. ./CHICAGO. SATURDAY. OCT. 19. ��7:- Price Two Cents15·THE MOS!' EXCITING MO::.'!ENT OF LAST WEEK'S GAME LOOKED LIKE THIS.TODAY. HOWEVER?TO GIVE' TEAM ROUSINGSEND-OFF AT STATION I CHICAGO TO INY IDEURBANA ·FOR BATTLEON GRIDIRON TODAYThe probable line"!.!p:Thousand Students to March BehindTally-Ho to Sixty-thirdStreet Staeion, 'I Director Stagg Sees Victory for Ma:'loons in Game on Illinois Field-Likes Work of Team.To Leave Gym at 9.15 this MorningTwo Hundred Students to Go toUr!:-ana. FULL SQUAD WILL BE TAKENIllinois Has Several More Veteransthan Chicago-Preparations Made. for Record-Breaking Crowd.. . . . . �* THE ROOTERS' TIME-CARD ; Ig.IS-Assemble in front of Gym * j9.3o-Leave 63rd Street, Illinois *Centr?! S2tion. :� 'q-......:T\iE SC.Q�e. or- T\(� <..�ect\(fO-tHO'�HA. .\=OOT8!\LL(i-I\ME.VVA\" -Cua�:l -TlcrE�S'O Chicago. Illinois.Hewitt. L. E Richards. R.. E.FRESHMEN PLANA CLUB TO I PLAY BIG GAME TODAY :�:::�.�. T�::::::::::::��:�: :: �.KEEP UP DEBATE INTEREST Chicago-Illinois and Minnesota-Ne- Anderson. C Van Hook, C.braska Yale-Army and Harvard- Jones, R. G Green, L. G.Navy-Many other Games to be Falk, R. T Railsback, L. T.I�.30-Arrive a� Urbana.3.()()- The game. UNION HOLD DANCE10 :30 in Kent.• • •• Entertainment :n Lexington Hall byWomen Declared a Complete Suc­cess-Two Hundred People Present Rumors of Contest Between North-Two Large Rooms Crowded. Played - Pa g,l' , L E Baum, L. ·E.Steffen. Q. B......... Sinnock, Q: B,De Tray (C.) L.H.B.Pritchard,R.H.B:\ thousand students w:lJ a ssernbleiJl f. out of the Bart lett gymnasiuiuthis morning at 9:15, and, forming inline. will march lJ.o:hind the tally-ho. containing the varsity team to theSixty-thi!"d .st rcet ] llinois Central station, where they will give the team clarcd a complete success. The din-:. rousing send-off. Two hundred of 'ng-hali and reading-room were madethese will accompany the team to into one largc haJJ, admirably fitted western and Chicago YearlingsBrings Up New Proposition WestThe Woman's Union dance givenlast night at Lexington Hall was de- First Year Men Interested inbating to Meet Wednesday at Chicago vs. IJJinois at Urbana.Minnesota vs. Nebraska at Minnc-] Iddings, R.H.B .. GanE,ner (C.) L.H.R.Merr-iam, F. B. ...•... Pettigrew, F. B.Substitutes - Chicago: Schommer •De-1892 •••••••••••••••••• 101&;3 ..•......, .. No game.1894 101895 .•••.••••• No game.apolis.. Michigan vs. Wabash at Ann A-:­Hoffman. Harris, Moulton, Worth-wine, Ferguson; IJJinois: White, Mil­Indiana vs. Alumni at Bloomiugto.i, lcr, Litt, Vosburg. Cleal, Grcen.Notre Dame vs. Michigan Agr icu"-Officials for the game will be: Ref-hor.U I f CI . for dancing. which began at 8 :30. with A Freshman debating dub is theIr iana to roo! or ucago.In addition to the two hund. ed stu- Xl r, Dcpl'w at thc piano. The nurn- .rtc s t move in the plan for a debateher of dancers continued to increase with the first year men of North-dents who witI go to Urbana today rural College at Ann Arbor ... large number of alumui \v1'11 att enrt until there were 200 pr.escnt. At one western. The 191 I men, now much.. .. Iowa vs. :\Ii�souri at Iowa City.I It I'S thouuht to be ccr- end of the room gr;Jpe juice was :L'oused by rumors of an intercolle-t ic ga11l�. s Wesleyan ,·S. Tufts at Middletowntain that the volume of sound com- served. �i:.tc Freshman contest, are deter-The C01111111'tte' I'll char r' 0" rl t- mined to push the matter and ''111'11ing' from the Chicago bleachers will e cnar ge IC a . .,at least equal that made by the Lllini fair consisted of Misses Driscoll, Ka- organize at a meeting to be heldwin Morgan I - "I" 0: Wednesday morning at 10.'30 in Kentrooters, led by "Red" Mat th e ws. ' .\ ',4e.o: ant meson. erce, :\IcCornack, Dartmouth; urn­pire, Wrenn. Harvard; field judge.McCarthy, Brown; head linesman.Oregon vs. Pacific at Eugene, Ore.East Kilpatrick, Wisconsin.Scores of Games Played.U. of C. Il1inois."5. Brown at Philn,Pennsylvaniadelphia."According to present indicationsthe plan will prove a valuable and Yalc'vs. Army at West Foint.Thc special train on which the teamand rooters wiIJ leave will depart TO HOLD RECEPTION FORfrom .Sixty-t hird street at 9 :30. Con- Harvard vs. Nacy at Annapolis.Indiana vs, Bucknell at Carlisle.much needed inuovation," sai.lNEVI MEMBERS OY FACULTY :�ce,·es. 191 I; formerlv a member ofsiderahle confusion has been caused oJ Amherst "5. Trinity at Amherst.It th f t tl t b JJ t i . f t the Pontiac High School debatinx S Willi S 1896 ...•.....• ' .••••••• 12O.}f· Cocl')I) alcl'lll Iga1',.ea thUe et�mn Inf rotln School of Education Faculty to Re· team. 'Whether or not we arc sue- yracuse "5. ' I lams at yracust·. 1897 18, S. Ie' 0 IC ce:ve Infolma!ly New Instructorstr:lill at 9 :55. There is a train at that M d A& �','_'ssful in the immediate purpose for Sl"'cral big games arc schcduLed 1898 No gamc.on ay .;. ternoon. ..I Itina'. but it is not thc one which will urgalllzat:on, tIC c .ub win nevcrthe- ior today. both in the West and Eas�. 1&;9 No game.L le�s be of value. HeilIg as ,vc are, Innn No g"mI;e lI�l'd by the Chicago footban delco An informal r .. :.-cept:on wiJ) he gil'en Thc Chicago-IJJinois centc:-t at Ui- Y"'" ••••••••• , .. e.in Emmons Blaine Halt to ncw mem. totally incxpericnced in Univcrsity hana is of chicf conccrn, with thc 1901 .................• 0 2.&1crs oi the iaculty of thc School ei dcb;tt;ng. lUany of us are somewhat ::\Iinn��ota-Nebraska gamc a close 1902 .•••••...••••••••• 6 0JUNIOR COUNCIL ELECTS Education on ::\Iollday aftcrnoon. 0(:- IcJth to .