--'-.""�.':..!."\ "0. .' :, . .-.,,. .;. ;. I' \.' t"-<,d'�.:-.._,. ,:...:...:._, ..... i. p" .. Of '1'." , #_CHICA�., �E�N_ESDA:V. OCT. 9.' 1907· «t .LOCKSTEP lARCH TO BElASS IEETlII FEATURE ..TIIS. COLLSGB'·� saRa., ': �,I.� Old Campua IIarc:h .D. be ReriwdFriday ilo� Before "Cbeer'­� in Kent.- Defea8e to Hold 1DdiaDa' BKb ..Chief Worry of Director a._;_Another Scrimmap.Templeton ia Cboea TemporaryCheer Ladei' by theCoundL "Parity" 'Banquet, Atteade4 '"S� to be Held. 1I'rida7-Good Work OIl Puat&.ilNames lIust be .Handed,in by .Frida:fN�D-E,erybody Elicible toCompete.Js- .:The V. W. C. L. will hold its firstrneeting of the year in the Leagueroom this morning at 10 :30. Th»purpose of the- meeting' i!' to welcomeall those who care to affiliate them­se�ves with the interests of the club.M1ss Grace ·Nonon. president, winmake an address. The Woman's Gl� Club will hold ahasi�t'Ss .meeting in" KeRt tbea&.ertbis a�mooD 'at I :�s.a� to be.pr�t.:�, THE DAILY �AROON. CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9. !901�student is that of an individai'a. �:d-: PRESENTs' BIBLE'S dI,A�S" NEW IlDiBBItS 0. FACULTYdenly transplanted into � strange and AS INTERESTING _READING 'TAKE UP ACTIVE WORKmore or less unreal locality. It is at � -' '., t, ,\'", _this time that the influences of the Dr. Quayle Saya '� Lib DictioD- Dodora HenicIr. Sch_D.cr, W. Itsectional club can be exerted to the ary, Eacapa � � Pn- WriPt, aDd C. W. Wriaht aDdbest advantage, By meeting fel1ow- qent ChaDp' of SIib� 111'. MAnban A4idecs to LiatLWith the beginning of school thisfall, several of the men who have beenrecently appointed as members Jofthe faculty, have a�rived i';- Chicagoand taken up active work in connec-� 8&11deAt· Pnlt'lcet'_ ., 1M V .....alt7 of CIaIcqo.i'onMIIIITile Valy.n1t7 of CJaIcqo WeIk17.........� ."'7. Oc&. 1. ua.TIle Da11,. Oct. 1. 1802. .;students from his own general --neighborhood, the new student can "If you're of the cultivated kind,be made to forget part 'of his crush- if you're, the sort of folks that b<: •ing homes�kness�' There is a world line in God, if you care for the' bestof ,comradeship i·n meeting a man in literature, then you .,��nt to re�.1who comes from the next town, but the Bible." h these words, Dr. Wil·� � �cI-du. IIa11 a& &M CIal· two down the railroad. The sectional Iiam Quayle presented the merit's ot lion with their departments.cqo Po.lollc:e. club may offer conventional social the Bible as interesting reading, to ar. Dr. Charles Judson Herrick, whoadvantages, arouse provincial pa- audience of University students h has been .elected. to the position of.ullKrlpUoo prlc:e, f8.OU per �ear; fl.00 triotism, "rush" high school gradu- l\tandt-I hall yesterday afternoon. .' professor of neurology in the depart-bJr: a IDOIltbL 1:5 ....... lpUOM nc:elyed at ates for the University and perform Dr. Quayle reads 'on an average:�oi ment of anatomy, a position formerlytile Kar:ooD OtIc.. Klu. 1Iall.' or at tile many other functions equally valila .. one book a day, but notwithstandim; I�eld by Professor H. H. Donaldson.'uull3 Esc ...... e. co-.. HalL ble. But an actual concrete task now this fact, he asserts .that -the Bible i..; comes from 'Denison University atbefore it is to destroy as much asJt the best book that he' has ever Granville, Ohio.' Professor HerrickLVTUEB D. !t·JmNALJJ. Kanql.q �tur. can of the lonliness of the incoming found. His faith in it as good lit, was educated at' Den.son and at thefreshman. crature 'is �n�unded. - A friend of University of ,'t(jncin, nati. He: re-l'UEHTON' F. GASS, News �tor. "his once came, to him, he said. claim- ceived his degree' of Doctor of Phil-If some of the daily subscribers ing that of air books he preferred the osophy in "1900 from Columbia Uni-whose complaints fin our ears at dictionary, because the subject was versity. Since 1899 he has beer.intervals during the C hanged ('''lough' of ,times, and there- professor of zoology