"Too much is -expected of the in- Tables groaning with their loads.� � � their lien are stars- tellectual side of education unaided Two Months :3e:o:,,(: Debate - 7.:: of turkey, cranhcrry sauce and other Result a Surprise to Many-TrainingMedics Handicapped - Barker by any home influences; the .collcgc Meet Twice a We�(- with Coach tr adit ional Thanksg iving edibles fur- Table and Freshman Proposals. �.andal �Aircd. alone can not furnish a complete edu- Chandler. ll;sI�c.::l forth"a Ieast'.Ior _ _t�:,:e hundred.,. N,?t .Discussed.cation.". In these: words Dean Mar- ___J gir;�-' in Lexington h:.t5 ycstcrday l.- __ ._. ' �· Eluhusias�, is re�chin& � point .)f ion Talbot yesterday expressed her With a prnc t icc debate held last cv.cning. The spread was given by The Board of Physical Culture and�iPest potentiality, as the real. eli- belief in the importance of home ng ht, thc six memhl:"r:, oi th.� Uni- the Woman's Union a nd was a com- Ath lct.ics met yesterday aft crnoon :11IIlX of the football season ap- training at a meeting 'of the Y. W. vcrsity debate teams got down '.0 plcte success. Haskell, and aft.er a two hour session�ts': In spite' of many rumors C,: L. earnest wor k in prcp.rrutiou for the The decorat ions of thc hall were decided to leave football affairs .1S�.�rts· to' the contrary. the cril- "What you are here is determined triangular Chi c ago-Yl ichignn-Nort h- lll111SlI;Il. The tables and chairs were they are in the West. The conclu-daI. gridiron battle of the .season is largely by what your home life was wcs te rn debate. bales of hay, and the walls were lined sion reached at this rncct ing showsret to' be waged, Fast and furious ;s before you carne here," she said, "Not The men were divided into t w» with corn stalks. The scheme sue- that Chicago's att.itude at the con-lilt training' that the hostile .camps only must the college give to the teams, as Io llows : ::\1 ':rshall, Sauder- cccded ill giving the desired effect fercncc meeting Saturday will be the�.Iai�g .th·ro�b·for this th-e great- home. but the home must also give to son and Pope, aflirlllative; Liver, oi a harvest celebration, A hundred most conservative in the last three��e of, ne� loot�all scheduled the college," U'Dollnl'i and Xloulton, negative. of the girls present came in costume. years,foi'tbe· season of; 1907. The entire Dean Talbot commented on the There arc practically two months many of which added a merry note to The only matter of ttlC severalscitDtiic and. judicial .worlds . wtll change in. the attitude of the world bciorc the dcbat.cs, which will 1)(: -the affair, advocated that was taken up was theUtt their attention fixed on the con- toward a girl's college life,' People held ncar the end oi January, The The banquet opened with a grand proposition to lengthen th,e scheduletest 'o� i.Iarsh·al1. field next Saturday used to think only of the intellectual members of the teams are deter- march through the corridors of Lex- from five to seven games. This.as their respective champions clash influence which the girl comes in con, milled to reverse the outcome of last iugton. This was .headed by Dean change has found many supporters.lol the champion;hip ,of the profes- tact with, but now there are many season, when both teams were de- Talbot, Miss Chamberlain and Miss Sentiment on the campus especiallysio)Sa1 schools. " interests other than the purely intel- Ieatcd. They arc planning for a Paradise. A dance was held after the has been strong for seven games,The disciples of Blac�stone have lectual, 'and which are equally inr- strenuous sixty days, and will meet dinner. Considerable dissatisfaction has beenktn throullh a. lrfUelinc season 6)f portant. Miss Talbot said further twice a week with Coach Ch and I.,;: r expressed. because of the fact that_tal weeks pra�tice in' front of the that, although the woman who goes for abou't t,wo hours an evening. They GLEE CLUB IS NEAR TO too few games arc played. But theLaw building and .. ' dUTiii'g the last to college ought not to neglect the will in the meantime spend their DECISION ON. DIRECTOR Board decided .that Chicago policy(tw days. on Marsball field itself, intellectual side, she ought to gain time in reading up the many works would be to cast its votes for the,PIt �laim this js·� sure indication of through other. channels. as well, such hearing on the subject, Unusual Response to First Call Au- retention of the five-game arrange- �their superioritj' �ver the cold blood, qualities as would develop broad- The meetings will take the shape of gun Well, Say Promoters-To ment,e.! sawyers of bo�es, mindedness and self-control over her trial debates, more or less informal. Organize Next W�ek. All sides of the proposal were given,l1icit further' claims to, supremacy impulses; that it was by this means The men will be shifted about on '1.1(.' consideration. The contention of ex-.. based-on �.J).r.oweSs-tal �e .. irt.ii- only. that a girl .could iretnrn to her teams in order t!�;,' »-lJ may. become The promoters of the new Univer-- pcrts that just as. strenuous training"WIal stars in their b..nn,·· lncludin- hom" and be able to zive back to ,,·t sitj· {;lee- Cfilb ·ar.e cncrgctiC-.illY·pusl1:· ;s- .... i�acd' �jidc7ttc--p"rcSCntregUl· "1::·--'.:.;'- _;..:;::,; ........--., -" 10- entirely familiar with both sides c.:,f·iidI illustrious �tbletes a's Norman the best of what �he had learned at the (}lL':!stion, antl that e,'ery possible iug towards a hnal and definite or- tia'n as' uiJder that;"uf seven games.,-· ··..1.