PICI SP�RS FOR FIN4.LS MEDICS PLAN TO CUT UPL E. Ferguton, Edward . DyJstra, ENJOINING JURiSTS TODAYMiss Lodge and Mias Souter Will.Compete for Scholarship at J�int Both Teams on Edge for Champion.Meeting of Junior Colleges ���! I ship Contest on Marshall Field at--- 2 O'Clock.Isaac E. Ferguson, Philosophy CUI-I --- There is a possibility of a trip forlege; Edward J. Dykstra, Science Both Captaine Claim Victory-Pierce the basket ball team this year. TheCollege; Miss Mabel Lodge, Art�I Scrimmage Marks Closing Prac- Board of' Physical Culture and Ath-College, and �iss Carlie Souter, tices-Great Enthusiasm. letics has decided to allow a journey_ Science College, will appear in the into strange territory during the fiveConservatism but not harmony :s finals of the Junior College declama- With unusual secrecy on both sides days between examinations and The Nobel prize, one of tbe great-,expected to rqle at' the meeting of tion contest, as a result of the choice final" practice for today's great law- Christmas.' Dr: Raycroft is at pres- est honors open to scientists •. was.' the Big Nine �Conference today at made in the semi-final competition medic game was held by the two .cnt engaged in arranging a schedule awaroed yesterday by the .' · S��i:;h;the Auditoriulll. Perhaps the only y.esterday afternoon in Kent theater. I teams yesterday afternoon.· . The for the trip, and if satisfactory date- Academy of Sciences. to Prof�ssorproposition th�� will be brought up The spea�ers in yesterday's contest Wrangler s, aft.er furious scrimmage can be found, there is little doubt 01 AI�rt A. Michelson. head of .the de­for considerati�n will be the change were permitted to present their en-, on Xlarshal! field all afternoon, took the trip. It is probable that the partment of physics. Official nOtice: fro�.a �ve- to a seven game schedule. tire selections, which w.er� limited to I possession of the basement - o.f tl�e games will be played at Iowa, Ne- of the award was cabled to the) stateThis WIll undoubtedly cause a great '800 words. Ferguson dehvered Rob- Law school, and spent the evemng)l braska, and other schools in' that Department yesterday noon b;y.·'Aisc' ..!deal of discussion. 'ert G. Ingersoll's oration, "The Vis- strenuous practice. The sawbones vicinity. iean Minister Groves in Stockholm.Aritation for a lengthened schedule ion of War." Dykstra presented a for their part, retired to a seclude:' The candidates for the Varsity five The prize is awarded in zc:ognition:- -has been shon in many quarters, part of "Arbitrament of War," writ- spot on the outskirts of the city; f:u held a 'meeting yesterday afternoon of ' Dr. Miehelson's 'recent ctiSCov�es,.. ':Dd, though itL.can. not be predicted ten by Charles Sumner. In t�:e con- from possible jurist spies, a.rd polish- and talked about hours, suits, and of improved means (oi'measurinc the'beforehand what the decision of the test b�tween the women, only two cd their plays to general satisfaction other details of the season. The velocity of light. •:��:, ,'Co'aference will 'be, there is a sttong were' registered, but p�esent�d, their squad will practice on Mondays at Dr. Mi�be1sOo arrived in 'ED.land: :possibility. that the proposed reform selections. Miss Carlie Souter de- 5 :15, and on WednesdayS and Fri-, several days ago, and' hi. trip iii .t.·. ;will pass, The ,Stand of most of the livered Henry Ward Beecher's ora- days at 5 :45· Those' who' have d roPe. will have �DT. of':the featwea'COUeges rep�ented has not been tion, en..titJc.d the "Death of Lincoln,"I ready made the �quad are ; Captair of � tri.u�'p�ant tour. He"�:'Qu_,d�ined.r CbiCqQ·wiU oppose th while Miss' Mabel ]. Lodge' recited Schommer, Georgen, Carter,' Page .eago a .'few· week� 'ago on iCOCiPi" �. change, while, both Wisco�sin and "The Bungaloo," by Willi"m' M. Harris, Falls, Hoffman; Henry 'and the' neWS that be �d;tJee. a�·1.�.Nortbwestem will probably -vote in Thackeray. In the absence of ��r. Buhlig, of last year's five,and Hubble, the Copley '�� ':P!�. J� .a:.�,". bYO!, of �c })rope,saI. Micb.igan. if Nelson, Albert Henderson, '10, offi- Clark, Corper 'and Donovan. .given. annuall7 by 'thc ,Ro,_aI··�ei)'_.'rtpresented,. will updoubtedly sup- ciated as a judge, With Mr. --Gorsuch TIle schedule is already in a fai.' of Great Brltaiii' iD 't_idOii ,�:. port. the �_. Purdue can be of the Pubhc Speaking department. way toward finality. In' the inter� � � the ad��of�;_Safely cou� "upon to stick, to the The contestants in the semi-finals collegiate championships two pm!� Thi5 'twiI11� be 'p�iecl 'to,; ��_'�bc game �. were selected in the preliminaries -to ]. w'Il � play�d with �c� of M:in�es�' M��e�i�.'��o,."�����:i;-r:F� t' ••':.,4'Accordiug::ia Director Stagg. ,who represent their respectiv-e . colleges. ta, WISCOnSin, Purdue and- _I,lanols! �nt:f.qil.� JI�Jae..oa·1riU � to.-. ", _- .''�,:-·_'·,·-_�p.r��.: ' • Ii.go_'-. �th._,_ .re:nmag.. -.. .AL.\�L, r .....,.II�_R. e...,_"t .... ,,,,,,_." )'.' •. , . .a.__n�_f.,... �i,lc;)s,o,.i· -� In·"a·d4�!ion�·to thesea� ther�' wilL J)c: St���4��'�':��:���:-".J.. '. '.' .--; ...• '.,d�rthe trainini��:tbe allowing phY:��I�;�',(:,ri=>,-fail� 'i� 'hav� g1tn-f!s' wititN"�HH.i,k�����t:·�t5e· .e����.cib£����:;,�"�?:'��;Jater-colIcPrte � pri1eS candidates in the preliminarayi·.-con-· Cen-tra], Y. ·.M: C.�.A. .The·. cloSe 0; ." TIie : N�� :��.; is:_'''::·::�,; ... .',;·t�YubabIT� be-bIOaiiIit up fot t.es�"they we�e not 'rep�esented in the th�,se��on .wilI'be.i�:·���':A::,�.<U: .���b�:�i-�·.��:.� inu. .semi-finals. ,Misses Souter and Lodge Central �ivisio.ri champi0!l�bip�,Wbicb of'.�CCs- jn' '�: ot'_-:the::�,�,:'A. far ,as t can see_' � -Only are members of different coHeges, Chic"ago' won last 'year: ""'\�. ���,' � . ..rea�t:" acm-ev��' '�":��",<. tbiq that will be ad�ted, 'or. at .and . were' therefore 'allowed' to :'ad-. '. .: •... :� .. -... !' 