lIutly,tr·IIRIEGIE GIVES $10,000� .FOR HARPER MEMORllt OU�\NEW PIiYS-FOR I'IDIAI--�!CKGAME. GIVEN V IRSITY .- ........ �V·4DEBATERS FBlDAY VACCIllTE�TWI: __ ERSOF THtllAlhfiiBEic. C. MEN IN TRYFavorable '. Omen. be Chosen.Spirite4 Contest Looked for in I :FinalTrials to be Held Friday Night·­Six Out of T.velv! Candidates to Anderson. Center, and, Moulton LeftTackle. Are ·1Doculated. Becauseof FootbaIl::�·Handicap - Race . Run Yesterday­. Determines Probable Membershipof Team That wui Represent Uni·versity" in Intercollegiate Contests. Director Stagg Los� No Time Get·ting Down to Hard Preparation-� For the First Time the. Great SteeliI. Magnate Makes a Donation to•. the University. Wants Better Defense.A handicap race was run .yester- The tinn!s in the trials for the Uni-; .' I di Furth Gil' .1 b h t .1'.1 t ,·.::rsit v debating team, which t k R . ,., a, n reate er ts m Fu- uay y t e cross coun ry cauuiua es Speik Returns and Praises the Abor_ J a e ooteres are Ho�.�.t .. �C)n·�)Tak_tore-Business Men Consider it which probably determined who the place next Friday evening, will be ell} -Loss of Th_He_M..eD,.. W._.ouJdigines-Purdue Snowed Under, -for the intercollegiate run a unusually close contest. The twelve Weaken Team.56-0, Steffen Starring.week from Saturday' will be. About candidates chosen in the prelirninar-Andrew Carnegie has 'ju;rt given fifteen of the'. men started ten sec- ies, are ail experienced debaters. The smallpox scare invaded theActing upon the strength of the.. �.i,o,ooo to the fund for the Harper onds apart. Iii order of time the �Ionlton, who was a member of the -t tb II 'ti Id .t d '.' dof glowing accounts brought back by - ,.Joo a eyes er ay, an -as a re-Memorial Library. Besides swelling finish was: 1<)06 debating team, is a man' of· .Coach Spcik regarding the prowess . .. -sult Anderson and Moulton of. thethe money available, under the terms Kling and Morgan ..... :... 21 :49 f 1 C I' I D' marked ability, who IS expected too t rc ar IS e team, ircctor Stagg.of Mr. Rockefeller's gift by $40,000, Goes .. : .. .. : 0.. 22 :25 .1 • make a place on thc team this 'year.wasted no time yesterday in startingthis benefaction of -the steel ma";"�t-: Barker � .. : �.' 23 flat IV' I Marshall, a Hamilton dub' oratoreo" t re arsrty e even on the two weeksis considered to mean that in the .Iu- Sherer .. -:. � � .'� : � 23 ,:,5 from MIchigan, and last year a mem,of hard practice and preparation forture this institution may share in his The following .: tcn mcn finished. the big contest with .the Redskins on he-r of the Wisconsin team, was pro-donations. Further, the gift is thought .Goes.: Kii,ng •. Sberc:r� M?r�a�, Bar�er. November 23. .nounced by his competitors ·the bestto express the financier's confidence Johlin. Dolan, Floyd. Long and Mac- Tile Varsitv contestant in the preliminaries, Chtis-J men were gjven no 'in the favorable outcom e of the p' tes- Cracken. Captain Caldwell was still tcnson, formerly of the Stevens with other students up, to the time heopportunity to rest from their victory ,ent period of fin'an�ial stringency. ,otlt of condition but expcc ts to run Point Normal debating team, is ex- was taken to the . hospital. : ",. " ,over Purdue, but immediately upon JAccording to the opinion expressed \Vednesday.· -Carl Shuart ·:took the showing up for practice yesterday, pected to do good work next Fri ay. The' discovery of another case ofb D Th S W G d·' . e. j. ,. .• - d f tl d h t Sch wartz, who was a member of the h di . .' h D'" 'h 11y r. oma . 00 spee , .sec- remain er 0 1.e squa over a s or were introduced to a number of t eo tsease In t e rvinrty a s ere-retary of the Univeesity, -Who an- cou.rse in Jackson Park. The run of Pre-Legal team, which defeated the "-ted c�risid�rabl� consternation theria .tricks which Director Stagg has heen' ...,_I "I 'ft't '11 d . 'I ,.' h di b t d Stump, has an excellent chance. b . h f b 11 .nounceu • re gt ,I �J 0 muc 1 to· me an reap race was a ou 3 an 3-4 working out of late,' and which were ut It was among, t e oot a men .. ward encouraging benefactions from miles, and is tlie fregular run for tho'! }-., Lever, a graduate of Wisconsin and that it had its m. ost, importaat. elf. ect,unfolded t or the first time in the se- .others. club race, the. run. which,. w,ill prob- Senior Law, is experienced in foren- ·w· hen jt I ;, i 'at tho t1 '"Ii': I� "-dcret session on Marshall field yester- . en I was. earn� , � r eL. -President Harry Pratt J udson \'t.:Jr, ote ably be 'made next' Saturday. The sics, as are Hill, and Odonel1.· been taking p' art' in's. cri,�ilia.�s.; witladay. They have been designed espe- ., Mr. Carnegie ,a week or so �g'): nrst fifteen men finishing will be cially to meet th� style of play used Keys, who last year as a Freshman. the 'Varsity 'footb�il! irri� 'oRlyt:. fewcalling his attention to the plan� f"r .members of, the ':. Chicago Cr;oss. was commended for his exe.ellent days ago: the '-heatih -de·Piru... lit.•,. I • . c.. . c' r '. r' '. by the Indians, whirth' is now familiar . , 'the library. Immediately upon hi.; ,C.' o.unt. ry '.tln.b. ' At. a. : meeting of last work III the debate tri�ls; Sander,son, fe' are' d contagion a'nd �o· t'dO e'red that '_ ....- '1 to the "Old Man," through the re· ...return from Europe, the financier ;'.e.�.r·.s.., ... �I�b '.- w.. hid� \�n.probably be former winner of the declamation the -gridiron men' be '&miDed by. itsv� � ports of his scont, Coach Speik. I •.. answered th.e coram. u"nicatioll with a hel«('thlS '�ve;1<�\li-e"exact'plans will contest; Leviton, prcsident' of the physicians. As·.i�resuit;S tbe footballThat the game a week from Satur-.