-r• th" captain, whQ "':11 direct II 'd h d b h ganizatiOll 'jf the dub. The latest in- the financial sitk. :\'nd the student... � ... -"I- co ege In or er to rep�y tee t � \! combination of speakers may be tricd,·t'e' jurists from the qaarter-bolck owed there, • And not only in thc The make-up of the teams will be formation obtainable is that :i direetor interest argllDlcnt werc discussed :ItJQlitiOD, maQacer Huco . Friend' who home, but wher,ever she gocs, the col- d;!finitely fixed' by the end of the has pra-ctically been deci�ed upon, and length. What mat:cs the decision'till be the for"ard pass sensation lege girl of today finds that an enor- quarter so that the .o:ntire month b,_:. that he will meet the .peopLe interest- most surprising is that Chicago was."the �aSOl1 in his <apacity of left mous amount is expected oi her iorc ,the contests can be devoted :-:> cd in the club some time next week, one of. the first and 'strongcst in the!..... G Id U' 't of h' h' , h d b I thc exact date to be announced later. fite.... regory, aD 0 DlverSI Y w IC It IS er uty to e ab c to organizillg the indivitlual teams, move or sen.'n game'S as year ....IIC-ots' on,,'" will shoulder the duties ' '.n:.:! prOmoter5 of the club have prom- No\v tllat tIle cllallge: to a longerQQ ...... give. "\Ve have an u11tlsllally good ques- ...u b k ;.bb·1 C I- I (om,'· 0 h I I d D ised to have a number of memb"rs I d 1 I b f I d t .1v. snapper ac 'n lear IS e - n t e ot ler lan, ean Talbot tion," sa:d T. H Santlerson, ;t mem- " 5<;: Ie u e las c-en rec y a voca �...,.lOllS name) wil� s� at left half, said that there w.ere SOUle things ber of the team, y,�sterday, "As COtll- of the faculty P;'CSCllt at this meet- it was thought that· the .. ' M<ir.oon&8_ '11 b tb d t' of fulll..-k h' h h II . I ' h ' ing to voice their sentiments of. th�> I .' 1.1 -. bid· ..lWICU \VI S are e. U les uon;; W IC t e co ege gu � orne must .,aretl with last ycar's subject it i:; - aut lOntles wou u agalll e ea ers In.witb Shultz. a pr.Oud wearer of a 1911 give her, and which she cannot g�t certainly as gootl ii not hetter. The newer emkavors, and to show alsv s.ccuring the adopti'oll-- oi the thangc,SlIftter. and tbe remainder of the elsewhere. Etiquette was named as sides are cvenly balanced, but tl-te that the nlo\:elllellt is .. being com- It is not expected; howcv(!r� tl1:1t;L.-, machine will be. composed of an e.-amp'-. N d tl t d b lIJC1H.letl and �l!pportctl by the otlicials �.·tll·lents· \"1'11 ol·)J'c·-t nlitcll·.· to' � the:...... .... Ie owa ays Ie en ency Ilegati\'c has a slight a(h·antag.':! e- ' u • ..&_:_ .. at n'she �·end. Brooks right' to t th I I t f ., I of the Uni"ersity, T.hose who are in "talld of tll·C Ulll·\·C"':'I·ty, .SI·11CC·tl·1C fi\·,_,:""" IS expec e sc JOO s 0 urmsn calise many points can be b oug It ttp �. �... ..1.,.. Taylor r· t auard, Hooper thl'S, D T Ib t '. d tl t tl' I a position to make a rcliabie state- .r..-ltllC'" I'll l(fI�o../ \·.··.·I{ l't·1 .. 11 p' robabt·ll·t·y;.IOIUU..., • can a 0 asser .. e Ja 1\:; which will makc an in5t:'I.lt al'pea �o .... "" ;_,IJO ..Ial.a. ""'!lrd, and Hirshl left trckle, 0 Id b ··d J • tl I . . 1 • l11ellt say that the club is bouild l'J 'I)C l)l.·l"'c(l ,'lt 11(lllle,Iq'.- cue game on y 10 Ie lome, the j1lGgcs--points wlllch nllg It nc oJ... 1" spt't- of tbe t-;ning and stellar d h' 'd th t tl' he one oi the big successes of �'ear,.."._ an s e sat a lere were eVI- eas:ly refuted aiter some thoug-ht, but oJIiaeap of the denizens of the lawy�r dences, evcn today, in the University which if not prcparcd ior migJJt well ii th,,� spirit ShOWll by others in the to scnd represl·nta(,·l·:-;\.f;to thc' mcet-nrscry, the emllryo doctors of medi- of a lack of this fincr cultivation win a dchat::. Howl'\'cr, we will work (ntll'a\'or can be taken on its fa-:c ing' and to \,ote io:' �"\"CI{ games.� bRl� ��t ��if p.,,�� am' fame which should comc' from the hom:.:. up thoroughly all thc argutl1cm� "allic, There never has been such a gives thc mo,:el11ent ;mo •. :. :" .advoc."lt� ....:It .... t k ... f' tb QnI'n; ;'espollse: lhey say, to any call cver ... I I . f .' ,�, m- .� c:t" � e.· 1n e Cl:'':'':'T1 As an instance, shc spoke of the habit which may arzse, Therc is a vast \Visconsin is S:lIl to w ',n �r: ot,*-,,�e� T� M- D�'� hay� h�wever of the girls in massing together I)n amount of material which wc will i�sucd in support of a student effort, sevcn games, a·s is :\JiJl;l.:<:.ofa. Th\!'.. 4�t�r",ip.�4 iht:H- liR�. pqsitively the <ampus wa�ks and. not stepping h�I"C to wadc through ht'fore we will :tlld as a con�o:quellce of this the club minor colleges ha\'l� l1C1t· dedar.cJ,.... �im th�� n1fl"Jil 1b�1 �rc: unahle aside for those .to whom they ought be ready to rcline and poJ:sh our de- J:o, hounu to sllcceed. thetl1�h'cs as' yct. al::l a;-(: .t:lOlIght"pt �r for pra�tice before S to show resp.cct, li,·.:ry. But we arc 011 the way and TO GIVE LECTURE ON to be in a lIeutr;oI I'0<t;on, moret'eIock Inc! bave not yet maater-:d jrom prcscnt indications \\'ill be able "FOLK PSYCHOLOGY" likely to s.tand by the Il'Il;;;�\!hing 'j(.. ",host bali," 1helr vieto1'1' Sat- I· \\·c the schcdulc: '"Walker to Resume Wor,k as Coach �o defcat our opponcnts. w len.. ., is cert�dn. Schott, captain of 'Director St:t.Y�, <I1.·dincd ti: d·i�cus,;Fred Walker. who has been on th.� meet thcl11 at the cnd oi January.' Professor Angell t� Deliver Ninth .... v" Ru�h ander-s�dies, pIa,. half f S' f T lk S da thc deci�ioll oi the Board.' H.t' sai�lcampus since last Friday. will rcturn 0 erles 0 a s on atur y... ·Syler is· lure to direct the team Mornl'ng, it was lip to him tn :,t;(n<1 hy theliext week to resume his work. as Bureau Wants Applicationsfram the quarter-bac:k .position, Oth­coach oi th(' .\ g-r'cultural College oitr dis5ectofl included in the lineupG cJ R.e Id M'II Pa U,tah. Wa!ker t,�rncd out the first 011 will takc tl:e :1pplic;1lion5 of any ,'roit':-:'or' James Rowland Ang.!il:" Saar e;. P J1lo s. � e�d rme-�uc:c:essful foot!,;l:! tcam thc college :'UuI.ents who \\,all! work (.)ilr�l1g till' w:11 gi\c a Icd\:rc on "Folk Psychoi- motc ·or Ics:, strel1ll(,\1sly cllalllpion'�llee, tange. aterson. a gerton.· L __ h d ..I '11 d k 1 I It I' .... tIle 1)\lr- (),L:�'" at the :\lIl1a ;\lorCT:t1l sttlcliO�'1 \\,,('rc n.ot hrotlght tip for discussio!l,C h F lk f h V 't t INA a, anti WI en eavor to rna .: Frt"ellt �� 100 yr:lr. J eo-oac a � 0 tfe arst y Laea: �mething of a I",-kethall fivc from pll:'t� oi the h11rea11 lu h. ...... 'i! 011 tilc thl' �':5 Fin� .\rb hllilding, Sall\rd,." This IllC:l!lS Ihat Chj�a�() will proh·p?C his prote�es rom the ... .' 'h'.\' OP',HISC all :111('111'1115 to rc\'i\'l�the materia' . "rt; ri. He has bcen nalllc:, oi all \\·lto :lrc ;I\'ailahlc ',) ilHlrlllllg. at 9:,\0.8ailding a liabt sipal drilt )'est�rday "fll'" (,',Ot·le,' 11()t\�," ot- tllC ·1·111· ....