.,... intly ilnrnnnVol."VI. No. 48. CHICAGO. Tlll:RSDAY. DEC. 5, 190i. Price TwQ. CmuDean Ha!l .. "Why:,is a Law School]"Prof. 'Mechem', .: � ••• !!> of ••••"Because the M.edics Woaldn't Play'!Mr. Hennicksman-"Twenty Years ofExperie;'ce and Only One (IfPractice."Bill Matthew�"Tbe Sprint at' thePrize' will be presented by the Swe­ Finish."dish Royal Academy of Science. .Jim .Biclc.ey .•.•. HI Would if I Could'·The Nobel prizes are considered to Farmer Gregory-"Tbe Charms of a,Great Britain. Professor Michelson be among the highest honors attain- Clay Law .school'"has resumed h,i� triumphal tour;n able in each of the five fields which A 8pMm .Europe, and is now on his way t�'l they cover. Alfred Bernhard Nobel,Stockholm. There .: on December .10, the founder, was the inventor of dy­the anniversary of the death of Al- narnitc. a noted engineer, and at hisATHLETES MEET TODAY ired Bernhard Nobel, founder of the death left an enormous estate, :1IN BARTLETT BASEll&NT Nobel prizes, Dr. Michelson will be, large part of which was devoted to�e first real practice of the water.. Squad was held yesterday after- settling of ehe dates.I0OI. Captain Badenoch and Fergu­SIll of last year's team were out for� first time and engaged in a IivetT'. scrimm�ge. Hoffman, one of lastJat'$ Freshman polo team, and Ka­. .; a,:are the other men who took part.� 1VOrk..Coach Knudson is optimistic aboutie:oatlook for the swimming teamef Dis year. With Ca�ey back fromIbnard to help out in the s"Qrt�; HflTper, the star of last year'�'_ers. and Lindsey, the starF .rtsbaIan of last year, there is good-: PI'OIrise of a splendid relay team.1\c men who will be out for polo,� those who have been practic­L � �ready, are Rohde, captain I)f,- -)ear's team. and Princell, also of.' last Director Stagg said yesterday that.: yen's team. Anderson, center of _fief b his purpose in calling the athletes is "':\11 the dvhat cr« arc live men: Dean :\lacClintock yesterday after-001 all team, has declared his in-Icatio to explain the work in alt three there is 110t a dead hl':t,l amonz noon prc-cnt cd h is "aI).-:'r 011 Ibsen,n to play water polo. and should ing on original plays and intend .. 0PI'Ofe a ";>Ill,"'hle acquisition to the branches and outline the preliminary them," said Professor Blanchard ')f -upp lc uu-ut a ry to l b-cn's Rosmcrs-.. ... S offer these for criticism by the clut)IItIacI. practice to the aspirants for track and fh(' Pl1bltc . IH'ak;l1� department, at ilol:n. to he :,tagl·d tomorrow night. during the winter quaner.A baseball honors. He decl,ilred he the close 01 the Sl:coll(l trial dd>all·. ill :\iallciel h;111 hy the Don:tld Robert-rt'angcnlents are being made for1Ieet • wants to have the men get an carly Tucsd:ty. "I am �reatly encouraged <;011 Company. Profcssor :\[acClin-s With \Visconsin, Illinois, Yale_. p �tart this year. hy the work oi the t1\':n. They have tock said that it is only fair to sayennsyI"ania, as well as the usual V . H_L Y _.. ....:' the right :-pirit: almost e\"ery Ol1e that Ihsl'n is of an intellectual, nature. an VV& to ---- IIJial ill .,...,""ce games with the Chicago Ath-.l of them is a fi�ht('r. that he i� ;> man of clean character. F. c: Van Hook, tbe giant lineman,"\ssoci:ttion team. .,The question to be debated by "They are working along the right "H(' is a gre:tt p�ychologist in thc of the Illinois football eleven, u:; .Ohio and Indiana is "Resolv.cd, That lines," he continu('d. ",\,hi1e they exposition he makes of love," he been elected to captain the down­the immigration of atl Japanese and I arc prcparir.� th�ir argml1ent� indn�- :o.airl. "and is fir�t and last an artist st�ters next ,.eaT. Vall Hook wasChinese laborers to this country the unanimoas choice for AII-West-should be prohibited by :.1',,\'." (Continued on. page 4) (Continued on page 4) em guard this year.Ii CLUB GETS LEADER;SEVENTY TO BE II TRill BASmBALL lIEN lAVE &AIlE PROFESSOR IN UNIVERSITY UPON WHOM ENGLAND ANDSWEDEN HAVE BEST OWED UNUSUAL HONORS.Practice. Scrimmage Proves Spirited,Both Fives Playing Hard-Dr. Ray­Croft Likes Work-Freshman Teamto be Organized.rrcJimiDarY Try-Out for Membershipill New Organi%ation to be HeldToc!ay.The first set-to for the basketball,_ Webster to Take Charge of candidates was given yesterday at theCtab-Is Enthusiastic at Organi- second day of practice. Dr. Raycroftsation's Prospects. has decided to work the men hardfrom now on,' so that they will be inYr. Frank Webster has been se- good shape for the several practicecmtd to take charge of the revived games he will arrange before the endlJ1Iircrsity GL�c club. ,Mr. Webster of the quarter and also for the COll­is considered one of the best men in tests to be played on the trip duringthis line in this part of the. country. the' Christmas week.�rle Berry, who has been largely No count of the scores was kept iniAstrumental in the reorganization of the scrimmage. The playing wasthe soc�ty, now has some seventy even. and brought out some star ex­uamcs of those who will try for the hibitions- by several members of bothcIub.