.HMEN AS REDSIINS . PECK'�.:'�·11KE LITTLE HEADWAY Finals in Tnals for University De·...... bating Teams to be Held Tonightl' --Question is Excellent and Men "Head of $5,000,000 Cra' cker Trust"". Team Solves Favorite Tricks·:!ll:.Jndians---!New Defensive For- are Experienced. Demands Return of LostZ��· mations Work Well. ••••• .. ' Million. Nineteen Junior College students,\2, �- Rcsolvcd : That all corpora- ;� sixteen meri and three women, meeti.tcst .Prays Bewilder Yearlings- � lions engaged in interstate Asks $50,000 of SuperiDien(t_t ·lIac in the preliminaries of the unior Col.�. De Tray Plays Short Time-commerce should be required' Lean-Taken in Hand by lege declamation contest this after-'It;. Carlisle Ends Clever.to take out a Federal charter ... Police. 1I00.n at 4 o'clock in Kent 14. The:1'-' on such terms· as Congress " nineteen contestants will be divided':;\1 �oach Bezdek's freshmen turned "Where is that bag of money Id I '11 Presid N b'# may prescribe, constitutionality:) ac-cording to colleges, an cac 1 WI ress ent- ew contest etweeuo::JSkl-ll;:' Ior all hour yesterday and icft her.e with a million dollars in it?" .. I' 1 H ld B S' . h d J CI k.l\� � J U '" granted.'" be allowed two nun utes 1,l1 w UC 1 to aro . nut an oy a�'�nt out ior the scalps of the Var- asked an excited individual this morn-present any portion of his selection. Vice-P�ent-Hargrave Long.�1. Their uprising did not .prove l " • • • • • • ing with a shifting glance at M. LeOne r .. eprcsentative, according to the Secretay-Miss Dorothy Bu�k.J.ey..f .' Tile finals in the Universitv de ,� I k tudcnt eatinn(.enongh to cause much 0 a scare, I J '\..Jcr, w 10 cceps a s 0 rules of the contest, is to be selected T M' B'bate trials, which wil! be held tonight, I t tl of EIII' - avenue reasurer- ornss rlgg:s.:b�vcr, and Director Stagg. sm�led ." pace d re corner s from each of the four men's ai.d fourwill be unusually'. exciting and ditli- d 1 t thi ing Be. ' ..when the day's practice was over, all 55t 1 street, liS monu. four women's 'colleges. The eight... , cult to decide. The question prcsents }, 1 f t F hman Tmd time tcaDd declared that the attempts of the '" lore t te a . rene iman successful candid ... tes will he eligiblerrgulars to subdue the tricky fresh- a large number of extremely. fine catch his breath. "I left it when Imen were entirely to his liking. points, and the men arc all promising was here to tell you that you hadrT& same line-up as played against candidates, nrost of them having rep- been elected director of .my $5,000,­the first-year team Tuesday was in resented some college or high school oco cracker trust. Unlcss . you givetbe scrimmage yesterday, except for in previous years. it to me at once, I'U call the police."the substitution of Hewitt for Schorn- The plan for judging the m.en:s Deciding that his peculiar visitor· 'S'I . d hi . kl <In innovation' which promises to was hardly "all there," the proprietor�er. c 10m mer sprame IS an e. partment.. scpa,ra. t,e.d, Ed. wir.d ra>:�o.r. a.,n, d I �.�n.ry:'-h P d ind '1'1 b k t subject the men to searching and of 'the little shop took the "frenzied I' f h h '11m t e ur uc game, an WI e ep The se ections 0 t ose w 0 WI Danow from Smith, and. Clark.• .... " Iair trial, which will cnsur e the selec- fi ." 0\ tsidi to talk it over and , A'..·.�ut, of the mixups for a few days un, nancier Ie. , contest in today's preliminary com- The other officers were chosen· tion of the best mcn. This year the .t d t n a block away '. ,; _.,'tiJ_it' gets stronger. . porn c ou a rna petition are: without difficulty, �argr'ave' LOng· - twelve men. will be divided into four I d d f tl mpus as proba bly .'�.�ptain De Tray played for a while - • rea e or ie ca. Vallee O. Appel, "The' Spirit of was' elected vice-president by.'a plur-�terday, though he is still feeling teams of three men each. the guilty individual. Without de- Conquest"; Samuel J. Borchers, "Im- ality of a dozen �ote� ·.'ov��· F�edoat ot sorts. Director Stagg said teams of three men each. The teams lay the unknown "trust magnate" set peachment of Warren Hastings"; Bate, with Geo�g� Raulston .and Ray-. I'll the first group will report at 7 :30 t fter th alleged thief of his ".',that he is not worrying much about ou a e • Paul Davis, "D�daration of Indepen- mond Madden close contestants.. Miss-. sharp', the teams in the second group '11' ,_ '" ., __the -Ma(oon ca�tain, and expects te 1m Ion. cience"; Edward' Dykstra, "The Ex- Dorothy Buckley had a 'co;�jderable�in excellent shape QY the end of will come to the hall at 9 o'clock Shortly' this sam.e "capitalist" tinctioil of War"; S. Edwin - Earle" plurality ov.er Mis�" ,jobnSt!iin; :!.iiS5ihc week. sharp, in order that they may no! strolled into the oftice of Superinten- "Burke's Conciliation"; R. W.· Lock- Jenni� Kearns,', Miss "Hel� . Krns--, '_ . . hear the arguments of the fir.�t group. dent �IcLean, but with a more ' • Ed' L d ' ... ' .. , ";·::rbe freshmen using some of the ard, "The. �.ew .,S.. �*th"; ga� u -' 'mart"-"fmd' : Mi.• ss.".'-Bern.. ' ke._ .. ���". .......... '.'...... and both o-roups may be o'n an equal d t d ..t C f o"";nO' liF e.� �..:ao- & _ ,. �_">;:-. ";tricks oi, th.� Redskin elevell, r> ,�tO'1·g: ... ---....:�31_n,>', .. : .. ,:. �Il.:.r,. '.I.W"_' .' ·ofg;�'·"'Tht-"V"agit)o,. a-;-:pnnc.-e·� VY.JII: 'Mornss .Br,ig.gs h;d--a·'.1a·�ge-�.'.. i�.:.n.. ).','y'.�; '�,- :: �w"j.,�.':- " .... " .,-�. . ... --....... -.-.-. -�. fo()tlttg:·;··��.�_",·�o��;:-,:�>-::;-' '.. :-,::. McLean; he: calmly announce4 that M J "'D d - .r·-'iailed' to gain mucn ground' against liam cAndrew,' r.,, em�n lI�g: over: William"R. Morris for the treas- ':�'::".:�- Varsity. OcCasionally -they would The; groups and teams are as fol- he wanted $50,000 in .payment for Justice"; Frithioff' �elson, "'War with; urership. '. . , ... ::_ . >ot�� .'off a fooler,' but most· of their lows: the' position. .Mr. MacLean had d!