lows: .Freshmen-All students having lessthan seven majors credit.Sophomores-All students havini ,; . - --man. offense was hurled _3pinst theLt'55 than seven majors. Nearly five hundred' girls' took ·\Vith 'the Reynolds club as'a Imodel, Fifteen fonner athletics, of. th� Varsity, and dr�w, all .the. regulars! i�Jun'ors-All students having not possession of the+campus' last night Armour Institute :will"organize a s�- University ar� now engag.ed as coach- I t th�t.· Phelps' dash�d out. towUct··. _less than I5 majors. 'n the annual, lantern "parad� and cial eiub,'aDd 'provide for.it �rteu .es.,accor�,ing, to Dir�tor. Stagg;, ..I..!l.l,;it�4'4,wit"' .. a--clnr: field be- -:..; ..... �,:',,;Seniors-.:.AI1 �'ndergradriat�s h�ng ireshman frolic, of' the 'Y�: 'W.: C.+tr.. which -:Wilrk,.. .. iitt�(J 'out� �th: ��ry this': 're'sPeCt, fie said,' the "�.i'e� ivho for;;j�';��;;';;�d th�" ii;;;:,it:�s th.: ' ' , '.�';24 majors or more.; When ]apan'ese la!ltehls gave oui; convcnieneet.of dub life. -The 'monev V"l�a:, the C," probably'lead all other first' ,louchdown:,recor�ed' .. a�D.t tIN: ,;;_ The' officers of each class are a the - girls appropriated 'tbe "red light" for this social' feature .at, �nnour college products and break previous regulars. +president. a vice-president, a secre- danger signals posted about the: "Tech" is fill Dished- by Simeon: 8, ",l'ords held by the 'University. At th:s' stage �f the p.:ue, Directortary and treasurer.. campus 'as substitutes. The' line 'Of :Chapiri, 'who is' interested in pr,omot- Of the older ..men, L D. Scherer is Stagg gave .the ,lfans.;. what ,");ley kaye,Any student �ay be nominated for march started from Lexington, ana -ing greater SociaHife among students. c��ch of the .Nebraska State �onnal 'expected' and ,�aDted "a�·. :��-aany office in his class upon written wound in a long twinkling line' around ,The,'amount of,the donation has not school at Peru, Neb.; F. W. �ehr- glimpse at the _ Var,.ity., iJl; .. �eDSjyC"petition presented to the Dean of the Mandel+to Cobb and back t� - Le-x.: �� nlade ,public, but it is said to' be :,Ig' at Ripon College, Ripon, Wis.; action, Getting, 'he. ball. at.!the .een-hi I h I h' " d - I h t' .' M. Sheldon at the UiIlI·versl·t I �-co])ege w IC I governs t e c ass; t at tngton, singing Ch:cago songs and -g�nerous ,an - amp e- enoug 0 10- Y 0 ter of the field, .the,reg1J"� � ...... t,ois, to the dean of the Sepior colleges, giving, Chicag� yells. sure· s�es5"ror·the db. Indiana. Bloomington, Ind.; -A. C. show their, younger, oppOn�ts ju�tin tb.'! case of seniors and juniors, and Upon r�tuming to Lexington, the Dean' Raym�nd,- Comptroller Mil- Ellsworth at the State School of what real football life ,is I�� Wit,h- . 'I d P f F d f A :.t in.cs, Golden, COI�.·, J. R. Koehl.l. ..to the dean of the Junior colleges in crowd', was" entertained .... by;;)'an im- er an ro essor reun 0 rmour, .:; consistent plunges of fr� three tpthe, case of the sophomores and fresh- promptu v:tlldevil� show in !{Lexinc- made' an inspection tour of the R.ey. _t the University of Denver, Denver, ten yards apiec�, DeTray, Iddin&�ton Ii bra ry>t the" lib'aty· tables: be'ng nolds dub last Wedaesday and ad- :010.; and John F. �obin at Hallow; and Merriam carried the 'baU to, theThe fonn of the nominating peti- pressed' into I' service 'for a stage. The mired it hugely. Dean Raymond l,ollcge. Sal! Lake City, Utah.. fifteen yard line. A toucbdowation must be substantially ,in this program was� �� follows: "- 'stated 'I�st night that as many of the The coaches of the �ast two years seemed certain. Then Steffen trieaform: Russian dance�; by' Misses ,Ethei Pr.es_', features of the Reynolds club would' c're d:stribu:ed as follows: M. !) a for,ward pass, but the throw was"'Ye, the undersigned. herc:by nom- ton :-.rid Flor�Rcc·'Joys.: :: be incorporated in the Armour club1 <:tlin �t the University of 'Iowa wild, the ball hit the ground and theinate : for the position of Conference "stunt"--a repetition of! as 'were practicable. The plan of ot- Iowa City, la.; ,Ed Parry, Universit)' Varsity lost fifteen yants. Nothia,........... .in the .•....•... dass. the College Day program at Lake! flcering a�cP management' would prob- of Kans.as; J. C. �arper, Alma Col- riaunted, they immediately set to(Signed) ..• .-................ Geneva. 'I ably b�, closely patterned after, h: !ege, �hch.; c., F. Kennedy, Univer- work eating up distance again.'. I 'd. ' sity High SChOOl Ch' A' HAll the nomination!' must be made Sampson' Clog and song, "Doggy in sal ." Icago; I· With the goal in .triking distance,<luring the fourth week of the au .. -thc' ya. d:' by Misses Esther Hall The dub, which Dean Raymond Badenoch, Bngham Young College. the ineYitable fumble int.ervened, an4tumn quarter, from Monday to Fri- and Florence �anning. .claims -will supply an urgent and Logan. Utah: F. M. Walker, AgricuJ the ball. went over. A punt oat ofday, inclusive, during the office hours A playlet entitled. '"The F�shman'� 'ong�felt need at Armour. will be t.ural, College. Logan. Utah; 's. W. bounds by _ Phelps gave the regularsci tll.e Deans. Notice of the time Mother Goose:' written by Mi;:; f'pt'ned in about two weeks. F nger.' Cornell College: Mt. Vernon the ball �t the center of the field.and place of these elections shall be WilJowdean Chatterson. Those la.; (I:lrencc Rus!".'