·BIBiwRCOIECeI.EBRAnOI M4lfy IB cmOBS GOu1I!'aY lIIUBiIfty'i'.'fl 'r::"'���'�'I'. ' .. ' '-'-,_,-1.18'.;PLUIED FOR IEXTWEEI n;:t"':,� -: �.:, I��a •.: .. i .... A� . .;;·�,��-� .. -!:_�'_. v�·· p...:.1- . ,,-. II Loretta CoDer:.' eftc M -ni .. _ ",�n-liore -.-- Il_�----,,- HiDe IlIaD .... 8i& Wo__ tit... p'" '., ..... "":'1'.• ,_._.� , .c.' ,. ...... -P ... · .. ·en. GMld "Puri- 'D __ .... uet.. to· be . . " T_L- 1__· D tSmoker an ·1 � tain CaldweJl PIcUed. TeedIiDc .... of .. Iud",.. �. - ID �. • -: of V� .. 0. AI' ..........Hold lmday Micht at the key- tbia :y... / ..'. . .. ,�, ...' �;'Ih" ," , ! . .nolda. C·lub. With thirty-nine candidates out for, �:.I The enaa.emeat 0' "Duke" H.tela.the tint run yesterday, the compe- New AppoiDtmnta .,... . lnso�, ,1e�1 co�OIl!Y. biOw� �. f .. �. ,WID be Finst Introduction of Incom. tition for berths on the cross coun- A--c.... ' ,'of D. Hutch��on. )�., 'to '�s Loret� ...._ .. � �"W""'dIe'"inC Freshmen to Ral University try team promises _ to be k�en this .. Um�·;1 Coner of Kenosha. Wi.cODsiD. w¥ ..at .� .. �_. ��Life. -- 1. d' .' ,,"'. '.. ItoIIde 1aJu-. II.aM. .year. Captain Caldwell was well Fifteen members nine tbem ma e known yesterda7. Tlils U· .. '. . . ' .. --....--pleased with the showing and. de- men, and six of t�em WO�, D, have nou�ce���t. �o:�.es �� th�'cu�i�ti+ �1D.e smoker planned for the Fresh- dared that the number of candidates been added to the facult7 .. 1 of tll� of a three y.ears' romance, bepa OIl A .. usky squad of football mcp·.men on Friday night has been post- would b�. further, �w.el�ed Friday. "University s�nce the begia���. of the the Un�vers��y' �pas� IkKb 'H'-!c_'. from '"Jjf()raan: "Park -iD.Yacfed· �arsb&ll.poned to Oct. 11, one· week later He said: W � wtll take short runs last, summer quarter. SeyJ' dep'ar�- i�son' and M�s 'Co�r' �e .. �� 6�d. l�t�4'�� . and; for' �t all'fhe cause, was; that the Reynolds the first few days and will not sprint ments �f the University a�e r�r�. graduates, &nd' �e a.ccaUaiatiCI�'!· ,�.�. "'�Y9J'e�.:to <� ••. th�e!: palclub rloors w�re too newly waxed toso that the. new men' and.. those wh9 • _h! it the. University, wflai'rdae).:-.:e!" '.\ . Iiae of the Maroon team picked b.i'Il sented in the new ap�lDt�Dt&, an,. I�.:_'.:; .. '. 'H' 'u'�tc"�jn' 'so" n" � ,:.' r;.� 'L� 'n,;. Diaector,:·S"'-.: .. WL-- th-, ",,,pam' _be used. The treshman smoker WIare Out of. practice. can gl'3:dual1y six are additions to' the .... sijff of th� CI___ I •• _cnI&IeCI IlIi __ ._.-." --l"t: merged With the Reynolds Club hard�n. We wilJ gradualJy increa� elem.�ry stcl�l; The. new. in� �nd' 'itlis�' Con.e� i� a' me·ri."�� Of th� magiDg- was over, all tbe Academysmoker immediately after the Purity our run; and take lo�ger and ,longer structors are as.;follows: .c"l��""s (;f·'�s. � : boys ha�l cll�kecl UP. to. their; 'c"'�clitBanquet to the J ndiana gatIlot!. The !=prinB."· Captain Caldwell urges �.l JUlia' Anna Norris-2-Ap�in�d i� .... �e .. ' H�tCh!DsoD' .. � .a 'r�- ..-as & drop. ;kiCk ·f!'OlD. the 6elcl, HAtevening will develop a great exhibi·men who possibly ca� �n. regartllesi; :::tructor in. physical. �ult�e in. Co� ·��.�t�r· 'iID�idi�tety �it�� cra�-.a� .ov�r the aoal from the tWClltj yardtion of Ch'cago spirit with this com. Ji \\ihclher they are registered in a�lY .�gc. of Educatlou and. University ,1;��' is '.. �t_ �.��s�nt ���� .�� �Jne b� riarht�PJf.·� Allen.:b,natioll. c_,t' ,·:r physic-at culture course o� 110� 'High School., ed.t�r and baseball wnter for � : .. Mol'pD Park was caven the ball In." '-The Purity- llanquct will fol"�;"'�h\! t tl la g r the squaCt ' Chi�!JIg' 0 .iliter "-an. ... ': ',. '1 tlie.'�Dter oi�tIie fielcti alld 'at:1oace• ., ... : tI come on .• a�. lC. � e;. .. �: Jessie E .. �t.a,:�-:\ePOia�d gratit ... -v'��..pr�ed�m ot. the ballquets.- (� '·th� t:ll' bt:tt,cr It w.n be for all th03� .� teacher in elementary �ool, Octobe� ':fI�'Cw�ddiD:g '�ilI '�. prace �OlDt �,r�ded to'usiil tbe'defea:se'of!fie '¥i�esota. 'J�lin,o.is, .�.urd�,�·Ne�k.l The; rl.ms through the par�. lleI. 1nn'7.· .' t;mje m/ �e'C�mbe� •. d��ai��' ��e' ��r dbicaahr:'el�Yeh. � ��; �'r: � f�'::_.I Ind.·ana . footb'-' 11 t�ams. The"d,'in, . .:r" ,• \ . �.,8IIUIS b,w, .. L_ tri .... ofl .... --L.;.,\ ... L,aug ." : y�. ,Ire ph�asant and invigora,·ing : .. i' ;:�;tce . be .. as yet u�ded. .I --- .. :!\ ....... �." .�, :�ll�'rs oi hO:'I:.i'�J�lY ':"'�l<l :gooq s�rts: II I •• I :,' '11. Myrta L. .McCteJfa., �Appoint� • ., -I, i&adeu.y.: :teQIl·.trUCk.·.a .... oDt- ..... 1.. . . . and �l w 10 can Jom t le !'Hluau. \V� I _A h EI hId�nship tsi.bhsh�(r·by L?ch S�ag� �nd i: pleasurable work.' The : ... x\ g._e.cae er ID· emClltary sc 00, P�:ntlC:t.tPt' .Ii..� ':;: ! The CJoicaao::IiJMlIIIiU-toti'the ttlast year,- re�lved ·e'ntllusiast,c ... :sup' n:ee'tiilg of the candidat�s . will .be a� O��9ber: I,. 1901· . '.�. ' '. :_. OR�BI��iiJQP.t OD tWr.,o,ponellts, and often" ..'port f�om- . the s'tudents'.: The.. �om. -4 :15 Friday. and every Mo�y' ,Chari"" �t:�r - ��JDk I '1· .. ·.-· ; .. ':'; ,.;: :::::::.�. ._., _, up.:the- pta)'S wD- ...... bad"':·juJf·-��on� � crowded: each evenin, b..:! tecbDica.1 ass .. t"'r.lD· anatotny, Od ;.' '.' :' :: P .. �.' .�. .' +' Sbuted. doWDin. tbc.. naDG' ��., '. I '.