· Cuba"; ] oh'n E. Peak,' uThe Ne&J:o Th� - f�iJoWi';g statement was made"�'�ere stopped without gain, and First Group., priyed .. him of in New York .. _Fur- Qu�stion"; Reno it Reeve, '"The r.egarding· the contested' pte:�d��l� time� for a loss� Director Affinnative-Johl\ I., Liver, Jame5 thermo�e, he said that 11e would get ?tfother oi 'Abraham Lincoln"; Rich- eleCtion by Acting' sOp�o�or�.-Pr��i':'.AV .' d H.' Cbrist�nsen, James P ... Pope. it soon, too, or there would be trou- d Y R .. .,.,__ S .. f C .. .Stagg has drilled· the arslty on e- :tr . owe, .& I� Pint 0 on-. dent W. L Hoffman, who presidedf�sive formations to meet the at:; , Negative-Carlyle 1\.[. Key.es, Paul ble. The argument had no weight qucst"; Carlie B. Soutin; "The New.iaCb' of the Indians, and these for· C. Bickel,- Cllarles Leviton. with him, nor would he ev.en heed South"; Louise Stevens, ""A Picture. SC(:ond Group.'. the plea that the present financial of War"; Charles. R. Sumner, "'Ar-Affirmative-Paul M.· O!Donncll, stringency prevented Mr. MacLean bitrament of War."fro,m having that mnch loose cur·rency in his pocket. but that if he RUSH AT FIRST DAYwould wait. the. money might b..! OF FOOTBALL SEAT SALEmailed to him. On the contrary, theI· latlyCHICAGO, THURSDAY. NOV. 14, 1907 . ·f� T •• CeDu.... ---_. --� - -----�-.---- 'THE RESULT:DEBAT�S ToifIGHTI'CRAZY' "MILLIONAIRE" �ECL.IMBRSPAYS CAMPUS: A' VISIT SELBCTBD SEeDID' vm' OiUHfOiFIRST .YElI[PIBIEICYPreliminary Trials in DeclamationContest to Be Held this Afternoon-Only Three Women Candidatesfor Four Places. Difference in Couat of ·BalIots Ne­cessitates New .r-Election ·FridayBetween SJnith and Clark.Long is Vice-Preaident-Misa Buck.ley, Secretary-Briaa, Tnuurer-Large Vote Cut.A mix-up in the balloting of theFreshman election in a close fiah�for the semi-final contest, in which between Harold. Smith and .lortwo men and two women will be Clark necessitated the caliing" 'of'�selected to appeal' in the finals. The second fir�t year �Iecti�ii' for Fridayjudges in the preliminary contest this morning at 10:30 in Ke�t. �ben theafternoon. are Messrs. Nelson. and vote between . the, two contestantsGo'rsuch, of th�' Public Speaking De- will be held again. A score of votes'.\j;..� .I.'mtions proved�: .toping withJcmpts.':?age and Hewitt played ',well ateacis, nabbing a. n�mber of runs by at the Freshman meet�g:"Owing to a' miscount in' 'a: 'veryclose vote between' Smit( an.d .Ct�r�,the .election between thees' men �i1Ihave to be held a�in. Anoth�r et�c_tion will accordin.gly be 'held Friday,morning at 13:30 in Kint. As noone was affected by the slight differ­ence but Clark and Smith,' the ��ballot will be to choose betweenderson.Negati"e-Harold G. :Moulton, Eu­gene J. :'.larshall, Frank E. Hill.'11ie yearlings. Page has outgrown .:;.!';., . One set of' judges will hc?" bol�1 gentleman of the imagined wealth in· Half of Tickets at Student Rate Sold�lis' tendency. to .run in. on off-tackle:pb�:�'" Rs smashing· halv�s, Iddings the debatcs and sclect six men an:1 sisted that the time had come for hi;,; -5,000 Seats in AU Disposed'". one alternate for· th.e Universitr revenge, and he would take it now. of_�Jderriam broke up a number of . •-�.�-: ','. . teams. The men will be sClectcd for, H c spurned the offcr to reduce the-.�. '. �d. passe.s .thrown. by. th�,.f. �esh· Tile first day of tIle Clll'cago Car Joy Clark is a gradu, ate of Oma.ha- • . their indh;dual work, with no rcganl sum to $40.000, and declared he • - .. .�. : Heretof�re, tl:tc �'Var�ity' h�s ;lsl� S.�:lt �al(' went off with a rush (Neb.) high school. where he' 'W3!'" , '. . to the team' which they represent. would not look at a certified check.DOt =madc considerable .effort 'to in· f . S H ye'!-terday. In all 5,000 tickets wcr� f01' two years captain of the ba.sk.et' . Th.e judges will be Pro essor·. . He wantt'd money, and only moncy _latept. passes of their· opponents, Clark of the public 5peaking depart- would clo. sold, a record which has not been ball team- and a member of the' foot-:� �s .this feature of th� :i.nne is (.:(fualed since the gfeat game with clall, track and bas. eball teams. H�v\ -" •... J.. • ment: Burt Brown Barker. presidellt As it was seen that Mr. McLean's�ng more ;!nd more, '�mportant, Michigan in 1905. The choice :,;::ats is pledged Beta Theta Pi.• '.... r of the Chicago Alumni Association: c-;rrati-c \'isitor could not be appeased�t1..;. Var:-sity halV'es 'are. dev.e1oping the .arc fast disappe.aring, and by the' er.d Harold Smith is' a graduate of;t-. Profes�or John Cummings. Qean or induced to go, 'one of the clerks in:t;M,.:..,- Yesterday - ·they---caught .a of the week all the good scat!", .1I1(j Englewood high school, where he'�'" ,'. . Robert :\Iorss LO\'ctt, and Dean the office quietly telephoned the po·.� of 'forWart'";tb��Ws: intended most of the rest, will be disposed of. won first place in the stat� cham:r;...':�·.;'�hmen. e�d�;(a.p� :-re.. :- i�r:�d the Frank J. Miller. lice patrol arrived and deported theaccording to present i.ndications. pionship oratorical contest at cham-���, �m'illionaire" to the police depart- ,�.n :""IO.r- a good, gain before:-, being MEDICS IN GOWNS TO 'Of the 600 seats in the student sc,'- paign, was a member for two. years--c. ' men't headquarters. wh.�re he gave 1' ..,ned. 