· The trials will be held to- fives. All the men, eligibles as wellday at 4 o'clock in the Reynolds as ineligibles, were given chances tvc1ab.. Everybody is urged to come break into the game. Captain Schorn­oat and try by those who have mer, as leader of the team, had acharge of the arrangements. The lively tilt with Hubble, his opponent,S1Iccess of the- undertaking depends but managed to negotiate a numberflO the support which it receives from of baskets.the student body. Page and Georgen worked well to-Mr. Webster is enthusiastic oVfr gether, doing slightly better workthe pJan� He thinks that there is than the forwards on the other team,plcuty of material in the University Clark and Donovan, though the twoio, turn out a fine body of singers. men proved surprises. Hoffman andIf he finds upon examination that he Harris put up a spirited fight toas Dot good enough candidates so keep Page and Georgen from scoring.as'to mak.e the affair a success, he .Henry and Kelly, guards on the ot�� Irill resign. five, showed good form. Dr. Ray­, The present plans are to give 'the croft said he was welf-pleased �th�.CODc:ert atrthe University; -a�d- the work�-meli.·_.,":"-':�-�'_'ta'some in the city. Earl Berry Two of'fhe 'star football men, who. ' aid' JCStc:rday that � trip will prob- earlier in the season appeared as,- � ,be taken in the sprint vaca- strong possibilities for- the basket-... ball team, have changed. their- mindsabout trying for the squad, Pe Tra,yhas not appeared for Practice, While!'� POLO 3QUAD HOLDS Steffien has decided tQ cast his lotSEASON'S FIRST ��CTICE with the track team, and has beguntraining in the hurdles and sprints.Dr. Raycroft announced yeste'rdaythat he will organize' .a Freshmanbasketball team thi$ week. The mat­ter of scheduling practice games withlocal teams has Qot progressed to theIeteqI l4em� of Last y.usTam Come Out Prospects AreBricht. HAVING received the -Copleymedal on the first of the weekfrom the Royal Society ofthe prizes. In the inventor's will hemade provision for five distinct prizes(Continued on page 3)presented with the prize of $40,()()t),Track Candidates at 4 O'Clock- will be decorated with a gold medal .Baseball and Football lien at and will be given a diploma. The�3o--Work to be Outlined.AIA�YZES IBSEN PLAY TOBE PHESEITED' TOMORROWSHOWING OF DEBATERSBR IIGS JOY TO COACHESA call for candidates for the Var­sity and Freshman track and baseballsquads and the Varsity' football elev-Professor Blanchard EnthusiasticOver Energy Shown by Men WhoWill Represent Chicago. Dean MacClintock Reads Paper QnIbsen's "Rcsmersholm, '" Explain­ing Significance of Production.en has been issued for' this afternoonin Bartlett basement by DirectorStagg. Two meetings will be held,the first for track men coming at 4o'clock, and the other for baseball New System of Practice Debates T�agedy to be Staged, Tomorrowand football candidates following at Works Well-Hold Bi-Weekly Night in Mandel Hall by DonaldMeetings With Coach. Robertson.4-30..\ F!.i Reta Chapter was instaltedthe U ni\"crsity of l11iQois on N ,>-11th. I LAW lEi lID: PIIOfEaISIllDVAICED,.EYILU,Klaw and Erlaqer to be OUt-.CluIedin Annual Smoker to be GivenToniabt.Dean Hall to Propowid "Why is· aLaw School?--P.rofa.M Mechemto Give Auawer.The annual smoker, the big eventin Law school social circles, is on thebill at the Reynolds club at 80'dock.The committee on arrangementsmade public the program of stuntsyesterday, and add that the enter­tainment will be all it is advertised.By way of emphasis, an endorsementfrom Julius is put forth that "Oddersare forgers, fakers und copyrighters­dis is de original,"Dean Hall and Professor Meche'm,the solons of the Law school, areon -the program, for speeches.' Andanother particmarly brilliant a�t..ac­tion is a $9,000 vaudeville production.just over, which even Klaw and Er­langer failed . to purchase at �yprice. Bill Leary will act as chair­man of the evening. Musie will befurnished by James and Schreiber.Refreshments and plenty of goodcigars will be supplied all the lawyerswho attend The ,lists of the stantsto be' offered, as given in the pro­gram .issued for the occasion, is asIollow�f:-- ., :. Spiedaa _ .Harriman vs. Carlisle et al--Quartett.·Ban$g,Ooo Va1lde9ille PnlIIacti_Entitled, "He Had Went' T� 'Far,'the Check was Fo�c.t of a..r.:t.n:Hugo Friend.Lightning Change AnistKarl Dixon .•••...••• � .•••••• � ......Little Laln, the Fire DancerEddie Durfee, .•••.•••••.••.•.•••••••Esmerelda, from Cmcinnati .Big Yaple •••....•••••••••••.•••••.The Human MoclriDg BirdlIammera lleetiDe' at 7 ToaiabtThe Mummers wiD hold tlaeir wimeeting of the quarter at '1 o·clockthis .evening in Hitchcock 61, whenIbsen's "John Gabriel Borkman." oneof the Norwegian dramatist's gftatestachievements in exposition, will bediscussed.Several of the members ar.e work-'!lilt l)A1L Y MARoaN •. CHICAG<il. 'niURSDA Y,' bEt. s. 1901.-'*-, .... ,6* .............'. od he would use to combat the forceWAf." --US .. 84...... of th� Chicago winds. We �ish he---------."".� � � �- ..,./:.-" -�-.�''.. ""';'---. ��� Dot so modestly withhold his............... '!' eII � � name that we might give him more8IQ ell �. '!'. 