, - "".' ',', ·:�··:�:·.·:'!/::;?t;· '>:"':;:�ft*�», "" ••• "- - :.�. /;::!�.,··;:lIarnntfJ'., •\',Vol. VI. No. '4· , CHICAGO. FRIDAY. dFI'. 18. 1907. Price Two Cen'.WOUItS1tt8�AIm�,lAlf _tE'.TOPro{eaor ZuebUn Sa,.. Wodrin.",... .. t .WEL8OIE····_·moemend Not Ariatocraq or Cultlllfd _:,_ 1Classes, Determine SocietY. �- � Itadeata·' c.mnc for AD-ard of Life-Praisa Labor Unions. nw a... %minatioaa to.ane B� a-j,tion."The standard of labor determines (Special to the Daily llaroon)Maroon Stars Speak and Urge At- the ,standard' of society," said Pro- Purity BaDqaet. F"� Game aDd ,Urbana, Ill., No,'. 17-That the ...: Squads Run ThroUCh Signala byC d fessor Zueblin in a lecture, the sub- R-oldS:Cbab Smobr':to be OD will be a record-breaking crowd at Electric" 'I :-a.t-Enthusiumtendance of BiC Chic:aco row ,-1- .w..A5AArda ject 'of which was "Labor," given be- : � the Chicago-Illinois game on Satur- HilFh in IlliDois Camp.at Game Sam ,..•fore the Woodlawn People's "Insritute day is now an assured fad. The_• • • • • � last night. "Lt is not the chivaltry of The preparatory school students seat sale was opened Wednesday With the last hard practice before: • the South, nor the aristocracy of the who come to the University Nov, 8. morning, and long before noon every the game with Illinois over, Director• INFORMATION FOR • North, nor the culture: of our u�i- to attend annual conference of sec- reserved seat had been sold. The Stagg still holds back any positive* THE ROOTERS '!I versities, which fixes our standard of ondary schools, will receive a wel- sale of general admission tickets went Jrediction regarding the ou-tcome or* Trains for Urbana leave 63rd ;It living here in America," continued .:ome equaled in cordiality only by on throughout the afternoon, and �he contest. He declared last �ight.. Street. at 8.45. 9-45. 9-30 ad .. Professor Zueblin. "It is the a-y.er- the reception given to the high schoC;1 there was a continuous line of people that he expects a close score and wi!1* 10.30 Saturday momiDg. The .. .age condition of the great laboring athletes who came here last spring. all the time, willing to take the risk not be surpised if the Orang.e and '• 9-30 train is a speciaL .. c lasses which determines our stand- The Reynolds commrssron, always of having to stand up .during the en- Blue aggregation crosses the Maroon• Tickets-Student tickets for SOC .. ard of society. And this standard can successful in providing entertainment tire game. '�oal line.may be obtained in Bartlett' .. be raised only. under a democratic for visito�, is now at work preparing Light scrimmage practice will be ·'1 will be satisfied if we win th�sgym from 12.00 to 3-00 this • iorm of government." plans. A member of the commission the .diet of the llIini te-am for the reogame, regardless of the score made,"afternoon, and $1.00 general" Professor Zueblin then described -said yesterd;,y:' rmaining days of the week. Coaches !,(. said. "I am not looking at ;tadmission' tickets ma,. be � how a patriarchal system, illustrated "We will do .everything in our, Hall and Lunndgren are not giving with the confidence the, players arebought on the tra:D. .. In labor by the profit-sharing plan, power to make the prep students en� out any interviews whatever, and exhibiting, Illinois' IT.a'y turn the• has a rendency in most cases to raise thusiastic. over our University. . In the. newspaper 'man who is sent ,out to trick on us 'when we' r�ast. expect if,_• the standard of small groups' of previous years they have seen little g.et· football dope from Hlinois field and I feel that: if they ever were cap­working people temporarily while it l-ut our buildings, We hope to show has a hard' row to hoe. There has not able of fighting us tooth and nail. itThe second monster mass meeting discouraged individual initiatives, 'and them some real college spirit. If our be'en much secret practice, but it is is this year.of the year was held- in Kent theater in the long run bound them down to plans . go through. the high 'school b,arely' possible that' 'the gates Win "Somehow or other, : the peopleyesterday morning" and in' point of a minimum labor standard. men will be present at the Purdue be closed on either Thursday or down there feel that this is IUinoisenthusiasm and number was the equal , In' speaking of unions he said: purity banquet, the Purdue football Friday. year. ,It is only reasonable to ex­oi the one last week. Led by the big ';The .labor unions, however much w, game and the ReynoJds club amok. The exact lineup of the team tha:: pect that the team' ht Urbana wiil.bass drum, the lockstep march wasmay pick ftows 'in -them as regards ere They will be busy· with exami� will face "the Maroon is as much .l put up a much betterfight, since. thr Iformed, and after parading through their attitude towards the 'scab' work- nations until 5 o'clock, and from that matter of doubt as ever, Sinnockgame is on. their home groundS..the campus, entered Kent, where theman, is yet doing a great thing for time until the 'banquet, the eonveni- seems to have a premier claim on Bezdek went down' -to ':'�tch', .them .seating capacity was hardly adequate the working man' �s ,a class, by rais, cnees of the club win be at their the quarter back position, and will :>Iay, last Saturday., but. �o.ul.� ��:��:t : " .: ',')for the vast throng �f students that "ng his standard of living." disposal. At' the; ban9�r the c:o�- have: a capable substitute in the �r- ,: very good. line Gp' �hai:we:, are. to,: :.:_:��:,,_poured in. .After-cthe yells and song." -v- ·"-:�:.:::�!T���f -,- '--<"'�«7" ; c .ilfs� "'1f�t����I':: . � ,���WbO�;, � - ,- c;P'iCi'�f;i,rii':�'�iI��iit:..