- - -- - __ -- ----_ji_Minnesota's' Strong Showing AgainstIndians Unexpected-Purdue ShowsWell in Contest With Wisconsin­Harvard's Defeat a Surprise. J. ,i'·matly� . CHICAGO, TUESDAY, NOV. 19, 1907.GOPHERS SURPRISE PANS- Saturday's football games furnished(Special to The Daily Maroon.)considerable surprises to. followers Redskin Ol(." •• r.Gnat-� Uil-Lake Forest, III., November 18.-· Men to Practice Football Son:;:; 7001 the gridiron. While the Michigan- derrated--Loac' �' i- Drill"Everything at Lake Forest Univer- morrow-Big Mass Meetinc: Pennsylvania contest was 01 greate .• t �"c.-..sity is in readiness for the reception Thursday. importance in the West, the way 111____of the football squad of the Carlisl-:which l\Iinesota held the speedy Car- .. \V e have three men on the Chi-I ndiaus who will train here lor :;. • • • .'. � � lisle aggregation 01 players down .�cago team who are matches for their"The team that will compete lor week belore the game with Chicago. The Rooter's Program.• :, 12-10 score, was a complete reversal Indian opponents, I co�.id" DeChicago in the Iuter-collegiate C�oss No topic 01 conversation other than , Wednesday, 10.30 a. m., Ken�:• 01 the dope that had been figured out. Tray. Steffen and iddiitlis a� � .S.C untry run next Saturday morning, .he expected arrival 01 the mighty " Men's Sing,Another great surprise was the the Carlisle backs. .The;r t;aay 'be �.;. practically been chosen, its nI�n•• -redskins could be heard 0.1 the cam- • Thursday. 7·30 p. m., Mand<ol:,'strong game by the Purdue Boiler- trifle better. But at"tbe 'otlie, posi-b e rs being Morgan, Johlin, Mac.Nels'i, I"'S today .. The city too is infected " Mass Meeting. ,i •makers against . Wisconsin. In the 'ions, the Indians mils, .be. cmiccde".II h Reyn'olds. '.long and Shuart. Morgan st i ! aswith the football enthusiasm. • Friday, 8.00 p.m.,'. East the sensational game between the palm.".dition to work off, but says heTIle football squad of thc univcr- � C!!!b: Smoker.Yale and Princeton, and, Harvard·.;. This was 'the impression which;O(on :.M h 11 •."-will haw it cleared up this w.eek.. . sity will meet the Carlisle men in Saturday, 2.00 p. m., ars ahumiliating defeat at the hands 01 Director Stagg gain�d ft'om "iwi""binl,Captai 11 Ca Id well is entire I y. OUt orp ra ctice t h roug hour the week. F res h • Field: The Game. .,: I he sc rappy little Dartmouth coli ege the Indians' trounce the Gophers a.�it this year. He ha_s bee� SIck' lorfrom their' overwhelming defeat of. • • ••eleven furnished enough excitemeru Minneapolis, Saturoay_ He was .... _,,«ral weeks and has not been able Knox yesterday. the Lake Forest tca.nfor the most enthusiastic lovers "I usually pessimistic: when praeticc was.to take part in any 01 the try-outs. seems confident 01 being worrhy Football euthusiasm, over what football. over last nigbt, .and thooP. hoe a��(bicago's chances lor winning 't�e opponents of the Indians-at least ill promises to be the greatest game in Pennsylvania's victory ov.or' the mitted the· Maroon aggregatiOD is a�'.. ce look particularly bright .th." practice. It is possible that some "I the West this season, is now assum- Wolverines was not very unexpected: its best, just now; he\addell.ihat 110':: year. Morgan has shown up well " these practices will be open at lea" ing' gigantic proportions, venting It- Both teams used the old style. of Redskin. .apepar :L triOe '�er.' :�ry tryout this year,· and was., to the students as they have not yet self in many student demonstrations, football most 01 the time, and at that "My opinion obtb<. (East_ .....'_ber 01 the 1910 track team.j Jon 'rad sufficient opportunity to carry offIV hich include a. men's "sing," Wed- Pennsylvania was superior to Yost's was not lessened. by- the- *to tbal• liD .has been out with the track tea",the enthusiasm aroused by Saturday', nesday; a monster mass meeting, men, Neither team played as .strong llinnesota .'gave. them. "" d_ ¥toWm the mile and two-mile runs. Mac- performance. Thursday night, and an unusuallva game as was expected QI it, 'aud he continued, '<'The, ;!Gopb� ._Neish was a member 01 the 1910 Some 01 th� work 01 the red men brilliant . Reynolds club smoker Fri- the Quakers won because they were which. pla,yed the .India ....... "",",,'tncli team, and member 01 the !<}OO will be on the regular athletic field day night. less erratic, though there is doubt . but deal stronger tban .that. whR:h'�·C. C. club and ·finished third j n, th c01 tbe university. They wi II a Iso b" Th e sing. which will take plac� 'at that Yost'. rna c1. ine was inledor h us., ....,-I u;oat. Shuart is '.ure �o· Itlal!e � taken· to -secluded spots along the10:30 Weduesday in Kent, wiII ·be Pennsyivania. Had the Michigari '''But the· la4i3ns' 'iIilpYei1iecl' _good showing. ,He ran WIth the ,'90· lake shor.-and ,,'est toward the Skoki""n inllovation, which will ,undoubt- backfield been as strong �s its lin., deeply hi· th.k miiChia.:titile-:pIa.,.c. C. team and WO�I his uR" �n; th;: marshes where they may nm thr�ugh <dly prove valuable. The purpose 01 the Wolvednes would u.ndoubteo�l� � Ii!,n't. tbink ,�ey b�""�,!'.'hilr· W track team. . Long .ran Wltlt, th,., their lo�mations unobserved. Details. the meeting is to form a nucleus of have carried off the long end oft t?e, lor. oth�rwi .. "'_il'_.,"'9.I!I4."�yolIorgan . Park track team. .' .;. 01 the plans lor practice were nota h "udred .or more men. who c s,:>11 .scorc- ... � __ ". __ '. __ :_, ._ .... ";,...,.,,. :, .. iitcD�.tlfelii-::-�-:Ji']j::.i;?,iI1-,,1i.__.:I!,;;:' �����=JI: '�W.-'consin has a strorif(. team :w,th mad_ubliUJ.....w=�<.J.\I...the...au»t;l < 1tW""D<1w.· to sill'gtili�1iiio'S<Sb"itgi, A� it--;';;;,' the result was disco�iag_' wo�k�d' ti.eir '��.t'. to. �o:f �._:. 