,J•':;::;'1"," R".. 't·"'-y'. , ,8 _ �:...:J �.. • .... •, , ','� :11",:'',':"ai:'fi':'0'-:.(I,' '11'," n.,r :. ' <,', I " '"I '" . � �, 'Riotous festivities, were 1he orderft:�t--tJ-one liCIt Come Out for the last night in the difftrent dormitories,;..:i Teams-Cboosc Sis "Vani� De- on the 'Campus, and mor.e partieu­:Iarly iii Snell hall. There .most ofThe Successful 'Candidates standing up for the next ifew days,Graduates Undcqraduatc:s for the, sake of ,comfort.' Noise ingreat abundance pervaded 'the at-mosphere adjoining the women's dor­mitories. ' Stunts which were new tothe newly moved in, were on theprogram, 'and in every case. the �f- , ,fair 'ended with Hallowe'en refresh- r, 'ments and a dance. ' �I '1IIi����!!!!��;��!!!!1"1 j..� fwclve men, six gradUliLtes and six Half a dozen freshmen were wi':-YUiidergraduates, were .chosen la:;t tiated into Snell House last nigh c., •• _;�;night to enter the, final ,trial for the Incidentally-the staves of several bar- ,::-, Univ.ersity ,debating teams." Twenty _ rels were broken into splinters" a.' .� one, men competed, and the judges Freshman imprisoned in the attic·�d�me�ffic��� .• ci�ng �� �bd h� �t �roo� ilie aili�-----------�---�--�-----------�. successful I candidates .. .;' ,.'From' the of the fourth floor, a transom of o� JEllUCCESSFUL II · :NAMB ,ELECTION CLBRXS,twelve chosen last 'night, six win be of the rooms : was shattered,' and' 'the'chosen for the affirmativ.e :,and nega- newly-�dmitted members are experi- ":DRAIATIC .. CLUB ImAILS 'semor College Council Appoin�" tive debate" teams at the finals, to be encing diftitculty in sitting down. __ Tellers and Alternates for Cla&i them in this game,I ':beld November '14- An elaborate rituai was 'observed, Biz Ilea and Four Women Make Voting-Election to' be Held in '''As for .the game itself, I think that,,'_ ,.Judges for .the ,gradUliotes, were 4CVery new resident of the, hall. i;'- Club in the Final Con�t for 'Dean's Office. Thursday and Friday if will be one of the greatest everProfessors Mec:bem and Whittier,of eluding graduate and cpper classmen, Placca. p,lay.ed. The two teams seem evenlythe Law school, and Mr. 'R�bertsol1 coming in : for the more solemn part:. The Senior College Council, at its matched, and the score accordinglyof .the English department; Mr. of the ceremony. Arnold B •. �iJ� �tioD. to be Held ,Tuesday Even- meeting yesterday morning appointed should be close. I think that victoryChandler,- the debating coach; Mr_ xted as master of ceremonies. After 'in&�tiatea to Wri� 'ud Gift the tellers for the Class ,elections, will come to the winner by ;( :smallBretz of the History department, and the initiation, a large supplY' of cider, Play. which are to 'occur next week. In the margin, unless all calculations are up�Professor Slaught of _ the Department wieners and bWlS' was, broUght for- Senior class the three tellers will' be set by unforseen events.'.,"of :Mathematics, were the judges, for ward and the new aad the old �e�- ,Six men and fOOT women won mem> Sanderson,' Jones and Richards, and "On a wet' field, Minnesota. will.,' tbeiundergraduates.' , bersjoiaed � cons�ng t�eDL" ,b�ship in the Dramatic club at the the 'alternates will be' Roney, Hart have .considerably more of an ad­��,�t;'�e�--ct'ra-;Y;"-ro"-'tii'�: i�Dge: �"'l1dleeclles::��I, .the bic,'''ct.��-:. finals-:of.,tb�1ltI�;,,_q..,er{tnal� arid, DixolL' In 'the Junior class those vant .. ge than if the gridiron is dry,�()D��Jlt of�the-.peakers,iD the :final trial, three-sc�ne farce. The difler.eDt parts yesteroay afternoon. Those success- �h'��·e�re-(Sjd;tei·t7 umbach ':an(l' ,�illiams has a :he3:Vier- team;'.. �i contest, to be' 'held .oa . NOvember I� ,were; take�' as follo�s: .' • ' f�1 were Misses Jack.son, Hamel McCracken, and the alternates, are ,�.: :we have, and by r�ortjng to;;' ;� Cobb, Lecttir.e' ball There .wiIL' P�nces� Mis� Shl��y;, �g" . .M!� .Gr�, .. Heckman and ,'Phillips, and McBride, Hansen and Willis: Ad'ams: ��>OJd ,style _of football, as, �ey,, ,t�o fonnal -debates in' succession,' Sutie; qu�D, MISS Li�lie; witch. .�� among 'the .men Scott Borden Paul V. Harper has withdrawn :hls ��t, 'under. .unfavorable ,cQIlditions;�eaCh debater-: b�ving' eight: �e5 <:�� .T�lI.: Miss '��)1� Schackleford, � Godefried, �enZies anJ name from the lists of nominees for t�e;:Goph�rs, will have a chance, to'�or his main speech"and'four miDutes biShop, Mls� BaUDI; ward, )(I!!s.�ew- Karl Hale Dixon. the presidency of the Senior: class� use tbc:�r �eight to 'considerable ad-': 'for rebuttal." On'oDe'�ffirma'tive te2m man'; Gus. Miss 'Stone; super man, The initiatio.n of the new,members Those left iIi the competition are vantage. ,T�.:will be Lev.er, Christenson arid rope� Miss Sc:ott;lairies: �he Misses Kn()w:- wit. take place Tuesday evening. 'Tb.e' Norman Barker; Luther D. Feni�M ., �'I �o not anticipate 'ariy repetiti,m��:Ud. opposed' to them will 'be Keyes.' les, Scc>tt, 'Reese and Stock� deans: new members will at' that time p�e, and -Charles B. Jordan. : .. ,'; of,; the � sort ,of, thing, that�' happened:" \�kel and Leviton.· The other af- the 'Misses Baker, Barnhart, 'and AI- sent an original play of campus life Each 'candidate 'for the office �c:)r agail1st IllinOIS and Indiana. Though'���tive team,' O'Donnell, SchWa� ien; Witcltes: the Misses Ba�, for the amusement of the dub. ' �resident still has, according to "the thf' Minnesota' ends ar.e. ,reported to:����d Sander�on" �1I, be opposed b7 Stockton and' Newmau.. code, the right to appoint a' tel1er�'to be:' we!lk-and' I think the: report is•.