A"Eo[S'TDL-'R.)F�SNl. .... -- .. # ...... _..-� .•. ...-,Price Two CeD1a.- Vc& Vl. No. 2... "/.'. ----vARSITY DEFEAts: soias .II OPEfi�.,lliECapt. DeTrq Kicb Goal .. from35' Yard u...:.Idcuaca.·�Toucbclowo-Score 10 to �- :"; �.�" ·iidTs-··/·::tG��-:8t�� �:�: l·��" _itt '.::1.11eros:: CqUDIr7 Candida_ � .. -.II .... WIdococIt .... H-::;::: ;.:·:�iia.fAf_,... I: etta ·for -Dol'lDltlOl7. Libto Appear in Larae Numben�_ r.:::=taID' CaldweU·· Conaidcr� : Material uniftnit;·. -;;yrt ,'...... Dia- ill Po.itioa Y��_:. v.� .... 'KqIii, ... t �.. ..... ...HiCh Claaa--Wanta lIor,e. conn 8ecdt\".- IIakiDa :Perfect .. . Able . Addition. " HaD BxpectM tID ImpIon ..._ :'."t�f ir.,.;JitIee.'.. ,� , " t···.. �.With for the lu..,.t ..L. M roo Chari.. Hiteheock, the donor ": � ,prospects .Five New. � .. "" AJ( OIl o,f Charles' ·Hi��cock ., ha. 1.1; �s. add. ed 'JiIcnue.\ �.'.'Da......• -..• '--.' .. DarIn&<, ,' LMtsquat! ever, candidates. for the cross . ..��'"TrialJ.; "'�.' .CiJIa. P.... to �er ,u.me.r�. a�ditl0n.at: eafts ·0 Year ia Notable .......... Tndacountry team will gather �t Bartktt .... - -.--�... the dornutory ttY preaen..t,m& a beau- -. �-a..... IteccmLgymnasium this afternoon to take........ tiful statuette of a Neapolitan fisber- .. :. I•their first jog of the season.] ,C�ptain . . IA I -�Fred Caldwel] has received assur-' . -tU .Jast it . se�JDS the: sb�w�r-bath tJoY.. to be/pbced, on the.·m�tel-piece .-LI,",_newhas.elecbet�n dil.'���:laaedbingq\(�tiOD . .in n�Leu . gymriasium :5 in Hitchcock library. Mrs. �itchcock, ""..... _ "Ub� in theances from a number of last yeal:'s .' -; -:. . h h b ' lei r' t ' Commons iii Hutchinson ballf h•· f b'Ji - h h - 'n' N •.. solved.. Aiter. .. niany,: attempts to fin... W 0 as' een ma I1g. a ),e, s our men sres moen 0 a 1 tty tart ey; WI try . ., • .f __ 1.: .. _ the'.' .'. a ;.Shower-whicb·· would .be: limited thrcugh Europe, lias eollected several lu . pursuit of the 'pbs 0 -.... ,.out for places on the quintet wh�h ._:�..".- , '. , . . . -. . f-. '. naqler to goo4 work'part 9f, the time exquisiL'! art work.·in . the,' Y&riou service in this dining haR as ast aaWill be chosen to represent the' Una- I .�. . •both SIdes, served to convinee Di-.. . . _ .. . nou. to fair ..=wo� all the time, Dr. cities visited in, her travelL Tb& .·possible," Mr� Barrel has spent some'S 1 L,.· " .. versrty 10 the inter-collegiate ocham-''l=" ., '. 'rector tagg t rat tile team'.� ;.n.ot as. . . crof4!ClireetlJ of the .,.,nnasiuni, statue presented' to HItchcock . .ball time inv�stip.t_in ... the va�ious ma-. h '., : � plonshlp contest November 23. Al .' ....w�ak m t e goal-klcklllg d�partment •.... . .• ' I.as installed. fi�e. (acham. shower- "'as received by ,�upenntendenl Mac chillC'S which are. claimed to wuJa. h ... I I·'" .' tl:.:: \"e.t�rans except Mathews .111 ap- , .' : '.t . .' ,:. '. ".as e tnoug 1t:. t!ar ler. �apta1l1, .!teo '��C' •• _. .bath'� .. thc.iroughly aatisfi.cd. .ean froOl Mrs. �Itchc�k an Naples, .dlshes thorobghly� and ODe bas �DcTray, hitherto an unknown �c,or, pe�r. . i . � ... _. These .. ,aaa..ers are an .invcntion of y.esterday m'orrling, a.Del. inswted in placed,' Civ�n a trial; aad fGUlld 'Y� .. •d �. f" , J. � . . '�. . rh� membership of th( 1 clUb, set '. _. ... .' ..' i . I.•••• ••boote one 0 t le prettiest g�. _.' I. -. . ·:B"17:�1acham. ·assistant. enganeer of tile afternoon. satisfactory .. . ' . :it titteen may have t��Mi'etcl1ed �"'.". . .... .. . . "ir.om phrc.em�n,t seen on Marsh!l..' � . ',./.._ t.he.,U"iv�.' In the. course' of his' The statue, ·wb. ic:h stands·two feet Trays of . dirty dlshes ... ·� placedF· Id' '1 • tins year on a'C'Count . num�r. •.. . h"gb' f b ;; db"f 11' ;.' . f d 'f h' . 10: .. _' .&--_Ie 111 a ong time... ''''. '. ;...: duties.... he • beat. called upon mallY . I � IS 0 rODze, an eau'l U y ex- In the ee er' 0 t e - mz�' InMA\. 01 c:tnd;dates of class who Will make .... . .'. ':. .' .. .' . .....The . rarsity' team had advanced t:mes.aa_rrmedYi:.the . .cIdic:iency' of all t"cuted . -. ," .. M which they . are automatlcaUy cu-. a try for berths on the team.' 'Thethe oval to the thirty-five yar�--line, I' the 'different . kinds of�.·.b"er-baths r�d - thtough three processes of. Stluad meets thre� times a week- . .... . '. \ .... '. . .Iwben, the scrubs holding, Captain \1 d ' W d d' d F"d· .. that han .been .:_.t.ncd. In. the �anous cleaning' before' being discharged �t• _DeTra. y. was. f.orced to punt or tror . on ays, e nes ays, an nays, d .• ". '. .' -:,- BAND liEN:' RnaoRT; tl: -t'h' 'cI. rM.� � . t'b ';':fta.IoJ , I' k '_'; . onnltones. and . In .. the gymnasIum, '.' , - ne 0 er .en .Llle", are eo ...... .,_.. , . at 4: 15 0 c oc , ;. _,&"y WOUL'" ...... . f • .. hall,. he �ade an 'attempt at a field.. W h .and as a_ resalt of the knowfedlre ob- --- , &.f- .".,"! bY' ·haTid.. e oug t to win the trophy ··th.at:. '. e .' ". ,gtlal and cleared the bar. in. ('l._ee,�Pl .a1l1ed in this' lIMY; he ha4 at last. 'The large increase of � •.fashion. � goes to the \·ictor in the W�stern in-solv.oo --tM- pr�Jcbt .to th� satisfac- ·PionliamC : � for iCblaco�" the: dining- &"11 ·is':pa.rdy·· izsponsibif',J/ "teroo!