. ._, '. ... '.- ..lIuiiy ilarnntt�--SSES TO NOMINATEOFFICERS THIS WEEK FIRSTIOEBATE ENTHUSIASTS TO'HOLD A MASS MEETINGSENIOR COUNCIL BLECTS WORK FOR GOPHER GAlEIS BEGUN IN EARNEST GOOD WORKS AREUpper Class Governing Body ChoosesOfficers for Quarter - AppointsCommittee to Arrange Big Dem- .:ormdence Expressed on All Sidesonstration Before Minnesota Game. that Maroons Will Win�ik Dean Lovett Tells Men at JuniorChapel that Joys of College LifeMust Have Background of HardWork.In 'or Colleges are Getting Busy,but Junior Colleges Have NotBeen Heard From.oting to Go On in Dean's OfficesDrring the Rest of theWeek. ··Athlt·tic�. dances, Iratcrniry lifeDirector Stagg Teaches New Plays- are valuahle and useful, only against Prospective Cand'dates for DebateIllini Fight Plucky, but Lose, a solid hack ground of faithful college Preliminaries Invited-To Holdwork. Your being in college means Coach Chand!er and Members ofFormer Chicago Teams to Tell ofCalls' Minnesota Strong. Plans.New officer� of. Sen'cr Council:H. W. Harriman-Chairman.Alvin Y. Kramer-Vice-chairman.Ivy Hunter Dodge-Secretary. ,,2 to �. Meeting Tomorrow Morning.. . f that someone has made a sacrificeI' " the week of norninattons orT us 1:- I,I' 1.1 At the ' first meeting. of the Senior bv their victory over that vou might. do so. You owe cer-I . l11ices accorulllg to t re -COuC Encouraged oJ oJhe c a�� I, .Collom COUI1'CI'I, held yestenlay tai I It t tl t if .. 1 I." the Senior Colle'ge. Lists "'0'" . tl re JIII'III', til" Varsit v team went to am oya y 0 ra sacr i Icmg person. .,g ( u ... '- '" oJ climax III a ma ss 1I1ee�lI1g to be heldr.an c . morning. H. W. Harriman was ,elect·· .. f I and above all to vourself." In thesef tin: Jll�tllbers of the two upper work yesterday in pr ep.rranon or t It' oJ \\' Cdllt:sd:IY morning at 10 :30, in the.1 b t d in ed chairman; Alvin F. Kramer, vice- C'OJlt-e�.. t '"'. '1"11 tile Gophers at :\Iinne, words Dean Lovett addressed thelasses han: already een pos e,� .. , west room of the Law building. Feel-d b th li sts of chairman, and Ivy Hunter Dodge auolis a \\'�."k from Saturdav. Though men's Junior chapel service yesterdayhe bulktin boar, ut I Joe ISI' ..... ..'- u oJ ing that the interest in debating is:l secretary. These officers will hold CIS'k in �Iandd hall.be mcmhl·rs of the Freshman an: Dir ..ector Stagg and oac 1 pel say li11usu:llly· keen this year. Coach'11 red their positions throughout the quar- II·t·tle of CIII·cc... ro's chances agains t the He said: "The value of setting'or ch';'l"S are sn unprepa I ,. ..� ... Chandler has decided to hold a meet-UI1l ' . .• d hci . tcr. '1'·· . . 1 f t yourself on the University records!though t!IC code require t err 15- :\ mnesota warrrors, unpartra 00 . .111� in which the debating plans willuanct: hy a week ago Friday. It was decided to make complete ball critics See nothing but Maroon favorably, is unmeasurable, Do your he explained in detail. "Everyonef 1 S· and arrangements for- an ur usually hearty this year I'll Western �rl' diron activi- first quarter's work well at no matterNvmill:.tions or t re elllor. :. U who has the slightest intention of en-d b t don demonstration before the �linnesota ties. TIle students are also confident what cost. Don't allow the manylasses han alrea y een pos e u .. .ering th.�-. prcliminaric s . should a'-d game. which takes place on Novern- C . I '11' I' temptations of fraternity life, the at-unior cla-» offices arc to be rna e th a ! the hicago e even WI Will t "clr lend the meeting;" said Dr. Juli:lIl1 S . C 11 .. her 2. A committee composed of cl'g gam on Novemberz, and, since a .rractions of the city or th.c- social dis- r·. h the d�an of tIC cmor 0 egcs ,.. 'lvI·n .IIP. Kramer OJ'.1 fl' Brt:fz. "He will then understandI I Wifliam Wrather,:"'- I.' special r te will probably be granted tratcrons to ue cat t ie purpose of .ominations for the two owcr c asses .• ou� plans and receive great encour-C 11 and Frank Bevin was appointed to dt- I . . thousand or your being in college-to do· goodith the (L'an of the J!"n:or 0 eges. upon t liS occaSion, a :Igeml"llt. \Ve fed that more interestb tend to this. Th.c council will meetInore '\'1'11 be on tile Northrup field to work-to carry three· majors of col-ny'member of a class may c nom- is heing shown by the students in re-'1! • hercafter on Friday morniftg at root for tile �Iaroon team. 11'" men lege work.led for Clny of the four olllces 111 il �\ __10 '30 . • "The difference between th,elass upon IH.,tition of fivc members of .. on thc. team feci that they Will tn-The nominating petitions umph in battle.sustantia1!y the fol1owin6 DIVINITY SCHOOL TO At present the two �(Iuads stack u:>orm: .ELECT .ITS COUNCIL ill the same relation as last year. Tilt!We, tht� undersign.�d. hereby nomi- :'tJinesCltal1s ar/': heavier than the Ch�-te .... , ..... for the ol1'!ce of......... Four. Officers will be Elected Two cago aggregation. and 011 a wet field,........ . of the cia::;,;;. NomUiees for Each _of the their pounds will be a strong factorin dieir favor. But the Maroons are forming your .par:t."