I·! .... ..... "�. . � .*: •. .i. ... r , .'.,) I CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6. 1907., �"pnc. T .. ,Cents," PROFESSOR'lUm::lEWr.... ·OBI':SElioR. aiDE�·,·-' .'Resumes POsitioIi .-H&d'of a_�_ .. -, �rColleges �n Rarp.ti08 "of Deaa'mse�ii.:· ,Dr. Sh�n' COnnn,_"_ �' -date 'Profe.ot .�f .. iliSioi7'::"LiY:kof 'Time c_au.es Wi�waLo: ........ _.:3O P. � 1Do- hubriahi'.::iiIe'" beD d.ptiea� _-'i licht at­:'� � amaDpoz. �. baa beeD tAkeD���.; ... 4e���F"'·. pR­o �,·,m.. ....-�.:hoI1ae laM:: ... j1aDiptei.' '.'.\:,:Wald rumor of, 'a' general outbreak'''';,c''Smallpox in ,'all parts of 'lhe �m-piw� .. ere - announced' yesterday -by¢Qr. c. p .. S�� (tffl H�ite�fty' 'phy-..;1iciaa, who ckdared that Done of".:"",."._ .. '".r, o, __'_"_. ��,.. ,- • THE LAlLy.MARooN. �ICAGO. }VEDNESDAY. NOV. 6, 1907...,. .'I�" Mg'�.. ',,_' 14iDiiesota. rooter. just �.�eerfaU,. OR -rD' 0BI0AGO' ftA_ served tbe ... appJause she receJyed fot "-v : " •U• .� I"'L:_ th did � .. ;.. , her. tmaB'eded "manner and' swee; .'« . �. '�.', ye IDC lor �co as ey lor .. �........-:_____________, __ ,.;..' .__;,,: MiDneiOta. sacJi gooct'fieliDc should t�emuloa. voice.· She" �s n;t -- � � . A\:' '":�!�CMW.I aa....t"" If-"," u--. be. foste�ecI bY eTeNone. m' this .,L·"I timel,. free from nervoDsDes� �ut�-' : . �� ::;' �:t . ).J -I "',.. ItaliaD. GlaDd n..-. cDr... ". . ed h If . ..� .t,� I' .��__ ., CIdeIp. '\ .venit7. EYery man' who is brought -..-- r" qmtt erse well.' 'Her sopraoo -; TL.'), rl1 · k - .�at die vo.n�e, is pleasing in. th.e. I�w. er �.... ' . ... ".. . I" ne-ua... rnc '-.'i?:into an,. kind, of relation with the lDtematioaal '!"beat. T -'.:, ......., meD of Minnesota should do his best ml�dJe notes, aDd also In t�e h���. "'.... . i : . •: :;�'IJ � ......__ .,......_. to k-- up the present span''t, which .�_____________ regaster. when she does Dot att.elllpt M: ";' • D-n-'_u. -he' .. l'� -. --,. -_ to swell ... '" ... -:.,.-�� .. ",.� ..... ���-�-.�::�......... has established a DeW basis for ath- S· E. Bozzan ., ! . THE IBCRBT OBCBARD . ,.� .'-fte-.e..,. Oct. Ie uti. letic relations between the schools When - it was' announced t\yo Ign.or '. . 0 ��e..�::a-� _ ........ �,_:. _ .. c' ,.�-.: ... ,�. -_ .•.•• ;. .-�� .�,' � Ie lIII.. of the West. months ago that, there were_ to ',be pleasing bass in the small part, �r � ,• -j <., -.. ::� ,'''�-, , • • r,fifteen weeks of Grand ,Opera ,ill qti- Sparafucile; and the opPortuoity of .: ., .:.. .�"; , �";...,':':',:" ', COIOlUNICATION.. cago this year. l,most. theat.er-goers hearing lIim in a longer role is 'await-. Nov •. 4. �?07. were inclined to �4is\eJieve the story. eel wi�h int�rest MI�. Colom�To the Editor of the Daily Mar�ll: But the tangible �-rid�nce is here in disclosed a contralto voice of gOodPalIU ... ed daIIJ'. G.cept 8aa4Q11, MaL As one of the rooters who went to the presentation of three operas al- �Iiber in the- minor part of Maddale.4qa ud bolldQa. d� �uarterl Minneapolis to back the team i� itoJ ready this week. On Monday night, na, and a larger role for her also wi!:ef the UDlwenlQ �ear. fight ior the western championship, "Rigoletto" was the bill, and laSt please ______ -----------1 but more particularly as a former evening "Cava lie ria Rtist:caua" and "Rigoletto" will be" repeated on Sat-8aa.cdpUo. pi1ce. f&.OO per �ear; 11-00 �tudent of the University of Chicago, ''I, Paglia cci" were given. urday .evening and on'�Tuesday even-tor � ..o.u..' 8U1alptl_ ncelnd a& I' fail to sec what WarraoDt there was The performances were decidedly ing of next week. Other operas whh:ntile � o.c:.. IIIWa ,Ban. 01' a& tile in the action of the faculty in attempt- good in each instance. If you have a have been scheduled for the first twol'aculQ BubaDp. c. BalL ing to; br.eak up a harmless student liking for grand open, it would pay weeks' are "Cavalleria Rusticana,"eefebration on the oeeasion of' the you to take a run down to the In- "I Pagliacci," "II T:��yatore,"_ "Car·"ictorious team's ret�m. I for one ternational, two blocks sOUlh of the men," "Aida." and "Piicia di Lam­caDnot. see the need for personal. Auditorium, and see the historic mermoor." "OteUo'" Will be addedofficial interuption such as was wi� place with its new company, r.ecently in the. third week, and later on thenessed on the campus today. imported from Italy by M. Ivan Ab- following operas will be staged:The charge has been laid at