latly :tIarnnnCHICAGO. FRJ DA Y, OCT. 25, 1907. Price Two Cents----------_ -----------First Year Men Interested in Debar­ing Hold Meeting to Effect Organ­ization-May Challenge Northwe3�- To Make Public Appearance Studentern Freshmen. Must Have Had Clear RecordSince Fall.NOMINATIONS TO - CLOSB'THREE QUARTERS CLUB TOLast Day to Name Candidates for 'I TI T RTY IIClass Offices--Polls to Close at £ I I A E THI -OnE TO DEBATE'; UNIVERSITY ADOPTS lEWRU�ES -OF ELIGIBILITYfRESHMEN USE PLl YS OFGOPHERS WITHOUT EFFECTO'clock in Offices of Deans-FewAlready Nominated.L Freshmen Elected to Honor Societywill Begin Month of AnticsToday.dons for the class offices. At .:: Freshman debaters held a meeting�1'c1ock this afternoon the polls Will Green Ribboned Yearlings to Give yesterday morning, which is to beRohde Works Well at Guard-Page's close in the offices of the Senior and Flunk Makes Man Ineligible forFoot 'Bothers Him-Steffen Im- Exhibition Superintended by the ·forerunner of an active campaign Twelve Months Afterward-Mustproves in Kickin�. Junior deans, At present there is :i Sophomores Today at 10.30. in that branch of University inter-great shortage in the list of candi- est. A fairly good crowd was pres-I,' the exhibition of the freshmen dates. For only half the offices T'hirty-one verdant freshmen, wear- cnt, and everyone of them has had Th.z University Council has adopt-a ne any candidates named, and for ir.g green ribbons, three-quarters of more or less experience as debaters, ed a revised set of eligibility rules.only one of the rest are there two \. I I' I . f Ia yard long. and three.quarters 01£ an Apper, W 10 was c iarrman o t 1C which will, among other effects,candidates. The principal interest 's . h· . meeting W'lS a n en b r f thme Wide, Will swarm the campus at - ,. 1 1 e 0 e make every student ineligible forin thc- Junior and Senior classes, S . f Id hi I I I debatilarge from now on for about :"\ prmg e Ig1 SC 100 e atrng I ublic appearance, who has had aprobably owing to the fact that the f f R bJ month. This array of verdancy is the team or our years; eeve, mcm er lIunk since the fall quarter 01£ 19Q6,lists of the members of the two lower fIt • P . debatiNebraska. Three Quarters club, the honorary 0 as year s ontrac e atmg team. or who has been averaging less thanUsing the Minnesota style of play, classes have not been posted. freshman, fraternity society, which while the rest of those present have three majors a quarter during that. .' According to the code adopted by b b f . d b .the nrst year men were grven the blossoms into prominence this morn- een mcm ers 0 var-ous e atmg time,ball 011 the Varsity twenty-five yard the Senior College Council, the va- ing. The newly elected members, clubs and societies in different parts The first of the changes is that ar ious classes are to be defined as Iol- f hunder the supervision of last year's 0 t e country. man must take three majors of worklows: members of the club, will proceed to No formal organization was ei- to be eligible, instead of the two'Freshmcn=-All students having less Ifect d b t th 1 b tradiate energy this morning at 10:3n c, u .:! ne a ers are to meet hitherto required. The only excep-in the form of a frolic, consisting of again this morning at 10 :30 in Ap- tion to this is that a student maydancing and musical antics. pel's room, 45 Snell hall, when a re- take two majors and be eligible, if inThe newly eJected members of the port is to be made by the investi- the past year he has taken an extra'Three Quarters dub are: Elmer gating committee composed of Reeve, major above the ordinary three, so asP k C D S 0 S . Peak, Morgan and Wlutfield,ea e, . .' tone, C. . mith, R. to bring the sum total up to theJ. Madden. Robinson, Meagher, Ed- It is the purpose of the debate en- required nine in three quarters.ward Taylor, Edwin Earle, Mason thusiasts to organize not only a de- The most severe of the new re­Houghland. Elmer Lewis, Gail Huf- bating team to represent the fresh- quircrncrrts is to the effect that afaker, Howard \Vikoff, Fred Stokes, man class, but a representative fiuak or condition which has notJunior. class offices are to he made Ireshm n d b ti . . h b IJones has not yet reported for prac- Moriss H. Briggs, C. Degenhart, a e a mg society, WIt ot I yet been satisfied, renders a man in-with the Dean of the Senior Colleges·, men a d b Thtice on account of his infection, and Robert Gottfried, Edward Sturgeon. n women as mem ers. C eligible for twelve months thereat-nominations for the two lower classes tt ·11 b b Iwill probably not be in the contest a Arnold Kent, John Menaugh, Arthur rna er WI e roug it to the atten- ter. In addition to this, a student towith the Dean of the Junior Colleges. ' tion of th I t h . .week from next Saturday. Rohde is Johnston, Ralph Lidster, George e c ass ate next meetmg, be eligible, must have taken fullAny member of a class may he nom- when n ff t ·11 b db· A'being grven a thorough try-out at Roulston. Walter Lorenz, William a e or WI e rna e y p- work of three majors a quarter, orina ted for any of the four offices in a - pIt h .Jones' position of guard, and is -Moriss, Rufus Rogers, Paul Gardner, e 0 arouse more ent USI<lSm, and their equivalent during the twelveclass upon petition of five members of th It·· . h"making good." He : is somewhat Fred .!J��_e,_ Richard Meyers, Clarke e resu mg increase m t e mern- months previous to the quarter inthat class. 'The nominating 'petitions . .. .