muily aarnnn_.. ',' t.1 lJt...n.,�(;:t.. "'0', Pric !��'" CentsCHICAGO. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 13. 1907.TO LECTURE TO MEN-------------:0 .. ROOTERS-BAND GROWS I FRESHMEN TO ELECT BYH�';1:;E �::a�i.:ei= I .: ��S:u=E!�IN:��D��Tickets. I Australian Method NecessitateSReturn to Old CustomEverything is going well for the l With Director Stagg in the chair,"I "C" t tl C rliste a big men's meeting of University R-onlds Club n.. • .-. 'I».-.I..:.-..I. ...s..-.\' aroon cape a ie a Mass Meeting the Method Used by -" ",u.& '-8� 8CIIIIIII u ....Drives Varsity Hard-De Tray Has _I 'II b I 1.1 t . ht t 7game, according to a committee 111 All the Former First Year students WI e ie u omg a Movemenl'-To Hold Try�t",,·'.Hack of "Blu'es" Lineup Situa- . K hcharge of the matter, An uncxpecte-I Classes. o'c1ock.lll ent theater, to ear an Tomorrow 'Afternoon. 'amount of interest is being manifest; address by Dr. \V. S. Hall on "Sex-,"cd toward the project, and its rcaliza- The Ircshmcn of the University ual Hygien�:' Dr, HaH is Dean of ',That the �U�i;��sfW��l:�i�.�'- i�'�tion is now a certa intv,' . J,will meet "at 1,0:tp thi� morning in -the��nli!dicai' 'school of Northwesternt I ) 1 ) b th t.• J � , ,0 ia ve a ma e g ee c u , now' a. Of the two hundred men needed, Kent theater. It is the purpose to University, and is an acknowledgedover a hundred have join ed, and the elect a president, vice-president. 'and authority in physiology,names continue to come in at the I H- treasurer, \V. L, Hoffman, president Kent at i o'clock.formation office, Now that the scat of the sophomore class, will preside This lecture has eccn delivered atth',e couutry, have great speed, arc t thc jn 1l'IIg I U' iti f W' sin 1111'oJ sale is on, the committee have ar- a IC J ee . the mvcrsi res 0 rscon J, _heavy, and work the forward pass ranged with �lanager Spcik to have Th,e freshmen have decided to holdbeautifully, They played all, around those who intend to participate .. "gn this organization meeting, only afterHarvard, and are capable of giving I ., k fl' a 100w and vain wait for some- definiteat tIe g:Ylllnas1l1m tic cet 0 ICC. ."allY team in the country the fight of When purchasing their tickets, official action on thc part of the fac-its life," those "wanting scats in the section ulty regarding the code for classThis was the estimate placed upon wifh the men who are to form the e-lections drawn up last year by theCoach Turner's aborigine eleven, yes, .'C'· are requested to inform the ticket Senior College Council.icrday by Director Stagg, and the seller of their desire, and, if they In holding an election by masspac,e, at which he. drove the Maroons '.1 f I 'I 'I 'II meeting. the freshmen are returninghave not paiu or � re cape W ItC I WIis evidence that he meant what he be �vorn on the occasion, they may to a precedent followed by all formersa. i�. freshmen and sophomore him the 25 cents.According to the men on the com, The failure of the office of 'the Juniorrnittec, there are two distinct ad- Dean to co-operate in: an electionvantages accompanying the purchas- according to .the Senior council codeing of tickets for this section. In the forced the first year _men to abandonfirst place, the "C" rooters will have this method of election and return tothe choice seats of' the student sec- the former custom.tion is Explained.CTOR SIllS FEARS�!�TACTICS OF THE 'IIDIANS:l Dr. Hall, Dean of Northwestern Med- REORGAlizE: dliYERSift ' --.­OF ;C"ICAIO':ILEE�CttII&iDa Up Good Points of Redskms,,'�� Conc1ules they are a "Pow-,erful Team." , ical School, to Speak on SexualHygiene Before Men of University Organintion of Ifalc SiDcera Is Re.-Director Stagg to Preside. vived After Beine Dead fora Year.the President and other members f)fthe faculty have expressed their ap­proval of the project,. is now thoughtto be a certainty. Winston Henry,of the Reynolds Club' Quartette, "said'ycsterday ; "We expect to have aglee club of about. thi�.y. v���e�.There is lots of material here in theCJniversity, 'and I ani con'fident thattIle first move �e make 'towards emorganization will meet with universalfavor and good support from the�ocalists in the Varsity. The . clubwill be organized on good' businessprinciples, with reiuhir.,����s� ��d,agood director. The entire club willbe under good ,management�"A meeting has been c�il�d 'f�r to­morrow afternoon at 3 :30 . i� 'tke Rey­uolds club,' and It' is urg�d 'thii everJone who is interest.ed�i�· ��i- ���i�be present. A' -competent 'judge. -willtryout the voices of every inC:lhidual' .present, ,aJl(� there will .. be assuranc .. eo!:f.u� ,�����-,,��r"��:·.9DeJ,:·�:-- .,;.�� ;.� �''''''''''''·It :'is pa�c.u)a�ly- interef!ting:to�iiOt�,that' af,ter ,an intermission, of' an eiJ.; ',;t�re, 'year" ,mu�ie·'. enthusiasts ha,,:c'a8-ai�� ��ten ; together' to 'ad4<to 'the;Univer,sity:, en.ter:tain�ents,l and � t�ere' :is every: .evidence: that, the Club "will';prove a successful student organiza-. . 1 .,tioIL _.The- members, of the Reynolds clubquart�t have ta��� : the. jnitiative�in'this mov�ment, r�alizing the need for'om the mixup with the first-yea'r S:_ Men Who Will Represent Uni- served seat tickets. Leipzig, On his r, etu,rn .to America, f • A.-.. the re-organization 0, smgers" c-team. The Varsity played defensive- versity to be Selected at Trials :\ crowd equal i!l size to the one he serve. dan, intcrm, e at Mercy Hos-' ,cording to the 'promoters, the amuse-'11 most of the time, and show.ed up Tommorw Night. which witncssed the Michigan pita), Chicago. ,For some time he Iments to be offered by the new g eewell, keeping the yearlings in check Thanksgi\'ing day game in 1905 is was pro,f.cssor of physiology at Hav- I .club will he of an unusua ment or-throughout in spite of the fact that The University debating tt!ams, cxpect.