -:a.l the Junior College Council will prob­be. made �ssible only through our ably all be adopted, .with an amend- Jaccumulating seconds and thirds. I ment providing for a new officer, !IlI��_'_'_'_'���'_'_'_���_'_'����'_------�---------suppose we shall have to be content case the secretary and councilorto hold our opponents down to a should be ineligible for appearance.close score." , The fall and winter choruses willThis was the prediction ventured rehearse today at I :20. Every girl illby Coach Friend yesterday in speak� the chorus is especially urged to being of Ch.icago·s 'chances against �hc present.Cher.ry CirCle, team, He declared th.1� The Literature luncheon will behe looks for the performances of the held tomorrow in Lexington. Mrs.Maroons to be better than in the Flint will be present at these lun-ch­meet with the First Regiment team, eons during Dean Wallace's absence.All the Varsity athletes are showing ,up i ,,_.� f ' WOMEN'S BASKETBALL TO� n 5� ... 0.01\. at present. ,The only new man who will ente� START THIS AFTERNOON tfor .the Varsity will be Crowley i�the shot put. If in f�rm. he should "Reds" and "Blues" to Meet in Lex-make a strong bid for first in his pet ington at Ievent. Bacon, ,the. Freshman highjumper, has fOtDld himself in the ' ��_._�_�� _.�_�_._ __ ---- __ -.pole vault. On his first attempt atit, he def��ecJ. his team mate, Rogers,in the meet 'Iast Saturday. CoachFriend may' keep .Schommer out of of a number of games to be playedthe running high. jump. entering him this quarter. There will probably bein the standing high, the three broad inter-college games, an off-campus­jumps �nd' �bot put. .Bacon will take on-campus game, and inter-hadcare of the r:unning high. games. The line-up for this' after-All the .athletes 'got hard work yes- noon is:terday, and wilt" be let off easier this Reds.:lft�..:noon. Cald�eUran' the mile 10 Jean Barnes F Mary Heapis a .. �A th f" h h' Helen Dewhurst .. F.Mildred Chamber-as 1":,,",. e astest e as ever made.Steffen was out working in the hur- lain.dies and displayed good form, Bar- Eva Schultz ·.C Ethel Prestonker is. in ;ex�el.lent.s�pe for the halfm�le._ in, which event' he' will Opposethe speedy, Ramey. . The Chicago '�n�try list. shows the same squad as in-the. ����:·,�et. AU the athletes'will· �t.· C�CtS- to cOl!lpete.ackI"Or�lOOerial Ph. B's Meet First Defeat in inter­University Serles-Score, :agto 10.Science defeated Philosophy yester­day in the inter-fraternity basketballseries by a count of 29 to JO. The reosult of the game places Science atthe head of the Junior college teams.As soon as the game started, itwas evident that Philosophy had met- its match. The battle was fast' andrough. When the first half ended,Science had made 12 points, whilePhilosophy had to be content with 4-In the second half, however, PhH-'osophy started in with a dash andthreatencd to turn the tables on til"!Scicntists. The latter five rallied andsucceeded in holding their opponentsat a safe distance and clinching theI pmc.Kuhns starred at throwing baskets.Fishbinc was the best defensive play­er for Science. Herger and Fergusondid the best work for the Philosoph .. ·team.The lineup:Science. Philosophy.Crapple L. F.. . . .• LevinsonKmda R F.. . . . . . .. Alli;1)11Kuhns C .....• � Worthing,: St. Ferguson,Fishbine ....•. L. G.. . . . . . . . .. Sa bathSutherland' R. G :. .. Herge;Baskets-K ruda, Kuhns 5, Suther�land, Sabath, Worthing, Ferguson 2,Allison. Free throws-Kroda 3, Crap­ple 4, .Sabath, Ferguson.FE The standing of the teamsfollows:Won. Lost. Per Ct.. Law ............. I 0 1000Senior ........... I 0 1000Science .......... 3 750Philosophy ...... 2 1 667,Arts ............. 0 2 OOC)Literature ....... 0 3 000B#Lcord MAROON FIVE DETERMINEDTO UPSET CENTRAL' SCORE", theis nu-never'inners 'nships:s WO!led .JOGn eac!aitcher� \I AD-com­rs aDdAmet·�ninecords 'Base-re ree-�1I therds ofnes ill:n blSCere ., The first teams of the two women'sbasketball classes will play a gametoday at 4 o'clock. This is the firstBlues.