0(' 'tile personal attention which wefeel sure he deserves. Perhaps theDaily Maroon will satisfy· a long-felt'want by supplying the coeds with aTomorrow morning the sale of sity and on the standing of the asso- addressed by Assistant Professor Wil-8u.crtpUOD price. $3.00 per �ear'; 11.00 University calendars will open in dation. Mr. Fairweather spoke of let at 4 p. m .• in room 26. Haskell.fer a IDODtbL But.nlpUOD. neelyed at Cobb entrance. The girts of the Y. the magazine as a medium for fol, Le Cercle de Conversation Fran­a. IIarooD omee.. BlI" Ball, or at tile W. C. L., who are getting out the lowing University topics and keeping caise will meet at 4 p. m, in Lexing-1'ac:1I1t7 Esc:haqe. CoI* BalL .calendar, will have charge of the in touch with the classes. ton hall.sale. The proceeds are used toward The president said that the asso- ReJig£ouS Pedagogy Club will meetLUTHER D. JrICB.NALD. IIfana&I.q EdItor furthering the work of the league in ciation was incorporated and in the at 8 }>. m., in room 26, Haskell. J. K.l'RESTON 8'. GASS. Me .. Edltor. the University. It is hoped that the best condition financially. Eastern Hart will read a paper.sale this year will surpass all pre- schools relying on their alumni for Undergraduates Ministereal clubvious r.ecords. The calendar is a big sums of money. invited frequent will hold a meeting in Snell at 10.;;0 This patch pocket coat, i,t variousunique souvenir of the University, donations from classes that had grad- a. m. Scotch fabrics, at '25, $28, ISO,including seven half tone prints of uated. Chicago's position was some- Fencibles will meet in Cobb at 10;30 'S6, a� up to 155.scenes most familiar to students. The what different because of its splendid a. m. First FI.ol'-Wa!stcoats In $5. the newest tans. Specialpictures this year wiIJ be: Mitchell endowment, so that the sacrifice Score Club will hold a meeting in •;':::0 an�.:��. ��s�:';.,:t ����: :;:��::�� \:�;:' ;:!e:�k�d ';:"�:p:� th;'�";I��D�u��t s: a�' ::30 ..1 MOSS L E R CO. 1Hitchcock Library, Women's Halls for the Alumni Magazine, and the in- m. All Masons are urged to be pres-I (JCthf:5 1"1 ak e r .. �t SO Jac· s o n • vd(from Walker), the approach to terest of every graduate in the as so- -ent..Mandel (interior), and Ryerson. The ciation. Literature Coll:!�e debaters will v- • • ---price of the calendar is 50 cents in Mr. Fairweathej- called especial at- hold an important meeting in Kent atenvelope, and 60 cents in the box. tention to the features of the mag- 2 p. m,Miss Mary Courtenay addressed the azine that are making it valuable to Glee Club Trials will be held at 4Young Woman's Christian League graduates. These include the notes p. m. in the Reynolds club. Mr.yesterday morning on "Our Next of the studcnt�ctivities and the news Frank Webster, the new leader, wiliDoor Neighbors." Miss Court�ay from the older classes. The feature be there. Everybody is urged todescribed the work of the league at work was also dwelt on. try.the Home for Incurables, which in- Norman Barker, president of the Alumni Magazine manuscripts arec1udes bi-weekly services at the home Senior class, presided at the meeting. to be handed in at Box 300.and personal visits among the in- He asked the hearty co-o-peration of Burr History Lec:ture-Fourth lee-Director Stagg's call for prelimi; mates. Miss Florence Chaney gave every one interested in the alumni ture by Professor George L. Burr ofnary practice by candidates for the a short. account of her work among movement, which is becoming a Cornell University, on "TbeHistorythree major teams is the boys. Stockings will be filled for strong feature of the university. of Toleration:' in . Cobb 4, at 4'w.elcomed. by athletes 'two of the boy cripples for Christ- Harry A. Hanson, editor of the o·clock. Graduate students especiallyand rooters a�e. It mas. Miss Courtenay made an ap- Cap and Gown, spoke for the annual invited.means that work for peal for more interest and assistance for 1908, caning the attention of -the Divinity Students are requested towinter and sprin« com- in this work on. the part of the stu- Seniors to the fact that the photo- call for their course books at thepetition' will be begun at once, . and dents, graph of every person receiving a Divinity school office.that the first contests will find ex- degree is wanted for the book, and Candidates for Divinity degrees atperienced teams in the field. With To Speak on PbiJippmes that the work of the board can be the end of the present quarter are re-the Marshall field season over, inter- A. C. Tenner wiJl speak 'about the facilitated greatly by the hearty in- quested to consult with Dean Math­est naturally centers about Bartlett. Philippines before the Sociology terest of everyone. Seniors are asked ews,floor and track. Basketball is: al- club today at 4 o'clock p. m., Cobb to leave their photographs and a list Candidates for Divinity degrees atready weJl under way, and prospects hall, room 4, third floor. Tenner of the student honors in box 280, the or before the June convocation, 1908,are the brighest for a championship was in the Philippine islands several Faculty