�nter a club composed prin- ";l·COlll). Thc I:ltt.::r wiJ) be thc first 1903 , 18 6A. D. HENDERSON CHAIRMAN tobcr 21, immediately fotlowing the .:ipalJy of uppcr dass mcn. I am toH ch;lIlcc for \Vestcrnc!"s to get a lin.: 190.. . 6 6weekiy faci�lty conf�n'ncl'. that many Fr�shmcn in past yea!":; on. the caliber of the Gophcrs. ] it 1905 .. ,. �.············44 0Representatives f.rom Junior Colleges I' :\n.loll�.r tl.IOSl' .who ar .. :' teaching in through lack of practicc have lost the thc Ames gamc last Saturday. :\olin. 1906 , .. 63 0Meet and EJec Officers-No Ac 1 Jonutll 10(IU�ndi. If, howe\'er, ''lie call For thc first timc ill t.,..n y rs .._ - t Ie ll1:-tltutlon lor the first timc arl' I1c�Na playcd without se\".craL of it:-; . ..tion to be Taken Until Friday. the iollowill�: (.rganize a club amo::g the many ;egulars. Chicagoans w:1J watch the Chicag-o feotbaJJ team win invade th:C Freshmcn .enthus:asts in the Unin:r· G I • k the Jllinois camp to do b.lule withollc;.;c: �I r. Ot" � \V. Cd<JwdJ. Dr. op lers wor today with cagcrnessRl'prcscntativcs oi the Jun:or Co!- J. :\1111;1 X 0 ri". :\1 r. \\ .. K. Wright. ;ity I am sure that this deplorahl.· ·nd som� cstimate of what to expccl thc Orange. and Blue eleven on theleg' Itt d .. C I' '{.ISS witl he a,·cr!cd. grl' (Jiron \t 9 '30 o'clo k tl'(S 1l� Yl'S er ay mornlllg III 0 )1) Dr. Raycroit. :\1 r. Chaunccy Thomas \\ hcn thc :\Iaroons aId Minnesotans . /. C llS morn-I,5H. anJ organized thc Junior Col. High School: :\1 r. F. \V. John�-on. "The club whcn ort;:&nizcd wi)) ap- clash on .No\·emh�r 2 win bc iormc(!. ·ng. tl�e party. consisting of the iulll{'g.� Council for the autumn (!uartcr. :\Ir. C H. Beeson. ::\Ir. \ViJli;lIl1 R I-{'al to thc iaculty to make arrange- The :\ofich:g;m-Wabash gamc has also �qu;lll of twenty-livc, Dir.cctor Stagg,:\11 ckction of oth� .. :,rs resulted in tIl,. J)a,·i�. �I::,� Helena J):>y. :'Ilr. Geor�\.' 11ll'nts for a dcbatc with som.� othei attracted con!'iderahle interest on ac- Dr. R;lycroil., Trainer Johnson andchnin' oj Albc�t D. Ht'llder�on. chair. D. FlIII�r. :\Ii:"s Csta .lIagl'lI. :'Ilr. \\T. Uni,·crsity. As [ undcrstand it, thi:, :OIl1tt of the bear stories from Ann .wo rnhhc:-s wiJ) board the train atman: Lestcr Stern, l"ice-presiden�, W. Ilickman, �Ii�s :\I;t;il,tta Xeff. :\olr I'rojl'ct ha� heen in 'thc minds oi dc· Arbor and th� defeat of Purdue hy Ihc Sixty-third strcct statton of the;mcl �Ii!"s Ruth Kdlogg. sccretary Tildl'n Stl'am!". :\lis. Georgl' B. Zll�. haters for sevcral ycai'S past. but Ill) \Vaba�h :a!'t Saturday. Illinois Central. A large studentHarry :\.. lIansl'n. th� retiring chair- :\Ir. :\. E. lIenning. Dr. Raycroft. Dr one has Cl"cr m�d� ::ny s.erious at- (II thc East aJJ ('yes ar.� turncd on .:ontingent, as wcll as a number ofmali. pr'�'s1(h.d flt thc mecting. ami I J ... \nna Xorris. :\Ii. Chfltlilq' Thomas tcmpts to. matcrlahzc et. Xo\\" that '1 trio of ;_!ame ... which arc among the ;,llImni. ,viti accompany thc team andga�'l' so�ne g-eneral i�lforlllatio�1 as te) Ell'melllary School: :\1 rs. E. R I :t11 th�sc IIltcrc�t.cd in debati�g fro'l1 'nost importflnt to hc played thi� sc.�k· to outdo the llIini rooters inthe t1Utll'S of councdmcn. '�o mat.' �Icyer�. �I i:-:. Fannie S:ms. :\1 iss Eliz. :lIUtl11l1 t� fir�t ) ear Ill\. narc IIlterest- yeflr. Yalc and Han·ard wilt tackle a vocal tilt:�e-s \\"("re legislated IIpon flt the.meel ahl'th Allt-n. �Iiss Jl'111lie Black. Bcr- l".d tht:rc IS no r.�ason why a frcshman thl' Army at"ld l"a,'y rcspcctivcly Director Stagg. who had withhcldIll!:: as thl' cOllncil saw fit to postPOII-: thfl EllOdl. :\Iis� J .... .;:'ie Rich. :\olis') (lchate should not hecomc a fact." · ... ·hile :It Philaddphia. Pennsylvania cvcrything in thc form of a positive:.rtlnll hccau�.� thc new mcmbl'rs jO"'l'tte..' Spink. Dr. Raycoit. Dr. J. . . ;lJHI nrown w:tJ dash. :\11 thr.-.:c con- J,rcdi�tioll up to yeste;-day, said lastWt'r\' tIliacqllainted with cOlllll'il mat-I \lIl1a Xnrri:-. �Ir. Chat:J�l"Y Thomas. I :\I.embcrs 01 HItchcock HaJJ arc te�ts w;1I iurnish n'al workouts for night that Chicago witl win.l('r". flt<.' first regular mccting w:1I! I rctlllllde.d that t�� and chocolate are he hig- t'astern tC':l1n:-. The game "1 don't know much ahout thc IIli-takl' piace IWXt Friday morning at se; ,"cd III thc I.wrary (',·.�'ry Sund:. yo hstwcl'n Carlisle ;lIld Bucknell wiJJ n(,is tcam. and so can't teJl just how10:30 in Cobb 15R. Not �o Admit Members Before Dance jrom � to 6 p. m. AU :��embers of the: :in' \\\':-tl'rJjcrs a rhaIH'l' to s('� the �oOlI a showing thcy (tIght to J11ak�Till' council for till' a11tumn C)uartcf :\1 r. EIl�li ... h oj the l�l'Yllolds Cluh !JOil"'(' :lIld thl'ir friencls wi)) bc wcl- II�cli;lIls at their Ill'st. in thc g:mlC with us tOJ11orrow,�" heis r"lllp0:-<"d of the foll(�\\"ing- fl'pr.�. :tllllotlnn':, th:1I there will he no mcm. come. A. K. PARKER, (j.�darl·d. "Bitt. unlcss thc most nn·"'(,l1ta ti\"(· ... : David Da'.i .... Arts Col. I.cr:-hip l':lrtb i:-�t:l"(1 :l;ll'r () p. nl. 011; Head oC thc Housc. cxpcctcd happcns. wc will Jlull. 1 I Da!'!�� �t S. A. E. House. IIl'�\.: I.-<":o'tcrn St('rn. l.iter:.turc: tIC « ay oi any CJaIl(".�' (lr smokcr givcn' t lrough with thc IClrge elul of thcp Sigma Acpha Epsilon gfl"C an in-,r:lIlt Sullh'an. Scienl"e: :\l1wrt Hen. hy the clnh. Th,,:-,(' Wl10 wish to at, l' S scorc. I have noticed a decidcd im-I h(' . outhcrn Club will hold jts formfll dancing party for its ple(l ... c ..«('rSOIl. Philosophy: ;,Iiss Katherin.e tend ... hollld s("("I:rc canl:, hdorc the '" prO\'cmcnt in thc Chicago men CIS toSI lir:5t m.