�lice Gronon ...•. G ... Louise NortonIrene Hastings .•. G .....• Mamie LilyRed 'Subs.�Mary Phister, AraryChaney.'Blues Subs-Lina' Bailey, EIanorFreund, Flora Tyley� 'Clara Sands.rRACK AND BASKETBALL, BASEBALL TEAll AT WORK"TI�cJ-UT ON SAI.� Larg� Squads of Candidates Reportat Illinois &Del WISCOIJsiD.Dr. Raycroft's �in Prime-Shape '��:9Jer Game�for Critical Game in Bartlett To- Central TImndq, ad Keet 71th Imorrow Night. '- c..., A.; ¥ljday.··Beat Central" is the cry from the:basketball quarters. The men on thesquad y'esterday wound up theirtraining for the crucial game sched­uled for tomorrow night in Bartlett.They are on edge, and determined 10tlITo the tables on the fast team fromthe downtown Y. M. C. A. 'Theyhave .the defeat of 27 to 17 still freshin their minds, and are expected toplay their hardest game of the seasonin an effort to trounce their oppo­nents.The worklos. yesterday went offsmoothly, the men displaying goodtea k 'IlL Wor. Dr. Raycroft is as yetundecided on his lineup for the game.�e has had a difficult pr�blem pick­Ing the best men for One forward andone guard position. Georgen' an:t�arris have had most practice at thenght forw;trd, and Harris and Hoff-�n have been alternated at thengbt guard position. Schommer a:center., Falls at kft guard, and Palf:!at left guard, are practically settledul>On.As a curtain raiser to the big gametOtnorrow, the Freshmen and sC'Condteam will play. A hard game is look-ed for bctw h .h c-en t ese two qUIntets asley ,appear evenly matched.�o.SpaJd-ue for--...,, _,-Tickets 'weJIe 'placed' on' sale yester�ria': . (Qr: ,'!be �tball game tomor­. :-ow, betwen the V�rsity and CentralY •. :M. C. AY &ves:aDd...the dual t�ckmeet. .Friday .. .between the Maroons.lnd.C. A. �'Both athletic atfairs willbe held in _B'rtl�tt (O'!Dnasi�m. Theseale- of "prices-- for . the basketballSclme is 3SC; .. SOC:: and 75C, and 35 and)0 ce�s f�r: .t� track meet,Both co���ts �re aroasing an un­'l�uat amo� :of interest among t�l::students, The pme with 'the Centralfive is ex�,ed to P':OV'e ODe of· thehottest ever played on Bartlett ftoo:-.The downtown team has a victoryover the Marooas t� its credit but, ,the Varsity quintet hopes to tum the:tables on its 0"':0 ftoor. In the trackmeet, the regulars will have the su,,_'POrt of the Freshmen, and this com­bination should put up a fast exhi­bition agai�st the squad of stars wnowill wear the Cherry Circk colors.----_Dr� AtwoOd LecturesDr. W. A. Atwood, 'of the geolo­gical, department, spoke to the mem­bers of Literature. 'college at thelTregular meeting, ye,sterda'" on "TheCommersial Side of Mining Interestsin A!aska." He told of ,sections ;nthe north, where big t,rikes havebeen made, and also related se,·eral:nteresting anecdotes from per!'onalexperience in Alaska on the 1dnd oflife led by' the prospectors. The Col­lege voted to have its picture puf in�othe Cap and GoWII. Baseball activities at IllinoisWisconsin are ott in .earnest, accord­ing to reports from both camps.Coach Huff has his-usual large squadof candidates for the downstate nine,and expects to swing another cham­pionship - in this sport. He has 185men out for the team.The appointment of TO¥l Barry ascoach of the Wisconsin football andbaseball teams has put new life intothe athletes at Madison. The newdirector started the diamond can.li­dates working yesterday, and hopesto have them well primed by the 4)p­ening of the season.SWIMMING DATE I� SETTLEDAprl 23 Accepted by Pennsylvania forlIaroon lleet.The date of the Penn!'ylva01aswimming meet has been settled. Dr.Raycroft received notification fromthe Quaker authorities yesterday thatApril 23 will be acceptab!e. Thismect will wind up the Varsity waterschedule, other evcnts being !'Iatedwith JlJil1oi�, February 20, in Bart­lett; Illinois. :"Iarch 7 at Champaign.:l11d Yale April 18 in Rartlett.Hindu Professor to LectureProfes!'or S. Gana�h· Pandit of CCI1- '.tral Hinflu college, B('neras. In"i.1.will give a lecture on "Hinduism �nIndia" at Kent theater, Wednesday,Fcbnlary 12. He has been professorof philosophy and comparative re!i­gion in India. The lecture will hegiven under the auspices of the Inter­national club. and ,/TYPEWRITERSWe offer a convenient and satis­factory arrangement to students andothers desiring to rent typewriters,with option of buying.R�NTAL RATES.Firs� month � $4.00Renewals .....