......." ... -.._arndtt'_ .l _Vol. VI. No. 12. '.; CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16. 1907. Price Two CcotaPOLI'llCIABS MAR][ TDlBIHOLD RALLY fOR·tllllOlSGAlE ToMORROW -IOR.aJUmOR COLLBGBS BLB� UIIVERSITY DEBATERSTO SECURE CWI ROOISDIRECTOR STAGG lOT OUT;COACH SPEll II CHARGE Lower Claasmen Complete Choice (IfExecutive Committee- Tellen inElection of Councilor for � Various DebatinC Clubs CoDSider'phy College of lien Fail to Report Plana for Havine DebatiDc Head-quarters on the Campus.At the meeting of Literature Col- . Preparations for the election oflege (men) held yesterday morning, Hope to OYerc:ome Lack of Interest class officers are at a standstill, ow-Scrubs and Freshmen Scrimmage inN P d Foster . Ii fMud. Yearlings Scoring Safety- ewman, enny. an were in DebatinC-01d Debaten mg to the fact that the ists I)elected members of the executive Entbuaiaatic. members of the different classes haveIllinois Alumni Help Coaches. committe to serve two quarters and ' not yet been posted. At the veryLateDaa in Issue of Lists of lIem-bers of DUferent CJasaetr PreveDta � -Activity-Will Probably be Out Succesa of First Booten- GatberiqBefore End of Week. to be EclipMd by a Second-ODe.Varsity Men Run Through TheirPlays in Good Shape, SaYs Speik-Stdfen Punts WellAnother Campus Karch with Weand Drum-liany- Ahmmi -Ea-pected to be Preemt.Coach Speik put the Varsity and Wilson to serve one. 'Stearn is the The securing of club rooms on first attempt to issue the code whi-ch Another opportunity for studentscrub teams through a hard workout only member to hold over. Organi- the campus which may be used by the Senior College Council passed enthusiasm in backing the VarSity .yesterday afternoon, in preparation zation of the committee wil] be ef- the various debating clubs of tho: with an confidence last May, there will be given Friday morning at 10:30for the game with the lllini at Ur- fected Thursday. University in common, is a plan be- has been a hitch in the preliminary in Kent. As-in the first mass meetingbana 11.�Xt Saturday. Director Stagg Arts Men Choose Officers ing considered by the men interested steps. last week, the. hi1a�;ous lockstepdid not .take charge of the squads, on Arts College of Men elected its in debating at the University. The According to the code, the lists of march, led by fife and drum. wiltaccount of the weather. officers for the quarter yesterday. suggestion that this be done has met the members of the four classes must sweep the campus before taking pos-:\ scrimmage between the scrubs David Davis was chosen as the rep with much favor, as it is thought that be posted, not later than the second session of the che�stfy building�'and the freshmen was held, the resentative to the council; Excelson it will do much to overcome the lack week of the quarter, which ended last Cheerleader Templeton will con­fre�hmen scoring a safety .and sue- was made chairman of the executive of interest in - debating, which has Friday. Tile council expected these duct the mass meeting again, aidedceeding in holding the scrubs to 'committee, and the following men been a great obstacle to the success lists to be gotten out from the dean's by as many assistants as are aeeded.two touchdowns. The regulars were were selected as the other members of the Unive�sity teams. office, but it was found impossible to Director Stagg and both �al'Sity andgiven two hours of. signal work, and of the executive cQ�mittee: Price, "The idea is ad excellent one:' said do it and issue them, owing to the Freshman elevens will be pr�ent.Coach Speik declared after the prac- Sales, Mor2"an. Leo F. Wormser, law, '06, who was fact that so many of the students, and 'the gridiron stars will'be - puttice that the .plays went off smoothly. Philosophy College of M-:n prominent in debating, both at Chi- especially in the first year, have not forward from t� ��owd to talk· �tter', Special attention is being directed Four candidates for councilor e cago and Harvard, "It would greatly yet completed their resignations. Be- the" "Old Man' finishe·�. A nuiB�r ofto the importance of falling on the Harvey E. Meagher, Albert D .• Hen- encourage the work in debating if sides the freshmen who have not graduate Maroon' athletes are e�­ban. Under the present rules, fum- derson, I. E. Ferguson and A. Sa- in this way all the clubs were to presented all their credentials, there peered.bles are 1l1Ore frequent than ever be- bath, were nominated at the meet- work together for the production are many whose fees have not been The seating capacity o� Kent Will 'fore, the forward pass giving .numer- ing of the Philosophy Col1ege of of a good University team. The men paid, and any list that could be pre- be increased (0 its. utmost on ihis oe­ous opportunities for players to' re- men,' but the result of the election would have a place to congregate pared now would necessarily be vl!ry casion, so that the scores of studentscover :J thrown ball. had not 'been' reported at the office where they might discuss subjects incomplete, and would require many who were turned a'Vay last time caDAll �"egulars, except Captain De of �he Junior dean at its hour for concerning debating in this or other changes before the election on, Nov- secure entrance.Tray, were 'out, and, though a few are closing. colleges. New men .would take an ember 7 and 8. . Final announcement of ar��·.till nursi,as: sprains and bruises, none Science Women Elect interest in debating, if they felt that Members of the Council say that it ments for trains' to Urbana ·for the.", . �" h The Science' Col1ege of Women it 'tal rt f U· it I'f was not th e intention of the code �rame. will be mao de at, . thiS time.IS m a conurrren serious .enoug to - . I was a VI pa 0 mversr y I e .. keep him out of the IIlinois game. held elections for the executive com- As it\ is, many of them come here that people whose registrations were SCIENTlS�S --TO IIB� 'BBR&'; :Steffen was drilled at punting for half mittee.. The results were: Chair eager to take up the work. but their not complete,. technica!ly, should' be .DU�NG THB HOLQ>AYs. _ .. _�IL1!Q�t.