't1at. .. p� .of 'maakiDci>��ti:,ar, .... _, rate, d_iscussecl at any leugth, vance to the semi-finalls without en- Carlisle in Action CAPTAIN .�� �T� , : .�'::':', \ .�;,.. . ,:. ,�. is siveo: to the' maD 'jn;i� '�s ..will he the mottter of substituting a gaging in' the preliminary 'trials. .. This afternoon at 2 o'clock, th(:. .���·.��.�.ARS 4P.n,,��··'most toward advUidDa '�.'.:��'� PIlle Kbtdule for a five aame.� . The· two men- and" two women �ival· grIdiron gladiators will trc, ;'. ' ", � . '-, ;'.. :. I, alId, � similar l)rize .is .-i_II" to :i,b-:!,.� Direc�r .. �tan ;yesterday I cliosen in yesterday"s contest will dl!- onto' Marshall field for their annual .�ikes Work.·of �;.�.� .���. -who_,'bas ·dm.e·:most· 'id··pro­:iluJine the �lP.DlCRts QIl this q�- liver their· entire selections' beio �': contest for the cllampionship of tb�' Rogers in PoS�� Practice , moting peace.. Last- Ycar--ihe NObel..... "ill We, lap m�� Qf OUf ti�e� the members of the eight college <1: graduate eolL':!gcs. Fired by 'the im· - this Week.' .' peace' prize :was:.pyeb to 'President'p U h� StfcMa, support. r 4Q""� visions at a jo;nt meeting in Kent portance of the occasion, and primed. After ,working with the" ,�reshmen RoOsevelt.'bet" how mo!t"m ,u'e colLeg�s l(,)Ok 'theater on' Tuesday morning, Decem- to the firing point by the' coach for a_ week, Captain Steffen' stated Professor. Michelsoo bas' bro.i&ht:. tlR ref'" .114 10 P .. 't tell ber 10, at 10:30 o'clock. At this COil and practice of months, the team�. ·Iast nIght that there are !s.e\"era�· to urip'recedented pedection. the m&b- .. Wbat hi chU�. -el· pastilIS' are. test, one· man' and one WOmdn wtll will light the battle of their li,"es. ; timong t.he first year 'squad who wliJ od of m�S��Dg the' veIOclt;y· or Ji8ht,,"Chicago', atd ... 4e is misunder_ be picked, and each will be awarded TIle ::\ledics organized last night ;J;' be hard, if not impossible, to keep 01 by· means of ·tbe revolving mirrOr­,� by many. ':p1e 8I1.ly thing dis- a scholarship for one quarter. Th� a monster moss m�eting, and decidetl: the Varsity team next year. He has also 'inveokd'- sevenll ia�iu-.. tiaued at the. faculty meet1DC was scheme of offering but two scl�olar, to march onto the field in their white "As a team, the Freshmen of thi� ni�nts which' ha� ·mad� Possible: :a'the plan of a 1o"IU schedule. and ships this. quarter is a new one, and operating aprons, "The Laws hal: y,e�r are hardly· up to th!>5e of the more' exact k�ow·le� of tight.wflat was decid�cl was that I, as the has been made necessary by th� hetter sp.-;,·nd their time drawing' up past two years," said Steffen. Bt:� Among these are' the �cheloo �ro.:Uaiversity's reprtsen�ti.e, should abolishme,nt of the Peck cash pr:z� their wills," said Captain Schott, 11 there are some who are real sta:-<\'scope foJ' analyzing fine .• petra·.l�ncs,1'Ote for the five pme_ limit. That which has been awarded in fonnel an· impassioned speech that roused Doughetry looks ti'ke the best man and the intersennomete:, for �as�-.·cIOes not meaD,· however, tbat, iiJ years. th.':! Sawhones to wild enthusiasm to take De Tray's place at pres.�l iog small· distances by means 0&.QSC the seven pme plan i, earriecl, Smith, weighing ISo pounds, ha5-waves of light. ThroQgD his experi-Chicago will P�7 only fiv� game� WOMAN'S UNION GIVES DANC� ." great _g�s.sibilities as a tackle. Rog ments and by use' of the in'sirilments,Bat year. �elther cloes It follow .' crs�-:fY a-balf back or quarter, all;) be has inveDt.ed ·Dr.' MichelSoD ha$4_t we are IIItftin" .0 op' pose all re- J -- G.ifr�y in the bade field are also -�'GA .- •• , Second Affair of 'Season is Unusu- betn able to detennine the length W&forms simply because we �clated good men." the standard meter i. terms of tileoar intenti�n to oppose this one. I ally Successful. This idea of giving the first year wave leDgth of li.bt.I• d 1..- ·l.�:lm post-season practice is new :atean not tel ID a vallet wbat may an:: Dr. Michelson was born at Strehao.. '- The second dance of the sea�on Ihe University, and is .proving pop".broagh t up, aDd do Dot AllOW DOW'; Gennany, SS yean ago. but was e.;lu-I h II b• was giv,e.n by the Womna's Union in l'lr. The work consists of teachin�. "0" s a vote on anyt Ina except �._. ' cated in America, coming to the U.h I I " Lexington Han, last evening. As be- ,-,. the s()u,ad the Varsity formations. 11the sc edu e p an. ( ,� .. � � ited States as a, boy. He attendedfore, the dance was well attended and ({,' ��. '11 b f d d th�ere has been considerable spec- afforded new students a splendiu op- ... <..r�. �\'" ' '.. ',v,.: tlleep. pcornmll�tuseurltl.el vtehrye entdaYof th� grammar �ool and high school illobtion as to whether Mkbipn will .... .. e - San Francisco and received an ap·portunity for becoming acquainted. ��.... (Itt:trt.�r. Some of the Varsit'y te:tmsend a representative to the meeting � ..... ,� pointment to A. nnapolis on his lI'.acf,.A number of German figur.�s were .. ...._ t k' 'th th F 1today. Notice of the session has '''_''' .. :tre ou wor "lOg WI e res 1m::' uation from bigh 'school. After 'hi�introduced which increased the fun. � �l� c· . S if h '11 1been given the Wolverine authorities, �� - �_rh aptam te en says t ere WI );: n· b t d bThe admission of the University men � ... scrimmagt·ng. course at t e nan aca emy, e <:on-bat nothing definite as to whether ) "'-_ ::> tinued his studies in' Europe. atten·J..to the Union"s dances is an innova- �they wi11 have a voice in the proceed- ing the University of Berlin, Heidet-tion this year, but has so far greatly Coup Planned by Barker 'Catlin Here to ArTance Gamesings' has been learned. Conflicting _ ' be.", tbe ¢oIlegc de �ra.,ce. aeelincreased their success. "The clinic we �h:111 hold on ::\larshall :\Iarc Catlin, capta;n of the 'Ofreports have �anated f:om the Wol- Ecole Polytechnic..fi 11 ft '11 fi ch:tmpionship football t·!I- and .nl'erine camp as regards the intention 1(' ( tomorrow a crnoon WI con rn - Dr. Michelsoa was appointed·�Freshman Laws Elect Councilors. l' . 