lIailg ilatoDnPrice Two Cellt'CHICAGO, SATURDAY. JUNE 8,1907.--liE HUIDREO' COUPLES.MAKE "J" PROI SUCCESS ALUIOO TO CELDIAft TODAYMany Events To Be- Held In Hooorof Graduates-Alumni Banquet To­nieht To Be the �YeDt of theDay. ATBIBES'6AT.JIER:TODAY ON .ARSUALL FIELD. FORT GllMU OF 1907' INTERSCHOLASTI£ TRAtK SEASON:LIt JDdement Wea,ner Fails to Interfere·With Annual Junior Coneee.' .[; Dance in Bartlett.___ The Alumni will take possession of(inDd March is Led by Winston P. the campus today. The graduates:Henry and Gertrude Gr�nba�m will begin the celebration of alumni-Many Original Features. (i:IY at noon today, when the alumnaewill give a breakfast to the SeniorOne hundred couples braved the women. The main event of the daystorm to attend the Fourteenth an- will be the alumni banquet to be heldDual Junior prom in • Bartlett last this evening.· night. the inclemency of the weather The program for the day is as fol-·merely slightly delaying the start of lows:the grand march. 12:00 M. Breakfast given by theLed by Winston Henry and Ger- Chicago Alumnae Club to the· trude Greenbaum the grand march Chicago Residents among the· was startetd at a quarter of ten. The Wome,p of the Class of 1907.l left 'winK was lead alternately by Ned Quadrangle -Club· Merriam and Harriet Wilkes and 1:00 P. M. Luncheon of the Meni Renslow. Sherer and Margery Wells. of the Class of 1902�. After an extended promenade of the Hutchinson Hallt '; hall the figure of the Varsity "C" was 2:00 P. M. Annu�l Meeting of the; formed and then the dance hegan. Executive Committee of the:. Twenty-eight regular numbers and ni Associationt .� two extras-"naughty nine" and Alumni Room, Mitchell Tower; "Chicago"-were danced. the musical 2:30 P. M. Annual Business Meet-; program including many selections ing of the Alumni Association,particularly familiar at thp Midway� • Leon Mandel A_ssembly Hall. "The Man '\Tho Wears the "C," The reception of the Class of 1901:: 'Sure Enough Segregation." "Tbe into the Association. Address of� Time. the Place, and the Girl:' and Welcome; Percy Bernard. Eck-I� 'Yomin' Sin having especial local hait,-·'�President. Response on:� )ignificance. behalf of the Class of 1901: Har-��UDique. decorative ".feat�res. dj�,..!'.-:- old Higgins Swift. '�pisbed the dance from previous 3;"-.P�-M; -"a�s R�ur;ioris:--""-;'-'��s •. A flower laden network Oass of �863: George Walhing-'OftI"head shut off the bare frame- ton Thoma.. Chairman..jrork of the gym. while the "C" of Class of 1867: William· 'Wallace,. ,: ·.roon lights. the cozy comers and a Everts. Chairman.other novelties completed the Class of 1872: JoJ:tn Louington; "to: ...... ric of totally dissipated all the ap- Jackson,:. C6airman.,ranees of a "bam dance." Class of 1877: James Langland..�:Patronesses were Mrs. Harry Pratt Chairmao. ...','� on, Mrs. George Edgar Vincent! Class of 1882: Frank Humboldtijs. Amos Alonzo Stagg.- Miss So- Cl.ark. Ch.innan�-pbonisba B. Breckenridge and Mrs. Alumni of the Old University meetbert Mol'sS Lovett. in Leon Mandel Assembly Han'Q I.rrangement-Jrrederick, W; Carr: Class of 1897: Scott Brown. chair-;Decoration -:- E1i�beth TtUelens: man, .The Library, Reynolds club�frinting-Benjami� F. Newman. Class of 19();r: David A11an Robe�-�' _'., _ son,... cbainnall.,..;Reception Room.�. ti.isHOP ANDERSON TO SPEAK The. Reynolds club.'\�. 3:00 P. M. Meetin.g of the Alumniof the Law School Law School4:00 P. M. Baseball Game. '97 V5'0'7 "Sleepy Hollow"S:OO P. M. Concert. The. Ulliverpsity of Chicago Military Band.The "C" Bench.r.;A't, ..p--�litatioa•easted,s-�turDed.uu;t.,e�)lome-. ).' ,illY"_"',-- ;, .CcmvocatJon Religious Service To Bef Held In lIancJel HaD Tomo ......i__n. services �n;'_tion Sun.fa,. win·� beld tomorrow in· MantHl.�.' faall. tlle Convocation religious ser­.� ,�c� being held' in the .moming. and.a vesper service being planned for": tbe aftemooILt,�, The Right Reverend Charles P.� Anderson .of the Protestant Episcopnl,t dio('cse of Chicago will deliver theConvocation sennon. Candidates andmtmbers of the Faculty will assemhlefor the Prayer Service at TO : .. �o Sun­day morning in 'Hal'kell OrientalMuseum. Led by the UniversityRand the procession will go to M�n­del hall for the Convocation religioul'��'r\'ice at 11:00 o'clock.Tn :he afternoon at 4:00 o'clock aquiet hour has been arranged fortbose who, wandering aboot the cam­(IUS. desirt' to drop into Mandel for afew moments of meditatwn in theIHe afternoon. No formal !>ervicehas been prepared. In addition to apossible scriptnre reading a musicalservice will be rendered. -' ...The uamination� will be hel.1 asusual on Wednesday, Thursday a�dFriday. June 12. 13 and 14. as fonow�:R:.1O classes W�d., 8:30-tl :30 A.' �,.f):30 classes Thor., 8:3()-II :30 A. M.,,:00 classes Fri., 8:30-11 :.lO A. M.12:00 classes Wed .• 2:00-S:00 P. M.2:00 classes Thor., 2 :oo-S:OO P. M.3:00 classes Fri., 2 :00-5:00 P. M.6:00 P. M. Alumni SingHaskelll Steps6 :4S P. M. Alumni BanquetI �Hutchinson Hall... Alumni wi11 assemWe· in the La·,hrary of the Reynolds Clu.�nd, led bTthe President of the Association andthe President of the University. willproceed by classes • to HutchinsonHan.-i3.00at.....-- The Day's' Program.9 :30 A.1\[. Interscholastic TennisTournament.Fraternity Houses,Most 'Representative Meet of YearsDraws Three Hundred Men fromSeventy-Two Schools.EAST SENDS INVADERS HEREC�ssy i'ield in Every Event AssuresKeen Competition and Makes Re-- suIts Uneertain,10 :00. Visit around Campus and toIT :30 A. M. Lunch. UniversityComomns.J :45 P. M. Interscholasfic Meet.3:00 P. M. Swim in Natatorium.6:00 P. M. Dinner in the Univer-sity Cafe.i:OO P. 1\1. . Mass Meeting of Con­testants and University Stu­dents, at which the' llrizeswill .be distributed. MandelHall.TROPHIES TO BE :\WARDED·TODAY�Fourth Prize Winner Mo st Points Third Prize'·Second Prize Re 'Iay First PrizeINTBRSCOLAS TIC. REC'ORDITime or Winner School n.. 8:00 P. M. Vaudeville and spec­.a..ntte .Distance ial- stunts.:10 W. Hogenson Lewis June 6, 1903 10:00" P:. M. R�freshments andR. St th L. Dance. < Reynolds. Clnb House.1'0 er ouisvlle - June 10, 19O5-�-;-';:'-:I. -�--' .r :_ Male�Hi .. IJ;' .' �-"�-' ����. -�., .. ,,.._-._,..,..�- '. ";..,.�v�-:22I-S.W. Hogenson Lewis . -.".:. _. High-!!chooJ athletes·from-·all-partR . -.", June 6, 1903 of; the West will. gather today on.' H� Blair Hammond> - June. ·10,' J9OS:':SI4!5.J. Vickery Lewis' Marshall field to competeIn the meet.June-9;· 1906,' 'that brings the record-breaking sea-2:02 3��. A. Rose Oak Park June..