• itMoaltOn;' .. Uanhalt arid � Hill The: One of..tbe ,biggest features of the look after his interests';' at the polls: .cxaggerated�the rest 'of the te�'::jwges will '��e the six, best de- party �s 'the costumes in ,which JAKES WINS' TENNI� SINGLES It is the duty' of the chairman' of tlie is ,lmusually strong. The cOa�hing aS�c' ;�bate� to' represent Chicago in the about twenty of the 10ung ladies a� council to see that at least one teller sistance giv�n to .Minne'sota by the', : :cleb3t� with Michigan and North- peared at dinner. An equal nmn�r Ex.IlliDoiAIl "Defeat. Ham-Doublea from each class is always on, dutY:lt v�i'eran Yale' ends can not but prove'1Vertern. of young freshmen friends �f the; Remain to be Pla7ecL' the polling place during the' tim� beneficialopposite sex went to bed earlier than that polls are open: ' t�I'1'dui(say' for us is' we hope to',CHICAGO TO;SBIiD A BIG usual OD Kcount of the lack of' a The elections are to be held fr�m win, and' if defeated, \'rill be 'amongCROWD TO �-:"POLIS good ·ts' (" I h �:_._ b d L.'� The ,finals in singles in the Uni- ',• ' '.a&&" ..... ,lift S.. � cotes, WIPQI' a � 9 to 12; and from'2 to 4 on Thursdav t� - first to call the- Minnesota menversity tennis tOl1mament have been ' ",. .and Friday of next' we.ek, in the of- the 'better, players." ,settled, Jame� winning from Ham in fice oi the Dean' of the 'Senio� col� �None .of the' men on the team could'easy fashion. The fiD�ls in the doa- legcs. � induced to comment on Ch�aio'sbles will be played ofr, tomorrow. -A stude.nt desiring to vote_ must �ances, but all said they were, gOingJames, who 'is the' son of President state hl's nam' e' and class fi h f II h . ', ' to the tel- 10 g t or a t ere IS in t�m. "WeJames of the Unives.ity of Illinois, A': 'lets of the .election� teller wtil OIIly hope for a good day," was theirwas, with Friend, on the Illinois then check off his name from the list:; c;imment. 'team of, two years ago. H� played t'Iof, those eligible to vote, and h.md he squad will be given some sig-, ,steady' tennis �uring t�is t�umanient:· 'him a ballot, 'which 'the' studc:nt m;u'k� , practice during the day. Direc-and had little difficulty in winning all and deposits in the ballot':box� �r Stagg stated 'yesterday that h� cr.1his ma�hes. He will probably be a Th e ballots are to be printed by h! .nOt know whether the workout willcandidate for tbe Varsity squad. Senior College Council at its own '* taken during the morning or after-In the doubles, Ham and McIntosh expense. These ballots are to be noon.won yesterd"y from James and I .\llr • h 6- 6- pure y Austrahan, the names of the A few loyal ones who were on'. ng t 4. 2 Th "..' '. e .vlctonous paIr nominees being alphabetically :&t, hand to see the, men off last nig!;t.WIll play the WlOners 10 the one r. . . . e- ranged under the respt"l'tive oAkes. organized an impromptu rooting del-mammg contest In the semi-finals' Th h b .BI k d Sh ' ere ave een .10 new devdt)p- cgatlon as the tal1y-ho pulLed f'. t.ac an ea vs. Adams and Gard. ."ner � ments m the questIon ut Frc�hm:lr. The work yesterday was light am!. :md Sophomore dectiunc;. short, consisting of a final polishingThe play has been consil1erably off of the repertoire of tricks, 1 ml111handicapped on account of the poor bel' of which the Maroons "'Iltcondition of the courts. It was iu- The reg,·straar's office ,·s not cash. .sprmg on the Gophers ton'orrow.t(:nded that the tournament be settled ing any ch-ks, as I't I·... pract,'cally -1M... I.... "" j ne pays went off witll0�lt :\ it:, � h,last week. According to Manag;er imp0!lsible to secur.e the -'"ash for 'Ca h " and Director Stagg said th:!t the �en_________ � --I rr, no matc es will be held over them, owing to the stringency ofafter this week.i money.bateD November 14-?tfoulton' 'KeyesPope:ChristensonJliIl, ',�: ··Schwarlz",: O'Donnell" Lever , SandersonMarshallBickelLeviton�:, More than 100;;';; •• doaa AInIM17lIade-Jbpect Kamber' to ..maul. II Todq., A big delegation of, chicago root­ers will attend tbe Minnesota gametomorrow. At the closing of 'the In­fom,alion office last night. more thaY1100 reservations' had been made forthe train is to leave at 5 =40 tonight.It is expected that this number willbe largely increased today. •Th.�train whM::h the rooters wiil take isOVer the Illinois Central, leaving fromthe J 2th street station at 5:40. It willarri\'.� in Minneapolis at '1 :25 Satur­day morning. The retUf'n train willleave at 8 p. m. Sunday night,' get­ting into Chicago at 9:30 Mondaymorning. The rooters will have theuse of the PilDman sleepers durin�their stay in 'Minnepolis, making itunnecessary to secur.e hotel accom­modations. The band and the Ft"esh­man eleven, w;U take this train."� ,0loi;: the : Freshmen will take -their. mealsloaned out' for the eVening. Most �fthe' women made' passable gentlemen.Misses Staley, Shippy, ,James andThe Virginia' reel waS led; by MiSiWallace and the cotilliOn . by theLilly.Kings' and queens, fairies' and pir­ateg,: good children and baCl. children., ' ,sportsmf'n and peasants, iningled ingay good' fellowship at Ke]IY·� hanannual Hallowe�n celebration. 'Thedifferent 'tables represented variousphases of the �tual and the fairvworld. There was 'the "king" in h:scounting house, counting out hi-4money, and thc "qUleen" in her parloreating bread and honey; real �terPan pirates sang their "Yo t : ho t ho!"while representatives of tne nation.looked on. Pr.esent-d2.Y affairs' wert"illustrated '"by an international balloonr:.c.