Exchange. are asked to leave their names at theteam. Prospects for track supremacy years. He took part in the Spanish office oi the dean of the Divinityshould be equally good. with 'an early American war there. His lecture will SNELL HOUSE RECEPTION sehoot,start, such as . Director. Stagg· has especially deal with the political sit- CoDege of Education students mayplanned. uation of the country. All interested To Take Place Friday Afternoon :-egister from today till the 13th in-Besides congratulating the "O!d in sociology are welcome. From Four to Sa. cI�sive.Man" in that his good health does not � Seniors who have less' than ninenecessitate",: trip away this season, Literature Smoker Postponed. Snell House is to hold an informal majors are requested to register thisthe student body can congratulate it- . The smoker of the college of Lit- reception on Friday afternoon from week, instead of next week, as &ivenself and the team. There is' no erature which was scheduled for last four to six. in Snell Parlor. To any ill official notices.'question that his presence during the night· has been postpo�ed for a week who wish to dance opportunity wiilearly training will be of great benefit owing to the illness of cartoonist b.e afforded in the club room. I nvi­to all the teams, as his absence in Kinder of the spoRing department of tations have been s.ent to the othe.past season� has unavoidably handi- The Chicago Da;ly News who was to houses on the campus, and eachcapped them. address the meeting. The men of the Snell House man is permitted to in­colleges of Arts and Philosophy had vite as many as he pleases. A largebeen invited. attendance is expected........,;... ._w.fte ""'7. Oct. 1. un.TM DaJI7. Oct. 1. �Pabllahecl daU�. acept 8DDdQ8. IloD....... aad laoHdQ.. durlDc �aarten.,_ tile UaA-.eralt7 �eai-.IIBL VIN J. '&1)'AII8. AthleUc Edltor.lAUlS S. �ERLIN. BualDesa IlaD.apr.Warren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank.P. W.· Pinkert.n.Walter A. Ford, Miss Esther Hall.Rarvey B. Fuller, Jr., A. L. Fri4steinAlbert •• Henderson Fred W. carr,414 But 65t1a Streetft._ 1QcJ. Park &881AnEarly. StartCOIiIlUlfICATION.To the Editor:We trust it is not yet too late toreassure our young friend who willkindly escort us to the Reynoldsdub dances, if we. smile sweetly uponhim and carefully arrange pur hair.We have even now formed an "As­sociation for the. Preservation ofFreshmen Ideals." 'Ve take it forgranted that he is a Freshman orelse that he possesses extr.emely dur­able ideals. Ours perished long ago,but let us speak softly of the �ad.The writer confesses with shame thatwhen the breezes blow from off thelake, two or three of her locks willfly about in an unseemly fashion. Sheand the rest' of the society are anx­iously waiting to ]mow whether heapproves of hair-Dets, 01' what meth- BULLBTIIf POB. TBB DAY .. ---- __ IIZC���!�t�!.�.?: I:50 Jackson Bl'vd,.. JIn a Hurrv'?':WE'VE .. �. anti :.�ipated yourwants by prO:·.·.viding re a dysfor-ser\ice gar��-rments that ate ,;'equal in every.: :respect to the .'highest pricea:�products of ex-::_-·clusi ve tailors. .-?This overcoat·t�J./ � is sho'WIl in tanS:�i;and grays, made from seleci�}importations of English blan l-:et�}7cloth. It has the melton collar' .in shades to correspond andhas that graceful, soft, easy ef-. <feet that your tailor stri vesfor,beauty column. Mummers will meet tonight at 7.00TELL PROSPECTIVEALUIINIHOW TO KEEP IN TOUCHPresidents of Alumni Association and in Hitchcock 61, to study Ibsen\.Senior Class Address Candidates ·'John Gabzie! Berkman,"for Degrees. Law School Smoker will be held to,night in the Reynolds club at 8U.ndergraduates who are to re- o'clock.ceive their degrees at the Christmas Track. Baseball and Football Can­Convocation met in Cobb lecture hall didatea will meet Director Stagg inyesterday morning at 10 :30 and lis- Bartlett basement. Track meeting atPICTURE CALENDARS TO tened to talks on alumni work by 4 o'clock; oth.er at 4.30.BE SOLD BY Y. W. C. L. Burt Brown Barker, president of the Junior Women's chapel servicesAlumni association, and George O. will be addressed by Dr. Anderson.Sale of University Souvenirs Will Fairweather, secretary and editor 01 Devotional half hoW" will be ob-Commence Tomorrow Morning at the Alumni .Monthly. Mr. Barker served at 10.30 in Haskell assembiyEntrance of Co6b Hall talked on the importance of graduates room.J(,..!eping connected with the 'Univcr- Assembly of the Disciples will beA "Mere Woman."The Wolverine ViewThe Michigan Daily says: "Therecan be n.o championship of the West.• •• The logical ranking of thetec:ms, therefore, is: Michigan first,Chicago second," etc.STUMP TO HOLD MEETINGPresident and Mrs. Judson heldtheir first "At Home" from 3 to 6 Debating Organization to Have Openyesterday afternoon. Mrs. Martin Meeting on Friday Night.Ryerson and Mrs. Charles Hutchin. You can p&7 the price ofson assisted Mrs. Judson in receivingthe large number o( guests. Presi­dent Judson was unable to be present,having left for New York at 2.30,whence he will return Saturday.' The following program has bee'1prepared for the meeting of the IStump Friday N;ght:Declamation HarrisParliamentary Drill MixDebate: Resolved "That som.zThe bowling alleys at the Reynol�ls form of referendum and initiativeClub ar.e being fixed over and re-shel- should be adopted by our state gov­lacked in anticipation of the begin- ernments.