!II. Univers,ity of The trio of backs hammc!red away atgiven an chapel and in college-meet- who took pan in it were Misses West Virginia, Morgantown, w.. Va.; the f�shman line several times. Stef-ings, and such not�e shall be pub- Chatt.erson. Caroline Dickey, Je5si� PLAN"�ROSS COUNTRY B, P. Gale. South Dakota SchOOl of fen called the forward pass a secon"PIE EA"I'ING CONTEST .\'in(':o-. Rapiel CI·ty. S. D. .lished in' The Daily M�roon during Heckman. Mary Sullivan, Marjorie It t:me. :\ perfect throw to Captainthe third week of the quarter. nay and Florence Manning. . . - Latest report!' �how that j' gOOd Defray was caught and a to�hdownNominations made in' accordance Tommy J)ncklegs and His Uttle No:o::: :n'����. ::::c:.re being turned out by all th·· resulted. The score ended a tie, 5with the above laws :;hall be ,,,,,st("(1 Brotner. in th('ir Irish l'lpecialty. {'r, Club Smoker. te S.in alphabetical order on the bullet'" I "Thc.' I.ong and Short of It:· Aitp· Earlier in the afternoon, Directorboards not later than the �lol1(JaYI tIlt' \'anflc',\,illt' !'iho\\, a recc.-pt;on was :\ crol'l� -country relay pie eating fOOTBALL MEETING TClUAY Stagg invited th� Uni"'chity Highfollowing the close of nominal'ons, I lw!fl in tht' I.eague room. contest between the fr.cshmen and :Ommittee Headed by Dr ,Raycroft seluad over to give the Maroon lined h II b . t d' TI D'I' t P' L OBi more practice in the way of defea·an s a e prm e 10 I.e 0=1 y I sophomores is one of the novelties 0 IC& ciaIs.Maroon. The names of the roomi· rromised· for' the Reynolds felub S;\·.c scrimmage. They were the at-nees must be arranged in alphabet i- Fony.five Out for Cron County. smokel' next Friday night. :\ fresh- The annnal fOOtball ('ommittc'� traction for only twenty minutes. andcal order under the title of the re :Jit'l" :\'o;c c,°:mclidatc.·s arc ;oming the �I:an-sophomore tug of war with meeting will he held this morning at ir. that time failed to do anythingt' �- oro .. , ('O,"lt' .. "Q,,"'d r d Y '0 o'dock ;It thn Ch,'c"'go D_ h Ctaainst the Varsity.I\'e Oun:C. ' . • , oJ' n t('ve yay. es- �Fat'· Handy as? anchor for the sOI)h- , ...n ocac ,..•A candidate may 'withdraw from ('relay the number registered was �)mor.c;., is another -event expected to .. otd. I >r. Raycroft. ch .. irman. will Two hours of scrimma�. In onecandidacy by sending to the deal' t '() ty·lin'. The length of the' rull I� =l.dd to the g3i�1 of _ the evening. He- J.-I ('sid .. ·• the other two members be- day is more than the team has badwritten notice of h.iS withdrawal not I hc.-ing in('re,'ascd .. and Ca. pt. Caldwell e1co:II is pkked U ,a countet, weight to ;n:: f'l"ofC'ssor P. F. Moran of Purdue, so far, bat Di�tor StaB ,said the)'later than Friday of the fifth week of urgc,'S all who 1l1t('nd to come ou� Handy. 'tn' hold down the freshma.l ;lnd Professo:- A. J. Smith of Iowa need all they can get .. Da�n. tilethe quarter: before 4 o·clock. Ii n ;&I1c) h:wC' not donr. �o to he :on ".n<l ,'nd of- ,th� Jin�. .Tllt" complete I�st of official. for the week he has given aD file ',Yne can-_________._______ for �Ioncl .. )'·" rnn. and get th'� bent''''· Conference football games of this(Continued on page J) of th(' ('ar'> trainin8. (Go.,tiaaecI.:oa .,..e 4) St.ason will � n�med at the session.Vol VI. No. ,5-,SOOI TO PUT lEW cLAssELECTIOI CODE 01 TRillFirst Ele'!fons Under New Systemto be He!d This Quarter-Im­provemept is Ezpected.'1 New Rules Were Drawn Up LastSpring byCo� College IWith the remembrance that duringlnext week the names of. the membersof different classes must be postedon the bulletin board for purposes ofclass elections, s!udent politicians areI reparing to begin the y.e,a'r's activi­ties. Last May, the Senior college�ouncii not liking the hap-hazard wa)'in' which these elections had beenrun before that time. passed 011 a Icode of election rules. They will re- 'ceive their first trial this fall.The first step in th.e· process ofelection is the posting of' the namesof the members of the various classesin order, that each man may knowwhere he and his friends belong, asdefined in tl.c code. The membersof the different classes are as fol-r'�-l'-men.-�,ITr.'a )I.'ooSSho�10nP,, 'lI""'." ,t " •10:' ,. ', -i .: . :.:, •:.r:,� I =. .• .: f � "araMPrice Two CeotsFRESHlEIlHIIE_P1&S111I' .,leVER 1II� VAIISfR IIALQuan*rback PMIpa J'oiJa - .......·DdetIM oa Fake,P ..... aDd.. � 'Slidra BDd .. fOl" SCO ....Bedell Provo Surpme at hJ1 Back-DeTr.y· Reciaten--fer,-V�on Forward Pua.There were a few things doinc onMarshall field yesterday afternoon.not the least important of which wa'Ja touchdown registered by the fres�­men against the Varsity in oae of theheadiest tricks' seen for� some time.The first year squad had workeclthe ball down to the Varsity's tWeD­ty-five yard line, when Coach Be�ekcalled Bedell, the 240-pound' freshmanfrom Morgan Park, mto .,�e pilleand' placed him at fuJI back. .