�[._cJV__..tnt..,.ii\o;�tULAil{Ub :���;-,,��� .. , Sla_� .. §p,�hJ_1;_ -S!!�retary� ardor- .is, chilltd· by ... he--Iacic:· �f'-en� kft__.olf-the· Iist, -·.·�'They- are.vallowed < - •• -_- .: - -;"'�-:"'7--'. I:' � .. _;-':-;�; :-C:��;'7 �'"ing this end of the game with Page, Miss Ella Martin; executive com- thusiasm. to vote in their divisions, payor· no ,Dclecat;ea f�m a,Jl � of tbe.,,�--_ ::';':'":;and it has not been determined who mittee : Mis·s Ken ney, Mable Mc "At most of the_ eastern colleges pay," said on.e of. the men who -. to Attend.�: at tbit: '>:., .. -� -:'�-will do the kicking in the Illinois Coy, Carlie Souter, Miss "Klinger, the general body. of students are �a; framed the code. "and' why.should it U�.' . -, - i: ,:-,�contest Saturday. Though Steffen- Miss Roberts; program committee: keenly interested in. the various inter- be .assumed that they are prevented Chicago .will !);the Mecca -Jor - ."will probably do the goal kicking, Miss Tucker; roem committee: Miss college and inter-collegiate debates from voting in their classes. If the scientists fr�in 'the whoie of the UIi�from present indications. the choice Kellog, Miss Hall,Miss Helen White; as they! are in the football games. lists of the members of the various ited States dUfing .the Chnstm3.of a punter remains as yet undecided, Literature Women IBut when a man ' feels that' to be a divisions could be gotten out, as they holidays, and during that: � tUDeThe tackle and guard positions also . At the meeting of the College of debater brings with. it no recognition were, for the Senior College Council two' of the large scientifie � as· ...remain as undecided as before the Literature \Vome�, three addition- of the time and ability so necessary election, I don't see why these 1i�t5 sociations 'of .Ame�� :will hold ses-, \,,_H· AI al new members were elected to th� f h' k h . ' could not have been posted on tl' c'Oosler game. I who were given or t IS wor. e, IS, to say the least. ' � . sions at the. University. and it', i.a chance to g.et into the fray did good executive committee, one to take discouraged. It is tru�, how�ve'r, that the deans' expected that three thousand d�le-work, and it will be a task to assort the place of Miss Ruth Hartwell, wh" "The debating clubs in the Univer- offices are not responsible for this, .1S gates -wilL be present, as well as se�- 'the men out so as to give one the resigned, ;md two others to be chalr- sity must organize with the common they ,only co-operate vlith the coun-:- eral well-known foreign scientists ..choice over the other. Never before men of athleti-cs and dramatics. Those purpose of putting debates on a hign cil.", The ·_-American· AssOciation for - thethis season have so many positions elected werre Miss MarY Phister. plane at Chicago. In my estimation The Senior dean's office promises .Advan-cement of' Science �II -hold.been so far from being filled. It is Miss Ruth AII�n and Miss Florenc.! there could be no better way of furth- the lists of the members of the two sessions _at the University, {ro� De-thought that in the Illinois -contest, Lawson. These offices will be as- ..ering this plan than to procure com- upper classes for today. - Nothing defi- cember 31. to January 4- This -is one .as in the Indiana, all the availabb sig1!ed at the next executive commit- mon club rooms on or near the cam- nite could be learned 'abOut the lists of the' most important societies ofline candidates will be used. tee meeting. which will take place pus." of the sophomores and freshmen. s-cientists in Ameri� having a mem-The Illinois backfield, with Petti- today at I :30, in I:-exington. TO ISSUE ADDRESS BOOK bership of ... SOO; of whom about haIfgr�w d G d .. Arts CoDege of Women ·11' ba' , 'an ar ner In It, is expected BEFO� THE END OF WEEK WI pr� bly attend. A reception' fOrto he fast Saturday. PettigTew. The College of Arts eleded d" PROFESSOR THOMAS TO t�e deleJr-ltes to the convention will'whose regular position is full back chairman, Ruth Kellogg, and as com- SPEAK AT WISCONSIN Student Directory, ConUin:.ac More be given by the university on Newis also a good man at quarterback: mittee members, Helen Rigg and than 2.200 Hames. to Appear Year's eve. �(essOr Coulter dwher h b' Lucile Jarvis. h .e e su stltutes for Sinnock. UnasuaJ� Early. c airman of the committee havin, a·'The lllinois line is made up of new Cbica&o Socioloaist to Addrea Coa- the reception of the deleptes i:f h CHOOSE TRAIN TO TAKE -tiOa· of .a---:_, CI----.!-�I The Un' er't addr ss book conmen or t e most part, and has shown .. _ � QIUQV- .. - IV Sl Y e • - charge. He will be :assisted b .. Pro-,ROOTERS TO CHAMPAIGN a-..:-.. .... -� t .. th d dd f 01lip especially strong thus far. But _ .. .,. at ....-un. alnlng e names an a resses 0 fcsor Charles R. Mann, chainnan of,,·th' th' the students of the University. wiII h -'1 e coaching of a number of Chicago Delecation to IDiaois Game t e committee on entertainment,' andalumni who are in Urbana for the Lea be isstloCd frC'm the Univers;ty Pres<; Professor Alexander Smith in cha�eto ft 6pd Street at 9:55 Professor W. I. Thomas, professor before the end of the week. This is .