�d to attcnd the clash on crford College. He is now the dean der.the fo:-m shown by thc first-y�ar men consisting of six men, will be choscn ::'\O\'cmber 23, The gamc two years of the medical faculty of the North-w:a�, according to Director Stagg, the tomorrow night. It was incorrectiy ago drew 27,000 pcople. However, it westcrn University, and has been,, , ',1"." ,,'; _, r:;;: ;, .: •best sO far, They hav,� now �aster- reportcd yesterday that the trial is certain that the size of the crowd teaching physiology thcre for nearly POW WO�. I>,�.A\,����. ��q,B;.td their plays, Anderson and Moul- would b'e held on Friday, the correct a week from Saturday will be limited tw.clve years. CREATED' LAST HIGHTtOlJ, the vacci�ated ones, both played time. howcvoCr, is tomorrow night ar only by the seating capacity. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappaduring thc entire scrimmage. 7 :30. in Haskell. Special bl,t!achers at both ends for and Primariros of Alpha Omega.-The·reason for being still unable to Thc twclve candidat� will be di- the gencral admission holders have which is an honorary medical frater-select his line though the season is vided by lot today into four' te;}ms: bcen built, so that the field now has nity..almost ovcr-a state of affairs with- two negative and two aftirmative. a capacity as great as it ever had. Dr. Hall is also a writer of consid­out a parallel in Varsity football his- Two debates will be held �nc after Enthusiasm over a football game crable renown. He is the author oftory-was cxplaincd yesterday hy the othcr, beforc the samc set of live has ncver bc.t�Jl ex ceded in this city. a number of text books and generalDirector Stagg. He said the fresh- jud!;es, The debaters will bc and it is growing in much greater trr.aties on mcdical sdcnce. He is anman team is weaker than those of on iiHlividual work and not by teams, proportions every day. extensi\'e contributor to medicalformer years, and has not the Thc livc men who will sclcct the At pre�cnt, the :\Iaroons and In- journals.'regular linemen as good a test as he Varsity debaters were announced dians ;trc recognized as the leadingf I I f f t COLLEGE OF EDUCATIONw:anted, Therefore, he has no way yest.crday as follows: Professor S. l'xponent� 0 t IC nrw �ty e 0 00-of telling j\1�t who were the strongest H. Clark of the public �peakiJ1g de- hall. and hy the day of the stnsggle, ELECTS COUNCILORSplayers for the tacklc and guard po- p;-art ment; Burt Rro\\'n Barker, presi- the co;ltc�t may take on the form of1 'I" .1' _II f 1 I . I . •. th Five Councilors are Elected as Mem,sitions, The "0 d ., an aumlttcu dent of thc Chicago :\IU111J1i Associa- a hatt e or t lC C lamplon� lip 0 e1 bers or' Student Council-Misstbat the lineup used against �Iinnes()- tion: Profe��or John Cummings,Dc;tll ('011l1try, The Indians are t Ie sen·. f I, \\r I' t I . I Strate President.u showed the hcst torm 0 any eom- Rohert :\ror::;e I.o\"Ctt. and Dean F,I �:)tio11 111 the (':-;t. «(,::;Pltc 1elr (e-, 'I . I tl I I 1 I f P' t I 'I The 1l1emhcrs of thc College ofbinatlon trlC( out so lar, n v: J. �rillcr, irat at t IC lal)( ,:0' 0 rlllce on, w 11 ::I P d 1 I I t t) Education ha\',� elected as mcmber:-:!ltrimmagc yestef( ay, age an Pcrhaps th,":' JIlo:,t promincnt oi th,., i the \1;1rn()n�. Wit 1 a c can sacSchomm('r played ends. Harris and contcstan1:o' i!'o lbrold Smith, " T. tht: th":ir �rt:dit. arc n'co�ni7.('d as �trong- of their student council. ;\Iiss Jessi·'!Moulton. ta"klcs, Handy and Jones fOfl1l('r En�dl'wnod champiol1:,hip 0: c .. t in the \\�('�t, Stratc. �Iis� Lucy Rarroll, ::\riss :\Iar-llUards: AIHI':I'!-ol1, center; Stcffen, :,tor and debater, The he�t <:eat� will be offered at garet Ste\'cn:o', :\riss Florence Rrecht.qUarter,; Dc Tray and Iddings, halvcs, SJ. and arc located hctwcen the 45 :\Iiss Aelah :\r. Janelt, l\ri�� Strate isand Merriam. full back. Doseff \\'as :11111 .=is-yard lines, Seats betw.�en th�� president of the council and Mis..;used a while at t:lckle, but Falk' anti The Equal Suffrage League \\'111:25 :ll1d -ts-yard lines will eQst $2, R:trroll i .. Sccf('t:try,Hewitt were kept out of it. hol(1 a meeting' tomorrow afternoon ",hil<'. the remaining- reserved seals Thcr,� \\'il� he a �l1cetilig of t�le y, drews.'11 b \\' C TIt 11.1 ' th Exccutive CQmmittee-Elmer Peale,A lon� time was spc':'t at signal�. :.t S o·c1ock. in Lcxing'ton Hall There will be fQr $1.50, Students WI e'I"�' t 115 mornlO� a :.,0 10 eI I I 11 f I room T cXlOgton T Dr chairman; Richard Y. Rowe. and Benwill he :m :tddr,�!'s hy Prof, \Yillctt'l gin'n thc reg'tl ar tWO-( 0 :lr se:lts or ,c:tgne .." ' ,. I I 50 t \VilleUs will speak 2\folT-ln.(/Contmued on paie.. 4) All :,ltH ents arc we come. c.�n s. .'�.� Indians arc a powerful team,L..t"._·we must work as we have never�cd -before if �e expect to holdl1Iem a week from Saturday. Theyare 'the trickiest bunch of players ;n",.'. The program was the hardest yetthis season, and 110t a man escapedfrom the ordeal. Captain De Tray"waS the only member of the teamwho got off early, the ethers being�ept'�ut until 6:15 o'clock. De Tray� at present suffering from an at­tack of the "blues," which;' accordingto Director Stagg, is a common ail­ilCnt· of the Chicago ,leader two; ·':'$ef�r�'-bjg·-gimes. �. But ev�nht;was not let out of the scrimmageWith the freshmen, which lasted a!­i(ost an hour, and in whicl� he played Dr. W. S. Halltion, being nearest the center of the PLACE SEATS, FOR BIGfield. Then,' too, it will be the first GAME ON SALE TODAY .nois, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas andI b - b' d several other leading institutions, andeffective arrangement w lere y a 0 v, .t1UI.��, tp_�so-..c.L..Bate-....Re. 'hR5ilre� .. h: .... J�·...;tenicie11de(t ', He" isof.,�,�I=oo._H4I'CtiQffX�, 06' ".1 •the women have been mingled in the - '�erved Seats at Spaldings-Seat-- a recogni2ethl'utho'rity' on'· s.exu a'l, hy-cheering section, and have hindered. ing Capacity In...creased. giene, and he will speak today onorganized roofng, Those alumni Scats for the Chicago-Carlisle game chose' sexual' mattcrs . which" every. h' C" . t' will be placed on sale this morning. man, ought to k,now.who want to get mto t e' sec '0.1h, is regular position. . . I tll."