Chi- ramson. The prices are popubr for Faust, 'Romeo and Jt�liet. Martha,cago's door time' and time again tha: opera, . the best seats ,costing only Tannhauser, Lohengrin, .. nte Elixirit is a "ready-made" :Jni��rsity wherr. two dollars. of Love. La TraViata, The Jewess,one gets knowledge in breakfast food The company is 120 strong, with Don PasquaJ.e� The·' Ba�ber of Seville,��shion, but where such a thing as thirty priDcipals, a chorus of fifty, RUbenstein:s "The. '-Demon," andcollege spirit is con.;picuous by !ts and an orchestra of f�rty.. The or- Tscbaikowsky's �EugeD 'Onegin."absen�e. How false this allegation chestra was unusually good. The di- (�. 0... ••• . ... I.....II! IIis those who �have spent four years rectors are Gaetano. �rola, who �s.. Iat the Midway know. But here was with· Hammerstein IasL season, and ._ � .a showing of Chicago sp'irit that was Angelin? Fornari, who �s first con- Charles E.. H�gb'es,' Jr�� �rown '09.far ahead' of any previous evjdence duc�or for the San Cado company and son of Governor Hutlhes of' Newof campus :.enthusiasm, oDly to be when it opened in London two years York, stopped here on' his way 'fromchecked by a faculty wet blanJr.et. ago. Madison back to'�N�w Y�rk..�My personal feeling . is stroDg fo:, The soloists are. remarkably good .:the occasional celebration such as for a new undertaJPng in grand op- Glarum. who has �en'a victim ofyesterday's, even at the possible jeop- era lines. It is true that there are'no smallpox for the .�t mOf.lth. has justardy of a few m·nut.es of recitation; so brilliant luminaries as those who retum.ed from the Isolation hospital.17 DAYS MORE THEN CARLISLE We call off classes' {or Junior Day come here with the Metropolitan -,'; ." _�. � exercises and things of that sort.. company, but the ensemble' is' better Rec08llition of new lCe�bers of the'"�Iu�.�.u,s,". while puttiq it �ther �pioDships are Dot so common �nd more evenly balanced. � Y. W. C. L. will be in' order this,strq�gIY. � has ,reaBy ,struck the �Sht at,' the �'Midway as all that. chorus especially, is ·a great iniprovL (WedDesday) mo�g, �t 10.:30, 'n'.:.,-/�"::,,,- '.\- -'-":':'-llote-m ,the-' 'comDiDDi- One has- only to read of celebra- ment on what Chicago_,has previOus- the League r�m, LexingtoD' I ... ; \',��? ',:.:,' .�OD: published' e� eiODS at C�rnel� PriJiceton. Brown, Iy been given. .- .......--...�-�------�---:-..i��,W· h:":;":': " '.. �hea:e� .m· ·his issue. ���ceorbeMitwlchigaDth tOtti�tu�dlizeththe . Signfo�'Ri�erOIIa d:�ectded. tta�_ prod,,� wiJTbJ he W1dPomd e� ?f �tenture C�Uege . L· a', 'S,. ai-·.I�·· '.- . . �:;_;t:.'.:ate�er opinio-:-s,: pro and COil �a..... een, e a e ere tio no � etto, a� ma� a very 0, ramtic club·. trials thlS af- �. -bemay.: be. )�:. ,��.; � :u!lf��t�· ._ �t :! .� .Cbi�go. .At tr�md���ut'S tOva- fh�vorable impression. He hand' ed t�mooll' .n' �t 4 :�Iock. in' Literature . ".". -J ' .- J .' �::,�.�,r:... ,·,��.�.:�,�.-·::,,·.:,'tter .e�dc:���, '�f-': Ii�-" Stadaat .76aVeD ID Spl e 0 ClC4i 0 a IS orchestra well�.and gave Cfid�es co. ege, �m �. LexiDgton. ��:�appre��Op; ·.. 9f' ;:�� �'team�s, :'�_ beale' Cornell �eam results in a of being a th�rou.h _musician, who. -� � l'R- ' �eam�ci�: ��rf:�_'::coutd :- .':.io't ," �� striDi of UDexpec�ed victories.. Thou§- knows the Italian opera 'Well He A' chess tournament of the UDiver-. _ GUlL -':;:;:./". be� � _��� ::s���:' ��� ;0...:, ¥��y' � .of students greet t�e �et�ming brought, from his men a clean. pane sit,. Chess 'club will' take' pla� tb�- QUESTiON: :,�.-.�--. The, . t� .may'.-beline .. that the ::&tlthillfmders ·&ftat an InSlgai1icana .tone, a sharp attack, and a careful evening at 8 o'cI� in Middle pivin- .. ,. I. _'.1. . --� .•", studen� �:.:�� �a.-�' �:�it," but victory. Chicago wins the cbampion- shadin� that will make h'm a valua�e ity parlor. All interested �re in- .., -.. .:. : :.�.'it ,should Dot be fo�d,-to "�oDvince ship of the we�t for the second ,ume factor �n the 5uccess of the com- vited. .;Gtitself. '11!e under�duat� studenti in eight ,years, and _althoqgh the stu- pany. � .. ;:�'.seem: '�imous' i� agre�ment· wid. dents are CoDgratu�ted on the spirit Signor E. Torre is descnDed -as SUBlCRmB- C"olonial.'··;-� the alumni' in regretting the action ShOWD iD stickiDg by the team away "the noted tenor." but hi. name, �lre PO. . - �:takeu on,: .Monday. from I�ome and\.. ill teariDg up Min- those of m�st of the r�t, is new to TB. ' '.1...