'ATTEND INDIAN GAME lion, half were sold yesterday. the of the Englewood .championship de-his name :IS John J. Jones, and said. At' tackles. Harris and. Mou�ton nffice being besieged with eager buy- bating t�am, and placed in' the. finals' he came from Vermont. He pro- .stopped the. plunging halves on eros:; The )Tcdics will attend th,� Carl.isle 'crs from the opening at 9 o'dock to of the Chicago high school liter.arynounced insanc. and sent to the of-bGck!l. and on a numbt"r of oc.ca· gam� in a hody. drcssed in their the closing at 3 o'clock. The r.emain- union. He holds a special en�rance' licc of the city physici:H1 to be exam-sions broke through and downcd tht: white laboratory gowns. according to ing scats at the student rate will not scholarship from Englewo�.inc(1. Xothing could h� learnellrunner befor.c the plays were started. a decision readIed· yesterday at a last long. and it is figured that the Hargrave Long holds an entrance•,ahout his identified. It is probahleJones ane! Handy at guards and An meeting of the emhryo doctors. A! that he will he sent to the detcntion student who is ahle to purchase a scholarship from Hyde Park highderson at center pro\'ed a strOJll! "ection of th� bleechers \\;11 he re-Il . I ' ticket hy tomorrow will be lucky. school. from which b.e graduated. lo'plta tooav.middle trio. and stoppecl enrythmg served ior thl·l11. and care will hc' :'.Tano1gt'r Speik declarecl y,�sterday \Io;th high honors. He is a me.mberthat C:'II11e their way. exerci��c1 that no on� b�tt medical rhat tht' early d('mand for tickets has of the Three-Quarters. club, and ��Some .oi the plays heing workcll �ttHknb �et into th(' speci;tl !'ection. Stage Club Meeting at 10:30 exc(,:flecl all expectations. He �aid pledged Phi Gamma Delta.lip for the I ncli:lll gam.� were spr\tn� :\t the same nv:'ctil1� it was dc, The l11('mhers oi the Stage Cluh that the sentiment that th.� game \\;11 ,!\Ti�s Ruckley is a graduate of Hydeon the ircshmen yesterday. and kept tcrtllinccl to challenge the law men will hold a m.�eting at TO :.W o'clock be the be�t of the sea�on. East or Park high school and chairman o� theihem hcwitclcrcd. These tricks �er-.! to a �ridiron ('ontcst some time dur- i this mo:-nin� in Cobh TOn. Plans for \Vest, is spreading rapidly. social committee of Lit�ratttre cot.generally good for substantial gains. ing Thanks�i\"ing wc('k. The n:unes I the coming y('ar will be discusscd lege.and wcr,� gone through in the sam"! of ahottt t\nl1ty.fj,·c likely ('ancliclat.�s 1 ami a numher of new memhers will The philosophy college has \'ote.d Morriss Rriggs is a graduate ormachinc-like style that has charac- for a team were mentioned. The h(' aclflcd to the organization. An an amount from its treasury sufficie!1� Hyde Park high school. where heteriled the �raroon ofi('n .. e this year. T ... 1.wS :Illd Medics playccl a game last (,Iection of officers will be held in the 'I to co,·cr. the �ost of the emblems o� was pitcher on tHe baseball team andI y('ar in which thc :'.redics f'ere dc-, �ear futur�. when the cluh has a las� year s phIlosophy college baske!: I(Continued on page 4) f,�ated. Jari.!cr membership. ball five. � i ( .. �� OD �" 4)them.'·--hed;I�,--jr._ON THB CHICAGO STAGBCOMMUNICATION.To the Editor of The Maroon:French Theater AT �HE CARLISLE GAME the weatnt"r will be cold.Y ou can keep enthusiasm warm. however. with one of ourV-necked sweaters. You will also need to show your col­ors. so as not to be mistaken for an Indian. We have justreceived a Jarge assortment. of pennants in many styles;also arm-bands. Afterwards you- will want memorials of thegreatest game of the year to decorate! your "Den.' Comein and see our football posters, Captain De Tray and Eck,ersall postcards. photographs of the team and of the "OldMan." souvenir programs of the Minnesota game. etc�The FOOTBALL CALENDAR will be out early next week.Wa�h for it!Following the recent communica-0IkIal at1lCJeDt PabUcatIaD of tIM u .......1Ilt7 of Clalcaao. tion in your paper for more social The French theater gave its secondintercourse at the Commons, a wail play of the sea son yesterday at twohas now come from a newly-fledged performances. afternoon and even"Reformer" in yesterday's issue of ing, The 2\[ usic hall was well filledTIle' Maroon for a. "radical change inthe policy of the Commons." This"Reformer' has perhaps allowed hisdiscretion to run away with hisburning zeal- for reform. While not1'000000IQThe UllIyenlQ of CIaIcqo Weeki,.at each performance by enthusiastic:audiences, composed mostly of theFrench residents of Chicago and stu­dents of the language in the Univer­sity, and in the high schools of thecity.�o l�ojtomc:e. proclivities, it is worth while to in- The theater promises to have anUubl'-b-- quire into some of his complaints. unusually successful year, because in..- .. IC\& da1l,.. except Swada"a. MoD.. The "Reformer" has "discovered" the union of the club Francais andda,.. and holldaY8, during three-quarten that everybody that goes to the Corn- Alliance Francaisc. it is able to se-. The Weeki,. Oct. 1. It82.. Tile ·DaU,. Oct. 1. 1902.blend .. 8ecoDd-elaaa KaU at tbe CbS- saying anything against his reformingof tbe UniYersJt,. "ear". THB lJNIVBRSrrY OP CmCAGO PRESSmons for lunch after I p. m. has to cure a better a verage of acting and acwait twenty minutes before he gets cord. instead of opposition. The en­what he wants! Yesterday when deaver to maintain in Chicago asome of the waiters went ·0 ask. the theater employing only amateur tal­head waiter if he ever saw anybody ent and y.et raising that talent to awaiting so long, he flatly denied any high pitch of stage technique. is in-�owledge of iL �e agreed that !n deed laudable and deserving of sup- I����������������·���������������LUTHER D. FEltNALD. Mansglng Editor one or two cases where there we: � I CHOOSE C. C. TEAll IN T BET E A H 0 U S II'RESTON F. GASS. News EdItor. port. OU 0 W 8g Eorders for eggs or steak, .there was Because of the fact that a careful A TRY T T MORRO 3. 