at Denison. j nlivelong day will CO", fore the reading never �s, ;dry. Simi- spite ot the varied duties of his p'.I'lar, he claims, is the case of �he sition, Professor Herrick has bee ..Bible. If one wants ,the finest story for several years a recognized leaderof a man's architectural or structurat In neui blogical research along com­ability, he should read the first bock parative hnesj . the growth of theof Genesis, where the builder of the work on the' 'nerve components oi1Jlliversl'l lays one stone upon an- lower vertebrites,' which has reach·ejother and constructs his' house--th·! such proportions' that. the men en­world. If one's taste is of the ro- gaged in this work are spoken of a-,mantic order, then he should not for- the American school of neurologet that the book of Ruth has som.! gists, has ben in large measure due.of t,Be finest sketches of devoted love to his efforts. Since 1894 he hasever heard of, and of a type that is been managing editor of the Journalfar in advance of any of the romance!' of Comparative N;urology and is th«of the present day. It is', the most author of many scientific articles 'nbeautiful fiction in the .world;: he says his field. "he is suffering for the lack of one For a study of nature. of the beauty Leon 'Carroll MarstialJ, A. M�, asof the rural, then see the book of sistant professor of political econ­Solomon. These are only a few oi omy, was graduated from Ohio Wes .the examples quoted to prove by leyan University in 1900 with tJh'instances that for 'a book 'of vaii�d degree A. B.; from Harvard again j'lsubjects and :all the' most' interesting 190.2 with the degree A� M. While. at.. 'At the University. of Chicago there Senior college students "have the not one of the modern books call Harvard he was an RerJ.ry Lee Mem­�re ��ny organizatio� of students opportunity today to make 'the coun- compate�"witli the:' Bible. � ;:;� .. , " •. --; orial Fellow in &onont.l� At' Ohiowho come from the leil mean something or Wesleyan University he �as profes-. �� _ �. �a�e general section of The nothing, according as Foster Girls to�' GiYc Parv. �r of economics fr()m 1903-7.elu_ the country. The basis Council they act in the matter The old girls of - Foster' hall will' William' Kelley Wright of the De·for membership may be Again of nominations hrlentertain the new girls Friday even'- partmenf of PhilOsophy received hi',;'. ,in common residence .in a state, or a _ ' councilships. If the 0:. mg., The new girls ar.e asked to doctor's degree from the-' Universitycity, or: even a nation. These c;ection- fice goes by defeault, or to weak mel! come' as children, while the nature of Chicago in I�. �ring the yearal clubs, .which manifest various de· or without competition, th� standin� of the costumes ot the old girls· reo 1900-7, Mr. Wright ,w instructor ingres of prosperity or decay, have of the council will be weakened and maills'd dark secret. philosophy and education at the Uni-become by their long .existence such its power diminished.. versity of Texas.fixtures. in campus life as to leave no A harf dozen nominations at leas! The College of Literature (wom�n) Dr. Hermann I mng Schlesingerroom for argument as to their right should appear for each division. Such is planning to organize 'a romantic r�eived his doctor's degree from til"to live. In one respect, however, they a list would cause an election inSi:eaTl club as a prominent feature of th� University of Chicago in 1906. Afterseem to neglect an opportunity for of a political farce, and would giw college life. ". a period of !'tudy in Germany he be-greater poss�ble usefulness. For the the council a better standing.. came a member of the Chemistry de-first few weeks of each autumn quar- Delta Tau Delta will entertaial partm,:nt of Johns Hopkins Univer-ter they remain inactive. The a'id FIX HOURS FOR SALE ,Saturday night at a house informal. sity. whence he came to the Univer-membe'rs who have the ability