_,, .»:.._ <;'(.,\, " . � � , .. ; -;�:� .".;.:: ,._-_"":,,,: �--:,-."''' .. -�� .... -- . --��'_-"""::--:."':"'-''''-''- ... '".... . .� !. _. �. .... .�). � _. a,,' ••" ... -, ..... , .'_,... �:;. _ 'f'.: .-... �.� �.... .".... <'.;:r. <.�.�� �-..:�'.' - I.' .....'1 ".. '� t CHICAGO, FRIDA'X. NC?V.· 8! 1907 •. Price' T ... Cents" .. &,:: '.' .MA�OO.S 'lRE'REDY:.,IE. WITM".BOliBlllERS--·sDirector' Staa· Calls Ymal' Scrim�. �ce Satilfactoty, bUt'·Predicta- Low Score for· ChiCago�ClUb Tomorrow to Gift 1IoR· of.. Men, on Team CbUce-PurdueExpects to Scoi-e. .. .:'TtIC·KETS . ARB: -.GOIHG.· ·.P�:.Large C�wd EZectecI at PwInIDe"'GuDe'Tomo�;The Purdue, game' will bring Oat' aI�rg� crowd, iom'orr�w, if the : stat.s�le of �esterday is' to be taken .as .agood indication,' �ccording to the an­nouncement m�de. bt Manager Spei1cy.es�erd�y.' If, the 'pace set is coti-The elections of officers in the up. tinned t�y' and tomorrow morning,per classes started off yesterday with many will be on' h�nd to 'Witn�� the ia nlsh.· There seems to be great in- Maroons play the 'game thai will"ter�st in the cO,ntest" and if tOdaY'sl bring the Conference championshipvotmg holds the, same pace..as yestcr- to Chicago. .,day, the election will 'gO down as the :\(anager' Speik said that he ex-biggest held, to date. poets a crowd of at 'least three thoug •.In the Senior class, especially. was and on the Chicago side. Besidesthere an unusual display of interest. ;&, large number of student ticketsOut of 250 members of the class, 82 reserved ,seats are' also being dis­voted, a proportion, of '32 4-5 per posed of fast. The'sale at Spaldingscent." Of the 221 Juniors, 47'voted, a i� also encouraging.'percentage o,f 21, 11-,5 per cent. The hours today: are from 9 to 12The. polls close today at 4 o'clock. and from J to J, while tomo�"'tliP-, ..Voting' may be d�ne in the office 'Of tictc.ets ,�ay be purchased until noon.After that, no seats win be offered at. the. special student rate.(0. .... _ ....... , (Continued on page .4) (Continued on page 3)-,:I.THE DAILY MAROfiN, CHicAGo, FRIDAV, NOV. 8, 19tii.It is a source of pride to everyoneconeeted with the University thatso distinct a world­wide recognition of. Pr�fessor Michelson'scontributions to scienceshould have been awarJ-otIdal IIt1IdeIat paNket'- ., � .. Ualw.- 41Ilt7 of 0Ic:ap. Sic:WHonored him as the bestowing of the an­nual Copley medal of the Royal So­ciety upon him. Dr. Michelson's partin contribudlag to invaluable investi-gations of Haht has frequently been.EDtend .. 8ecoDk". IIa11 at tM. 01- applauded, berh in this- country andabroad, an� this signal honor is afitting addition to the tributes to ex-Publlahed daD,.. except Sunda7a,. MOL ceptional achievement in the world ofda7. aa4 holldQ;" ·-d�rlo& lhree-Quarten science.The new plan for the "purity ban--8u�rtp�_ JCJce. � p:" .,eu i ,1.00 quet," involving the seating, accord-tor a mOlltbL 8w.cdptlOM rec:e1Yed at i,ng,: to classes, is anthe Karooa oaace. .... Ball. or ·at tbe By· admirable" . one. and... cult7 Exciwlp. Coa. BaIL claSses should receive. the co-To the Editor':When the first football mass meet­ing of this ye�r was held in Kent at10:30, on the same day that the Ju,nior women have chapel, Cl Freshmengirl was heard to ask: "Do they hold15 ·.DA YS MORE, THEN CARLISLE the mass meetings at the same timeits 'next_ to last contest tomorrow.Th·c. BgUermakers are Chicago'sguests from the time they reach the'MidWaY until they leave Saturdaynight, and the royal Chicago wel­come should be theirs during ever�moment of their stay. None but the new classes entered the University, Let the king reign !"most cordial relations have ever ex- the attitude of the men changed, be- was interpreted in such a manner asisted with Purdue, and the friendship came a little less chivalrous, perhaps, to bring forth vividly the wbole pi�of the Lafayette collegians should be and the women were ignored, except ture of Camelot; while the beautifullyfostered eagerly. They are true for a few gallant remarks made by subtle mention of Lancelot's joumeysportsmen, and should be treated ac- some of the faculty speakers, notabl_.. with, Guinevere was spoken with thecording to their rank as such. Coach