�e, which was conducted' with ,a�1the excitement of reality. 'Wireles�telegrams we� recei�d at every ta- EVEI· CHARCE .. TO WII,_-",SAYS DIRECTOR STAGGGreat Game and Close Score Pre­dicted':_"Old Man" ConsidersGopher Team Strong.Ctl//�i�SJUnltl,. t:O//�8�SQUlI.rk,. e5�Sfi!.hIASJt1e/4n., 04-gr��S�r�Z .. �o,,_ :S�nio,. C/4,sjJun,oye 'Cks.$ Party iD Minneapolis' Today-Ma­roon Lineup Announced-Confi­dence iii Gopher C�p.� The -full Vars��>:",:,s�,ad" twenty­three strong. accompanied by Di­rector Stagg, Dr. Raycroft and tworubbers, left last night over the" };l·r·Jington road, and arrived early thismorning in Minneapolis,':. Director" Stagg said before' leav :ig ,that he could not predict a victory iorthe- Maroons."It's about the same as last year,"he said. "I can't figure what the out ..come will be., We are going tip toMinnesota to win, and win bv asbig a score as we can make. Themen bav.e the right spirit and are ingood condition, and will undoubte.ll.rdo .all .that should be expected of'\•�HE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO. FRIDAY, NON. r, 1901. •the militant, invincible Chicago spiritPabllahed da1l7, except Suoda7.. MOIL. behind it. For a strong team, firedda7a &Ad hol1da7.. dur1� three-quarten by that spirit can not lose.of the UnA ye.ra117 J'e&r.0IIda1 '.8t1l4at ""''atte � .. Val ...IIIQ��..·r.....,The UDlnD1q of CIaIca&o W"'7.r4M1Dde4.TIle Week17. Oct. 1. len.The 1MI17, Oct. 1. 1802. OR !'D ���OO"ft .. �! �nller-Pftve�ted the I�ngth ,�f ,�, �A''��Ci 'SPAt,'I.: "; tum from bonag. �:. •, ".... "�,.., The combinaiioD P -';�bo��8:i', 1The V�,: �D�" aRd three comets is�ari�olci oIie in 'J ... • �_ SD'Good Bill at die. ,,' .�" '�udeville,. but, the Eli�)fu'ic::!. F�� , U' ' 1\1Auditorium Theater .. were unusually seeeessful, '·The har-'_ "mony in their rendition was- without Th' T _;__t.. � .," e �._ anu,KtIInIIa_faulL,. _, - . -",_., - '" -- - -" " '. "''''Jd f-'. ' , _or 0Of the mUsical, offerings. the best OPPIC� ATHLETI, Cwas - an Italian' --,trio; . consisting "of '� Ball, Poot �t,,:o teno� �nd �. ��t�!,e, who sang a -!.own Tamia, �most excellent Miserere. There is angreatly by the war which is on, be- exquisite- sweetness':n the voiceS oitween' Klaw--and -E-rlanger, Lessees of the tenors and a \��� effective' reso­the Auditorium, and Kohl and Castle, nance in Signor Criseomo's baritoneowners of the four older variety ',. Spalding's' Hands�meJ�,Th� �Iending of the voices was ex-houses, the Majestic, Olympic, 'Chi- ceptiona1. trated . Catalogue of aUO H d H ket contains: numerouscago pera . ouse ,.an aymar., Miss Grace Hazard, -who is calledB th '. I fi ','ar in the nons, Send for it. It's Ii,<? managerta rms e,.1 the star of the performance, is some-field to spend an the money that .s what of a disappointment. While her A.. ,G. SP AWING I'necessary to win' favor, and -by ere- changes of costume are remarkably :=�;:c�!:.l�:���elplala.atin_� a vaudeville craze, h�ve paveJ �ood, y.et her movements and voic:�' St. Lows, New OrIcaD., San Fthe, �a., y for new _e!1�erprises,. so that were not surpassingly artistic, al- CiDciD_,ti Deaver. MODtreaLh . . h City, 'ClnelaDd. Ca_aChicago as n<?w,�m.e v��_e.ty" o�se� though clever., Her. ways and bear- _ .)"When it was first announced thatFreshmen Debating Club May HaveClub Room-F.'KUlty Approves of�on.!fill uphold' the challenge to Minne­sota's football' supremacy, and baCkthe team in its fight.' It is unfortu-=nate that more c:ariont make thetrip, but those who' go Will' bear theresponsibiltiy of representing theentire student body of Chicago, andthey will, be heard from.The time-worn allegation that Chi­cago lacks spirit has been going topieces rather rapidly recently, andSaturday will see its finish. TheVarsity will bring back the ,champion_ship of the west, because it will have The . theater-going _, pubJi,�;, ,> 9r:_ 1't,ieast that part. of the:' Chicago' publicwhich likes vaudeville, is profitti��SllIIKrlpUoa price. $3.00 per J'ear;fl.OO RHODES EXAMINATIONS TOBE HELD IN JANUARYfor 3 moathL S�"'rlptJoD8 recelyed attJae IIarooD Ollce. Bl1J8 Hall. or at tbe Concerti'ac:u117 kc:h&Dp. Cobb HaIL for Oxford Scholarship willTake Place in jmuary.-Require-,mentS are. Severe. .The next examination in this' coun­try under the Rhode's bequest, willbe held on Tuesday and Wednesday,January 22 and, 23, 1908. The selec-tion of scholars will be completed b)the' end of March, and the successfulcandidates will begin residence at,Warren D. Foster, Oxford in October of that year.Harry A._ Hansen, "Pat" Henry, a Univ.ersity of Chi-Jerome Frank, I' cago graduate, was selected in 1903. vari�ty; and when' Klaw It. E,rianger.. P. W. Pinkerton. No other scholarships will be open were ready to' open, they found tha, Freshman debaters were greatlyuntil 1910, when another trial will be only the best would ,be, satisfactory. elated yesterday by the announce-IW"OJlTDS given, as scholarshios are given two Vesta Victoria, ,was brought here. ment that the Freshman DebatingWaIter A. Ford, Miss Esther Hall, years in succession and none. on the In answer, Kohl and Catsle put on club may be give!) a permanent roomHarvey B. Fuller, Jr., A. L. Fridstein third y.ear. The scholarships .are oi two 'headliners a - �eek. May' Irwin on the campus. The club held aAlbert D. Henderson Fred W. Carr, the value of 300 pounds ($1,500), anti and that jolly couple, Cecil Lean and meeting at 10:30 in' Kent yesterda.io. I. E. FerpsOD, E. C. Hoadley, are g�d for three years. Those who