1 1 1 K:oesellt co�ch of Iowa, is stoppin�of Michigan to return to tbe "Big oltr (ta�n()Si:, t l:1t tIe awyers ar� ... fessor of. physics· in the Case School.Nine" and observe its restrictions. . Heber p, Hostett.�r. Howard E. y<,llow �l(':tr throt1gh. 'The operatio�l o\·,�r in Chicago for tbe purpos,' �n Oeveland' in l.h,. aacl. from"l_I· 'd h ,.. d BI h FJ.anagan and. Frank S. Bevan wereI ma\.· he painiul. but we will amputa� I arrang..'ng games with Director Sug·1 .. U:",- :t IS sal t e .MaIze an ue at - J I nntl be. �e to_ t�e n,�ve. �tT '.. '�eJected cot1ncll�rs for the first year I their championship hopes and le:w.:- Hc wtIl attend the Conference me.(0.. .... '.. paae oi) law men yesterday. ing today. .- (Conm..ed . from pap 4)(Contin�'d on page 4)Proposal to Lcactben Sc:bedule' toSeven Gamer MaiD OwaceaTo � Advocated vmlTY FIVE ·TO TAlETRIPllOBEL PRIZE AWMIED, -TO PROFESSIR IICHElSOIVacation Tour Planned for CbriatmaaWeek--Schedule Beiac Arnnpd­Prospects for Strong T� Are One of Greatest BODOn Opea- toBright. 'Sciaatiata Belt a wed Upoll HeMof Ph7*a DepUtmmt.W .. in·· &l&1aDd to ReceiY •. c.pae,.Medal GiftD by tile Ro7alSodetj.Inily - ' .. - �!lnrnntt.�'� �;.II.E CDIIITTEE TO� �:�c�DISCUSS ·REFORMS TODAY ----------- -_._----------"I'.--I. ·,! .•••tHE DAlLY MAR.�eH, e1i:ICAGO, SATURDAYY, NOV. .10,1907...in many- ways, room for much im- 1--D-O-Y-O-U-RE-IlE--II-B-:g-a-?--·ITHANKSGIVING DAY GAMESHAVE UNEXPECTED RESULTSprovement. I' Perhaps .another year is l1eeded re- A Year Ago To-da,. -. Pennsylvania Wins from Cornell 12fore the Thanksgiving proclamation Harold' Iddings was chosenwill have.any messag; for the student Sophomore president. to 4 and St. LolLS Deteats He-body which would like to see dean, The Woman's Union issued braska 34 to 0.wholesome athletics given a better their souvenir calendar.�ha�ce .. It ·is hoped, however, that Two Years Ago To-day'the Conference will today cease look- The Maroons were making biging through the glass darklr and preparations for the Wolverines.meet .some of its athletic problems Three I Years· Ago To-dayface to face by settling them accord-I The wearers of the "c" ban-: ..... ;�:.� 1IaIl-.a& -the ChI- ing to their needs, actual rather than qireted at the·Rey�olds Club._; � �ce. .theoretical. The Glee and Mandolin ClubsHere's hoping! gaye their first full cocert of the Two of the greatest surprises ofthe season were furnished by the � woThanksgiving day games .The 'Pennsylvania-Cornell . and the­Nebraska_:'_St. Louis contests ",erethe only, games left on the schedule,and startled all followers of footballby the complete unexpectedness of.he Quaker's .12 to 4 victory and theCornhusker's 34 to 0 defeat.The game of most impo: tance wasthe one between Pennsylvania andCornell at Philadelphia. For theiourth fmc, Pennsylvania defeatedthe Ithaca players and each year. itwas supposed to have a weak team.According to all calcuiations, Cornellshould have won by a. comfortablemargin, but in 'every department ofthe game, the· speedy Quakers' were .superior to the -New Yorkers. Penn(2) No student who has ever been and Merriam. sylvania gained repeatedly on its.n any way prominent in high school Ten Years Ago To-day long fo�ward passes. Hollenback,athletics shall" be eligible to represent Ferdinand W. Peck announced the big fullback, was the star of thea college in any way. he would give $150 annually to thegame. Time and again he crashed(3) If two' or more athletes eat Northern Oritorical League. The through Cornell's line for big gains.simultaneously at the same table it money was to be used as a prize Penn was penalized twenty five yards �shall be considered a violation of the in yearly contests, four times when it had the ball on Itraining table rule. I • ..-:1.Cornell's five yard line. ·With only(4) Only those students who have:,() e etrimental to the higher ideals of four minutes to. play Walder of Cor-been 'in residence for four years and II d hi fItcollege life, there shall be substitut- ne �a�c IS team rom � s IU 011have been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, ed a casual feeling toward athletics as py �Ick.ng a pretty drop kick, Theshall be �li;;ble to represent any col-· ,. 1 t 1o· harmless pastimes for those to engage una score was 12 0 4.lege or any athletic ,team. Said 'hi have no higher ideals in life. A still greater surprise was the dePhi. Beta Kappa emblem shall be13. Whenever any suggested regu- feat of Nebrask� .. at the hands of St -.worn conspicuously on contestant'slation meets with the unanimous op�. Louis University by the scor� of 34athletic uniform. iti f th stud. ... nts and alumni to o. N ebraska' has' played an ex-. POSI Ion 0 e _.' ... .... (5) In view of the many and grave 'of the Conference colleges, the Con- ceptionally strong game this year�evils now extisting in intercollegiate Ference shall adopt said regulation. winning the championship of the :\Ii­athletics, football, track, baseball and while any regulation receiving un- souri valley and holding. Minnesotabasketball shall hereafter be classed. d t shall be vetoed down to a low score of 8 to 5. Coachammous en orsemen '.'as minor sports, and handball, cro- I' h .of 'the Conference Eddie. Cochems' men put up the best�. 