£,However, this is a case af bYgon.ea. neapo IS, we are told that tbe per- Chicagoans. He. has �� for seve� DAILY YlcTOR'.OORB .:��;'If the impromptu celebration evei- ennial campus.. quiet must nOt be seasons the 'I�dlollg tenor of La �a lIA�oo.N . ' � .. .-. denced so much enthusiasm, there broken for a few miDutes' OvatiOD to opera. house iD. Milan. Enterprising Do it lIoW. Kid � of II� RodMDe :' ��� .should be' no bounds to the JO:.30 the team.. press agents promised �he superior of • .,.. �:: '.mass meeting called ',by the Council �icago spirit is Dot a thing to: � Caruso in Torr.e and the attption ofIt is the duty of every student iD the kept bottled up and exhibited on stat- all the Caruso admirers who were atUniversity' to be present at this pth- ed' occasioDs for stated periods' of the opening perfomiance was 00 himering, and to give'the team a. roya: time at stated places where �o one as a �ssible successor to the pres�Dtcheering th�t",�11 carry it on throug'J reOt immediately interested may be idol. Signor Torre's physique makesthe dull gnnd of three weeks to vic- 'aware' that such a thing as Chicago him more attractive on the stage �ntory against the Indians. ' spirit .exists. I think the student is Caruso. He has '.he rich vOiceThe team' has done \its: part; wilt body agr_ees with me that Monday's, which is essential in the singing: ofyou do yours? the first glaring'illstance of the sor., Italian music.should be the last. In no other way His lower and middle tones; are �11will Chicago spirit be anythiDg more and powerful, an� Ilis high Dotes .arethan a byword among the coUeges. clear and vibrant, .easily taken and"Alumnus.. d'd dl Ill' H d •ecl e y enectlve. � ma e an Im-mediate hit with his filst �esta 0. !, ','. RlltencI _ lae_1 ,LUTIlH �. I'��" Men,,, ... BcUtorItJll!l8TON 1'. G� Ne� BcUtor.�v� J. ADAKS. AWetlc BcUtOr.LOUI8 8. BIDRLIN, B�_ IlaDapr.l.., Warren D .. Foster,Harry A. Hansen, 'Jerome Frank, to• P. W. Pinkerton.Walter A.. Ford, Miss Esther Hall,Harvey B •. Fullerr Jr., A. L FridsteinAJIIert D. HeDdersoD Fred W. Carr,, 414 Eat .G5tb 8treet....... 117- . Park 8881Rar.ely has such . good win existedin the athle.tic relations of two 'IUIi­versities as is the caseof . the U:JIiversity of .Chicago and, the Uni- SOPHOIIORBvorsity of MjllJlesota.Chicago peop'le who --OIicers lad CoaDciIors of Secoadattended the game have nothing but Year Doctors ChoMIi Yesterday.good words for the manner in whichthey were 'entertained by the hospit- The Sophomore medics elected classa�le people of the great city of the offic.en at a meeting held yesterdaymills. 1Be team is glad to have met afternoon. Th� election resulted inmen who can combine -good sports- the choice of the following o�ers :manship with the best of arentlemanlJ President. R2ymond A. Seiler; yjce­behavior. The rooter� who might president, Julius Lockner; secretaryhave been at a disad,vantage becaue and treasurer, Gilchrist; councilorst:ey were celebrating a victory ill for six months: H. 'R. Hoffman, D.� c land of the enemy, met with DO P. Abbott anei E. Edgerton. CounciLI�SDItS even wben they took possn- ors for three months: Harry Corper.slOn of cafes aDd theaten. '-' foaa •• A. SIlo .... � SdlwocIItaea.MEDICS ELECT quella," and his "La Donna e Mo­bile received a great ovation. Thebautiful dud with Gilda in the secondact was brought to an effective cli­max, but he did not �ing the earlierparts an his best voice. In compari­son with Caruso it may be said that� is more magntic, less dramatic andemotional, and less. gr.ceful.Signor C. Alessandroni played therole of Rigolleto in ;,l dramatic waythat is unusual on the operatic stage.His voice is not big, but it is a reso­nant baritone of wide range.Mme. Almeri,who is a CbicalO cirl�sail. the -a part of Gilda. SIIe cIe- ...... -­larAlUll'"--li'l�.·"''''1111 filii rua.llm... UtllIftII.. =", i:.=.c.=...... -=-.-, .........�.::, ...=-:...�� �. :; � : J •. J"� �: ': '. = �Me Vjekers• ,1-'.··Powers,. .WII. B. CJtAII.B-�,�: ...... :�y1».7 . Ceo. Adc -_ ..FATHER AND _T�E BOYS .';:�:,;�3:,' The- : Auditorium".# ._ ••:-" - ...lILA'll • atLAlloiIR'S,ADVA1ICaD VAUDBVlLU: ..-: .. ..-.. ..........The'.Shidebalter· ��:�dt·':"/WILL T. HOD081a ... ·iI..,�TIlE '1IAlI .JPROM HOllE" �The Whitney'.THE DAIL.Y lL\RQQN"CHICA�� .. WEDN�OAY, NOV. 6� 1907·- on exhibition, and its members willbe called on for speeches.