Florence. Holbrook were drawn into to hear. the report of a, committe: *_:'accept the scholarships are warned vaudeville .... Kiaw and Erlanger an- which had conferr.edO'�th the faculty, ... _lit. "�A ....that this _sum is no' more than neces- nounced Mlle. de Lussan, and for The. committee reported that the fa�­sary to cover the expenses of the next .. week Irma Monti-Baldini. Fin- ulty ,had heartily approved or theyear, including vacations as well a� ally, it is learned that H.enry Wood- movement, and would 00 an that wasterm. A scholar must not, ·therefore, ruff, after 'three seasons iD "Brown of possible to make it a success, it hav­count on his scholarship leaving any Harvard," is to' go into vaudeville for ing been ev.en sugested ,6bat a specialmargin-least of all in his first year,. three, weeks next spring at a salary room, might be se't aside for tb'e usein which owing to unavoida�le initial 0£$1,000 a week, exactly -dou�e what of, the 1911 orators."Miimesota and Chicago are face ,P.3yments, .expenses are heaviest.; be is receiving 'on' th� �ramatic sia&e._ "The' faculty seem to 'think our SHAMPOOING and ,�'{,;to face," says the Minnesota Daily, The general req,!irements of eligi- fhe �limax comes ,with,the anDounc�, plan is a wise one,",.said, Whitfield. 'in epitomizi�g, the sit· must be unmarried' and must be a cit- �ent that Ellis F. Glickman" man- "The upper �Ia�s��;' ar.e also pleased �ICpation from the Gopher bjlity are as follow$: The -candidate' ager - �f the International theater .an� to think that' the �reshmen took this �DAM£ KAVI •.•._ -.Jj;}'izen' of the United tSates. The age 'of' the _Yiddish players there. wlil 'lction. on" th�r ov:.:.. .initiative. �e 1237 E. 55th S� PhO��.. ,limit is from nineteen' to h';enty--five. �ake his first appearance on 'the Eug- plan certainly seems, �xcellent, and' \Tbe best equipped, and �"Moreov�r, all the applicants shall lish .. sp�aki�g stage in the vaudeville if we all work togeth�r,' 'there i�: nc., pJ.:e iD Chka&I::have reached, before going into resi· lists,' presenting- a dramatic sketch of, r.eason why the �Iub shoo old not be-, Have youdence, at least the end of their soph- the French revolution by Charles UI, come a valuable institution."omore year at some recognized de- rich. Before the, dose of the meeting, agree-graiDting_ university or college With the Auditorium and th� Ma- committee' of five was selected to 'of the United tSates. jestic ,'t�rning away patrons at ev.ery draw up a cons�tutioi1 which will beThe final seLection does not depend performance, the managers of' �be submi�tect to the club at a meeting toon the highest grade obtained in the "legitimate" theaters h��e been be 'teld next week.examination. In accordance with the forced to draw upon all the resourceswish of Mr. Rhodes, the trustees de- of Broadway ,to r.emain in the game,sire that "in the eLection of a stu· and the best. plays 'and players aredent to a scholarship, regard shall � promise.d for the regular offerings ofhad to his literary and scholastic at- th,e season. As a result of this, alltainments, . his fondness for and sac· the theaters are making big money,cess in manly out-door sports, such and the mangers should learn thatas cricket, football, and the like; bi� even in normal circumstances itqu�Jities of manhood, truth courage. WOUld. pay them to bring to Chicagodevotion t� duty, sympathy for an.! the New York casts intact, instead ofprotection of the w.ealc, IcindLness, substi,Ulting in the minor roles, as hasunselfishness and fellowship; his ex- been their custom.hibition during school days of moral It is hoped that the public will tirf'force of character, and, ability to of thl;..cheapness and froth in vaude­lead' and to take an interest in his ville, and come to care for better aDd The M.. Who Wean" the -Co'schoolmates." ,mor� lasting things. The variet,.The examinations to be held in performance is to ,the better-typeJanuary, when the candidates will be play �hat the cheap nov.el is to goodLUTHER D. FERNALD, Manse'" Edltor.l·RESTON F. GABS. Nen Edltor.MJaLVJN J. ADAMS. AtbleUc EdItor.LOUIS S. BERLIN, BuaIDea8 M&IUlpr.Printed bJ' tbe MarooD Prea,474 East 55th StreetPbODe HJ'de Park 3891"Faceto point of view, "and theprize is the westernchampion��.ip. A:, fore­'cast of the issue belon� �to the realmFace"of irresponsible work."Gopher-Chicago. Go-fer: Chicago.That is the way the Maroon :and Goldmust seek the victory, and: the onlyway.' Let the men o�:'th�' 'team feelthat, they' have behind tJ:lem; the solidstudent body-that th��� success ordefeat is a vital consideration toMilUlesota men and wom�n."Help. Work. Boost."Go-fer ChiCago."Let us do aU woe can to make oldMinnesota invincible, to sp�ead he'!"name' and fame, to make the land ofSki-U-mah dearer to .DS; more -thana mere, place of recitations and so­ciety;' more than a place of prepara­ration for a better service to our.friends; but a place that we. will love­love deeper and stronger as 'the yea�go by; with a love and venerationwhich only a united, unsel&sb loyalty .ng are attractive, but the real valuethe Auditorium was to presen, t "ad- f . .