:... ». � ,Il".,"m,""�"\II ..... _ �-i -..' a..r.._� ... ,CHICAGO�,SATURDAY, NO�. 23. 1�7.:.GONE;n�' the next best thing.The biggest: crowd 'that ever &",t·within the gates of Marshall Fi�ld\vill·witn·c'ss' th� struggle �tween tl1�• •• _ ' 1Maroons and' Indians this 'afternoon. I Wi�consin .. '_ The.' forme�' record of 27,000 in' th�"• W. M, Bertles, H. W. Drew, W. 11.1' I ' f '11' b b 1t . '. .\' IC ugan game 0 1905 WI e er-':\.Wblpp�rman, M. A. Duffy and W. (. . . d 'b d" di'.., tere y 3,000, accor mg to 111 rcalhntch. . d" 1 1 • '.,'\. . ..., nons so far, an at t rat t ie size '0.,.' The. annual 1I1tercoltegaate, cre-ss 1: .-, d' 'II b' I' ited lv bv tl!' , .tne crow WI e muse -on y y meIcountry race for the championship uf -. . f' h f Id . ' :,•.. . . capacity 0 t c 1e . " " .: � ," the West WIll begin th\� mornmg .at ]: "A" ., . thi , .,..... o us 'a'ttend-.• .' .�,:., ':.' ,_.. �.' " nncipanng IS enorm' ...'II 0 clock. It 15 exp.ected to h�.;1 :. D' .St h made sp" e ...·.; .r. .' . .'• ance, irector v agg �s . ,-· close race 111 which each of the tilr�t". '. • . " . 'f "'1' '1 ..· ." _ e , '_',' • _....'... clal a rrangemen ts to . aiCl Itate [.l� . .. teams SC("ms to h,ave about, equal h dl' f' tl ' d' The ,gale'"" .,:. .'" an mg 0 . Ie.: crow '. . ..chances. Bertles of. Wlsconsm.� has . '11 b' 'I ."t 12 '30 o'cloek", .• '.• ,. WI e t Irown open a .'.'the strongest record,' but followers of h d h If l... for th blo''';. . 3,n our an a a .... c c e ",-Chicago tryouts declare that· Long i.; ing of the whi�tle: ''li1etly 'to prove- a:' surprise and" be; tlil' Thc entrance _ to the cast, stand:' .·HOW ,THE .TEAMB Wu.L LINE UP IN G.A.1VIB TODAY!· �rIC'horsc of t�e·.rac�, .. �, .;. '. : will �be a�. 57th. <l!ld Lcxingtop. Two .�. CHICA��... . . ' ". . . CARLISLE. .)ever�1 .old ChIcago. I.ong, d,sta'ic:c gates will be used for the wcst'stands .p'.ge. (148) L.E�. � , : Gardner (170):runners Will w�!c� the ._race� -R. E�dy Thos'�' holding, tickets in sectio�s A . Falk .(ISO) •...•.....•.. ' ..•...••.. �. ,.L.T·� : Wawseka (190').Mathews and J1mmy Llgbtbody b.em�1 .' I ' th· nd H '. .( ) - _.• . :.' . to G.:vllll use 'tIe gate·at .. 57 '<1 una. 174 •• , ••.....•...• _ ..• __ ••. IJG ,. Afriaid-of-a-�l�).l�ong them.. .A:I! .�\ �?�'!1 �xpr�sse�. Ejiii.- an:d�t�.9i�:i��i�n;· .&.�� ;,J: ���iIOf 'r/:�'� �.� :.':,'� :'.: .-. . �- : -.. : .Li�BOy"·(�-a4) ,-nistr -for a strong student' suppol,l -h"� _ •. , '-6 h d Eliis J () -, R G .• '.. .' . t e gate at ,:) t an . ,ODeS 175····... . Aiken (�ifor Chicago's runners. . I " .' ,:.A. .'. ".) , _, c. ._'.. :�:��.'-_:_ � D� (194)····:; .. ··•··· ··.··RT (C.)LUbo (166)-� .. ' ,lI�tt (178) · �.RE�.· , EzendiDe (111'Steffen. (156) :.; e' Q.B ·: ' Island (137)Iddings, (159) .............•........ L.�� .. .- Payne . (16g),. De Tray (C) (17S) l�.H Hendricks (I54)�Merriam '16�) l:l B �'- ::. �'"Houser :(�il\l• -..1, •••• :��-- .:lIiG. OISTAICE 8UIIIE�$ . .: .'_.: ,'ICIDE CHAMPIOMS TODAY\ . . .Only' Generai Admisaio��Tickets' Ar�Le�t. for Game 'To<4iY.-:-30,��. _�r<:E�pected-Gate8 ,.Open· at· 12�'-. ,.r_""- -:NCbrlSka. w�o�SiD' "'�d Chicago·Cross CountrJl· Men:, to Content!for Wes��, C�mpionship. IDf�ctions. '.All reserved scats .s2!� and �a larg�propOrtion of the je·.wral admission'Rate Starts. at Eleven o'Clock frorl "tickets disposed qC�th!�' was the anPresident's Hou.se-Old C. C. . ." " .uounccmcnt m'ld�.1r.�;�c .gymna-Men.-to Watch. s�lm ;:by , Diri!ctoi��Si�gg·· iast nig'bi.--.-'...... th�' unreserv .. ed ... section is being rap· ..�e.Te�,. \.idiy bought up by those who had 'il!'·,Chic�LgO. tendedito ·�g.:t in the main grandstand .:'-!Ca, rl .P. Shuart, Freeman .:\Iorgal·; but: ca [led- t oo lute, and now are do-Albert S. Long, John \V. l\IacNe;:;h,fif. j�hl;:l.Nebraska.. A. L: Halden, Lloyq Davis, E. j�.Smith, E. FJ.� 'Whit�: H� O� Ba�trt<i�.WALTER STEFFEN ., ..... ).Steffen is expected to win some. poDats for Chicago in �day'S �ttle., Hii ability � dodge q uneqaaUed byIn, quarterback in tb� .a,un�" �don his accurate WOrking �f the for-ward pass a great deal will d�d'in the game today •..hefith!.ailall\,('1'r ofIII -h:lC" .:'.::-� .:�...... '.�liiiiiiiiiili'liiiiiiil .. ��.;;.;;..;.-...._ ............ -- .................. --:· �,� When the whistle blows this aftet·noon on �atsban F"se:d' o�e of tiltgreatest � i�,the hiSt9rY of fOOt�ball, and .what is ·ftprdeil 'b, . maar.:�u��!Y'l:';�: �l'4:.� �.�- ,\!��It will. be the :fiDal' :battle of tbe'Maroon de�en tbi�·XdI'i � __ .�ponents. of .the ' M.id�y . t{tUIl will �.the fast and . tricky' '?ad of brave;from C�lisle.. Director S�, �as·.been using .every available m� a�the command of' his in&enuity. tcprime his proteges for the itrug.i�tOday. 'AIl through the ��.' h�has had his eye on. th� '��' �t',��, �_ ·F�:��. eUliH,t.OP.�� ........ ��(:�,.�.a.l;neon the.:� : tJ� �.:w.t;.'}. �,,,I!'I ,. �the style of , ... ,.�:_: .. �baa",.taken acivanqp.. Dt"it.· ... .'� �- .fore the., .)( .. �.�. '...;-::Ia!i �- .' .some . idea u'�to the -kiIMl-. of .. pr.d'���;�;:��t���·.���������:�\�lu�h ·pI�nniDC (or .. 'any ,c�te'it;. :a'''!t 'for '. th'e ,one' ,today.�' For' the. past .three w�e.ks he has ;had time to: tluu:C._of few tlli,ngs 6ther than how to Wa.