_ The students will be giv.en the priv- Dr. Han, graduated from . North ..may do so by signmg up WIt I. None of the other men are showing tile ilege of thc :::o-cent rate, as for \\;'estern, University ,in, '1.88.7, and tworest of students. oJ�I.effeds from the Purdue game, ex- games. but no other scats will be dis- years later he got his M. D. fromcept Schommer, who is limping WILL CHOOSE UNIV�RSITY posed of at the University� Spaid, th.e sa�e ul_liversity. He then .wentsligtrtly from a sprain, It did not DEBATE TEAMS TOMORROW ings being the only place where out- to Europe and got the degres of M.prove serious enough to keep him siders will be able to purchase 're- D. all� Ph. D. at the University ofc.: 'j--'-'-" oJ" '1 . b:;!'> .(_; ..Freshmen Adopt tf�:,�. �­tion and EleCt Ot&ciO Eo� N�O��' .Twenty members of, the F�e'sJimen 'class m.�t last night in' Cobb' to or­ganize a Freshman debating s�ety ...Adoption of a constitution' ;and elec­tion of officers was the prinCIpal wo;.1cof the e\'ening. The, name Pow W�was finally adopted, after cO!,side�- "tion Qf se\'r.ral other designations,including "\vigwam'� and "�ou,n'dl,Fire," The Pow Wow Debating' S�-cicty will hold meetings, �very' Ttles·day night and a literary program willhe gi\'en at each one.The following officers werot c1cctecl,:Prcsident-V. O. Appel.Vice-President-Elmer Peale.Secretary-Robert B. Owen.Treasurer-Aleck G. Whitfi.eld.Sergeant-at-Arms-William McAn- �.,I. .- .. "�.... :,;. ... ��< ": ....'."How few people ,I know here!" ON TlIB CHICAGO STAGBis perhaps the first r.emark the aver-ors, so as not to be mistaken for an Indian. We have just r :age student is makingat the social functions Signor Ermete Novelli. A r THE CARLISLE GAIlE the weather will be cold.You can keep enthusiasm -warm, however, with one of ourV, necked sweaters. You will also need to show your col-a lack of acquaintance Signor Ermcte Novelli, the Leader ofamong students so much as it does the Italian stage and the man whomthe apparent tendency to "import" Sarah Bernhardt terms "the greatestoutsiders to University functions, living actor in the world." In theParticularly was the result of this two performances given already thistendency evident in marring the week Signor Novelli has shown him,£a� .. � IIaIl at the ChI. Reynolds club dance of Saturday self to be a strong and versatile, ac­night, although evidence has no! tor. The choice for the opening night:been lacking at affairs given earlier "Papa Lebonnard," a comedy by JeanPDbllahed da1I7. except SundQs, MOD_ in the year. Aicard, was perhaps not the best, be-U18 and bollda", during tbree-qua:-ten I t is hard for the average member cause it .. did not give the chance tcof the UDAYeI'81t7 7e&r· of the Reynolds club to understand make such' a great impression on hiswhy so many of those present Sat- 'hearers as did the rote of· Shylock inSw.cnpUOD price, p.oo per lear; ,1.00 urday night were strangers to him "The Merchant of Venice," which wastor a IDODtbL Su_rlptiolUl rec:elyed .t T h . It' .. 0 t e casual observer there seemed grvcn as everung.&.be Karooa omc:e. Billa a.u, or .t the n . I . Lsome men present who could hardly ut m t ie tit e role of "Papa Le,.... cult7 BxcbaD&e, Cobb BaIL claim membership in the club. Still bonnard" Signor Novelli gave an ex-more notkeabl� however! were th� hib�ion of perfect te�lnique �nd pe� ����������������.��������������LUTHER D. FERNALD, MaD�lDS 'Edltor many non-University guests of the fect voice-work, which, taken togeth- COMMUNICATIONmembers. A certain 'idea seems pre- er, mean perfect acting. ' It has to be To the Editor of The Daily Maroon :'valent among some students that admitted that there is no American Nine years, one month and twudances and proms are primarily for actor who has the finesse of this Ital- weeks are wasted in the first threethe purpose of "showing off" the UnL ian, a finesse which shows .why the quarters of the University by twentvversity to city friends, who have a European system of training for op- per cent -, of the masculine memberssort of "slumming" interest i.n seeing era and for the stage is so superior of this institution each year! The LA1JA YETTE.the "rah-rah boys" having a good to our own. caus-e' of this enormous, and, for the INDIAPO!.IS.'time, Signor Novelli achieved all this in most part, unnecessary loss of time, LOUISVILLE,_ The dances given by the Reynolds seemingly the simplest manner, play- is the poor service at the common'. and the Score club are attended ing throunghout the evening with .1 between the hours of I and 2- p. m. DAYTON.., .;:!by too many outsiders, so many, in naturalness' that made his acting ap- I have discovered, through personal Or any Southern ,-,oint. De�.fact, that the case is made still worse pear to be the easiest thing in the experience, and from the testimony Dearborn Station, Polk and Dear�because many students are cutting world. He is a large man-in fact, a of others, that any man who makes a born St5.; '47th and _63rd Sts. (ED­them, preferring "some real Univer- very large man-smooth-faced, gray- practice of going to the Commons glewood)sity affair" instead, Various .Iraterni. haired, and slightly stooped. He is after I p. m., must become reconciledties and club� are not hesitating tc 56 years old, and looks it, but in his to spending at _Least forty minutes ingive conflicting affairs without com. gaiety and healthy laughter as the procuring his noon meal. It is apunction, because of a desire t� have French watchmaker there was little well known fact, supported by all thea good time among real University trace of any weight from these years. authorities on the subject, that butpeople. He has trained the muscles of his twenty minutes on the outside shouldThe fault lies not with the clubs; face so well that be would need lit- be expended in masticating an ordi-Announcement that the moribund they are to be commended for their tie gesture and little vocal variation, nary lunch. Consequently each man SCHWARTZ BROS.Varsity Glee' dub is to' be revived strict insistence QIl University mem- but he adds them all, and proves him- who visits the Commons, wastes T A I LOR S, ':,; ·�ilI be, .hailed with gen- bership, which should, however, be self thoro_!Jghly worthy of his reputa- tw.enty minutes a day. This means for Ladies' and Gents' Sots Made'WeicOme� eral interest and ap- made stricter: But: to male the in- tion. each individual man a waste of 100 to Orderthe Glee proval by the entire formals more vitally a part of Uni- Much of his effectiveness comes minutes a week, 3,600 minutes or 60 Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. �.;._, ...Club' student body, -which versity life, the individual members from his admirable use of the pause. hours for the three quarters of the Goods Caned for 'and DeJivaM,has . failed to WIder- should take themselves and their It is doubtful if Chicago has ever be- qniver3ity year. As about 275 men Phon" H.P. '2006. 