latly'-: Vol VI. No. 26. CHICAGO, SATURDAY. NOV. 2. 1907. • Price Two Cents� �-,.OIS ARE WELCOIE 'l'O P:SrITIOH".�. AT "PURITY" BUOUET Junior College Council to Ask. for_Statement of UniversitY's AttitudeTowarcf Underc� - Ask forSamr. Treatment as Upper . Classes.PACULTYITEACHERS HEAR PRAISESOF LATE DEli JACKMAI CHICAGO AND MINNESOTA MEET TODAY.TO SETTLE CHAMPIONSHIP OF WEST. '�(iiat Demonstration lIade By 1Iin-� :_. Desotana in Mort to ShowHospitality. to Visitors Dr. Butler Praises the Late Head ofthe University Elementary SchoolFor Valuable Service. --------------. Teams Evenly Matched and Fi&ht toFinish is Looked fOf_by BothSides.The faculty \ViII be requested bythe Junior college council to state its Over 1,000 Teachers fromattitude toward the organization of Hold First Sessions of Annualfreshman and sophomore classes, a i-co; ding to. action taken by that bodyat its meeting yesterday morning. At Tribute to the memory of Dean(Special to The Daily Maroo�.) that time a committe was appointed Jackman of the Elemntary SchoolMinneapolis, Minn., Nov .• -MlDne.'0 draw up resolutions to lay before was paid last night by the thousandChicago and Minnesota will meet.. ta's hospitality reached a high levelthe faculty protesting against the de- teachers from northern Illinois whoon Northrop field this afternoon toto-night at the "Purity" Banquet,lay which has been made in the un- began the sessions of their annualbattle for the gridiron supremacy of;men all in. the power of the Gophers derclass elections and asking that the convention yesterday morning. Athe West. This game will be onewas done to give the Chicago teamsame treatment be accorded the two memorial· address, lauding the edu-of the greatest this season, both in.0."d suporters who assembled a I�earty lower classes that has been given the cator who died last winter was de-importance and as a spectacle .. :itception on the eve of .the biggest Juniors and Seniors.. livered by Dean Butler of the SchoolBoth teams are the leading excm •.'pme in the West this year.The general opinion expressed by of Education and received with muchpia rs of the new style of football in. lIany speeches were made, all be-the council members was favorable to sympathy by the assembly of teach-this section of the country. Theia, brief. Most of them dealt the continuance of the Freshman and ers.Maroons, especially, have shownibe matter of cordiality to the VISIt·Sophomore classes. It was declared Of Dean Jackman Dr. Butlerthemselves particularly adept at theipg teams, and, though reference �s that as these organizations bave al- itt part: Tbe Man Behind the Gopher Team possibilities offered in the way oimade to the coming game, nothingways existed in the past, there was no "He was a vigorous thinker. T� Dr. H. L Williams.forward passing.and trick formations.· itt the way of predictions was ad-reason to question their. existence at him is due the position nature nowDirector Stagg has spent much time .,.peed by any of the speakers.this time. holds in the Elementary Schools. His HOW THEY W1LL LINE UP in working up a. number of trickThe armory was packed half anThe committee, composed of Miss words in the Journal of which he was Chicago. plays for this contest. He held back. hoar before the time for the feast t>Willowdean Chatterson and David editor, were always full of fresh and Years in the first two gaines, it is felt, andcommence. While waiting for theDavis will meet with President Hen- novel views in education. His ideas PIa,..,... Pesltion, Weight on Team considers this his supreme moment.: 'mal teams to enter, the student.derson to dralt resolutions, which were most prominent among those Hewitt, L. E............ 177 2 to spring some of the plays on Coachi ." ;,.;"..i their time in singing so�gs will be considered at the next meet- which have made a permanent im- Doseff, L. T............ 19o. 1 Williams' ni .. e.:utd giving yells of both the Chica-ing of the council. pression on American education." Handy, L G........... 217 I The Maroon students and team10 and Minnesota teams. The GoP�I' The council also took action to sup- "Mr. Jackman succeeded in his Anderson, C ;. 119 2 feel that the condition of the field; 'or military band furnished the music.port the recent attempts to perfect a tasks because he was a lover of na- Harris, R. G............ 175 2 will have much to do with the result.: As the elevens and guests of honorFreshman' debating society. A corn- ture and instilled this love into the FaIk, R. T............ ... 177 I of the game. The anticipation and..d th n into _t d b d 8 M h tl·i)lcd in, the crow was row, mittee was selected to : (Ire sent the children; because he ove oys an �,L, E.......... .••• '4 I realization in thecontest on ars a;: �demonium, so intense was the �tt- mailer before the !l2!!!! __ of_ Student girls, and because hr had a large con, Sielfen, Q. B............ 155 2 f eld last y"ar. are now brought back· �sm,. :.'Ibe_.cont ers _Of . .attracuon, Org,;nizatio�s. The council felt that ception of the value of nature studv, De Tray (C.) L H. B... 176 3 to supporters of both teams a.> f:]tit on a ·platfpnn at one end �f. thean organization for debating, limited It meant new material for the child Iddincs. R. H. B......... 157 • strongly as ever.t �rimory. Coach Harry L Wdha� only to Freshman would augment to grow on. He said "Our schools Merriam, F. B.. 164 2 From present indications; unless� ��od as toastmaster and, befor� callmaterially the purpose of ami interest squeeze the life out of children. They 'Jotal weight of team-'924 pounds; the field has been kept in good eon- .