-, .noto her performance is great,vanccd vaudeville," the owners of the either in its achievement or its effect.other four theaters immediately be-gan, by procuring the best talent ob­tainable, to try to intrench themselvesmore strongly with vaudeville p�t':rons. High salaries, attracting manyfrom the' "legitimate" stage, were of­fe;ed sta'rs' who w.ere adaptable to Igil DEBATERs �TEDMAY PROCURE CLUB. ROOMVICTORY(By George' Garrett)To Ctiicago, go!Hear the bleachers' roar;WOrlcing for everY :��d,Piling up the score. -Fight, fight for victory!Now all up on youi:� toes.We will not give i.n;We bave got to win�For old ChiCago,. go;can arouse."Minnesota has the 'right splnt.There is 00 doubt about it. Whetherthe team is Chieago's equal or not,whether or not there is any yellowstreak in the Maroon and Gold ele­"en, there will be none in the Mar�nand Gold rooters. And on theirbacking of their team the victory willhang in the balance. Two weeksago their support lagged, and for awhile Nebraska seemed the winneruntil the team, bra-ced with the stu�dent backing, finally won.Chicago's r.epresentation at Min­neapolis cannot be large· compared R. S. Bard, cafotain of the fresh­with what Minnesota will send. Bu� man football team at Princeton, is acrowded into. the Maroon stand there Chicagoan. He played on the H�ewill be a bana, however small. which Park kam for two years. 011, he�e's to the man ,who wears t�c..,.. ' ': . '-: ." - -' .... .-C. ,! ��' , 'Who fights a good fight for theexamined in arithmetic and eithe� al- reading, in thaf it .is bOund to destroy Varsity;gebra or plane geometry, Greek the desire for healthy amusement on Here's t�, the, man who:� fought and,grammar,Latin grammar, translations the part of its patrons. won,from English into Latin and either But while the war is going on, ShOwed his tnle worth as Chicago'sunpr.epared translations from Greek those who care for vaudeville benefit- son;and Latin, or unprepared translation greatly. This week's program at Here's to' the man who's brave andfrom one of these languages and a the Auditorium is distinctly excellent. bold,book in the other,or on.eGreek and one "Honey Boy" George Evans is the Ready to battle like knights of 0),1Latin book. ,These "books" are but real head-tin.er. He is as clever as Fights like a tiger for victory,selections from a long tist of classiCal ever, and his satires on women and Oh, here's to the man who weare;writers. determined upon by the fac- matrimony were witty in the ex- the "C."ulty at Oxford. treme.Julian Rose made his usual hit ina new monologue .entitled, "Levinskyat the Wedding." His impersonationof the stage type of jew is undoubt­edly good, and his frankly persoaal There will me a meeting of theBrotherhood of St. Andrew t�ismorning at 10 :30, in the parlor ofNortJa haD.- --._._-- I, Hockey. "Official ImpLements for TField Uniforms for AUBewes-AllegrettiCANDIES, SODA,State .. d Momoe.Te1ephoDe 792 CeidaICbicaco----1.THECOMINGFAD .',HASCOME!ITIS. TOREAD.THEDAILYMAROONSAIDFAD ISCONTAGIOnHAVEYOUCAUGHT IT?• • •AN ADV. INTHB DAILY MAII AS, GOOD AIINVBSTIIENTAS YOU CAN IIAUHAVE YOU I, , ..'I1t2 DAILY �OO�. CHICAGO. FRIDAY,' NOV. r, t907.- _o .. a- .• tMONDAY TIm LIIIlT PO. I. DB('I..&.IIATiO. � II Ie A L & N D A ....... �Pro8pectiYe c·"... f. CoIltIIat1Iu.t Had iD ..... � Nat 'II",. -, , IICandidates for' the Jumor Colleg� Bois Teachers'. AssociationTAI LO R � 0 . Ideclamation cOntest. the preliminaries (Mandel Assembly). �of �hi�h take,. P.i.ace OD November Classes in Gel1l13A Conversa-14th, are, ac:c:ordi�g to the ulual pro- tion (Lexington Hall).vision, req�.t.ecl. � submit at. the 4-30 p. m.�erman Club-(VortragJunior Dean·�.·ofti"'�the name of their von Herro Dr. ). J. Meyer-(Lexington' Hall).These contests,. limited to JaD'or A GnDcl Old Stacc sr E.JACKSON BLVD. \college students. not having eighteen He's a 'grand Old Stagg,majors of credit are held during Though we don't like to brag,• 'liliea�umnad w��q��" �A� �'�� � will �ow yoo �------------�----------------each year.· At the preliminary trial soon;of the contest this quarter, each can- He's the idol of the team we love,didate will be allowed five minutes ·t., That fights for the dear old Maroon,i)reS9t any part of h. spech. Tw� (Rah! Rah!)representatives, one man and one We will stick by him, though wewoman, will be selected to represent lose or we win, .each of the eight Junior colleges. Th:o And our faith in him can't lag;eight successful declaimers will meet Though other coaches may be 'goodin se�i-finals, when two men and tw') Take y�ur hat off to "Old Man"women will be chosen to appear in Stagg.a' fial contest. JOHN W. DOUGLASFriday Nov. I.-4-00 p. m.-Annual Meeting of IlIi-Telephones 4068 Harrison--3884 AutcmaticDESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE MAN'S APPAREL.You'll like 'em bCcauae tbe7'lOok as good aa moat hs ..utsyou have been UP. apiDat.EvelY one of than indiYidual­ly tai10rect and made' with ..much . care as if thq costtwice as much. They are justthe bicgest noise the cb1l-Chucm 'eva: 'brouEht to this . ton'How about youi' bank ron,Could you unloosen to the ex­tent of ho' or $2s? if you". could I'll show a line of suits"and overcoats that couldn't .;e'better if all the tailors in theworld . helpe� to build th�""TheY're good· enough for a �­lionaire--mld that talk C�. j,I�t.] " ---IMaroon. :. . tNORTHEAST C�RNER s�TH ST. AND DRE:XEL AVE. IBuUdinC ThorouChly Overhauled and Reneovated.LAtest Modem Applliances for Ventilation and Sanitation.Rooms Light and Airy, Newly Furnished, at Reasonable Rates.Lunch Counter and Restaurant attached, where the best of every-thine is served.,Your Patronage SolicitedH·alel.The final contest in past" years hashad the Ferdinand Peck jrize of $50 PURDUE DEFENSE IS WEAKas the r�ward for the successful man �and woman. The abolishment of thb Tamer Worb Squad Hard for DJi.DOia Game. ROBERT, ST AEDTER CO.ISS' State Street,"" Between' Madison and Monroe.. Phone Central 5334-. FURS,SUITS.COA 1;'SSKIRTS,MILLINE�YOur Prices are the Low:'est for the Best Mer­chandise of our well­known Reliable andDurable Qualities.Ladies' ,and Misses'Suits SI8.SO up.Fur.Neckwear from$3-75 up.Hats from 14-00 up.prize. last year will neeessitate somenew arrangement as to the reward o!. the winners in the finals, but it isprobable that an additional scholar­ship for, one quarter, will take tbeI place. of the Peck prize.. The entire selection ?f each can­didate must not, ac.cording to provi­sion of the Public Speaking Depart-met, exceed 800 words in length.'Complete spccifi�tions z:elative tothe contest are contained in 'the"course books. A dispatch from Lafayette, Ind .