• Bedell,though new at the position, reliedupon his weight and strength tohelp him.. These assets proved any­thing but worthless, for tbe MorganPark giant tumbled and rolled aloneseveral yards at �very tri�1.Five' yards from the g?al, after hehad used Bedell a, dozea times' in suc­cession, : ,Quarterback Phelps shouted(or the-same play. ' The whoLe fresh-IN ndLi' · ...OLD8, .. _,A�.ODBLIFIFTDR,.AU:· OOACmBsLantern Parade and va...ievme Gina Chbco· Sbldoat.Ot,...;-tioD'UIo"", I Fonner Atblet';;:" &om U'niver­.. by Y. W. C. L; 'to -BateftaiD, Wo- _. to be ,�""" - at Armour In- I 'sit)' Lead those. of Other Institu-men of Class of IglI-UK lTab� ,stitut�b �.t �ech�' 8c:bOo1 En- tions in Point of Number-:-4lt Have,as Sta2e. dfYfIi/fM..",.-Simeoa B. ·ChapUt.I Good-Teams. -"'�(Contmuetl on:.,..-e l-),I.I'I I .. ... ....... _ -'- ; - ...THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO"SATURDAY, OCT. 5. 1907.. ..'--- __ o _i���are�'hoo�����riL If�e����-��'��-------------��--��---�����-��I.other that the'y even agree not to the freshmen h�lf �y. s�bool lo�protest players on the' other team, would�be greatl1'i�ea.�. "'We' h�relying on the university's honor for to arrive at t�� re�ult ��y this • pland fair, deal. Under such, circum- which we w(lul��be'glad;1O see an thestances, the fear of and need for colleges take up.:'protection against spying is greatly A committee composed of Davis,done away with. 1"Yic.l:.'. Sales, MacClintock' 'and' £X-U one afternoon a week, perhaps edson is now making arrangementsWednesday or Thursday, the field for 'tl�c meeting,were thrown open, and the studentsSEEK TO AMEND RULES FORINTER-COLLEGE DEBATES0IIdal Btadeat Pultlk:etJ.oe at ..... ·Ualw.­a1� of a.'ap.1"onaearQTbe UDl ... enait7 of CIalcap .�.i'oaDdId.Tbe Weekl7. Oct. 1. 1882.Tbe Dal17. Oct. 1. ieoz.given a chance ,to see the team, a�btered .. 8ecoDcJ-e.... Mall at tile Cbl- work and cheer it on, good resuh sshould be immediate. Student inter­est, which always tends to lag at the,outset, would prove strong, even DC-S .... lpUOD price, $3,00 per lear; ,1.00 intense b ftor 3 .aoatba. SulJec:rlpUoaa recelYed at fore the Iir st game and mtcnse e orc.die KarOOD 0Ilce. IWJa Ball. or at the the season's height, The team forVacul17 Exch8qe. Coiab HalL its part will feel that Chicago mcnaud women are watching e .. ·..:ry moveand backing every- endeavor.LU�HER D. l4'ERNALO. MansglDg Editor, The plan is not a new one, andl'UESTON F. GASS. News Editor. is its own advocate for a trial thisseason, The student body will sectaat It succeeds.cqo Poatomc:e.Junior College Debaters Start Aci­tation for Revision of Code­Pr�nt Rules AmbicuOULDebaters in �h� Junior . colleges arepreparing changes and amendmentsto the rules governing the Junior in..ter-collcgiatc debates, as set down inthe under-graduate handbook. "Theexperience of last year plainly showedthat the rules were arnbigious andllELVIN J. ADAMS. Athletic Edltor.LOUIS S. BERLIN, Business .Manager.open to various interpretations," saidBADGERS ABOLISH SECRET ' one of last year's debaters. "SeveralI PRc\C'l'ICE. IN FOOTBALL complications arose from . misunder-__ standings concerning the' regulations.Coach. Hutchinson Lets in Rooters -to On page 27 of the hand-book COD-Final Scrimmage to Encourage testants in the junior contest are "lim-Players. ired to students with iess than 18majors. But this does not makeCoach C. P. Hutchins of the Wis- plain 'whethe,r the student must havecousin University football team, .s Jess than 1M majors at the time of thedeparting from the regular custom preliminaries in the winter quarter:adopted in all the. colleges this year or whether he must have less than 18in that he will hold IlO secret practice. majors at the time of the finals inHe assigns as the. reason for this un the spring quarter, One of the de­expected action the' fact that the foot- haters withdrew just before theball squads are greatly encouraged by semi-finals last year, because he hadcrowds of fans, and he 'believes that received advanced standing, whichthe benefit derived from this makes .gave him' more than, the maximumup many times for the danger of any- number of majors, Another debaterbody spying -011 his team. putting a different interpretation onThe Badgers still have from sixty this rule was' called to task, becauseto seventy men out each day and it he had more than the .8 majors atwas found necessary because of the the time of the finals, but protestedlarge si�e of this squad t�· �et two that he had. the required number .at.' '. H' hi Th th� time C;i the preliminaries. Thismore .coacbes to assist utc ms.: �outlook for a good team was im- point should be d.efinitely settled atproved by the appearance of Hosler, once.last yea�'5 end: Lowman, Prelin and "The question for discussion in