'ariil'1l'ei'treS'-onasryea"....t�. JI! •• ,1 ·the squad.:os they should �e sung... :.� ing to Ann Arbor. r�rs .. For: the rna .... inipr;".ec(wiih. �:�:� � ,.;:,� :.vcternns. Nebraska,. last ye�r's The squad, which consists 01 twen_ The songs to be rehearsed wdl. In-past two years IIhchlgan b,,:,: b�n forwar� �ss )!cau. aDjtbiila ,.. ...winners, will send AIde", .Beaul"an, ty.-seven· men all told, will have. the elude both o!d song� a�d .���, f.,g�. endeavoring to secure recogmtlOn, 'l� They ,have some excelle� fonnaUIY.1s.. ·Davis, Smith and White, to con�eni top floors 01 College Hall to them- ,d copies willi b�r"buted.a _g. the East as a lootball power, .but th. ti. .p'rotect tbe' 'pla� ''f...il;;"o:�1Ii-lor the Cornhuskers.· -: selves. The 5rst three floors are usel the men. Frank Templeton WIll eadtwo successive defeats by ,Pennsyl-. broken ..UP. and' it' wiui.e"'':iiidbleia. The run Saturday will be overj theas recitation rooms and laborator!e. 'he singing, while George. Garrettvau ia, a second ra teo team both years, lor 'us to' solve' these... . .five-mile course.' Beginning· at I the but the second have been. unoccupIed. "nd Arthllr Bov .. e wil! assist at the have settled all its claims .. The re' "Then, also, tbey' can 'pliai'�: President's house, down. the IIIi�way. since the erection 01 some of the new piano.s lilt wi II probably be the return 01 100tb.1I as , ;"'11 Cas "the' !rest '01' ,them:• to the park across the long- goll links, buildings. As th.e ;00m5 which the Mass Meeting Thursday, 7.JO Michigan to the. Big Nine at its next Hause: docs sOm�''fiile.'worklat Ii�over the short links, around the Ger-Indians \ViIi occupy were once �CCII' Thllrsday night at 7.30 will witness. conlerence. plunging, while Winnie ,is ,fast OD en�'man building, down the Mid�y topied as class rooms, they are equi.pp.e,1 a mon�ter mass meeting in Mandel. The Minnesota-Carlisle contest"was nin�. Exendine. an!!, Gal)lner, !.th .. r. h· . font fIt h '. h ball· Cottage Grove, and fims eng m. r.. ' with bl_boards and other ac •• Ie< The committee which is m�king t � the most important to the Maroons, ends, arc good at. c:&rQ?DII"t .�! .'01 the President's house, makeng m01 value for football lectures..:rrangements has promised that th"as it ga\'e the Midway rooters an arc hard men to do-.. aft!l, arc .• D�JlI a five:;;'�� cOurse. The squad will be led in the reg-mass "",cting "ill be by lar the most ,dea 01 what to expect from the Re'" men at catching the long, .�row.The team having the. I!>west scoreular men's commons 01 the uni\·ersity. enthusiastic and generally interestin .. <kins next Saturday. !IIinnesota which Quarterback ·Moant Pleasant.... s tbe race. The ,score is kept 'n Th';-Iront room, opening with a wid� 01 the year. .Iayed a much better game than it !:urls with sucb a_racy..this way: The first man gets I point, arch into the remainder of tbe bpild- TI.e meeting will be short, snappy. did against ChIcago. Its delense was "Don't mind . this .talk <:ihOat' thethe second 2 points, the th ird 3 pqint', i),g, h as been' reserved lor t hei r · USO.and liv... A s one 01 the committ '"stronger and its backfield showed up I ndians being' weak on .dd"''': .: It is",d so till the last man finishes. Th.A red curtain, originally doubtless .,1 stated it, "The idea is to produce theto much better advantage. TI,:0ugh irue that during part 'of 'the." gametoblt lrinnin� team gets a gold c�p, .whiC� great beauty and attractiveness, ha. maximum 01 ellthusiasm in the min- tbe Indians were undoubtedly the bet- Minnesota ran their opponiO"ts olfouts' belongs to any team wmneng·. has been hung in the opening so as 'mllm oi .im •. "ter eleven, the game Pllt up by the. their leet. But they aid th. sam,... At thne times in succession.10 afford tbe fooiball men .some de- The 'peakers on the program ill. :iopbers was lar sup';rior to any- with us. In fact, D.nder the"pmcotiree olprivacy at their meals. Owin.; dllde Ralph Hammil, '99, the well-Ihing tt.at was hoped lor by even the rul<s, any team is likely to'break .fo<to the peculiar qualities of the cur-known former football hero, who ot-most sanguine :Minnesota 'fans.' The a while. On the wHole,' the ,C:'rllslet�in, ho\\\Over, it is expc<ted that tho ficiated at the Carlisle-Minneso" Indians wcre handicapped by the team held the Gophers .in .. chedL"<udosilY of the ;,inety-elght men ,who game: Dr. Goodspeed, Coach Stagg. injury to Mount Plcasant's hand. The "Old Man" gavc: the IDI!n one��t i� Ih� 'ne�t room will be thor- Assistant Coach Bezdek, and tb, which was responsible lor several Ih. squad a long leetun: on .tbe ahil­ollghi.\" gratified, members oi the team. Th. hall willinmbles and· misplays by him. The ity 01 'beir oponents 01 next SatDr­- Great preparations ha,·e becn made i}l' de�orated by Kern & Co. The work of t� rest of the Carlisle teat'", day. He impresSed his sentiments,for ,the visitors' cntertainment, ;)and will assist in the enthusiasm.'.\"as ttp to its usual standard, anJ moreover, by k��ping aU of them ourAbout sc\"cn hundrcd pountis of \"ari- A "Girl,'·-name not announccd-· :omplctc1y bewiltiered Doc Wile 'tntil 6:30 o'clock, and putting �hemous' kinds of mcat have been 'ordered will addrl'S5 the meeting. A n'!w iams' men. through thc stiffcst practice of th,!for the squad. According to :\I,rs.'tnnt. th.c more delightful hecause of Purdue, after a se,.ere beating Ly past two weeks.Hudson, the stewardess, thcy will bc ':hc t1ly�tery in which it is cnshrined Director Stagg·s elcvcn, turnd :\Iost of the time was taken' upgiven mcat three t:mcs a day. Stcal� I .. a1 .. 