14. t IS·t e sense .. I . .quet;: bowl.mg and pingpong shall' be that any interpretation of existing game they have. ever played and t�\:considered major sports. rules which will tend to check or in-' Cornhuskers .nevcr had a show. ;:,t(6)i No stpdent shall be' eligible jure college athletics shail be encour- Louis ran up . a total of 34 pointsfor an intercollegiate croquet, .hand- ff hi h hall when the final whistle blew.aged, and that aU e orts w IC s ...ball bowling, or pingpong team whotend to eliminate athletics from thehas ever given money for an oppor-western colleges shall be supported.. _The -"Rhodes Alumni Associationtunity'. to practi�e the game. Ma,pzin.e" is the latest addition to �c(7) If the faculty of any college SOUTH DIVINITY TO BANQUET m�d.e.l9.· the list of college magazines:shall discover' that more than one . .. The fi. ·rst forty-four Americans who... The Students in South DiV1.mtyathletIC team In the college shows ,�-ill hold a banquet on .Wednesday, were awarded the. Rhodes scholarshipprospects of success, all but one of the fo�rth of Dec�mber. It will take organized the Rhodes Alumni asso­these teams shall be suppressed. dation. with Richard .F. Shohz ;,)fplace in the Commons Banquet room(8) It is the senSe of the Confer- Wisconsin as president. The maga-zine is to appear for the first tim(_'about the middle of Dec., and isintended to keep the Rhodes men intouch with each otber: About ten ofthe Rhodes men are engaged in uni­versity work; the others have tak�l1up 'Iaw or journalism. Earl W. Mur­ray of K�nsas university is editor ofl'onDei:Q -r"'''aIY'''� of·� w_.,:;j' '. ' .�. f" .:............. t ..... tte. ., tIMt V ....IIlq ai.�... ,I... :-.�.l'oaDde4.. �-Weekl7; Oct. 1. 11:82-·iIMi :DAii7 ... Oct. . 1.' i802.;.... i8h84 4a1lr,,·ucept"8UD�" IilOD­.... aa4 .. !aoUdaJ.. durlq three-Quarten.r the U�yenIQ' �ear. season.Four Years Ago To-dayCAMPUS TALK\VilIiam Henry Maxw.elf, super­intendent of the public schools of Igreater New York, was chosen todeliver the Convocation address.for the University. His subject !was "The American Teacher."Five Years Ago To�dayI Appointments for the ·�ebatingteam were made as follows:Ready Rulings for .Rabid Reformers.8a111cr1ptlOD' prlee. $3.00 per '7e&r; $1.00,_ I mODtbL Sw.crlptlou recelnd at... IIuooIl Ofllce.: Billa BaH� or at tileI'&calq Bac:haDp, Cobb BaIL As thoroughly in accord with itsprevious acts, the following are sug­gested as reforms for adoption bythe Conference today:(I) No football team shall playmore than one game during anyoneLOTBJCB D. FERNALD, ldansglng Editorl"1lB8'iON F.' GABS. Neira EdItor.IlBLVlN . i. ,AJ;)A.US.' Athletic Editor_·(AllIS S. BBRLlN. Business Manager. season. .Tufts, Clark, \Varren, ChandlerASSOCIATE 1ED1TORSWarren.: foster,. .: Harry A.. Hansen,<, >./ Jerome Frank,-� ......... �. W�-.Finkertou...... I!\��� 'A_' F.rd. Miss Esther Hall,H�.B.· Fuller, Jr., . A. L. Fridstein�rt •• �e���� �red W. ,Carr,'. '. . ,.. .1. : �;.'.:", �'. .• �. .. •The. student body' of the . Westawaits with· interest word of the ac-- . - .. e .tion of the' Conference· Remci��� � :.�� jt�:· sessi�h today:· the .r. .- .. This student. bodyBan. hopes that this'. Confer':',.. . . ence will recede fromits �.itra. ';stri�t attitude; and permit themodffi�ation· .of certain regulations· �hich have· proved a ban on Westernathi�tics. .A�· tiines, :it is said, doctors. find it- DeC�Safy to .submit their patientS toa ��ng�' ·proC�s, ·follow�d· by along' perjod of' i�actiVity" SometimesFollowin,,-,expos� of certain undesir­ablie acc,?ml>anjment� of collegiateathleti�s, athl�tics in general weroemade to .s�eat; fo_' it; which, �erhaps,was advisabl� A. :considerable period.. of confineIIlent was then pursued; telegraph.which, perhaps, was also advisable. (10) In order to avoid the chanceence that no Conference college shallthis .cures.This. p{an the Conference practi:- .engage in an' athletic contests withtioners have followed undeviatingly: any college which claims a champion.ship as a consequence of athletic:The time seems to have come, how­ever,.. when· the sweating and confine­,ment . to strict bounds have gone far.enough, and a little fresh air and op­portu�ity'. to stre��h himself woulddo the patient good.Mere members of a. University inthe C<mieI:ence would hesitate to ap­pear �n the light of $uggesting that itsacts are not �ivincly right, but theydo feel, like .o�s.cr\"ing that there isa time and .� place for all things,. andthat the time is past and the placeelsewhere for a. continuar1'ce of pseu­do-Puritanical. rulings which are plan­ned to ·_'ch.efk,abuscs" and "keep ath_letics in. the.ir proper place."Sev�� g_ames are few enough for afootbal� ,.eleven to play, even in alimited.;s.eason�. ��inor athletics canbe stimulated by modified rules, whichpermi� .. 9£ ·�e.��ed· d�velopment,· and.till not degenerate into brutalfights. J:res�men. _can play first yearteams . .i_n_.o.th�r coll�ges and still notacquircq�ee� for_ Ji£e membership in&Ile Home for .Incurables. There is, Hold Columbia Exams in Gym.H.ereafter all examinations' at Co­lumbia will be held in th.e Universitygymnasium, under the supervision ofproctors especially ddailed for thattopurpose. This action was resolvedco�testants they may at their optionupon by the Columbia authorities or:pl�Y· games by blackboard or by Wednesday. ,The' examinations until now havebeen held in separate rooms; und�'­the supervision of the individ!l�l;nstructors, and 'have resulted 1nmuch unfairness, it is said, becausein some cases the p.ersons in charge�ould maintain a strict watch overthe students 'and in others therewould be practically no supervisionwhatever..The .new system of holding the ex­amination in tbe gymnasium providesfor absolutely equal treatment of all,and will undoubtedly do away withthe present causes for complaint.victories.