··· .S:gned '. . . . Offic�Nominations will clos. on Friday '£a;t, ila\'c god team work. and a spe-•'1 k B f da)' ';'daptability .. to. the .. ne.w. ';"cr2me' of .PLA� .. $,£cOND 'R9UHD OF �-.f this week at 4 0 C oc. e or� , . )., .' '11 ..,q .,.. • . • . '.lo�day of �cxt'·we�k 'th;t;st of�oni- .. The"'LJivi'"nitY � 'sellool ·council -WI football. It is admitted that the 'TENNIS .SING.L� TODAYelect its members this morning at G·' 1 h h k' . th . - ; ........ !----ations \vill be posted on the bulle- op lers a\'e t e ma :ngs 111 em10 :30 in the Haskell assembly room. 'f Itt Seventeen Foill iii First, Co·mpeti'"··tion-in boards. Any candicate may with_ 0 a wort Iy opponent 0 any' eamThe election will he held -by ball<?t. . I W .1" . d h D. oubles Wi)! be COntested- arc the consolidation or closer re.D\\' by sending a written notice t'.) III t Ie est, anu It IS expecte t ate office of the dean. If a mall:� The following are the office�s a�d Dr. "-illiams will bring out all there Good Matches Assured. I:-.tionship of the various debatinll'ffi nominees to be voted on: is in his proteges by the day ol':ihe' clubs� the organization of .a Fresh.ominatecl for more than· one 0 ce H F tar' I • fiVice-President-J. K. Hart, . •I h 'th th Chl''''a Ie en n It I tne rst round in the tennis man debating club, and the plan fo::d dot:s not withd;aw irom the can- c as WI e .. gv e \. .E C S'k h h G h tOllrn:tment over. seventeen men have a Freshman debate with Northwest.'dac'-' for one of the offices, IloC shall vans.E. Neu�. oach poel, W 0 saw t e. op er�oJ S t ' E � Henry, .. f . A d N b k fallen from competition. hi the sec- ern.considercd a cand!date for the ecre ary- . • . Jjer orm agalllst mes an eras ab 1 I h .1 ond· ronnd o.f singles, which will beffice ior which he was nominated a't.�r. declared last night t l:it t l�y. S owe'.J. .b h played off today, th.e followingChairman �Iissions Committee-A ·lJoticeable· improvement ctween t ,. object of particular interest amolll,tmatches are scheduled:Before tllc sl'xtll "'eek' of the cauar- E 'I' rNA Harkness 'fwo contests. {he tirst-year dehater:�. :\ meetillt •., '. �\ )'!,.' . a.' . Hart. hye: Kipp \·s. Hitchcock ..r th.e different councils appoint tel- C1' P blic Speaking Commit "Just now !\linnesota is strong,'· was allnouncerl for tomorrow night ;tl1;,lrm:m u c ,-- .. .. Block ,·s. James, Sab:tth \'s. Powellfor the election, the Seniol Col- tel.'_c. E. Boyer and W. J. Howeil. said Speik. "If th.e ·ttam contmues 10 :30 o'c1ock, but because of tIl!:. .. \Vaugh vs. Wright, Bowman vsto imp;'ove as consistently from now mass meeting will probably be Jlost.d N Kellry. Stern \·s. Bridgeman. and :\Ic- .on as it did betwen the Ames an .' e· pont'd until Thursdav at the· same. r ntosh vs. H�in. oJnnior College Council chosing tlmce Yale Seniors Oppose Honor System braska games, it· will be exceptional1�·. ;lOur. The club wiII be formed I)ri-.,• In the doubles Baird and Kipp drawThe Senior class of Yale University �trong. ·-The Gophers IIOW have Cast' marily to a(h'ocate the Fr.t:shman d� •.d .I N :t. bye. Sullivan and Hart play Longat its first meeting of the year passe :tJ�(I· young with them. In tIe .c- hate, but secondly to organize an· Id . 'h····· .'. 'h :I.nd Owen; Shea and partner pl�yresolutions taking a stan agamst t � braska. game, Case was not an t e ,;niiy the 1911 debaters. There is anti d . \\'right and }aflloCs; Bleck and partnerhonor system, which was Ir .. t a opt· best condition, and tired near the end unusuaJJy large number. of formerTh .. ·i· "d play Sahath and Stern. and KelJeyto oel ur on Thurs- ed at that ul1iw:rsity IClst year. ey of the contest4 He will play dec' . high school stars now in residnec�. • . . and Morgan play �Ierrihcld dof the sixth week assigned as their reasons for thl� cdly' bett�r against- Chicag«? Tucker. an .:lI1d . rhe chances for suc�ss in :lmO\'e that they believe that stlch. Stt- . "1 h�li.eve that the. l\linnesota 1ine l�rcshman inter-collegi:He debate arc. h' Play so far has heen slow. owin<-}ler\"is'on as is necessary to suppresc; jrom tackle to tackle, is better t an 0 iar grl'ater than they would havedishonesty in the student body ca.: ours. But we probably have it over to the cold weat�er. 11le matchcc; heel� in' previous years.I I f I this afternoon between :'t(dntosh andtsiring 10 \'otc sha1l �tate his name hetter h� performed >y t.le acU ty th.em. in the rest of the POSitions.t " .'- - Hain are exp.-:cted to prove interest�than by the students themselves;' a SO . Capron is a great kicker. and a men·. ing. Roth men were memht':-s of th�the fact that students are unwilling 'a�c :to any team·s goal. but, all in al!. Wisconsin CathoEcs to Have Chapel... University summer team. which'rank-to report caseS of di:-;honesty wnen Steff�n is a more valuable man at Catholic students at the. Univers;t".. cd lip among the leaders of lhe city '"mc frolll the lists ot tho�.c cligib!e "ogniz:mt of the fact.. �uartc:r back. Schuknecht is' anotherleauge. of '\,i�consin are to I:a\'e a <,hapdThis Clction comes:-s a complet� we. will ha\'e to lOOK cut for. We of their o· '\'11 I'll tl'''. '"tltllre. TII""_'·oft'. :1I1c1 �hall hand him a hallot. ....hieh the c'luncils are' required to surJlri�.c to the college world; for ;, I;a\'e thn.'(.