-:to,. 1905E. D h ;�on of 19061 to a climax.. . Three. hun-.4:39 3-S. 0 men W. :Div.!.ftlwaukc.e.Juner 9, .1906·'10:30 "W. Be 01' I A " dred men. the'pi�k of_ ten states, will.. n : rei. !In. �rbor .. June; '10_; .1905:16 W P S battle 'for victory in the great inter-• . teffen N�' Division .. June-. ,I(), J90S':26. F.O: Bergquist!\lorgau. Park Jun� .. I� .190S -scholastie- today.· Seventy-two schoolsw;U fight for : points. :Academy.' .' Juoe.II,. 1904:'• J. Malcomson Detroit University. School.I ." " June· 9, 1906·1-� Mite Championship Relay Race:.t6 Detroit Univer'sitY'cSchoolI M;le Rel!lY Race for G�mmar Scb�ols .3:32 2-S.WaJteI' Scott.12 lb. Shot 48 ft. 1 in. L V. J.' SampsonEvent100 yarda220 yards440 yards880 yardsOne MileTwo Mil'e'1.20 H. H:220 L R.·.• J une 10.· 19050 .June.9. 1906' . The entry list shows that. the -meetwilt be,· the biggest. and most repre­sent�tive' of, th�. year. Victors -instate and; sectional .meets held dur- .'rete1'sb,!rg! June 9.· .1900-:121b. Hammen:8s·ft.' 5 1-4 in., June'. 9. , 1906,L.. Talbott Kansas City. Manual Training'High Jump S feet 10 7-8 inches· .''J. N. Patterson Detroit Universty School if:g 'the·last,month:today.'�eet in onebig meet. Men who have made .rec- .ords for themselves and teams, tbathave fought· victorious. battles.' WincJas h ,today, to decide ·Weste1".n! snpre;macy.· Pracfically: every school. thathas' figured prominently, this. seasonin Western interscholastk:s .has, enter­ed a team .. IncJuded�·in the .list·"2reMorgan·Park' academy. winRer.of�theMichigan. meet; Oa1t� .Park· highschool. ·victor in thel' Beloit and lin·nais' interscholastic!:' Grand· 'Rapidshigh, fint at Northwestern and sec- .ond at Michigan; St. Louis Central.Miso!lini ehampions: Ida Grove, state'�eade�s in .Io�a; .Lonisvit'le· Male high.winner of the Indiana meet: and' manyother t�ams that have figured promi­'�ently in many meets.For the first time the meet a�!;ume.�the charadeI' of an East-W�st fight.Mercersbnrg a�ademy. which holdsthe Eastern championship by virturof its victories in Vale, 'Princeton amIFennsylvania meets. ha� invaded :Chi­cago with the avowed intention orwinning today's meet and the nation­al championship. The Eastemershring with them two world's ftCord-holden. Talbott in the lIammer·t1:row. and Paun in the one mile run.WIlile' the Peftlisylnnia: bunch ofBroad Jump 22 ft. 'I in. E. Nicholl:Discos' 122 ft. :I ':1-2 inchesI: M. GriffinPole Vault JJ ft. 3 '1-4 inche!�·C. Freeney June 10, 19O5June 9, 1906LewisJoliet·. June 9. 1906Ida Grove,la. J nne 9. 1906·---.--.ORDER OF BVENTS, t(j take a swim in Bartlett UJIUIa­siuDl..�:oo P. M.-IC» y�rd dash. Trials.2:T5 P. M.--880 yard ·run,2 :30 P. �l.-Too yard dash. Finals.2:45 P. M.-I20 yard�hurdles. Trials3:00 P. M.-220 yard dash. Trial.3:15-120 yard hurdl('s. Finals.., :.'0 P. �1.-220 yar� dash. Finals.3 =45 P. M.-One-m:1e run.4:00 P. �f.-220 yarll Imrcl'('". Tr·:··4:IS P. M.-440 yard n1O.r " �.,,, "�fll hurdl('�. Final.4 :45 P. �I.-Quarter-mile relay racetrials.S:oo P. M.-Two mite run.5 :15 P. �I.-Qoarter mile relay racefinals.S:3O P., M.-Ml contestants invited Field Events..1 :45 P. �f.-Pble vault· ranBinghi�h jump; shot put. 'The discus .. hamlner, and runningh:-oad jump will follow as soon afte-ras possible .Con1<,,,t:lI1ts must present to tho!Judges for inspection at 1:00 o'clocktheir :ndh·idnal shot, hammer, anddiscus.Carr to Captain Tennia TeamFrederick W. Carr, who. in com­p!"lny with Paul Gray, won th�, inter­collegiate tennis· tournalDeDt ia·. doa­bles. ·has been elected captaiD of- thetennis team ·for 19aI. (Contill" �o' pap 4 �� 2) �. .' ,TfI! DAtLY MAttOON. CHICAGO. SA TURDA Y, JUNE 8, 1907., The University wil confer the hon­Eotert'd .. l:Jecood·clua .... 11 .t the Chi·orary title of Doctor of Laws uponJames Bryce, ambassador from GreatBritiau and the Convocation orator,at the Convocation exercises Tues­day, according to the announcementmade yesterday. Ambassador Brycewi. arrive Monday morning at 8 :4-;on a special train over the Pennsyl­vania. While in Chicago he wi�1 be,the guest of President J'udson. OnMonday afternoon at 1 o'clock he wiilbe the guest of Senator A. J. Hop­kins at luncheon in Aurora. Presi­dent Judson will give a small dinnerir. honor of Mr. Bryce at 7:00 o'clockMonday evening. The ambassadorwill receive at the Convocation re­ception to be held in Hutchinson hallat 9:� o'clock Monday evening. Mr.Bryce ill deliver the address at theConvocation exercises at which alsothe. degree will be conferred uponhim. These exercises will be heldat 10:30 Tuesday morning in Bart­lett Gymnasium. After the exerciseshe will. be present at the Universityluncheon to be held in the Common!'.The ambassador will eave for. L. Mana sse .�mpaign at 6:00 o'clock Tuesday. 0 P T .1 CIA N II Madison Stevening where he will deliver the Trib BltUcommencement address at the Uni- Eatabliabed 1161 un.versity of Illinois. From Champaignhe will go to St. Louis as the guestt celebration. The energy· ready foryesterday's activity, saved, up for theother days will be found usefulOakJaI KtudeDt Publ1eat1OD of tbe Oal .... :I , -alt, of Chkqo. COlfFER LLD. ON JAMES BRYCE"'ormerl,,Tbe Uolnnlt, of Chlcqo WHIrl,.FOUDded.'l'he Weeki,. Oct. 1. 1892.The DaU" Oct. 1. 1902. University Will Give Honorary De­cree to British Ambuaador at Ez­ercises Tueaciay- To Arrive in Chi­cago on Monday Mo�g.Hub&crlptluo prl«, '3.00 per ,�.r; , •. 00tor 3 wootw.. SU�'rlptlooa .received .ttbe lIarooD Oalce. &Ilia Hall. 01' .t theFliculty !o;llcbaoge. Cobb Hall.It EOI )\. lIA'l'HEWK, lIaDq10c EdItor.Ll:1'HER D. FERNALD, Ne .. Bdltol'.A. W. HENDEUKON. Athletic Edltol'.GEORGE E. FULLER. B .. IDea8 .llaDqel'.ASSOCIATE EDITORSCurle. .W. Pa1tsel', Beruard I. Bell,I'rl'iltoo F GIUI8, Wal'reD D. Foatel'.Cole Y. Rowe.lIt'lvlo J. Adamr,Harry A. Uaoaeo, J erome "'rao�.IlEPOIt1'EIlSA. L. "·rldst .. In, I. E. Fef'CDaOlLPeter F. DUDD, W. J. H.loaforthe�Paul B. HefllD. Hurual'd J. Keanei.'WaiteI' A. "'ord, Fred W. can.WaiteI' S. MOl'rlson, E. C. HoacJJe7..Albert IJ. HendersoD.llisa EStber H.II.On makeup today:PRESTON F. GA88.PrlDte4 .,� the IIarooD PI'.