Promptly at 10 :30 this morning, .\ the, correspondence department of -,, d or more of the enthusiastic the University during the last fifteen Director Stagg, though still cred with cold, was out yesterday,rooters who are supporting the Va.!". years.f and put the regular line men substi-sity clc,·.:.'n this year, will onn -n "The Correspondence-study depart-. I k .. h tute backs through a half hourj11lC in iront of Cobb and m oc step ment of the University has per aps cratic atmosphere.K scrimmage with the freshmen.' Stef -march across the campus to ent grown more rapidly than any other One of the members said yester- club last March, at the annual elee-d d di .. .. Thi . h . . fen ran the Varsity team from quar- d '·W h hi' D' 'h .theater in (me to fife an rum. rv.sron. IS IS t e oprmon re- "rD T ay: e ope t at a arge number non. rxon was at t.e same timeff t I rge tl d b M H F terback position. Captain e ray '11 . if b hei ltd t d t'll h Id th tA strenuous e ott to ,ge a a cen y expzesse y r.. arvey . WI stgm y y t err presence interest .e ec e secre ary, an s', ? s adid not appear, owing to the return of .crowd of Chicago men and women to Mallory, the director of the corre- in the social life of the University, office in connection with the treasur-his attack of tonsilitis. Iddings andaccompany the team will he made at �pondence department. There wm be a committee to intro- ership.Page were also on' the side lines. Ailthe mceting. After speeches by Ma- Fifteen years ago. when the corre- duce strangers, and every effort will Dille is out of residence this qnar-':-t ... three men, however, will probably get b broon stars, past and present, a .ua sponcence study department W"lS he made to make even the most bash- ter, ut expects to return at the e-d .nto the lineup for il part of the mix- .'to be signed by all who inten to opened by President Harper, it had ful: frshman feel at home. If a man ginning of the year. Some commentaccompany the team to Urbana on only twenty-three teachers and about up with the first-year team this af- has no lady acquaintance to invite. has been caused by his performance ':;"�,�.!,··:i;rh 1.._ d ternoon, f h duti f .Satllrdav will be passed. throug tll� a hundre students. This. year he should come anyhow and girl' 0 t e. uties ,0 . the treasurershipJ The line men are improving in their I ,"aud:ence. If it is evident that enough over a hundred teachers and. sixteenwork, according to the "Old Man." need not be atended by escorts. W"! since the first' of October, while heintend going to warrant the expense, hundred students are t�kin81 various wish every student would cancel any was out bf residence, and COOlie-Noone, however, has shown enough 'the cheerL�aders will be sent along. courses. conflicting date and make it a point qcently not eligible to hold .. office.offer ..... advancement in the game to insure .The meeting, which, will be pre- The plan in general is to �� to be at the dance." The officers of the club say that hehim a berth on the team, and all w;Usided over by Cheeileader Temple- many as possible of the courses., 'This is the first affair of the kind simply' had charge of: the finances ofbe given a chance to get into the .ton and his assistants, is expected ,to given in the class-rooms of the Saturday. this 'year in which the entire Varsity the organization until' a successor. contest against the lIIinibe an unusually enthusiastic rally, as different divisions of the: University, is invited to participate, and it is con- could be chosen by the executivef b II h h h h d At present, Falk displays the most '1it will be the only vent for oot a so � at t ose W 0 ave droppe out, sequently an excellent opportunity councu,f ., ., - thorough knowledge of the gameexcitement which will be provided at" high school or, college may , eon- for 01<1 students and the faculty to The sections of the constitution of. ' ... and, wer.e he not handicapped byChicago this week. Most of the tmue their duties. There are, in ad- extend a welcome to new students: the club which apply' to the case in. i'.. . lack of weight, would undoubtedly -members of the Varsity team and the dition, many' courses designed pri- hand are as followsj " ,- .men of the freshman elevens will be marily for t.hose in different .pr9�s- haJve a steady place on the squad: LISTS OF 'MEMBERS OF ,,"Article VL, '�einbership;' section ";'��l{i:�:1JTt'SdfC--and-spceches -wnl� be-"-ex- �,"oaal.·",Ocat� It aI�'offets;._ " 0�..J;�_�)!!-e_���Jlc?-.(��2 ._l--r-:I"WO �BB& C�6SS&f'.QUT- �Adi������j�"': ,};\: .. �-,',, "II .' " .', '. years tralntng under Director Stagg , . ;.:' " ','. ..peered from mos! o! them. ,ex�e ent opportumty to' students tn· :.' ,_ .', ' r . .' , •- --- 1- , are students of the Universitx, in, r. . hi h t d' � h'· ". Ui'" ','.. on the defense and fonoWHlg the b311 N • .' fi C,..;.__ OBi ',,;. \.. , ' ., �. _-', " "','The time of the special tram w sc en mg to. enter � e, DIVe!Slty, to .' ;-' -. r ,.... " . ,9mmatio� or I&JIG' � � l:te. reSidence shalt, be; eligible, to; :actjy� -''. .. k ... .. ". " :' . ,nd IS a :rehable player, 'bemg str",ng be �ad '-N' W-L N . 