-'. he hiI;ght, but is fast and strong, Richie, Garriman and Ha�gra�e Long. ers rp, which he desires to appear.The condition of several other of must be in substantially the following Long. Although the- plans are yet irnma- The third big change is that theform: t .. b blthe Varsity men has g.vcn chances to ure, It IS pro a e that the team quarter is now to be divided intoreserve men. Anderson's weak knee We, the undersigned, hereby noms- which wilt eventually he picked, will three periods of four weeks each, �nate for the office of......... challenge a similar class t f . I d f . hcaused Harris to .bc put in during TO. USE THREE FLOORS . earn rom notice at t ie en 0 _elt er of the first........ of the .....• 0. class. the Northwestern Uni it A f hi .most of the lIIinois game, and h e AT REYNOLDS CLUB DANCE rversr y. sue- two 0 W ich renders a student in-has been playing the position ever Signed: . .• cessful issue in this contest would eligible for the succeeding period.Before Monday of next week the natura II I d t ··1 d bsince. H is work is improving stead- Prepare for Big Attendance at First y ea 0 smu ar e ates with The full text of the ruling follows:'1 list of nominations will be posted on other nearby colleges, "A ti I VIII S ThI y, and it. is practically a certainty Informal Dance Tomorrow r IC e . cc, 3- ree rna-the bulletin boards, Any candidatcthat he will start the Minnesota NiCht. jors of University work a quarter, ormany withdraw by sending a writtengame. either at center or tackle STUMP TO DEBATE ON n�ne majors within a year of twelvenotice to the office of the dean. IfPage is limping around with a The grand march at the Reynolds INTER-COLLEGIATE QUESTION months, constitut.e the full work of ;la �l'an is nominated for more than Isprained foot and has not been in c ub dance tomorrow night is to be Uni,'ersity student.une office and docs not withdraw I Fany of the As a result, ed by rank Templeton and three Debating Society to Discuss Question hA student may register for twofrom the candidacy for one of the of· I d· PSchommer has been used at end. He a leSe resident Hewitt. it is said, on Which Varsity Team Will majors in a given etc-arter. If thefices, he shall· be considered a candi . .is particularly valuable at running WIll Imitate John Farson of Oak A�e. total sum of the University credil�date for the office for whkh he was Pa k\\;th the ball, being a, sure man on r , and witl appear in a whit.e gained within the twelve months im-hominated first.forward passes. Though' he will start dress suit. It is expected that nearly The program for the Stump fo" mediately pr.cceding -the said quar-The election is to occur on Thurs- IIthe game with both Page and Hewitt a the representative men of the this evening includes a debate on the ter, is equal to nine majors, he is r\!-day and Friday of. the sixth week U . 'in shape, he will probably get an op' nn'ersity will attend. The affair Question now beior.e debaters who garded as doing rfull work.the polls being open from nine untl1portunity to play. before the game promises to be the most successful Clre trying for the University team. ""Article XII. Sec. 7-Public ap-tweh·e, and from two till (our, in· I I·is o\"er. m t 1e llstory of the club. In antici- The afllrmative will be upheld by' J. pearance is defined as participationthe otiices of the Deans.lloulton and Hoffman were played pation of this fact, arrangements hav.! P. Pape and C. M. Keyes. Morgan in any inter-collegiate contest, 01·at tackles yesterday, and showed up WANT WALK ACROSS MIDWAY ben made to extend open house ·0 and Christenson are their opponent�. participation (I), in an oratorical,well. Both have been used at tlloCsc the ladies. The billiard room and the Following tlloC usual custom of the ciramatic or musical exhibition; (2).positions in all the scrimmages this Students Living South Agitate for bowling alleys ar,e to be included in Stump, argumentative speeches by in the official management of anyweek. FaIle- and D05eff have be\!n Crossing .at Lezincton Avenue. this, and will be placed at their dis- othcr memhers and visitors will be other exhibition; or (3), in officialkept out ai most oi the mixups, but pasal. Two floors will be used for beard. The rest of the program' i� service on any publication under thewill get into them this aft.ernoon. University students who live acros'S the dancing. The grand march is to ;IS follows: Parliamentary drill, R. University name, .in (;onnection withThey are sore from the game Satur. the :\Iidway are prepaling a p.etition start at 8:30 sharp. R. Mix; declamation, H. G. :\Iouhor which admission or subscription f�sday, and Director Stagg decided to to the South Park commissioncrs to The otlicials of the club are em- current evr.nts. H. P. Hostetter. arc charged.let them rest up rather than take have a hoard walk placed across the phatie in declaring that no member· All intercsted in cxtemporancous ··Section 8- To he eligible for pub·chan(,l'� on their being put into worse �I id,,,.;ay at Lexington avenue, as has ship cards will be issued 6 :30 .,peaking or dehate arc invited. lie appc:.rance in a given Quarter, a�hal 1'1 fi I b I I 'I on the <la'\.' oi the dance. It i I studcJlt)l·. Ie g It etween :\Ierriam ,c('n (onc at .\ onroc. They assert.l s a so:lnd I'. tl . '11' f dcclart'd th;lt memhers 'will be r Hitchcock to Entertain .'f. Shall have not less than'crgllson tor full back is no\" 11� WI ').e 0 especial henefit in wi11- e-on holt ... 