Stagg. most sincere sympathy.Last y ..... r a sl,'ght -"�eptl'on was very enthusiastic crowd Was present.Perhaps a still more important . - ........... This most satisfyinJ reading of the The chief factor in tbfs alumni move-duty is the enthusiastic backing of the made when one of the ch�erleaders Tennysonian epic will be �op.tipued :. ,Varsity -for the coming contl!st. The was suddenly inspired at one of the for the next five Thursday. at the ment is S. D. Bames, �. A largenew seating arrangement planned mass meeting�, to call on the girls Music hall. Professor Clark will number of fQnner University sta­for yells The shock of th's unA dents are now located in the north-will b�ak UP. any clique feeling, and, 1 a_X- giVI! ··The Marriage of Geraint" atI ..' f' ery man pected compliment was so great that 111"S next read,·ng. west country. Bcsi4es the thirtym�ke the so.e SPlnt.o ev .the girls were st�ken speechless, or who were present, the names and ad-di�tinct loyalty to his alma mater.,- . ' f the to be more correc� yell-less, and DR. HALL TO GIVE LECTURE dresses of about twenty-five othersIf' arrogant 'as. "Champ,ons 0k could not r.espond. However, they � were bande4 ip-., the .... UIlC.West," the Chicago spirit tao .es ah were so delighted at this. slight atten- n___ of No& tb_-t-ft II-...a.:-, Profeuor .BtIrton i8 now on a tourslump at such a �ime as. thIS, t e � - -- �(e tion that they' promptly got to- School to S---Ir on SaaaI H-- through the westem state.. So far,hard-won honor of western saP. - .--- 7be sullied by unexpected gether in the halls, in the gym, an·1 PeDe. he has already spoken before themacy may I even took a few minutes from their alumni associations in Denver, Sai1Purdue has been sore yreverses. . gymnasium classes to practice yell- Francisco and Los An�leJ,· in theused by its opponents, and will do Its "Sexual Hygiene" 'win be the sub-Ch. Over-confi- ing, in order to show their appre- ject of a lecture by Dr. Winfield S. two latter places assistine in the or-best against Icago. dation if called on again. The re: ganization of local alumni clubs.k f work on the Hall. dean of thoe Northwestern med-dence and lac 0 team snIt was that when they wtre called President Judson will meet withrt of the team and supporters ical school, on Wednesday' next at 7pa d· on again, they "did "themselves the Twin City Alumni club in Miri-all'ke will be, .at least in part, ,sas-d" E thu . t . p. m., Kent theater. ne!lnnll's on Saturday, November _I).prou . n slasm rose 0 a mU�ll This lecture was to have' been _..� �trOUS. the sort of higher pitch among them than it had given last week, but was called off while enroute to Seattle, Wash.,The continuance of. for som t'me befo .... a d th . I where he will addr"ss the Washing-h n thIS e I ."',. n e gtr s on account of the :\finnesota mas� ...fding that Chicago has s owattendance at the football games in, ton State Teachers· association 0'-year means succ.ess as surely �s acreased accordingly" meeting. January 1st. The Seattle Alumni. f loyalty means fadure.weakentng 0 If this small attention produced Welcome Purdue tonipt. club will entertain him at luncheon------Th Broth.crhood of St. Andrew such prompt results, why should no· on January I, and the Salt Lake Citywill :old a meeting this morning at a little more produce greater? Why Notice club at dinner on January J. From• 6h- parlor of North hall. should not the girls be represented The office hours of the Employ- there he will go }to the Rock), Monn-10:1ft In � ", . b fad'.7""_ by at least one speaker in the mass ment Bureau are 10:30 to 12:30- fain ranch 0 'he ass atlon, atae-natioDs . by cJaaeS at .... - meetings, . wilen the men are repre- Denv.er, where he will a"drcss the,seate4 � so IIWI�? Are die WOIIIeII Haft,.. .. ted JIdl ... 