<:--�;--�-V�I.�N�T�0.�3�6�.'�.��������������������������C�H�IC�A�G�0�.�S�A�T�U7R�D�A�'�·.�N�0�v;.�1�6�,�I90�7�.�����������������P�n�·c�e·T�w:.�cen�b�:�hi.G WINS IN FINAL· -------- .- -� --- ----- ---N�-��;�-T-O-DA-Y__;;'f• CROSS COUNTRY RACEFar ahead of any previous mass treme penalty of the law in a trialheld in the hall last night. The in­meeting will be the mammoth cheer-On the back stretch, the runners club expects to entertain prominent dictrnent upon which he was triedfest, set for Thursday night, if the'. were fairly close together, but on actors and playwrights. and to hear was insubordination, in that he hadCottage plans oi the Senior College Counc'Ithe horne stretch, from talks by members of the faculty, as evaded the annual Hallowe'en initi-carry. :\1 an del hall is to be theGrove to the President's house we11 as to write plays and papers on arion, held by the hail.place, and 8 o'clock the time. TheKling and Morgan drew away, Kling various subjects connected with Boiliff Doseff was armed with the revive the evening drills and chalkhall will be decorated from top tofinishing with a burst of speed that drama and the stage. following warrant yesterday, and or talks during the first part of thebottom with Chicago pennants andbroke t he tape in 22 :37· Morgan Ten new members were elected dered to haul the offender into court, week, Thc first three. days of next�1'lrOOIl The full band will hewas across 15 seconds later, followed who will bc initiated at the meeting ., ,which held a session at 10 o'clock last week will lind the Varsity hitting up'.I h C TI t tl TI d . At that present. Rigid exclusion of all but I b known be-snort y y anouse. lC nex IT'e'! next mrs ay cvemng. ,. night: :t pace that lilS not eenst udcms and alumni will be insistedrunners finished at short intervals, meeting the plans for the year will "To the Bailiff oi Snell House iore during this season.• Oil, Ail the city alumni will bebut the last eight crossed the 'Imc be announced and discussed. Greeting: You are hereby directed According to Director Stagg. thenotified, and places reserved for •The first guest of the club will to serve notice upon Vallee A. Ap- form displayed by the team thist hem to attend in a body, The floorprobably bc :\1 r, Donald Robertson. pel, at 45 Snell hall, to appear before week has been satisfactory, and onI· bcein a . . I will he reserved for the men. and the . hw 10 IS to cgm a series ot t ircc per- the court of Snell hall at 10 p. m. the whole better t an at any pre-. . '[ 1 I I II F' gn llcry for the women students, Ntormanccs 111 .\ am e ia next • rr- ; '-- .I. ovember 15, to answer to the fol- vious time this season.d . I�' tIt II.' Xo set speech making will beI b h hay cvcnmg. "I c IS .'!xpec e< to a h I lowing charge, to-wit: That on thl "There is no (OU t t at t e menI f tl I· _'I plallned. hut all talks will be madl..'on some p lase 0 le prot ucmg ot .llst day of October, 1907, you failed IT'e improving." he said before de-I I in rl'5p0I1�� to the call of thc mect- -mo( ern 1) ays.., to comply with the traditional rules parting last night. ··They have morc'fl I h 1 I 't . t' I mg. :\SSI�h·d hy the band, the whole d If' . . hle c u lac 1 s 111cep Ion ast, . b an aws 0 Snell House, which pro- ()f thc 11ghtmg SPUIt now t an ever,. 1 fi I ' . . g-amut of ChIcago songs WIll c run. , II h 'spnng. w lcn \'C sHu cnts petlt1Onc·.1 . Vide for the initiation of all Fresh. 1nd ;lfC playing a genera y ar.including :t number of new ones ap· ..-as il1l'ligibl� for the team. the Board of Student Organization!" " . I men upon that date. After havll1S �amc, How they will stack upT M N b ka d W•· . , , f I propr;atc tor the occasion. 'f I I f '1 hId' I IIo eet e ras an ISconSl" to recogl1l�� all org�l11zatlon or tit'• notice 0 t lCSC aws, your al ure to against ten lans can not t.e ,:\ numhcr of nO\'el teatures. not yet I' I I k '1Nehra�ka. last year's champions. study and writing of plays. 1t W;\:,, , comp y Wit 1 t lem, ma cs you gm ty ('sJ)ccially since I havc not seen theand always a strong contender. and considcred too lat� in the �chool year ()1�c1oscd. ar.� bell1g preparcd by th·: If'" h r ' " I l11dian�·jT>lay. After the game with\ Rl'ynold� duh quartet, and the in .0 II1SU of'( lI1at�on, upon t lC�.Viscoll:"'in will be met next Saturday to do any acti\'C work in organizing charge of which you are hereby di· Minnct6ta. which I consider a most, (,lpi{'IH Glee club,In thc Conference cross country at that time. ;lIlcl tIlt' dl'taii ... wcre lef� reeled tv answer before th.� court thi:"' excellent basis of comparison, I shallch ' I • TI for tll.<' . I ' Women to Aid NOisem,aking .,-ampl')I1!'. lipS, le race ... O\'cr tor t 11 ... y.�ar, C\'emng,.S Xoi ... c ami sp('C'ch making will notpaldil1g' trophy will be started at �ll�l11hers oi the EnJ.!li'h depart The pri ... ol1cr pleaded guilty, throw_ hctter,ho h,: linlitl'(i to the nlC'11 alol1c. but th.::I ut 10 o·clock. :\11d will he ovcr tlh' TlH'nt have C'l1collrag\.'(1 thl' orga;;iza il1g himsclf IIpon the men:y of thc ·'Our rlt'len",e is not what it shoul(1I women studellt � will he called on iorong (f)u'r;:;e, Both \Visconsin and fion from its incl'ption. �Ir. Hoyn- court, and all('ging as cXknuating he. hu:. 'fed it wil1 be strongel'\� ,('\ ;'r:i1 yell .. and a "Go·Chi-ca-go.".,ehra-ka ha\'e fast teams. Th(: :011 ';:lid 1a ... t ('\'ellill�. wl!l'n il1\'i:,,(1 to eircnm:-otal,lces, that he ha(,I. not, hecn I against thc Indians than in any o •. herJ• ;;nd will he rCI)rt'�entl'd on th...: plat·,afl�u r finals were won in 2i :05 o\'('r join: "You \\'(,ll't h;)\'l' to a:,k 111e t� �Cry('<i with a proper notlhcatlon of contest we have played. Those Car-fi form hy one oi their nUJ11her,:l l\"('-l1liL� course. join twic.