� ;i;;" on any of the speakers, �ebve�ed in the Junior College Debating Con- give them only abstract methods.average weight, 174 '0-11. Total dition, tho men will be forced to bat:� .. > few introductory rem�rks to whlehrests and would also serve to develop They starve the minds of the children. weigh. of line-',272 pounds; average tie on a. wet gridiron. Minneapolisr -: be declared that the Mtonesota menmen of varsity caliber. A knowledge of nature mean,' that weight, .8. 5_7. Total weight 01 has had several downpours since:. ".en: glad to welcome Chicago to �helrThe council considered the advisa- the child will be free from supersti- backs, 672 pounds; average weight, Wednesday, and not until yesterday� f.6mp afte ... an absence of so many bility of introducing a uniform met�; tion.' n.68. Substitutes, Ferguson, 179; did the day dear and the sun tshine,:;�rs. He said that he considered theod of electing committeemen, chair- "The lovableness of the man was �Ioulton, '75; Hoffman, .;6; Schorn. Practically all the work of the Chi.� ;':'pme to-morrow one that held prom-men and councilors of the Junior -quite as impressive. Affection in himmer, '72; Rohde, .67; Worthwine. cago squad in practice has been do ....\ >iJc of being the hardest fought forCollege divisions. A committee now played a large part. There was some- .63. on a fast, hard field, and it is the" .. : ..... .,. years. All tbe Minnesota m�n � .. s the matter under consideration thing about him, to those wh.o knew Minnesota. general' sentiment that a sloppy'.' :.ere going in to fight hard, he said,and will report at a later date. him best, which always came mto the Mowery, R. E.......... 170 2 gridiron will make a difference.kt at the same time to fight a cleanforeground. Case, R. T.............. 200 3 But in all probability the field \viII� :. ·pme. His speech was cheered loudly,"During the time which I knew Lambert; R. G.......... 180 be in shape for a speedy exhibition of.,. -Director -Stagg' spoke in favor of COLLAR BUTTONS AT U. PRESS him, which ';""s only a short time in Kjelland, C...... ........60 2 fo�tball today. The Gophers have" . cleo. athletics, and said that C�le.golength of count, I do not remember Bandelin, L. G..........80 2 been drilled at top spoed in the ef.i :..... in Minneapolis to captul\< tho Unique Innovation in ReWJ Depwt'. that he ever spoke to me, or anyone. Young, L. T............ '75 • fort to develop a fast bunch. The:,'. pme and hoped to be succ, .. slu( He�t Is Made. else, in a tone, the memory of which Chestnut, L. E.. .•...... '40 are counted upon to rival the Ma.mised the gentlemanly spirit e"hlb.would cause regret. There were oft· Capron, Q. B.... .82 I roons in speed in spite of the� by the Minnesota ·team. of lonn- Never again cail the sneering aile·en heated discosions, but difference Schuknecht (Cl R.H.B. 161 I eral impression that they are. not" years, and declar.ed that a pme gation be made against the Univer· of opinion with Mr. Jackman never Rademacher, L. H. B... .6. I fast. The deepest secrecy has bee ... , . lrith such men was alw.ys welcome, sity Press, that it is merely a g,:,ve. meant a want of hannony or a note Dunne, F. B.............;6 l the rule over what has been taking.:. be tbe result as It m.y. He said he yard ior moribund volumes of anuque of discord. After the discussion end· Total weight of team (according to place behind the closed gates ofI; , ..... proud of the Chicago team, be· lore. Evidence of a complete reor·ed, the wholehearted, genial, good· �[innesota Daily), ',907 pounds; avo Northrop fidd, but it is safe to say/,.. a .. every �an on it was a. fighte�. ·ganization and regeneration of th. natured man was still there. era&< weight, '73 4.11 •. Total weigbt that Minnesota will spring some· .... could be counted on to do h,. entire system w.s presented' yester· In the home he was a charming of line, ',205 pounds; average weight, plays that will surprise tbe wise one ..·c "'t. He concluded that Chicag<> day by a sign, unique among adv�r. man. He was a peculiar combination'72 5'7. Total weight of backs, 702 Capron. through hi, feat in nego­-14 have no exen •• to make In tisemen •• of doctors' tbeses and bIb· of autocrat and democrat. With him, pounds: average weight, '75 1'2. Sub. tiating two go.,ls from the field 'n.... or a defeat. Iiographies: it was a sort of psychological necessi. ,titutes-Wingate, '33; Ostrang. '75. boih the Ames and Nebraska game"Gov. Johnson ... d Mayor Hayne. Collar Buttonsty. He was always at work on someis the man on whom the Gohpcrs reo"Ii.ered short addresse.. "No longer need the hllmble Fresh· problem and wben the solution came. BULLETINS OF TODAY'S GAME Iy more than any other to bring vic.uptains Schukn$Cht and De Tray man "ISh breathless to 55th or 63r I he thollght everyone else ought totory, and with it the Western Cham.tfere equally reticient. C.ptain Destreets when the connecting link bc· work on it. He alway> daimcd he As rapidly as the telegraphic set. pioll.hip to th", Gophcr institutioll.r",y said he was sorry more Chicago> tween some IIpper classman's shirtwas a democrat, and insistcd that vice will permit. bulletins or the Min. The eyes of the rooters will bc dir«.men cOllld not be in the bleachers, as. and collar rolls under the bllreall tho« working with him. have th,nesota game will be received by The tod IIpon him whcnever the Gophershe felt the game was to be one of the and refllses to be found. A Hying tripsame rights and pri.