0 on thl' program. Hound and helti \Visconsin to two with signal work., Director Staggchon" work.and chops wHl iorm lhe chief diet 0:Mtcr the ... a" mceting. the stn· touchdowns. '<orin" onc� itscll. Th< leels that the new plays can be pol.f'troi P. H. Boynton, gave two Icc- the men. They will also bc givcn all dell!' will adjourn to thc honfire 011plucky fight made hy Purtiue, aitc:" ;shl'd still more, and had the team goHe spok.� at the the milk the," "on drink hut coffee .c.Ih,' '''"'I'u,. where ''''cral \· .. re'tlin� ha\'ing lost e,"cry game oi the seasou. onr the tdcks lor more than an hour.hul'S yesterday. ., I 'I· I 'j"ll'·f f b 11 k h. ru-rformancet· I h I·n tIle afternoon O!l oi cotlrsc stnctly pro 11 )Ite( . -Illah,"hl's will takc place.I� the -gamest exhihition 0 oot a Thc students ta e t IS r- ""en.,""., e urc 1 • '.t n theu, . I ·t tttre ,. anti in th� service in the commons IS almost .cn-that has bcen seen in years. as an indication of an attemp 0."ntcrlcan II era ..FI II" at do th�.h ..J an ... ..J<lre .. s on "So· 1 t·lrel,,· studcnt. Alrcady managcr . 0)"By' far the most sensational gal1ll� part of the "Old 1\ an to .0, _t\·elllllg c nla"e. ..\I . .,oJ... r N M •Ind,.ans at thcl'r own tp!IIme,_' "It -5. I 'r . f the Nov,d" at :\us-' Burkhcisner IS beSIeged With app Ica· Y. M. C. A. to Hold 0 eetmg played Sattlrday, was that betweenD-CIa .\ eamng 0,• h,. I C I·1.1 h 'R d men are as..tions from men .who YIS to sen· � I )fwtor Clark's lecture on t le o.Yale and Princeton at New 'laven, known that teetin, ] IImOis.., ' ',.I I' . I k ththe football squad. Those w 10 lavl.'. gfl. TI1('�day night. w11 ta e cThe litround around thc Yerkes, I place of the re�ular meeting. \Veti-Ob�cn·atory at Lake Gen.eva i� ,bcing I--------�, -:-'---�)-, --Ilesda:r, of the Y. �1. C. A.(Cori�inued . (in pa�e 3levded.lain Caldwell Out of Condition-:­CapRun to be Five MUes ThroughJackson Park. s.y. De TI'a7, SteifeJl; ,aDd" 'IddiDpare Only 'Yarooaa':Wbo HanCall ,Over, Opponettta.-gan Joblin MacN�ish,' Long l,and)lor, ,Shuart to Meet Nebraska ,and;Wisconsin Saturday. 'l.cr.1I-A:hi-th�10-Idesiin.;hellitra-kat110.ida. ,-,'....y-Sigma Alpha' Epsilon EntertainsIllinois Theta of Sigma, Alpha Ep·5ilo� (:ntertained the parents of its'1ttembt�rs and fri.ends of -the �hapt;!rat a. ml1sicale Sunday afternoon at thehouse 61.6 Lexington avenu".Amo�� those taking part were Ar­thur Platz, ,"ocal anti piano; Mel­bournt· Clcment�, "iolin; Harry Hai­per, xylophone; Nathaniel Rtibin­hm cello' Lester Jackson, drums.\\"hil� , all' members took part in--�.(Continu.ed on page 4) ( Continued' on pag�r4 ._ ..... _. __ .. _� __ ,-_. --_"''.. .0IIcIal IIttMJIDt hIIItc:.tt. til • "at,..'. .tt7 .,�l:RB8TOM F. GABS. Men &d1tor.'M.m.VIN J. ADAMS. Athletic' &d1tor.LOUIS S. BlllItLIM. BuaIDes8 IlaDqer.-.: ("'. Warr�n D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank,P. W. Pinkerton.. PrlDted b:r the lIaroou Pna474 But 55th StreetPlaOile H:rcJe Park 3611.:.:,: � .p��S MQRE, TH�N CARLISLE", seats for the Carlisle game is ex­ceeding the n�mber available.It is hard for the average Chicago, man t-o see how any student wil1'stoop lo� enough to engage in, a pal­try barfer of tickets sold at reducedrates to students, or to become a toolfor downtown speculators. The con­scious vi��\ion of the University'�ar�g.ements for the sale of ticketsmade easy to avoid inconvenience, i;an act for which there is no extenu­ation.As with .I . most cases of student vio_allOn of student "pnvlleges, there i�one Sure r.emedy· th �posure of the . • e prompt ex·. . guilty studen· and thInsistence that h' ' ethe Privil IS act has forfeitedeges which he h .Student sent' as V1olat�d.Iment will smeasures \Vh' h' upport anJIC Will blotscalping 'pa t' I out ticketT ' r ICU arly bhe Daily M y students.. h aroon will�It the athletic d cooperateIng pubr . epartment in t:hvIClty to a.' •stances wh any further in.h ere stud tt eir connection . hen s have usedto . Wit . the U .explOit it for nlv.ersitythemselves. Personal profit t')I THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, TUESDAY, NOV. 19, 1901�relations at Chicago have always been LAW MEN FORM NEW CLUBfree from much of the rancor and FOR MOOT COURT WORKpre-judice which has crept in at someof its, neighboring institutions. Fra­ternity' men .have always bee� frankin realizing the short sightedness ofany policy that would hold up cliq,uish barriers between members of Clarke Buder Whittier Law Club i.; One l:undred Fraternity lien lleetOrganized-Membarship Limited in II:: onnal Gathering-Delta U.to Thirty. Wins Tug of War.'sit' on the case as associate justices, uolds club, a member of Phi DeltaThe chief justice is a member of the I'heta, and of the Owl and Serpent.ro ANSWER fHARGES LATER law faculty, an outside attorney, 01' Miss Morton is a member of th�some well-qualified law student. The board.trials held thus far by the club haveThe Clarke Butler Whittier Law'oaaded. one fraternity and men who are not. club, originated last spring, is now remembered in the developmcnt' of'I'M ."'7, Oct. � len. While this cordial spirit obtains h::- fully organized. The increased en. closer relationship between the dif-_,;TQ Dal17., Oct. 1. 1802. tween the Greek letter societies, such rollment of the new school made the ferent -fraternities represented at the;, : :. gatherings as Saturdays are particu- formation of tite new club necessary University of Chicago. 'The sixteenI. r •...... _ �I._ IIa1I at tIM CJlI. larly felicitous, in making permanent to carryon the moot court work here. fraternities in the University were:.'