-474 Ii"f8t 5!ith StreetPhone 3891 �cIe ParlE of Washington University.PHI BETA KAPPA INANNUAL MEETING TODAYSATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1907.WDf.:: Initiate New .embers-ToElect Delegates to National Frat-Chicago today welcomes high emily-No Address.The annual meeting of the Chicagochapter of Phi Bea Kappa wilt beheld this afternoon at 5:30 in Has­kell. The customary annual addresshas been omitted. The following CI1IpICO SInU Qart.r ..COLLARSare aolel. b,. more retallen thaaaD,. other liod. aDeI laaDdrymeD.. ,. the,. ,.,ear beat.ISc adl: 2 far 2Sc.CLUE·TT. PEABODY illIIabn of � mun.Patronize the ••UNIVERSITYPHA.RMACY560 E. Fifty-Fifth Street.R. R. BOWAR. Prop.TURKISHiRUSSIAN 15,PLAIN BATHS 25cOpen I?ayand NightBARBER SHOPSaratoga Hotel 161 Dearborn St.SPECTAClES lind EYE GLASSES I. �. •'---� ... -----, .._.-------!Ti\e 9{oot StuJiaJWI8ALL IIALL343 WahL-" ATe....... 1 Ideas and Exclusive StylesiD.PHOTOGRAPHS__ •••• 1 .... r. to u. or c. �I" ••• ", COLLEGE M�'S CLOTHES......The kind College men want.ID style, and snap, and finish: fit right: cut ricbt.Special sates at SIS and SI8.Extra values. ho, 125, S30. S35. $to.Stetson Hata. Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes.Manhattan Shirts. VNLC\III14Dk4HH:\t.»wF,C.�.�. R.... :;JrF4?ofMWMBIellU:L4WDiA.:\1A.Cetom4G.Ersic.aurlce L. Rothschll"Good Clothes and Nothing Else.S. W. CORNER JACKSON & � !'ATE.Albert �athews, Pres. Geo, H. Fiedler. Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton. SecMathews &, Co. Inc.THE TAILOR .HOPNew �owers Bldg.. (56 Wabash Ave.THE LINE FOR ,SPRING IS HERE.'T'S THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW.University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Do!.. � :s �� .igaWhere do you get your - They Fill that EmptySpa(� at Home._���:_; ;1<' �NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS_and STATIONARY? e.motr. I&boto �tubto ':' �'At N O· R T- 0 ". S - . tFree delivery, Phone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREf;1{ " � . ���O�H.�Ii� ���S�t.� � ���:II��I� .. """"""""�---------------------------------------��school men from al! parts of theWesr jc its sixth annualinterscholastic .track!and, field· meet. TheUniversity is glad toII,rIiI!:! WelcomeToChicagohave these men here; it business wiJI be transacted:is glad to have the opportunity of Reports of officers for: the yearmeeting the representatives- of so I�.� many of the leading high Ilchools and Election for the. year 1907-08 of a_'.academies of the middle West. Fac- . President: Vice-President andSecretary- Treasurer of the Chap­ter.T nitiation of a class of candidates.• Election of thr�e delegates to theNational Council of the Fr:»ter:nity.alty and students aaite today in=re­'ceiYing the guests of the university.All .hope that ·tlie visitors will enjoytheir stay at' Chicago; and that theywill ·outdo themselves in the battlefor hODors this afternoon. DirectorStaB has made great preparationsfor yonI' reception; the students arecordial in their wish that your. staybe pleasant. To you our guests, theUnversity of Chicago is today thrownOpeD. JUNIOR DRAIIATIC SCORE HIT-rII. Schoolmistress'" is Praent1ed� Saccesaful Part of Junior DayFaroe WellJnnior day dramatics have neverHard luck has stayed the fulfillment failed of successful performances, butof the elaborate plans of the Junior y�sterday's presentation of .... 'l'!colleges. And the first Schoolmistress" set a new standardBetter",), day's festivities of tlu� of Junior day playing. Pinero's cel­Convoc="tion week pro- ebrated farce offers great �ssibi1i­gram were ruthlessly ties for a successful pre�ntation, andblotted from the year'� the dramatic club members made thecalendar by the old social enemy, most of them. The audience caughlwet weat�er. It was a hard pill for the swing or the play at the start andthe Juniors to swallow after having the frequent encores showed its ap­prepared for the greatest Junior day predation' of the clev�r work or th�ever, and the disappointment is shar-' tyro Thespians.ed by the whole University, for who The thirteen members of the D ....dees not regret a trend of events that matic club who appeared in t"· eMtputs a damper on anything' that are: Howard Woodhead. fJ, .en De�.promises to foster Chil"ago spirit? hurst,. Anne Davi.:.. !".icanor Day.Bat, cheer up, the rest is yet to come. Phebe Ben, Mary �.,iIi�r., 'R;;th Por.Today, tomorrow. Monday and Toes- ter, Adolph' �·'t"rrot, Bem:.rd Ben,day, four days, remain .in which tc James Hko.ey, Marl' John!lon, �or�wind ap the year's work with a fittiq Garr" ',: and Harold Swift.Da,. .Coming 112, MactisoD StreetA ear; of iDctividual toile "Alday" 2� WobarD �" RaueII SQare, Loadoa,W�r.:where fastidious folD find Is p comfortable and central boarding-house.cheer and 'refrahmeat- .nat has been and is being recommended tothe perfection of twentieth $century cooking in a de- many Americans. Rates ftom 1.50 per day.liabtfal Id rId atmc»- I or '7.50 per 0 -- -- I MRS. FERGUSON. Proprietresa.(There is only one � :.. ..;.. _-'------------------------------------�This Space Reserved forTWENTIETH CENTURYSHORTHAND SCHOOLSuite 6oS.Chicago Opera House Bldg.Chicago,·sP .. Ids 011' cheap gloyesjf you .ant well-gloYedhanda. Hand outFOWNESGLOVES -------...;.....--------------'1-·· ;:1.IIACATIONS'WILL BE MUCH PLEASANTEiIF YOU ARE WEARJ.NG ;.' Lo: (0\; 'S�.,-- UpWe! lor�_MaMe,UnainNtCOLLEGE CORNER CLOl'HES535 ·t. 545�er 6 WDkae tas t� aarhnt St.TAILORS FIMr.�-----------------------------------------------------�J; Rei:.-. 9 :. n:a••• TO PROSPEcnfE VISITORS TO ENGf,AND ... ·� �':::1 No� Pal: CUIAc�'.,}doH.)fieIIiccht"E.�l(',t�M:'IIitot., idg4Ilva\'in,, er,1l' �!7�I..... �THf PRfMOGRIIPH ••••Th. very .... for the ... __ pbotoaraph.r.Th. Prtmopaph .. the onl7 iDatna:nent of the nftecdna .,... ... 