���'1iict,�4Y�_�',;';·were gone through, led by Cheerlead- PRESIDENT .jUDS9N TO I in . the inidst of' the fun. After the plays' full. Prit�hard and Richards .e�1 of their besf men' out,. aad : that" I � . '._er Templeton, speches were. }Jl��e, by". SPEAK AT, ALBANY ,:roRl� 'banquet, :tbey :will. attend the 'fi�lc; have been shifted back and, forth be- made:t big difte��Ce:in ,thei';�or�"" ': ':,;':Captain De Tray and Fred' Spelk. ' ,'_' , ;', of ,the 4tclamation contesL They �weit half and end. VanHook aDd In spite of, the �:faih���,.to>s�r� cand �veral �f. t�e f�otball. men, �DiftnitT. r,H_ to IIab A.wr,.. will be, l� over night'at the fra� 'Raitsback· will probably, hold· the �xcursion, rates fo�' -the�:contest' .. ,t� ..Though all ,expected' a,�hai'd' �game -at CoDvocatioa of New"York � temity h�ses, where they will � guard. positions; The' chief difficultv morrow, a deleption of over ;';"��iu-the speakers ,_'w�r� undn·��.1Js an de- Str.e BdtM:aton entertain_gd until tli.e ga�e. In the that, the lilini coaches ,have to con- dents hav.e pledged" tht.mselves to;'go'I· th t th M oon' eleven would . . tend with is' the lack of a. kicker of -,'c anng .a e, ;3r.. ' •. ' j e��'�e regu�r ReynoIJs clab along with the team. The�train .to. beget the big end of the' scor.e. ·All the President Judson has left for AI- smoker will take place,. to which marked ability. It ma.y �e that the taken is that'. ieaving at '9:JO"o.cJockstudents were especially urged to bany. where he will be a guest, at the these men �nd the two fotball teams �efect can be reme�ied before the 1t_ the Sixty-thi::d 'street statio� ,make an effort to accompany the forty-fifth convocation of the Uni-' will be invited. If woe don't make end of the ,!'-.eason, but for the present It is �hought that a ,brge �ssort­team to Urbana, and a su�risingly versity of the state of New Ybr�, them anxious to attend the UJliver- it remains a handicap that will workn.cnt of tricks will be sprung on the'large number. signified their jDten� which will hold sessions in the senate sity of Chicago, it won't be oar -against the chances' of the Illinois lI1inois team in the game tomorrow.tion &0 ;0. chamber of the state capitol. Pr.esi- faalL" team. The pr.esetlCe of Coach _ 'Ha�l, aniThe "Old llan" wa� unable . .to be dent Judson will make an address' on "The University will' not be able Great enthusiasm marks the atti- Coach .Lindgren is felt to have p"e-present, but it was announced that his "The New Edltflation" this evening. ·d f . k t r th P tude of the students at the state in- d D' S" f h"""" to proVi e ree tiC e s lor e ur-_ • •. ., vente Irector tagg. rom 5 oWlngillness was not serious, and that he The University of the State of New �ue game to'the high school stu- stitDtion, an� the bellC� an the three·. ;is hand to a�y g;'eater extent' t�anwould be out in a few days. , After York comprises the whole public �- dents," said Coach Stagg. "Pardue rear charm IS strong WJth them. Un-,vas necessary in the Hoosier con-l-c\"cral mor.e cheers were given for ucational system of the state. White,": . . half f th • t B t der the leadership of "Red" Mathews,mast reeesve 0 e recClp s. u '" :est.the members of the team, the' meet- law Reid, until recently ambassador we will sacrifice our share of the who is to be imported from Tennes- The '''gnost'' baU was 'not broaghting disbanded, and '�nother of the to England, is chancellor. The pres- see for the occasion, they hope, ,to . b I . I' hprofits and we will give the tickets to into lise last naght, ut e ectnc" ag. tsi:iggest footbatl rallies in the history ent session, which is the forty-6ft.h those students at half price." give a hitherto ·unparalleled exhi-Nere. The squad was �ept out ,antilof the University was ov.er. convocatl'on of the rea- ... nts, be!lr.lft last -. I bition of rooting. Mathews is the. "Ie, h·1 h If h'0.... 0- The pro,gram for the ,hIgh schoo ) :JO, 0 doc w let ey ran 0 tearTh I Db" d man who made himself famous twon:ghL c genera s :Ject un er students, Noy-ember 8 and 9. will be plays. The practice was held behindconsideration will be· the place and as follows: yea� ago, when he led the IlIinoi.i dosed g-.. tes during the' entire work-The first Reynolds Club dance wiil ml·ssion of art education. Several P ·d ' H rootmg on Marshall field. and drew f h fi t· ·th· n. N •be Friday, 1 p. m . ..;_( resl ent souse, . �mt, or t e rs time IS scaso 0held Saturday evening, October noted men, in addition to Pr-ident d h the attention of the crowd from the' . - 'h Id th t. L._'26 ,� comer Lexington avenae an 59t ,cnmmage was e. e Ime U'lClna. "I hope all the men will bear J ..I ·11 rna' ke 'sr"eches d' un·ng game by his C'Ccentric methods of � h h'''.;50n W1 .. t t) President·s rec.eption and t:: ken up m an effOrt to have bot t ethis date in mind and hegin to think th . s ree .yell-leading.e sestuons. luncheon to visiting dtans and prn- Va: sity and ;;ubstitute t�am5 polishahout partners," saId President Hew- P ·d t J d ·11 return t ... th· ...resl en u son W1 V - cipals, and to stadent delegates to SOPHS TO DISCUSS CAPS .:heir offensive formations.itt yesterday. "The dance will con- University on Monday. h (K t th O· S ·d th t h· cho:-tain many new features which' "ill t e contests. 2:30 p. m. ell ea- Jrector tan sal a IS """not he announc�d. until next week:' StucleDta Slow in ReJi&ioaa Tboacbt ter�-Pa:liminary hearing bdo� t�e Second Year Men May Adopt Dis. of a lineup will not be final antil th�Th h ad·' h University department, of pubJac tinctive Class Head Gear time of th.c game. It is thought,at t e average st ent IS muc. .. •speakmg, of candldate� for place 111 however, that Falk at tackle andthe fou'rth annual contest in decla- Jones at guard. are sure of place"mation. 