�,lo� the I_ndia�s,: thereby Diakipg t1�cC7!a!m of the We�� r.ec()gn�d. J»y . :b..:��t, and;' if pos�ible, give the em;·. cag.o team the right. to demand;. � ,TO SRA VB INDIARS: ,pl�ce on e9ual footi�g with. the be�in "the East. '. ��at the result of the Jip, .QdaJ;Ytill put the �.arOon� �D this. ��e4 :f�ting . is do�bted by' .� .. of, t,'e.followers of the team.' Director,Stagg's sudde� 'chanae . fro� tl'�The Donald· Robertson players With both Professor S�arr and gloomy attitude at. the beginnin. c r 'gave thtir first production at the Un;- Mayor Busse 1:onspicuous' by" thei� t�e week to the' optimistic: .viewversity last ev<:ning��: TJ:1e pl�y was absenc�, Julius, the b�rber, took the which he expressed ill an intervie�\VMoliere's "The Miser," and was . yestefday and at the mass .me�t�,,;tcenter of the stage as speechmake� .. ..given to C\ large and enthusiastic au- Thu,rs�a� night, has' spread h�_fal.drcnce. at the Reynolds club smoker bt.st n�ss at � rapid r�. Th� men 011 theAs Mr. Roberts�n�s produc�.i��/of night, and promised to h�l.p shave off team' feel that the tr:cks tfrey haye"The :Miser" has prcviously �en the wigs of the Indians today.' I lear�ed behind closed gates �n."Ia�.commcnted upon in these columns: - "You students are second to none s��11 .Field will be ut:lized to goerl ..it wjJt suffice to, say that the entire.:' I" ad.v�ntage. this aft�moon. The al.s-m t Ie country, said Julius, "but onpresentation was extr�mcly satisfac. den�s likewise expect to see the late.s"the 23d you will mcet something yO'ltory. The company· has not - givell tricks to keep t�e Redskins guessinj,;nevcr met before. That ·team is a The reaJizahon of the"- ho�s .. ,' L•.the play for two wecks,. and as a ... � r- ""rcsult t1lcre was in all the lines a good on�. :md tricky, but I hop(: th� not an impossibility 'by .a�y' J;Ilea�:! .,liveness and a sparkle which showed game will be ior tll.c suc�css of the The. Indians have not -been particp· ..Ih� fr.esh attack.,' Marooll. Ii you win, �l�. Stagg wiU larly strong. on defen.si�e �ork ,it:Mr. Robertson's company is verv hc one of the grcatcst mcn in th� their games this season� If .a; ��dcscrving of thc support of all Uni- COl1ntry-c\,cn greater than he is can gain on another's defense 'by"crsity peoplc. now. I ,\:il1 be at the game tomor- straight football, as C�rlisie��. opp.>-Miss Wallace's Lecture row, alld will help shav.c off the wigs nents �ve done, it: seems.. �bI7As an introduction to �Ir. Robcrt- of the Illdians. Yes, I bought that reasonable to expect that: Ch�ago:,on's jll:rformallce :'.liss \\"allacc, of ticket, and I'm proud of it, too. with its bewildering assortment �ithe Romance (L-::.-partnH'llt. lecturetl Ilarry Ilarpcr played a numher '1. ,kky plays, will. be able: tc? ma�eyesterday aiternoon on "The Art oi The hl'�l attraction of the C\· ... I:::·: .. ('Ilsistent headway against its.c\)p·:\lol;ere." Shr. e1l1pha�i7.l·c1 hi=- great wa� the �parrill� match bet\Hc,'n .:. 1:,- ;,,·�kinned rivals on Marshall Ficl.lunderstandIng of thl' irailty of hum.111 tar�ky. ')), and Eherhart, '10. I..): I ';'he Indians, for thdr. part. arc ,i,nature. were out ifir 1>lood. and �howe\1 ":'111ewhat the s�� '�si,rion as t� ..."He hacl 1)l'(,'�li:!r ahility in wr:tin� the way thl'Y ham111ered each o::,c· �1;lroon5. They are f�t �n .off�n,echara\:. P.::zclek c1C"::-larccl Tatarsky tIll' v: il '. "C plenty of deceptive form�tioa,:,nl'r at tht" end oj the second 'ro:" : . wJ play together·.welt· \Vith· MO;II,hecause EIH.'rhart hacl h;1(1 one o· . ;.; I 1"15ant Ottt of the garr ... · their· ext.··'l'cl" hr'lkcn. nl:rton �cconded F.:�. \ ,�t.l:ng, of the plays' involv_ing thtcrh;trt. while Dille wa� in Tatars1<y·�. i.'\ ward pa�!t will probably not be 01,.,)one l'amlot Ill' 1 ('orner. \ COlltill�d 011 pap �)EAST AND WEst TO MEET TODAY IN ONE" "GRIDIRON CONTESTS EVER SEEN .. "_ 'i;' - . ,� . � .Chi_CatiiiIe '� to�'_" -. ila�. PiiIlt ' .. . J • •' .... ' .r':Mb ,Of ·r� .� ...... ,TEAiaS Ab·- trrAitW.. . .. .... , . . ' �'.TWO OF THE MEN EXPECTED TO' STAR IN TODAY'S GAME�..! &.- ., -Bo�.,� � q....�.Mouat. _Paea.at B, ipted,. �K.,td for IIan1 Battie.Harold IddiDP' Captain. � TraY.PRESENTS THE MISER :Reynolds .' Club, Barber Volunteeti;His Assistance in Scalping Procca-Mayor Busse and' Professor::StUtFail to Appear. .Donald Robertson 'Portrays Moliere'aPlay Before'· LUge Audi�nce i�Mandel-��ditors EnthUsiastic �OV'erPresentation by the English Act�::��e; ��f��;i'� ,�t;� )J." ". t-0":�=���������������������T�H�E�D�Al�L�Y�M�A�R�O�O�N�I�CH�I�CA�GO�I�S�A�T�U�R�' ;D�A_�Y�. �N�O�V�.�2;3,�· 1;;9fYJ�.����=���:�������·t�/i�!1 .:�.... I!IJt .�I.. L,.�"'� �.:;nJJa ::. �:e b::U:�tCo�te�u�n �:.::;: DO YOU KEllEIiBERl Th-e-�hicagO ·P"nnant co.'./i· r£�-, - two men, thoroughly skilled as past ? "....... __ t· ... �lciAtt .. �.. ...... elusive line of ,'� �;. �.,. masters in the art will present an edi- A Year. A�o To-da- "-,' 8lQ� _ Gi__;., . • " .�. .·.·2, v. / .�- tion de luxe of the new game that . PENN'AUTS . AND' ·.'PILLOWl·:;�• 'Four men were selected for th.