'otrend at t! .. popqJar price of '10.0GrWB MOW HAVE THEil FOR SALE.Film Pack. u ExpoIura, 70 cent.. Call7fnc en., ".750_� not caD and ... ODe 1_For Sale B,,iweet, Wallach 6 Co�W. Bresnahan, Moorehead, _ Ida lou, ,W_ �uff, Normal; W. McMullan, I"ATHLETES MEET TODAY ,Grove Iowa.', E. B. Ford, Loul·s..:tte' Le . Insti AdS S h 1FOR CLIMAX OF SEASON ". WIS nstrtute ca emy; . c 0 es,:. d f .) . Male High, Ky.; F. Mc Eachron, H. North Division; Hibbard, East Divi-l(Continue rom pageNevison. C. Pyle, Muskegon H;gh lliio�,. Milwaukee, Wis.; J. Cahill, Iand Hackley Manual, Mich.: T. Kief- Marshall High; R. Hawkins, A. Gar-IW Frankinburger, LaPorte, IRd.; C .. fer. Central High. St. Louis. Mo.: A. rels, R. Craig, Central High, Detroit.Nico" West Lafayette, Ind.: A. Hobbs. Grinnell, Iowa: T. Spencer, Mich.: Wampler, University High.Lynch. Michigan City. Ind.: W. Mc-, Dixon: R. Lowry. C. Sargent, Upper W. Spooner. C. Rogers, Oak Park.Crary. H. Fuss, North Division. Mil- Alton; Woodcock. Hall, Detroit Uni- 230 Yard Hurdles.waukee, Wis.; E. Ward. Ida Grove. ve, sity School. Mich.:R. Ogg, W. C. H. Hill, Paxton: E. Hull, ManualIowa: M. Thomas. St:Joseph. lit.: C. Paull. Mercersburg Academy, Penn.; Training High. Kansas City. Mo.; R.Dick. C. Hammond. H. Patti�, Mus- F. Armstrong. Rockford, V. Bowen, Buckeridge, Bt'loit, Wis.: J. Homer,kelo!on High and Hackley Manual Normal: C. Butler, Lewis Institute Grand Rapids. Mich.: N. B. Wood.High. Mich.: _R._Baumberger. Central Academy: ·G. Vigeant: E. Lang- North West Division: C. B. Oliver,H;,_.h. St. Louis. Mo.: ll. Loetscher, worthy. H .. Wallace, North Division: Morgan Park: K. Rawlins. L:A. Loetscher, Dubuque. Iowa: A. F Thomason, George William Curtis: Schladernan, Monticello. Ind.: K.C) 1\JcCaJ1. Gre�1I View, 111.: I\. Hay- R. E. Palmer. Morgan Park Acade- Hunter. North High, Des Moines.worth. "'". Lowery, Winamac. Ind: my: H. Smith. Central High, Detroit, Iowa: C. Nichol. West Lafayette.F. Coulter. E. McDow. Upper Alton; Mich.: Hubbard. Benton Harbor. Ind.; A. Lynch, 11. Warkentine,Mich.: W. Ben Oliel, Ann Arbor. Michigan City. Ind.: C. Johnson. Central High, St. Louis, Mo.; E. Grif- R. Young, Crown Point, Ind : r-.Mich.: Bristol. Admiral. Rutledge. Crown Point. Ind.; H. Kinzer, F. fey, M. Campbell, Uppper Alton; J. Lunde, Lake View: S. Law-vnee. J.Armour Academy;. S. Russell, Oak Young, Ida Grove. Iowa: H. Buech- Nicholson, McKinley High, St. Louis. .Frost. L. Dana. L. Her<a'1cks, Mus-Park. ner, South Bend. Ind.: C. Hammond. k H' h d P ckley ManualH S h ff M k H· Mo.; R. Conrad, L. Morrison, Dar- 'egon Ig an.. ,. c a er, us egon . igh and M' h C Mo-tr, Central lIicph Sthngton, Ind.; Woodstock, Torrey, lC.;. ,.... �, .Hackley Manual. Mich.: V. Davis. Wright, Detroit University School, Louis, Mo.: j. Burns, Greenview: M.Central High. St. Louis, Mo.: F. Bar- M' h S s-u M b Acad Alderp·�.I, Marion, Iowa; E.!... And-lC.; . 1 es, ercers urg _..ker, Winamac. Ind.: F. Coulter. E. Mc- P A Hild b d Rock (r"·"d E. H. Anderson, Columbiaemy, enn.; . I e ran , - '. -. . 'Dow. E. Griffey. Upper Alton: J. L. ford; K. Mann, Milwaukee Academv.I Normal, 1,10.; E. Phillips, West Des-Dowell. McKinley High. St. Louis.W. B R d ASh' .,.. rth Moines High, Iowa; H. Bedell LakeIS.: . 0 gers, . c eym�. .; \). 'University School: H. Clausseniuss, G. Rinier, Monticello, Ind.', }. Mad- Mo.: R. Conrad. Darlington. Ind.: B. D' .,. F V D genha",�, Hyde: Forest Academy; M. Savage, LakeIVISlon, . . e ... .G 'ffi J I'·Lewis Institute Academy:, F. Kuhn, den, G. McKenzie, Michigan City, Schnur. Lake Forest Academy: Tor; .r. D' � M'I . Forest Ac;.uemy; M. r n, 0 let:Park: Brook. �ast lV.;,lon, 1 wan-.'_Wendell Phillips: E. Sturgeon. North Ind.: F. Hammond, Lanark'. L. Yet- rey, Schram. Wright. Detroit Univer- . H" ..... h I' White Pickt:lll, Detroit lTluv�rsty, kee: J. Cahill. iJewey • .:.TlarS a I'•, Division: C. Roberts. Hyde Park; R. ter, Iowa City. Iowa: W. Bresnahan, sity School. Mich.: ]. Hall. Mercers- High: R: Har .c:in!', A. Garrels, F. School, Mich.; L. Talbott, A. StapP.A. Mills'- McCarthy. M. E. Gates, Id G I F M-'C' h C burg Acad�my. Penn.; G. Reitsch, . M' h Mcrc .. rsburg Academy, Penn.; Watts.a rove, owa; . �ac ron. . Stalker; Crutral High. Detroit, icn.: ..:\Iorgdn Park Academy; G. Wi�man, Pyle, L. Nelson, Muskegon High and Rockford; K. George, MiJwauket' T. W�:cox. H. Brown, Hebron, Ind.: Tilley, Morgan' Park Academy; LA. Widman. R. Hawkins. Detroit Hackley Manual, Mich.; T. Kieffer, Academy, Wis.:S. Scholes. E. Slur-V'. Meyer. South Division, Milwan- Hargitt, Normal; A. Aurand. LewisCentral High: Stadden, Carter. Mor- L. Me Fadden, Central High, St. geon, North Division: C. Roberts. kee: Porter. McMui'ray. Univers!ty Institute Academy; Wiskocil. Eastton, University High; Pionteck, Ar- ESC' I' h Hyde Park' Arnold East DIV;.:\"n d Division. Milwaukee. Wis.: J.- A.LOUIS, Mo.; . teele, hillieot e, ••..• High: Carwile. Morgan Park Aca -mour Academy: Wyland. Moline. Il!. M A H bb G' ell I R. B Milwaukee, Wis.; r.:R. Hawl.ins, A. M I' II! Watts. A. H. Tillcy. Reck. Morgan0.; . 0 s, nnn ,owa; .crny. Sautee. 0 me, • OOD 11 Un'G. Randolph. Oak Park: A. Menaul, H k CI d T S D' R Garrels. R. Craig. Centr+. High. De- Pole Vault Park Academy; onneu, wer-ec, y e; . pencer, rxon; .Englewood: A. Meyer, S�uth Divi- L CSt U Alton' C troit, Mich.: T. Wilr',.IC, Hebron. 'nd.: IT" HI·gh. �ity High.owry. . argeu, pper ,. S. Orme, MaDlta' raIDing Throsion: Milwaukee: Zeeryp. 1\(us!:egon. H -d W D .... 1· I H \Vampler Mor'::l Roberts Univer- 0 Hammer w � -CI t, est es �l' omes, owa; an- .' • • Kansas Cit)·. Mo.: J. Homer, .r h H' L C' h - �.... 0 -rd run S 'n_' T'IL' • sity High � aristol. Piontek, Armour R W t C. Cooke. No!1 I.SII. 0 urn .us. ,- .1- avan, eymour, .uctrolt U'nlverslty Page, Grend R:lpids. Mich.: . :1 -G d 1U d,� hIM' h W P 11 W S AcadC' .... y; McCarthy. Morgan. Park -w 01 tor Ohio� J. Horner, ran· pi 5.H. Hilt. Paxton; R. A. Rodgers, ... c 00, IC •. ; . au I • ee. son, Benton'. D. Gardne. r, .. !> • � M t' 1'0' '!\ d RD' 0 k P k A Mich.: K. Stocton, on Ice .y.;.: .--'_ - North High, Columbus, Ohio; C. Mp.rcersburg Academy, P�nn.; H. - -:-a emy: .. emmg. � ar;,' \(onts·ccllo. fdd ..• ·V. W. Francis, 1 .... - � .- . -,' M I E J dAM So I W. O. Brien, No�Jl High .: . 0 _,,'nes� I' .:Anderson, West Aurora: H. Goetz. Kuehne, Calumet High; C.' ButJ�:.· - cnau, ng ew<?O, ;.' eyer. ut 1Porte Ind.', H. Pepple. Michjgan .D· . . '·-1' k ' Towa -, M. Halphid� . " ... Division.·Grand Rapids, M, ;ch.: L. Diefendo.rf, Lewis Institute Academy; A. C.;,�der.-. IVISlon •• fll wau ee.CI'ty, Ind .•• F. Egloff. North n. ivis�o.n. ./- . . ': B' . _d 'J'. .. '{ilwauk�e. w-,r.. .- Yo�ng. Crown.._W· A. dId W S· son, North Division', H. � ,on tb, Cen- . �. amp ". fl-I-llkee, WI' _ .•• C. Fr"ene_v. H. K lD· on 7' .,mona . ."ca emy, n.: . Immons, !'Ii ...... ..,.. Poi 'It, I�� • Lunde. Lake View; ,,�;Ripon. Wis.: N� Weaver, H. R. Hook. tral High, Detroit, " ... rh.; Kitt�l- C" 'Cooke, �orth High, Columbus,zer, Tcla Grove, Iowa: G. Shaw. MUsI- C.�-�; • .!eeI'YP .• J. Fro�t, Muske.gon :?_:laPorte, Ind.: H. Warkentine, Mich- burgher. Centp.· High. Detroit, Ohio; O. Page. Grand Rapids. Mich.: L HI' b and Hackley M�nl1a. y""" .... c1 ,. btl;egon g!' •• and Hackley Manua, _AntC .:Mich.; J. L;r',t/n. Hebron, Ind.; V.l. P. Jones, Winona Academy. Ind.; R. M' h' H· Bittings. Centr:al Hill', . . U Aid_ Ie., . J Bums, GreenVlew;.m. . erman,Ben 01.' .