'r than e\"('r. Director Stagg tt'r wh(,11 it is l1("C(.':'sary to go sev- (Iuired to �how their mcmbershipis u<ng them in turns on thc Varsity eral hlocks out of the way to get to l'anls at the door hdor.e admiltancf':.nd :-crub teams. their homes. The same thing applies will be ;dlowc«.Stdf.-:n continues to irnprove in hi� to l'tudents who wish to gct to the -----I;unting, and is counted upon to giv� I.exington av.enlle station of the cle­Capron, the Minnesota ki�ker, a live- \"at('d road. Several fraternities wilt The Theological chib will meetIy time in the booting department be illtcrcl'ted in thc project: The :\Iollday at 8 p. 111 •• in :\fiddle O1vin­His punts get away in good style, only argument against the walk ity parlor. Mr. H. F. Evans will, ' would he that it spoils the toboggan speak on ··The Catholic Conception(Continued on paee 4) which is .erected there every winter. of Authority:'Gain but Five Yards in Forty At·.. tempts Against Varsity-Scrub Today is the last day o£ nomina-Defense.A verage Three· Majors.yesterday is to be taken as any ,sortoi indication. the Gopher offense wrllhave eonsiderably less chance toeros st he �Iaroon �ual line Nov.z than in the games with Ames andline, and proceeded to hammer awayat the Varsity-scrub defense, Butafter forty downs, they gave up withthe ball only five yards nearer a than seven majors.touchdown than before they started, Sophomores-All stud.ents havingCoach Bezdek declared that most of �10t less than seven and less than 15the plays were run off satisfactorily, majors.and this, coupled with the stone-wall Juniors-All students having notwork of the regular forwards, caused less than 15 and less than 24-renewal of f�lith that the ,Maroons Seniors-All undergraduates havingwiJI be able to hold the beef of the 24 or more majors.Nominations for the Senior andllinnesota­aDdeCoThe nl.t'mhcrs of Hitchcock hall t('ell IIllilS of pr('paratory work.will entntaill th('ir friends at a re- "z, Shall be carrying at ).cast t\\'1)ception and informal dance in the l1l:ajor� of r('siclent University workhall from 4 to 6 o·clock, �Ionday af- (See Art. VI II., Sec. 3 and I.)Icrnooll. ",1. Sh:.11 have credit for fult workTheological Club to Meet for the twelvc months preceding thesaid (jllarter, or, in case IloC has beenMASS MEETING-BONFIREFor MinnHOta Game.Mandel Hall.Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 8 O'Clock.MeetinC Followed by Bonfire. in rcsidcnc<: less than twelve months,he shall ha,·e credit at the ave rag:10 �nee. .\ (Continued on pace 4-> fif-THE·DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, FRIDAY, OCT. 25. 1907. ._TEACHERS TO HOLD A of Adolescence (Grades 7, 8, 9 and SOPHOMORES ISSUE .CONVENTION AT CHI�AGO roj=-Miss . Zonia Baber, College of ORDERS FOR FRESHMENEducation, University of Chicago.OIk:la1 BtadeDt PubllcatlOD fit &be Valy.... Thousand School Teachers from· General discussion opened by Priaei- Second Year Men Onter Green Capsalt7 of Cblcap. Northem Illinois to Meet at UDi- 1':11 D. A. Tear, Gladstone School, to Appear by October 31.Chicago; Principal E. U. Graff,Rockford High School; Principal F. The long-promised oroclamarion ofA thousand school teachers from �I. Giles, DeKalb High School. 'the Sophomores, ordering the Fresh-the northern part of llhnois will hold men to wear green caps and follow a'a convention at the University on PRINCETON REJECTS THE few other rules laid down by theFriday and Saturday of next week. RESIDENTIAL QUAD PLAN second year men made their appear.Extensive preparations for their re- ance late last night. A large numberEntered u 8ecODd-C .... Mall at tbe Chl- ception are being made by Dean Scheme t� Be Followed by University of the white placards printed in greenButler of the school of Education. of Chicago, Meets with ink were pasted over the sidewalksThe Reynolds club will be given Disfavor in East. and fences in and near the campus.l'ublished dally. except Suodays, Moo.. TI d fover to the visiting teachers as rest ie poster rea s as ollows:du),. awl holldays, durlog three-quarters . The residential quad system, on H-� Ye, H-� Ye, Freshman .".and reception rooms. They Will be � �allowed to dine at the Commons which plan the future University of It is hereby ordained that the low-The general sessions of the conven- Chicago will be built,. was rejected down, unsophisticated pieces of hu-. Hubserlptluo price, $3.00 per 1ear i $1.00 last week by the bO:1 rd of trustees l mani .tor 3 lDoDthII. Subst.r1pUUD.8 recelyed at tion will be held in Mandel hall 011 mamty, sometimes condescendinglyF id . F id . I d of Princeton University after a long called freshmen I II h .1tbe AlarOOD Oalee. 1i:1Iia 11all. or at the • rt ay mormng, rr ay ,JUg It, an , s ra eac anu every"Meull1 ExebauKe, Cobb llall. Saturday morning, Friday afternoon consideration. The opposition of Dr. one wear GREEN SKULL CAPS.will be given over to sectional meet- Henry Van Dyke, who declared that and shall not appear in the sacredings in Mandel hall, Kent theater the new plan would kill the unified precincts of the Campus wearing stiffLU'l'llEll u. "'EUNALlJ, llaosglog Editur. II .. fl· .. .and the Botany building. co ege spirrt 0 tIe mstrtutrou, was hats, pumps, or High School .Em-l·JtES'rON 1". UASS, New8 Editor.Following is the program for the largely responsible for the action. blems. Smoking, walking on theMELVIN J. AlJAliS. Atbll!tie Editor. Th· f D V D kgeneral sessions: e views o. r, an y e on grass and sitting on the "C" BenchFriday, g A. M. this subject are of particular interest are positively prohibited.Psychology of the Object=-Dr. D at the University of Chicago, because By order of Your Bett-ers,P. MacMillan, Director Child-Studv it is the plan here to divide the un- THE SOPHOMORES.Department, Chicago Public Scools. dergraduate division ultimately into N. B.