6305 Ellis A ....stand why the' Glee club was ever friends to task, and see that more fore seen any company which was eat lunch between the hours mention­suspended. Colleges not one-tenth U>Itiversity girls attend. In this the able to do so much in silence. Every cd in these first quarters of the Uni-the size of Chicago have had strong fraternities can playa leading part. member of the Italian star's company versity Yfar, about_ 1,650 days areglee organizations.vwhich have been has been taught the-value of the dra- wasted by this small fraction of theth(prfde of the, college. First-year students today have their matic pause, and all use it to advan- masculine members of the Univer-One of the main arguments against first opportunity to gather and be- t A cti ith ki f sity, F' . h U' .age. � mg WI out spea mg-- or rgurmg t e mversrty yearthe �ontmu.ed existenc� of the Glee come a unit as a class, lack of another -word; we call- it pan- as 36 weeks, this makes a result of 303 Dearborn, when it was' suspended in 'Ig06, Freshman by holding their elec, tomime in EngliSh-is one of the most nine years, one month and ,twoElection t' f I ffiwas that there was an evident lack Ion 0 c ass 0 cers. diflicult and yet the most effective weeks loss of time,f '. This election wiIJ also . .o student interest in the organiza- SIdes of stage technique, but Signor These facts, startling and alarmingtion, and the club was not an msti- be the first opportunity the Univer- Novelli has mastered the pause more as they are, make necessary a radical. . sity at large will have of seeinu htution representative of the � t an most actors, And his pause is change in the policy of the Com-. . Th whether freshman spirit is 'anythinq diffslty ID consequence. e second .,. 1 erent. It is not a sudden stop mons. That an institution of learningharae wasjn deeper than an impulse to paint thec arge was true only in part, but the such as occurs in a serial story, in- which pretends to educate men tofi· town. The fourth year class set therst was unanswerable. Many me�- tended to hold the readers in anxiety, regard the physical as merely inciden-b f first year class an exceJIent examp!e.ers 0 the stu<J.:ent body found it �nd make the situation all the more tal, should have within its walJs an Established I�.easl"er to cn·tl·cl·se than support the A full gathering of the freshman .t S' NIl" h d . bl' 1 I . I fm ense; Ignor ov.e I s met 0 IS esta IS lment W llC 1 orces men to MANUFACTURING JEWELEISclub, and the clu'b's entertal·nment.::. class is distinctly in order. th t I h . '. . 6 k� e na ura pause w en conversation waste over mne years, m 3 wee s, and ENGRAVERS.drew but meager attendances. Much �nconvenience is being caused lapses or a speaker hesitates for a in procuring food is certainly a most. 78-10 State StreetThere is no justice in laying the student readers in the Law library word or a means of expressing a unusual 'state of. affairs, and one ChiCaCO.responsibility for the club's suspen- aftemoons and even- whole idea. which demands immediate corre�-sion .at .the door of the members of Those ings, because man y Signor Novelli is an Italian and has tion. SANS SOUCI P.ABl[190�"':"'All credit is due to the few Library places at the reading the .expressive hands of the Italian. Many of the men are objecting DABCIlfG PAVILIONmen.who kept the club going in spite Lights tables are vacant on Everywhere his hands are helping tl) st�enuously to the tack of method, OPEN DURIllG THE WINTER,of lack of int.erest and constant dis- account of pOOr light�. portray the character repreSCll1ed. evident in the management. Some Every Wednesday, Thunday, SatIr·couragement. With the lapse of :1 Constant vexation and disturbance;s His gestures are Italian, not ta��ht claim it is due to the sC:lrcity of day and Sunday Evenings aDdyear, however, the, student body has occasioned because some tw.enty of and perhaps made natural as is done waiters; others say the waiters are Sunday Afternoon.come to appr�ciate that the club the. lights are useless for one reaSO.l in this country, but in the blood of inexperi.cnccd. Whatever the cause, Building now enclosed and hcate4.·filled an impOrtant, even if unrecog- and . another, and have for a consid- the man. No description of his work it is eertainly a fact that the servic� Entrance on Cottage Grov,c Ave.,nized, place in coJlege life. erable period. Occasional inspection would be adequate; one must see it is far worse than in previolls years. near 61st Street.With a reViVal and complete reor- of the lighting facilities 'of_ the lib- to appreciate it, and it is certainly If it is not soon improved, the com- Music by KREUZ.ganization of, the club along broader rary would hardly be amiss. worth seeing" mons will be sure to lose many of its No change in Prices.lines, it should meet with the most Among the mcmbers of his cast is patrons. This would be unfortunate I 2_CC the Pencil'A CORRECTIONcordial support of University men. a large number of strong, for the food sCr\·.