and OF FOOTBALL TICKETS sity of Chicago to assist Dr. Stieg-position to organize the wO,rk are Beta Theta Pi gives its first in- ritz.t� .much engrossed in the confused Tickets at Spec:iaJ Studcat Rate 0' i�rrnar Saturday night at the horne 01 Mr. (hester Whitney Wright, Ph.round of re-opening college activity SOC to be Pat on Sale To- Albert Lon�. D., instructor in poritical economv.to pay any attention to the clubs, and morrow. was gl"aduated from Harvard Univt'�-the possible new members through Alpha ,Delta Phi will give an in. sity with the degree A. B. in 190'.ignorance and general fright �re with_ ---:- formal at the home next Fridav In InnZ he r��el'ved the degree of A.. . . All students who Intend to get tht: . yv"out InItiative.. As a result until the . I d . \!venmg� M.: in '906 the degree of Ph. D. In.' •• �peC13 stu ent rate of fifty cents onanachVlty sets in after the strenuosity h' . L Inn'-4- he was a.""'. :.stant instruc.tor i,ltell' bcR;ets for the' Chicago-Indian� .._,..,.., "''''of the hrst few weaeks the sectional e-conomics a!' Au�tin Teaching Fel-I b .. h " game n,xt Saturday will ,have several R Eddy Mathews, 'ft'7, senior c'lass� u s mig t as ,well not �xist for all .; -, low. During th� year 19Q6-7 he heldh .. opportunities between no,w and that treasurcrr. and mamiaing editor of Thet e active good they do in this. par- time. c:!I' the position of instructor of econo-ticular It' . thO 'od Daily �raroon, is a member of the• IS an IS very pen that T ' mics at Cornell Unl·v"rsitv.,. omorrow ,morning at 9'. '1ft o·cl ...... ·k. fi f \ A M h & So' ... 01th� are most needed. To give tbe or' "'" rm 0 ;, • • at ews ns, dealersin the booth in Bartlett D'Wft'Itna�I'um, I'n I �, I d dhomesick new matriculant that sense c:!IoI'" � r�a �estate, an s an mining atthe tickets will be placed on sal..... 'if It' M' I AI.._ M •of comradeship whkh assocIatIon .. ., arque e, IC I. ITC' athews, '09where they may be bought up to '0 I' � I' �-' h fiwith fellow students from his own 10- '" epre�ntlng term at Sonorao'clock. The office will also be open M ' Do it now!cality always affords, is the method e�.between , and 3 o'clOCk in the af-by which these organizations can help. ternoon. Friday the honrs' of salemItigate the horror of the first few .will be from 9:30 to 1.2 and from :weeks of the freshman's life. Aft.er to 3. Saturday. the last chance. thea student has recovered from the in-.. I seats may he reserved any time duroltla terror, inspired. by the instructor iog the- forenoon.ir English I, ceased to be. overwhelm- I' .d b t Is announced that no tic1c.ets Will.e y any form of sophomoric inso- b'e sold, except during th hlenc::c, and in �eneral become adapted �tated. eo oursto his environment. he is much kssco.cerned in Kalamazoo,' or Da\'en- Ev�ry Harvard student subscribe ..port, or Florida. or Hawaii. or where­ for: his college paper� Every U. of C.ev.er he may happen to hail from. s�tI(Je�t. should do likewise.The lint poiat of View of the aew you sahKri�l ..KELVIN J. AVAliS. Athletic Edltor.LOt:11:5 S. lS.&ULIN, lSuelneIW l4aIJa.,Ier.PettyThievingCole Y. Rowe, Harry A. Hansen,Warren D, Foster, vince certain klepto-maniacal persons thatdailies are meant for the personswhose names and addresses are subscribed thereon, they will confer .tJerome Frank,distinct �avor on every one concern,Paul B. Heftin, Walter A. Ford, ,ed. The subscription price of theW. S. Morrison, . Howard J. Kenner I D, aily is not excessive, but, if any stuFred W. Carr, E. C. Hoadley,' dent, who simply. cannot do withoutA. 