·subscription· for $1:0,000. ':"TJlis is tlte be macc for the race and member· day will eclipse anything seen on a Pre-Legal; Bic1ed, a former high men were lined- up- before---Dr.-- RaJ-first time that Mr. Carnegie' has shiP. C?f this, y.::ar's club. gridiron, East or . West, this year, SCh�old st:�t. a�d Pop�!..... wl�o �as cro�t yesterday _'��it...£2¥iIiI : ..-J��··any·.aid. to ·the· University��f "':'-�_".� •. ". '.". �vas the condo'sion �rnfM-by Speik' �l�.e \ :\}:I.ty I.n de�atll'bl, c.o���l�e.:����_th����_ ��t! .. "' ...... � .... ,.��: -:;ol"-.'. ,Chicago. Until now, the g'rtat: bulk •Il1dl'an-Har- the promlsmg undergraduate gro�p. must submit t� ��inatio. � .. .-.'TJae. rest • .. FRESHMAN DEBATERS TO' upon. r,cturning from theof his benefaetio�3 has been to theADOPT A CONSTITUTION vard game. . of the tea� aa�.�ti��!H'1(:t;'!�. lice'Carnegie foundation_;_th.e institution of recent u,�lration. Dr. ���which provides per.sions for mem- "The Indians play exactly the same Y. W. C. L. OB�ERVES THE. said last. night that AncIeisoD' ._hers of the faculties of non-denomina� New ,Club of First .Year Men to Ef .... kind of game as Chicago." he said. "WORLD'S WEEK OF PRAYER" Moulton. WQu·ld.:be kept \. ��·�f th:.::':tional colleges. Under the interpre- fect OrganiAtion at Meeting "The chief difference between h.:.. . Carlisle game· b..Y their;.���tiOD.,.tatlon of th!! conditions under which ToniCbt. two teams is that we ar.e faster, whil_� Prayer Sel"Vlce to be. Held_ �very The rooters of' the Uaivenit7 arcthis fund was given�' the' University _I' they are more deliberate. They hav.: Mtemoon this Week-A World-: holding their' br�tb� :��4; '';��deriDe':01 'Chicago is:'pri)}iibi'ted"'from :shar- Freshman debaters will meet to" a slightly stronger line, in spite of Wide Event. if th� vaccinatio'��' �1l .bke,�_'� ... if• iog in the aid' to superanuatedl pro. night in Cobb lecture hall to effect the iact that Harvard scored three they do, .how serio�.� i�; �f!j;. Ab-, �. an organ.ization. The club is to be- times, but I helieve the Chicago "The World's Week of Prayer" .,lessors. However, this present gift solutely no prediction caD .be. made:is cons:dered significant. It � con- come a per�anent Freshman society, back field is stronger. :s being observed by the Youn'I regarding a: vacci.�a����,io��;t linnside red as possible that this ;bene- according �o the coitstitut�'" r-vhich "Mount Pleasant is a good man at Women's Christian League at the case, accordinK .to meclil:3t.aathbrities.faction means that Mr. c.;,r�gie wi!) will be presented ··for. ratification: Th'! quarter back. but he can't touch Stef. University this wcek. The .cere- It· �ay stret�h-' the ";'� _.� the ..... '"change his p�licy and'co�Oi>era't� with members \,·illA r�m,�in_ active fo� f�ur. fen at any department, except kick- monial is being held all over the backs for � �bnih, a�d. i't .;�,. make�" R k f II '.. .d' ; 'd' quarters becommg honorary members ing The Indians are accurate with world this week by the World's Wo- h' ='dl -; ... nd'-'''�t .�'f' Mr. oc e e er In exten 109 81 . to ': . '. . .. . t elr arms mw y' sore, a. I ... 1:- thO U '. �'t f Ch' " at the' end .. of th.e 'a\lJ.tumn' quarter the forward pass, and have some men's Christian association. The h if . - l'f"A d' .... '... I-. e n"er�l y 0 Icago. . . �.' . :.... ; ".", .... r' ave no e ccl. . : n enOD ·1. -: � sOme time aka, Mr. RoCkefeller J;lex� rl��r.-·. T�e, club� has'- alread,· clever formations to protect the play young women of thc Unh'ersity are at cent�r, it �a�.����#��· �ii!e with" #It· t tL � Un' 't 'th . proved -its w.'ortJi by the manner in from being broken up, I think, ho,�· invited to attend the services in the Car' II'sle an en·:rely dl·�-rent oat-.agrt�c 0 gtve 0 n.rc . Ivers. y ree .' ...� ;. .. . u me ... �� .dollars for the libtary funci� fori every �.����t ��,s. p����e.� .t1_l�. inatter of the ever, that wc are as good at the pass League room in Lexington, Tuesday He has' he�n' �i�)i�,;��'b�I!��t pme'I"'C!'�I tl t th: ... ' 't'�b t Tb Freshman debate With . Northwestern. as they are. This game will undoubt- at 4 p. m. Miss Mary Heap will at hl's 'POSI'tl'on' _' and ,has .·beeD.prom"-.·-01 ar la 0 ers con rI u e. :.& e.··. "0-;' .. �, • :"', ' •;, .t· f th ttl 'f' 1·1.- .... t·ed'· Tn.iS IS :",-practlcally ,.assured, and th� edly be the tinest exhibition of foot- speak on the "Prayer Life." Wed· I '. d f '. h·�··'··' 'r' A'I'I-amoun 0 e 0 a gt twas IIDl : .....: I·. ',. ! . nent Y . mentlone or t IS yea sI' �o· $600,000, and the- time" limit :�et:_ fJr c��. ��I ri�m�iat�IY s�t to, �o�k ball, and the best test of th.e new nesday, at 10 :30 a. m., Dr. Herbert Western e1'ev���' ��uit��:' t�, �IApril 1. 1908, With nine month� �o�e Pte�arlDg'. for the ;co.�test., If.. wtll rules this year." L. Willett \\;11 speak on the "Power been sh�wing ,uP. �l�.:.a.n�: �is lotSfor collect.i�n.· As th� total �mount hold various debates amon� the No game for years has caused Dt· of Prayer," and on Thursday and would weake�; the' team •.member..' who signify tfieir inten. tion t St t the k d 1 I�'d th . '11 be at I 30to be expended· for the new building - - .... , " 0 rec or agg 0 III an pan clS 'n ay e sen·lces ", :. The discovery of, the Phelps 'case. �. of trying 'for the t'eam. Henry PO.r- much as the .comin. g contes. t. Th'.! p. m. .' h' -ft t· of"" f dIS 'fUUU,ooo, thiS made the amount to gave flse to anot er ow 0 aD auD -.. ··�bc ";'iscd by'tlle :U�iv�r�ity $�,boo: ter Chandler, the University"debate men were not allowed to leave tht. Every member of the League is re· ed .. rumors y'es�e��y�':',Ph�I�s, how-'Of this amount,: the 'University ha� coach, is' �1u�h interested i'n thl� field until after 6 o'dock yesterda.l. quested to drop an offering of fiv:! ever, h�& �n th� ��I)"···;Uid�Df'·to"lre"d" "'. eco-d' .