·ileges as wcr.' Daily Maroon and passed to the·cI.;', get within strikillg distancc of thc..... test e,'er play.ed. Captain Schu·to the Uni;'ersity Press, accompanied I:;s. I have olten taken his part the halls and various other points ,,"<m)"s goal. With Case and YoungJrne.:ht declared that bi. men are all by a cent or a nickel, according. M agaill,t faCility restrictions. about the campus. The state of theto make the holes, and Captainitt good ""ondition and hopeflll of stu�ent prosperity, will settle dlffi· "He 10"ed play and olltdoor wor�game can be ascertained at any time Schuknecht to plow through them,.tringing the victory to Minnesota. eulties. �ices are: Bone buttons, •and wOllld alway. ehallenge the oth· during the afternoon by caJUng Hyde the Maroon alld Gold players hope toAll the men on thc team who got op· «nt; 'gold plated: 5 cents."ers to go ollt and ha"e a little game Park 4.6, Daily Maroon. work the o"al down well into Chi.",,"uuities to speak talud in deter· Next I with him. His religion howe,'cr, wa, Special arrangements have beencago territory, and dcpend on thettrined manner, bllt none would von·bl hardly the religion of work as io made by The Daily Maroon with th. Shattllek "filitary star to do th.e rest.tare a prediction as to which team 1Ii.. Bailout hao. been una e [0e"idenced by hi. nnmerous editorials.(Continued on palle 4)mC'('t h(,r clas5cs this w.eek bcc:\\1�c 1--· -. (Continned on page 4)(Continued on pagt! 3�of illness.:��1Jirector Sta&& Hopeful of Victory­.'Dr. Wi!!iama Presides-PowWow Follows the Feast. PROMISE SPECTACULAR GAM� Most Advanced Exhibition of·Ne� Style of Football Seenin West.(Continu-ed oa pact 2)base ball team there last year. isthinking of entering at Chicago nextson of Ohio. President Wm. L.· Bry- of Indianola, Professor WebsterSUt.c:r1ptiOD price •• 3.00 per lear; .1.00 Merrifield of' North Dakota. Presi- According to the latest report fromfor 3 montba. Subkrlptiou recelyed at dent Frederick B. Gault of . Souththe Karooa om,.. Elll. Hall. 01" at tbe the Isolation Hospital, Levinger, Hall..... Dakota. Chancellor Benjamin An-£' I L'_ h..... C-.... HalL and Glarum, the students who recent-•• cu 11 ...... e __ e. .- drews of Nebraska, and President Iy contracted small-pox, are gettin�James H. Baker of Colorado..0Ik:Jal atadat Palillatt. ., aM Val,.8lq of CIaIap.1'.....,The UDlnnll1 of CJaIc:qo Week17.1'0aDde4.Tile Weetll. Oct. 1. len.Tbe Dalll. Oct. 1. llOZ.Entered u 8ecoIuk .... Mall at tbe e»-'e&&o Pa.tomce.- Publlabed dalll. except Sunda" .. MOD­dal. awl bollda".. during tbree-Quartersof the UniYersltl lear.LUTHER D. FERNALD. MaDsglllC EdItor.l'RESTqN F. GASS, News Editor.MELVIN J. ADAMS. Atbletlc Edltor.LOUIS So BERLIN, BuaIDe88 MaDager.ASSOCIATE UlTOaSWarren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank,P. W. Pinkerton.PrIDted by tbe Maroon Prea474 East G5tb StreetPhone lI"de Part 3691Waiting'Those who h ave been .merely the It' . attendmgo clock 1". re IglOUS ser-The Vice in M<lndel Sundo morlling ayrgan. to r r' aroC beginningRecital . ea Ize that themlssi Yare� ng a delightful .lude in . pre-for the organ r . COnllng too latepr d' eClla 1 Occ .. ece Ing quarter ho UIlYlng theIS COining to he a u�. The recitaiand not as a -. ppreclated for itself· .. ere COVe f 'entrance of h r Or the n .t e chur h 01Syorgan servi C gOers �will b ce, once fun . • A ne� fOUQd to b Y appr�ciat�de as valuabJ 'e a PGr- tion of the Sunday service as the �NA,JO.. .... NUf' __ 1sermon. besides adding greatly to the L Idignity and value of the later service.The Univer sity of Chicago LllimNEWS FROII OTHER COLLEGES met last night in a dub room ofHitchcock hall.sities of the middle west met yester- Robert B. Pomeroy, 'og, who hasday at Iowa City, Iowa. Among been prevented by illness from re-those who attended .. re Chancellor turning to the University this Fall,Frank Strong of Kansas, President will resume work at the beginning ofDavid R. Boyd of Oklahoma, Presi- thc Winter Quarter.dent W. E. Stone o_£ Purdue. Presi-dent C. R. Van His"e of Wisconsin, Joseph Bliss, of Brown U,niversity,President James B. Angell of Mich- and crack pitcher of the Freshmenigan, President Cyrus Northrop oiMinnesota, President Vv. O. Thornp-Presidents from the State Univer-Because Miss Lena Bodl.ey marrieda coachman in opposition to thewishes of her mother and G. C. Tay,lor, who employed her mother ashousekeeper, Yale, Harvard, Wil­liams, Princeton and Hobart eachlose $100,000. Instead, the MosesTaylor hospital of Scranton will receive the money under the will ofG. C. Taylor, which will be changed along nicely.The University musicians will meetTuesday morning at 10 :30, in Cob;'Lecture room. The main business ofthe meeting will be to make plans forthe fall recital.The New Testament club will holda meeting on Monday evening at Ro'clock, in South Divinity parlor. Dr.J. 1\1. P. Smith will speak on "Th �because of the disapproved marriage. Legislator's Conception of the Au-too awkward, and has adopted an t hor ity of the Law."IlEI'OItTDS Some of the most valuable fossilsWalter A. Ford. Miss Esther Hall, brought to the Peabody museum at PREACHERS AREANNOUNCEDHarvey B. Fuller. Jr., A. L. Fridstein Yale by the late Protessor 0.