1.., Fridstein, I. E. Ferguson, his morning Daily and through force-Miss Esther Hall, Harvey B. Fuller Jr. of circumstances has been compelled,. P� W. Pinkerton, to purloin his rscighbor's paper hithAlbert ,D. Henderson. erto, will let us know the facts, wewill present his case to the Univer­sity loan fund, with the advice thatof the necessities of college life, andendeavor to see that. his hunger f .. lrVarsity news is satisfied in a morelegitimate way.. - 414 But 55th StreetSubscribe for The Daily MaroollY. W. C. L. to Meet.The Young Women's ChristianJ .eaglt.: Mil hoTd its first weeklvmeeting �)f the year in the Leag'.leroom at' '0:.10 this morning. Mis�Grace N .irton will lead the meeting.New glrl� especially are invited.:\ meeting of the Masons in theUniversity will take place in Hitch­cock I�hraiy, Friday, Oct. Jr. at 8 &J.Hav(' Dl. The "e�ting will be a short one• and all .u+ons are asked to attaId.-• WOfAlIIY 115-00 HAND-TAILOR-,ED SUITS ARE SPREADING'MUCH JOY A!-!D THENSOliE. THEY . ARE THEGLADEST CLOTHES' FOR'rHE PRICE THAT EVERGRACED THE EXTERIOROF A, HU�N MALEBEING.To(They rcpl'CtlCDt the additionof the � .. -��s of the greate;tman tail01S in �he U_ S. and are.GOd enough to be worn beforethe crowned lieads of Europeand the ARISTOCRACY ofAmerica. WILFor h:J or hs I would sellyou a suit or early fall coat soclever in looks and so good inquality that you'll th nk I fer- ..got to pay the man who madethem. They arc the' personifica·tion of greatness in clothes. RE�ThisW(yo&:SomeWeDoseFall"JeualIt wWhlWOIRead:A.G.SPALDINCi• & BROS.,The Larpst llanafacturen. � _ t1!{. ', ... , # ..Wor� of ' ,OFFICIAL ATHL�� SUPPLIES,BUc' BaD. Foot BaD. Golf," Lown Tennis. Buket Ball.H0c:kc7.Official Implements for Track and .Field Uniforms for All SportsSpalding's Handsomely_' illus­trated Catalogue of all sportscontains numerous sugges­nons. Send for it. It's Free.A. G. SPALDIHG &BROS.N_ York. Qi�, Plsiladclplaia. Bostoa. Ballj..on: Syracuse, lI�poUs. Detroit. wasliaCCOD.St. I.oai .. N_ OrIeaas. Sa. F .... dsco. Piltsbul'(.Ciaci __ lti Deayer. 110_""1. B.8'alo. lCa.sa.City. CJeYC ... d, Caaada TelepRIC]303 EJ-p-Jlra\utul _ater'Papaw ad BI.e PriDE Papen'Scales, T. SquaresTriangles, SurveyingInstnunents, Inks, Etc.p,- ..W MADISON STREET, CHICAGO,'1', '.....SUBaCRIBBPO.TR.DAILYMAROONDo it Now.'.�:. mE DAILY. MAROO�. CIIILAGO. 'WEDNESDA Y. O�. 9� 1901 ... ' ..-,. T�e. University of Chicago is be- General William Booth's visit tocoming in-:reasingly popular with the the- University next Friday is �in,�holders' of Chinese government schoL eagerly .lnticipat.ed by members ofarships and the other students of that the University. Owing to the un­Celestial empire. This year, nine doubted popularity of his addressChinese young men have regis�red admission will be solely by tickecfor various courses at this University. and only members 0 fthe UniversityThree of them-So W. Hsu, W. Y. will be given entrance to MandellHu and 5., Shan-are sent by the Chi- hall.. It is the express wish of thenese gO\·ernm("nt. Showin Weit!lllen Salvation Army leader to address the'Hsu, who graduated from Nanyang stu�ents of the University, and as t:'\�college at Shanghai,. in. 1887 are both capacity of Handel hall is Jimit£,dstudying international raw and diplo- there is but little possibility thatmacy. They both come from aristo- .here will. be room for the generalWILLIAM JERREM.· .ON.. cratic families. and their fathers are public. Tickets for students .will' beClark and Adams Streets high ofilcials in the Chinese govern given ou; at the Information officement. They were at first sent to the in Cobb hall today, while membersUniversity of California to study of the faculty will obtain tickets atREADY - WHEN YOU ARB commerce. But in view of the i�, the President's office.This is to announce that the New creasing need of abler men to repre- In accordance with General Booth'sWoolens for . Fall. are ready for " .' .your Inspection. ,sent China III foreign courts, SIr. desire, the student body, besides hi';'Some of the Smartest· of the New Chentung Liang Chen. the Chinese own party, the faculty of the DivinitvWeaves �re in Single PattelllS:. ambassador at Washington. who i.; school and the board of Christian Un�Dosen't.this suggest an early VISIt? .Fall Woolens custom tailored in the himself a.