___ Making a much better showing than --- Urbana, Ill., Feb. 3.-The graduate _Approves Varsity Boating Teams- it was thought capable of, and des- Auspicious Trials for Cast Held School of the University of Illinoie; Production by GoCOJ. Giac:ou. aDd, Lorado Taft at Work on Elab- pite the non-appearance of one of tho: Saturday and Results Will Prob- will be formally opened tomorrow ' Browning to Be Given by £z-orate Plans. star men.the Varsity swimming team ably Be Known Today. and Wednesday. An extensive pro- ponent of Uplift.--- decisively defeated the University of ---gram has been prepared to properly --_President Judson returned home Wisconsin the first meet of the year The faculty has not yet decided commemorate the evtn. On Tues- The Donald Robertson players wilfrODt New York yesterday and ,!I)- Saturday night" in the Bartlett oatat->- whether or not to permit the Black- .day morning the opening address wm present another cycle of three pla):s'dorsed heartily the plans for beauti- rium.. Walker, who had been expect- iriar show to take the road. The be delivered by President G. Stanley at' Mandel hall, beginning Febrnarylying the lake front and the ·Midway, ed to gin Osthoff a hard run for first special committee appointed to inves- Hall of Clark University. On Tu�s- 25, according to the' annouaeement . "as 'Well as the plans of organizing a place in the hundred yard swim, dial tigate "The Sign of the Double day evening there will be, a reception made yesterday by, tlie University , ;,rowing team at the University, when not �pear and this necessitated the Eagle" made report at �he meeting of to Dr. and Mrs. Hall and the other Lecture' Association, wider whose authe Midway canal is completed. entering of Carey in this event. the University senate on Saturday, visiting guests. spices the plays will be presented."It will undoubtedly be a great The' M,Cu-oons had enough points and the members of that body are On Wednesday morning in the new Donald Robertson gave a series ofbOOD to the University," he said. "It to win by the end of the relay race, now considering the matter. I'he auditorium Dean Gross, head of the three play!! at the University. lastwill not only aid in bringing about but took the polo game to make the senate refused to indicate the -char- College, of Engineering, will be form- quarter -and made a, decided, SUCceaLthe popularity, which in itself will be vistory more 'certain. Osthoff was acter of· its probable action in the ally installed as its Dean, and in the Each, succeeding perforn:a:mce .drewa decided attraction to the students the- individual star of the Badgers, matter. afternoon there will be a lecture by .a larger crowd, and the audiencesand the city as a whole, but it win and made 15 of the 21 points scored Over sixty n -n appeared before Professor Clifford H. Moore of Har- were not at all backward in sho�ncdo more to beautify the Universuy by them. He scored every event;n Coach Bartley Cushing, and Musical vard University, his subject being their appreeiation, This was ursurrounding than anything else So fir which he was entered, and in the 100 Director Earle Smith of the Blackfri- "The Last Five Centuries of Western strong contrast to th� recePtion ;,ftried. I think that for boat racing. yard swim broke the natatorium, rec- ars Saturday evening in the Reynolds Paganism." There will also be a dis- the Robertson nlayers down tenra,the one mile course will be long or. by 2 "-5 seconds, making th!! dis- cl;ub arid tried· out for parts' in the cussion of the place and function (,f where the audience was very �r.enough. However, if we want more, lance in J:G$ 3-5, 'c�st of �aracters of "The Sign-of tht: the graduate school in American ani- Donald Robertson has won ree-we' can have it. It is a noteworthy For the V .. rsity.theft wa� no indi- Double, Eagle." -It was the best first versities, at which President Rammel- cognitio�"for the efforts to uplift die,movement." vidual star, �vel'Y. man figuring in_ the n�ght of work that the Blackfriars kamp of Illinois College and Presi- drama in' Chicago. � ·works. ho.--·�e plan of making a one mi!� score. ' Chicag() won -the ' 40" ,y.U'd b*ve -ever experienced. Old men and dent McClelland of Knox College, ever. have met with a rC:ceptioR siaii­long lagoon out of the M;dway and breast stroke, the'pJaDae fOI"','distance n�w men, experienced actors, Black- will be the principal speakers. In the Iar to .that accorded "The,New he.­utilizing the waterway for boat and the relay raee.:" ''Care,., _ Bickel, f�ars and 'ambitious amate�rs receiv- evening there will be addresses by ter' and other attempts ,at dramaaiC'races.' has been talked of from time Lind ..... - :aDd __ V,"-';',"'.', fairf�:' " w:.,u _�.4 }lum�_rs;from ,Carl _�I��� �,I��. Professor Noyes 'director� of the 'URlift. .' , , ,("', � , ,to ti�e during ;h�- past t�� y(;a�� f��·�:·i;�:�;;� parded the' aoortriafIea to:'the uu- ch�mi�""�bc;���:-;f.t�u;i;e�:· 7, ,fii�" Sl:bea;ic/�-=;�'I�r,ii�;;:::';:: .��but takes a new aspect through the. event. The,' b�t, Stfo,ke race, Wa� dienee chamber of the coach and an- sity, and Professor C. N� Greenougb �lolVs:' ''" ::.-�;decision of the South Park commis- the most' excitiDg eVent of. the even- swereda-thousand questions on what of the' Department of' EDSssh. The Thursday, Feb. �··Tlie'·IiIajIcct.:.�;'sieners to build a canal frOID the lake jng, only � few' feet seParati�g�ll�e to say and what to do. concluding 'add�e�s �11 be' deiiver� o�." :by GosOL ' ,\.fo Washington park. and Wittick. :Coach Cu·shing listed the men un- by Pr�fessor:Da�d Kinley, Dea� �f' ;ThUfSday,. 'March 5 � .. � �e_ In addition to the Midway course In the polo, � the Badgen. were der possible parts after looking them the G�duate School, hiS subjct being Leaves," by GW:oSa.. •aDd'in connection with it, will be the e-ntirely outclassed, ,Knudson's m.'!n over ap(l,' questioning them about "Democracy and Scholarship." 