$1 ""000 I'n . pledge!l. :lub and will act as ad"isor to the This is consid�red carly, too, con�. cents in the box in Lexington hal� .. .. --�.. co J" 10; OJ"" _ hav� ,.the. disease since .. tbf 'cas� .�'"Were it not. for .the present finan.. '911· debaters. pared with what they will get. Be- which is known as the "\Vorld's Fulbright last week; It ·if. Hadleycial sting.cncy, we would consider that sid;s thdr several hours worko·ut a� Nick.eJ_.'" of 5843 Monroe nenue; Wal . included.tbe library was practically s�cured," W. A. A. IN FLOOR-WARMING. the new plays and defensive form:!· in' 'the' campus rUmors; but \ it -::lSsaid Dr. Go�dspe�d� ,yest--erday,: in tions, they were put through som� Riker Returns Home found later that he is not a' student,.discus:;ing the' gift !.Witl1· a ·�present. Women Athletes to Celebrate Com- more "wind sprints:' which We1"C so S. H. Ri�cr, a meillber of lh� and it was declared very . doubtfulath.c oi the Daily :\Iaroon. "For the pletion of New Gym Floor To-day, strellUOllS that e,'cll Pat P�ge wa� Freshman class� who lay unconsci�us whether he had the smallpox at 'all,past two weeks, we, have trkd to do "c1onc up prop.!.'r.'· :l� he expressed it forty hours last week. has been com- ::t the isolation hospital last nigbt.but little. owing -to. the condition of The \Voman's Athletic Assocaitioll after practicc. . pellcd to gh'e up his studies herethe moncy market. Tllings were at will hold a floor-warming this aftcr· TITe "Old :\lal1" is making up for and return to his hom� in \:�orkonool1 in Lexington �ym to cclebrate ��osi time and will soon introdltl.� �t:h .. hecause of ill health rest1ltin�Varsity' team, were vaccinated, -andElmore W. 'Phelps' of 'the Freshmansquad; was tak'eri'to the iiol�tion hos;�ital with a light cii�� i of �fu�Upox.-phelps lives at log Middle Divinityhall, and had been assOCiating freely--a stand stitt. \Ve are_. however, much't'ncottraged by this gift from Mr. the. completion. of the new gymna- the aihor·dinn("r drills and chalk from his pecliar experience.Carncg�. We think that it wi1l en. silun . floor. .The aff;ir' is t'o be a talks. He said yesterday that he ;scourage other men to overlook the German. in which the old rilembers not at all satisfied with the Vars1to" Students from co-opcrating high. d' k of the Association will tak.c the part ('dense. atHl that l1is chid task win schools and academics wiU Ilereaftcrprescnt cpresslon' and rna e <:ontri·'butions. Further, 1 think that it may of gentlemen and the ncw �vomen be to work up some formations whie"L_ d d . _I" '1 thal --of .Iadies. General dancing will will h� capahle of successfully copin�uc rcgar e. as an lI1ulCattOn that .,Ir.Carnegie considers the. present finan. follow the German and the affair with thc Indian attack. :\Jr. Hall last evening took his Ito'clock class iti Political science tothe council me-eting at the city haH.The class has been studying munici­pal government. ':in(t tM': excursionwas made with a view 'of showingthc studcnts how the different pro­cesses of law making'· are actuallyperformed.-promises to he one of 'the most dc·I---------------­lightfnl of th,e season. not b.e allowed to present daims fo;"advanced standing until they han'been in residence at thc 'Univ�rsit yone quarter and ha,'c made a gooJrecord during that qll:lrtcr.(Continoed on page 4> (Contenaed on paae ... )I. I • .: ,:THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO,IIr. Robert IlanteUOR TIIB OBIOAGO S'lAGB INDIANS CLIIIB A NOTCHAT EXPENSE OF HARVARDCMIdaI IIt1Idat hlalk:lltto. ., • V ....IIlQ of CIdcqo. For the student theater-goer the Victory of Redakins Complicatesmost important bill now running in Matters in East. While RenewingChicago is the .engagement of Robert Confidence in West.Mantell in Shakespearian repertoire,and in the play, "Richelieu," at the TIle defeat of Harvard by theGrand Opera House. Mr. Mantell is Indians Saturday places Coach War­appearing in the ten roles of M¥- ner's Redskin eleven in the frontbeth, King Lear, Shylock, Richard rank in the East. TIle situation thereIII., Brutus, Iago, Othello, King is at present more complicated thanICDterecI _ 8IC'DD4A'Ie• IIall at·t)ae C»- John and Richelieu. ever before during the season, YaleOf these his best is undoubtedly and Cornell being. the only' teams nowthat of King Lear, and in this he having clean slates, and in all prob-PubUabed dall,J. except SundQa. 1I0IL 'has improved greatly upon last year s ability the season will end with four4a,Ja u4 holldQa. darlna: three-quarten .presentatioll of the same play. He IS or five colleges caliming the firstof the UIl�'t'eralt,J J'ear.. still vehement, but less violent; he honors.t• still lays great stress on the peculia. This state of football affairs alsoSubKrtptlOll' pdee. ».00 per ,ear; ,1.00 . .characteristics of the man he repre-tor 3 montba. Sw.cE'lpUcma �lYed atsents, on his querulousness and histbe Ka.rooD omce. EllIa Ball. 01' at tlael'aeult,J Bsc:haqe. eMIt BalL ob6tinancy, but this season he hassucceeded in making the King moreTIle Dall6. Oct. i. 1102.cqo Poatolllce.