· The Uni­versity has been' on tiptoe all week tocel�brate S�turday·�. victory in more'f !"J �ompleteJ.'st·Yle 'than:; it �iias ·Yet·'ti��ilN. J. Corey, Musician'.,,;. ' r Professor S� H. CI.Jk, . Readet' .; �ble to. an�r tom�'rrci'NJ�' ��llY'1s' ex-�'. -e- .' '. ' .. ', •••• '.,.. .• ,; pccted to arouse a iiigfl d.egre� of. �O'�R . REAP TENNYSON'S IDYLLS !ike this are' rare, for. it "is not often erithusiasm. I t will be a combina-TI,&... ,,'I '.' �.' (Continue� from page.�) that we" can get a number of hig:l rion rally, party a celebration of. the1'& ........ lii ... 1 '_' _ .. '. school students on ourcampusrEverv return of the champio��hip' to Chi-d .. E .... E •• �· :.�N" sition.> }lo was secretary of the In- I;neln·b.er· of tll.e·UniversitY shouldtake cago and "partly' � ". p;ep�ra'ti�n for•. Clark and AUDia streets ternational J9r<Y ;of Awards at the St. � l1a;�d in '�aki'ng' our institution pop, 3aturda)\ game. Director Stagg will. ,/� Louis :E�PC?sition.for the musical de- �.l�·� with these' secondary=school'-pu-' �'p��k: I ;Rli�o rt�i<iek"�vil'i b� �al1�d.-�-�;.:,,;;..�---- p�rtment.: He has a .remarkable repu- pils.' zo the platform, and each member of", lal tation as a- pianist,· organist and lee- T11C Reynolds; club has already ar- 'the team will 'be called up befor ..�. pee .'. ::' .:-:,.,.- (lirer onr:m��ic .. The Eroica Sonata, ranged to entertain the visitors dur- the rooters..\'_"'t • :V'a':'",c·.I· ·U·"···�e.'oS! which he is .to ·play,.is·.considered one :I'ig their stay. The -. club will be A 'special e'ffort will be made to ��r­I of . Macdo'well's best. Macdowell, �h��\v'l ·open-. to all tile 1 higl1 ··SC�.oOr ';yllih�! affair thro�gh in snappy style;;. . f·�· :.: ;'1' �'.' .. :';' who is·.con�ide,ed" '·th�·. .only great ��tide�ts,' . FrIday, November' 8. The." �nd gbt as �1Uch action as poss'bl �W09' ens Americ�n �omposer, is. '�t hi� best in \V�lI be at leisure from'S 'to 7 :30·'!P· inio" th� time I'i'mit '�i thirty minutes.'� ... r' 'A_-� d .' ti .. f thi 0 t It is rn., when the men will no doubt it- A l�ckst��' pagd� '�iti, b� fo�med at_:"'::'_.'-�:" �,' ,.. escnp rve music or .IS s. r..tend the Purdue purity banquet, and : ·1 .-: .{, :< • •in one sense program m�si.c, but is oJ the "C" bench 'proml?�l� �!' � I�,:30 �nd ... :�Uege ° �: We&\t· p,!;ogrcim musi�.'of the highest sort; thle girls will. be enterthined. :i�, the will 'march . across the . campus" to '; r:.... '".. . '. Professor·€I3'rk,.··whosi·�j;nltatio:I halls; Kent .. Rooters' who :tail �o get" into'or: ·OVERt.8ATS;s a ��a����·�������i��:1ji� ... YK .�ii' \.�I�!I� ,it. has. not �een definitely de- this '�iIl be jn danger �f�.fi�ding all.- .,'.. _' . ..... .. den"ghtral:;nterpretatl�f ... the;.ldyl.s ClUed, It IS extremely probable that of �ent's standing room filled.i � \" .,. .' �ft�_:_ '. insp,erarab. Iy., _ ii,�,�,' ·d.·:.· "',.is.·.�, .I�:P.�.·.�.·,',c,:_.".wi.th., the pr.cp school men will' be invitea:, <.�.:_ :,.'.,G � , ,J'". b' i6 attend the Purdue football' ga'.. me' ."• . 'l'"' "�-, Te�pyso�'s. "N�,!���:.A��:.:)nl*the roo GIVE DANCE INSTEAD.r: Sjo;}.,: : '35 minds of many member�;"of.'the'Uni- tJie' next'dciy� :or wilbt lea'5t be given' OF SMOKER, SA"f�JRDAYi" . �-:. .... versity." :P�of���'O��?ci���le.f�·:his lick'�i:s at 'l1alf ·price. "I( tfi�y reinain.• , fteries'� of weelclj'!':�di�s�" give' all ov�r to Saturday's game, the various Entertainment Committee of the Rey-'the idyl1s ...... exc�pi· "��i'�n�'��d Bala�'� ,·raterniiii.fs" wn{'�ake care ···or' them, .nolds Club Annount� C�g� in' .and. "P�ilj��� and Etarr.e·�;' Th� fol· -u�d they' .,vilf be ·the. guests" of the Schedule. . . ',". 'telephones: HarrisOn;Psg,' 34oJ• 4239lowing,i;;��t�'e:list:' .�f ·.;����i.�gs with, ;'{��.il�ld� di.ib 'at 'tne·.��o���:,. Satur- Owing to the <;lance, which w�s call: AutomatiC 5239' .,'�'!,,;, their date�': '. ..' '.' . 'lay mght. -. .. ed off on the 26th of Oc{ober, o� ac� RI' �DIDns, · ... 'lEl �.. .I'Of '.-. :'. ,·r. :�u .�. -,Nov.� .'. T. he f,6n�.i�g of -.:...·Arthur: : .T.. he program' f6r the' high' school count �f the threatened smallp0Jt. "UJU\U.JUBII ." .....TAI!LOR FOR YOUNG �n .' � .. : !.' . �. 'c"':: . ". :. :. :,.; ; ; .. , . _ 'N� "b": 8' d' '11 b .. ' . '" .. '. -9t0ns. : La:StRc�:.-r:.'. '{':'� Gareth and �nette; -... .' .