&egiate run," declared Cap'taiq . Brua, . B� ,'" . for the new' :·�thods�� '�Diarift'" dieThe t?uchdown· - was effected Caldwell yesterday. .'Of the' many' uon'of 'Univer:sit�-officialL .-_.tbo.�gh a' -twenty-:yard run by ld-. His' improYClDe�t consist, -io, bav- .� .. '-;. first ':year :'or Mr::: BUTel's super-. now reg:stered f()r cross i country, . . .. . : -' .. . ',' . .Qiiigs on a forw�.d pass. �t was of ' ing been a�le to 'construct' � shower- Thirty �en' reported to ;ProfC!s�Or vision �f"the Commons. '2Io,ooo,!D�qnit!! a f_ew _ar� men' of expet'ience in.'· . .. . .the spe'Ctacular �riety, :the : fl�t . . . hath', over whiClb there is perfect Itq�- ...... 'M� Bla�c�ard. at the fint aiftting we� "erved. a � gnat-inuease over tilehalf-back dodging sev.eral. opponen. �s lilt::;· kmd. �f work. There a,r� a nom.':" taol, .WI.·th perfect mixina of' the _, t)f :·th�' Uni�ersi.tY hand.···.:ka,' Mitche11 p�inC .ye�r. -�Dunng': the � ...,: • '. . ... ' b�r of distance men who dId good. .' '. . �. • . .' .' - I, '�, .., • • ..,. , .and hnall.y planta��)he ·tiall. �.I�.e.ctlv .�ork as fr-"-h .. Ill. tit ... �:I� �()I� �!�h ,t��.. :liaIpI��_:�( to,,!:r:·.:... le��r��:�<;; .. · �J��",���.:., _".� ... :_.,-�' J>�t,,'et'";tb��post!:J.�:�Stcffeii":�·:· --:;' .... : �$!-���:=:-��" .. ,.q:�.-:,. �Ma�·· .�';t·�l. ':'::;;'4 ;�- � �' PTeuu . "mrilS-we.� setYetI; aD iaireue .:'. '-', J)roml:ieu to come out for .the crOss '.' . .'. .' . '" - -- .. "�-- - _ ,_ "'.- -: .. _ �. � ..... ,. '.. ' .' '" .. ,'. .easy goal. .• ,:, ._ . .s··1 . . COnstructIOn.'. -lnskaCl �ol the cus- Wit. b �i!e sboWlng. aDd AId he ·betie.ved· .of �. over .th� s:a� .JiIoatb. • Of;.cO\ll1try work' team. . ,. tom.a.:). p&.ir· 'of: lever� oDe .�I.OI", ..... i;. ..... t •. �.tt �a.nd 1.W�U� J.II .aa ,n: .an i,' im&)osinfl 1906.., ';.' .. ��. .' la.r. &'C," s,t �."'.I'. � .da_ 'T Was oa�, .. ''Besides registering four _Points by" ""This is a sport that w.oJlJ� drawv �t �.the: aid of his toe, Captain ·neT�y least fifty men out. The" :runs ar� hot· 'water .ad .one forI-the - :o;d. til': :-,p.�ara�ce � .. ���s,._'year. . �n� AaCu'-' w,heo" I�' wer� f� �. .recalled fo: mer days to the fans wli�n l1'iuall� m�de at a slow. P�.c.e �Iong new invc.on· has. a single small K' ��o�g tbe �d me!, back' -are Ia ... �t' mnn�� .eatin�:· .�t . the C�­screw..wh,el whicb regulOltcS th�. 80w . &e:1Il.,. �b�t. Harper. ;Goettscb. lDoa�' � any "one . CYelUn. was 4�he negotiated' the longest run of t�c th� linest course possible. and tfley . '11-' , ." • �of' water 'aqd the tcmperatQft. ;Ilo-��. r.· Sfa.!:.�, . M.���de". Laird; Van .hie" me..... �ha,t a.. m.. eal _,ellt ·01Jt.u.d?y,. b�ing downed only after be �a provide excetlent exercise." T., ,... Five -of tR;. :s.bo�ts h�ve. :been pecf arl4; ll.: nn�� �� �th�rs. MaD)' tche kitchen everY 'sevca �Dds.... I;i:ined: 30' yards, and cleared' almctst ' Those whQ have registered for some . ,1;1 , . given a' thofC?uCh trial in Bartlett Mve be:en pl�yi.ng �t� big �ndl this. "Of' course '-!fith �e. � waite .... :tlk entire opposing eleven. '.' other course in physical diltnre •. but g . .)'mna&ium, ;arid have proved .. so sat- sttmmcr. Harper � been at James:- the .erv1ce· is .a liule ronah DOW,"After· the practice. Director St�g who .wish to t�ke cross country. �ork. f .h '.. . .town. K' lel'n' WI''tll th- e co -'leD' th Reai- Two Marooa:'. ·.S actory tat; It: 15: the inteatioD ul- � •.c':cdared himself pleased �ith the may change through an arrangement . . ., ..) '.. . . 1imately to replace' all the.' olck� ment".h, �d.. an,4 .. A. bbott is DO, w: doing says M. r. Barr. et "bnt ia a. �ew weeks.. '.with Captain' Caldwell. baths on "the 'campus 'with these. illl- p�ofessional �or'" •. we expect to be able to sa�isfy thepmved .ones. Several other coDeges The new men will have tJleir trials �ost hurried :Iaw.stucleut. The 9Ul­and some hotels and clubs' are n�w this week. �aQY of them are .ar- 'try has· 'been ·���.�d f1ll1h�; aloag in'considering pla�ing them. ti.si�. The ontl�k' (or the �rp'niz.- the' .kitchen &(S. �hat there need to �."We have spe�t •. gw:eat deal of "tion is very bri�t. ' . the' con'cestion that has existed ther.time in the endeavor 10 find shower- A ��ond� mc.eti.ng of- the �nd wiii iri':the past. . tesides this. f have Juld.baths which were worth' anything." � held Thursday aftet:noOn' at S a rangi' buiIC': r�r the short orde�said Superint.en.lent MacLean! of o·��{- in l\titc.;e�1 t('wer at which n�arer' to ·the other Serviq tabl�s.' •Buildings �nd Groan., yestCfday. :all candidates mus� report.' .,- .. -.i.··but until this' scheme was figured The band will� �ke .. i.h. ,first �With the subject of the. inter-col- oct by Mr� Ingham. we were but pearance at the f�tball game, a weekwasting oar moaey. We believe from. Saturday. :: Chicago's ;one' 'ori- Newthat· at last we" have' sncceecled in g;nal football aoOg. "The' M:an Whofi d' h b h Wea�s the· C," hu. been am. n.;,- ... ·for .fanUI�n:a: ;et �n::t::';:' t�:r�.: the band and Will be played :�'the -' F�fty :Y" u:. c. � A.� ·��i:::.'.��.::Ingham inTention." games. The choras is so casil sun,y their. friend.j� ptJleftd ·m -the cl� .....Dr. ,Ray.:roft also belin.cs that it and p!aycd that it is expecicd� to .,; rooms of s-n ..... last. ewaiIIC·'·to ''H 01 • (op:.ed bv other .Ichool..