- matly ilaroonVul. \'1. �o. IK-�--MUCH ENTHUSIASM AT ED PARRY IS ENGAGEDRALLY OF DEBATERS Announcement is Simultan�ous wit�I Marriage �f Teammate Bubbles--Hill-To Wed Miss Maude RobertsFeeling Expressed that this is to be of Chicago.Chicago's Year in DebatingCircles.some valuable suggestions in COilncction with the trial contest. andalso a selected bihliog raphy on thesubject for debate. He invited allcan.iidatcs to a persona] conferencewith him at his home, 6034 Green­wood avenue, on any evening exceptSaturday and Sunday. �Ir. Julian PIlrvt z of the history dcpnrtrnent, isalso open for consultntion every af­tvrnoon at the Law library,It was suggested that thc TrustConference of the National Civic STEWARD OF .THE CO.MMONSOBJECTS TO EATING CLUBSImpairment of Service and IncreasedCost Would Result, Says Mr.BarrellFcdcratron, now being helcl at the I.Studebaker theater, ought to fur-:lIi:,h some good material for the sub­jcct under consideration. The"'Jl('ak.�rs at the conference are col­h-�(' residents. lc�ders in labor andhusiucss organizations and prominentauthorities in the ficlrl of eCO:lO- The proposition of establising eat­in� clubs at the Commons, aired yes.'tcrday in a communication to TheDaily ::\Iaroon met with a decidednegntivc from Mr.· Barrell, stewardof th.� Commons."There is no objection to anygroup of students tacitly agreeing':'he said, "to cat at the same time andii they come in together, they willundoubtedly be able to find scats to­�ctlicr. Rut as soon as tables aremics.TO TEACH BAND TO MARCHMusicians Will be Initiated into Mil­itary Tactics Today.reserved for persons w ho often don'tThe Univcr sity band will take �t:I I come, at the same. time it means thathour this afternoon to' drill on :\Iar- those tables will be empty. waiters... hall tidel. so as to be in better form will he standing at them idle. -and"11 the clay of the ::\Iinnesota game others will he loaded with dirtyDr. Blanchard say!' the hand plays Sf) ": ... hl'S and many will he unable to\\ ell "hen scat ccl that it i .. ea�ily the finrl scats who do not belong at a-upcrior 0i many other C'olL·:�e handsrv-v rvcd tahlc.lI11t that it ... ti11 has to learn much ill "\\'c would han' to hire more wait.t lu- way oi rnnrchinc. Thur .. el:-lY·"c r s and that would raise expensespl'rinrmancc will he unofficial. a1Hi :\t ,lre:,cnt the prices of food arc sot ll\'rc' will he 110 im·ih·c! �:(':'ts. Clli- hi�h that any additional expenseiorms will 110t he used. 1I0ffm:1ll . "tr,\\"ol1lel torc.� us to r:l1se prIcesthc elrum major. wili lea(1 the ma- the stU(I(,l1t .. ,"l1CI1\·crs.There \\"ill he a meeting of the stu·Friars to Meet Tomorrownl .... ckt·rl·ar�. \\'1'11 (knh irom Xew Y01 k slat.e tomor-:\ Ill.':'ctin� of the.. �row a ftcr1100n at � �:)clock, in Cobbfa).;e p I:-Icc at ,o.:.�o tomorrow morn·IIlg" in CoLI> 8b. GA_ CHICAGO, THURSDAY, OCT. 24. 1907.Arnold M. Kent, Rolfe, Iowa.. of the t : class.John Menaugh, Wabash, Ind. Signed:Ralph W. Boyd, ::\Iarshalltown, Ia Before Monday of next week theBeta Theta Pi. list of nominations will be posted 1)J1Gail Huffaker, \Vilber Hattery, the bulletin boards. Any candidateGeorge Shay, Charles �1. Bacon, Chi, may withdraw by sending a writternotice to the office of the dean. 1 rReports from ::\Iinnesota arc Iui! .. icOllliflence. There arc no bear'''oric". Everybody in and aroun-I theMathematical Club to Meet Gophcr camp is sure oi beating '�h;-The �fatl1l'T11atical club will hold cago, and says so. The eight i;. :':­it� next meeting tomorrow afternoon giolcs irom last year's championshioat � o'c1ock, in room .16. Ryer .. on tcant :Ire to take the�:- C":11111n.tl"..In�:\ssi�t;Hlt Professor r.:\\'es will rea.i on Saturday and, ::\IOIl,I:J.f. ;lI1rJ it I!>a paper "On the Graphic n�termina- tholl�ht that a:J except $::1'("1'.1. th�tion of the Orhit of a Spectroscopic :\lI-\Ve�tern center. U� �!1r\! to (OTnleI Rinary Star." ::\Ir. Drt.'sden will de- through them !-atisiad ..)ry. Cll'tainlin'r a short addrcss on "A Practical I--------------- (Continued on page 4)Question."MEN YOU MEET AT THEMIDWAY.Chauncey H. Albright, Massilon,fraternities, which have not submit­ted their lists, are omitted:prowess is said to have had a consid-Delta Kappa Epsiloncrablc part in the romance extendingover four years of college life.Ohio.Arthur H. Bishop, Chicago.Edward Hall, San Diego, Cal.Walter C. Lorenz, Chicago.William R. Morris, Chicago.Rufus B. Rogers, Chicago.Richard' Y. Rowe, Jacksonville, iiI.Phi Kappa Psi •George McAuliff, Chicago.William B. Day, Chicago.Edward Sturgeon, Chicago.cago,:\Iason Houghland, Rockport, IndClaude Hackney, Houston, Tex.Elmer Lewis, ::\forgall Park, 111.Howard \Vikoff� Lexington, ::\10.Alpha Del� PhiAlexander Lytle. \Vashington, Ia.Edwin Earle, Chicago, III.Edward Taylor. Oak Park, III.Elmer Beatty, Toledo, Ohio.Evert Patchen. Ch i-:a go. 111.Robert Baker. Lcnvc nworrh, Kas.:\ rthur \Vhed·:r. Sterling. III.Frank Shakclford, 51. Joseph. ::\10.L'ce Partrid�e, Chil�;lgo. 111.Rohert Owcn, Chicago. I II.Phi Delta ThetaC. D. Stone. Brooklield. ::\10.C. O. Smith. Brookfield, �Io.:\. F. Cardon� Salt Lake City. U.t:lhR. j. ::\Iadden. Sagin:lw. ::\Iich.