2 :,30-5 - Examinations in The sophomore class witl hold ;, :to the opening of the game. Doseff atthought. was the opinion expressedd b D AI CI' k English. Latin, German and mathe- m('eting this morning at 10:.10 to dis- either guard or tackle, will _probablvyt'stt."r ay y ean � ac mtoc at. .'. ·also L.. on tap at the first blow ofh h I . f h J . mattcs. 6:.lO-F\1nty banquet. i' :Jf) cnss the question of sophomorc caps, �t e c ape exercises 0 t e umorC II f W H f h ·d p. m. (Kent theater)-Fourth annu,1 "The idea of the upper c1assmen in thc whistle. If he plays guard, it willo cge 0 omen. of! . urt er salh· contest in declamation between rep- �ving us green caps Jast year." sa:d mean that Handy will be held in re-that religion is a growing t lng, • f· dl"e5entatlVe5 0 affihated an co-oper- President Hoffman of the 1910 class, :'>c:-ve, and if he goe<; in, at tackle.changing aU the time and not a ating schools. ""'a5 to hav� our class start the cal) Hoffman will be first on the lis� ofcollection of fixed or absolute facts. Saturday. 2 p. m.-Pu. nlue football tradition in each year of oar colleg ... the availables. Harris and Moalto:lrcvp.alt'd in th.e past and uncbang-. pme. 8 p: m. Reynolds' cluW, He. We should accordingly choose are also possibilities at the start.mg.I smoker. a sophomore cap tomcrrow. I know I The re!\� of the lineup witt be as in .The Stump win meet tonight at 7:JO the men are interested and expect :a I -:--' _in Cobb 6a. . -The special leans for Urbana 9:55- w@l1-attended meetina." (Coatiaaecl oa ..... 4)STUDEITS ,CHEER R,JR JEllII MOISTER lASS _mil ILLIIfI RUSH FOR BBATSI LAST HEAVY - PRACTICE-.old Cnnod for CIW:a&o GuDc In HELD; stAGG· RrncR,rPro.pect Gnnd s.cramble. for" _TicLeta at Openinc of Sale-"Red" "Satisfied if We WiD, Rep,.u... 01llatthewa to be Cheerleader. Score," D� "'Old 1IaD"-'300 StudeDta Goiq.Big Demonstration of Football Eo·thusiasm Marks the· SecoDd Rallyof the Year...*•.. .. , .• • •Hold First Club Dance OD- 26th.Man,. Girls Out for Hoae,.. slower to catch new ideas in religionAhout 20 girls were out for hockey than in art. science or other lines ofYf"stcrday afternoon. There is regu­lar practice on the afternoons ofT'h,·:-.day and Thursday.The Brotherhood of St. Andrew'5will meet in the parlor of North hallthis morning at 10:30. 'The Junior, College Council- meetsthis morning at 10 :JO in .Cobb 12C.Election of officers' will take place.' •• - 'T"' ....",.' , , .., _' �, '., Til!., DAtLY ,M.,ROO��, �tlltCACO .. t-"lUbAV, OcT� 18, it#J.The Weekl,. Oct. 1. Ita.Tile Vall,. Oct. 1. 18QZ. ClubA university having about one­twentieth of the regi,strati�n" of Chi­cago,.. and, being,. �ithina' few miles ot-the" cam- <r: IEXPLAINS PSYCHrOGY . ,, OF,YELLOW 'URNALISM. ,�'.;.'.�,; ..,. ._�:�: "; "�''': ";> ,�, ':..', '-�HAvB YOU YIXBD 'UPYOn DBR YBT?Dr. Thomas Reada.. P.�r Before �� , 'Meeting of \he ,�iolo�, 'club. . ., .�,-0IIcIal 8&1IdeDt pa ....... tI_ � tIM O� A lleil ••,au, of CIaWp. Glee - ,pus, happened to.. sendits . glee' club,' severalyears ago, to a little 11-I'�-linois prairie town of �oup�e pf thou- Dr. W. J. ,Thomas .t;?f the depart­sand people. As a consequence" sev- ment of sociology. re�d all unpub­eral students in· the graduating class lis hed paper on "The, Psychology ofof the local high school, were suffi- Yellow Journalism," Il¥for.e the S�ciently interested in the institution to ciologly cl�b, yester-Jay afternoon. ,t ,Ka1enCS .. 8ecoa� Mall at tbe CIa&- enter the next fall. That winter the He, explained how t!i� yellow. jour'• '1 <; , c.co P .. tollce. glee club came again, and their ap- nals pervert facts, n�h�ufacture stor­pearance, together with t�e natural ies and damn peopl�_;: irredeemably,Su.crJpUon price. $3.00 per l�n ,1.00 attraction of the men who had gone :1I1d hilariously. ;"'1:tor a 1DOIlUaa. tiullM"rlpuuu. recehecl at before. was sufficient to induce sev- The last season ���he Sociologythe JIar� omce. JWJa 1Ia1I. or at &be eral of the members, of" the' y.ear·f, club was active. It li�d. three or four"ac:u1t)' �. - Cubit HalL graduating class to enter the same type:; of meetings, indu�ing open lee-h I Th '.' I . "'1_lt·, b .sc 00. e process was, contmued rurcs, w iere prominent' mem ers ->.LUTHER D. J:o",�1L.""ALD. llaDsC� Eclltur. for the next two years, and as a con- the faculty spoke. ana-Jialfor�al tablel·JtWlTON it". GAt5t5. New. EdItor. sequence that particular college has meetings in which speakers were, un-.... &Lvm J. ADAllti. AULlet1c: Kdltor. acquired a hold on that community, der no constraint,and�rn� which every,LOUIS S. BERLIN. BualDeu Manqer. which probablv will not be broken body was given an b'pportunity tofor years.' take part. Another line of its ac-No student should decide to enter tivity was abstracting papers for so­a college on the strength of his hear- ciological journals..-il:g a performance of its glee club Besides holding meetings, the clubWarreD D. Foster, Cole Y. Rowe, Ql:o.estions of the standing of the mem- made several trips to<points of intcr­Harry A. ilansen, Jerome Frank, bers of the faculty. of curricula, oi est. Pullman, the South-Chicago steelequipment. and of general purpose. works. the stock yards, the Elgin.. l-ould be decisive factors. It is Watch company. and various indus-" unlikely that any high school should trial concerns being :,iisitcd. 