",.1,.�:.. .. �Ilttily maroonCHICAGO, WEDNESDAY. ·DEC. 4. 190i,_- --No. 47. Price Two Cent,.---- -----+--STAGE mSEN-PUY�Fao)AY I UllVERSln .ltlu.mc: IDonald ����on Plajers to �eaent A mTUOE· tJ& aWR:Rosmersholm in Mandel Hall Fri­day Night - Arthur Dunham to Statement ?repared � Board forGive Special Musical Program. Presentation to Confereace Com----"---�-' - -. - __ .---ilUME O. I. BUT'ORI. OF OFACIALS CARELESS T�mLOF�IELIGION 65TH CONVOCATION WEEK·TO BEGIN NEXT TUESDAYDr. Charles Cuthbert Hall, LecturerSent by University to. India to Tellof Philosophy in India arid the Declamation. Finals to Open Exer-Orient. cises that Will Close With -mittee is lIade Public.(Continued on paae 3) \';siting on the campus the pas. wee •. 1James Ransome, ex-'09, has beenI)irector Stagg Partially EndoncsCamp's View-Points Out UqentNeed for Reform. Convocation Day.The Donald Rober son players wi.lTIlC Rev, Charles Cuthbert Hall,! JIjchigan's Return a StrODe Proba- Barrows lecturer i�l the University Dr. William' Henry WelCh of John present the second 10f their series of Satisfaction With Rules .. Thq ArebiJity, He Think&-Diac:uaacs Next of Chicago to India and the Far East, Hopkins to Be Convo- productions on Friday evening at 0 Now Is P1ainl7 Ezpreaed in·Session of Conference will deliver a series of five lectures cation Orator. o'clock, in Mandel hall. The play to Document.here, beginning next Tuesday 011 .be given at that time is Ibsen'sEndorsement of the new game and "The Witness of the Oriental Con- With thc finals in the'dcclamation Rosmersholm, which has been played The statement. of the University'sa plea for. some arrangements where- sciousness to Jesus Christ." Dr. Hall contest, the exercises of the sixty- witli success downtown, and in which attitude in athletics. which was drawnby more careful work on the part of goes to India and the far East in .if'th COil vocation will begin on next .\Ir. Robertson has one of his heav- up by the Board of Physical ·Cultureofficials may be brought about were alternate years, lecturing upon Chris- Tuesday morning. The Convocation lest par rs. md Athletics and presented by Di­the views expressed last night by tianity, and then returns and lectures address will be delivered by William "The Miser," his first production rector Stagg at Saturday's meetingDi�ctor Stagg, ill discussing the upon religion among the orientals tc Henry Welch, profcssor of pathology at the Univer-sity, attracted a fuiI of the Conference committee,' wasstatement credited to Walter Camp. �udience in this country. In addi- in Johns Hopkins University, and house and was received· with en- made public yesterday by. Presid�nt·that the present style football is .1 tion to' this, Dr. Hall is Haskell lee- president of the American Associa- thusiasm by all the audience. AI- Judson.rast improvement over that of former turer and is president of the U niou tion- for thc Advancement of Science, though the play was. held on the . The letter expresses unmistakablyjears, Theological Seminary .. The first lee- He' will speak on "�iedicine and the night of a University smoker, when the faculty's satisfaction with· theDirector Stagg declared his belief ture Wil� 'be delivered next Tuesday. University." enthusiasm over the Carlisle game Conference .rules as they now' stand,that- the rules were not likely to' be December 10, upon "The Elements of The detailed program for Convo- was at its height, many University and makes .plain the strong opposi-subjected to any material change this Sublimity in the Oriental Conscious- cation week is as follows: students and faculty members showed tion to any af the proposed changes.year at the meeting of the national ness." The other lectures of the ser- . December 10, Tuesday. their interest in Mr. Robertson . and A significant reference is made to• . committee, of which he is 3 mern- ies are: 10:30 A. l\1. The Junior College his worthy purpose bl.:" attending. .he proposal to lengthen the schedul�.her. Wednesday, December II, "The Finals in Public Speaking. Kent As an additional feature of the Of this it says: "It is, of course •. ob-"As to the rules themeselves, I Witness of God in the Soul." Theater. evening's presentation, Mr. Arthur vious that certain elements in all ourcan not see the least objection," he Thursday, December 12, "The Wit- Declamations by: Dunham, one of Chicago's most communities are more interested 7nsaid. "They allow the use' of the for- ness of the Soul to God." :\Iabcl Jennetta Lodge, Carlie Bell prominent organists; ,will play se- abundance of existing sports than inward pass, and thus open up the . Friday, December 13, "The Distinc- Souter, Isaac Edward Ferguson, lections by the best of Scandinavian t�e due subordination of such sportspme, so that it is now mor.e. inter; tive Moral Grandeur of the Christian Edward J. Dykstra. composers. The program that Mr. to the real purpose for which our col-csfing than ever before to watch. The Religion." The members of the Junior Col- Dunham has selected is as follows: leges and universities exist. The..., objec�on to the forward pass on the Sunday, December 15, "The Minis- lege Faculties who arc present will Coronation March Svendsen wishes of these elements of our co�groUnd that it is too much like basket try of the Oriental Conscionsness In .act as judges. In the Morning � Grieg munities should not weigh in the'ba11 playing, was' occasioned, I be- -3' World-Wide Kingdom of. Christ." Dec. IS, Sunday. Convocation Sunday. Swedish Wedding March .. Soderman matter."b I b k .f__ f . A.I.I ofthe l.c:ctures will,. b.e. id.- elivered : Com.. m. ittee .0,11. Religious Exercises: (a) Ase's Death .. , .•...•• '1.' •• Grieg Following is the statement in full:, . .,'P .. 1. tne a.c �ar�rc:ts 0_ some -. - �. _ . colleges to take' advantage' of 'the .n-�liri(fef Assemoly1ia'1l:at 4 0 ClOCK. rrcS""�;trlres," ·-Gbamnan; '-(bJ�veiWs ·Soiig··· .. ::·:::�·�:·�: 4.