· they'must Ipk out for. The pJans for th(' bu;Jding of the stntc- ."C prillll'(1 at their own expenSl" �s the lirst in�tance that the student :Chicag� .. �nds are a siia(le bctter than Wisconsin to Have Purity Banquet t Itr�· h.we already hen drawn. and tl'>!is hallnt i� to be a simple Aus- horly of any in�t;tuiioll has come out thl' G.oy"t:.crs. and their offense is mor.:: Thc Uni\'ersity of \\':�con�in. fol work will hc begun at once. It is tolian kdlot. on which the name .. :'0 strol1�ly in opposition to tlie hon· l'ffecti\"e-at present. r t:link it impos· lowing in thr. jootsteps of t�le lIni· he u;;<'d a� a place of worship. al".1.th 1'1 I . or s\,·stcm. which has met with ap· siblt:·, to· I)redict a wiltner •. now, for vc:rsity cf Chicago. has decicled to ;"so :rs a c1uhhouse all/( Ineetl·.ng pla�e. e CIIl( I( ates arc arran�e( a,. oJ. •'-I.·h t' IJ l)ro\'al ,\,ll·'rC\·er it has ht·cn put into m��I'\.�· thin ... s ma'_,:" h:ipp�n before the hold purit.\" han(IUeb in honor ot' \'1',"'_ ior '111 CallI I' t tl 'I I' ..11;1 (' Ie;! y mulcr their respecti\"l' � oJ ,., ., .' • nICS a le.\ a( lson 111.!CC�. Thl' stuclcnt m:.rks an "X" in OIH'ra!ion. game wi}) be played:' iting football teams. Thi� is one of :'Iit\lrioll .. The chapcl i� 'heing erect-ont of the names of the candiclate:, . Directo.r Stagg has ,.itched into tlloC "'Old :'tran" Stagg·s inno\·ations. an,1 l'd unrll'r tli�' supervision of the St.IT whOIl1 h.�' desires to \"ote. prohlem. 'of putting the Varsity men has m('t with success here. [t ha� Pal1r� Unii·(.>rsity society. which hasPre-Legal Club to Have Smo.ker .. 'i:�. trim f9r their next game. He did also been commended by opponents :11 its memhcrsitip su-:h noted Cath".Han·('\" B Full r Jr ""11(1 r "tiler T·llC t'lrs, t open smoker of thoe ·Pre.. �.' . I I 1 f £ II I I . ..' c... .. � • not.. gtve�t Ie men t Ie customary oa - 0 co ege at I etl<'s as a str.p if'! the I:c church .workers as Archbishop �. Fern·tld r t I f 'I' I.l'"'al C1111) for the .v(,:lr \\;11 be.hel(.:'. d··1 d h . '. c- Ilme( rom.\ IIlncapo- ,., mg !'ip�1l :yester ay. but dnl e t em nght ([rection towa·r(ls· purifying in- J. :'tfc!"�mer of :\filwaukee. nishop J.Yr"tc-rcla.\· after ... ttcn(linfY' th,.' tomorrow evening at· the Reynold:04 .' ...., f I I h II ... ,.. at SIgna S or a most t Ir-te ours. ter-co cglatc sports :mcl climinatinL!" J. Fox of Gre('n Ray. Rj.;hop Jam(.'!'tnty·thirrl annual· conn:ntion of c1nh. ;\11 stuc1cnt� intenclcnd:ng t( S I I h dll £. dl . S·evera new pars were taug t. an t Ie un raen y rl\'alry which has been I' c11('rw.ach of l.a Cro<;s('. and Ri!'lhol>Ita l'1,silon .... �, d I t f tlte ('lIter tllC L..,.w school ar.� c:"Ctt'nded :tn" (' (:ga es 0 ,. Sl) pre"alent hitherto. A. Schlllner of Su�rior.icago dl:l1)tcr. :Icarty invitation. (Continued on page 4) Debating enthusiasm will reach agard t(l dt:h:lting than in any yearman prcvious, and it is with a desire towho makes good and the nian' wh • .)apprO\'e of and add to ·tne interestdoesn't is the time lost by the lat-.. theat tht: nlo�eting is caBed."ter in hesitating before p.crformillg· The meeting will be addressed bythe duties which he kl'ows arc in-. r:nany men prominent -ill this workc\'·itable. Play the game according to pre-eminently: Coach H. P. Chandler,:ts rules and don't lose time in .per . Profcssor Hlanchard, Leo. F. Worm-"cr and Arnold B .. Hall.• ••• �._,....-"'_ ., l. _. _ .-.·�Thls-ln1tss-meetftjg·is'· m.erely·��'· , _:;:ncident in the c .. mpaign to arouse in-t�rest in deb.lting among the stu-dents. Other efforts' along this lineThe Frt'shman club is just now thl"ge COllncil chosing three from eachth·�om each of the two lower classesne, tclll"r from each class is to 1.,.­at which thee polls ht·ing open from nine untiltll·c. and from two till four, inc ofiic('� oi the Deans. A studentd the da�s to whic!l he belongs toc clerk in charge oj the election.e clerk �hall then check off hisULOSELY BOUNO-].- ............. THE bAlLy MAROON. CHicAGo, TUESDAY, ocr. :U� i�.mltr laUg _ara""0IIeIal etudeDt PabileatJoD Of tM _ Oal,.. Gophers· PoiDta ApiD Depend on111&7 of CIaIcqo. Caproa-lIicbipn Beata Wabash-Eastern Games.I'ormecqTit. UDlyera1&7 ot Cblcqo \VeekJ7..·UWlde4.Tbe Wet:kJ" Oct. 1. lee%.Tlu� OaII,. Oct. 1. lt02.EDt.nel u SecoIld·c.... Malt at lbe CJal­cqo "a.tomce. PLAYDIG OF MINNESOTA year it is hoped that the president 0:SURPRISES GRIDIRON FANS some other well-known member ofthe faculty. will make a similar· tripinto the South and the East and visit Ambent Gets Chinese LibraryAherst college has just receive-dmore than I, 000 volum�s of Chinese'Iterature, the gift of Sir Chentunzthe alumni clubs in that part of the Liang Cheng. former Chinese mini .