'P. W. Pinkerton, M;ss Esth�r Hali� '" be the decisive factors. ,It is unlikely This year efforts \\:m be made �oAlbert D. Henderso�. Fred W. Carr, that any high school graduate wouid improve the ,Ias� year's' program.H�rvey B. Fuller,Jr. A. � •. Fridstein, seriously question th'at assertion. But Plans' are und�r consideration for,I. E. Fer;-guson. E. C. Hoadley, as a matter of' fact, other considera- visits to the jail and other places.Walter A. Ford, Howard J. Kenner lions inevitably play a large part. I,r "a man is' wav.ering in his decision MICHIGAN WOMEN :BECOMEbetwen two universities, a very little LONG DISTANCE WALKERShit will be sufficient to turn the bat, --- , 'ance, Particularly effective is the ac- Women Students at Wolverine 'Insti­tution to J!onn Long' Distancetual appearance in the flesh· of actu�l walking CI8sses.men who sing and yell an? do the,I'·: '� ;� ,i;Printed b7 tbe Maroon Prea414 East G:ilb StreetPhone H7cJe Park 3691Cross country walks for womenthings in which the conventional "col-students, is the lat�st .innovation �tlege boy" is supposed to. take such_Last year the Univ.ersity of Chica- Michigan. Three .afternoons in thekeen delight. The incident quoted, 'go defeated the University of Illinois wek are reserved for the freshmen.above, is but typical, of a vast num-in football 63 to o. ber o£ others. and groups of forty of them leave_ ':,.' Forget iL � Bar bour gymnasium at 4' p. 'm. for an, . _ , This consideration is more thanThere are two reasons hour's tramp. So far as the scene ofone of more advertising. The pres-why the score of', hst the walks has been confined to thetige and strength of any educational. . . h I I.. b .' old and new boulevards and. the townmsntunon can not e p but e 10- " . ,.' .d b h' d .. f h 1 proper. but th. e walkers show mar, k.",_dcrease y t e goo oplOlon 0 t e . . '. ':". 'd ..' h abthty for begmners, making thr.eecommg stu ent gen\!ratlon 10 t c.' ,:place, the contest this. year is far . . ' d" I ·b· • Th' mtles an hour, so the walks will soonterntory tmme late y til utary. at -, ' ., .' Ta.-b extend' over greater territory. ,.Io.t'cthis good opinion can be aroused y work is req'uired once a week of thl�the activity of a good glee dub i:-. freshmen, but is optio�al with theevident. -In no other way, except p.er-, upper-class girls. However, some :.)fIt;tps by extension work,' can tht! the freshmen have expressed a desirecniv�rsity come into such dose per- to put in mor.e of the requi:-ed time;sonal CO,ntad with so many peopLe while the upper class girls hav�outside of the immedi:tte vici_n'ity of shown no lack of interest and havethe institution. Athletics, inter-var- ,been covering' greater dis�ances tha�lOf course there is only th�' sity debates, college -journalism, and the beginners.slightest· possibility that the tables other student activities, can not reachwill be completely turned, but there them in such a vigorous person:llr I: I,, .! i to'0\ year, should as far aspossible be obliterated from -memoryor. the eve of this gam�. In the firstfrom a foregon-e conclusion. In the, s�ond place, Chicago does not playfootball to se� �ow big a score shecan roll up against a weak opponent.With the new' style of football, '1(.')mparatively inexperienced teamand Coach Stagg unwell, there is nctelling just �hat Will take place at, Urbana.Plan Harvest Home Party-is always in existence the chance oi way. The Philosophy College women. willdefeat. It doesn't do to brag tOf') For the reason tl' d b "fou me a ove, � start their social program for' dIe. 'soon. And then any bragging more no other, the University of Chicago year with a harvest home party at' 4than the expression of a controlled should agat'n pu't a good glee club' o'clock next Wedne5day afternoon.pride in th'e prowess of one's institu- into the field. The �dvantage to tho! October 23, in Lexington hall. Th ..tion; savors unpleasantly of the back tTniversity in arousing interest in it, girls of Philqsophy College are notedwoods I,rep school. Moreover. it is is a consideration which is not in th� for their delightful entertainments,aiways well to remember that· "he least unworthy. Ther.c are, of course. and this party, it is declared, will beI:-ughs best who laughs last." many other reasons for the resur- especially unique. T!l.e decorationsChicago does not play football or ection of the organization, which are and costumes are to carry out the�nything else for the pClf, but for just as valid as the one mentioned. ruraJ effect. and special stunts are be,Ie. ve of the game. This fact that!t For a long' time it has been urged ing planned for entertaining theis honest, sane, manly endeavor, and that the men·s glee club of the Un;- guests. The fr.cshmen of the collegeraot results in which the University \'ersity be put on its feet 'again. This :,re parti�ularly urged to attend, asis primarily interested, is one which fall the general agitation seems to be this will be a splendid opportunity toit is most difficult for outsiders l:l crystalizing into definite action. It become .:cq:lainted w;th the olderrealize. ' Of course. in e"'ery contest; surely should be encot�raged, for thl! girls.tlie man who wears tho C wants to University of Chicago n.eeds a goodwin, and plays to win. But the final t:,c.n·s glee club. and o.ceds it badly.emphasis is not oil the winning. but The ireshrnen wi)) w('ar green caps.on thc playing. When thoe Varsity They refuse. however, to procurei� defeated. she grins and bears 't, them by the method 'which the soph­and indulges in as little taJk about the omore class has prescribed, and haveweather as �s humanly'possible. When orde:-ed them independent of the ar- DO YOU KNOW that we carry an exteuaive line of Chicago'pennants, wall-cloths and pillow-covers; poste.