� �. e.:has not been approached hitherto, Cross .Country _ team. Caldwell. .:. ::. (d '11 for sale byan WI not likely be equaled soon Hunter, Krueger, Shuart : andagain. For the spectators at the Matllews were the men chosen,game and the public at large, the A monster mass meeting wa ..contest possesses features �f inte r- held in Kent for the Nebraska-Chi-est too numerous to mention. From cago game.all over the country,' and particularly Five Years Ago To-dayfrom the Central West, twenty-seven 'I Professor Gerald B. Smith of thethousand people are coming to see' Divinity School, was ordained hOl'lthis game. Hyde Park Baptist Church. IFor weeks gridiron critics have I TheTp�nd Ye�bAgO �o·I..daTYI· ·'1 .vied with predictions as to the out' c gc rt ons 0 t Ie. lrec-come of the contest. It has been Quarters Ch:b .aP.:ared.· Isaid that the Indian, hardened bymany struggles, trained into perfec- YALE TO MEET J:lARVARD;tion as a fighting, scoring machine, APPEARs BIG .FAVORl'fEseason.With an attitude such as this onthe part of the .eJe'\"cns, supported hya national interest in the contest asa test of �cctioilal superiority andreal iootbaH playing, it is not strange'that the football fever has rcacheJtire 'highest: p<?int· in· the history 0:Maro�n :athktlb, �ilot'� eVen '&eptint;the great Chicago-Michigan game ofJ9OS· .' .,Seldom, if ever, has an athlet:ccontest had quite the wide signifi­ hicago literary men.canoe that t�day's game has attained.Not only is it a test of East-We.;t There will be 1,200 students clamorsupremacy, such as has not been seen g for tickets this afternoon. Theia recent· years, but it. will show I he 'best aeats go to the first applicants.A"�__''''�;;;':' -. �.- �J. ��.-' � , 'hbJ�ed' dal1l. except Sunda18, ko.. ':,;":: .�a �d :boil�8. durln& three-:quarte". \ ...�. tile. �D�yeniltl year.'. .; -_._.8ub8cilp1io� p�l��' -a.oo .��r lear; ,1..... t_ . a moDu...: -SiiliCrlptlODa rec�l';ed.... :�D ·�·omde. £ill. Ban. er at th1'acu1t7 BltchaJlP, . C� IIalL': �u:r.�, �� FEBNALD! :�lDc Edlto• l".�T<!N .F�. ·G�s. Nen' Ed1�or.�vm J. 'AJ)AM8. AthleUc Editor.'�p1s s. ;.BERLlN. B .. IDe&a KaDacer.. .:;- .�t·:'Warren 19. Foster,. _;:. Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank;P. W.· PinkertonItUOItDIlS� : Walter 'A_ F"r� Mis� Esther HallH�rVey' B. FulJe�,lr., A; ,1;.. Fridstei.�A1Ite�, �. ·.:S;�n�.ers.D �.red. V:J. Carr,, � .-... • �ted "fJh� . MarooD he.... : '��i" � �·t .. ��. ·.Street .. " : '. '·�_.:�de·P&rk· a�l'.,.,\ . :T�ay'. two of 'the greatest team·Ui "the· :cou�try' in�ef' on Marshal. -!field to :', play one :). : the '. gNatest gam�sthat . W.estem ·history.at least, knows .. WithPrincet��. ,defea��, � and Harvard· humiliated, it is no exaggeration to saythat today's' game with.' Carlisle isfor the ':Vhole cOWltry, the greagame . of the y.ear. No single coiItest�t h�s been played in a long tim�has attracted· such universal specul:).tion or eager interest as to th.e our-come.To 'this game Carlisle comes. unquestioningly' confidc!nt with theManyTheprestige of an all but unbroken seriesof.. victories, with, both on its partand, on the part of t!te genc;ral publicof the country, th� eternal beliefthat the West must bow in supremo8cy to the Ea�t. ...To this game Chicago comes therecognized champion of all the Westwith none but decisive victories toits credit, and prepared and de­termined to conquer its Eastern an­tagonist' and claim a national as wellas Western leadership. \Vhile thedefeat of Minnesota for the Wester!ltitle was the Varsity's first ambitioneven this was really' secondary 'to to­day·s. the greatest contest of theiI.II shroud of 'mystery always surrounds The. biggest game of th.c day, OUI-the visiting' team, and this, added side of the Chicago=Carhsle contest,to the veil of. secrecy which has been is that between Yale and Harvard atthrown about the Indians in all their Cambridge. Both '�eams look ui>0nwork, has given a certain unaccount- this contest as the chief 'game of theable feeling in their favor .. The staid schedule, and though Yale has UI1city "fan" shakes his head at Chica- questionably 'the 'best chance, basinzgo's pros�ts of coping with th� predictions on the comparative worxvonderiul Indian. Familiarity some done by the two' elevens so far, it ISimes breeds contempt. expected that' 'Harv�rd WIll hold theChicago's work has been all in the Eli bunch d.aw," to: a low score. Bothopen. The rooters have heard hour- sides are tonfiden.ti:��·nd a great gamey accounts of the team's progress or will be the result. ..� ..-backsliding, and no mystery has The Minnesota"W��ons·n clash isclung to its actions, Success and an attraction in the West. 'BUt for 31lump intermingled have given rise 'ucky victory over 'the strong Iowao unending speculation, and made -leven, the. Cardinal aggregation hasmaeyk�ful�Ch�qo��aoce� nM-�o�d �h�hcla� � w�� � •• ------�----------------------.���.'But to the stanch Chicago man Minnesota is in the front ra�k�' Tho!his, familiarity breeds content. Spec- c;amc should go to the Gophers.ulations as to filial lineup, condition The Indiana-Illinois game' is alsoof the' field, and points of luck, to lrawing much attention, and shouldim sink into comparative insignifi- �>c a hard fought battle, with the re­ance, compared with one 'factor that sult a tossup. Sheldon's Hoosierswill in any event finally affect the T'!