57th Streetsome delay. It is well known that it and not too rapid enunciation is de- Telephone Hyde Park 20lStakes a few moments to cook th e manded of all the players, these per- First Five in Tomorrow·. Race Will Luncheons. Dinners. Afternoon Ta.eggs, and when there are a few dozen forrnances are a great aid to the stu- Run in Intercollegiate Race a· Sunday Ni&ht Suppers,egg and steak orders it is unavoidable dent of French. Any person who has . Week from Saturday. Specialties to orcier-that one or two orders should be had enough of the language to un- Salads, Sandwiches. Cakes, Candia.delayed, derstand a reasonable amount of the Tomorrow at 4 :15 sharp has been Pastry and Entries.At every table there are two wait- spoken lines, will find after attending set for the final tryout for the cross­ers, and as soon as they get their or- a very few of the plays, that he has country team and for the 1907 C. C.ders they go to the kitchen for them. improved a great deal. especially if Club. A meeting of the 1906 dubIt does not .take them more than ten he reads the plays beforehand. For will be held this morning- at 10:30 inminutes when they have two or three those who have not' read the plays, Cobb I4B to decide definitely whatorders to carry. And if they wait ·fhe program contains a synopsis of the membership of this year's clubany longer the head waiter or the the plot as a biography and criticism shall be, and decide other matters ofsteward gets after them. So it is not of the author. the club for the' season.possible that very many people wait . The cast of "La Cagnotte" was de- The race Witl be over the shorttwenty minutes before they get their cidedly capable, and a performance course, or about 3 3-4 mites. Theeals served. given in a smooth, careful and intel- first five men finishing who are elig-"'V'he lack of method in the man- ligent manner was the result. M. ible will make up the team for theritent" is not quite so "evident" Herman Devries. formerly with the intercollegiate race, which will be runStriking indeed is the attitude as- ybody who has anything to de Opera Cornique of Paris, headed the on Saturday morning, November 23·sumed in a recent editorial in tho: with the management at all, as to list, and with the others, gave a most The first fifteen probably will beChicago American, your . "Reformer," Mr. Barrel, he unamateurish interpretation of the members of the 1907 C. C. C., theA New � from which excerpts present steward" is an, experienced play, as regards both the lines them, exact number to be determined atPublic are given below: man at the _business: During the short selves and the possibilities for effec- this morni�g's meeting. DirectorAttitude "Out at the magnifi- time that he : has been here, he has tive business. Stagg has promised each member of. cent University of Ch;_ iatroduced several new Improvements, Seven plays are given during the t.be team a ticket for the Carlislecago, the ·st�de·nts have· a stirring that have undoubtedly -iniproved the: year, coming on the second Tuesday game..battle-cry, . which they use to spur on service very much. of each month of the winter season The run yesterday was made overtheir football and baseball teams, The "Reformer" has predicted that The next will be Moliere's "Le Bour- a short course, leading from Lexing­when the conflict grows desperate, the Commons will soon "lose many geois Gentilhomme,' on December ton avenue to the I. C. tracks, backIt is an ingenious cry. of its patrons." It is not known 10, afternoon and evening. to Cottage Grove and then back toi'It runs: Go-Chi-Ca-Chi-Ca-Go- either to the steward or to the head Professor Clark's Reading Lexington:Chi-Ca-Go! waiter at the Commons how soor. Professor S. H. Clark, head of the Captain Caldwel1 is still in poor"When shouted in concert from that will occur. But the accounts public speaking department, will give condition, but expects to be able tohundreds of sturdy throats it carries will show that there has been a larger the second of his series of readings .:If run in Fridays tryout. He said: "It.encourag·ement and determination to increase of patronage than in any T.ennyson's "Idyls of the King" this is pretty hard to say anything aboutthe players. Also it thrills the sl)ec- previous year. And surely th.s afternoon at Music hall. The selec- the prospects for a team- until thetators of the game. �t makes them proves that if the service has im- tion will be "The Marriage of Ger- eligibility of several of the men hasfeel as if they were really doing proved, it has not at best deteror- aint." For those who appreciate the been decided. If the squad keeps insomething to help the team pull 011t ated. A WAITER. beautiful and artistic, these readings good condition. the race Friday oughta victory. on Thursday afternoons are well to be a sharp competition." Speak-"It is peculiarly appropriate as a WILL BAR UNVACCINATED worth the hearing. ing of cross country work, Caldwellcheer for anything concerning Chi- STUDENTS" FROM CLASSES' said: "For the next year we havecago. Nothing could exp!ess quite -- PLEADS FOR HIGH MORAL got to arouse more enthusiasm. WI!as well the story of the proverbial Must Present Satisfactory Certm- STANDARD FOR MEN are going to get out a printed cir-Chicago pride and the secret of Chi- cates by Friday or Exclusion cular. telling about cross' country.cago sucess as 'GO-CHI-CA-GO: from Lectures wan Result. Dr. Hall Deliveries Address on Ses. running, what it is, its benefits, andThe general Chicago sentiment h...... ual Hygiene Before Large Mas- so forth, in an .effort to de�elop itthe 'GO-CHI-CA-GO' pikh. It sug- The University has started active culine Audience in Kent. into a major sport. If one of ourgests· the frame of mind of a people measures to vaccinate .every student A plea for a high standard of pur- men wins the inter-<colJegiate thiswho will 0I10t be content to stand still. in· residence who has not recently ity and morality for men, was the year, he may get a Varsity "C:' but'GO-CHI-CA-GO.' That would be a gone through the process, Every theme of the address on sexual hy- that has not been decided as yet.fitting slogan for the city. student now attending classes must giene -of Dr. \V. S. Hall, dean of These circulars will be distributedAnd ten years ago nobody in Chi- hand in a certi6cate to his dean be- Northwestern Medical school, an as. next fall to stimulate the new mencago knew there was such a yen. N(ll fore Friday night, otherwise he will sembJy of men that overflowed K.ent in' the outdoor sport."a store in Chicago sold Chicago P(�l�. be barred from attending classes on theater last night.nants, and even a good shade of Ma· Monday morning. Director Stagg presided at theroon ribbon was practicat1y unknown. In this certificate the student must meeCillg, and in introducing the \VANTED-Every mal\ who has notNow we have .. u. of C." suits and be able to say one of the following speaker, emphasized the importancehats widely advertised, windows deco. things: That he has been passed by of the subject and the ability andrated with Maroon, restaurants and Dr. Small or by one of the medical iarne of the speaker. Dr. Hall repliedhotels named for the Varsity and the inspectors of the health department, hy calling "The Old ::.