· Jp.a1re new acqaaiatances aDd discussWI 5 ye the problem wherever it is "tr:�d : .. Chicap ltudeDt' lie. TIaen ....represeDtatifts preseDt. fl'Olll 2S »tates."Mr� Stan and· 1 h�ft tri�' All lmohr Da�. � incladiaC RhocIe··I;IaDct. North Caro.O\'er the country. to find a shower- The Fre5hman_ Smoker, cift� by ,Ii_.· W.lhinctOli .nd many lOuthenabath that would stay in order," he tht' Reynolds a�b. .will take plae ata&es.said, ."and now we beline th�t we October' t I, inste�d of October So as7 : . Mark H .. Wheeler. secretary of tb ..I.!��·e fou.nd it righl here .on the 'ca�- rreviously announ. cecl. Complete de-, . University Y. M. C. A.. succeeding'pu�. So far 'a� .we haVe' Ob- tails .·m � .an.n�. nced bv 'PresidentI George Swan ..... 0 has PIle to Seal-scn·.ed..-Ingha�'s invention has all .the Hewitt ill a. day '0_ r two.- I tie, Wash., spoke to the men, andgood qualities of. the others and none Clar�nce Hamilton pJay.ed the t1'Ili-of th� irreBularirics. It is' our in- � Notice nrsity soqs, . Apple-, were dealt outt�ntion to installt·tbem all tbrougb the Th� natatorium will not be open ;n profnsion.gymnasium." f ...·1 M d Ocor wor& untl on ay. t. 7· All The new and old men of the Ual-·"N�k'" John�on.. trai"er. of the who �an. r�gi�tered for class work venity aather at' the aDlnlal Y. M.foo�ba" te� .... �a)'!'. that, he 'interid� in swim!hinC. will ft"qrt �1.i' afte�- C. A. � to tile DeW ...,to rekDbte tb� in .,h� training noon :n. �r. K�n�so:"�� .. �ffice at the F�day, Oct.. ... pIKe to be illDOallced��m� so thal :h�: ",;11 \h�ft - a: differ- regalar hoar. Re�la� .c�. �. ia bter. TIle aII-u.iftnity. ftceptioa to�nl. ,�peratuft . from' �ach 0IIe. thus the. ,y�na,�iQ1ft wil� �n �oday an:J &lie .... .en and ..,.... will take�t��f�ng the WJ�h,�.of �th� dift'erentlall a.re, requir.e� .to .. ..,_. �. ,.. "I��,. tile Re,aON. 'dD' FrWa7,playen. '" apecrive cJu�·'· . .Dca. I" .. ".. ; � :: .. �. � "" ,;1;', .tonraid PaainC Tried db· Suo.ClaS-Work Racced batl�En-.courqing, Says S_I_. : �, .,. �, '�, �-.�. '),',� .:�. ..,. In . the first :"sc�imniag� �f the iea-SOD, yesterday afternoon, the regn,1a.�ll s!1�ee�e_4 j� humbling eheir C?p­ponents to the tune of 10 'to o, The.... game, though raggedly con�ested 0."-'qu;ality oi the work.� � .. '. .,..··Their scrimmaging'_' was all that' IcOl.lld have .bope- d for on t� �rst'1' , BEGIN PREP'. Oft.day:" he said. "Of course. ther� �as �TIONS: FORt I• I�TERCOLLEGIATE �EBATElittle exhibitio� - of_ t<:al'l1:' ork' forthe most part. But". at im�s tile, '. . -',,' SlObject for Contest with llicbipnfeHows playecl,,·a·good.g.lme.: I had dcha�� .. �o� gau.,�· ��h�. ;ahiUty! �f. m6:... and NOrthW=. Already De-of "ifle play�r�, ancJ. fc.el that· sOIIl'e -oi them did. )u.rpn�ipgly well." .Strargbt foot�1I �as used almostexcluslvel�, ::hi'���t�; S�q decidingto wait a few days �fore :putting any �11- Get "Ait h", -iD' .. ':_ RaD�C116 �:":" .•.. : :F', .. -: . :\;" .�.:-�r�\��iiegiate . �bate already: ICho�n, ac­thoe iDtt'rest in the triangular contestw:th �Irc.higa.n 'and Northwestern :'.. Iready beginning to sho� itself. TheI'reliminary trial to pick men for thetwo" Y�ams which' will repr�ent �,_\.:.ago, 'will be':held about th� first' of�ove:mbcr. and manv � p' ios�tivetends to make the mos.t. of the Ope . '.._.. . oJ �� .� r.�:"..•• I -candidates tiav� bCllDn' pr�aratl·on.portunat;es offered by the forward, . . _ :- _ -r.tt· . h . I Competltlon for· thd: teams I!\ ex-pass, and is pu 1I1g: muc ;Hress on: '.' . -.;: � .the necessity of quick judgmeai ..... ,.,ec:te(Ir; to '.� gre�ter. this fan than't' fo: any' previous contest .. ··a cool head. M-u\7h t�me was. .spen ". .,. h' b II •I 1 h� subJ. eet to f)(' discuss .. d I'!\ a',111 calc mg punts. thrown a s. an.. .,.. " . .in falling on th� ball. ! io.lo��: .... R�"h·.�"d. that all corpora:the tioli� clfgaged in interstate com­a . The value of kicking underIllcrcc ,should be re(luirC"d. to ta�eOUt a Fedcral -chartu on !'uch temis."s Congr.cs!' may by law prescribe.granted that such legislation wouldof his long �ist. of tri�ks into prac­l:cal ex��Jtion .. · The. forward pa!Sswa.s b,fonght into. pl�y often,. and inmost insta�ces, to good advanta�.I)j'rector Stagg stated that .. he _,in-new rules has also impressed, the"Old Man" strongly. for he spenthalf an' hou'r trying' but Steffen, S.un­derland and ·.Pag� at D;ops, with-the hl" c-onstitutional.two full elevt"ns lincd up. All. threemen showed few �igns of nen-oUs- Several, �f the naen who repre;'ness and had practically no kick� sented Chicago in debate last yelitfblocked: Page sent a numberr.(,f'-:"� ha\'c "!'lignified their int�ntion to d;:'drops O\',cr the bar from the thirtyyard line. ba� again thi� year. al" well al' ma"'"promising men both in the gradnat�a�d undergraduat.. depanmenta.(Continued on page J)- ---- -.-- -Stagg will. contribute an interestinganalysis of the I. football . situation;The annual competition for posi- OFFICIAL NOTICE Walter A. Paine will write on .ex-��on�, business as well as editorial, Change in his�ory. courses: tra-rnural teachings. Floyd, A. Har-on the staff of The Senior' College course-=Couese. 