._ • <, . '_, cqO p_tOm� the pleasant relations. TILe continu- tofore done by the Ml"'Chem and Hall represented by about 100 men whoance of occasional interfraternity clubs alone. attended the smoker at the Chi Psif � .. , daU7. except SUudaJ'a, 1I10D- gathering will stamp out any inter- Professor Whittier, after whom he house.I..,. ad :ho11da:r .. ·. dutlq three-quarten fraternity jealousy that may aris r, club was named, consented to be- The chid feature of the evening MEN'S SWfATfR',et tile �Un;Yera1t:r :rear. and effectually submerge party Ieelin-z come its patron. The charter memo was an interfraternity tug of war.in a broader spirit of general co-oper _ bers of the club -are -Swenson, San- After some lively contests, Delta COATS AT ACTO1.Iiw.mPUOll prI� $3,00 per :rear; ,1.00 ation in everything, dcrson, Hoover, Muenich, Oglesby, Upsilon and Alpha Delta 'Phi were WHOLfSJI.. Lf --�� $3,''',ior a IIlODtb&. 8u_rlptloaa rece1wecJ at Faust, Eiscndrath, Collins, Cornelius pitted against each other in thetU �. O� BlU. Ball. or at the DO YOU REMEMBER? and Solomon. This makes the third .inals. The former finally won out. Peculiar co",d;tio�,.s ol this re.;i'aculq ExchaDp. Cobb BaiL A Year Ago To-day organization of this nature in the After the championship in .this sport markoble purchase render ';/sA sensation was sprung in the Law school, the others being the .iad been decided, all went out doors, duplication alii 0/ the lJuestiOnLUTHER D. FERNALD • .H.aDsalnc EdItor Maroon camp, .when it became known Hall and the Mechem clubs. .vhere they formed a "C" and march. for months to come. Thmthat an attempt had been made to The 'new club' makes a radical de- ed about, singing college songs an-i coats are pure zoool, ;11 'whilebuy the Chicago football plays. parture from other organizations of �iving cheers. fir oxford, and arc fill ish rdThe committee on the William [his character, and is already meet- A number finally went to the dance with prarl btutons.Rainey Harper Memorial Library ing With pronounced success. The 1t the Reynolds club and marched inwas re-organized. membership is 'Iimited to thirty, and .ockstep around the hall. They thenFive Years Ago To-day each class of the law school is rep- _>araded around the campus, serenad-Rush Medical College defeated the resented by a separate court division ng the residents of the .dormitories.College of Physicians and Surgeons of ten members. Each court handle-s5 to o. cases involving questions of. law then Earnest E. Quantrless, '05,and MissTen Years Ago To-day under study in the class room, and Lulu Morton, '06, have announcedPreliminary hearings for the decla- attendance upon the court sessions 's their engagement. Quantr.ell was onemation contest were held. compulsory, in that members of the of the most prominent members ,)�Mr. Burton, Holmes lectured to division not engaged as attorneys; his class, being president of the Rey­Walter A. Ford, Miss Esther Hall, University students.'. Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., A. L. FridsteisAlbert ,D. Henderson Fred W. Carr,Professor Starr Not Disturbed OverAttacks Made on His StatementsAbout the Congo., CHI PSI SII.OKER BRINGS�RATERNITI� CLOSERrLLast Saturday night is a date to becinterested every member, and led to M.ANICURING SHA.MPOOINGindependent investigation by them ill Electric Scalp and Facial 'MassageMADAME KAYNOR·S : $�order to do their duty as trial judges,When asked if he would reply to 'while in the older plan but few mem­the attacks made on his statementsregarding the Congo, Professor Starr,evidence of missionaries regardingacts of savagery that have been com-mitted," said J�seph Clark, 'a re- Tonight's Meeung of Debating. 80-turned African missionary, in the ciety to Take Novel Form-Tocourse of an address on the Congo HoId Political Convention.at Bowden hall, downtown. 1\1 r.Clark asserted that Professor Starr The Pre-Legal club will hold' anhad made incorreCt portrayals of life open meeting this .evening at 7 :30,and conditions in the Congo region, an Cobb Lecture room. A novel ideaand caned on him to make some pub. :s to be carried out at' this meetinglic 'answer. that of nominating candidates for th�next President of the United States.SCORE CLUB GIVES A DANCE Various members of the club will 10turn aigue for their respective seeClub's First Informal of the Year lections. Among the possible can-didates who will he nominated ar�such men as Bryan, Roosevelt, For.:·ker, Taft, ·etc., while Moyer will prOD_�bly be spoken of as a Socialist canriidate, and Swallow as a Prohibitiol! .Jeader. As Jarge an attendance a�possible is desir.ed, and a most cor·was draped criss cross above till' dial invitation is extended to out­floor. The stage was covered by oak �idcl·s.boughs. In the center of these wasHeld in Rosalie HaU.Last Saturday afternoon the ScoreClub gavo{" its first 'dance of the yearat Rosalie hall. The decorationswere. in the colors of the club, blacknnd gold. Buntings of these color�a representation of the society pin.The music was furnished by an or- bers, other than the attorneys them­selves in the case and profit by tho: 237 E. 55th St.-, In, every large university, a £:w who recently returned to the earn- proceedings. Other provisions in the. '.':' men· are always found whose moral pus, although he' is not in residence. constitution of the new club, such :15sense permits them to smiled and said: "Oh, yes, I �ha1J the manner of selecting' new �em�Ticket.' fraudulently obtain a answer them eventually, I suppose. bers, filing of briefs for the use of�. ,'.' , '.' but not now It is the custom for'_ Scalping slight' personal 'profit .' . , . the court, granting of appeals, mark. • '� .. 'out of a trust im- the challenged to choose the time, an advance over the usual practice.'. .;. I •• , the place and the weapons."posed in them by their alma mater, The fun membership of the club will-P . I' I A number of statements regarding not be completed until � Tharticu ar y is this ltrue at such times I,..