�d is somewhatThrough an' error, the followingThe Glee club is not a joke, but a �lme. Betrone took the role of the abovc the ordinary. �Iattcrs must.student .effort desendng the most loy- stateme!1t was printed in The Daily daughter in a manner which beauti· however, be improvcd.Maroon yesterday: "Dr. Raycroft fully fitted t� part, and Olga· Gian- A support of every ·one. It would said last night that Anders'>n andbe particularly unfortunate if, through nini, who is �Ime. Novelli, gave ..tMoulton would be kept out of thecynical apathy SO important a uni- strong, dignificd portrayal of the wif.e,Carlisle game by their vaccination." Unusual success accompanied the'V 't . t·t t" 'th GI I b Signor I. Rossi prcsented the son inersl y IDS I U Ion as e ee c u In his interview at the time stated. first Reynolds Club dance of thc yearshould now. fail for lack of student a pleasingly sincere m:mncr.Dr. Raycr�ft expressed the opinionthat the chances are the two menwill not be handicapped in �heir workby the vaccinations, and in all prob­Subscribe for the Daily Maroon •• ' .. ability will be seen at their best inDo it 110.1 ' . I" •• '.• _ ,_, 'I _ .be ludiaa pme.CMIdal BtacJeat PablkltloD of tile Oalnr- For1Ilt7 of CIaIap. StudentsOnly' of the. present season. Chicago is receiving a great treatThis does not indicate in the visit at the Garrick Theater ·)f pRlCOFI'OaDdecI.TIM Weeki,. Oct. 1. leu.The n.I17, Oct. 1. llOZ. received a large assortment of pennants 'in many styles;also arm-bands, Afterwards you will want memorials of thegreatest game of the year to decorate your "Den." Comeiii a-;;d see �ur football posters, Captain De Tray and Eck- .TO Eersall postcards; photographs 'Of the team and of the "OldMan," souvenir programs of the Minnesota game, etc.The FOOTBALL CALENDAR will be out early next week.Wa�1; for it! eITHE UNIVERSITY. OF OHICAGO PRESSRETAIL DEPARTMENT"ON THE CAMPUS" fIILW(KELVIN '.J. ADAMs •. :&tbleUeiEditor.LOUIS 8. BERLIN, BuslDe88 MaDager.ASSOCIATE arroRSWa!'ren D. Foster,', Harry A. Hansen,J er0D:'e Frank,p. W. 'Pinkerton.Walter' A. Ford, Miss Esther Hall,Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., A: L. FridsteinAlbert D. Henderson Fred W. Carr,:. '. .Printed' � thi IlarOOD Prea474 Eut 55th StreetPboD�'lbde 'Park 8691First Club Dance a given last Saturday oCvening. Twofloors wer insufficicnt to accommo·Send in your subscriptions to The datc the dancers who thronged theDaily Maroon. Do it now. c1uh. The pool and bilJiard rooms:t')d the bowling alleys servcd to ac­commodate the ovcrflow.SlIbscribc for the Daily. If you go. to'.-;e- tollSOilc. L. SCHARFPICTURES AND PICTURE,FRAMiNG265 East Fifty-Seventh StreetOpposite Rosalie CourtTAIlTwo �---1 A..Telephones: "Harrison 4259. 340J,-ti1Automatic 5239 ; ,RItBARDS, AMBlER I1·GlCOAL AND COKE -c�Tel.Dr,Class Pins Our Specialty.C. T. CUNY {:, CO..61, I�CondeABo.32--i\RROw!4 •• ZIt COLLAR�f�de of Clupeco'Shrunk Fabricalie elida; 2 DeCLUCTT. _._ •• co lie ... No·1/ THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 1907. --�Vle HAVE REDUCED' T�EpRICES ON A NUMBEROF HANDSOME STYLES.TO EVEN UP OUR STOCK.Clark and A�ms Streets�pec_ial'-.: ..... ; Values!-woolen.slore- CollegeSOITS or -OVERCOATS• •• •u·To OrderS2S': : 130 : : 13S-TAILOR FOR YOUNG . MENTwo Stores: 131 .La Street. and44, J",ckson,Boule�r�� __ ��_'_'��� __ 4-� •d., 1 A. JOSEPHINE GRAHAM2J MILLINERYIMPORTATIONS: '31S East 55th StreetChicacoTel, Randolph 766.Dr. Jerome W. EgbertDENTAL '. SYRGEONSuite 167-161 S,tcite Street.Specialist inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for Students.CHICAGOAMES HATS2.00_, . 53.00A fair deal !witb eftr7 bat.Opera Hats, Silk, Hats.lfil, 163 E. MADISON �STREET,Near La SaDe.�------------�---------BORDEN'SCondensed Milk. Fluid Milk, Cream,and Buttermi1k.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk CCI.327'329 E. Forty-seventh St._'_,----Eger l:J CO.• E. Adams Street-(Branch 159 Wabash Ave.), , -, - ....... _---. -.No Regrets when Smoking,Egeria Mixture(a blend of Bliss)3 1-3 Ounces 25 cts..._.. • • • • • • • ALUMNI· MONTHLY TO - LECTURE ASSOCIATION,BE ISSUED TOMORROW I STARTS NEW COURSESUndergraduate Department Is Started Associate Prof�r Clark and Profes-in This Issue-To Give Status sor Coulter to Give Seriesof Library Fund. of Lectures.N ew courses in all of the centersof the University Lecture Associationarc starting this week, On the northside at the Lincoln Park Congrega-tional church, Associate Professor '3. �H. Clark of the department of public ---------------speaking delivered a' lecture Mondayafternoon on the study of poetry as afine. art. The title of the lecture was"Longfellow's 'Robert of Sicily,' cl51tHI)' in Story Telling." The sub­jects of his other lectures are as fol­lows:Nov: 18-"Arnold's 'Sohram andRusturn,' a Study in Oriental StoryT.::-lIillg."Nov. 25-"TollC Color in - Englishv crse."Dec. 2-"Tenlly�on' 'Lotus Eaters,'a Study in TOlle Color, Rhythm, andRhyme."Dec. 9;-"�lark Anthony's FuneralOration, a Study in Oratorical Tact."Dec. 16-"Shakespeare's 'King Lear,'a Study in Plot Structure."At the South Side Center, the Abra­ham Lincoln Center at Oakwood bou-levard and Langley avenue, Profes­sot John 1\1. Coulter, head of the ,de­partrncnt of Botany, began last even­ing a series of six lectures on "Or­ganic Evolution."NOlO. 12-vVhat is Evolution?Nov. Ig-Darwin and Natural S\!-lection.Nov. 26--DeVries and Mutation.Dec. 3-Heredity.Dec. ro-sPlant Breeding.Dec. f7-Evolution of the PlantKingdom.The November issue of the AlumniMonthly will be out tomorrow. Sev­eral attractive articles will appear, aswell as the usual news departmentsfor the University, the student body,athletics and_ alumni notes,' includingnews from the various alumni organi­dation.Dr. Goodsfeed has prepared a state­mcnt on the present status of theHarper �Iclllorial Library Fund. Har;per's 0\\'11 ideas with regard to theplace of the library in the Universityare shown in a separate art ide.Adolph Pierrot, '07, writes of thehistory of dramatics in the Universityand tens of opportunities for dra­matic study offered _ the student atschool here: Francis Humboldt - Clark,·82,. has in_ this number the first in­stalment of '''Journa'lism in the OldUniversity." Miss Effi.e Gardner, '97,presents observations on college workand training viewed from the stand­point of an alumnae out of school tenyears. There is also a short poem