'if' b .. . ' " 'will take the Ch:cago rooters to Ur- rna e up their adllllssl�n, wo�k. '.....' -. e. ext �-'- ames· 0 mem ershlp In: thIS cllib�. Th � ", 'on the defense and . followJlDg the "So' b d F�L_- S'tiD" 'Se· A" M L:.... .: ,bana. and other arrangements With e corrcspondenc.e-study depan-' .. .. . '. p 'omorcs an &cau&UQ& .•• : ' chon 3, SSOCIatc< ��r$Ju'_':"'. be . : ball III a satisfactory maQ"er, Posotl, Held Ba L I' ffi' f .regard to the accommodatlons for th� ment, Sides attracting a' large " .. .'., c... � Any 0 cer; 0 . the. University. or' fpr--Varsity contingent' will be a,,- number of students from ne�rly \\'ho IS 'Play�nl'hl$ �r .. t �e:r at f�t- -, \, mer'me,mber of. tbe' University,whetM;nounced. every state in the Union, has many ball •. _ has ��.eked up t�CI tine �mh According to promises, �he Iist� Of 'br a res:dent of, Ch��o ,or, no� shaft",active students in ':France •. I taly, :N�r. of h,s,. pdsltlon �s; a Une. man an en· t� '!lembers of �he, Sellior. and 1u,," ',e eligible, to associate" uiemMrs�ip ."_way' Alaska, Japan and South Amer- couragmg fashlod.,' HIS str.ength ior classe-s were posted on the-:Oull� in this club. Ali aSsociate member' '::...�". .If' . . : makes him particularly valuable at tl.-0 boa:-d ye;terday. Th:s ma'k.e� f� ;hall hav" all th" pn'·V1�I .. rr"'s'.o'f ....... �.IO_ •Ica. n many or.elll.i1 countnes peo-.. , ........ .... _ -- -pIe who are engaged in missionary opemng holes for; the backs. Han- po�sible for the members of thO+ .ive member, excep� those of votiq'Wtdntsday 140m:n& Talks to b; work: take theolQgical -c;:ourses, ,and dy's weight, which et.rJier in. the two dasses to decide on their ca�� .nd holding office.",F�ture of �e Y�.. many of thoae that are in 'govern- seaso� was some\Yhat of a handlC3I''" didates for the four offices in each 'of According to.' the parl�entariaD's.t i d I· •. I '. i � developing a hell). those two -classes. ..he argument was th- Dill;" -was notmen serv -c�s stu y po :tlca ·SC1enc�. .... ...A young women in India is taking Hoffman and Hams are both ag- The clerks in the office of thi! .:on"titutionally an activ� �� m.ember,The program of the quarter'S woric French, and another in China Ger- gressive men, their f�st charging and Junior Dean' say that they have re';: lOt 6e:ng'in' residence, for althou8�of the' Y. W. C. L. was announcetJ m::n. Two women who are teache�..i .. ndurance aiding them in their play- ceived ,no in5tnlct�on-; ;-,bout gdting, he is taking correspOnd�nce w�y�sterday morning at the dub's meet- at Hugint)t Coneae. AmeriCd, jng. Moulton and' Donelly have done out these lists. but will go t()J wor� lite Uilivc:rsity does not recognize. . I . k work that places them in the etass h b .' .mg. 111 -exangton haH. The spea ers are studying through tbis depart. o� them when.cver they are ordere.J. at a� rangmg a ma,n into residence,and th.e subjects for the coming quar- ment Greek. Latin, Fre�h and with t'-'e other Ii�smen, and' .will in These lists, according to the cod,: and not being an' activ.e member, lieter are as follows:' history. :111 probabiJ:ty get. into the Illinois adopted by the Senior College, Coun· was not empowered to hold 'office, al'Oct. 23-0ur World's Work, Miss Speaking of the .extl'Clordinary suc- .,t:-uggle. Rohde �; and Worthwine, cil last May. should have been poste.) that privilege, is not gr.anted to usO-Harriet T�ylor. cess of lh:s department,- Mr. Mallory though light for li�en, are fast anJ not later than last. Friday. " '�iate members. ',,Oct. 30- The State Convention, said: "The instruction through cor- �crappy. All th� nominations must be mad.: � The executive, council of' the . club'Mi!'s Helen W�eks. respondence,. provides more of the Electric lights �nd the ghost ball during the fourth week of, the autum� lee)D� 'to have' recognized this, an.jN 6-R . . f N . may be broUght : into US" tonl'ght . , �-- . d' D'0". ecogmtlOn 0 ew Mem· direct .. personal element than is pos. '". Quarter. from Monday to Frid:ty,-in.;. fIIIPQlDk' Ixon to the office. Presi-bers. " With the setting'.' in of darkness it �H . 'sible in class-room wo:-k._ Each stu. . ' . elusive, during the office hours of �e�t eWltt of the club, says in reoNov. 'J-The 'rL.. f P shortly after 5 o'cioc1c. effective work h . f . J;: d t hcuwer 0 rayer, d.ent re<:ite-s the who!e of every les" . t e Deans. Notice 0 the time ali gar 0 t e matter:Dr. Willc�. :n thoe tricks. those involving the - .J I . .son. and has aU his Qucstions an. Jila�e of these .elections shan b� Io-'�'" t IS .expected that Ddle will re-Nov. 2O-A Woman'c; Duty to swered. It is also far less expensiv�' forward pass in pa'�_ular. is alm�st given in chapel 'and in 'col1ege-me;t, t1�m to school next quarter, and the.df. Miss Dudl-. �mpossible under' the present ar- . '1'" f h"J' than residence work." ings. and such notice shall be puh· ,-"xe<.utn·e counCI, conSisting 0 t eNo,.. 2i- The ColleD'." \'IT • rangement. With' the addition of I' h d . "d' o. ffice'rs and Doctors M .. ...: .. m a'n,�,...... iVoman s Ow:ng to the en'ortnous growth of _. h 15 e In The Daily .,faroon t1nn� ........ ..Home. :\�iss Talbot. ,t'e work.the department·s offices wdl Ig ts and the whitewashed ball, the the third week of the quarter. WarrC'n of the facalty, deemect it ad-n� 0 N Varsity men win not leave the field. 4- ur ext Door Neighbors. be- into Jarg�r quarters and Nominations mad.<! in accordance vi�ablc to let Dixon 'hold the office,�Mis5 Gertrude '. fu". rell. antil 6:30 or , o'cloCk nightly. 0'11 h .. h·-.' will go to Cobb hall. room A, witb- with the above laws �hall be posted pro t.em. I e as gotten IS bond,Dcc, II-The Home-Loving Giri. in a couple of weeks. Steff.en has worked at half, while in alphabetical order (In the bulle- ;md, although Dixon had to get: on":\fiss Rt'vnol<!s p:� ,,'ent in at q�rter donng par! tin boards not later than th<: MOil. too, we considered it best to appointAt the mc.{'ting yesterday mornll1� Cross Country Squad in Tfaininc ':' t ; �igna� Pnractice. The possibil- day folloMng the close- of nomina- C\ Plan to the office who has had som.Dean Hlltler of the Cldvisory board. The cross country squad is now lty 0. aptaln e Tray being unab!� tions. "'r'd shall be prhlted in Th� experience in it. as Dixon has. WOI'k-addressed the- members. His �l1hjc;t sw:nging into mjd�season form� The to continue' throughout the entire Daily Maroon. The mlmes of th� ing. as he did with Dille this summer.Wal': "The Reasonableness of Per. nan yesterday was made over the full contest is being guarded against. nominees must be, arranged in alpha- There's no U!l.e in throwing honOrs�n:tl Religion and What Col1eg"! five-mile course. although at a rather Though it'�s �It � .iII n�t be :com- betical order und�r' the. title of· the around when doing 50. is going to")Girls Ought to Do About it." H.s slow pace. Captai� ,Caldwell sa:d: �Iled, t� lea.e, the pm�, in case hoe respective office. hurt the club." .talk was of general inter�st, 'and he 1·'The m�n �re all in pretty good con- ��� Pa�, wil�, be at ·q�rter;. 'While There are scme among the s�t�dos("(� hy urging 'college girls to' b� dition. The mn .'Wa!l over the full �h���er will take h� place :tt The �t1them �Iub w;U hold its fir!'! �h. 0 are not satisfied with the' jas-frank and open in their attitade to- cour�, and we are settling down to �ht·enct: meeting Saturday ev.!ning, at 8:15 in'·�. -'-�.-.---�,�.---------"ard r�liltion. hard steady work now." .� ',_:'-' -{�cmti.nlled,� �.',,4� Lexington. ' : \ ;:.: '(Contiftaecl'� PaP 4)'� .•• _4/fIIIC •••.......... :: ... ,� :.,,--., .... � ._.latly !I a rnritt_- ,Vol. VI. No. 13. CHICAGO, THURSDA 'l, OCT. I'. 1907.' Price Twe CeDU-iOTERS TO GATHER IIIKElT THEATER TODAYhas done much, by means of its many Karl Hale Dixon has been appoint­Thanksgiving suppers. dances, after- ed treasurer, pro tempore, of thenoon teas, odc., toward creating Reynolds club during the absence ofamong students a congenial, demo- John F. Dille, who ',"2S elected toMANY STUDY BY MAn. ALL-1J1UVBRSITY DAHCElcLUB SECRETARy lADETEMPORARY TREASURERDIRECTOR STAGB'IEEPSAFTER VARSITY UIEIEI Woman·. UniOn' Invites Whole Unt­,venil7 to Attend Informal Dance 'in Lesington Hall Tomorrow Even- Karl H. Dison A intecl to Filling-First Affair of Kind this Year. Place Occupied �Olm F. Dille.How Out of Residaice.1600 Students in CorrespoDdeaceStudy. Department of UDiftrsi�-·Has Enormous Grcwth-Studentaall Over the World.LocksteP from Cobb to Kent to Pre­cede Monster Mass MeetingThere "CJ4 1IaD" is Still Uaab1e to PickFull Team Say. Work is Im-provin::.:\ growth from one hundred to six­tecn hundred students, with an in-To Make List of Rootel'S. Going tocrease in the staff of teachers from De Tray Has Attack of Toosilitia--Illinois at Rally-Will Practice Team to Leave Saturday-I!liDitwenty-three to more; than a hundred.Expect to Win. An informal dance; at which everystudent in the University will be Dille Expected to Return in JaDUa1'7welcome, is to be given tomorrow to Resume Dutie:a--Some Diaat­evening in Lexington hall, by theWoman's Union. This organization isfaction Ezp�eaed.Ye!ls. is the remarkable recc rd made bythe office by the members of theY. W. c. L. ISSUES PROGRAMFOR THE QUARTER'S WOIUt-,_., .'THE DAILY ·1I.\Jt002l. &UCAGO. THURSDAY. OCT. 17. 1907. ,_lit '1aiIg 1Iann.ReformOne M_rOOD Fd-BIOD6?v HUNT FOR LOST 'PVBRCOATThe administl'3tion of- tILe small col- - �Ieee system bas been in the maio an Disappean DaIIDa � ,'� ._.emphatic success. In No � Has' Bee8 FoaDIl':'one particular, how-ever, needless confu- The Reynolds club is looking forsion and fr�tion has an overcoat belonging' to Charle«arisen. There is DO Eberfi.eld, which disappeared last Fri.uniformity in the manner in whic!l day mght at the R�ynolds clubthe colleges elect the members of the smoker. It was a light gray springexecutive committees, the presidents coat and ti is supposed. was taken by-------------___;--' of the colleges, - and the representa- mistake. The club has: provided space.. tend .. 8ecoDckl&D II&U at tM CIaI- tives in the Junior college council. and accoinmodations for' six hundredcqo rc.tollcL One college follows one plan and an- coats. and had five men checkingotber another. Moreover. the graups them. In the rush at the close of� IIaIcJIDt hIlIkatt. '., • u .....tQ til CIaIcIp........'fte Ualnn1tJ' til QIap .