theGrobe 'are oth�r new men who have semi-finals should be submitted aboutreported as candidates for the the ninth week ?f the autumn quar.B d ter, As this was not provided for,a ger team..Stnct secret practice is the order of much trouble arose last year aboutf M· the selection of subjects, Moreverthings at the University 0 innesotathe third, provision under role Cthis year. The gates are barred, evento the most loyal rooters in the urn- providing for the submission of ques-. d D ''1.''11' ms refuses to tions for. the finals by the yariou�verslty. an r. n I la,,. . . I It· coHeRes before January I. sho1;1ld begive any hne on hIS materia. IS •known. however, thilt his. team will :-.trictly .. :!llfo::-ced, as should all theI· d other prO\·isions.be far lighter this year than ast, �n "The ju,:,ior college council 'will bethat he; witl have much more newmaterial. Tbose who are showing up urged to bring these suggestedbest on the Gopher eleven are \Vood- amendments before the faculty, and itrick at end. Capron and Schuknet, i:: to be hoped that the facuIty inrt turn will try to bring some orderllatf backs, . and Chestnut at qua er•out of the chaos which existed lastTO INSTRUCT FRESHMEN yt'ar in the junior inter-collegiateIN STUDENT ACTIVITIES debates."---------------------------ASSOCIATE EDITORS .Cole Y. Rowe,Jerome Frank, Harry A. Hansell,Warren D. Foster,Paul B. Heflin, Walter A. Ford,W. S. Morrison, Howard J. KennerFred W. Carr, E. C. Hoadley,A. 1.. Fridstein, 1. E. Ferguson,Miss Esther Hall, Harvey B. Fuller,Jr.P. W. Pinkerton,Albert D_ Henderson.PrlIlted b7 the MarooD �474 But 55th StreetPhoDe 8891 IbcIe �Better evidence of the value ofathletic training under D!r.ector Stag�is hard�fi.()·��{ fount!than that· fifteen of the. College. , "Old Man's" stars ,haveb e co m e successfulcoach�s in their lineimmediately on leaving college. As a"student . in a coast university said lastye�r of H ugo Bezdek's 'Coaching �. "'There's something in that man ofStagg's that- �Il turn out a cham­pionship team, if one is possible."When the University of· Washing­ton became "champion of the cQast,"this became the concensus of' 'Coastopinion.The Stagg brand of athletes is be­coming inore and more recognized asa standard by those who want some­thing mor.e than mere athletic prowessand prestige when they choose a'Coach. Some people are beginningto learn that other things count.wm.t?Th� step taken by Coach Hutchinsof Wisconsin in abolishing secret Arts College In�. Repraentativespractice in order t) of'Dilfereat OrpDiAtions to,give the men on the Speak at lleeting. \ steams the benefit of G' ,0:\ 11:'student support ir.' By a step taken yesterday. Arts 'lJ I V .l:.practice, is a radicai College took the lead among Juniorone, but the Badger directors r.ea� men in promoting knowlcd�e of stu­soning is good., Football teams. like dent activities among its freshmenRome. are not built in a day. and it :\ committee of Arts college men metis during the gTl1eling practice of "esterday and decided to instruct thew�ks which decides the final contest -Freshmen of their college in the stu­that eag.cr stud'ent S�1PPO" counts as (knt activities of the Univt'rsity. Ac­much (,n the final day. During thi!" \'orcling to the propo�\·d pIan. thet;me the individual player ha!" no tirst coll\';re me('ting ncxt T\lc�dayprai�e or criticism. sa,'c that of coach -.':i11 be addressed hy men prominentand fellow players. and students hav\' :11 the \'arions student enterpris.esno chance to follow per!'oonally the The new aspirants for the A,. R �e-Itcam's improvement. It is likely to (.tree wi1l be told that colle,:te hfe(tecide whether or not the team is consists of something more thangood or is improving on the strength Greek roots and th.e law of sinesof newsp�per "dope" conceived on ··We want to interest the men in thethe typewriter at the rate of a para- fnller life of the Un"·crsity." s�;dgraph a minute. David Davies, chairman ('.f 'Arts col-Particularly is a move for open I(;ge in the spring quarter of 1907·practice opportune in the days of .. It is becauSot the men are altowe.lHllurity" aat'.eemeDts, _heD coatest- to get ill a rat tbat dIere is DOt lDoreMorewin Fashion's races"'hands down"FOWNESAli.AJtROWCLUPECO SHRUNKQU.RTH .,ZIE COLLARTWn ... �� ..... nc.�UftT. "_"'". co' •• " .... ONE REASON WHYYOU SHOULD BUY YOUR BOOItSAND STATIONERY FROII. Us.Be� October I, CMIweciater receipts will beiaued for all pIII'Cba8ea made ill oar Retail Depart- - 'ment. Th� reCeipts. ill Iota. 0( Ilo.ao /01' OYer, will,be redeemed at 5 per' (eDt ill IDIIICbaadi..e. if s-e­MIlted during the MIDe Qaaner ill which the7 .. ,received. Data of redemptioD OIl -or before II4rcb31, JUDe 30. Sept. 30 and Dec. 31. rapecti"�.SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS.-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESSI;.