· I',.. tllC 111'11tll lectl\"c .. ,' I'.", :' ... tr;;inin� tahlc ill ;111Y !·()�lll, nll.1<tsktd to rc ,:-il' :It least two year.- lill po:--it:()n:" � � � .' • " ,to'prtvrnt their COi.ng stal�, and.... ('I.:,('.� 0'· r()I'.t"ll1por.'l"y pS�'CIJ,)',f".! ;.1.,,, the mattcr oi ;111,,\\.illg ,;:ohed-mor�. hut h:1: �:.ridcd wheth.�r 11:� hurl';(l1 ;Ir .. : iroill :-::30 to T2:CO. " '- ... oJ 0.. nounc�d that the men of th� arflU- ,'t'ling of games hetW(''''ll Freshm,l:Jwill accept .�, ,{,:', , He is stlldyin� Thc:-'(' lectures arc g-iven with :1 \ ,'. .lllentath-c disposition win be p�lt I .. I I' f . '. '111- of varions ('()lll'1�'::". :\1<J�t oflaw, :lnd).; , '.') complete the Johns lI()pkil1� h:l:' illercasctl the 110 >ringlllg ont t Ie sa lcnt .e:ltt!f(·"; 'J: I �through a stia Krimma�e tomorrow. the time was taken up with rOllti:lework ·It J' 1eilglh flj it:- t1IHkrg-r:l<Illatc conr�'� I �()Tltclllpor:lry psychology, SImply :lil::. .' '�id scr:rnmage to last until si� .. "irom th,,:,c �f) jOllr y(':1r ..... \nnther ofl c.nllcrdcl)', I.n each lccture .. fr'.'nl: :11:-111{'5S,'eclnck. After that. t,he lawye�. will - ------h L_ At (··)1:II11hia ';1" �y:,'('m has hecll1lhe dl:ll1g'l':; rl';:l'1�tly made at that,I,\'c to.ten 1111l1t1t .. �·s ar(' sC,t aSllk 1":1,rtrt until the pext day. w en tntl::y I .d .J I h I k of .,11 en-:, Cninr,il.\·. j ... l!t;lt WOl11en m:1_" hcrc-I :lll:-;\\'crlllg Cll1cstlOns whIch ma_\' heI T1:cr.� will he :t 1l1eel ;II� of thewill m�k� their way to llarshal1" opt."11 W 'c:-(" y t 1(' \\ \,� -"�:n('eril1� "{'.1til'ut ... i .. :h' �:l1ne forl;liter he :I<]l1litll'd to gr:l(It':lte :,tauc}·l raise(l ('ol1ccrning thc subject of t·�,· Stump tomorrow· e\'�nillg at 7:30, in: thr j1r'1 yc .. r, I ing. previous lecture. Cobb 6a.lIatly' ilarnnuJ Price Two CCIltSfjI�EDIB, BllTLE WILL 'om-NO'--ALL-IMPORTANT DEBATERS STARTWOHK FOR I T.mLES GROAN AT SPREAIl-IATHlETIC BUARU--FROWNS--­.lARK C'-'� OF SEASOR DeanThin:.u��:dcsaYSlnteThlleecretua1areT_��::...r"IINTER-COllEGl�TE'CONTEST Three Hundred Girls Eat Thanks- UPON SEVEN .. GAME PLAN._ � .�&.A&'... Giving Feast from Bales of Hay-·.,....te � StruaJe. and Needed in College - Emphasises Six Debaters in Five Teams Argue Mmy are in Costume-Turkeys and "Laissez-Faire" Policy Adopted atI TIleD Some. to be St:a&ed on Need of Home Influences. Question-Plan Strenuous Cam- Cranberry Sauce in Evidence, Meeting Yesterday-Stand Is,�Marshall Fie1! s.turday. paign of Preparation,. .... '� '. Most Conservative in Years,I•r:nf,(.L.Tho!! resolution \-)f. Koi-thwestcrnook;, III-..... -, tIK.lightigb'..,(aU-The Employmcnt nurc;lu ir0111 no\\' position ·aken hy the l·lli\·c;·:-ity.The other challRcs tll:.t ha,\'c becl!N-THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, TH URSDA Y, NOV. 28, 1907. • ;1",....... , ...DO YOU REMEMBER?ordinary plan of quartettes in intro- CUT r._\T3 DYERS & Ci�ANERsducing a great deal of monologue and Dyers and Cleaners 01 Lad'es' aDddialogue, which would better be rc- Gents' Garments, Carpets, Draper_placed '.by music. ies and Lac� Curtains. Phone, HydeHARVARD HAS BIGGEST Park 2269. .ATTENDANCE OF COLLEGES �4S E. 63rd St. Cor. Gree'nwood'AttLadies' Garments Price List .:Eastern University Has Enrollment F1ain Ski�t dea�ed and pressed" ..• :•• :'IiJc'.. .. . I Pleated Skirt, cleaned and .pres�e.,1 :. '.,; 76c.. 1pVaudeville. of S,343-Credit Chicago WIth Waist c.leaneo.l and presse. d.' .: . . • " �. Ipveloped, Jacket cleanerl and pressed , .• ' • , '. ,i5c III5,079 Students., Skrrt sp"IIJ.;ed allJ pressed • . , • • • 35c upFor you should remember, Mr. Edi- .. a--'---- .-. Of all the colleges in the country, I Men's Garments Price List: .'"tor, that the Reynolds club and the At the Auditorium this week, Kia\\' I 'J' d'· . t: ft"Walter A.. Ford. Miss Esther Hall, . Harvard leads in point of attendance. SU!ts dry deanc( an presse . . '.' - : .... .00S I b . ti t f dEl keeni h Suits steam cleaned and pre-ssed •. a,·r."·. L%i.core c u are orgamza Ions, no 0 an r anger are ceepmg up to t I! with �3 f3 students. Valparaiso fol, Trousers dry deaned and pre"st:ll .. ,';';' «It .. ,Harvey B. Fuller, Jr.,. A. L. Fridstein ;:J'9 .. dId a' I ft Mthe men and the women of the UUi- standard required by 'the war which Over-coats ry c cane an".prt:� .. e' •. " .. ; ........Albert D. Henderson Fred W. Carr, lows with 5 141' then comes Chicago Over-coats steam cleaned and I·re,,�t''' . '.. �., versity, but of the men only. Th·! was on, and by the contracts mad\!. ' .'. 8 C I Suits sponged and pres .. ed »•• ', • .'.� • ' •••With 5,079; Michigan, 4, 00; 0 urn- l'rousers �fonged and pressed •.• lOtwomen of the University have no at that time, are still on. The head- 1\1'" .. •... ,.\. ,.:'bia, 4,643; Illinois, 4.300; mnesota, . .. '.right, per se, to go to Varsity af- liners on the bill ar� Mr. Louis A. 4,025; (:ollege of the City of New .. .c-,;:; ..fairs. The only reason they shou!J Simon, Miss Grace Gardner and 86 A G '5· PAL·DIN'-have for expecting to be invited lies Company who are presenting under York, 3.905; Northwester.n, 3.�: .• �..., .'. '..', .U .., Univers:ty of Pennsylvama, 3,550;i .nthe attractiveness which they may the name of "The New Coachman" a Pratt Institute of Brooklyn, 3.489;possess. They have only themselves new sketch of misunderstandings. Mr. Cornell. 3,399 Yale, 3,200; New YorkAccording to its established cus- to' thank if they aren't' invited. I Simon giv.es a very successful imita­. tom for Thanksgiving day, The Daily think it is a perfectly fair thing to tion of the man who doesn't get tosay, and a thing well-proven by the bed until afternoon, while Miss Gard-Warren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank,P. W. Pinkerton. less the cause of its being printed. Ithink this chivalty is unduly de- house.good to play and good to watch.If the fa-culty wanted to shorten thefootball season, the students mightconceive a; reason that would be sat­isfactory to some people--not stu­dents. But football interest is to takejust as big a part out of the schoolyear as though the schedule wereseven games. The players are to bekept in training just as long and arcto practice just as hard. Only the A Year Ago To-day.Th.e "Scrubs" defeated theFreshmen football team 18 to o.The philosophy men for th»first time won the soccer contest.The defeated team represented the..... IIt1M!eat PUllcatlea ef tbe 1fDl ...1I1t7 of CJalc:qo.college.J'onDeIQTbe UAlyen1t7 of Chlc:qo Weekl,.I'OIUldec).Tbe Weeki,. Oct. 1. 