•country. It is also ')ropo�d to senti rer to t110C United States. The formera large collection of lantern slides of minister is especially desirous thatOf all the games played in the Wesl campus views to the various clubs his countrymen who are stutlyin:.;_last Saturday, the Minnesora-Ne- so that the lectures may be illustra- liere shall not forget their own lanbraska contest was the most remark. rive of the times gone by. guage and literature. Sir Chengable. marking as it did the second The wo: k of organizing the alumni was educated at Phillips Andovervictory for the. Gophers by an 8 to in clubs is a mighty task, because of and was pr'�'p:lring to enter Amherst5 score. both of which were won by the wide separation of the graduates. college when he was recalled tothe toe of Quarterback Capron, and Not a great many of them are:11 China.in both of which the Gopher offense touch with the affai�s of the Univer-l'ublbtlled dally. except �UDdaYII, 11011_ proved unable to cross the goal line sity through the Alumni ·Magazin�.. ay. anel holidaYlI, durlu.: three-quarters of its opponents, This incidence ha .. and it is more on account of theircaused some Western football experts ignorance of the existence of such ;,to regard the Minnesota team out o( paper that the work is "going ahead S('ZSu�erl"UoD price. $3.00 per ,ear; 51.00 the running for premier honors this slowly. It is hoped, however. thatfor :s mODtha. Su"'rlptloua rec:elnd atlIM MarOOll Omce. Eliia Hall. 01' at t)Mo.... culty lI:xciaauc". Cobb RaiL very shortly clubs will have been or.year.The other Western match of im- ganized in every city where a suffi-portance, besides the Chicago-Illinois cicnt number of alumnigame. that between Michigan and make a fair gathering,Lu'rUKR U .. lo'ImN A I .. u, llaDsgI� Eelltor. Wabash, was not won by as large aI·Jt&MTON 10'. u"AMM. N�w. EdItor.MJU.VIN J. AlJAllS. Athletic Editor.LOUlli S. UEItLI!'l. IJualue118 MaDager.ASSOCIATE UITOaSWarrcn D. Foster. Cole Y. Rowe.- Harry A. Hansen, Jerome Frank, reside trPRESS PUBLISHES BOOKBY P. L. MACCLINTOCKscore a s it had been expected .theWolverines would make. In the firstualf the "Little Gian"s" held the Yostteam almost even, and only the su- The Pedagogy of Literature· in Ele-mentary Schools Set Forth inDe�Lperior staying power and weight ofthe �Iichigan team gained it the ad­vantage and victory at tbe end of the "Literature in the Elementarygame. School" is the title of a new bookI In the East Yale and \Vest Po·nt by Porter Lander MaeClintock las!played �. desperate contest, which re- week by the University Press.suited without a score for either The fundamental ideas underlyingside. Harva d managed to no.se out this book are that literature for chit­::l' Na\'Y by a count of 6 to 0 in the dren should be chosen for its excel-P. W. Pinkerton, :\liss Esther Hall.Alhert D. Henderson.Fred W. Carr, first game ever played between the lence as literature. and for its fit-.Barve,. B. Fullcr.] r. A. 1.. Fridstein, f h hi dtwo elevens. Pennsylvania's conquest ness or t I! C II ren concerned; and1. �. Ferguson,· E. C. Hoadley, I . I Id bf Bro boo t d Q k t k t rat It s IOU e taught as art. antiWalter A. Ford, Howard J. KellDU 0 wn s e ua er s oc s.The Indians kept up their good the results produced should be liter-, .. many to win every gameChicago s overwhelming defeat of. h d IIllinois added to Minr.esota's close sc e u e.victory from Nebraska Would Kill Collegc Baseballstories; on poetry, on the drama. 011 Addressing Dartmouth students onmyth as liter-ature, on the correlation "College and Citizenship." Presidentof literature with other disciplines, on Tucker said: "I am prepar.ed as :JCLUBS IN SIX CITIES the actual teaching of the class in lit- lover and defender of college ath­erature, on the return to be aSkedl ietics to advise the elimination 'Iffrom the children, a chapter on out- baseball as an inter·collegiate gam(of-school r.eading for -children, and from colJege sport. I �uld confinefinally a list of titles in literature for athletk games to games which wouldeach of the elementary grades, offere.! have no outside value."The work of organizing the alumni as a sllggestion to the inventiv!<:hampionship. Minnesota was pushed of the University o( Chicago into teacher, but also denf.ended as ato its· utmost b", a team whose power alumni· clubs, wit· hid -�. k' db·.; Ita qua. u.;rs m wor mg program teste y expen-lay in its solid line with an individual dOff .the 1 erent -cities, is gaining con- ence.star. Th.:: results of a conflict with siderable headway. Announcemen!Chicago at this stage of the game is has jjust been made by George 0 Demand for. Green Caps Larcequite obvious to anyone who has Fairweather, editor of the Alumni Green caps to the number of ISOwatched tbe two team<; at work. No �fagazine.that clubs have been recent- h�d passed into the possession oioccasion arises, however. for c.onfi- ly organized in six additional citie3. members of the Freshmen class up 10 ,dence on the part of any supporter of as follows: last evening. Large inroads havethe Maroonl although the Gopher Des Moines, Iowa, by Lawrence De hen made. both on the stock to b�team was pushed to the limit Satur- Graff, '98, county attorn.ey of �Ik ordered through the infonnation of­day. while the "Old Man" had no county; St. Louis, Mo.. by Mayo fice and that of the Freshmen haveneed to show his whole hand. Tesler. '97. secretary of the Civic charge. The, Frf!shmen supply wasStudent support or- the team at Lea�e of St. Louis. and Robert S. nearly exhausted yesterday, and more)'finne�polis has becn as ragged as Starbird. '04. instructor in the Wash. �aps have been ordered.the team's work, and it is more thana coincidence that thoc two go to­gether. Student enthusiasm for Ma­roon team has been r.xcellent. and Itscontinuance means final success. Fo:the Gopher tcam there has been morecriticism than support, and listlessplay has becn a 10gic�1 result.The Varsity eleven and the stu­dent body backing it. need to guardagainst