1 en..........LUTHER D. FERNALD. MansclQ Editor'I·RE;8TON �. GASS. Nen EdItor.II&LVIN J. ADAM8� Athletic Editor.LOUUI S. BERLIN, 8ualuesa Y.aDq�r..usoaLU Dl'IOUW�rre�t:l). Foster, ..Harry A. Hansen,Jerome .Frank,P. w. Pinkerton.DI'OIt'IDS-; .Walter A. Ford. Mis� Esthe'r Hall,Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., A. L.' Fnds·teinAlbert D. Henderson Fred W. Carr,PrlDted b,. the Il&roon PreIa474 Eaat 55th Street• PbQll8 I17cle Part 3881One Day More, Then Pardue.it is the privilege as. well as theduty of everY man in 'the U,niversityto attend the ' "purity. banquet". in lfutchin­son tonight and wel­come Purdue, as well asto support the team forW�mePlriueToDicbt operation of everyoneW· ho Tennyson's Idyls of the King haveattends, under-in the last centrury been variouslygraduate or graduate. Not· only will discussed; certain critics have termedthis arrangement break up any reser-vation of seats or tendency towardcliquishness, Im,t it wilJ give themembers of the various classes anadmirable opportunity to get w.el1acquainted in ,a cordial way not of­ten given them. Signs will 'mark thetables of the: various classes, andprominent men in each class wilJ as­sist in making :the new class feature asuccess. .1 '.TonightCOMlruNIcATION.'Nov. 7. 1907.so the girls eaa't go?"This, honest question is not the onlyexpression of disappointment whichhas been heard about the quadranglesfrom girls fbis yl!ar. The women ofthe University have always displayedunusual loyalty, and until a few yearsago, this loyalty was recognized andappeeciated by the men. The girlsnot only were permitted to take partin the cheering, but were representedin mass meeting by a woman speaker'who voiced their feelings for them.But as the old classes. graduated and trated &taJogue of all sportstl.e was organized about three weeks contains numerous sugges-flash brand ! ago with a membership of thirty. 'hons. Send for it. It's Free.The occasion was a dinner in honor ,A. �. 8P ALDDfG " BRos.' ..of Professor Starr, who spoke at tbe New Va, a.�. Philadelphia. Bostoll. Baht-University of Washipgton. while on s,ncue, lIiueapoU., DetroiL Washiactaf,-his way -back to ·the University from St. NewOrleu s , SaD Fr .. clsce, Plnsbarrt,• UacIJ· 'ttl Dea�er. lIoDtrcal. Buffalo. K!lPSP ,o trip to lkxico. The dinner was CIty. . ,"d. CaDlUla .supposed to sit in mute admirationof the orations of the football heroes,or timidly clap their hands at thebarnyard noises emitted by some ofthe men rooters? Or are the menafraid that the women would puttheir feeble speeches to shame? Atleast the girls would like the chanceto try. Copies of the official publication en­titled "University Ruling Bodiefmay be obtained by members of thefactulties on applicationcorder's office.A "Co-ed" Rooter.ON TlIB CHICAGO STAGBCourse books are now due at theoffice of the deans.Professor S. H. ClarkDean Talbot and Dean BreckinGives First Reading of ridge are expected to reUurn Sundajevening from a - week'sEast.Tennyson's Idyls of the ·King-at the Music HalL All Lit. men who playare urged to try for the team byCaptain B. F. N.ewman.Pari� banquet at 6 tonicbt.them mere "insulted pictures"; others ILLINI GEr READ� FORhave considered them the greatest GAilE WITH HAWKEY_narrative poem since "Paradist Lost,"However that may be, they are todayalmost universally esteemed" the lastand noblest word of the legends of State lien EXpect Iowa to GiveThem • Stitf Battie-Depend onPettipew. \Arthur-legends which have inspiredthe great English poets of the past, Coach Hall of the University of 11-·Spenser. Milton, Dryden. and 'he linois football team, is �utting his Ibrilliant poets of the pr.esent-Amold, men htrough stiff practice in prepa­Swinbourne. Those who love and ration for the game wit" Iowa to­"live" the Idyls are many today, yet morrow. The hard fight� Iowa gavethere are but few who in reading Wi�()Qsin .last Saturday': has madethem can properly interpret the the Illinois men wary, and t�ey aremusic, the high seriousness of pur- preparing for the hardest game theypose and the dramatic power of have had-since the p�e With thePoet Alfred's "New-Old" tale."Coming of Arthur," and Gareth andLynette," yesterday afternoon atMusic hall, Fine Arts building. Giftedas he is with a charming voicewhich lends itself to the expressionof every shade of emotion, he is like­wise intimately acquainted with thepoems he read. He never mars tho:poems by self-slorif)'inS melo-dra­matics, yet use I all his skill to 'em­phasize the truly dramatie situation.The song of Arthur's kni,hthood be­fore the king, with its martial refrainof CHICAGO ALUIINI PORKA;CLVB AT SEATTLEDiDDeI" ill H ... of ProI.