-TIle Green Caps 11111St ap-General Discussion opened by: Dr. the colleges of Arts, Science, Litera- pear not later than Oct. 31, 19<>7.Warren D. Foster, Cole Y. Rowe, d Phil hElla F. Young, Principal of Chicago lure, an I.OSOP y, and to provideHarry A. Hansen, Jerome Frank, did d . • DIVNormal School; Dr. 'Walter D. Scott, separate qua rang es an orrmtories INITY STUDENTS ELECTI Northwestern University. for each of them. Dr. Van DykeTI C . makes known his views in a Letter tc Council to be Chosen Today at 36re riteria of Selection-Prof.O· W C ld 11 C the Princeton Alumni Weekly. In Haskell HallP. W. Pinkerton, Miss Esther Hall, I' tIS .. a. we, oll.ege of Educa-Albert D. Henderson.Fred W. Carr, tron, University of Chicago. this letter he saysHarvey B. Fuller.Jr, A. I.. Fridstein, General Discussion opened by: Dr '·\yould a group of young men who. The -election for the Divinity COU�I'I, E. Ferguson, E. C. Hoadley, C. A. McMurry, Northern Illinois instead of merely eating together. cil is to 'take place this morning ntWalter A. Ford, How�rd J. Kenner State Normal School; Miss Joe E. spent all their free time together, and 10:30, in Haskell hall, room 36. Th=Mather, Principal of Garfield School, lived entirely under one roof within nominees for the various offices are:Streator, Ill. the 'walls of the same structure, be Vice-president, J. K. Hart and H. FMather, Principle of Garfield School, likely to escape from the spirit of 'Evans; secretary, E. A. Henry andFriday, 7 :30 P. M. clique and exclusiveness?" E. Newbauer; chairman mrssronsPresident's Address-Supt. G. W He contends that the scheme would committee, A. E. l\fyer and N. A.Conn, Jr., Woodstock, Ill. first produce social confusion, and Harkner; chairman public speakingMemorial Address for W. S. Jack- then social stratification. "This, after committee, c.. E. Boyer and \-V., Nathaniel Butler, College all," he ocntinues, "is the alarming Howell.of Education, University of Chicago thing about the new scheme. It it;Address-The- Greatest Teacher- full of danger for the unity, for the Syracuse Societies Quarrelfello hi f th d d bod At Syracuse, the two junior socie- 'Pres. Edwin H. Hkrghes, De'Pauw ws rp 0' e un ergra uate y.the need for more, bet- With all its indefiniteness on practical tics, the "Monx Head" and theUniversity.ter, Iiver songs. Chi- points, its 'essential idea' is undemO-I·,corpse and Coffin," have had suchcago already has a number ot songs Saturday. 9 A. II. c.rati�, separate,' exclusive. It is dis- a controversy over w�ich one shallof more or less merit, past or pres- The Principles of Presentation- tinctively an uri-American plan. It have charge of the Junior Prom, thatent. Better songs than som- on the Miss Marian Weller, Northern Llli- threatens not only to break up the Chancellor Day, in conference withpresent list it may be har-l to get, nois State Normal School. classes, but also to put .the Princeton representatives of the two societiesbut there is still considerable room General Discussion opened by: Dr: spirit out of date, by forming pcrma- will leave the 'Conduct of the classfor improvement. Herman T. Lukens, Francis W. Par- nent, artificial groups of freshmen. dance to a faculty committee. BothMany of the songs are mere trans- ker School, Chicago; Prof. R. E sophomores, juniors, and seniors, se- societies will choose representativ�sients in the hall of vocal fame, writ- Blount, Waller High School, Chicago. lected on some undefined principle, for the committee.ten for temporary usefulness. Others Address=v'The Unity of Nature and giving to each of these groups :1are fit for particular times and places, Found in Man'·-Dr. J. 1\[. Coulter. 'master' as well as 'a local habitationA song to the tune of "Down on the University of Chicago. and a name:Wabash" fails of wide popularity with Sectional Conferences. "It promises rivalries, jealousies,"Mariutch" all the rage. Noble as is The following sectional conferences and political complications which willthe Alma Mater for stately chant 111 will be held on Friday afternoon, the effectually extinguish all that we haveversity Next Week.i"oWlde4.Tbe. Weeki,. Oct. 1. lt82.The Dati" Oct. 1. 1902.or the Uo:verslty yt>l1r.II!ri· LO U IS S. llEltLIN. llusloetSIJ llauagt!r.ASSOCIATE EDITORSPrlDt� by the Marooo Press-t74 East 55th StreetPhooe Hyde l'ark 3691Football season, with its round ofand games, annuallybrings to every Varsitystudent a realization ofgatheringsMoreSongs�.a college hall or on a quiet campus, primary teachers' meeting in the BOl­it has been frequently proved cum- any building, the intermediate teach­bersome and without its charm on a ers' in Kent Theater, and the gram­noisy gridiron. mar and high school teachers' in Man •What is nee�ed is a .. trong additil1n del hall:of songs new and snappy, songs w �h Primary Section--Supt. A. F. Ames, of common feeling among the under,graduates. For perilous possibilities,the little finger of the quasi-Oxfordscheme looks thicker than the loinsof the present club system."Suppose the members of theseresidential quads ar� asigned to thedifferent colleges, on their own appli­cation or on the appli«.:ation of theirparents, according to lhe scale of theroom rents in the different buildings,or the rates of board at the differenttables. The result will inevitably beth.e creation of acedemic communitieswithin the S3me univer.3ity on the ba­sis ot money."Dr. Van Dyke claims that these·'academic communities'· will destroyPrinceton spirt, detaching the studentfrom the unh·crsity and attaching himto his "(IUad.",-..,:i·,.I,..,.' ..." a swing and vim, which alike arouseand express enthusiasm for a Varsitycause. Of songs such as thest" the.