(Continued on p:ag� 3) Price Two CentsSOPHOMORBS IN DOUBT I "GHOST BALL" BROUGHTINTO USE IN PRACTICE'With Only One More Day in Whichtu Nominate Candidates for Cla6SOffices, List of Members of TwoLower Classes is Not Up. Freshmen Given ·Ball with Minneso­ta's Plays-Rogers Scored aTouchdown on Long Run.Excursion Rate Question to be Set­tled Today-Team Leaves onFriday Momin2;.Seniors-All, undergraduates having will be under a great handicap in thi.;24 or more majors. respect.Nominations for the Senior an.l Several of the men are not in theJunior class offices arc to he made best of trim. Jones was not in :&with the Dean of the Senior Colleges: suit yesterday, as he is still sufferingnominations for the two lower classes front the infection on his face. Drwith the Dean of the Jlmior Colleges. Frederick A. Speik diagnoses. theAny member of a class may he nominated for any of the four offices in aclass upon petition of five members ofthat class. The nominating petition"must be in substantially the following trouble as "cocogenous sychosis,"and SOil'S that it is impossible to saywhen it will disappcar. , although heto have it cured in a fewexpectsdays. ,Steffen did not enter the scrim­mage, as he is still suffering from hisLad ankle. Page was out workinghard, but he, too, is lame. Andersonran through the signals at centerhut did not go into the scrimmage:IS his knee still needs nursing. Theother men arc in good shape, exceptfor the usual number of bruises.The men ran through the signals:1 man is nominated for more tha .. in fast shape. A few new plays wereoffie and does not withdraw h .one e" u � n inrroduccd, hut most of t e ttmefrom the candidacy for one of the of- used ior the signa! practice drill wasflees. he shall be considered a candi . old trick5 1).,:11 t on perfecting tnedate for the office for which he was I . I II s criousplay�. Spcik tS ( CCl( e( y ,.nominated first,about the smoothness of the ::\Iinne-The election is tn occur on Thurs- h .sota eleven, and the men arc cgm-day and Friday of the sixth week ning to imbibe a little of his dOI1),l, the polls h�ing open from nitle untrltwelve, and from 1\... ·0 till four. inthe ofiiccs of the Deans.form:We, the undersigned. hereby nom:nate for the office of. .THE DAILY MAROON .. CHICAGO, THtJkSDA�, OCT. 24. 1907.COLLEGE DRAMATICS AT THE, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.By WalJiam A. IIcDenn�'OIlc1al StadeDt PabilcatloD at tM Ual�alt7 of QIcqo.:-1 Practically all the colleges in thecountry give dramatic productions ofsome form. In th.e maojrity of casesthese are given under the directionof some department of instructionEnglish comedy, French farce. Greektragedy. are usually.enacted under thedirection of the English, French andGreek faculties, respectively. althoughit is true that in a few cases clubs areorganized within the departmentswhose care is the presentations 0:each year's offering.At a large number of colleges anduniversities there are regularly organ­ized clubs, which are purely under­graduate organizations. concerningthemselves for the most part withEnglish plays. of standard quality. andoccasionally taking flights as far intothe realm of "higher art" as the capa­bilities of the case seems to warrant-sometimes farther. Among the mostI successful of these clubs the Univer­sity of Chicago dramatic club rankshigh. while in the field of collegeWarreD D. Foster, Cole Y. Rowe, comic opera the Blr ckfriars of theHarry A. Hansen, Jerome Frank, same university are to the W.est what.the Mask and Wig club of Pennsylva-I nia, the Hasty Pudding club of Har­vard, and the Triangle club of Prince­P. W. Pinkerton, Miss Esther Hall, ton are to their respective collegesAlbert D. Henderson.Fred W. Carr, and to the East.Harvey B. Fuller,] r. A. 1.. F'ridstein,. The Dramatic Club was organizedI. E. Ferguson, E. C. Hoadley, in 1895, and on Academic Day of ths ;Walter A. Ford, Howard J. KeDDer year presented "The New Cosmog-ony," by Edith Foster and Alice VanVleit, in Kent Theater. The follow­ing year the name Academic Day waschanged to Junior Day. and the pre­sentation of a play at that time hasbecome a tradition of the club. and. one of the leading features of the Ju­Probably no greater single feature nior Day. program. Another perform-of convenience could be added to the ance is usually given each year dur­business administration of th� Uni- ing the wint.er.versity than the instal- In 18gg "A Triple Alliance," byA Postoflice-Iation of a branch Marjorie Benton Cooke, was present­Why Not? postoffice in some build- ed, In 1901, with a professional coach.ing on the campus. Mr. H. Stanley Davies, the standardEnormous as is the amount of mail of the club's work became materiallymatter received and sent out by the higher, and under his