·makes the chances bright for Chica­go, Minnesota and Michigan to geta foothold on the same round as theEastern claimants. It is thoughtby nearly all that, of the threehuman, more natural.As Macbeth, too, he is at his best.His physique, while far tor heavy forHamlet, is excellently suited to therole of the Scotch thane. Here hisdeep voice has its greatest oppor­tunity, and his brave bearing is givenits largest chance.. But where thedismal qualities of Lear are perhapsa little over_emphasized, "Macbeth"is possibly a little too peaceful, tooquiet, . Except where the words ofthe play call attention to the nervousstrain that rests on the hero-viUian,we see little indication of this strain.In the' "Othello" Mr. Mantell andMr. McGinn alternate in the title­role of Iago. Both are excellent asOthello, Mr. McGinn having evident­ly studied Mr. Mantell's idea of theMoor. All through the play theOthello is made less violent, less un-reasonable than he is usually in­terpreted, and this quality makes itpossible. to see how Desdemona couldhave loved him. But as Iago, Mr.McGinn far outshines Mr. Manteli.In the latter's version the Iago is in­human, a fiend came to earth merelyfor the sake of ending a story, a .manwho brings his hatred to the injuryof another without and beyond rea-LUTBBB D. FERNALD. ll.ans&lq EdItorI'RESTON I'� GABS, Ne .. EdItor.IlELVIN J. ADAKS. AthleUe EdItor.LOUIS S. BERLIN, Bualllesa MaIla&er. intersectional games to he played, atleast one will result in a victory forthe \V est, and at present the criticsagree that Chicago Ts likely to turnthe trick against the Indians a weekfrom Saturday.The feat of the Caelisle aggregationin downing Harvard proved the oneWarren D. Foster,Harry A. 'Hansen,Jerome Frank,P. W. Pinkerton. big sensation, and served to showthat the I ndians are stronger on of­fense than defense. They outplayedthe Crimson with their bewilderingassortment of tricks, but were unableto hold Harvard to a lower scorethan fifteen points.In the West, the biggest upsettingof dope occured when Marc Catlin':Hawkeyes put it over the Itlini tothe tune of 25 to 12, and manifestedtheir superiority at -every stage ofthe contest. Indiana's 'defeat byWisconsin was _by only a narrowmargin, and showed the Hoosiers tobe str�mger than at any previoustime this season. .Yale's performance in downingBrown 22 to 0 puts it above Harvard,according to comparative sk:ores.Amherst gave Princeton a merrytime, while Cornell demonstrated itsclass by beating the Army in a closeWaIter A. Ford, Miss Esther Hall,Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., -A. L. FridsteinAlbert D. Henderson Fred W. Carr,Prlllted b,J the' IIarooD Preaa474 East' 55th Street. Phone Hide Park aal12 DAYS MORE, THEN CARLISLE. 'Welcome indeed -was the announce­ment made ·yesterday of a gift ofThe $10,000 by Mr. Car-. Library negie to the HarperNow M.e m 0 rial' LibraryAsSured The donation indi-cates' first of all a warm appreciatio»by �r. Carnegie of the great workdone by President Harper, and adesire on the part of the donor toshare vin building a monument to the�inory' of that wonderful men. Thegift means that the library is nowpractically immediately assured, andthat the gift of' further sums neededwill' probably be stimulated by thislarge. donation. ·The· e�ample set bythe Scotch millionaire will surely be"followed by 'other if smaller . givers.Mr. Carnegie's gift, it is hoped,- .means 'also that .he has begun an ac- game.son.In' speaking of the performance of"Richelieu," one cannot but helpbring in a comparison with the ex­cellent version of the late Sir HenryIrving. As' might be expected, Mr.Mantell's interpretation sufIers, forhe has not the great ability to handlecaIm scenes that' was possessed bythe English actor, but the presenta­tion is noteworthy, nevertheless. Mr.Mantell gives to the part a bigness,a nobility which was not so stronglyemphasized in Irving's interpretation,and which ·adds greatly to the charac­terization.As Hamlet Mr. Mantell is decided-] _ly weak. It has been said that heworker, will do even more ·to evi- should never hav.e attempted thedence the tribute due the first Pres- part, and the remark is perhaps just,ident of the University of Chicago. for he is too heavy, too strong, andhas, above all, too deep. a voice toplay the role of the melancholy Dane.But every actor's ambition is to pl�Hamlet sometime in his carrer, andM.r. Mantell, having the opportunity,took it.As Shylock, also, he falls short ofhis standard. He fails to give to theoft-maligned Jew the eharacteristicsof even such a poor sort of a man asShylock was. Instead, we have avindictive miser-little mor.e.II is interpretations of Richard III.and Brutus, rank near the top of hisrepertoire, but neither of them willbe given again during his presentvisit to ChilCago. Next w.cek he isto be seen in his new offering of the Dartmouth Abolishes BaseballPresident Tucker of Dartmouthcollege.has issued a manifesto againstbaseball declaringth at it has provedharmful on account of the commer-cial element that accompanies it; andunless some vcry radical reform canbe affected, it must be forbidden. Thismanifesto was followed by the de-barring from participation in futurecollege athletics of nine members oftive interest in the institution whichi.s, after all, the great memorial to, William Rainey Harper, and whichas the life work of that master last year's baseball team.mean right gloves-So buy Fownes aDd savetrouble.FOWNESGLOVESAmherst May· Have lien'. CoIDlDODSif the plan matures which is underconsideration �y the authorities ofAmherst college, that institution willhave a men's commons in the nearfuture. The dining-hall of the newstructure will accommodate morethan 400 men, and .it is probable thatdub rooms and offices for the various'3tudent organizations will be includedin the designs.Williams College has organized aclub of Chicagoans attending th�college. There are 25 members, Thedub will give a smoker on Decem-ber i.�IIt-:j The engagement of Ralph Nonon year, "King John."'08, and Miss Elizabeth Calhoun '05,has �en announced. Mr. Norton W·1S The course books ar.e now ready,a member of A. D. P., while M:ss and may be had on application to theCaIhoaa was aD �eric. • barea. of records ill Cobb ball !.TUESDAY, NOV. 12. 