- ; \Vednesday and Friday thereafte·. tober I lnft"7 . -.. ..'II --l�"'''�·��:'niI. ...... _�.; J.._ ..... 0;.1. li.Vl-;�i!. .:: '.� :', '�1.'�1�'� t' ..... :fore the game to welcome �le,i�Op; , -=-"... '. �r.':"!T'" .� ••. ,. r�. � t._ 1Iac. I .pOsin� te��"�nd listen to 't�e ;'�Ik� '. ,, .Cbaa!'t:�.Y. R. �bo�I-:Appointe� ·,.:A.�'�'�"t,�� �.�: i 8J: �t��tiii, M�rpa ...... ,�, .YEAR'S TENNIS ,'PROSPECTS.... t ·,ia,·the ElemaatUy scheol •. O.�'r' ..;. . U"'''_.''4: -' " . - .-- I' �_ '.cl.lL'n.·:: .. :�d·J. • 'Qt".'Cof the �\)�lc�e�. :What. ��� J�fian� ARE UNUSUALLY BRloji �.. ' "',. j .:�. ..... . . .......__·.,."aa:p aae- NaIDJl ID ,.'�ame wii'l be li&c;c can be measut� by : , I •. 19D'1�· '. ..... .'. i' ;!. The UniverSit.i�oi-Cbic;ap: � �.teu.i�p IMIt a "*"WOWll�wn.,the �\1.nnesota"io�e�le�;t· ot'last:;Iall. ;Georg�,. D. 0�Ulle"�.AppoiAte� ic.:�,,:� !u.eH.;at·;tIi� _..beCiDiiiia' �r.to�: '�') �,* ,��.� .. '.. _:rbe;sm�;'���U, er m �!:.__ :t��I;I!�":��J .... �. 'tfM..cp�.!:' .. -. ., t· ,� . •. ":,I�.�W·-..a:irl· .. )b�;�', �>-"�':1'-as"the iootball talk is over iii'�.l-tRc:, ee...a.et 1��19O?� .. ':. '. • �.:-. , 0-. suPcrim�'ma .I�; �: ;.: ." to-Kofe'l�: �.ilJ·"f(frl_�.theatle of the R.cynords' club. It ' :L.F..'.Md��acCl ,"*..." ;! .. ft.oS��jA��·� _�;� aa�·iHttlJie:·:��i for ��.will Ix: a yars�.t1. .smoket:·.foLold an� ". �.j; .. t __ �'�1h�".���1 � ;.m.��;.:·.���;,_r .. �,�: not:-' AIt�."�" iato dIe-.�?_.'?c:'new men �Iike,; one of �he kind 'tha't 'Anothe� champio�hip year i�. ��. Oct�t .. I •. �. ' ..; .' . '. ".: � �: I r��;Jeiicc'�:' ;.arki!l·ldviiik ·M •. ' n� �� � ... �.become fea;;;��:�.�the campus hf�' I:is is in''prosp«t; If' present.mc1i9 . "�." £.. ·.Bacball��bo .. t�",�; ··r.ailOr.'·Da,.. .. ·�ajtr;,� .. e· oilly ;0" ��:,��.� .. ead... ,.'�._ I!i*'The old men plao)o giv.e especial at· lions .a:'e' borne out':'j�:: .! sistalll,·in departmeat ·of .�� kH'iD. .. �·�_��,/ . .: : �.:.x�hGCft.;,��� s....� .. � "tentiOil to ih� )1 �en at their firSt .:Allan ,R.oss,. national inter���otal· �ad:" Bacte��,; Ja1y �" 19O"i.<:·.'.!· '.'" "�s,·.�� t����.� .. �,�'�-.:� ��(.�,';�'I� ;:L�. � .ReYllolds ciUb sm9,�r •. · ,In order to lIc cham_�I.�n 10 �906.-and.Paal �r; .. Jac�b .. H. Hc!IIlH�'A.PPotIl� P'''c� nr'.boUt!\t�I.�l .... _e,ar:\v nclit.1ticklq -PR�· ri&btJ'���' ..swell, tl:te .�te�.�n..c�.· th�1 cl�b' . wi;;, ner, promln.e�� tn' western tou� assistant in the departme,u. of" .Ge� IrNetin.gJ:of lhe-'p�'�ii�':Wi�' 5teY�; ��i"", W .... Jle�� .. �. ., , ments, -wiil be.. eli.giblc for the team J I hn.I9 ". " . I �' �nlake'" nb .' d.stinction" betwttrl m.�ni· man. �. U. y:,·�"·I",,,,�. .. .' .;_ � .. called� .. bi�·M�.. ('�'·::ia·· �r tD �r, .� .1iaIf ' ;..'A-, ""'1 �'4i:bers and those .�h(; have not· yet '\¥inster,"Henry and Captain . Carr ar� . L. C. Raifonf;-AppOlDted assocl�ta.· mab,:necessalj.- .• ral�s. ' l. riP, . half ,Iaq.. �;. � ... � ��left of last -'ear's team. Th. is squad. . . d of' Cb" � 'L :. f . t' .... -. .' � . ··'t· Ijoined. . ,... . J..,' t an epartrlleAt eausuy. �lOw..:1 . SelecliodS' for the: tritls . ihM' V� . .. ',The Indiana' piayers will be the of"foul" is 1)y all means the best th:i: I •. Iga). .coJisist· of �lioit ��.etc'- .be � � ')iir� s� � 't.·�� , ...."guests of the club 'for the little' tim'e Ih'e'" Un"vti�ity has. .ever had, an� . Frank P. Waaatt-:-Appointed a'so ing of wftidl·· may remW:-· d"rarDa� -was ':;n . pie' , !. "With�' tbe' ·.e�bdore Coach Jimmie Sheldon hus· outclas�es;" Eor' individUal .and teal�\ ciate in depattmen\ of psycholog� pOssibi�ties .. Partialiars" 4 .0 : d1e '5JiO�� cii:tt.eiV�i��ii �.'itetIes th�m off to bed. President Jud .;trength all the �oll.eges of ·the west October:.� 1901.: tllne �nd "lace of the t .... win: Ik ..8iit-tllatl.tbe.� •• · ..... M .. u a"'tb�'son. Coach Stagg and Dean Vin- Should the team . win the single� AnDie A. Simins-;..AppoiJlted' i'n· decided· shortly. } , .. ! eri�I': 11l0III+. uiti' ......... r :to�nd doubles again in the inter..c:o: t " ti·l· EI ..�. "cent wlil speak, directing their reo s ructor lD tex es ID em.entary! . .. �; �ic� : .... e, :��� ... ,be ,� .. �:. at-:_. :egiat.�' next spring. tht: big silvel . bool, Oct be .. 10marks chiefly at the new ci'ass 01 inter-collegi�;e alp will corne .to.. ,Chi' sCJ",;""._ P. °R:.,.rh·�AlpfJlY1pom: ted 'a' SSI.staot SNELL .. IWL· �v .• �� ��.5�,�! �')����.�"II: 'Artie BQvee and Charlie lr.eland . "...,." ..... ' ". .. ,�. i.' I imp�Hd. �t'" tlte wa�· M�will ofliciate at the piano with the cago�' The last cup ·.was taken:'-by in the ,department of, Domesti< � :��, �.;���� •• ., P.rJt,,;a�,t�' .t.�tb'e furiianl�''''."Man Who Wears the C," "For Chi· "'ichig:tn onder the .caP�aii.cy of �Science in the Elementary' school Bn tleD� .. qo �.. were � hi tbe.Ma..oO.n:, .a 0•• "Go Ch,·c2.CWlt·'an·' :�etlben. Hunt. Seven points secure October I, 1nn'7. So-If haD ·IS· l·n"','.tL- . ...:- of. -"-;;':R-Il�e" ,.-: ... ::. .. ,.""',:..:.-....•·:"·-nd'( g .' ..•. 80, go,- go.. _-,' U. -=-, ". tn:' .... _ UII� .... .., ., __ ...oth�r c����"�ong�: \_'Wi;,stoh' Henr) thc cup, a Point being an iDtefoACOl. William ·KelleY Wrigbt-Appoi�ted water famine.. Me.dories of � �y... Iibb'.: ..... 1-;.