'ThurSday, -M;uch 'Ja--:." A' Blot oia:Dlaeh-discussed outer boulevard be- winning by a s�ore of 7 to 0. At no their experience and kuowledge d The opening of the Graduate the 'Scutcheonw'� by Browni� .. : 'tlveen Ja-ckson and Grant Parks, time during either hal�, was CbiCa�Q's, �he stage. Earle Smith tried all School is consid�red an eveDt of �eat '<?f 'the first play of the � '_-.which will furnish a seven-mile reo goal in danger, and the Maro:l:ts voices to discover men that are to ,significance in the rapid progress pauiphlet issued from Hull' Bo_gatta course at right angles to th� scored almost at MIL Rhode, B!=dc- warble to the most tuneful music which the Universitr of Illionis is has the following to Say: ",I.; ._�nd of t,he Midway lagoon. noch and GOes did the ,best work in that has ever been written for any making in all departments of its "The Donald Robertson ��, oJPresident Judson, Director Stagg, the gam�. The �arsity si� showed college play. work. This significance extends fa, presented for the first tiiDe ill �:.,Dr. Raycroft and Dr. Goodspeed have splen,did team work. " The result of �he trials will prob- beyond the University itself, and !s ca on Jan�ry 16,' � the-Hull Roue; '�,. '.,been the strongest advocates of the '5um�ries: ably be made known today in the �n- held to be of the, greate�t iinportan,�e an English version of the faDioiu.,:.plan, and have the other authorities 100 ,yard swim-Won by Osthoff, noun cement of at least a tentative for the, development of higher edu- Russian Jcomedy-satire ",The ..Rm�r" I ,',�-of the University in back of them. Wi9Consin; Carey. Chicago, second; cast. cation in American universities. AI· (or ·'The Inspector") by NipOlai �They have fclt that the latest plans Kerr, Wisconsin, third. Time, I :05 Every one of the candidates was im- though many of the great state uni- 801. ,"Th,e Inspector" is one of ,R� ..of the "City Beautiful" workers 3-5 (new natatorium reco�d.) bued with the tnp fever. The ques- versities of the great Middle West sia's dramatic masterpieces., It is�ihoold be turned to usefulness. They 40 yard sMm-Won by Osthoff, tion whether or not the trip would �aye generously supported for some "screamingly funny" and famcaJ, asare of the opinion that inter-colle- Wisconsin; Lindsay, Chicago, secon�: be taken formed the topic of conver- time graduate schools. the University a spectacle, but in, a deepe-: sense it �giate boating races w'U be great at. Bickel, Chicago, third. Time.:22 "-5. sation at the Reynolds club smoker of Illinois is the first of tbese stat� a, fearless, ,unsparing arraignment. �ftractions and will be pOp'ular. 40 yard breast stroke swim-Won �nd at the rehearsals. The men are institutions which has received a def- Russian officialdom for its incom� ..The plan of connecting the lagoons by Rhode, Chicago; Wittick, Wisco!1- eager to go. �nite appropriation from the state leg- tence, cruelty, corruption and "tyran-"of Washington and JCKkson parks sin, second; Ferguson, Chicago, tbirol. Prospects this year for an e�ce;>- :slature for carrying on the work. ny. "The Inspector" belongs ,to die',with the lake under the combnied ·ac- Time.:27 2-5. tionally good comic opera are very Last June the, legislature of nlinoi:l class of plays of wl.icb the R.ussiaDtion or the University, the city of 60 yard swim-Won by Osthoff, bright. The best vo�es in the school appropriated the sum of $.50,000 a critics said: '"Through the Ia�abterChicago and the.. South Park Board, Wisconsin; Harper, Cbicago, second; have come out. All the old men are year for the next two years for devc1- tears may be seen." tears of �l aDdreech'cd an airing by President lud- Kerr. Wisconsin, third. Time,:36 .1-5. back. Spence, Dykstra, Reddy, Or- oping the Graduate School, therehy anguish. It.is a play of natioaaIi­son on the occasion of his meeting Plunge for d!stance: Won by Lind- chard, Henry Kenner, Blackford, showing the interest of the people of ties. As a. wonderful stud,.,� paftwith a number of Chicago alumni at say, Chicago; Princell, Chicago, sec- Niel Gunn, Benzies and others both the state in the training of young men and official incapacity it �as ��.p,a;.a banquet of the Harvard club in' New ond; Lowell, Wisconsin, third. Dis- 800d in a-cting and singing bave reJ� 'lnd women for the most efficient cation to Americ�n coDditioas. batYork last week. President Judson tance 56 feet 9 inches. istercd. The coach was pleased witil 5eryice in the commonwealth. above all,. it is a vivid, raliSJjc, coa-told of tile condition of the Uiliver- Team nce-Won by Chicago (Car- the DUmber of old men back, because vincing portrayal of conditio� ,sity, its inturc plans, and in an in- cy, Bickel" Lindsay, Harper.), Tim-e, this will greatly lessen the burden William ,Norman Guthrie, a uuaiYU-formal W;ty expressed the opl1l1�n I :33. of work on the dancing instructor. sity lecturer on modem socioloJicalthat the Univcrsity would some day , .MII' Polo. .Men who have had a year of training drama, prepared for the ,Daily Ma ..h:wc its boat club on the campus. Chicago. Wisconsin. are more adapted to the Blackfri"r WASHINGTON roon the following description ofThis opinion came as a part of th- Pri II F 0 K rr requirements. Stilt this will not prove •• As the' Leaves," the second' plat ,,)U, nce, ergas �c. • •• ; •••• c:., ediscussion of the "city beautiful" Rbode, r. f ..•• � r. f., Wittidc a drawback to the new men. ThePlan b .. d B f I f H· 81ackfriars want the best possiblesnow emg carrte out, and adenoch, I. .. .. .• .• •• . ...., el!4ewhich· Iud th . f b·· ro__ H cast and cho:·us and beiieve they C·'ln, mc e e proJect.o nngmg uucS, g .•..•.• � •••••.•••••. 1'., an�anthe watcr of Lak "1' h· h 'II'-h ( T OIPf"t it only by going after every bit (If,e,", IC Igon to ... e A4A n, 'r. g .••••• '••• � •••. r. g." rane"'-t4mpuc: Th I· f b H· h LIS available material in school. If a trip-- e p an IS a part 0 t �, Irsc, g.. . • . • •• •• .• .