-s by Reming­ton., jessie Wilc�x Smith, and other artists; and manyother things especially suitable for this purpose?DO YOU KNOW that we receive a large consignment of thelatest novels and works ,in g.enera! I�terature each month. andthat these are always' on exhibition on our long t�ble?DO YOU KNOW that you can place w:th us subscriptionsfor all the magazines, orders Ior developing and printing pho­tographs, or for engraving visitng cards?THE ,UHIV:.u.sITY 01' CHICAGO PUSSRETAIL DEPARTMENT�-4.�.�, _.� .. -4.�.��._'.-4.�.� .. -'.�.�.� .. -'.�.�.'- .. �.�.'- .. -'.-4.�STATE SCHOOL OF MINES- THEof theUNIVERSITY' OF UTAH.It is located at Salt Lake Citv, Utah, in the heart of a great Miningcountry. within sight of some of the greatest mines of the world, and atthe "very doors of the largest smelters a nd concentrating mills. R'!quires a four-year high school course for entrance, and offers a fOD:years' course. and a graduate course in each of the foHowing Jines ofEngineering: Mining. Civil. Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical. and Ir-,rigation (the last in connection with the Agricultural College). The Uni-versity laborator ies are well equipped, those in Mining. Metallurgy andHydraulics being unsurpassed, The ore dressing miM is the largest inconnection with a school anywhere, The professors in charge are both'Scholarly and practical.�A11NOLD COMPANYE NGINEERS;'" CONSTRUCTORSgLECTRICAL - CIVIL- MECHANICAL.81 LA SALLE STREET.CHICAG� c(:,-Senion-�Juiliors.. .': Sophomores�-FreshmeDIIITake Notice!l! c_ If you have any pride in your 1'OOm. theII Exhibition of DENabout to be shown in the � ofTHE ART TEMPLE� East 63"1 StreetOctober 12th to Igth, 1907, wiD be f'zceedjncl7' intereatinc to youI THE LARGEST AND FINEST COLLECTION IN THB CITYI OF DEN AND POSTER PICTURES WILL BB ON DISPLAYI .AND WE'RE GOING TO SHOW YOU THAT WE CAN SAVK,YOU SOME MONEY.Consider this an IDYitatioa to atteDd.GOOD CLOTHES DO NOT IIAKE THB IIAN. BUT THEY HBLPHIM GREATLY'TO GET ON.Our Spec:iaDy Se1ecteet Pattema carefuli)' Tailorecl. wiD At­isfy the most futidioaa, and be a panDtee of tate andjudgment everJWbere.Anton A. Melum 6 SonsTAILoasClark and lIadiaon StL305 Atwood Bldg.Telephone II. 3917she wins. she vodferat("s boer gladnes!l;an'd lincs up for the n("xi contest.Chica�o has had her period of re-, joicing at the score of 63 to o. Fo�­get it and go in to beat Illinois thisyear and be manly about it-whatev.-rhappens. rangements made for their accommo­dation. A monster petition was cir­culated today, signed by about 200members of' the 19� I class. In sub­stance, it stated that the freshmenclass deetn1:d it 'wise to wear a cap(or tbe purpose o( identification. Have you heard aboat it?Have you aeen it?Don't faU to call when down tow:EVERYBODY DOES.louis DY. ;..... ca., SIllA "'ARVEL OF BEAUTY , "... ea-Allefret1l ...,�.t CAN.,IBS. SODA. LURCState and lIonroe Su-tsI Te1epbone � CentralCbicapI Class, Fraternity; Society-:- PINS -:-......r_ - �- ., '� .•. '" THE ,)?AlLY .MARooN. cmc AGO .. FRlDAY, OCT. 18. 1907.arrcacoca ,HOUSE ' �BE'l'S.. 4'" ..... ...· l"t.j�"'CA1;i_�"��-""=;110 :3�fophomore :,;�C�;� Mtfting.� CLoni�' SHoP, .: (Ke�t T.hea��';�{ ��';: � �h, 'Fraday, Oct. 18.' .'::;,oJ I u 14:OO-The Ge�a�"Cl::&b, Vort:aS vonOh how your eyes: Herren iians�'lI.i-oct; :":Z:,�,theiW beam and: 'your' ,und Weimar.'�_,'���:��Ger.eaR th �". <. man conversa�i�n. . �Lexi�onump .. or JO)' ..'. ' '," .::.Hall) ". '.;, '. '.'� '!hen you � your 7.30-10:30 P. M.-The':.W�m��"�,UD-es on my '15 hand- ion Social Mt"eting.:·· '�(�em-ored suitL They bers of the univ�tJit�,�iD'!ited.ook like'25 worth of (Room 15, Lexin��n}"-�.)'eaI money--and th.t·S '�., '-.' :" 'ospel truth., SET'D�fC�AMAT�;N 1)�!E.Public . S�g - DepArtment" 'An- He informed them that the regularnOUDces That � Win Sunday receptions would be contin­be Held November 14-Names and vcd, and that he would, be - glad toSelections Mest Be': Registered by receive Hitchcock residents from 4t<. -6 o'clock on that afternoon.,The monthly infonnals of the ballwill als�-' be continued as in the past .J n accordance with the old traditionof Hitchcock. the residents will beisked to serve at the tea tables.­,�h.e house then decided to buy apiano, which it is sadly in need of,:ccording to the men of the haltHitchcock residents held themeeting of the year last, night, andtransacted considerable business ofimportance.The meeting opened auspiciouslyW"ith rc:fresbments, and as Dr. Parker:·.l·morously said: "It puts the men:'" g� humor for what is to follow.". \ Iter this pUt of the meeting wasJ mpleted, Dr. Parker extended awelcome to the new men of the ball-nd told them the rules of the bouse.There is enough class andlyle in them to make a peev­man turn into a sunburstf smiles-when you see themou to the money bag quick.If you're Hush and $20 or $2son't dent your mon� ba�.'11 show you a line of top-lineruits and Overcoats that areold-medal winners. Any $40erchant ta!!or who sees themill give up the ghost and takeover to the' house committee, which�I,I meet next week and appoint one.elected. Interest" is being aroused in thea nnual fall quarter junior college de­clamation contest.. 'Th�e departmentof public speaking announced yester­day that the preliminaries will beheld Thursday, November �th� "nKent 14, at 4 p. m. All contestantsClass Pins Our Specialty. , The election of councilor was laidmust register their .names.. and theauthors 'and titles .of their selections,with' the Dgan of the junior' colleges. f :-' . "N" �, .'