byEugene Parsons, 'Bj. -A new feature will be noted in th-.presenting of the undergraduate sideof U�i\'ersity life. In the leading ar­ticle section is offered a series of ob­servations under th� heading of "Re­marks by the Undergraduate." Thewriter gives impressions on variousphases of student life, together witi:suggestions and comments. Everycare is taken absolutely, to be fair andio present both sides open=to contro­versy. The "Undergraduate" invitesanswers to, positions which he takes,and endeavors to promote discu�sionon matters of student interest withthe_ hope tliat some valU-able publicopinion may be thus developed.The next issue will be theSchool Number." Beginning Thursday evening, Pro­feccor Herbert L. Willett will give inthe West Side Center, Lewis Insti-"Law tute; corner of Robey and Madisonstreets, a. series of six lectures on"Israel and the Earlier Prophets.": Nov. 14""::"The' Birth of the Nation.Moses.Nov. 21-The ,Making of the King­dom.-Samuel.Nov. 26--Early Prophetic Ideals.-Associate Professor Miller Speaks on"The Choosing of a Profession."Associate Professor Miller of theLatin department gave a talk to themen of Arts College, at their meetingyesterday morning, on "The Choosingof a Profession." He spoke on theadvisability of choosing some activitybefore the time of graduation cameand not accept the first position thatchance ll1Tows in their path. Dr.�lillcr concluded by saying that thestudent should not despair if oppor­tunity docs not smile on him at first.but should hold to 'his original in­tention all the more firmly. The col­lege has made plans to hold socialsso that the members of the collegemay become better acquainted witheach other. One of these affairs wasto have been held last Friday, but had I n the same room at 10 :40 a. be postponed. One will be held. Professor �Iyra Reynolds will con­however, this Friday in the Reynolds tinue her course of lectures on "Eng­Club at from 4 to 6 o'clock. Plan:' lish Literature from 1798-1832."were also, made to reform the ArbCollege Debating Club.ARTS COLLEGESindoor practice will he begun in �short time. Indiana's present pros­pccts for a good team arc far hrig htcrthan they have been for yca rs. Jo11nson and Thompson, last ycars crackbattery, are back. a s arc Thrall, Cum.rning s, \\"illiam�on. Cook. PacldockSutphin. Lyons an(1 Driver. all oldmen. Of th.� 11)06 team Rohinson.Balfour •. Hill. Heckman and J0ncswill he missin�. There aTC, howcvCi',�c\'eral new men who will make hardfights for places on the team.• • Nathan and Ahijah.Dec, s-The Struggle with Baalism.-Elijah.Dec. 12-The Dangers of NationalProspcrity.e-Amos.Dec, I9-Thc Decline and Fall ofIsracl.e=Hosca.Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock inthe Music hall, Fine Arts building.203 Michigan boulevard, Professor S.H., Clark will read "The Marriage ofGeraint," from Tennyson's "Idylls ofthe King."Saturday morning at 9 :30 o'clock inthe Anna Morgan studios, 825 FineArts building, Professor James R. An­gell will lecture on "ComparativePsychology, Mental Life of Animals." • ...AIUSEMENlL..The GarrickChanning Pollock's Gr�test PlayTHE SECRET ORCHARDMcVickersGeo. M. Cohan's Triumph45 MINUTESFROM BROADWAYPowers'WM. H. CRANEin the new comedyby Geo. AdeFATHER AND THE BOYS ,- -NEED A NEW SUIT?We\'c just taken over a SUrPlus I�tof as good garments as ever sold or­dinarily at $25, to sell at $18.NEED AN OVERCOAT?A hundred or so, bought in the sameway, afford the same kind of a saving,each of which enables you toSAVE A CLEAN $7.00Right cuts, right fabrics, right tr'm­mings and right colors-all up to thehigest $25 standard-s-insure the big-:g est $IS worth ever.BISHOP'SU. of C.HAT'3 IIIJ'a,1eiYOUNG lIEN'S HATlER156 sta.te i-IllinoisWILLIAM COLLIERIn the Great Farce Comedy"CAUGHT IN THE RAIN"The GrandMr. MANTELLIN SHAKESPEAREANREPERTOIRE.La SalleTHEGIRL, QUESTION t!111;,�tA.G. SPALDING.bBROS.The Largest Manufacturen in theWorld ofOFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLIEsBa� Ball, Foot � Golf, _Lown Tennis, Basket �I -- H�. .Official Implements for Track andField Uniforms for All SportsSpalding's Handsomely Illus­trated Catalogue of all sportscontains numerous sugges­tions.. Send for it, It's Free.A. G. SPALDIRG -' York , Chicaco. PIIiladelpiaia. Bost.oe. Behi­more Syracuae. MiDDeaPOUS. DdroiL W ...........I St. Louis. New OraDs • SaD Fra.dsco. Pittsbtuz:CiaciDnaui DeD"er. MODtreal. BufFalo. It •• sasCity, Cleveland, Ca_daMr. James Townsend,.h�n('iate Professor Clarke is goineto hear :\Ir. Xl antc]] in Othello to-ni;':�lt. and members of his classes aregoil1� with him. :\1 r. Clark will laterdiscuss the merits oi the play withtho�e who went.X ow ! is the time to subscribe.T.lepbouu Hyde Park 18 aDd 6W7A. McAdamsTb.UDI ..... 1.7••. Flor'el. ••GRBBlIBOU8B8:Cor. 53c1St. uc1 �� A�. Chlc.,oIndiana Starts Baseball. Tcx., now resident in 15 Hitchc�kThe University of Indiana is the ia ll, has pledged Alpha Betta Phifirst western college to begin baseball irat('rnity.practice this year. \Vith fifteen men ROBERT ST AEDTER CO.ISS State StreetknownDurable Qualities.Ladies' and Miaes'Suits $18.50 up.Fur Nec�arfrom$3.75 up.Hats from 14-00 up.Colonial.VICTOR MOORETHE TALK OF NEW YORKThe StudebakerWILL T. HODGEIn the New ComedyTHE MANFROM HOMEThe' WhitneyThe Musical WiDDerA KNIGHT FOR A DAYBetween .....:, 'h,i-I"'0. :.. ':"'l•. : ���-"'Y' \.;!-��.. .;t!, .,�;�.;\ij""f·�'ll-�:F:)�i'-t ...'�;f'�i;Yi��.1'J::IJt'l;·f,$ty,�!OLJa!JII"J. .... �,ti-The CouIdin Pen Co., 310 Maahattan BJaW., Toledo, �1' � ,�==============�================== .• �fDe�,l'-I:-ICoad,I· •Rtdsku-�to'.;. •., rlily. .��ongh;',:-0..boWoe\'c.-hen t�� decrrgularIDen w:(,,Thethe fintile SCIthe sub�er .: !�-ihe',�ut, ofn_!.it' g;,:Upt;�terdout of.that hI'the -AI:"inike we: :::rhe:�. "::t�'tied;�·Va"1;�stauf�sivc���,THE DAILY M��OON, CHICAGO, WED��S�AY, .. �.C?y., 13,.. 