- .. - '.. : �tu�l�nts" ovem er an 9, W1 e epidemic, the executive committee .of. .. COAL AND COKE ,, .. ,. . � 11lCboll,� , N·ov •. � ;i� »�< M;ri;�e'- �{G�;�i�t� ':ts,. !ol)ow� : the Reynolds club have a��o�n��d a' .l�3�Dearbom Street,; cbicaP�. f. .'.N�� ��4- l\-j:l1�:##;iai;' :�f .. G�;ai�t� ;�··;F.��4a�;�:tf·: �;�:�p:�s�d�t's .�.�itse! c�an�. ilk,the sch!cd�le of .,�b·_·�.- .' J .. '.,'_':. ..t;i:l0SEPHln":�': ·:�Nti';. 21. Ge'raint a�d" Enid. : .corner Lexingt�n .. a.veilUe and. 59th tertainments . to � gi,oen �his" quar.,. l�' ,. - ._ � . "• ,'V·;! .;� :.. ''. . .' "'l>eci :S-.�;�be,. �Oly •. ·G;;ii�. _.: ��£reet�;; .. �r�si���t��,r·.r��p,ti��\ }.�d ter. : �K_yrrEL, _ .E5�D '.�:,'-lor:; 'iuLLlNBRY- �", , n.� ... �. :A·2.'.-.· ..• ·,.· .... �c�'.l.bi.··.a. n.d.' .E.... lain.. e., .. '.. J.. ttllF..heo,n. to ��sl·i.ting ·�.�.ans ,a. nd p. rt.n- Instead 'of the' smoker and ·vaude... "1-' -----01' DW'YoP------r�����ORiA�ORS·': !.-:,.. ;;;�-;?_:.:��ev�re;· t}le fa.ss\ng·o.f ,,:�pa'�!,�n� .. t? s��dent.,d?el���tfs �o, ville,' whi'ch 'was' to. h�vebee� .. gi�en; "!:. ' .. ':.:.'. �'.> •. ;�,"::;::: .. '. "318 Eat ss1b. Street Arthur.:, ._..' .�h�. c��t:ests. , . 2 :3� ,�: �';; (�nt_., th.n- :In Saturday, a dance wiH be held ... �-, '::. :. 'CbiCa&o ."' ',> ter)-Preliminary hearing before the This is done to. comp.ensate ,for' th(.'f.: � P._. SCHp'O�' � ,:�«;> . . .'. Uqiver�i.�Y j ;d�part·D:t�.�t " 'i. of "publ,ic �ancelled dallce,so that the c1ub· mayi, • • • • '.'.'. • •. '. ' .. ��E :'TJ:I�:1i'��. �spe������: .or'. �c0dl1a:tes /or pI.ace in. 'have the usual number of such affairs;t., ". ,�. C· .. . _. -- . . the fourth annual contest in· decla- .O�' November 23, a' dat� left openI'; er'� 0 -: . �::Ii�-':H:igh '�l studentS ;rri�'tion:' '��:3O-S' - Exam�natio�s .in 'lY the original schedule;. the: club. �tt.� ... - _:,. ... ._�... ._:�tij,:A:!teiicr .��. ����C!� � � 'English�' .Lati·n, German·.�nd math�� .• old a smoker an�' vaudeville., Thi.i.f�_ -Ad.- S��-·�'- ., --. Conference. matlCS. 6·:3o-Purity banquet. . 8:00·t (Biach I� �abah Aft.).. �. m. (�Ia�del)' - Fourth annual� ... - • , • • • • �.'. 7 Ilake Plans to Wel�' VISitors to contest in declamation befween rep�f. ,!io�" s...�;'�>: '�',"U�ty-Men ��·�.Attend· 'esentatives 'of affiliated and co-oper-I. '., '. ". Parity BanC!Uet. "It!ng schools. , '.t·" •• : ..... �' , .- " .'. �- .. ,' , ."i.. (� bltD4 Of_ �?_.. 'J>:I �:���:et!, �:p:;;:ti��Pp��:�� �a�:�lrd;y,/ p�.m·-�;:;�s fOO���3 �-3 � �$ .eta.h··?, fatri�� �embers of the� University, smoke�:will be on the campus Yriday to at- The judges for tIle, ·J?rep. sch'ool- teiui the �.examinations given . by the �.f��.cst: in decla�ation, _w�ic� will. AMES RATS". 'U�iversityc iii c�on'itecti.o�: � �th< '�hc :be �el� at I�:OO p. m. in �[andel are00 . $3.00 annual 'e4I1ca"tiohal coiiterence of aca- �s £otlows:' ,'( A fIir 4eal wida.� .. demies a".id ;high' sch�t�.- "'The' op· . i�dge ·Frank B. SadLer, l\fr. J. night was uncertain l:ntil las.t even-. .opera 1IitS,'" Rat.. : .. .;o�\��ity�to sec;r"e'-��lu'abie' Jlddiiiqns PDonnell 'Bennett, dramatic critic tor 'ng, when Dr. Small said that i( �1i�lis ... �IIOM � •. to the .st�enC bod� _i·s:-:�n.:unus��l '�h� Chicago .�ecord-l!erold; Judge �)rescnt condition of. health oA.,the .;.,:��" � eH� La...." _ ... :: on�" �ai.�� me�����f'·��l:fd� .. ��_;Pi�ck·ncy" David.. �. '''Robert�on, �ampus continued the affai��might � .,'" -.'!" .�,c.ommlssl�� .. resterday. ·_.,Ib· prevlou,� �('�fet�ry to the preSident; Henrr P. -tiv�n with perfect .safety. .'I�: •• 0itD.... . .... \'years. thi: ��si�ors �a\"e re�iv�J Ct1�ndle!", Unive�sity <k!bate coach. _..;---�_, 'f,' ..... .,'\._:.'._G.; . IUlok,JI1ai4I1Dk,er.m but little :;attention from 1he Umver- '. .Phi Betta Kappa to Give a DUanei' ," CJass,_PiDa Oar Specialty •.. . , ·... 4 ... ltIIIDiIk. sity stude:�iC' . c· • .C�mmo�wealth dub to Meet �onigbt Th� Illinois B.cta Cbapter of Phi C 1,' CUllY 6 COMlBottW ill tile eo-tI7. ""The spirit of friendsnip f�r, poslsi- 'Thc Commo�\\'ea1th. club will hoid Beta Kappa will lrive a dinner Tues- .• E·stabJishecl 18g0.. •�'. Coailul .11 �:-. Lie future c.'Je·lIow workers, whk1 eft t1\ell' h��t' m�etillg of thc quarter this rt=:tY: v,ening. Novcmber ... L2,. in,_ honor MANUFACTURING JEWELBRS�Pi Eo Porti__'_' ist in such ab�nd�nce. �h-en' thc c"e'ning in t.he lccture room,.