,-Baily,,I tlA. .. •••'.. .','.. .. .., ,,'.... � .. . ..amnnPrice Two CentaVol. VI. No. II. CHICAGO, TUESDA Y, OCT. IS. 1907. ,LOYALTY IRTBUST DBBAmG I REGULARS IIVEI, STIFFWORI DESP1TE SORElESSHis Addition Means 10 Points in to force any other to wear certainEvery Meet-Holds Several Dis- clothes or insignia. No official partof the University has ever condoned� foolhardy act," said Dean Lovett"Jimmy" Lightbody yesterday de- yesterday in Junior Chapel.darcd his intention of corning out for they wear green caps.the Varsity track team for the winter' Dean Lovett spoke', of loyalty toand spring meets. He has held back the University. and condemned the011 his decision, owing to his uncer- actions of students who do thingst a inty in college after this quarter. which' reflect upon the reputation oiLightbody's' addition to the VaT'_ the school, or who for personal gainsity Squad makes it certain of ten give out information of things whichpoints in every meet, from the; first the press is too willing to distort indual affair to the Conference next such a way as to injure the name ofJune. In the mile and half mile runs the University.he is in a class by himself, and his He said: "The University was Besides having a pompadour, '\'111-endurance also will enable him t'l Founded in defiance of all academic liam Francis has a big responsibilitycompete as a member of the relav traditions. Whereas at Chicago a in directing the fortunes of the Rey­quartet as well. "Deerfoot" has not man may matriculate or graduate at ooids club as president, a responsibilityrepr-zscllted the Varsity on the track, four different times in the year,. tra- which he meets to .the satisfaction ');since 1905, when he romped away dition at other schools start in, Oc- everyone. Bill plays football andwith the Conference mile and half tober and end in June, or wait until is an expert at running proms andmile events, and established record .. the next 0ctober or -june. automobiles. Having been presidentin both that have not been equaled "Chicago has traditions of her own, of pretty nearly everything, Bill issince. This was. the year, .that ,the I .to graduate and seek other� despite the popular notion t}lat s ie going •Varsity team won the championship. is too young. Young as the Univer- worlds to conquer.and Lightbody was on the relay sity is, it has its martyrs-men whoteam that captured the banner. gave their lives that the UniveraityAt that meet, he ran the miLe in might live. Loyalty to". these menoJ :25 and rhe half mile in 1:57 2-5, and to' the studelltS� and: dfficialsi whobr���in, g the mile�. !�"c, ord-, ,�y. "four" . . .' :.'_,.. 'i�' :"':"L'_ .- have, ,sur.ceeded��ouN""''_''''''_''''',seconds and the half record by one U. -..students loyal �to the mversrty.second, A month before he ran on •Chicago has promoted a spirit of in-the winning Maroon relay team at divieluality and a <feeling 'that withinPhiladeiphia, and reeled off his quar- With the preparation yesterday ofthe bounds of order and moralityter mile in :50 s-s. the list of the members of the Sen-a man may do as he pleases, But thisHe entered the Olympian games' ior classes, political activity in re-spirit shan not be an endorsement of ' _during the summer of the same v.ear. gard to r the class elections began.J the action of any students in dictat-and captured the world's champion- According to the code for the con-ing the conduct of any others in anyship in the I,SOO-metre event, and ina trip through Europe entered a num­ber of meets, where he won all hi�races without much effort.tance Records. "No group of students or depart­ment in the University has any rightUCHTBODY .10 COME OUTFOR VARSITY TRACK TEAM URGB& TRUB'Dean Lovett in Junior College ChapelTells of University's TraditionsAgainst Violations of Rights ofPersonal Liberty."Deerfoot" Decides to Make His Re·appearance-Will be Seen BothIndoor and Outdoor.matter whatsover,"In speaking of the honor system,Dean Lovett said: "Although Ch;-cago is not advertised as prornulgar­L1St winter. "Jimmy" appeared on ing the; honor system, yet it is appar­the track again. and won the one- ent all through, the University, andmile Open race at the First Remmento· breaches are promptly and vigorouslyAnnory meet. His time was 4 :25,which set the record for that track.This performance is looked upon asindicating an improvement on his wear green caps, Dean Vincent said,part, and it was said that, had he run yesterday: "The. attitude of the Uni,out of doors instead of indoors, he versity has always been the same to­would have covered the distance�Iose to 4 :20. punished, ,.I nterviewed about the command ofthe sophomores that the freshmenin ward crossroads, back woods, smallcolleges, and rowdyism. We will notARTS AND LIT TO ELECT to!erate in anyway any effort on thepart of a group of students to""-_ J . Co''-- coerce or' intim. idate another groupA wv UlUor ..... 