direction. theUniversity from departments and stu- .clab presented within the next yeardents; but inadequate arrangements leA Night Off:' "The Secretary," andexist at present for the satisfactory 'A Complicated Affair!' The samehandling of matter for the mails. The year, with the eo-operation of the de­postoffice department is understood partment of public speaking. an out­as eager to establish a station 'On the door rendition of "As You Like It"campus. was given, and under the direction ofAlready several departments of the Mr. Bruce Short of New York. againUniversity have added to their nor- with the public speaking departmentmal functions petty matters of postal a revival of Ben Jonson's "The Case'service, of which they could be re- is Altered" at the Studebaker Thea.lieved by the exten-sion of a branch ter,i'onDelll.lTbe Weeki,. Oct. 1. len.The Dall,. Oct. 1. 110%.Eater.ci .. 8ecoDcJ-C .... Mall at tbe eM-J·ublisbed dully.dU18 and !JOlidAYIII, during..r tb� IJn'v�nllt.r )'�ar.lSub8erlption price, $3.00 per ,ear; fl.00tor :I wontlul. SubecrlptloDII recely.ci attbe Maroon Oalce. Kliia Ball. 01' at u.e"8cultl fo!xclJaDce. Cobb UalLI.U'l'IIEIL D ....·EltNALD. oMansglng FACtor.t-ftES'l'ON ..... GASS, News EdItor.MaLVIN J. ADAMS. Athletic l!:dltor.i.otus S. BEltLIN. Huslness Manager.ASSOCIATE EDITORSREPORTERSPrinted bl the !\IarooD Press474 F..ast GGtb Stl"eMPbone lIyde l"ark 3691".;.'I the popularity of MUSCULAR CHRISTIANITYIS SCORED BY SPEAKERa steady increase inthe club's performances.As ·the dignity. of the dub's effortshas increased, the szandard of admis­sion has been raised, and has been ad­ministered with the purpose of keep­ing merit as the sole basis of admis­sion. The membership is limited tothirty. Trials before judges result inthe choice of a number of eligiblecandidates, who at a second trial be­fore the whoLe club are voted on bythe members. This on the whole has Dean 1Ic:C!intock Says Preachers ofBul1y Sunday Type Are LittleBetter Than Prize Fighters.lluscular Chrisrianitv of the kindl·racticed by .. Billy" Sunday and otherevangelists of his kind came in for dscoring last night at the hands ofDean MacClintock. who addressedthe mid-week meeting of the Y. :\1C. A. He declared that preachers ofproved to be an excellent system..The Blackfriars Club, a secret 50- this sort were little better than prize­ciety organized for ti1.:! presentation fighters, in the businc sS from mer-:of original college comic operas. is love of combat and not from pietynow in -the fifth year of its existence "What these men need is punchingPlanned by a number of men wnc bags," he declared,have since become well known Several factors were pointed outthrough their work in the profession - by Dean MacClintock to show thatfield. the dub sprang at once into religion today is easrer than it hasfavor in 1904 with its first show, "Th- ever been before. The spirit of re­Passing of Phali Kahn." written b) Iigion, he said, is no longer associ­University students, and acted by an ated with mere creed and formulaeall-male cast. Frank B. Hutchinson but its importance lies in what it ;sto one's self as a modifying. choosingprinciple to govern one's daily lifeIt is a growing, evolving thing. whichwe are creating now. TIle mind can­not be forced to belie. e, and there isThe following year "The King's' no such thing in religion as authority,-Kalender Keeper" was given. Greg- except that of convincing truth itselfThe essence of religion is the abilityof the individual to force the possibleeffects on . hiraself of his present ac­tions. and the power to control hising.Certain distinctive features, partie­ularly in the advertising, have mark­ed all the Blackfriar productions. Anadvance folder. bearing a notice ofthe coming performance, with make­up and contents which have come tobe typical, is the chief method,' withthe addition of a poster. Twenty.eight new members, in four groupsof seven, are chosen by the friars af­ter the show each year. A banquet Iand an elaborate ritual form the in-----jitiation ceremony. A number ofclubs closely modeled on the Black-friars have since its inception bee.formed.Walter L. Gregory. Frank R. Adamsand Halbert Blakey were chiefly rc·sponsible for the book and the scorewith some interpolated lyrics byother members of the club,ory, Hutchinson and Victor Woestwriting the book, Martin Flavin thelyrics, and Earle S. Smith the music.In i906' "The' Rushing of the Raxes 'was the bin. written by GregoryNewton A_ Fuessle, \"1. A. McDer­mid and Earle Smith. In 1907 "SureEnough Segregation." by Harry Han­sen and Floyd Klein, was the offer-CHESS MEN BEGIN TOPRACTtCE POR MICHIGANClub Which Holds Western Cham­pionship to Have First WeeklyMccUne Tomght.The Chess and Checker club is tohold its weekly meeting this eveningat 61 Hitchcock hall. It is expectedthat six boards will be put into play evil tendencies.Address Books Being Printed.The University address books arctiOW being printed and- will be readyfor distribution