-nPITheRETAIL DEPARTIIENT"ON THE CAMPUS."R&Thisw.YOISom.w.DoseFall"J«ualIt "wbWClRea(Va..." Cafe ••Sstb St. and Greenwood AYCIlueHAS CHANGED HANDSIt is SfU theSTlJDENTS LUNCH ROOMMeals 30C up, incl::cling. SOUP. tea. coffee or milk$3.50 MEAL nCKET fOR' $2."" THIS WffIC ON�'OUR MOTTO:Quick. Service. cieanUness • Good Eating. �IJlENSO�'S ORCHESTRASEASON 1907-1901 .(The ORCHESTRA THAT PLAYS FOR CHICAGO'S SIIART SET)---CLUB� ,--TelephonesCentral 5713Central sass "EDGAR A. BENSON,40 � RaDclolpb street:. CbiCaco. LakotalIetropole OllWClltaia Cahamet Country CluJrEsmoor GoH Union I..eapeCbicqo Automobile Cl1Ib Chicago GoU ClubSouth Side Colonial' Homewood CountryNew IDinoia AthJetic Chicaco AtbIetM: Club;--H()TEL� ,V-upnia , Vendome'The lIoraine Cbic:aco BeadIPottel' Hotel, SaDta Barbua. CaL .For opal cia .. aDd other iDformatioD addraaCalumetBirchwoodSoutblShore ClubHigblaod Park ClubFt. Deubom Club 1THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND' STORAGE COIIPANY.Pboae Hyde Park 5,1 Kimbark Aft. aDd s6tbThe CJe&neat aad Best Kept StoraceWarehouSe in the, CitJ' •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Pac1c.edShipped to aH pans cf the world. ;loo Printease Rooms,. Large Parlor' Exclusively forRooms for Trunks c:.nd Wheels. Large RoolIICarriag�s_ guggies and Sleighs. Trunks tofrom 311 Depots .. Local Transfers for 'BaFurniture. Packages. etc .• , at short notice.,Special atteatioa Pea to Uaiweaait) 0nleI& Cl(i(SSolilATjAnton 'A. lIelum 6 Sons"AILOR8 II�80S Atwood Bide- Clark aad ...... Ita.TelepboDe IIaIa •• 7 OffiFROCK SUITS,FULL DRESS SUl'l'S. GOOD TAlLOCoca ..... Rellla."", aDd.tbeIr liDe V.., Able.•THE STATE SCHOOL OF MINES ..oftbeUNIVERSITY OF UTAH.It i� loc:lted at Salt Lake Citv. Utah. in the heart of a great Mi .country. ",;t!lin �ight of "om'_' of the greatest mines of the world. andthe very doors of th� largest smelters and concentrating mi1l5.quires a four-yc;.r high school course for e�tr.ance. and offers a fyear.;' courH'. :\Od a gr;tduate coune in .eaeb of the following linesEnginc\'ril1J:: Mining. Civil, Electrical, Chemica'- Mechauical. and Irigat on (th�' I;,st ;n c�rr.eC'tion with the Irrigation Cone�). The Uversity I;, boralorirs are well equipped. th�� in Mining, MetallurgyHydrauli(s ,being t1n�nrpa�s�d. The ore dressing miJi is the lar�st'connect' on with a school :tnywhne. Th� profn!'Or5 in charge are S�scholarly :lnd practical.Subscribe for The Daily Marooll Do it DOwl�-.-_ ...... _-_..-_- ... y.Wuta_. .Ko-0AK" or_______________ S�&uCOME TO USThe best of everything andprice:, re�n&..ble .� weDThe PbotGgnpbic Materials f,oA. G. Whippenaan. MaDqer.I. E. LUe Street, Cblr,ago, m.-lY READY - WBBN YOU ARBThis is to announce that the NewWoolens for Fall are ready foryour Inspection. .Some of "the Smartest of the·' NewWeaves are in Single Patterns.Dosen't this suggest an early visit?Fall Woolens custom tailored in the"Jerrems Way"-have an Individ-ual Style. . ..J t will be a pleasure to Show youwhat the Fa!!. Styl� will be. YouWOD't be asked to buy.Ready for you-today. .-� ,TH2 bAtt.Y W�kOO!i�, fiiil.AGO. ,S.ATU�bAY, OCT. 50 1901.\. No.9•This is the only Full Drees Shirtmade. the bosom of which abso­lutely will Dot bulge.You will never wear any otherkind if you try this.(Patented Feb. 28-1899.)�BE MA£-BURDLE'-All &ood furniehers sell them:. . Made byUnited Shirt ad Collar Co.'Lion I' rand Sh.rts and Collars�.. . . . . ". . . . . ... .Telephones: Harrison 4259. MOl, -P39Automatic �39RICHARDS, AMBLER .� £0. FRBSHIIBN SHOVE PIGSKDIOV� THE VARSITY GOAL( C ontmllt<! f om page 1).l'dates a thorough tryout. with an�'ye to sizing them up. Though heefuses to divulg� the result of hisobservat'on in entire frankness. it istl�ollght that he has sifred the menlut in his mind. and that from nowon he wili place most of them w;ththe probability of permanency.The lineup of the .Varsity.Fresh­man gaille WRji 3M follow.:Varsity. Freshmen.Merr'iam ••..•..•. L. E .... BresnahanBa\�;:', Hewitt.Moulton ......•. L. T ... Bedell, ReddvFerguson,Handy L. G.. .. SmithBadenoch C Powell, Briggs\ndersoll.Donnelly. Jones .. R. G.. SilbermanHarris " R. T MaddenPage � .. R. E , . .. RogersSteffen .' 0. B :. PhelpsSchommer •.• , L, H. B, .. "'" StokesD.eTray ,Sunderland ...•. R. H. B .•...... .RoweIddingsF�rgu80n ..•.... F .. B .... KUD,. BedellDeTray, MerriamMASS MEETING TO BOOST.WOllEN'S ORGANIZATIONSWomen to � of Purposes o�Varioaa Student" activities atMeeting lIonday.A precedent will be establishedA. N. Jerrems, Manager •.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Stores: 131 La Street, and .44 JacksonBou1enr� SOON TO PUT ·NEW CLASSCOAL AND COKE n.ext Monday afternoon, when the303 Dearborn Street. Chicago women of .the Un:venity will hold ;,T)IJrT.�1. Randolph 766. mass-meeting in Mandel hall at 4 :30.The meeting wit: be presided over byE�ECTION CODE ON TRI� the officers of the different women'sorganizations of the University. A(Cotinued f. 001 page ,): Dr. Jerome W. Egbert�DENTAL SURGEON representative of eaeh organizatiouwill present the plaas and purposes, student is nominaw-d -for two offices. of her. society to the me..eting. ex­and fails to withdraw from one of �Iaining what part it has in the Uni-Specialist in �:i . them. he shall be considered a can-Suite 11W.