-cneg :-·;··hf;"th�:jmtgmem;"ci -tIR-'Boar4'-tJL,-:-'possibilities offered. Once adopted At eac� lecture a syllabus of the sue- Zonia Barber.. Francis .A. Black- Marche Triumphale Hagg Physical Cidtttl�,aaa ·Atbl.et1Cs oftlte'by all the colleges, -as it -!wilf be in ce.cdidg lecture will be distributed. bum; Fredric M. Blanchard, Wil- The sale of tickets is announced University of Chica�' the· actiontime, the method of play that makes Dr. Hall will preach the convocation liam G. Hale, Charles R. Hender- for Thursday and Friday, in the Lee- taken by the Confereneejn tbe-·wm-1St of the forward pass will cause the sermon at II o'clock, Sunday, De- Son, PaulO. Kern, Addison W. ture department office, Cobb 5A. The ter of 1905-6 was impOrtant in' 'its'pme to become still more interest- cember 15, in Mandell hall. To this Moore, Theodore L. Neff, A. prices of 50 cents, $1 and -$1':50 are 'character and most salutarY in ilsiDg. . and to the Haskell lectures all friends Alonzo Stagg, Albert H. Tolman: offered- to students. results. It has been ·effeetive· in"I can not, however, say that I ap- of the University are cordially in- Elizabeth Wallace, Samuel W. This afternoon Professor Mac- eradicating from our football gamesprove of, all I have seen under the vited. No tickets of admission will Wliliston, E. Moore. Clintock will give a lecture on Ibsen many insidiou� tendencies . towardsDeW rules this year. What I object be required, to :30 A. M: The Convocation Prayer with special reference to the Robert- professionalism. It has been effective·Service. The theater in the Rey- son performance. in lessening excessive excitement i�nolds Club. Univ.ersity circles relating- to jnter-Members of the Faculties will ro PRESENT SERIES collegiate sport. It 'has been ex-meet in the Club Reception Room, -OF FRENCH PLAYS :cedingly important in putting' suc�second floor; candidates for de· "Sport in its right relation as snbor-grees and "titles will meet in the French Theater Association of Chi- 'jinate to academic interests.Club library. cago is Supervising the Pre- While this is true, in the judgment10 :45 A.:\[. The Procession. sentat!ons. of the board�· sufficient time to settlePhilosophy College (men) will 11:00 A. :\1. The Convocation Re- .>ermanently these fundamen�l prin-entertain Philosophy College (wo- ligious Service. Students interested in French ;iples and to secure tltem_beyond themen), at an i�for�1 dance in. the The Convocation Scrmon by the drama and litcrature will have an danger of �eversal has not -yet elap-Reynolds Club on Friday afternoon, Reverend· Charles Cuthbert Hali, opportunity to see several high-class s.ed.midst of their players. Unless the . presentations of French plays under i_. from 4 to 6 o'clock. This is the last D D LL D President of Union It is evident tna� in many quarters�Id jad�e is near where it .fall�, he 'social affair under .the college sys- Til�;logic�l ·:s.�minary, New York the supervision of .the French Thea- .t is s.till desired to overthrow tbeJean not tcll wheth6� one of th� t�am tcr Assoc_iation of Chicgo. This �"- . . Itern that will be held this quarter, and City, Barrows Lecturer. to India .. pnnclp es and to retum substantia!:yt*h�s the ball, an.. d w.he.the.r. that sociat·· d f .steps arc... being taken to make the! and the Far East, and Haskell Ion IS compose o. representa· to the old conditions. Under theseman is eligihle to d.o sq. In our game tiv s f tl All' F . L_affair a big success. The executive Lecturer i,l the University oi e 0 lC lance rancalse, til<\;with. the I ndians, Starbuck was' -I b I' . diU' . fcommittec of the two. colleges will Chicago. TIle Lcon 2\[andCl .. u • rancalse a 1.1 t le mvcrSlty 0scarcely CH'r in· a position to SCI! CI .DEI' b I W II .combine with the social committee� Assembly Hall. .1Icago. ean. l:za et 1 a ace,whether th,': plays in which they used D.ean Robert l\1. Lovet.t _ a�d Mr.to fonn a joint reception committee. December 16, Monday. .the pass. wvre legal:' Earle B. Babcock of the University,Di This proved a great factor in making. 10 :30 A. :\1. The Junior Colleie. rector Stagg expressed his optn. are III b f tl b n f d'the last Philosophy coll�g.e dance:t Class Exercises. The Leon :\lan- « em ers 0 t.e oar 0 Ircc-ion that :\1 ichigan will probably. re- tors.success. Special features in form of del :\�scmbly Hall.tum to the '«Big Nine" this yea:-. . I .. d X '0 t 1 30 P 'I TI COll"OC."- The theater, Alliance Francaise,H . musIc an( art:stlc ances are prom· • :.l 0 0: ..\ . le ."e saId that the final decision of the ltd I I . .. .ised tion Reception. Hutchison Hall. con( lIC c )y t 1I� aSSOCiatIon, ')1Wolrcrine,; would not b known . . I . I :\1 H C ci fie , C011111tiLtee: Edwin E. Sparks, w lIC 1 • r. . • lat eld- Taylor ;show'C\'er. tll1til the next meeting uf pre'i lIlt .I t I·' I 'f'Chairman: Frank F. ;\hbott. Osk«lr � (e , IS oca.('( m·t le "l USIC be riskr.d.b C f . J "Suppose that in the middle of the It e on ('renee commIttee, anuary I J wll, Fine Arts huilding. The French It is of course obvl·ous that cert' 31·n·. It tl t II h I b {olza. Jame� II. Breasted, Fr.:: ..4th. elg 1 cen 1 cen ury a 1.(' ege a( eeol Theater Association Purl>ose to �oldcrick J. Carp\·nkr. James P. Hail. elements in all our communities arcHThc :\1 ichigan faculty representa. richly endowed on c()ndition that 1\ . I .G\'or�c 1.. lIendrick:-on. Joseph a matlllee. all( an C\'cl1lng perform- more interested in abundance of ex-tires arc ..,1 rong for rejOIning the shou!d tcach loyalty to the king. or anc i fi I I .P. Iddings, Edwin O. Jordan,« eo· I\"e more pays, tIe matl- isting sports than in the due scoor-Confcrcn(' ... he stated. "The students e\'en more recently to justify human . .Palll Shon'y. ..\ kX:llldcr Smith, ne�s: commenClIlg at 2 0 clock, the dination of such sports to the rcatue tqually determined the'. other slavery. Can we imagine a more dif· . ·nening. performances at 8. The f h' h IIfi I .. th If" Ch:lr1cs R. :\Ialln, Alhert A. �[ic1,.