1907.A T THE CARLISLE ; GAIlE the weather will be cold.You can keep enthusiasm warm, however, with one of theV·necked sweaters. You will als� need to show your col­ors, so as not to be mistaken for an Indian. We have justreceived a Iarge assortment of pennants in many styles;also arm-bands. Afterwards you will- want memorials of thegreatest game of the -year to .decorate your "Den." Come� . �in and se our football posters. Captain De Tray and Eck- .,%ersall postcards, photographs of the team and of the "Old :1Man," souvenir programs of the Minnesota game. etc. -... ��,The FOOTBALL CALENDAR will be out early next week .. :'j-,''1�1\ .::; .��..... 4-.Wa�h for it!TBB UlUVBRS� OF OmOAGO PUSSRETAIL DEPARTMENTTo OrderS25 : : S30 � e : S35 CtYg1•-StlIfz::,the.andq.IISpecial. ValueS!"WoolenslorCollege :: We�SUITS or OVERtO_ATS lass, Fraternity; socrft.·-_ .:!I.IUS · 1·.... ----,. -.- .. -:,.. .,:'We make a SPECIALTY of'his class of work. Let us gifeou an estimate. Very highestrade of workmanship guaranteedSPIES· BROS., _ .Manufacturers of Fine Jewebj, ':56 Wabash Ave. Chicago, m· .Catalogue upon application.j.]I, 113TAILOR FOR YOUNG liENTwo Stores: 131 La Street, and.' t. 44 lacboDBo� And Supplies for UrivHigh School S ..New aDd Second HaDi�.. BBWli"rS �415 E. 57th Street .stWe HAVE REDUCED THB BC1BN��OF HANDSOMB STYLES./��'TO EVEN UP OUR STOCK. ANI CURING SHAMElectric: Scalp and FacialMADAME KAYNOl'SSCALP SPECIALIST J1bPRICES Ol,f A37 E. 55th St. SIERaft you heard about it?·.Hne � aeea it?Doa't fail to caD when doWBVERYBODY DOBS....... m.· ..... CUdJA MARVEL OF' BEAU'l'f"W.ADegrettl r.-.�CAHDIBS, -SODA,State aad lloaroe S_Te1epboae 798 CeatnICbicapTAtr:ORWlWA ... ERIIE •• • .0 ....Clark ad A_IDS Streets·A.G. SPALDING8:68ROS.The Lupat llailufacturers inWorJcl ofOFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLIESBase Ball, F'oot BaD, Golf,Lown Tamia, Baket BaD,Hockq.Official Implements for TrackField Uniforms for All SportsSpalding's Handsomely illus­trated Catalogue of all sportscontains �umerous suages­tions. Send for it. It's Free.A. G. SPALDIKa a Jm08.New York, Claic:.r. PlaiJadelpla", Bonoa. IIaId­lIIoreSyracase, �ia'Dftpco1is, Detroit. W .........St. Loais, NeW Or"a., Sea Fn.dsco. PitbhCladaaatti On"r, lI_nal •••• 10. It ...a • ."ae ..... c..... TIm BB1JBSWICK­OOLLDJ)BR CO.BILLIARD AND POOL TBAR FIXTURES ANDIIiPROVED REGUlABOWLIMq ALLEYS.Chicaco 08ice and �1II""'_dJ-1I6s W ...... A __...THE DAILY MAROON •., CHICAGO. TUESDAY, NOV. 12, 1907·.,_ -._. - -;-. _.� __ ..'-._._ ...... � __ �-.•� : S&cONDARY--ATHLETESI"�, .. '·TO HAVE OWN FIELD I MAR·OON M·ENBJock . South of· Midway to be Used Iby Inter-Col�ege, Class and Fra­ternity Teams.The square block between 60th and ,.(oJ �t strt·�ts and' Lexington andW.oodlawn avenues, a portion of the ,•latest gift from Mr. Rockefeller, is I C�er 6WDk·being rapidly converted into a prac- Ienee field for all the secondary. athLeti: TAILORSteams of the University. The entire - ----------------------.;field has been carefully leve led offand graded, and surfaced with enoughl.iack turf to support sod. I.t is to be..;(.cd(.'d ·this fall. so that growth or!-::-;.�s wii l appear by the time the:t.eld .is to be used next spring.l\lr. Xl c Lean stated that it was theintention to fence in the entire plot of�"ol1lld with heavy, woven wire Icnce,IHIt absolutely .no improvements will",� made. This field is not to super­-edc Xla rsha ll field, as a great manyha W� been led to believe, but is mere- ,GENTLE ............. 111P........................... rBOSTONGARTERTHE H� "UDAll.... T ....... l.e- .. ��• CUSHIOIIIUnOI. CLASPUts FUTTOTHIUI-.ntlaU,.. � ..... fAlmSNo.9This Js the only Full Dress �hirtmade, the bosom of which abso­lutcly will nof bulge.Y ou- will never wear iny otherkind if you try this., . (Patented feb. 28-1899·)� �'18E MAC-HURDLE"All good furnishers sell them •., Made �Y . ,United Shirt and 'Collar Co.Brand Shirts and CollarsMOSSLER. CO.pothes .. Makers." ,.50 Jackson BoulevardAsk For results.. ."7Jl7f' V " .�..,� ..Clothes Makers.50 J acbon BoulevardOPERATING GOWNS,INTERNE SUITS.LABORATORY GOWNS,RUBBER APRONS andOVERSLEEVESManufactured byBEST & CO.254 E. Madison StreetC";"asro. 111. \ sl�'Ccial offer ofOthers, fancy and plainto $55·See the MossIer Overcoat hy allnlo�al1:' heforc hl1ying el�cwhcrc.First Floor-Waistcoats at$5.00 Ask·to see them.BORDEN'Sand Buttermilk.An Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk C<. •.327-329 E. Forty-seventh St.---------------------------� Mossier Co. WHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS FALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS S3.5.00$115 tit Dearbonl".Baa" FleorThe Place Where College Men .CongregateOPEN EVENINGSPhone Harrison 5928. 264 Michigan AvCDue.;y to be. used as a practice ground for1 .1. C. Lynas.(he va rious inter-college, class am � Fraternity Jewelry Engraved,Irate: nity games, as well as scrub 'work. Several diamonds are to be � College andlaid out, :-:0 that more than one base­ball team will he able to practice atthe same time.No bleachers or houses of any kiridarc to be erected at present, neitheris it the intention to layout' a run­'ling track. All track work will be.lonc, as heretofore, on Marshall fieldSOPHOMORE HATS SOONTO BE DISTRIBUTEDCLASS VISITS THE TRIBUNECommittee Appointed to Arrange for IDisti�ctive 1910 Head Gear SaysHats Will Soon Appear. .