5� to Elect theirExecutive Committees Today into anything with which· they are notentirely in sympathy:'-Professor Zueblin to Lecturecontcst. MEN YOU MEET AT THEMIDWAY.I. WiI!!am FranciS Hewitt.START CLASS POLITICSDean's Clerk,'s Preparing Lists ofMembers of" DiHerent Cla&ses to-�·oe-�I'Qif�'IiiiD\ear�ID2';tiODS to be Made Next Week.duct of these elections, arranged lastMay by the Senior College Council,these lists should have been "postedlast week, but the' deans say this wasimpossible, and always will be in theautumn quarter."In the autumn," said Mr. Lovett,dean of the Junior Colleges, "thereare so many _new students, and ofthese so many have not completed(lie presentation of their cr,edentials,that it is impossible for us to get outthese lists thus' .carly m the case oithe freshmen and sophomores. Fur- Get a Rat.Freshman Debate with NorthwesternAgitated-Varsity :M� Workinc':"":Fencibles. Pre-Lela1 Club, and Director Stagl is Wary of DliDois'Claim to Weak Team-BacbStump 'to Co-operate.Freshmen debaters are displayingmuch interest in the proposed plan of Prospects for winDiDC all Scheduleda freshman debate with Northwestern Games are Fair-Indiana ContestUniversity. The 1911 men, in whose Full o� Surprises.minds still linger memories of stir-Soreness from Saturday's gamering forensics, delivered before high with Indiana was no excuse for theschool audiences, are busily inspect- Varsity line men, and Director Stagging old and battle-scarred manu- had them out for a stiff scrimmagescripts. hoping to receive therefromwith the freshmen squad. None ofinspiration for the University con-them showed ill effects of the con-test.test, and went through their practiceThis plan, for a Freshman debate in brisk fashion. The regular backswith another institution, is an inno- and ends were allowed to rest up,vation at the University of Chicago, Sunderland and Ferguson ' playingFreshmen have always been eligible halves, Worthwine full back, Cham­for places on the regular University berlin quarterback, and Schommerteam, but competition with men in and Bauer ends.the upper classes has made their Director Stagg is: now lookingchances slim. Because of this,' tho: forward to the contest 'wi,th the Hli­new men not infrequently become nois team, 'which Will be' played atdiscouraged, and neglect debating en- Urbana ne;t :Satu�day. The men ontirely, It is with the hope of encour- ll� team are ni)t' over:c6nfident be­aging and improving Fr.eshmencause of the defeat by the freshmenspeakers that this plan has been; pro- of the 'Orange and 'Blue - regulars.posed. � They feel that' the resu�t is a ruseSuch a debate is held ai1nu�lIy be- on the part- of �l1e, Illinois 'squad,tween Freshmen of Harvard and. especially .since the student body' isYale, where members of the Fresh- now stronger than ever in the pre­men teams often become: members of diction' that their team will win thethe University team before the' .en�1 game Saturday. -".,"of their four years. It has not been .deeided when thenle prospective candidates for, the Yarsit,. ,team: \¥ill )�v�·. fo!, :' P'r-bana... ·deb�t;'�'-��··.· �': " - �:"�������:�.,�ously g��h;;;'ihn;�mat�'r�l: Refe����es the;:'wiii go Friday momine: I,f DOt,have been 'set aside on a table in the the trip will .not .be taken u�ti� Sat­general library, and here the future urday m�ming, � when 'the de'le�tionCiceros may be seen reading page af- of student rooters will accompanyter page of articles dealing with the them. The refusal of the railroackcontrol of large corporations. The thus far, to grant special ex'cursiontrials for the' debate will be held duro rates for the game is expected toing the first week in November. keep a' number from going to theIn addition to these intercollegiate game. Many are hold:ng back oJ!and inter-freshmen debates, inter- their plans in the hope that the COI1'!­college debating will' be- emphasized. I'any will give in to the'i'r demand.Plans are Ion foot to unify the vari- "Jimmy" Sheldon watched theous debating societies in the Varsity: practice of the 'Varsity yesterday,.so dividing the work and policies of ;�nd declared that Chicago's -chancesthe different organizations as to are �nus�aJ]y bright this year, 'whenbring- about quarter co-operation. the caliber of the other WesternSuch;' dtibs as the Fencibles, the Pre- teams is taken into consideration.Legal, and the Stump, are purposing Hoe said that the work of t�,e �a- -to readjust their work along these roon team was a surprise to him fro�Iines, every standpoint. He left for Bloom, �ington last night.The result of the Indiana game,makes the Varsity sqnad 'iook as iiit may win all the (.ontests on itsschedule with opponents. Though thetrue strength of the liIinois teamwas not apparent' ,in the gam'e withthe first-year eleven, the llIini an botthought Iikel� to win over tbe Ma­rcons next Saturday. Minnesotad�s not appear to be the team ;twas last year, its failure to cross theis to be paid to the 'Amcs goal making Chicago"s chancesI n previous ,y.ears ,meetings ofthese organizations have conflicted scthat'membership in one precludedffiembership in any other, and thenew plans will prevent ihis over-lap-ther, a man·s registration is not con·sidered complete until he has paid allhis fees, and t;J1ere are still a greatmany who hav.c not attended to thi5ping. From now on, the variousmatter. I f we posteel these lists now,..we !'hould be compellcd to issue re- clubs Will pay more attention to the. , - developmcnt of future Unl'v"rsl'ty\'Ised lists from now on because Of ...the addition of those who pay the;,' debatcrs. The idea is to make these. societies s.