- , purpose or w IC our co eges an,1ny, and have on thel'r SI·.f- SUC)l ICU t pOSItIOn an t lat 0 an tnstltu· I' t' I I I Iuc dsoll. Harp" G. \Vells. (a es all( t le pays a ready selected universities exist. The wishes oftion bound to a trust the terms of oJThe Guests of Honor: are as follows: December 10, 1907, these elements of our commumtl�sThe Cott\'ocation orator, \Villia:il I_.e Bourgeois G.enti�homme by �[o- should not weigh in the matter. It isHenry \Velcll. �[. D., L. L. D., l:c�c; January q. 1908, Blanchette by therefore the opinion ·of the board ofproiessor of Pathology in Johns I �lrte�x. The other plays, to occur the University of Chicago that none. III I'ebruary, :\Iarch 3!ld April, will(Continued <?n paa'e 4) he announced later.. (C .. � .. pap 4)to in particular, is the poor- work ofthe officials in most of the games. ·PHILOSOPHY liEN TO1 feel that some action will be taken GIVE DANCE FRIDAYthis year to effect more watchfulness Special Features in Form of .lIusicand ,Dancing are Promised forEentertainment.on their part in the future."The style of play employed by theIDdian� in the forward pass, whichwiJ probably. be imitated by othercolleges ncxt year,"needs vigil�nce ofthe field judg.e. The Carlisle' mentoss the ball in the ";air into thecircumstances, the boanf" fcels . tholtall the legislation should stand to­gether and that to undo aDY of themeasures adopted at 'that time, ormaterially to modify them, would :\tthe present time be inadvisable. Theconditions attending the� sportsduring the present autumn ha�e bee-.lon the whole exceedingly satisbc­tory. This state of things sbould'lIOIjIt.po"'ers a.. Yost, Barird. and Fitzpat­rick. Of course, it is simply a ques­tion as to which influence is to ·tri­cmph. I helieve the faculty will." w-hich had hecomc absolutely. at variaance witli society?""PH!: DAILY MAROON, CHICAGQ, WEDNESDAY, �EC. 4 1907..: ... ,BlJLLBTIN FOB. Tm: DA�._ UNIVERSITY. MAKES AN '. Z .EXCHANGE OF PROPEIlT, , 0.r�tana.were hart. hit at a time when they Ineeded stimulation, rather than de­pression. There is no immediateprospect that cross country running,tennis, basketball and freshman, ath­letics. or even baseball and track,will assume too great proportionsIf footbaH'� DO YOU REMEMBER?A Year Aco To-cbyThe totals for the football sea- AU candidates for degrees. at theconvocation ·this month wilt' meet at. Receives Large Warehouse for Ajwt .10.30 in Cobb lecture room. Topics ment .Bui!din�-Deal In�olyaof interest to them both as Seniors HaU a Mi!lion. .... ...... "''''ceU- ., ......"Q of CJaJcaao.SOil showed Chicago 175, oppo-ments 17.Two Years Ago To-dayThe Maroons defeat ed Michi­gan 2 to o.Three Years Ago To-dayCoach Stagg left Chicago .forMount Clemens, Mich., for .Lthree months' rest.The Score Club held its firstinformal of the season.Four Years Ago To_�y! Roscoe S. Fairchild was elect�dI first lieutenant in the cadet corps.Five Years Ago To-dayDr. Merriam introduced a vot­ing machine 'for the benfit of thepolitical science department .Ten Years Ago To-dayChicago Defeated Michigan 7to 6, thus gaining the champion­ship of the. West. . The Univers ity h.IS ju-t closeda �IS E •. 55t'----Iamong student activities.share. of undergraduate interest is too, large a: one, it might be amiss to di­minish this interest by the aggra i­disement of the other sports.Whether or not Chicago's standas opposing reform is accepted, thereis no question that its attitude h. aPaltllahe4 da1i7,' ucept SUJUIa7a, )lOlL. clear and unbiased one, and' taken.... aad' koll�.. durlDC three-q�ten with a vi.ew to continuing to improvethe state of Western athletics. Eyenunfriendly critics cannot allege anyself interest in the action taken. Notonly Chicago would gain as much asany by a change, but it would prob-ably gain more. and as future alumni will be pre­sented.Divinity School chapel-assembly at real estate deal amounriug to ilp-10.30 a.m., in Haskell assembly room proximately a half mill.on dollars.will be addressed by -Rev. Professor The University owned a large �part.·Galusha Anderson, president of' the ment building' on 'the northwest '«w .old university. ncr 'of Michigan boulevard and Thir-YOWlg Women's Christian League ry-sixth place. Thc : buikling coa­will meet in Lexington hall at 10.30. tains fifty-one apartments and i sMiss Mary Courtenay will Iead. three stories high. It h:, .. a froju·Three Quarters Club will meet in age of onc. hundred and thirty fMKent at 10.30. on �lichigan .boulevard, three hu:J.Burr History Lecture-Third lee- dred and sixty-five· feet 011 Thirty.ture by Professor George L. Burr of sixth place, and one hundred andCornell University, on "The History thirty feet 011 Wabash avenue. Theof Toleration," in Cobb C4, at .. property was worth a quarter of ao'clock. Graduate students especially million. The property that the Uni-.cventh lecture of his series on "Sun- was made by a cash payment and theday School,' entitled "The Library ncumbrance on the warehouse. Th::1I1d Home Department at 4 p.m. in warehouse is under lease for twentySenior Dean Changes Schedule and Haskell assembly room. years to thc Mills Novelty Companyh.e B' R t S ks CI R· tra . thi ' MacClintock Lecture - Professor at an annual rental of $33.300.A description of t itter 0·) ee to ose egts bon sValley in western Montana was giveri Week. MacClintock wil] lecture on "Fosen,"To Tell More for Incurables.yest�day by Dean Rollin D. Salis- at Cobb lecture room at 4 p. m. .. .Li S k Th f I MISS Mary Courtenay WIll s�kb;Ury in an address before the Phil- A change in plans which will pcr- terature mo er- e men 0, •L· C ]1 ·]1· . k before the Young Women's Chnstl30osophy College of M.en. The speaker mit all Seniors who have not yet reg- rterature 0 ege WI glVe a smo er, . 