·'ning of the season for the inte,,:,_ . This is an open meeting to whichfraternity bowling league. all are iO'v1t.cd. FOWNESGLOVESand not Get Fownes style,fit nor service.NoticeWilt students who saw accident :()tny father at Cotfage Grove Ave. andThe Score club will give its second 57th St., at about 6 p. m., Sunday,Is your Dame on the subscription dance Saturday, December 14, elt Nov. 24tn, please communicate withlist of The Dail7 Marooa. Rosalie haJJ. I Walter D. Conner. m E. 56th St. BISHOP'SU. of ·C.H'A'T. YOUNG MEN'S BATTER... 156' Ste..te�=====::;::====o:::J _.'SpecialValUes!Woolel1.slorColl�ge :: WearSUITS or OVERCOATSTo Order125 : : 130 : : 135TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo stores: 131 La Salle St., and44 Jackson B.ulevarJHow about the Daily :.'I[arool1 as .1Christmas pre�,:nt to the iolks athome? -Uth, Sbin�64th Str�_.A,2.00. A fairOpeJ6I. 163 ]rCondenseAll B-. BordCll327-3�,�. AIIIIInIOU:c.. 1'4 St. ,•• '.� T The fCOT RATDJas andGents' (a and ]. Park 221!4SE. 631'<Ladies'-Slin cIo"-sS)(in'.cleaDedJICbI cleanelSwtSPODl:ed. lien'si::� cleaT tleam cJ.O:::t�ar'�-<oats stc-tpftged'�'Fo�---f81Tele�lIacbeonlSUI�tie�lllads, :Pastry' __'beCAob0'1GENTLIEM�N11I.l IlCOlllZU n..... ' ....... 1'It..ped 01 ne'IJOl �'..,-'1J" -CUSHIOIBUTTO.CLASPuri FUnt THlUI-I£Yf.1IUPS. TUllIUUIFASWSuo.nOftoo ................... 11'.8 .....A.H. MCGREWLUMBERlab, Shingles, Mouldings, Etc., Etc64th Street and Madison AvenueAMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with every bat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.Ih, 163 E. MADISON STREET,Near La Salle.BORDEN'SCondensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.- Borden's Condensed Milk Cc,.327-329 E. Forty-seventh St..., fIIrpboues Hyde Park 18 and fIJf: 7 J,.-, A. McAdams.The UolY.r..U� ..... ... .. F lor: at ...IIIBBOUSES: .CIr.�St. alldKlm .. ·kA"I'e. Chic.lto.The Benson OrchestraThat's Allto fast Randolph Street . TH� DAtil':: ImIlOON. CH1CA�. THURSDAY DEC. 5, 1907.w. J. BOEHMSTATEMENT OF RHODESSCHOLARS IS ISSUED177 Randolpb Street, ChicagoTURBINE PUMPSSTEAM PUMPSELECTRIC PUMPS 311 DCarbOm StreetChieaIO, mHarrisen Ii,.Statistics Concemlng Scholars atOxford Are Made Public in Re­cent Report. SMITH� VAILEPumping M�chineeyA statement of the Rhodes schol­�ir,. and oi the entire Rhodes scheme,has jl:-st been issued by the Rhodestrust, embracing a complete reportof the scholars now in residence :!tOxford. At· the beginning of theOctober term, 190i, there were 137in actual residence and three absenton account of illness. In 1906, .::8new scholars were elected from d.f­fercnt parts of the world, but nonefrom the United States. In 1907,·however, of the seventy-three elected,Iortycfive were from the UnitedStates, and the remainder frotI!Australia, Canada, South Africa,Newfoundland and Germany.The students are distributed overvarious departments of study, thelargest number in anyone course be­ing thirty in jurisprudence. Thereare twenty in .natural science, eigh­teen in English literature, theologymathematics and modern languages.At the close of the year of 1900-7.the group of scholars elected in 1904completed their three-year course.Of the seventy-three in this group,two died during residence, severalcontinued their work, several wereunable to finish �nd the remaindertook the examinations, receiving hon­J AS. H. HENDERSON, floors au ors in the final honor schools andfurniture refinished and p.lisbed; examinations for the B. C. L. degreedancing floors a specialty, Adtlress first, second, third, and fourth classes;the Reynolds Club. diplomas in economics; B. literature CHfMICAL, PHYSICAL, fLfCTRICAI. andSURGICAl. GLASS APPARATUSWE, MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO DESCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to OrderThis is the only Full Dress Shirtmade, the bosom of which a�so­lutely will not bulce. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 270:>. 1'1 E. Randolph Street.You will never wear a..y otherkind if you try this.(Patented Feb. 2I-1s".)'1IIE MAC-HURDLE" CHICAGOAll &004 f1U1lishers ..u them.Made byUnite4 Shirt an. Collar ••• JOHN 'V. DOUGLASLion Brand Shirts aadTelephones 4968 Harrison--3884· AutomaticDESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE MAN'S APPAREL.degree, and in for�stry.Six Rhodes scholars, all SouthAfricans, played on the rugby foot­ball team, and W. W. Hoskins, one' ofthem, was -elected captain of the1907-8 team.The next qualifying '�arriinationwill be held on the arst and 221ld ofJanuary, 19o5, at the various centers,throughout the United States, andto be awarded. As to this he said � in all lthe foreign centers. Circulars"The interest shall be divided into of informatior. concerning thefive equal amounts, to be. apportioned scholarships may be obtained on ap­as foOows: One share to the person plication to the office of the trust,who shall have made. the most im- Seymour House, Waterloo place,TypewritersTYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or Re{t­, Special rates to students; bargainsin roe-built machines. W. White­head. J6 La Salle Street. [__ 5_1_&__J_A_C_K_S_O_N__ B_�_V__D_. •DR MICHELSON IS HONQRED-_'_ CAREY'S· PIPE AND BORER . (;OVERlNGS(Continueci frOID pace I)85 Per Cent Magnesia. Abestos, Et�. ,& ..Our Coverings used on the steam Piping in . Power Boase. �and Building of the University of Chicago.Contract work • Specialty.