-or· Starris Orc.liDD ,_. OrpaiAtioa ofCbicaco ciab..The Chicago Alumni club of Seat-"Fall battle axe andgiven at the Rincoln House, which isthe largest hotel in that city. and a A memento to remind you of the"eleven's" achievements. Every ,IF •PlCKlJRUN '. YOURlONEAND:OF $)READ'iHEYWHO�GH; Talkthey'reoae ofpleaseeoougb$25 suidloU&fl,Jankwants one.Fhese pillows .are of a very largesize, wen filled, top handsomelylithographed in colors.The colors of all the leadingcol1eges-Chicago, Yale.Prince­ton, l lnrvn-d, ronet'. :\(ic:.:gan.:\ deep. heavy, two-color dou­ble fet fringe to finish. But­�neyto CODlOtIOT�Oflbest $�ducUolin:: bl, "�""[AXp,.J(ROWCLUPECO SHRUNKt aUAIITE... SIZE COLLARftlK\' UWJt.an .CItYICL a Nfl asc.CUIaTT. "AIIOOY .. ee., .".CR.-,A.G. SPAiDINCi ... ..8 .... ":.'..b BROS.L·..... ,� -, -' . .;.... .....,:.. .:. .... :�.. . .q.�TIi:' Largest Manufacturers in tbe:�\World of ,OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLIES.'Base BaII_ Foot BaU. Golf. ,LoWII TCDDis, Baalfet Ball,Hockey. We m:tbis ciaJOG angnde(J51T�l J,Dr.r)f&cial. Implements for' Track and:.'.I'�ld Uniforms for. All Sports,Spaldin�s . Handsomely IIIus-SuPYO811.�-....... wt. .. S ... o�n.. �erIa M�ttJre-(w b .... d @f Bliss)SHAMPOOING _,MANICURING atMADAME KAYNOR'S237 E. 55th St. Phone H. P. J285:'The best eqalpped and most SanitIIJpi-. iD ChIeacoHave 70U heard about it?Haft 70U Heft itlDon't fail to call when down toWliEVERYBODY DOES.LtaII DY. '1lI01II CaDdy Sbep.A MARVEL OF BEAUTYIIwes-Allegretti f,ompuyCANDIES, SODA, LUNCHESState and lIonroe S�Te .... iIe 792 CentralOf a •• 12,.. �:-' . YOU WANT SOFT:PICKING AND THE BESTRUN YOU EVER GOT IN.YOUR LIFE FOR YOUR.ONEY, COME. OVERAND SEE M'Y SHOWINGOF '15 H�D-TAILO�READY TO WEAR SUITS.THEY ARE· FOR liEN,WHO WANT TO HIT"THE�GH PLACES.'Talk about real things­they're high schoolers, everyCIOe of thel1l-6tyle enough toplwe a prin�"":"" Stabilityenough to outlast most $20 or$25 suits. Materials and colorseDoQ&h to please the biggest. J.au the town affords.But-If you are rolling in�ney, as it were, and wantto. cough up $20 or $250 I'velOt some world beaters fromT&gorville that will make the�t $50 merchant tailOred pro­duction look like it was ,madeill : butcher shop.IB�t.l:, ..�I··��·,'......126 eL=ARIC:..Near Madison_..I, ass, Fraternity; .Society-:- PINS --':� '.'. �.,',.T.cL Randolph 766.Specialist inPYORRHEA ·Ai.VEO�RJ�l' .'Itt- '."'­'It.lIS ... _Special Fees f�r �tudents. .CHICAGOA.ME� HATS• 00 $3.00- A fair deal witb eftI7 .. t.Opera H_�, 3iJk_ Q�'"1i3 � IIA�ISQN STRJUn'.Near La ....,peel .. lValueslWoolenslorUege :: Wearor OVERtOATSTo 0rcIer: : 130 : : 135 --t ._ THE DAlLY ;MAROON� ClilCAGO. FRIDA Y, N.oV. 8, t907.Economic Question for Illter-coUe- Club Which Will Meet on Top ofgiate. Debate Said to � Usually Skyscraper Has Twenty Uni-. Timely and Debatable. versity Men in Membership.DEBATE-.B.ESOLUTION .. _._.,� "�NY ·FACURTY MEMBERS··THO.UGHT VER¥ GOOD' :BECOME "CLIFF DWELLERS"counts among its members the most"Resolved, That all corporations distinguished Iiteratcurs, architectsengaged in .inter-state commerce ,I t i t f tl t Thanu ar IS sOle coun ry. eshould be required to take out a -Fe,!-eral charter on such terms as COI1-..-�: .u_,_Leo. F. Wormser, Law, '06, Consid.ers it Livest Resolution YetPresente'i in West. Presid.�nt Judson presided at theIirst meeting of the "Cliff Dwellers,"the newest thing in clubdorn. It ROBERT ST AEDTER CO.ISS State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe.Phone Central 5334-"cliff" will occupy rooms in the- newbuilding of thc International Har­gress may prescribe, constitutionality vester Company at Michigan avenuegranted," the uuestion to be! dis- .1 H .... :lllu arrrson street.cussed in the semi-final debate trials. knownDurable Qualities.Ladies' and Misses'Suits $18.50 up.Fur Neckwear from$3.75 up.Hats from.54.oo up.November 1,5, and in the Univcrsitvdebate this year, is unusually debnv­able. according to those who have in­vestigated ·'ii . 