1�'Tbe Dati,. Oct. 1. 1902. Arts-Science LiteratureThe score was I to o.I· Two Years Ago To-dayTIle Junior Co II eg.e W,'llIellelected their committee ch.ur-me� .•Three Years Ago To-day IMa rk Catlin was ..... le.. cted cap-tain of the football team ior rry)5.Four Years Ago To-day fChicago defeated WiSCUll-;!:\ r rI to o. "Five Years Ago To-dayI TI1.e .first al,plication for theseason's track work were filer]with Mr. Stagg.Ten Years Ago To-daySnell Hall held its regularmonthly reception.The Delta Kappa Epsilon gavea dancing party at the chapteraverage student is to have occasionalEaten4 .. 8ecoDcJ.claa Mall at the CbS· repetitions of this year's history.cqo P_tomce. which permitted him to see oneglorious game and two other contestsP.bJlahed daU,. except Sunda,... kOD_ that were woefully one-sided.da,.. and bolldaya, duriD� three-quarten What is the faculty side? Yester-Q,( the U&venll1ty year. day its representatives refused. togive it.1SubecrlptioD price, $3.00 per ,ear; $1.00tor a �ontha. Subacrlptiona recelyed attile IiItroon Omce. Elila Hall. or at theI'acult¥ Exchange. Cobb HalL COMMUNICATION, 'Dear Mr. Editor: I read with agood bit of surprise the editorial in arecent Maroon about what your pa.,LUTHER D. FERNALD, Mansglng Editor per seems to believe the duty of Var-I'RESTON 1'. GASS, News Editor.MELVIN J. AIJAMS. Athletic Editor. sity men to take more Varsity girlsto the college -hops.It is impossible to believe that thiseditorial could have heen suggesteJby any of the ladies of the U niver­sity. They have, I am sure. too muchpride to do such a thing. The chiv-alry of the editorial board is doubt- ON THE CHICAG:O STAGELOUIS S. BERLIN, Business Manager.ASSOCIATE EDITORS.'Printed b:r the Maroon Pre..414 Eat 65th Street.Pllo.. Hyde Park 36SUII!III the best that has ever been exhibitedin America.There are three acrobatic acts 011the bill. all of which are well worke;1out. .Of these La Troupe. Car�lclo :�the most. graceful company. -TheFour Bards are the strongest, all JDelmore and Lee are the most thr ill­ing. The turn given by Delmore andLee, styled a study in black and white.is an exhibition on apparatus whichthe performers themselves originated. 1.Acting in a setting of absolute bla �I; ......... .:........---.--:--":-»�.�-- .... "'O;;iI:like the one the lnte Papinta used touse, the pair give an act which mayw.::I1 be called nerve-racking.'Valoni, the only juggler 011 the pro­gram, would be dull if he had not hitupon a novel idea in using a flock 'Ifpigeons to aid him. He juggles. theseand uses them to make his time onthe stage more attractive.The Quaker City Quartette is notespecially successful. The membersare good, and they sing together well,but the act deviates a little from the �ger ·:6 Co:·i:28,E�':Aaains Streetl�,.(Branch 159"W�bash Ave.rii� � -. ..'� �;. No' Regrets when Smo •Egeria�"M.i�ttir 13 1-3Class, fl'a'ernity� socri; -,'-:- PINS '-;��:��. ";We make, a. .SPECLAL T.Y.'2'of':;,.,this c lass �f work. Let: u�, ;1i!�J:you an estimate. Very. .. lt!g�st,i:··.gradt· of \\'nrl.-.m:'ns-h:p sfit�r:mlted \SPIES B'ROS��� IManufacturers of: Fine' Jewelry.' : t'IS6 Wabash Ave. C.hicago,·Ill. '1';Catalogue .upon application, .: ·.1 __--A.$2.0A3,200; Wisconsin, 3.166; Roch.ester A.and M., 3,165; Temple· College uf "K" :'\\ '.Philade!phia, 3.107; California, 3.005; I·The . La�g��t'; Manufacturers in theSyracuse, 3,004; Nebraska, 2·914, and' -.. World of : ... '.'. . .' . . .. , .'. ., ".M lSSISSlPPI, 2AOO. OFFICIAL. ATHLETIC suPPLISa. . .'. • .•.• II, .!.'- •.Base Ball. . Fo�t . Ball, . 'Qo� .Lown . TeniWh Ba�ket Ba1:l.,and women who. are receiving theireducation herc:, it 'would be well forit to make public th.e reasons for thestand it has taken. Causes whichseemed to it good and sufficient, theBoard of Physical Culture and Ath­letics must have had. The studentsuniversity. If the faculty cares any- Home." Her voice has not shown wise are doomed to' disappointment.thing for the good opinion of the men any strain from the constant work It is true that the University calendarMISS REYNOLDS TO LECTURE she has been doing on the concert omits Friday. but that does not makestage and in vaudeville, and remains it a holiday .. I t merely signifies tha�To Give Ninth Address of Series at as rich and pure as ever. th.e different organizations are takingAnna MOI'gan Studios Saturday 'Dave Lewis, in the old days th:.· a vacation.MominC. leading man of the LaSalle th.cater When the University calendar ap-Maroon will not issue a paper to­morrow morning. The Saturday facts, that no woman-student among ner as the bride makes a happy im-morning edition will be published as us need despair of being in\�ted to) pression. Truly there are inconsis-Reynolds' club hops and to Score tencies in the character drawing, butusual. club dances, if she will only take care: then it is a farce. sO what matter? CLASSES WILL MEET(I) not to be snobbish on the cam- Mme. Suzanne Adams is playing AS USUAL ON FRIDAYNews of the facul,ty's action iII ;n- pus; (2) to act as if she remember.!d her last w.eek of the season in Chica- . Ho.ckey.structing Direch)r Stagg to vote for that we poor men havoC some slight go, singing four of her most success- No Clubs Meet on that Day is Rea- \)fficial Impl"!mcnts Jor Trac.� .ania continuance of the excuse for Iiv::1g, ;;':1d (3) to comb ful songs. S!ie has done 'well in , son for Omission in the Official Field _Unif�rms Jor All. Spons .No five-game schedule, will her hair in the morning, so as not to choosing three songs in English in Calendar. Spalding's Handsomely 11105:, '.'�hanksgiving be received with a great disillusion every man she knows. her selections, giving esp.ecially note- trat.ed Catalogue :of all sports.