1�� _. , \.stunts to make the occasion one of new floor of the women's gymnasiumClaims for Advanced Standing. lively jollification. was given satisfactorily yesterday af-In accordance with a recent action All those who are planning to at· ternon, when approxim'ately zoo girls WANTED-Students to attend En- JAS. H. HENDERSON, floors UIlof the Board of University Relations, tend the affair wilt hand in thei:- :tttended a "floor warming" given by furnitur.c refinished and polished;.. glewood Roller Rink, 6432 Went-claims for advanced standing for sec- names to H. S. James, 53 Hit<:\1cock, the \Vomen's Athletic AssociatIon worth Ave. Every eve., Thurs., dancing floors a specialty. Add�,ondary school work in excess of our before Wednesday. :\ German, led hy �(iss \Villowdean Sat. and Sun. Afternoons through the Reynolds Club .requirements for admission will here- Chatter�on, was in by �eason .after be recognized by the Examiner A large number of students and the freshman girls as such, while t!�':for Secondary Schools only after the instructors in the German depari-: :,ccond-year girls took the part of \VANTEu-A married man to take GRADUATE of a standard Businessstudent has been in residence in, the ment attended "Die Karlschuler:' men. care of horses and furnace for ram-University for one quarter, At the pr.esented at Powers theater on 1\[0'.1- "C' arm hand�, mittens and minia- i1y rooms and $5 a week. Applyexpiration of that tim.e ,and in case, day afternoon. They report the lure footballs were the favors. Gen- at Employment Bureau, officein ,the judgment' of the Examiner, th� playas very well acted and very sat· eral d:mcing followed the German, hours. 9-11 a. m.students' records in the secondary isfactory. after which the guests were enter·school and college warrant it, permit� t:tined hy some impromptu "stunts."will be issued by the Office of Ad- NOTICE-5tudents who canvassed which, however, thc women stu·mission for examinations for advanc.ed last summer will hear something of ; dcnts declin.e to disclose.standing in the subjects concerned. advantage by addressing X, care I. F. J. MILLER, Maroon. State what you sold and I \V ANTED-Every man who has not._, EY'-;�Ior Secoa4ary Schools. :unOlDlt' cleared.. subscribed, to do so at oaee.TO VACCINATE BVERYONE CHESS; EXPBRT WILL ,GIVE, AN EXHIBI�ION WILL HOLD DECLAMATIONPRELIMINARIES TOMORROWCi� Health OBicials to Make CertainThat . Every Penon 'RaictinC itUniversity Has Been Recently In­occUlated-Will Not QuarantineMiddle Diviility. Mr. Lee of Chicaco Chess Club Will To �Iect Representatives of Differ-Play Simultaneous Games at ent Colleges at Preliminaries toUniversi�. be Held Tomorrow Afternoon.The Chess Club of the University The preliminaries of the Junior col-City health officials, of Chicago are is to entertain Mr. Lee of the Chicago lege declamation contest for theto make a thorough canvas among Chess and Checker Club at th.e Um- autumn quarter, will be held tomor­all the people in residence at the Uni- versity's club's weekly meeting this row afternoon at 4 o'clock in Kent. versity, both faculty and students, evening in the parlors of Middle Di- 14. Nineteen fr�m the different col­and will see 'th�t all those who have vinity hall. Mr. Lee will undertake leges have registered theirnot yet been vaccinated have it done simultaneous games with all those and titles of selections. They wjllduring this week. The physcians Will who appear to contest with him, and be divided according to colleges, andbe in Dr. Small's office every morn- the club is promised a unusual treat. each will have two minutesing from today until Friday, and all Visitors will be welcome. which to present any portion- ofstudents are requested to see the The tournament to decide the mem, declamation.A! r. N elson and Mr. Gor­physcians as soon as possible. Some bership of the University team is well such, of the department of publicmc;asures will probably be taken by under way. The first round will prob- speaking, will act as judges. Accord­Dr. Small to compel all students to ably be finished this week. The con- ing to'the rules governing the examined this week. test with Michigan is to be held early test, one man and one woman fromNo new cases of smallpox have in December, but the exact date has each college are chosen to speak atarisen since Monday, and the men :0 not been decided. the semifinals, but in this case therethe isolation hospital are doing is not the necessary number of wo-nicely. DEMONSTRATES UTILITY OF men, only a few having handed 1;1It was declared repeatedly about READING GOOD LITERATURE their names. The obect of thesethe campus yesterday that Middle preliminaries is merely the selectionDivinity hal] would be quarantined, Professor Blanchard Interprets Scene of speakers for the semi-finals, whichas three of the cases in the hospital From "Merchant of Venice"- will occur two weeks from tomorrow.Pleas for Interest inIn 'regard to this, At the semi-finals each arose+there;Dr. Small said: ."We have considered placing 3quarantine on Middle Divinity hall,. but as far as I can see at present,there is no necessity for it. We haveaU the cases well .in hand now, anJif the �en and women at the Univer­sity 'win accede to our wishes by being vaccinated, i� it is neceSs'ary� 'wewill' clear up everything in a shorttime. N one of the men in the hos­pital are in serious condition and allwill' be out' in a short time." gives his entire selection, and twomen and two women are chosen toA skilful and interesting interpre- speak at the finals. The finals takeration of a scene from Shakespeare's place on Tuesday of the eleventh"Merchant of Venice," by Professor week of the quarter. Members ofFrederic M. Bianchard of the public the Junior ColLege faculty will actspeaking department was given be-fore the meeting' of philosophy col­lege: men yesterday.