-That the sophomore h:lts will SOOlyl \be ready is the statement made bpresident Hoffman' of the sophomoreclass and several members of tbe hatcommittee appointed at the last classmeeting .. The style is a. soft graycrusher with a three-inch brim, a tel­escop�d top and a maroon band withwhite stripes. This will be the offi-cial emblem of the sophomore class,:IS was decided, just as the green capfor freshmen has become a traditionwith the yearlings.The crusher is not .enough like hevarsity crusher to cause any conflicr.The last- committee, composed ofHoffman, Collings, Meigs, Day andof clothes Borchers, announced that the hatsEverything will be ready for sale ill about a weekor 'icn days.Ilhistrated Book Free.Sherlock Holmes Pipes For., PresentsSure to please. First .quality "fr�nchBriar, rubber. bit, silver 'cap, in fine . (;.. Chamois. case $3.50. Selected Natur�l .. Briar, silver cap.fine Amber bit, plush .� .. .e :.'�"··:or Chamois lined case, $50: . SUITS THAT. T.he �nner bowl is -the' tobacco bowl .i';r� UPIt IS French Briar with perforatedbottom, held in place by an autom.. tic N b . b' d· supports. .._ ot ecause y<?ur". � yspring. Easily removed for cleaning. them, but because they arc built on_ Between inner and outer bowl is an solid foundations.air chamber which condenses 'the nic-otine oil and other 'delete�iol1s ele- ... . Dldn t know a suitmcnts cansl!,g th�m to drop to the needed. a foundation?bottom where' they remain. Notice.. . . does,separate saliva w.'!ll and poison of.smoke hole between th� two. Onlv 'i��··.' . . '1 1. .. The foundation of good c ot res i�. the cool sweet smoke nse,s and enters .,. .' '. .. ... .. . skilled workmanshIp andthe mouth. Fint·' Quality French. ..R . bb ' '·1 '$' ,. handling of detailr!ar, ru er system, nick e cap, l.sO ", .' . .. 1£ your dealer does not carry it;. re- .mit to us �d we will send you one . We make our clot·hes on the prem, the Tribune office on Saturday, in or-prepaid, Money back if not satisfac- iscs and can 'oversee their making dcr to study newspapers as a meansW . d as no other clothier in town .can de of collecting ideas rapidly dissernin-tory. nte to ay.R. H. SHERLOCK CO. ating them through society quickly,000 S it Bid Ch··' This ·is whv .. we attain the better The part ... · consisted of twelve mem-. . ec_un y g., Icagfl J Jbers. �lr. \Vhec1ock, of the circular-ing department received thcm vervIf you arc a regular stilt or a lean courtconsly and showed them all over�iooter or smalle·r than thc usual lhe various dcpartm.rnts.prop�rtion:_we can fit you. The "grave yard" of the Tribuneoti�("c intcrc�t('d the sociologists asuits at $25. �ood deal. It i:-; here they keep thegoOd:,-$IS pict'1ro'_'� of all �r('at men and thosethat arc iikc1y to be soon.correct Sociologists Study the Methods of 3Big Newspaper.The Sociology Club made a trip toTHE UNION HOTELAND RESTAURANTII I -II' Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEither before or after theTheatcr.We make a Specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners. L. G. Wilkins -,Embossed Stationery, Propama andGreek Letter Pennants in exclusive design.Fraternity Steins, Ash Trays, Tobacco Jars, ete., aupplieclwith any monogram, crest or emblem.----------ALFRED PEATS CO.• CentrallO�'Automatic 9149FOREIGN-WALLi PAPER-. DOMESTiC144-146 Wabclsh AvenueCHICAGOA Great Conveniencel..Your Baggage checked through to destination over aU Unea.We Will bring the checks to you and it costs no more thanthe claim checks issued b� other. companies.WE TRANSFER TO. AND FROM ALL PARTS OF. THECITY. OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT.· . Tel �. 4kTHE fRANK f. SCOrT TRANSfER CO.H·otel MaroonNORTHEAST CORNER 58TH ST. AND DRJtAEL AVE. '.Under Management of the National Hotel Company-.Telephone Hyde Park 3739-The BEST Served at Popular ·PrlcesRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTE�In ConnectionHEAT· •• • REGULATIONTHE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC SYSTEMThe Recogn!zed Standard-Installed in University of Chicago BaildiDpCOMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL METHODS OF HEATINGHot Water Tank Regulations. Reducing Valves for Air, Water, Steam. Control of Humidit;¥JOHNSON SERVICE CO.H. W. ELLIS. MKt". Chicago Office, 93 Lake· Street .-----------.------�-- ..... ---------------------------"�,What'.,- Going On?W�tchThe DAILY MAROON.You Can't Afford To Do Without It.Subscribe Now:II�fl.,.I.')Ii�I!e!t�i';�..r�r·o:'li�:t:-i.r' .�i.1',s;(;r;�,. ..,.�t�I:�;��:.�r.�r.Ifl�l.�ft�H�I..II' .�l"'*��"'I:..�n·I�r:'r��ht·��,Ifr�r.:fr!�:1I;;LH�.""I.� :�.':,� I.. I�. .:u·q'"�.�,.i� : 1_�. �--- ---.-..THE DAILY iiAiOoN,-aIlCAOO7TV£SDAT,"1fOV.�_lD01:�·-· ---..------';CAL�;LS�';����KA;;'T;H:;EMA��TI�C;S�N;;E;W�P�'LAj'�Y�S�P;O�R�IN�D������C�A�RN::EG�'�IE�G�I�V�ES�S�I��:�����::'::::;::::::;;;�:::i�==;;;;;;iiii���iiTEACHERS U�PRO�R:ESSIVE GAilE GIVEN VARSITY POR HARPER IIEIIO�.... (�ontinued from page I) t�-ial stringency of little danger." fThis phase of the gift was the on$which received the bulk of th� 3�ttention of busi;less men not primar;ily interested in the welfare of th�institution. That the canny finanCietIwould make a gift on what he COl� -Profa.or SlAiipt. � AdYaDCe inSubject is Beine Made, In Spiteof Hopeless �ertia. (Continued from page I)Chicago's victory over Purdueproved an easy one for DirectorStagg's heroes, it becoming evidentProfessor H. E. Siaught, of the after the first five minutes of pI!!.)'department of Mathematics in the that it was only a matter of how biguniv�rsi�y, published. in this month'� a count the Chicago eleven wouldSchool Review, an .article on the register against the Boilermakers.sidered the eve of a financial panic, �Present Trend in. the Teaching Qf Aftc;r the first two scores by th>was considered as impossible.Mathematics. . 