'h R Id 1 b -n:: League this morning on "Our Nextdescribed the region, which is in the istered to do so this week, was an- at t e eyno s c u at 7.30. c"Ioerre. . .' .K· d ·11· h lk lk Door Neighbors." The talk Will �.e'Sierra Nevada Mountains, as one of Jnounced yesterday' by Dean Tufts. m er WI grve a c a ta...M - ld Cl b will . C bb of thc work which the League basthe richest garden spots in the world, Previous to this, allofficial announce- . annona es U WI met an 0done for the Home for Incurables,"Fruit orchards, which are the main ments had stated that registration for II B at" 8 p. m. There" will be pa- and will set forth the opportunitiesfeature of the region, bear so heav- the lowest rank of Seniors would be pers on "The Laws in Germany" by .Wander, Avery and Stoull. for work. of. which University stu�ily," said Dr. Salisbury, "that the held next week, While these. stu-Ch Exhib· . . b . by dents, ought to take advantage.'ranchers' (farmer is not used), arc dents will be allowed to enter their ess ltion Will e grvenforced to pick off the excess several next quarter's courscs next week, M r, Perkins jn Middle Divinity par- \Vhi]e .the government don't.seemtimes a year in order to prevent the they are asked to rcgister this week lor at 8 'p. m. Mr. Perkin will meet able to issue a necessary amount:Jrtrees from breaking." in order that the officials and clerks all comers.currency, Esmoer has becn. ab1e:!to: "A_pples, pears and cherries are may be less rushed during the ensu- I?�vinity Students are requested to furnish, aU the photos hc has orderSThe stand taken. by the Board .)f .iro,,",n in the rankest profusion, and ing few days of the quarter in mak- ca.JI:. f�r: their course boo�s a,t the f..�r, ��n�.�e _:;�� �Jl�t. h�. wi.ll take CaI:,'�ePhysical Cult_u�e - .3!!d .. Athletics in defective Qr wormy fruit is never ing out their reports and clearing LIp DIVllllty �ool office; J of all his patrons at 243 E. '55th:�; support of �he e�isting se.en. The production' is marvelous, other pressing business. ,Since the Candidates for Divinity degrees at . " '.. ':_:;st<;ltus of Conference and the people in sworn statements majority have already registered, th.e end of the present quarter. are re- ..athletics. a� DOW made show almost unbelievable profits in there will be no trouble in accommo- quested to consult with Dean Math- S pe�ia.1 �'.fully known by the is- two or three years. The land is fer- 'dating the remaining Seniors. ews. . VI' .! \suance' of the Pres 1- tile, but .must be irrigated, and th;s J.uniors will register next week, Candidates for DiviDity .degrees a.t a ueS'dent's 0.. official ·statem�nt of the can be ea'sily accomplished from the but no one will be given an oppor- or before the June convocation, 19(>8, '- .. T .. I' o�:. Board's a:ction, is of considerable in- waters of the Bitter Root river. AI- tunity ,from that time on till the first are asked to leave their names at the •. W W C 0 en$�_'terest to _ the student body of the ready over 50,000 acres of· the finest day of the next quarter. office oi the dean of the Divinity lot ., .. �:: ...U.niversity, which has hoped for a fruit land in the country has been school. il· W' "f\. modification of the pr.esent. rules_ imgated and is under culeivation. PIERRE. KINDER TO GIVE College of Education students ma� College' J:: •..._ .Witb many points in the faculty. "Not only is the country a desirable TALK AT LIT SMOKER :-egister' from today till the _13th in- SO' ITS, or OYERt'O IllS.;.statement, the attitude of the student one for thos� interested in the money elusive. tJ 11body, as asceraine�. by a cursory making possibilities, but the scenery Chalk Talks by News Cartoonist Seniors who have less than �ine To Order ',','questiollaire, is in gerteral accord of the neighboring mountains is dc- td Be Feature at Literature majors are requested to register thisIt agrees that the. "reform. 1egisla- lightful. In-addition, there is not an College Affair. week, instead of next week, as given '25:: J30 : : J35.tion" has done much to improve ath- agricultural region 'anywhere that is in official notices.letic conditions in the West; that so closely bound by excellent hunting The College of Literature will holdsome insidious tendencies have been g;ounds; deer, bear, and all kinds vf a Smoker at the Reynolds Club to- Spaldings Issue Hockey Guideseliminated; that athl.ctics should be game, are pientiful." morrow e\'cning. Pierre Kinder, of Two seasonable books have justsubordinate to academic interests. the Chicago Daily News has been se- made their appearance in the Spal-. Fro_m the. student point of v:ew, CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES cured and 3 chalk talk will b� given dlllg Athletic Library s·eries. Th"!vhowever, th� ,occas·on for stric,ter leg- TO MEET TOMORROW by him. are the o'fficial Ice Hocke� Guide N�.) TAILOR F. OR YOUNG MEH. Two stores: 131 La Salle St., acJ. ···r.islation has. passe�, -and regulations 6 and How to Play Hockey No. 30+ lac:bon 80 ......�modified in moderation would not Burt BrOWll Barker and Norman ro HEAR OF Y. M. C, A. The Ice Hockey Guide contains ar- 44 .involve a reaction to former condi- Barker to Addrea Those Who . CONVENTION'S WORK tides on the American Amateur ,.. �tions, but. would rathe� tend towa�d G ...... ee Tbia Qaaner-. Hockey league, the Intercollegiate .' � ..-a cont�ed ,uplift. As far as Cbi- All students wh� are candidates for Delegates to Report on International Hockey League, the New York Inter-·cago. is concerned, it is doubtful :f degrees at the Convocarion exercises Assembly at Meeting sch_olastic Hockey League, a histori-there e·ver. was more 'inte'.llse interest this month will meet in Cobb lecture Tonight. cal, chapter on the Crescent A. c... .Crass Pins Our Specialty.In the outcome of gridiron contests hall tomorrow morning at 10:30 a chapter devoted to Internationalthan obtained .this fall. As lon� o'clock. Burt Brown Barker, presi- R�ports of the International Con- Hockey and another league in the C. T. CUNY (:, CO�· ".as· Chicago plays football �his inter- dent of the Alumni Association, will vention of the Y. M. c. A. at. Wash- Pittsburg district. The book alsf) Established ISgo.cst will probably sustain. urge an to beco,!,e members of thc ington will be made at the meeting contains the records and also Can- MANUFACTURING JEWELEII'Even