� Amherst graduate,. has 'on, the student> councilors wilr be"Jerrems Way"-have an Individ- changed their course of study and I, resent on the platform.I uawill. SI ty&ele... I t Sh directed them to take up diplomacy. General Booth wilf no doubt speakt . a p easure 0 ow you 'what the Fall Styles will be. You After finishing their education here '>11 some sociologilcal question. alwon't be asked to buy.' they ,expect to take advanced work in though the exact subject of his ad,Ready for YOU-�'� the department of diplomacy at Col- dress has not been announced .• Asurnbia University. Hsu and Hu will he " has been engaged in sociologicalboth enter the department of foreign work for over forty years. and as theaffairs at Pekin when they go home. ').-ganization which he founded ;s theShan, the other government scholar,is studying c.vil raw and' expects' toenter the j':l.d_icial department athome. Besides these three, there aresix others, who are' taking courses inscienc.� and co·�merce.· .Telepho'lld: Harrison 4259, 3401, .. �39 There are at present six hundred sCARCITY OF 'liEN HINDERS.. �utomatic �39 .:. .:.' Chinese studentsc studying in. the PLANS OF SOCCER TEAMSRIi'U1DftS' . :'W' LEI' ��'£O Uni'ted State's, fo�r h�ndl'ed of whom,,� ":', ,"" • have be�n s.:� by,the.�lm�rial, gov lien Rcportinc for Practice. toocoat, ,ANo.·rcou .ernment at P�.Ri�.�<.;.ttpg.�ther abodt Few to Form Separate CoUege303 Dea�bo� Str�" . '.Chicago eighteen th����, s,i��'t,s: _!rom that Tams.country have, c�� te: � J;arope and : . !America withi.I.!�·;e��t. ��s; [n quest I "Morem en," is the cry of .tl«,(If western kh�ledg�. . .: , . soccer enthusiasts. who are practic-,. . • ing daily on Vincent field. At pres-SOPHOIIO� TC) HOLD' ent there is no possibility of or-ran,. SECRET IlEETING TODAY izing teams in all fout' of th.e Juniu:"colleges, for none of the colleges 'hasSecond Year lien to AaembIe ill more than five representatives out.Kent to Discua "lIottoes' of Even if an inter-college scheduleGravest Importance.... can not b� played off, as was.. planned, the University team picked .� The sophomore: class willjneer this from the candidates will play gamesmot"�ing at . IO':J() In Kent theater .. with the different prominent semi� Whire it is declared that the basinessWOOD' SHADES andOLIVE 8ROWIIS':, ARE NEWESTWE HAVE THEil ANDOTHER POPULARSHADES.100' styles at ho.oo100 styles at Sso-ooand 1300 between..r A. N. jmems,···Manager •TAILOR FOR' YOUNG 'MEN'Two :Stores:� 131 La Street, an4'. '44 Jackson Boulevardd. Phone HYd.e 'Park 1049..�s.'� TAYLORilIi.LIRBRYWashin�����ve.. and .ssth St.. ..- �.;\.: :.-: ...Tel. Randolph 766.Dr. Jerome·W.,Egbert,� "DENTAL SURGEONSuite 16,-161 S�te Street.Specialist in .'PYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for Students.CHICAGOI AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair dea1lritb neq bat.Opera Hata, Siit· Hata.161, 163 E. IIADISON STUBT.Near La Salle.I BORDEN'S'Condensed lIilk. Fluid lIilk, Creamand Ba�nnilk.An Ht)ttled 'n the Cot:ntry.Borden's Condensed lIilk Cu.327 329 E. Forty-seventh St.,--------------.--------------�TeleplleDes H,.se Park II.ad,,7A. McAdams,...U.I I�... Fl. r ....--_ ..__--:... SII ..... �&... Chi ....O.L.SOIIAJlPPICTURES AND PICTUREPRA.ING.265 East Fifty-Snentb StreetOpposite Rosalie Coart. CHn�A SENDS MIME sTuDENTS TICKETS REQUIRED PaRGBtiERAL BOOTH'S SPEECHUDiveraity Popular with Sabjecta ofCelestial Empire-NiDe � No.' in Larp Crowd Expected GIl Frida7.Residenc�ChiDae ,""in;ster AP- Afta.NOIl Admjeejop to UDi-Droves. ftnit7 Pablic On17.argest of its kind in the' world, n·:w:n of course speak of matters of the'_;reat.est interest to U.niversity sn:dents.professional teams around the cityto come before the meeting is oi ILast year seven of these games weret the greatest jrnportance, the utmostrsm off. and th� players announcedsecrecy .has been preserved ,by of-a sucxessfal s.easOll.ticers and members of the class as to Lyman T. Loose has charge of th �its nature. squad. and those who wish to try. "While it is of vital importance th:at for the teams are advised to see himat " o'clock. the hour of practiceNone of the positions are definitelyevery '9'0 man should be present. it� iml)Ossible to divulge to the gene ... 