- C.Albert D. Henderson Fred W. Carr, Marsh were seriously damaged re- Dr. Rhoades of Brooklyn to ConductI.' E .. Ferguson, E. C. Hoadley, cently by the falling of plaster from Services Sunday.the ceiling of the room in which theywere stored. The collection was one The University Preachers for theof the most valuable 10 the country. remainder of the current quarterand consisted largely of prehistoric has been announced for th.e Mandelmammoths. Many of the specimens hall Sunday morning services, as fol­cannot be duplicated, and no accurate lows::�stimate of the loss can be stated. Nov. 3. Rev. W. C. P. Rhoades,The West is waiting the outcome ILLINOIS TO' ADOPTof·this afternoon's contest at Minn.e_ NEW TICKET SALE PLANapolis with the eagerinterest that always at- State University to Try Honor Sys- Anderson.tends a fight for cham- tem in SelliDg Tickets for Foot- Dec. I. Professor Anderson.pionship honors. If ball Games. Dec. 8. Professor Anderson.Chicago defeats Minnesota this after- Dec. IS. Convocation Sunday.noon no one will question the Mid. The University of Illinois has Rev. Charles' Cuthbert Hall, D. D.,way's claim to the gridiron title. found the existing method of selling of New York.The work of weeks will tell in this' student tickets to the football gamesafternoon's contest. . It is too latenow to try to improve the line orstrengthen the backs. To-day willdecide which' of the two coaches hasshown the greater skill and personalPO\ in building his raw materialinto; an effective football team. Thiswork has been done, and cannot bebettered now.Everything now rests with thelearns.. With other things equal, vic­tory or defeat depends now on theplaying in the game of the teachingOf. six weeks weeks of practice, but�tdl more on the spirit of the teamIn fi hti,n f s. Ig g rom first whistle to lastIn. the spirit of the true Sportsman_ship that fights even to a I' fiish. osmg n-The Gophers are fof Chi , . oemen worth\·day sl::�: � steel and the clash to­the best tea m�morable one. Mayeam WID, but .team Wear 1\101 -may th .. ·roon. honor system by which any' studentcan register for any number up totwenty for himself and such others ashe chooses, provided they are Uni-versity people,The coaches of the teams ar� verymuch worried as to the whereaboutsof Frank' Garrett, the most promisingof the 1911 athletes. Garret is a grad­uate of the Morgan Park Academyof the University of Chicago, whichhas this year passed into other hands.He made the All-Preparatory schoolteam in his last three years at school.MAROONS ARE WELCOMEDAT "PURITY" BANQUET(Continued from page I)would be acclaimed winner after thegame.Professor James Paige of the Min·nesota law school spoke for theGopher faculty, and said that theMinnesota students w�re confident ofwinning the game. Many of thosepresent wor.e the Minne�ta pass­word on their hats-"\Ve must heatChicago." The _ Chic,",go team wa�(he sole maroon student representa­tion at the banquet.After the banquet, which last.�d UI'.til 8 o'clock, the students repaired tothe campos where a powwow W:1Sheld, all joining in to make the OCC:1-sion one of great rejoicing in antici­pal;oa of a victory over the Maroons. D. D., of Brooklyn. N. Y.Nov. TO. Dr Rhoades.Nov. 17. Dr. Rhoades.Nov. 14. Rev. Professor GalushaFOWNESGLOVESare a "good thing to haveon band," and all gooddealers have them on hand.ArtAJ{ROWCLUPECO SHRUNKQUARTE-ft 8'IE COLLARTHEY GIVe .crr ... YleC- • ro .. ncoCLUtTT. "_.OOy • ce., ••• , ...Eger (:J CO.283 Adams Street(Branch 159 Wabash Ave.), ......No Regrets when Smokin.Egeria Mixture(a blend of Bliss)3; ounces 25C 100' B� STBTSOIf UIUYBBSITY ·.DELAND,FLORIDA·;Affiliated in 1897 with THEA. UNI V ERSITY OF CHICAGO.'.Th� President is a' Docto� of 'Philosophy of the University of em.;cago, and eleven· members of the Faculty have been students �t tb�University of Chicago. many of them taking degrees.: Stetson IS �o­cated at De Land Florida, the' Jand of flowers, sunshine, blue skitsand balmy ocean' breezes. Summer recreations run through the Win­ter. . Costly buildings. electric lights. electric bells; cement walks, sbellroads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery .. ad trees. Biggest registra­tion this year in its history. There are four colleges, five schools. 14buildings and 48 in. the Faculty.Students from the University of Chicago may' do their work atStetson during the Winter Term, and receive their credits at Chicago.Address, President Lincoln Hulley, Ph.D.. LLD., DeLand. Florida.JOHN W. DOUGLASTelephones 4068 Harrison--3884 AutomaticDESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE MAN'S APPAREL.L 51 E.JACKSON BLVD.Pemwata and Pil1OW8of. All the Leadingeolleces. Universities,Fraternities and Sororities.Spec:ial Orders Executed. Promptly.FOR liEN'S TOGGERY.---HANSEN---NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICI,:532 E. Sixty-third St.The Place Where College Men .Congregate. OPEN EVENINGSPhone Harrison 5928- .... �6.t Michigan Avenue.- .T. c. Lynas. �� L. G. YralkiDsFraternity Jewelry Engraved, Embossed Stationery, Programs _Greek Letter Pennants in exclusive .design.College and Fraternity Steins, Ash Trays, Tobacco Jars, ete., supplied- with any monogram, crest or emblem. -THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIIPANY.Phone Hycie Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56th I!-The Cleanest and Best Kept Storage. Warehouse in the City ••••• 'Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed aMShipped to all parts (if the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for PiaDOS.Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room forCarriages, Buggies and Sleighs .. Trunks to aMfrom all Depots. Local Transfers for BalP�Furniture, Packages, etc .• at short notice.Special attention &iven to University Orden.