�'oa .. tb.e-,:�.will tune 'ap'�a 9!1!l��t �n sentimental �egiate championship in silille. or 'associate in phiPosopby. October of draa"'t nell aD the watel' cOo'el�, �ere.j. a. st��· �t _ .........ditties. and. the Burton �tock Co. doubles. Chicago so far has five �907. w.ere <MIt of 'commi� .ea..e J,f tIl_ � �iis�' �tb . tbe' �_�s��·:i1���:;aat!:�:;:::t;.s�:: �17;n��I;'!th:::::. collelJC, Iowa, ;J;::b :,:���=:t::�..!t:;:: ::.:":�:: ;: ..;.n:�� �.ti.;-C���·Oiar..:The freshmen will get a chance to Chicago's points were made by I�ber I, 19fYl, the: pre8ent waterless .eonamo.. � fne� for' tJa� res' -of·the WHIL"..i:ll ('-'tt. singles, and doubles with water coolers have � 'been "� .. J!liotwitln� ..... ,� •Grey in 1906. and by Grey in the �RBY TO JOI.·�·TBAII In their stead porce ..... �iII!5 wil .. ,� . ....,en /�.� theit'�'ank ..singies, and Gr.:!y and Ca.rr last bdght faucets haft '"- pIafttI. On drill of the ��l, aJ . Jaddi ••• Iac�.,ring. �na � .... C. A.. A. .. � ��ch . �oor. bat t�e �t. aft d.:r, � •. ID.Y.r .�l':���'),� •. dropaDecida to Re-ea_ CoDep. Thirsty resi�nb (Aft Ioreed to make gdtinc down the .6,.. .nder paIlts.ZUEBLIN TO LI)CTURB expf'ditions to HitchcOc' or Cohb � �;·'t'i· cha�ni: "�iela�MThe an�cemen� made Yater- hall to get water: A ptentiful sappl� aiOaitd'" t_� .14::'. " � _ .. 'Sociologist to. Gift FinJ of Ipeecbn ,lay, that Ea�ne Carey will be Qat of pure water in the·.II.n·is- pttCaisW' � ... pl'OllliliM line 'cudi-on "Tl_1e '�mmOn Life" Tonipt. io� the swimmine t.eam this .�ar for the near fu�re·. The _ 'Pft�t elate, came oat for die '.�rst time yes-m\kes Chicap's chances f� a cham- droaflht is i�tal to the. · .... alb· te .... �. a.Ad tria- • eopd nnpressionThe first of a serie� of six lecture� . pionship water squd look e�eed- tion of the lie. filterilla .,.. w;ti. bis, s�ecl. �,,_(,I . hard t�l,ngon the.' general subject of "The Com- ;ng!y rosy. Carey, who was out 01 which i" itOt: Jfl ill' pod �C MOst of the ":'en .,.e now i ..... _1110n I.ife··, w,ilI pe deli,,�er,�d tonight ,residenc� last. 'year; will retata' 'to ('ondiriotl. 'soo· fOml .. sec�.t· � ii'1int��dby Prof�so'r Charle!' 7.lJeblin. 1111- �neft. th�� ·bfing. ,di&iblc for the unti"4� WIaea··_ � ...... thIewn,)er the ansl,iet's of th- W'oodla- -m .. Li H .. --..:.. h .... ... •• _,.. � s �ar.. • .wa!--�r � e ·f)alliel. CIa�" We .... a law st.- .... 'People's Institule in the �Iasoni; C. A..A- colon, &ad .is,OIIe of � bHt c!4:nt. has �n cOllI'" 10 .... wltli '.' '.� . ..' ..; :TempTe at 64th str�.t"t an«J Lexington • .-nera t� V.�,kJi..� WI.·I.,.� .• �.to. wrioM attack·of-fner-fOrdte.� '.'J�'t"':'�._... �•.. t,!,:f,dae•.. n/�J:'\'c,"U!t'. The" lecture. (or tonisht is . Hi I' L.o,; A __ L " -.., ,connt on. � �.� IY ... t�� -anl.ew· ..... l:'..at.:"'_' iii: IIf: "'T� � .. .ot;rmina to. tileevents. . ,....' .' .. ":-illima...:� :: :' •. t;W.� '" .-a"\,� I�rr� "*;' •.,� ._ .. -: ...... � .• I.� .' -'; I" f� ���:H(;' P: !' ' .. ;,;' ...- ..... �,. -_ ...... ,:� .. '\o • J.. .... · .. �·1·<: ,_j.- '"al'"� .g-'. ,l.:.. • ..�. ,, " :pll ,-".' ':. .,.... '.'11:.. , r :-_ - -_. j '... I �. ".. �-."Vol VI. No. J. • .. '1.. admire themselves in a pie�at ·.nltmill. Here 'they :will get their fir��official workout alPinst the soph:.wre.tling and boxing. Th.· ·10 brig:ule has already chn�cn its heavyweight and featherweight for th:: DR.f:-;ay. The mass mecting wm do!'>!;'with the alml\ m:ltcr.W, A. A. to Entertain FreshmenThe Woman's Athl(.·tic- Association�t will givt' a reception to the Fresh·men girls this afte.'rnoon at 4 o'dockin Lf'xington �ym. At." :30 . thc"rewill be a Pigmy . C";ant baskt'thallgalW'. which promisf's to be very e�·citing. and following thi, there willbe informal dancing. entitled ·'Business."..-'-::�. • � '''6'' ;.-----.-'".:"."i,,"I'jIi II !Ii '}: i, i'j.t't THE D..AILY MAROON, CHICAGO. THURSDAY. OCT, 3. 1907 .�� _�I_ 'utIle '0 "41'1;! �. U. -·-Th�·--::--'i.:"l""-""'r· "th·--"l--Z·--':::'-b·�·· " .NO\';�illbc!r·21"Gerc\int �nct:EdiA ...· .. ' .• '" .' ........ . . e rePO.rts· 0 e � .ure. ureal' . .� .'L&.---'iG"'W...,-:-6eL-:-i:-r-.... �.--=- �....,.�e-��iV�dy :-WIoW._ that·- this �!.cc.:m.ber. ?�:rJ.t�. Holy Grail .Z3U.-...r ..... � ...i.., 1M!) "�,' � s�er's �e�ies �� .�o�.� l�ctu�e.s was D���,ll���� rz- �!lI.l��I�t -�;tf EI��?��n� Adtt· tJ JiiH , ilA�ftv � the most wld.ely-atte-nded that has. J)cc��l1b.S�f' .y>r:G�,�n�v�r�;;,t�� ,P�� ..j.� r; n����i� - .yet been given by the University Illg .o� An.hur. r >, � ,i.. ua. 0.&. Th�r�' '�e�e uS "da� . lectures whid� ; Gelier�1 . tco:ii� �� ·t�; i Moderncaco J:oatoGlee. ;l'� average �f 18S. people attended Drama. A series of eight lectures by. , Ten- �o�erts' were �ve�.-t� an aver' P4!r�y"".M.acJ<..aye, AR,· -William: �Ot- ...... pU�:.prlc;;, $.1.00 '�l" ,ea�; .1.Ju :lge- atend�l1c� �f 5J5:- �nd. th� eigbt man Guthrie, ·A.M., and Richard Bur-:�.a.; __ tba.: g...cI'�».;'�./ecel.ecI at popular c\'ening'l-t'ctures had an aver, ton, Ph.D., ·L�H.D. .:. :�;.iM Manoa 0tIce. -11m. 11&11, 01' at tbe age '-attendanc� .of 688 people. A' ro .l".lg�l�ry- .l-The Pla.xhQIJ�e. and the.,� . 1JiMlaaq4jo ... C ..... BaiL,,·, ...... tal of 34.270 people attended the lee pjay..:....�lt. �l�cKay� ...... �'- ....tures and concerts, making an aver .T!l'!_ .'Sociological Drama. Mr.age of 240. Guthrie, .The number of people not con, . Januilry 9-lbsell's Yr.edecessorsr ected with the University who at- January 16�lb.sen. the Idealist: thetended the series of ten concerts i.