•says that Coach Turner does not be­lieve in letting his boilermakers offeasy in the way of practicing, and forthe last two days has kept them onthe field until long after .dark,An aft.er-supper session, consistingof signal practice and short talks bythe coaches is held every evening inthe armory.Turner is doubtful over the out-Class, fraternitr; Socia,-:-' PINS -:-We make a SPECIALTY· ofthis class of work. Let us giveyou an estimate. Very highest .grade of workmanship guaranteed.SPIES- BROS ••. ,.Manufact1JrerL.of YIDe JeweIq.1s6;Wahab;A�" � mCatalogue . upo� application. ; . come of the Illinois game, which isto be "played tomorrow, and in eonse­quence gave the . squad a strenuouswek of practice.Pardee's bolckfi"eid is a wonder onoffense, but something seems .to be'acking in the "defense. -The fresb­mM were given the ball on the var­si�'s five-yard line yesterday . andlive downs were necessary to crossthe line:For�yth, the shifty quarter, prob­ably will play against Illinois on ac­count of his kicking ability. He is amaster of the forward .pass andshould prove a good addition to thesquad; at least the Illinois backs willbe kept guessing when . the Boiler­makers have the ball.The New Testament club will meett. in, South· Divinity, parlor Mondav'eTening, at 8 o·clock. An addresswill be de'ive� �by 'Dr. J. M. P�Smith. on th� sii�j��- -'The Legisla­tor's cOnception of. , the Authority ofthe Law." .•••. Ii -. .• • • • • • •in theUNIVERSITY"CfflCJlGOpower plant20JONES STOKERS'(Two Orders)'A .. H. M'e, GREWLUIIBERLath, Sbincla, lloaJdiDp, Etc.. Etc64th street. and IIadiaon A� The University ad"d!,ess books willbe ready for distribution at the 'Reg­istra:-'s office at the' begin�ing of llextweek.are installedThe lloaardI of 1M WestAll hail the monarch of the West,Chi-ca-gO, Chi-ca-go, Chi-ca�go;On Marshall Field this oft proved thebest.Tel, Randolpb 766-·Dr .... ·w.�DENTAL BURGEON ".WOOD SHADES andOI.IlIf BROWNSSuite 167-161. State Street. Chi-ca-go, Chi-ca-go, Ch�-ca-go;N�w play the pine like right good A prominent football COach saidsporting mea. today: "Speed has never been aFirst tear their line in bits, prominent feature of the MinnesotaThen br.eak it np apin, style of play. This year, however,F�r Stad has taught you how to) it is reported that Dr. Williams ha�tackle, men. seen and r.ead the handwriti�g on theChi-a-go,' Cbi-ca-go, wall. has dropped his old'theory thatThe Pride of all the "West. weicht .aloae could crush dexteritj·Ja�t play the game as belt you can, aDd speed and bas determined to addboys. to his squad sufficient of the light,De Tray. is watching every Dian; fteet element to be of use against a". boy.., similar organization. He still clin�Play ar.d figbt to the massive line,and most 01 theU Any - wBD' YOU AD With all your might, men have' played from tackle to tae-This is to. _lIOIIIIce that die ... � • h 'd f I' Ch· kle in the two games' this season areWooleaa for PaD are � for ror you re t e pn e 0 a I '.cago.� JnspectioD.;' TheD .fight the royal battk through, of that kind-Case, Bandelin, Kjel-Some of the Smartat of tile N.. Then fight the royal battle throagh, land, Lambert andY oung, Minneso·WaftS are in smale PattemL . . ta' d . I· .... t th • dDosen't this mgeat aD � YiIit Thcn fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. 5 en s are I�II er an 1ft ay::;FaD WooleM caatom taDored iD til past. though it is scarcely likely Dr."Jerrems WaT'-baft an Jadmd Por Cbicap. � lIater Williams will be able to tum out aual S�le. For Chicago, Alma M:ater,. pair that will .. compare with Roger�It wiD be a pleasure to Show � And the honor of hel name, and Marshall. two fOlmer stars ofwhat the Fan S17la will be. You Her sons shall raise. with loyal the Old Gold and Maroon. Capronwon't be asked to �.Ready for yoa-today. KEurFEL � ESSER CO-----01' OW YOU�----$pe.c::talist - inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARIS ARE" NEWESTWE HAVE THEil AND 'OTHER POPULARSHADES.Special Pees fqr StadentLCH,CAGOAMES BATSS2.00 $1.00A'fair .... wida � 11M.Opera a. ... II-..III. 113 B. �ISON"--r"'--I,.......... 100 st)'1es at $20.00100 styles at- '50-00aDd 1300 �tweeD)Bra\DiuJl. _aterialPapers and Blue Print PapersScales, T •. SquaresTri�ngles, SurveyingInstruments, Inks, Etc.We have . reduced111 MADISON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.Telepbcmea: Maln.c803: Automatic 6?JJ'7praise, 'at quarter, too, is light and fast. Thi!'The glory of her fame; trio constitutes the cot*essions, forFor Chicago, Alma Mater, the most part, made by the GophcrJust as long as her life shalt run. coach to the new style of game inHearts once in tune, beneath the old. point .of personned of the team, forMaroon, both Capt. Schuknecht and Dunne,Forever she has won. the fullback, are of the old type." What'., Going On?W�tch The DAILY MAROON.. You Cut't Afford To Do Without It.Subscribe NowA. N. Jerrema, 1Iaaapr.TAILOR POR YOUNG lIEN Subscribe for the Dail,. Maroon. \V ANTED-Every man who_has notTwo Stota: 131 La Su.t,..a Do· . I -.... lllCboa ...... cJ It IIOW .. bsCri� to do 10 at 01lCe.THE DAILY' .1iAR-OON., CHICAGO. FRIDAY, NOV. I, 1907..ItIIissi-fbqtt·ypnt0btbcscyctsFwaglFI EVEN CHARCB. TO WIN,SAYS DIRECTOR STAGG(ContiDued from page' I)J ioV.e now: m_aStered th-: plays. Headded that he did not know whatkind of a game Chicago will play­whether. the Maroons would try tokeep possess ian of the ball for the saous RAIfUU ,PAKIIS._ _.