�n'e as stcpping stones forfees, and otherwise complete theirVarsity teams.registration. It is pr:)hahle that weGreat attentionshall have th.� lists un hy the emlsocial sid� of these societics, and it iiof the week, howcver.·'A I' I I of tllC Cotln- hoped that suitahle rooms may be pro-."CC(lf( lIlg to t Ie p :111cured on tllC camplIS. Thes.c wI'11 '0'cil th.� clas� are ddinl'd a� follows' Cenjoyed in common by all the clubsbatin� head(,uarters, to be used not('nly at thc time of mceting, but asclub rooms for th.c various organiza­tions. ,It is belicved that this planwould give a. rcmarkable impetus t)the dehating interests. rosy.The Purdue fight is Icoked upon tobe th.e easiest game on the Midwayschcdulc. F\Jrdue, through Its ele­feat by Wabash Saturday, appears tobe weak this ycar. Carlisle look�strong, as shown by its victory overSyracuse, and will keep the Maroon�on the jump all the time. The In­dians are a hard team (or any eleV'ento beat.The punting game that the HOO9-Both Arts and Literature will holtII . Church History Club Meets� t·CtIOr.S this morning for membersf h The Church History Club will hol1o t c cxecuth'e committee to repre_ 'sent tl '. ;t meeting in South Divinity Pcirlor,' l(,lr respectlye colleges in th� . .Junior Co '1 I on l1mrsday at 8 p. m. The tOPIC IS:uncI. n the Collegc ofI iteratllr b "Thc Latter Day Saints." by Mr. J.. . e ut one councilman still I •holcJ" 01;- JI' �1. �hn!'., . ICC. lIS term does not ex-pirt· for... tl.. no lcr qUarter. Four COUll-('il1ll('n ta' b._ tnam to e elected, one for Prof.�ssor Zucblin' w;n deliver his than SC\'en majors,('"c flU:lrter and thrce to hold office next lecture of the series, "The Com- Sophomores-All stt1(L�nts ha\'in;.rduring two quarters. In the College r . I' rt I I ,.mOil .Ife;' on Thursd::y c\'cning. in not ess t Ian scvcn:lIl css t Ian :Iof Arts tl' ., Ie ('nttre execut,,·c commit- �r asonic Temple, comer 64th strect majors.trc will h... ltd I' .� c ec e t l1S mornmg. In and I.l·xington avenne. Juniors-All studcnts having notboth coltcg.�s the executive commit- less than IS and less t!lan 24.tre :lets as reprcsent:.tives at the Carlisle won from, Syrac�lse by a Seniors-All nnelcrgradnates ha\'in.;r('Ollncil mcctings. ..core of q to 6 last Satmelay. East-124 Or more majors.ern critics say di'at the Inelians dill Nominations may he maele next\\';t1tcr n. FlIlghn�, '04, \·isit.�d the not show their full strength in this (Continued on page ... >carnpus yestcrday_ Freshmcn-AII students ha\'ing lessand their members, as a sort of de-The regents of the University of _Minnesota have refused to introducea course in journalism. (Continued on paR'e 3) " �'_ ... I!'.I.-.. ......,Tile UalyeD1Q of CIaIcap .�.........Tbe ."'7. Oct. 1. 1tI2.Tbe DaIQ. Oct. 1. 180:1... tend u ............. Mall at &M CIaI­cap �t�I"RESTON F. GA88. Ne.. Editor.KELVIN J. AnAllS. Athlet1c Bdltor.LOUIS S. BKBLIN. BualDeea .llaDqer.Warren D. Foster. Cole Y. Rowe.Harry A. Hansen, Jerome Frank,tr474 East 55th StreetPh_e Hyde Park a.ll��II ,What'.the, 'Use?;.,.":.,,',er'!�.., ways, aad aeed IIOf'k:�patecs in B. Smith.petty dau spatteriDp. For thOse en- IO:JO--Junior �lIege �eetiqs.'cumbered with supl" physical ener- Arts Col.lege (�en). Room S.Ellis.Arts .CoILege (women), Room2. Lexinaton.Literature (men), West Room.Kent.Literature (women), Room 6A.Cobb HallPhilosophy (men), Kent The­atre.Philosophy (women), Lexing­ton Library.Science (men), East Room.. Klent Chemical Laboratory.Science (women). Room J,Lexington �ib:-ary.Wednesday, Oct. 16.10 :3o-Chapei' Assem&ly, The Divin­ity School, Professor Soares.(Haskell Assembly Room.)7 :15-Mell's meeting, under the di­rection of the Young' Men'sChristian Association. (CobbLecture Hail,) ,.....Tbursday. Oct. 17. ' .,pcal £oIIege10 :3o-Chapel Assembly, The Junior ca..lf,_ a"",I'Aa'uCollege (women). (Mandell...... auu .,.,.Hall) The famous Brokaw Col-10 :3o-Ilevotional Half-hour, con- lege models take the eye 01ducted by members of the Di- ev.ery college man. Nattyvinity Slchool. -, (Haskell As- fabrics. Natty shades.sembly Hail.) Every new "kink" in cut.dents.It may not be entirely out of placeto compliment ourselves on a some.what unique feature for a collegepublication in "beating" the metro­politan dailies on the story of thefootball game Saturday night, atleast so far as the South Side wasconcerned An hour and a half after BAVB. YOU ,IiID U'Pyoua DB YB'r?DO YOU KNOW that we carry an extensive line Af Chicago ':pennants, wall·cloths and pillow-covers � posters by Reming-.tOD. J�ssie Wilcox Smith, and other artists; andother things espedally suitable for' this purpose?DO YOU KNOW that we'receive a large consignment of the �latest novels and works in g.enera! literature each month. and -,that these are always on exhibition on our long table? ;DO YOU KNOW that you can place with us subscriptions ,�rfor all the magazrnes, orders for developing and printing pho- '!