-', b" ':", -! A" J The treasurer, who wasDe ore' noon. ovem er '4-'" ny U-. '. '• J. II st d "t' I· ible "foi .b- ast evemng, was Mr. Swanson, whomor ,,0 ege s u en e Igi e or pu . I ..hiS a so house librarian,, lie' appearance and having less t a'1 ' .The: house committee, which con-'sists of the, four section heads and arepresentative of each section, waselected. as . follows: Dr. Parker, "headof ,the house: Dr. Warren. head ofpublic speaking department act' as Section I; Mr. MacC1i.ntock, head ofjudges, One man and -one woman, " " . Section 2 and 3; .Mr. Reed, head ofare chosen from' eacir cciHeke to speak Section 5 : Yoakum, Section I; Liv­at the semi-fitials, 'which are held on •:ngston. Section 2; Luce, Section 3;Thursday of' the ninth week of' the "inkerton, Section 4;'" Durfee" Sec-IZ6 eL:ARK' '> ,8 majors, credit may enter., I n the' p�eli�ina"ries - each speakerhas. two 'minutes to deliver a part ofhis selection, and the, iaculty of thequarter, - Each' speaker then presents tion 5-his entire' selection.: whi�h' must', beEstablished )8g0. In prose and lim:t�d' tii i00 words, '_ The first house reception will beNllFACXURING.. IVWELERS 'reld on October ",g and 'all members� -Two men ana-two 'women are chos, -..,and ENGRAVERS. ,f ,the University. are invited to at-, '�n to speak at 'the- 'finals, and:, tltt:78-So State Street, , tend'man' and woman winning the fihal� .... . :Chicago.C. T. CUNY & CO.,:ach ,receive a '�choI3: shi� for onelua ter.';' Co'mplete. detolils':'()i the ruie.;.of the conteit" ;re ��t�i\in the' �n-dergraduak: t.�ri���'� -';�'" : -,t ,- .'�.. '�.. ': ...... � ....� �.... : ...:HESS CLUB:'BO� :ii...FIRS.T:�ETI��.OF Y&4R Senior Honor � at High SchoolOrdeftd to � �tivities:At OncenEAR o� ,.PUTS. - � QIDETUS ON TRlPLQEephones: l:icu rison 42Sg. 34oJ• 4239Automatic 5239CHARDS, AMBLER � £0.COAL AND COKEDearborn SU:eet. Chicago, Bvrle P;ark '-J37. '--,-Dean Owen of the Univ.-:rsity High,:;Chool. has again opened his fight onTripleee. the senior h�nor society !ofthe school. Last year, owing to th,�,-onti'nued arguments on the" qu.esti�ll)f secret societie� in secondaryschools, Dean Owen prohibited themembers of Tripleee from initiatin.Pinkerton PrerideDt and' A- BanoaSecretary-,.:.Mic:hipn Challengesfor Champ:�iisbip.'-H.McGREWLUMB,ER, Shingles, Mouldangs, Etc., Etc'The Univcrsity of Chicago Chess':nd Checker club m::t )-ast night :in�obb hall to reorganize for the yearPinke:-ton was elected' president Eo" rany .new members, on the ground thatthe autumn quarter.· w;th A. Barrpn it was a secret society, and therefo,re-is secretary. The club starts the year,0 be classed with fraternities. Thewith the following .active members: ':-riaternities' in the High School arePinkerton. A. Barron. Shapinsky,Leviton. Princell, J.' mfrron, ,Levin- dying out under the order to hold nonew initiations.gel and Dr. P'remlegrass. ' , ,In' the case of Tripleee, 'however.Leviton of last year's' University .this ban was removed after consider­CBeSS team, announced the receipt able discussion. The members of thefrom the Univers:ty of �ichigan ororganization were surprised to find:, challenge for a series of contests:he ban pbced -on them again thisDY - �'U' YOU A'D'D in which the Gophers will ,try t�YY.D..EU� A.AD year, :as they had sUJ)('Osed that itsis to announce that die New wrest the championsh;p of the Wc;stI f F 11 rea� �or ' !fting w.as permanent.00 ens or a ale v.� ,& fr:om the llaroons. who won the tit,leour Inspection. . , ..J' • 'I" d N h The society met y.csterday after-e of the Smartest of the New lY f,Jo::teatmg .� wchwgan an ort-noon in Dean Owen's office. but theeaves are in Single Pattel'l1S:. .vestern. I t is proh:.blc that thesen't this suggest an. C8edrly • VlSltht? match will he played ;:t, Ann Arbor members could com� to no ag:ee­I Woolens custom tador ID e· . - ment with the dean. Within the nextI d' 'd- earlv '" Dccember.Jerrems Way"-have an n IV! "wo wo':cks a definite and pennanentI Style. The Chlh will meet Thursday even.I" t Show you :,rrangement will be made.will be a p easure 0 ings at varions places. The nexthat the Fall Styles will be. You :Many ,Uninrsity men are member.on't L._ asked to bay. meeting is to be at Pinkerton's room.LX; , o( the �ociety.dy for you-today. S, Hitch('ock hall. All who are in·Td. Randolph 766.Dr. Jerome w. Egbe�DENTAL mJRGEONSuite 167-161 State Street.Specialist inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for Students.CHICAGOerl'''l\'cl in chess are invited to at­tenel. -Ha\'e you sent in your subscription'Be loyal to the team.Follow thc P�nnant to Ur�na. NEW ADDRESSTrains·le:we 6.1rd street station FLORENCE ... HENDERSHOrat 9:55.:t. m ..A N Jerrems. Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEdNLa Street, anwo Stores: ':: lacaon Boulnard PIlot ..........TelepbO. H. P•• ,1",'I"�A""Now! is (he time to subscribe. . ,/.the Place Where College Men' Congregate-'OPEN EVENINGSPbolie' Harrison s92�.' 264 MiCJUgan",�venue.'�,--.-,.Ue .,";5.,0".T., c. Lynas. L. G. WilkinsFraternity Jewelry Engraved. Embossed Stationery, Programs andGreek Letter Pennants in eS:clusive design.College and Fraternizy Ste:ns. Ash Trays. Tobacco Jars. etc •• suppliedwith any monogram. crest or emblem.About Brokaw A.(i. SPALDINGCoDege Clo�hes .�T�,-Supposing any br-ight nt�n i.n __ -& BROS.your college should devote his "' ...undivided attention to "Cae- The Largest Manufacturers· in thesar" for fifty years, it would be World offair to' conclude that he would OFFICIAL ,ATHLETIC SUPPLIESbe a pretty competent 'author-·it)L. Brokow Brothers havestudied clothes=-collegc clothes=-suits, topcoats, overcoats­for thalf ' a' century. Theirvsnnp­py '07 fall and winter modelsshow "grinding" study of col­lege men's ideas of clothes. Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf,Lown Tennis, Basket Ball.Hockey.Official I mplements for Track andField Uniforms for' All SportsSpnld.ng's Handsomely illus­trated Catalogue of all sportscontains numerous su«ges­tsons, Send' for it: ,It's' Free.A. Go' SPALDING & BROS.AT MANDELBR.OY,H'ER S New York, Cbi�. Pbiladelpbia, 805tOD, Baltl­moreSyracu5e, l.\IiDDeapc>li5, Detroit. WashlDKloo,St. Louls, New OriellD5, Sao Francisco, Pltt.bareCiDciDnatti DelWer, l.\loDlreal. 8l1ffalo. Kaosa.City, CleyelaDd. 'CanadaY'� ..WOOD SHADfS andOLIVE BROWNS· IlEUFfEL .. , ESSER CO. -------o:r'lIBW YOu-----ARE NEWE$TWE HAVE THEM ANDOTHER POPULARSHADES. '.100 styles at $20�00100 styles -at .50.00and 1300 betweenlDta\utuI' ;IlllaterialJPaF aD� Blue Print PapersScales, T. SquaresTriangles, SurveyingInstruments, Inks, Etc.\V� ha\'.:: reduced the price on a!arge number of desirable patterns,'0 even up our stock: ..' I(Vffd .TAILORWlLUAM .lERREMS·· SONS., Clark and AdpIDS Streets 111 MADISON STREErr. CHICAGO, ILL.TelephoDell: JIain 4801: A1ItaaIatic _,Maroo:n.NORTHEAS� CORNER 58TH ST., AND DRElLEL AVE.Building ThorouChly Overhauled and Rencavated.Lateat Modem Appl1iances fo'r Ventilation and Sanitation.Rooma Light and Airy, Newly Furnishe� at Reasonable" Rates..Lunch Coanter' and Restaurant attached, where. the best of every-�ED�. •-Vc ur Patronage, Solicited-TlD- I BORDEN'SCondensed Milk. Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk C6.327'329 E. Forty-seventh St.HOTD. ... ·IEST.URANTOIl ............... Clult aDdDImlGIaIS TIE "PIUI 'UCE FII 011 InSIPPERS mER THE rUIEzteaaf� impnnomae1lts 11a"-.de tile dlDiD� I'OOm. the ma.t1Ieeabfal and attractl'YC In lheTheatre District.The Dew haa.tatr balcony for&tenlar,edorcbatra I. another"l'!Icfeweat � the muaic: la..-sc ... e.pec:lal fatare. �,----------------------�AMES HATS$2.00 $3.0()A fair deal with eftI7 bat.Opera Haa, 'SiIk Hata. ',61, J63 �. MADISON STREET,Hear 'La san..� ••• !I HJde Par� 18 and fM7A. McAdamsn.u ...... 117••• Flo rl .1._ SHAMPOOING andMANICURING atMADA�E KAYNa.·S2.'l7 E. ,55th St. Phon� H. P.3286The �t equipped �d inOst SanitaryplaCe in Chic:aao= ._: ..0Ir._ ..... �&... Chicago' ; �.�.To L. TwTH£ t>AtLY :MARFOREIGN' STUDENTS 'PLAN '4 UNIVERSITY .. IIIDI'1' ORGANIZATION OF CLUB BANQUET -AT B DRINKS-INK', � . LIJ(E A CAMELTo load a CoIlkliD FOUDtaiiiJPen, just dip it IIink, press the Cl'e8CeDt-FWer and see it fill ItstaDk like a camel slaking its thirst. That's allis to it i No dropper-no mess-no bother. D.�ywhere-&Dy time. , ,/IllinoisPRITZl SCHEFFIa the Best of aU AmericiDComic OperuMLLE. MODISTEThe AuditoriumKLAw.a ERLANGER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLE HUDClre4 Studeata f�m all Parts of Eichty-two ,Abumai �World. to Di.cuu Matter at at BaptiM ,CoaYelltioD HODOrIlcetiDC Sunda,.. Chkqo at Feast.A University of Chicago banquc�,at which eight-two Chicago alUMniand instructors were present waa,held Tuesday evening in connectionwith the Illinois, Baptist convention"The foreigr. students at the Univer­sity are planning to form an associn­tion in which intercourse betweenthem will be furthered to the greatestdegre. The club will be more or lessof an international affair. as everynation, in both Europe and Asia ISI epresented in the student body ofthe University. There are over onehundred foreign students in residencethis quarter. Among this number In.dia is represented with sixteen in at­tendance. China runs ; close second CONKLIN'S '�GMTHE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER­can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Jcould �ll it with white kid gloves on without dan",eolling. Besides its. convenlenee, is the splendidqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed. '.Lea4bIc dealen haDcUe the Coaklbs. If yours does BOt.direct. Price •• Sl.OO ADd UP. Sead at eeee for haDda0D;le DOW �!he CoakliD Pea Co.. 310 M.nh·ftaD BId£, fbledo.- TO I- l -being held this week at Bloomington,Dean Mathews' ,presi�,edmaster. Chicago yells' 'and songs .in­terspersed the' prog�m;J which waswell given and well .received, DeanMathews called for or��r at 5 :15, andthe blessing was asked, by W. R. An­de reck. After a delightful meal, fur- Thou3with twelve representatives. nished by the ladies of the church,Those interested in the plan' will the toastmaster called I upon R. Har­meet next Sunday afternoon in Mid- Ian, who spoke upon the memory ofole Divinity parlor, where organiza- Dean Hulbert. R. V. Meigs then re­tion wi!! be effected. At this meeting sponded to the toast, "The Olderthe time. place and frequency of the �\lembers of the Faculty," and H. Tmeetings will be decided upon, as Musselman "The Younger Members."well as .a definite purpose. While the George C. Moor spoke on the "Es­society is essentially for foreign stu- prit de Corps Among. the Alumni."dents, nativ.e Americans are cordially The Rev. Mr. Martin spoke on "Theinvited to attend. Educational Society and the Alumni,"---- Edwin Simpson "The Divinity School,DRAMATIC CLUB TRIALS . in Relation to the Alumni;" W. : E.TO' BE HELD WEDNESDAY Chalmers, "The Alumni in the Fi�I,d.