in about a' week: Thework of compiling such a' book is stu­pendous. as the list requires constantcorrections and additions. Howeverall this compilation has been com­peted and only the mechanical partremains to he done. When completedthe book will be distributed at theRegistrar's office in the Press build­ing.Now! is the time to subscribe.FOWNESon the clasps means qualityin theGLOVESof the service to a small office on In January, 1902. the club sustained in practice games of chess.the campus: Such an-: office as is a severe loss in the death of llr. Dil- Chicago has accepted Michigan'sfound in many a business block or de- vies, who \\'3S succeeded by Mr. Bart challenge for a series of games inpartment store downtown could, with- !ey Cushing. Under the direction of which the Wolverine3 hope to tak­out stress or strain on the existing thoe latter, the dub on Junior -Day from the l\l:troons the championshipadministration, do a great deal to presented "Bilser's Bill." and in Jan- of the West, l"he contest will prob­systematize easy communication with uary, 1903. "Esmeralda of the South." ably be play.ed off at Ann Arbor soonthe University. As it is, stamps are On Junior Day, 1904. with the assis- after Thanksgiving.secured at one pla.ce. money orders tance of the department of pub1i� TIle Chess dub will soon begin itsat another, while registered mail 0:- speaking, "Gringoire," the Trial tournament to determine the make-upthe transaction of any other postal Scene from "The Merchant of V.en- of the team which will defend Chi­busiuess n.e-cessitates a journey of ice:' and "The Romancers" were pro· cago's tithe, Its meo!tings aroe hel��e\"en or eight blocks. duced in Powers' Theater, and on TIlUrsday evenings at ,arious placesBefore the reorgar.ization of the December 8th of the same y.ear "Th� Candidates for membc:rship shouldImsincs offices of the University i: Land of Heart's Desire." The latt .. r s(.'e Pinkcrton. pre�ident; or BarroncOllsid(.'red complcte, some provision was repeated before the author, WiII- s('cretary.for ll1or� adC(luate mall sen'ice should iam Butler Yeats.he made. Th.e productions of recent years. ac Literature Girls to Give Socialtypical of the plays which the cJu:) The women of the College of Liter-Tens of Mission Work. produces, have been: "The Twisting atllre will give their tirst social affairA plea to join the Y. W. C. L of the Rope," "The Falcon;' "Lend of the season next Tuesday afternoonmission study class was made yester- Me Five Shillings." 'A Pair of Spec· in t .. :-xington library between 4 and (,day by Miss Harriet Taylor at a lacles," "The Sleeping Car," "His Ex. The party is to be one of "Ye oldenmeeting of tl� league hc1d yeste.rday (.eJlency the GO\'emor," "Trelawney time," but several new features haveaft�rnoon. Miss Taylor is national of the Wells," and "A Good Natured be(.'n promised which \\;11 moden1iz�secretary of the Y. W. C. A., and ha;; Man." Even such a difficult comedy it to a remarkable degree. Fun par­had much expcrience in oriental mis- as the last was hancf!ed by the cast ticulars will be announced in the formsions. with rare ability, aDd tbere has beer of posters at the end of the week. TcThis is the only Fullmade. the bosom oflutely will not bulge.You will never wearkind if you try this.(Patented F�b·. 28-1&)1).)'BE MAC-BURDLE' Rl30All good furnishers sell theD!.Made byUnited. Shirt and Collar Co.Lion Brand Shirts and CollarsREADY -- WHEN YOU $I'his is to announce that theWoolens for Fall are readyyour' Inspection. ltiSome of the Smartest of theWeaves are in Single Patterns.Doscn't this suggest an early. .I_IFall Woolens custom tailored in"Jerrems Way"-have an Inual Style.It will be a pleasure to Showwhat the Fall Styles will be. YIwon't be asked to buy •�A. N. Jerrems, Manager.TAli..OR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Stores: 131 La Street, aDd44 Jackson BoulTel, Randolph 766,Dr. Jerome W. Eebert LDENTAL S-URGEONSuite 167-161 State Street.Specialist inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for StudentsCIJICAGO C iA.G. SPALDIN8& BROS.The Largest Manufacturers inWorld ofIOFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLBase Ball, Foot Bal1. Golf.Lown Tennis, Basket Rail.Hockey,Oili'("i;d ImpL"t11t'nls ior Tr:l\·k"Fidd lillif():-Ill� for "II !"JlMt�Sp:tld:ng'� lIandsomdy IlIn�­tr;Jlcd Cataloguc of all �porl�colltains numerous Sllg').!('�­tlOn:". Send for it. It's Free.A. G, SPALDING & BI:Sew York. Chiu&"o. Philad .. 1rhia. I: .. ,IOD •. �mor .. �yr:t':I1�", Minnf":"Ipoli ... l)"I, .. il \\ .,b,51. 1"'lIi ... S ... Orl .. an". �an t·r::aD. i" <'. I'illCincinnalli H .. lnn. ll"nlrC:lI. BuMai, •. "l:il)", l:lc"cland, Cauda Lc1T1IE. DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO. THURSDA Y, OCT. 24, 1907.GENTLEMEN."0 DillS FOIITY'LE.UT"£SSL�'D COMrOIl.WEAR TM. '.PROYEI !BOSTONGARTERTHE REC�IED STANDARD�The Name Is�:::�d on .'