�,tographs, or for engraving visitng' cards? ,-')6TIll: UHIVBRSITY 01' CHICAGO PUSSRETAIL DEPARTMENTa.ciaI ........... Ice&l- ., ... 17 ......u;, of CIaIc8p.. fa. we sagest;. courSe under the"Old Man;" for the. energetic oneswith gift of pen, English I or TheDaily Maroon; for the loud-mouthedbraggers, debate and oratory. Forthe tyro' UaiYersity maD-for the"kids" of all ages-we suggest ob­servanee for a wbile of the old politi­cal adage: "Eyes open-mouth shut­hands oB ... 'A frank �P on the side to the am­bitious freshman: Whether or not8abecriptiOD price. $&,00 per ,ear; 11.00 you believe in them. it is well to befor a __ lbL H ..... rlptlOM recelyed at rather inconspicuous in class contro­&M IIa.rooD CMIee. IWJe Ball, _ at tIM versaries that may arise of any kind;raeult7 EuJaaDp. Colllt BalL thus may you observe the Scripturaladage, and your days may be long :GLUTHER D. FIWNALD, ManSClq Edltol'. the land of the faculty-favored stu-the two elevens left the field, copies. of the football extra of the Daily�. W. Pinkerton, Miss Esther Hall, .were on sale on the campus and inAlbert D. Henderson.Fred W. Carr, Ithe hands of subscribers, while down­Harvey B. FullerJr.A.l.. Fridstein, town sporting extras with meagerI. E. Ferguson. .. E. C. Hoadley, statements, did not arrive until aWalter A. Ford, Howard J. Kenner couple of hours later. With improved tion are most cordially invited to at-faeiliries, during future home games, tend a dance to be given in the W 0-at least, extras may be expected with, man's Union Club room in Lexingtonin half an hour after the close of the ha'U, on Friday, October 18, at 8w.\�legeAlnDaiCoUege of Education to Give DaDce BrokawStudents of the College of Educa- For fall and winter; wealthof snappy styles. Suits, PADY - WlIBB YOU'This is to announce that theWoolens for FaD are readJ70ar Inspection.Some of the Smartest of theWeaves are in Single PattenILDosen't this suggest an earlJ .Fall WooleIJS custom tailored •"lerrems Way"-bave anuaI Style.It wiD be a pleasure to shOwwhat the FaD Styles will be.won't be asked to boy.Ready for you-today.�f CIa!Paper(Room Alone Hyde Park 5713.WHITB'S ALBIOB' OAnList 7OQI' Rooms With U ..RoOms for a-t.391-400 Eat Sizt7-tbird Street'CbicapMOI'gaD Park lIakes Bi,t ScoreLECTURERS AND CLUBS Morgan Park academy ran up wbatTuesday, Oct. IS- is likely to' hold as the record score3:15-The Junior Mathematical Club. of the season, when it defeated theOpinions about underclass and in- Asst. Professor Slaught will heavy army men hom Fort Sheridanterclass activity at this time of yeat: speak. (Room I� Ryerson.) to the tune of 92. to 0 ,in halves ofare drifting in, pro and ,5 :oo-The Botanical lIab, "The On- only 4tO and 10 minutes. Allen, play-con. From. the energetic gill of Angiiosperins," b)' ing at right half for the academyfreshme.,n's . point af Professor Coulter. (Room boys, made four touchdowns on runsview, the class of 1911 21C. BotaD.Y.) of over 60 yards.is showing the "realest" 7:00- The Student Volunteer Band. Icollege spirit of any aggregatiQn tha: (League Room, Lexington ---------------ever approached the Midway; from a Hall) - _._Sconservative faculty view -point, the Wedllesday. Oct. 16.first and second year men are evi- 4:3o-The Women's Union. Busi-�encing considerable foolishness by , ness meeting to consider' pro-�dulging in crude interclass sputter. posed mang.es to the constitu-mgs. Between the two extremes the tion. (Room 15. Lexington,general student body stands. HaD.)But whether one approves or dis­approves of the present ebullition ofc�ass . enthusiasm in sundry publicdirections. the average upper-classUlan is inclined to smile sardonicallyand pass on with a muttered "bo, c;�II be bovs," !Iys, conv1Dced that they arelikely to g t .e over It when older. Sofar as h� is concerned, the' senior sees�o �rticular. indiscretion in a fnsh­an s attra�tlOg. a littLe notoriety ina harmless Juvenale pa�time, .However, he hesitates to berthat an' leve. y organa zed attempt is be'Ihade t . . 109o maugurate, any of th daucont�ftrsies tbat h eh ave done sDchal'll_' to colleges in the eyes of thesens • .,le people of th'J e country Mones of 0 hk h . f'.S os forgets that the.\,erage ,college graduate .per Cent better . IS a fifhtbe mere h' h workmg force tban. Ig school rna bhkely to eh . h ' n, ut he ISthe ens any yellow yarns innewspapers that first­are treated to ind" year menman' fi . Ignlty and that as rst year IS 'his way into th wasted In fighting, Chi . , e college circle.<:ago Splnt is so h'than the ub 11 met Ing deeperother I u y-ragging" of men ofc asses. The Ispirit' . . rea ChicagoIS mlhtant for an .benefits th U' rthlDg thate nlversit dmilitant. y, an equalbd. against anytbin& .•ItlCredit th M' ..... t maye Idway alFirst OT IDa mater.second year enthusiasmQQ he 1rise17 eIi---­-� .. � ia a ... of Thursday, oes, I,.4 :oo-The Sociology Club.by Professor Thomas.2C, Cobb.) _.8 :oo-The Fellows' a�b: Electiouof officen and plans for work.