­number is far too small and the quai­ity iar too mediocre.A genuine appreciation of IOj;'lltyto the University should prove astimulus to every student or alumm15of whatever .1bility or reputatiun tocontribute to the cause of Varsitysongs. Some of the best of the pre!'­(;nt songs for tlt.e :\[aroon weredashed off on lhe spur of an ili3IHr:l­lion by students of former days. Thesnccess of "1\ Grand Old Slae-;;" ISproof of this. But more than mereparodies are IlcedeQ; original songs:tnd tunes, which will be distin:llv'!and unique ,for Chicago. But whetherJlarodied or inspired, more son�s a"cneeded, and needed badly. Th,: :\Ia­roon offers its columns fo,:, th· con­�ideration of any sorgs of re"1Sonablemerit. Riverside, Chairman. Outline Courseof Study in Natur.e for Period ofChildhood (Grades I and 2)-MissSarah E. Griswold, Chicago NormalSchool. General discuslon opened );lyMrs. Lida McMurry, Northern illi­nois State Normal School; Miss FloraJ. Cook, Francis W. Parker SchoolChicago.I ntermediate Section-Supt. F. E.Sanford, LaGrange, Chairman. OU!­line Course of Study in Nature andGeography for P.eriod of Youth(Grades 3. 4, 5 and 6)-:Miss :\fara L.Ferguson, Principal of TrainingSchool, Joliet, Ill. General discussionopened by Supt.· Jesse L. Smith,Highland Park, 111.; Supt. A. 1\1.Shelton, Nunda, Ill.; Prof. J. PaulGoode,. University of Chicago.Grammar and High School Section-Supt. J. E. Lemon, Blue J slandChairman. Outline Course of Studyin '�ognpby aDcI Sci�ace for Periocl,!­l'i:·1:.�:I·I.Io,'.Ii'.: .. SUBSCRIBEFORTHEDAILYMAROONDo it Now. Now! is the time to subscribe.AX.A�wCLUPECO SHRUNKQU'_RTER SIZE COLLARTWfttalYE-.T � _""nc_CLueTT. PE ....... ce .•••• aIeSHAMPOOING andIIANICURING atMADAME· KAYNOR'S2.17 E. 55th St. Phone H. P .. 1286The best equipped and most Sanitaryplace in ChicagoHave you heard about it?Have you seen it?Don't fail to call when down townEVERYBODY DOES.louis DY. Fllloas �ldJ ShopA MARVEL OF BEAUTYBlwes-ADtgrettl CoIDp&nyI CANDIES. SODA, LUNCHESState and Monroe StreetsTelephone 792 CentralCbica&o ' • ...AMUSEMENTS ... ·IllinoisMARIE CAHILL"MARRYING MARY."The AuditoriumKLAW lc ERLANGER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLELa SalleTHEGIRLQUESTIONThe WhitneyThe Musical Winne::-A KNIGHT FOR A. DAYThe StudebakerWILL T. HODGEIn the New 'ComedyTHE MANFROM HOMEThe GrandMONTGO.MERY andSTONE inTHE RED MILLPowersJosepb W. Brooks PresentsLILLIAN RUSSELLMcVickersCHAUNCEY OLCOTTIn His New Romantic Play,"O'NEILL OF DERRY."The GarrickED DIEFOYColonial.Kid Bums in 0.0. II. Cohan·,lIusical PlayTHE TALK OFNEW YORK lIc\tly'g-TelRI303r-ALa,6... '-lUTh\,So.\DoFalu1,)11-- If you want to ·'cutsome ice" and incident­ally gather some ofthat loose changeOoat- jing around so plenti­fully this Fall, bear inmind that one of my'15 h.nd-tailored read­y-to-wear suits will putyou on top where youcan gather it with ease.They are six blocks a!:l!ad.of the fashion p!ates and con­tain enough style to be soldfor $20 or $2s at other stores-one glance a� them and you'llsay they are the best you haveever seen-you'll call for onethe minute you see 'ern,If . your pockets are loadedand you want to pay- say $20or $2s-l've got a line of suitsthat couldn't be duplicated at amerchant tailor's for 550. Hecouldn't make as good a suit atany price--simply because theyoutclass him.t'8L£-N126 el.:ARKrClass, Fraternity, .Society-:� PINS -:-We make a SPECIALTY ofthis class of work. Let us giveyou an estimate. Very highestgrade of workmanship guaranteed.SPIES BROS.,Manufacturers of Fine Jewelry.156 Wabasli Ave. Chicago, ilLCatalogue upon application.,-------------_.-303 Dearborn Street.Tel. Randolph 766.Dr. Jerome W. 'EgbertDENTAL S-URGEON" S�ite 167-161 State Street.Specialist inPYORRHEA ALV_EOLARISSpecial Fees for Students..CHICAGOUADY - WHEN YOU ARBThis is to announce that the- NewWoolens for Fall are ready foryour Inspection.Some of the Smart�t of the NewWeaves are in Single Patterns: .Dosen't this suggest an early VISItFan Woolens custom tailored in th"Jerrems Way"-have an Individ-ual Style.It win be a pleasure to Show yowhat the Fall Styles will be. Youwon't be asked to buy.Ready for you-today.'5 THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO e . FRIDAY, ocr. 25. t907.GOES THROUGH COLUIIBIA I' '1-ON A _C�IT�L OF SIO') "" CAL END A. 1\. ....Football Player and Cl::sa PresidentWorks His Way 'lbrouch Law'School of Eastern eoUece. Friday, Oct. 2510:30 a. m.-Meeting of Brotherhoodof St. Andrew (parlor ofhail.)Meeting of Blackfriars (Cobb8C).tice (Kent).Business meeting of Women' ..Athletic Association (Lexington ,14).4:00 p. m.-:\lecting of students fromNew York State (Cobb 6A),Mathematical Club (room 36Ryerson Phys. Lab.)Classes in German Conversa­tion (Lexington Hall).4 :30 p. m.