\fan" the great·color, and sentiments like the above or that he has a well-dcfin.cd vaccina; est football strategist in the world,expressed on innumerable occasions. tion mark from an older date, and in ;111<1 received the enthusiastic applaustVerily, verily, the people have seen :,ddit" n has been vaccinated by fli the .audience..light I Dr. Small or by one of the Dr. Hall e;:.cpressed his willingnessinspectors. These certifi- after the lecture last night, to giv.ecates will he made out and signed by I free consultation to any man in th�the student. In lieu of either of' University who wished further ad­these the student may hand in a (:er- ,·icc on subjects brought up in hi":tificate to the effect that he is con- talk. Dr. Hall may be seen at hissidered immune by the physician who office in the Northwest.ern MedicalI siens the certi6cate. school. RETAIL .DEP�RTMENTSubacrlpUon price, $3.00 per "ear"; '1.00tor 3 mon� Sut.crtptlona recelyed atthe Maroon Omce. Ell" Hall. or at Uae.·acul17 Exchance. Cobb HalLKELVIN J. ADAMS. AthleUc Edltor_LOUIS S. BERLIN, Business Manager.ASSOCIATE ItDrroRSWarren 1>. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,"Jerome Frank,P. W. Pinkerton.Walter A. Ford. Miss Esther Hall,Harvey B. Fuller, Jr.,' A. L. FridsteinAlbert D_ Henderson Fred W. Carr,Maroon Prea414 East 55th StreetPbone· Ibde ·Park 3691su_riM4. t. 4 ••• at .1I�"GLOVESmay be ript and not beFownea, but tbey can·t be1 In the Club FOWNESarley: Where did Nick Carterp ·'are for college?"Wins Henry: "Why, he took Eng­lish, drawing and banking at theHouston, Tex., billiard academy.'" and not be richt. . -Tel. H:A.Lath, �64thEger (:J CO.·28 E. Adams Street(Branch 159 Wabash Ave.) $2.0A..... �-----. -, 161. IINo Regrets when SmokiqEgeria Mixture' �(a blend of BHsa)Ounces 25 cts. . IBo3!SANS SOUCI PARKDANCING PAVILIONOPEN DU:RING THE WINTiiEvery Wednesday, Thursday,. sa:cbly and Sunday Evemngs - d .Sunday AfternooD.. J. AndBuilding now enclosed and beated.Entrance on Cottage Grov.e AVe.,near 6ISt Street.Music by KREUZ. _No change in Prices.2SC the PemaCUT �TE DYERS a- CLEARIISDyers aDd Cleaners of Ladies'.:WGents' Garments, Carpets, �ies and Lace Curtains. Phone.1IJkPark 2269- r-.545 E. 6yd st Cor. Greenwoot!"A..Ladies- Garments' Price· Lilt;FlaiD Skin c� aDd pressed • • •. ::.:;;Pleated Sldn cleaDed aDd pressed • '.: 'Ie.Waist cIeaJaed &Dd pressed • • • • • • .....lacket called aDd pressed • • • • _ • -'Ie ..knt sPOD&ed aad pressed • • • • . • ...lien'. Garments Price LiStSaits dry cleaaed ... d pressed • • • -• ...SDitS Slea. cleaaed aDd PftSsed • . . • • IJTmaRn dl"f cleaaed aod prnsed • • • • , •o.u<o&b dry cleaoed aDd prased • • • • tLI<ner<Oab .tea. called aad p�� • • • 1JSalts spoqwd •• d pressed • • • •.• • _ .:� •rmoRn spoo&ed aM pressed • • • • -. ". It• ,:.:J:.:' Or;�rlborn'sle\\"(J$'w·SUTBB UBIOIf HOTELAlfD USTAURANT·III-II, Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEither before or after the ITheater. tWe make a SpeciaJty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners...-GENTLEMEN·· .... Dlllar •• nuI"DU'. U' CIII'OIIIwua 1R •• PIOVU fBOSTONGARTERTHE RECOIItllD STAIDUD�The.'lDel.��::.. "�CUSHION.BUTTONCLASPU[S FllTTOTHl l£1:-IEYERSLIPS. lUIS IIRulrasrEliSaEO.1'B Oft oo.,.IIaken&atoll S. 4.•andTel. Hyde Pa rk 4i3.A.H. Me.GREWLUMBERLath, Shingles, Mouldings, Etc., Etc64th Street and Madison AvenueAMES HATS$2.00 S3 QOA fair deal with every hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats..161. 163 E. MADISON STREE't:.N ear La Sane.I) BORDEN·SCondensed Milk. Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk C<..327-329 E. Forty-seventh St.. And -Supplies for UniversityHigh School Students.New and Second Hand.HEWITTS415 E. 57th StreetNext to comer Kimbarken:III �_TRAVEL OVER THEIllS:t Iwm":I�IIIII'u,- 1If you go.to$.pecialValueS! THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO. THURSDAY. NOV. 14 •. 1907.A Junior college literature club isnow in a state of formation. It is to'ncitale all members of the Juniorcolleges who wish to ally themselveswith the movement. Its organization.s to be similar to that of the Litera-urc collcge literary d�b, formed lasty.(.'i,�, of wh_ich. this club is an out:;rowth. All the men and women int hc Junior ·collcges are eligible for.nembcrship,The -club will probably hold a meet­·ng every two weeks wh.en one or. .l \\'0 members will read papers on sub-jects previously .assigned. Membersof the English department will be in.vitcd to speak at several of the meet­ings. It is possible that, if enoughstudents signify their desire to joinNot. because your body supports the club, a room in which to holdthem, but because they are built on 'msincss and social meetings may besolid foundations.All . 200d furnishers sell them.Made byUnited Shirt and Collar Co.Lion Brand Shirts and Collars Undergraduates Intending to EnterMinistry to Hold Meeting Todayin Snell Hall.Under th.e leadership of the localbranch oi the Young )Olcn's Christian\s:o;ociation, an organization of under,graLiuates who intend to enter the-':hristian ministry is being formed atthe University. The first meetingwil! h\.' held at room 9 of Snell hailat 10 :30 o'clock today .."