(', I ha\'c watdlcd the ae· the initiation. and that he was ig· lisle nlen :lre ncarly all vcterans. and1 t i ... the �('nse of the Council thatCOl1llts of the <)t','clop111cnt of th(' norant of thc law, The efforts of At· this is p;lrticularly the c;tse with theirDr, Heinric"" Has�dhring of til'; idea with a grcat (lea! of intcrest. thi:, nps:"' 1l1('('\ing will he the mosttOrtll'Y Rossman for thc dcf.-:'nse. to !ine, So I suppose that this, adde<tWI!! i111portan.t one in y.('ar:'. al1f1 that :1department of botany has hcen �p, for this cluh SII1'pl;cs in the Cni- induce hi .. client to change his pl.<':l to thcir w.-:ight and good coaching,should t:lkc pr('cedcnce O\'er an\' IPOint('d assistant botanist at th� \'crsity a want which ha .. h('('n notic- to not guilty. hrought on the sen- will make them strong. T ha\'c notother affair. campus or off-campusUnitc!1 Statcs agricultural experimcnt! :thlc, Other c011.�ges ha\'c their c1uh�station at Las Vegas, Cuh:l, I (Centinued on page 4) (Continued on page � (�ontinue. on pa.,. 4-) (Continued on pace 3)ds Sq d Of Thirty· Sophomore Lea uain the Finals and Heads theTeam.,Morgan, Conouse, Joblin and Mac·Neish N ext-To Hold ConferenceRun Next Saturday.LeRoy Kling, '10, won the final(fOSS country race of thc seasonover the Jackson Park course offour and a quarter miles yesterday.3fternoon, finishing easily in 22 :37·�Iorgan, . 10, took second place eased_ up. in 22 :52, Canouse, I I, was third.';:iB 23:11, with j ohlin, 'oS, a second· behind, '�IacNeish, '10, took fifth�': place by a brilliant sprint in 23 :30wit-b Dolan, '10, sixth, in 23 :35... Long. Floyd. Shuart, Barker, Bern­ani, Vishcr, Carpenter, Tait, Morrisand Sherer finish ed in' the order·�amcd, Morris and Sherer tying forfifteenth place. While the club islimited to fifteen, both Sherer andMorris will probably be awarded thetriple "C" of membership.The makeup of the Varsity team :s'uncertain, but Kling, Morgan, J ohlirand MaeNeish are probably sure ofplaces, The personnel] of the Var­:'-'sitY team will not sbe definitely de­,�··cilkd until the eligibility of the·'iltaders has been' settled, according-. :� io� th.e Conference rules..'� ti.imrty members of ·the squad start­t�� the run at 4 :25. Morgan and.'�·K1ing set a fast pace on the run tothe east, but a score .0£ the runners.:·�Iang closely to the_leaders until the: . golf course south of the German·building was reached, when the line·.;.began to lengthen, with Kling in the,:. -lead,St·1rithin a fcw yards of each other. sodose together that the judges haddifticlIlty in deciding the order of.finish.1-ishrdiIdress Kling is a former member of theHyde Park track team. He was amembcr of last year's Cross Coun­try cluh. finishing scventh in thefinals. but under thc Freshman ndingiintssworkfcC'�pplyasstJ19 ofarti and--'.' matly flarnnnFIVE MAROOIS TO WATCHINDIAN-MIIIIESOTA GAME�."�:1!��k'�) EL "(". ';1<7�....,..� _ ",.._v._A''''_>�\��.v=:-�--- Director Stagg and Four Membersof Varsity Team to Size upRedmen Today.··Men Are Improving," Says Stagg,But Refuses to Make PredictionsBefore Seeing Indiana.The squad was let off compara­tively easy last night, for the firsttime this week. TI ... e linemen werekept out until 6 o'clock, but the backswere excused early to enable Direc­tor Stagg and four of the stars, Cap­ta.n De Tray, Steffen, Iddings andHewitt to catch the train for Min­neapolis, where they will todaywatch the I ndians in battle with theGophers on Ferry field .All five wi1l get their first chanceto size the Redskins up today. Here­tofore Coach Speik has been theon ly man to speak with authority onthe football prowess of Coach War­ner's men, but . by tonight somemore Maroons will have their oppo­nents of next Saturday sized, andwill undoubtedly learn many inter­esting things. This is the first timethat such an aggregation has gO'I'!from the Midway to watch a gamefor the purpose of getting practicalpointers.The work yesterday consisted "igoing' through .defen6i�:':fonnatio,,;against the Indian attacks; as sprungby the scrubs and,· freshmen. Thismorning Coach Speik will have themen out for a stiff scrimmage. Theywill get a layoff in th.e afternoonwhen they will have the first restsince the P�rdue game. Mondaythere will be several forms of shak­�l1g up.' The lectures that DirectorStagg will give the men regardingtheir adversaries are foregone con­clusions, and' it is felt by the meron the team that the "Old Man" w1il�.-Banquet Friday. Sc-ntienccd to threc. and one-halfTHE MlJ!tJMERS ORGANIZE MAMMOTH MASS _EETINGs';.�;p�UbN::�ds�F::;:�; ;�I� � JllU,&8USJl I8YflS04YModern 'Drama and the Wnting of ..Mandel Hall to be Scene of Greatest CONVICTEDVallee O. Appel of Snell is Sentenced.. to Three .. � .. ·a �alf Months - OIlSunday Mail Service for' Evading. Plays. Hall Initiations •Gathering in Years' ThursdayNight at 8 O'Clock.The object of the �[ummcrs is thestudy of the modern drama and thewriting of- plays. The organizationwill meet every second Thursday, al­ternate meetings being held in thebanquet room of thc Commons. The Women to Join Noisemaking-Song months in the Sunday mail service,Practice Wednesday-Purity Vallee O. Appel, a Freshman ;nSnell hall, was given the most ex-•he ahj.� to size up our chances much "•TH� OAIL Y MAROON .. CHICAGO, SATURDAY, NOV. 16, 1907.. ".,..-lbatend .. 