•express purpose of giving the men s. _- M .... mm. C. of rooms and equipment.I � " of sociology at the University of the : earliest a student address booleon t le team pointers for their posi- At the same time the Americant· ChiC3go. will be - clne of the speakers has ever been printed at the Uni- Ph·IOns. they will probably devclo:l The ,.. Ilological Association._ and Arch-Chicago delegation to the 11- at the third annU31 convention of the . Cconsiderably before next Saturday. verslty. �ological Institute of America -willR J:nois g;llllo': will leave at 9:55 Satur- American Sociological Society. whicl, O' t th I d t f' beports from downstate are to the wing o. e ear y a e 0 Its pu - hold its annual convention at the!cife"'t tl tIll· . (lay morning. from the 6Jrd stret't wilt meet at Madison, VJis .• the latter Iication, the list is not entirely com- U· .Abo, 1a mOls would rather bc:tt DIverSIty, 11t 500 mc;mbers ofChI""''' th L_ station of the Illinois Centra1. The part of December. His topic for dis- plcte, late remstrations not being in- thO .",go an any otll.er cleven on o· IS society are expected to attend.train will leavc the rlowntown 1111" cussion will be "What Conflict Stimll- I d d TI· 'd bl .its schedule, and will make a despcr- cue. loere IS a ccnsl era e 10-ff nois station at 9 :40. Fare of $5.00 lae are Present" in Contact Between crease in the number of names over Former Rqistrar Visi� UDl,eraitalt· C ort to turn the trick this year. :yfor the, round trip will be charged, Orientals and Occidentals." Other last year, there being n:ore than 2,200 Howard B. Grose, who (rom th�this hcing the regular rate to Urba- speakers wilt be Pre�ide.nt L. F. in the p:-esent book. founding of the Univ.ersity to 1895:na. The committee in charge tried to Ward of' Brown University. and Pro- was the registrar of the University.get a reduced rate, but was unable lessor John R. Commons of Wiscon- XaIaila Club to Entertain and from 1893 to 1895. was Universityto do so. The return tickets w'l1 ''''1 sin. Some of the most prominent The Kalailu Club plans to give iB recorder was at the University Yester­good to return the same evening or sOciologists of the conntry will also first party on SaturC:ay afternoon, day and paid a visit to Presidentany time within thirty days. be on the prosr.am. November 2. Judson.Y. M. C. A. to Meet TonightThe Y. M. C. A. will hold a me.et­ing tonight at i :15 in Cobb hall. Dean:\li1Ic.-r will ·�peak on the need forstudents to identify themselves withsome church while at school.! THE DAILY KAROO�. CHICAGO. )VEDNESDAY. -OCT. I&, 1907.DO YOU IDIOW that we carry an extensive line of Chicagopennants. wall-cloths and piUow��ov.ers; posters by Reming­too. Jessie Wilcox South. and other artists; and' manyotber things espeC'wly suitable for this purpose?GOP� DI8CORAGItD _ BYPOOR PLAY AGADlBT AIIB'80IIIIaI ................ .e ... u..... LMt Yeu'. ,;,::;... U� to Actor Gndaatea ia till· o-M ..:.--., � .... ToaC:w.... ia ConleE � c:oaaa-. �-WrpIowa CoDqe. Crowds.(Special to the Daily Maroon.)Th D Id Robertson players,Milmeapolis, MiniL. Oct, Is-The e. ona. . _coaches of the. Minnesota football among whom are �yeral former .U�­team are v.ery much disCouraged by versity' stars, are gtYIIII' matiDHSGa • k hi' eek. Moodaythe result of Saturday's game W:th at the mc t s' W.!h nted' "Rosmer-Ames and by the showing of the afternoon t ey prese .......... �I.- IIaI1 at tM C»- men.' Ames, completely and unde- soh lm," and yesterday ; � aft�R n,"The M· .. On Thursaa� os-eqo PcIKoIIa. niably outplayed Minnesota, and was rser, ,dr rev�nted from scoring one toucb- mersholm" will be repeated, an.. onk. Friday "The Triumph of . Youth w11lBu.cdptIoIa 'pdce. p.oo per , ... ,LOG Gown, at least, only through luc. .11 be thfor a .-aat.ba.' as� rece1:.. at The two field goals by George Cap- be the play offered. Th.ls WI. .M �aM � 0GIa. BWa Ball. or at tM len both from the twenty-five yard bst opportunity of wahlessang r., ,R be • "Th Mise� and "The1'aftlt.J IbcbaIip. CGMt IIa11. line, were the only scores made in 0 rtson In e" ,.. ', .the contest. Minnesota could 'not Triumph of Youth. Great I�rest !sgain consistently either through or sure to attend the production ('tL1JTIlIC.Il D. F&aNALD, IlaasclDc Editoc... h· b h elyaround Ames, being often forced to "Rossersh�lm, . w IC as so rarkick immediately after getting the been seen In this country ..ball. Standing apinst this was the The Robertson matmees havefact that Ames went around either proved to be quite an unusually �t-of Minnesota's ends almost at will. tractive feature- of th� season, and In-ASSIGNS DEPINITE DAT�Captain Shuknecht was the only terest has grown WI�h e�ery per-TO EVENTS IN THE BIBLEveteran in the game, all the others formance, a fact that IS evidenced by __.. h b (h f ul the box office statements., Mr. Rob-of U .�Warren D. Foster, Cole Y. Rowe, being under t e an 0 t e ac ty;. h. Dr. T� ,Ahunnaa m..- __ .. ",Safford, center; Case and Young, ertson has .slgned con.t�cts for IS..... _!- that" '12' • ..1- Jewish HistoryH.!l.rrv. A. Hansen, Jerome Frank, rb .... _ d t � ..... "--,tackles; Kiser, end; Atkinson, quar- appearance m nea y Ch.:;S an ownsW .. 