1:,.lbli-c the (Iuestions to be disc'ussed.'· fiiled yet. and the <coach announce".:tid President Hoffman, who is �1!;'ng .the .meeting. "The election, forhis year's officers will not uke placefor a week or so,' but tomorrow',!,bus�ncss. is far mor� =mponant thandass elections. Every true sophomore'should attend." that no man wilt have a sinecur ....If an intef'-college schedule is ar­ranged. the custom of the colleges ofgiving emblems to the members (,.jdie teams will b(. held to this' yea·TO HAVE TRAINING TABLE Senion--Junion,Soph'omores--FreshmenII.!Take Notice!"If you have any pride in 'your room. theExhibition of DENabout to be shown in the Ga1ler7 ofTHE ART TEMPLE.pi East 63rd StreetOctober 12th to 19th, 1907. will be ,.�eedingly interestinc to YOIITHE LARGEST AND FINEST COLLECTION IN THE CITYOF DEN AND POSTER PICTURES WILL BE ON DISPLAYAND WE'RE GOING TO SHOW YOU THAT WE CAN SAVEYOU SOME MONEY.Consider thiS aD Invitation to attend.The Place Where College' Men CongrqateOPEN EVENINGSPhone Harrison 5928. 264 Michigan Avenue.J. c. Lynas. L. G. W'dkiDaFraternity Jewelry Engraved, Embossed Stationery,Greek Letter Pennants in exclusive 'design.CoUege and Fraternity Steins, Ash' Trays, Tobacco Jars, etc., suppliedwith any' monogram, crest or, emblem.Visit 'Our PianoBefore maIrlDg a selection be sure to see our imprad ••exhibi�four floors of displq rooms -:- �Ionial . Room, ·ArtNo�u Room, LoUis XIV Room, Dutch Room! HmadncIa ofpianos-many different makes--each of ac:Jmowledged ............_acy in its respective cJass........;aJ sales made' at mjnjmgm fic1ua.CaD for art booklets of various pianos to study at JOUI' IeiaaJ'e.Terms to suit Your preferences. VISitors aI";' welc:ome-aoone urged to buy' We are 'Sole Agents forCROWN, KNABE, ESTEY.CHIC.KERING BROs., II#CPHA�L GRAND,CONCORD, H. P. NELSON.GEO. P. BENTBefore making a selection �t the Piano Roo ... of2 .. Wabasb Aven ue Cbica.o. U. 8. A.Ha\'e you sent in your subscription lIicbican,0 'I Ill' Daily Maroon. Do it 'lOWno nof delay. Have WftU heard about it?PraterDi�ea WiD Create 1-Fund for Team. Have YOII seen it?!..PI ANO-Wanted to rent by student. ine institution wilt .soon he running a:\ . trainin� tabl� for the foothall (':mdi. LoaIs DY. FIDIOaS tandJ Sll�p. tr�. Gould. ::44i Jcffe�on A,·e .Tt'I., H. :Po 3886.. d:tks. The frat�mity men have A IIARVEL OF BEAUTYpledged to create a fund. and will askeach man tying for th� squad tomaintain it by the ('omribution ofNEW ADDRESS three dollars each week.FLORENCE II. HENDBRSHOT The step wa� tak�n independently 01PIIiotvcqplwr the athletic association and the fac.Telephone H. P.' 2314- "tty. neither of which bodi�s is ex-II., ".hlk A __ penal to illterfne wi .. ita e�i ..If th� plans of twenty fraternitiesat Michigan ar� realized. th� Wol\'cr_- _- Don't fail to call when down to�EVERYBODY DOES.Clasa Pins Our Ss»eciaIt7.c. T. CUllY 6 CO.lewes-Allegretti Cempaay Establisbed IIga,CANDIES, SODA. LURCHES. IIANUFACTURlMG J ........aacI ENORNVDI.,... IkatI ItnII .a....,. State and lIonroe StreetsTelephone 792 CelitralCbicapiII I'"I�I�I�I.-l�i�l�l'�I�lilt1:'1111 .. :4,.1,�.t;i�! :� ,<" ,- ."" .., .. .. " .. '.��---------------------------La Sall�THEGIRLQUESTIONColonial.Kid Bama ill Geo. II. Cohan·..aaical Plq .THE TALK 'OFNEW YORK'The __ Cal '9rmnuA KNI�HT FOR A DAYMcVickersLEW 'DOKSTADBRUs Ria (bat;III I:·N_·S.T.R E L S���PowersJoeepb W. Brooks Presents. �·-xn.l.lAll �uss�The.