•• . g., torywork under the generalship of Mr. Goal-Princell: Rhode 2� Badenoch. is undertaken much of the success (·fD. H. Rurnham and according to thc Storey. Goes. the play will depend on good voices.suggestions of Mr. Lorado Taft" �h,� Referee-Patriclc, C. A. A. Audiences on the road are not aW.lre'celebrated American sculptor, the Time of balves-8 minutes. of the difficulties atendant upon bring-latlyy1'1,,:eit.Faculty Committ:ee Reports to SenateBut No Decision Is AnnouncedBy that Body.dn(cOati ... _ �--�� �.ra;t)f·: ,!Ig' ;,• TO OPEN GRADUATE SCBooLIRoBEliTsol PLAYERS TOREAPPEAR" AT UIIVERSITYIYlYE DISCUSSIOI OFIIDWAY 80ATlI6 COURSE mOON SUdIDs YlCI8IS BLlCIFRIAR CAST AIDTRIP STILL II THE AIR Officials of New Graduate sChool ofSurprise Rooter. b)' DeleatiDe Badg­en In Deciai". Fuhion. 34 to, :21-­Vanity Stronc at Polo--OsthoifStars. State Un�ty to Conduct Series ,--of Ceremonies Today and Wednes- � of Three Plan to Be PraeDt-day. � From Febl'1W7 a'l to-- �l�PrCaidtnt Judson SaYS Plans to Beau­tify Campus Boulevard HaveHis Hearty Favor�iO,,.I•[-nI-".I.'o 'ed:it-,1 Ie:!­�11 to)OIL ,-romeDi1ge, fOrIt �u.------ad Ea­WtAt·naB.tbrOll'----the proaram:PROII <fIn Giuseppe Giacosa's "As the, -- Uafts" (Come Ie Folgie) Italy fC­teind a shock . of "proud delipt..Here at, length w;as a uiodem comedy�e ·of 'the technical quality' of �s'm at bis' best--deaJing as his social----FEB. 21. satires with' adual contemporaneousIif�ulJ of 'subtle, ,yet , sympathetic� --------------(C_t .... 011 .... 4)(CoatinM - ... 4) , ...-.. ..- �-:,,. .. � .... f" �l­t. . :/1'1TlSa DAILY MARPON. TUESDA Y. F&�RU_AR'Y :4, �#.Bl1LLBTIR POB. TBB DA�It was stated .that two perSODS whowere formerly rejected as �. In-competent now have the' priDcuw One Year Aco Today.Tbe omclal 8tu_t ��. �.. � ofii" �, due' to, po,idS,'c.. �d "th:ir Mandel Hall was closed throughUDlYeraltJ' CIi � audacity:' an order sent by the City Build-Sntered as Secood-dua � at tM � Also. it was stated that sunestioDS 1 ing Commissioner. The regularPoetollce. .,from certain �e�bers' of the facult.y Sunday services were transferredin this case were entirely ignored. :0 Kent.PubJlahed daUJ'. ucept 8aadQ8.""_ Early in the article the communi- Four Years Ago Today.� and ho1ldQ8. dlll't.q � ...... cation stated that men who do the It was decided to give the nameof "Blackfria rs" to the club whichI now bears that name.Five Years Ago TodayThe Alpha Delta Phi house onKimbark avenue was destroyedby fire..M1r. Murdock H. l\IacLean wasappointed superintendent of build­ings and grounds of the U niver­sity.'LUTBf:a D. FERNALD. Mal:qtQl 1:d1�PRESl.'ON F. GAss,' Ne.. Bd11K.MELVIN J. A.D�. At1!le� .�.LOUIS S. BERLIN. Buslneea II�.FormerqThe UnlNrsl,y of Chlc:aco WeeklJ'.F�DDdedThe WeekiJ'. Oct. 1, 1892-The DaU,., Oct. I, 1902.Subscription price', �3.00 per "ear; �Leofor 3 m6ntha. Subecrlptlona rece1"e4I attil. Maroon omce. Elila Ball, 61' at the".cult,. Exchl1D&e. Cobb· Hall.Printed bJ' the Ilarowl Pr-.Phone Ibde Part 1881TUESDAY.' FEBRUARY � IgoLEach quarter, just after the decla- work in certain things are defeated inthe end by politics.1 'Would like to ask the, communi­cant if' the people who did the workdid not attain, to. some extent theirgoal. It is true that the persons whofirst started the work are not hold­ing offices, because they are not in,school and not because of politics.The statement that two personswho now hold offices were rejected isuntrue, in that there are no men inthe club who were at first rejected.Records of, trials are in my possessionto prove tJ:l�.:My reasoJ.l for writing to yOU is toput tbe club i.n a good tight with the'Uhiversity students. My highest aimhas been 'to keep politics out of. thed�, and to' allow men in the clubonly on merit. DO YOU REMEMBER?14 Years Ago TodayThe Beta Theta Pi was intro­duced into University circles un­der the local name of LambdaRho chapter.15 Years Ago TodayIt was announce the ChristianUnion of the University would.;hortly locate. a Settlement in theStock Yards district.There are no men in the club whoa� not there on their ability. Al- NOTED PERSONS TO &PEAKthough an attempt was made to force AT ANNUAL LEAGUE DINNE�in politics, it did not succeed andshowed up those who attempted it.Yours sincerely.H. G. Shaw,Bus. Mgr. Varsity Glee CluD.��ts�-bec-).amationmation trials, there rises a mournfulplaint of Iack of candi­dates and need Eor204 WORDS. PER IrIIHUTEIS D&AlI ·VINCENT'S RECORDgreater interest in thepublic speaking can-t est s. Competition KaDaaa T�er Uses ,Stop Watchamong the men' has in some of the and' ��vCrs A� Speechcolleges been hardly worthy of me Rate of CIW:agoan.name of competition, while that;among the women has been a decided'farce.In spite of the somewhat generallack of interest, the contest amongthe men has usually been spirited,but two of the J,un'or colleges have'furnished practically all the Winners.It is not to be assumed that the pres­ent men .and women of the' Juniorcolleges are lacking in ability, but,rather that"a strpng int'erest in decb.­mation is missing.The winter quarter contests shouldattract a larger proportion of mem­bers of the Junior coileges than ev�rbefore, The requirements of the com­petiton are simply registration withthe Junior dean by Monday of thesixth week,' and participation in thepreliminaries on Thursday of thefollowing week. There is still ample words per minute while lecturing­time for Freshmen and Sophomores two hundred and four words, to heof ability to prepare for the contcst. �xact."The student body awaits with inter­est the extent of the participation ofUi•· '. 'h • I If TO. SPEAK ON RAILROADS1I11versity women In t e ,tria s. ..additional evidence is afforded this.h' Dr. Daaett of RUYant. to Lecturequarter of lack of interest on t elrpart, the growing sentiment in favorof abolishing the �cholarship prizesfor women and granting them to �heinterested men, may' succeed in' caus­ing the ch;mge.."A new competition for positions onthe reportorial staff of the. Daily ,,�­gins today. to continue for the restof the Quarter. There are' severalvacancies to be filled at the' Quarterlye1ection ;." March. A11' prospectivecandidates �hould. report immediatelyto any member of the editorial staR.COMMUNICATIONEditor of The Daily Maroon.. A communication was· printed :nFriday's is!;ue con�iftg politics Inthe University. RefCftDCe was 'n­pecially made to an' �1I-UllifEiwityclub, tbe elections of· which wtre.eJd severat dan beroft.. iDean Ge<v�e E. Vincent is probab­ly the fastest talker on the AmericanpIatfoz;m today, acording to the Jan­u�?