10 din win tell of the growth of Esper-Daily M�roon begins will be given as scheduled .. i�}.�s�':an- an to in American colleges. ,',with this issue. The liloitm:e�ents. at �2 o'clock," roo� C During the year the magazine willa�vertising and subs�p- 12C. Course I� IS droppe�.. have numbers dealing with differenttlOD field of The DallYI Office hours. . phases ·of Uriiveraity work. The De-will appeal to those of a prac- President's office, g-12-H�skell. cernber mumber willbe issued for the'.. 'G d t office 1'L.12·, 2-4·�. obb :_;_ --. ... tical bent, ",bile the unfdled posi-. ra ua e s . ':II' Law School] 'largely. with! the co-op-tions - in the editorial staff will at-12A.. . eration of the -Iaculty and students'. tract studen_ts of journalistic .ability S. elli:or .office, 9-1c>-Cobb ·�f:-:�'... of thc,'sch6bl: �:':.' '7 ., \_.:or promise. For either department. Juntor office, 9-12-CQbb �A.-'.. 'experience, \'fhil� valuabLe, is" not Exammer's office, 1�12�obli;; SA. DAN K�LLY. IS A WOLVERINE. �sse�tial, 'as '!Compared with ability to Law students may -register' . .daily . __ ..j f "'-12'30' '24 Star Sprinter 'and .:. Broad. ;·Jumpet-work. The financial returns to those rom � � ,. -.Ul the business' field will be measured L-ockers' .will be assigned �'.' law Boosts 1Wic:higan· Stock;-:q:er.ely by the success .of their students . by Miss . Bradley' �:'iil 'the ___,_;_ ,.�rk. Dean's office. ; Students at Michigan-are highly. re'Ap�intments at· the � of the ':'." . "�"�INJ-" j��'7:�:.� �he·;PQs;s!biHty�;qt:titi.-:. ';1,',rt· '11 be d' '.' .. II TO HOLD FOOTBALL.. G. mng ;.thc big. :castem - Intpr-4"OUegJ:llt: , •...q� er WI rna e' Impartla y _, . " t!'";' :' . . l" _-:.To :"!:-t:'.•"':"'1 th bas' f f 'tbful :l 'track, cQntest ,next spnng,. throng;SOn: y on e IS 0 al an D Ra f CaDs i:!-:-:_ .. Sel ' ".. . r. ycrG t. �n ,to eet the'. acquisition. to .. t.hei.r. . Sq1Jjl. d:, 0 1 _available work during the present .. , " ,Ofticials Saturda,.. Daniel Kelly�. ". .- , •• .-comp�tition. Both bus,iness mana�erand. news .editor can be seen at .The TIle annual muting of the confer­Maroon office in Ellis hall, at any ence football committee, consisting oftime. bnt preferably at 10:30. Dr. J. E. Raycroft, chairman;" Pro-fessor P. F. Moran' of Purdue; and"BilI, Ingham's Patent Shower" is Professor A. J.' SSmith of Iowa, will"ailed by the long-suffering college be held at the Chicago Beach hotdman as a distinct boon.next Saturday morning, . October 5,After years. of tribula-III......... ·u .. ....u. � 0Iap ·w..u, ...I'oaadId.rIM W.-Q� GeL - l;..:t8t2..:'. � DaII7. oCt. 1. � ... �. i The OctOOI!J'. number of t1.� .-,,_. - ni monthly. is make. its appearancThe. anniversary prayer service willthis wt"ek;�-ther�!>y .jnsu��g promptbe held this nlorni.ng at 10:30 in. b- issues in ·the· foiowing momh».M.andd hall Contrary .to . �e esta George Fairweather, editor-in-khie!lisbed custom, tbe exercises this ?,e�r says there are so many: good th:ngWill be" without speaking. Profe£sor 10in, his 'ues'" .that the magazine's zeadI R· h d Henderson cbap- .. .Char es IC mon .'. ers have a -large number of treat.lain of the University, wtll preside. coming in the new year. .The fa�ulties will .assemble in 'Cap The October number' �i,1l h;l\:{and gown for the procession in theLen illustrations, a departure that .wi.�aPuOD price. IltOO per leal'; ,1.00 Reynolds dub. All members. of the break up the solid appearance �f theiDa- ". __ u.a. SuMnipUou nceln4 at University are welcomed. OnDe IIaroc. 0IIce. Blu. Ball. or at tile count of the conflict in hours,...... � 1bcbaD&e. C�· BalL 'Customary chapel services of thevinity S�h�1 will �e omitted.These anniv.ersary pray.er serviceshave been held every year since theUniversity opened its doors for thefirst time in October of. 1892, Aliprevious exercises have. been long.This year, however, the service willlie short, so as not to interfere withthe regular II o'clock 'Classes.. �' .. - ... .,--�:d1l. Ka1l at tbe CIll·caao PGlltomce.ac� .• magaziiie. �There w:I1 .be. a' pagt .cut tthe .of Burt Brown Barker, '97. the newlyD' , .i- .elected president of the Alumni as-sociation, . ,Interesting articles will be c�n­tributed by Samuel �c.cIintock, '96,on opportunities for college ,men inthe Philippines; by William :A. Gard­ner, '72, 011: baseball days in the oldUniversity, and by Marie Ortrnaye.,Ll"TlIJm D. If'EIlNALlJ, llanaglDg Editor.LOU18 S. BERLIN, llwdoell8 llao.acer.Prbatecl b7 the .IIarooD 1'1'.-41'4 ICut G5th StreetftGDe �1 B7de Park 06' on women's athletics. Director.. �.�ain17AboutKelly has a r«pr� in: the centur,)'that has ·never been re.c;orded. H,··­has negotiated.: 100· yards in Q:Dg 3-5and the �,in 22' flat. Beside�'and the 220 .in"22; ilat. Besides hi�sprinting .. ability.: Kelly has a· markof 23 feet,· II inches in the br�djump. His joining the squad .islooked upon to fill the gap Left by theloss of Garrets.III·Ibowen according to an annODDcement· mad.::tion, the horrors of com- by Dr. Raycroft yesterday.pulsory "gym" are nowmitigat.ed, at least mofB� At this sessian officials will beselected for all the games to beplayed by Conference colleges thi ..y.ear � With t�e augmenting of the.list of officials under reformed foot­ball rules, the task of getting menercising his imagination in.