�161 State Street.. . versity life."" didate for the office for which he wasI. Mrs. J udson Is expected to make anPYORRHEA ·ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for Studen�CHICAGOALEX CALDER, DRUGGIS1-' nominated first. add less, and some of the organiza­This will be the first trial that has tions to be represented ar� the Set­. been given to these regulations, anddement League, the Womap's. Ath­they are expected _to remedy the cha-. Ietie Association, the Woman's Un­otic condition that has existed in tbe ion, the Young Woman's. Christianpast, In accordance wi.th them, li�ts League, the Dramatic club. the Wo­of the members of the various classes. man's G'ee club and each 'of thewi�1 be posted next week. Junior Women's colleges, The obN. E. Cor. 61st and Ellis Ave.CIGARS, TOBACCO .and ICE HOLDS STAG FOR FRESHIIEt:CREAM SODAS (entire year)Students' Patronage EspeciallySolicited. "Always a Sqeal Deal here."TURKISH, RUSSIAN 75cPLAIN BATHS 25cOpen Day and Ira&htBARBER SHOPSaratoga Hotel 161 Dearbom St.Phones: •Office. H.P. '788. Residence, H.P.96'DR. FRED W. PARKERDR. RALPH W. PARKERDENTISTS -5249 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 6Jrd Sf.Hours 9-12. 1:30-5 :00.A. McAda ...n.v ...... _••• Flor&.t._I OW:... _ ...... �A� ehloa,.·1 BORDEN'S ICondensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Cream •and Buttermilk. IAll Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk ec..327.329 E. Forty-seventh St.AMES HATSS2.oo· $3.00A fair d� with eftI7 bat.Opera Hau, Silk Hats.ill, di3 &. MADISON STREET..... La .... ject of the mass meeting is to en:able new students to cast their lot-Y. M. C. A. Entertains a Huudred with the 0: ganizations most suitedMen ill S::.� Club Room. 'to their interest, Gr.eat enthusiasm;s being shown by the girls and theimpromptu contests were �ng;ag('" �:1 such an ent��iastic spirit that I amby', 1 men and furnished .�mu�cm��I. sure. it will be a success, That i�to the upper classmen. One f",f the-se, abonr all that can be said as yet:':. bread cutting contest, Wd� ,� .. nCt!off with no winner, the 1\1\',:& havin] SoaYeIIir Bllllten are 1Iaay.been stuffed with nails, b ... r.on-h- .. >k�. ..\ man in a brown ov�rcoat withwoo(1 anrl cotton batting. T .vo bush capacious pock�ts. found th�m toncis of apples and a large 'Iucmt'ty "i small to hold a sunpply of souv�n!(iot:!'thnuts Wt're cOllsum�d rlt::,in� tt., gon metal "(7 match boxes iQf' the.t ,·elling. stucknt demand . y�sterday. Th'!-.---I :.' (.'.;11111:111 Coerl-(Speaking of th{' "lut the sou\·cnir. announc� that anrcquir.·:d physical examinations) in�xhaustible supply is on hand .• ;.. \\ 11",: t;".·y l"xam·lll.d my brother. their offi,e. 50 Jackson ooult'\·ard.I'· .. ·y I,':,h'd his Ill'art and lungs. TherIH')" PII: ;:n :tJlJldratt!S o\'er his mouth :\fit('heU T_ Daniels. Dartmouth.and nOSt· and testt'd tht' capacity of C'x-·09. i� attending tht' University;i� gastric jnie(:. Law school.A hundred freshmen -were made acquainrcd with each other last night.when they were guests of the Y. M.C. A. at the annual stag social h.e·i ..in the Snell hall dub room. Severa! mass-meeting is expected to be some­attraction at the lJIniversity�Dean Breckenridge says of theproject: "I think it is a gnat planThe girls have taken hold of it with)' ossler Co.. tailorliO. which is puttingThe Sigma Chi fraternity gave a\\ ;'yl;:nd \V. Magee; '05 •. returned :-;moker to their n�w pledges last night,) "i,it frit·tuls 011 the �ampus y�s- ;tt th� chapt�r hot1s�.I·nla)·,T� oy )1 errilleld. '04. is living withhis lIlotl1<'r at 6c)25 Yale avenue.Suhscribe! Do it now! 5enion--Junion.SOp hom ores--Fres hmen. .II!Take Notice!". If you have any pride if; your room. theExhibition of DEN PICTURESabout to be ahOW.,D in the Gallery ofTHE ART TEMPlE428 East 63rd StreetOctober 12th to 19th, 1907. will be f"xceedingly interesting to youTHE LARGEST AND FINEST COLLECTION IN THE CITYOF DEN AND POSTER PICTURES WILL BE ON DISPUYAND WE'RE GOING TO SHOW YOU THAT WE CAN SAVEYOU SOME MONEY e ,Consider this an Invitation to attend.Repairini'on Gent'.GarmentsFree ofPhone CaluLiet f 300 Smw •Cleaned andPreuedSu50Cor. 2,Sth and Cottace Grove. Ave. DoWn Town Store317 Dearborn StreetfRESHMAN CAPS 75C. A New Chicago Fob, ,SOC.NEW DESIGNS OF CHICAGO PINSFratemi�/Sorority andLeadba.. Co"". Comple�r.ne ofPENNANTSandPILLOWCOVERSSuperior Quality, Select Designs. Conect PriccLThe W.· c, KERN CO.Manufacturers, wbo�er&, RetaiJen.. "II Eat 57th Street.The !,Iace Where College Men· eongre,afe·. OPEN EVENINGS - ,Pboae Harrison sgd. 26.t lIicbipa AftIUILJ. c. L:vnas. L G. W"alkiIISFratemil7 Jewelry Engraved, Embossed Statioaery, ProP'" ...GTeek Letter Pennants in esduIift dnip.College and Fraternity Steins, Ash .Tn,., Tobacco J ..... etc.. ...,....with any monogram. crest or embIeaLHotel MaroonNORTHEAST CORNER 58TH ST. AND DREAEL AVE..Building Thoroughly Overhauled and ReneovatecLLatest Modem App11iances for VentilatiO:l and s.nttation.Rooms Light and Airy, Newly Furnished. at Reuonabie Ratea.Lunch Counter and Restaurant attached, where the beat of f:'ftr1.thine is served.Your Patronage SolicitedI------------------Don·' WaifNEW ADDRESSFLORENCE 11. HENDERSHOTPIwtua· .....TeJephoae H. P! ql4- ..... It .. �..,-utcr .A.