• , Aran Arbor, Mich.; 1.1('- Watson. Benton; R. B. Stephenson, K C't Mo' M F:alvey. I" ur', ansas I y. ., . Marion, Iowa; W. I.I)wery. nlnamac.Glo ... ·Han. Llewelyan, Armo�r Acade- Morgan Park; I�. R. Hook: LaPone'l mac_ Ind.: E. McDow. R. :,' .f, E.Ind.; R. Lowery, Upper �Ito,,: J.".'�; Jones. University High; Ray ·lnd.; �. Hoerlem, Iowa City, �owr;,.; Griffey, Upper A)�.": , .. acombe�. McHale, Columbia Normal, �o.; S.Ramel', 03k Park.. C. Fr"eney, Ida Grove. Iowa, H. West DesMoi�; -, .. : Maxon,. R�)- Macomber� E. Phillips, West'Dea.-Two Mile Rua' Buechner. South Bend. Ind.; �.. ld Sti�.· Odroit Univoersst) Moines, low,,; H. Bedell, Lake For-I d J M d Thomas, St. Josepb; C. Dick, C. ·r:o s'l ...-:. • J Mercer. L. Sauer."''''. t A"ade'my-, L. Talbott, A.. Stipp,G. Rinier. Monticello, n.: . a - • Schoo ./." ,.... . 'E,_" " ''d G M K i Michigan City, Hammond. H., Pattie, Muskegon u '/ Aeademy Penn.: H. ..�;erce(5bllrg Academy. Penn.; Dick.en.. . c e. 'Higb and Hackley Manual. Mkh.; :;�r,.. ..ou,rg t-' W'el·nLalYen. Mil·I.... D ,- I b' od n Y -ke VI'ew' /" C ume II "'" Hyde Park: B. McLacblan. Georgi11".: . '-'. me, L.4i, C I H' h S 1..0 � ·,.,on,.a ..... h ""t"'W. Haynes, entra .g, t. . .•1 WI'S . F Boswort . Ci • Wi!'kocil East DiF. Bullock. D. Gillett. Muskegon . : /',. .-:ltlkce Aca( ",my. .,''. E. William prtl�; " '.. .High and lIaclCley. Manual, Mich.: Mo., �1. E. SbepherWd, CILYd�.�Y . �.I- Milwaukee Academy, WI(I; ••• R vision. Mihnukee, Wi:s.: J. A. Watts.S Chill' M R B vey, A.,H=t11'0rth. . 0"', ,\Vm- T • Institute Academy. .� .. H. Til1ey. Morgan Park Aa.dem)-.E. teele. I�othe, i).: .. 'd. E. .... n_/ Schultz. ... ('15n- �amae, n ;, ,uc�·..:.. Griffey, .N rtn. Division: G. ...�rry.Heck. Clydc: R LOWTY. C. Sargent. M· C L_II U . Ro'-n •• 0C h'II. amp�. pp.p� ..• Iton; C. Har_ e- W" '1' m CUI is· J. at· JUNIOR DAY EXE::CISEStIpper Alton: C. Heidt. We�t Del- • ... r:reorge 1 la • -' nnil, We�t Des Y,.. �!I. Iowa: R. Con- 1 H' ...... fT Brown. Hebro STpO.n2'D UNTIL MONDAY�{,)ines. Iowa; Seymour. Detroit Uni- /. Manhal 'Gfl. ., l' pO n...,. Seh I MI h W C P 11 rad, I ... M.��: ,n, Darhngton. Ind.;• E ��hobinger. H:.rvard Schoo. -"enlty 00.. c.; . . au. P. Seh Tnd . ;;:J'. F .W. See, Mercersburgh Academy.··.- nr F(\rest Academy; M University R;P: OJ. RaiD ea-a Athletic �aram andWhite.. , .... uodcock, Detroit University Me- Urrapy�rk �c:adem'v: G. Moat!'. 1_ ftI.-dna To Be Tnad. orn4Pen�.: L. J. Stratton. Hyde Park: . 'Morgan "' . h ... , r .....Se�,C-' • Mich.; J. Halt. W. Vesry, •Ha-L-r' '-;V. Meyer, Sout. "'0 Senior J)q.Kittclburger. C�ntra' High. Detroit. . B ton .-UU. � J,'Mich.: J. Brown, Hebron. Tnd.� W .. �r, . .:ersburg Academy, Penn.: H. E. n��sion. 'Mi'wap1c�e. Jdnior day athletic event" and ivyBe� Otiel. Ann Arbor, Mich.: L.�w/ Ison, Calumet.; E. Armstrong. A. Sbot Pat exercises were postponed yel'terdayU· . H-gh' S Ruse.' Hildebrand. Rockford; E. Nicbol, W. C C Le. North High. Co1um�u�. "'fonda'! morning on ucount orrenet'. nlVennty , : . -. oo�.G d Rapid!'. to �'11 L' 1K. Sullivan. Oak Park. • McMullan, F. Peterson, Lewis In- Ohio: J. Homer. nan Inc!' rain. Everything � ta",oUc p ace on, stitute Academy; Wisk�il. Ea"t 01- M' h' K Stocton. Monticello, j' Ichedule time. the Intef'-C eae tnt"kI., YanS. H� , vision. Milwaukee. Wis.; R. A. Milt". P I\�nc"�, Lake View: C. leading off the ·p.rogram ot 9E. eHtln• Manual TraV" ,K mgh. Morgan Parle Academ,.; R. Hawkin·!\. F��� iiU'�kcgon High and HCac�l::, (,'clock on Mar"hal.1 Flcld., R. Craig., Centr:al High. Detroit. .... h' C Morton. en h meet I- in progni" aKan!l\:llll City. Mo.: R/ �tlckerid,re. Matnual. ,;;nIC .. :. . Burn!'. White t e .., . J H . Mich.; Hill. Benton Harbor. Mich.: n,' � St Ilotn�. Mo.. J.• c-o"nrcr-auraction;n the, rOf!"'. of aBeloit. WI".: . or: .• Grend Rap- uSn �Jl. • 'Ian on ,. r. morton, tadden. McMurray. Uni- '. M Alderman.·m .I. m�tch between tr.� our wo·id". Mich.: N. n .. ,�'· ,00. North We!>t H' L GreenYiew.· f H' Unner h()('�CY ., L_ ,. d M' \'�r!'ity Igfl: Hafri8on. Annour 1:' G 'ffey Y '(' a t'. yr·• lIege� \VI 1 UI'" .... aye 0:1 areDivi!tlion: K .. �. .JiSll�. K. Seht:ule· Tow .. : rl' rl .".,tY Anfle"- dien � cO) ..... , './ A(';atlemy: C. B. Monroe. Marpn Alt""n.' F.. I.. :\ndc-"on. F.. n."" .. _ .. h .. 11 Field. Phi'" .. ophy and Art� WlIIman. ;, on�1; .t. Tnet.: N. �bnny. A. ., 5 .VI·· •• d.. rarle: J. Zet"ryp. Mu�1ce.ron: H. B. Col'lmb;� Norm�t. Mo.: .:.. aptr·"r Science an Litera-T .\"n('h.}' .Igan City. Tnrl.: H. Kin- "on. 'J) Mo,"r'" ('onte!'t ..1.t'r .. f:···· Ro"rlkle_ Bcnlon Harbor; A. Menanl. h E PhiJ1ifl�. \V('�t e!l. .ture. th� earnc begJnmg at 9:,10., Atnun�. ! (I; G"O\·('. row:.: It. Rngl<,woorl. com ('r.�·. I T.a FoJtcttt• • k the fir�t of two Maypolen, ... ··� ""r. SOllth Rl'nd. Ind.: C. Ham· low�.: I.. :\'orr,�on..., T le(' 10 (,!,.;O(' •,.. I I' H Rt"de,t, ,a - ·'11 he introduced..... IHt. H. Schaffer. Mu�leegon High Hiah Jamp narlintt(on. n(..·. Uni- ,"IlCC'" "'110 yard run F t �cadem)': \Vhit .... O('trott. ...··The prc!'cntation of emblems to,;,",1 Hackley Manu:\l. M;ch.; J. I. ... ;n- B. RO!'ight. Manual Trainintl HiRh. ore�·,. h , Talbott ."\. of Uni\'ersity teams andIt T P no.. P ... ,'t C I H' h S I . M K C' M' R ,., n ..• �hO()1. � Ie .: •.• mcmbcr� .. . atton. ......xton: ., .. ,. ,�, c(' n. entra Ig .• t. _om", . 0.: an!lla" Ity, j 0.. . n at!'on. o('n, H'r�I,Y -d v ;'enll.. eKIS�S is !'cbedaJedM:tn IT" H' h K .,. AI'" 'f' I F R C B 01' M . P k J S· 'I rCf'f"hurlf .",(':1 em. the trophy _ex• \la . fammg If!{, ,....... . City. ;VI. Herman.;� arIon. owa: . ar- ton: . . Iver. organ ar; . t,(,p. I' e -'p , AcadcmY: 'I k The Ivy ezereitesMo.: W. S. Timblin, /Mr'\: ICY High: ker. Winam=-c. Ind: F. Coulter. F.. Cr:lwrord. North High. Del'Moinr-. J ...... Watt!'. Morgan ��:h' Menanl, for ff ocloc 'at ,�o'clock tile ora-l SI J) h �lAr-ha" nl� • • ·n take pace •.. law. We�t AUJ: .... R. Ruck�r- Me ow. R. Griffey, Uppper .\lton: Tow:.: N. Manny. michifPn City. 1n(1.: H. Pew�Y··' H h .... n Ind. W1d J'__" by Ma1ll'ice T.'d / . wi Rr1• 'It cr... . to be e I'R'.�IRe. F. Marh • .p .,' .r, Wi�.: H. Sui- J. T.. Oowell, McKin'�y ,High. St. R. krmler_. North OiYl'ion. Milw:ul- F.ngt<'wO(: ..... h� 11ae spade "m be presented,In'3n. Grand ,1>:< .. �. Mich.: J. F. D('. T.oui!'o. M.,.: n. Schnnr. T.:akt' FOI"t'!lt free. Wi".; H. HO'!rlein. Iowa Cit),. 0dnIs Throw Pnce.. Anen Frate ·09 to Fnaci.