·of th.. c f P f Ed' A G rt) .. ro .e�sor \YlIL: '. - .. ros)l.C_!lg� ,�) �:; 1- 1 �: and £NORA VERa.prepara�ry school men come herc l;lW, school. Amhe, rst collcge. l'T'c'(c"ssor' ·Grosve-.. . .' .. , ',s-ao State Streetfor the-:"int�r-s�ho"astic in t�.e sprin.g ... ihc object of the cl\,b' is' to kccp its nor is president of the' United Chap- Cbicap.seems to..be entirely' lac�ing in... t�le fnt..mbcrs in t011ch witii actual politi- lers of Phi Beta Kappa and is visit-autumn '. quarter. W.e will h�ve an cat' proble�l1s and conditions. It aim.; ing thc west with a vicw towards cs--opportunity Friday to make- � riu.mber to' sccure ,'?,s spcakers to address 'It tablishing new chapters in 'the Un:- Night School Now Open. -"I ',." d . 'MILLINERY SHOP and SCHOOLof ,"alliable additions to t lC sht ent frO!�l time' to time, men who arc cn- vcrsities oi :Ilinois .md :\Iichigan.If �'.ao.to body. i we were abl.c. to iiitt'it'st �ged 'in 'so�ie phasc of public life, Dinners will bc servcd at 7 o'clock. Menton a lIudlettlYETT� th�se prparatory students .in ·out:in;. i\.�d it also aims t.o scc::ur� opportUlli- After dinncr, Prof. Gro!'venor' will �8.1 E. 47th St. Tel. Oakland 4'30.IIDIAPOLIS.. stitutionj;a.nd there', is .no· do�.bt, ',that tits for its -:n-�mber5 to takc part, ii address thc mccting using as )1i..;LOUISVILLE." we can 10 so if .�w.c .witl.-we can in· th�y s� desidc_,: in some phase of 10' theme. "Thc Modcrn Greck."CINCDfNATI. duce many ,of'tnem . 'to . attej,a:�her� cal politics. During the .past yearDAv.ftN ... "3 _...... '• 'hk1t .... lIJde Puk � ... U9IJ... &V _ • next ye,,� whiJ� a� the .same·, hme the club was addte� .. ('� by scveralSouthern '-'Oint.. Depof.6,] they wiD. c�trY." 'hon1e : .to ,tl(�ir.· .re:.' �c� 'of p;�minencc. an� it conducteci�tation; -'P�l1c �aftd. ��ar� specth.� ...�cbool� t�J.es· of 'otir-ChH:!lga ;a sllcccs�.ful ��ce confercnce. It!lSts.; 47th and 63Tcf· Sts. (-£n- spirit.·which will mduce others to en- members 'arc both stucients and mem-) roll in 'dii. University. Opportunities �cr� of the ·faculty. . ! Offitcial'-¥npJ.eme�ts for Track and. Field' Uniforms for All SpOrts••• j ·Spalding's. Hands�mely Illus­�r���d .Casalogue of all sports.contains numerous sugges­tions. Send for it. It's Free.A. G. SPALDIHG & BROS.:1oJ�Yo� ;Cbicar. Pbiladelpbia, Boston. Baltl·more SYI1lc;ase .. lli1uaeapoli., DetroiL WashlnctOD.St� Loui� ),I�w Orlen s , �� Francisco. Pht.burc.CiDCiDbattl 'Deaver, )(oDtreal. Butl'alo. KaD,.. •<':itYr�lc\·eIaDd. CaDada�Class, FraternffY, 1.S_t;J�fety,'��" 1_:_ PINS' �;_ .We make a SPECIALTY of. this class' of work. Let us giveyou. an estimate. Very highestgrade of workmanship guaranteed.. : 'SPIES BROS.,MinUfacturers of Fine Jew�. '.1156 Wabash' Ave. Chicago, IlLCata�o�e, upon application.. C. L .. SCIIAB.PPICTURES AND· PICTURE'FRAMING?!is East F\fty-Seventh Stftet· .,Opposite ,R-osalie Court.1 'is after the Carlisle game, and' it. ;5;upposed that ·it will 'be a much bet:...�r date to hold such an .affair thall'lext . Saturday. i' }Dta_tnl ;IIIlate�t.l ..Papers ID� Blue Print Papers;'<\�," ,Scales, T. SquaresTriangles, , Surveying"nstru'men� Inks, Etc.The affair··on ·the thirtieth. will b �called off altogether. �As' a: .. gr�al:nany' of the member� go h'ame: f�.�'rhanksgiv:ng and do not come bade .�ntil the following Mo�day, the com'nitteJ - has deemed it wjsest to disI)CnSe � with this .entertainment.The dance to be .given Saturday � .CampIete � 1IPOD �= LibInI � to at.IIata =UIIIADISON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL... . .I'-MONON ROUTE.r. SCHWARTZ BROS.TAILORSLadies' and Gellta' Baits ••to OrderCleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.Goods Catted for and Del iver.erJ.Phon" H.P.�. 6JOS Ellis AY�·A.·McAdamsTb.u.I ..... I�, .••• Flo .. & .....ann · .GIr.SII a.....a .... · Chi.,..., ...r•... 'THE'DAILY MAROON� cBl�GO� WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6. 1907.��tiful is Del in .th� ,world." While TO TAKE NO,CHANCJatOIf...l� • Japan and ChlDa' he met .aad OUTCOIIE O},' PURDUE GAIlIDtalked with sev.era) _ . prominent gov-.ernment oflkials.Mr. Hurry, who is a Sigma Chi, and Indians, Right now, I see a couplea graduate of 'Michigan in the class 'who won't· be able t'o stand the pace .of '00,. has' for years been an ener­getic y� M. C.' A. leader. He liasaddressed stUdent bodies from coastl' t� coast, and universities and collegesthroughout the country. speak of himin high' praise. He has an attractivepersonality and a pleasing f;adal man­ner of speech. AU students are In­vlie� I to be present:POST l.HOIlIHEES: TODAY(Continued from page, I)Frederick W! Carr.NeG A. Merriabt. .'