� ARNOLD COMPANYENGINEERS-CONSTRUCTORS-.LECTRICAL - CIVIL-.MECHANICAL,e I LA· .... LLE STREETCHICAGOTHE STATE;SCHOOL OF MINESof theU N IV E R SIT Y 0 F UTA H.It is located at Salt Lake City, Utah, in the heart of a iTeat Miningcountry, wit!lin' sight of some of the greatest mines of the world, and atthe very doors of the largest smelters and concentrating mills. Re·quires a four-year high school course for entrance, and offers a' foaryears' course, and a graduate course in .each of the following lines ofEngineering: Mining. Civil, Electrical, Chemica1, Meochanical, and Ir.rigation (the last in connection with the Agricultural Col1ege). The Uni.versity laboratories are w('11 equipped, those in Mining. Metallnrgy andHydraulics being umt1rpass�d. The ore dressing mitt is the lar�st inconnection with a school r.nywhere. Th� _professors in charge are bothscholarly and practical. . EyerydispbtsreUIthe C(all toMIIt •.IuWIReact.cIattlPhollBau-Ollie:.5ztg•tIr."---THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO.Particular sty leathat look the partof co!lege .men,OrfRCOATS WITH"A COLLfGf curEyery point' a careful buyer examinesdisplays skill and thoroughness i!l,txtcution. The length, the sleeves,the collar and lapels, linings, fipish­all to the "king's" taste.atI).I.That's becauseBrokaw Bros.have tailoredfor over SO years.MANDfL BROTHERSliEN'S CLO.TH'fRSIlADY - WlIBH YOU AltBThis is to announce that the NewWoolens' for Fan are ready forJObr Inspection.Some of the Smartest 'of the NewWeaves are in Single Patterns.nosen"t this suggest an early visitFaD Woolens custom tailored in th"Jerrems Way"-have an Individua1 Style.It will be a pleasure to Show yo,.. bat the Fan Styles Will be. YouWOD'� be asked to bUy.Readj ,tor you-today. No.8This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade, the bosom of which abso­lutely will not bulge.You will never wear any otherkind if you try this.(Patented Feb.' 28-1899.), '11IEMAC-HURDLE"Suite 167-161 State S�t.Specialist inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for Students.CHICAGOAll cood furnishers sell them.Made byUnited Shirt' and 'Collar Co.. Lion Brand Shirts and Coli anTel, Randolph 766.A. N. Jerrems, Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo' Stores: 131 La Street. aDd44 Jackson Boulevard. Dr.· Jerome w. EgbertDENTAL SURGEON- BOOKS'• TURK'SHL RUSSIA II 15c1'. PLA'" BATHS 25C. Open Day aDd H'aaht .BARBER SHOPSanto,a Hotel• db Dearborn St.1Phones:Office, H. P. 1788. 'Residence, H.P. 961DR. FRED W. PARKERDR. RALPH W. PARKERDENTISTS·52.t9Kimbark Ave. Cor. 63rd ST.Hours 9-12. 1 :�5 :00. or������ �,SapptiesCOME TO USThe best of everything andprices reasonable as weDAnd Supplies for UniversityHigh School Students.New and Second Hand._HBWI'rtS __ .415 E. 57th StreetNext to comer Kimbark and-----------=----- .. ----- ...... ----- -When YouWant aS�HWARTZ BROS. - .TAILORSLadies' and Gents' Suits Madeto OrderC1nning, Dyeing and Repairing.Goods Called' for and Delivered,Phone. H.P.3006. 6305 Ellis Av._ IfoDA'Kl�IIle Photographic Materills CoA. G. Wbipperman, M�100 E. Lake Street.. Chicqo, IlLCONNSIDER ABOLISHIIENTOF BADGER FRATERNITIESII B,.se � 1Iu;t_'A.. MeAd ....n.v ...... _..•. FI.r· .....••• 11-101»681__ :" •• It. "'�Aw., ChI ... _"Bill to This End to Be Voted on ByNext State Legislature.BORDBN'SCondensed Milk. ftdcIlIDk, Cnamand Buttermilk.AD Bottled in the Co_try.Borden'. Condeased Milk Cf,.327-329 E. FC!rtJ·HftIlth It.-Iiat A.MES HATSS2.00 $3.00A fair deal With neI7 bat.Opera Ha� 8iJk Hatlo�II, 1&3 B. MADISON SToaT,Near La laDe.eliTDfr-Ii·Id,nth CaptaiD Caldwell Promises Cluay Chicaco va. llinDeao� in West-In-RuaDinc in Trials-Hare and diana va. Princeton in East-Hound Race Postponed. Other cames.The first tryout for the cross coun­try team will be' held Wednesday;All the candidates are expected to beout if they are in condition, but asthis is to be merely a pt eliminary runthose not· in condition will have achance in the later tryouts. Thereare only about three weeks more ofthe 'c C C season.The hare·' and hound race plan­ned tor yesterday' afternoon wasTO. HOLD CROSS COUNTRYTRY;OUT NEXT WEDNESDAYSA TURJ)A V, NOV'. s, itjo1. _.'TWO IMPORTART GAllEsSCHEDULED FOR TO-DAY.Important Games To-day.WEST.Chicago vs. Minnesota at Minne­apolis;Michigan vs.· Vanderbilt at Nash­ville.Wisconsin vs. Iowa at Iowa City.Indiana vs. Notre Dame at NotreDame.postponed because of the min and Nebraska vs. Iowa State at Lin.will be run off some time next week. coin.I nstead the squad took a short fast Illinois vs. Purdue at Champaign."hike" over the wooded island and Beloit vs. Lake Forest at Lakeback. Captain Caldwell said "The Forest.Missouri vs. Texas at Columbia.EAST.Indians vs. Princeton at New York.Harvard 'vs. Brown at Cambridge.TEACHERS HEAR PRAISES Pennsylvania vs. La Fayette atOF LAT� DEAN JACKMAN Phladelphia.(Continued from page J)The opening sesion of the conven- Swarthmore vs. Villa Nova attion was held in Mandel Hall in. the Swarthmore.morning, and was attended by a thou- Though more games are scheduledsand teachers. The meeting was open- to-day than any other day during theed by G. W. Conn,. Jr., president of season; only a few are of more thanthe association. After a short address passing notice. Of these by fa� theby Mr. Conn, the program followed. most significant is the Chicago-Min­The first number was a paper by Dr. nesota match at Minneapolis, beingD. P. MacMillan, Director of Child as it is a- struggle for sur remacy inStudy Department, Chicago Public the West.Schools. His subject was "The Psy- The Michigan- Vanderbilt contestchology of tbe Object." This was is considered one of the chief gamesfollowed by a general discusion of on the Wolverine. schedule, Thethe subject lead by Dr. Ella F. Southern squad is unusually strong,Young, Pricipal of the Chicago Nor- and Coach Yost has been working hismal School ad Dr.' Walter D.