•.•••••.••••.•••. '.••••• '..................... 3.00Six months .....•••.•..•.••••.•.....•.................... '. 15.00THE MONAltCB TYPEWRITER COM? ANY,2S E. Madison St.Phone: Central 6362.CHfMICAL, PHYSICAL, fLfCTRICAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWE IIAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO D&SCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to Orderw. 'J. BOEHMMANUFACTURER AND IMPPRTERPhone Main 27OQ. 171 E. Rar.dolph Street.CHICAGO.'SMITH-VAILEPumping M�chineryTURBINE PUkPSSTEAM PUMPSELECTRIC PUMPS Iron Co. works311 Dearborn Strec�'Chicago, Ill.Harrison 867.The PI�tt10D B. STETSON UNIVERSITY DE LAND,FLORIDAAffiliated 'in 18g7 with THE UNIVERSITY OF ChICAGO.The President is a Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Chi­cago, and eleven members of the Faculty have been students at theUniversity of Chicago. many of them taking degrees. Stetson is lo­cated at' DeLand, Florida, the land of flowers, sunshine. blue skiesand balmy ocean breezes. Summer recreations run tit rouah the Win;"ter, Costly buildings, electric lights, electric bells, cement walks, shellroads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery and trees. Biggest rcgistra- .tion this year in its history. There are four colleges, five schools, 1-4buildings and 48 in the Faculty.Students from the University of Chicago may do their wark atStetson during the Winter Term .: and receive their credits at Chicago. ,.Address, President. ,lJDcoln Halley. Ph.D., LLD., DeL2nd, Florida. ;Maro�-;"'_--!sSTH ST. �ND DRE�EI;· AVE. rUnder Management of the ,National Hotel Co. Tel. Hyde Park 3739 •. t•The BE!iT Served at r,POPULAR PRICES tI• '.RESTAURANT· AND LUNCH COUNTERID Connection--------! George W. Currier & Co.PRINTERSSociety and Fraternity Printing a SpecialtyCHICAGO I5508 Kimbark AvenueTelephones: Harrison 4259. 3401• 4239Automatic 5239RICHARDS, AMBLER l1 CO..COAL AND COKE303 Dearborn Street. Chica&o ------------------�•B 0 R D E r�' S ,Condensed Milk. Fli:j� :.:::;:. Cre.Jm :and Eli Ucr.' ill.:.' :I All Bottled i:l tl::: Co:,: l:try. ,• 1 'T" , ,Borden s COIi(.c�:,eC1 ... :1.; Cu. ,327-3::9 E. Fony-�c .. ·cIJth St. :-------------------,H.Channon Company.CllIcagJ).COME TO US l"ORCAMPUS OUTFIT�UNIVERSITY FLAC S,MEGAPHONES,PENNANTS. ar.dCANVAS GOODS OF ALL Ki!-.J DS- .Ij'!i THE :D.AiLY MAROO,N, 'CHICAGO, W�DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1908Fpot(l'YOUR LAST tBANtEThe fourth free Suitof Clothes will be a­warded Monda" feb.'ruary 10th.The Motto for this WeelrREASONABLf PRICESGet '8usyGENTLEMIEN..... _11ftlIUlUH"""'-- ...wua "BOSTONGARTERTHE IlCOllllD IT .....�T .... _.l..... pad •• ""01,.;i' .. p-'fJ. -�• CUSHIOIBunO.CLASPUES fUTTO TRllIl-IOUSUPI.IUII_u.urua... n __ ...................... .L.,__ ..,ALWAYS EASY� __uYooHave::':'.: '.:�' .. ��:' �- .._., _6 _ --'---.]��anything you wish to sena room or house for rentlost or found something _Try a elassiliedadvertisement inThe Daily Maroon.ILLINOISROBERT EDESONIn his great success,"CLASSMATES"A clean, wholesome, American play.COLONIALHave you seeaTHE MERRY WIDOWShe is the InternatioDll CrneLA SALOLBThe Leap Year WinnerTHE GIRL QUESTIONTHE WHITHBYThe YURT WiIID.A KNIGHT FOR A BAYSTUDBBAK ••�IAY ROBSONin The Rejuvenation ofAUNT MARY "PHIL·' COli STOCK ELECTEDFRESHIIAN TRACK CAPTAINSpeedy IIiler Will Lead YearIiDpthis SeuoD-Is FonDer' HJdeParker.Phillip Comstock was yesterdayelected captain of the Freshman Ionckteam. Comstock had no opponentfor the