- have improved considerably of lateult. 'That final factor is the militant The Boilermakers are confident thatChicago spirit, ,the SPlnt which they will win from Notre Dame bp.-.urges high alike in victory or dc- c�l1se of their showing against Wiseat, the spirit that never quits.· The consin last Saturday. The Iowa­pirit which fires eve;ry Chicago' Ames battle should be fiercely foughtnan, whether struggling on th,! and Iowa seems to- have the cali..eld . or cheering from the stands- Brown will tackle Amherst, a..,dhe fighting Chicago spirit that never "honld win, judging. from its strongnows defeat while the game is 011, !>laying against Harv�rd. The Ann.)"ill make today's great football bat- will meet a worthy foe in the Sy:a-�.o·I-D..n00Iat•r,\t, 1IIStts hI cfs,s- fs1i ft tkwtliC<IiwbstbaC�AwHniA.. )cI0, crroaCinswift, accurate, unflinching, made 51..i­premely confident through many vi:wries against doughty opponents •will not fail to add Chicago's scalpto the many at its belt. A certaine a proud one in Chicago' annals.DAVENPORT CLUB MEETSlow-aians Attend Banquet athe Commons.The Davenport dub had a dinnun the private dining-room of ti'�eommons. last evening at 6 o'clock toscuss plans for the new' year an«teJcome r.ccent acquisitions to memoership. The club is composed oiudents from Dav.enport, la., andoasts of as large a membership I!:'ts some of the state clubs.I n the party last evening was DrharJes Goettsch, Dr. Emil' Goettschfiles Collins, Clarence' Hamiltcnrthur Goettsch, Will Gehrman, Os­aid Stark, Carl Lamback, Harryansen, and the Misses BraunlichWittig, Vogt, Beatrice LeClaire, Berce LeClairc, Durnin and Marks·sid.� from forming the nucleus \:i alome" society, the object of theub is to boost Chicago. Great Game Expected Be�el" Blueand Clin:son Today-MinnesotaVS. Wisconsin.('usc eleven.Hand� off cheap gloves .if you want well-glovedhands. Hand outFOWNESitJ9@';'.oilIt��GLOVESi\RiOw� 81ZE COLLARM�de of Clupeco Shrunk FabricaISe � 2 lor 2IeCLUETT, _._0. & CO •• __ caeThe Pen club wil.1 have Jamc'! TICKETS FOR'Donnell Bcnn.�tt, the dramatIc UNIVERSITY NIGHTitic of the Record-Herald, as itsguest on Dcc. 17 in the private dining.om of the Commons. The club h'a:rrangcd dates with several oth<>. Saturday, Nov. 23� at La Salle a,'.. Now on Sale atUniversity Theater Agency,Cobb Hall.l\Jak.e reservations at once, astickets are selling fast.Hours: 9.30 to J 1.00 a. m.2.00 to 3-00 p.m.. yH ., J�· ·H1t"S96:·(t, ,�.?;IYt' HABERDASHE�' +532 ,E. Sixty-third St. 'lJApnts Wanted. •i ... I!cp (': 1!i .I!.. �/:,Since youlive and mustto . live well,meals atMe Donneli's,'must .. eat to,eat -welltake your432 EastJOHN ,-W. DOUGLAS10 (leal"e' PbDI,-ICij. Telephones 4068· Harrison--3884 'iwto",ati�­DES!GNER OF THE COLLEGE 1fAN��APPAREL..: : :�.::-­�: 51 E.JACKSON BLVD.To Order_::138::135 '�·'I"� . .:�� �:-!l.' .-B·.OO·K.S·And Supplies' 'for Univeraity II1II-HiP. ·SChOOl StudCD�'"New and_�'HancL. ·BJlWlti1i4%5 B. 57th· StreetSpecialValUeS!'VV.Q�:�,,"SCoUege :: Wear. Nex_. _t _to_.c_om_e_r_K_im_barIt.... ....;".SUIl'S «'OVERtOATS ''!'If. witl. :-1iol.- '.de •,�notTAILOR FOR YOQRG IIBMTwo stores: 131 La $aile -3t, ....... S� BeaIennI SAlfS soum>,.AJUCDARCIRQ· 'M'YILIOBOPEN DOItBIo 'ftIB WIHTBIE�, •• 1"', .T!wt"", �.-_"'�B .',p��. Mtenroon.Building DOW enclosed and .beatei,Entrance on. Cottage Grov.e Aft.,. near 615t Street.Music by KREUZ.No c:bance in Prices.�$C the PI!.- anc:I' · · Ic' o· L"L'E·G· E"· • L' ARB"• �._ �.' • • • • • '. '.;11Telephone Hyde Park 618 ., - ComutatioD Tickets � ..CAFrE. I447 Eat Jrafty .. fifda � .(J ust West of. Lexington Avenue.)The KISSBS BUTLER, 'PR�PRIBTORS"T'HE BEST EATING PLA�E' NEAR THE CAMPUS" dTHE OF MINESSTATE SCHOOLof theUNIVERS.ITY OF UTAH.It is 1�3�ed �t Salt Lake City, Utah, in the heart of a great Mini ..country, wUhan SIght of some of the greatest mines of the world, and Itth-: very doors of the largest smelters and concentratins mills. Re·qUlre� a four-year high school course for entrance, and offers a foarYC:1 co�rse, an� � gracJ:l�te cours� in .each ?f the following lines of� .• � .. neenng: Mmmg, Cl'vd, Electncal, Chemlca1, Mechanical, and Ir­rlga�lon (the last.!n connection with the 'Agricultural College). The Uni­versIty l:abora�ones are well equipped, those. in Mining, Metallurgy andHydrau!lcs �mg unsurpass�d. The ore dressing miJl is the lar�lt m'ConnectIon with a school 3nywhere. TIte· professors in ciaarae are t.ot�scholarly and practical. '., 'W .. t�h The DAILY MAROON ... ,You Can't AffonI To Do Withelt It.. (Continu.::d from page 4) Teams !.!l Good Sh.pe.Second �ear�:Jt1ection Gives Morga.'1 old style play .as well as the new Outside of him, all the men of bothVice-PiaddeDcy, I61ias Chatter- In the Purdue contest, two' weeks teams arc in excellent shape and fit8OIl·-,:�P, and Mac- ago, they SCCI1'..\:d to make bett ... r for the hardest battLe of the-r) , :�:Jleiah Treaat!renhip. headway under straight tactics, do. careers. Captain De Tray, Steffen.,�',' ing so well, in fact, that it was 'not Page, and Merriam, who have been:Elccti��! 