- Scott. men hard in anticipation of a stiffNorthwestern University. fight. Iowa will tackle Wisconsin,Professor Otis W. Caldwell of the and, judging from comparative scores,University of Chicago then lectured has a good chance to win the game.on "The Criteria of Selection." He Wisconsin, through its defeat by thespoke of the importance of nature llIini received a setback in the grid­study for children and emphasized iron situation, while Coach Marc Cat­the necessity of stimulating the minds lin's, Hawkeyes have cleaned up anIof children towards inquiry into the the teams they have played againstways of nature. This paper was fav- so far. Illinois and Purdue should .orably commented upon by an the furnish an interesting game, bothelevens appearing on a par. Purdue'swork in this game will be watchedeagerly by football followers on ac-men are all in pretty good conditionand the tryout ought to show someclassy running.wherein he calls for association withJesus.. Religion with him was a farprofounder thing than work. Syracuse vs. Bucknell at Syracuse.Army vs. Colgate at West Point.Yale vs. Wash. and Jeff. at NewHaven.teachers and won considerable ap­plause. Dr. C. A. '!\fcMury of theNorthern Illinois State NormalSchool, and M'iss Joe E. :Mather, count of the contest with the maroonsPrincipal of the Garfield School. next Saturday. Indiana should tr i­Streator, 111., opened the discussion umph over Notre Dame, which hasof the subject.' After several dele- not showed up well_ during the sea-About two hundred students arequarantined in the University hosepital at the University of Pennsyl,;vania because of a. case of smallpox. son.I.n the East. the Carlisle Indian­Princeton game has the interest ofboth West and East. It is lookedupon as marking another' step in themarch of the Indians toward the­Eastern championship, and, later per­haps a contest for the high pedestalin, footballdom in the entire country,The strength displayed by the redmen in their previous games this sea­son makes it look as if they will de­£eat Princeton, which dropped :\game to Co�ell last Saturday.Harvard is in for a thorough try­out when it meets Brown. The Crim­sou squad will probably win the game,but Brown is considered in a place togive it a hard game. Pennsylvaniaand La Fayette at Philadelphia an-ISyracuse' and Bucknell at Syracusewill meet in important games.Mr. Nef to Read Paper.The next meeting )f the Germanicclub will take place at 8 p. m. �[on­day at the home of Professor Cut­ting. 542.l Greenwood Ave. Mr. Ncfwill read a paper on "Grillparzer' iAttitude Toward Romantic Poetry,"and will also give a review pf W.Kosch's article in Euphorion, VOl.,' .... concerning the "Heidelberg Ro­mantic Poetry." --.gates had voiced opinions, the meet­ing adjourned!The first part of the afternoon wasspent in visiting the d�fferent univer­sity buildings, and in the latter partsectional conferences were held. ThePrimary section met in the Botanybuilding and was presided over bySupt. A ..... Ames, of Riverside, Supt.F. E.' Stanford, of La Grange waschairman of the Intermediate Section---.---------------lin Kent· Theater, while the Grammarand . High School Sccdon held itsconference in Mandel Hall under theleadership of Supt. ]. � E. Lemon ofBlue Island.The program for the closing ses­sion to be held this morning at 9:00That fraternities at Wisconsin will in Mandel Hall is as follows:be abolished by a law of the state The Principles of Prt;entation­legislature at its next session is the Miss Marian Weller, Northern Illi­opinion of one of the morning papers, nois State Normal School.It is stated thai this' radical step;" General Discusion opened by Dr.intended to abolish all secret organi- Herman T. Lukens, Francis \V. Par­zations in the state university except ker School. Oticago; Prof. Ri. E.those of an honorary character. Blount, Waller High School. Chicago.Dr. Charles McCarthy, head of the Address-"The Unity of Naturelegislative department. is the leader Found in 'Man"-Dr. J. �r. the movement. An active organi- University of Chicago.zation, which includes some of theFVRNISHED ROOMS - With or most prominent politicians in thewithout board; lowest prices; steam state. has been formed to investigateheat; desirable surroundings. H. the fraternities and take steps toReichardt, 531J Madison Ave. abolish them. • ...AIIJSEMEm...., jI'IIIThe GarrickChanning Pollock's Greatest Play'THE SECRET ORCHARDMcVickersCHAUNCEY OLCOTTIn His New Romantic Play,"O'NEILL OF DERRY." II.:JIiIj�'I·l)I ....l�1'$rPowersWII. H. CRANEin the, new comedyby Geo. AdeFATHER AND THE BOYSIllinoisWILLIAM COLLIERIn the Great Farce Comedy"CAUGHT IN THE RAIN"The Grand'MONTGOMERY andSTONE inTHE RED MILLLa SalleTHEGIRLQUESTION11I:IfIIIIIIIIiIfiColonial.VICTOR MOOREKid' Bums of New RochelleThe AuditoriumKLAW a ERLANGER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLEThe StudebakerWILL T. HODGEIn the New ComedyTHE MANFROM HOMEoThe WhitneyThe Musical WinDerA KNlGIflr FOR A DAY•ROOTBltS(Continued from page I)LEA VB CHICAGO AND MINNESOTA weight and ability. Moreover, DirecTO SETTLE CHAMPIONSHIP tor Stagg has a number of reservemen who, if needed, will fill theirFour c:;ar Loads of