\'i N • ./ I H n by Em""n�. Of!)"" e�t Dh:i�ion: N. Wr:",- :\('att('my: Torrey. S�h�m. n�troit ow=-: . uf'chnf'r. �"th B('nd._ H..... Gredl Ba" � L-rcI ',0. At 5=45 p. In. dleretr I U· . S hI'" h J tY I Ide n' k J " "'. k , ··O';IC Ea!'t '5'" M Orc .... • - .f'. Ind.: H. W:lrkt'ntin('. mvcr�uty. c Of} •• 'YIle.: . nal. n.: . '('. . ,.eeryp, �nli' egon I .' ... �.Nortll Hi .... , Co,,""-: a Maypole dance at the Wo-). � ,.en. G. McKen%it. MiC'higan �(N'ct'r"burg Academy. Penn.: K. Hi.rh ;lnd Ha('lelry Manu:.1. Mich.: C �.,.1:..,' C. Cooke. Grand Rapids, WIlt beQ drall.1e.I . .H . I b Oh" J Horner, . men·� aaInd.; F. H!lmmond. Lanark; I.. C;�(JrJlt'. T .. Weinberg('� .. K. Man.n, �mmond. M'U!'k�gon HIgh .. nd us, 10,· )(()IIticeIJo,I_; .(tt�r, Iowa Cit)'. Towa; E. WArd, l-flh�'3ukee Academ,., WI •. ; ('_ 011- lia.:kley Manual_, Midi.; W, �ayDa,. Mich.; K. StoektOG., -_.J/� .t�, .igan City� .Ind.: C. Johnson, Crown�e._<�; \.-. �int, Ind.: F. Newc:omer, O. Taber.i � Lanark, Ind:_ E. ,Ward, V!. Bresna­I• han, Moorehead •. Ida Grove. Iowa:t E. B. Ford, .Louisville Male P:-,h.'. ,�. �y.; c. Dick. H. Pattie, S.,L.t/rence.;. Muskegon High and Ha,.:'iey Manual., �- Mich.; T .. Kieffer, J :&"incotn, J. Row­__ ...,r.�·. ;:1. C�ntral Hk'�i, St. Loui�. Mo.; M.i·t, Loetscher. A. Loetscher, Du�qtle.I (owa: :',. 1i�bs, Grlnnf'lI, IoW3: T., "So:�ncer. Dixon: R. Lowry. C. SRrgent.�-- Upper Alton; C. HUrl!li C. Heidt.We!'t Des Moine'S. Iowa: L. Morri-rId•D. Set"�TErtSf.I,w.c,or,---....-._; TilE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1907.':-C. Harris. West Des Moines, Iowa:;.;; R. Conrad. F. Cornell. Darlington.Ind.: B. Schnur. W. Runkle ... LakeForest Academy:: L. C. Martin.Manual Training School, St. Louts,Mo.: J. Spiegel, W. Spiegel. White. One Mile RunWoodcock, Detroit University School.Mich.: H... Bubb, E. Manning, R.Black. D. Vesry, Mercersburg Acad­emy. Penn.; H. Schranck, Milwaukee H. Patton, Paxton; R. Montagne,:\! anual Trfaining High, Kansas City,�lo.: L. Shaw, West Aurora; R.Buckeridgc, F. Marks, Beloit, Wis.;H. Sullivan, Grand Rapids, Mich.:.. ' Ion. Darlington. Ind.;' L .. C. Martin..• _Manual Training School. St. T.oui!!Mo.: W. Spiegel. Woodcock. De�roit. University Sch�t, Mich.: E. Man,lling, R. Black, D. Ve"try, R. Ogg.Mer('crsbDrg Academy. Penn.; G .'Reit!lch. Rockford; F. MCK're, E. Nichnl. D. Butler. Lewi, In-.' sthute Academy; O. T. Reilly. Wen'dtll Phillips; G. Viieant, H. Wattace.1 North Division; R. D. Brew"" Hyd('Park; L. Fancily. George William� Curtis; R. A. Mi11s, MorRan Park" Acadtmy: L. Harper, M. R. Gatc�.:. Morgart Park Academy: A. GarreJ!'.H. Smith. Central High. Ot'troit.Mich.: Hubbard. Renton Harhor.. kich.: J. Brown. Hehron. Inrl.: K,·I:chrr. C":lne. Rri!lltol. Uninrsity Hheh.E. \01<" Oak P:trk: A. Mcn:ml. En·"l('wood. . ,�:.. .:,-�----..._ .. ,�. r tTHE DAll.V MAROON. CHICAGO. ' SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1907· .�:;��������=��������������������������.!.�,;'I. A;��� ::AX�����r�:rk .. "t;n;'- J. lI(ad�.n. G. McKeIl-! � MOSS.lED CO ...:...,.:.,."'-.. ':....•.. � ','II' 2�!U�Kl"g'.)n High and Hackley Man- U .. ft, ".{Continuec from page " ual, Mich.-C. Dick, C. Hammond, L. J, SO acbon Boulevard.Gudelsky, 11. Petrie, S. Lawrence, 1: ....stars are acknowlcadged to have a I Central High, St. :oui:-R. Baum-IJ;oocl chance of victory, Western,ber�er, A. Duncan. 1'. Dickerson. I e'CollegB .enIetes point to the rec.ords they have I Winamac, hal-M. Falvey, A. Hay-madc this sea SOh and declare that worth, W. LOWC1'Y', an" "Lair CI_ .. �L_...Hthe East wlll have to fight bard .. The • U&>J1er Alton-F. COIJlter, E. Mc-I .U.· .u. ••• J&iIt .. -Weliit also h .. s two world's inter- Dow, C. Sargent. B� MOSSl.ER CO.scholastic c::hampiont; .. :Freeney of Darlington, Ind.-R. Conrad, L'IIda Grove in the pole vault and GriL Morrisou. L. La Follette, F. Cornell. AUTHORS�. DESJGNJ!;RS and.. h d' Lake Forest Academy-B._ SChnur" MAKE�S OF CLOTHES FO�f.n of Joliet in t e ISC\1S._ THE COLLEGE MEN.\Vith ftelds rnnging from 22 ell \V. Runkle, I), Haynes, R.�!' in 1he two-1Ilil� to 61 in the �20 I >.d roit .IT.hivcrsit)' �chool- J. 'SPk-I'yard dash. keen ('ompetition is Ot.SSU"- �d, W. Spiegel, WhIte. \ in every e,·ent. With favorin� l l arl, Schram. ik. • •• .��cr .. berx Academv, p('�II' -H. Iweather and :t fast trac It 15 exptC.· U(.(1. that. many re('ords will he shnt Hubb, E. Manning, R Black ... _,_ ... !_ ..•• _jt.·�1 il waukee Academy- ,�,: --tered.F • nthlet .. s than were 1.. \'leinh.::.:en. K. �.l'.;l.'..:_-"""'" ", ·-1ortv-six more ... ...... /""'�in the 1906 lnrerschola .. tir will enrcr worth. . - Ithe contest today, the number thi" �.I 1'0,. : ',.>.� •• Sity Schoul·-H.yent being2f:l7 to 15T in 1(}C.16. �ldl, i �::).. Reed, A Rowe.orate plans for the entertair.':·':;"·� ...• erulell Phiilius-O. T. Reilly, F.the visitor!' have been !'1.��' .ne Kuhn. L. Hayn.44 Jackson Boulev&fd bope was g�ner."'.; '�, ;..�<;o::cd :,('�. Lewis Institute Academy +E. Nic11-terdav tw" ::;,_ olospit�,Ht) shown oil, H. Claussvniuss. F. Peterson. D.wtt .. ·::r-:..�-- ..o,)le to r,eutraliz(' the effect lhulcr, R. Knoll.-di . f.1 Central High, Detroit-G. Widman •.Eat. 11.11. .,// I <. cne miserable con Ihon I') • lC .... � wf'3tb�r. The entertainment beg:II' A. Widman, R: Hawkins. R. Craig.BRyANt. &.k�':�'.iON: with a trip to the' White c:i_t� .last Hyde Park-L. J. Stratton. F. V.I . _,.;..// evening. after which the VISitor., Detrenhnrdr. R. D. Brewer. C. Rob-I B���."-.�· .a�.·S �oUe"e we,:e ac1�ltted to the rr;ym to view tl.le erts, Dick. I_.. __ -�.c::>� .. ,..,ad."., ,.. tI,. 6 JunIor Promenade. University High-Wampler. Mor-I _--,' . The crowning e"ent of the entcr- tun, Staflden. Morris .. Roberts. Kult.� Ua\nment will be the vaudeville l;iven ('h.-.r. Carter. Smith, Crane.O.� 8�r SAd� __ .lD it'! ,the Reynold .. club this evenin!!. Bellton Harbor, Mich.-W.· . Bao::-This witt bf'gin promptly at 7 :�o tar. Hill. Huhb;mt. I.• Business Train;ng.� o'clock. The first act of HFuss and ·Oak Park-C. Randolph, C. RogersAHD Fu�ges" will be presented by the R. Deming, E. Cole.•• Stenollraph'l.. I girls h�f lhfe hSOClk anBdl Bk�s�in. se,·- 100 ,.ard dash• . eral Its ° t east :t(' mar ope:-a F. Schndder. E�st :ligh. GreenDAY AltO NIGHT SCHOOL will. be r�peated and severn I statS of Bay: Wis.: C. Cor' . .:. E. McLaughlin.a-ci ReyDold� club nud�vme !l;mo�cers North High Columbus, Ohio; A.iHII ._tII 1IaJ" ..... at Awl TIme i. H. w. �t. � will. appear. I Richard!