any sil1mp of interest and en­thusiasm by accepting 'the result ofthis of all games as a foregone con­clusion, The:\1 innesota team, crudebut powerful. twic� humiliated. hastwo weeks in which t3 redeem itself.It has as coach one of the cleverestI�aders in thc country. Chicago work­ing with confident calmness of aclose victory. ii the team does its ab­folate best, will win and retrieve Itsdefeat of last year: but any slowingup of the present pace will pro\.eblal. PrIDt", by the llarooD PrHS414 East uGth StreetPhoDe Hyde Park 3691Next! breeds a feeling of con- work by annexing another game, thi-s ary and artistic results. To the endtime from Bucknell, by a score of 15 that these ideas may be made dearto o. The redskins clearly out classed and practical and available in thetheir opponents. They have a stron- final details of the teachers' choiceger team than has represented them and procedure, the book gives a ser­for some time, and are picked by ies of detailed studies on the choiceon their and teaching of the various kinds oiALUMNI OR�NIZE NEWtent among the studentbody that November 2 will show tho! Formation of Societies AmongMaroon triumphant over the Maroon Former Graduates Progressesand Gold. Work of both teams was Rapid.!y.not of mid-season form, but the tw·)weeks that remain can decide theington University; Washington,D. C.by Leroy T. Vernon, '01, Washing,ton correspondent (or the DailyNews; Salt Lake City. Utah, by DrJohn Sundwald. '07: Seattle. Wash" sion of Hank Carlowe," will appearNewton A. Fuessle. '06, has writtena s�ries of country-town stories. thefirst oi which, ent:t1ed ·"The Conver- �by Dr. S. D. Barnes. '94; Los An- in th.e November issue of "Peoples·'geJes. Cat. by Victor J. West. '05. �Iagazine. Fuessle is on the staff ofIn Den \'e r, Colo .• a club has beell the Chicago rnter Ocean. He ha�organized and comprises in its mem- already completed two series ofbership Deans Metsker and Howe of tales-one of Alaska, the other on thethe Unh·.ersity of Dem·er: Dean Hel- Idaho For.est Rangers. Some- oflems of the Unh·ersity of Colorado, these have appeared in the "Redand Professor Duback of the Colora. Book," ··Peoples.'· Associated Sun­day :\Iagazines, and other publica-do College. an of wh('m are amongprominent educators of the state.Plans for the organization of alum·ni clubs are also und�r way in Louis­ville. Ky.; Terr.e Haute, Ind.; andSioux City, Iowa.President Judson of lhe Universityis planning to make a trip to theWest aboat the first of the year, anf)will no doubt address several of the t:on5.Publishes Serial by Mi .. RadfordA serial story by :\J iss L. Radfordof the Englisl1 departmt.'nt of the Uni'lvesity. will h� printed in the Circle!l\fagazine.b�g:nning with the Novem-!ber issue. It is entitled to:\. Free!Lance," and is described as a story of:modem life. ,;.Iamni dabs on tbe way. Later Dext THEDAILYMAROONTHESTUDENTNEWSPAPERlJELI:VEREDTO YOURDOORBEFOREBREAKFASTEACHMORNING.Leave ·yourname at The MaroonOflice. Ellis Hall.and know what's doing.• • •DOESCOLLEGESPIRITMEANANYTHINGTO YOU?It can't. unlessyou are onthe subscriptionlist ofTHEDAILYMAROONSAY!You can pay the price ofFOWNESGLOVESand not Get Fownes style,fit nor serviee.Eger l}J CO.. 213. Adams Street(Branch 159 Wabash Ave.)... -.No R�b when SlDokin.Egeria Mixture(a blend of Bliss)3; ounces 25C . . RRADY - WlIBN YOUrhis is to annet.nce that the:·Woolens for Fall ale reaclr,l:your Inspection. 4Some of the Smartest of the '..Weaves are in Single PattcraDosen't this suggest an earl, :' ...Pan Woolens custom tailored iI IMJerrema Way"-have anual Style.,'1It will be a pleasure to Sho.��what the Fall Styles will be. �Iwon't be asked to b:JY. l;.�eady for you-today. ��A. N. Jerrems, Manage-.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MElTwo Stores: 131 La Street. aad44 Jackson BotA.G. SPALDIN.bBROS.The Largest Manufacturers inWorld ofOFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPBase Ball, Foot Ball, Golf.Lown Tennis, Basket Ball,Hockey.Official I mplernents for TrackField Uniforms for All SportsSpalding's Handsomely Illus­trated Catalogue of all sportscontains numerous sugges­tions. Send for it. It's Free.A. G. SPALDING & BROS. -I�\\tilY'glr·t15-New York, Chicat'0. Philadelphia, BostoD,more Syracuse. PolinneRp"Ii!'. Detroit, \\'a� ,St. Louis, New Orleans. San Fraecisco, PitCindnnalli Denver, Montreal. HutTalo. 'City. LlevclaDd. Canada KitBOOKSAND SUPPLIESFOR UNIVERSITY HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS.New and Second Hand.lIBWITTS415 E. 57th StreetN ext to corner Kimbark-Tld- TIHOTD. ...IlElTAUIWITo. ................ a.m .... DImIIIIaIS TIE 'IPIUI PUCE FlliliinSlrrEiS Iml TIE PUI 61CcOflSHAMPOOING andMANICURING atMADAME KAYNOR'S2.1i E. 55th St. Phone H. P. �The best equipped and most SanitIIJplace in ChicagoHave you heard about it?Have you seen it?Don't fail to call when down to1MEVERYBODY DOES.louis XIV. Famous candy _A MARVEL OF BEAUTYBowes-AUegretti CompuyCANDIES, SODA, LUNCHESState and Monroe StreetsTelephone 792 CentralCbica&oTH� nAIL\' MAROON, CHtCACO. TtJEsoAV. oCT. 22, 1907.All good furnishers sell them.Made byUnited Shirt and Collar Co.Lion Brand Shirts and CollarsGENTLEMEN_10 Dilla ,Ott anuIU'.