Maroon Support­ers Leave for Minneapolis on 5 =40Train. Last Night-Freshman Teamin Charge � QWeley. positions with satisfaction. Hoffmanand Moulton at tackle, Jones atMinnesota wiU probably not try guard, Moulton at Center,and Schorn­many forward passes, but will use mer at end, are an men who can giveFour car loads of rooters, with the ontside kicks by Capron, and runs the Minnesota line men a tussle.University band and the Freshman by Schuknecht. double passes and Several days ago Director Stagg de­football team left last night at 5.41) other variations of trick plays to gain clarcd that he would probably useover the Illinois Central for Minne-' yards for them. Though their style two sets of men for the line posi­apolis. They wili arrive in the Flour of attack can not be foretold in any tions. It is thought, however, thatCity this morning at "7 :25, wh.en they degree of certainty, the fact that he will not make any substitutes un­will proceed to make the Minneapo- their ends are weak is considered less for injuries, until the game is intitans aware of their presence. Cheer- conclusive indication that Dr. Wit- hand.leaders Templeton and MacCrackea Iiams will not trust them often with The showing Falk and Doseff willore there and expect to make Minne- the forward passes. make is of especial concern to stu-apolis ring with Chicago yells. It is here that Chicago excels the dents and followers of the team. Do,The rooters will not get back to Gophers as much as in any other de- scff will play opposite Case, theChicago until 9.30 Monday morning. partrnent of the game. Page and Gopher veteran mainstay. Case TsTheir train Leaves Minneapolis at 8 H.ewitt are two men well adapted to conceded the advantage over thep. m. Sunday night. During their the forward pass. Hewitt, being husky Maroon, in knowledge of thestay in Minneapo!is the Chieago men taller, has less difficulty in catching game, but Doseff's strength andwiII make the Pullman sleepers their the pass. Page, on the other hand, tjghting qualities will be utilized inoften has to jump for the throw. Bu. a way that will cause the Minnesotaheadquarters.The Freshman team will be in "Pat" is the surer of the two, in bulwark no inconsiderable amount ofcharge of Raymond Quigley, captain spite of the handicap in size. Both trouble. Falk against Young wilof the Varsity track team.' Hugo Chestnut and Mow.ery of the Gophers prove an even battle, as both menBezdeck, who is coach of the Fresh- are new at the game, and have had are tall and rangy, and have aboutmen is at Urbana to see the Illinois- but little practice in handling the the same amount o( fc)'.)tLal! trainingforward pass or in blocking attempts As to the rest of the line, Ander.of the opposing ends. son has it over K;jePan.l: ',\'110 is IKicking will probably be one of th.. liqhter than the Marcon, Ander .. un Jchief features of the game. Against has been improving fast this year ITO DEBATE ABOLITION Capron will be pitted Steffen at breaking up play-s of his opponents inOF THE LOWER CLASSES punting, and Steffen and Page in goal " fashion that makes '11m bid fair to. kicking. Kicking will be resorted to b- chosen an AII- Western centerQuibblers to argue Pro and Con. on.rits of Freshman and So- often, and it is figured that the Ma- He will have a number of opportuni-roon tOe artists have it even with ties to-day, since the Minnesota bac�the Minnsota quarter back, though will make many line At thePurdue game to get a line on theBoilermakers for Chicago's gamewith them next Saturday.phomore Organizations.The recent discussion of the ques- Capron's reputation is greater. The guard positions, Harris and Handvtions involved in the status of the Gopher has registered four goals are about on a par with Bandeln andfrom field in two games, while the Lambert. Bandelin, the stronger 0sophomore and freshmen classes andcombination of the Maroon pair haskicked . Director Stagg hasworked both Page and Steffen atthe recognition of them under theclassification approved by th.e councilJast year has given the Quibbler'sClub a subject for wrangle. The fe­male organization will discuss the fol- the two, will buck against Harris anda fierce fight is looked for.The Chicago backfield, though lightgoal kicking, as he realizes that ac- er than the Gophers, will undoubtedcuracy in this respect will prove val- ly prove superior on any kind of fieldlowing question at their next meeting, uable to the Maroon chances, The The men work with more machin�Monday at 4 p. m. in Lexington 2: rooters feel that Chicago will he as like exactness, and are better cut ou"Resolv.ed that the class organiza- likely to score when in the enemy's for. the game under present rulestions and class officers for Freshmen, territory as will the Gophers. AI Chances to make touchdowns on linSophomore and Junior years should punting Steffen is good for almost plays are recognized to be slim undeas much distance as the Minnesota presen t conditions. Captain Schube abolished in the University ofChicago." It has been intimated that star, and, as the Chicago team can be knecht, with Dunne and Rademachethose interested will be able to re- counted on to get down the field as running mates, are not' expectedceive considerable light on the still faster under kicks than the Gophers, to gain the. yards the Maroon triounsettled controversy. the Maroons will be better off at this Captain De Tray, I�di.ngs and Merend of the game than their oppo- riam will annex.SEEKS LEGAL RESTRAINT ments, Director Stagg, Coach WilliamsOF