8ec:oDd-dau Mall at tbe Cbl· "The West must learn that the ncsses in the present provisions wer ;c:qo Po.tollce. West ain't best," is a phrase that called to the notice of the Council.burned itself into th- and R. D. Penney was appointed tcminds of those who co-operate with Chairman Hender­saw the Maroon eleven son in the preparation of the neces­lose its great contest sary changes_ and amendments. �\against, \V'est Point provision in the .present regulation-Subec:rlptloo price, p.OO per 'eAl'; ,1.00 four years ago. The W.est has which leads to complications is that ..tor a mootha. SubecriptloD.l rec:elwed at learned a good many things since which limits competition to student:"tIae JlarOOD omce. Eliia Han, or at the that contested game, but it has 1101 having less than 18 majors. Thiei'acult7 Exchaqe, Cobb Hall yet grown to accept the taunt flung rule docs not state clearly whether� at the supporters of the-�a!ooJl the student must have less than I�LUTHER D. h"EllNALD, Mansglng Editor from the Army bleachers. ...��. majors at the time of the prelimina-I'RESTON F_ GASS, News Editor. Today Michigan meets Pennsyi. ries in the winter quarters or at theMELVIN J. ADAMS, Athletic EdItor. vania in an attempt to retrieve its time of the final contest in the springLOUIS S. BIDRLIN, Huslness Manager. last year's defeat. The Gopher-Car- quarter. This ambiguity has led tolisle game is less significant because complications in which a contestantChicago meets the Indians in a final sucessful in surviving the preliminagame the following week. Whether rics in the winter quarter may fil!(!or not Michigan wins or loses i:, himself at the time of the finals ill0tIdal Bt1lCJeDt PabUeatlGII oC &be 'UDlnr­alq of Cla1cap.i'OnDeJQTbe UDlnralq of ChIcqo Weekl,.i'oUluJecLThe Weeki" Oct. 1. It82.The Dall,. Oct. 1. 1102. itself on Saturday wiII be a climax, REVISE DEBATE RULES�o able-bodied man in the Universityhas any excuse for absence on tbesefour occasions but for this one weekshould make the winning of the Car­lisle game his one thought and feel,ing. With such stanch support asmust result from such an attitudethe team will win. Junior College CouncUs Resolve toAsk Board of Student Control lCClear up Ambiguites in Provisionsfor Inter-College Debates.The team will do its part.Will you do yours? The Junior college council took ac­tion yesterday morning to amend therules for Junior inter-college de­bates as set forth in' the under­graduate handbook. Several weak,Publlahed dati" except SundaJa. 11100_ Success..,. u4 holldaJ8, durlD& three-quarten toWalter A. Ford. Miss Esther HaU,Harvey B. Fuller, Jr_, A. L. Fridstein VARSITY DEBATERS AT WORKAlbert D. Henderson Fred W. Carr, SIFT QUESTION THOROUGHLYeleven bids fair to secure the eastern cording to the opinion expressed t.}championship. Victory by Chicago several debaters.WI'U force a national recognition for Th - .d I'ere IS some rmsun crstanr mg cl� partment of general literature, ha.the Maroon that has been too long to the exact meaning of the words, been issued by the Macmillan Com,denied it. "take out a federal charter." It may pany, The new edition presents theThere may be some who have put mean a franchise or it may mean :t books of the Bible in modern lite ra t')'the result of Saturday's contest as a charter similar to those now required form in one volume.foregone conclusion a victory for the of corporations by the states, It hasIndians. The backers of the abor- been suggested that, to avoid anyigines have, however, r.eckoned with- quibbling or side-tracking of theout appreciation of the wonderful main issue in the debate, the variousimprovement which the "Old Man" colleges represented in the triang ;has made in the entire squad since lar league should by some meth- .• dthe Purdue game. The Maroon line remove the ambiguity.has been stiffened, and that "fastest The question is, however, on i!tcbunch of backs" has been made still 'whole thought to be universallyfaste�. The close of the coming week "'live" and debatable. Having beenwill see the Varsity on edge in the brought up in a speech by Pre 'ii,finest condition, and ready to CoP\! dent Roosevelt it may possibly be ar:with perhaps the strongest all-aroun.l issue in the coming campaign, theteam of the .east. present condition in the money mu·During the coming, week of final ket being urged by some as a stro�)..'practice and during the contest �l- argument in its favor.self the Varsity will need the supportof every iota of cnthusiasm that tru.e The following intcrc!'ting comhinaChicago spirit can muster. By the tion of possihilitics has been printedcareful arrangements of the Senior by Wisconsin's Daily Cardinal underCouncil, thr.ee opportunities, aside the hedd, "A Real Pipe Dream,"from the game itself, will be pre- If Harvard defeats Princeton. Car.�nted for making the student sup' lisle's warriors scalp Chicago, Minn.c­port of the team evident. The song sota beats the Carlisle Indians ,an.1practice Wednesday. the mass meet- Wisconsin �efeats Minnesota, Wi'5'ing and bonfire Thursday, and the consin ought to -;tand at the head ofpurity banquet Friday will all form all college football teams in th,.adminble steps to which tbe game I U .. ited States.et the, Uniyeralt,y ,eAl'.ASSOCIATE EDITORSWarren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank,P. W. Pinkerton,PrlJlted b, the Maroon Prea474 East 55th StreetPhon. IiJ'de Park 36a17 DAYS MORE, THEN CARLISLESaturday"s contest will be the great­est game of footballthat has been playedon Marshall fiield inOneWeekMore many y.ears; there aremany who aver thatno game of equal significance basever been fought out on the 57thstreet gridiron. Which of the east­ern colleges has first claim to suopr.emacy is yet undecided, but a de­cisive victory over Carlisle next Sat­urday would leave Chicago's rankindisp�bly high. But one teamhas laid the Indians low. and thatt,I, I of placing a clock in Lexington hallspent in collecting and organizing tlu was dropped, as the Council felt thatvarious arguments. The fact that om they had done all in their power re­of the two teams is to argue �hl' garding the matter. The Councilnegativie and the other the affirrna- voted to call a joint meeting with TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENtive makes posibLe a wide and thor the Senior College Council to dis, Two 'stores: 131 La Salle St., andough view of the question from ever Y cuss further the question of a uni 44 lacbon BoulevardpQjnt of view,Michiganhowever, a problem important to allth.