·In This deal of . disappointment Yours truly, worthy renditions of "Coming 'Yes, ther.e will be school Friday. contains numerous. sugges-.by the stud.ents of this "A Mere Man." Through the Rye" and "Home, Sweet Students who have thought other- tlOns. Send' fOF·. it. ,It's. Free ....A. G. SPALDING & BROS;�·stock -company, and fresh from th�Miss Myra Reynolds, associate New York engagement of "The Fol-of the University would like to have professor of English literature, will lies of H)07," seems to be even betteropportunity for judging thes.e for continue her lecture on English lit- adapted to monoloS11e work than tothemselves. crature, Saturday morning, at II musical comedy. He gives a talk dis-This is the side of the students as o'clock, at the Anna' Morgan studi03. tinctly Chicagoan, making many localnine-tenths of them see it. Football 825 Fine Arts building. hits, and sings two of the songs ht'is the most glorious game in exist- This is the ninth lecture of th� used in "The Follies of 1907."ence, and aside from this, does more senes, which w:is started in' the first Barnold·s Dog and Monkey Actors.than anyth'ing else, or more than week of October. This course in- a performance the feature of whicheverything else put together, to link eludes a detaiJ.ed study of su�h is "The Dog with the Jag," are com­the students close to each othe;-. writers as Wordsworth, Coleridge, pleting th.e last week of a successfulMore than anything else, it gives a Scott. Southey, DeQuincy, Lamb. run here. TIle remarkable thingpersonality to the University. It Keats, Shelley and Byron. Studen:s about the exhibition is the fact thatarouses in the student a love anrl properly registered for these lectures �Ir. Barnold, the trainer, does n\.")tloyalty for his University that noth- will get full credit in the U:niver- appear on . the stage during the per-ing else has power to do: It may be sity. formance th.e animals ha\;ng bccnvery clos.e to the old fierce clan loy- taught to go through it all on theiralty, that existed when tribe fought Dean Tufts Chosen own cues. The scene is laid at nighttribe, but the student who has ex- At a meeting of the Beecher House in Dogville's busiest strect, and weperienced it, feels that he is better members Tuesday c:vening, Dean ha\'e the factory, the cafe, the lioliceand less selfish than if his entire Tufts was elected hou.s.e counsellor station, the apartrw.:nt house, and thethoughts were taken. up with getting for Beecher for the year. Jail.from the University all that he could Signor Frosini, oi thc Royal Con-for his own benefit. It furnishes a The Chicago Chapter of Delta Up_ .sen·atory of Milan. gives an unusuallycommon basis of interest for all the silon held an informal party in Shot- difficult performance on the acco:,-students, and makes, to an enonnousdegr.ee, for University unity. And allthis, aside from the joy the game�ves as a clean, healthy, maDly sport, well hall last evenil1�. dion, using for this purpose an in­strument with five rows of keys an.jThe Masonic Club will hold a meet- three rows of stops. His techniqul!ing on Friday evening at 8 in Cobb Sb. on the accordion may be said to be'II I The Benson Orchestra·1 Th__af_s_A_."_·_� ___/f0 fast Rando'p�. �.�·l'·"'IIIIIIII··············-1 --' ........ ��.:�I Have YOu. heard about it? :.i·.Have you seen it? .. '. ;Don't fail to call when down toWSEVERYBODY 'DOES.Louis XIV. FamoDs Candy Shop.A MARVEL OF BEAUTYpea red on the scene, no Friday wasrecorded upon it. N ew-born h�p(' Irose high in the breast of the student.!H.e thought the faculty had relente.I.GLOVESAsk for the best and seehow quiek they11 bring3'OUFOWNES WeOFTONew York, Chica(o. Philacldphia. llo.loa. &JIi; ,more Syracuse. :\linneap"lis •. Detroit. Wa�hu.p!e,St. Louis, N�w Orleans. San·Franci�c.:o.' PittSbur"Cincinnatti Del1\·er. :Monlrcal. Buffalo. Ie .....City, «.:Ievcland, Canada,THE 'UNION HOTEL.AND RESTAtntANTIII-II, Randolph S�etB"AIel'THE POPULAR PLACE·TO EATEither before .'01' after fbeTheater. Tel H:--We make a Speci_alty of Clu .... -.and Fraternity pinner�. ..'IUA�INlBoweS-Allegretti Compuy.CANDIES, SODA, LUNCHESState anti Monroe StreetsTelephone 7� Central'Chic:ar;oGENTLEMEN.. anu.......t.._... _...........BOSTONGARTER... ftOftco . ..JIaa.n................ .a..:rl .... ..."A'"WAYS EASY�_ ..A. H., Me GREWLUMBERLath, Shingles, Mouldings, Etc., Etc64th Street and Madison Avenue'lilt':".: .p: lip:ap AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00-A fair �eal with e'ftIIJ' bat.Opera Hats, Silk HatL16J, lIi3 E. MADISON STREET.Near La SaD ......BORDEN·SCoDdensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.AD Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk C6.-�7-329 � Forty-seventh St./':jSSe!l· •. � H)'�e Park!8 aad tm7; A. McAdam'a-The UIIII •• ralt,, •. F lor' sl •••IIIIDOVSBS;0.. W St •• Del Jja ... ·k AYe. Chic."oWe HAVE REDUCED THEPRICES ON A NUMBEROF HANDSOME STYLESTO EVEN UP OUR STOCK. THE DAII: .: M�ROON, CHICAGO. THURSDAY, NOV. 28. 1907.,,��������������,,����Iidligan's new union clubhouse,while still incomplete, is proving im,mcnscly popular with the students.their work. ITwo hundred Pennsylvania S".I-_J�.lltsl arc, qunrautincd in the Univcr- ,I�lty losl�tal, because of one case' Ji �������������������������������FRESHMAN CLASS MEETING � •TO .BE H�LD TOMORROW tMen of 191 I to Have First Gatherin� IUnder New Rules TomorrowMorning. IThl' Fre s hmau �Ia,,� will hold s Itirst meeting under the new officer- !romorrow morning at 10 :30 in Kent •The purpose of the meeting is to per- •feet the organizat ion and to stir UJIinterest ant! class spirit. In speakingof the meeting Friday, PresidentSmith said: "\Ve want every man a.idwoman in the clas-. to b.,,: there. \Ve-Iioulci get acquainted with our ownclass mates, and to do this we musthave some social gathcring s. FJrt hi s purpose a social committee willhe appointed, and in addition anyother committees 'which may be ofuse ill promoting class spirit."INTERCOLLEGIATE NOTESX e w York Cir v J llinois Alumni arepln nn iug' to hold a series of monthlyIllini POW-\\·O\vs.The adoption of an honor systemfor all the colleges is being con sid­CH'U at �I ichigan.. Columbia mechanical engineeringstudents will hereafter be required todo six weeks of summer school work.At �Iich;gan, language grapho-phones have been adopted for thepurpose of aiding French students 'usmallpox.In three of the games played byt he Carlisle J ndians this season, t hetotal number of spectators has ex­cccdcd iO,ooo.A recent editorial in the Ha rvar.ICrimson caf ls attention to great deli­cicnces of the Hemenway gymnasiumand makes :1Il appeal for a new build­mg.The I )artmouth Athletic CouncilNo.9This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade, the bosom of which abso­lutely will not bulge.You will never wear z ny otherkind if you try this.