-·.... �• .. - - .. _THEGIRL'QUESTIONColonial.Kid Bums in Geo. II. Cohan'.Musical PlayTHE TALK OFNEW YORK"The Whitney..•The Musical Winner., A KNIGHT FOR A DAYThe AuditoriumTHE GRAND MOGUL,- FraDk Moulan and Original Cast.. [,McVickers-- LAST WEEK -BLANCHE WALSHIn the New Clyde Fitch PlayTHE STRAIGHT ROADPowersTHEHYPOCRITES-----,-----I, II Illinois,'I�'; .II II III:" ( I'p.IIrtf:II[I\r'n FRITZI SCHELFFIn the Best of aD AmericanComic:OperaaMLLE. IIODISTE'"'�-7: The Studebaker,�"WILT T. HODGEIa the New Comed7,THE LANFROII HOllEThe GarrickitII llI !t• ktII Tomorrow Hight aDd AD WeekIlk. SOTHERN PreaentinlIF I WERE KINGThe Grand1I0NTGOMERY aDdSTONE iDTHE RED KILL.. ,.."'i.-�'. .. '-'-,-�"-'__ ,�. _, _�H_�_ ��!�! 'MAROON�, �ICAGO, SATURDAY, OCT. 50 1907 •SAlThe first University religious ser­rushes are in vogue, and in' all ofvices will be' conducted by the Rev-erend James Gore King McC,lure. D'lD,. in Mandel Assembly hall at IIo'clock tomorrow morning.Dr. McClure is the president of thethe scraps, and, has made a number ofChicago Theological seminary, Dr.rules with a view to eliminating allMcClure once served as convocationsoorator at the University. He gradu-ated from Yale University in '-870,Over with �tiODLthe University of Wisconsin, a stu­<tent committee has been appointedto make rules governing the annualcane rush between the freshman andsophomore classes. This course hasbeen iound to be the wisest at allof the institutions in which classthem upper classmen are put incharge of the contests. At Michigana committee -has been appointed fromthe junior council to take charge of President of Chic:aco Th�lOcicalSeminary to Speak at' ReliP,MJaTomorrow.rowdiness, which sometimes isprevalent in class· contests.Though the cane rush' at the Uni­ and three years later from Princetonversity of lllinois is still a week dis- Theological Seminary. He was p=esi­rant, the members of the lowerdent of Lake Forest University, andclasses have been giving vent to theirminister of the Lake Forest Churchclass spirit by putting up proclama­ for a about a quarter of a century.lions all over the city of Urbana. Dr. McClure is author of severalOne oi the over-zealous freshies atnoted books, chief among which arethat institution had an escapade History of New Scotland N. Y.which cost him a !Dig�t in jail and 'Presbyterian Church; Possibilities,$8.50. Seeing one of the c:ity polic:e the Man Who Wanted to Help. theofficials of the city tearing down one Great Appeal, . Environment. forof the freshman proclamations, he im,Hearts that Hope, a Mighty Meansmediately attacked the burly 'Copper, of Usefulness, Living for, the Best,.nnocently thinking him one of theG' P the Soul' of, Re-the rowing astor,.:atcd "sophs," and attempted to do ligion..lp the guardian of the peace. Bathe soon found iout to his dismay thatDR. MYRA REYNOLDS WILLhis opponent· was even more danger- , ,LECTURE ON LAKE POETSous than a sophomore, and he was_{iven free transportation to the homeof the police of Urbana. His bill forthe night's lodging was deliveeed tothe police judge the, next morning,and the scrappy, but unfortunateyouth put up $8.50' a'nd dePartecL Miss Myra Reynolds, associate pro,Sophomores of the University of fessor of English literature,' is ,t<)Indiana have' assumed such. a belig- give a series of twenty-four Iectureserant attitude towards the under- and conferences on English literatureclassmen that one poor freshie who from 1798 to 1.832, at the Anna Mm.wished to go downtown was forced gan Studios in 'the. Fine Arts-building,;<.: don feminine apparel, and go dis- 203 Michigan boulevard. The 'time of TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent':""�ised as a fair maiden. rlis ruse meeting will be Satu�day mornings Special rates to students; bargainswas successful, as he passed scores at 11 o'clock, 'October 5, to Decem- in re-built machines. W. White-of sophomores on his way, and all her 21. and January 4, to March 21. head, J6 La Salle Street.failed r.ecognize him. The writers included in this cours!. _The class, of 1910 of the University are Wordsworth, Coleridge,�, Scott,of Illinois has sent out to the fresh- Southey, De Quincey, Lamb,' Keats, TO RENT-Furnished, front andShelley. and Byron. Their' work j.man 500me ,'ery strenuous posters,calculated to make those "boorishbrainless, slovenly, pntried, contemp­t:ble, unsophisticated scum' of theearth" pay attention.The posters are' strikingly' gottencp and contain a set of injunctions,preceded by the admonition, "Rabbleof 1911, Woggle-eyed Lemons, Yeputrescent babes abide by the fol­lowing injunctions: rst, freshmenmust wear green caps; znd, fresh­men's trousers must not be reefed;3rd. freshmen must not smoke ciga­rettes or drink cream