� West.Chicago hopes that Michigan willbe able to paraphrase the phrase ina better mode, and that the Eastmay learn that the West is best. the spring quarter ineligible becausehe may have more than 18 majors.It was also the opinion of theCouncil that the question to be de­bated in the semi-finals should besubmitted about the ninth or tenthweek of the autumn quarter. T'iri, ..would eliminate unnecessary troublein selecting a. question just beforethe time of the semi-finals and wouldKen Chosen to Represent Chicag:" allow the debaters the week inter,Now Busy Collecting MateriaL vening between the two quarters f'J1Question Slightly Ambiguous. . consideration of their subject.In framing their recommendation 5The six men chosen last Thursday to the Board of Student Control thenight to represent the Varsity in t�H: Council will also advocate the en­debates with Ncrthwestern and Mich forcement of the rule in the hand.igan are now busily working up rh-,question. Their knowledge of thesubject, which' through lack of timethey were obliged to treat in a somewhat desultory fashion, is of cours­limited. From now on until shortlybefore the debate their time will be book providing that questions for ihc:inals should be submitted befor cJanuary I.The Council also approved reso­lutions recommending the installationof lights in Ellis hall. The matterThe question as now worded is il'one respect slightly ambiguous, 3\.' form "C' pin.A new edition of "The �lod;l!rnReader's Bible," by Professor Rich,ard Green Moulton, head of the de,GLOVESFOWNESwin Fashion's races"'hands down" PhAT THE CARLISLE GAME.THE WEATHEk WILL BE COLD.You can keep enthusiasm warm. however, with one of ourV -necked sweaters. You will also need to show your col­ors, so as not to be mistaken for an Indian. W.e have justreceived a large assortment of pennants in many styles;also arm-bands. Afterwards you will want memorials of thegreatest game of the year to decorate your "Den." Comein and see OUr football posters, Captain De Tray and Eck,ersall postcards, photographs of the team and of the "Old'Man," souvenir programs of the Minnesota game, etc. 'The FOOTBALL CALENDAR will be out early next week.Watch for it!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESSUTAII.. DEPARTMENT"OH THE CAMPUS"1 I1I'Ithe claim checks issued by other companies. IWE TRANSFER TO ANp FR,OM ALL PARTS' OF THE ICITY. OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT. TeL Harrison 412. ITHE FRANK E. SCOTf TRANS,FER CO. 1A Great Convenience!Your Bagpge checked through to destir.ation over &l! Ines,We Will bring the checks to you and it costs no more thanSpecial A.G. SPALDINVailles!,a .VVOO'orlens e {:, BROS.The Largest Manufacturers in theCollege :: WearOFFICIAL A���;:C SUPPLIESSUITS or OVER£OATS Base Ball, Foot Ball, GoU,To Order'25 : : '30 : : 135 Lown Tennis, Basket Ball,Hockey.Official Implements for Track aMField Uniforms for All SportsSpalding's Handsomely Illus­trated Catalogue of all sportscontains numerous sugges­tions. Send for it. It's Free.A. G. SPALDING & BIOS.New York. Cbica�o, Philadelpbia. BoslOa, S.lIloreSyracuse. Minneap«>lis. Detroit. W�St. Louis, �w Orleans. San Francisco, Pit,*"CiDcinnatti Denver, Montreal. Buffalo. �City, ClevelaDd, Canada ,MTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and s6th StThe Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed udShipped to all parts of the world; 300 Private Stor,age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for Pianos.Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room forCarriages, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to udfrom all Depots. Local Transfers for Bagpr-,Furniture, Packages, etc .• at short notice,• Special attention Eiven to University Orden. ,fITg .MNOLD COMPANYENGINEERS-CONSTRUCTORSILECTRICAL - CIVIL- MECHANICAL.lei LA SALLE STREETCHICAG�STATE SCHOOLTHE OF MINESof theUNIVERSITY OF UTAH.It is located' at Salt Lake City, Utah, in the heart of a great Miningcountry, within sight of !;om� of the greatest mines of the world, and atthe very doors of the largest smelters and concentrating mills. R�quires a four-year high school course for entrance, and offers a fouryears' course, ;md a graduate course in .tach of the following lines oiEngineering: Mining, Civil, Electrical, Chemica'}, Mechanical, and Ir­rigation (the last in connection with the Agricultural College). The Uni.,versity laboratories are well equipped, those in Mining, Mctallurgy and,Hydraulics being unHtrpass�d. The ore dressing mil1 is the larg.est in Iconnection with a school �ny\\'here. The professors in charge are bot�scholarly and practical.�--------------------------------Isuccessful swimming team this yearVarsity Sing Wednesday ':re excellent. Many old men haveTv organize the singing for the returned, :IIHI some very valuablemass mcetiug, the purity banquet Freshmen ha\'e entered this y.ear'1I1d the game, as w.�11 as to learn The water polo team :1150 has aThe Chi Psi fraternity will he hose -cvera l new songs, a special song bright future from present appear.onigilt at a gathering oi repr csentu :,ral·ti':e will he held in Kent at 10:30 anccs .. in's irum all of the Univers ity s e- )J) \\·edll(.'sc)ay. This sing will be The old men who arc out for swim-:rd socic tics. It has long been ;�l limited to II1l·n. and will be an infor- l1l;n� ar.