117tb.. _ter arid Donahue and Robinson every Wednesday and Saturday, and, ,id fhalves. are at present out of it. Saf- the proj�ct presents ev�ry. e� ence ,,0 An at�itude which t r, kes direct, is-. . d h f I '1· substantial . success. BroWDmg's A.. . f hP. W. Pinkerton, Miss Esther Hall, I' ford has petihone t e acu ty, e arm- .I. . ," sue with the higher critics 0 t e. th ... d hi Blot on the Scutebeon, Cale •. d fi .tAlbert"D. Henderson.F.red W. Carr, mg at an injustice was one rm, '., II • • • .. Bible, and an effort to assign e DI e.. . b .. d b f I ·f h ·11 b d Young Rice s A Night m AVlgnon 'B.b'·"Raney B. FullerJr.A. L Fndstem, ut It IS ou t n I e WI e ma e, II ", dates to many of ,the I e events,II. ·bl d ·f h . -b ·11 b and Hauptman s The Coming of"R hI. Eo Fergusou. E. C. Hoadtey, e Igt e, an I e IS not. e WI e characterizes the work: -on esearcn-b 1- All th Peace" are slated for an early pro- . .. DWalter A. Ford. Howard J. Kenner out for the w 01C' season. e.'. es in Bibbcal Al·chaeology, by r.other men have a chance for r�n- duction at t�e �arnck by Mr. Rob-Olaf A. Tofiteen, issued recently by, I statement, but it is declared extreme- ertson and his p ayers. the University Press. Dr. Tofiteen,ly doubtful whether 'or not some of The Board of Mallagers of thewho took his Ph.D. degree in theb IIarooD Prea • -. L_ Convalescent Home for Women and. dPrbated b,. t e them will get bade Into tbe game.. summer of 1905, IS now connecte474 East 5Gtb Street •• k d d Children has made arrangements for . .. The team. IS not pIC e yet, an. . with the Western Theologjcal semi-can not be until it is known what the senes of four matinees. to bena .. C h given by Donald Robertson and his rye.Will happen to the veterans. oug -. .. In this volume the author begans. d Wood . k company dunng the week begllunng .hn, Harry Capron an nc are about ninety-elght years before thl!. • • f t-f Monday November II for the benefitfighting hard for the position 0 IC t •... '. flood, or about 3J27 B. C., and con-If· of the mshtutlon. The tsckets for. .At certain times in every college end. H. CaprQll was used at ha 10 tlnues down to 1050 B. C. The sec-.. h' the whole house have been turned . .. . ..),ear it becomes necessary to remind the Ames game, and Woodnc s ond volume will chronicle the pnn-. . '. over to' the members of the boa�.certain members of the work In that contest seems to gave . cipal names and dates down to the.student body that, the bUD - the CaU on Cougblin. Mowery a�d it is e��ted tha�. a �rg�. sumbirth of Christ. He points oat senrallibraries are meant for seems to· have -the other end held will be reahzed for the Institution.new cfiscoveries in Biblical archaeol.study, and not for p�- down. although Kjelland, who plays NEW' YORK IIDOSTBR ogy. which are expect.ed to make 'a, tice for' Public. Speak- il strong .game �t end, quarter, cen-l _PRAISES llOUNDErs GIJIT sensation.iog I� The new student wbose shrill ter, or in the back6eld, is pushing ._. -rhe ehronologiCJlI data for deter-whispers are interrupted by . �e. ir- him. -Sa,.. RoekefdlU: ia � L-6ac tile .Dining the dates of the patriarchs areritated rap of some busy studeat at SorensOn and OstrarJd are pbying World ill Bg!lW!l�d_ Gift. fully giVeIl in the Bibl�" says Dr.his elbow w11l understand that there the tackle positions witbout much for Edncatioaal Psaapowa Toffteen. _"The only difficulty is toare some present who are not inter- competition, but it is expected that find an imchallenged dat� W � JOuste�ted in the cloth of the latest go� both Case and. Young win cl� John D. Rocke£ellers recent gift flO down '0 the kinas of Israel and'Or the success of last night·s spik- themselv.es of the faculty condition of' $600,000 ,toward tile building of Judah, when they bad transa�onsinc. Guards are plentiful, but· Bandelin the Harper Memorial' Vbrary, was with other Iailds, the c:hronoloay ofSome day the University will add and Moistead seem to outclass the highly commended by Dr. Robert S. which' is settle4."to its cumculam a course on' "The others._ Dunn is' doing the passi�g, MacArthur of the Calvary Baptist Dr: Toffteen has worked with twoEthics of Study." Until that time. but there is a strong possibility that church of New York City. such chronolOC;ies-the Ptolemaicthose to whom convenational peri- either Dandelin or Kjelland may be Dr. MacArthur said Mr. Rocke- and the Limmu-Lists.patetics are a. necessary accompaai· giv.en the job at center. If it is Ban- feller had done a noble service in thi3 "The Ptolemaic canon is a work.ment to study will not act amiss in delin, either On�de or Ripley will get lat.est gift. for Dr. Harper was on:.: by Claadias Ptolemaic, an eminentexercsslng themselv.es in prvatc his position at tackle. of the greatest educators this c�n- Egyptian astronomer, who lived inrather than public. Chestnutt, Woodrick, Kjelland anJ try has produced. He combined in the second century A. D� and who.. Rademacher have been the caDdidat.es harmonious proportioa great busiaas fumishes in his canon of kings a listTO LBNGT� LAW COURSE for the quarterback position, and it ability with profound scholarship.' of Babylonian, 8ersian, and Greek.. • was a sarprise to the rooters wben ··In his contributions for edua- monan:�s, W he writes. "His catalogue.WIIIIDnOta to � Coane PtepU"- George Capron was nsed on Satar- tion and for missions and for nri- beginning with Nabonassar of Baby.:iDe for Bar Pive Yan. day •. Williams seems to feel that G oas humanitarian objects. Mr. Rocke- Ion and extending, to Alexander the'. . Caproa is needed som�where in the feller is leading the world.. Other Great aives the length of reign of'the law coarse at the Umverslty game, becaase of his kicking ability. millionaires might well follow hit each king of that period.of Minnesota will probably be in· and the score of the Ames contest example." said Dr. MacArthur. HIt has beaa teskd by scholars«eased from four to five years. on shows that be certainly was. from every point of view, aDd bas :nthe recommendation of the law G. Capron was trying for the placf' eftry