(:, . SUPPLY CO!'WfSTERN ROOFING._.. _aCOT RATE DYERS & CLEANERS portant discovery or invention in the London.DJus and Cleaners' ot Ladies' and domain of physics; one share to theGents' Garments, Carpets, Draper- person who shall have made the mosties and Lace Curtains. Phone. Hyde important chemical discovery or im,. Park 226g. provernenr; one share to the person515 E. 63rd St. Cor. Greenwood Ave. who shall hav.e made the most im-Ladies' Garments Price List portant discovery in the' domain ofI'M Skirt cleaned and pressed • • • • • 60c physiology or medicine; one share to1'IaIIed S"irt cleaned and prnsed. • 75c: up h h h II h duccd'liIIeleaDed and pressed . • •.••• 75<: up t e person w 0 s a ave pro uceuJddcleaued and pressed • • • • • • 75c up in the field of literature the mast dis­S!nspoUied and pressed . • • • • • 3.'lc: up. lien's Garments Price List tinguished work of an idealistic tell- and largely from original sources,!llils4ry cleaned and prnsed. • - • .st.OO dcncy ; and, finally, one share to the the lives and services of a group ofSilJIlUDI cleaned and pressed • • • •• 1..25 h h II b tvni I .f h D - I .T.....,dry cleaned and pressed •••.• -IOc person w 0 s a have most or est yprca writers 0 t e �vo utronaryOm-<oats dr)' cleaned and pressed , • • • 11.00 d "... I . F II .lMr-<OatSllleam cleaned and pressed . • • 1.2!'I promoted the fraternity of nations, and an rvanona periods, 0 owmg anSilJlpUIIged and pressed • .. • 40c the abolishment or diminution of introductory chapter,. there are bio,.�'FOngcd and pressed lOestanding armies, and the formation graphical and critical studies ofand increase of peace congresses. Francis Hopkinson, Phillip Freneau,Each of these shares amounts to John Trumbull and his friends amongsomething over $40,000. The first of the ··Hartiord wits:' Joseph Dennie,these, the physics prize, is the one \Vliliam Dunlap and early play­awarded to Professor �Iichelson. The wrights, and Charles Brockdenlast, the peace prize, was presented to Brown and his contemporaries inPresident Roosevelt last year. fiction.Of the scope of the priie the Nobel The author has succeeded in mnk-will states: "1 declare it to be my ing these pioneer versifiers, journal­-cxprcss dcaire that in the awarding ist s, and romancers reveal the customsof the prizes. no consideration what- and inspirations of their age. andever be paid to the nationality of the announce the dawn of a national Iit­candidatcs ; that is to say, that the craturc. The hook is illustrated hvmost deserving be awarded the prize, several half-roues of rare portraits,whether of Scandinavian origin ',r hroa ds irlcs and title pages.!BE TBA HOUS�38g E. 57th StreetTelephone Hyde Park 2015labeons, Dinners. Aftemoon Tea.Sunday NiKht Suppers.Ipecialties to order- •lllads, Sandwiches, Cakes, Candies,Pastry and Entries.'be UniversityCALENDAROn Sale fridayI In Cobb' BaDo't faD to get onel PUBLICATIONSof the .U N IV E R SIT Y 0 F UTA H.It is located at Sa 1t Lake City, Utah, in the-heart of a great Mini ••country, within sight of some of the greatest mines of the world, aDd atthe very doors of the largest smelters and concentrating mills. Re.quires a four-year high school course far entrance, and offers a fou"years' course, and a graduate course in each of the following lines ofEngineering: Mining, Civil, Electrical, Chemica1, Mechanical, and Ir­rigation (the last in connection with the Agricultural CQlIese). The Uni­versity laboratories are well equipped, those in Mining, Metallaru aDdHydraulics being l1n�l1rpa'5s-:d. The ore dressing mitt is the lar8tSt illconnection with a SCilOOI �Inywhere. The professors in charae .� _tilscholarly and practical.Annie Russel Marble.are installed Iin fileUNIVERSITY"(HICAGOpower ,.ant20Heralds of American Literature,316 pages; small,8vo; cloth; Univer­sity of Chicago Press.The book recounts in detailed study JONES STOKfRS(Two Orders)JOlIN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY DE LAND,PLORIDAAffiliated in 1897 with THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.The President is ::\ Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Chi­cago, and eleven members of the Faculty have been students at th�University of Chicago. many of them taking 4egrees, Stetson is lo­cated at De Land, Florida, the land of flowers, sunshine, blue skiesand balmy ocean breezes. Summer recreations run throuJlh the Win­ter. <:Costly buildings, electric lights, electric bells, cement walks, shellroads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery and trees. Biggest reaistra­tion this year in its history. There are four colleges. five Iclloots, 14buildings and 48 in the Faculty.Students from the University of Chicago may do their work atStetson during the \Vinter Term, and receive their credits at Claicaco.Address, President Lincoln Hulley, Ph.D., LL.B., DeLuad, Florida.4- .