�,�, .... _;, �!-'.I,;1..Porter- I.NIer VecClintock DedaraRomances of Animal Life .... BeJoac:.Neither to Art DO:- Science-Sa�'Hwnane Society Trac:ta are DotLiterature. �... .... .... .... . ...'_) -,• .:.AIOsEl1lflS....The GarrickChanninc PoUock'. Gratat. PlayTHE SECRET ORCHARDMcVickersItICHAUNCEY OLCOTTIn His New Romantic Play;"O'NEILL' OF DERRY."PowersfWII. H. CRANEin the Dew comedy. by Geo. AdeFATHER AND THE BOYSIllinoisWILLIAM COLLIERIn tile Gnat Farce Comedy"CAUGHT IN 'tHE RAIN"The GrandMONTGOMERY andSTONE inTHE RED MILL} La SalleTHB'tGIRLQUESTION, .� COlonial.VICTOR MOOREKid Bums of New Rochelle, 'The AuditoriumKLAW a ERLAaqER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLBThe Studebake'rWILL T. HODGBIn the New ComedyTHE MANFROM HOllE-1' 'The WhitneyThe I(lIIicai WIDDerA JDfIGJIlI' FOR A DAY... trine. We must devise some way topreserv.e an'd to deepen in our littlepeople that humorous, loving sym­pathy with our furry and hairy broth­ers, more wholesome and naturaithan stories of suicidal ponies, revo­lutionary stallions,' persecuted p�n­ridges, and heart-broken mastifls.I----------------Better than any library of booksmost part, or would play on the de- The much belabored writer ofianik:fensive, in an effort to wear out the mal romances has come in iorr-: aMinnesota, offense. A great deal of scoring from Porter Lander MacC� :football sparring is looked for during rock of the School- of Education..the early part of the game. In a book entitled "Literature in: (the ,The Chicago lineup has been de- Elementary School," w·· ch was _is.;.cided at last, according to Director sued from the University Pres� y�s­Stagg's statement last night. Though terday, Mr. MacClintcck . devot�s ria:not more than half the men will play chapter to discussing the place 'Of.throughout, the lineup at the start nature and animal stories "in the lit.will be as follows: Hewitt, left end; erary education of children. A largeDoseff, leit tackle; Handy, left guard; part of the nature stories written forAnderson, center; Harris, right children are rejected by both. scienceguard; Falk, right tackle; Page, right and art declares Mr. MacClintOc:k,end; Steffen, quarterback; De Tray, because on the one hand they' are tooeft half back; Iddings, right half misleading and false and on theback; Merriam, full back. other they are too full of prosaic factsAccording to Dr. Raycroft, all the obviously meant for instruction.men are on edge and. fit for the game For example the writer says, ','Weof their lives. The numerous injures would teach a child about the distri­hat las� week threatened to keep bution of the dandelion plant. Soseveral of the men out of the con- we construct the "Story of the Dan­test, are now things of the past. delion Seed." Now' there undoubt­The squad is composed of the fol- edly is a story of the dandelion seed.owing men: Captain De Tray, Id- Incident follows incident, 'stage fol-dings, Steffen, Hewitt, Merriam, lows stage, from bloom to bloomPage, Falk, Doseff, Harris, Ander- again-every step beautiful' and inter-i :son, Handy, Hoffman,.· Ferguson, ,esting in itself, and to be completelyMoulton, Jones, Schommer, Rohde, trusted to make its own appeal, justWorth wine, Young, Ehrhom, Sunder- displayed for itself, Still some peopleand, Donovan,· Chamberlin, and doubt this. They have lost, or haveBadenoch. never acquired, that faith. in nature(Special to The Daily Maroon) and her' processes which trusts toMinneapolis, Oct. 3I-Enthusiasm this appeal; and then they long-andStJCh as has never before been exhib- this is quite natural-to enlist in, aidted over a football game, is now of their fact studies the charm andhowing itsoif all over the town. Out- the emotion that lies in : literature.iders as well as students are falling So they endow the Dandelion Seedn on the Minnesota slogan, "We with a papa and a mama-a jovialmust 'beat Chicago," and all are con- subarbanite of a papa, and a fu�sy.fident the trick will be turned. sentimentalizing mama-with a era­At the same time . the spirit of die, with a vocabulary, with a !iJys- ':riendliness is not being' neglected. tem of .morals (there are even!Elaborate arrangements 'are' being "naughty" Dandeiion Seeds), a�Jmade for the "purity banquet". which with many feelings. They tell aboutwill be held Friday' in th� armory. his "home," his infancy, his training.Besides a' number of speeches, there his departure, his settling in a newwill be some music by the Minesota 'home-all the while with the intea­and, . to consist ' of both _ Chicago and tion of teaching ,their infants the .factsMilfbesota tunes. A large' number of but. all' the while-covering them ,upwomen will' be present, A -monster under a trivial and UIlnecessary mytI?:bonfire will be lighted after the ban- In the end the product is scorned byscience for its overlay of mislead��detail, and rejected by a� for t�e .ob­noxious intrusion of work-a-day