-Germanton Hall). Club (Lexing.School of that institution. While .l!l.mdergruduate he played two years011 thc football team, and was electedpresident of his class.Of the $100 with which he entered�i was ·taken for fees for the firsttcrm. His lirst employment was tha:of waiter in a student boarding-house,=n return for his board. He foundwork as helper on a furniture van forSaturday mornings at $2 a week. Hethus paid for his room. He obtainedvarious odd jobs netting a dollar ortwo each. A position of assistantteacher at one of the centers broughthim $9 a week. His fitness for thework was soon recognized, and at thenctx examination he qualified for theposition as teacher at $15.His success was so marked that hewas shortly appointed principal at$25. This place he held during thr Dean Lovett Tells Junior Womentaken a' full universrty course andrecently graduated from the Law 1 :15 p. m.-Girls' GI'!e Club-Prac-service yesterday morning on "Every-NOTES AND NEWS IN day Student Life." He said that theTHE WORLD OF BOOKS three ideals in college work should behonesty, thoroughness and finish. A(From the University of Cbicaco student should do as much of hiswork as he can without outside assis-Apropos the publication of "TIle tance. He should mak.e his work "l�.Story of My Childhood," by Clara complete as possible; and, lastly, heBarton, it is interesting to .note that should present his work in the bestMiss Barton proposes to follow the form he is capable of devising.With an original capital of $100, udent :.It Columbia University hasrernainder of his law course.As a member of the Varsity teamhe got room and board free from thebeginning of practice until the endof November.Press.) Saturday, Oct. 26.8 :3o-Reynolds Club dance.EXPLAINS THE DUTIES OFEVERY DAY STUDENT LIFEHonesty, Thorou&bness andFinish Should Be Ideals.Dean Lovett addressed the wome-iof the Junior College at their chapel& c., by a new novel entitled "LordCammarlcigh's Secret," said to pos-story-teller, is represented on the list Will Hear Report of Committee onof fall publications of Little, Brown Rally for Minnesota Game.initial volume with several volumest bearing on .her subsequent life.Roy Horniman, a favorite EnglishI SENIOR COUNCIL TO MEETin 'October, is now in New York, SMALL TOWN LIFE DEPICTEDhaving recenUy returned from Eu-rope. He has written a play in col- Newton Fuessle, '06, Writes Serieslaboration ,with Harry Leon Wilson, . for November People' of "The Spenders," which willbe produced this fall, The Senior College Council will.'Newton A. Fuessle, '06. will beginL. Frank Baum, author of "The a series of country-town stories :nWizard of Oz," "John Dough and the "People's" Magazine. The first ofCherub," and many other. similar tales the series is entitled "The Conversionfor children, has completed a new af Hauk Carlowe," and will appear inbook called "Ozma of Oz," which hac; 'the November issue.just been published by the Reilly &: Fuesale is on the staff' of the Chi-Britton Co., of Chicago. cago Inter-Ocean. He has already.Rex Beach has gone to New York completed two series of stories, oneto live. Born and raised in Michigan, on Alaska life and one on the Idahoa resident of Chicago, and for some forest rangers. Some of these haveyears a sojourner in Alaska, where he appeared in the "Red Book," "Pco­owns a gold mine, the author of "The plc's" and other periodicals.Spoilers" has finally decided to makeThe \Vornen's Athletic club witlt he met ropolis his permanent home.Duffield & Co. have a strong list hold its first meding· Friday after-oi iall hooks for children, but un- noon. Oct. 25th. at T:T 5. in Room '4.doubtcrlly the leader will be Jessie Lexington hall. The meeting is anWillcox Smith's and Helen Hay important one. as plans for the workWhitney's "The Bed-Time Book," a of the year will be discussed and novolume of �I ra, \Vhitney's children's doubt acted up. All the old students,vcrscr with an accompaniment of and particularly the new ones, are:\Ii!-'s Smith's ever-welcome pictures in requested to be present at this meet-color. ing. • ISS State StreetTelephones: Harrison 4259, 34or, 4239Automatic 5239RIl'BARDS, AMBLER r. oro. sess an audacious plot, with a fasci- meet this morning at 10:30 in Cobb" " " nating h�ro. hall. Among other matters to be WILUAM JERREMS· SONS.Clark and ' Adl'ms StreetsCOAL AND COKE Possibly . two of the: most striki�p' brought up will be the question of .1Chicag� thing about .Miss Sinclair's novel, �uitable demonstration before the-----------.---- "The Helpmate," which is just out, 'Minnesota game, which will he playedTl'I, Hvdc Park 437.are her first important child character .a week from tomorrow. The commit-A. H. MeG R E W •. nd the three notable women charac- tee appointed last week to arrange forL U M BE R ters-the strongest she has yet this will make a report, and it is ex-Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Etc., Etc drawn. peered that definite plans will be64th Street and Madison Avenue Booth Tarkington, whose next adopted this morning... book, "His Own People," will appear ROBERT ST AEDTER CO.�Between Madison and Monroe.Phone Central 5334.�rr� FURS.SUITS.COATS, \., '. .I) SKIRTS,MILLINERY.._.,1;,t .. ,,,.'" � Our Prices are the Low,est for the Best Mer-chandise of our wel l­known Reliable andDurable Qualities.Ladies' and Misses'·Suits $18.50 up.Fur Neckwear from$3.75 up.Hats from $4.00 up.,---------------------------------------,--------------------,---------------------------������Anton A. Melum & SonsTAILORSMAKE A SPECIALTY OF COLLEGE CLOTHESIMPORTED MATERIALINDIVIDUAL STYLES305 Atwood Bldg. Clark and Madison Sts.Telephone Main 3917WOOD SHADfS andOL"IVf BROWNS KEUFFEL 'il ESSER CO.