(9) To avoid physical injuryof any attempt to deceive the mem­bers of an opposing team by any un-us.ual plays, the captains of contest­ing teams shall exchange signals atlC?ast one week befc.-e the time of thegame. Any play not covered by asignal in t�e· hands of the opposingcaptain shall be explained to him be-fore it is attempted. Violation ofthis rule shall be punished by for­£dture of the contest and the expul­�ion of the guilty team from the con-ference.II. To provide securely againstcoaching from the sidelines, coachesshall not be allowed to attend anygame in whihc their team appears.12. Inasmuch as excitement over theresults of games is detrimental bO[�lto players and spectators, no scoringshall be pennittet in Conf.erence con­tests, and all games shall be declared To Address Club FranCaIS.Assistant Prof.�ssor Hiram p.ukcrWilliamson, president of L' AllianceFrancais will address the Club Fran­cais on .If An afternoon in France,"at the home of Mrs. Herbert Ham­mond, 3946 Lake Avenue, at 3 p: m.on Monday, .Dec. z.to .result in a tie. In. this way nonebut legitimate interest in true sport All SOphomores wishing hats aushall be connected with athletic com- asked to leave their names andat the Infor-petition, and instead of the present styles of hates desiredgeneral interest in coJ1el'e athletics. mation Office.-r� ... the magazine.�. --.The glove store that car­ries a &ood line ofFOWNESGLOVESis to � depended on.i\RiOw, � a,ZE �OLLAR;\I-de of Clupeco Shrunk FabricsUe __ II_2IeO&MCTY. __ ...... 6 co., •• ,,1:_ '.: '.Lpan: This ismade, thtute1ywilYou wkind if :).: (Pal�.,-m:t:(;� 104��J�""::Lion B���: ",��. I •�I-s'.� L 4ilmt, �": '. �:SOMtTDiE. W.�EUiriuN<e- ..tDROF�.SPIIEiiBUHC�.GnB�����;;11J#�1. .' '.�'::�.. ."' .... �.BOO· K S;�0:i. 1,",·4+Ani itupplies, for Un�versity �\stlHigh School Stuc!en� .;.:_;:dNew and ·�ond' Hand. ;';;1·HEWITT� . . ���!!·lrs E. 55th St. Next':to cor, .Kim�i.'.• .TURKISHtRUSSIAN75t�PLAIN BATHS 2Sc. �:Open Day and Hight -.; y'BARBER SHOP. . ':Saratoga Hotel .16, Dearbom st: '.:"...• .,'. .� .. �.----------�---------.�� ,Telephollcs Hld'e .l'a�i:. l� and r>9.! 7A. McAdams. Th e Unl'YersltJ'... F 1-'0 r' • t •••GRmmBOUSES:..Cor. S34 St. &:1d Kim"s·k ATe. Chicago [.",.:\IORE GOODS REDUCED ON) ...LALL OUR LINES. INCLUDING'STAPLES .-;..$50 and $';5 FJbrics reduced to $4Z ,.;.. � ..and $40.S';5 and $4.2 Fabr:cs reduced to $�and $.35. \$';0 and $35 Fabrics reduc('d to· $.J5,$30 and $28.Other goods· in proportion.--- CoaderuADBord�327-�TAILORWILLIAM JERREMS· .SON"Clark and Adpms �treets, Tel Hyde Park 473- AN 111I�nA:;.� .... r�.�:.�.,; .��:,,_:.· �.� , .....• '/1"" ... "Pi".� .. ,. c4-r-·-T.:::...-w········,-.., f' .""'-' .; -- - -.. --- - ..s. ..,.. '_a... .• _ _.-...- - SET DATE FOR RHODESSCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATIONThis is the only Full Dress Shirtmade, the bosom of which a�so­tuleJy will not ltulce.You will never wear a.ay otherkind if you try this." '-' (Patentetl Feb. 2B-Is".)�'m MAC-BURDLF". ;:AU lII'oM fumishers ... them.::,.. Made by' .t: u� Shirt anti Collar Co.Z�on Brand Shirts aad Collars��.: ".I:Ji'it.fl6' ' ..itmu CLonlfj SHoP� . (· ��OME PEOPLE SAY1-m.ES ARE A LITTLE TO· 7rUE POR'I{, BUT ON' THE�;;. Q U A.R E; YOU WON'T.?:rliINK SO IF· YO'U'LL:.e:. . ,'.tDROP INTO MY STORE.�,�80IIE DAY AND SEE THEiBUHCH OF WISE ONES�,GnBBING OFF MY. $ISf�WD Tf�ILORED,READY��To WEAR SUITS AND·:OVERCOATS. !: . Honest, tbeYre the fines�':- ,bauch of all 'wool glad tap you.' m:r saw. Tberve got every­�g within 10 doDars of the'�'priCe beaten off t!:e boards.Every one of, them fit. to �. :'Wom at a Bankers" Jubilee. .,If JOu want to raise the bet':" Ss or $10 . I'll stake you to _,;' sait Or overcoat so good that',�aJl the mer�t taDors work�"IIC nine nights a week. could,,'t':'iaake one as stylish fo� $so-I Ba.r-l.1IZ6e��Near lIactison.. AMES HATS't\ t3.00 $3.00. A fair deal with � hac.Opera Hata. Silk Hats..... 1&3 £. IIADISON STR2BT,Near La 8aDLrAABORD1Uf',Coadensed Mak. Fluid Milk, Cr-eamand Buttermilk.AD Bottled in tb� eountry.Borden's CondfllS4ld Ms1k �.317-329 E. F"I17--ntn� 1'-IlN ,.PV. INTHR Q�II.Y MAROONI' AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU eAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVElTJtD� in order to become qualified as can- � "----di�:t��conl.llce with the will of Mr. I A Great Conv:effi6ife�:;-c:Candidates for Honor to Meet at Rhodes, the Trustees in making their I B h ked tbr """I. d' . �_':'i..:;.!.:_:� � : :;'-"'aJl'�."••. �_1 ��Your aggage c ec 0-.u to HuuauUu' ",vel' JJDeL. Northwes'tern Unl've-:ty Building selections w.ll consider tHo!, candi- . r ,-, . ,; "'<.��• --We Will bring the che.cb to, you and if coat. M" mor •. UImI 'January 21 and 22. date's, scholarship, his' prowess inathletics, such as football and erich' the claim checks issued by other comPamcLhis qualities, of. manhoocJ, truth, II WE TRANSFER TO AND FROM ALL PARTS (JP.':�·courage, devotion to duty, sympathy CITY. OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT. TeL HarriND ......for and protection of the weak, kind- , iJ �iI'ii.��«!Lness, unselcshnes s and .Icllowship, I THf FRANK f. SCOrf rRA"Sr�I{-l;,�. ,and his exhibition during' school-days.The .cxamination for the Rhodesscholariships> will be held Januaryarst and 22n"'d, 19C8, in the AssemblyHall of Northwestern Universitybuilding, Corner Lake and Dearborn-t reets, Chica ;o, according to an an- of moral Iorce of character, and ofnouncement made y,csterday. AU .nsrincts to lead and to take an in­candidates for the scholarship must t crest in his schoolmates."register. then. Monday afrcrnoo-r,."anuary zoth.The following is the full list of INTERNATlONAL SOCIETYsubjects on which the candidates WIll TO ADOPT CONSTITUTION •II SWEETENSI THE! BREATH,• C\liss) C. C. Shaw, 84 Washington St., R. 14Ao_t �� �_.:_,•• '�.��.�.