\.1Qrwcgian -at Rome.' -given OIl successive Tuesday .even . J;�lluary - 2J.:...:...lbsen.� the·. Critic- ofings during the quarter was partjcu Society r c- the Rights of the 'Individ-larly noticeable. ual, .Owing to the larger number of lee- January Jo--Ibsen the' Reformer;lures in 1 gOO, the total attendance' fOI the Sociai' Bond. 'the two' years does not show a very February 6-lbseri's Contemporar­striking difference. But the gain ;n ies.February IJ-Ibsen's Disciples.Ll;TUft »:. J'EkNALU,·��lDg. EdItor.WUI. 8. BliUlLn(, BuaIDeB8 l1aDllger..11,... - Preston F. Gass, News, Editor.· , ,:Melvin J. Adams, AtilIetic Edito�.- "' ..· � Cole Y. ·Rowe, HarTY .A� Hansen,•. v , .• .'. Jerome Frank"GLOVES:a" be right and not be'�0WDea, bat they can't beFOWNESanCl DOt be right.'nom'nal dents this se�son decreased 25 fromMml .. dvantag��. which ca.lJ. be se· the record of last year. Thi� dc·c.ured in no other �;ty. 11ciency was mor� than made up by�ose who fail to enoy t��'-open- ihe larg� number. of persons outsid'!house" . of the club this week ir. ,_I'e campus who attended. The lack,_ " of interest shown by UniverSity peo­.' . lICarn�ng .to �ppre. date its great ad� pIe. is regarded as .especially remark-.. pntages. and who nettlet to avail able. in view of the fact that for fourthemselves p{ the opportunity to stft;cessive years no one musician has.�II; will find that their neglect will appeared twice.• ��t' i�em dear.. One of the thiDgs• . t 1JI� ',worth while in th�' U�iver!'ityof CbialO' 1� tnenibe�hip in the.......... Roben Gibboney. '04 ", has re­tnrned to the campus for a fe� �ays'Vlslhng. He is emp10yed in a IaNoftice do .. toWL . ... .__.__ .•... , - '.' r:ONI: REASON WHY........ ':- .... ' ..'_ .: YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR BOOKS�ND STA�I�NERY FROII Us.Bqhmina October. I. � receipts wiD be� for all purdIMea made in oar Rnai1 Depart­ment. Thne receipts. in .Iota of 110.00 01' 0.... willk recleemect at 5 per ,_t in mercbaDctiM.- if· iwe-.. � el&innc the ume Qaana' in wbidl they arerecaved. D.� of redemption OD or before IIarcb31, JUDe 3G, Sept. 30 aDCI�. 31, rapectiY�. .SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS'RETAIL DEPARTIIENT"ON THf CAMPUS."....AI1JSEIENlL..The GarrickTomorrow Nicht anel AU WeekMR. SOTHERN Prescntin&IF I WERE KING .The GrandMONTGoMERY andSTONE inTHE RED MILL....THEHYPOCRITEs ... .)she average attendance at each lee�ItUOUDS ture )s so large 'as to be startling February 2O--Amusement and In-... ': .. ,.� I.:. ...... .. In .1906,·it was 190; in 1907, it was struction in the Playhouse-Mr. Bur-4 �:a_uql. Heflin, W�lter A. Ford, :!40.· this means that over one-fourth ton.i author of "Rahab."• -: .. W,; S.ld.orrison, Howard J .. Kenner more_ pe9ple. attended each lecture. '.... F.recJ W� Carr, E.. C .. Hoadley, . and. concert .in the quarter which has· tL. L.;F.ridstei.n. I. E._ Ferguson, _ jt�st closed than in' the correspond- IOWA GRIDIRON SQUAD:.M�ssJ<;sther.H�l1, Harvey B. Ful1erJ�. ;ng one of last year. . GETS EVENING LECTURES.@,:_: . Alb�ft Q e . Henderson... �:. _! In general literature. the lectures ot --� _ .. ' \ !'.';. Associate Profe�sor Clark proved as Coach Catlin Gives Chart Talks-_ ().... usual strong drawing .c�rds. The Van HOOk. Back at lUinois, to•. ,;,._i ,.� :"_ •.•• ': .. �.. ,. .." series 'of �iss Reynolds on the lake be Seen at Center,I'Itated-b til. IIuooa � country and its '. bards and men and... � CoO i "', 474 IDa8t G6th 8tnet· maimer�' of. the eighteenth century... _ I... . PboM':�:i Jb� hit was popular; whi.le· that of Mrs. Mac· . ('oach :\larc Catlin of the IowaCliiltock . seemed to suffer from the football team, has introduced an m·. ,' ... ....P.1.:... .. . : . .: • fact that it was given �t the School novation in football coaching in' the� h.. average student' learns witb·.· . f,. ••. _ ". ..: l of . EducatiOn. Unusual prommence way 0 evening lectures to the 'Can... �s�.�ri;�� th�t thel'e �ere. last. y_ea,r:. was give. t� mu�k_ b� the: lectur�s didates for the. team. Football stock;... • ..!t'." not incon�iderable nuin- of Director Lest�r 'Barlett Jones and at tile Iowa institution boome-d at· .,Biae .,... her, of men' i� th�. Uni, t�ose given by Daniel Gr.egory Ma the first of. this week when word wa�· "'oQa" � versity . who _ did _ n�t son of . Columbia. "Literacy Tech- received that Kirk, .las't year's bi�. J!Non" >. _ belong to the_:ReYnol..is nique in the' Nineteenth Century," a� fullback, would return. The Hawk-•• j,'" ,�"";., . ' ... ' presented in four rectures by Assist· _eyes ,have been g.etting into. shapeclub A . '. . .., .. • . .:.1:.1;.:. ... _). • _ '•. -.• cu��S_rCOI�C�- ant Professor Linn also proved at- rapidly, and are in far better cOlldi·· 1,��Il'CC3�:-:.�owe:v.e�,. i� .th"';�_ h_e .. h� .dif .. �ndance in. this .p.oup. In science; lion at present than' they were at tho:': .,fi�u� in deciding .. wbp -these non. the series. on astronomy and the lec· same time. last year, •· . members could have heen,' So far as tt:res relating to' birds and bird life Joy was brought tothe hearts �f• � I can: be 4 detennined, all tlie ·representa. given 'by .Professor Samuel C. Illinois rooters when it was learned. '. . . . _. . Schmucker m�t with the greates that Van Hook, the star guard of· �.ve men Oft the' campus belonged. . I, :. St�dy', of the' '�p a-;'�d - Go�' shows favor� . • ... ast year, would return: He will no:.. " ,,� .... :' . _' . '. '. The addresses of President G. Stan, be seen at his old position' on the.. :��aL��.e .