granting, however, that .foot- association and to take part in it5 of the Y. �(. C. A. tonight by thl! adian data and half tone pictures of and ENGRAVERS, .':ball· has occupied too high a place affairs. An address witl also be made Chicago delcgates, Maurice �ice, H. all the principle teams in thc United ,1-80 State Streetin undergraduate activities, the' aeed by Norman Barker, president af tho:: A. Wh�cler and Mark \Vheeler, wh.) Statcs and Canada. Chicaco•for absolute uniformity �ith' reprd Senior class, who will tell all present ha\'e recently returned. How to play Hockey is ,edited byto all .forms of athletics, is to.be ex- how they can co-operate in the reg- This was the thirty-sixth com·cn- ;\rthur Farrc1, a wetl known. Hockeyplained by the board's stat�Dt, ular Convocation exerci�s at the end tion and was held from Novcmber expert. This book contains chaptersand it is to be hoped, jf not as- of the spring quarter. It is thought 22- to 26. Many eminent speakcrs, on the origin of Hockey; science ofsamed, that its stand is Dot to be that in this way all memebrs of the �uch as James Brycc, William ]. thc game; a diagram of the field; thetaken as permitting the building up class will be more united than th�y Bryan, Bishop \V. F. �rcnowell and tcam; also chapters on th.e Amateurof· minor �ports to a larger .pla�e have been in the past. Dr. C. H. Parkhurst, wcr.c hearJ. American Hockey League and thethan they.occupy at preaent. Most There were delegates from Great '-ules, as well as a special departmentof the evils which the action of thl! George T, Shay, .formerly of Sec- Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan, cle,·oted to Canadian. Hockey."reform CoDference" undertook to tion I, Hitchcock hall, has moved t.O India, Australia, the Philippines anclrecti� .bad. thejr . origiJl in football, the Beta Theta Phi chapter house. two countries of South America. At If you tell any advertiser in Thebut its sweeping and somewhat dras- e\'ery session thcr.c were at least i.OOO Daily Maroon that you are a Univer-tic move hit, �teDnis as hard as the \Vhy not read your own Daily present, and nothing was lacking '0 sity student, you will r.cceive specialgridiron' gam..:. Th.e uminor sports" Maroon? the SUCcess of the great gathering. I service..�.fte weett7, Get. i.' len.. ; The DaU,,· ()ct. 1. 1101.•• ' •� It.. ' ••• r. ;8ur.crlpUon price. $3.00 per 7e&r i 11.00t .. a monthL Su_rlptlona rec:e1yeQ_ atae llarooa Oalce. Bal" Ball. or at tJae.. acalt7 Excbaqe, . Coltb BalLinvited'.Cope Lecture-Dr. Henry F. Cope.general secretary of the. ReligiousEducational Association, will give theLUTHIi:R D. FERNALD. Man� Edltor DEAN SALISBURY SPEAKSl'RB8TON 11'. GASS. Ne.. Edltor. TO PHILOSOPHY COLLEG�MIIlLVIN J� AJ;)AM8. Athletic Edltor.LeVIS S. BERLIN, Bualneaa IrIanqer. TeUs of the Limitless Resources of ALL SENIORS ASKED TOBitter Root Valley in Mon- REGISTER THIS 'WEEKWarren D.'Foster,Harry A- Hansen,Jerome FraDk,P. W. Pinkerton.Walter A. F.rd, Miss Esther Hall,liarvey B.' Fuller, Jr., A- L. FriuteinAlbert •. Hendersen Fred W. Carr,Prlated b7 th, Maroon Praa474 EUt 55th 3treetPhone B7de Park 8681Wbere ..Chicago'. Stands• PICTtl6s Eo--BILLIABAl1M]BO'versity acquires by this tical is awarehouse on Jackson boulevard ilndGreen street. This property is worth$460,000, and the difference in \-aID: . __llORE �ALL at;$50 andand �$45 andand :$40 anti$30 aOtheI.. w�(OFFICI: BaseLoOfficial,JoieldSpaltrateconibonA. G •ItwYOfk"Syra.Sc.to.i ..o.a. .. "CitM.1n-_CondeARCADEARRowa.a_ IIIIID lIZ(COLLAR.• CIU,T. tACH; ... 0 .... C�"T.amr..-r ... _ .cumc.n '2.0AIII, ••�� -.,. ...;: -.�'- ,THE DAlb-: M2\ItOOIf,"'CHlcAOO/ W�i)N£SDAY. DEC. 4. 1907. ' '", '.•. _ . _ _ . • .'" _. _ � _ '* _� ��""_.�_.,."...",,� .. :.4l ,,_,;:.,...J.· ..BOOKSAM Supplies for University andHigh School Students.New and Second Hand.lIB WITTS�IS E., 55th St: Next to cor. Kimbark.C.L.SOBARI'PICTURES AND PICTUREFRAMING26S East Fifty-Seventh StreetOpposite Rosalie Court.mE BRUNSWICK-BALKE·COLLENDER CO.BILLIARD AND POOL TABLEBAR FIXTURES ANDIMPROVED REGULATIONBOWLING ALLEYS.Chicago' Office and Salesrooms263.265 Wabash Avenue1I0RE GOODS REDU'CED ONALL OtIR LINES, INCLUDINGSTAPLES$50 and $";5 Fabrics reduced to $42and $40.$45 and $.p Fabrics reduced to $38and $35,$40 and $35 Fabrics reduced to $33.$30 and $28.Other goods in proportion.TJEKZ "TAILORWlWAM JERREMS·, SONS.'. - , :''l'}-m._'Clark and AtlPmS streets,' ,A.G. SPALDINGe & IJROS.I,r·. - ••. ZTelephones 4068 Harrison--3884 AutomaticDESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE MAN'S APPAREL.._ './',"lALE OF CALENDARS TO .BEGIN ON FRIDAY PROF. GOEBEL STARTS,"SElUEs �OF 'LECTURES . ;4_ '�r"'- . . •. � ��lr.i "'�--::2; ... i .., .. 1:i'ROBERT, 'STAEDTER ·CO�University Calendar for 19o5. Pub- Harvard Professor Speaks on Ger-lished by Y. W. C. L., to Make man, and American Literature.Appearance This. Week. Introduced by Pres. Juclaon.The annua l sale' of University cal- , The first of a series of four Iectures.ndars will -begin 'on Fr-iday. The under the auspices' of the Gcrmal)i�raleudars arc issued by the Young dub was, giveu , llonday evening iuWomen's Christian League. Th,e)' the auditorium, Recital hall. The lee,vill consist this year of seven half- turer, Professor Goebel of Harvard,.one prints of scenes familiar to the was introduced by President Judson..tudent s, These will include the cover. Professor Goebel' had ,for his theme.vhich is to he ,I picture of Mitchell the influence of German Iiteraturerower and the Commons at night; upon that of America. He showedmd six other pages upon each si how l'ladame de Stael's ··D� l'Alle­.vhich the calendar for two months magne" was the means of opening up.... ill be printed. The pages in order to the world the blossoming national.vill be pictures as follows: li·erature of Germany. In the 40'sI. Jackson- Fark, " there appeared in the North Ameri-2. Washington Park. can Review and The Dial several iar-3, Hitchcoc� Library.. ticles which indicated ,.tl,le new lite 