\V e want every undergraduate 'who expects to become a minister LOhe sure to attend," said Maur ice TI")ri�'e, one of the organizers of themoverucut. "Thus f:!r W� ha vc foundhut very few such undergraduatesH owc ve r, 1 attribute this seeminglack of interest not to a paucity ofmen so much as to our inability tofind them. We arc anxious that a'I·)f the undergraduates interested appear."1'1:1ny University stud. .... nts will at­.cn d the lecture of James S. Dennis,til authority on missions, :It the Me.ormick Seminary this evening. Thos _ �d10 will go from the 'campus will �,IH>(.·t at the Lexington avenue station �Ii the elevated at 70·c1ock. All in- �crested are invited,,LAFAYETTE. Didn't know a suit of clothe'; League to Hold Service Today. IINDIAPO!.IS, needed a foundation? Everything Dr. Ira �[. Price will speak at the,�'. LOUISVILLE, docs. "W cck of Prayer" service of the Y.CINCINNATI,. .\L C. L. in the league room in Lex-DAYTON.. The foundation of good clothes i" ington today at II :30. Tomorrow at I'Or any Southern voint. Depots, skilled workmanship and correct r :.10 Dr. Edward S. Ames will speakDearborn Station, Polk and Dear- handling of detail All women are invited to join ;1)born Sts.; 47th and 63rd Sts. (En- these half-hour prayer services."glewood) Owing to the fact that Dr. WilJett\V c make our clothes on the prcm,I· rnakinc h�(1 1I0t returned yesterday from aiscs and can oversee t rcir ..,tr ip out of the city his talk aboutas no other clothier in town can deNo.9This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade, the bosom of which abso­lutely will not bulge.You will never wear a ny otherkind if you try this.(Patented Feb. 28-1899.)"THE MAC-HURDLE"ro FORM LITERARY CLUBIN THE JUNIOR COLLEGESFaculty Members to Speak at Meet­ings-May Have a SeparateRoom,<ccurcd.prayer. which was to have been givenbefore the women of the Y. W. C. LThis is why We attain the better yesterday, was postponed and dprayer and song service was heldIi yon are a regular stilt or a lean6-iootcr or smaller than the usualproportion-we can fit you.MOSSLER. CO.Clothes Makers.50 jackson BoulevardW.oolen.slorCollege :: WearSUITS or OVER£OATS I ();�c;!:<�:�:C/�'�:1 ��;"SI'��O;�:��'��to $55·To Order$25 : : J30 : :. J35--I.,,. TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo stores: 131 La Salle St., and44 Jackson Boulevard i';UITS THAT.3TAND UPresults.In Enelish 40.Professor (to student during thepost-season !'cries)-"\Vho were thenine Muses?'n:\�chall Fau=-Xcvcr heard of them:".111 .. t lI:1,"C played on a hum prairielc:\gllc team,1l:.�':11l:-' lwf"l"C h\1yitig elsewhere. 1 tis rumored in ofticia I circles thatSec t h c MossIer Overcoat by all �!1"1 11:\11 i<: 011 prohihition.*I *:".I:\I1Y pardons. :\Jcrely a ypo­graphil·;t1 mi .. take. We meant 'pro-hat ion. •I T�lePhones Hyde Park 18 and flt9f7Co \ A. McAdams-I' Th. Ual ..... lt7•.. Flor'.t. ••GRBDKOUSBS:Cor. 534 St. u4 �fIt Aw. Chloa.oFirst Floor-Waistcoats at$5.0:> Ask to see them.MossIerClothes Makers.50 jackson Boulevard ! Edgar A. BensonTHE BOSON ORCIIBSTBA.. SEASON 1901-1901The Benson Orchestra will furnish music for th .. following well known.. club t hrouuhout the season of 1907 and IQ08:� CLUBS-Calumet. Calumet Country Club, Onwentsia, Birchwood, Ex­moor Golf, Union J .cague, Chicago Automobile Club, South Shorer Club,�. Chicago Golf Club, Highland Park Club. South Side Colonial, HomewoodCountry. Ft. Dearborn Club, New Illinois Athletic, Chicago Athletic clubHotels=-Lakota, Virginia, Veudome, Metropole, The Moraine, ChicagoBeach. Potter Hotel, Santa Barbara. Cal.This Orchestra enjoyed the distinction of having played for the Kirrness,the l\Iidwinter Cotillion. the Villag« Fair. the Harvard Dance, Streets ofParis. the University of Wisconsin, Promenade, the North Western Uni­versity Pan Hellenic Promenade, the University of Chicago JuniorPromeuade, Etc. For open dates aml other information address:Teb?n��t�2s3 EDGAR A. BENSONEli Court.llc1erCHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, fLECTRICAL andSURGICAL CiLASS APPARATUSWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO DESCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to Order"w. J. BOEHM,>MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2700. 171 E. Randolph Street.CHICAGO\ A Great Convenience]Your Baggage checked through to destination over aU linea.We Will bring the checks to you and it costs no more thanthe claim c�ecks issued by other companies........ -WE TRANSFER TO AND FROM ALL PARTS OF THECITY. OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT. TeL Harrison 4h.THE FRANK f. SCOTT TRANSFER CO.H'otel MarOOIlNORTHEAST CORNER sSTH ST. AND DREAEL AVE.Under Management of the National 'Hotel Company.Telephone Hyde Park 3739-The BEST S�rved at Popular PrIceSRfSTAURANT AND LUNCH- COUNTERIn-ConnectionJOHN \V. DOUGLAST elephones 4068 Harrison--3884 Automatic.DESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE MAN·S APPAREL.L 51 E.JACKSON BLVD.