�on- of. Reynolds clu�' �ellL ley H-all of Clal'k University and 'of gridiron this year. however, as Coaci1.' -: .JJer$ ;i� the .. �oJl. of. ,the _be&f_'lc;nown .SuPerin;endent W. 'N. aiiIord rif Hall has decided to switch him te:meD'. .iII the University, and thar the 'Council .Blujis in tlie division of 'Center. .Green. will. probably fill hh'�onli: pfaees' wher-e those' who an- �hilosophy and ed�cation attracted place at gua�d. Rooters clubs art, .: Vt.l ;..i,"; ...: large. audiences_ The small attend- already being organized by the Ur 1---------------.� pon-Uleinbers oCCupy 'spate a� in the'''�'''' . ance at lectures ·on bitilical historY bana students in preparation for the,_. :._� as�., ... roo•.... �··and "the U.n.iver�ity ad- d' .-::. . ..' . h• _, _ • an theology is a source of some game wtt the Maroons, two week�d��ss � .... ... ,surprise, 'the' average number of peo- from Saturday.: '.• Those. to whom the hermit life ap- pIe present being but 70. Dr. Her.:.. ,.pe;a1s-,. :the ReJliold!l club cannot. iD- �rt Lee. S�etson of Kalamazoo Col·.•. ! . �r.est:: It is useless to urge the club loge and Dean Shaii.er Mathews of. •. : on :'':on''e who'" ' . th· . �. . the .. University delivere-d addresses of"_ . cares no mg lor per. '.· . _:. '.. . .�" : ... ' the greatest populn interest. Tech-,. �'. s�n.l: .conve�lem:�s and recreative nical lectures on Romance and Ger·priviiqes }n o�.e of the finest of coi. manic philology proved of limited.: le&le clubs. west or ;east, and to wh�m interest.: - . cordial friendship wilh .. fel10w �tu. Greater relative appreciation of the. dent!'. means nothing. Tuesday evening concertS' seems toOn'tlte other hand. the liTe :men in be �e1t �y perso'ns not resid.ent at the.. '. . . ·Umverslty than by those registered•. '_. ,the. Unlv. erslty appreciat.e that· the The ntlmber of tiockets sold to stu·'. club offers to them for' a IllinoisFRITZI SCHELFF.. In the· Beat of aU AmericaD. Comic Operas : .IILLE. IIODISTEThe StudebakerWILT T. HODGEIII the Mew ComeqTHE lIARFROII HOllEAu di:riuMTHE GRAHD IIOGULF.....k llouIaD aacl 0ricinaI Cat.McVICKER'S-- LAST WKBK -BLANCHE WALSHIn the New Ct,de Pitcb �THE STRAIGHT ROADColonial.Kid Bums in' Geo. II. Cohan-.lIasiW PIqTHE TAI.K OFNEW YORKThe WhitneyThe lIa.Ical WinDerA KNIGHT PO. A. DAY . ·La SalleTHE.GIRLQUESTION-TO-UlIIOll............ ..._ ..............11 HI PUIUI rua III 111mSI,nD·lRU m PUJ• ', •• Ii wh ........... � ...� ..."I'IIatn DI8bId.�";'�il.i.:a': ."so 0' ... _ ............ -� ........Class Pilla � �.C. T. CUllY 6 . CO •,litTelelRI£303 ITel.A' .LATH6,ttT.$2.Established 18g0.IlANUFACTURIJlG J�and ENGRAJVBRS.78-10 State BtnetCIIiaIp.OpeJAIIESTOWN BXP08ITION.EXCURSIONS· ::Via11011011 ROUTf.2S.28GoiDc • aM.iNti or LoIi1ImIJe.RetanaiDc tImI W........ D. C.LIberal Stop-otea. at aD YiqiaIaRaorta aDd at W ........30.'70'Going via Cincinnati or LoaisYille.Returning thra New York Cit,.Stop-oyer at Washington. Baltimore,Pbilade1phia. New York, Catskill. N.Y. (for Catskill Mts.) mica, N. Y.(for Adirond.",1a �h_) C;vra�, N.Y. (for Thousand Islands). Niag:u.·Falls, Lake Chautauqna.A delightful Ocean Trip,' BetweenNorfolk' and N�'W York, on OceanGreyhounds, if lOU want.Send for a compl�te fist of Hotel,and Boarding Houes near the Ex­position grounds. Address :� 0Iice. I'" Clan at.. �Subscribe for Th� Dail, Mar�1IDo it 110.1 CClWIp:ea1D. �TH£ DAILY MAROON, clri(.:\Go ... THURSDAY"OCT. j. 1907. .. .. ·-····9�_M--·<-�.·'··"'''''''-,,·· '.' THE EIlPLOYMEri'r BUREAU,THIRTYThe following positions are open : IClerking, ,Satur'!:lr:,. Scr�magi.ac to Come Soon-Four'20 furnishing go�I.� ·�alcsmen. New M�� Join.FRESHMEN. REPOR'r� Shoe salesmen.� Clothing salesmen. The second day of freshman prac-3 Positions {or board. t ice brought out over thirty candi-2 for rool1�. dates for th .... second SCH!ad. and gnveEvening work, �-II p. ,01. " Coach Hezdek :! chance to size UI;at .express companies. his men. Hc said yesterday that the3 young men are wanted to teach material' is good. prospects for a. roller skat�e �t Skating rfn�, 7 :30 backfield being more promising thanfor a line. .tv IU :30 p, m.Saturday work will be given out. 011 Thursdays, from 1 :30 to 3 :30. ;\ fter a [cw clays of signal workCoach Bezdek will d'vide the candi­dates UI> into two suuads, and p'tTypewriters them ;lg;iinst each otlwr in a strenu-T�: l'E\\'RITERS for :��"l· or Rcnt-> ens scrimmage workout. Fr ornSJ.L"'Cial rates' to students: bargains these two elevens.' he will pick ain r v: ;i>l1ilt. machines. W: White- I(am to keep the Varsity team busyhead, 36 La Salle St r cet. t he rest of the season.I'WA�TEO-Collegt· m('n, with spirit:particulary those who are intercl't­cd in college activities a�d in thenalma matl!r. to �ub�cribe to The­Daily Maroon. Live ones ooly.need subscribe. Apply, :Maroon of·6c:e. Ellis lid.Telephones: Harriton 4259, 3401, 4239AutOmatic 5239RI(;BARDS, AMBLER 11'£0.COAL�D�OKE303 Dearborn Street. Chicago'H. M'cGR'EW'ILUMBERLATH, SH'''�l.fS, .OULD'.G, fTC •• fT(:;64th Street and Madison Avenue'·A·.