1'-4. \Vomen's Hall (from Walker}. ary movement started ,by the contact5. Approach to Mandel (interior), of the new German ideas with the6, Ryerson. vld Puritan -ones of New England.The sale will be held in Cobb en. The influ.ence· of the German upon.rance. Price, ·5OC in envelope and the American literature, especially .is ,Joc in the box. seen in Longfellow, ��s traced in :1convincing manner. Longfellow's30CCER TEAM TO PL� Y .. H ia watha" was. shown to have beenENGLEWOOD SECOND TEAM inspired by" a Moravian missionary'sbook on the American Indian, theHigh School Athletes Determined to German's work being Longfellow'sWipe Out 3 to 0 Defeat Ad- model. "This great poet," said Pro-minister by University. fessor Goebel, "was the greatest in-There will be another soccer game terpreter of the German, languagewith Englewood High School this among Americans."week. The game last week in whichthe University defeated the same THREE MEETINGS TOMORROWschool by the score of 3 to 0 - showed chan-dise of· our well­known Reliable andti'urable Q��litieLLadies" and 1Iiaaea'Suits $18.50 up.Fur Neckwear from$3-75 up.Hats fro� � up.JOHN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY DE LAND..PLORIDA.Affiliated in I&)7 with THE UNIVERSITY OF cmcxco.The President is 3 Doctor of Philosophy of the Unh-ersity of Chi­'cago, and eleven members of the Faculty have been students at th�.University of Chicago; .many of them taking degrees. Stetson is lo­cated at DeLand, Florida, the land of ftowers, sunshine, blue skiesand balmy ocean breezes., Summer, recreations QlO through ·the Win­ter. Cc.stly buildings, electric light's. electric: bells, cement' walks, sliellroads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery and trees. Biggest recistra­tion this year in its history. , There are four colleges, five schools, 14buildings and 48 in the Faculty. , 'Students. from the. University :of Chicago may do their work at,Stetson during tl�e Winter Term, and receive their credits at. Chicaco.Addre�s, President Lincoln lHulley. Ph.D.. LL.B.. DeLaDct, 1I1orida.'MPO�JANrlStudents and faculty _ members. Intending to leave th�' cily for CIJrisfrlias Hollda,s. will firrd, it to their adranfage to 'eare''''eir naDlestogether with their deStination and.date, �� leaVing.'at .the, . . •,that the men are picking up the Director Stagg to Meet T�ck, Foot-game. Several of the players were ball and Baseball Men.unacquainted with the game at thebeginning of the y.ear. The showing Director Stagg ,has arranged with.hat they made in the last contest Captains Quigley, Steffen and Gaardewas extremely encouraging. Captain tor meetings of all candiates for foot­Loose says that this ought to be in- ball and baseball squads in the .. base­strumcntal in bringing more men out: ment of Bartlett gymnasium .tomor­Green men, can pick up" 'the game - ow afternoon.I'luick!y, and at the' same. time get the The track' c�ndidates,� both varsit�'ienefit of 'tile outdoor exercise. and freshmen, willmeet at 4 o'clock,This year, owing to the lack of in- while the, baseball, and football cmenterest, there have been 'no college will meet at 4 :30.' : Director_ Staggteams. Last year a regular inter- said yesterday' that. he- is anxious tocollege schedule was played. The have' all aspirants' for .these .threepresent team contains representatives teams,' green _ as '.well ' as, .experienced,of al! the, colleges. Until the stu- appear. , . " DAIL Y MAROON OFFlCfSpeCial r;Jtes nia,:�e.;obt3iiied if· -" . " . - ,,' :'I ' ,�,' ,, . ",,>'pa"';�� can � ��!lg��, -, , • -- � I " '...:. tit..' � '.. to"' • �; ', � r:_ �. •t·�, .', ,", �. �',,:' ,-�.,' ",Th ' U·· ".-." ...... � Cal" ' .. ,�� .. : .,' .. " ,e: .. '.. , .. D1vers�.,.,<·: ":"'� ell.p,: -'.r_inakes a mast' _ppmpriate'·ChristmaS --Gift· :8t1d- "'�eiiir '-�'Jents take hold and support the team�here will no outside contests. . ." • ..'.#.. !. �",. I>!W�" be �� .saI�:i!I-:-CO.b-'Hao:Watch���;for un� ..,.. -Utah's PresIdent· at .u�versitj�J. T. Kingsbury, president �f' the rUniversity of Utah: was at'. the .Uni­versity yesterday, studying the Uni­versity's .method �f' p,�oviding': fo�women students. A .new dean 'ofwomen has recently _been appointedat Utah. and President' Kingsbury'I1Ie Largest Manufacturers in the No More Crowding at Informas. ,World of The last Reynolds Club' dance :,iOFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLIE� the quarter will. be held Saturday, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf,Lown Tennis, Basket Ball,Hockey. ; ,"':'.night. The crowding of the ReynoldsClub on the ni�ht of the informal ha�been to soine degree don.e away �ithand it is expected that the affair OU wish.ed. to study the system in use_ .:It,Official Impl,'!ments for Track and -h' H rthe 14th will be free from this diffi- - Icago� e spent a large part 0,Held Uniforms for All Sports 'his time ·on the campus in . confer-:ulty. A piano will be placed 011the third floor and dancing -will tak\.� '::nce with Miss Talbot. He also vis-plac-:! on all three floors iristcad of the ited the scientific laboratories of. theUniversity.1. G. SP AWING ct' BROS. �EW GAME O. K. BUT WORK Professor Clark to Lecture."York ,l:hicar, �i';delpbia, BostOD, Balli- Professor S. H. 'Clark,; head of the.aSyncu ... �. MiDDealK'lis. Detroit. WasbiDK!OD, OF OFFICIALS CARELESSS&. Loai .. N� ... OrleaDI6. SaD FraDcisc:o. PittsbDrg. (Continued frolll pace I) public speaking department, will. giv,,�a.a. .. tti P�nver. 'MoDtreaL Buffalo. ltaDMs :he fourth of his series of readingsCitJ,(..1neland. Ca,,� of Tennyson's "Idyls of the King",Regar,dins- the action to be taken tomo'rrow afternoon in llusic hal1�at" the next rne.<:ting of the Confer- Fine . Arts building. The selecti01ience committee, Director Stagg said: which h� will prcsent is "Thc Holy"nlerc is only one really liv,;: Grail."qucstion at present. and that is the'Spalding's Handsomely IlIus-t1'3ted Catalogue of all sports"I contains numerous sugges­hons, Send for it. It's Free.NepIIoaes II ydc Park J8 aDd fHf 7A. McAdamsTh. U" ... ·.r.lt�... Flor'.L ....... O'OSES: '0.. S3c1 St, .::d ltJao.,.