Qile stood the test. It is there-achool faculty of that institution. opposite Captain Shuknecht, where FOUND VETERINARY COLLEGB fore reprdecl as one of the most ac-Candidates for the bar will be re- Harry Capron was used. Calahan carate chronological works be-. qair.ed to take two years· �ork in the and Habbard are other prominent Uaitallit) of u.ois tID ....... qftathecl to us by antiqaity.". colleges of arts and sci�nces. candidates for the ha!f. Rademacher lnatitatioa for 1'nIIIIiac II.. Dr. Toffteen attacks the theorywas used at full. althoagh Callahan la.pec_.. that the Jewish patriarchs were tri-The gridiron squad at Pennsylva. was considered the favorit.e for the bal myths. He holds the story of Ab-nia received a big shake-up when It position. The University of Illinois is to es- �ham fits in perfectly with the con-got oat for practice Monday after- t�blish a veterinary co1Jege in Cbia- temporary history of Egypt andnoon. The �ork of the regulars in Annapolis is making strenuous d- go as a part of the Uniftrsity in the Babylonia. Th� life of Joseph '5tbe Swarthmore' game was ansatis- forts to gd in shape to give Harvard near fature. The American Meat Pack- shown to be contemporary with thefactory to the coaches, and many of a Kare to get in shape to give Har- er's As�ation bas donated $2so,- great Sesostris III. of Egypt.them were relegated to the scrab�, nrd a staff of cooches working over 000 towards the e�n of the.'01' a time 'at least. Even Capt. Fol- tb.em-Dashiell. Reeves. . Kams and building, which. if the orichaal p.... Send in ,-oar subsciption to The�II and elt .. Capt. GTeene. the two Spencer of the Nay)", and Rockwen, are carried oat, will be the lDat i. Daily Marooa. Do it nowl"alf-backs, w.e� sidetracked by the Cates and eymouth of Yale being the the world. The traiainc experta illcoaches and meu from the second coaches who are' Whipping the Mid- cattle inspection will be especially SabKril»e for The Dail7 Maroon&aID ,M.t ia tJaeir pIaca_ dia iato 'Ptiaa tria. ....... _ De it ... 1IlAO YOU I'I1BD UP YOUR DB Yn'?MElWEOTISHJ": �DO YOU IDIOW that we receive a large consignment of theblest novels and works in senera! literature each month. andthat these are -always on exhibition on our lone table?.........Do YOU IDIOW that you can place with us subscriptionsfor all tlie �gazines, orders fordeveloping and printing pho­togRphs. or for engraving visitng cards?ftIB 1JlfIVBB.8r1'Y 0 .. CHICAGO PUSSRETAIL DEPARTMENTl"IlB8TOM F. GA88" Ne.. EdItor.IUlLVUi J •. ADAJIS. Athletic Editor.LOuIS 8. BERLIN, BaalD_ ......... er.THECOMINGFADHASCOME!ITIS TOREADTBBDAILYMAROONSAID -PAD ISCONTAGIOus.HAVEYOUCAUGHT IT?THEDAILYMAROONTHESTUDENTNEWSPAPERDELIVEREDTO YOURDOORBEFOREBREAKFASTEACHMORNING.Leave yourname �t The MaroonOffice. Ellis Hall,and know what's doing..�• • •Be Seal SAY!DOESCOLLEGESPIRITMEANANYTHINGTO YO'U?It can't, anles�'But Not·Head�ou are ODthe subscription'list ofTHBDAILYIiAROOIf.• • •...-- .�. •j'.. 'THIl DAILY �ROOH .. ,ClrtLAGO, .wEDN�SDA Y, OCT. 16, 1907. ---- - .------_stined to become a more truly na­tional. institution than . the privatelyendowed college, was the statementmade recently by President C. R.Van Hise of the University of\Visconsin in an address before thehave reduced the, price on a international dub of that university.number of desirable patterns; In this' connection, President VanHise said:rooters are hoping the Champaigneleven will he able to spring a sur­prise on the Maroons next Saturday., ,cago Press, Chieago and- � e.' :� o rk,Coaches Hall and Lindgre.n are' Ia- Thi I f eeleeti �.• • • •• ' IS new vo ume 0 se ectrons "orbonng diligently WIth their men try- II d h I I . - ,. . co ege an s-= 00 e asses presents to109 to work up some scheme to stop teachers of literature a Dew collectionSteffen. For years back all oppO-nents of the Midway squad had to of'-nineteenth-century F.ngJ�sh poetry.The collection is. well adapted forreckon on figuring to stop !!:ckersaU. classroom use, containing well ch�senHe has now passed, but in. �is place selections, carefull7 o��ize.d. A�looms another star, possessing many h' d h' I.._ h- , tors an poems ave �C11 � osenof the sa�e football attz:ibutes- both for' their ment and �for theirspeed of foot, cleverness- and ��r- significance i� the, histcjry of Eng­._-----.,_;...-------�.ous ability to kic� either tp � _'uu- lish literature. The book therefore and parallel passage�, or refc:mece to Ya'ie is said to have found the kick-ter or a field-goal ki�kef._ Oppon!nts them. to show the poet's literary re- ing star of the season- in Henry M.presents not only anthology, but :Lof the Maroons have now to figut::e 011 lationships and his way of handling \Vheaton of Ph, iladelchia, Reports,collection of godo poems, illustrative rhim. 'of the periods and' phases of the work raw 'material; (6) extracts from con- from the Eli camp says he is the bestPettigrew has shown some fine temporary criticisms 011 some of tho: seen at New Haven since the dave., of the individual poets, - and the rise, J-form as a- drop-ki�ker for the lIIini. leaders of n.ew literary moverneits. of Bull .. He has been doing good.growth .and decline of schools -of po-and Sinnock's work at quarter in 'A selected bibliography, adapted to work all fall for the. Blues, b, ut re-, etry. Entire poems h&ve been giVCll": o· w'reeling off the forward paSICS, has the neds of undergraduates, follows cently his right leg was wrenched. ' ., whenever that was. possible, and' thegrven hope to t_I_Je Champaigners that the notes. This material, some of so badly that the coaches fear hebulk of the book is made up of them.there may. be something doing on which is not elsewhere easily acces- will be out the balance of the sea->The limited number of extracts aretheir side of the battle before the last - I d· II· ibl b h . �.ible to college classes, will be wel- sen,whistle is blown. comp ete an mte Ig1 e y t em-selves. The author has wisely chosen corned b� teachers as an aid in pre-I----------------BIG CHARITY MEET PLANNBD the latest texts. occasionally giving senting to their stud�nts t.he thoughtearlier readings in the. notes. The and art of the poets studies and theIndoor EftIlts for J-aary Aa- notes have been kept within moderate literary life ofg their times.1I01IIIc:ecl for Coliaam .