£S!.r._ AID CO.FORtWUR HE. .aPROYU .BOSTONGARTERTHE RECOHt1£D STANDARD\�The ".me Is ��::��on .. ��8 CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPLIES FUnO THE L£D-JlEVERSLIPS, JUIlS JlORUIIFlSrENS).Washington Ave. and 55th St.I'houe l Iydc Park 1O-t9.MRS. S. TAYLORMILLINERYClass, Fraternity; Society-:- �Jr"'� -:- No.9This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade. the bosom of which abso­lutely will not bulge.You will never wear z ny otherk.nd if you try this.( Patented Feb. 28-1&}9,)"THE MA£-HURDlE" /' Tuesday, O��. 22.10 :3o-Scnior Chapel Assemblies.(Mandel Assembly Hail.)10 :30- Jun:or College Meetings.5 :oo-The Botanical Club. Speak­ers, Dr. MacCallum and Mist!(Pfeiffer. (Room 13, Botanybuilding.)i :O()- The Students' Volunteer Band.(League room, Lexington Hall.)i :45 -The Pol itical Science Club.Speaker, Mr. Samuel N. Harper(with Prof� Freund, Woodlawnavenue),Wednesday, Oct. 23.o :.�o-Chapel Assembly. TIle Diviuity School. (Haskell AssemblyRoom.)o:Jo-The Young Women's Chris­tian League, Speaker, Miss Taylor. national secretary YounzWomen's Chrisrian Association.J :15-The Junior Mathematical ClubSpeaker. �I r. MacNeisb. (Room.36� Ryerson . Physical Labora­tory.)-t :oo--O()en lecture: I. "The Sun­day School:' II. "The Pupils.":\Ir. Henry F. Cope, general sec.:ctary Religious Education Associa­tion. (Haskell Assembly Room.)-t:3o-The Woman's Union. (Room15. Lexington Hail.) ---------------- --.,I•I,1MAROON'MENWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTH�SARE BUYING AGAIN THIS FALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS $35.CO$C�er 6WilkieTAILORS 185 189 DearbornSt.Bank FloorWE CALL FOR AND DELIVER GOODS ANYWHER.EModerateRepairingon Gont·sGarmentsFree of\\'c make a SPE.CI AL TY ofthis class oi work. Let us giveyou an estimate. V cry highestgrade of workmans hp gu:!rallh'('·d.SPIES BROS.,r"anufacturers of Fine Jewelry.156 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill.Catalogue upon application. 7:15-l\len's Meeting, under the di­rection of the Young Men'sChristian Association., (CobbLecture Hall.)H ·L � �::: R E WPRESS TO PUBLISH BOOK 1 �or: 2� �d. ��g� Grove. Ave! Lath, Shingles, Mould�ngs, Etc., Etc BY JENKIN LLOYD JONES • • • • •64th Street and Madison Avenuertss­tss-�os.Telephones: Harrison 4259, 340J. 4239Automatic 5239RICHARDS, AMBiER & CO.COAL AND COKE303 Dearborn Street. ChicagoI BORDEN'SCondensed Milk. Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk Cu.327-329 E. Forty-seventh St.Te1f:phODe5 Hyde Park 18 aod tJ9S7A. McAdamsThe UD('yer.lt7••. F lor; at •••GRBBlOIOUSBS:Cor. S34 St. aDd Klm"Tk Ave. ChicagoPhones:om«. 1-1. P. T iRS. Residence. H. P. 961DR. FRED W. PARKERDR.RALPH-W. PARKERDENTISTS5249 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 6Jrd ST.HOUTS 9-12. T:.W-5:00.ITiJRK;S-H�.RUSSIAN.lS-CPLAIN BATHS 2ScOpen Day and NightI BARBER SHOPi����tel 161 Dearborn St.at Volume Contains Twenty-three Ser­mons of the Well-known ChicagoPastor.:\ new book by Jenkin Lloyd Joness now on the press and will be pub­ished by the University Press on.he first of November. It is a four-'lundrcd page book e ntitled "Love:10«1 Loyalty." With the exception ofthe introductory discourse, they wereIII delivered as "class sermons" for. uccessivc graduating classes, andzhe text in every case is the clas smotto. The collection thus repre­-cnts a cross-section of a quarter'cntury from a busy city ministry:omposcd for boys and girls, the dis­courses should appeal r articularly toothers of like age.but anything that appeals to the young interests their e1icrs likewise. The book is thereforessued in the belief that many w!)i\ \' e ha ".z reduced t he price on :\ find a value in the noble ideals her.'large number of desirable patterns, set forth.Hyde Park -137.iAMES HATS$2.00 $3 00� fair deal with ��ery_ hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.,61, 163 E. MADISON STREET.Near'La Salle.WOOD SHADES andOLIVE BROWNSARE NEWESTWE HAVE THEM ANDOTHER POPULARSHADES.100 styles at $20.00100 styles at $50.00and 1300 betweenfa (.'\·CI1 up our stock.WILLIAM JERREMS' BON ••Clark and Adttms Streets1 he Place Where College Men CongregateOPEN EVENINGSPhone Harrison 5928. 264 Michigan Avenue..��--_ neg5»0".T. C. Lynas. L. G. WilkinsFraternity Jewelry Engraved, Embossed Stationery, Programs andGreek Letter Pennants in exclusive design.College and Fraternity Steins, Ash Trays. Tobacco Jars, etc., suppliedwith any monogram, crest or emblem.- •• • •• � '-'_+-+-+-����-'-+-+-'-4-4."'���'_'_�- . . . . All matches in the second round)f sil1gl(.'� must be played off today�onte:'tants are requested to meeti heir opponents in front of Cobball at 2 o'clock. Those who cannothe there at that time and leave no.iote of their inability for CaptainCa. r at the J nformation office, wiiJrave their names scratched. Contest.'II1t� in doubles must finish their firs:uatchcs hy \Vednesd.1Y night.Tennis Notice.Subscribe for the Daily �faroon.. )0 it nowl:\ t' you on the suhscrption list ofThe Daily �Iaroon:NEW ADDRESSFLORENCE M. HENDERSHOTPhotocrapher.I'elephone H. P. 2314-612'1 Kimbark AYeDae....... ,.._..,_ Cleaned andPressed $1.25.. .1Phone Calumet 1300Down Town Store311 Dearborn Street. . . • I.. • • • • • •HEAT •• • REGULATIONTHE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC SYSTEMThe ,R�ogn:Z�d �tandar4��nstalledin University of Chicago BuildingsCOMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL METHODS OF HEATINGHot Water Tank Regulations. Reducing Valves for Air. Water, SteamControl of HumiditYJOHNSON SERVICE CO.H. W. ELLIS, M&r. Chicago Office. 