(Patented Feb. 28-18<)9.)"THE MAC-HURDLE"All good furnishers sell them.Made byUnited Shirt 'and Collar Co.Lion Brand Shirts and Collars'Ia" decided ten of the twelve men ofla�t yca r s baseball team ineligihlcThis patch. pocket coat, iJ:- various 10 cve r rcp ncscnt the college on anyScotch fabrics, at $25, '28, ISO, .u h lctic team, as these men playedIS5, and up to 155.TAiLORIIWAM .tERRE •• • SON ..., : .. �--:w._.._,,Clark and AulDS StreetsTel Hyde Park 473- MOSSLER CO. IClothe5 Maker ••:50 Jacklon Blvd. MA ROON MENWHO 'HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS FALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS $35.00$C�er6WDkieTAILORS '85 189 DearboraSI.Bank floorprofcssjoua l hall dur ing' the summer. PiPID' g ID' Power House TU"-_. I.Our Cover.ngs used on the Steam --. au .....and Building of the University of Chicago.An event which attracted a good Contract work a Specialty..lva l oi attention and which, inciden­.a l ly, has. done a great deal of advcr­:i:-ing- for col leges, is the touringthrough Europe by six boys fromVanderbilt University, who sang theirIn a Hurry?WE'VE antic--ipated yourwants by: pro­viding ready­for - service gar­ments that areequal in everyrespect to thehighest pricedproducts of ex­clusi ve tailors.This overcoat'" is shown in tansand grays, made from selectimportations of English blanketcloth. It has the melt on collarin shades to correspond andhas that' graceful, soft, easy ef-'feet that your tailor strives for.First :F1.or-Wal.tcoats In 55the newest tan,. Special.MOSSLERCO.CI.thc5 Maker.'SO Jack50n Blvd.;\f."�ICUR I XG A r SII:\�I POOING : \Vay t hr oug h the continent.,\ di,..CI1 .. ,,:lIn 011 ,;nrority ru:-.hin;;:ional FdttCltioll :\"'''cial:oll. that :, r"('clltly pr in t c d ill the (,lIlkg.-.' 1110111:1.uat iona l u n ivc r s i i y hI' c-t a hli-hcd b\' i:,' IIi St:lnior:1. ha.; l'auscd cOlls:t!cr­an act oi CIIllg:l'''' ill this part .,i :lhk agitation ull the Cllllptt,;, ":\:.;Columhia. til hI' �l1ppnrtl'd hy th,' -I I .t'OIl(,lIctl'( at presl'tIt .. says the writer.�o,·erlllll<'nt. ;111t! to ';l'n-l' :-IS a pos:­ "thc rll:-hing seasoll i� not ollly an:Ihu"cd pI..' rjorlll:-lIlC.':', hut its illlnH,,'diat�dfl'CI i=- to hring thl' whole colJc�:.·:Ilt(l rl.lil·lIk ill the cyc,; oj the Ollt­.. ide world,,"_, BOOKSMel' Supplies for University andHigh School Students.New and Second Hand.BBWl"t'l-&�15 E. 55th St. Next to cor, Kirnbark.,.""';., ....eo TRAVEL OVER THE� �-------....MONDN ROUTE'"j',I� If 70U co.telAFAYETTE.JNDIAPOLIS.LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI.DAYTON.Or any Southern ,_.oint. Depots.Ile2rb:>rn Station, Polk and Dear­kmI 5t5.; 47th and 6.1rd Sts. (En·000)p.,.a l I arvard Univcrsjty has received :1giit oi 2,000 acres oi valuable timberl.uid ncar Petersham. :\Iass., for thePhone H. P,3286 It,;.;· oi the Iorcst ry dcpart mcnt. For-�lectric Scalp and Facia! MassageMADAME KAYNOR"SSCALP SPECIALISTThe X:ltiollai As,;ociatioll oj St.u«Uuivcrs it io«. at a Illl'l'lillg la�t Till'�­(lay in \\·:I�hill,"!I"ll. :Id"ptl'd a r c ... ·-ommcnd.ui..» Illadl, hy j(':111 commir­tee of t h.,: .\"'(ll';;ltil'll .i ml of t hc X.l-1o{ra(IUale �l'ho()1 (Ii college:' mai;l­f;Jilled hy Ik' ,;1:1:(', Thi� mean=- th;ua hill (,l11ho<iying' t h(, rl'Clllllllll'llllat inllwill hI' hrollgllt hd('r(' till' Il('xt �l',;-\\':\XTED-Ewry 111:-111 who has notsubscribed, to do so at oncc, c-t ry -t ndcuts will do a large part oftheir work at Petersham. where thvywill lra vc an opportunity for pral·tica!:'nrl'�lry.Arc you on the suhscription list ofThe Daily Maroon? CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, fLfCTR/CAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUS.WE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO D�CRIPTION,Any Apparatus Made to OrderW: J. BOEHMMANUFA'CTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2,00. 171 E. Randolph Street.··CHICAGOA Great. Convenience]Your Baggage checked through to destination over aU lines.We Will bring the checks to you and it costs no more thanthe claim checks issued by other companies.WE TRANSFER TO AND FROM ALL PARTS OF THECITY. OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT. Tel Harrison 4h-THE FRANK f. SCOTT TRANSFER CO.CHICAGOSamuel Harris &: ce,MAC H I N 1ST S' AND MANUFACTURERS"Tools and Supplies.23 and 25 Sou t h C Ii n ton S t r e e tCAREY'S PIPE AND BORER COVERINGS85 Per Cent Magn� AbeRos, Etc:.WESTERN ROOFINCi SUPPLY177 Randolph Street, ChicagoROOMS fOR RENTSingle, Double or en suite; well furnished, modem, convenient;large, light, and clean; electric light, steam heat; bath, hot and coldwater.Hotel Maroon.NORTHEAST CORNER 58TH ST. AND DREAEL AVE.RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERIn C.nnec:tienSMITH-VAILEPumping M�chineeyThe PI .. tt Ironworks Co.•311 ISeUbOm StreetCbic:aco, mHarrison .7.TURBINE PUMPSSTEAM PUMPSELECTRIC PUMPS co.tt.-- ----;.!I //, !!rI�.fi,t! '!l:Ii"I: TIlE DAILY MAROON, CHIQ\OO, THURSDA V, NOV. 28. 1907.Uplift "Pac,kington" Fin!lls..11. PETRAUSKAS TO GIVEMUSICAL ENTERTAI.ENT TO HOLD DECLAMATIONSEMI-FINALS FRIDAY BIlIGHTO�\, ' �.F�at, Clasp Go�_.�l,for solid comfort. • The newest sh� : ,�?;end designs of one piece, pure' •. �\'.,web. All metal parts heavy nid6 :>:-1-Pllla�ded Ibrass, cabn�o�� .. rul st. 25c. a pair, ,f�Vola ea ers or v' mat . '1:)-' , __•. l � :, .............",O� SVSP£1tlllER co .. ': c.. .. '.';'nB �l'Icet Street, ., PhI.... ;:-,�::::::::::���� __ ... �JI.:a.t::�r:.. :O/�Pao.:::Hr:,:S:.=�=d:�':',_.;,�-,,"".I���!