� limits. Biographical sketches, and The poems are -indexed hy authors,titles and fihst lines. The volume isOD SHADfS andIlif BROWNSWE HAVE T�EM ANDOTHER POPULARSHADES.100 styles at ho.oo100 styles at $50-00and 1300 betweenY - WHEN YOU AREs to announce : that the Newlens for Fall are ready forr Inspection. .of the Smartest of the Newves are in Single Patterns.'t this suggest an early visit?Woolens custom tailored in theems Way" -have an Individ­Style.. I be a pleasure to Show yout the Fall Styles will be. You't be asked to buy.for you-today.A. N. Jerrems, Manager.ILOR FOR YOUNG MENo Stores: 131 La Street, and44 J ackson BoulevardCOAL AND COKE,ChicagoJOSEPHINE GRAHAMMILLINERYIMPORTATIONS318 East ssth StreetChic:a&o -• Jerome W. EgbertDENTAL SURGEONSuite 167-161 State streeiSpecialist inYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for Students. •CHICAGOAMES HATS00 $3.00A fair deal with eftI7 bat.Opera Hats, Silk Bata.E. MADISON STREBT.Near La BaDe.BORDEN'S'densed Milk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.orden's Condensed Milk C<..327.329 E. Forty-seventh St.A. McAdamsTb.U.I .... I�••• F 1 0 .. ' • t.;..1JSB8: .• a4�Aft. Chlo.CoI,-'.r DOW. M.a,-ooD..Class Pins Our ·Specialty. .SAYS STATE UKIVBRSITiBs 'I��C ALE N'D A """. IWILL SURPASS PRIVATE• _President Van HiM of ........' �edn�sda7. Oct. 16. IPredicts'State IDatitlltialla WiD 10:Jo:-Chapel Assembly, The Divin-Become More Truly Natioaal. ity School, Professor Soares.(Haskell Ass.elD.;bly Room.)That the state university is de- 4 :3�The Women's Union. Busi­ness meeting to consider pro-posed chang.es to the constitu­tion. (Room IS� LexingtonHall.)7 :Is-Men's meeting, under the di­rection of the Young Men's NORTHEAST CORNERs81'H ST. AND D�EL AVE.BuiLtin, :tboroUCbly Overhauled and ReneovatecLLatest Modem Applliances for Ventilation and Sanitation.Rooms Licht and Airy, Newly Furnished, at Rasonable Rates.·Lunch . Counter and Restaurant attached, where the beat of evcry-thinK is served.Your Patronage SolicitedKEUffEL .. ESSD co.------01' BBW YOU:------(CobbChristian Association.Lecture Hall.)Thursday, Oct. 17."Our friends in the East are be- (0 :3�Mass meeting and cheer prac-corning perturbed at the great strides .practice for the Illinois gamewhich our state institutions are mak- (Kent Theater).ing, President Hadley of Yale and 10:3o-Chapel Assembly. The Junior C. T. CUNY {:, CO.Professor Lowell have said that the College (women). (Ma�del1 Established 1890.difference between the state �iver- Hall·) MANUFACTURING JEWELERSsity and the large private foundations 10 :3�Devotioilal Half-hour, con- and ENGRAVERS.is that the former is local in its in- ducted by members of the Di- 78-80 ,State StreetIluence, and the private institution vinity School (Haskell' As- Chicago.national and international. I hardly' sembly Hall.)agree with this statement. The state 4 :oo-The Sociology Club. Paperinstitution _ is becoming more and by Professor Thomas. (Roommore a national one. Figures show 2C, Cobb.) Phone Hyde Park 5713.that a state university like Michigan 8 :oo-The Fellows' Club, Election wIDTB'S ALBION CAFEfalls only two per cent short 9f the of officers and plans for work. List your Rooms With Us.eastern colleges in the number of (Cobb Lecture Hall) Rooms for Rent.students 'outside of the state attend- Friday, Oct. 18. 398-400 East Sizty-third Street·ng. The gap between the private and 4:00-The German Club, Vortag von Chicagopublic universities is beginning to be Herren Hans Gounod: "Goetheclosed rapidly, and' I even believe und Weimar." Classes in Ger-that in the long run the state nni-' ,man conversation. (Lexington-versity will become more truly ana' Hall)tional institution than the private. 7:30-10:30 P. M.�The Women's Un­foundatron." ion Social Meeting. All mem- )Bta\Uinl :Material.Papers and Blue Print PapersScales, T. SquaresTriangles, SurveyingInstruments, Inks, Etc.�plete eatakwae tIDCID �= LIbenl Dl8coanta to 8�ta =111 MADISON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.TeIeDhoDec MaID":�_bers of the University invited.(Room IS, Lexington HaIl.) Seniors--JuniorstSophomores--Freshmen.IIITake Notice!l!ILLINOIS EXPECTS TO WINRooters Look for Surprises in Bat­. urdaya Game. UN1V&RSITY PRESS NOTESEDcIWl Poems-The NineteeDth If you have any pride in yo�r � theChampaign, 111., Oct. , Century, by Walter C.' Bronson,ISo-Illinois 635 pp., 12100., cloth; net, $1.00, post-paid. $1.15. Library edition. net, $I.SO,postpaid. $1.60. University of Chi- - about to be shown in the GaUe'Jy of ,..THE· ART TEMPLE ..Exhibition.p8 East 6yd StreetOctober 12th to 19th, 1907, will be f-xceedingly interesting to �THE LARGEST AND FINEsT COLLECTION IH THE CITYOF DE� AN_D POSTER PICTURES WILL BE .ON' DISPLAYAND WE'RE GOING TO SHOW YOU THAT WE 'c;AN SA�YOU SOME MONEY.Consider this an Invitation to 'attend.SUBSCRIBBFOR·THBDAILYIIAROONDo it Now.AN ADV. IN THETHE' DAILY MAROONcriticisms by the -editor, have beenof duodecimo size. bound in brownsik and stamped with an ornamentalChairman Charles J. Zeller of the excluded, on the assumption that bio­Clthletic committee at the New IlIi- graphy can be better supplied by .1nois Athletic clu]>, is making plans history of the literature and criticism design.