-*'7..........TM W"'l. Oct. I. Ita.TIM DaUl. Oct. 1. 1802.aablcrlpUoo prk:e. p.ou PK leu. 11.00 do not consistently fot1ow their OW�1 the performance, the crowd became,_ a 1MUALlla. Subk'rlpUou recelyecl at constitutions and precedents. impatient at the .delay. incident totbe MarooG omce. au. �l. GI' at tM All of the colleges elect their execu- the distribution, and took matters ini'acalQ Eic:baDce. Coa. HalL tive committees by direct vote. In their own hands. .Consequentl.lsome of the g;oups, the committees great confusion resulted, and it isLUTHER D. J,.'EUNALD. MaD� Edltur. choose the representative on the ju- thought that Mr. Eberfield's coat wasnior council and the presiding officer taken by mistake in the rush.of the college, In others, these offi-cers are .deded by direct vote apart Hendecson Elected to Junior Coundlfrom the committee, Sometimes the Albert D. Henderson was elected1"1taTON F! GASS. Newa, Editor.�BLV1N J� ADAMS. Athletic Edltor.LOUIS 8. BERLIN. HU81�eu Ma�r.councillor is an ex-officio president, to represent the College of Philoso­or vice-versa. In some groups, that phy in the Junior C(ll1ege Council, Imember of the executive committee under the new system of election, b)'receiving the highest vote is declared the college at large. While Mr. Hen,elected to the council and the chair- derson was elected 'upon Tuesday,manship of the college, the results were not announced untilAdded to this confusion, are the in- y.esterday morning by the deans' of­fice. As the councillors in all thecolleges have not been elected, thewill no·Warren D. Foster, Cole Y. Rowe.Harry A. Hansen, Jerome Frank,consistencies in methods of govern­P •. W. Pinkerton, Miss Esther Hall, ment within each college. PrecedentAlbert D_ Henderson.Fred W. Carr, las well as constitution has been set first, meeting of the councilHarvey B. FullerJr.A. I.. Fridstein, aside. One plan of election may be be held until next w.e�k.I. E. Ferguson. E. C. Hoadley, lfollowed at one time only to be re- -Walter A. Ford. Howard J. Kenner placed at the beginning of the next OLD GIRLS OF KELLY HALL. quarter by another. For instance, ENTERTAIN THE NEW GIRLSfor Newcomen. 8S Per Cent Magnesia. Abestos,' Etc.Our � on the Steam Piping in Power House,and BuildinC of the University of Chicago.Contract work a Specialty.last Tuesday one college suddenly de-cided that it wished (0 elect its rep- Chafing Dish Supper is Saved byreserrtative on the council by direct Older Residents of Dormitol'yPrlDted bJ' the Maroon Pna414 Eut 55th StreetPbQlle Hyde Park 3891 ,vote notwithstanding the prov;sionof its constitution which ordered thatthe. executive committee choose the The old girls of Kelly hall enter­councillor. tained .the new girls at a cha6ng dishThere are fcur more Varsity foot- The undergraduate peace of mind supper Tuesday evening. The host-ball. games between now and the would be greatly increased if the pres- esses in caps and aprons, made atten­middle of October, 1908· ent want of method was replaced by tiv.e chefs and waiters, while grateOne' of these' will oc- a -uniform sy5tem� Now there cannot fires and autumn decorations addedcur- day after tomor- help 'but'be much uncertainty and con- charm and comfort. The guests gaverow at the U,nivers!ty fusion. No cne knows exactly "where the usual tips, which in this case, tookof .Hlinois. The IUini he is at!' Thereby friction is caused �he form of two very hearty cheerswill probably" fill the d t d 1 f th Id . I 'gran s an s arid the efl�tiveness of the, coHegC: or e 0 gtr s._ 'with enthusiastic rooters, and if, as administration decreased. After· therumored, "Red" Mathews returns' to elections of last Tuesday the junior -. ------ lead the .cheering, the Illinois sup- dean's office was as ignorant of the- Band to Stay at Homeporters will give an exhibition of exact status of affairs as the eandi- ACC01-.Jing to the plans of Directoryelling that will be certain to drown dates 'themselves. Several applicants Stagg, the 'University band win notout anything less than an extremely for electoral favor who afterwards aocompany fhe team to the' Illinoislarge noise _from the Chicago contin- found that they had been chosen for game on Saturday. The band is to,gent. tbe offices they sought spent the after- be taken to Minneapolis NovemberThe University can -not, rely on :J noon disconsolately wandering around 12, and the big expense involved inIarge ' body of resident alumni' til . this trip will not admit of - anotherthe campus in vain search for, the mencome, to its support, as always hap- who counted the ballots. The presi- one.pens to the teams visiting Chicago. dent of one of the colleges, which I.eldThe crowd leaving' Chicago will be the eLection last week. did not knowthe sum total of te Varsity delegation of his elevation to office until a few Sigma Alpha Epsilon will entertainat Saturday'S game. dt an informal at its chapter house,minutes before the next meetingFor all of which you should male- 6116 Lexington avenue, Friday even-" openedone of the band of rooters that will This confusion could be obviated ing.cheer' the Chicago :.eam to victorySa by a very little concerted action. Un- --------------- ..turday. The cheerleaders WI· II L. '.