FOOTBALL PLAYING Captain D.eTray. is expected to out- and the "members of both teams dedo himself in this game. He con- cline to commit themselves to the exsiders this the biggest contest of his tent of predicting a victory, and wicareer, and will be one of the heroes go only as far as to say that the gamof the day. He has a reputation should be extremely close. Local footgreater than any other half back in ball critics still insist that ChicagKankakee, Ill., has suddenly loom- the West in the art of carrying the will win thd game, the predic.tion beed into prominence by the action of ban, making interference for the ing' based on comparative scores 0one of its prominent Jawy.ers, who runner, and, as has recently been the contesting teams in previoufiled a bill in the county court to pro- demonstrated, in backing up the line matches this year. All admit that unhibit football in the public schools, on secondary defense. favorable weather conditions wiwhich he says is identical with prize On a fast field, Steffen is looked have the effect of changing dope 0fighting. His bill is entitled. "Biil upon as being the man who will prove the game:for an injunction to restrain prize the sensation of the game. He is The officials for the game will be afighting. His bill is entitled, "Bill nursing a grudge against the Minne- follows: Referee, Hoagland; umpiris aimed directly at the superintend- sota people since he read that he Kelly; field iudge, Starbuck; bea.c·nt of the schools and principal of was called "not game," and intends linesman, Porter.Kankakee high school, which has to play with a fiercer determinationone of the best school elevens in the than ever . before. His open field BULLETINS OF TODAY·! GAIlEstate. dodging on the returning of punts, (Cont_inued from page I) .heady handling of the team, kicking, Chicago American, which bas sentOrgan Recital Proeram long forward passes, and spectacular special football reporter to JliDneap-The program for Miss Reider's tackles, will undoubtedly bring even olis to secure the first and most. comorgan recital in Mandel.Sunday morn, the Minnesota rooters to their feet. ptete information about today. gameing at to :45, follows: The Chicago line is no longer the :>ossible.Chorale (Sonata in F) Bartlett cause for worry-s-even to Director No football special of The MaCantabile GuiJenant Stagg. Through its two games with roon will be attempted at this timeAndante con moto (.5th symphony) Indiana and Illinois, it has proven its, as a special edition of the America• , •••• 0 •••••• 0 •••••••••• 0 Beethoven mettle. It is now thought capable of containing an announcement of thAnibem-uIn Heavenly Love Abid.;.. holding the plunges of the heavy game in detail, will be rushed to th. Gopher backfield, and at the same campus and placed on sale atmg.Offertory-Andantino. 00 .' ••••• U:marc time reliable to open holcs for th� o·clock. The regular edition of ThPostlude-March SOlennelle ....•. '. Maroon offensc. The Chicago lin'! Maroon on Tuesday will colitain an•••••••••••••• 0" 0 ••••••••• Guilnant is now well-balanced, both as to extended account of the game.Lawyer Flies Bill to Stop "PrizeFighting" in the Public Schools-Considers it Brutal ,I,If---ter-r,-,--11e-0-fs-11nse,d•--,n,ee6e HOSSLER.Clem Clotftesso Jackson Boulevardcor..Decided "Cla55"For University Menat a Rea50n.bleExpenditure in priceWe put brains in the cuttinc,:�making, the fitting and the selectiotof the patterns. "Pastmasters io ..nrt of dress" best expresses it.' ��_:We make our clothes on the pral. ". : ... i ....ises in our own shoPs.Is there any other concern in Qj.cago that does this? No! ,Now, don't get the impressioa'tIItour prices are hich. for the � ,-,' £�'. i·_- �.is true.Suits: $18, $20, $25. $28, $30,.$35and $40 is all we ask.Overcoats: $18, $20, $25. $30, $nnnd upward,Waistcoat shop, first floor: SptCiaJ-highest quality vests marked fs.values to 19.MossIer Cd.Clever Clothes, 50 Jackson.Send fo� "Chap' &o�" cratia .'� .�.:. j.. ��:� .�)�------------------------------------------�,.'::20JONES STOKERS 'in theUNIVERSITY"CHICAGO(Two Orders)are installed power. plant-�'1.""1_"." -. .-� ,WANTED-Students . to attelid "'En-. gJewood- Roller Rinki �J2'1Went­·.worth Ave� . Every - eve., anurs.;.Sat. and . Sun. Afternoons throughseason.W ANTED-A married. man, �o t!lk�care of horses .and furnace for Iam­:; ily rooms and' $5 .. a. week. Applyat Employment Bureau, office�ours. 9-11 fl. -m. - RoomsMEN'S FLAT-6 Rooms;nished·; steam heat; reference .:_ ..rary; telephone separate bed· �and study rooms. 5477ave. H .. P. 6913. Call ev�nia&i:{I: .CWANTED- Men to solicit; goodproposition; commission basis. Mr.Markham. Federal Electric Co., ---------------- ,---Night School Now O� ---Lake and Desplaines. - -. ....MILLINERY SHOP and sa �; �W ANTED-Young woman to take Menton a Mlldcett ,.'care of child, a couple of hours af- 48.1 E. 47tb St. Tel. Oakland!,ternons; $4 per week. EmploymentBureau. 10:30 to 12:30, Cobb IA. �:Ji���: .� j '.",. 1)pewrIteraTYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or ...Special rates to students; .. _in r.e-b';Ut machinei. W. \VIiI.head, J6 La Salle Street. .;5:-NoticeThe office hours of the Employ­ment Bureau are 10 :30 to 12 :30.------------�------------------------.---�------------------�. �....._t'•. � • !What'., Going On?W .. tch The DAILY MAROON.You C.n't AffOrd To Do Without It •Subscribe Now-------�-----:-:--:---_.!_-�-----=---=-.:__-:.-----==---:-----=--=�---=--:---I'!·PbiUips' Fall Showing: Men's H!t:.�::�s!..ixinV."