·Kmc of them au;'ifn'D IoK'F 0 YTh� GrandIIONTGOIIKRY adSTONK' inTHE RED IIILLIllinoisFRITZI ·tlCJID'FIII tbe4Bat of an AiDeiicaDComic . OperaaJlLLB. IIODISTEThe StudebakerWILL T. HODGEIII tile H .. Comed7THE IIA1fFROII HOllEThe Auditorium�'! �,�GER'S. �ANCBD VAUDBVILLE A 'FL:A T of 4 weD fumishedoorutsW1i�I�" UNIVERSIT�. OF I CH,IC,�.,.!GO. ! j ',; 'rOOms fOr housekeeping. �-,'rent separate; windows overioak . PRESS PUBLICATIONS. ' 1ithe Midway; telephone and al .modern improvements. Apply sSJ6 "Adam Sinith and Modem �iol1: ogy; a Study of the Soeiat Sciences.!Drexel ave., first ftat.: by Albion W. Small.' •. -:... ••• _ & •• �_ .... __ • '� ••-S-P-A-N-IS-H--If-y-o-u-a-r-e-i-n-te-r-e-st-e-d-iri The volume is the first of a seri�� -------------- .......... ---------""""" ... ---------i�, and liv.e close to the Universit) which the author will edit on the pre� ��".".,,� .. O·-.Ie.�' , .: .of Chicago, drop me a "Tarje� ations for sociology in the fragment� I ., ..�-. � .-- - t ' ';'" " .ta postal;" call 6047 Ellis:try work of the nineteenth centuf)· . ". '. ., :. . ; sstII St. GreeawooClAve. or 'phone Hyde Park 22210� social sciences. Th� main argument . BAS CHANGED HANDSSr. FranciSICo Ranos. : of the book is that modem sociology It is StiD theis virtually an attempt to take up the STlJDENTS WNCH ..: 'NBW 'PBATu'RBs FOR SIIOKER larger program of social analysis and ·1Ieat. 2OC' uP. iDcJgctj.,C -. coif. or milk_ interpr.etation, which was implicit in� 8Iupii8ea III Store for FricJq Niebl's Aram Smith's' moral philosophy, butMIIir. which was surpassed for a !Centuryby prevailing intere::t in the tech.;nique of the production. of wealth.It is both a plea for revision of 'themethods of the social sciences Uld ..The- U ... ., ...., __ "rcall "BIG 'ElGH'JW AP.PROVD ..•..OIice hours. 9-11 a. �. .. NEW ..JlOOTllALL· oll'P'lclALlp�Oas ar� � for' fiye �women. Board and room. in re- KeD' Selected by ltaIea'eoa; ....... to .tum for uaistaDce at house�ork. 08iciate at Football. 0..... areSaturday work assigned Thursdays: Acc:epted.·�.at 6 o'clock .Science cotlqe win hold' a meeting The lists of officials' for the foor-W_tedWANTE,D-YoUDg' �oman to care ball games in the Confereeee, w.bichfor child of ten, afternoons after was promulgated by the meeting a:school hours. Call evening, room the Chicago Beach Hotel last satur-439. Windemere Hotel day morning, has met with the ap·proval of the various members of th(;.. Big Eight." and the other school�Type_liter.TV PEWRITERS for Sale or Rent- concerned, and has been adopted�ial rates to students; bargains According to the list, Walter M:.·in r.e-buHt machines. W. White- Cornack, the former �orthwestern.head •. 36 La Salle StreeL coach, and in his uadergraduate__ . • _ ....-"--____ days a star' at Dartmouth,. and RalphW.\NTED-ColJege men with col- Hoagland of Princeton, will refereelege spirit; only. those loyal to the the majority of the games .. Evart�Alma Mater, to subscribe to Th,. Wrenn of Harvard will do most ofDaily Maroon. Do it now! the umpiring.----------------------------WATNED-:-Students to attend En-Clewood Roller Rink, 6432 Went­worth Ave. Every eve., Thurs.,sat. arid Sun. Afternoons through�soa. Four men have bun assigned toeach game, in accordance with th �re form rulings: a referee, an umpire.a field judge and a linesman. In thegames between Conference and .non-W ANTED-Five young ladies for conference colleges, the officials haveto be approved by the non-confer-household duties. Remunerationence team before being adopt.ed, andand boarel for that reason no announcementsare made of the games out of the BigEight.Those who. wilt handle the ChicagoROoms to RentROOM TO RENT-If you see it,you'll want it. Mrs. Morris. SSI;Drexel ave., 3d flat. games are :Oct. 12, Chicago-Indiana=-RefereeTO RENT-Two pleasant rooms; Hoagland. Princeton;' umpire, Kelly.tJOod location. Mrs. J. E. Stepenson, Princeton; field judge, Fleager,583r MonrOe ·Ave. Nort�western; linesman, Keehn, Chi':'MRS. TE.RRV. 5653 Drexel Ave.- cago.Oct. 19, Chicago-Hlinois-« R.e�eree.Two single rooms for ladies; $8 anJ McCornack, Dartmouth; umpire.