'thoroughly. Leo. F.hear' it, are particularly fortunate thisyear 'to haee .. ��bject of such wideand" multiple interest. l\�'any candi­dates have .expreased their satisfac­tion that the' interesting nature oithe question has made work on it ,�Omuch easier. There are so manyangl�s to the, issue jnvolved that any�tud�'t' �ho is at· all �ncerned aboutWe make a SPECIALTY ofthis class of work. -, Let us give , scope of i�quiry.. _ .. - �JOII an estimate. Very highest .. ; . 7.;.'':Ibe $Ubj4;ct has been given greatgrade of workmanship guarante�.::·: e�iQvipinen�e _by. the : repeated refer-. SPIES BROS.. --':.'- e:n�es. made thereto, by President��rlv� F������' ��s��ei�, �Clr�i�larIY -i��his sp�ec;il-. Catalogue upon' application." i <(\ t ��l'''In; th� .·�«:w England states lastsummer. It has. been. brought tomore �iOle'y' �i,t�� ,by, -'�the, . '�'pr�s�n�- . �, . Stringeqci o( the money market. The-'. <': " "a�g�im�nJ '�lIas been, a dvan�ed rep�at-. ,,� '. .. 1;· .,•. :., edly�,t�at:more- stability could be se-. Dr., Jerome w. �.f ::'- �ect. ·aqcl riior�:' '�6nfid��c�; .�s�ab-, 1i9���bY�:�'bringing" �atp6'rations do­DENTAL 8URGEO�.X -,',1 . iig -... �" iQt�r.:state busine_ss, especiallythe: .qua5�:Pubtic corporations' underfedecal·(:ontrol. It is proposed to ac­·ComP.liSh.· �his by requiring them totake' out a federal license. ,· .. hether a similar performance wiilbe given again this year. De- the Dean of the Senior coll.-:ges, frompew's Orchestra is to play and all 9 to u, :md from 2 to 4- The voting Td. Hyde Park 473-three floors will be used, if n.eces- is done by the pure Australian sys- H. M � G R ,E W"The question is close to the de- Ad Po- sary. tern. •artment of P.Qlitical Science, anL U _ BE RThe prep school men aud women The tellers. will announce the result _litical Economy. In these depart-'. I Mould' E Etcwho are attending the ed'ucational on the hull.._,tin hoard. and the Daily Lath, Shlng es, mgs, tee.ments the subject of debate has beenS d __ ...:11:__ A .• conference have been invi�d to the Maroon as soon as th.e ballots arc 64th treet an .auauuuD veil_made a study, and special stress has.. :ltrait'. counted .been laid on it in some of then'courses. Ip. the_: Law schoQl, too. CLASSES STUDY MISSIONS ADDRESSthere is interest �h the question du.eU' , .to its legal aspects.uThe m�ra�es have prepared ex­haustive bibliographies on the sub-ject, and th.cre is a vast amount of TI:e Jate�t addition to the various . The long-heraldcd University :v!-material on hand." activities of Y. M. C. A. is the or- d�.!!ss book has appeared at last. The TelcpIaeaesR,.tePukU ..... '- . W. ganization of' five mission Classes t:> co�plete edition of 2.000' copies wasTO . qealV1l IN HITCHCOCK study th<; itodal and religi'ous prob-' received at the Information . offic.!.. � :---lems of the world. The classes wi!! yesterday. The hook- is umlsuallyaIiiIese Residents of the Hall to Give he uIHLer the: direction o� experiencd useful this year. It contains the fultR� 011 �. men. They will use the latest text name and address of e\·.ery # register-The two Chine�e students residing hooks a\'ailable on the sllbject. Th� cd student. inc1u.ding Junior. Senior.in Hitchcock han will gi"e a rccep- c1al'ses will meet once a week, ami unc1asl'ificd. graduate. law, School oition Sunday afternoon to the resi- the til1loC will be arranged accordi''it_t Education. medical :1I1cl divinity stu-dents of the hall and their friends. to the convcnience of the �tudcnts. dents.The two men are Yiko and Showin The foltowing arc the names of tl�(' In addition. there is a new fcaturl.!HSlI. hoth of the Law school. Tea ('lasses and their leaders: in the n:ll11es and :Hlcln.·s��s of all\\;11 be sen'ed in regular Chinese China-Frank Bevin. I11cmh�'rs of the faculty. anc) a fundfashion, and an' the (lthcr delicaci.es. Japan-Grover. of miscellaneous iniormatioll ahollt!\\Kh as prescrv�d fruits and nuts, will Am.",ricans or Aliens-Sheik. IIH.'o t!ices of ,uhninistration. the li-also be servcd. In addition, it i. the India-IT. I.atham. hraries. clepartmelltal examiners. fra-intention of the hos�s t6 show pieces :\Iissionary hiographY-C. H. Ham- ternity hOll�e�. and th.!! otlicc of Tn.of Chinese' embroidery and caps :iton. formation allfl exchange.which ar� in tholr po�!iession. Other-articles delineating Chinele �lIstomsand manners will be shown. The re- banquet" tonicht.ception will ta�e pla� from 4 to 6T�ILOR POR YOUNCI'"WEN -nt' ... t Sn.....I-v ·aft�.