= -Nest Aurora; R. Bucker-Fraternities of the Ur.lversity wilt id�" rleloit. Wis.; R. A. Milts, R. B.1... ......t.. Va� .. U. "r��:�/' inaugurate. an ent;rely new custom .)tephenson. Morgan Park; C. Nicol.v"'-'Fp, at Oicago this morning by inst;·.k West Lafayette. Ind.; A. Lynch.lIS-Pi W��� Aye. ing a .!'trenuoul' pan-Hel1enic- .11sh of Michigan City. Ind.; W. McCrary.inteneholastic men for t!:eir Alma H. Furs. North Division. Milwaukee.M�ter. At ten ()�(,'·..i;;k this morning 'Vis.: M. Thomas. St. Joseph. I11.�eVf"ry !raternit· nous� witt be thrown C. Dick. C. Hammond. L. Gudelsky.wid� .,oer LO the high school visitors Muskegon IIigh and Hackley Manual •and �-:i:I remain so until the beginning Mich.; R. Baumberger. Central High.".; ti.e meet this afternoon. The plar. St. Louis: M. Loetscher. A. Loet­,. is to hav� a delegation .��om each �cher. Dubuque. Ia.; A. McCall. Greenfraternity with its quota of inter- view; A. Hayworth, W. Lowery.scholastic guests make the rounds of '\7'ina�ac, Ind.; F. Coulter. E. Me_all of the other fraternity houses. Dow. Up,pper Alton: C. Harris. WestAt e'\'ery fraternity house a jdly Des'foines: R. Conrad, 'L. Morri-bunch of hosts wili show the visitors �on. L. L�fol1crtte. :Dartington,a good sample of trne Chicago h05- lncl.: R. Schnur. W. Runkle.pitality. A taste. of something re- LakC' Forest Academy. L. C.freshing wilt be on every sideboard. )'brtin. 'fannal Training School.r. i!; the purpose of this pan-Hel1enic St. Louis: J, Spiegel. W. Spiegel.hospitality to elimnate. �or the time. WhitC'. Detroit University School:an 'individual fraternity n1shing an<t H. Ruhb. E. Manning. R. Black. D.make the men feel perfectly at home Vestry.Mercershurg Academy. Penn.;at the University. H. Schr:mck. Milwaukee. Universit�·Tn all there are 606 entries for to- School: T. A. Verry. Armington. la.:day's meet the largest number evC'r. received for an interscholastic. Theseare fairly wen distributed among the�ri(\US events. the largest number be­ing in the two dasbes. and quartermite and the smallest in the two-miteand weight events. The 297 athlete ..are apportioned as follows: T11inois.13..1: Michigan. 49: Tndiana. ��: Wis­consin. 23: Missouri. 22: Iowa. 18:Pennsylvania. 14: Ohio. 4: Kentucky.1. Th� official entries for the meet"BOW. ABOUT Y�DiSUMlER �UJTBES?"SergesCheviotsHomespunsWool and linencrashes andFlannels.Prices. $2s to Iso.A. N. Jerrema. lI�e ...TAILOR FOR YOUNG liEN.Either Store:131 La Salle Street, and. j:jI:{ C'lotb�s lor'SumlDer •• �.TANI(Continued on page 3. cot. I)BR�.W·N· ;�RA Y ! I IBLUE!!! !W&--.Have aU of them in man,.Uadea in seree, cheviot..homespun and wonted.No E.ztremea..See our Fane,. Veatia�·TArCORWILUAM .lERREM.· .ON ..Clark aDd Adama Sta.are: ryp. )'ll1�kl'gO!l.220 yard dashR. A. Rogers. North High. Colum_bus, Ohio: E. McLaughlin. A. Rich­ards, West Aurora: R. Buckerid�,Beloit, Wis.; R. B. Stephenson. Mor­gan ·Park; W. Simmons. Ripon, Wis.;Phones...._ Residence, H. P.96I.Office, Central 3765.=:t?���DENTISTS()� Suite,08. Ver.etian Blda.34 . Wa�hiD�9n.. Stteet.H..-: .IL I =--so 440 Yard Relay RaceNorth High. Columbus. Ohio-C.Rogers. C. Cooke. R. A. Ror;ers, E-.Me-Laughlin.West Aurora-A. Richards. C. An­derson. C. Shultz,' E. Gillette.Michigan City, Ind-A. Lynch, H. opejhesit)behSh(. _.;,."_>i' ·'?Vi�.' �IEA NEW SPRING MODELOur .IChesty') Sack Coat 190CCoats have extremely deep latlelt .rol.'in� down over the chest, with '.co uers suftly rounded. Frontltaper tc, give a dignified effect,with semi-broad shoulders aDdnarrow waist. Backs are mediumclose, with or without vents.Sleeves are finished with imit;J':':'"cuffs. Vests are single ... easted,with or without ... ·ollars-ftappockets, Trou·:;. .... s have turned ."I' bottom- cut wide at thigh,In a rrow dt shoe and have side ..' bv �I!S at waistband. rmaSJ:e. theIIouMathe_:!; PieI SelfadThe fabrics.used in th:_: Messler (ready for service)garmentc.are. the bp·.... Imported c.' nd Domestic Home­spuns,. Cht"'!viots ".ald Worsteds. in li�ht colors. blue, grayand the· new'" j[ brownish effects. ����cv.-$lR. $20, $22.50. $29, $30, "35 andup to $50.',..... 1ethc;r Y(Ju pay $1 R'or go. up the- �cale to $38 or $4Q. Jr .eve� $hO� you get the s�ITI�supt:rio_r sty.le in each7-'the'pnce dIfferences represen_t; fabric and trimming quality.·. Drop. in and let one of :our "'B B" Score .ReCisters. preJar:wedel. IfV\'. hOIwafacSo .. Jaclr-lQn; Boulevard eelSpaldiJJg.. At"'etic Ciood$Mention what sport you are inter­ested in and ask for a list of collegeand school supplies.Text hooks on every athletic sport.Mail Order Dept.The Spalding Athletic LibrarY10 cents per ·copy.Send for Complete List. , ;; DI:n.>til"A. G. SPALDING a: BROS..- (':alTS3,\\'t1elCor. Adams St. and Michiian Ave. ohtlAMES HATS$3.00 . $3.00A fair deal with eftf7 hat.Opera Hata. Silk. Bata. .t61, 163 It. MADISON STRIIf,Near La �B'OR DE N'SCOJ:ldensed Milk. Fluid MUk, Creamand Buttermilk.An Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk C6.327 329 E. FOI1)'-�th St.E. C. MOORE. ¥LOIUST. %72 East' 55th Street •. Chi�a.go._. IIUn."' ... lIDS .&8& • ".- .. . '". .'( . }-IEvening :,W .... __WE STAND. BY YOU,YOU BET' WE DO"OLD NAUGHTY TWO.... .- r' ...ALU :'1:\ I D� Y, 1907:,!�: I President Judsonas usual.... ::::::=;-;-- - _-�; V �L. '97. No. 23.----===:::;;;; , ,� ..Firesthe members of theClass of 1907with enthusiasmPr('si<knt Harold Swift 'oi caught� �'hill' chasing '02 'round the room,�\\'3;S today kindly reprimanded by thee, j.'"�l: ...Harold Swift. Composite of the Class of '02� ..Taken by a Staff ";-,fIll': TE� �lN (;T£ST: i" L1rru: TROUBLE.1 U. of C..�HorrorF D BABY,Banquet",tWhen • he cnrhusia sr ic members ofof Julienne; President of the University, who��ouchsaf�d that iry'as they might � I-��������������������������������������������������)�}, could hardly hope to overtake '02.Mr. Chandler. A reporter for, the _. Evening Wah-( English One. This he:. thought,Mr. Chandler J. D. '06 in an address Hr.o adroitly forced the President's should satisfy the readers of thebefore the U. of C. alumni Saturday Secretary five minutes ago to admit Wah-Hoe. The 'Wah-Hoo's youn,�that though Mr. Bryce has not paid man is still on the i�il:;the matriculation fee, has not been ilt . Later:--Its all ri$'ht: Mr. Bryce :sresidence the required nine quarters from an affiliated institution.