- �yce�mite and Talent, I whi;bcr,�� .�e. dean of, the faculties wi!haua��g the astoun�ing rate of 20:4words per mj.�ute: in a recent lecturein Kansas.Sa� the Lyc�m�te and Talent:··P.ro(essor Geo�ge E. Vincent d�liv­ered th�e lectures at the 1;iorth Cen-tral Kans;!s T�a,chers' Association, inBeloit, .J{an�.. on Thanksgiving andthe day. afte�_ 'Prof. Vincent is avery rapid talker and one of' �eteachers held the watch on him dur-;ng his talk on 'Social P.sychology.·E�� word the Icctur,er uttered wasdear and distinct, yet this teacherfound that he used over two hundredTomorrow ad T'banday.Dr. Stuart Daggett of Harvard, willdeliver two lectures at the University,one tomorrow and one on Thursday.The lectures will be on present rail­road problems, and will be .deliveredin Cobb lecture hall at 4 o'clock onthe days named. Tomorrow's topicis "The Interstate Commission's Ideaof a Reasonable Rate." On Thurs­day, Professor 'Dinett's subject willbe uRailroad Reorganization." Thisis an account of the way, in ' whichrailroads that are unable to pay theirdebts and have been placed in the:hands of a receiftr. have nJdjustetitheir finances, ad have been :>utupon their feet apin. Dr. Daggett,who is a specialist on tbe subject ofra;rroads, Itas made a particular studyof this topic, the .:.esults of which artaboat tG appar in book fOi1lL Tomorrow evening has been choseray the Young Women's ChristianLeague as the occasion for the annu- ::;'ERl't{AN CLUB TO GIVE ,PLAY:11 membership dinner. It will, �l .'held in Lexington lunch room frorr "Gehorsam," a Play, ,by a University5 :30 until 8. Only members of the Student, J3eiQg Favorably Con-League are, expected to be present. ' sidercd..Miss Althea Warren will act as ��oastmistress and the program of Th�' German club will give a playspeeches and toasts will be as Iol- this ;ear.: ·;Mt. Gro'�o� the' presidentlows: of the club, made the .announcemcnt"&efactory Mandate"-Dr. Shailer yesterday. "Th� 'play," ,.s��d l'.fr.Mathews. Gronow, "will probably .be given"Precocious Pedagogues' - Miss during. the spring quarter;. It. basBessie Griffing. been the us�al custom of the, club to"The Problem of the Unemployed" �ive an annual play and it will be 14-Miss Grace Norton. hered to this y�ar." '"State Secrets"-Miss Helen FO:iS What play wiU be given, has ',notWeeks. 'yet been definitely. d,e�id�d u_pon, out"Secretarial Generalities" - Miss the one under most ,serious consid�r-Helen Hendricks. :ttion is a production by Miss Mo-"Concluding Mandates"-Dr. Na- vitz..a student in the University. Itt haniel Butler. :5 a naturalistic dra�a, entitled, "Ge-The annual dinners given hereto- '1orsam," and has a tend�ey ratherfore have always been most congell:al "oward. tragedy. It was written ingatherings, and it is· expected that at -:onnection with class work c:lone, fa:,!least one hundred girls wiII att.:nd 1uarter in one of Professor Schutz�'5tomorrow night. Besides the regular courses in Gennan writers. The', play,toast list the dinner is usually enEv- will be presented in a p.relimin�ryened by impromptu songs and stums. manner before the club .within theMiss Helen Foss ,Weeks, who is to next two or three. weeks. 'The finalrespond to the toast on "State, Se- d�cisio� will be made sometime ne:'ttcrets," is the State Secretary of the Quarter.National Young Women's Christian The lecture yesterday was by'Association, of which the League ;s Professor Schutze, who briefly re­� branch. Miss Weeks is so well viewed and criticized Goethe's "Clav-known in Association work that· her i�o."speech is �xpected to prove most in­,.teresting. Of the otller speakers , The track season at Ulifornia· has"11ss Grace Norton· I' "', the pres'd t" I en opened with nearly two hundred can-and Miss Helen Hendn' ks the gc en- didates.Miss Helen Foss Weeks, and DrsMathews and Butler to Respondto Toast.eral secretary.Miss Ortmayer to Speak.�I iss Marie Ortmayer will speak :!tthe Vesper sen'ice in the league roomat 4 o'clock this afternoon, her topicbeing "Ourselves and Others.'" Alluniversity women are invited to hear�{iss Ortmayer and stay for a cupof tea after her talk.Dean George E. Vincent will giV\!the-- address at the morning servb:in thc League Room tomorrow morn­ing =-t 10:30.Show .your college spirit by suo­scribine (or the Daily Maroon. Tryouts -for the Blackf'riar chorusA'i11 be held 'this afternoon in the,.,{eyilolds c'ub at 3:30 o'clock.Senior Pictures will be taken b�.\tartyr. free of charge.Junior class dues should be left albox 356, Faculty Exchange. " t,.,01m., .:1'.I COLUMBIA MATHEMATICIAN"TO SPEAK AT'UNI�RSIT\I 'II Now Showing I� . Spring 1908 Clothes.I have �e great prepa-I-I rations for the Spring sea IIson. Every desirable Fab-ric in many new models.1·IPifteen to Thirty Five DoIlars -I(Society Brand CollegeClothes) ,• •• • • D(C(lDCbeofhtD�. C. J. Keyser to Gi�� Lecture enMathematics February Ig-WellReceived in New York. ,.m01allpth�hapr10deniDr. C. J. Keyser, Adrian professorof mathematics. ill Columbia Univer­;ity will give a lecture on "Mathe­natics on February' 19. The Iec­ture will be of the popular type •. en­irely free from technicality.:Dr. Keyser is sent by Columbia.Jniversity to visit some of the moreimportant universities of this conn­try and thus' establish a cordialfriendship, between those universitiesnd Colu�bia. His lecture will be ofnterst to those, who study psycholo­�y. philosophy and, theology, as fitviii show the deeper motives whichmderlie mathematics are iden­.ical with those Qf art and religion.This lecture