- some per- expected to be more difficult th;1Itonal exercise r.eports, the unfortu- formerly.Ilate graduate has had insult added toinjary by' beiDg forced to Wldergo Start New Water Systemtor.tve more or less Machievellian· The new filtration system installed. in 'nature through the idiosyucrasies ":t the University 'during the summeiof the .eccentric Bartlett sho�er. was put into full operation yesterdayJust why, after a delightful shower and all buildings on the �ampus no\\011 Tuesday, on Wednesday one .enjoy ·a plentiful supply of PUT('Ih(mld freeze in a chill deluge :mJ '\\ater. Dr. Heineman, after makin;on Thursday swelter in a' bath of careiul tests of the water, has pro.t�' ·has hem beyond the compr::- .flounced it .to be perfectly safe fmlaeuion alike of student and director. drinking.8ho1"er fixtures innumerable of vary- ,.in. prom,se but of invariable non-ful- Blair and Ilia Hough are Wt4'1lI\eDt were tri'ed until. '"BiIly" In11- Clyde Blair, 'oS, and :Miss A�nckam's invention solv.ed the perplex· Hough, '07, were quietly married, atClairmont. Wyo .. several weeks ago,ia. problem.Perhaps "Rilly" has won a place in :\Ir�. mair is a member of Phi Beta• fature hall of college fame; at any Pot·lta. Blair is a member of Delta I•I" h' Tau Delta, th(' Score Club a'nel OwlI'ate undergraduate b ess�ngs are '5d ;.nd Serpent. and was. captain of the(ertain ue.As if it were not enough forSubscrIbe - for' The Daity Maroon;Do 'i't' now.I ..!I part.the deans WJgraciously to insist onhis taking required work on the gym­Dasium Soor, iostead of merely ex-------------.-�-----.Class Pins Our Specialty.C. T. CUllY 6 CO.Established 1890· . - .MANUFACTURING JEW'BLJmSand ENGRAlYERS.78-80 State' StreetChiCago.1904 track team. a Ulliversity mar­shal. president of the Senior Col-,lege council, leader of the 1905 W3$h-1ington Prom, an.d president of· .�hcSenior class. For a time he held thehund�cd yard dash world's record.He still holds the Conference recordat 9 "-5- .Iacreue Botanical Facilities.·Two new gr.eenhouses, represent­i ... an eXpenditure of $2,800, are be­.. bailt on Ellis avenue, south of. Ellis ·hali. The buildings are' to 'be.Bed by the botany departmenL 'tW . .Bums '-i Geo.: Il. � �bua·. ..lluaical,�fTHE TALK OFNEW Y.OJtl[·o'·�· -I.'" :.ON!: R!:ASON WHY.• IYOU SHOULD BUY YOUR BOOKSAMb STATIONERY FROII us.�. tietober' I. Cllllb-reliater receipts wiD beiaued for ill purdlMea .... In oar Retail Depart­ment. 'I11He receipts. In "* of 110.00 01' oYer. willbe redeemed 'at 5 per 'et ill � if pn­seated Willi the aIDe Quarter, ill wbicb tbq arereceived. Da� of redemptioa OD or befon IIarcb31• June 30. Sept. 30 .ad D�. 31, napectlve�.SA VB YOUtt RBC&lPTS.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICA.GO paESSRETAIL D'EPARTIIEN·T"ON THf CAIIPUS."--Amusernents--QUBSTIONThe Studebaker -THE GRAND IIOGULFraak .. oulaD aad. � Cut.',WILT T. HODGE.In the New ComedyTHE MAN,FROM HOllE'-. �--------------�-------------The Garrick MtVlCKEa'S :(Tomorrow Night and AU W�MR. SOTHERN Praentiq IIF I WERE KING -- LAST WEEK -. BLANCHE WALSH.ID the New ·Cl)'de·�· PlayTHE S'fRAIGHT' RoAD ..'The GrandMONTGOMERY and .:.: ,. .... ". '; Colonial,.;; ..". ..• �. . .'_;.: �. �STONE, in'; .' .' .:THE.RE,D IIILL:·'-��owets" W4OJA1I. �.- .!ftTHEHYPOCRITES ! ,I Th� WhitneyThe llaaiCal WIDDerA KNIGHT FOR A DAY. .Illinois. '. �. La Salle-----_--------------------------0071-----JAIIESTOWN EXPOSITION.EXCURSIONSVia.01101· ROUTE.2S.�SGoa. 'ria' CiDdaaati or y • -Rebll'lliq thna Wabiactoa. D. CLiberal . stop-o...... .. .u ViqiaiIRaorts � � w......._..30.'70Go:ng via Cincinnati or LouisvilkReturning thra New York City-I Stop-over at Washington, �altimo«JPbiladelphia. New York, Cat"kitl. tqY. (for Catskill Mts.) utica. N. �f(for Adirondack Mts.) SyracuSot, NtY •. (for Thousand Islands), NiagarJFalls, Lake Chautauqua.A delightful Ocean Trip. 8et\\'«!.Norfolk and New York, on Ocd!Greyhounds, if you want.'Scad for a compl�te list of Hot�and BoanliOC HOGSft near the £Iposition aroauds. Address :• � � ... Clark It., =_. -.: ..FRITZI SCHELFFIn the Best of all .Americ:mtComie�'MLLE. MODISTE THEGIRLWbars .goingWatchTHE DAILYYOUCan't .Affordto bewithout 1t.' ... �:.,., .-'tUE bAtt!; iiARooN. cUl(.A�6. wEDNESDAY, ocr. 2, 1907· -•THE EilpLC>y'IIBMT' BURsAU VAWTY DEPEATS'SCRUBSThe following positi� ar� open:·' ui "OPBIIIMG SCRlIlIlAGEClerking, Saturdays. -20 'furnishing goods salesmen. (Coua.aed Hom. page I), M'� Shoe salesmen.5 Oothing salesmen, About twenty freshmen appeared :n3 Positions for board. togs for their first practice. �d. 3C-2 for room. cording to Coach Bezdek. are a prom-Evening work, 5-11 p. m. ;sing squad. After a· few �ys atat �xpres�' companies. �ignal p!actice. the¥ will be pitted3 young men are wanted to teach against the Varsity.roller skati.og at Skating rink, 7:30 N.ed Merriam, who was rumored,to 10:.