'Spirit,ed, Althoup OnI) until near the end that they gave the on the ,Maro'on sick list during the:... : Half' tt.- c!aaa Attalda-Contest crowd a .chauce to Sl'C what thev ':;�ek, arc no longer showing any ill� . ;'W� for Low.er Oflices.· could do with the forward 'pass. J3e- ".:-zects. Exendine, who has an in-" ,'.---',' cause of their success at the old form jured rib, is not bothered much byTHE RESULTS. of play, therefore, it is thought the)' the injury, and will undoubtedly put, -" ,,' 'ir�r President. wil! 110t attempt the constant use of lip as good a game as be ever played; :Ra1pb':Cleary, '�'" ." .�; .: 7- the forward pass, as many expect Houser is also in shape, and will doW�lter -Hoff�n' '. \ �.� :. 45 them to do. the goal kicking for Carlisle .'.For Vice-President. Not to Use Many Tricks. The rcdmen witt Ieave Lake For-Freeman Morgan .....•.....•.•.•. 4.. According to the "Old Man," th ; est, their trainitlg· camp during "IleWebster Lewis � ;;fJ Maroons will not me as many t ricks past week, this morning, and willLe�ter Stern � .....•....... :2:i as many have been Led to expect stay at the Del Prado Hotel untilWilliam Carter .........•......... :':1 from various reports. H� stated 1;.::.' time to dress for the game. TheyFor Secretary. night that he ft:Jt it would be burden- put in the afternoon yesterday withWillowdean Chatterson 4"; _'ng the men to expect them to keep the lightest kind of signal practice.Elizabeth Fogg' 43 all the formations h.� has taught them and work in throwing the batt.Mary Archer •.....•••. , :'5 �hrs season straightened out, and �(\ Ghost Bm Last Night.For Treasurer. he has dropped a' number which he Director Stagg kept the ChicagoJohn Mae Neish ........•.......... :.J: did not think particularly adapted t� squad out until after 5 o'clock, theFrank Collins ' :!/J the Carlisle defensive tactics. The ghost batt and electric lights beinzLouis_ Folk '25 tric'ks which are expected to be' used brought into use during the last partCarl 'Excelson .•.................. l� with greatest frequency are those of the practice. The men were given­Earl Berry •...................... 12 which have been formulated since th� .� long lecture and individual instruc-Cleaning, Dy�ing and Repairing. Ralph Sheldon In Carlisle-Minnesota clash last Satur rion regarding the game. DirectorGoods Called for and Deliv_e,r.e� "'"I' day, Besides these, there arc some Stagg gave them aU to understandPhon", H.P. '1()()6, 6305 Elfis Av'!.. The Sophomores of the Universiz s which suggested thcmselvcs . to the finally that they are going into themet .at 10:30 y.esterday in Kent the- Midway "Wizard' from accounts hardest battle they ever were calledater for the purpose of class organ.- brought him- by Coach Speik after upon to fight, and it was up to them.zation .. This meeting was the result the Pennsylvania and Harvard games to do their best.of a long wait by the Sophomores l,?_' Director Stagg stated last night that The offici�ls today are: McCor­offici�l action on_ the part of the Iac- h.c will do no experimenting today. mack, Dartmouth, umpire; Wrenn,ulty relative to the code drawn u� with his plays, and that only those Harvard, referee; .Starbuck.. Cornell.last year by the Senior College COUI': which, when executed perfectly, are field judge; Gardiner, Pennsylvania,cil and which was observed in rhe likely to gain through the redskins, head linesman.--��--------------------------------organization of the Senior and Junit":- wilt be used. W ANTEf>-Students te attend En-classes. ' The former custom of hold Maroon Defense Strong. glewood Roller Rink, 6432 Went-ing- elections .in mass meeting form . The ability of the Maroon defense worth Ave. Every eve., Thurs.,was recognized in the meeting of rh-: to hold the Indian offense is not the Sat. and Sun. Afternoons tkroucb1,_ 1910' students. - 'source of worry it wag earlier in the season .ni� clecticm; although, not attended season. The Varsity forwards have W-A-N-T-E-D--A-y-o-u-n-g man to solicit,by. more than' half Qf. the: -Sophomore- proven themselves re liable, and, using:r.., '-r, - advertisements. A cood position to'was�. spij;t�d. ' .and," 16, - a.llTconlests -e,'; the· spacial ,defensive formationa good man. Address J. U., Dailycept the- on.\!"for the -presidency tl� taught' 'to. meet the Indian backs and Maroon Office.results - were. close, "The. fight. for ends" they are looked upon to do a, ... . GOVERNESS WANTED-For aft-presidential honors' was between well as any team can under the new, ernoons -:oust speak German andRalph Cleary and Walt�t Hoffman rules with all their uncertainty, TheyFrench Apply at Employmentplay tighter than ever h-:!fore, an:!Bure�:-:- University.are keen to watch the attempts ofthree votes separated Miss WitloO\' hetween these two gen�:t1s. it wa�';;..:'5645 Cottage Grove. Tel. H. 'P. 3718 d�� Chatterson' from Miss Fa'gy an: :loped, wou!d furnish one of the fea-----------.-. --,-� - ,Miss Archer in the contest for th, tures 'of the game. A comparison 35 RoomsTURKISHlLRUSS'AI75c secretaryship. Six men fought io to their resp.ective ability aud judg- FURNISHED ROOMS. Near the:PLA'" lJATHS 25c _the treasurership-MacNeish, C,)l ment at llandling the forward pas� University; with or without. lightO,.aDqan4H1Pt lings, Folk,' Excelson, Berry an,l at running the team, at backing UI housekeeping privileges; good li'ght,BARBBIt saop Sheldon. John MacNeish, in an ey;· tlte line, returning punts, and kick- heat, hot and cold water, bath.