� der the leadership of the �w 'juniorsent ,with the t f hcam, I enoug root- -college .eouneil the constitutions ')fers go to justify th· expe ...... _ • '. . . nse.... ncy the eight groups could be broughtwill be needed. Football games are into harmony_ Then if the membe'rssuch rare Occurrences under new of each colLege were 'informed con­rules, that college men can hardly af- ceming the details of the plan underford to miss a single contest. Ch;· which they were supposed to b­cago' men should be willing to, df) working they might v.;th reason bemuch to avoid the humiliation of expected to follow it. It is a matterhaving its ycll!l; drowned out by thoseof its rivals, and this is likely to�appen, unless a Vet')" large dell"ga­tlon at ends the game.A Ji�t of thol'e who expect to gtto Urbana Saturday will M passedarC?und at the .mass meeting today.Sign it. Your SUpport is needed. JIA VB YOU PI1ID UP YOn DO YBT?DO YOU KNOW th�t we carry:m extensive line of Chicagopennants, wall-cloths and pillow-zovers ; posters by Renting­toa, Jessie Wilcox. Smith. and other artists; and manyother things especially suitable for this purpose?DO YOU KNOW that we receive a large consignment o( thelatest novels and works in genera! literature each month. andthat these are always on exhibition on our long table?DO YOU KNOW that you can place w:th us subscriptionsfor all the magazmes, orders for developing and printiug pho­tographs, or for engraving visitng cards?TIQ UlUVnSITY OF CHICAGO PRBSSRETAIL DEPARTMENT"0. THE CAMPUS","GOOD CLOTHES DO NOT MAKE THE MAN, BUT THEY HELPH,II GREATLY TO GET ON.Our Specially Selected Patterns, carefully Tailored. will_ sat­isfy the most faatic:l!ous. and � a guarantee of tastejudgment everywhere. .Anton A. Melum (:, SonsTAILORS305 Atwood Bldg. Clark and Madison Sts.Telephone Main 391764th 81£AIEY'S PIPE AND BOILER tOtERINGS ,:':WfSTfRN ROOfING177 Randolph Street, Chicago SUPPLY GOD' ... ;toIUiDoiaThe Rioft store that car­ries • aoocl me ofFOWNESGLOVEStjll' for student action; no interventiol,o� the pan of the deans is necessary.The very essenCe of the small col1eg�system lies in the fostering of a suffi­cient !IoCnse of student responsibilityto make adeqnate student governmentpossible. �t the. new ju'nior couDC'il.:onsidcr the question. Although tilevisible supply of prospective ca'udi.The Stump will meet in Cobb 6.\ f�r the title of as�te willon Friday, OCtober 18, at i :30 ;n not be diminished or anything equallyCobb 6..&.. ' dire result from a continuance of tn�,1.11 freshmen who desire green ·cap� I-resmt coDditions, t� efticacy of thear� reque!'ted to order them at the smalJ colJep system woald be in­J nformat;on o�e befcre Frida)" Oct. creased by the I'mIOVaI of the, prescnt.1. tencleK) towar4 daos. is to be depended on. Sniith-Vail, Pu ... ping- Me-dUnel7The Pl .. tt IronworksTURBINE ,UIISTEAII PUIIPSELECTRIC PUIIPS,WOOD SHADES andOlliff 8ROW"SARB NEWESTWE .HAVE THEM ANDOTHU PoPULARSHADES.100 _lea at $aO.oo• 100 styles at '50-00and 1300 betweenWe hav.e reduced the price on :tlarge number of desirable patterns,to even up our stock.,."".sSUPPLIESPOR UNIVKItSITY HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS.New ... 8ecaad Hud.- DWlff.41S &. s7th StreetNext to COnICr Kimbark GO(Phone.&.rIOA&UUm StreetCbicaco� .m.- Harr.son 867.A.G. SPALDI8&BRd� INIThe Larpst lIamdacturenWorld ofOFFICIAL ATHLETIC SBase BaU. Foot BaD,Lown T� Basket N·Hoc:kq.OffM:jal Implements forField Uniforms for All SpodISpalding'a Handsomely In.trated Catalogue of all spOOlcontains numerous sa.,.tlOns. Send for it. It's Free.A; G. 8PALD�G "New Yorl, (''1Iicaco. Philadelpllia.... Oft SyraC1lH, Mi._pc>Ii., Detroit. WSt. Loal., New <>rwa ••• � •• FI&lDci!c.,ChtdD .. ui Dntft·r, MMltrnL Bu .....Ci�, \.leftIaDd, Ca .. da LAFA�Or :tnDearh,»born Sgll"w()o4c(MANlTel. Randolph ;66,Specialist in'PYORRHEA ALYEO A.TJwlE DAILY JiARopX. CUh..AGO. THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1907. - .. ------GIIt�TL�Ii.N....... 11ft.IIU='-�,BOSTONGARTER , .. iCAL ZM DJ\. a: .... jThursday. OcL I,.10 :3o-Mass meeting and �heer prac­practice for the I llinois game(Kent Theater).10 :j'o-Chapel Assembly, The Junior-College (women). (M�ndellHalt)10 :3o-Devotional . Half-hour.' con­ducted by members of the Di­vinity Sch�l (Haskell As­sembly Hall.)4:00-The Sociology Club. Paperby Professor Thomas. (Room2e, Cobb.)8 :oo-The Fellows' Club. Electicuof officers· and plans for work.(Cobb Lecture Hal1.)Friday, Oct. 18.4 :co-The German Club, Vortag. vonHerren Hans Gounod: "Goetheund Weimar." Classes in Ger­man conversation. (LexingtonHall.)7 :30-10 :30 P. M.-The Women's Un­ion Social Meeting. All mem­bers of the University invited.(Room 15, Lexington Hall.)THE .",_". ITUDlIDCUSHIONluno.. CLASPU[I ruTTG THl L£C-IEYEIIUPS. TWS loa UUUfUS'l'elePhon!���l�O���!' 340'1-,42391Automatic 5239RItBARDS, AMBlERli £0.COAL AND COKE No.9This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade, the bosom of which abso­lutely will not bulge.You wilt never wear any otherkind if you try this.