�·;V�I�I;�•• �'�,�����. '/i:WithENSTHETEETSRa, . Ra, Ra; Yum, Yum# Yam;Chu. Chu. Chu.DENTYNB GUMChoicest Chew.Elementary questions. including­rropositions enunciated by Euclid.,tnd easy deductions therefrom, will�e set on the subject-matter conaincd in the following portions of several other international societies :,various Universities, and will brings ornc important facts before thebe exarnincd :I. Arithmctic-the whole.2_ Either, The Elements of Algebra.(Addition; Subtraction Multiplica- The Chicago Pennant Co.'s ex- Ielusive line ofClub of Foreign Students to Com­plete Organizat.on at MeetingTonight. PENNANTS AND 'PILLOWStion, Division, Grea test Common\-lcasure,. Least Common Multiple, rite J nternational Society will meetFractions, Extractions of Square in Middle Divinity hall. this eveningRoot, Simple Equa�ions. containing at i :30 to consider the constitutionone or two unknown quantities, and prepared by the Constitution commit-problems producing such equations, L,ee and to elect officers.Or. The Elements of Gcornctry. The Committee in drawing tl!eConstitution had been in touch with for sale byit. 1. HAj'Sf'N�& Co.THE HABERDA'§iiiRS532 E. Sixty-:t��fd ��t�-,Agents Wanted. 'meeting.All 'who arc interested inexcluding -tudcnts, are invited toAmericans being included inEuclid's Eleme;ltsBook I. The Ior eignyiz:­whole, attend,the in-rropostions 7, 16, 17, 2T,Book II. The whole, cxcluding ] ;itations.iroposit ion 8.Book III. The whole, excluding ro WIND UP SEASON· TODA �rropositions 2, 4, 10, 13. 23, 24, 26-'?")3. Greek Grammar.4, Latin Grammar.5. Trnnslation from English 'intl'Latin.6. Either, Unprepared translationsfrom Greek and Latin; Or, Unpre­pared translations from one �f theielanguagcs," or, one Greek and Latinbook. �This examination is. 110t cornpeti­:ive, but merely qualifying, being theregular Oxford entrance examina­tion, Rhoades scholars will be s clected from candidates who havemcccssfully passed this examination.One scholar will be chosen fo. eaci,State and Territory to which Schol­a:ships aTte assigned.Candidates for the .\rmy and Navy Elevens will FurnishOnly Attraction.The final intcr-collcgate football�ame of the season will be played to­lay, when the Army and Navy teamsvil! clash on Franklin field.This is the big contest of the yeartor both elevens, and the' usualamount of intense enthusiasm an-livalry is being stirred up.' The twoceams appear evenly matched, Theplayers are in excellent condition. Anove�flow c�owd is being prepared forby the authorities. The outcome ofthe struggle will hav.c no effect onthe present 'tangled situation in theEast as neither team is in the run- " ':; - . ..!,,�.�;# .�;�.JOHN B� ·STETSON·l1NIVBRSr.rY ·DE,��,P;:�t .:{.Affiliated in 18g7 with THE UNIVERSITY OF C�I�:AG?��. <, tv,The President is :1 Doctor, of .Philcsophy ,of t�e ,U�ive�s��.'�f q.� £cago, and eleven members of the Facul� havoC bee�'stud�� ��.!I'� e.University of Chicago,. many of them taking degreeL.r StetsOD ". �'�. �fIcared at De Land, Florida, the land of fl,?wers,. :����e •. ,,�I����and balmy o::e�:l,breezes .. S�m�er r.ccreati?ns .. �. thJP.Nf�Jtie ,n��ter, Cost'ly buildings, electric Iights, -electrie .bells, cement Wi1&��roads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery and trees, Biuest,;���'tion this yeaI' in its history. There are four collegeS, fin' Sc.�"JI.\ �buildings and 48 �n the Faculty. . ..�. t.. Students from the University of Chicago may· do"their 'work at f:St�tson durin� the W�nt.er Term, and receive their credits· at Claicaco.:' �l'Address, PreSIdent Lmcoln Halley. Ph.D.. LL.B., �. ��. rjscholarship ning for first honors.Hotel M·a·.o-o�n ._., •• joo- '.- £ ... -NORTHEAST CORNER 51TH ST. � P�.A�, �RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUII1£11-•i ROOMS FOR RENTImust be unmarried, and must be cit-izens of the United States who havepassed their nineteenth birthday, but.have not passcd their twenty-fiW A third freak organization ha.'birthday on October 1st of the year ;nadc its appearancc' within the h�tin which they ·are elected. two weeks at the University of [n-Ail schola"s; according to the rule.;, diana, The first was the "H iski1lshan h:n-c reached. before going int:) Thirt�en;' the second was the "Hobo Ir.�sidence, at least the end of their Club," later called tIle "Vagrant LSophomore or second year work at Club," because two members had beensome recogn�ed degr�-�nting �rreded and's�ted on the charge of .�������������������������������University· or College of the Unit�d vagrarn:y, while the third is th� Two s�holarships for Atllerican The state universities of M!nneso�aStates. "Pompadour club.'" The purpose (If women <Ire being offered' by th.;! and Washington are tryi·ng.t� arrangeCandidates may elect wh.ether they th'is ch;b: is to encourage' the old English Universities corresponding to a football game at Seattle. Nebraska\�i1I apply for the Scholarship of the style of hair cutting and to i'nstitutc the Rhodes scholarships for men. is trying to schedule a' game at LosState or Territory in which they have .�hapters in alJ other western univer- Each scholarship entitles the holder Angeles Christmas�'acquired any large part of their edu- sities. to .>00 pouJlds pcr year, and is won by Swanhmore is' likely��ational qualification, or for that of "To become a mcmber," says Pre!,- taking the Rho(L�s e'xaminations il: bequest of two �illionthe State or Territory in which they ident GorrdJ, "one must have hi,; I.atin, Greek �nd :\[athematics. on condition that allhave th.dr. ordinary private domicile. hair cut in the approvcd style; no The �1;c1;i�an Stlldent Council ha5 dropped.home or residcnce. They may pass 'cow-licks' will be allowed to matric- aholi!'lll:J SUllday welcoming of foot- Cornell College' is eng;a�d: in a bigthc (lu:lEfying examination at any I1late. This is an exclusive' organi- hall teams. .campaign for a new irYm,nasium.' 