·'President Leavitt of Ewing College,Club·in Need of Talent to 'Fill Ranks spoke on "The' Relation of the Uni-Left Vacant' by Graduates of versity to Other Institutions." Thethe Varsity. last speaker was M. P. Boynton, whospoke 011 "The Efficiency of DeanTrials for the University Dramatic Mathews."club were set for Wednesday. Octo- After the Varsity yell and thesing­ing of "Blest Be the Tie that Binds,"Dr. Henderson dismissed the c��pany with prayer.Dean Mathews and Secretary 'Hew­itt �vere referred �to again and apinby the speakers, and were cheeredr...ou�dly by the banqueters at - f!vecyreference. '-GILBERT WILSON (1 £0.AUWAYSLa Salle, THEGIRLQUESTIONThe WhitneyTIle, Musical WinDerA KNIGHT FOR A DAYThe StudebakerWILL T. HODGEin the New Comed,.THE MANFROM HOMEThe GrandMONTGOMERY andSTONK inTHE RED MILLPowersJoseph W. Broob PresentsLILLIAN RUSSELLMcVickersLEW DOCKSTADERand Hia GreatMINSTRELSThe GarrickE D D I B.FOYColonial... Banaa ill Geo. II. CobaD·.llaaical PlayTHE TALK OFNEW YOU * THt 9.1* 9·3for f�r"_hin9 inlHa1dware,,'i I ! Paints, Oils and Glass'TeL H. P. '1160 338-0 E. 56th ST 12,:\iJI f.this 1line.contaSixtytion,;:MA:.aooN ',MENWHO HAVE BOUGHT OUR" 'C'OLLEGE 'CORNER CLOTHES, . • BUYING AGAIN THIS FALL,. COLLKGJt;' '�UITS" AND OV£RCOATS $35-00$. :. rotthc:,cUrbaIndentsalarthe ltaining Iat le:roonTh:Indfromsiderhy tof (traintime,hc IIgaticber 30, a.t a recent meeting' of theclub. The trials will be held in Has­k.ell assembly room at 3 o'clock. Theproductions, of the candidates are lim­ited in length to two minutes, andpoems are strictly excluded, Selec­tions must be handed in at the Facul­ty Exchange before the day of the \,�'_c..rvet. eWDkie, TAlLOJlS ': .. � 115 '" DurboriSi.Baa Floor··RO�BERT" sr AEDTER CO.155 State StreetBetWeen lIadillon aDd, Monroe.Phone Ceatnl 5334-�iiM"''':::--'_!!iI� FURS,SUITS.COATSSKIRT8,MILLINEiRYOur Prices are the Low­, est' for the Best Mer­chandise of our well­known Reliable andDurable Qualities.Ladies' and Misses'Suits $18.50 up.Fur Neckwear from$3-75 up.Hats from i4.oo up. RepiM4trials.The club has been weakened thisyear. by the. loss of sc me of its besttaLent, but the prospects for this yea!",are, nevertheless" promising. PaUlHarper has been elected president,and Renslow Sherer business mana­ger. The first play will be 'put onthis year either during December 'or)2Jluary. No action regarding the se­lection of the play has been taken. COACH;'BEZDEK 'PLEASEDWITH WORK OF FRESHIIBNSays Some are of Vanity CaJiber­Twenty-two Appear for Pnctice_�ail3'."We have a good squad of menout for the team, and some of t�emshould develop into excellent materialfor the Varsity eleven:' declaredLAST·· HEAVY' PRACTICE Coach Bezdek of the first year play-HELD; STAGG RETICENT ers y.esterday.Twenty-two men, enough for twoelevens, are appearing daily, and �ur­nish scrimmage for the regulars onMarshall Field. The freshmen in thepast have dwindled down in numbers. Thethe coaches usually having only JUNA.(Continued from pag� J)the Indiana contest. It is: Hewitt,left end; Page, right end; Anderson,center; Ste�n, quarter back; Cap­tain De Tray, left half back; Iddings;right half back; Merriam, full backSchommer at end and Ferguson be- B I WANTED-Students to attCDIurcauglewood Roller Rink, 6432worth Ave. Every eve .•Sat. and Sun. Afternoons thUniversity Employmentseason.Office hours, 9-11 a. m.Positions ar.e open for five youn'lwomen. Board and room in re­turn for assistance at housew\)rk.Saturday work assigned Thursdays. Rt:lege­I�H.legeAn ,choienough to matc.e up one team at thisstage of the season. This year, how­ever, the squad has remained station-hind the line, are the first of the sub- ary in size, and Coach Bezdek alway�stitutes who will be used in case of has a supply of men to keep the Var-changes. sity occupied.Enthusiasm over the approachinu The first year aggregation is weakstruggle waxes stronger at Urbana. on the defense, being unable to stop ,W.. tedaccording to reports from the Illinois the Varsity backs from consistent WANTED-An experienced solicitor ;camp. All students at the institution, gains. But on the offen'se, the ,.ear- advertising e�periellce pref.erred;as well as many alumni. are anticipar- ling back fi.eld is working well, an.) good position. Inquire at Mtlrooning attending the game. The rooters manages to bring out all there is in office.have organized the leadership of the regular line. ' I• &cd'" Matthews. and will be at the Cobb and Phelps run the team from SPANISH-If you are interesteigame ready to give the team all the quarter back position, while Rogers,I---------------.- I it, and Jiv.c dose to the Uniencouragement that a "leather- Silberman, Stokes and Rowe are used _ of Chicago. drop me a '"Tlunged" contingent is capable of. as half backs, with Gi:roy and Crow- W.\N1"£D-CoJlege men with col-I ta postal;" call 6047Everybody at the state college ex- 'ley for full back. . lege .spirit; only . those loyal to the Ave. or 'phone Hyde Parkpeers to see the Orange and Blue The men out for places on the line Alma Mater, to subscribe to Th> Sr. Francisco Ranos.are: We,ldon, Reddy, Elliot, White. Daily Maroon. Do it now IKern, Powell, Alsip, Madden, Smith.Tyonshid, Briggs, Grills, Hough andTarsky.The team was recently crippled bythe loss of Bedell, who returned toLake Forest Academy. " TJpewritersTYPEWRITERS for Sale orSpecial rates to students;in roe-built machines. W.head, J6 La Salle Street. manandliarmaliwvr,ler s.takt·10 :.�1'1Train Leans fi3n1 SUeet Stationat loSS a. m.triumph; there was never such con.fidence as upon rhis occasion. Another games are relegated into thesecond class alongside this one. is r- FURNISHED parlor-Steam;or without housekeping privifacing Midway; near Univsuitable (or two ladies orphone. s88 60th St., cor. EllisThe Southern Club will hold itsfirst meeting tomorrow evening at8:, 5, in Lexington hall. •"BE LOYAL TO THE TEAllThe Senior College Council will Tennesseans will dine at the-t:-met on Monday at 10:30 a. m. in mon� tomorrow at S:30 p. m; FaDCobb 8B. ' atteadance is desired. ' SubscribeDo it DOW'