�� .CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPLIES FLAT TO TH( LEG-NEVERSLIPS, HARS NOR UNrAS rENSGEO. FROST CO.,Makera·Boaton, Maaa., 1'.8. A.__ "ALWAYS EASY� _ _.Telephones: Harrison 4259, 3401. 4239Aut�matic 5239·RICBARDS, AMBLER &·CO..COAL AND COKE303 Dearborn Street.Tel. Hyde Park 437.A. H .. McGREWLUMBERLath, Shingles, Mouldings, Etc., Etc64th Street and Madison A venueAMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with every hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.161, 163 E. MADISON STREET,N ear La Salle.BORDEN'SCondensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Cream. and Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk Cu.327�329�. Forty-seventh St.Telephones Hyde Park 18 and 6967A. McAdamsThe UniversitY••• F lor;' e t •••GbDaOUSBS:Cor. 534St. and Kim�Tk Ave. ChicagoTRAVEL OVER THE\If. you go. totAFAYETTE.. INDIAPO�IS�LQUISVILLE,CINCINNATIJDAYTON ..·Or any Southern ooint, Depots,neamJrn Station, Polk and Dear­horn Sts.; 47th and 63rd Sts. (En­glewood) AS THE PRESS SEES US I .. "A week and a half having elapsed 'I J61 .. CAL END A R. ....swithout mention in the metropolitanpress of the interesting activity on'!.he part of an alleged campus goatthe, city papers have suddenly dis­.covered their laxity, rushing intoprint yesterday with the followingevidences of reportorial versa lity :"Teddy" Buttinski DisappearsInter Ocean: "Just at the seasou Iof the year when goats are .in heavy Thursday, Oct. 24.10 :39 a. m.-Chapel a8sembly,' Junio';Junior Colleges, Women(Mandel).Devotional half-hour (Has­ke! assembly).Friday. Oct. 25d.ernand for fraternity initiations, and I0 :30 a. m.-Meeting of Brotherhoodwhen, th er efore, they can least be of St. Andrew (parlor ofspared, orie well trained goat, .face- : hall.)tiously called Teddy,' because of his;' Meeting of Blackfriars (Cobb"ende!l1cy to butt into things', has dis- 8C).appeared from the' environs of theUniversity of Chicago."But the goat did not rurl awaybecause he wished to escaped doinghis share toward the culture and re­finement of youths attending theUniversity. On the whol.e, 'Teddy'rather liked to perform that functionBut h e did 110t like the prospect ofcontr ibuting his intricate and internalarrangements to the cause of scienceI "He had been led to believe, by BRIGHTONFlat Clasp Gartersfor solid comfort. The newest shadesand designs of one piece, pure silkweb. All metal parts heavy nickel.plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,an dealers or by; mail.PIONEER SIJSPENDER eo.;71 B Mar#(et Street. PhiladelphiaMakers 0/ Pioneer SuspenJel'sthe appearance of many goats' headsChicago on the walls of a laboratory. buildingthat the vicinity was not safe for agoat whose internal organs were,workiltg normally; and,' therefore he Ibutted out yesterday from hi� pasture FRATERNITIES PLEDGELyman Gould, Logansport, Ind.B. P. Rohns, Detroit, Mich.. Elmer r. Phelps; Bay City, MichW. Redfield Perrin, Chicago.Psi UpsilonGoat Resigns as Disease Catcher Herman Kern, Ralph Lidster, Sev­Examiner: "Nanny Catching, theern Hurd, James Meagher, Williamfamous brown and white goat' of the . Alsip, Ch ica go.University of Chicago, quit her job Arthur Johnstone, Lake Bluff.yesterday and disappeared. Iter, de- y'!ne 'Beman, Gardner Johnsonsertio:n so deeply affected the doctors George Raulston, Chicago.and medical students that they call- Delta TaU! Delta_ed upon th.e police of the Hyde Park Floyd Willett, Car) Degenhartstation to aid them to find Nannyat Fifty-seventh street and Green­wood avenues to escape vivisection."He was still out when shadowsfell across the campus last nigl�t, inspite of the fact that the police of theHyde Park station, armed with bil­lies, had searched an the- afternoonfor him." 1:15 p. m.-Gir·ls' Glee Club-Prac­tice (Kent).Business meeting of Women's ..'Athletic Association (Lexington 14).4 :00 p. m=-Mecdng of students fromNew York State (Cobb 6A).Mathematical Club (room 36Ryerson Phys. Lab.)Classes in German Conversa­tion (Lexington Hall).4 :30 p. m.-Germanton Hall). Club (Lexing.LARGE NUMBER OF MEN(Continued from page I)Rodney Per rill, Chicago.and induce her to come back home Elkan Powell, Upper Sandusky, 0 FLATClASPDetective Dennis Green searched in Robert Duraine Gottfried, Uppervain for Nanny Catching in vacant Sandusky, Ohio.lots, back yards- and alleys, and wher�, William Rotherrnell.Donald Creigh.inviting piles of empty tin cans rest- ton, Chicago.ed but no trace of 'her could be, , . .Francis Patten, Grand Rapids,Mich .found. Ralph Cobb, River Forest, Ill."The police believe that Nannytired of her job. It was her duty toca tch every disease that the doctors!and students might wish to study hashardly known a well day since shebecame the goat for laboratory ex- Frank Paul, Amarillo, Texas.Chi PsiRichard E. Myers, Chicago.Clarke Richie, Hinsdale, Ill.Fred B. Bate, Chicago. CHEMICAL, PHY�/CAL, ELECTRICAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO DESCRIPTION. jttAny Apparatus Made to OrderW . .J. BOEHM, MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2700. 