'Thecentre, but they must be prepared 10 zatiol1. students have contributed $Ia,ooo:'pre!'cnt th�mseh·.zs before ejection to :\ lar!{e Ilumha of !Otudents of th,� .\bol1t 33 coo :"cats were sold for The State University at .IoWa .Citythe committce in the state or terri- Illinois 5t;otc .\�riclI'tural Collcg.: till' Yalc-I'ri!lcl'ton foothall game. is going to hold regular Sunday Ves-tory thcy select. will attend thc International Live :\ Clliiornia studcnt who IH,'r- per services hereafter.The Cni",('r�ity of Oxford has llit11 Stock Show to he held in this city m:t!('d the pllhli.:ation of all al':C'" Indiana University is taking stepscr to acccpted in liru oi Responsions irul11 XO\'c'i11hcr 3T to Decel1lher K 'i1ll),tl the L-'livcrsity of C:lIiiort:';1 to fonn an oratorical and debatingthe Certificates of its examiners that \\·clic .. ley this year cnrol1ed iou:- ;�;rls �moking cigarettes, was di\'C�t_.<I, ,aguc among the larger schools oiStudents han passed this examina- Chine!",': girl�. the first to he sent �f) oi his clot:1es ;lnd co\'Cred with Ii),,' .lIe West. This organization wouldlion. so that all Scholars elected are this cOl1ntry hy the Chinese go\'crn- paper. : hear the same relation to this worlc:excused from that t,('st when they I ment. 'I' I .. '1 II fi I' . 1 .• hat the Conference Schools do toI·· .\ IC 1I,:::-:1I1 � ncw loot >;t Ie d IS �:I I •,:ol11e into residence at Oxford. As a Tlwre h:ts I><'."n S0111e (ISClISSlon :ItI ( . \ ' 'athletIcs.to )e olle o. the finest to the 'vc:-,�,certificate of exemption from Re- i Cornell to the effect th;lt duri.lg1 f f 1 The g-:-;ll�d�t;1t1ds seat 18.000 peoplc.·, Eight of the nine justices of thesponsions holds good permanently, TlInior week thc num )cr 0 rcs 1111en:ltt··IHlin ..... the "ariou" functions may The l"ni\'ersity of Illinois ha� ;1; snpreme court of the UjIlited Statesf,ersons who 'la\,c passcd in prcvious ' ,...11a\'c to he reduCt'(I. in order to pre- IlCW faculty club .and has let a con-" :,re college men; seven of the eiehtyears, if oth.!!rwise eligible. need not j Ll-:'t for a $15,000 building, :,re from denominational colle.,es.take the examination a second time \'cnt o\'crcrowdin •.NEWS OF THE COLLEGESSingle, Double or en suite; well funUSbect,·� ImafiDlfilt;Tlarge, light, and clean; electric light, steam�heat;'_t1i/Jabt"8tJ4 tOYwater.to refuse the'donars�' madeathletics betilE DAILY MAKOON, CHtO\Q(), SATURDAY. NOV: 30,1901.BISHOP'S'U. of' C.�.. , _ .• 0(' I •••• •'8:A T13· ana -4YOUNG �"��.HAma,156 Sta..tec����t�!.�e�: .1, 50 Jaekson Blvd .:In a Hur'rv?WE'VE antic­ipated your'wa'nts by pro-:.:.viding r.e.a d y­:- ,for- service gar­·;:ments. that. are:::.�:'�ua1 in ·eveiy.. "'TeSpect to th ehighest, priced,', products of ex ...,�';,�lU$iye' tailors.. '�This overcoat" "I;' ,�iS.s4own in tansand' �" .made .from select• �ii��f,Epglis;h blanketoth. . T:t has the rnelton collarin shade.'q �_td : .eorrespond and'has that graceful, soft, easy ef ...ect that. your tailor strives for.." .This patch pocket coat, in 'VariousCDtchJ' abTics, at IS5, ISS, ISO,"6, a .,.to 165.I'! '1"Irat Fle6�Wal .• tcoats In 55 ..the Dewe8t tans. Spec�al, . . . .'� .... .MOSSLER CO.'!.. Ci.thes M akerJS;O Jac�,on nlvd.3. L. HI·VELY, D. O.CHIR8PRACTOR 'Telephone Hyde Park 46375461 Washington AvenueChicagoSUBSCRIBEFORTHEDAILYIIAROONDo it How."- . MEDICS PLAN TO CUT UP I NAIIE WINNERS OF PRIZESENJOINING JURISTS TODAY I(Co�tinued from page I) Prep. School Students who Wonthem to grow new ones, according ',C- Prizes Given by University in Ex-the lawful method." aminations held November 8 and. "The law is on our side," CaptainCarlisle stoutly contended, when thisiconversaricn was repeated to him. 9 are named by Dean Miller.The results in the prize examina-....GILBERT WILSON 11 CO.ALWAYS � The first�erday.�dared that_"the It-igbter th{" bed wi• for first:Litdc wa��on," th-, ;�. # IW'-L-----------------------------------------·------------·�_tll��and'lanary ,Fd,raaryFel; .. ··· ,, mary�------�------------------------------------'----------��'�' •.•• 'F��THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY '�:�: F�Phone' Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. CUld _It �dnaryThe Cleanest and Best Kept Storage .. F�ryWarehouse ill the City' • • • • •, .�-;: ��Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Paclr.e�f �. .Shipped to a!l parts cf the world. 300 Private __ '�"7'rge Rooms. Large Parlor 1:xclusivc:ly for PiIIIL . ..4 �'1,,�ooms for Trunks .. rid Wheels. Large Roolflw __ 'IlCarriages, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks tc(;� '�.. "� \'11irom all Depots. Local Transfers for � fIIIn'P ..Furniture, Packages, etc., at short notice. :(.... �:·t�_ Special attcntien eivcn to University Orden. , .. � ." ;'. It idditiJ •. ;"'"W..,.t!to"ri}Madeleine Becker, Joliet HighTypewriters tirely to the liking of the students An unusually number of candidatesTYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or Rent- and faculty • was sent up. from the schools thisSpecial rates' to students; bargams Northwestern's next move is also year, there being sixty in English.. in roe-built machines, W. White- being watched with, interest. Senti- forty-four in German, forty-eight ;nhead, 36 La S�l1e Street. ment is strong at the PUrple institu- L- tin and sixty-four in Mathematics,tion for, the organizing; of athletic Dean Miller, Examiner for theLOST-Small brown pocketbook; teat:J1s, and it : is thought that the Secondary Schools, said, in speakingsilver clasp. Kindly return te In- faculty may raise its ban on football, of the conference, "I am sure thatformation: Office. baseball and track. The interclass even though no prize was gained