� , .":'. ',.: I'., I'Tel, Randolph l66.Dr.· �_. ··W�.·EIbjt. � : .DENTAL SURGEON'•• 'I .. ... •• .. :Special Fees for Students.CHICAGO .-- .: .....• .1 ��: f �J:'��" • '.'.. .IAME�t,HATS$2.00 $3 00� fair·deal �tb neIy:bat.Opera .Ha�. Silk .• Hata. .161, 163 E. MADISON. STREETMar La-SaJie.The Tea· House .319' E. 57th· StreetLuncheons. Dinners. Aftemoon Tea.Sl'nday Night·· Suppen.Open, Wednesdays 10 to 10-SundayS. ;It '.0 8Telephone H� Park 2015BORDEN·SCondensed 1IiIk. Fluid lIilk. Creamand Buttrrmilk. ..,.,All Bottled lathe Co-tI7.,Borden's Condfin� ··IIiIk· 0,.'327 329 E. Forty-Sevefttll St. .......e. TeL 3341 Hyde' PIirk.-Miss K. M. DoranElectrical FadaJ II�Electrical Scalp Treatment,S , .. "TlfOO;r.g, Eat'242 East 57th StreetChkaCbe,J.{.J. ......... RJ'lePukll .... rr.,A. McAdam.,...u .........••• Flnr'et...·_-"'aouw--:... _ .... m...n.w. Chloa._ Wanted IBI:NSON'S ,ORCHt::STRA�SEASON 190;-1901(The ORCHESTRA THAT PLAYS FOR CHICAGo'S SMART SET)--CLUBS-,-.CalumetBirchwoodSouth=shore ClubHighland Park ClubFt. Dearbom Club Onwentaia Calumet Countr7 ClubExmoor Golf Union LeagueChicago Automobile Club Chicaco Golf ChabSouth Side Colonial.. Homewood CounU7New Illinois Athletic Cbicaco Athletic Club. -.-HOTELS---Virginia VendomeThe Moraine Cbic:ap BeachPotter Hotel, Santa Barbara. Cal.For open -dates and other inf�rmation addreuTelephonesCentral 571JCentral 5253LakotaMetropoleEDGAR .A. BENSON,40 East Randolph S� C;hic;acoCAREY'S PIPE AND BOIlER COVERINGS85 Per Cent Magnesia. A�stoa. Etc.Our Cover;np used on the Steam Piping in PowerFour I�W candidates joined the and Building of the University of Chir.2D'O.squad yesterday. ,'hey are Weldoll -TO RENT-Furnished, front and a member of last year's team at Mor­sunny. A suite of rooms ·for hV'J gan Park. and \\'t.·ighin�� 180 pounds:who wish to avoid housekeeping. Goldberg of Wendell Phillips, choiceand are willing to pay sOI�lc .. Iring for tackle on the all-high schoolover $25.00 for a supe:ior horne. 'cam of 1')06; PcIly, a ft�et half backSharman, 5716 Madison Ave. f 'om the same �':hool. and Miller, a185 pound line man from Wyoming\v A TN ED:--StOdents to att ... nd En­glewood Roller Rink. 6432 Went·worth Ave. E ... ·ery eve., Thurs. New Book Store System.Sat. and Sun. Afternoon through The Univers-ty of Chicago bookseason.Rooms ::0 Rent -tore has recently installed a newROOME TO RENT-.l\Ii:-:s l da :\1. i:;!cm of discount for the benefit of: (Jg:::-s. 5&.0 jackson A'\'�.; roorr.s ,hc students. Each purchaser -,.;�ngle or .en suite; 'w.tn or without. �:\'lll a 'cash register slip for tllothousekeeping ; $7 to $24 per month. .iount of his purchase.' These. Re�olds. Club Has Registrar Pass---------,-------- On Names of App[cantS.�'RS. TElp�Y; 5653 Dre.x�1 ·Avc.-Two single rooms forTadies; $8 an.l� mo'rii'h: -private family; best ref-, ".TO RENT-Two" plea sant room-good location.' Mrs. J. E. Stepenson,5�3! ',MOIl oe Ave.WANTED-CollegeSuite 167---16. S�te· sued:• !5 POSITIONS open III stores fo: .�o.t�" .- : }.�S�.<;!�l��: .in,. ' �,' .. - �' ... ' . ; clerks; � experienced .. ; clerks pre--PYORRHEA .ALVEOLARIg-�·, 1>'': Ierred.: . Clerking. positions will be �ANTS REAL STUDENTS ONLY: given out Thursdays from I :30 t�men with co'-lege spirit; only those loyal to theAlarna Mate:-,. tc subscribe to .TheDaily :\olaroon. Po it now!, 3:30·.erences.SOLISITORS WANTED for Chica-go and suburbs;' afternoon and Sat­urday work; an attractive proposi­tion for good men. Add��ss P .. W.C. care Baily Maroon, stating ex­pe 'ience arid time -that can b.,given.ALEX CALDER, DRUGGISTN. :&' Cor. 61st and Ellis Ave.CIGARS. TOBACCO and ICECREAM SODAS (entire year)Students· - Patronage EspeciaDySolicited. "Always a Squal D.cal here."WA�TED, AT ONCE-Every tlesh­,_ ma�" who irit�nds to take an in­terest in college affairs to sub·...('r:he for The Daily Maroon: Don"tfail to do it now.C.L,SCHARFPICTURES AND PICTUREFRAMING265 East Fifty-Seventh StreetOppO<h' Ro�ali(.' Court,Ask For'')E'?' rn-c- CCi.VNS,INTERNE SUITS,LABORATORY GOWNS,RUBBER A PRONS andOVERSI,EEVESManufactured byBRS'l' & CO.254 E. Madbon Street�.JI& �I�I)S in amounts of ten dollars ornorc may be tu-ned in any timer':�g- tl c quarter :n wl�ich they aresued and a discount amounting toper cent of th.cir value allowed on':rt�a'r purchases. The last daysupon which such slips wilt be redeemed for the next three quartersare December 31. March 3' and JuneUnless you are a bona fide memberof the University, you are not eligr­ble to membership in tlie· Reynoldsc;lub. I n the past anyone with :Ltwo-dollar bill, regardless oi pastpresent or future, could become ;member and 1io questions asked. But•under the new regime the prospectiVe�andidate for membership must g�through a cross-examination in reogards to c1a�s and University status111 g.crieral. This information goesthrough the recorder's hands andmust receive his approval before themember is admitted.Many Enter Reynolds Club.The enrotlment of memb.::rs of theReynol�s club will break all pre­vious records. Up to 10 o'clock las! Inight J 51 names had been enrolled,which is far in cx-cess of any pre·\·ioulo> year Co ra corresponding kngthc,f time. It is confidently expectedthat when the bashful membe:� pal'111), that last year"s record of 460 wi1lbe easily broken.Dr. Joseph P. \Varrell. (L�p:lrtt11ent·al ('xamilwr of hi!'Otory. r('tl1rned fromEnglanel and I r('lancl to the t;ni\"('r�ity last �lo!'c1ay ni�ht. 11(' lancll'cl,n :\Itlllfrc.'al on St1IHiay anc! Came.:direct throu�h to Chicago. Dr. Par·l'r \.