}O p. In. to 'have left the squad. lined up yes-. .Saturday work will be given out terday and played a steJlar game aton Thursdays, from I :30 to 3 :30. right end. He blocked several at­tempts of the drop kiclc.cr�. He saysTypewriters he will be out for the team. Toml�X�EW."RITERS for Sale or Rent- Kelley is now considered lost to theSpecial rates to students; bargains Maroon forces, but it is thought thatin re-built machines. W. White- "Heavy" Taylor may return to c.ol'head, J6 La Salle Street. lege and join the eleven. Nothmgdefinite has been heard from T .• ., !c.·Wanted as yet.TO RENT-Furnished, Iront and The Uneup yesterday was as fol-sunny. A suite of rooms for tw� lows·UADY - WlIBN YOU ARB �ho wish .t� . avoid housekeepi�g, Re�tlars. Subs ..� is to �l:nce �t �. New. and are wilting to pay something Donovan L. E. ..••. Hewitt: Woolens for. Fan �'are "dy ;for. I • over $25.00 for a. superior home. Doseff : .•.... L. T.... ... Moulton�our Inspection.' ... ..' Sh;.r�an •. 57i6 Madison Ave. L G Rohde·�me� of the Sinar�est of the New Handy _ . .•..... ,.1. : . Weaves are in :Singie Pat�r� . Anderson C Badenoc l1) , this .. t earl- VISIt' \VA TN ED--Students to attend En- G HoffmanqICIl t sugges an �. '. Wortburine .... R. . .....•Vall. WClOfens custom �ored � the glewood Roller Rink. 6432 Went· J1tjeriems '\1.y"�ve,�ZtJ·:Incfirid- worth Ave. Every eve .• Thurs., Harris •......... R. T...... .... onesu1 Style. . Sat. and Sun. Afternoon through EarhorJ1 .•...... R. E......... Bauer.It will be a pleasure to Show you season. Merriam:'�t. the::Fa!1�.styles. �: be. You Rooms � Rent ., n-t be uke� to. buy,.. .ROOME TO RENT-Miss Ida M. Steffen 0. B... Chamberlam·v· ...· y"i6r' yoU':"�Y�' -e , ; .•..•. A' DeTray .. _ ..•. L. H. B ..... Ferguson.,� Rogers. 5800 Jackson ve.: I"OOIT.S.• 'Iddings ..•.... R. H. B.... •... .. Falksingle or en suite; with or without;Page .•.......... F. B Schommerhousekeeping; $7 to $24 per month.r' a-''ARE NEWESTWE HAVE THEil AND'OTHER POPULARSHADEs.100 at7la' at �100 styles. at 'tso-ooand .�,oO � between ..Clark and A� Streets"WOOD nAna aDdOLIVB B .. OW.8A. N. .:JetreftlBt' M�.. "I'AlJ.,OR FOR YOU�G MEN".�'4f.�� •. ".' , •. wJ'··. S . .. d. 9, to�: l�l. � . �t, an." <«; , "'44 ·laCkiioD Boulevard.- .!hlephOllcs: Harrison. 4259, 34QJ; •. 4239,. AutomatiC 5239 -.",Dus�r.mLER li CO.'"':i�",jCeAL;ANDrCOKE :�Q �m�S�,_:_ __ , '.'.D . ·.S • = .,.. :':';'�:..;__M.,vilkit,.j" A. JOSEPHINE GRAHAMlIIIIDery �tIoDsT.·�1. Randolph 766.Di.Jen.ew. "Egbert.DENTA� SURG�ONSuite 16:--161 Snte Street. HUNTER' LOST TO GOLF TEAMTO R ENT- Two pleasant room" �:gpod'location. Mrs. J. E. Stepenson, Star Plqer Decides tq EeD� Yale�31 ilon.ot' Ave. University •W ANTED-College men with col­lege spirit; only those loyal to tbe The U'niv�rsity's chances for a. Al;ama !\ttlter� to subscribe to The championsbip golf team have beenDaily l-laroon. Do it now! given 'a set-J?ack through the de­cision of Robert E. Hunter, '10, t�,25 i�OSPfl.O�S open in sto�es for ...:nter Yal� this year. Hunter ha-cLerks;. expe�enct4.�,�.clerks . �J:er. been .p�min.�n� il! a· �be� g£.:_ ���Ierred .... Cjerking -posmons Will be tlonal and loc .. l championships. ar.c�given out Thursdays from 1:30 to was last year the leading medal COl'3 :30· :.testant among the Western golfers.• It is thought that •. ' with·, Hunter�'RS. TERRY, 5653' Drexel Ave'7"" out of the running, W. H. Morse, hr­Two single rooms for ladies; $8 anJteam mate, will become captain 01$9 month: private family; best ref-this seasOn·s quartet. With Ervin I'Zeisler. George Lindsay and E. J.SOLISITORS WANTED for Chiea- Johnson as the other three membe--go and suburbs; afternoon and Sat- of the team, Maroon golf follower..urday work; 'a'n attractive proposi- ·001. to see the· champinship of tl-elion for good men. Address P. w: Wc-st go to the University.C. care Daily Maroon. stating ex- .Miss Lena Dickerson. 'o;.will tea�'perience and time that can be�:Iis year at �tontague, Mich.erenees.given.Ben Davis, captain of the Wiscon·7n crew last year, has entered. in themedica] school, He is ineligible ;o�Varsity.sports beeaese of his gradu.l·fion last' June.ALEX CALDER, DRUGGIST .S . ,.' t . N. E. Cor. 61st and Ellis Ave.peCI:lll� !II 'PYORRHEA ALVROLARI�: CIGARS, TOBA�O aDd ICE• 'R . '� :- C�.SODAS_� __ m,t��r)Special - eo fa .. Students. Stadeata- PatrolUlp ..... � • ., .'CHICAGO �··Always a'S�1 ��I��e�>:'.... , ·AMES HATS,2.00' . .' .... $3 08� f� � ... �� � bat. ...Opera Hata. Silk Hata.I'�' 1�3 Bo· IIADISON. �REBTNear� La Salle.B 0 � n�E N ' S r�CoD4eDaed MUk Fl' id Milk, eYel:''­and S· t'er-:l�·.An Bottled n the Co\·ntry.BordeD', Condensed Milk C<..327'32? E. Forty-seventh S1.SUBSCRIBBPORTHEDAILYMAROON, -Do it Now.,_(. Subscr!M. fOf: The Daily Marool00 it eow!O.L.� ...PICTURES AltD PI�FRAMING26$ Bat Fifty-s.il.entb �.Opposite Rosalie CoaTt.HII'II .,.. ....... , THECOMINGFADHASCOME!)1"IS TOREADTHEDAILYMAROONSAIDFAD ISCONTAGIOus,;H:\VEYOUC'AUGHT IT?A. MeAd_ ••·n.Va •• "", ._.FI.r· .....• 81S :0. .............. & ... Chi ...�N ADV. IN THETHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVBSTIIBNT• • . .1>'AS YOU � .• AKE... AVBYOU,�P. -.... The patronage of' the students of The University of'Chicago is solicited 'by '.THE HOTEL MAROON .5'5'-59 Drexel. Av�n�.ev : �.:RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERTHE BEST OF FOOn AT POPULAR PRICESA Specialty will be made of serving S�ppc:rs or Banquets.... ,for Societies or for Private' Parties,. COMFORTABLE ROOMS NEWLY FURNISHED1 he Place Where College Men CongregateOPEN EVENINGSPhone Harrison 5928. 