byICon tests. have not been popular with a student coming up to compete �nRooms the athletes, who yearn for, inter-col- these examinations and contests,FURNISHED ROOMS. Near the lcgiate competition. The fact that still it was of great advantage andUniversity; with or without light Northwestern is. sending Professor profit to him to offer himself in thishousekeeping privileges; good light, Wilson to represent it at the meeting way to be tested by strangers in aheat, hot and cold water, bath. Call is considered an indication that ath- strange place; and I hope. that it652 E. 5,.th St., and flat. letics will probably be restored to will encourage young people fromyear to year to continue coming totheir former position.JAS. H. HENPERSqN,' floors and The colleges will be represented asfurniture refinished .and pelished; follows: Chicago by Director Stagg.dancing floors a specialty. Ad4ress �Iinncsota by Professor Paige, Wis-the Reynolds Club. consin by Coach Hutchins, North-FOR S.A_L��A dress suit, size 36; 111 western by Professor Wilson, l11in­goed condition; ten dollars. Ad- ois by Professor GOOdenough, Indi­dress X, .Maroon Office. ana 'by Professor Holland, Iowa by_______________ .1 Professor Smith and Purdue by Pro- School,J essie M�Millan, West Aurora HighSchool,Katherine Mitchell, Milwaukee-Downer Academy.In German, the prize scholarshipis awarded to Miss Linda Rodenbeck,Michigan City High School. Honor­able Mention : Gertrude Nunnemach.er, Milwaukee-Downer Academy,Dudley Grant, Wendell Phillips HighSchool, G£C'ltch.cn Zein, We.ndellPhillips High School, Naomi Van.:.Wie, Wendel� Phillips High SChOOI'1Rosa Froehlich, Wendell PhillipsHigh School..In Latin, the prize scholarship ;s Iawarded to Bjorno Lunds, Des­Plaines High School. HonorableBut the Medics May SpringBenzine Buggies,' TooAnd H They Do--tort is committed against our natu­ral rights as champions, we shallabate the offender as a nuisance. Ourbackfield will immediately secure theball on the kickoff and convert it toits own use, in spite of any attempts Men60n: Marguerite Turney, Eastof the . Medics to replevin it. We have Aurora High School, Dorothy Chase,legal cause to retain the ,champion- Lake Vie�v High School, EUgeniaship, to which we claim an unques Ruff, Hyde Park High School, Mar-tionablc easement." garet Parker, Springfield HighThe lineup of the teams is a mat School. tter of unusual secrecy, but the follow- In Mathematics. the prize scholar- ting tentative lineup of the' Laws �p is awarded to Henry O'Brie�, tI�aked out:· Friend, left end; Hir- Kansas City (Central) High School.schl, left tackle. Hooper, left guard. Honorable Mention" Carl Krocer, EI­Gregory, center; .Taylor, le�t guard gin High School, Frances P. Keat­Brooks, right tackle; Baird, rign,].ing, Lake View High School, Doro­.end; Barker at quarter back; thy Robertson, Austin High School,Allen, Schultz and Dougherty, ha�t Abraham Buchanan, Medill Highbacks; Carlisle, full back. School, Ralph' Schwartz, Findlay,The Medic line is still in doubt, (0.), High School.."but Captain Schott will play fullback, The contest in Declamation wasSeiler, quarter, Ewing and' Stang). participated in by 2Q boys and 15halves. girls, the boys competing againstthe boys, and the girls against theBIG NINE COMMITTEE TO girls. The two scholarship prizesDISCUSS REFORMS TODAY were awarded to: Edwin Schmidt,Robert Waller High School, Chicago,(Continued from page ,I)letic relations with the East both in Florence Canavan, Appleton, (Wis.)football and track, have not been en- High School.l'::: fr these cntcsts."NOBEL PRIZE AWARDEDPROFESSOR MICHELSON(Continued from page one)fcssor Moran. Chicago in 1892, held the chair )jphysics at Clark University.Prof. �Iichetson is the holder of manydegrees. He was givcn the honorarydegree of Ph. D.' by the Stevens In.Eclde to Referee East't is understod that Walter Ecker- stitut.c, Western Reserve Univcrsit�sall, '07, will be ask.ed to officiate in a the degree of doctor of scicnce b)number of big eastern games next the University of Cambridge, and theseaSOD. ..e�re. of L.LD. by Yale in 19o1. for fverything in Hardware,.Paints, Oils and Ci/ass338-42 E. 55th 'STRE�Tel. H. P. 1160. � ARNOLD COMPANYENGINEERS-CONSTRUCTORS�LECTRICAL � CIVIL- MECHANICAL181 LA SALLE STREETCH ICAGt:'-THE STA'TE SCHOOL OF MINE·S¥�.of the "'',! ;":-4-' UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. '.��;�. • 'JIt is located at Salt Lake City, Utah, in the heart of a great 1IiDiIJ.country,.wit�in sight of some of the greatest mines of the world; .�;the very doors of the largest smelters and concentrating mills.. .-.:.;quires a four-year high school course .for entrance, and offers a· ... ;years' course, and a graduate 'course in each of the following lin��;Engineering: ,Mining, Civil; Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical, and Irfrigation (the last in connection with the Agricultural College). The Uai-·versity laboratories are well equipped, those in Mining, Metallurgy�;Hydraulics being unsurpassed, The ore dressing mill is the lar;est,i''Connection with a school anywhere. The professors in charge are io6.scholarly and practical. . -.. Ai;i-';'JOHN W. DOUqLASTelephones 4068 Harrison--3884 AutomaticDESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE MAN'S APPAREL10" . 51 E. JACKSON BLVD.;.Wanted I WAXTED-A young woman ueall-WANTED-A young man to solicit i panion to a boy of seven �advertisements. A good position to; Employmcnt Bureau.a good man. Address J. M., Daily 1--- ",.Maroon Office. :IGOVERNESS WANTED-For aft-! WANTED-Students to attend It­ernoons �USt speak German and I glewood Roller Rink. 64,l2 W.,.­I worth Ave. Every eye., n....French Apply at Employment j Sat. and Sua. Aftemoo •• tIItICIBare<.: U nivusit,.. l KaIOlL RoUer Skating �' ..