�Maurice T. Price,Vice-President.Paul P: Princell,Charles D. Hurry, international Karl C. Shuart.secretary of the Y. M. C. A. for the Secretar7.west, is to giv.e a lecture on "Start- Miss Edith Osgood.ling Facts About Student Life in the Miss Helen Peck.Orient:' this evening at7 :15 in Cobb Treasurerlecture room.). �a.r:ey .�"r��g�er.Mr. Hurry has just returned from �. - - , ,a tour in the Orient; making extended Deait!S '�ty toi��ternitiesvisits in Japan, Korea, �Manchuria, Dr. Charles Mcta��y, of the lJIni­China and the Phillippine. Islands. versity of Wisconsin, in an interview contest is not necessarily the onel-Ie has made a car�ful study of' the .given to the Daily Cardinal, denies that will be in at the first whistle ofpeoples among' whom he sojourned, that there is any truth in the state- the Purdue clash.and his wide observations from ac- ment . that- fraternities at Madison Jones, whose illness before thetual life, especially student life,' in the would be -abOlished at 'the next ses-l Gopher garne-Ts £elt to be the onlyOrient, insure an interesting lecture. sion 'Qf the legislature. He said in thing that kept h�� from getting aStartling. .facts . will be presented part: "There is absolutely no scheme chance against the Giants of thealong. with an admixture of, stories on foC;;� to' 'my knowledge, to abol'sh North, is .in form, _ and may·r: be i!1. andincidents of the hour. Mr. Hurry fraternities at the' Univ.ersity of Wis- when the game 'next Saturday be­visited the battlefields of Port Ar- consin, I have the utmost faith in gins. Ferguson. - who has been-play:­thur, and will tell of his 'climb up fraternities and believe that'they are ing Merriam to'a standstill, will alsothe historic '203 Metre' hiH, �de fa- beneficial in. that they hel� �oi�e he get his opportunity iD -tbe back field.mou,� by"the Russo-japanese War.. problem of housing students in a Hoffman arid Moulton are iD Iine for: During :�i.s stay in' the Philippines uriive�itY. whe'r'e � �re are no dormi- play' at the tackle positi�DS�' 'is 'a�r:> "he stopped at .Manila, where be re� torles.' ��en we -have a complete Schommer at end and Rohde -at�.,", jnained .. � ;�onth,_ visiting: the. scene dormitorY 'system�- I. think we' CaD guard, Captain' De Tray; Iddings �d�. -.Urif Admiral�riew�y�� Victo'i-y:-.'He'also ��ider doing away with fra:ternitie.3"Steffe_n are eXpected·to.play theeatire� --��enr to·�tbe,' U� : S> ri�:vy :yards _. at ca.: but for' the present 1 would be' op- "·game. �- � .,. . ..$ vite,__��!��'.���:.. 'FiI.ipin�s are: em� posed 'to thei'r 3601ifion.'·' In ali'probatiility, a game··with Min�� ploye�r�by:..the ·,government. He in� . . nesota ':Will be':on the Maroon sched-� . 'cludedjn�,:hi�<to�'r a day '�n the is- Send in your subscriptions to The ule' next Year.l. Nothing in" the way'larid:,of.FonDo��-··eo'risidered the most Daili-)f:arOOD. Do 'it DOW. �f arranging the· particulars has-'beea.;'_-. ,"f.�'- ·r.. �� .. J - ...--I .'Charles D. HarryTO TELL OF STUDENT .LIFE IN THE' 0_1-' . '..Charles D. . Hurry :io' Tell - SOmeStartling Facts About StudentLife in East. Junior�President·, .p:.o··_·el:_NORTHEAS�'CORNER sSTH ST.·AMD DREXEL· AVE.Under Management of_ the Katiaaal Hotel Comp8ny�.Telephone H,.ae Park 3739-The .�EST Sen�: at., .. PrIcesRESTAURANT AND,' LUNCH ·COUIITfR. . -In Connection.Our Pi�DO Stores (Coutinued from. pace I)in the next two games." .This whirlwind campa.ign througbwhich the men are being forced huled some to· .expect . that DirectorStagg w'ill. �ry for the conf�rencerecord score of the year. He sai�l.however, that· he has 'no such inten­tion..r ' "Of' course, �I snall try to run l!P! as 'big a' score as posible in our twoI 'gam.es,'; he' said. "In' fact, i.t was at,tempted in the 'contests so lar� 'BUl'[ don't think we 'have' a team thi&year that will prove remarkable as ilscoring machine. I think 'the Pfl>­visions. of the' rules now played 'UD­der are' of' a' natur.e that prevent uri-usual scores." ; '. 'The Purdue game will be. differentfrom the Minnesota game in ODe re­spect above 'others. In the Goph:r:contest; not one substitution wa,made. In 'the game with the Boil­ermakers, at least five men besidethose \ ... ho start will he given chances ..Director stagg said yesterday that heis still undecided who are the bestfor s'eve'ral, of the positions, and thatthe team which began the Minnesotadone,. 