·· in Hitchcock Send in your subscriptions to TheTwo Stores: 131 U�... -" � ..... ., � ... "" ..44 , d library. D:aily Maroon. Po it now .connected with the University as fac­ulty members, or members of theBoard of Trustees. The cliff dwcl­Wormser, Law, '06, who was prorni- Icrs' connected with the Universitynent in debating, both at Chicago .1I:dare as follows: President HarryHarvard,. said yesterday: Pratt Judson, Robc�t :\1. Lovett, W .•"The men who are working on thi-,, D. Mac Clintock, Franklin Macdebate and the audiences ,that will Veagh.' Shailer :\I:lthews, A. A. l\1ic�-elson, Albert A. :\Iillikan., W. VaughnMoody, Richard G. l\loulton, MartinRyerson. R. D. Salisbury, �1. Schutze,Ferdinand Schwill, Paul Shorey,James Westfall Thompson, GeorgeE. Vincent, J: P. Hall, Wallace Heck­man. business manager ; Robert Her­rick, and A. C. Bartlett, trustee,President Judson and Wallacecurrent tOI}�C� is bount to find in thc Heckman have been made membersresolution some problem 'intimately. .. of the. managing committee.associated with his own special fieldof work.- REYNOLDS CLUB TO HOLD� '''That �ons'titution�lity is conced-ecl is a means of freeing the subjectof technicalities. I t is further be­,Iieved, ��at 'thereby .� argument HI!Iinot be restricted to.'. Iega] :considera­- ,tioJl.s; but . include mOTe inclusive• The list of chacter members in-dudes the names of twenty menThe Place Where College Men CongregateOPEN. EVENINGSPhone Harrison 5928. -264 Michigan Avenue..T. C. Lynas. L. G. WilkinsJewelry Engraved. .Embossed Stationery, Programs andGreek Letter Pennants in exclusive design_Fraternity Steins, Ash Trays, Tobacco Jars. ete.,with any monogram, crest· or emblea:.- . IFIRST DANCE TOMORROW TRAVEL OVER. THE./We- HAVE REDUCED THEMay Have Vaudeville Act BetweenDances-Prep Visitors to beGuests at Affair. l�m:m:13·1!"'If you go.tor'::'TI:'):::l:-:Ht-:�_ �i --.!�.:.�_.l';·�_c Li�.:�:t_ STYLESON A NUMBERPRICESOF HANDSOMEThe Reynolds club dance tomor- LAFAYETTE.row night promises to be a gala af- INDIAPOLIS,fair' and OI�e that will JOt:Jg. be re- LOUISVILLE •membered -in the annals of the club. CINCINNATI.The' entertainment committee prom- DAYTON ..ises some features which will break Or any Southern \joint.' Depots,the' monotony of the evening of con- Dearborn Station, Polk. and Dear­tinual dancing. born Sts.; 47th -and 63rd Sts. (En-Once last year a short vaudeville glewood)performance was given between theeighth and ninth dances and provedto be a great success. The entertain-ment' committee, however, refuses tocommit itsdf. and will not say TO EVEN UP OUR STOCK.7' ..p. t �.-ELECT CLASS OFFICERSWILLIAM .. ERRE •• • eON ..(Continued from page I)Clark and AdPIDS StreetsBORDEN'SCondensed Milk, Fluid 1Iilk, Cnam. and Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed lIiIk C6.327-329 E.. FortY.-snenth 8�BOOK APPEARSY. M. C. A. Forms Five ClasseS to Contains Names and Addresses ofStudy Foreign Evangelistic Work Students and Faculty Members.A. McAdamsDAILYMAROONAN ADV. INTHE DAILY IIAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE..HAVE YOU INVESTED?SUBSCRIBEFORTHEWelcome Purdue at the ··purity\VANTED-Every· man who has notsubscri�d. to do so at once.Subscribe for the Daily. Do it Now. i,.. - . THE DAILY MAROO�, CHICAGO,_ ·FRIDAY, NOV. 8, 1907.. . -._.. � -.- � .- - ----- .. - .. - .. ---.� -.-..,. _ .-�.- .• ...IIIJSEIIML..The Garrick'Channi�c PolJock'. Greatest PlayTHE SECRET ORCHARDMcVickers'I,.IiI' Geo. M. eohan'. Triumph45 MINUTESFROM BROADWAYPowersI, .WII. H. CRANEin the new comedyby Geo. AdeFATHER AND THE BOYSIllinoisMLLIAII COLLIER 'In the Great Farce Comedy·CAUGHT IN THE RAIN"f(f :c� :I'i :: !I I� IH-I, I ri The Grand�Mr. IlAHTELLIN SHAKESPEAREANREPERTOIRELa' SalleTJIEGIRLQUESTIONColonial.VICTOR.IlOOREKid Bama of New RocheDeThe Auditorium.