$9 month; :private family; best ref': Wrenn, Harvard; field judge, Fleag-�rehces.er; -Iinesman, Esterline, Purdue.. Nov. 2, Chicago-Minnesota- Refe-ROOMS TO RENT-Miss Ida M:ree, Hoagland; umpire, Snow, ·Michi­Rogers, sHoo Jackson Ave.; rooD"4single or en suite; with or withoul; gan; field judge, Keely..; linesman:housekeeping; $7 to $24 per month� Porter, Cornell._______. _. .. 'Nov. 9, Cbicag�Purdue_Referee� � .ROOMS ·FOR. RENT�Two alcove Hadden, Michigan; umpire, Wrenn� ' •.bed rooms; reasonable; gas, elee field judge, Burklad, Illinois; Iines-:tric liliht; with private family; also man, 'Kilpatrick, Union.three nnfurnished rooms. SZ7 ,Nov. 23, ;Chica�Carli�le-unde';';1Ellis 'Aft. eided,Several Dew featuftS have beenadded to the freshman smoker. wbichtakes place next Friday. nenm({.Two new football songs will be in-. symptom of the reconstmction thattroduc4!d by the famous Reynold� is ;already in progress. 250 pacUclub quartette. Jack Hopkins of the 121110, cloth; net, $1,25; postpaid,Chicago Inter Ocean, will give one of $1.30.h'is well-known �halk talks. Thero:will be still another speaker for the VARSITY SQUAD WORKEDevening, bat who it is the entertain. HARD FOR HOOSIER GAIlEment committee refuses' to state. Anthat coul.d be wormed out of thtm (Continued from page I)by the most ealous �porter was that Sunderland has the distanoe of Eck­he is a speaker of high repute in Uni- ersall, but thi� is not looked uponversity circles. ·the committee is ()n a� a serious disadvantage to thethe stilt hunt for amateur talent and Varsity.expect to unearth a second George The Indiana team will arrive earl,.Cohan for the Ottasion. Genu' ne Frid�y afternoon in time to get inMaroon lemonade win be on tap. a little rest and practice befor.e thebanquet. which is scheduled to begin'.' tlris ........ .. 1030 ia . Eat. Subscribe r Do it IIOW I VotesSeNORTHEAST 'CORNER �H ST. AND DRUBL AVE.'. y'" ..... '. '. .BgiIcljDI ThoroacblJ' 0werhaaW'" RialiW.'-4.Lateat ....... AppI1iaDcea for V_tilatioD ... Saitadoa.Rooaa Licht ..s Ak7� NeWly Pumi.bect. at ...,.-..: .......Laacb CoaIIateI' ... Reataann� attached. where the best of ever,-._tbiDC.·..-._ .Your' .��atrOli.lle SOlleltecl -\ 01. ,-NOMI1. 'cie.e,Saltluel ·HarHs & OO�'--MACHINISTS·' AND MAN'U·.,·&CTU.13:RS·T�" and� Suppl�CHICAGO. -,' ., .' . (... �our atfmtion is caned � the· merita of ALBERENE STONE for'LABORATORY TABLE TOPS' aDd SIJJItS. 'FLOORINn for FUQ... HOODS. DISECTING ad. OPBRATDIG. TABLES. . U'RINAL;CLOSET aDd SHOw.E� sTALLS. ill fact· WIiUe. ewer an A�D' R£::'. PELLBNT SToNE "is required. Ii iii �'iD tIM fODowinC well Jmo_. UNWERsITES .aDd· COLLEGBSs' CHICAGo. 1I0It'rR�'IIIMNEsOTA" WISCONSIN •• ICHIGAN� liBBRASKA. ·CALI.·FORNIA. WOOSTER. YALE. PRINCETON. C·o..ELL -.ad otbetiU iDtereated a poat81 wm briDe • Ample for -... .AI,BBlt'Bib STOD.OOJIPAlfY ..54-- N. iCliDtcMi SLChic:aio, ��. --- --_.,..-..........- ..... - ......."." IaOBUtT:' S1'''... . '�-: ..... -:. A. Ph . CO- .:, ... ,:�sS;S�';� .. �. :. •�_' .... j;.';.,:1Ia4 �Jilomoe."'. C -' 1',' �';c.!atnt�rracliiP._ .I ." ..sURrS,IIILI.IIIIStY·; . �,Our Prices ar� the i..�w-: .. est _for the Best M�r-'ehandise ·of oar ''W�II::'.r:kn�wn '. ae.liable �# Durable Q.rlilities.)-1ildia- :� �.�� .. 8aita 'I"Set .up../j q.�':if' Fur Nec:lriJart�·· ..f�·$3-7i. ..... I! 1.: Hats from ap..' � • \. I Mo'the 0day, iFor t:of t,last '\ITw,nightfr omTiltcspccthe nest ifthl"fl'the (thl"fl'Th,the 0leges.D('anplurawhilec�t 11nate.,ilEAL neKET fOR t2M _ )11&& ...•OURIIOTTO: �Chen.... Good �I�·.Qaick .'Senice.Th,!>tlldi,tionu��ifl,Titelane,urda;GOOD ·CLOTRBI DO NoT.AD THB 1IAlf. BUT THEY HBUtHI" GREATLY' TO OBT OM. �Oar � Selected Pat .. .., � TIIiJond. WiD at­idy die IDOIIt fad"", .. be • ,...... of __ ad"jadcmeat ewea,.hue;. . 4i-"WilHecomilAnten A, Melum €7 Sons'rA.ILO·1t1,os Atwood Bide- a.. ..... tipla'"T"""_"lIaia .7 • rock'da:-s111(, :'Illlt'.han'n1('/'t,,'do,gh'(,1cial IWhat'.,. Goiasl .. OIl? :w�tchThe DAlLY�OON����'t AIIOnI To Do·W&OIt It. .SUbscribe' Now"......i