(C_obb Lecture Hall)Friday, Oct. 18..":OO-The German' O:ab, Vortag vonHerren Hans Gounod: "Goetheund Weimar." Classes ia Ger.man coDyersation. (LexinstOftHaIL)SOCIALSun clay, �t. 13-IO;.ts-Orpn Recital, MisaReider. Edith :I I :oo-The Uniftnity Relicious Ser­vice. The Rey. James GoreKine McOure, D. D., Presi­deDt M�Cormick TheologicalSeminary, University preacher.Monday, �t. 14-10 :Jo-Chapel Assembly, The DiYiD_ity School. Professor Soares,(Haskell Assembly Halt)4 :oo-lDformal meeting of Collegeof Arts (women), Senior Attswomen invited. (Room 15.Lexin&1on.�Tuesday, On. IS-IO:2iO--Chapel Assemblia. The Se­Dior, CollqeS, MancleD HallThe CoIleae ot Education.(Room 21... EmIllODS BlailleHaD.) Auocia_ � G.. ' o'clock p, m,SUPPLIESFOR UNIVERSITY HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS.New aDd SecoDd HaDel..BJ5W11=t1J415 E. 57th StreetNext to comer KimbarkFOWNESGLOVES Wa!-­__.<_topcoats, overcoats. craven­ettes--swagger or censer­vativ.e - but surely Col­lege designs. \V� :this ,you,grad.4"Mam156 \Cal--TelephtCondRICH(A.G. SPALDING8�BROS.·The Larpat v."ufactarers in theWorJd ofOFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLIESDue Ball, Poot BaD, Golf,LoWD Tamis. -Basket Ball,Hoc:kq. Tel, Randolph 766.303 De'Dr. Jer.eW._DENTAL SURGEON'Suite 167-IM State StnIt.GItDCor. SO&ial ImpLements for Track �ndField Uniforms for All SportsSpalding's Handsomely Illus­trated Catalogue of all sportscontains' numerous sugges­tions. Send for it. It's Free.. A. G. SPALDIRG 'nus.New Y_ • ewc:.r. ftDadeIpIaia. ao-. .. Ii­... SJftCIIH. lI ... poIb. Detroit. ............It. ..... New 0rIeaas. s- J'raec:iKo. Pittsbtq,O-ci .. tti Da'ftl'. IIoatnaI. hl'alo, It ..... Hne 7011 beard about it?City, CIneIuMI. ea..- , r:SHAIiPOOIMCS andIIANICURING,MADAME KAYNOR'S237 E. 55th St. Phone H� PThe best equipped and mostpIKe ia Cbica&o \\":\�'advrg004oliicTWOluneFrelsityHue 7011 __ it?Ask Porw.-\�glcwoSatOPE�TING GOWNS,IIfTERNE SUITS.LA.ORATORY' GOWNS,RUBBER APRONS aDdOVERSLEEVBSM."afactared byBBft -' 00.254 E. Madi80n StreetO;rqo. In. ".ea-ADepettI fAI CANDIEs, SODA. L .State and Momoe StnIIII Te1epboae 7P CeDtrIICbicapROOTC�ood5�.11TURKISH,flUSSIAlff5cPLA'" 8ATHS25c'Opea Dq .... !llPtBARBa SHOPIaratop Hot.! III DearIMma It. YOII>r4Eger&, Phones:Office, H.P. 1788- Residence, H.P.961DR. PIlBD W. PARKERDR. RALPH W. PARKERDENTISTS62.t9 Kimbark Aft. Cor. 63rd Sf,Hoan 9-12. 1 :30-5:00. ,{orR(J�inhOITHE DAtLY MAROON. eUh.AGO.· TUESDAY, oct, r�, t907.REGULARS GIVEN STIFFWORK DESPITE SORENESSGENTLEM.N.. 11ftIIUDU!..__... _ .,BOSTONGARTERTIE HCOIIIIII ITUDAII�n ••••• I.� .. ��• CUSHIO .•BunOICLASPu[s FUTTO THE LEG-lEVElSUPS. tEAlS ... UI'ASrusuo.nOftoo .............................. _",ALWAYS EASY� __ _.Phone Hyde Pa rk 1O-t9.MRS. S. TAYLORMILLINERYWashington Ave. and 55th St.Class, Fraternity, Society-:- PINS -:-We make a SPECIALTY ofthi-, class of work. Let us giveyou an estimate. Very highestgrade of workmanship guaranteed.Man�!!�� }���!;hy. t156 Wabash A ,ie. Chicago, IIICatalogue upon application.. ITelephones: Harrison 4259, 3401, 4239Automatic 5239 . .RICHARDS, AMBLE Et;(C.COAL AND COKE303 Dearborn Street. ChlcagoBORDEN'SCondensed Milk, Fluid MiIk,·Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk C<..327-329 E. Forty-seventh St.,----------------------------�TelephODes Hyde Park 18 &JUt 69&7A. Mc::Adams·Tb.UD ...... It7••• F lora. .1._GJtDIIJIOU8BS: .c.. S3cl St. u4 J[Jm;.aTk .Aft. ChicagoWanted. \\"A�TED-An experienced solicitor;advertising experience pref.erred;good position. Inquire at Maroonoffice. ers l)tayed Saturday was one of 'theieatures of the cont.est.· Scarcelyonce until along in the middle of the.. ecoud half, did Quarterback Talbotgive the much-heralded Indiana oi­ience a chance to get in its work. At.: very first down, Krutzcch was caltedUI)()11 to punt, and this alone it isthought WCiS what kept theclown to 27 to 6. The contrast be­tween the Cardinal halfback's kickingand that of Steffen and Page was nuta� gr�at as it had been expected tobe. The fumbling punts by Talbotproved a handicap to the wearers of!\,::ardinal. for the Maroon ends wen'.isually down 011 their opponents be­fore the hitter could get startedturning the kicks .The work of Steffen took the In­diana team by surprise' in the earlypart of the. game. He managed towork the forward pass for fifteen­yard gains, with an occasional dasharound the end by himself on aquarterback run. But before twentyminutes of play, the Cardinal menawoke to the situation, and until thefinal blow of the whistle, directedtheir attention to "Wallie."The Paddock brothers had theireye on the attempts at forward passesand several times intercepted thethrow.With the game in hand after thefirst halt, Director Stagg did' somesubstituting. Moulton went in forHoffman ·at right tackle, Doseff re­placed Falk at left tackle, and Harrislook Handy's place at right guard.Later in the half Worthwine wassent "in for Jones at left guard, Fer­guson for M,erriam at full back, andSchommer for Page at right enJ.Page relieving' Steffen' at q�rtel"­back and Steffen going to right halfWe have reduced the price on a in Idding's place. The men, in the'arge number of desirable patterns, line got but little chance to show(Continued from Page I.)lIAll good furnishers sell them.Made byUnited Shirt and Collar Co.Lion Brand Shirts and Collars THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 511 Kimbark Ave. and 56tb St.