honor. He is the best mileron either the Varsity or Freshmansquads, and has won that eventagainst the First Regiment an� illi­nois Freshman teams.Comstock is an old Hyde Park ath­lete. and subsequently. entered theUniversity. He distinguished him­self by his performances in the half-I mile. He has been shifted to the mileby Coach Friend on account of thescarcity of good men in it. He h1.Sbeen out of residence for more' thana year, and is, therefore, ineligiblefor the Varsity team.Dislocated., ItRAJIER ROBBED OF ENTIREPROMENADE TICKET ISSUE(Continued from page I)JULIUS LEARNING TO SKATEdulge in the laconic comment •..,i"Quite right, quite right."Shoulder of the Genial Barber is The new tickets will be on handtoday and the affairs readjusted soJulius Englehart, "der Chulius oi that the sale will continue. Two de­! der international feeling, bar none,"dislocated his 'shoulder Monday, even- tectives are at work and it is reponedthat already they are in possession ofing, while mastering the intricacies of clues that they are sure will lead toice skating. Monday noon Juliusa discovery of the thief in the nearwent to Trainer Johnson at Bartlettfuture.gymnasium and requested the loan of"Johnny·s" skates, to use "n Wash­ington park. "Johnny" tried his bestto dissuade the athletically inclinedJulius from doing anything rash, buthe was obdurate, Then Johnson de­l1icted the awful catastrophies 0 that Members of Science college decid­have resulted from skating, but stall edly vetoed a proposition to hold a. the brave amateur was bent on try·ng dance this quarter. The motion II)his luck. After donning the skates, assess each one fifteen cents to de­Julius made a few passes a� the ice, fray the -expenses of having a cut ofbut to no avail At last he became the members inserted in the Cap andanyone." said Frank Beven, wl,h!Dasked his opinion, "but are especiallyso in Univcrsity' students. I hopethat it can be explained away."J..ewis S. Berlin was quite disgustedwhen he heard of the trouble and saidin the presence of the reporter: "Thenext thing they'll be stealing the suitsfrom the Motto contest."When the theft was first reported,Paul Harper thought that the dramat­ic dub tickets were lost and becamevery much excited. When he foundthe truth of the matter he becamestrangely silent and refused to makea statement,Bill Wrather, when interruptedwhile cramming for a law exam, said:"1'11 be doggoned! Ain't that a heckof an ode." He agreed to issue a moreextended interview later.Frank Templeton would only in-SCIENCE M'IO',N VETO DANCENo Social Event for Scienti,sts thisQuarter-Vote for' Picture.angry, and while wishing hotterthings than the ice he was skatingupon, he fell As he started home­ward a better and wiser man the wilybarber said: "Vell, by golly, dis istder first time dat I efer found any- REYNOLDS CLUB QUARTET 1t�ngs slicker den I. Nix on der skat- IN PRESS CLUB MINSTRELSing, No more for mine." Gown, met with better success, how­ever. In accordance With the usualcustom, the picture will be taken inthe near future.Four Who Have Gained Note in Um:- "venity to Amuse Chicago' Liter­ary Men.Hear" Hear!Sheridan was ODe day annoyed .,ya member of the House of Commonswho kept crY.ing out every few min- The Reynolds club quartet, com­utes: "Hear, hear!" During the de- posed of !'.Iorse, Berry, Orchard andbate he took occasion to describe an Henry, assisted by Carl Burton andopponent who wished to play the George Garrett, will take part in therogue, but had only sense enough to annual minstrel show, to be given Dy .act the fool. "Where," he cried, the Chicago Press dub on Saturday"Wbere shall we find a more foolish evening, February 8.knave or a more knavish fool than The quartet will be in the circle inhe" "Hear, hear!" shouted the trou- the first part of the performance,blesome member," whereupon, Sheri- Morse and Burton acting as end men.dan turned round, and thanking the The si� will also put on the