171 E. Randolph Street.CHICAGOWE CALL FOR AND DELIVER GOODS ANYWHEREModerateRepairingon Gent'sGarments·Free ofPhone Calumet 1300 SuitsCleaned andPressed $1.25.Cor. 25th' and CO.ttage Grove. Ave Down Town Store317 Dearborn Street.�--------------�--------------------.------.�.--.������Hotel MarOOIlNORTHEAST CORNER .'i8TH ST� AND DREXEL AVE.Building Thoroughly Overhauled and Reneovated.Latest Modern Applliances for Ventilation and Sanitation.Rooms Light and Airy, Newly Furnished, at Reasonable Rates,Lunch Counter and Restaurant attached, where the best of every -,thing is served.Your Patronage Solicited. JOHN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY DE, LAND,FLORIDAAffiliated in 1897 with THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.Louis E. Upton, Lake Forest, Ill. The President is a Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Chi-perirnents. D· elta Up· silon d I ' b f I F lIb d Icago, an e even mern: ers 0 - t re acu ty rave een stu ents at t l'� .,7From cerebra-meningitis Nannv ]. Moriss H. Briggs, Theodore Degen- University of Chicago, many of them taking degrees. Stetson is 10--Catching traveled the route to beri- P cated at DeLand, Florida, the' land of flowers, sunshine, blue skies.. hart,' aul H. Davis, Leroy A. KUng, and balmy ocean breezes. Summer r.ecreations run throug-h the Win-peri and cholera and back again to Fred Stokes, Chicago.'. ' ter. Costly buildings, electric lights, electric bells, cement walks, shell'tincarieatis,' uttering frequent com.. roads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery and trees, Biggest registra-Lawrence Reynolds, Baldwin, Kan . hi .. I . TI fplaints, but all the time making noble J Do I S tt N y. k non t IS year In Its ltstory. rere are our colleges, five schools, J4. .. ug ass 'co, J,.. ew or. buildings and 48 in the Faculty.sacrifices in the great cause of - Students from the Universjty of Chicago may .do their work atEarl A. tru, Baldwin, Kan. S tetson during the Winter Term, and receive their credits at Chicago.Charles O. Wood, Wallace, Idaho. Address, President Lincoln Hulley, Ph.D., LL.D., DeLand, Florida.Sigma Alpha Epsilon'VaHett Appel, Springfield, ruscience."But h.er tasks as the official catch-389 E. 57th Street e.r of every known and a few un-Lunche�ns, Dinners, Afternoon Tea. known maladies nnally p. aIled up on Henry Danow, Chicago.Sunday Night Suppers.. Nanny and when the Janitor went' to.. James Edward Foster,Open, Wednesda.ys IO to IO; look for her yesterday in her pas- Ohio.'Sundays, " to 8 ture lot at 57th street and GreenwoodTelephone Hyde Park 20I5"The German Language." As prev� ,L. � Fo� H�bert O. KUH� J- �'�������������������������������ously announced, the classes in C011:-. Elmer Peak.Maurice T. Price, Charlesve rsation will begin a't 4 o'clock. W. Smith, Wqt. C. Stephenson, RalphYoung, Mark E. Wheeler, Ernest RA course in anthropology is now Wilkins.being offered for ·th,e first time at the O·ur Cove"'ngs used on th St P" . Power H· ouse, T IKappa Si&ma _. �. ... . e eam Ipmg 10 unne s,University of Wisconsin. Mr. Chas. and Building of the University of ChicagoH . Eatl H. Bowlby, Enoch J. Brand. . . .. ... Hawes, of Cambridge. -University, .Contract work a Specialty.-Edwin P. Hubble.England, has been engaged .to . takecharge of the course. Mr. Hawes :s: Send in your subsciption to Thea widely traveLed man and is well .. .Daily Maroon. Do it now!versed in his subject.1'el. 3348 .Hyde Park.MISS K. M. DORANEleCtrical Facial Massage,E.iectrical Scalp Treatment,Shampooing, Etc,242 East 57th StreetChicagoBOOKSAND SUPPLIESFOR UNIVERSITY HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS.Mew and Second Hand.HE WITTS4IS E. 57th Str�etNext to coi'ner Kimbark t avenue to invite her over to the lab- :oratory to have a mild attack of diph- .theria the goat was gone."German Club to M.eet Tomorrow.The German Club w:lI meet at 4 :30,tomorrow afternoon in Lexingtonhall. Prof. Cutting win speak on. .... _...., MassillonCharles Frederick Grey, EvanstonLyle Harper, Blue Rock, 'Ohio.1;'racy'Daniel Innes, Canton, Penn.Fay McKenzie Smith, ThorntonInd.Ka-rl H. Schbidt, Chicago ..Aleck WhitneldJ Evanston.Sigma Nu .•••••••••• D � ...... _--:'Smith- Vaile. Pumping M�chinery .The Pl�tt Ironworks' Co.TURBINE PUMPSSTEAM PUMPSE·LECTRIC PUMPS 3II Dearborn StreetChicago, Ill.Harrison 86,.CAREY'S- PIPE AND BOILER COVERINGS85 Per Cent Magnesia, Abestos, Etc.WESTERN ROOFING co .& . SUPPLY171 Randolph Street, ChicagoTHE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, TlIURSbAY, OCT., �4. 