·�J��" ,f�ci'l.: ;'¥LAW-MEDIC BATTLE WILLMARK CLIMAX OF SEASON(Continued, from page I)Tenor to Give Recital' at, University To Select Four to Appear in JuniorScttlement-Settlement Aids to Co!1ele Public Speaking Field for the game. Falk says h'ismen have mastered the new game tila manner nothing short of marvelous.The University Settlement will give Semi-finals in the Junior College Opposed to him in -the endeavorthe first musical entertainment of declamation contest will be held 01' to hand out points concerning the for.its kind this year at 5630 Grove ave- Friday afternoon at four o'clock in ward pass-and onside kick-will henue, Saturday evening, at 8:15. The Kent theate-r. This contest, accord- Falk's rival, Doscff. Doseff says theentertainment will be musical reci- ing to provision in the University Laws will have to do better thantal by Mr�' M. 'Petrauskas, the fa. hand book, occurs on the Thursd ... y heretofore in practice to defeat themous tenor and composer. or'the ninth week, but owing to the Medics. He has been on the sceneThe University of Chicago Settle- fact that this date falls on a holi iay to watch the men work out underment started its work in "Pa-cking- the semi-finals have been postponed Falk, and says t;hC':r work is nottown" to relieve in a .measure the one day by agreement of the con 'I!S' faultless.hard lot of the suffering labor�rs in tants. An attempt to have a. purity ban­the stock yards. Most of the people Miss Mabel Lodge of Arts College, quet on the eve of the struggle has.are raw immigrants. The general i�- Miss Carlie Souter, of Science Col- failed dismally because of the resolvesnorance of the American language, lege. Edward J. Dykstra, of Science of both sides that there will be nocoupled to' low wages, over-work and College, Ray' r\V. Lockard'; of Llt'!_r:l';' friendly spirit on this occasion.the unsanitary conditions among ture College and Isaac E. Ferguson. Rumor yesterday had it tha.t pro­which they live, has for a long time of Philosophy College, will compete test was made against Barker's play­called for an organization that would in the semi-final iontest. Each of the ing 011 account of his being a memberhelp them in improving their" miser- contestants will be permitted to .Ie of the tra-ck team: A committeeable life. The University Settlement liver his entire selection. whi-ch is nr.; from .Professor Mechem's Law Clubis working towards that end. to exceed 800 words, Four will be took up the matter, and after diving"Packingtown," whjch- is ·;inhabi- selected to appear in the final contest into many legal decisions and opin­ted by several thousand men,' women which will IJe held before the Junior ions, returned the verdict that theand children workers of the stock- college students on Tuesday of thl! complaint was illogical, unjust, unfair,yards, is now pretty well covered by eleventh week in K.ent theater. The meant in the spirit of soreheadedncss,the voluntary organizations of the two su-ccessful candidates in the and therefore ridiculous."settlement. There are clubs and finals will receive scholarships for ROBERT ST AEDTER CO. ;',155 State StreetBetween. Dirttio,expc,the;tbeProsforfroD''J'1WI :cIeal'--AI. -bas: "�d., befa'. 'CaII: :PG$!.. will, condetechar'.�'Nor-:. fayef'q)1,. pol1,��c<6ftchandise of our well­known' Reliable a�dDurable Qualities.Ladies' and' Misses'Suits $18.50 up.Fur Neckwear from$3.75 up.. Hats from $4.00 up.classes for older women, young men one quarter.and women, and boys and girls. Most -----of the voluntary helpers are :mem- BASKET_BALL MEN TO MEET- bers of Settlement clubs; and a num- DR. R!l YCROFT TOMORROW ISOCCER MEN TO PLAY NO I SWEETENSBIG GAMES THIS ,YEAR I THEBREATHLack of Interest Puts Contest With II (M' CBlues and Wanderers Out" ISS) • C. Shaw, 8"" \Vashington St., R. 14A;of Question. PENN-CORNELL GAME ONLYBIG CONTEST �ELD TODAY WH.I'l'ENSTHETEETHRa, Ra, Raj Yum, YUm, ,Yum;Chu, Chu.. Chu,DENTYNE GUMChoicest Chew.,'ber of them are young men and wooWill Talk Over Work for ComingSeason-Practice Games NextWeek.men students from the U niversity,The N: S. Davis square, a ten-acrepark,. has been secured from the dis-· trick back of the stock yards. This soccer teams of the city are slim at.square has artistic buildings, whi::h All candidates for the Varsity present for the Varsity soccer squadbasket-ball team will hold a meeting Coach Loose declared yesterday that;11 Dr. Raycroft's office tomorrow aft. he is 'disappoinetd with the lack ofernoon at 5 o'clock. interest shown in the sport this year.The main purpose of the meeting, ,"We have hardly enough men outaccording to Captain Schommer, is to for one team,"· he said. "Last yearThe, Settlement gives a great deal talk over the work for the coming we had a big bun�h trying, and things, season. Some of the men have been were lively in this direction as a re-, of attention to the proper training 'If constantly practicing under Assistant sult, We arc unable to schedule· the children of the stockyards em- ' I . .I Coach' Ho�ghton, and the others will games with Hyde Park Blues or the on y Important game In the. country:p oyes. There are manual. training today is the Pennsylvania-Cornell,classes for the boys and small' sew- begin next week. . Wanderers, simply because there is1\ Th fi I h' affair. The only big Western collegeing and cookin g classes for zirls. e rst regular inter-collegiate not enoug competition to developo· will b la '1 t h . h that will p,lay is N ebraska, but its. Miss Mary E. McDowell is in game IDOt e p yed unu the a earn t at can grve t ese, two teamsopening of the winter quarter, but a close game." meeting with St. Louis is not ex-charge of the Settlement, being the d f . h h .practice games may be arranged for Englewood was defeated by a score pecte to urms .muc excitement.head president there. . She 'has be�n C 11' . k d has early as next week, according to of 3 to 0 Tuesday, and will play orne IS piC e as t e winner in· working for the Settlement ever D h th.e Eastern game, as the I thacanssince its inception. r. Raycroft, �ho will take charg.e of anot er game next week in an en-the squad. The schedule has, not deavor to reverse the score. Coach have had by far the best record thisbeen made up as yet, and the games Loos.e said the work of the Chicago season. The game is being watched�HUN STUDENT RETU,D .. TED bid '11 t d b \\'ith speCial interest, as the r'uaker ',: Typewriters.. \&u" to e p aye WI not be announced earn was goo ut hardly of a caliber ).eFROM ISOLATION HOSPITAL f f d ' team has met both Michigan and the I TYPEWRI:rERS for Sale .r I--or a ew ays. to warrant a game with either the ---The prospects for a winning team Blues or the Wanderers. !ndians this year. P.ennsylvania dc- SJ,tecial rates to studl!nts; Nrp.I.this year are brighter than ever be- featcd the \Volvcrines 6 to 0, but til.! in roe-built machines. W. WJite.fore at the University. Houghton is INSTR,UCTORS TO GIVE Redskins walloped Pennsy 26 to 6. head. �6 La Salle Street .the onl1' man of last year's team who TEN LECTURES THIS WEEK ' " ,will not play this year. 