was first delivered be­'ore a-large gathering of 400 people athe Columbia Unive-rsity, and &t at­r�cted s�ch a popular interest that itwas repeated' before the University:Iub of New York. SOMETHING NEWIN BASEBALLSpalding's Eo::r��tL RetoroEdited by Henry Chadwick, tee'. Father of Baseball." Contains nu­merous interesting records neverheretofore collated, including winnersof Nntional League Championshipseach year since l�jG. with games wonand .lost and players' who batted .300or better since J�i6. leaders in eachfielding position, and winning pitcherseach yca r from 18j6; National AII­Am-erica selections from lSil; com­plete list' of clubs. with officers anddates of admission since I8i6; Amer­:C�lD League records since organization; World's championship recordsfrom 1884, with players' names: Base­ball Field Dav records; college rec­ords; miscella'neous records; all themajor and minor league records of19<>i; list of extra long games in1907; complete history of I90i in baseball and other inter sting matter.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.147 Wabash Ave., Chicago.Baseball Managers: - Send for Spald­ing's New Baseball Catalo=ue for�'9OB. Mailed free. hateTIinellat(:0Ti"1BORDEN'SCondensed Milko Fluid Milk, Cream,and Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk C6.3a7-329 E. Forty-seventh St.51CtalS.i\RRow, � SIZE' COLLAR;\f"de of Clu!"eco Shrunk F:lblicsI5e cacb; 2 lor 25cCLuETT ... Ea.OD1' 4 CC>., ",aKEIIS pRLisoSpec'jal---A Blackor Blue, 'Cheviot orThibet Suit \vith extraTrousers of the sameor striped material---525. ' t(l51reduction on all s:Small ads' in The Daily Maroonbring large results.You can � the price ofWILLIAM .JERREMS' SONS.Clark and Adpms StreetsFOWNESGLOVESand not Get Fowna style,fit nor .1e1'Vice. A. M�Ac:ia.m�The UDh·er.lt�... F lor' til •••Chicagos. P. HOSTETTER WINS� THIRD �O Ct!l'tl.OJIMlj"'rBSI�•��;)S ��_ of -Phrues-- I11uatr&tm.a -Fred Carr. who was forced. on .J.C-1IaIl�� .;)Gee ,a.m., ..... t'8.ef- . to Beta '. AI'� ': "Best Quality" simmittect-:-"R_- . count of illness, to le a ve the pnaft-.2-..-.H N- 'ftaeta: � ........... c.... Delta Phi house and go to his home-, t sonable ..... &C -,- .See Co teat.' • Don Millerva avenue is reported to be. ;. "To put the b�to our goods tnImproving.'.·�rder that our customers may �et the Delta URsiloJ!, woo the Itanner in Frank Templeton, Horace Reed,';"05t of them, is our motto," he inter.-fnumi17 bowling tourna· and Allen Ross returned yesterday��: Tile above motto submitted by H. lent on Saturday niPt .on the Rey, from a trip to Champaign,�. Hostetter, was adjudged the win-. '\Ids .da$. alleys, by defeating Ben The -Sophomore class dance com-.ner in the! third Daily Maroon motto Theta Pi, 2,233 to 2,16g. The two mittee held a meeting in Cobb yes­contest. The third competition wit- contestinC teams· met· to the ·final eou- terday morning, The question off h' b fl' Telephones: HarrisOD 'P59. 3401, 4239nessed both an increase in the num- test .. ,a =. avmg een success u In holding the first dance in the evening Automatic 5239her and a heightening of the quality preliminary and semi-ina I competi-was discussed and received favorable RII'BARDS, AMBLER .r.e . "0.of the phrases submitted. Nearly a tion, Beta Theta· Pi having disposed comment from most of the members " " "hundred men entered the competition .:>f the Alpha Delts in the semi-finals, of the committ . COAL AND COKEand submitcd �'1 average 'of three and D. U. baving been successful ov er The entries in the individual bowl- 303 Dearborn Street. Chicacophr��,·e��pl·ece. T�J'�gesfu�drt �e�Nu�� 'I dl S d 't' �-----��---------�---------�-,.. � J ..109 contest c osc ast atur. ay WI n .Nhard to decide on the best phrase- Cheered on by over a hundred en- the fol!owing names on the list: MAR 0 0 N ME·harder than they had found it in any husiasl5 of the .. me who were seat- Singles: E. Felsenthal, 'V. P. Mac­preceding contest. They. hesitated ed in stands built for the occasion. Cracken, F. E. Morgan, C. R. Gilbert,long over the following, but finally the two teams bowled steadily and D T I . H J UII H R, . nnlS, . . . mann, '.'d�ided that it did not equal the win- uite evenly for the first game, the Lawrence, M. A. Briggs.ning motto as a definition: 1eta "five 1inaHy nosing out the D Doubles: Ferris and Lawrence."Character is the foundation of '1. aggregation by 27 pins negotiat- Morgan and Briggs.Ferris and Briggs,happiness; quality is clothes charac- :ng a 78.1 connt. Ferris and Ullman.ter-get happy." Eager to gain the lead and seem- The matches will start this after-The three other mottoes which came ;ngJy strengthened by refreshments noon with the bowling of the singles.into the finals were: �onsisting of doughnuts .and cider The Reverend Francis H. Rowley,"Whcre quality leads the way, the which were served between the D. D., of Boston, Mass., the Uni-customer is eager to follow." 'rcImes, tbe D. U. five started the sec- versity preacher, a member of the"Beware of the tailor who talki -nd game witll' a vim, and gained r Alpha Delta Phi, took dinner at themuch of his clothes. The quality c:1 light lead, which they � �ad'13i:.I- tn; chapter house last night.ours 'speaks for itself." -reased to the end of the 1rClr.1·. de"Good quality makes the fit suit, "eating' the Beta team 808 to 699 anr' P�SIDENTIAL CANDIDATESARE ALL COLLEGE MEN. l .... �,�,:... � .� /":,!"i�.· ... ttI .... '_.�';""'"�f'.".' ., . \ .. '\ .� ..AJI;�·""n.. ..IIl=-LLrdthenu­vererslipsron300achers\11-)m­mdlet­zards:se­'ec­theof a�d the suit fit, and the customer securing' a lead of 82 pins for' the twocomfortable." pmes."Men hurry too much on this short 'As to121 pins 'for the three games Whoever Wins Race for ExecuUvc·slittle life. lecided . tlte; mateh ,the, third ._and Chair Will Be Man With CollegeThey lose all their bargains by worry 'rubber" games naturally proved an Degree on His Wall.and strife. 