�cting today at 8 :15 p. m. in last c\"ening at the chaph'r house. 61 It�. :11:ght. I.it('ratltr(': �Iiss \ViIJow. e'·t'nt. t,{'am work. whilc some of the play-I 'I.('xington H;:II. : I.cxington a,·cnu('. The \'haperon,C t·:tll Chfltt('rson, Phi�osophv: :\oliss TJ T . l'rs h:.\"e shown enconraging indh'irl-R• . Ie cnncsscans wiJl dinc at the. wcrc ::\Ir. and :\Olrs. D;w:d ·\Jlan R blith Kcllo ........ Arts.' 'I' 'I 1.- \ I.. I'·' • • . 0 ' ual progrcss,.... � .' ISS .\ ary r\.l·n- : SI1l0r;l'r W:I ... held 1;I:,t c"cning at �ommons toni .... ht at .::: ·_'to. \ .11 I 'I I 'f n .I . '" ... 1' spccla ,.-rtson ant .\ r. all( .\ rs. a\"ld \Vhit-ll :.� l>t':l:t I'hi iratcrnity house. table has bcen rcserved. . field. -----------------(Continucd on Jlag� 4) o12�., galion.nt'Y, S�iCl1CC. 46trIII ��. -----�------=-------:---�r�������������-�··-��···=�·-��--�-·�--�··���T�H52�D�A�tL�Y�M�A:R�O�O��:':C�I:I�[C�A�G�O�.�S�AfT�U�R§D�A�Y�'�O§CT�.§19�'�I��.::==::::::::==::�::::::::::==r!!., ..rinues, the U .. iversity need fear no POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY_711'" la_Iii. lIaro""" ANNOUNCES L:ECTURES\W..,t U5 .". repetition of the record of last yearHA vB YOU FIXBD UP YOUR DO YET?Ordinarily the only trouble with ac-u1 __ ..IProfessors Vinceat, .110 ton .ugO-.-I_O 8t_A_-t PabUcatloa 01 tbe Valnr- tivities of this kind at the Varsity is.__. --Clark of the Univeruty1I1t7 of CIaIcqo. a general inclination towards somno-to Speak.�nce. When the student body is ac­tually awake and knows that it isawake, it can generally persuade its The lecture program of the Poly­opponent of that fact. When it is technic Society of Chicago has been,not, there is no telling what mayhappen. A few people can not do allthe work in debating, any more thanEDtered .. 8econd·c .... Mall at lbe Clal- they can in any other student activity.Last year forensic activities did noroccupy the relative place in the stu­l'ublhtbed dally, ex(.�pt �uuda1s, lIoo_ dent consciousness to which their im,day. and boUdays, during tbree-quarters I:ortance entitled them. 'There is noneed to go further into ancient his­tory. This year it now appears as if�ubec:rlptlon &Idee, f3.00 &Jer Jear; ,1.00 undergraduates and graduates alikefor 3 munths. �llbeerlptluDa recelY� atactually care about debating..om- KUla Hall. or at tile.hithe KarooD '"""Keep it up. If the real. C icagoL'_ han Cobb HaiL ,."au:ult,Y .... c ¥e,spirit continues to be applied to de-bating, the U.niversity will accom­plish things of which_ it can beproud. If it does not, the less that- issaid about it the better.On the eighth of next month lows:chosen pupils from preparatory Nov, I-The Psychology of theschools all over the �rowd, Prof. Geo.. E. Vincent, Uni-Prep country will be the vers.ty of Chicago.Warren D. Foster, Cole Y. Rowe, School guests of the Univer- Nov. 8-Some of Shakespeare'sHarry A. Hansen, Jerome Frank,. School sity at the occasion of Humor. Nov. Is-Shakespeare andI the annual conference of the Human Heart, Prof. S. H. Clark.secondary students. If the impression U.niversity of Chicago.which they receive of the institution Nov. 29-Some Thoughts on HowP. W. Pinkerton, Miss Esther Hall, is favorable, they will decide to .enter to See a Play, James O'Donnell Ben.Albert D. Henderson.Fred W. Carr, here next fatl;' if it is not, they won't nett, Chicago Record-Herald.Harvey B. Fuller.j r, A. 1.. Fridstein, The r�sponsibility for entertaining Dec. 6-Christmas Music, St. An.I. E. Ferguson, E. C. Hoadley, these men and women, the best pos- drew's Choir of Boys' Voices.Walter A. Ford, How�rd J. Kenner sible material for coming Varsity stu, Jan.' 3 and Jan. Io-Americ:an Art.dents, rests primarily upon the pres- Stereopticon, CharLes Francis Browneent undergraduates. The faculty can the Art Institute.take the initiative. but it can not p '5- jan. 17-0rchestral Concert.sibly be successful without loyal co- jan. 24-0ther Worlds Than Ours.operation from the student bo.Iy Stereopticon, Prof. F. R. Moulton,The future life of this institution de- University of Chicago.pends to a very large extent upon t!:-e Feb. 7-The Art Institute-Recep-character of future matciculanrs. The ti�n. Chicago Artists' Exhibition.students who will attend the c--nfer- Feb. 21-Lecture_R.ecilal, "Monsieurence November 8, will make the kin,1 Beaucaire," Prof. Richard Burton.of men and women wh.ch Chicago University of. Minnesota -,needs as graduates. Every d!'lrt I March �A Group of Delightfulshould be used t� obtain them. Artists. Stereopticon, Lorado Taft.The Reynolds club will be m.d,: March 2O-To be announced,the headquarters of the men vi srt ';'-; April 3-Lectur�, Luther Laflinaf!d the halls of the girls. The pur+y Mills.banquet and the PUI due game thenext day will be used as method" of'l'be UD.1Yenlt7 of Clalcqo \VeeklJ.The Weeki)" Oct. I. 1t82.The DaIlJ. Oct. 1. 