'Maroons, Coach Turner's men seem- Of the total of $130,000 nowAfter· saying that no recent edu- ed to lose heart, and from then untilcational movement is more remark- the end of the first half, tallies wereable, in certain ways, than the present chalked up to the credit of Chicagodeep and widespread interest in im- in rapid fashion. At times duringproving the teaching of mathematics, this session, it seemed as if Purduewhich is manifest in the large and would take a brace, but the nextconstantly increasing number of as- moment a long sprint by Steffen, orsociations throughout the country a series of line plays by Captain D�organized for this purpose, and that Tray, Iddings and Ferguson, wouldthe movement is remarkable for the bring the oval across the goal for aspontaneity of its inception and for touchdown .the rapidity of its growth, he con- With the score 42 to 0 in their fa­tinues, "Another remarkable feature vor at the end of the first half, theof this movement is the fact that it Chicago team seemed to lose interestis taking place in the face of what in the game, and gave the Boiler­hes, perhaps been the most hopeless makers a chance to test their. of- President Ryerson's gift Of �OI.S WARBfiOuSE AND,' sTOaA.GE _COMPANY.,;;;'II;' ,. . ,./PboDe H�de Park'''-57l :Kimbark·Ave. and -.:�'. '''The Cleaneat, _d� Best Kept Storage I.. " Warehouse in tbe,·City .:.'..',. ,#:.Furniture .and Pianos' Moved,_ Stored" PacJra'.:ihippcd to a1J�p:lrts 'of the ..worlctj 300 Privateage' Rooms.. Large Parlor. Exclusively for'Rooms ior Trunks and "Wbeels�' - Large RoomCarnaces, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks; tdl� ..from . all Depots.' Local Transfers for . "Fumiiur.e,' Packages, ete., 'at short notice.. ._.�.Special attention Pen to Univel'llity Ordin.;$25,000 was the largest �iilgle sub­scription. E. N. Barton gave $IO,�.Members of the faculty have sub­scribed $17,000, and the alumni $'10,-000. The amounts pledged by thegraduates have ranged from one tofive hundred dollars. There was onecondition of inertia in modern edu-. ' ..,cational history-an inertia foundedupon the complacent and' widespreadbelief that mathematics is the onebranch of the curriculum whichstands forth in a substantially per-;mOst 31�is reg• NoneilI.cffeccept Sslightl}prover . ;��I· C�Phone H. P. 1324- H. Ricf: trSROS.249 E. �7th s�subscription of $200, and six of $50.Over two hundred graduates madepledges last year. The total numberof people who have expressed theirintention of assisting in the fund; forthe erection of the building is about780.TILe fact that the building is to betally" once, while the Purdue men got 'a library, doubtless increased . thea few opportunities, which they carne alacrity with which Mr. Carnegienear realizing. Their. gains were no:: made the gift. In the past, his bene-.consistent, and the ball went over a . Ifactions have been largely to libraries,feet, crystallized form, the teaching number of times. A long run byr .. ,"- the Carnegie foundation and theof which is. an accomplished .art, 'St�ff.e�,� 'which 'was not allowed, was'., ' British universities.based upon. administering' to the 'the "o'nly 'in't'eres'ting feature of ·this made aBr. W'. R. Harper waspupil, through a long and continuous .period, and the game ended 56 to o.llegime; properly dissected. portions The �ictory �f Chicago indicates itsof doctrine and exercises. ability better than the score shows,"But several things have happened for the. total was run -up throughin recent years. For example, that straight football tactics, a £ew for­. - - heterogeneous assemblage �f. unre: ward passes being the only. variations:._ - lated topics. known as "co���e_.:!- It was apparent at the outset that no. - of the University from sharin-{ ;ngehra," which has long held sway as tricks would be needed to defeat the. , the pensions was made, not by: orthodox' course, is 'now no longer Purdue team handily, and so it was. .' Carnegie, but by the board of trus-offered in many colleges and�.�l- decided best to let the fans wait un, tees. It has, peen intimated that; thisverslties, It· �as been. suppl�.� til the Indian clash to see the Maroons ruling was 'not necessarily final. ,a. more rational course in whic�; t�e reel' off their reportoirs of foolers, ' .,. r. elements of co-ordinate geometry a�e J'h� Purdue men attempted a number REPORT FOOTBALL' SCORESblended with the' elements of the �f forward passes, which were work- AT �CORE CLUB DA�CE.theOry of· equations so as to ,f�� ed �th fair success in the majority of ::... . .', .' :',."Z,.: a logical extension �f secondary al- cas�.,_ '. ' ianetins r from . u;Dae.ota-Carlisleg.ebra .to the solution of numerica] .}'hough not' .getting �nything likej jiaine to �' RecaVed by Dancers 1011£5 510lfl$:higher equations, leaving the mor� the test to which he wlll be treated .t- at- 'RosaIi�-Hau. .. _, :i. :.,J.-.T:;. technical' topics. for consideration in when the Marons. and In�ians mec;. "- --. -. I>.L"- � __ . .:' (Two onte,s) .iii.:::ad!"lllced w�rk. Even in fu:�t-class on November 23, 'Steffen managed to A probable feature of the' Scor�technical scltools 'some such. modifi- ma�.e.. the Boilermaker tacklers look club informal, to be held at' 2 :30 p.cation is taking place, not only with like .novices by his bewildering- run�. m.· next Saturday, in Rosalie hall,respect to college algebra but a�ect- Besides negotiating four touchdowns will be the announcement of bulle­ing �. readjustment and unification..)