\I: ',. "KLAW .' E�G��';lADVAHCBD VAUDEVILLE'The StudebakerWILL T. HODGKIn the New ComedyTHE IIANFROII HOllE• I .. ! The;' Whitney\The ..... cal WuuaerA IRfIOM POR A DAY.'II their stay." I MASS IlEETING CEL&BRATESVICTORY OVER IIINNESOTA(Continued from pace I)SECONDARY SCHOOLCONFERENCE TODAYStuclenta _d IutnxtoI1l in HigbSchoo.. aDd Acadamiea HoldAmuaal II� Here. with Purdue and said: "We have still87 points to make to equal the pointsgained last year. But, if Mr.' Staggwill put the regular team in the nexttwo games, we can certainly makeup the lacking points.""Bill" Hewitt cited a pecliar exam­ple of how a big crowd can be han­dled. He said: "The night of thegame, both Chicago and Mi-nnesotolteams had boxes in the theater. Thecrowd saw Capron and called himup for a speech, and then,. imme­direly afterward called for Steffenbut Steffen was not with us. Th;crowd did not seem to �lieve us, sowoe asked Handy to get up, but hewouldn 'r, and we had to lift. him up.That seemed to satisfy the crowd.Speaking of the Purdue game, it'sthe last chance 1 will have againstPurdue, and I want to be there."Dr. Raycroft further praised th.'�schools who come here for Stagg's good spirit at the game, and said inmeet' and while this attitude is very part: "I never saw a team whichcommendable it is not very creditable put up a better fight, in a better spiritto -the University that the prep stu- than the team which went out 'in thesecond half of the Minnesota game.There was not a single man whowas not there with every ounce .ofstrength and loyalty in him to fightfor the University, and to fight in thecleanest and most sportsmanlikemanner he could. That means a greatdeal for us. We were beaten in thefirst half. but it was that spirit thathelped us win that game in the sec­ond half. It meant a great deal forthe athletics of this University. I ainsure that our aboriginal brothers' willOpportunity to 'meet men from 'have the' scrap of their lives in twanearly all the secondary schools af- weeks from now. The teams needsfiliated and co-operating- - with the backing up, so don't get the mistakenUniversity, will be furnished tonight notion that Purdue is easy, If it isat 5 o'cJock in the Reynolds club. 110t easy, you will see a eat �.Th - cd - k' h . gr, gaose �tere�t an ma 109 t e But we will be sure to get aroundprep prep men· and women welcome them." .- ,• hope that a large number of U ni-versity men and w4?men will be there TO WELCOME PURDUE ATto help in their reception. PURITY BANQUET TONIGHTSecondary school students will rulethe �mpus today. The prep schoolmen and women who are here �oattend the examinations given by theUniversity in connection with theeducational conferences of acadamiesand high schools will today receive ahearty welcome from all members ofthe University. "Coming as they doto take examinations in German. Lat­in, Mathematics and English, theyperhaps represent the best scholarsfrom their respective schools andwill . consequently be most valuableadditions to the student body of theUniversity." said a member of theReynolds commission �hich wiil takecharge of the high school visitors."The students have always wel­comed the athletes from secondarydents who come here distinguishedfor their mental rather than theirphysical prowess should be entirelyneglected. .Consequently this yearwe shall attempt to- give our autumn'visitors a hearty welcome. W.e wishto induce - them and their friends toreturn here next year as members ofthe University .. We should have nodifficulty in interesting them for therewill be "Many things doing during(Continued from page I)The women of the University are] ,also planning to entertain the prep -..A-------__.,_-------Igirls. who are attending the Confer- goodly number of r�t.ers will beA I· -t f hi h h I h·' h at the game, but there will not be theenee. IS 0 Ig SC 00 s, W IC .numbers present that' there were inwill be represented. has been posted former years. The railroads refused .in Lexinaton hall. and graduates ofthe sctiUls' who are expected '.1)meet and entertain the r.epresenta­tives of their respective schools. Theexact plans for their entertainmenthave not yet been made, but the girlswill be cor�ially welcomed:The program for the high schoolstudents, November 8 and � will be to make a rate, and in consequencethe official excursion was run to Il­linois this year instead of Chical'o.However, a lot of men will go up,and, with the alumni. expect to makethemselves heard. The seats on saleat Lafayette are going fasLThe team will leave tomorrow GILBE8T WI.Li'l} 6 '£0.ALWAyst·,:·Paul ·Afor fverytlli;ig' in - Hardware, - _..'ailit5,�·OIl5 and ,Glass338·42�; £:. '51th . STR£�. .