1D02.of the t;u:venllty yeur... LU'I'UEn 1.). It'EUNALl.), Maosglog Edltur.l'n�TON 10'. UAS�, New. Editor.llELVlN J. AI.)All�. Athletic Editor.LOUI� S. m�ltLIN, Uualne8S Maoager.ASSOCIATE EDITORSIlEPOIt'IUSPrinted by tbe Maroon Press-4i4 fAst ,5:ith StreetPbone Hyde Park 3691On the morning of the annual Ioot­ball contest with Illinois, there is lit-tle more which need besaid. Although nothingis sure until the end ofthe last half, the beamto Urbana thisOffforUrbanagoesmorning, having every expectation ofwinning. The method which lies inthe power of the student body to as­sist the eleven men who are actuallyon the gridiron is' to support themvociferously from the bleachers. Themore loyal Chicago men and womengo down to the game, the greater themoral·support. No team ca_n work tothe heighth of its efficiency. whensupport from the grandstand is lack-ktcpIttJl announced. .The society aims to provide in­struction arid .entertainment for 7,OUDCmen and women. �1 embership :sopen to all. All those who are in­terested in such an organization andwho wish to take advantage of theopportunities for self-improvementand entertainment offered by the so­ciety are cordially invited ·�o becomemembers.The officers of the society are asiollows: Lorado Tart, president;Pi of.. Solomon Henry Clark, firstB. Sherwood, ,vice-president; Mrs. J.second vice-president.All the lectures will commence at7 o'cI�k in Handell Hall, 40 Ran­lolph street. The program is as fol- DO YOU KNOW that we carry an extensive line of Chi�.agopennants, wall-cloths and pillow-covers] p�ste:-s by Relm�lg­ton, Jessie Wilcox. Smith: and other... artists ;� and manyother things especially SUitable for this purpose.DO YOU KNOW that we receive a large consignment of thelatest novels and works in genera! l.terature each l11ont�. andthat these are always on exhibition on our long table?DO YOU KNOW that you can place w.th 'us subscriptionsfor all the magazmes, orders Ior developing and priutjug. pho­tographs, or for engraving visitng cards? --TAD'---THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESSRETAIl .. DEPARTMENT"ON THE CAMPUS"Pennants and Pillowsof All the LeadingColleges, Universiti�Fraternities and Sororities.Special OrderS ExecutedPromptly •.FOR MEN'S TOGGER�.'---HANSfN---NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE)532 E. Sixty-third St. THJOHN W. DOUGLASTelephones 4068 Harrison--3884 AutomaticDESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE MAN'S APPAREL. 1ATl51 E..JACKSON BLVD. Jo:entertainment. This is not enough Rich.est Man in Japan VISits Camp�It is excellent as far as it goes, but Mr. Mitsue, the most prosperousthe personal element must not be merchant of japan. yesterday after­lacking. Each man and woman must noon paid a visit to the Univers-ity.be made to feel the guest of an insti- �fr. Mitsue was accompanied by histution which is composed of live men wife and family. He i!" being shewnand women, and not of a curriculum the city by Mr. Johns, i')rei:.,.'l1 minis­and a set of regulations. Flesh and ter of Swift & Co. Mr. Mitsue andpersonal responsibility in seeing tha:blood people, and not academic con- party were shown about the campusin� to Urbana. Y"II. Show Illino- cepts, are what induce high school and an expressed a favorable view 0;that notwithstanding the fact that the boys and girls to make the choice of the U�iversity.game is on her own field, Chicago can a definite college. Every student in----.still be heard. Go to Urbana. the University should have a sense ofeach visitor is so entertained as t.�According to present indications, carry away an impression favorabl.!the hibernation of the University de- �"the University of Chicago. This.sbating world has been ;,n opportunity which does not oftensuspended. at least for come. and the best use should bt> You may seeFOWNESGLOVESon the man wbo doesn'tknow wbat's wbat- .you're sure to see themon the man wbo does Jmow.the time being. In the m:uk of it.last few days enough. men have announced Cap Competition Reduces Prices.tl,(; ir intention to come out for thetrials for the Varsity team to assure;a Least a creditable showing in the\·;:nter's t,riangular contests.' In ad­(iition, the advisability of a freshmanf�, .. ha'(; with Northwestern is beingt �p"ed. Moreo\'er, ptans are beinglaid for forensic contcsts betWol'cn th�c"ll('gcs. TI11C debating societies areal50 catching the general enthusiasn:;:r�d sh�ow signs of their int.cntion tf)�:lr :.hll1�s.This transformation of the studentaparthy of a week or so ago into ac.t1:a.' hard Work, is deCidedly encour_:agIng. Ii the P�se:1t attitUde con- Competition from t!Je freshmen h�.-;induced a second re,inction in -the 11"'IIIIIIII •••••••••••••••price of green caps, which will beordered from the list eat the informa­tion office. The fres�men have beencirculating a petition promising capsat 50 cents to aU who 'HiII SIgn it, andthe price of caps ordei\!d through theinformation office was reduced yes­terday from 75 to 60 cents, when thisbecame known. The original pricewas put at $1.00. Many names wereadded to each of the lists yesterday,and' it begins to look as though everymember of the first year class willbe sapplied with a fr.eshmaa cap. .'1r......... _._� .. :_lIe·,"�'5J)orT C Lynas. L. G. WilkinsdJ '1- •Engraved, Embossed Stationery, Programs anFraternity ewe ry•Greek Letter Pennants in exclusive design. Ii dCoUece and Fraternity Steins, Ash Trays, TObaC�� Jars, ete., supp ewith any monogram. cr�t or em em.Tg MNOLD COMPANYENGINEERS-CONSTRU�RSELECTRICAL - CIVIL- MECHANICAL-181 LA SALLE STREETCHICAG�THE STA.TE SCHOOL MINESOFof theUNIVERSITY OF UTAH.. .L k Cit· Utah in the hearl of a great MmmgIt is I�ca�ed �t S;li} s �lo�' of �i,c grc�tcsl mines of the world, and atcountry, wlthm SIght 0 1,0 .t smelters and concentrating mills. R: .the very doors of t�le argesI course for entrance, and offen a f01.1:­quires a four-year hIgh sf,h�t) 'our�e in .each of the following lines 01years' course •• md :- gl'lC(··l�1 eE\:' ctr,·cal Chcmica1 Mechanical, and Ir-E· .. M·mng IVI • C " , .U'. ng!neenng. I. ' t·�n wIth the Aglicultural College). The oIlt-rlgatlOn (the last 111 co:mec I. II Ii t'd those in Mining, Metallurgy andversity I:,bora�ortes :rc \��5,.