'ntersting one. The bowlers on �achinase Hold: stop a minute! We offer you team, however did riOt bOWl true tC'goods fonn and had great trouble in niakingWhose qualities wear.. the �w pins faiL TIie result of theThey lack not endurance nor oit leading game-Was slightly in favoJneed repair.- _Jf Beta 11leata �Pi· but' the lead' pr�v."Up town, ,.:>usly 'Pined by' Delta U� was' safiic-Down town, tent to give' them tbe' s.eries by a scoreOur town. �f".2,233 to '2,169. 'Beta 'Theta Pi wali According to the Cornell Sun, allmen prominently mentioned as apresidential possibility this year maybe said to have the support of one ormore tdolleges. On the Republicanside Secretary William H. Taft· be­longs to Yale. '78; Senator Joseph C,Foraker of Ohio, to Cornell '69; Sen­ator P. C. Knox, of Pennsylvania, t«Mount Union College, Ohio, '72, andreceived an honorary LL. D. at "heUniv.ersity of, Pennsylvania in '05.Vice-FTesident Charles W, Fairbankss.Lld­forYour town.This town.That town.Up and down.AU represented by Long, Gifford, Bur­. ' :·ot, 'Cart� ..and� Scllott.. While theD. U. team comprised Briggs, G. Ful­�. iwsse.H.'�r�,aD4� :Wakrs.a-roan', As a result of his work last Sa�ur-The best in town! Jay. niehL Frec;man Moro-an came graduated· from Ohio Wesleyan jn'n for a liol(:S; share of the prizes ·,r· '72" Senator Robert M. LaFolette. I)!:ered for the 'tournament, lriDDiug :all Wisconsin, took his degree at the.:he individual re� . His geu�.r.u UniverSity of Wisconsin in '79, arl'!,lverage of Jl4-ior 'the' 15 gaDlCs �aS ;Ccretary George. B, Cortelyou graJ­)y far the best and gained for him aated from Georgetown in '95, while-- ., . - , ... - I .�he prize of a �wliug ba�1 and bag Geovemor Charles E, Hughes. a.·�or t!Je:·higb·a'ft-.e.of � 1�3 ior inember of the Cornell Law Sch')olthree- games. aud. 40r .... iDdi�dua' :aculty for. two years, graduated fromscore of 236. Morgan r-ce·ved a b*)x Brown. "81..f ci��s and. a �.ir of bowling shoes. . On the Democratic side William. The ai' ·Ita,,. 'Sigma team, with Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska, gradu.their COtlIIt· ot1t;� for one game, 1'('. ated in '8i from Illinois College. oltceived a reward of a box of cigars, Jacksonville. III.; Judge George Gi"a}',-Brigp, Fuller. Watters.Russell :tnd of Delaware. took his A. B. at Prince­Moqran .of the �hip.· tea... ton in 'S9, and A. M. '63, and LL, D.�ach received a pair of bowling shoes. in '89,and also studied law at Har-.. Now' that ''be'interfraternity con- Yard; Judge Judson Harmon, I)ftests have' been <ompietea, the gen- Ohio, graduated from Denison U,ni­eral Reynolds clab' individual. .inc! versity in '66; Senator Charles A.doables tournament bas begun. No Culbertson, of Texas, graduated fromcharge otbet" than the cost of games the University of Virginia in '77;is required for �lItrance in tbe� <on- President Woodrow Wilson gradna:­tests and all memben of tb" clab are ed from Princeton in 'i9. and took a�lig1ble. In order to assure the �n- Ph. D, at Johns Hopkins in '86, be.tests twenty men must enter tb� sides a ntlmber of other ,Ie�recs.SEEK A GAilE WITH PURPLE sin-'-s·and fift- ... couples mast· 're17- Th' h S dd' . 1DI'C�. ft IS, t e un a 5,:� ='I!:-�:,:n" aIOWa Authorities�pe to Sdledale ;ster fOf' the doubles. good record for colleg� m�.' j:1 po;;.1908 Gridiron Contest.Jump �nto one.of our suit�� _ � .The goods are fine:�"Our reputation f�r .. 'Best Quality'spreads abroad like an epidemic; eacl_l:k customer is a center of contagion andall exposed flock to our SartorialSanitarium. ..The judges for the. contest. werePaul V. Harper, William Wrather, H.R.' Hoffman, Preston F. Gass UtdLouis S. Berlin.The contest for next week, whicbis the last of the series, will be '9nthe subject, "Reasonable Price-" Thet'Ults are the same as those whichbave gO"emed the preceding competi­tions.. The limit for contributiODS1ri1l be noon on Monday, February10. Mottoes should be sigged by anODI de plume, accompanied by a k�t� tbis under another cover. Pbnue.should not be more than twenty-fi'P­\ll'ords in length,)f,letilr.. tics, and no matter wh . .) i?; cl\!ctcJProfessor WiUiam H, Schofie!d, �:-C. next fall to the Chief E�c��nliv\! cha;r,:haD� professor from Harvard to the its occup;mt is certaiil to havc theThe authoritie-;-;tj'owa are lookingf01'1Vard to the acceptance by North­lreslern of the Hawkeye offer for afootball game next fall. DirectorCatlin is in correspondence with tIlePurple on this matter, and states that�e will bc able to announCe the resul,1I'hen he sees what disposition of thf!Conference seven-ga'me regulation is�de. It is rumored at Iowa Citythat a game with Chicago .will be r.e- The �tscher Verena of WilliamsIOtiated for, if the sched"lf1! is length- College is· to adopt a dimr.ctift V�-eIIed.. r�n cap to h WGm by. an �:w.Unh'ersity of Berlin, and his wii�, prh·ilege of hanging a 5l\�cp:;kil1 I:ndinrd with Emporer William and the his wall. These facts ·;h1ml'l b\.: �mempnss on January 22, incentive for other c!)'i�g,! men toenter the ar.('na of politi.:$.,• At the mid-year examin:ttions atColombia this year. all questions winbe g1'\'en to the stodents in �ealed en­velopes. Law Student to Teach at RacineRalph B. Miller, of the Law schonl,has accepted a position as teacher inthe college at Racine, 'Vis., for ayear, After finishing his work !ItRacine, he will retUrn and compl�tehis law coarse iD 1909.J , .. F",,· 0lIl." tC."".... for solid comfort. The newest· slWleaand designs of one piece, ",.. ..Itweb. . All metal parts heavy nick!l •plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,all dealers or by mail.............. e&.7'1. = .. ,...., PT. n. t'..... O/�.�-THE--BUSO. OBCDSTBA.,-' THAT'S ALL -40 East Randolph StreetWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTIl�SARE BUYING AGkIH· THIS PALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS h5-dtl5t19 Darb.", St.C�er & WDkie'TAILORS s. .. FloorA SuitofClothesFree, , ,••• . Your Last ChanceThe MottO for this week.··RE&\SONABLE- 'PRICES"Every UniVcrsty Man 'elig1D1eHotel,s8TH ST. AND DRnEL AVE.U�der Management of the NatioJlal Hotel Co. . Tel Hyde:Park a,...