264 Michigan Avenue.J. C. Lynas. L. G. WilkinsFraternity Jewelry Engraved, Embossed Stationery, Programs andGreek Letter Pennants. in exclusive' design. .College and Fratc:mity Steins, Ash Trays, Tobacco Jars, etc •• suppliedwith any monogram, crest or emblem.Smith-VailePumping M�chiDeryThe Pl�tt Ironworks Co.TURBINE PUMPSSTEAM PUMPSELECTRIC PUMPS 311 Dearborn StreetChicago, 'IllHarrison 86.'.Santa Fe Southwest,To .cure"land. hunger"you shQuld goSouthwestand buy a· farm.Had you done so ten yeaTS ago, or even five, you would be well0& to-day, merely by increase in land values.There is still some good land left..Take a trip through the "Santa Fe Southwest" thiS Fall, andsee the country for yourself.Homeseekers' Excursionsfirst and third Tuesdays, monthly, approxi­mately hatf fare, one way and round tnp.Exact rates on request.For fu:·thcr part:.:dar::. ado:-essGenc:-<l! Pas�cn�c:- OiflceRai!·.';J·" Exchange Building,.Chicago. Ill.� ' .•Scinta fe,.ALL THEWAY A!'ok for.''Santa Fe Southwt'St:: 1aif folder..10;0 "Free U. S. Gov\. J,.and5 fo (er: .•�._SI)tsaik lor. The Daily .aroo�--DO IT .BOWITHE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2. 1907 .. :--1---· CAlfS '£lFORCED, 'IDLEIESS,,IF PlOIEERS DIIGEROUS-. �I'"Dr. HeD4enon ill � to Gover·aor DeDeeD sucP-ta Reforms inJm System. In the introduction Professor Small POOTBALL SQUADS WOBl[says of Dr. -Dewhurst:"In listening to him, I always had Western CoUqe �ches Enc:oarapd.. feeling, which' has been heightened at Way Team. are Rouudiq into ,by reading his sermons, that he did Shape-Minnesota Stronc-1UiDoi5not much care whether people would Prepares for Chicaco•immediately accept his words or not. With the renewal of, and that it would have spoiled himthroughout all the western colleges,if he had cared. The main thing with inter-collegiate foetbalr has come tohim was to find the forward and up- the front. Already large squads 0,£ward uath, and to keep forging... ;:�'�lt:<l��c.i have responded to theahead. He made on me the impres-calls of coaches, and secret practice,sion of a path breaker continualiyincluding scrimmage work, has beennew altitudes, 'engaged in. The schedules this ye4Lr>Iuatweftity Preaa Publishes Collectionof Sermons Made by Dr.Dewhunt."'''at the idleness permitted prison- calling back from'This is the way, I am pressing on.' 'The titles of the sermons containeJu. the volumes are as follows:.The I nvestment of Truth, EatingTI' k n Thesetil,' Shewbread. lin 0Things, the Spirit Within theWheels the City that Hath Founda-',' "1" he Kingdom of God is With-lions. ,in You, Out of the Heart are the1'1: of Li£e the Sacramental Value3.ues I.of Material Things, the Higher Legal-Work, Where There Is Noism,h People Perish, ThreeVision t eMarks of Essential Christiani�y, the. G d 'th.e Hi�enCompassIonate 0 ;' : • .God, the Hospitality ·of Ch�stlall1tyand the Modifications Resulting. Re-jc.icing' in Youth. provide for early seasonnecessitating ill most colleges strenu­ous preparation for games whichare but two weeks distant.At ,Minnesota, Coach Williams ispreparing for the game with Ames,scheduled for next week. With astrong nucleus, including Case thestar tackle of 1905; Safford, the 'voet­eran center ; Bandelin, Mowery,Woodrick, Knoche, Capron, Dunnand Captain Schuknecht, Coach Wil­liams expects to have little troubleill whipping into shape an eleven of"top-notch" caliber.�lic);igan, strengthened by the re­instation of Schultz and Ahenschildand by the return of Hammond, ap­pears to have its usual footballstrength. Captain Magoffi'n has d.large squad of candidates working. forLoth line and backfield, positions, anden in the ordinary' jail is the mostu.�rou$ feature of our penal sys­'tem is the conclusion reached byProfessor C. R. Henderson in a rc­Joort. to Governor Deneen. publishedby the Unisersity Press. "The jail.tJouJd be reserved simply for per­IoQDS presumably innocent, but heldfor trial," he suggests. "A convictedperson should at once be sent to a6listrict prison of some kind, andplaced under state control until heis restored to freedom."Of the treatment which should beaccorded habitual drunkards, Dr.Henderson writes:"There is a large, class of low-br�d,. degenerate, alcoholic "round-"'" .,.�. who are now required to serves"ort sentences for drunkenness or Y. W. C. L. TO HOLD F,ROLIC4lisorder, and who are made worse by ., FOR FRESHMAN GIRLSlM irrational treatment given them.... der p res ent laws. Much of theirkeatment ought to ,be hygienic and•• der medical direction, in the openIt;,.. Many of this �Iass are simplyFreshman girls will be given a• eurotic and have n�.t enough sound. h ual Fresh-/.. , rousing welcome at t e annaene trssue to- support a moral vo-. . b the Young. . '. man Frohc to be given YtitlOn. To make them morally, they .' L Friday, . .. Woman's Chnshan eague,IIKlSt be kept from the possibility of .,',is being, . ght The greatest secrecy I"t'tting alcohol and drugs, and sen- m .. I for thisobserved concermng pans.uat - gratifications for at least three _1event but former performances anu�.rsf though some 