�qt f�e �re dressing min is the larg.est inHydrau�ICs �1I1g nn;nrp, -. ·'h re The prOfessors in charge are bothconnectIon With a SCIlOO :-It)) \\ e .scholarly and practical. In1TI[:Be3$2.(A1151, 1Rltl4303 �THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO. SATURDA V, OCT. 19. 1907 .BEADY - WBBN YOU ARBThis is to announce that the New, Woolens for Fall are ready foryour Inspection.Some of the Smartest of the NewWeaves are in Single Patterns.Dosen't this suggest an early visit?Fall Woolens custom tailored in the··Jer.(ems Way"-have an Individ­ual Style.It will be a pleasure to Show youwhat the Fall Styles will be. Youwon"t be asked to buy.Ready for you-today.• ...AMUSEMENTS ....Illinois:\IARIE CAHILL·'.\I:\RRYING �IARY."The AuditoriumKLA W &: ERLANGER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLELa SalleTHEGIRLQUESTION.I1• The WhitneyThe Musical WinnerA KNIGHT FOR A DAYThe StudebakerWILL T. HODGEIn the New ComedyTHE MANFROM HOMEThe GrandMONTGOMERY andSTONE inTHE RED MILLPowersJoseph W. Brooks PresentsLII.LIAN RUSSELLIVIc VickersCHAUNCEY OLCOTT .In His New Romantic Play,"O'XEILL OF DERRY."----------- ----The GarrickE D DIEFOYColonial.Kid Bums in Geo. M. Cohan'sMusical PlayTHE TALK OFNEW YORK1_- BORDEN'SCondensed Milk. Fluid Milk, Cream. and Buttermilk.All Bottled in.the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk cs.327-329 E. Forty-seventh St.AMES HATS$2.00 $3 00A fair deal with e.ery hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.161, 163 E. MADISON STREET.Near La Salle. REPORTS FROII WABASH the sl ... ughter. But the scrubs, conii-FRIGHTEN WOLVERINES dent in the power given them by theirarewly acquired knowledge, were mostYost Is Dissatisfied with �is Eleven. willin� victims. And if results mayWhile Wabash is Declared be taken for anything. their self-con-, Ann AI bor, Oct. IS -Coach Yos: to open the session, and the scrubsdeclares himself absolutely lacking returned the ball to the zo-yard lineIn confidence- as ao the ability of menWhcn \\':llter Ecker sall saw the -: tricks in bewildering succession trractice he declared that the Maize iatl the varsity at sea. and by jumpsnul Hlue would find :t tartar in Wa- of from five to twenty yards the •:):tsh when the two devens meet in scrubs carried the ball t� yards. Herel ndranapolis. -vhile directly in front of the varsitv'«"M'chigan will have a hard row to zoal, the scrubs were slopped. ')ut •• t'"roe when she faces the Hoosiers," �oach Yost said, "They're not \Vi,­said Eckersall. "I have just come cash:';rom the Hoosiers' camp and Coach-Ieven, which put up such a great bat- "In th,e' past," said a Divinity stu­.Ie on Marshal! field," said the former dent yest-erday, "but few of the stu­. star, "There is no Schulte, no Tom dents have known or cared to knowHammond. and no Heston to work very much about their executive.his year. Magoffin 101'"ks like a good board. Frequently men have gone in'ralfback, and, of course, the veterans utter ignorance of the existence ofn the line are tried." the. council. The method of election-' TIle feature of the practice was is through a nominating committeeeasily the great work at fullback by which __ nominates two candidates forAllerdice. The Indianapolis lad was each office on which a vote is to becalled upon frequently to advance the taken. The nominations may, how­mil. and he never hiled to deliver ever. be made from the floor.he necessary gains. He hit the line "The Divinity Council is the rep­ow and. hard and his , ... ork in helping resentative body of the Divinity stu­on forward passes was also brilliant. dents before the Faculty. It has gen­\Vasmund and Sullivan each. took a eral 'charge, on the students' side, of.urn at quarter, and both men showed all matters pertaining in common togreat . improvement over their previ- t�e .Fac�lty and students. The coun­ous performances. \Vasmnnd more cil IS composed of the officers andexperienced than his rival, was accu- chairrnen of· the several committees;are in his passing, while Sullivan had of the Students" Council' of the Di­it on the former Lafayette star in vinity school."',elping the runner. The Hibernian The offices and nomin-ees to bebaseball captain was full of fight, and voted on next Tuesday are as fol­though he did, not get into the game lows:.mtil the varsity men were nearly ex- Vice-Prcsidenf-]. K. Hart, H. F.Evans.Secretary-E. A. Henry, E. New-. to Be a Tartarto do much more than win from Wa­bash tomorrow afternoon. The elevenmen who are on the regulars satisfy"Hurry-Up," hut Irom , the m0111.::11lone substitute euter s the. game :111team-we. k ceases,'::ayou looks to me to have the fastest.md shiftiest aggregations in the West.The old Carlisle star has irrstitlcd intohis men thc Indian style of play,, .. hich is especially> well adapted tohe nc·w rules. They work the for­ward pass in better style than doesvl ichignn. Cayou has taught his menperfectly the sharp driving pass."Yost has a great team, but I do�'tthink it will compare with the 1905hausted from the fierce scrimmage,he turned loose' a fine l'ne of baseball-lang which kept the players fightingLehr at right half looked good", mak-109 several returns after kick-off. Onone occasion he caugh t the ball onyards mo; c.,Chandler, one of last year's prom-.sing candidates for a line position.·c.