--. �-. __ ��e4� __ �� __ �STA.TE MINESnot."Professor �Iichclson's important "Duke" Hutchinson Marriesdisco"cries of methods for mcasur- "Duke" Hutchinson, a graduate ofing the velocity of 'Iight and his ill- the Univer-sity and assistant sportingvention of several valuable instru- editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean. THE SCHOOL OFments for usc in experiments withlight were the achievements consid­ercrl by the Swedi!'h society, themost important in the field of physicsproduced in the world this year. was married yesterday morning to�fiss Lauretta Toner of Kenosha.Miss Toner i:, well known socia!!yin University circ1e� and also 011 t�eXorth and South Sid.cs of the city.Wabash Ave. and Hubbard CourtGRAHD OPERAThe GarrickE. II. HOLLANDIn a Thrilling PlayThe House of a'nlouaand CandlesMcVickersKELLARANDTHURSTONPowers... _JAMES It.HACKETTJohn G1qde's HonourIllinoisThe Big Sixof Musical Shows .ZIEGFELDMusical RevueFOLLIEs OF 1907The GrandBERTHA KALleR "In Harrison Gr.ey Fiske'sProduction ofIlARTBA OF THE' LOWLA:NDSLa SalleTIlEGIRLQUESTIONColonial.Have you seenTHE IlERRY WIDOWShe is the International CrazeThe StudebakerWIU. T. HODGKIn tile New CoIDeqTHB lIARPROM HOMBThe WhitneyTIle _.cal WiDDer-A IIHIGIFl' POR A DAYThe Auditorium TIm D.\IL y 1IAIt<X>K. CJIIOLt.OO. THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 190'1.to liberal views of government. Ros, l\IORE GOODS REDUCED ONmer himself is not an intellectualliberal, but he is so through the ef- ALL OUR LINES, INCLUDINGtion would work out if put in opera-The total attendance at t�i- tion. The team will, however. be pre, FOR SALE-A scholarship to one FOR SALE-A $40 scholarship tovenit,. of Wisconsin thi, year is pared to discuss each of the issues of the best business colleges �n Anna Morgan School of Oratory.2.W7. fro� almost any :lDSIe. the city. Z 20, Maroon Office. � IS, Maroon Office.PRESmBtIT OF COLLEGE 1MCEYLON AT UNIVERSITY ANALYZES IBSEN PLAY TOBE PRESENTED TOMORROW(Continued from page I)minutes later, he slipped on some- anced, as is usually the case in in­thing which on investigation proved ter-collegiate contests, :t is the sideto be the chain by which the cup which is versatile in extemporaneous----------------1was attached to the fountain. Cups delivery that wins.of the sort stolen are valued at $7 "The plan of weekly practice de­apiece. This means that if such botes seems to be excellent. Bythefts continue no small amount :If bates seems· to be excellent. Bymoney will be lost to the University. about until every combination isHead of OrieDtal EdncMioual IDatitu- in placing before the audience pic;tioD V.... aucaco to Study tures of human love."American .e� "Ibsen is of an intellectual, liberaland classical taste. He is a satiristof the muddy thought. He ridiculesS. C. K.. Putnam, M. A., president man's ideal place for woman, his no­of Central College, Colombo, Ceylon, tion of family life, society, humanarrived at the UJliversity yesterday love and the fixity of mariage ar­in the course of a tour of inspection rangernents. He is nobly modern ;nof American �ducational institutions. crises.President Putnam is one of the "He is not a propagandist with :"\prominent educators of Ceylon and is program. He works in negatives, bittnow on leave from his work to visit only the ignorant would call him. II d universitiea-American co eges an morbid. His plays are not for theHe wants to introduce better agri- timid, neither are they for the young.cultural education in his country, and His plays are famous because of theis taking especial pains to study absence of striking spectacles.American agricultural . experiment ·'The Rosmersholm view of life,"said Dean MacClintock, "was conser­vative. The family was an old oneand much respected. Many of thehigher state officials camef rom Ros­mersholm. The family had long beenthe standard. The family had longbeen supporters of the church, andstod for the old faith. The love ofBeata enobles but it kills joy. TheRosmersholm thought was opposedstations. _Professor Putnam has been askedto speak to the students of the Uni­versity, by, the "International club."According to the present arrange­ments, he will probably talk on "Brit­ish Rule in India;" Monday afternoonat 4 o'clock in .Kent theater. Mr.Putnam graduated from the Univer­sity of Madras, India, being the firstgraduate of that university. Aft�rhis graduation he received invitationfrom a temperance- socie= in Englandto speak before the Enylish people on"Opium." As a speaker he arouseda great deal of public attention onthat subject. During this time, MissFrancis 'Villard, the great Americantemperance worker, met him and in­vited Mr. Putnam to come over to feet of imagination.""Early in the Ibsen works occurshis approval of the man who canstand alone, a. man who has