·" ".-e, Chlce,o,.--------------------------BOR_DEN'SCondensed Milk, Fluid Milk. Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Co1Dltry.Borden's Condenaed lIiIk 0,.327'329 E. Forty-HVeDth St.AMES HATS'2.00 , $3.00A fair deal with � hat.Opera H.ts, Silk H ....,... di3 Eo IIADISON 8TREST,H ... La .... WHO HAVE BQUGHT OUR"COLLEG� :eOUER, CLOtHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS PALL'- •COLLEGE �UITS'AND OVERCOA1:s .....O!sl1al two.:r, .51 E.JACKSOH BLVD.JOHN \V. DQUGLA·S�even-game p1an. The matter of th,,:training tab1c being re-cstablishc:1has not entercd the minds of any oithc members of the' committee. I seeno n�cd of it, Perhaps under the olel President's First "At Home" Today.Prcs:<Ient' and Mrs. Judson will holdtheir first "at homc" this afternoonfrorn 3 to 6 o·clock. II rs. MartinRyers�)J1 and l\I rs, Charles Hutchln-ru1es. its reed might � tonsidcrc.1 son will assist at re�eiving. A iafgcimportant. but not at present. The numher of gucsts are cxpected to at-"players ha\'e come througl� the se:l- Icnd.lin, Books 10 Sell? :T" a CI�.'son in as good physical sJlapc as everAs to the ruJ.c permitting gra�ui'ttcSto play, it wi1l be no easy matter toget a two-thirds consent." The m�mbcrs of the freshman foot­ball squad will. ha,·c t�ir picturetaken this afternoon at 1:30 o'clb<:kin front of Haskell.How about the Dai1y Maroon as ..Christmas' prc�nt to the fo1ks at \V ANTED-Evcry: man who has nothome? subscribed, to ck. so at ODCe.......Mr. Perkins of the' Chicago ChessClub will play simultaneous - matcheswith representatives of the' Ame:i�c�n Chess club, at 8 o'clock, tOl�ightMr. Perkins is captain of the HydeP.ark team" and is the leading play.erin it. He, will make it interestingfor . his' opponents tonight. Theofficers of_ the cluJ) expect' at leasttwenty �Iayers ·to o�se Mr. Per­TALKS... 'to. ARTS.__.- COLLBGE kins on th\s occasion. - Ev.ery manin the university is invited, and thoseA ..... t -p.�r Willet TeDa of.....�.•. ·'D.'�..-Q.·".'.I_ die.. _Daert..' expecting to take part in the con­test ar.e requested to bring chess-Assistant 'Pro£:;; Willett enter- boards and men. The match �11 beSlle is the International Craze tained the memberi' of the A'rts CoI- held in Middle Divinity Parlors at:Ii.. I' t--I- .... talk h- 8 o'clock this evening.ege yes 'UU4Iy WI," a. on IS . • •. •---------------1 t' th .... th dt rt t Mt. Si' The Umverslty Chess"Club UI try-np roua.. e esc 0 nal.. '.The peculiar .acbptability of the :ng to encourage chess In the Umver-sity of Chicago. In the easternuniversit�s chess ilt very prominent.in Chicago the. game has had great�pportunities, and the present out­look is very encouraging.This . club has offered the Use ofits rooms for the playing of any ofthe university matches. Several ex-, cellent players in the Chicago ChessIlIIIIiIUeI'S to � n.ea Tomorrow and Checker Club have offered' to RoDer BbtmcThe Mummer� will hold a meeting play simultaneous matches with the WANTED-Students t. atten. an-tomorrow evening at ? o'clock in 71 'students of the univ.ersity. glewood Roller Rink, 6.u2 WeDt-. worth Ave. Every eve_y Thun.,Hitchcock. The members will tab - Sat. and Sua. AftemQenl tb"_,,up "JOhD Gabriel Boritmann," by . Subscribe for The DaJ1y Maroon.teasou.Ibsen. Particalar attention win be FOR SALE-A scholarship to (lie'd L_ fi f h d Notice of the best business col1cgH �.pal to t� nt .act rom t e stan - Will students who'saw accident hl 1)pewiiteta• C1l - • ThO' •• the city. Z 20, Maroon Office. , ..poIIIt upositioD. IS meetmg 15 my f�ther at Cotfage Grove Ave. and TYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or Rent- A Alithe Jast f�r the present quarter. .57th St.,. at about 6 p. m., Sunday, SJleCial rates to stud�lIts; barpln!! FOR SALE-A $40 schol:.rship -to· _ the Ur,. � - Nov. 2;ltn, pJease communicate with iii re-built machines. W. White- Alina ·Morg2n. School of Oratolj:;' �btt Ib._� -- _.tIIe � Waber D. ConiIer.226 E. s6tb-St. bead, � La Salle StRCL Z 18, lIarooa 0Iice.lilt .. 'IIIe ...., M III.'.._. � . .. -- ............. -- .. �. 8W�OItB JtJUIfCrS . 65TH CONVOCATION � .'GDT 01' TIIJlBB IIILLION TO BEGDi NEXT TUESDAY�..JIIis---• ',- ., -v--:. . '.' '';' �- :�c:.JI . � (Continue. from page I). . -=-- � ...... to Gift· Up AtbIetica__ .... _ .� JadIoa.. 0piDi0D Hopkins University and PresidentAIIbd. of the American Association forWabash Ave.'· and Hubbard Court the Advancement of Science.GRAIfD OPERA. ,Swarthmor� College has concluded The President of the. Board of______,.__�_-' _' 1 to reject the $,3.000,000 which Miss Trustees, Mr. Martin A. Ryerson,.Anna Jeans, an eccentric Quakeress, and Mrs. Ryerson.,recently' offered to that institution, � 17, Tuesday. Convocation DayOIl the condition that it give up all 8 :30 a. m.-The Matutinal aor Candi-inter-collegiate athletics, �specially dates for higher degrees. Thefootball In considering this propo- Quadrangle Club.Di1'J5&lIA!10R,AL". �·.ftea-The Garrick.... \. rE. II. BOLLARDIa a .Thrilling Play sition, the trustees of Swarthmo�eCandJes i01llld themselves confronted by thquestion not only as to the advisabil­ity of restricting the college' s liber­ty as to the use of th� bequest, .but,on the other hand as to the right ofthe present board of trustees to takesuch action as would bind succeedingboards, President Swain and the dir­ectors answered these questions inthe negative. Before announcing' hisfinal decision, however, he consulted---------------1 the presidents of twenty-five colleges, 10 :30 a. m.-Senior College Chapel.Senior College class exercises.The Leon Mandel Assembly hall.3:00 p. m.-The Sixty-fifth Univcr­s:ty Convocation. 'The -Leon M�n­del Assembly hall.The committee: George H. Mead,chairman; Frederick M. Blanch­ard, Ernest D. Burton, Henry·::.Cowles, Henry G. Gale, Edgar .I.Goodspeed, George C. Howland,Frank R. Lillie, Herbert M. Mc­Coy, Julius Stiezlitz,The HoaSe;. of a TboasaadMcVickersGeo. II. Cohan'. TriUmph4S IIIHDTESFROII BROADWAYl Powers among them Ch�cago, presenting The Procession.these three inquiries: "In your opin- The Convocation address.ion, have the trustes of a college a Medicine and the University bvright to bind for all time the institu.