-u. !. Professor Starr's book on "The Truth present officers are'. Swenson, press-,as the present, when the demand for �About the Congo," were 'made' .'it dent; Cornelius, secretary, and Solo-meetings of the Congo Reform mon, treasurer.League, Sunday. "Professor Starrhas no right to cast doubt upon the PRE-LEGAL CLUB TONOMINATE PRESIDENTSOr no Isight Sirrn'lficordi"l f . � CanCA" rlendJy rAI t" .... so far as... a IOns b t Medic Prof: "How do amoeba mul.m e Ween the The seat sal.� in the "C" section I!'en of the. tiply?"are Cor-.. Unl"ersity still booming. The latest report from........ Ibe-d �Iedic Freshman: "By division."gathe.,· , Was the the ti('ket otlice in the gym has itng ofdred one hun- WANTED-Every man who has not that all but ahout twenty scats havemen from .fraternit' . Sixteen su.scri1le., t ••• s. at .DCe. be('n sold. and there is every r�asonles Inthe Chi fraternit a Renercll ,..L-- to believe that these wilt be sold longPsi hOUse. Y In::;;�er .at Are you on the subscription list of hefo.rc c\'cry applicant has been sat-I.enritF. Th. DaiJ7 lIarDOIIl is6cd. IS ALMOST COMPLETEchestra of fiye. All But Twenty Tickets in SpecialSection Already So!d.,. - .. � SCALP SPECIALISTLots of peopleDever worry about style,just buyGLOVES:FOWNESand hit it right.i\RRow5.t a'ZE COLLARMllde of Clapeco Shrank Fabricsue __ 2"'�CU.CTT. � • 00. .......TBB U1fIOlf BOTBL .ABD RBSTAURAB'l'111-117 Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEither' before or after theTheater.We make a Specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinner&. Tel. Hyde Park 473.A ._ H. ,M C G � ELUMBERLath. Shingles. lIoaldings, EtC.,64th Street aad lIadisoD AftIIRHave you heard about it?: Have YOlJ seen it?DoD't £aiJ to call wbeD dowaEVERYBODY DOES.LouIs DY. FIIIOUS CaadyA MARVEL OF BEAUTY 1State and Monroe StreetsTelephone 792 CentralCbic:a&o(Eger l:J Co.28 E. Adams Street(Branch 159 Wabash A'ft.)... - -.No Repoets when Sm __Egeria Mixture(a blend of Bliss)3 1-3 Ounces 2S cts.'�' I,' t �II,�': l\pm�J!___ . _._ J-----=-:_�/THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. :lDd s6tbThe Cleanat and Best Kept Storage'Warehouse in the City ••••.Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. PackedShipped to an pans Gf the world. 300 Private 51age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for PiaRooms for Trunks �nd Wheels. ,Large RoomCarr!a�, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks tofrom all Depots, Local Transfers for BagpFurnitur.e. Packages. etc., at short notice.• . ..... all_1ioa pea to Uaiversity Orden. J.l·THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO •_ ...... __ ..,... __.-.�...._... -.-eoc.t�..I_I _ TUESDAY, NOV. �9. t�7 ..- .... ��-� .... --.GE�.�EM�......... Ftii11l£.1i&DUI.UI -=--lIiiSiiiNGARTER·.THE iE�D ;ST�DllD i�Thol ••• I.·�!:�o ... �.���� ...LIES FlATTOTH! LEO-1m.: SUPS. TWUIIlUIiFASrf.l�rt..;ils"on�This is the only Fulf iDress Shirtmade. the bosom of. 'w·hich .abso-.lut cly will not bulge. -You will never wear ::11)" .othc rkind rr you try this.(Patented Feb. 28-1&>9.) .. "THE MAC-HURDLE"UO. D Oft CO .......Boawa ....... v.It�.'f .',: '".... _�ALWAYS EASY ...... _ ... No. 9"�itertd I Phone Hyde ParK 1049·M�S. S. TA y:r.:OR. MILLINERYI Washington Ave. and SStll ;,S�_. • • • •• •• J • •lI� C/ass,frater�;ty,SodefY.ii. � . -:- PINS -:-:r...., •. ..'!�, �lVe'make a SPECIAL'tV of:. this class of work. Let us givej- you an estimate .. Very highest\l' grade of workrnans hip' gmrr.allteed:.;11' SPIES BROS., . - J";t lP.anufactur�rs of' Fine Jew.elry. ,l::� Js6'Wabasb Ave. Cpi�go, Jll. •li:- Catalogue upon application. . 1f" .,�;- --------. .,.._--�.......-.-:�-- � .. I . All good furnishers sell them.. Made byUnited Shirt and Collar Co.Lion Brand Shirts and Collars- .MQSSLER CO.'Clothe5 Makers.. '50 Jackson Botrl,AM'ES HATS','.$2.;00 - '. $.3.00 :':'. A fair deal with every" hat.Opera Hats. ,$ilk ·lkta.,.:::�i6J, 163 E. MADIS9N.: STREET.j,�;'" .. :'. �N������;' . £�_� ,.i, �Ji.1 : B 0 R D E··,N'.'.S '. '.:• _" '6,ndensed'MiIK:' F1ii�d Mit1c,'Cr�m';":. and Bu,tte�" ." .�"':. All Bo�4 ig:"�e CoUntry. . � .: ! Borden's Condensed Milk cCi •. '·_ 327-329 E.; Forty-setentl;l St. . .:Tctephones Hyde Park 18 and � ••A. McAdams.. The Uill-w It7· '.•• �F·l or" �.... '.'...:_�_�_a:_�__i;_m:.._rk_.A:_"_. _C_hi_�_"_,.•". OvercOatsTURKISH1RUSSIAN lSc]' .. ��·:;Have· ):�u':-�eert ·the M�sslerPLAIN BATHS 25c '. "jl -Oq�rcoat ?Open Day and Night ..._ "th� .. Protector Coat 99?BARBER SHOP " .: � , �. MD:"e � 'styli�h, more graceful.Saratoga Hotel 16J DearbomSt.:I mQr� taste�ul in finish, better. • fitt" ng_:_�n �hort the kind of, ';. :��. - �.��' ... ; .. � /���,.:.;i' oY'(�rcoat that dressy men 'aizd'wrmwlt wear�We HAVE. REDUCED THE':� A coal that fts around the_ necl�, :tpat gi \'es' protectionPRICES ·ON .A: NUMBER from ,the cold \',h::re it i:--; neede:l.. "te llla,re t1�ese coats :ri ourown. shops,:. l�,�xe them r, ady­'foi'-scr�'icc ;01" 111cll--anc1 faci li­ties' fot, making them s p. c-iol101' ';.C()11r11 on re:;uest.\Ye put that indef!n'ahlesomething in them that marksthem apart from all nt hers .Priccs from S tj to S:;O,. I' \Ve �h()w suits at from SIS to$40' and stYlish o\"crcnats S:!Oto 8.=55. .Your lady is wclcome.. , .,.OF HANDSOME' -.'STYLES•,0.-ft.) ' .... ·�f .. I- ...reBlisS)f,irst floor-Wai�tcoats in I. the neWC!lt sbadc� of �5tan�Specia!.-. cpM������.CO·I!. ·50 J_.ck�on BIT'd. IWILLIAM JERREll.' �.ON�.Clark and AdltftlS streets1:'.S. I I. H EKDERSO,N, floors ant!il1rll it Irr.� 'refini�hed ;\�d,. p_01ishe.d.,;cl:lIh'ing. flo()r� a �pecia1ty. Address Send m your suhscriptions to TheIhe Reynolds Club .. � _ • _ � • � _.. ,. Daily Maroon. Do if now.