·xl',,-;:I!'O to he marr'.",l hdor(' th�('Ild of the year.SUBSCRIBEFORTHEDAILYMAROONDo it Now. House. TlUUlelis,WfSTERN ROOFING Contract work a Specialty.SUPPLY . CO.177 Randolph Street. ChicagoRepairingon Gent'sGarmentsFree of?hone Calumet 1300.Harrison 2J58.Cor. 25th and Cottage Grove. Ave. SuitsCleaned andPressed 'I�S.Down Town Store317 Dearbom StreetHo·tel Maroo:nNORTHEAST CORNER 58TH ST. AND DREltEL Ava.'Building' Thoroughly' Overhauled and Rencavated.Latest Modem Applliances for Ventilation and Sanitation.Rooms Light and Airy. Newly Fumished, at Reasonable' �te&Lunch Counter and ReStaurant atjaehed, wbere th� best of every·thine is served:Your Patronage Solicited�--------------------------------------------.-----�1 he Place Where College Men (Gngre,ate .OPEN EVENINGSPhone Harrison 5928. . 26.J lIidDpn Avemae.J. 'c. Lynas. L. G.. W"aDdnsFraternity Jewelry Engraved, Embossed StatioD�, Propams aDdGt-eek Letter Pennants in exc:1U1he 4nip. '.College and Fraternity Steins, ·Ash Tra7S, Toba� Jan, � �1iedwith any monogram, crest or emblem.• • • • •FRESHMAN CAPS 75c.The .Most Complete Line ofCOLLEGE GOODSGRADEHIGHU. of. C. U .. ofc"PENNANTS FOBSCOVERS PINSA New Chicago Fob, soc.The W. C. KERN CO.Manufacturers, Wholeulen. Retailen.� II EaSt S�h Street.----------�-------DOn·, Walt. To be asked for 7OUI' subKription for- JIIe Belir "1'00II.. Lea" � at .... IIarooa 0Iic&110 " NOIII.. � -� .:': ',:: �: ... . . '':' ... � - .� - ,December, .6-Sh�espeare·s "Kin� der of the Coostitution (AmericanLear"-A Study in Plot .Structure. law and statesmanship),Plain Talks on American History. March 17-Horace Greeley, the Re-Ry Edwin Erle Sparks Ph.D .• pro- form Editor (the lle'!5paperi Iessor of American history,'I January 6- The Birth of AmericanDiplomacy (contributions to worldpolitics).Janu.1rY 13-Church and State inreligious tolera- An!.l!d�an reforms).March 24-Abraham Lincoln, thefirst American (third return of po­litical power. to the people).'Weat SideThe Lewis Institute, corner oft{obey and Madison streets, Thursdayevenings, � o'clock.English Popular Poetry. By Wit..iam D. MacClintock, A.M., profes­or of English literature.'October 3-Tlk Tastes of "TheJanuary 2O-War and Peace inI American• History (a historical sur­vey).January 27-The Westward Move­men! of the People (distriburion ofpopulation) . ._'<Voi-_'1-71.· ... ....., .. '.... .,,.,.,.,. ..... ..-c �SOIIItion of Bacteria in Nature.February 24-The Relations of Israel and the Earlier ProphetsBacteria to the Industries. By H.erbert 1... Willett, ,Ph.D., assist-March 2-The Relations of Bacteria •• nt professor of the Semitic Ianto Disease. guages and literature.March �Water Supply and Sew- November 14-The birth of the Na-ag.e Disposal. tlclIl-Moses. 6co. March I6-The .Milk Problem. November 21-The Making of theMarch 23- Tuberculosis and the Kingdom-Samuel.Public Health. N �vcmber 26-Early PropheticSouth. Side Ideals-Nathan and Ahijah,Abraham Lincoln Center, corner December S--The struggle witt)Oakwood boulevard and Langley Baalism-Elijah_avenue, Tuesday evenings, 8 o'clock. December I2-The Dangers of Na-Biblical' Literature of Prophecy, tional Prosperity-Amos._ By Richard' G. Moulton, A. M., Ph December I9-The Decline and Fall_ore than 100 �peches to be Deliv-D., professor of literary theory and of Israel-Hosea. Iered Under Auspices of Univer-interpretation. Men Who Made the Nation: Partsity Lecture AssociatiolLOctober I-The Earlier Prophets as II. (lIlustrating the period 1800- ,N��.������Mm���L 1�)���E��u�� �_� ��ftiai� are Represented Among October 8-The Later Prophets as D., professor of. American history, '1the T_� __. .�lcn of Let-rs. �n�ry �ho�� Jefferson, the,�-�������������������������������.a..g;� ,� Uti; I • • • • • • • • • • • • •, •..• '• �.. • •. I. .• •.• • • ._ ...• October Is-The Book of Isaiah Expounder of Democracy (first po, ·tMore than one hundred lectures A Prophetic Miscellany. liticat revolution). .. ;,nearly all given by members of the October 2;2-Jeremiah: A Prophetic January I6-Hen.-y· Clay, the 'Fath- ·V·· ·t - _.,,' ! Pi . '��A. .J_' University faculty, . win be delivered Autobiography, . 1,·r of Public Improvements (develop. lSI.' ,-,ur - �no, ," �cu��at the four centers conducted by the October 29-Ezekiel: Transition or ment of the Wes�). .University Lecture association' during of the Ancient Prophet into the January 23-Andrew Jackson, thethe present season, Nearly all depart- .\Iodern Pastor. ' Man of the· People (party men andments of the University will, be repre, November S-Biblical Prophecy: methods).sented among the speakers. Tho! Its Contributions to World Litera- January 3O-:-Daniel Webster, De-year's program at the different cen ture, fender of the Constitution (Americanters is as iollows: Organic Evolution. By John M. law and statesmanship).North Side Coulter, Ph.D., professor of botany. February 6-Horace Greeley, theLincoln Park Co·ngr.egational November I2-What is' Evolution?' Reform Editor (the newspaper inChurch� 'lfYl Fullerton boulevard, November I�Darwin and Natural American reforms).near Cleveland avenue, Monday Selection. February 13 - Abrjlham Lincoln,evemngs, 8 o'clock. -"The Qualities November 26-DeVries and Muta- the First American (third return ofUpon Which the Merits of a Work tiolL political power to the people).of Art Depend" By William M. R. December J-Her.edity. Scenic Feattlres of North AmericaFrench, A.B., director of the Ar! December Io-Piant-Breeding. from the Geologicat Point of VieW'lInstitute of Chicago_ December 17�Evolution of the By \Vallace W .. Atwood, Ph.D .