·portcd ior work yesterday for thefirst time this year. He was put inat left guard in place of Primeau, fidence was not misplaced to any appre­ciable extent. The varsity kicked offAnd right here the varsity was treat­NI to :t delicious little surprise whichJ aile. J them so completely to rest thatthe "'vauning was deferred until the-crubs had planted the ball on thearsity's IG-yard line. Forward pas­-lnys, mbced with fake kicks and oth-ELECT COUNCIL OF THEDIVINITY SCHOOL TUESDAYNominating Committee Names Menfor Four -Offices on Body-Hopefor More Interest.Election of the' Divinity Council.nembers will take place Tuesday, Oc­cober 22. AlI students of the Divin,• ty school are eligible to vote.bauer.Chairman Missions Committee-A,E. Myer, N. A. Harkness.FORM A CLUB TONIGHTAll the foreign students in the Urn­versity and their fr:.ends will meettonight at 8 o'clock in the parlors ofMiddlc Divinity hall, with a view to No.9This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade. the bosom of which abso­lutely will not bulge.You will never wear any otherkind if you try this!'(Patented Feb. 28-1899,)"THE MAC-HURDLE"molded to suit the style of play usedhy the 'Vahash crowd. and the menhave heen drilled on the hest method� All �ood furnishers sell them.Made byUnited Shirt and Collar Co .Lion, Brand Shirts and CollarsRepairingon Gent'sGarmentsFree ofPhone Calumet 1300Cor. 25th and Cottage Grove. AveThe patronage of the students of The University ofChicago is solicited byTHE HOTEL MAROON'5:'51-S9 Drexel AvenueRfSTAURANT . AND LUNCH COUNTfRTHE BEST OF FOOD AT POPULAR PRICESA Specialty will be made of serving Suppers or Banquetsfor Societies or for' Private Parties.COMFORTABLE ROOMS NEWLY FURNISHEDA .. N. Jerrems. Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Stores: 131 La Street, and44 Jackson Boulevard'I'd. Randolph 766.Dr. Jerome W. EgbertDENTAL fruRGEONSuite 167-161 State Street.Specialist inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for Students.CHICAGOStrltsCleaned andPressed $1.2,5.Down Town Store317 Dearborn Street--------- - When YooW&nt a______ S�PPlies I TURK'SHtRUSSIANfs'lCOME TO US I PLAIN SA THS25cThe 'best of everything and I. Open Day and Night IpriCeJ" re�son�ble la..S wen I I BARBER SHOPThe Photographic Materials Co I i Saratoga Hotel 161 Dearborn St. rA. G. Wippennan. Manager.I. L L&ke Street, Cbl�no mi· Phones:\AlIi, • Oflice. II,P. 17M. Residence. H.P. <)('1------------------------- DR.FREDW.PARKERDR. RALPH W. PARKERDENTISTS5149 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 6.1rd St.H ou rs ()- , 2. I :.lO- 5 :00.KoDAKChairman Public Speaking Commit­the varsity's ten-yard line and, �quirm- tee-Co A. Ray, N. Howell.ing his way through the broken fieldreached midfield before he was tack- FOREI'GN STUDENTS TOIcd. Even then he stumbled on, un­til he had wriggled away from his International Club, Composed of lien'C!ckler when he fell, making twenty From AD .Oftl' the World.to Be Ol'Eanized.who was shifted back to the second organizing a permanent internationalsquad. However, as Primeau appa- dub. There arc students here fromrently lacks only experience to make South America, Canada and nearlyhim a valuable man in the line. he willevery country of Asia and Europe)rohahly g-.�t a cho nce on the The purpose of the club will be t)\�arsity. hring all the differcllt students to-The scruhs and thc freshmen han gcther and get acquair.ted with on.!hOlh hc('n using the \V;:hash plays all another in as informal a manner 3S\·.,:ck. Th (' "ars;ty defense has been I,Qssible. BOOKSAND SUPPLIES 'FOR, UNIVERSITY HIGH'ieJeptl0nes: Harrison 42S9. 340'" 4239 of pr('vcnting the su('c('s�ft11 .cxecutitltlAutomatic 5239 NEW ADDRESSRlrUARDS AMBLER1'. 1'0 of the fake plays. FLORENCE II. HENDERSHOT" , " ". :\ Iter working an hour yesterday Pbotocrapher.COAL' AND COKE on the Wabash furmations. CO:J<.i. Telephone H. P. 2314-303 Dcarborn Street. Chicago Wcndell oi the scnlbs Jed his men fo 6121 Kimbuk Avenue SCHOO!.. STUDENTS.New and Second Hand.HEWITTS41S E. 57th StreetNext to corner Kimbark MISS McCONNELL'SRESTA URA�T432 East 61rd StreetHOME COOKINGA SPECIALTYSCHWARTZ BROS.TAILORSLadies' and Gents' Suits Madeto OrderCleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.Goods Called for and Delivered.Phone. H.P .. 1006. 6305 Ellis Av'!.Telepboaa Hyde Park II.acl69I7A. McA.damsThe UDI •• r.lt7-•.. F lor' .1._C1tBD8OtJ8B8:Cor.'" St. ucI � &..... Chic • .,o156 S�teBISHOP'SU. of C.HATS3 an'a S4YOUNG MEN'S HAnERCHICAGO TO INVADE THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAG'.,. SATVRD:\ Y, OCT. 19, 1907.:\t the rest of the positions. Chi-s INDIANA ADOP'!'S NEW •cago appears to have the call. Hewitt PRECEPTIONAL PLAN 'Imd Page are a fast pair of ends, asproved by their work against th- Hoosiers Are to Use �boratoryPaddock brothers, and should show System in Teaching Chssesin Mathematics.to better advantage than Richard ..A partial adoption of the Pr incci onand Baum of the illinois team.Steffen is far better' than Sinnock:IS a quarterback. He is expected to preceptional plan is now being advo-do much toward winning the game cared at the Uuivers ity of Indianatoday. his kicking, field generalship. Dr. Robert J. Aley, Ill';UI pr,"};�· .. "or (Iimarvelous dodging abihty, and ac- mathematics. has instituted the plancuracy in tackling being factors which which is to have his five-hours-a-weekwill count strongly in the outcome classes recite four days a week in theof the game. Captain De Tray and regular way and on the fifth day di­I dd.ngs arc considered better than vide them into "cry small sectionsGardiner and Pritchard of the l llin! 