of hops; 4th,freshmen must not flirt in library;5th, freshmen must 110t have hair curpompadour: 6th. freshmen must not tures or for the entire 'COurse.dirty bone-yard by bathing in it, only Full credit in the University ofwhen forced; 7th, freshmen must Chicago will be given to student sat­not Wear wear high school trash isfnctorily completing these eoerses(emblem) 8th, freshmen must not sit of instruction-s-a minor for twelveon the senior bench." lectures or a major for 24 lectures,Application!' for registration forthis course should be addressed t�'he cfirector of the U.,iversity Lecturt'!:\s�ociation. or registration may bem:-ulc :It the lecture hall immediatelypr�eeling or· following the opening• ..AIUS£IENIL: ,. -11 paW8R-BOPB -. WABS OK PLAN CROSS COUMTRY... -, -' - '�-- PIE EATIMG CONC ........ � Held at � __La Salle CoUec_�VerdaDt FrahmcD in (Continued from page I)Various Scrapa.--UrbaDa Plastered ---The plan for the pie .eating contestis to place large blueberry pies, as ob­In accordance with their usual cus- stacles, at suitable intervals. Tb�lorn, class rushes have been the or- runner can progr�s� only whea heder' ot the week at all the large in- has disposed of the obstrueting' pie.stitutions in the middle west; AL'DR. Mc:CLURE TO 'BEUNIVERSITY pREACHERFaith Dodge. fY7. has accepted :\position �ith Adrian Col1.ege. Mi-chi_gan. in charge of the French depart­ment of that institution. Miss DOJge\las at one time :t reporter on thestaff of the Maroon. period is outlined in its gMeral tend­encies with emphasis on the relationto the period immediately preceding. school hours. Call evening, room ROOMS TO RENT-MissThe course opens Octo�r' 5. with 439. Windemere Hotel Rogers, s800 Jackson Ave.;an illustrated lecture on "The Eng:. �Iish Lake District." Two other illns- MRS. TERRY, 5653 Drexel Ave.­trated lectures are given as dae 8tad- Two single rooms for ladies; $8 allJies proceed, Twelve lectures will be $9 month; private family; best ret­given before ,the Christmas holiday! erences,and twelve after. Students may reg-. _--------- _istcr for either series of, twelve lee-Universi� Professor to Give 'Courseof Tw�ty-four Lectures 8.atur­cia,. Mornings.<tudied in detail- from the vantage­point of assigned masterpieces, Listsof optional readings include the his­torical, biographical and critical ma­terial of the period. The work of theI("ture.Avenel Tilden, 'CY;, has now a po- Hugh Hatfield. Med., .09. has a po- .sition with a down town stock and I sit ion as tr�cer of lost cars. ' H� :.bond inIi. • employed by his brodler. , "�·WIoutB rim'VARSiTY BOYS TRADE!1,-MOSSLER. co.CLOTHES MAKERSSO JackSon Boulevard -Vol.-'Irati Clothes'NowlFALL CLOTBBS'.ARBour wardrobes today! NothiDc"'aU clothes! Fall suits, Fallcoats, Fall trousers, Fall vests!JUST LOOK AT OUIwindows!r.nywhe:e'! Thev are "an eduin men's clothes! 'Study them if' Preeticand remember, our store is full of .such clothes!OUR CLOTHES AREin our own shop in our ownat So Jackson Boulevard, We'clothes for father and son. foring and day wear.Suits $18 to $4S.Coats $20 to �. G.nndadd:sity}1:111,yea:Spl'.':speainteowe,M'osslerC T1rhrereo:nialdeniThedevidonexpSO Jackson BoulevardTHE EIIPLOYMENT BUREAU1SOLICITORS WANTEDThe followmg posh ions are open: II go and suburbs; afternoonClerking, ,Saturdays. urday- work; an attractive20 furnishing goods salesmen. tion for good men. Address'8 Shoe salesmen. I C, care Daily Maroon, stati5 Clothing salesmen. perience and time that3 Positions for board. given. thatsou:tlieis 112 for room.Evening w.ork, ,5-11 p. m.at .expr'ess companies,J- young men are wanted to teachroller skatiDa' at Skating rink, 7 :30t� 10:30 p. m,Saturday work will be given outon Thursdays, from I =30 to 3 :30. WANTED, AT ONCE-Every'man. who intends to take'terest in college affairs t�.scribe for The Daily Maroon. �fail to d� it now., }. or .�mil..]tiollpeoprislikeof 1theG18�ageCor:\(eTO RENT-Twogood location. Mrs.5831 Monroe Ave.W ANTED-College menlege spi rit ; only those loyalAlma Mater. to subscribe' ..Daily Maroon. Do it nowl iWlIDtecl qneeireah�1.')1tituof265 East Fifty-SeventhOpposite Rosaliesunny. A suite of rooms for twowho wish to avoid housekeeping,and are willing to pay somethingOver $25.00 for a superior homeSharman, 5716 Madison Ave. WA TN ED--Students to atglewood Roller Rink, 6.uzworth Ave .. Every eve.,Sat. and Sun. Afternoonsseason. melb('hth.eInwh7,21\VANTED-Young woman to carefor child of ten, afternoons after Rooms to Rentsingle or en suite; with or'housekeeping; $7 to $24 per Cf,Uofllhasbenvicn:nhorparticulary those who are •.ed in college activities and iiialma mater. to subscribe "Daily Maroon. Live onesneed subscribe. Apply Mafice, Ellis HallROOMS FOR RENT-Two alcovebed rooms; reasonable; gas, elec­tric: light; with private family; alsothree unfurnished rooms, S.207E!1is Ave. COtpotrr.ovis:tl:l".�1ItwiSmith-VailPumping MedlineeyThe PI .. tt &onworksTURBINE PUMJI--------------:31�1:B���k::t--.STEAII PUIIPSELECTRIC PUIIPS rOil1rO()ItthewilChicaco,Harrison .7.