respon­sibilities, and who does not weakenunder abuse. But Rosmer is no sucha man."America. With a character sketch of eachAfter doing some temperance work, person in the play, Professor Mac ..he entered Princeton University and Clintock outlined the plot of thegot his A. M. in 1897. play: Rosmer's irresponsibility, do-Mr. Putnam then went back to Cey, mestic as well as public, his love ofIon and opened the Central College Cit Beata and her sacrifice for her hus­Colombo. It has over .soo students, band when she thought he would beand it is now prosperous and self- accused of a great wong. He showedsupporting. the change - in the character of Re-Professor Putnam is on the I 'Cey- becca from an educated adventuressIon Board- of Examiners. He was into a loving woman, when she findsin the Indian civil service and is very her .regard for Rosmer is more than�ell. acquainted with every phase of I the regard shown foor a mere friend,hfe JD that country. and when she appreciates the greatsacrifice Beata made in her suicide;CUP THIEF LOSES NERVE which she caused by maliciouslyslandering Rosmer before his wife,SeveD Dollar Bronze Cup Stolm in order that she herself could winMonday Is Found in Lavatory. him. Finally, he told of the virtuousand quiet life Rebecca led after Bea-The cup that was stolen from theReynolds Club has been found. Thethief evidently losing his nerve asS'OOIl as he had gained possessionof his booty, hid it in the lavatorywhere the janitor found it TuesdaymOrning.lfore . details have come to lightconcerning the taking of the cup.Mr. English we�t down into the cellar'at 12 :10 and on his way took a drinkof water. When he' returned five ta's death and its effect 'on Rosmer;Rosmer's great anger when upon ask­ing Rebecca for her hand, she refusedhim ,and of their final reconciliationin death in the mill race.SHOWING OF DEBATERSBRINGS JOY TO COACHES(Continued from page I)triously, they are not neglecting theessential point of delivery. F.Where the arguments are equally hal;tried."Besides the weekly trial debates,the men have been floMing meeting»with debating Coach Henry PorterChandler. These will continue bi­weekly. until the end of the quar­ter.One of the difficultiee of the sub­ject, according to several of the de­baters, is that many of the points tobe discussed have not as yet beenadjudicated, and it is consequnetlydifficult to foresee how the proposi-No Need for Madlavia Trip-StaggReports that Director Stagg wintake a vacation at Mudlavia this week_ have proved unfounded, The "OldlMan" declared yesterday that he willprobably not go away, as he does notfeel any need for taking the treat­ment. He has come t't0ugh thestrenuous season of football coachingwithout once being bothered withmeumatism to any considerableextent. 'DRINKS INK141KE A CAMELTo load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in anyink, press tb� Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own. tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's.all thereis to it 1 No dropper-s-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time.CONKLIN'S SELF·nLLING PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.Leading dealers handle the Conklin. If yours does not, orderdirect. Prices. $3.00 aDd up. Send at once for handsome new catalog,The Conldin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bide., Toledo, Ohio'S'TAPLES A.G. SPALDING:,.·&8R05.$50 and $45 Fabrics reduced to $ .. pand $40.$45 and $42 Fabrics reduced to $38 The Largest Manufacturers inand $35. World of , .$40 and $35 Fabrics reduced to $33, OFFICIAL' ATHLETIC SUPPLIES ;�$30 and $28. Base Ball, Foot Ball, GoU, - ,"Other goods in proportion. Lown Tennis, Basket Ball,Hockey. :;;Official Implements for Track aa4:{fField Uniforms- for All Sports }:�Spalding's Handsomely IIlus- : :1;1nated Catalogue of .all . sports ;:::;�contains numerous sugges- :o��';'itrons. Send for it. It's Free.��._A. G. SPALDING & BB.O&··:���·New York, CbicafO. PMladelpbia. Bostca, s.lii.lI:rmoreSYl1lcuse. MinDeapc>lis. Detroit. Wasbi_���St. Louis. New OrleaDS, SaD Fnuacisco. Pittsb .. r/��:CiDciDDatti Denver, MODtreal. Buffalo. It ...... :�City, ClevelaDd. Canada . ; '\0.IWA • .lERREMS· SONS.Clark and Adams Streetsl'e1. Hyde Park 473-IMPORJANTIStudents ,and faculty membersIntending to leave the city for Christmas Holidayswill find it to their advantage to leave their namestogether with their destination and date of leavingat theDAILY MAROON OffICESpecial rates may be obtained ifparties can be arranged.." .,--------------------------------------------------------------lavelost or found somethinganything you wish to sell7-a room or bouse for rentYouTry a elassified advertisement inTbe BaDy MaroonRoomsFURNISH ED ROOMS. Roller SkatingNear the WANTED-Students t. atten. III­glewood Roller Rink, 64j2 WeIlt·worth Ave. Every eve., nan..Sat. and Sun. Afternoons tlKo1lPUniversity; with or... without lighthousekeeping privileges; good light,heat, hot and cold water. bath. Cail652 E.' 57th St., znd flat. season. �...... �JlI....... �'�'tI°ukic�ar.,.�'IradimeI"JF�lIklil1,F'Iort�e.,._''I\e Tis annt�1I1bcttsbar;