� after as many long' runs, he kicked a tins from the Minnesota CarIisi�;aU the: �reshma� : and sophomor� goal from field, narrowly mlssmg game. It is the purpose of the ar- Tel. Hyde; PCJrk.,A73::courses� � ,mathematics." two mor.e, punted well and pulled off rangement. committee to receive the '.several runs of the sensational variety returns by telephone from �ne of tfie A. H'. M·:O. G R E WNew. Sidewalk West, of �and� _. �hich were not allowed. Several of downtown dailies. It is thought L.U II BE R 1��! _ .The new sidewalk, which is being his performances on Marshall field that the crowd at the informal will Lath, Shingles, .lIoaldinp, Etc., Etclaid just west of Mandel, is to replac� Saturday are felt to be of a nature follow the returns from the contest 6.tth- Street and .�n, Avenge W ANTE�ome yo�ngthe sunken walk which was con- that nobody except him could have .vith great interest. _ .. � '1: _. �'. share with me a thn:e-room, ,. structed last year. Through some made. Strenuous' preparation is being made TURK'SH,RiiSS'A"f5c i.heated ·flat;. at 261 E. 62nd slt:..error in constrOction, the cement was Captain De Tray, Iddings, and Fer- by this ycar's contingent of the Soph- "PL.A'" .BArHS 25c the modem .!Conveniences..riot weU ballasted, and had a large de- guson� while working together, im� omor.c honor society in order to make evenings. Miss �essie �. H�'" .pression right in the center. The pressed the rooters with their ma- this, its initial informaly a great suc.,� .Op.a»qadJll&bt. ," BARBER SHOP,University r.e£used to accept the work chine-like attacks, and though usm� cess and a promise of excellence in·on the ground that it did not come simple football, proved effectice at future dances. Saratoia Rota! III Dearbom It.up to the contract. The matter has n�arl1 every attempt. They wer\! Thc decorations will be seasanablybeen hanging fire ever since, and n�w always to be fQund helping each appropriate. Oak Icaves and m.l­the !Contractors have decided to re- other open holes, while their work at r,lon will form the body of c!>lor.pair the waIl according to specifica- maKing interference for Steffen was Music will be furnished by Lawrencetions. high' class. as .at precious informals, and th'e,� The Chicago line kept the Purdue programs list twenty numbers. I .. WubinatoD., Ave. "md. 55th; St.TbaDb aDd Apolocy backs �n perfect check during the The popularity of Score clubWe wish to express our thanks to first half, and, though the Boilermak- dances insures an attcndance of morethe members of Hitchcock hall and ers had the ball only during a hrici than onc hundred couples and· it '.';our friends for doing us the honor of interv�1 of the first half, thcse mo- a gencral opinion that oC\.cry under­attending our tea-party' of last Sun- ments proved u'nprofitable to them. graduatc interestcd in social activl-day afternoon, and also \\;sh to apol- Had the Maroon line tried as hard in· '11 b : •• ':.:':im...-AWo CW ....ties WI.' e present. ..'ogize lor not having shown our thc second half, it is felt that then Tickets,:!t a dollar cach, may b�guests the individual attention we also the Purdue attacks would hav.e ohtained of any Score club membershould have liked to have done. been in vain. or at tlloC hall on Saturday aftcrnoon.Showin Weitsen Hsu. For5ythe ran thc team well, butWenfu Yiko Hu. was put in the shade at the kick:ng Swarthmore Refuses Legacygame by Steffen. The Purdue C)i.�ar- Swarthmore will probably refus'!ter "back worked th.c forwar,i pass the legacy of $2.000,000 of the lateaccurately for the mor,t part. In the Anna T. James. This was givc!n oni�tter part of the game, when the I condition that all intcr-collegiate ath­Boilermakers braced, thei:- back field lctics be dropped. Pennsylvania re_slaowed some flashes of r.n) form in I' fused a gift of $500,000 a few yea".i• CIISiw. work. ap, whea it was 80 coa4itioae£ we�.ilier!t aire thethe COUIbeavy, <beautiiulHarvardallY tealits life."This 1Coach 1�, .» \'·- ...... --�--;_..-----------�.ierda)' Ipace atis evide�i�.. The Ithis seafrom t�"nStiwwho go�ept·�u� at Ptack of; L":We sell everytbinl for the. Kitc:ben,;.nd Lau�dry. We make a- ::;,_Specialty of Equipment fo�. Do�c Science Schools.) L 1" .,. .._�. T�:-WE REPAIR GAS RANeES.... ':.j, •• ��- r. ·1.- .lWRINGERS.' T��HKS � doLOCKSMITHING.fense, During the entire latter por­tion or. the half, the Marons failed totru�te� o� the Carnegie foun�ation.This IS reprded as' an expression ofthe Scotchman's confidence in � thelate president and the institution'which he represented. The' rtilil1�which excludes members of the starTare installed "" �;_ � .... , . . .pow�r planl �WANTED-A young man toadvertise�ents. A good posiiioaa good man. Address J. M.,_,Maroon .D.ffice.I TO R£NT-A suite or house-k '.:. rooms at s800 Jackson a......;...--------- __ .... __ ...... steam heat, hot and coldApply to. Mrs. P. B. Day.Phone Hyde Park 1049-IIRS. S. TAYLOR�Y man t.forme.regulawanle,of tclljplayer---.;._---;o-------- ... sition5that tl12 shobinati(!lCrimrSchonMOI1ItRUardlQlJartcand �Used;Hewit----------------------� A I.JAS. ,H •. HENQ_�RSO�, floorS, , f\lrnitune refinished and po]". :dancing 'floors a specialty. Adthe Reynolds Club.�I'���(�,.� ... -,··'·A MeAcla ........ U ...... _••. FI.rle .... 1'Jpewdte'.TYPEwRI:rERS for Sale or RSpecial, ra,tes to students; bain r.e-built machines. W.head, . 36 La Salle Street.W ANTED-Students to attend En-glewood Roller RiDk, 6.t32 Went- GUARANTEED salaryworth Ave. Enry' eve.. Than.. dents, also commissionSat. and Sun. Afternoons t"roap ,_ hours daily; speci:d induleseaSOD. Saturday Evenina Herald,·8uihlinc·All IIIinoi� men who intend to g?to the. banquet to be. given. by t�eUniversity of Chicago Illinois chibFriday, will please ·leave names withthe president, Herman James, on Of'_� IIC&t WedaeMiaJ'. W A NT ED-A married man. to take�are of horses and fU"11acf' for fam­ily rooms and $5 a week. Applyat Emplotment Boreau. effice DAN B. DOUGHERTY, 6122wood Ave. Law Books. Cont --Tarts and Property I can Itt.0tNI-1ia1ld book. are pr.eferaWc.:..... rs •• 11 a. ..�........