� Carey. Lindsey, Ha rperrarvnt that t lu-rc was a lack of cn ua l g Ii hnillg to form a singin� nu- :\Iorsl', Pr inccll, Handy. Simpson,lIltl'pl.:ralion among the societies, a1::!.. :L,., :or L • c ol:ler an'airs oi the day.f is t h.e hope oi the leaders in !l!is week. Printed songs will be in tlr- The Freshmen who will be a llowcd.no vcmcut , that the result of d�.: hands of every rooter, and the new to support the Va!"sity in a11 except1J"l't:ng will, soon evidence itself ill ;ongs will he gone over unt il cver v coll('g'c meets. arc : Taylor of Oakway that will be bcnetlcia l to th. man can �illg them. Park, Bl'rgerson and Fosta-r of En.;Jni\,ers:ty and its intere-sts. The Purity Banquet. glcwood.The mcetinj; has for its purpose �,i· At Friday's purity banquet the plan For water polo there arc the Iol-;0, a closer and more intimate rc- of sit t ing by classes will be sti ' lowing veterans: Capt. Badenoch'ationship bel ween rill students 0; !Urth':f systematized. Beginning Rhode. Wnlkcr, Princell and Hoff..hc Varsity, espccia lly among t h.e .\lontlay tickets for the banquet will man. The new men a nc Kacm, An­'ruternity and nun-fraternity men. I: 'le 011 sale at the Commons, the derson. the football player.and Smithiurpose- to bring together in goo � Rcyuold , club and the Information The eligibility of Templeton and'c llowsh ip and on a com mou foot.n � )liice. The number of tickets will Goes cannot be decided until the·11 the sterling 1110'.:11 of the Univcr sity 'Ie limited, and absolutely no reser- conference committee has ruled onraternity, as well as non-fraternity vat ions of scats will be made. The the question of whether swimmingi'his movcmeut is the pioneer of it � -t tvuda nce of alumni promises to b� is a primary or secondary sport. Be.: nd ill' the count ry. for irom the "0 lal'ge that c vcry scat will probably �inning. with next month. a special-arliest days, there has been closest he sold long. before the time of tho: class will be organized for the team:'.. i�alry between the various fraterni- banquet. The tickets will sell at the and a strong competition will prob-ies in the different colleges. How. usual price of 25 cents. Fraternities ably bring out the best of work.ever. from the attitude thus f;;· :an secure tickets through any rep- The C. A. A. is getting ready for,I1Own by the people intcr csted, thcv- re s cn ta t ive, hut no reservations .-::' some practice meets with the Vars certain to be evident a change fO! .. eats will be made. sity team. No definite schedule. hc better. as soon as the work has The tickets will va ry in color, ac- has been arranged as yet, but theicgun in earnest. cording' to thc classes of the users. meets wilt he determined upon in theIt is expected that at least one Graduates, seniors, juniors, sopho- ncar futureiuudred fratcru.ty men will attcu.' mores and freshmen will have ticket-.he conference. Good cigars and 1:0. rf different colors. The stub of the 'DR. RHOADES TO PREACH'mns will he served. Sorncthinz ickct will indicate at which tablt' AT TOMORROW'S SERVICE;pecial is promised by, tILe Chi PSI the u�er belongs. and he will bl'lien. hut its nithec was not divulg.!t1 fOfced to sit ac�ording to his c1;ts� Brooklyn Minister to Conduct Uni,:onseCjuentl_}', the visitors may lOOK )1' forieit his scat. Reservations oi versity Religious Service Tomor-lor something unusually pleasant ':. ;;eat� according to classes will be row.-Organ Prelude to Be-lite way of entertainment. :n exact accordance with the numher gin at 10:45.:)f 5.�ats, according to lasses, will· bcEvery Wednesday, Thursday, Satur- FIVE MAROO�-lS TO WATCH .'n exact accordance with the numberday and Sunday Evenings and INDIAN-MINNESOTA GAME elf tickets sold previous to 6 o'clockSunday Afternoon.BISHOP'SU. of - c.HAT13 au'O 54I YOUNG MEN'S BArnRSt�teSCHWARTZ BROS.TAILORS-1III'1I12. II1--l Ladies' and Gents' Suits Madeto OrderCleaning', Dyeing and Repairing,Goods Called for and DeliveredPhon. H.P. 'loof\. 6305 Ellis Av"J. L. HIVELY, D. O.CHIROPRACTORTelephone Hyde Park 4637S461 Washington Aven'l;;le .Chicagos.3 1-3 Ounces 25 eta.Eger {:J CO.28 E. Adams street(Branch 159 Wabash Ave.)........... _--- .. -.intlx No Regrets when Smokin. 'Egeria _ Mixture(a blend of Bliss)PLIESkaniortsus­IrU;es- SANS SOUCI PARK·DANCING .PAVILIONOPEN DURING THE WINTERBuilding now enclosed and heated.Entrance on Cottage Grov.e Ave.,near 61st Street..Music by KREUZ.No change in Prices.2SC the Person- . .BOO'KSAnded u4e Stor·PiaJwS.om forto u4agpr-. Supplies for Q'niversityHigh School-Students.New and Second Hand_HEWITTS415 E. 5-7th StreetNext to corner Kimbark andI rURKISHtRUSSIA N 75clPLAIN BATHS 25c :Open Day and Night ;BARBER SHOP •Saratoga Hotel 161 Dearbom St. I"'t�bona Hyde Park 18 and 69!7A. McA.damsThe UIIII •• r.�t7... F lor' .1. ••ftDlQIOU8B8:Cor. S34 St. aDd �11ll"'TII: .A.'YI. Chicago--I5 I IIIIining Ind at,f!:r Ies oi Id Jr-,:Ulli'l'( and,�st in Ibot�--I t •I, BORDEN'S :Condensed Milk. Fluid Milk, Cream Iand Buttermilk. :All Bottled in the countryjI Borde'n's Condensed Milk CCI.327-329 E. Forty-seventh St.- - -AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal, with every hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.161, 163 E. MADISON STREET,Near La Salle. liver the sermon at the University: he timc set for the banq\i\!LBand to Play at Banquet religious service. The order of ser- SUITS THATAs ill t hc mass meeting the night vice will be as follows: ST.A.N]) UPpicked my lineup for the game yet, hefo··.�. the noise making wil1 be Organ Prelude beginning at 10:45.tnd· shall not be able to decide finall:; 1dded to by the b�nd. which 'will be Offertory in A GlIilmant Not because your body supportsi.tJItil the hour of the game. Ther� .. tatiollcd back of the tower doorway Pastoral in F " " .. Bach them, but because they are built onIrc a numhcr who are capahle of do· The checr leading will be done from Impromptu Leschitizskv-solid foundations.:ng �ood work 011 the line. The prob_ .he s:de5. aild Cheerlead�rs Templ<:- Pr.