------01' NEW YORK-----ARE NEWESTWE HAVE THEM ANDOTHER POPULARSHADES.100 styles at $20.00100 styles at $50.00and 1300 betweenlBra\utng :Jl!latertaluPapers and Blue Print PapersScales, T. Sq uar esTriangles, SurveyingInstruments, Inks, Etc.We have reduced the price on alarge number of desirable patterns,Complete ca�e upon request.:: Liberal Diacounts to Student. ::111 MADISON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.Telephones: Main 4803; Automatic 6287The patronage of the. students of The University ofChicago is solicited byTHE HOTEL MAROON5151-59 Drexel AvenueRfSTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRTHE BEST OF FOOD AT POPULAR· PRICESA Specialty will be made of serving Suppers or Banquetsfor Societies or for Private Parties.COMFORTABLE ROOMS NEWLY FURNISHEDTRAVEL OVER THE A. McAdamsThe UDI".l'alt7... F lor' .t .••GRDlOIOUSBS: Ch.Cor. 534 St. aDd ltim .. rk ATe. IcagoTelcpboau Hyde Park 18 aad t!*7I BORDEN'S -ICondensed Mil� Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk. !All Bottled in the Country. •Borden's Condensed Milk C(,. !327-329 E. Forty-seventh St. I------------,-----------�AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with every hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.,61, 163 E. MADISON STREET.Near La Salle.If you go.toLAFAYETTE.INDIAPOLIS.LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI,DAYTON.Or any Southern »oint. Depots.Dearborn Station, Polk and Dear­horn St s.: 4ith and fi.vd Sts. (En­glewood)Don" WaitTo be asked for your subscription forThe Dal'" .aroonLeave it at the MaroonDol' NOM! Office.A N Jerrems, Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN Subscribe for The Daily Maroon Subscribe for the Daily Maroon.Two Stores: 131 La Street. and Do it now! Do it now I • llaroon Office+f lackson Boulevard EUia HallTHE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO, FRIDAY, OCT. 25, 1907.GOPHERS BELIEVE THEY SKULL AND. CRESCENT ., MICHIGAN KAY CHANGE.HAVE CHAIIPION ELEVEN ELECTS NEW OFFICERS �TTITUDE IN ATHLETI�SMinDesota Confident of Defeatia& Sophomore HODor Society Organizes Regents to Entirely Change PenoD-Chicago Despite Close Call for the Year. nel �f Board of Contro! afterin Nebraska Game Footba!1 Season.urer, and Paul 'Heftin, secretary.two field goals for Minnesota, the Thursday was selected' as the regularMinnesota Daily prints the following day for the bi-weekly meeting. Arosy review of .the Gopher football committee, composed of Buckley, Pe-situation: gues, and Chambers, was appointed given as the course. :t�he MichiganDaily prints the following in this I"And to think that we ever doubted to make arrangements for the first connection:that Minnesota would have a cham- club dinn�r to be held Tuesday even-. "Measures to bring about a compionship team this fall! They may mg at 6 o'clock in the banquet rooms -f ilete change in the personnel of thehave been green once, but they are 0':'1 o. the Commons.athletic board of contrr.i of the Uni •longer that verdant shade. They ----- •played the game lik.e veterans Satur- RECEPTION 'AT HITCHCOCK versity of Michigan, and which ul-i­mately will probably lead to a sweep­day and we are· proud of them We First AHair of Year to be Gi�en ng change in the board's jurisdictionbelieve that they know fully as much MondQ Afternoon. were taken by the Board of Regentsat its session last Friday, It is con­Hitchcock hall will hold its first ceded that this action may brmg Iand we are ready to back them, under reception Monday, October 28. Till:' about a complete rever .. al of ::\Jtch:­Dr. William's tutelage in the game :l is the first affair 01[ the year. and all gan's official attitude toward manyweek from Saturday. residents of the hall attend and .heir questions of inter-collegiate imporc­"Before this Williams has doned . . ., friends ,are invited. The old residents ance.won ers m making a wmmng team f h h II . II .• 0 tea are especra y asked l') "Ever since the wide-spread dis-out of a doubtful bunch of candidates I • •• d d ..' come, as It IS mten e to make theHe has m former seasons taken ma- ffai If'a air more or ess 0 a reunion. Doc-terial which has looked far belo�'t -n.. 1_- I d for �'ilr�r, t ie . ean o the house,'varsity calibre and has fashioned tt t thi - h fi tf .. says na as IS IS t erst a a:rfrom it an eleven which has carried of the year, all the residents shouldthe Maroon and Gold to unlooked forMinnesota is .fashioning champion­ship dreams from the 8 to 5 victoryover Nebraska scored last Saturday.In spite of the fact that the gamestood a touchdown for Nebraska toabout the game of games -as doStagg's pets from down Chicago way The Skull and Crescent club met The Wolverines may right-aboutyesterday morning in Cobb andface in their much-discussed athleticelected the following officers: GeorgeGarrett, president; Frank O'Brien policy, The Michigan board of re­gents has decided to appoint an en­vice-president; Ralph Cleary, treas- tirely new set of men to govern ath-letics at that university, and dissatis­faction at the manner in which theboard met the new football rules iscussion and criticisms that arose inconnection with the. conference ques­ion last spring the Board of Regentsbe sure to attend. The invrtatir nsheights, and he has deserved all the to send to friends and acquaintances, "The new board, to' be chosen inmay be procured from tlie librarian December, after the close of the foot­from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening. tall season, shall . be made up of theThe reception will be he.i;1 [re-m 4 director of physical training (Keenet6 5 o'clock in the Iibrary, and dane- Fitzpatrick): one alumnus, to beevery spectator who possessed the .ing will take place for an hour after chosen by the board of directors ofmost elemental knowledg.e of the in the club room, h AI' ...... e urnm association; one profes-sor from the literary, law, medica'lave been considering various' planso obviate some of the dissatisfactionwhich has been expressed.