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed andShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Larg« Parlor Exclusively for Pianos.Room ... for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room forCarriages. BURgic� and Sleighs. Trunks to andfrom all Depots, Local Transfers for Baggage •Furniture, Packages. etc., at short notice.Special attention given to University Orders.No.9This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade. th.e. bosom of which abso­lutely will not bulge.You will never wear .. ny otherkind if you try this.,(Patented Feb. 28-1&)9.)"THE MA£-BURD1E" WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER GOODS .AB i WBl5U 'Moderate Ladies' WaistsCleaned andRepairingon Gent'sGarmentsFree ofPhone Calumet 1300 SuitsCleaned andPressed $1.25-WOOD,SHADfS andOLIVf BROWNSARE NEWESTWE HAVE THEM ANDOTHER POPULAR_SHADES.100 styles at $20.00100 s�lea at $so.ooand 1300 betweeni Cor. 25th· and Cottage Grove. Ave Down Town Store31' Dearbom Street, HEAT � .. REGULATIONTHE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC SYSTEMThe Recognized Standard-Installed in University of Chicago Buildings. COMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL MEitHODS OF HEATINGHot Water Tank Regulations. Reducing Valves for Air, Water, 'SteamControl..of HumidityJOHNSON SERVICE CO�H. w. ELLIS'. �&r. .. - Chicago Office, 93 Lake Streettheir value on defensive work, -bnt onthe offensive, opened up big holesfor De _jTray, Iddings and Merriam,and were fast in getting down underpunts. • Cea:al 1054,Automatic 9149ALFRED PEATS CO.FOREIGN-. WALL PAPER-DOMESTICThe new Hygeia, Mrs. Cecil man­"'ILU��k �dR::�S;u!�N" ager. Choice meats, pure foods fil­tered wate�; reasonable prices. Sun­days dinners a specialty. 144-146 Wabash AvenueCHICAGOLUMBER. THE BEST OF FOOD AT POPULAR PRICES. A Specialty will be made of 5ervmg Suppers or Banquetsfor Societies or for Private· Parties.COMFORTABLE ROOMS NBWL:Y I1JlUfI8I1BDbed rooms; reasonable; gas, elec-tric light; with private family; also Tel. Hyde Park 437.three unfurnished rooms. S207 A. H. MeG R E WE!lis Aye. The patronage of the students of The University ofChicago -is solicited byTHE HOTEL·' MAROON5'51-59 Drexel AvenueTWO young men. desire noon-day T f II f . h d id Lath, cn.�--l_ II'--'�_ v_ '1:."-A FLA 0 4 we urms e outsi e ........ __ VUMIIII • ..,.__, .119",,-lunch with refined EuropeanFrench family, near the Univer- RESTAURANT AND LUN�H COUIITERrooms for housekeeping, or . will 64th Street and MadisoD Avenuerent separate; windows overlookthe Midway; telephone and alil _W.\NT·ED-College men with col- modern improvements. Apply 5836 AMES HATSlege spirit; only those loyal to the Drexel ave .• first flat. '2.00 $3.00Alma Mater, to subscribe to Th- . A fair deal witll eftI7 _toI'he University Employment Bureau e!tL. HaDaily Maroon. Do it now I Opera Hata,.... ...Office hours, 9-11 a. m. III, III B.. IIADISON STRKBT,\V:\:'\TED-Students to attend En- Positions are open for five YOUD'l H ... La ....Board and room in re-sity; state terms, etc. J. M. M.• The Place Wher� College Men CongregatePPEN EVENINGSPhone Harrison 5928. 264 Michipn Avenue.glcwood Roller Rink, 6432 Went- women.worth Ave. Every eve., Thurs., turn for assistance at housework.Sat. and Sun. Afternoons through Saturday work assigned Thursdays.season,Rooms to Rent1<00:\( TO RENT-If you secyou'll want it. �I rs. Morris, S5t;J rrcxcl ave., 3d flat.TO RE�T-Two pleasant rooms;good location. Mrs. J. E. Stepenson,58,1t M onroe Ave.ROO�IS TO RENT-�{iss Ida M,Rogers. 5800 Jft::son Ave.; roorr.ssing le or en suite; with or without;housekeeping; $7 to $24 per month. Typewritersit, TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent-Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines. W. White­head, 36 La Salle Street. -TD-UNION........IElTIIIIIIT.. ........ .._ ......---IS m PlPllIl PIJC( FllilimSIrna Iml m flit .�- =:lIe'5.,0"SPANISH-If you are interested init, and live close to the Universityof Chicago. drop me a "Tarje­ta postal;" call 6047 . EllisA\'�. or 'phone Hyde Park 2220.Sr. Francisco Ranos. J. C. Lynas. L. Q. WilkinsJewelry Engraved, Embossed �tatiODery, Propams adGreek Letter Pennants in exclusive design.Conege and Fraternity Steins, Ash Trays,· Tobacco Jan, etc"9 supplied. with any monogram, crest or emblem.START CLASS POLITICS'(Continued from page I)week �rom Monday to Friday, in- Former StudeDts of the State Insti-elusive, at the offices of the senior Affair to be Held on His Return fromtution to Keep in Touch withdean' for the, two upper classes. and A!"ona lIa�r. Japan-May Make a Speechthe offices �f the junior dean for the; to the Students.two' lower classes, during the office The form.er students of the Univcr-hours of the deans. Any student may sity of Illinois, now attending this .