93 Lake Street• Cen!t'a! 1054AutomatiC'! 9149ALFRED PEATS CO.FOREIGN-WALL PAPER-DOMESTIC144-146 Waba�h AvenueCHICAGO-----,,,,:!•Hotel MaroorlNORTHEAST CORNER 58TH ST. AND DRE�EL AVE.Building Thorouchly Overhauled and Reneovated.Latest Modem App11iances for Ventilation and Sanitation.Rooms Light and Airy, Newly Furnished, at Reasonable Rates.Lunch Counter and Restauiant attached, where the best- of every,thine is served.Vour Patronage SolicitedTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 5:1 Kirnbark Ave. and 56th Sr.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehour.e in the City .....Furniture and Pianos �Io\'cd. Stored. Packed an.l_';hippcc) to all parts d the \\'0; III. ",00 Pr. vate Stor­age Rooms., I.;ngc I'ar lor Exc lusivcly for Pianos.Rooms ior Trunks :-,nll Whcr-l«. La rg e Room forCarriages. Buggie.. and Slvigh«. Trunks r o andirorn all Depots. 1.01.';11 Trnnsfcrs for Baggag:,Fnr niturc, l'ack:lg(.·s. ctc., at short notice.Special attention given to University Orders.What'J Going On?Wa.tch The DAILY MAROON.YouC.n't AffOrd To Do Without It.Subscribe Now,.rns DAIL'i, MAROON, CHICAGO. TUESDAY. OCT.,�. r��MOSSLER ' CO.DRINU INKLlJ(E A�C4MEL-To load a Conklin Fountalil·PeD, j_ dip it fa anyink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it, fill its owntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That'·s all thereis to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any ti_!Jle. 'coNKLIN's nS::G PEN.. THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT.FILLE""can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.LeadiD&' dealers handle the Coak1JD. If,.oars does BOt. orderdlreCL Prices. S3.00 aud up. SeDc1at oace for haDc1aome DOW catalO&'.The CouJdin Peo Co., 310 .......... BLW., Toledo, Ohiosion to express his opinion on theWORK FOR GOPHER GAME, work of the Minnesota squad. H �IS BEGUN IN EARNEST said he was not particularly'impress­ed with the caliber of the "Giants ofwhere- Anderson will play. Twoweeks should put the men in propersha'poC to meet the .Gophers. I n theIndiana contest, there were a lot ofrough edges, but Saturday's game ,showed few of these. There was somefumbling on the part of the Maroonsbut it did not prove costly.CHICAGO WILL WIN - PARRYEx-Maroon Athlete Calls MinnesotaOffense S!ow.Ed Parry, the former Maroon starand at present coach at the Univer­sity of Kansas, paid � visit to theUniversity yesterday, and took occa-.•• ..AMUSEMENTS ....IllinoisMARIE CAHILL"MARRYING .MARY."The AuditoriumKLAW Be ERLANGER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLELa SalleTHEGIRLQUESTION�The- WhitneyThe Musical WinnerA KNIGHT FOR A DAY!I}!j The StudebakerWILL T. HODGE,In the New ComedyTHE MANFROM HOMEThe GrandMONTGOMERY andSTONE inTHE RED MILLPowersJoseph W. Brooks PresentsLILLIAN, RUSSELLMcVickersCHAUNCEY OLCOTTIn His New Romantic Play,"O'NEiLL OF DERRY.""------------- -----The GarrickEDDIEFOYI'Colonial.Kid Bums in Geo. II. Cohan'.Musical PlayTHE TALK OF:...HEW-YOU" the North.""Judging from the improvement ofthe Maroon line and back fi.dd inwil! be among other surprises which Saturday's game, Chicago need hav'ethe "Old Man" will have in. store for no fear as to the outcome of the Min­the Minnesota squad. It is felt that nesota game," said j»arry. ,'''Thethere are special plays invented for Gophers are a husky aggregation, yetthe Gopher game exclusively, and their' inability 'to make any consist­designed to combat the weight of the cnt advance through Nebraska'sMinnesota defense. .cornparatively green line, indicatesTI!.� men on the squad are all i:1 that the Chicago. forwards will begood shape physically, none of them 'able to hold them. The polished of­being rnore than shaken up a bit ,fense or- the Chicago team ought tofrom the Illinois' contest. Anderson, result in their getting the long endwho was kept out of most of the of the score."(Continued from page I)game because of a weak knee, is nowback in harness.I Illinois put up a great fight for atime. Seven minutes after play be­gan. Page caught one of Pettigrew'sexcellent punts for a fair catch, andkicked goal, scoring four points. Twominutes later. Captain De Tray madethe first touchdown, and Page kickedgoal. Then Illinois began. The Chi­cago team had been confident beforethe game, but not overconfident. Af­ter they had scored ten points innine minutes, the State eleven braced! and scored -one touchdown.With the score 'only �o -to. 6 at theend of a the half things looked seriousChicago started the Ia it period with arush, De Tray going straight throughthe line for a run of 65 yards andthe second touchdown. 'From thattime on, the Maroons were able toadd _ the points rapidly.The contest was somewhat likethose of the form�r days, straightfootball being much in evidence. Bur,as was expected, the Maroons use-Ithe forward pass often and effectivelyHewitt and Page both played excel­'ent'y. i�. is doubtful if there is inthe West any pair of ends �ho workthe forward pass so smoothly,Captain DeTray played in a waywhich was a revelation to, all. Hehad several long' runs to his creditand helped out the line a great dealon the defensive. Merriam did fin.