� ... Po\\"wo�v, the Frcshmari debating TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENclub, will hold its first mc�ting tomo". Two stores:' 131 La Salle St., 'andro\\' night. It was decided at the last 44 Jackson BoulevarGgathcring that the program will con ..sist of extemporaneous debates. It' shoped. th:lt all membcrs will be pn�s·• 1'0 'i'ELf'8('L��&S�CRUELTY IN THE CONGODr. Joseph .Clark to Tell of AllegedCruelty Practiced on the Natives!n A!rica..:\11 account of terrible atrociric­.dlcgl"d tu have been committed by"gents of King Leopold of Belgiumupon natives of the Congo region of\ fri ... a. will be given today at Io'c1o.:k by Dr. Joseph Clark of th:Congo Reform Association, Mr.Clark has been in' the Congo forI wcuty-se veu years, for the first tellin till.' lower Congo dist rjct, and sinc:at l koko, in the upper' Congo reg ion.Til;" lectur e wi.l b.�' awaited withespecial interest at the Univer sity.:IS the Congo Reform �ssociationthrough its lectures, and the literatureit issue , has taken issue with certai-i-tntcments made public by ProfessorStarr 011 his return from extensiveexplo r at ions in the Congo region.Professor Starr, on his return from. -\ frica last year, published a seriesof articles in the. Chicago Tribune,in the cou-se of which he declaredthe. cruelty of the Belgians to be:�reatly exaggerated. The ConJ4�Reform Association resented the ie-tatcments and issued a challenge to.lcbat e, which Professor Starr diu1I0t accept.REGISTRATION STARTEDISUpper Divisions If f'intJu.:ite Semorsand Juniors Sign for NewCourses.Quarterly announcements forwint er quarter came out y.cstcrdd·r.ft crnoon, and the time for registr-i­tion began yesterday for the follow­ing divisions cf si.uuents: Graduates(in ordcr of application), Seniorswho have morc than twcnty-four m.l·jors credit, and Juriiors who havenine or more majors credit. T11e'i'�,lIlay rcgister any day. eX"iept Sat�r.day. of this \veek and duri�g the reg..dar ofticc. hours of their respecti\"�d.eans.POWWOW TO HOLD MEETINGFirst Regular Meeting of Freshm:tnSociety to be Held TomorrowNight.cllt.INDIANS AT LAKE. FOREST(Continued from page I)alr.�ady secured their positions a;t"the most envicd men in the northshore university.Therc is much disappointment 011thc campus because the number: whowill sce thc gam.� ;s so limited b\!­cau:,c oi the scarcity of tickets. How­C\'cr, 1..ake Forest studcnts consoh�thcl11sch'cs with the thought that theywill h;I\'.� the iamed drcad Indians;11 tlll·ir 0\\,11 home ior the vital we(.';;"dort, the Chic:lgo gamc.Subscribe for th.� Daily Maroon.1)1) it now'BOOKSAnd Supplies for UniversityHigh School Students.New and Second Hand.HE WIttS415 E. 57th StreetNext to comer Kimbark and T!IC :.,1':\1'(1of the vlu-pi:s .easv, It'sfl:.1l-t�,� only abso-luh·ly ::at d(l�p !'nrtt'r �""'IIIiiiL t:;e I:r:·-h:ou. )I ill i, ,ODS or men lZIIO\\' thi!J·-bu,. � .them :11111 W(,!lf t:I�llr. The "'""arilJ there, mill th<.·Y ('0" OIII�' a Ilunnera pair. i:C'I:1(,1:11"_'r it,NIEEI sartJao CD .• mJ MAner ST., ....... . llrJgbtcm.are made ofpure .ilk •• b.The patterns are... ,;.... new, exclufive- ... ari­;c et,. enough to ytJd',.�� nerybcxJy. An metal put. .'are or hea v,. niekel.plated brua.J( ,.our dealer . can', apply ,.OU, •pair ,,,ill be lent upon receipt or price._.,,__ IHEAT •• • REGULATION'THE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC' SYSTEM�rhe Recognized Standard-Installed in University of Chicago BuDdingsCOMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL METHODS OF .·.HEATINGHot Water Tank ��gulations. Reducing Valves for Air, Water, Steam 1. Control of HumidityJOHNSON SERVICE CO.H. W •. ELLIS. Mitr.· Chicago Office, 93 Latte': Street. ., t r, . _" _Ask For .. r '!L"TRAVEL OVER THE". ' ,"7J/7r' .2:)" f'�..,cf� 1="1:1'1:13111., •If you go.toOPERATING GOWNS,INTERNE' SUITS •LABORATORY' GOWNS,RUBBER APRONS aridOVE�SLEEVESManufactured' byBEST & CO.'254 E.' Madison StreetC�;;"a20. Jlls LAFAYETTE.INDIAPOLIS.LOUISVILLE,. CINCINNATI.DAYTON.Or any Southern '. uoint, . Depots,Dearborn Station,. 'Polk and Dear­born Sts.; 47t� and. f:)3�d S.ts.' (En­glewood)Special ,A.G. SPALDINGVai1.Ies.. '.Woolens' ': '& BROS.. lor . ".Coilege :� .. , ,Wear The Larges� :�m:c;ms in the'SUITS or .OVER£OATS OF=�:T����U:�IBSLon Tamis� 'BaSket Ball,,H�q.,To Or4erOfficial Implements' 'for . T�ck . andField Uniforms for' All SportsSpalding's Handsomely IJIus-•'_ j 1.". " .trated Catalogue of all sPorts.' .: .c'ontains numerous sugges-tions. ,Send for' it. rt's Free.. 125 : : J30 : : 13SA.. G.' spALDilIa' &; BRqS.New York • (''hicar. Philadelj,bl .. ·8o_to ••• Balti·more Syracuse. MiDDe&pc>Ii .. Detroit. Washlia�.St. Louis; New OrleaDs. SaD Fra.cisco. Piti.buI"K.Ciueinuatti �vcr. MODu''Cal. Bulf'alo. leaal'll.City. Cleveland. Ca_cIa ''. Central 1054�utom..tic 9149ALFRED PEATS CO.'FO�EIGN-�ALL PAPER-DOMESTI.C'\144-146 Wabash Avenue'CHICAGO. .--------------�--------------------------------._------�I S\YEETE�S Ra, Ra, Ra; Yum, Yum, Yum; WHITENSTHE Chu, Chu. Chu, THE• BREATH DE� GUM TEETHl _::� �hew. .1FUR�ISli ED ROO�IS. Xcar tit.' I WAXTED-A young man to soliCitUninrsity: with or without ligh� advcrtisements. A good position tohO\lsl�keepin� privileg'c<;; �ood ligh!. a good man. .4.ddrcss J. M., Dailyla'at, hot and cold watl.'r. hath. Cail Maroon Office.6.;2 E. :iith St .. :211,1 flat.SI,C(:ial rates to stud�nts; .• arplnlin roe-built machines. W. WIIite­head, J6 La Salle Street.Typewriter •FUR�ISIlEJ) ROO\tS-En suite or TYPEWRJ.TERS for Sale or Itent-sing-Ie. with or without hoarel: allmOllern con\"cniellces. Call at 5i.'l"1Jackson .