\Iic:ligall·s Taft Club has secured• be nominated for any of the four oi- University, have or ganized a club the Secretary of War to speak at afices in his class upon petition of called "The University of Chicagu banquet to 'be given in his honor uponfive members of that class. The nom- lllino." • his return from the far east. Secre­inating petition. it is prescribed, shall The purpose of. this society is to tary Taft, writing from the Philip­be substantially in the following bring the Illinois students in closer pine islands, where he is at presentform: touch with each other and their alma on governmental business, states thatWe, the undersigned, hereby nomi- mater. Anyone who has r-ver been he gladly accepts the invitation of thenate .• : for the office of connected with the University is Taft club to' be present at their ban-in the class. eligible to membership in this or- quct in his honor, This has led'thcSignep.............. ganizat ion. There are at present o!iici:ds of the Students' Lecture as-The Council has provided that twenty-eight former Illini students in sociat ion to assume "that Mr. Taftthese nominations shall he posted not residence here and the plan has met will at the same time 'appear on thelater than Monday following ·the with their approval. The originator lecture platform. The Taft club;week in which nominations are open, of this scheme is Herman G. Jame�:. which devotes itself to the boomingand that they shall be published in an alumnus of the state institution, of ),1 r. Taft's prcs idcntial campaign,the Daily Maroon. and a son of its president. Mr. j arncs, has been persistent in its effort to. Any candidate may withdraw his who is studying law here, has been persuade the big cabinet member toname before 4 p. m. on Friday of ejected president of the new organi- visit Ann Arbor on ilL return fromthe fifth week of the quarter. If a zation, and Otto Schrieber was made the cast. Its members arc congratu­student is nominated for two offices secretary and treasurer at a meet- lating themselves on their apparentand fails to withdraw from the can- ing held last week. success.didacy for one of .them, he shall bc TI J b '1 \\"hat Mr. Taft would make tilere c u WI I meet on the first and U _considered a candidae for the one for third Friday of every month in the subject of his address .should he con-which he was nominated first. :.\Iemorial library, in Hitchcock hall. sent to speak in University hall, isThe elections are to be held on At the next meeting, which takes IIOt known. X 0 political discussionsThursday and Friday of the sixth place the first Friday in November, are permitted from the Students'week of the quarter, occuring this the future plans of the club. will be Lecture association's platform. Someyear on November 7 and 8. discussed. Beyond this no icar has been expressed that this lim-arrange-ments have been illade, but it is as- itation will detract much from thesured that everybody who attends interest of the secretary's address, aswill have a good time. was the case with l\Ir. Bryan lastyear. It -scems to he felt generally.ENGLISH UNEARTHS A' CLEW however, that, in view of the presentint�rnatiol1al prominence of the speak­er in question, anything he could sayat this time would he of interest. Hiswide experience of affairs in the far"Each cause has its individual cf - cast would make "The Oriental Situ­feet and vice versa," said Mr. English, ation," in one or more of its phases,steward of the Reynolds club, to Ju- a not unlikely topic of discourse, saylius, the University barber, last week. some of those who' are bold enough"According to the' greatest analit- to make conjectures. But that heical and synthetical philosophers such will give such a conversational trav­and Sherlock Holmes and the Think- cloguc as that attempted last seasoning Machine, two and two make four. by Mr, Bryan is considered extremely110t sometimes but always. By this improbable,s_ame precise and invariable law I' News from Other Colleges.have arrived at the inevitable con- The univer-sity of Washington,elusion that the members of the Rey- Oregon and Idaho arc consideringnolds dub and consequently the ma- the adoption of the one-year rule, ex­jority of the malestudents of the·Uni- eluding first year mel! from intercol­versity have a remarkabie preference lcgiatc athlctic contestsfor illustrated, popular and comic The engineering register of Mich:':'magazines. g-an shows an enrolment of 462 fresh-"How did you find it out?" said mcn in the dcpartrn.cnr. Last year'sJulius, as he stropped a razor. registration numbered 352."Well," said English, "you no doubthave noticed that the magazines in . The junior Mnthcmutical club willthe reading room are enclosed in meet in Ryerson physical laboratorycloth binders. The popularity of the today at .., :15 p. m. Assistant Pro­respective magazines is clearly indi- fcssor Siaught will �I>eak. All pei"­cated by the condition of the covers. :'0 11 !' illterested in mathematics are\Vorn covers mean much, and muc'l ill\'i1l'd to atknd.use of the covers means frequ.ent read­ing of the contents.'"Now," said English, yausing fordramatic effect, 'I have to buy ncwcovers for the Saturday Evening Pos�.Puck, and Judge once a month; cov­ers for Life, The Outlook, Outing.once every two months; \�lile nc'.