----------_.,------------- --------------------------------,,I• 20I JONES STOKERSI (Two Orders)I are installed in theUNIVERSITY"CHICAGOpower p"'" /PLAN BIG CELEBRATIONAFTER FOOTBALL GAIlEA reception royal on the eveningof November 2J, after the big game,has been . planned for the Chicagoteam, at which the Carlisle playerswill be the guests. Announcementof details of the celebration was madenue, on or before November 19.Following the supper the crowdwill repair to the La Salle theater',where "Football" night will be ob­served in honor of the two teams.The play now running is "The GHQuestion," of which Frank R. Ad­ams and Will Hough, of "Time, Pla-ceand Girl" and "Umpire" fame, andformer students of the Universityare the authors. As a special featurethe chorus girls, when singing "BeSweet to Me, Kid," will wear maroonsweaters with the initial "C." Tick­ets for this night will be offered for�I each, and ma'y he ordered of TomMoore at the University Theateragency by November 19.NEWS OF THE COLLEGESDartmouth Abolishes 'Baseballcial. element that accompanies it; andunless some very radical reform canbe affected,· it must be forbiddenT}1is manifesto was followed by tI;cdebarring from participation in fu­ture college athletics of nine membersof last year's baseball team.Anna T. James. This ·was given oncondition that all inter-collegiate ath­letics be dropped. P.ennsylvania re­fused a gift of $500,000 a few year::ogo when it was so conditioned.Each member of the SyracuseUniversity band has been awardedA Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappahonary fraternity was installed at theUniversity of IlIinios last night. Dr.E. A. Grosvenor of Amherst, presi­dent of the National Council of theUnited Chapters of Rai Beta Kappa,was in charge of the ceremonies.Twelve men of the university havebeen elected charter members.To Present "School Mistress."The WIlliams College dramaticorganization, Cap and Bells, has de­-cided to present Panero's "SchoolMistress." This i!' the play whichthe University of Chicago Dramat1':Club render.ed on last Junior Day.The University of Kansas Schoolof Joarnalism win have weekly lec­tures by prominent journalists of th�country. Among those who ha'\"c�scatecl to speak is AileD White. THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, THURSOAY, NOV. 14, [907.MAKE LITTLE HEADWAY his one ear goes out through tilt, Our Coverings used on the Steam Piping in Power House, T�(Continued from page I) other, and all is gone. The fourth and Building - of the University of' Chicago.Contract work a Specialty.BASEBALL STAR TO LEADBAPTIST STUDENTS' GUILD BABYLONIAN STUDENTSLIKE THOSE OF AMERICADinner at States Restaurant to Be Roy Kerrifield Goes to University Talmud Gives Characteristics ofFollowed By Theater Party at of Illinois to Take Part in Jewish Students Strikingly Likethe La Salle. Religious Work. Those of- Today,yesterday. social work. He will co-operate with of the old civil and canonical law .• fThe men on both teams will be the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. 1\1. C. the Jews. The following quotationhustled downtown immediately after A. as well as with the ,two Baptists is found in the Gemara of Chapterthe contest to the States restaurant, churches ill Urbana and Champaign. VI. of Tract Aboth.The dining room there has a seating The work of organizing the society "'There arc four different charac­capacity of 900, and will be deco- will be begun immediately. The ters among students.' One resemhl-«rated especially for the OCcasion. guild works in union with the Y. M. a spouge : as a spougc ' absorbs ailThe dinner, a ten-course affair, will C. A.· There are similar societies 10- liquids. so does that kind of a stv­be served at $1.50' a' plate. A large cated at Madison and Ann Arbor. dent absorb all that he studies. 011::number of students are expected to Merrifield was appointed to this wor-e is like a siev.e : as a sieve passesbe at the dinner. Those who intend by the Baptist convention last sum- through the fine. flour and retains theto go, either individually or by or- mer. His brother, Fred Merrifield, coarse particles. so an intelligentganizations, are requested to hand in one of the greatest baseball captains student retains what is good in thetheir names to Ben F. Newman, Chicago has ever had, came home study and leaves out what is n .. �:.Kappa Sigma house, 6040 Ellis ave- from Japan to take charge of the OJ- One is like a funrv .. I: as it lets in :tliquid through one opening and k tsPresident Tucker of Dartmoutha member of the; baseball team. H"College has issued a manifesto against I.:is left tackle on the Freshman foot­basebalf, declaring that it has provedharmful on account of the commer- ball team and a member of -theThree-Quarters club, and i� pledgedDelta Upsilon.Swathmore will probably refuse The Purdue Exponent printed thethe legacy of $2,000,000 of the late fol1owing as editorial comment onthe Chicago game:an "S" interwoven with a trumpet. major credits.This insignia was awarded the men FRIEDMAN AND MANTELL Week of Nov, 25-29-Graduates (a;;• in recognition of their services elt TO BE PEN CLUB GUESTS nbovc ) : Seniors who have more thantHe different athletic events at wh:ch twenty-four majors credit; JunioT �they have played. Actor May Speak to Audience of who have nine or more majors credicClub }iembers and Guests Ne·xt Week of Dec. 2-6-Graduates (asWeek. above); Seniors who have more thanPlans for the year were discussed twenty-one majors credit; J unionat a . business meeting of the Pea I (A to L) with less than nine majorsClub, held yesterday morning in Cob:' credit.hall. The club will have one of its Week of Dec. 9-'3-Graduates (asauthor's dinners next week in the above); Seniors with less than twen­private dining room of the commons, ty-one majors credit: Juniors (�( tclimiting the attendance to members. Z) with less than nine majors credit:�he guest of the evening wi1l be Unclassified (on application).I. W. Friedman.Another meeting will be held someafternoon next week for the friends Arts Men to Meet.of the club, at which it is hoped '. There will be a social gathering ofRobert Mante ll \\;11 be the guest of the men of Arts College this after­honor. Plans are under way to have noon from 4 to 6 in the ReynoldsMr. Mantell speak under the auspices Cluh theater. The object of· theof the Pen Club to the Univ.ersity meeting is to get the men hettcr ac­public_ If a satisfactory time can be quainted with each other. A shortarranged this will be one of the' most program has heen arranged.popular events of the quarter. PI h .Tans are elOg made at the Uni.he Club has chosen Harry Han- . .'