�work all through the contest, and\\ on a great deal of applause by awell-executed Aying tackle atl. Petti­grew. Iddings was used more thanin the Indiana game. ana showedhimself a great gronnd gainer.Walter Steffen was a twin star withCaptain De Tray. He made a num­ber of dodging runs from his positionand in returning punts. On' punts hedid better work than Gardiner of Il­linois, and he handled the team well.In "addition to this he made a drop�kick from the 35-yard line.The line was lighter than that oflJIinois between the ends" but held'its own against the veterans: TheChicago men charged well, werestrong on the defensive, and helpedthe runners.It is probable that the team willenter the Minnesota contest with thesame tine-up that started out on Sat­arday, excep� for the center position, Decided uClass"For University Menat a ReasonableExpenditure in price,Long Distance Runners WiD BoomInterestJinc."'Tbat Bimcb' of'- ., •. - ,..'AthIe� Thursday.' , 'I;--�-:-";';:------�--------"/-"-r ---The cross-country squad will &iv.1 C. H. RICE £7 BROS.a banquet in the Commons Thursday, Phone H. P. 1324- . � ,R. 57th StreetOctober 24th, at 6 o'clock. The men 'Parry witnessed the Minnesota-; Nebraska contest at Minneapolis''Saturday, with a view of getting' a.line on the Nebraska eleven, whichwill play his proteges in early, No­'vember. He came to Chicago to talk'over the possibilities of arranging a 'game between Kansas and ChicagoThe- matte ris boeing considered by tbeUniversity athletic authorities.CROSS-COUNTRY TEAMTO HOLl) A BANQUET,expect to get together and boom thecross-country work. The old mem­bers of the club are invited to attendand should hand, their names to Cap­tain Caldwell or to Fridstein at theMaroon Offi� as, soon as pos­sible. Members of the squad whohave not handed in their !lames yetshould also do so if they expect toattend the banguet.It is' planned to have several' ath­letic celebrities respond to toasts, andmany,' of ih-e old membe� of thecross-country teams. are expected tobe present.Last week they took a new coursegoing through Washington Park in­stead �f Jackson. C"nsiderable va­riation entered into the run whenCaptain Caldwell started an' energetjcgame of -crossctag and later intro­duced a strenuous foJlow.;lhe-leaderprocession. Clever Clo�esSO Jackson Boulevardt,..__'\Ve put brains in the cutting. 11'(making. the fitting and the selectionof the patterns. "Pastrnaaters in theart of dress" best expresses it..We make our clothes on the prem­ises in our own shops.Is there any other concern in (hi­cago that does this? No!Now, don't get the impression thatour prices are hi�h, fer the reverseis true.Suits: $18, $20, $25, $28, $30, �.15and $40 is all we ask.()vercoats: $18, $20, '$25, $30, $.15and upwar ••Waistcoat shop, first floor: Special=-highest quality vests 'marked $5.values to $g. 'k-MossIer cs.lClever Clothes,' 50 Jackson_Send for "Chap Book," gratisWe aelI everything 'for the Kitchen and Laundry. We make aSpecialty of �uipment for Domestic Science Schools.,.WE REPAIR GAS RANGa.WRINGERS, TRUNKS, and doLOCKSMITHING. noon.mixupwent :r.,ccthouglhe wilfromTheAT 16, and t8 sotrra CANAL STREET. CHICAGO.HAVE THE MOST COMLPETE LINE OF MA­MACHINISTS' AND KETAL W 0 R K E R S •TOOLS IN AMERICA.THEY ARE FOR SALE AT REASONABLEPRICES.WantedWANTED-Ali experienced soticitor ;advertising experience preferred;good position. Inquire at Maroonoffice.1'eason. Phone llain ss8-Send in your subsciption to TheDaily Maroon. Do it nowl. �irect.TeaSeton'End\.. Thethe �with athe V:field aFURNISHED Parlor-e-Steam; withor without housekeping privileges;facing Midway; near University;suitable for two ladies or couple;'phone. 588 60th St., cor. Ellis A v,,-------- were�ew J:workcthe piwill f.light (AllJonesscrimr}o�sfar thfectiOlably I.game'�eeri Irectorycar,tackle'tion bgavelineuptweenperbacpiobalend 0Merto_gelrectorThus,ridedriamson gcTher;tt'spendirThou�DOUIT('speciaattoUl�ilr<;l.Es, t�rtgulaa ratedentsdollarif an;rOOterAdb,oUgl",:11 hSpecj;1Ine hr-rohal�rs wilor St, �rcl Iis tt'xJlhis ir·r �rtOffice hours, 9-1 I a. m.Ca� and See.1'7pewritersTYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or Rent- PI ANO and vocal lessons, foreignS"ecial rates' to students; bargams methods, in .exchange for room andin r�-built machines. W. White- board; references. Call G. L. 1-:',,head, 36 La Salle. Street. Daily Maroon. SPANISH-If you are interested init, and Ijv.e close to the UniversitJof Chicago. drop �e a "Tarje­ta po!'tal;" call 6047 EllisA ve. or 'phone Hyde Park 2220.Sr. Francis4:o Ranos.THE M·ACHINISTS' SUPPLY (0., .WAN1'£D-College men with col- The University Employment Bureaulege spirit; only those loyal to theAlma Mater, to subscribe to Th·FURNISHED parlor-s-Steam; with Positions are open for five youn·;Daily Maroon. Do it now!., women. Board and room in re-or without housekeping privileges; WANTED-Students to attend En-" 'turn for assistance at housework,facing Midway; near University;, ,Iewood Roller Rink, 6432 Went- Saturday work assigned Thursdays.suitable' (or' two ladies or couple; worth Ave. Every eve., Thurs.,phone. ":,88 60th St., cor. Ellis Av. Sat. and Sun. Afternoons through -------------