- Caillaratop _ db Dea1tM)n:a at. ceedingly close vote, won the posi· ing. .would have been made possibl:: 652 E. 57th St., 2nd flat.���----------�------------------�.- 'mrma· SF 'un'1 :'T�t Randolph 766 •.Dr. Jenaie i�;Fbert•!-DENTAL &uaGSON-.Suite �67:-161. State Street.Specialist in'PYORRHEA 'ALvEOLA�S�.l Pees' �or S��ts.CHICAGOSCHWARTZ BROS.TAILORSLadies' m.t Gents' Suits lIad.-'!to Order --•I GREETING" TO,CHICAGO MENI,VISITTHE. . . ,THEATERYOU'LL .. . ',':SORRY''�If you don't get next to the _ man­with the one-dollar-a-montb proposi­- : :tion. All kinds of steam and dry-- ',(Leaning d�e. Work guaranteed, Goods called for and delivered. Whynot join thett, UniVerSity. Pailtatorium Cluband look neat.JAMES C. E;cHO� PrOp...1AMES HATS$2.00. ,-' - $;1.00·A,. ... _ ... � .... -0,.. Rata, .. Ba ..1II, lis .. JlADIIOM ..,.._.,If";' La ......- .0JtD •• '.COnd ...... 1IDk, ..... 1IlIk, er.a... "ltIIIwiIk.AD Bottled iD die CoaDtr7.Bonl ... Coallcllul IIiIk c..�7-PI &. � ... '1Dtb It.'. .'A. McAdam., ..... v.he .. _••• Fl.ra .....j.a•� • : . ...a..._ttI. •............. Aw. "na __ ,SUBICRIBBtrO.TH.,DAiLyIIAltOON00 it How. �HE DAIl., � M�ROON, CHICAGO. SATURDAY, NOV. 23, '1907 .CLEARY MADE. PRESIDENT • CHICAGO AND CARLISL�OF sOPHOMORE CLASS' MEET ON GRIDIRON TODAY were Mount Pleasant to be in thegame.last -year;s vice-president. dc;ary· dis.tanced his rival :by a margin oftwenty-five, :votes. Fou� candidate,,;were nominated for the office of vice.pr.esident-Freem�n Morgan, 'Veb� their opponents on the forward pass JAS. H. HENDERSON, floor. aDdThe Indian team witl be severelyhandicapped by th,e loss of their star furnitur.e refinish." and .0Iishe4;dancing floors a specialty. Addressthe Reynolds Club.ter Lewis, Lester 'Stern- and Wiliiar.l Mount Pleasant. The little quarter·Carter. The, figbt fQr this place ,va" back is considered, as good as any :11c:lose, Morgan winning over his near the East, while Steffen is far aboveest co�petitor by a db'zeri votes: Oub. the others in the West. The ·dud LOST-Small brown pocketbook;silver, clasp. Kindly return t8 In­fonnatittn Office.tion.Ralph Cleary: was -captain of. theFreshman basebali tea�,. �nd is :­member of the Three-Quarters ch.:bthe Order of the Skull and Crescent .and Alpha Delta Phi.Freeman Morgan was captain offield events for the Freshman tracl(team, is a member of the cross coun'try team, S<:ore club -and i?elta Upsilon.Miss Chatterson is a member n{the Dramatic club. Sock' and Busk'inJunIor College �ollncil, "was an a�lcontributor to 'the 1907 'Cap .. n"Gown, and is C\ member of the Eso:teric.John MacNeish earned his {:la��emblem on the Freshman track M��il1and is a membe-r -of the cross -countr /team. He is also a member of �igrr.:,Chi.1- see them here, any day.YOU fellows who know good clOthes wilen � see them. em'You'll get more value in an overcoat or· suit bere at '.S ..... '-;'''',c.you ever thought of getting; or than 7011 caD cet ..,-where else in Chicago •And many others from SI8 to Sso. The best clothes are ..cheapest. BISHOP'S, .,U. of 'C._HAT"3,1lIia t4. ,YOUNG'.'-S DriB;156 S ••... ,....., ... �.�( ..This is the only PaD nn- aktmade, the Ito'som :'of whicll -.....lutely wiG DOt ,baJ&e.You will never ";eat uy otherkind. if you. try ,thia.:i J ',,l ,,(Patentfiiit!.eb����_'1IE .HIJBII,--AU- coo. ruriiil.llin-:'-" diiiii.i'lIade�· _ ,;UDitH Sbirt ..... - CoIIiir ca.:Lion Brand Shirts and - COllar':BOARD AND LO:DGIN�Accom­dations for two m'e� in bUhdo­apartments, �ear �� U:niv��ity; ofChicago: conve-��eiit, t� , Ja��nPark' the very best transpo�tfon,. . \ � ..facilities. Referenc'�s will be 81yenand asked for. Address N., are ofThe Daily Maroon.GOOD CLOTHES ,AND NOTHING ELsaSouthwest Co:-�er Jacbon and State'- TJpcwlittis' , ' -TYPIi\yIU:ralts.-i.t sal� .r,ltC1lt­Speci.l rates to 'Stu.�lIts; _rias ••i. r.e-�uilt _cll.i ..... _ - W .. Mite-.eatl, J6 La 'SaMe' Street.i'lrI,rj'r.�, . ...,.;,CHICAGO .. AND.t CARLISLE, . durance. The long and trying "wim! Iddings' work this year has bee 1. MEET-O�'-GRiDIRON- TODAY' sprints" that have concluded each a distinct improvement O\'er that or(������ed �rom page I) evening of practice. for the last thre ; last season, and his playing has fur-, effective ... as ..... otherwise. Island, the weeks have put the Maroons in shap« ther improved from game to gamestib�titfite:\N�.