(Patented Feb. 28-1899.)"THE MAC-BURDLE"Of Interest to Students.Chicago303 Dearborn Street.- THE RED DWARFTd. BYlte Park 437 ..All good furnishers sell them.Made byUnite� Shirt and Collar Co.Lion Brand Shirts and Collars .A. H. MCGREWLUMBERLath, Shingles, Mouldin:gs, Etc., Etc64th Street and Madison Avenue A novel article has appeared whichespecially appeals to students of bothsexes=-Ior its usefulness and COIl­venience,This is the ·'Red Dwarf' 1nk Pen­cil, manufa�tured in Liverpool, Eng­la�ld .. J t has been 'th.e vogue in Eu-ope for. several years; but only re­ccntly put on the American market.While it is to all intents and pur­poses a fountain pen. yet on accountof Its stylographic features, its mak­.crs choose to .:ali it an ink pencil. 'Unlike other fountain pens, the Reduwarf can be carried in any posi;lion without leaking, permitting it t·�be earned in any pocket or in a lady'!'>'., h�lDdb�g. - ----This of itself is _a great conveni­ence, . I ts size permits it to be car­ried in the trousers pocket, like a. pen' knife." The writing point is of iridium, thehardest known material, guarantee­ing the wearing qualiries,The feeder is platinum, making itacid. proof and adapting ii to the uscd any. ink.Outside of these '\ualities. it is eS'pecially 'adapted for ruling, drawingand carbon copy work, In fact, itdoes .all that a fountain pen will, andBORDEN·SCondensed Milk, Fluid' Milk. Cream.. and Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk ce,327-�9 E. Forty-�n� St. .A.MES HATS$2.00 '3.00A fair deal with every 1. at.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.161, 163 E. MADISON STREET,Near La Salle.Te1epboDCS Hyde Park 18aud f/157 -TD-.A. McAdamsTh.UD ..... ral�•.. Ft 0 r& et._..... OUSBS: L.Car_ 5MSt. u4�A� Cn.cagoSCHWARTZ BROS.TAILORSLadies' and Gents' Suits Madeto OrderCll'a,Jl:ng, Dyeing _a�d Repairing.Goods Called for and Delivered.Phone. H.P.3006. 6305 Ellis AVI!.TRAVEL OVER THETel 3348 Hyde' Park.MISS It. .. DORANElectrical Fac:iaI Massage,EIec:tric:aI Scalp Treatment.Shampooing, Etc.242 East 57th StreetChicaco - It' has alr.cady been imitated, but.. n of the imitations are made ofIf you go. to .INDIAPOLIS.LOUISVILL�CINCINNATI.DAYTON .. material, which soon corrode,THE TEA ROUSE38g E. 57th StreetLuncheons, Dinners, Afternoon Tea. ned in one certain position. .Sunday Night 'Suppera. SO,OOO Red Dwarfs have foundusers in this ·coun·try already, and theand wear out, and Ieak, unless carLAFAYETTE.Or any Southern "oint. Depots:Dearborn Station, Polk and. Dear­born Sts.: 4ith and 63rd Sts. (En- Open, Wednesdays 10 to 10.SUIldays, ... to 1Telephone Hyde Park 2015 manufacturers are increasing theirfaciiilies in order ·to take care of the""-- unprecedented demand.. READY - WHBH YOU.AU The Red Dwarf. Ink Pencil makesThis is to annot.nce that ·the New friends where ever it goes.,Woolens fo� Fall are. ready fiH It is a guaranted article and is cer-your Inspection. ..Some of the Smartest of the New tamly � wmner .. !Weaves are. in Single Pa�·Dosen't this suggest an early visit? Ol&cial Basketball Rules Pabl:abedFall Woolens custom tailored in the ."Jerrems Way"-bave an 'Individ- The latest issue of Spalding's Ath-ual S�le. letic Library is the "Official Basket-It will be a pleascre to Show 70U . •• .what' the Fall Styles will be. You ball GUIde for IC)08. edited by Georgewon't be asked to buy. T, Hepbron. The Guide contains,Ready for you-today.Class Pins Our ·Specialty.c. T. CUNY 6 CO.Ef,tablished 1890·MANUFACTURING JEVVELERSand ENGRAVERS.78·80 State StreetChicago. among .othcr interesting information,reports from an over the country.N("w York. New Jersey, the South,the New England District. Chicago,<;leveland. Minneso�a. and South oa-Ikota. as wdl 'as. New Orleans, Los.-'ngeles. Southern California andI I • I. •• • • • • I • I IA. JOSEPHINE �RAHAIIMILLINERY.IMPORTATIONS318 East sstb StreetCbicaao -. SEASON' 1907-1901 '.'.- .'(The ORCHESTRA THAT PLAYS FOR CHICAGO'S :SIIART SItT)-CLUB�Onwenw. CaIumet Country CbabExmoor GoU UDioD LeapeChicago Automobile Club Cbicaco GoU ClubSouth Side Colonial Homewood CouDt17New Illinois Athletic Chic:aco Athletic Club--H 0 TEL S---Virginia . VendomeThe Moraine Chic:aco BeachPotter Hotel, Santa Barbara, Cal.For open dates and other information addressTelepbonesCentral 5713Central 5253CalumetBircInroodSouth· Shore ClubHichland Park ClubFt. Dearborn ClubLakotalIetropoleEDGAR A. BENSON40 East Randolph Street. ChicagoCHfMICAL, PHYSICAL, ELfCTRICAL and· ISURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSt,tWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO Dt:i:SCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to Orderw .. J. BOEHMMANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone .Main 2700. 171 E. Randolph Street.CHICAG.o. Repairingon Gont's-GarmentsFree of. Phone Calumet 1300 SuitsCleaned andPressed 'us.-.Do'" 'To� Store317 �m �Strcet.• '�� i ...... �- • •1 Cor. 25th· and"Cottace--Gr-Ofte ,Ave- • I • • • • • • • • • .'