- hind the whole agitation seems to he"4- Shall sustain his current work greater purity in athletics."FOUR BOARDS IN PLAY at a satisfactory grade to be deter-AT CHESS CLUB MEETING mined as follows: At the end of th- FRESHirEN USE PLAYS OFarh week, r.ep!>rt shall be made to GOPHERS WITHOUT EFFECT. Officers of the Club Are Assured of the deans by instructors of students __Man)' Candidates For below passing grade. If a student be (Continued from page J)Chess Team. reported in two or more courses, 'Ie .. , •shall thereupon become ineligible for usually for forty-five or rifty yards, A.G. SPA LDINGthe succeeding period of four weeks and he is acquiring morc accuracy inAt the end of .the eighth week a drop kicks. He ha,s a pair of special 8second report shall be made to the kicking shoes on the order of those .: 0 '.�,- BROS.deans by instructors. A student re worn by Eckersall last year. Page..- Uported as this time as below grade continues to divide the work of goalin two or more courses, or who I'S kicking with Steffe�. . bThe Largest Manufacturers m t ereported for the second time °in any The matter of student rates has not World ofsingle course. is ineligible for public been settled, but will be today or to- OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLIESappearance during the remainder of morrow, according to Director Stagg Base Ball, Foot Ball, GoU.the quarter. vho had conferences with railroad Lown Tennis. Basket Ball,"s. It is understood that nothing officials during the week. It is felt the foregoing shall be interpreted hat some inducements will be made, Ofbcial Implements for Track' andor administered in a way to contro- since many of the students intend to Field Uniforms for All Sportsvert any inter-collegiate agreement zo in such an event, Spalding's Handsomely l llus-now in force. The problem of developing a good"6. Repeal Article Xi I., Sec. 9." pair of ends is thc chief concern ofDr. Williams at Minnesota just now.The Girls' Glee club will meet at t is said that he fears the speed and A. G. SPALDING & BROS.Kent Theater Friday, Oct. 25th, at cleverness oJ( t>he Chicago offense,1 :15 p. m. This is the first meeting ;tnd figures that reliable ends alonesince the tryouts last week. can stave off touchdowns by theMaroons.laurels he has won."But he never equaled his accom­plishment this year. The work of theteam Saturday brought praise fromFour boards w.ere put in play inthe first meeting for practice gamesof the Chess club. The officers weresatisfied with the showing of the men,and with the number of candidates,for there were, besiees those presentlast evening, eight who have ex­pressed their intention of coming outfor the team which is to defend Chi-cago's title to the western champion­ship.The date a nd place of. the nextmeeting have not y.ct been decidedupon, as Thursday does not seem tobe a very satisfactory evening, Sec­retary Barron is seeing the men, inan attempt to find out what time willbest suit the largest number.Men wishing to try for the teamshould see Barron or Pinkerton thisweek,Are yon on the subscription list ofThe Daily Marooo? Send in your snbsciption to Thenaily Marooa. Do it DOW I The Blackfriars will hold a meeting WANTED-Every man who has notat 10:30 this mornang In Cobb 8B. I subscribed, to do so at once, .. '.,�.�r�\';�YoL \'ill1"jiI#·,.. :f!I�: 0A;° Comp4fice:GILBERT WILSON (1 £0.ALWAYSterno:nineufices.ten cfor I>threetreastare ttwo 1and IMi�or ojvice-jin the.eode.twofromeandiwasmaynoticBeter 11lerslege �of tl]uni(fromOnepr.c!'(poll!'Tildaythe Ilwellthedes;randthe ITIl{'l SeniorNifor Everything in Hardware,Paints, Oils and Glass338-42 E. 56th ST�EjTel. H. P. 1160MAROON MENWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS FALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS $35.00$c..rver l:JWDkieTAILORS 185 189 DearbornSf.Bank floorEDGAR BENSONEli CourlanderHalNO!.Seniofast ::A.40 East Randolph Street, Chicago-T!m ARNOLD COMPANYENGI NIERS-CONSTRUCTORSgLECTRICAL - CIV'L .... ·MECHANICALJ.J L.A .AL .... � ."'''EETCHICAGQtrated Catalogue of all sportsTHE BURNING QUESTIONARE VOL, GOINGTO MINNESOTA?W ANTED-Students to attend En­glewood Roller Rink. 6432 Went­worth A ve. Every eve., Thurs,Sat. and Sun. Afternoons throughseason.\VANTED-A married 10;111. to takecare of horses and furnace for fam­ily rooms and $5 a week. ApplyEmployment Bureau, officeathours. 9-11 a. m.LOST -,Stolen or strayed, from ton­sorial parlors of Reynolds' club, abunch of keys. Return and receivea classy shave as reward. Slip it toJulius at the Reynolds Club.contains numerous sugges­tions. Send for it. It's Free. TypewritersTYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or Rent­Special rates to students; bargamsin roe-built machines. W. White­head, 36 La Salle Street.N_ York, ('1Iical'o, Philadelphia, Besten, Balti­more Syracase, MiDn�aJl<'1i!l. Detroit. Wa!lhington,St. Loai .. N_ OrIeaD!I. San FraDci!ICo, Pitt!lburg,CiDc1DDaui DeD_r, Montreal. Bnffalo. Kan�a!oCit,. CJ�YeI&lld. CaD.da