··· Mr. Blanchardrendered the scene in which Antonius ac judges. Every student speakingat the finals is a\V�rued a scholarshipfor one quarter.and Bassanio succeed in borrowing a DIRECTOR STAGG FEARSsum of money from Shylock.His selection was given by Mr.Blanchard to illustrate how literatureP�IDENT OF PHI BETA should be read. He made a plea for extra stress being placed on the newKAPPA ENTERTAINED HERE proper reading, urging his audience i:rick plays. Work with the chargingto enter. into their literature, to see machine and the tackling dummy,it, live it, and feel it. He said: "To and practice in falling on the banknow literature and enjoy it for your were followed by that dreaded finaleown personal consumptionTs of im- -the- "wind sprint." As the menmeasurable value. Don't try it on the• filed into the gymnasium, completelyA dinner was grven last night bv public; that is for professors, actor .."bushed," they all agreed that theyth.e.lllintUs Beta Chapter of, the Phi and the like, but a true knowledge ld tl h th h'._ . ' wou ra lot!r ave gone roug aBeta Kappa in honor of Professor of how to read and enjoy literature 1 I th th k t .rea game an e wor ou givenEdwin A Grosvenor of Amherst will be a great asset to you in bring- th t d "If d' I' k- em yes er ay. we on t rcCollege,' Professor Grosvenor is the ing up the rising generation in your h I'd' . , b b 'ten ians, It. won t e ecause we rePresident of the United Chapters of own homes. If you can properly .en- St ff ' I'not in shape," was e en s com-the Phi Beta Kappa and is visiting terrain your sons they will probably rnent,the west, to install new chapters of stay at home more. The news that the Indians will putthe honor fraternity in the Univer- "Many of you read a thing but in their final week of preparation forsities of I1Jinois and Michiga.n. Pres- once, others not at all trusting to ob- the Maroons at the Lake Forest fieldident H�rrY Prat Hudson, presided tain its protent by absorption, andat the dinner. After dinner Profes- these class rooms no doubt have ansor Grosvenor spoke on the' subject atmosphere of literature from whichof "The Moderri G�eek." One of the much can be absorbed."features of the evening was the in-itiation of Paul' Vincent Harper, who ILLINI TO HOLD BANQUETwas elected to the fraternity thissummer during his third year. Alumni of Illinois at University·toThe dinner was served in the Cafe. Dine at Commons Friday_ TACTICS OF THE INDIANS(Continued from page J)�ent J�n PreSided at Ban­quet lield" Last" Night-PaulHarper 'Initiated.Final test of the str.cngth of thewas followed yesterday by rumorsthat the Redskins may try some spy­ing on the Chicago team. _DirectorStagg declared that he and CoachWarner have a wr�tten agreementthat nothing of this sort shall betolerated, and that he is not afraidthe Indians will learn his Hutchinson Hall at seven o'clock.Of the local chapter Dr. Nathaniel_Butler, Dean of the ColJ.ege of Edu­cation is President and AssociateProfessor Francis W. Shepardsonof' the Department of History isSecretary. The University of Chicago lIIini NEW FLOOR OF WOMEN'SClub will hold its first banquet at the GYM PROVES SOUNDCommons Friday night" November 15,at 6 o'clock. All the former studentsof the University of Illinois will be.expected to be present.. No formalprogram has been planned, but th.erewill be some musicand impromptu Two Hunderd Girls Attend FloorWarming Given by theW. A.. A..OFFICIAL NOTICE I To'Rent .to TO RENT -A suite or house-keq,�rooms at S800 Jackson· av.emii;'steam heat, hot and cold 1Att:.'Apply to Mrs. P. B. Day. T<T7Pewritera .. .;:_TYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or R�Sl1edal rates to students; ha_in roe-built machines. W. WJaiti.'head, J6 La Salle Street.'DRINKS ,INKLIKE 'A CDIELTo load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just 'dip it in aD'f,'ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its on 'tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That!s all there"'"is to it! No dropper-no meSs-no bother. Do It"anywhere-any time. . �CONKLIN'S Jr.�G PEN}·"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"/can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. You,could fill it with white kid gloves on without danger of"SOiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writin,,�qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.LeadlD2' dealers handle the Coa,klln. If yours doe. Dot. order'� ,dIrect. Prices, SUJO aDd up. Send at oDce'for handsome Dew eatal� -:-.';MAC H I N 1ST S' AND MANUFACTURERS·Tools and Supplies.23 and 25 Sou t h C lin ton S t r e e tCHICAGOYour attention is called to the merits of ALBERENE STONE tor:LABORATORY TABLE TOPSand;SINKS, FLOORING for FUD,­HOODS, DISECTING and OPERATING .TABLES, URIN�.CLOSET and SHOWER STALLS, in tact wh-=�e ever an ACID RE:-:PELLENT STONE is required. It is used in the following well knownUNIVERSITES and COLLEGES� CHICAGO, NORTHWESTE�,;MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN. MICHIGAN. NEBRASKA, CALI,��.FORNIA. WOOSTER; YALE, PRINCETON, CORNELL and :oth�'�If interested a postal will bring a samPle for· tea� ._ ALBB'RENE STONB�'COivlPANY54-60 N. Clinton St.Chicago, IlLHotelNORTHEAST CORNER 'sSTH ,ST. AND DREM:L AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Company.Telephone Hyde ',Park 3739-The BEST Served It Popolat-:PtI�esRfSTAURANT AND!LUNCH COUNTERIn ConnectionA Great ConveniencelYour Bagpge checked through to destination over all lines.We Will bring the checks to you and it costS no more' thanthe claim checks issued by other 'companies.WE TRANSFER TO AND FROM ALL PARTS OF THB �.CITY. OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT. Tel Harrison .-...::THE fRANK f. SCOTT TRANSfER CO.WantedWANTED-Some ladyyoungshare with me a three-room, steam­heat�d flat, at 261 E. 62nd St. Allthe modern' conveniences. Cailevening!'. Miss· Jessie E. Honey.W ANTED-A young man to solicitadvertisements. A good position toa good man. Address J. M., DailyMaroon Office.College. now taking graduate wortin the D:niversity, will take a Ie ...pri\'ate pupils in Shorthand. Apply5613 Drexel Ave. Flat 3.WANTED-A young woman to takecare of child a cotlple of hOtlrs "\day will pay hoard and room. Ap­ply to Manager of Hotel �faroonor Employment Bureau. Saturday ,Positions open:Clerking in down-town stores­pay $1.:;0. $2.00� $2.50 per clay.Apply Employment Rureau.Cobb IA. , /� ,"-; IlIOt:n_.t!tep:1Mit. �!.,\,"'t'"'"..,.:,!Wi:�V��""h��r.i.:.'fi�9,��;, Atstopp.hickssionsnmneJonesdenolIliddlthat ISolilip foon thihemrentr�nd 1IIlachteriZ(