-\"c., 2nd fiat.DBIIAim·· FOR TEACHERs: aX'CEEDS THE SUPPLY GOPHERS· SURPRISE FANS INDIANS· A SHADE 'BE'M'ER,(Continued from page I) THINKS DIRECTOR STAOC? �:(Continued from page I)UDi�� is UDablc to Tum OutlDa��ora Enoup to Satis­fy Needs of Schools. In the 'first half the Tigers complete-I)" overwhelmed the Yale team. The tricky as they come. The MaroonsBlue line was entirely demoralized have also been noted on account oiand could put up no defense against their repertoire of mystifiers, andThe number of calls for teachers the onslaughts of the Princeton now that they will have a chance tois 'far in excess of the number ot backs. Before the half ended, the show what they can do against realavailable men and women on the re- Tigers had ten points to their credit. competition in this branch of thegister of the Board of Recommenda- and prospects were rosy for the Nas- game, it is regarded as a certaintytion� of the Univ.ersity. This signifi- sau rooters. With typical Old E!i that Director Stagg will make the'cant announcement' is made in a per- spirit, however, Yale came back in most of the opportunity.tion of the President's report now the second session, and ran over the The team, with most of the regular'smade public for the first time in the Princeton eleven. The first half was in the lineup, scrimmaged against theNovember issue of the University reversed, and Yale scored twelve ireshmen for a half hour, the workrec�rd. Chemistry, physics, mathe- points, carying away the victory. consisting mainly iii executing de­matics . and botany are the subjects This game will be remembered a., Iensive formations. The freshmen]'in which calls for teachers were the the greatest game that has been used the Indian plays. In the Var­most numerous. The total amount played by these two rivals for sev- sity lineup; Anderson played center,of· annual salaries of the candidates eral vears, Harris and Jones, guards; Falk andreceiving positions in but the four Harvard suffered the most humili- Doseff, tackles; Page and Hewitt,departplents mentioned is $125,000 ating. �feat that it has ever ex- ends; Steffen, quarterback; CaptainA portion of the report reads: perienced in its history. Though a De Tray and Ferguson, halves, and .In. Chemistry, twenty-three ap- close game was looked for, no one Merriam, fullback. Iddings did notpointments to teaching .positions, in- could imagine that .Dartmouth wou d participate in the fray.eluding eleven Doctors with Chem- •. .dminister CiS crushing a defeat as itistry as a major subject, a.t salaries did. In the first half the Crimson LET CONSCIENCE RULE;ranging from $720 to $2,000 and team succeeded in keeping their op- 'SUPERVISION A WASTE,Jamounting to $27,000; also thirteen ponents from scoring, but ion the sec-appointments ,to. technical 'positions ond half twenty-two points wereincluding' two Doctors with Chemis- made by Dartmouth, and Harvardtry as major' subject, at salaries never even had the ball within strik­ranging from $720 to $2,000 and ing ditsance of tJ:l.e Dartmouth goal.amounting to $11,800. Supervising and policing are aIn' Physics, fourteen appointments ,ANNUAL ASKS FOR· PICTURES waste and a luxury, which cost na-.to teaching positions, including five lions millions and billions of dollar�.Doctors with Physics' as major sub­ject, at salaries ranging from $750 to$%;000 ,and amounting to $21,000.In Mathematics, thirty appoint­ments, including nine Doctors andseven Masters in the department, atsalaries ranging from $600 to $2,500 Conv.ocation have been requested to 'iecause we are afraid of the police-Professor Henderson Says a; GoodLife Needs No Policing-BillionsWasted.Cap' and Gown Requests Photographs according to the opinion expressed]:of' Seniors Who Graduate at by Professor Charles R. Henderson,Christmas. in his address at the men's Juniorchapel yesterday. "It makes· a atr.The members 'of the class which ference," said Professor Henderson,will 'be graduated at the Christmas whether we work well and dutifuilyand amounting to $33,000. send their pictures to the managing man over us, or whether we do ItIn botany, twenty-six appoint. editors of Cap and Gown for 1908· :>ecause it 'is the right thing to domeats to teaching' positions, includ- In past years difficulty has been Conscience is the best policemaning "�e 'Doctors with Botany as found' in securing the photographs that we know, but there is not a manmajor subject, and six �asters, at of those members of the graduating who docs not feel the awful donwn-; salaries. ranging from '$600 to 2,5O'J class who left the University 'before ward pull of that evil influence com-and amounting to $33,000. ,the spring convocation. The present :ng to us from ages and ages of ourReports' {rom other departmendt executive board hopes to overcome predecessors. But there" is anotherwill,:be given later. In the depart- this:diffiCul�y'by making 'the request power in each of us: the consciencemeats . �ntioned above and in some' 'in suffiCient 'time. Photographs may that is a higher motive that teach �'s�thers the number of calls for. teach- be handed. to ,any member of the 1 us to live a higher and better life,..ers was' far in excess of the number board or left in' -box 280 of the fac- .nspired by a higher and nobler mo-:'of candidates available. ulty, exchange. .. tive. When each of us learns to live'The announcement that all pictures with this grander impulse always b:-In"UDENTS BUY' REMlAINING submitted must be of a high standard side him, the supervisor and the po-� TS FOR INDIAN GAME of workmanship was also made' yes- liceman wiI no longer be necessary.terday by Foster and -Hansen. No "But how to obtain this 'nobler1,200 Tickets. at ,so-Cent .Rate Gone- photograph which .will not reproduce conception of life is the problem be-'Supply at Spaldings Alinost