�·er�' Is �:n;rdly in tn-: to withstand the hardest game the I He is a clever. dodger, and makescl�ss":-;with:;'tlii: regular man' at run- Indians have to put up. Since th e interferol'nce well. At smashing half ,.liatg the t�-;im and throwing 'the pas's first qay the "Old Man" introduced he mixes in' the plays, and has- oftenwh11e':- thc!:, ki�king department will the Varsity to this form of practice downed the runner on the other sid eaJ's� t�e �����I!ed. by Mount Pleas it was apparent to all that he h.id 'for a loss. His work in interceptiuq��'(Joss.:. ',: � ;:'�. _ ': 'the game with the Carlisle team in the forward passes of the Indians'They are., g�n�rally considered the view, and figured that speed and en will hoe a factor in the defense of thebest-at th��'(or.ward �ass in the E��H' durance were as necessary as .my- Xfaroons. Merriam, though too lightan&: have ,a'-'.in�thod:> distind1y tht��r 'thing 'else to win the fight, and were for line plunging. fits into the Ma­o�ri: i� u8i�g �the pJ�y. They.coUlit all-essential in the running off of the roon machine because of his remark­��� haviij:�,�tir��· <it four me�_clo,\'n new plays effectively. able speed, and is good at defensi v e�h,�: ��d:atiJ\�(pa;.;:is- thfGWit i�lt� ., The lineup for today came as a work.the 'n'ii'd'st, k'h�'��e� '.beij'ag, )t;ikea thrit .. surprise, but served to show stil! All in all, the 'Maroon back fi'!t�1one :»f 't��',?,�� !�II.- get .tb.e baJ� further Director Stagg's deterrnina. has the call over the Indians, Though�:d�; if he �.�ql�s,-� .f\nother,·· of b�� tion to put the fastest team he 11:1'; Merriam is probably not the 'equal of· te��,:,�'.if�: B.�:t#.),�.i�:,.sjd�,..',to"reco��er on the field at the sacrifice of pounds Houser as an individual star, theit.:�·-This�lt�st�not'·'i>tevented frequent The guard positions, which" wen' other Maroons are head and shoul.f�ri�g:·a��J'�o�;'"bf::ih�ian. 'on the most in doubt before today, have ders above the Indian halves, Hen­;pa:i-t·�f-.tne I�dians, however, 'and the been given to Harris and Jones to fi'l dricks and Payne, and their quarter­pjcr�, ·theY��_I��i' ,iDOt considered Handy, who had been expected by back, Island. While the Carlisle'teamas"��.:as�'�l1at 'of·-the:·Chi�ago team many to be in at one of these sta- depends on its mighty fullback te�i:he::'M�i-,oon method' makes use 0; tions at the start, will probably be gain yards against the Maroons at· Sf�ffe�:· �n'd: p;�'ge',��ainJy to toss (he given a- chance to get into the fight straight football, the Maroon's have·ball, and ':dePends 'on only one man during the progress of the game. /;.( a perfect, well-oiled machine, to-to' be, at the recerJih�"f end: Thus � Iullback, speed again had it over which they look for their gains.: wild thro�' c���.�ti,�����'ight :.'bY tile weight when Merriam was picked (0 What the Reds loose in the back:man down', t�7�f�,'J(�<!-n�' �ge.�yarsity start at that position. Ferguson, .wh-' field they make up for in 'their ends,men are, Q$ua(ly downed as. soon as is used to playing all of the b�l'::: and it is the�e �en who, have caused-'they catch�th�·,b�J.on- most of'�h� field positions, will be put in whcu the words of praise to be bestowedgood throws ..... TJJ.e . tosses, howe''!I!.- the first substitution is made. upon the Indians for their stellarare' �enerairY �l��g and accurate, and The remaining positions were fore offense. ·1 n Exendine and Gardnerresult in' sul:)stantial gains_' Director gone conclusions since the l\linnes0i I Coach \Varner is said to have two ofStagg emphasizc;s the value of pn- game .. Falk and Doseff have gra�h. the best ends in the' country at the'tecting the. ·htk� �xecuting the throw ally pulled away from the other cal' new game. Their throwing- and catch'while the rndia� director considers dldates for the tackle positions, an,..! ing oi iorward passes is what theprotection of' the man making . 'h.:: will start the ga'm,e there with Mout.. redskins depend upon to bring themcatch as the"mosi important. ton as first choice among the oth�'r a .good sized score: Fa-cing themBecause of the' unguarded state in candidates. Hoffman 'may also };,: will be Page and Hewitt, the best 3twhic�l the T�dik� tosser,s �iIl be 111 �lsed. Anderson will be in at center the forward pass in the 'Vest, andth.e game, it js figured by �a.ny that and says he is prepared for the �lr1,;t also pastmaste�s at the forwa�d pass­�Iaroon smash!�g halves wi'll nip i! aggressive game his opponent, Lilt!.! ing end of the game. 'Hewitt's catch­number of the redskin passes before Boy, can put up. ing and Page's tossing hav.e elicite.:lthey get well started. Steffen will direct the team fr�T. considerable favorable commcnt, andNot the least significant thing ab�nt IJuarterback position, a�d, as in othet though the lndian �ds are moreth' d ill b h I' experi�nced· plaYeTs, and heavier, thee game to .ay. w ; e t e me It (ontests this year, is p;-cked to do tiJ(''11 f . J J •:\Iaroons will give th.em the hardestWI un1JS I on t Ie new style play.in most sensational work of the d'l.". I' I tight they have had this season.Its mo!'t llg lly devcloped for·ll :\ number of .plays in which he WitlThere has been .some opposition �') h.'! fcatured havc been worked OtH Chicago Team Very Light.the game as play.cd under the po��:, by Director Stagg, and he is lik�-l.i '\Vith Handy out of the game, thebilities offered I�y the new .rules, 01' at any moment during the fray ('_' Chicago team will be th� lightestthe ground tllal it is too much ;·ke shoot out. and, aided by the perfe.