··. The 'iBES'P serVed atPOP�'BICBSRESTAURANT- liND LUNCH: COUIITER'-lD Coahectiou .• ITHE 'ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE iAND' STQRAGE C0'!'P� '.Phone: Hy� P&rk' 571. K:imbrirk1 Ave. _. _.' •---111!!!!!!!!-';� The CJeaJIeat aDd Best Kept St8raceWarehouse in. the City .'• • • • •...Furniture and Pianos Moved; Stored�. Pacb41 ��Shipped to' all: p:ins . of the worJt:i.· ;Joe) Printe; �.age· Rooms. Large Parlor �xcluslvely for �Rooms for Trunks ;:.nd :Wheels.. LarKe R�ID,'"carria&,es, Buegies and: �Iei�hs. Trun� to �from an Depots.' Local Transfus for Ba .......FUl'llitur.e. Packages, etc.. at, sb�rt notice... Special .�tiOn £iveu 110 �Divenity Q�STllDENTS' LlNtn.RCl�OM·T H'I: .M'·II(-·4'OO·. CA r: I::Meals 20c·an�,'up.299 f. 55 St.Between Season WeigJds'�in BllC;k, Blue and GrayPboae H. P ...L L IEIGEN1DIJJSucceuor to BeiIcIer Broa.TBB UBIOR KOULAIm ·BB8t-:&lJUftIII-II, �Ipb ·Street ITHE POPUJ.AR PLACETO EATEithtr before or after theTheater.SUITABLE WEIGHT FORMOST ANY 'TIIIE' OFYEAR.Suit and Eztra Trouen,$30·to Iso.Also early shipments of New SpringWoolens for those going South orto California, We 'make. SpftiaIty of CIa!»and Pratendty Dilmen.EXPERT DYERS 6 &WRERS'ssG E. 6yd Street 'TAILOR FOR YOUNG liENTwo stores: 131 La Sane St., and liEN'S TOP COATS AHD surra44 lacbon Bouleftl'cl CLEANED AND PRBSIElGoocb c:aIIed for met deliftnd.MENTION The DAILY"AROONWhen rradi'!9 With Our MwrlisersThe, want Jour "''''onageThe, are' .rerlisl", lor itu 1C'", �"'. :.,TlfE DAILY"Y,AROON,' CHICAGO. ' ·nntShAY, F£BRUA� 4, 1908. . 1: t :• iing comment is made on Mr. TaU'splan for beautifying the Midway:"The old Greek legend o( the del-uge and the repeopling of the earthby Deukalion and Pyrrha has S116-gested to Mr. Taft a grandiose foun­tain. where amid splasing water-s,strange figures of men and womenerect. with the Cottage Grove bridgeas a background. his long-meditated"Fountain of Time." Thus' the Mid-wear smaller hats or else. be instruci­ed to keep them removed while in the science.REBEL AT aBDiG REVIVE DISCUSSION OF1'IIILEIES WOBlnl Col. A. --:mDBN BEJIIHD.BIG HATS KmWAY BOATING CO�E IIIarooD Coacbca Ho� Nat 0pp03- IIale Members of IDstnactor WaDcb's (Con�nue4 from page I) -I'.enta in Hich Eateem-P'reUmCII Pqcbolog CI-. Dnw UpLose Relay to IlJiDoia YearJiDp# 'D __ I'-:___ &. _:"-t Picture Hats�&U� -a- ... , .. ,31 to 31._ Midway from Lake Michigan to theThe male students of the University Washington Park lagoon would 0::- id Ch 1\1 P V' -r.__ idWm, D. McKey, Prest ent. as. " oagc. l.Ce-.l'TCSI cnt.of Chicago have rebelled. The men in come a charming and artictis picture Fred C. Bell, Cashier. ]. W. Watson. Asst. Cashier.at least one class in the University setting off the Universit .. buildingshave risen with the resolution thd.t in the background. 3 pel' cent loterest 00 Savings AccountsSAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTSthat they will no longer allow their In the February number of thelights to be hidden by the big picture "World's Work" in an article "",hats worn by the young women who "Lorado Taft: Sculptor:' the follow­sit in the front rows. They demandas the very least concession to theirrights that the hats be made smallenough so that thew may catch occa­sional glimpses of. their instructorwhen he rises to explain a diagram atthe blackboard.The rebellion arose, and so. far hashad its entire existence in the class emerge from the formless rocks androom of Mr. Waugh, who conducts a struggle with one another and withcourse in psy�hology 1, which is not the clements in an unknown world.segregated .. For the past month the Then follow the three bridges dedi-men of the class have sat patiently in cated respectively to the 'Sciences. th-the back rows gazing into a forest of Arts and Religion, and finally, tofeminine headgear through the midst close the view, the sculptor wouldof which they could hear the voiceof their instructor penetrating-andthey said nothing.However, with the advent of the way would offer not only a decorativefour weeks' flunk notices the men re- whole of great beauty but a harmoni­alized that they were not getting aU ous sculptural cycle. a poem of hu­that they should get from the lectures manity'e development from the earth-of their instructor, They resolved en born savage, through the material toaction. accordingly. and yesterday the artistic and finally the spiritual.morning they drew up a resolution, with 'the panorama of time at the en:icirculated it, and received a unani- as an envoi!'mous endorsement' from the maleportion of the class. The petition MONEY MEASURE SUCCESS? 237 E 55th St. Phone 'H. P. J286reads as follows : TRAVEL OVER THEResolved, That we petition our in-structor . to have' the yo.ung ladies Dr. Rowley Answers in Negative �dAlso Obedience to' Con-character study done with a skill thatdelicately conceals itself; a dialog"leswift, explosive, yet natural too, andbomely, and for that very reason,not afraid at moments of deep feel­ing to flower into a fragrant elo­quence; behind all was a lofty elegiaicconception o.f the sordid ficts of so­cial degeneracy; and most rare o.f all.a large souled charity for the, foibles MAROON SWIIDIERS WINof mankind satirized with such spon- (Continued from page I)SOD.tancity and unerring touch. Yes, The University HI'gh School won A 1" f 1... pre tmmary tryo.nt or c 10r.JSwhat gave the proud delight of Italy from Hyde Park in a c:1osely fQugnt candidates will be held this afternoonits most inspiring quality-was upon meet by a score of 32 to 26. The con- in the Reynolds club .. the appcarance of Come Ie Fo.glie (As -test was not decided until the l.lst The first musical rehearsal fo.r thethe Leaves. 1900). the eombinati� in �ent, th� team race, which was wo.nCiaco.sa of in�egnty and graC1on� by the U. High boys. The threeness that remlnd one o.f Shakespeare ,.. _r th H d Park teamf \.7re�ns 0 eye w�rcin '"Measure fQr Measure" and (I the stars of the evening in the highMoliere in his ·Misal\thrope.'" school events. D. Green :in the plunge The Glee Club of the U�\:ersity ofWisco.nsin has added a sourse ;n fof- _ dista�c� went three feet fanh�r Califo.rnia has been rc.