• 'in .September lo-The Value of a Plant Kingdom. structor in physiography and generalLine: Linear Composition. Studies in American Society. By geologytOctober 7-The Making of a Pic- George E .. Vincent. Ph.D., professol- February .2O-The Grand Canyonture: Formal Composition. '.It Sodology. of the Colorado and Its Surround-October 14':"'The Wit and 'Wisdom January 7-The Life of a Nation. ings.of tbe Crayon: An .• .\nalogy be- January 14-The Selection of I·�ebruary �-The High Mountain�tween Art and Literature. Types. of North America.October .ll-The Rul�s of the January 21-Th.e New England and� :\Iarch s-The Glaciers oi NorthGame: Pictorial Limitations. Virgiman Types. America.October �Light and Shade. January 28-The Industrial Revo- ,.March I2-Niagara Falls and th�November .. -Color and Expres: lution. Great Lakes.5:on. February .. -The Dawn of Class :\Iarch 1�ln Limestone Caves.Poetry as a Fine Art. By S. H. Struggle. :March 26-The Yellowstone Na·Clark, Ph.B.. associat� professor of February I �-The Unifying Forc\!s, tional Park. lll'ustrated with lanternpublic speaking. :\fen Who Made the Nation. Part slides.November IT-Longfellow·s "ROb II. {Illustrating the period .800- Centralert of Sieily"-A study in story- Tel1- I�). By Edwin Erie Sparks, Ph. ·:\tusic Hall, Fine Arts building, 203ing. D., professor of American history. Michigan boulevard. Thursday after-NO\·ember I�Amotd's "Sohlab February 18 _ Thomas J.efferson, I r.()ons. 4 o'dock.and Rustum"-A Study in Orienta! the EXI)Ol1llder of Democracy (first Special. Co:rse-"�ennys�n's IdyllsStory.T.etling. ... political re,-olution). (\f the King. Poetic readmgs by S.November 25- Tone-Color in. Ens· February 2s-Henry. Clay, tbe 1 H. C1a�k, Ph.B.,. associat� p,,?£essorJish Verse. Father of Publioc Improvements (de-' of public speakmg, Unlverslty ofD«ember 2-Tennl�on's ·'Loh·' velopment of the West). ! Chicago..Eaters"'-A Study In' Tone-Color MatICh 3-Andrew Jackson, the Man!' November 7- The Corning of Ar-Rh,tbm and Rhyme. of the People (party men and meth.! thur; Gareth and Lynette.December ..-.Mark Anthony's Fun. I" ods). --------------enl Oration-A Study in Oratoile.ll 1T-=t. • March Io-Daniel Webster, Defen·This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade. the bosom of whichlutely will not bulge. February 3-Tht' Insular Depend- People" in Matters of Art.encies of the United States (history October io-The OlderPopular Poetry: Ballads.October �i-English Popular Foet­,. for Children: Mother Goose,October 24- The Poetry ·of Burns;Eighteenth Century Popular Movements.October 31-The Poetry of Rile,'and other' American Po�ular Poets. -November 7- The Poetry of Kipling. Engli .. hand government}.February Io-The Monroe Doctrineand the Isthmian l1anal (devel�p­ment of. a fixed foreign policy).Bacteria and Facts ConcerningNonnan MacLeod Harris1\1. B.. assistant professor of bacteriol­ogy.February 17- The Place and Func-You will never wearkind if you try this.(Patented Feb. 28-1899.)-m MA£-HURDLE"All Cood furnishers sell them.FACULTY IEMBERS TOGIVE MANY LECTURES(Continued on page 2) WHERE THE VARSITY BOYS TRADBIl "'e':' • Y'_ .�. r-.'_MOSSIJ�1l �Co., CLOTHElt -lIAiia�:��D�� -Pub:"1cialceaslin,in aPeCl··Fir- cial" � .-- 4�;;';';_ .'�. 'PALL- OLOTIIU AU Ilfoar -wararob&':utaay!"\ iioililiic' tiatFaD clothes! Fall suits. FaU over­coats, FaD: troUSeh. Fall ves'ts!JUST LOOK AT . OURwindows!' .There are D�6e! Hie ·-themanywhere! They are "an �edUcatiOD�in men·s clothes! Study' them If �know what is to be wom· this· �:and . remember" our" stOre is-lull-of· jailsuch clothes! .OUR "OLOlfDs AU MiDiin our own mop in our own bailcliai'at SO JackSOll' Boulevard. W. �clothes' (or father � Son; fSi :-eYa:in, and day wear. �, thejTheultj:govPtheStaihohbrirhis. ternsaicg:v.OWlroa:cau:'Suits'SII to 14s­Coats sm to $60.Mossler.·Co�..so Jacbon BouleftrdcortratareJatlFt�elJ'u�. go,we, rearar: serBefore matinS a selection be sure' to aee our � .....abibita-four Boon of' displq room. - Coloaial Room. Art�oveau RooliJ. Louis xrv Room. Dutch Room!. 'Hanctreda of�maD". ditferent makes each of admowledpcl aapnnn- .,aey in i�. resPective cl... aD sales � at mjnjnmm t;ipreLCall for art bootJets of' varicM. pianos to .� at JOGr .....Terms to sait :JOUr preferences, VlSiton ... �me--tlOone urged to ba)'! We are perJindtheha1elilbewbgalSoie Agents forCROWII, 1DI�BE, EsTEY.CHICKERIH'G BROs.. )l£PHAlL GRAND.CONCORD.H.�NBLSON •. JU�xJufirTlGEO.P.BENTBefore making a _Jectioa _t tile Piano .... of211 Wa b a. b Ave n a e C b i c • a 0, U. S. A. noL(come"linton A. Ifelum (, SoilsTAILOJLS305 Atwood Bide. Clark and ....... Sta.Telephone ••• 17FROCK SUITS,FULL DRESS SUITS. GOOD TAlLOCoweeo., .. ", H,.Ie, IIIIddIeIr JiDe V., Able.