'and therefore no announcementh�s been offici�dly made; but Directorstaig Iand ,; Coach Williams" held 'ac�nference Saturday, and both sig­nified their willingness to have thecontest take place. In case the gamei� arranged, it is expected that it ,winbe played OD Marshall field, a.nd thata: "purity' banquet" will be held inconnection 'With it. The feast idea hastaken with ·the Minnesotans, and it issaid they intend to introduce the ideaon the occasion of the:r games withother colleses. " .., ., .'; ! 'The freshmen were given the balland used the Purdue formationsagainst the sub�titutes, but failed togain much in the twenty minutes thescrimmage lasted. The substitutesmade two touchdowns. The regularswill probably be used in a long work-Befo� maldnC·. aelectiOa:� Are to' '.' Oar . WaN .....ezIu"bits-four Boon of cIistU7 I'OOma�CoIcmial :Room.' ArtNoftaa Room, Louis xiv' 'Room. Dutch RoofDi f'Saiidreda ofpiaD�many cWl'erent makes:' ea� of ac:bowledpd -�ac:y in ita respective CIa. aD ... made at " ·n· u ... _fipra.Can for art ;booldeta of varioua piaiao. to atDQ at ,.,.. IeiRre.Terms to sJit',oUr:.prefereaca. y_tO� �. �o·rone urged to bUj!. ,We are .. i "\:";�.. Sole Ageuts for: .. CROWN, KNABE, ESTEY,CHICKERING BROs., II�CPHAIL GRAND,CONCORD, H. P. NELSON.Before- maJdnC • 8elec:tioD Yilit die � ...... :o�au W.b •• b A •• D_,. Chic .... U. II.; A. .' yoUr ·att8.daD ,ia� QW to· tbe � o! _�B�: STO", .,LABORATOR,r TABU'toPS a.id fSDixs.:PLOORDIG�for· .,.HOOnS. D�G;.·!Dcl OPE.,.TING ���, 'U�CLOSET .... "SHOWER STALLS, in; fact'when eft!' 'aD 'ACllr .....PBLLBIIT STONE is' recpqiecI.. It. is :a.iH. ill the .�� � .�UK1VBR81TB8 aDd COLLBGES� CHICAGO, NORTBW&arMIIDfNBSOTA. . WIBCOIt8Df, IIICHIGAN., .NQ� ' .. -"" ..F()RNIA, wooimit..-1'� PRlN¢BTON; CORNBLIi -d _If ·1D __ t..t • pO.tal Wm_. briDe • �. for tatL, ")�1, AL'B1!1tJ!D·8'lOD 'OOIlPABY ���:_.� .. N. �toD' � ��:Chicap, IlL . . i�· +::""t'.Samuel Harrls���>. r-..v. ..,..., ..' . ." ';'." �'1if-l'MAC H I N 1ST S' AND 'lIA.lIUF�CTU)t.i:iu;;·r..' '.� � �':"1 .�:J' ".�\.��Tools�and SupPI'��:� :,:��.,',F '!;--::;:'�I'.����..)�; �����,.' ..(. To B423 .nd.��5 �,.o.,uth Clinton Street'CHICAGO.. ...� .Between;, ....... '';:_ Elar,�Y;!:"Banq:�·-.other1· .�, .. ·the 1f:'-annu:. '�. A'r'�e��)o'a�'I'::�tWANTE�t1IdeDts to attend En- J AS. H .. HENDERSON, .� :� 1V� .. ��. Roller. Rink. � Went- fumitur.e refiniShed: and ooIiilllll.�·� Bel· worth _ AYe. Eftry eve., 'tha..... " .1II_al· �t. "and .San. .Aftem� throqli ,. daucing_a _specialty. - �dd�: beIeUOIL R�Ynolds Cub. -:r' _. '.- .:' 'Vm::ews.. Coac.teamthe ffumi.A.banqof taThegJ'Ou<Two OnIe_rs) '.ar..e.,installelrout against the first year team thisafternoon. They started the week W A NTED-A married man. to takewith the impression �hat a resting i care ,of horses.a� furnace for fam­spell in preparation for Purdue was, � it)': rooms and. $5. a week. Apply.in �tore, but the work of yesterday. I I at. Employment.'. Bureau. officeserved to "convince them that such is : hours. o-i.1 a..m.not the, "Old Man's" plan. AllW. A'NTED-' Men to I' , oocI FOR RENT-Two- first-cbssd -th t th t' t rd so IC1t; g '. . . � ,agr.ee a e prac Ice yes e ay warm' sunny single room5,·'�' ..th h d t f th 0 D'-c ,proposit.ion,· commission basis. Mr '.was e ar es 0 e seas n. I .... - •mont Ii· e2� •.• ,� Jackson A"t�;·tor Stagg is taking no chances by : Markha� Federal Electric Co., ". ,-.counting on comparative scores� He. Lake and' Despl�ines.considers Purdue a tougher prqposi­tion than it is said to be.R. B. Pomeroy may not be abLe tocome out for track next spring, ow:­ing to ill health.No •.The office hours of_ tile, EmplOy-metat Bveaa arc IO.:.JI'.��.I�� :.� _. one j:_ Jani(. l·.· ...FURNISHED::'ROOMS::- Wd";ithout 'board; lowest prioesi"· heat; de�i�ble suttoandings::f..· Reichardt, 5313 Madison Ave.t';;.WANTED-Young _ woman to takecare of child, a couple of hours af�temons; $.\�r weelo. Employment! Bureaa.' 10:30 to 12:JO, Cobb IA. �YPEWRI:rERSJor-Sale erSpecial rates to' students;-.in r.e-built macbiftl:- W. � ��(head, _ La Salle Street. .,. �.,,� '.oneWANTED-THE. following, ,,,copies, of The Daily ·Maroon will p3y loeeach for· OcL 23; 5c eacJt for Oct.· ISIh,. 16th . and, 11t� Brng them.: ........ ��.��.: ..- GUARANTEEDdents,. also commission lhoars daily; special, indo.Saturday, Evening, Herald,.1IiWiac- . �:-'lfil"•. sin .