�or a renewal of the .annual charity b' ythe teacher. The notes includetrack and field games at the Coli- (1) explanations of words, allusions, Football coaches throughout the��um some time in Janaary, the event .etc., which the average college tu· east ar.e bending every energy to de­to be run under the auspkes of the d�nt may find obscure; (2) state- vclop the kicking side of the garn�.h:g Michigan avenue 'r.stiution. ments by the author or his friends With the advent of thl! forward pass,The event next year will be the which thro,w light on tlae meaning of which opens up the play and in­first in two seasons. Last year� be- a J)9Cm or give circumstances con- creases the chances of s�oring. somecause of the work upon the club- nectcd with the composition of 1t, �tronger method and sur.er groundhouse and many nece�!'ary demands or iIIustrat.e the poet's theory of po- gainer is imperative for the opponent.upon the officials •. it was found in- ctry and his philo�ophy of life. when 'While a good· deal of attention :snd,·isable to hold the meet. these can be given in his own words; paid to the punting. it is goal kickingHowe,"er. this season it is pro- (4) variant -:eadlngs of a few poems, that recc,ives-the hardest work of th . .!posed to make the event .even morcs such as '"The A_"cient Mariner" anrl gridiron mentors these days. Placeauspi<-ious. as if to make up for tl10 -rile Palace of Art." the reworking and drop 1r:cking are receiving antime lost by· the abandonment of Jut of which has special int.erest and sig- impetus. such as has been' unknown5easoa. nificance;Cs) q1IOtations, from saal"Ca for many a day:� IS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTEDl,�. TH2 DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16. 1907.Illinois'PRITZl SCHEPPIII tile Beat of an AmericaItComic OpenaIILL£. IIODISTE•iThe AuditoriumKLAW a ERLANGER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLELa Salle'THBGIRLQUESTIONThe Whitney" ...The II_cal WIDDer'A KNIGHT FOR A DAYJ.; '_' ._.l--The StudebakerWILL T� HODGEIn the New ComedyTHE lIARPROII HOllE, I.jf·1 ,The Grand.{:-1iIIONTGOIIBRY aDClITONE iaTHE R&D IIILLPowersJ.-pb W. BrOoD PresentsLILLIAN RUSSELL. .;McVickersLEW DOCKSTADER. and Ria GreatIIINSTREL·.The GarrickEDD'IEPOY.,.. 'lTU11'Colonial.:.Kid llama iI!a Geo. II. Cobaa'.1Iak:a1"_1'11& TALK OPJlhYOH� .,_ ... - -- ... ----.- . LockstecedIA8D 3.-» ALUllNI TO 'CAUTIONS SBIIIOItS TAID IN IIMtPBR IIBII01UAL . SET GOOD LEI DlDNKS INK '''.'I,IKE A CAMEli,�:'l'o load a ConkliD FountafJfPen. just dip It.Ink. press the Crescent,-Filler and see it .611 �tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's"is to it I No dropper-no m�o bother.·�anywbere-any time. v:Dr. Gaaillpeed 8eada Letten to DeaD � Am U ... · a--Qndaates AUiDC CoDtribatioDS IDeIl to take IDtenst ill KeepiDcLib...,.. FelJow StDdeDts Strai&bt.._Work of sending out three thou- That many a student ,has fallen intosand letters to alumni of' the Univer- temptation and crime because nobodysily. soliciting subscriptions to th� cared what he did or what became ofHarper Memorial library. was begun hi·m was the state�nt made yester­yesterday by Dr. Goods�d. I.t.:s day· morning by Dean Shepardson atnecessary to raise $100,000 In addltlOll the chapel exercises of the Seniorto the $100,000 already on hand to. colleges. That his fellow ctassmensecure the $600,000 offered. by JOh.n are responsible in such a C3$e was theD. Dockefeller. The letter says In further statement made by the speak-part: er."In making th� effort to secure this "An awful responsibility rests onfund the University is influenced by the older student� in furnishing antwo motives. It wishes to erect a example to the yo�ger men andworthy monument to its late yreat women," said Dean Shepardson.President, and every alumnus muse "They are looking to you upper class­sympathize with this desire. But be-men for guidfmce, help and inspira­yond measure, the library building it tion. Think of the unspeakable bit­is proposed to erect. But beyond terness that wo.uld be yours if, atthis it needs, beyond measure •• thesome time you were forced to realizelibrary building it is proposed tothat some word or action of yourserect. This need. is so great and ur-had turned a man or woman on th�gent that it cannot be stated too downward path."strongly. We hope ior both these Dean Shepardson also urged h;':.reasons that we may have the co-hearers not to forget the debt theyoperation of every former student of owed their parents. "If we realizedboth the old University and the new. the sacrifices and anguish whichIt seems as though we might reason-most of our parents have endured forably expect at I,�ast to ha.ve everyus, we would pay more attention toclass represented, Indeed It seems them" he declared.to me as though .every class might 'well be ambitious to lead all the CLUB ADDS AUTOKOBILEclasses in the amount of its s�bscrip- CLOCK TO ITS TREASUREStion for a memorial to President'Harper or for a University librarybuilding, even though it was not to CONKLIN'S �GII THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT.FILL£IIe,.,'can be filled instantly without the least inconveni�could fill it with white kid glo.ves· on witho.ut .lIOiling. Besides its convenience. is the splendidqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.Le.dJac dea1era haDcUe the CoaklJn. If yoan does .it,dJnct. Prices. $100 ADd up. Seo4 at 0DCe for haDdaome DeW'!he eo..tia Pea Co., 310 1I ...... Ho BLIi .. To ROOTITo. MalI1UncSamuel Harris & Co. Fromthvusan-ooterssity clehne inmarch;theater:\. strcrowd (accomp:. the metroon stto be !accomp:Saturtla:aud.euciintend Ithe chetThe Isided 0ton andhe an uit will 1excitemChicagomembermen of·}JTt'SehT,peeredThe twill takbana, a:regard tVarsityII ACH I N 1ST S· AND MA NUF A CTURE'RS'ToOls and Supplies.