190� •• • ..AMUSEMENTS ••••. NOTICE. I Green Hall Girls to Entertain.. The Freshman committee on caps, Next Friday evening the new girlsconsisting of J .. R. C�ark,' A. E. Earle, of Green hall �i1l entertain th.e �tdand H. E. Davis, wish to make the residents of the hall at a "DistrictIollowing announcement: Freshmen School Party." The old girls of themay obtain caps by signing with any hall entertained the new residents lastmember of the committee. These week,caps will cost fifty cents each, an1sh6uld be ordered before Tuesdaythe 29th. d�.I. C. Lynas. ' L. G. Wilkins I ItFraternity Jewelry Engraved, Embessed Stationery, ProgratnS c�Greek. Letter. Pen�ants -in .exclusive des�gn. � �llSamuel N orthrup Harper, instruc- C<tl1ege and Fratermty Stems, Ash Trays, Tobacco Jars, etc., sUP allwith any monogra. m, crese or emblem..·. ./. ()htor in Russian lan.guage and litera- t.._ >-.. • • • • • • • • • • I �., 0,ture, delivered a lecture to th'e: 0 Po. fJlW ANTED-Students to att�nd En-, LOST -6tolen or strayed, frO .11.W A. A to Hold Meeting litical Science c1U'b last night at the , dO''', • •. . glewood RoUer Rink, 6432 Went- sorial parlors of Reynolds )The Women's Athletic Association residence of Dr. Fre,!nd. ,The subj,ect worth Ave. Every. eve.� Thurs., .:1 reI-'bunch of keys. Return aTru awill hold an important business meet- of his address w.as "The Re,cent Elec-· Sat. and SUl'l. "Afternoons through ,.. Sf'p'Girls' Glee Club to Practice ' a dassy shave as reward. Iing tomorrow at 1:15 p. m., in Lex- toral Laws in RUSSia." The .club season. p.The Girls' Glee club will have its Julius at the Reynolds Clllingtan 14- Blans for the year will held elections last night and' Mrfirst practice tomorrow at 1·:15, in be discussed, and a large attendan:e Samuel MacClintock wasKent. is desired: All women are invited. pr,esident.IllinoisMARIE CAHILL"MARRYING MARY."The AuditoriumKLA W &: ERLANGER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLELa SalleTHEGIRLQUESTIONThe Whitney.The Musical WinnerA KNIGHT FOR A DAYThe. StudebakerWILL T. HODGEIn the New ComedyTHE MANFROM HOMEThe· GrandMOt,TTGOMERY andSTONE inTHE RED MILLPowersJoseph W. Brooks PresentsLILLIAN RUSSELLMcVickersCHAUNCEY OLCOTTIa His New Romantic Play,."O'NEILL OF DERRY."----------------------------The GarrickEDDIBFOY,Colonial.Hid Burns in Geo. M. Cohan'.Musical PlayTHE TALK OFNEW YORKThe Stump. announces an' openmeeting to �e held tomorrow eveningill Cobb 6A,. squad ran a shorter and faster course president, secretary and treasurer .around the Field Museum and back to Hoffman iil his address accented.Bartlett. : the fact that it was only for the sake"The squad ought to be down. to of the tradition established by last �,.pretty hard work now;' said Jimmie year's freshman class, that so much.Lightbody. Coach Stagg also inti. interest was shown this year in the.mated that hard work was the proper cap question. The plea was that the:program. custom should be perpetuated, A, ,voluntary .resoluti.on was passed by .. · 't..."GHOST BALL" BROUGHT the class, and is as follows: ,----------.INTO USE IN PRACTICE "Whereas, it has been a tradition,•••••••(Continued from page I) in the University of Ch. Icago for a I.:· Edgar A. Bensonyear to wear green caps as emble . THE; B,ENSON ORCHESTRAShuknecht was the only one of the matic of class organization, and SEA SON. 190'1 - I 908' �. I . h . h "Whereas, it seems desirable that, The Benson Orchestra will furnish music for thr following well k41�'champions lip team w 0 was III s ape dub throughout the season of 1.g07 and 1908: \. hi di h b ., f th this custom should continue: there-· ':f'in IS stu res at t e egmnmg 0 e CLUBS-Cal�lmet, Calumet Country Club, Onwentsia, Birchwood, P'�Iseason, but Case and Young are now, fore be it mo.or Golf, Unio,n Le�gl1e, Chicago Automobile C.1ub, SOl1t� Shore'rC�.back to' fill the tackle positions. "Resolved, that we, 'the class of! Chicago Golf Club, Highland Park Club, South Side ColomdHomew bCountry, Ft.. Dearborn Club, New Hlino is Athletic, Chicago Athletic clllThers is .still great doubt about the J9II, voluntarily choose "to adopt the; Hotels-Lakota, Virginia, Vendome, Metropo!e, The Moraine, ChicagQpossibility: of securing a rate to the green skull cap, with maroon, but- Beach, Potter Hotel, Santa Barbara. Cal. •game. Director Stagg is to have a ton, as our official cap. This Orchestra enjoyed the distinction of having played for the KirntP�final conference with one of the pas- Class <Yf 191 I." the Midwinter Cotilrion, the Village Fair, the Harvard Dance, Street5�'The question as to how long .th,es· e' Pari�, the Univ�rsi�y of Wisconsin, Prornell�de, �he North �Vestienl �seng.er age.nts this afternoon, and will versrty Pan Hetlenic Promenade, the Un iver sity of Chicago J114""know definitely at that time. The caps were to be worn was leit for Promenade, Etc. For open dates and oth.er information address: fregular fare is $16, but it is possible settlement in the hands of a commit- Teb?:::t;2S3 EDGAR A. BE.NSO�to secure for each way a second- tee composed . of Earl, Clark and: E R d j h S CL.·40 . ast . an 0 ·P'. treet, idcagoclass ticket, which gives the holder Davns.all the rights of first-class passengersex�� ilie ��k� � ��q a PH�OSOPHYWOMENmVE �------.---------.-.-.-.-.-.