closinghonorable gentleman 'for the prompt sketch in the 0··0, entitled "Poker-information, sat down amid a general ology.'"'roar of laughter.Three "stunt" men who recentlyappeared in a comedy at StanfordUniversity refused an offer of $300 aweek on the vaudeville circuit.Kaiser Wilhelm's voice is now onphonographic record in the HarvardGermanic museum.HaveyouSubscribedforTHE DAILY MAROON• ?Do it Now............. Issue ClaAS Membership CardsThe issuance of membership cardsis the latest scheme for the colle�­tion of class dues, and has been origi­nated by financiers of the Juniorclass. These cards arc given only tothose who have paid their dues. Mem­bers of the class must show theirmembership cards, if they' wish to at­tend either of the entertainments tobe given by the class. No one willbe admitted without them. Thesecards can be obtained from HarveyMeagher, the treasurer of' the class.Wayland J. Chase, dean of the oldMorgan Fark academy, is assistant inhistory and graduate student at �heUniversity of Wisconsin.Northwestern University has a ,ewsorority, Kappa Delta, a sisterhood ofsoutbern colleates. Cc, ..... DRINKS. INK'1IIKE A CAMELTo load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in anyInk, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fiU its owntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time.CONKUN'S J�lI�G PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be filled instantly without the lccst inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofaolling. Besides its convenience, is the splenoid ,,,,ritingqualities of the Conklin-th� perfect feed.� dealers handle Clc Conklin. If yours doc'! not, order '.direct. Prices. 13.00 aDd up. Send at once for handsome new catalog, ' I·1TbeCoaklia rea Co., 310 Manhattan Bld�., To!cdo,OhiolIIIashington PromFRIDAY FEBRUARY 2.Tickets $4 Itt Advance.On � Sale at 'nforDlstion Office C(JW31toF,,Our ,Piano' Stores, \\"isb.Visit.Before making a 8C1ecti.n be sure to see our impressi.euhibita--four floors of display rooms - Colonial Room, ArtNoftlUl Room. Loa XIV Room, Dutch Room! Hundreds e!pian.,. mMly tWfentnt makes- each of acknowledged suprem­acy in ita rapective daM all sales made at minimum ficares.Call for art booklets of "Ari01lS pianos to study at y.ur leisure.Term. te .at JOur pnferaac:es. Visitors always welcome-noOAe ur�ed te lauy I, We are ccI tlhaSI �;��,.(Sole Agents for'CROWN, KH ABE, ESTEY,CHICKKRING BROs., JUCPHAIL GRAND,CONCORD. H. P. NELSON..t,I.aore making a aeletuon visit the Piano Rooms ofGEO.P.BENT.11 W a 1a a a b Ave n u e Chi c ago, U. S. A.t .-.-� -- ITHE MIKAD'O CAFE ,cSTlJDENTS' LUNCH ROOM;IIeals 20c and up· Open all dar.,299 f. 55 Sf.W ANTED-A young man to do edit­orial and reportorial work on leU­ing city trade journal. Apply toManaging Editor Daily Marooa, .Rooms for Rent..FURNISHED ROO M 5-Near theUniversity; with or without ligl,thousekeeping privileges; goodlight, heat, bot and cold water; POSITION open to young WO�bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., second three hours a day, in exchange Iiiflat. room and board. Apply at DcUniversity Employment Bureau.FOR SALE-A scholarship to a WANTED-to men to solicit IWICSprominent business college; schol- for petition. The Emploarship was obtained through ad- Bureau.vertisement; will sell it for 25 percent. off. Box M., Daily Maroon WANTED-StudentsOffice.Show your college spirit by suO­.cribi,,� for the Daily MaroolL worth Ave. Every evening,Sat. and Sun. Afternoons tlathe season.WEDNESDAY LUNCHEONS w;lIbe served in the Church of the Dis-ciples at 57th St. and Lexington Typewriters for SaleAve., from 12 to I:JO p. m. Meals TYPEWRITERS for Sale or RSpecial rates to students; bain re-built machines. W.head, 36 La Salle Street.are 20 cents each, and are 'appr�­ciated by those wbo 'lave eatenthere. Students' are invited tocome.------------- .. , FOR RENT-RoomsDivinity hall. For rates, drop ca:to E. \V. R., 5532 Xlonroc aveJilf...