. • • • •-The patronage of the �tudents of �e U�. of.Chicago; is solicited bY. . ..THE HOTEL .MAROON .5'57-59 : Drezel A,�eRESTAURANT A-ND LUNCH COUNTERTHE BEST OF FOOD AT POPULAR PRICESA Specialty will be made of serving Suppers or Banquetsfor Societies or' for 'Private Parties.COMl'ORTABLE ROOMS NEWLY 'PURRlSBBDTHE RED DWARF· INK PfNCILWon't· LeakCARRIED IN ANY POSITION.LADIES TAKE NOTICE. I •_..-. -' .._ " ;,���$2,.150 GUARANTEED.BEWARE OF IMITATIONS..JOHN B.STETSON UNIVERSITY. DeLand.·Florlda.· IAtliliat<.'d in l89i wiih THE UNI \,rERSITY OF CHICAGO.,The P, csidcnt is a Doctor of Phil .sophy of the. Univ�rsity of Chi­(ago. and eleven members of the Facilry h:IVC been students a,t theUnh'ers:ly of Chicago. many of them taking degrees. Stetson 1� I �o­cated at De Land, Florida. the land of flowers, sunshine. blue !"k�e�and balmy ocean brczccs. Summer recreations run through the WID-. , . I' I' .b II cement waJk� shellfer: Costly buildings, e lectr ic ights, c ectrrc e s, � '.roads. hroad avenues, tropical shrubicrv and trees, B:gw:st re�stra­tion this year in its history. Therc a�e four collt'ges, five 5Chools. I.building� and 4� in the Faculty. .Cuba. arc all separately treated in .;, Students from the University of Chicago may do their work �!A. N. Jerrem- lIana-.. �eries of "'ood articlect. showing tb" ' .h . dOts at Chicago.., .-- � � '" Stetson during the.' Winter Tr.rm. and rccc;vc t elr ere 1 •• •TAILOR FOR YOUNG IlEN� rondil1on of the indoor spo' rt in .each. L.D De" --a PJorida.���:����_'. I_A_d_dr_�_.s�._P_r_�_·__t_L_�_��o������_�,��__D_��L__._, __��-�-�. 44 l---.........s MCtfOIL Y.. • ,Adapted to Ruling 'and Taking NotesF. W. McINTOSH CO. 179 Lake Street,�if DAILY IIAROO ·-�IC��� •.. T�URSI>AY •. OCT. 17. 1907. '.IllinoisPJtITZI SCHBJl'll'fa ... .., of all AmericaaCelllic OperaIILLE. IIODISTEThe AuditoriumXLAW 4: ERLANGER'SAlWANCED VAUDEVILLELa SalleTHBGIRLQUESTIONThe WhitneyTIle lIasical W"umerA BIGHT FOR A DAY.�: ._" .. _.LThe StudebakerWILL T. HODGEIA the New ComedyTHB lIARFROII. BOllEThe GrandMONTGOIlERY aac1aTOMB iaTHB R&D IIILL.Powers.J-IpII W. Brooks PraeatsLILLIAN RUSSELLMcVickersLKW DOCKSTADERaDd Bia GreatIIINSTRBLSThe GarrickaDDI.FOYColonial.......... Cleo. ... CoIIa'.IhIicaI PIa,ftIS TALK 0 •...... YO •......... .. ._,. - Almoat· a H1IDdred lien Out for Enthusiasm and confidence overWater Sports-To Splid the the contest are high with the IlliniSquad. students. Report has reached theMaroon camp thal: students and IThe . swimming squad of almoat ,. rther supporters of the Orange andhundred men has ben taking prelimi- Blue eleven, are putting up all thenary practice during the past week money they can get hold of that. 11- -..Coach Knudson has b�n ahle � do lino� will win, and iliat iliey are oL l�._.���..���������������-·����������little with so many men in the tank fering odds that Chicago will no!at once, but he intends to split' the run up as large a score as it didmen up into smaller squads, so that against the Hoosiers last Saturday.there will be an opportunity for him These reports are discredited hereto devote some individual attention as it is thought that Illinois has -:ato the men who nt:ed it. chance. to win. Though a hard gam�The men are sure that they will be is anticipated, no score like the 63 to)able to win the inter-collegiate cham- 0 count of last-year being dreamed ofpionship, but they are after higher by Chicago enthusiasts, still it is ex­honors in victory over the Central peered that the Chicago squad will beY. M. C. A.. and C. A. A. The squad pushed harder than in the Indiana.s the most promising Chicago hasever had... team, which won the Cook county Tbe Uaiftnit7 EmpIo7Jl*lt BmeauA house meeting Of 'the membe rs championship last year and the year. Office hours, 9-11 a. m.of Hitchcock hall is annonnced 'for previous. "We younger men foel Positions ar.e open for five yOUD"tonight at 9:30 o'clock. It is to be that we are scarcely competent t.t) women. Board and room iD re­held in the library. Among other compete with students in the upper tum for assistance at hoasework,�mportant things to be brought .. classes and graduate schools. I t may Saturday work assigned Thursdays ..fore the meeting are: whether mor-th- be good practice to try out for theIy receptions shall be continued; he Varsity team, but it is not at allchoice of a house counselor; the elec- pleasant to prepare material (or sev­tion of a house treasurer. eral weeks with no prospect of IUC-All members of ·be hall are re- cess. Consequently the plans for aquested to attend. Refreshme-nt-; WI)! freshman debate will receive thebe served after the meeting strongest support from members ofthe 1911 class. An opportunity tokeep in practice and at the same timeTo Start Pb,8ical.Eu'DinatioasSoon gain a little glory, will eagerly be ---------------Physical examinatiOilS will prob- seized by all freshman debaters. Inably begin the end of the week, but adopting this plan, Chicago wi!)definite announcement will be made be merely taking over a customlater, 4K:cording to the' statemeri� which has proved very successful atmade yesterday by Dr. Raycroit. Harvard and -Yale. At these insti­Every student is required to take a tutions, I am told, freshman debatesphyskal 'examination once everv are of the greatest interest to theyear. TIle announcement of thi students. If there ar.e freshmen base-method 'of making appointments fOr ban teams; freshman football teams. ROOM FOR RENT-If you are• •. e�-ia.tiO. will also _ ... fresh__ track teams, whT wot a DOt salisfieel· witll yoar room, calllater. • 'p,' ,e .I! ..... 