..1_ C • I'verslty of �r.nnesota for the enlarge·sen preslucnt, ole Y. Rowe treas-d P I ment of tlloe campns, and work wi!1Ul'er an rcsto.n F. Gas historian. be b . I rt t'• cann an a 5 10 Ime.Roy Merrifield, 'oJ, Ph. D. '06,' aprominent member of former Chicago That student tYPl'S are the sam:baseball teams, has gone to Llliuoi s yesterday, today, and forever mayto take charge of the work of the be indisputably shown by a very . :1-Baptist Students' Guild in that place. teresting passage from the Baby­This work involves both pastoral au.l Ionian Talmud. which is the text-bookganization at Ann Arbor.it out through the other. so is it, withthe unintelligent student-what cntc+sFRESHMEN AS REDSKINSstudent is like a wine strainer whic':Director Stagg thinks highly of lets the wine pass through anlthe Carlisle ends, both of whom arc absorbs the dregs :so also the wickedstars, and realizes that the Varsity student forgets the good teachingsplays will have to be better polishe J and retains the bad ones."than for any game so far to get pastEuxendine and Gardner of the Red- OFFICIAL NOTICE.skin aggregation. These men, ac-cording to Coach Speik, are classy at Registration for the Winter Quarter.handling forward passes, and theVarsity backs will get plenty cf Registration will take place fromwork to keep them from working November 18th to December 13th attheir sensational plays too often. rhe regular office hour sof the Deans.I f on any given day more studentsSECOND VOTE CALLED FOR ·lPply than can be registered numbersFIRST YEAR PREIDENCY rood for the following day will be(Continued from page I) :ssued. No undergraduate will bePurdueand registered who does not presenteither a course boko or an �dvance I Istanding card or who has not alreadyfiled such card with the Dean. Inview of the ample time provide-d forregistration. students are expected to +I make careful and deliberate choice,The one dollar fcc for all changes forwhich the University is not respon­,Ezponent Prints Unusual sible will be rigidly exacted. Atten­Expressive Editorial on tion is called to the two dollar fee·TOO WARM FOR WORDSSaturday's Game. imposed upon all who register afterthe first day of the quarter. The fivedollar fee for late payment of feeswill be imposed after the first fiv(days of the quarter. Registration willtake place according to the Iollowinzschedule:Weew of Nov. 18-22-Graduat.cs (inorder of application); Seniors whchave more than thirty major credits;Juniors who have more than twelve�'-- ----56-0.-:....-- ---- Flat Ola.,. Garteiifor solid comfort. The newest s I. ,;and designs of one piece, pureweb. All metal parts heavy niplated brass, can not rust. "2Sc. a -all dealers or oy mail.PlONEEIl·SUSP&tIIJEIl co..7'fB ltfarluJt Street ,.,.,....II1IIIIj.Jla.tl'.N 01 Ptu.«r 81U1Jntd� -: .. -"_; '::- VO-n. SMITH-VAILEPumping M�chinery II;YeIThe Pl�tt Ironworks Co.31 I Dearborn StreetChicago, IIIHarrison 867.TURBINE PUMPSSTEAM PUMPSELECTRIC PUMPS sqioutCAREY'S PIPE AND BOIlER (;OV�RIN6S nea, iogI85 Per Cent Magnesia, A!: ::::0'::, Etc. inti3tf.. nlaTr.plaHa]timWESTERN ROOFING & SUPPLY· CO.177 Randolph Street,_ Chicago------------------------.' rna,.rulljngJhe;·lhe,1""'110''CalVisit Piano Stores Ch.tricrnuInctheOurBefore making a selection be sure to see our impressiveexhibits-four floors of display rooms - Colonial Room, ArtNoveau Room, Louis XIV Roo..n, Dutch Room! Hundreds ofpianos-many different makes-each of acknowledged suprem­acy in its respective class-all sales made at minimum figures.Call for· art booklets of various pianos to study �t your leisure.Terms to suit your preferences. Visitors always welcome-noone urged to buy! We areSole Agents forCROWN, KNABE, ESTEY,CHICKERING BROS., M�CPHAIL GRAND,CONCORD, H. P. NELSON. rna.for�nrer-soDell�o·-wel·Do. 1ha vtbaDirGEO.· P. DENTBefore making a selection visit the Piano Rooms of21 I W a bas h Ave n u e Chi e ago, U. S. A. gallpasshegetlR01no,Dofeelthehac:,yJOHN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY DE LAND,FLORIDA". Affiliated in 1897 with THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.The President is a Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Chi­cago, and eleven members of the Faculty have been students at th�University of Chicago. many of them taking degrees. Stetson is lo­cated at De Land, Florida, the land of flowers, sunshine, blue skiesand balmy ocean breezes. Summer recreations run through the Win­ter. Cost ly buildings, electric lights. electric bells, cement walks shellroads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery and trees, Biggest re�stn­tion this year in its history. There are four colleges five schools, 14buildings and 48 in the Faculty. ':Students. from the University of Chicago may do their work atStetson during' the Winter Term, and receive their credits at Chicago. IAddress, President Lincoln Hulley, Ph.D., LL.D., DeLand, Florida.Wanted WANTED-A young woman tobh\VANTED-Some young lady to care of child a Iew hours ashare with me a three-room, steam- day will pay board and room. Ap-heated flat, at 26, E. 6znd St. All: ply to Manager of Hotel �(a1'OOllthe modern conveniences. Ca.1 i or Employment Bureau.evenings. :\r iss Jessie E, Honey. ; ---------.------TypewritersWANTED-A young man .to solicit TYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or Rmt-advcrti scmcut s. :\ good position toa good man. Addr css J. �r., Daily:�raroon Oltice, i Special rates to students: barpJl§in re-built machines. W. White­head. 36 La Salle StreetWANTED-Students to attend' En- i J :\S. H. H ENDERSON, floors all!glewood Roller Rink. 6432 \VC'nt-! furniture refinished and polished;worth A ,"e. Every eve., Thurs"Sat. and Sun. Afternoons through dancing floors a specialty. AddressC:t"a�on. the Reynolds Club.\VANTEu-A married mal! to take Saturday positions open:care of horses :'Ind fU'·I-::lC\' for iam-: Clerking in down-town stores­ily rooms and $5 :'I weck. Apply; pay $1.50. $2.00, $2.50 per day.at Employment Bureau, officeJ Apply Employment bureau,hours, 9-[[ a. m. Co." JA.