'Ind meet these sections at hours thatrh.:: downstate rooters expect muc:h are convenient. It is "'rofes�or Alcy'»of Gardiner. De Tray is strong in all experience that students' will not telldepartments of the half-back game, their difficulties with t!IC subject he­Loth offensively and ddensively. HI� fore a large class. In small section ...can pick holes welt, IS an excellent the students Feel fret.' to go into d.�tail(Continued from page I)URBANA FOR BATTLEfl- Id ... tl I the pupils for the entire we .. k know . ..;ON G�IDIRON TODA'i open e rUIlIH:r, nuxmg III ie p ays ......on the defense. Pcttigrew at full- the individuals better and th� ind:interferer, and a keen man on back- concerning their troubles with t hcing lip the line. Iddings is a fast work and thus the instructor who ha ...pends entirely on how I can arrange at the position. But �Ierriam tits into1910• HOSSLER CO.Clever Clo!t:esso Jackson Boulevardises in our own shops.hack is a veteran, while llerriam, tho: viduals have a better undcrstaud.ug"The way the team will line up de- .\laroon. bucker, is comparatively new of thr- subject.things with regards to my substitutes, the llaroon machine, in which the 30PHOMORES DECIDE TOThere arc some men in the line who chief requisites arc speed and watch WEAR UNIFORM CLASS HATScan play either guard or tackle and fulness, and gets into the plays well.some who can play only onc position The I Ilinois coaches, who were! Gray Crusher with Maroon Band toThis will be a great factor in the way .unong those present at the Chicago- Distinguish Members of Class ofI will play them. All our men are tn i ndiana game last Saturday, probablygood shape, and can stand a grueling took home a few valuable impressionsgame. We arc going to Illinois to win and wil! put up a special defense for The Sophomores will wear a grayand win by as big a sco:-� as we can." the Maroon offense today, It is ex- crusher with a maroon band and aThough Illinois will enter the con- pccted ti,at the Illinois squad will be sophomoric emblem of some sort 01:test with more veterans than the Ma ·nstructed to look out for Steffel! the band. Such was the decision ofroons, students on the campus expect Little has leaked out of the ifIinois the class of 1910 in solemn conclavethe team to win tlu, game with as camp during thc week, and surprises assembled yesterday morning inmuch case as that with Indiana. The of all kinds arc looked for. Kent.Chicago aggregation was for the most TI� full list of the players is: The action was taken to carry ou:part untried in the Hoosier contest Captain De Tray, Steffen, Hewitt, Id- the resolve of the class of 1910, sug­and there was much speculation dings. Anderson, Joncs, Page, Schorn- gested to them by the upper class­shown as to how the green ones mer, �'Ierriam. Handy, Hoffman, Fer- men last year, that they continue set­would stack up in a big game. The guson, Doseff, Badenoch,' Harris, ting a precedent for a class emblembacks worked with-the same machine- Moulton, Falk, \Vorthwine, Donclly, for each of the four classes. Thelike precision that had been expected. Sunderland, Erhorn, Donovan, Young,' exact shape, style and make-up of th--and managed to roll up a good score: Rohde, Chamberlain and Single. • sophomoric headgear will be con sid-The line, when put to the test, held ered by a committee composed ofthe much-heralded offense of the Car- . Collings, Meigs and Orchard, whodinal team, and proved strong on (S . I T will report to the class at an earl)'pecra to hc Dally Maroon.). opening holes for the Varsity backs U meeting.rbana, Oct. I8.-G1 eat enthusiasmThe Orange and Blu.e men art'probably a match for the Maroonsfrom tackle to tackle. At center, VanHook will be pitted against A�dersotland though the I llinois man is strong­est on the downstate line, he willfind his match in the lank Maroon. followed in the evening by a sing in"Andy" has improved a hundr.ed per the historic chapel. Last night thecent, according to those who saw himin the Irrdiuna game, and can giTeany opponent an interesting fight.At guards. Green and Hull willhuck against Jones and either Handyor Doseff. -jone<; is a "C" man from home' ground with Illinois' tradition�1la�t year, and has always given hi� rival.adv.ersaries an argumcnt, while Handy Just in proportion as the excite-mentis developing speed in addition to hi ..�rows. the result becomes more and217 pounds, and is now a good guardDoseff, who is sure of starting thegame, either at guard or tackle, basshown the most impro,·cment of anyof the linc men during the w.cek, ac­cor�ing to Director tSagg. Weighin�189 pounds, he is f:tst on his feet andthe strong-cst man on the team. Thesl"a�scts he has leartt.{'d to lise to good;uh·antage :lIld will tlncJouhtedly prOVl"a conspicuous lig-urc in the game thisafterlloon.The �Iaroon tackles. l;":tlk :1nd Do-5eff or Hotfm:lI1, will lind their Illi­nois oPI�onents tough propositions.Falk, who is :1I1 expcrtcllc,t'd m:tn ... ;the position, will bc up :tg:tinst Rails.back of thc Orange and Bluc squari..The work of these two mcn shouitlprove il�ter.t'sting to rooters. Rails.back outweighs F:tlk, IlUt the Maroonis fast and rangy. 