1eMa?- . :at�'" I ..........CLUB SECRETARY IlADE DIRECTOR STAGGTBIIPOItAIty . TltBASUltBR AJlTBIt VAUnT· LlNDlBN- .' . �. �(Continued from page I)(Continued fl'Ob1 page I)tice of the arrangem�nt. One of The University. band will not· ae­them said yesterday: company the team to Urbana. and so"It doesn't seem fair to let one man the trip .will not be made till Saturdayhold two of those offices. It is con- morning, when the special train,trary to all my experience that one which will carry the delegation ofman should be allowed to bold two students to the game, will Ieaveelective offices. There are four hun- Great preparations are being madedred members over there who would by the downstate authorities in• gobble up the chance. If they want charge to accommodate a recordDixon as an .experienced man in crowd. The double reason that thisDille's place, why don't they r,hoose game will be the first in the last tensome one to fill Dixon's? The fel- years for which the Maroon team halOlows are saying that is just a graft to made the journey to the Illinois 6elJhold DilIe's place .open for him when and also that students and membershe .comes back to school." of the faculty �iII be admitted at thespecial fifty - cent rate willBIG SWIIIIIING SQUAD' cause a bigger attendance to flockPRACTICING DAILP into the grounds than has ever gath­ered for any former game.contest to win .. Though it is admit­ted on all sides that the Maroon ag­TO ORGANIZE CHESS CLUB �regation is not as strong as lastyear, its defense is felt strong enoughMeeting in Cobb Hall at Bi&ht to hold the Illinois backs, who haveOIlL.' __ L not shown themselves superior to.� ToDicbt. those from Bloomington, while theChicago offense' will p.-obably prov.ecapable of running up a comfortableA revival of interest of ChicagoChess Club is the newest project 10the dub line. A meeting to be heldat 8 o'doclc· this evemng in Cobb 88,for the . purpose of organizing andbringing together the men and wo­men in the University who play thegame. score.PROPOSED NORTH�'DEBATE'ROUSES FRESH lIEN"Regular meetings wiD be beld for' irll'St Year lien Welcome Proapedofpractice, and a schedule of matches lleeting lIethodist YearIiDp GIl.with other colleges rU ultimately be Platformarranged. Two years ago there was dChess and Checker dub at the Uni- The prospect of a freshman debattversity.whim played several matches, with Northwestern University, whichand last year a -team "as chosen £0.- those interested in debating are try-1 wo competition$. ing to arrange, is exciting muchcomment and interest among theHITCHOCK HOUSE TO IIBBT first year men. "Such a contest wouldbe just the thing. we ane looking for,"lIemben of Hitdacoct Hall to lleet said Smith, 1911, a member of t�eToaicbt at 9:3Q. Englewood High School debating , -for solid comfort. The ne_and desilns of one piece,web. All metal parts . heavy;"plated brass, cannot rust. 2Sc;.11 dealers or by mail. :.� .:.,.. ."B_��7'1.= .. ,....,..wn..,PiMIr �Vol.-STUIIJOHN w. DOU(iLAS� Bigthl:.�. Marctell••Telephones 4068 Harrison--3884 Automatic '" II4: TDESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE MAN'S APPAREL.,'"'"51 E.JACKSON BLVD.• g.;'" Ti'"MOSSLER.Clever Clott-esSO JacksoR Boulevard '"••Decided "Class".: For .University: Menat a ReasonableExpenditure in: price Thof tilyesteenthloi thbassform. the «seatifor 1We put brains in (hoemaking, the fitting and the sek ,­of the patterns. "Putmasters iD.;art of. dress" best expresses it... /!We make our clothes on the �,.isea in our own shops. .'Is there any other concern in,'�t�cago that does' this? No! �Now, don't get the impr��._our prices are hich. for the .is true. "'.Suits: $18, $20, $25, $28, $JO,�:and $40 is all we ask.Overcoats ; $18, $20,and upwar4.Waistcoat shop: first ftoor;=-highest quality; v�st. mark� �values to Sg. ._pour.werecr TCaptandTholthe'clari:get tstud.maketeamlargetionThMosslerC() pres«illnc! Clothes, SO Jac:boa �Send for "CUp Book," gratia:. �e\"CIthe iingl:igg,of tt..W ANTED-Students to atte""';Klewood Roller Rink, 6.t.Pwonh Ave. Every eye.,Sat. and Sun. Afternoonsseason. HThbel26.thisahollitt }tainnot IT7J;ewai�r.TYPEWRITERS for Sale orSJ1eCial rates to students;in r.e-built machines. W.head, J6 La Salle Street.w .. tecl· IWANTED-An experienced .solidtor;advertising experience preferred; Igood position. Inquire at M4, and vocalmethods, .in exchange for roomboard; references, Can G. LDaily Maroon . )"t"sl(larTUl'�WANKO-College . �n with col­. Ieee spirit; only those loyal to theAlma Mater, to subscribe to Th­Daily Maroon. Do it now I ThwillthisSPANISH-lf you are interest�it, axd liv.e close to the Uniof Chicago. drop me ata pO�tal;" call 6o.ti IA ve. or 'phone Hyde ParkSr. FrancUco aa... . .<. .��� ThthisF..lec'