an'dprofessional fact.As to the value of the pathetic ani­mal stories told in. ,the tracts issuedby humane societies, Mr. MacClintickwrites: "If the nature-story makinguse of literary devices,. but designedto teach scientific fact, is anomalou�,the case is no better, artistically or .educationally, when the story of ananimal is made the 'propaganda ofthe Humane society, or of the anti­vivisectionists, or of any other be­lievers, no matter how just and •m­HALLOWB� PRANKS MANY' portant may be their belief or doc­(Continued from page I)uet.A massmeeting. was held this af­emoon, speeches being made byCaptain Schuknecht and severalmembers of the team, the rest of theIme being devoted to practicing tbeells and songs, including the $20rize 'melody recent�y written.Coach Williams has been spendingmost of the time during the week inperfecting his offense. He says it isot working as well as he would likeo see'it. He has faith in the abilityf his line, to hold the .plunges of theChicago backs.Ie and the disappointment in th�message "Die Deusche haben ge­wonnen," was drowned in a heartyoast "Zum Amerika."In Green and Foster halls th cele­rations were not only of the. highlass order, but eath hall presentedomething new and original, when about them is the friendship of on�ompared with the parties of former dog or horse, or the care of any, theears. The girls aU appeared in fancyt f dl . P h humblest, pet. And at least we mayos umes 0 en ess vanety. er aps . 'h b• t f II he I remmd ourselves that w.e do not have.-e Igges 0 a . were t rura '. .tyl .. t d d b h to accomphs. h "'the awakemng of thates ongma e an worn y t e,t h II • I B h d' . or' any other sympathy at the cost ofos er a glr s. ot Imng rooms '... teaching literature stones undeslr·ere tastefully decorated WIth shrubs able and inartistic:."ndautumn tinted leav� interm!n-ed with rows of Japanese lantem�. The volume is a study of the bestmethods of teaching literature tl)children of' the elementary schools.The Stamp will meet in Cobb 6A,ricla, eftDiaa at 7:.JO. Subscribe for the Daily. iblDlUs�IN"" .,.,,.' � ,r_ � I..IKE' A- CAMEL .. ',�'To � �'��n�·�:;uat dip it ill ',;,Ink, press the Crescent-Filler &Dd Bee it fin ita .,tank like a camel slaking its'thirst. Thatt• all .::Is to )t! No dropper-no mesa-no bother. Do Jl.&Dphere-&!1y tim� .'. �GONILIN'S SELF- .. PI- "�;PnLLINO "1,.�lATHE PEN �TH THE CRESCENT-FILLE .. • :,i: �'-'IlROcaD. be filled instantly "Ithout the least hiconftDien �" .�. could fill it with white kid gloves on without�· :8ODi��. Besides its convenience, is the splendid .::..qualities of the Conk1in-�e perfect feed. ' .LeadlDIr deaIen, haIlcUe tho CODk1ba. If 701US cSoea DOt..cUrect. Prtces, $3.00 aDd up. 5eDd at 0IICe for baDdsomo DeW catalac. ' .!he Conidia Pea rA. 310 LDh." •• m.w.. Toledo, � ,-!�------�---------...:..�'. .,�:, "_-"_tcDr.,ne:_GILBERT WILSON 6 U.ALWAYS (SpecMinnsota·s tto-nigh·.. ben aWas d(, -and SUI, :itcepti,,pme ilMahJing britbe miling teamade. in therancedThe, hour bTel. H. P. 1160.,("WHO HAVE BOUGHT OUR.. COLLEG� CORN·£R .�LOTHESARE BUYING·AGAIN THIS 'FALL•COLLEGE SUI1;S_AND'OV�RCOATS �" , ,-'���:i'. eommc': �ri�l,:: 'passed,�, gico am]to',c.:rver 'eWDkie"TAILORS ._ Reor.lmbp! ��efit:�i'c.bouUJ bti. �,I • BU"""IIIFS '�hf�;�)t '''' .."",�� ?-':ided�l'"""" ..1;:;;•M .: ,_ '.. ',�� �:,mg or; \ Oar fadal treiatiaeD� Me-ueqaUcd. -&II- ,\� fewaU tile latest ADd lDost:sclatlfic.� �. be delOur PrepuatiODS are tile porest ... d bat ':if'Our Opeqton bow IIow tv apply.tIIe. t.... �'�ere Iduce tile desired resaJb. . ,'f. ",i"b. mpOur establishlDeDt is COlDpiete i. eyery �- IDat.·• ,;� i)ears.Our Hair Good'. SwitcHs. Wip ... d...... ::, 'pmedo un are aade or tbe best Freacb .... �7, -.)� � ,ise ofLADIES Tl:'RKISH BATHS ,:i' ., ma.nyE:LECTRIC ,LIGHT· BATHS �;,_, �.ereJL BURNHAM, 70 and 72 State .Street. t .kt al,:i• ---------------..;.-';..'.' .pme.Dirt. cleanwas :,pmepr:aistited btr yewith.:- he lh: -.as I,Quae� lnd I.... �---------- .. � best.lfOul·tlseGocleliVICal.. ereTrayIIltnbe IeII'talknte:in fls\¥in;All t1>0"1lIlinetareBECAUSE� .,-.. .... -)Oar styles of hair clressi.& are ap to &te. ,,-�� MarceIWa.eft are tile IDost' skilled.Oar� R&IIIpocnd.& is .the Hst because we dry_the laair with drr COIDpresled air.Oar .ScaIp tiutiaeDt. are scieIltiOc: Satisfactory.... al .. are sarc.Oar ..... icare depart_eat i. tbc I.flef't.Oar Cbiiopodi .. s are expert.,Oar work-is tbe bat. '�.A1JNoLD COMPANYEN6INEERS_;CONSTRUCtORS '�LECTRICAL.7 CIVIL�MECHANICAL, !el � aALLE STREET, CHICA6Q ,\-�....-WANT·ED-Students to' attend En.;. A PART¥- of gentleman mayglewood Roller Rink, 6.U2 Went- entire use of second floor; also"worth Ave. Eyery eve., Thura., room in elegant home; no .Sat. and Sun. Afternoons through boarder; excellent catering; :season. trains;· Hyde Parle. Address 11.5.WANTED-A married man to take Daily Maroo·n.�re of borses and furnace for fam- ---N-ip-t-Sch--ool--a-ow--o-pea-- ....dy rooms and $5 a week. Apply MILLiNERY SHOP and SCHat Employment Bureau, officehours, 9-11 a. m. Menton a lIadcett48.1 E. 47th' St. Tel. OaklandWANTED- Men to solicit; goo:!proposition; commission basis. Mr.Markham, F�deral Electric Co.,Lake and Dcsplaines. TJpewaiter.TYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or RSJ,teCial 'rates to students;in r.e-built machines. W.head, . � ,La Salle Street.WANTED-Young woman to takecare of child, a coupJ.e of hours af­temons; $4 per week. Employment. Bureau. 10:30 to 12:30, Cobb IA. . NoticeThe office hou.rs ofment Burean are 10:30 to 12:.JG.