••• .t •••• -:.let. His ,activityis alwaysTenderI aridSweet. [�;�ERFIDIOUS ALBION��; IS REVENGED ONIt�' '. PATRICK HENRY� Pat HellIY writes from Oxford thath(, is delayed in England and hasneither liberty nor death. He is un-Patrick Henryable to reach Chicago tonight. Hetnreatens to kindle an I rish revolu­tion; but it is probable that he willinstead return and take a J. D. inour law school in September.; uses i�'"evening declared that married life ishighly delightful. SportiDt-E�ta !...,. J--.:";�':.�No Race Today�-, , "to enjoy fried baby bass.'can be better,INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET ·IS'- :::�,WON BY THE BEST FELiows�:�� =. .. ��f-Today is the annual high' school;}:.- -- '\athletic spear-fest. From far -an4;i:fnear, are flocking the unsophisiicatcd:· .....youth of our land to our meet. "Our .,::,...meat!" is the battle cry resoundingThe Hon. James Bryce.and ha� not paid tilt' diploma icc. he Bets Off.will he given a (kgrcc at the Sixt y- ( . \\':n:� 10 the fact that only a dozenthird convocat ion. Xl r, H(lh('rt�oll !):ti!(I: ... wcrc received. there was I�O:(Ipined t ha t Vl r. Stagg would give i '\'('::'\11 ill ,':l' ..... luruni association to; iJim cr c-.l i t ior bcirur a �\1c('l'�..,iI11! I):IY,, (l'iew building .Prescnted by ScottBond, '97.iIIiIiIThe '02 luncheon today was a great Isuccess.\ from every corner of the campus.Many complaints have reached theTr:formation Office from members ofthe class of '97 who have been kid-I napped by over-enthusiastic ouvenirhuntsmen.Scott Brown, president of '97, coun scls everyone to use a Studebaker.TH�' 'EVENING WA�HOOOfficial . Publication of the· Class of1902•N·ever entered the Chicago Post officeexcept as First class matter."mates of '02; we bow -to the clas� of. ]�:;'07: we .bow to"reach; we bow: to-all:·we ·bO\\·-wo,�-wow.: .-'t,.the misogynist, has \';;the chorus .of ".the lady, Herbert Easton Fleming was marriedis above. last week.An Antique Dating from 18g7Teddy Linn was telling in Stories in the Upper Left Hand Comer. The 'en twins-Shorty Ellsworthand George Y oung.looking very muchc.1ike, especially George... - .,.": atan,", by Bulger.My father sent me to Chicago, �Sent me, here to join the city gray';And' I hailed it from afar,. Till I· met tht: Registrar,the halls of the old' Midway.-Chorus..In the halls by the old Midway, myboys,Where Chicago evermore 'shall starl(}.For' has she not stood there, -':\ Since the days .of the Fair, : :.In the heart �f the . western landjHow I'll wish I was a chicken;In the Quads, by 'the old Midway.en,Then shout aloud for Alma Mater,And shout aloud for Naughty Two;Life may 'change from morn tonoon,But we'll cheer for the maroon,To our 'Varsity and- ciass ever true.'02 Greets the new GymnasiumHello Jimmy. glad to see you,My! How you have learned togrow.You have changed from brick tolimestone,And you're making quite a show.Still we always shall rememberEach time that we come back,The old time nougbty-t wo athleticsIn thc old one-�toricd shack.Same Old Maroon\Vords hy FI()rence Morri!'on. :\brtha Tht'. wincl tht' same MaroonS, Allerdi('e. :\.f:thel White!':de. mgTune-""andalay." Tn the sam(_" Chica�() skyTn the.' winely wcstcrn ('it). where To N()tl�h-ty-tw() it keeJ)sI h(' clipping �firlway lies ingThe.'re the c!ark gray w:\lls and tur- "Hello!" and then "Gret� of otlr Alma Mater rise. We see the same old n oOd ByNow in sadness we are leaving, and " Ollghty_tfaces,Five ycars is none too. SOOn.Same old MIdway; Satne .'naugbtY-.1two.Same old Chicago. S atne ".-"aroon.'en CLASS SONG.decp in otlr hc:uts we say. \Here ollr 10\·c will stay forever. wedon't want to go away.Chorus:Oh! the happy "u" of "C," With her gargoylesAs far as you can see.. .And yet most' unluckyWhen she see�Her Hull-gateOh her sidewalks are ste�m,-liand her scrubby oaks look.�'.. - .�'... And there's lots of landsca!,�:�dening with the 'm�t .. i:�; �·.;a�··�Her stairs 'the:' .1!,'climb forty' fh:<11 � ,\ .: .�'y,But .for that we do not .bJa .IDIOTORIAL. �___ Adapted from Amherst by DeanGruess aus '02. James H. Tufts., Tune "un the' Banks of the Old Kar-We bow politely to the Presidentof thc university; we ;bow politely to­Mrs, Judson; 'we bow, to the alumni. of the old. university; '�we bow to the�Class of '?7; we ho� to our class.' ;: '�:., The New Alumni :President.' ·{t· is with���li� satisfaction that.the . Wah-Hoo ;;;oc'eeds to wa-hoo�:for th� 'ne� president: of the associa-���_�_�� ��_������ I.��. We�&ai��om��ngwhclh-. er we ,voted for the gentleman who" .,has endeared himself to 'us '�1l by. his As "Fresh". they- used me- -rather it's g-ood .exercise·s '�h..�¥-)��"r..cia�;.hU' abdicated �� <, }-�, "�' �g�,niar.: �i� .��. toa:st��s'ter '�his' eve- ;ro�ghly·. -: .': .: ,.;'. ,:-" ., -:, .1M:.., . .;.:_.\'�17'A-.:;'ai�to/"..{ .�,,��) ,fiing; 'But w� nlUs�.deCI�}e\that·\�e For:t��y.tJ:Ilade-m���d,b��_nigb�· '��en t�e �d�·u�seejpg·:·.:. . ;: �ppom'-G\l, ... . . ... . ." ....1!-,.. ': d � .... . " .' ;' '.. .., . � :- -, r:-'.· • '.' . .fl; :.\.1t� ; ,��.:t(;'I·;:�/',,�\� < � ,�������:�7��1���� ..... )/� :rI'�� '���:�;..' �:�". �L: �,;: i����·�l��$tbW) ,� . !;:.':,i" '�{:::i"� ��c�ryt":IePJ 9fJf�ur'ele,?of�.te'�h:a.t!t .. �u tll�:lSlIt �t. u oormng .. mean; ',�, ·ar�s, ... _' ,", .�: .� \- ;".>; 7• ./;11!1.�� , ...... � has seen fit· to oestow Its presidency : .When t had :�o .. see the Dean, And life',s < • .::�.. ". .... r' \. I : th h' 11 b' h Id Mid a useless ,.struggle ... on a, gentleman whose public services fl. e a s y teo 4V I way. .,'. • .....' . .;' . .. least tnat s what It seem .so evidently fit, him for It. All hall ' " _ .�.�::. . , s, ;to Mr. B' But when at last I leave the hencoop. Then our tho'ts W!ll turn foreAnd scratch for-crumbs as best may; back beside the inland sea'When the debts begin to thl'c:k- A d '11 k ',n we ra e new hope and.fort, in the h:lPPY "U" ofAdditional Verse and Cho�;ri}��lti:"�!�v;;�,; ... ""',."�. _ ���':J\;;;':;" ��.\. x:i:';:::;�'; i;f:{���,: -:��: �:-, �:";'::i' ,.;: ;:. J:.�,,: '.--:';'. '::: �.' {, ".';\,«, +; : ,;; ,,'" •. ' ::: , • :'� ::'.: :)��J ii:, .. ,�� .. ".;:.';: ;c '; .. '.'����--� .... --�-------- .. � .... --. After five long years of absen�'are gathered here .For our college hearts to noutwo, al1 loyal still rem • "alnAnd we greet OUT .former ;mates with the old Chic'" iago ..That won't come off ,3tralJ 1:i�'its good old nought-two' stYlOh the class of nOUghty .. . -twoWe are here to yell for . : 'y. YOuEvery noughty-two alu Tt\nusTo his class is ever trueAnd no matter where w 'e roam\Ve will always come hack h .°tneTo Chicago. to the Midwa 'T d y,o our ear old nought b<�}\