clearly arid distinctly. will be accept- iore us. You men are too Old i.:led. It is not expected that this ac- laugh at the saying that you are tied·tion will work any hardship on any to your mother's apron string.individual or group, but that it will Rather let us all say that we· shan�,j,ji�IJ.riI11�:r]1. Ezhausted.Every seat offered at the studentId h h I I _I reduce the blear and smear in repro· always be so tied.rate was" sp w en t e sa e c oseu Say to yourself,duc'tions to a minimum. ·1· t I· I th t Iyesterday at noon, and this number am gomg o. Ive' a ways, so awas two hundred more than it was can tell my mother so that she willat first intended to be. By the origi- Michigan May Add Weeks to Year not turn gray early because of me. :"If you have a sister-a fine, deangirl-remember her when you meetother women, and the respect th3t)OU give her, give to them. Keep inmind the image of your good, self­sacrificing, energetic father. Read themessage that the poets, the scholars,and all the world's gr.eat men giveto you; see that which made themgrea.t among their fellows. All thesethings before you should make youthe master of yourself-a man ,with.:.ottt. a policeman or a supervisor....;...aI.cader of that grander and nobler t)fnal arrangements, one black of 1,000seats were put at the ccmmand ,of thestudents, but the demand was so)great that the number was increasedto·I�- The rush for seats for. the Indian The Senate of the University of.Michig�n has declared itself in fa�vor of adding one more week to thelength of the university year. I\c­cotding to this plan, it will now havethirty six weeks of school instead ofIhirty five.The Senate thinks that the Thanks-game at Spauldings yesterday wasthe biggest of any day since the 'saleopened. When the sale was over, all,the $3 and· $2 seats had been so�i,and only sixty of the $1.50 ticketswere left. This morning a largebat-ch of cardboards _from th� Uni- giving and Christmas holidays havebeen given undeserved importanceA break of seventeen days forChristmas just before the first se­mester exams will, it is feared, resultversity will be sent downtown to thesporting goods house.According to Manager Speik, abou�thr�-fourths of the seats are nowgone, and the rest of the reservedseats on sale will- be claimed beforethe day of the game. in a heavy crop of "flunks". life, which alone can make a peopleHenceforth the Christmas vacation of conscience of us."at Michigan wiil be limited to eightdays. Philosophy Women to Give DanceThe men of Philosophy College wlilChi F�i has chaIJenged Bcta Theta be entertained by the women at anPi to a football game. The B.ctas in informal dance, to be given FridayMiss Dudley to Speak turn have challengcd Dclta Kappa afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the Rey-Misi Getrtrude Dudley will speak Epsilon. nolds cluh. The successful danceson "A Woman's Duty to Herself' of last year assure a jolly time for'at:tomorrow morning at 10 :30 in the The French dub will give a play who come.uague room in Lexington. the last Thursday before examina-tions. A committee on selection h�� The Woman's Union is planninriThe Sophomores will eled officers been appointed with Miss Baker as for a German to be given on the Fri-Fri4ay monrinit at 10:,10. chi.... j day after Thanicsgivin8'.1 '! DRlIUS�lNl[(ill(E·,A� CAMEL ",< ... 'To load a COilkllil'Fouirtaiif PeD; just'dip it ill !, mk, p� the C�n�-FiUe�:·ud lee it fill its::tank Bke a camel· alaJdilg its thIrst. ' That's aU thaiis to it!- No dropper-no�meae-no bother. DO �an1w�y time. :" �---,U'i'CO' "TItt�,DbS · ... a:n...D 'r:.: JJ1�' ..... �1iWNo"THE PEN WITH nt£ CllESC£NT-FILLER" ��.can be filled bistant1Y·Wi�oatth61east iaconvetrieucc. �: .could . fill it W1ith white . kid' gloves on Without, dan�"aoUing.' ,'Besides its convenience;"� the' splendid \\'ritiai.qualities of:tbe conklin. -.tbe pi:. rfect'feed. JLe8dIac' dealers baadIe 'the €odUa.' If ydtln does DOt. .&eet. Prices, 13.00 aDd'up. SeiI4 '.ttoace for baDdsome Dew cata1oc. "!he ('aMm Pea �'318 •••• tf." m.w.. Toiedot,..JChiafeetA GreatConveniencel; . . ,Your Bagpge � through to destination over all lineL.WfI Will" bring th, checks to' you' and' it coats no more than. the claim checks .. iaueci by other companies.WE TRANSFER <ri> AND FROM 'ALL PARTS CF THB , Tb,lisiantakeKentnovelhigh. pecte3 maSevat IteopieamonvoiceGeonFran!ing,"TICITY. OUR SERVICE IS PRO 1: P r. Tel H arrison 4h.THE"fRANIC f� SCOTf TRANSffR· CO., :·Siftgle, :Double or en 'suite; Iwell fuimshed, modem. "convenient; ,::large, light. and:clean;'electric tight,'steam l1eat;·bath,�hot:and cold";water_-H'oi:el :M:sro··o·n, NORTHEAST CORNER 51TH 'ST. AND' DREllEL AVE.::Rf$TAURANT:· AND··�JI.UNCH· COUNTfR:In: Connection versilaboutmerthe \are s,is a .neith:must!ingilWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCoLIf�G� OqRN£�:,C�OTHES, �� 'BunN�.A��,''fHIS' F�LLCOLLEGE'';'S'(JITS AWD OVERCOATS .35.GO$ eRO, e«: -- .' . �'.'.-� lid '\�yet:,�U'" e'TAIL.... '_. ! 115 18· :Dat6erls,..';·. laa" 'ReorCalthroutoneconsiing.condi6;thatlrill 'cheerTher.alongon, �fight('ago'£\"squa(�siushUll11.,chan,nounLexilllid�the 5the gno"�nOrt�llid\1t:l�theprcsi.Th,teamin tl�cePurdlr�:&r.rna •coa�itrlonlthe scollclPhone H. P. 132+·,We.en ,�& for'.the Kitchen and Laundry. We make aSpecialty of. Equipmeat for Dcmieinic. :Scieace:, SChOols.WE 'RBPAIR GAS RANea.. WRINGERS; TaUNKS aDd doL()CKSIIITHlNo.THE MACHINISlS' .SUPPl�Y (0.AT 16 and II SOUTH' CANAL· STREET, CH.CAGO.HAVE THE IIOST: COIILPETE LINE OFMACHINISTS' AND. II£TAL': � W o 'It k £'R S 'TOOLS IH AIIERICA. "THEY ARE POR SALE AT REASONABLEPRICEs.Call'and See. Phone Main SS8,--'in theUNlllfRSITY'ffCHICAGO'power plarrt20-JON£5- STOKERS'(Two - Orders)are' ,installed... --