'To make up ---- LEE MAXWELL TO MARRY LOST-Small, :br6w�" poCkctW;Th ffi· 1 f h DIP •• Ad .. ----- . silver c,lasp� '.' IG,,·ndly': . retu�' �,;.;,e 0 cia sot e e rado w�re for his loss, Page, Hubble, Falk, De naany � to be Delivered Un. ,'" a.-d A fonnation Offic� ,forced to ask Ben Hadley of the Uni- Tray, Steffen and Harris will try for er uspices of the University Former Varsity QuarterlJack to Wed' ," "versity High School, who was recent- the team. Captain Schommer, Falls, Lecture Association. Nip PaYJl� W�l.� ·R,�.'� m8 .IY,. i-�turned fr�'m the Isolation Hos· Georgen, Buhlig 'and Carter, of last• a1 h F f ,FURN.IS, HED ,ROOM.S .. N"·r:·I..PIt .w ere he had ben confined, be- year's team, will b,e out. our pro essors of the University Lee Maxwell, 'oS, quarterback Oil � ....University, ; with or without 'i:.I.t,'"cause he was suspected to be suffer- will give ten lectures under the aus- the Varsity' football team for the uring from a slight attack of 'smallpox. PLAY SECOND FRATERNITY pices of the University Lecture Asso- four years ending with the 1904 sea- housekecping privileges; good tip!.to l.eave the hotel. Some of the regu- FOOTBALL GAIlE NEXT WEEK dation. in the next four days. Fol- son, is to marry �liss Payne Wells heat, hot and cold water., batla.c:Plar guests of the hotcl discovcrcd that lowing is the schedule of these Iec- of chillicothe, Mo.: The wedding will 652)�. 57th St., 211� flat. .Hadley was there, and, fearing an Phi Delta: Theta and Kappa Sigma tures: take placc at Chillkothe on Decem- WANTED-A young woman as M-outbreak of the epidemic in their to Meet on Marshall Field Nov. 28-Edmund East, on "Alex- ber 12. Maxwell met Miss Payne;.t panion to a boy of seven Jftff.midst, made a formal complaint to Wednesday. ander Hamilton," at Huntington, Ind. the Unh'ersity, which !;he attcnded Employment Buteau.the proprietor of the ho�l, and rc- J. H. Raymond, "Paris: Nationalism two years before going to Vassar.questcd that Haaley he compelled:o The second game of the inter-fra- and Liberalism," Kankakee, Ill. In addition to being a football star,vacate the hotel. ' Ac-cording to th\! tcrnity football series will be played Nov. 29-F. R. Moulton, "Nebular Maxwell was prominent in a gr.catstatement of Radlcy'� friendS', the next Wednesday between Phi Delta Hypothesis," Princeton, Ill.; J. H.I many student affairs. bcing chairmanyoung man r.cally ne�er had small· Theta and Kappa Sigma. Th.e con- Raymond, "Nationalism and Liberal· of the Senior College Council, trcas­pox, but was simply' hrought to the test will take place on Marshall Ficici. ism." :\Iattoon, III.; Professor Charles mer of the Senior class, and mcmb�rhospital because he had been eating If this is' anything like the Phi Delt- Zueblin, "Ul!mocratic Art," \Vool· of the Three·Quart,ers club, Scoreat the sa�e table with Hall. Hadley Beta game, so the amused spectators lawn �ople's Institute, Chicago; Ed· club, and Owl and Serpent: He is ;:th:ts return'cd to his former rooms in of that contest de<Clare, it would be mund East, "Alexander Hamilton," present an advertising solicitor of a5831 Monroe :t"enll'e, and is very in- worth anyone's whiLe to come and Terre' Haute, Ind. publishing house.dignan,t o'·.er the treatment accorded have the best laUgh of the year. Nov. 3o-Professor J. Paul Goode.him at the hands of thc Del Prado The Fbi Delts have decided to play "When the Coal is Gone, what then?"people. Phi Kappa Psi in the near future. Davenport, Ind.; Professor CharlesBeta Theta Pi has been challenged Zueblin, "Government," Milwaukee.by Psi Upsilon. This is the fourth Dec. I-Professor Charles Zueblin.game the Betas have, the others be- "Democratic Art." Minnea.polis.ing with Phi Kappa Psi, Delta KappaEpsilon, and Kappa Sigma. TIle I Se.d i. your .subscriptio.. to Tiledates will ftc �ccd ...... DaiI,7 lIareoa. It. it _w., WantedChances for playing the \_V A�T ED-A young mall to, So&atadvertisements. A good posi�":a good man. Address J. Y., Daii1Maroon Office.Day to Have Little Resemblance toOld-Fashioned Thanksgiving­Cornell Picked to' Win.contain a gymnasium for men and'boys, one for women and girls, abeautiful social hall, club-reading andrefreshment-rooms, .and a swimming'tank. GOVERNESS WANTED-For ii�ernoons 'must 'speak- Gennaa ....French Apply' at Emplo�.,.}, .With only one big gridiron conteston today's program, King Turkeyhas. for the second Thanksgivingunder the new rules, little interfer­ence from his old rival, football. The University. ", Buret>J AS. H. HEN»ERiON ftoeiL�?furniture 'ref:nisheti' a�4 '��;:dancing' floors, a' specialty, A:'"the Reynolds Clu�. .. �'" thii· .... ·UJ,.,�,."e:, � SCYI�"�...., ..'p'be= ....'�Roller Ska�g , ' ,,\V ANTED-Students to atteDCI. �glewood Roller Rink, 64JZ wCit-.worm A vee Every eve., 'l1naI.Sat. and Sun. Afternoons th_season.Residents of Del Prado FOI'ce Man·• to . :Make Ben Hadley ,Leave Hotel ,�o, . ba-thewh:Uatot,cbQSCIaIIC:ltIqfoJDAILYIIAROONDo it ....FOR SA LE-A dress suit. size 36;.good condition; ten dollars. Ai-'dres!' X, Maroon Office.AN ADV. IN'. THE DAILY MAROON, .IS 'AS GOOD, AN : ....INVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.Germanic Club to Meet TuesdayThe Germanic cluh will met Tuc.;­day. November J. at 8 o'clo<:k p. m.,at Prof.essor Hood·s. 5407 Greenwoo(1avenue. There will be a paper hyProfessor Cutting and a rcview of iljonrnal article by Mr. Rohde. 11tis.�mi$el a fin. pro8J'am. HAVE YOU INVESTED?SUBSCRIBEFOROri Tuesday and W�dnesday of lastweek, the Ben Greet P1ayers pre­sented at Cornell three productions,"Macbeth." "Romeo and Juliet," and·'AlDda Mo �a.oat NotJaiac.II' THE