-------·-----·---·-·--------�Iberth. The owner of a second-class A HARVEST HOME PARTY _4,rGOOD CLOTI-JES DoO NOT MAKE THE MAN, BUT THEY Hw Iticket rides in the same <ears as do Seventy-five Girls Are Present at the' HIM. GREATLY TO GET ON. tholders of first-class tickets. \First Social Event of Our Speciatly Selected Patterns carefully Tailored, will sae-isfy . the most 'fastidiou's, and be a guarantee of taste an�sota authorities, asking how many season for the Philosophy girls, ahdstudents and members of the faculty was given by the sophomores far the.will be at the banquet. As soon as freshmen.·the rate question is settled, applica- Dean and �rs. �tClintock heided'.'����������������������������-, The Pla'('e 'Where Co:/lege Men COD'gregate.OPE.N EVENINGSPhone Harrison 59Z8. 264 Michigan A venue.POSTPONE CROSS-COUNTRY ,FRESHMAN GIRLS DEBATEBANQUET 1'0 NEX!!' SUNDAY REGARDING CLAS.S, EMBLEM.Runners to Have Feast in Private Consider Various Objects from Green.Dining Room of Commons Hair Ribbons' to Green Buttonson October 29. and Badses, .The banquet of the cross-country The girls of the freshman class are!Candidates has been postponed to. considering -what style of decorationTuesday, October 29. I,t will be given tbey will wear as a substitute for;in the private dining-room of Hutch- the green skull caps adopted by the 1inson Commons at 6 o'clock. The I boys as the "<?fficial Class Cap." ;.postponement was necessary because great deal of interest was manifested]:of the ,conflict of dates, the dining- by' the girls in the discussion whichroom being engaged for Thursday. had as topics everything from greenAbout thirty-five men are expected hair-ribbons to gren buttons and.to be present, including a number of badges, but final settlement of thismembers of the cross-country clubs question was deferred until the next !of other years;' Those expecting to meeting of theclass.I attend, who have not yet turned in President Hoffman of the sopho­their names and fifty cents to Cap- more class, called the freshmen to­'tain Caldwell, are expected to do so 'gether for their initial meeting" forat once. the purpose of bringing up the.The squad ran in two divisions to- question of the official cap, and alsoday. 'The long run was made around to call attention to the fact that norni­the south end of Jack SOl) Park and nations are now in order for the fourover the Wooded Island; The other; offices of the class-president, vice-.:The team is to leave on Fridaymorning, in order to be able to attend About seventy-five girls attendedthe purity banquet to be held that the Harvest Home party of the Col­evening, as called for in the contractarranged last year. Mr. Stagg is inreceipt of a letter from the Minne- Junior rCollege.lege of Philosophy women, given inLexington han yesterday aftemoon : .Jot was the first social event of the itions- for seats at the game and for the receiving line, and were assistedplates at the' banquet will be placed by Misses Archer, Wilkes, Hall and:at the Information office. Day.There is a large number of stu- The library was appropriatelydents who intend to go to the game. trimmed in autumn leaves arid awhether excursion rates are given or large cider· keg graced the refresh­not. If a reduction is secured, it is ment table. The cider and dough-:expected that over nine hundred stu- nuts were served as refreshments.dents will go from here. The dance program included. two.quadrilles, two Virginia reels: andthree hops., The affair was decidedlyinformal and was an enjoyable begin-'ning for the year's program.Political Science' Club Meets DRINKS INKL,IKE A CAME,LToloa-a a Conklin Fountairi"Pen,just dip it iU.II1ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill Its 0'lI'tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all t�is to it! No dropper+-no mess=-no bother. Do�anywhere-any time,:ClONKLIN'S SELF·FILLING"THE ·PEN WITH THE CR'ESCENT-FILlE,R"can be fined instantly without the least inconvenience, f�could fiU it· with white kid gloves on without danger tI.soilin-g. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writiefquaHHes of the Conklin-e-the perfect feed. .Leading' dealers handle the Conklin. If yours does flot. otHIdirec,t. Prices, $3.00 and up: Send at once for handsome new catalOg.The Conkiin Pen. Co., 310 M.3nhaUan Bide., Toledo. (JiI--....__._. -.-----......----------��� ... ----�--.. -_.. -.. ��.&eTAILOB.�Telephones 4068 Harriso·n--3884 AutomaticDESIGNER OF THE COLL.EGE MAN'S APPAREL.5,1 E.JACKS,ON ,BLVD.---------------------�.. . . . . . . . . • • • • • .....-"r.:Eli CourlaJ'dd, .judgment everywhere.linton A. Me.lum & SonsTAILORS305 Atwood Bldg. Clark and Madis�n Sts.Telephol'le Main 3917electe4 TypewritersTYPEWRI.TERS for Sale o·r Rellt­Special rates to students; bargamsSubscribe for the . Daily Maroon: in Foe-built machines.· W. White-Do it now I '. I. bead. J6 La Salle Street. -. wt.o �sWANTED-Every man Jlsubscrib.ed, -�o do so at of}�e.Are you O{1 the subscription list ofThe Daily Maroon?