'Can be cured in 'hithe wealth of material available t 15r.,SS time and some can never beYear promise a jol1y evening.aired. The Incurable, however, are.' • ' • ' The "Frolic" usually includes a vau-lictter off in a, far, m c.olany. than they ,deville show of, most impromptu�ouJd be in city lodging-houses and din stunts, a Japanese lantern para e0" the floors of station-housesaround the campus and an informalreception to the Freshman girls.All University girls, especiallyFreshman girls, are invited to be'"I First Year Women to Be Entertained stiff competition is looked for.by Novel Stunts Friday Night. Wisconsin, headed by Captain:\lessmer, has for the past week beenperfecting some new trick plays andformations, under Coaches Hotchkissand :McCarthy. Wisconsin stock wasrecently boomed 'by the addition o!Murphy, Davidson and ZeissLer. Sev­eral others of last year's team haveI eported.Illinois, owing to cool weather, hashad a week of. scrimmage practice..\ large squad is on hand, and withthe Chicago game the first scheduled,Hlinois anticipates a well-trainedeleven. On Wil'liainson, Krutzsh andCaptain Tighe is hard �t .work, ,and]hopes to tum out a wmmng aggre­gation.\ '�I.. ;I,:-,"Jrioter nights."""t �ns. by Dr. DewbUI'BtA 'collection of sixteen sermons byI)r. Frederic "E. Dewhurst is included•• on. the books published by theURi"e�sity Press. 'An introduc­tion to the book i� furnished by Pro­"!'Sor A. W. Small present . DRINKS -INK'LJI(EA�'-,� To�. ConkliD Pountain ,Pen, just dip It la'Ink.lrUi the Crescent-Piller and see it 6U ...tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's ..Is to itl 'No droppe�C) me.-no bother.­anywhere-any time. ,\CONKLIN'S��G p'tiTHE PEN WITH THE CRE8CENT-FILLQ.,can be filled iostaDtly without the least inCODftDience:could nu it with white kid gloves on without daatrsoiling., Besides its convenience. Is the splendidqualitil!s of the Conklin-t�e perfect feed. 'LeadlDc cieAIen haIIidJe tile CoaJdIa. If 7� _does .....dInct. PrIocM6I1OD aDd liP. SeD4 at 0DCe jew baDdsoIDe -- ca&tIttThe ConLlja Pea Co.. 310 U !� -Vo-__...WiilSamuel Harris &: C�·.,m�MA NUF ACTU,R.ERS"MAC H I N 1ST S· AND po:'11:c111beiJeTools and 'Suppll_�23 and 25' Sou t h C Ii n ton S:t r e e tSillCHICAGO- " !:Saevriobu,,"#CHfMICAL, PHYSICAL, fLfCTRIC�l �n�, SURGICAL' GLASS' APPAl:': .WE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO D:ESCRlPTION.�' -Any ApP;Jr.'us·Mad_, � 9�der" 1:;­thw.s. BOEHM wn,hR171 &. Ibndolph' stAeiPhone MaiD .700-CJlIC'AGO s'WANT TO FIGHT A DUEL?HERE·S YOUR BEST CHANCE I�------------------------�--��._------��Subscribe for The Daily Maroon.1)0 it now.M. de Beauviere to Teach New Sport,'a la Francais, at University-IsNoted Fencing Master.Piano StoresOurA fencing 'Class conducted by areal Frem:h fencing master, will openTuesday, this being the latest addi­tion to the curriculum of the physicalculture departm�nt: The new in�truc­tor is M. de Beauviere, a graduate ofthe French army school at St. Cyr, abroadswordsman of wide reputation.and a skirted instructor. It is plannedto hold a meeting' of all who intendto register for the course� in orderto cli\'itic the class into s,quads. Anotice of the date will probably beissued today... It, has been our desire to offer asmuch variety as possibLe in the wayof physical eulture work," ':said Dr.Raycroft yesterday. "The ,introduc­t:on of soccer two years ago, andwre�tling last winter has brought'Sati�factory results. The addition off('ncing �hotltd alsn interest a numberof students. 1 ft.·.el that it is destinedto win cOllsiderable favor."Before making • selection be sure to see our .impressiveabibita-lour 800rs of display rooms - Colonial Room. ArtNowaa Room. Louis XIV Room, Du� Room! Hundreds ofpiaDOII many different, �ch of aclmowledced suprem­acy in its respective clasa-aD &ales made at minimum figures.Call for art booklets of varioua pianos to study at JOUr leisure.Terms to suit ':roar preference.. V"lSiton aJwa:rs welcome-noODe urged to buy! We areIi IIIIIII " Soie Agents forCROWN, JDt\8E, ESTEY,CHI�KERING ,BRO&, MACPHAIL' GRAND,CONCORD. H. P. NELSON.,\William Walker Swanson ha� heenmade iihrarhll1 of the �femorial li­tHa;), of Hitchcock hall.GEO.P.BENTBefore making • selection visit tile Piano Rooma of8U W.b •• h Aven ue Chic. CO.' U. S. A. Rreakfast is being served in theH itchc<'Ck dinning rooms for re8i­dents of t he half only. The servicebegan yesterday. nbjtIiYour aueaUon' is called to the iDeriu of ALBDBNB STO�LABORATORY TABLE TOPS aact SINKS. FLOORING forHOODS, DISECTING and OPERATING TABLES.CLOSET and SHOWER STALLS, in fact when �, as ACIDPELLENT STONE is required. It is UHd in the foDowiac weDUN(VERSITES aDd COLLEGESs CHICAGO. I!iORTMINNESOTA, WISCONSIN. �ICHIGAN. NBBRAs,cA;�FORNIA, WOOSTER. YALE; PRINCETON. CORNELL _d 0If interested a postal wiD briDg' • Ample for tests.,_.ALBBJt.BlfB S'.tOD OOIlPDY54-60 N. CliDtoa at. 'Chica&o. IlL gbtc, .....Anton 'A. Melum 6 Sons- � �.- .'l' A I L 0 • 8 ..305 AtwoocUildC. Clark and 11_ Sta.TelCphoQe Main 3917FROCK SUITS,FULL DRESS SUITS. GOOD TAlCoaneoaa, Re.pouible, ....their liM Ve17 Able.What'., Goinit On?'W�tch The, DAILY'ltAROON.You Can't � To Do WithaIt It.Subscribe NowMaroon 0tIice ... - ..