�3 and 25 Sou t b C Ii n ton S t r e e tCHICAGOYour attention is called to the men� of ALBERENE ST, ..LABORATORY TABLE TOPS and SINKS, F.LOORING fo(HOODS. DISECTING and OPERATING TABLES, :CLOSET and SHOWER STALLS, in fact where ever an A�.PELLENT STONE is required.. It is used in the following�.URIVERSITES and COLLEGESs CHICAGO. NORTH<IIIRNESOTA. . WISCONSIN. MICHIGAN, NEBRASKA; \FORNIA. WOOSTER, YALE, PRINCETON, CORNELL aDd .U inter_ted a postal will bril!g a sample for testa. ;. ';ALBBUHB STon COMPANY54-60 N. Clinton St.Chicago. IlLbe a memorial, Peculiar Time Piece ReceDtly Pur.chased. Puzzles the Members­Some Advance Reasons."This is such an extraordinary oppor;tunity to carry to quick and large The Reynolds Club has purchasedsuccess the effort to build a suitable a new clock, and an automobile onememorial of our beloved Dr. Harper, at that. No longer will Mr. Englishand at the same time secure for the be bothered by pestiferous time seek­University a much-needed and splen- ers, No longer wilt Charlie stampdid library building, that we must im- the time upon' a slip of paper to satis­prove it, We enter at once on �e if· the many members un suppliedwork o.f personal solicitation, We With Ingersols, "But why an auto­need $100.000 more than we have to. mobile clock?" the many ask. "Wouldavail ourselves to ' the full of Mr. not an ordinary chrono.meter do theRockefeller's offer. And this' we deed?" Such a question shows igno­must do. We must haee every dollar ranee of the. R.eynolds Club. As oneof that $600,000. We feel sure the of the members p�t it, the club nee Isalumni will help us. We appeal to a sixty-horse power clock to keep upthem with confidence." th� fast pace. it is setting. Stitt· an-other member volunteered to suggestDELTA. UPSILON TO HOLD that it ·is to. make Mr. English happyCONVENTION AT JllNNESOTA as he imagines he smells the gaso­line. Whatev�r the cause is, it isDeJecatea from .n - Oftr' the UDitei enough to say that Mr. English is'States to lleet at lliDaeapolis t.appy in the thought of the peace andTomorrow. rest that is now his due. . ROBERT STAEDTER C,:'·'ISS State Street . ' ' .:,:Between IIadison aDd Monroe.Phone Central 5334-��flfi� FURS,SUITS.COATS·SKIRTS,IIILLIN¥YOur Prices are the Low�est for the Best Mer­chandise of our well­known Reliable. andDurable Q�alities.Ladies' and Misses'Suits $18.50 up.Fur Neckwear from$3-75 up.Hats from � up. The pof the'The national convention of theDelta Upsilon fraternity wilt be held UNIVERSITY lIEN TOat the University of Minnesota to- ATTBND STATE IIBETmorrow and Friday.Many famo.us men, including Dr.E. Benjamin Andr.ews, of the Uni- Four lIemben of UDiftnity Y. II.versity of Nebraska, and Governor C. A. to ReplaeDt Cbica&o atHughes of New Yorlc, members of Rock IsIaDcI Nat Week.the Delta UpsiHon, will be presentand wilt give speeches.The l;th will be devoted to the Four members of the Universityregular business of the con��ntion. Y. M. C. A..-M. F. Carpenter, ReneThe next evening will be the scene of Reeve, '\yesley Grills, .R. U. Hetehens WANTED-An experienced solititor;an elaborate banquet, at which Presi- and M.' H. Wheeler. '",iII attend the advertising experience pre£erred;dent Northrop' will giv.e the address state convention at Rock Island next good position. Inquire at Maroonof welcome. .week. office.Extensive preparations for the re- The Illinois associations will hold 1_' _ception of large numbers of visitors their thirty-fifth armual state conven- WAN1'ED-College men with col­are being made by the local chapter tion in the First M. E. church, in lege spirit; only those loyal to theof the fraternity. The head-quarters Rock Island, October 24-21. The Alma Mater, 'to subscribe to Thl"for the delegates will be at the West first s�ssion will be held on the af- Dail)' Maroon. Do it no,," 1House in Minneapt'lis. temoon of Thursday the 24th,. hold- The Uaiftnity Emplo7JDCllt Bureau W ANTED-Students to,Office hours, 9-11 a. DL Clewood Rolier Rink,·",worth Ave. Every �Sal. and Sun. Afte� ter areOct. �HarrietOct.Mi�s HeNov. cbers.Nov.Dr. WilNov. �·,Jf, Mi�No,',Home. :nee. -4:\li�5 Genee,:'\li5S R('At theDean HIaddrc�5C\Va,,: "T�onal RGirJ� 01talk wasrl05t"(� hfrank all"ard rdPositions are open for five YOUD�women. Board and room in re­turn for assistaoce at housework.Saturday work assigned Thursdays. season.TYPEWRITERS for Sale_SlI«ial rates to students;in re-built machines. W.head. J6 La Salle Stfftt;,SPAf.JTSH-1f you are iit, and. liv.e dose to the.o.f Chicago. drop me ata postal:" can �Ave. 0.1' 'phone HydeSr. Francisco Ranos.------ ing thereafter, a forenoon, afternoonCourse books should be left. at the and evening session, for the nextrespective dean's office not later than two days, with a mixed program, be.noon today, so that the books may be ginning at 9 a. < m.. and ending atposted up to date by the recorder's 9 p. m. for Sunday, the mh.office. The opening addresS will be mad�,-the evening of th� 24th by Hon. S.Forty women from Syiacuse UiIi- R. Van Santy Ex-Gonmor of Min-venit,. �t to Buffalo to see the aesota. � will laaye a. _bject.._Carlisle .... last Sahn'a,.. • �1ftIIIiedI eca..,. Patri0d8a .. What' ., Goinlt On?;Wa..tchThe DAILY'ltAR ,.Y�'t Afford To Do Withoat 'J(Subscribe Now I0IiceJ,