�ludc to Parsifal. ... ,. WaglH"'em of sdcctillg whom I want has 'nIl ,"1111 �lcCracken will be assisted Processional �o. 862 "Who Is on th�'" Didn't know a suit of clothe;�aken on a nl1l11hl.:r of difticllltie�, an.l ')1.' SllCll d:-ss chcerleaders as may h,,' Lord's Side GossoJ ••ileeded a foundation? EverythingI think it unc.�rta;n to do an)' pick ppointcd. Invocationng :at present." Hymn No. 5i "\Vhen :\Iorning Gild:: do.�s.The men arc :all in shape now all.J LITERATURE DEBATING the Sky" ..... , ..... _ ... , ... Dyke ..will go into the 1 ndian game fit tc CLUB GIVES PROMISE Re�pon�i\"e Readingthe minute as far :is physical contl:- ;\nthel11 "Recessional"fion goes. In this respect the tw·: Many Promising Debaters Join new Scripture Reading(cams will be difter�nt. The Indiar.3 SocietY-ClUb Will Meet EveI') Praper-J.ord's Prayn. Response by!la\'e played the hardest schedule n: Other Thursday Choir «(all bow('d)Iny team 1J1 the country, taking fiv.: The 1.iterature collcge debatin:-� Offertcry "Andante Cantabile"(Strin�big tcams in as many weeks. :\� Club will hold its first meeting next Qu:.rtet) Tchaikowsky;>resent th.� men :irc not in the bc�t Thur:,day afternoon at two o"c1ock. Hymn Xo. 254 "\Vhen I Survey the.;.hape. some heing still injured frt)'�l ;\ dozen men ha\"e signified their in. \Vonclrolls Cross" This is why we attain the betterthe Han'anl gamc, ancl the list of :('ntion of hecoming members and Sermon.injured aiter today will he larger ill \Vilson, 'who has charge of the dc- Re\-. \V. C. P. Rhoades. D, J)aIt prohahility. Thc Rcdsk:ns are hating interests of Lit. Colleg.: Brooklyn, N. Y. If you arc a regular stilt or a leanwell snppii'fcl with st:h:,titlltcs, and in thinks the dehating prospects arc ex- Hymn Xo. .2 t5. "J�Stts. Thy Xamc �footer or smaller than the usualrhe hack tidd the sccond choice arc ,",('Itent. Xo definite plans ha\'e h{'en I Love" proportion-we can fit you.on a par \\ith thc regulars. On the made as yet, hut in all prohabil;ty Prayer and r..�'nediction.iinc. 1:0w('\'I'r, the first team is on the club will 111eet e\'Cry othcl Reccs�ional X o. i�c) "]erusal,em tlu A special offer of suits at $25.the whole Illllch h.�'tlt'r than the s\1h- Tlll1rsday. Golden" , I.e Jcnne Others, fancy and plain gOo<f5-$18THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO. SATURDAY, NOV. 16, 1907.MAMMOTH MASS MEETINGFOR CARLISLE THURSDAYTO PROMOTE FRIENDLYFRATERNITY nELATIONS SWIMMING PROSPECTSUNUSUALLY BRIGHTeluded �n Move The prospects for an unusually(Continued from page I) Many Veterans and Some PromisingFreshman Furnish Material fora Good Team.• cepresentatives of Secret Societies.vc cordmg ly an effort will be madeTo Meet at Chi Psi House to to discourage anything that may pre-Aid Co-operation, vent the at t cndaucc of .every under.:,::adtl:lte who can crowd into Mnn-.. deeting May Bing a Changed at- del.tittde Between Fraternities­Non-Fratt:rnity Men In,Dr. Rhoades of Brooklyn will dc-(Continued from page I) • • • • •No.9This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade, the bosom of which abso­lutely will not bulge.You will never wear any otherkind if you try this.(Patented Feb: 28-1899.)"THE MAC-HURDLE"All lItood furnishers sell them.Made byUnited Shirt and Collar Co.Lion Brand Shirts and CollarsMOSSLER. CO.Clothes Makers.50 Jackson BoulevardThe foundation of good clothes is' ... DeKovell skilled. workmanship and correcthandling of detailst itl:te3. :\IlH)Jl� the promising- dd>aters in nr�an Postlude Fuguc in D .. Rac'l to $55.he co lJ.:> ge are \Vilson. Lockhar.lTh�' "r�:tn 1ll1l:'lC. iOT the l'ni\'cr '-�;e:irn. Fr;lI1k, �ohel. X('\\,lll:ln an<l Announce Promotions of Alumni-it_" fl';it"ioll� '.�'r\'1ce" 1I1 :\1:lI1cll'l hall I" &'1' .\llll0Ulh·('nl<'llt oi the :-Ippointmcnt�, t('l; cr.11l.�an:-i hdorc buying elsewhere.tnll10rrow mnrning. to he phyt'd i\�. The dub w:1I prohahly hold �hort (.f the two ncw as"oci;ate editors oi�Ii�s Rydcr. i� a follows: impromptu dehates at each meeting t:le Ch;'::t�() Alumni :\laga7.in.� Wli:Offertory in .\ (iuill1l:J1l1 he made ill thc Xo\'ember issuc 1.1fI J':l�tor;ale ill F, Bal.::' IIt'rl1lan I. Schle ingcr, Ph. D., .(\;: the tn�ga7.ine, to bc issued in a ie\\lmprompttt T.(''''.-hitzsky i1;ls h�'cll appointecl re earch assh:- clays.Prchlcle �. .. Par�iial", " .. \\';lgn,'" tant in Johns H()pkins UniverSIty Thc I \\'4'. appointments will h� macle M I COffertory .. \ndantc ClnLlhilc.... Dr. �chlcsin�er was an associate in frol11 the following: :\fiss Esth.-:-r OSS er o............... , .... Tscha kow:,'.·, IchC'll1i.qrY :-It the Vn;\'ersity last yc:!!". IIall. :\ihc:-t O. Hencler ... on. John E(String Quartettc.) .1 :lit,�r ha�'ing spent a year abroad ill Fo�ter. H:lymond D. Rcwney, U. R.Postlude. FtI�IC il� D Ra·:'. res.arch work in Berlin. 7.immerman and S. A. Tucker. \Ve make our clothes on the prem.ises and can oversee their makin�1S no other clothier in town can do.results.See thc Mossier Overcoat by allFirst Floor-Waistcoats at$5.00 Ask to see them.Clothes Makers.50 Jackson Boulevard-.r! THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, SATURDAY, NOV. 16, 1907.'TWO BIG INTERSECTIONAL SPEIK LOOKS FOR INDIAN " ... .& .0.. .GAMES .IN WEST TODAY VICTORY OVER GOPHERS........ a. JIIIII'a •• t,Indian-Gopher and ,Wolverine-Quaker Coach Says Redmc:n Have GreaterContests are Significant-Yale Mastery Over New Style ofVB. Princeton in East. Play than Minnesotans. Rev. John W. Bailey. Ph. D., '0',IS pastor of the First Baptist churchat Oshkosh. Wis.Today is one of the 'most important The Indians look good to Coach Beta Theta Pi has challenged Psiin the present gridiron season. The Speik in comparison with the :\lin· Upsilon to a football game. Theopportunities it will furnish for com- .nesota team. Speik has seen both Betas have been practicing in antrci­parison between the West and East, teams ill action twice, and yester- patron of the contest.and the line it will give in an indirect day picked the Easterners to win.way on Michigan's claim against the "The Carlisle men look stronger L .1 W J PI Dauuer . ones, 1. ., '97, whoConference college teams, stamp it all around," h� said. "They have "t was instructor in analytic chemis-ryas unusually significant. on Minnesota clearly in the new at the University last year, has beer,The big game of the day, from the game tactics, unless the Gophers appointed to the chair of chemistryChicago standpoint, is that between have made great stride� toward per, in the University of Cincinnati.the Indians and the Gophers at Min- fection in the forward pass andneapolis. Chicago has annexed the other open play tricks in the last MONDAY LAST DAY' FORscalp of the Minnesota aggregation, two weeks, and so I think the In- STUDENT TICKET RATEand will attempt to do likewise next dians will outclass their opponents inSaturday wh.en· the Red men are the new style play.faced. The clash today will be an "They say the field is fast at Min,effective method of comparison be- neapolis. All the better for thetween the Maroons and Indians. The Indians. Their speed will he shownshould :'.londay will be the last opportuu-Gophers gave Chicago a hard fight, to its best advantage. and .ty for students to take advantage ofand will undoubtedly make the In, offset the weight of the Gophers. the special 50-cent rate, according todians hustle. The Redskins, with "But at that there will not be atheir superior adaptability to the runaway. The Minnesota playersnew game, ought to win from the are scrappers to the end, and, if theMinnesota team. Indians win, they will have to exertThe game between Michigan and themselves to their limit to do it·Pensylvania has' stirred up the Ann Coach Williams is always capableArbor enthusiasts to- a higher pitch of springing surprises. and may showthan has been demonstrated in the a hand against the Indians that willpast two years. The Wolverine fol- fool a good many." Student Tickets Left on Monda},Noon to Go to GeneralPublic.an announcement made by ManagerSpeik last night. At noon any ticketswhich may be left will be placed onsale to the public at the regularprice of $2.The sale yesterday indicates thatthis number is a doubtful quantity,There was a long line all day yester­day at the booth in Bartlett gymna­Jowers expect to see their team winFRESHMEN ELECT SMITH sium. Only a few student tickets arebut Coach Yost is not so confiidenr.PRESIDENT OF CLASS left now, and when the office closestoday,. practically all of these will beHe 'has seen the QUc"lkers in action:and was much impressed with theirwork. Pennsy is one of the leaders Joy Clark Defeated in Second Elec- disposed of. The number offered atn'on T ':"-ge Vot Cast. the student rate is greater than forin the East, despite its defeat by -.-u eany game yet played. I n the threeCarlisle, and should furnish a warmHarold Smith was elected president days which have been available forcontest for Michigan. The new of the Freshman class at its second purchasing tickets, the crowd de­game is not expected to be exhibitedmeeting yesterday morning. \"'il1ning manding them has been of a siz.eto a great extent, as both teams arefrom Joy Clark by a vote of 42 to 6-1. never before seen at the gymnasiumheavy and rely on their weight con- Owing to a difference in the count ticket office.siderably.Wisconsin will' meet Purdue at La of the vote between Clark and Smith The same state of affairs prevailedat the .election last Wednesday, the at Spalding's as at the UniversityFayette, and should defeat the Boil-contest for the presidency had to be ticket booth. An early sale of suchermakers, who are unusually weakthis year. The �nsas-St. Louis held again, As the contest affected dimensions has never before beenonly these two 'men, they were the known' here, and it is doubted byonly ones to run at the second elec- none that the crowd will occupytion.. every seat in the Marshall fieldSmith is a graduate of Engtewoou] grandstand, while thousands �hohigh school, where he won first place want to go to the game will be leftin the state championship contest ac -------Champaign. He was a member for FRESHMAN CONVICTEDtwo years of the Englewood Cham- (Continued from page I)ga�e has attracted attention, and islooked upon as destined to be a hardand close fight.In the East the most significantcontest will be that betw.een Yaleand Princeton. Yale has not gonedown in defeat this season, whileCornell has beaten Princeton. Butthe feat of the "I'igers in .... hipping pionship debating team and placed in ... satron of the evening, in the p�rsonalh I .. the finals of the Chicago High Schoolt e ndians, who in turn put Har- public discharge of his counsel andvard on the shelf last Saturday,makes Literary Union. He holds a special his effort to proceed with the casethe Princeton team appear to have entrance scholarship from Engle- alone.wood.an even chance against the Sons of The court inflicted the extremeEli. Should Yale he trounced, there The officers of the Freshman class penalty. after an eloquent denuncia-wI'11 be one more kink in the situa- are: President, Harold Smith; vice- tion of the prisoner by Prosecutingtion I-n the East, and Western fans president, Hargrave Long; secretary A �.... ttorney .. ,Iatth.ews. AKorney Mat·are hoping this wI'11 happen, so that Miss Dorothy Buckley; treasurer