�•• f,.. :;:_ VoL, V:---­�TeL H. P. 1160 11811Preside!Norm. COLLEGE ;�COaN�R .. CLOTHESARE' :aOYING AGAIN THI,S .PALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OV£RCOATS S3s-eoS .'? GreatClal, :JlIS '1._ Dea .... '.5f:-H otei 'M�;ri�n�NORTHEAST CORNER Si1'H:Itt:AND 'DREXEL AVE.Uncler lIanqement of' the 'H�tioDal Hotel Company.Telepbone Hydet Park 375Tbe'�BEST'Jse"ed!at ,POpilar:�Ptlces-··:�·RfSTAURANT,··iAID lVN-eH COUNTER,- .... : In�' '. -�--.'� .' . NonnarL·D. ICharle3Hden'Alvin F. EleanOi�lary I.�. <.: Fred V. :,r . Ned A .ilauric4_ .; Paul PK2f1 C.. ' i' , .• -' _",_ '\- ,.. 1. C .,. -, _. 1m; M�oL1), :COMPANY--. .' '\ENGHN.EItS�CONSTftUC1ORS· -.ILECTRICAL'- CIVIL;- MECHANICAL·.8. LA aALL:E ·aT".itT-1eH IcAeto'".. ,,,, .. - -. �r ••..,( HelenEdith 1'.. ".-,:�Wfritst:�I",th4� �)f4andCcThe otiMiss�YI Slthe ciapresideMeagh,'Th�flin'�res'183 voof 72 •'.(1 �h______ - .... roles 'ptr c��.ThelIils IPlor fcSeniorsix voiIhed.'Nonr�hmtbe Jresitr tr-----------.......;.�-I't1a)' "WANTED-A married 'ma�. to. take GUARANTEED salary footbalcare of horses and furnace for fam� dents, also commission "C" illily rooms and $5 a week. Apply hours daily; ipeci31 indtl tl'QSUIat Employment Bureau, . office Saturday EveninClP' Herald, t• or 191hours. 0"11 a. m. hil..... Janioror, go:�r G,marsh:O __ i :l£psilo'lfis5lor C(lIIemb.and (;Quadr. � ..20:'} ',_'". \. - - .in the .: 't-,tsUII'''flfSln�fI..: CHICAGO·' t-.JOlES.'·· STOKERS(TWo O��)are -Installed: -.' .-, ,.!:.J-.. ; . • ••• •WANTED-Students to attead En­glewood Roller Riak. 6ua Weat­wort'h Ave. Every eve.. Than.,SaL and .Sun, Aftemooas throupRaSOD. r.OST-Wech1csday aff.ernoon. iilaw -library, or on the cam""Wyvcrn pin. Return to lnftion Office,as follows: morning, arriving at the ChicagoBeach Hotel at about noon. Lightsignal practice will be held in the af-I-------__,;:�.----;---ternoon, after which the men wjll re- W��TE�Men to so1ic:it.;_.pod lAS. H. HENDERSON, 800n1'pair to th'e "purity" banquet. proposition; commission basis. Mr. . furniture refinished and poMarkham, Federal Electric Co., dancing * specialty. Address.Lake and Desplaines. . Reynolds Cub.Friday, 1 p. m.-(President's house,comer Lexington avenue and 59th. iStreet)i Pr.esident's reception andluncheon to visiting deans and prin­cipals, and to stUde!'t delegates to Aru lien to Haft Social lleetin&the contests. 2=30 p. m. (Kent thea- . There will be a social gathering of�er)-Preliminary hearing before the the Arts College men at 4 o'clockUniv.ersity department of publi« this afternoon in the Reynolds club.speaking, of candidates for place in Everybody is urged to be present andthe fourth annual contest in decla- get acquainted."-� .. mation. 2 :�5 - Examinations irEnglish, Latin, German and mathe­matics. 6 :JO--Purity banquet. 8:00p. m. (Mandell-Fourth annual con­test in declamation - between repre­sentativ.es of affiliated and co-opera­ting schools.. Saturday, 2 p. m.-Purdue footballgame. 8 p. m. - Reynolds clt1bsmoker.The judges for the preP schoolcontest in declamation, which will beheld at 8;00 p. m. in Mandel are ;\�follows:Judge Frank B. Sadler, Mr. ]. Junior election.: 9 to 12. :I to of, baSenior office in Cobb.1\li5s Looise Parker, sister to Dr.A. K. Parker, the University reco�der.�ave a rcceptio nto Dr. Rhoades, theUniversity Preacher, yesterday after­noon, in the library of Hutchinsonhall.Senior elections: 9 to II, • to of,. inSenior office in Cobb.The Fellows club met last e\'eningO'Donnel Pennetl, dramatic critic for in th� library of Hitchcock hall.the Oiicago Record-H�rald; J udg·:M. Pinclmey, David A. Robertson, 168 Seniors aDd 174 Juniors failedsecretary. to the president; Henry to YOle ,esterda7. Were ,_ ODe ofP. D ....... , Uaiftl'Si� deIWe coadL ...... 1 TJpe....... -ItTYPEWRI:rERS-for Sale or ,"s..ecial rates to stud�nts;'in 're.bailt- machines. ; W.hU'd, � La Salle Street.. :.... .'...WANTED-Young woman to takecare of child, a. �uPf; �f �ours af·temons; $4 per .eeL . If'niploymentBarean. 10:30 to 12�· Cobb lAoWhat'", . Going·W�tch The' DAILY MAROON.'On?You· c...'t Afford To �-Wl" It.SUbscribe··Now ---