- William Henry Welch, M. D.,tion of learning by such restriction L. 1..., D., Professor of -; Pathologyas �dte .one mentioned? If so, should in Johns Hopkins' Upiv.ersity, andthe gift t: 'be accepted in case it P_resident of the American Asso-am.ounts to $1,000,000 or more?' If elation for the advancement ofthe' 'gift should be· $50,000, what science.then?� The conferring of degrees.In aQSwer to the first inquiry, Pres- The President's quarterly state-'�dent Judson said:' "It seems to me mentethat a board of trustees could hardly The recession.bind its successors on a matter of Dec:.. 18, 19, 20, Wednesday-Friday·this kind." President Eliot of Har- 8 :30 a. m.-4 p. m.-Examinations foryard, .Pr�sident ·Wheeler of . Califor- . the autumn q�a�ter .JAMES K.HACKETT'Illinois.' . : TIle. Big Biz'o{ lIusical Shows.Z I_E·G ,F E L DlIusical RevueFOLLIES OF '1'P/ nia, and President Schurman of Cor-� nell, held the same opiiiion ·as Presi- UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC -dent Judson.' These presidents and ATTITUDE MADE CLEARthat of Brown a�wered all three (Continued from page I')questions in' the negative, while Col­nmbia,' P.enDSylvania. PrjDceton andMichic.m' were' nOD-co��1 on thefii'st . two propOsitions..UJf' the college agrees to give upIn' Harrison Gr�y FISke's inter-coUegiate �etics' for a cere. EXPERT TO IIEET CHESSP�oduction of . tain S1IUl.�f ,money," sai4 President PLAYERS OF .UNIVERSITYIlAR.TBA· OJ,THE.LOWL1dQ)8 Swa.iD. . .iI" S1UIUDing ,up his reasons forI' . . .. ( .. - .r.eiusat, "wb:r m.ay. it Dot agr��· to Captain' of H� P..-k T� of Chi-.'. "� ... Po 1.\ .- COil��·.the -iDter-collegiate athletics cago Chess C1ab -to Play__.. � -_ forever (or a certain sum of money?, Stll4feilts,�. - �: :., Why Dot agree to have or DOt tohave io� . mi�1Y. drill as a partof the college curriCulum? If . �ybody of trustees. assumes to be wiseenough to decide snch a matter for.all timc,. �y not decide ill a similarway the' propriety of teacbiDg or notteaChing' fRe silver .or the gole! stand-�� . the doctrine .of materialism, orTheGrand .'of the arraigernents made .in 1906should at this time be altered,(Sign.ed),-�,.,�.BERTHA KALICB in Harry Pratt Judson"-La Salle·.• '.1. ._. THEQU.BSTIOIIwhat not?Colonial.- Have you seenr.- "'-':1. . THa IIERRY WIDOW. 'The Studebaker camel to .travel iu the desert andsome of the peculiar customs of theArabs who conducted the party, weretopics of great interesL The fa :tthat the Arabs hav.e one ·meal a dayand that consists of fried cornmealand salt, greatly interested the au-WILL T. BODGEIa·"M .. -�THB lIARPRO. BOllEdience.The- WhitneyTIle .1IIlca1 vn..A JDIIOBT POll A DAYID..AW • DLAJlGJal'I........... ::. ·.A ......... ,.�'1 . Mr. FraIl'D' A·I L Y ·M-A. 0011· :. B ..Notice' the superior. �� fiDiIIh �.� of the �, fra_�Dity and tIOCiety pm. aDd the co� aDd ConfereDCe medals, whichare made by DIBGBS " OLUST,614 SchWer BIde."Bob" LaugbliD,. IIgr.. . �tral 3115 'For this reasoa, aDd because our prices are the lowest;" -we are the " �'"lowat. _ We are the· 08icia1 . jeWels for the U. of C. '. rIt. telephone call will brine our representative. f-"U· we made it. it's richt." MAsk the c. A. A." ! ft!. {-,! �Vol VI. N-;!=-Ii eLiSEVEIPENNANTS AND PILLOWSThe Chicago Pennant Co:s =r. }'reIimiIWYill New (elusive line oftor sale by rraak WetCllb-ls.IaH. s. HANSfN & CO.;. ',.THE ··HABERDASHERS532 E. Sixty-third St.Agents Wanted. cared to t;1I.' (hIiTersity_ isconsidenthis Jine inEarle BeliDstrument:Jthe society1WDe5 of t:clab." Theday at 4dub. Eve!oat and trcharge ofthe studentMr. Webthe plan�plenty of Ito.tum OtlIf ie findsas Dot g(as to mak-.ewiIl�.Your attention is caIIeCl to the merits of ALBERENE STONE forLABORATORY, TABLE TOPS and-SINKS, FLOORING for FUIIB. HOODS" DISECTING and OPERATING TABLES, URINAL.CLOSET aDd SHO�R STALLS, in fact Where ever an ACID RE­PELLENT STONE·is req�ed.·· '"It is used in.the following welllmowllUNivERsITES and <;:OLLEGES� . CHICAGO, NORTHWESTERN.MINNESOTA. WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, NEBRASKA, CAIJ­FORNIA. WOOSTER, Y�E,. PRINCETON, CORNELL and o�U interested a postal will bring a sample for tests.ALBBUn STORE COMPANY .54-60 N. Clinton St. -. success of...� �.CIIl the SUPIChicago. IlLROOMS FOR RENT·-;'Single, Double or en suite; wen furnished, modern, convenient; .... �.large, light, and clean; 'electric tight.. steam heat; bath, hot and cold.: :.� 1.:.water. - ��:'"', '::.:j�; �.:::::,,: ��., ta 'some�: ��. � JeSt�r... � I:;. :" �i': �.be ta""''''''---;-. ---------------------- '�;f� ... � .: �.A Great Convenience] '��:?Your Baaa&e ch� through to 'd�tioD over aD. lines. .�, fWe WiD briDe � c:becb to you aud-it c:ostis .. ;more tIwi . '::; ,t:. .-; �the' claim c:hecb. issued by other �mpanies -�.� tWE TRANSFER TO' � FROII ALL PARTS QF THE" �. ;-. CITY. OUR. SERVIC:;� IS PROIIPT.·. Tel Harrison ...... :;. iTH! fRAIl( f. 'SCOTT TRANSfER co. .�;� i��··:flpt¢·(· ·���o.�nNOllTHBAST. CORNER slTH kT. AND· D�EL AVE.Rf$TAURANT. AND ,LUNCH"COUNJfR .- of lasl6e first tillave�;H;hnaa.ers.F�n"'-ise ojTIle mel�th.... �rea�-JQr'sfast Year'sdie footbaIcationtoscrDnm�geJaf'$Fre.... �are the·�WOl.Coach I<'_··oatlooef� ye;Ibnard taDYthiuc �u wish to -seDa room or bouse for reat...) ..Jry _ � _�eIll.1DTbe Daly _._o. ' .'. .. \.RoomSFURNISH,gD ROOMS. Near �,;University; with or v.;thout IiPt i:housekeeping privileges; good ��;heat, hot and cold water, bath. Caf::652 E. 57th St., 2nd. flat. ' ,WANTED-A young man to "l"epre­'sent a banner concem at the yni­versity. A good thing for a goodman. Call H. J. Hansen, 532 E.·. 6Jrd St..lAS. H. HENDERSON, floon aMfurnitur� refinished and polisbei;dancing floors a specialty. A� .the Reynolds Clab. Arrange'etts "'j ta.d Penn��ctice g;� .\ss�...."',;�:;�� �t'