I d dt rcws expose the har ened criminal-Chicago by defeating the Indians Moris� Briggs, . f .tty 0 the pnsoner's act and laid barewI'11 have a clear claim to the cham- According to President Smith l,la,l:; h.... t e unfounded character of his ex-. hi f h will immediately be made for the orpions Ip 0 t e country. cuses.Cornell, at present one of the chid ganization of the class along definit-:lines, and a special meeting of the THEfirst year men will be called in the MUMMERS ORGANIZE" contenders for honors in the East,will tackle Swarthmore, and shouldhave no difficulty in walloping this near future.team. Harvard and Dartmouth areexpected to furnish an interestinggame, with the Crimson the favoriteThe Navy will meet Penn Statewhile the Army wilt have Tufts asopponents. Williams and Amherst Series of Speeches Delivered AI-are scheduled for a game. temately in India and Chicagoto Begin December 10.SOCCER TEAM GAINS GROUND(Continued from page I) JOHN \V. DOUGLASTelephones 4068 Harrison--3884 AutomaticDESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE MAN'S APPAREL.lIo(g,S[__ �:��::_:,_L_V_D_. ____------------------------------ II'1 ThChic.COUllbas JbersLonga co:willCait thPennants and Pillowsof All the LeadingCollet;es, U niversi ties,Fraternities and Sororities.Special Orders ExecutedPromptly.FOR MEN'S TOGGERY.NE::';' :a:;,C CR TO I'CSTOFFIC£,53.:! .E. S;xty-t:�ml St. I Iseve:. to taCbrace:)'�r,erer:"merll'lin'.tin tlNeistraelC. (tJjogoocC. (: 19Oi')'�r:-:wJOHN B. STETSON UNIVER.SITY DE LAND,FLORIDAAffiliated in 1897 with THE UNh' ERSITY OF CHICAGO.The President is a Doctor oi Philosophy of the University of Chi­cago, and eleven members of the Faculty l.ave been students at th�University of Chicago. many of them taking degrees. Stetson is lo­cated at DeLand, Florida, the land of flowers, sunshine, blue sidesand balmy ocean breezes. Summer recreutions run through the Win.ter. Costly buildings, electric lights. electric bells, cement walks sbcUr?ads, broad ayen.ues, .tropical shrubbery .. nd trees. Biggest re�stR'tlO.n �hls year III .ltS history. There are four colleges, five schools, 14buildings and 48 ID the Faculty. '. Students from the University of Chicago may do their work atStetson during the Winter Term, and receive their credits at Chicago.Address, President Lincoln Hulley, Ph.D., LL.D., DeLand, Florida.'----------------------------�it'" .,:)nwin],:Daw-forTfive. Pre• to tovemalt CotoiallTwintbi!theanc.-irbeltbrFURNISHEDUniversity.Good light,water. bathznd flat. 1ROO�IS. Near the I' WANTED':_A young woman totahKitchen Privclcgc � care of child a iew houn �heat. hot and cold I day will pay board and room. Arr.Call. 652 E. 5ith St., ply to �1�101ager of Hotel MarOOlor Employment Bureau.advertisements. A good position "toa good man. Address ]. �I., DailyMaroon Ofiice.ca re of horses and Iuvnacc for f J Ill- ,ily rooms and $5 a week. Apply:at Employment Bureau, oftic,e Ihours. ,-II a. m.too, need such a society."DR. HALL TO GIVE BARROWS The officers of the Mummers willLECTURES IN DECEMBER meet on Monday afternoon to sched­ule the year's meeting and to workout in detail the plans for the study ,Wanted TypewritersWANTED-Some young lady to TYPEWRI.TERS for Sale or I.share with me a three-room, steam-I Special rates to stl1d�nts;'"heated flat, at 261 E. 62nd St. AliI in re-built machines. W.the modern conveniences. Call! head. �6 La Salle Street.evenings. Miss Jessie E. Honey. i ---------------._______________ --IJ:\S. H. HENDERSON, floon'-\VANTED-A young man to solicit Ifurnitunc refinished and polisbc4;Hotel Maroon.sil.'liltat110Artblbope:h\\'1chfor the study of the drama, and weof . writing.MAROON c'C" SECTION The Barrows lectures will be de-ALMOST ENTiRELY SOLD .livcrcd by Dr. Charles Cuthbert Hall, Handicapped by lAck of Men Varat the University of Chicago early in I sity Team to Practice withOver 165 of the 200 seats in : ic December. These lectures are dcliv- Englewood."c" section had been sold at 3 :3') ered in alternate years in India and I The men out for the soccer tearr.yesterday afternoon. Thc capes .� at the University. TIley treat in th� are making progress in spite of til(be used are being made at Kern·s. main of comparative religion. Th! iact �hat tl�t'y arc handicapped byThere will be 17 rows alon't I:,;. exact dates ar.e Dccember 101 II, 12. ha\·ing (lr.ly enough mcn out to makefield in section DD and the for111:1· '3, and '4- They will be given in the ()l1C it'll team. This makcs compe·tion will extend back II rows. O!l lecture room of Haskell Oriental titi(ln impos5ibk �Iany teams. suchthe seats for the men who make the �fusellm at four o'clock in the after- :ts Englewood. the \Vanderers and"C" proper, the word "maroon" w·'1 noon. th.,:, Hyde Park Blucs, are willing tcbe marked. Thus when the caps .11:\1 arrange games. Just now a contest.capes are dis.tributed, there will '>� Are you on the subscription list ofI with Englewood hi�h school is beingno doubt as to the color_ Th. Daily Maroon? soqht for a Prlctiee pme. NORTHEAST CORNER 58TH ST. AND DRE:XEL AVE.Under Management of the !rational IIo:'d Company,Telephone Hyde Park 3739.The 'BEST Served at Popular Prices .�ESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn Connectiondancing floors a specialty. Addnssthe Reynolds Club.W .. tch The DAILY MAROON.You Can't Afford To Do Without It.;l(h·:tnt:lgc hy :lddre!"�il'� x, a:\l;lr()()I1. Slate wh�t ),(111 soh! a:'1111011nt c1.tareli.t\'ci:tit20JONES STOKERS in theUNIVERSITYIJfCHICAGO1--------, :'\OTJCE-StuficntsWANTEu-A married 111;111 to take Ila-t summer will hear <:l)l11cthing(Two Orders)are installed power plant1.( 'IST-:\ lIl;tl\'s1l1;\kc. K;n<1ly returntion oftice.WANTED-Every man who has not�ub�cribed. to do so at on("t'oIe