-fu�ed pro.pos­read-building to its correspondence than the .longest plunge in the Uni- ed trip througho.ut the East this sum-atucly departmeat. � ftl'Sit7 pJanp. mer.Anticipating the hardest dual meetof the season, Coach Friend yester­day sent the Varsity FresluJ1l4nsquads in preparation for their track.contest with the C. A. A. team nextFriday night. The Freshmen weregiven only light tests, being some­what stiff from their contest with theIllinois yearlings Saturday.ICoaches Friend and Russell werenot optimistic over the chances dtheir proteges. They fear: the nextopponents, who. have among theirfield a quartet of ciassy athletes. Ra­mey, Irons, Taylor and Vigeant areexpected "'0. make things interestingat the Olympian games, and, 'if all areentered against the Maroo.ns, shoulddo. much to dim Chicago's chances,A dearth of good quarter milerscost the Freshmen their meet withtile Illinois first year team at Cham­paign Saturday. Up to the finalevent, the relay races, the result ofthe dual affair was very much indoubt. The Illinois runners, by cap­turing this race, brought the IO:lgend 0,£ the score to their team, thecount being 38 to 31.Two of the events, the 35 yard dashand the shot put, resulted unexpect­.edly in slams for Illinois. Boyd wasexpected to take a second in' '!hisevent but was nosed out at the. finishby Mohr of Illinois. Crowley, by notaccompanying the team, caused' tho:loss of five points and probably' themeet. Pierce and Woodrow, the Il­linois entrants, took first and second�spectively.. Timblin distinguished himself bytieing for I.....first in the_half' mile in aheart-breaking race with Hopkins' ofIllinois, and taking second ,in thequarter mil� to the speedy Barlowof the opponents.Comstock and Stopblct took first, two places in the mile from Butlerand 'Freeland, the Illinois entrants.Comstock ran his usual cool, well­calculated race and Stophlet exhibit­ed the sticking power that has char­acte:iezd his previous efforts. .Bacon turned the tables on !listeam mate Rogers in the. pole vault'.capturing first. Five Freshmen highjumpers tied for first place in thelIigh jump at 5 feet 4 inches,' theeight points being divided betweenBacon, Degenhardt, Bates, Coy:1e andRogers.ROBERTSON PLAYERS TOREAPPEAR AT UHIVBRSJtrY(Contiooed from pace I)Room. (or Rent.FURNISHED ROO M S-Near theUniversity; with or without lighthousekeeping privileges; goodlight, heat, hot and cold water;bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., second POSITION open to young womeR;flat. three hours a day, in exchange (orroom and board. Apply at: t!teing out a Blackfriar show and are as University Employment Bureau.cr'tical of results as if they were lis- FOR SALE-A scholarship to aprominent business college; schol-arship was obtained through ad- WANTED-JO men to solicit namesvcrtisement; will sell it for 25 per for petition. The Employmentcent. o.ff. Box M., Daily Maroon Bureau.Office.choruses, under the dirction of Eule WEDNESDAY LUNCHEONS w:lISm:th will be held Wednesday evcn- be sen'� in the Church of the Di!o·ing in the club. ciples at 57th St; and Lexingtonclassroom,"North' Side Y. II. C. A. Too Strongfor Varsity Year6D�31 to 18.The Freshman five was defeated 10'a hard fought battle with the WilsonAvenue Y. M. C. A. Saturday nightby the score �f 31 to 18. This is no,smail feather in the caps of the !lrstyear men; as their opponents areranked among the best teams of thecity. Clark did most of the stellarwork for ·the Freshmen and Shrogrenfor the Wilson avenue team, thoug!lthe Iater was held down closely bythe activity of Sturgeon, the fast cess or will you learn to' .understandwhat life really means? Moses. CO:1-Freshman guard.Both teams were penalized repeat­edly for fouling. The Maroon menshowed much better form tban at anyprevious game of the season.The line-up was as follows:Wilson Ave. (31) Freshmen (I�)rICk, r, f r. f., darkShrogr.cn, I.f U., Klowans. CobbPause, Co � ••• c., HalseyRichards, I. g .••••.••••• 1. g. SturgeonSquier, r. g... .. f. g., Keef�rBaskets - Shrogren 4, Pause u,Squire 2, Clark 3, Klowans.Free throws-Fick II, Clark 10.. cerning whose personality many arcskeptical, because he .lived So manyyears ago. turned his back on thepalaces and splendors of his youthbecause his conscience ordered himto hare the lives of his enslaved peo-BLACKFRIAR CAST ANDTRIP STILL IN AIR(Continued {rom paae I)Referee. Eisner.Umpire, JaqUith.tcning to a professional companywhich had been on the road all sea- � ... : .-' \.' CAPITAL; 1200.000.00 .SurplUI .... d Profits 125.000.00 _.,21Woodllwn Trust �. Savings Bank541 Eat 63rd Street.'Officers:...-Vo---i .I Fi1(Phone Hyde Park J252Chicago Imperial LaundryClARK £, RfAD, Props.68.t--686 East 63rd StreetHcI, .A posta' or phone call will bring wagonior� .A1.!NOLD CO�IPANY thldepctriof., ENGINEERS-CONSTRUCTORS�LECTRICA� - CIVIL- MEeHAN (CAL181 LA SALLE STREETCH ICAGt::te,FIthfaIi'SlIiMANICURING SHAMPOOINGE1e�c Scalp and· Facial Massag�MADAME KAYNOR·SSCALP SPECIALIST'"tiile" J._SMITH-VAILE'Pumping M�hineey311 Dearborn StreetChicago, IlLHarrisen 86,.TURBINE PUIIPSSTEAM PUIIPSELECTRIC PUllPS, ,Wasllinglon Prom. .FRIDAY FEBRUARY 21Ti�kets $4 In Advance.0. Sal. at '.I" ..... al;on OfficeWANTED-A young man to do edit·orial and reportorial work on led­ing city trade journal. Apply toManaging Editor Daily Marooa.WANTED-Students to aucnd Ell­glewood Roller Rink, 6.'32 Wesrt·worth Ave. Eycry cvcning, Thun..Sat. and Sun. Afternoons th�the season.Ave., from 12 to 1:30. p. m. Meals Typewriters for Saleare 20 cents each, and are appr�- TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent-ciated by those who 'lave eaten Special rates to' student!;; bargaitSthere. ,Students are invited to in re·built machines. \V. White-CODle. head, 36 La Salle Street;. ./