'Vham is anothe:,of the Illinois reliahles. but will f.ll(ia match in Hoffman or Doseff., Who.though inexperienced. havoC workedweJl so f:ar tbis season. Decided "Class"For University Menat a ReasonableExpenditure in price\ "l' put brains in t he cutrinz, trtmaking'. the fitting :HIll the Sdl'�'i(l .. f"i the patterns. "Pa.;�mastl'rs ill the!art of dress" Ll�st e xp re s se s it. 1We make our clothes on the premII s there any other concern ill (hi. Il'a�() that dues this? No! INow, C:on't get the impression. thatour prices are high, fer the reverv. This ihe c1a��r.anJ:l'tf thl! Ibsscshe bull:he menullior cIthou�l!uance lXtlmillasses iunior cis true.Suits: $18, $20, $25, $28, $Jo.:lIld $�o is all we ask.Ovcrcoat s : $18, $20, $25. $.30, �351$;;1fl ., Ioor: Special tmarked $,;.1 IIIMossIer CO.Ia JIll unwa rd.\\'aistcoat shop, first'--highest quality vestsvalues to $1].Clever Clothes, so JacksonSend for "Chap Book," gratisSeniors--J uniors,Sophomores--FreshtnenII!Take Notice!!!llIarks the state of affairs in the campof the lIlini as the time for the great MINNESOTA PAYS $3,000Chicago-Illinois game draws near FOR ITS NEW NATATOIUMOn Thursday afternoon there was amonster demonstration for the teamon the football bleachers. This ·was Nominf this 1IondayExhibitionIf you have any pride in your room. theof DENabout to be shown in the Gallery ofTHE ART TEMPLE428 East 6zrd StreetOctober rath to 19th, 1907, will be exceedingly interesting to youTHE LARGEST AND FINEST COLLECTION IN THE CITYOF DEN AND POSTER PICTURES WILL BE ON DISPLAYAND-WE'RE GOING TO SHOW YOU THAT WE CAN SAVE, ,YOU SOME MONEY.Consider this an Invitation to attend,Athletic Board Makes Up Deficit of$I,ooo-Regentc. Donate TwoThousand Dollars, cons'week of enthusiasm culminated in a I n addition to the $2,000 appropria­great mass-meeting in the armory. lion by t he �Iinnl'sota board of rc­Parobably no other thing in recent gents, the board of at hlct ic centro:years has raised so much excitement .lonat ed $I.COO to the Ilew swimming'IS thc prospect of a game on the tank. 111e app:'opriation by the rl!gcnts was madc with the proviso thatthe athletic board appmpriate any de­ficit that might exist wh.en the poolwas built. This $1,000 donation makesIloun("ement of the pr(·�s.section on the east side has been re-sen"cd for the Illinois scniors. ,lIa,·e you sent in your· subscription? ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND SrORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56thThe C!canest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City ...".Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Pack.l'd,:;hipPl'd to all parts cf thc world. 300 Private Starage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for Pian�i{ooms for Trunks .. nd Wheels. Large Room'Carriages, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to aliiirom all o,l'pots. Local Transfers for Bagg:tr�l:nrnitnr.c, l'ack:lg"es. etc., at short notice. .Special attention given to University Orders.THEWanted The University Employment Bmethod,. ill '�'XC:l:1I1�(, ior room :\11;)hoard: rcierellces. Call G. L. E.,Daily )'I:�roon. FURXISHEI> pa rlor-Steam:more and matter of uncertainty and :he long-desired natatorium a certa;n­doubt. This feeling is augmented by ty.the fact that IIInois has had no The board al 0 t I �� 00 = out ",20,00.') \\':\�TED--:\Il experienced soji�ito:-:: Office hours. 9-11 a. m.chance as yet to t.est her strength worth of ilBurance on the XortllrOI) d ., . t d IlOSI·t·,·OllS ar.!' open for fiv" yoll"a "crtlslIlg expcrlence prelocrrc ;: ,,- ..,with an outside team. Not only the licld blt'Clchers. B d dgood position. Inquire at M.lfoon' women. oar anquality of the individual players, but office. : turn for assistance atthe' whole matter of tcam work and : Saturday work assigned Thursdays.styte of play, is therciorc "cry hard COMBINE FACULTY AND W.\XT·ED-Collcge m�n with CO!-I:to determine. The coaches are ret;- STUDIj:NT ADDRESS BOOKS lege �pirit: only thosc loyal to the SPANISH-If you arc interested iIcent. and the membl'l's of the te"'n, --- \1 :\1 t t b'b t TI 't I l' I t tl U' rsltl.. .' I�l:t ; a cr. 0 sn. sen e 0 l' I I, anf. ,,·oC C osc 0 Ie I1lve."will not hazard any opinion as to the Complete University Address Books Datly �I:troon. Do It now! of CllIcago. drop me a "TarJf·chanccs for a ,·ictory. or the possi- in One Volume to Be Issued ta J)o .. 'al.·.. call 6047 E�W:\XTE))-Stlldellls to attcnd En-hility of s("oring again�t Stagg's men'. �f!':r: Week. J.:lewood Roller '�illk. 6-l32 \Vcnt- .h·c. or 'phone Hyde P:trkSomcthing like ten tliousnad admis- worth :\\'('. Enry c\·c .• Thurs.. Sr. Francisco Ranos.sion tickets had been sold at noon on The narne� and a(ldn's:,c" of a!! S:tt. and Sun. Aftcrnoons throughThursd:l}", wh.cn the s:tle for !'tuclent!' thc faculty mcntl).�rs will be a new c;c:t<;on.rlose-d. This means ·:hat every avail- fc-aturc of the :Hldre�s hook this ,"C:I:- --- - --- -.�- PI :\XO and \'o,al I(.' .. �ons. iorcigllahle hit of !'pace will h'! crowded with TI�e n11l1C!' and addr�·:,sl·S of all thl'spectators. Most of the west hleach- students arc pr:tct:ca!ly rt'ady to h,'er �havc hecn set aside for th.e root- printl'd. hut the fo�ms :. r.�· heing h('lders from Chicago. so that they may up for the faculty li"ls. The hook. . h h will, in aJl prohahility. he out in anSIt WIt t eir backs to the slln anll other week, :bCcor<Sng to the an­get a good ,·iew of the field. :\ special I·TI.{XISIIEIl Parlor·-Steam; with Typewritersor withont hOIl<;ckcping pri":lcge:'l: TYPE\VRITERS for Salefacing �Iidway; ncar Uni,·ersity: SI,c-cial rates to stlld�nts; barg;al�slIit:t hIe for t\\'o ladil's or couple; in u-huilt machines. W. Whitt''phonc. 588 60th St., cor. Ellis A,·, head, 36 La Salle Street.or withollt hou�ekc;>ing privilege;;fac'ng �Iid\\'ay; nC:lr Uniwr!'ity:.. ttitahlc for two ladics or coupk:plionc. ;;�8 60th St., ('or. Ellis Af . Fern:Yc"t�nty-Ita ticago