-t that ever represented th'e Varsity,hasketball. The outcome of th..! ('x· interference that has been worke�1 a\'craging as it wiU IiI 3-1 I poundshihition of the new gam.e totl:lY is up by the Maroon back neld, to spr,inl :lgainst 174 I-II of. thc Indians. The,expected. to do, much to ar •. usc ,M far before being downed. His ior differenCe! in weight between the two,check further al'itipathy. ward 'passing has been developed t." de\'ens is cspecially noticeable in th'eAs a display of specta<:ular playing its highest point of perfection, as h:t;; lill�, where tile Maroons averageI the game will probahly prove! h5 his punting. and both of these an: 1755-7 and tho Redskins 1824-7right to be called the greatest. F Jth looked upon to he much in e\'iden�e Thc Chic�go back field outweighs the'co').lch.cs have plugged hard at tl.eir during the game. Carlisle by four and a half pounds to:Jr en in an effort to dC\'clop dH�'l1 '0 Captain Dc Tray wilt pI:!)' his l.l�: the man.· The :wcrag;e weigh! I)f; .i1C highest P�ijl.t_ of .speed. and a.; g:lme under :\Iaroon colors. and \':111 Chicago hcre is 16.1 '-2 pounds; of:things :-;tand at prl'<:cnt the :\Iarooll:; undoui>tcclJy make it onc th�t will b'? Carlisle 150 i-4. '<:lnd Rcels are proh;lhly til(' fastest :11 rememi>cred long in tIl<' Tl1inrl� .,f It is entireiy within the rcalm 0:the -country, Thc Indians ha\,.;: ai, the students. Do.: Tray has prm':'n proh"hility that the score w�1I heways becn known as the cxponeil'_; hil11�elf the strong�st man on t;�c comparatively iarge ior both sidesof speed' in the East. while Dircct(,:- .team at making intcrfe.rence for �h(' The two tt-ams ar.c he;n-y scorers. :tsSlaF'g has-sought to make the 0,:- man with' the ball. and as eIef('11 ,i�',. e; .. iell'nced hy th('ir games played. anllcago dc\'cn the fastest that has C\'cr quarterback has back.-:-c1 tip the line 11 hoth. offenses will I;e hard to stopworn m:Jroon. faultl�s style. As a hrokcll h�':'1 onc(' in po,..�cssion of the ball.It is agreed that he has succeed.:') rnnner he has made an cJwiahl(' r(,�:l' Oircctor Stagg'!" 111('11 hav.'� shown Iin th.is �espect, and at the same tir.·{' tati�n. and will tln(�otlhtedly Ii\'\' 11;., �I����hey ar� ca��h�� _�f ���rkin�__ thehas looked out for the a>set of ,ro.: to II on �Iarshall FIeld today. (Conlmued on p ..... .u I.; -:".:;'-." J •• r ,����.��"• " Of'v ': l�Vol. Vl.�JIE-WHewittoDd,LUNA .I __•PARKS2d and Halsted Sts. PageDoseBalKSchllVan. Rhei,-'HansieflDe'IddiCap:ROLLER SKATING' .• JEvery Afternoon, 2 � s-Every Evening, 7 :30 to 10 :50BEST RINK IN CHICAGO. GOOD MUSIC. • - .•.,Special Attention Paid to Be�ners by Com�tent Instructors.A special series of grac��" skating contest is arranged 'as follows: ,Three gentlemen will' qualify Saturday evening, Nov. 23.Three ladies will qualify Monday, November 25 ..For a dual contest 'Thanksgivin.,: eve. in which each winner will', 'r�"receive a turkey for a prize.CUT THIS OUT. .Het,IlaHu:'AnC'OraCasJobTalKirScll0s1rs_, :iii'�':�:_:�c';lllataIs�the�itinlherobesthav:thusniOI}cane�reastU1ehalfof)Good for one admission to the Luna Park Roller Rink any af���-;noon or evening.ROOMS.FOR: RENT :.::1Single� :pouble or en: suite; well furnished, modern, convenient;large, light. and clean; electric light, steam heat;, bath, hot and cold . :-. .1r.a�., I,.,H.oteJ Maroon-NORTHEAST'CORNER saTH ST. AND DRE�EL AVE.RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER\.. ;1. � � !,. \ In ConnedioD I. .A� Great Conveniencel . "'I �... "Your Bagpge �e�ed through·.!O ·dest·�ation· ever all Iines,We, Will bring the' chedts ,to � OU and it ,costs no lTore than. th� Claim cl.ecks 'issued by other comp,!lrles.WE TRANSFER TO AND FROM ALL PARTS OF T.HE. .. �. ,, CITY. OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT� TeL HarriSon 48a.THE fRANK E. SCQTT, TflANSFER' CO.----------------------------------------------�"Ra, Ra; Ra; Yam, Yuml Yum;qm, ,Chu. elm,DUTYifB GUMg.cn�t Chew. � , WHITEN'STHE:TEET�';SWEETENSTHEBREATHsot.theDRINKs INK .''JJKE A CAMELTo load a ConkUn Fcmntain Pen, just dip it in ani·"iDk, press the Crescent-Filler �and see it fill its 'own .tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to itl 'No' dropper-no mess-no bother. 'Do it·anywhere-any time.CONILIN': s· SELF· PENF1LL�G:. :-THE PEN WITH THE C�ESCENT-F!L��R" >.caia be filled iilstantly_without the least inconvenience. You'could fill it with whi� kid gloves on· without danger of"'ling� Besides itS Convenience, is the splendid writinglqualities of the 'Conklin-the perfect feed. 'LeadIIliC dealers hAndle the ConkUn. If yours docs not. order� PrIces. 13.00 ADd up. Send at once for handsome new cntnlo£,.The �ia rea Co., 310 MaahaHan Bide., Toledo, Ohio, mo:andIr:PO!.st!-DOl'mN(anihitweTHE ILLINOIS WARi-aOuSE AND STORAGE COMPANY '"Pbone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark· Ave. :md 56th St.� The' Cleanest :1nd Best Kept StorageWarehouse· in the City •...Furniture a.nd P;:1I10� 1\1 ove<l. Stored P;;Ch:. (I :\11,1Shipped to all p;trts c,f the world. .wo Pr.,,:,,!' Stor­ag� Rooms. I ::r;:;<, l'::r�o E,cl::,,;\'('�y for "i,111O'.Rooms jor TrlJ:lks ;,11<1 \V'�('('ls. I ;'!rg-c RO"1l1 (orCar.riagc� .. Ru!!'gies :111,1 S!('i�hs, Trl1nk� In ::nllfrom an Tkpnts. Local Transfer!' for 1:;1 ::g':'�;'.Furni:llr� Packages, etc., at short llotirc.St:.�ci�J attention Itj"en to unive:-sity Ordcr� . abn<rethd.. ,.,'.'";.