\·covers for The Nation, The Nortl"American Review, and The Atlantic There will be a short v.esper ser-'f I \'ic(� in the L(,:lgne room. witll 1\11'ss.\ ont lly have not heen needed since -Helen Hendricks as leader. A so­the founding of thc club. Conse-qucntly, by the irrefutable laws of cial Illel"ting will io!low and tea willhe :'L';·n:d.logic, heretoforc mentioned. I C011- • _I d I I fllllorrow t:lorllil1� at 10' �oC t1 C t lat thc malc students .enjoy. ..' " , aI, I . I '. jll:tll-hotlr rw.'etlllg' wIll he he ,lei in th� IIg. It artl.c cs, au.tomobde stones, ancil '.i.C-:lgl1C room, De'" '1 n tl ·11prctures rllustratmg what he �aid to ... t1 er WII I h· �p('ak.ler w lcn s c spoke t\'l him." I,III The J:l'3.SPof the cll1."pill caw. 1t'8fi:ll-th� only abso­lutely !::.It clasp !�rtcrj-; t:1C l:r!:;hlo!l. lInH... us of we:l know this-buTthem :lIll1 Wl'::r t!;('Ol. The W't'ar'� there, ::11'1 I'ley ('0,,1 ulIly a (lunrkrn pair. 1:('lUellll"'r it, --Vol.--OIRHOSSLER.SenMDecided "Class"For UniverSity Menat a ReasonableExpenditure in priceIMAROON MENI WHO HAVE BOUGHT OURICollege Notes.Nebraska today opens its footballseason at Lincoln in a game withSouth Dakota. The northern team isreported the strongest in its history.Steward of the Reynolds Club MakesPrinceton is now playing a series a Startlin� Discovery.of interclass baseball games and a golfchampionship contest. ...,.Harvard .has an enrolment of 5.343this year.Acoustic, conditions in the new au­ditorium at Illinois are causing worryto the builders. The immense arched�urfaces� rrsmg' unbroken to skylight.in the dome, cause a slight echo,which, if it is not remedied, will bedetrimental to the effect of or chestraland choral concerts. It is very likel;,however, that the placing of the per­manent seats will have some effect onthe sound. co. Var:PIClever Clotl'tesSO Jackson Boulevardscruyestforban:didWe put brains in tbemaking, the fitting and the selectiof the patterns.art of dress" best expresses it.We make our clothes on the .ises in our own shops.I s there any other concerncago that does this? No! j.Now, don't get the impressioD·.our prices are high, for the -'is true.Suits: $18, $20, $25,and $40 is all we ask.Overcoats: $18, $20,and upward,Waistcoat shop, first Boor:-highest quality vestsvalues to $g. accrAandIresCCC(twogiv:Coarice• S:toballblesfonouscovATr:.til�. ke�StcMossIer CoClever Clothes, 50 Jacksoa,Send .for "'Chap Book," gratia, an"--�""---, ingamwilCOlwifroofSUCCESS GREETS SOCIAL�VENTFORFRESHMENY. II. C. A. aDd Y. W. C. L. HoldReception to Get New StudentsAcquainted."" retHeCOLLEGE. CORNER CLOTJlESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS FALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS S35-QOS al�er {:J WDkieTAILORS 185 .189 DarfloraSl.Baai n.o, weth.chthobethThe All-University reception givclby �he Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. Llast Saturday night at the Reynoldsdub was the most successful eventof its kind within the memory of rc­cent years. Both the faculty and' thestudent body were better re�r.esentedthan ever before.A special feature of the occasionwas the use of cards with differentcolor.cd ribbons, to show the wearer'srelati_on to the Univcrsity. TheFreshmen wore cards with greenribbons, other undcrgradutes worcmaroon, and the membcrs of the fac­ulty wer.e given cards trimmed ingold.The musical pragra:n was renderedby "Ed' Dykstra and :Miss BrunkMr. Hamilton accompanying. Dea�Vinccnt gave the addrcss of welcome.Frappe was served all during theevcning. Today' at Kcnt theater from 1 to The 1l0t:U1ical <4lu1l holds a meet:ngtoday iii room 21C, Botany building,at 5 p. m. "The Origin of Angios­perms" is thc subject of an addrcssto be deli\'('red hy Profe�sor COlll-ter.Y. W. C. L. to Meet.Professor Moulton to Speak.Profe��or �r oulton will g-h'e the2 p. m. prospective memhers of the third of his cour<;,� of lectures to-S b Girls GLee club will have a chance :0u scribe for The Daily Ma lli�ht at S o'c1ock :1t :\braham Lin-D. .' ,roo•. 11I ha\'e their VOicc_stried.o it DOW! coIn Center, corner Oak,vood boule-v:lnl amI Langley avenuc. Thc sub­Send in your subsciption to The ject will be: "The Book of Isaiah'!!ahIcn'bef Do it .,.1 Daily Maroou. Do it now! I Prophetic Mi�cellany." ' asIiI'grtow1C. H. RICf 6 BROS.Phone H. P. 132'" isWe sell everything for the Kitchen and Laundry. We make aSpecialty of Equipment for Domestic Science Schools.. wTIIL_ WE REPAIR GAS RANGES.WRINGERS, TRUNKS and doLOCKSMITHING. IIIwalc:01tiC4RJHE MACHINISTS' SUPPLY CO. clCitaAT 16 and 18 SOUTH CANAL STREET, CHICAGO.HAVE THE MOST COMLPETE LINE OF IIA­MACHINISTS' AND METAL WORKERS·TOOLS IN AMERICA.THEY ARE FOR SALE AT REASONABLEPRICES.Call and See. ss