I will go to tile inte.rscllolastic" bav.ebeaJ ,distribJUed aIIIOIIit: die' studMt�;Allother' lot .will 'be 8ifttl out today.t1arnntt·�-�-O-L.�V�. �N�o�.�I53�. ���������� *ili!tHICAGO. JlHURSDA¥. JUNE 6, 1907.. Piice Two Ceau.�,.with.� ..!fett,lDd:dilUDrtnts.:atioDLStt4,-flap.smedhirb,side Ilf� BANQUIT I ALL ; IN READlIESS FORADIWd DinDer -of-We A. A. To Be �T"E JUNIOR PROM�IADE Interscholastic N.t lien To Compete__ . Held Tonight in Lezincton Gym- For Wcstcm �bampionsbips On)laDy Athletes Representing Foul' President Judson.' Profcuor Hen- Work is Begun' of Dccoratint Gym- Chicqo Camp� �ourta-Drawinp Rally To CoDllidel' .Wars and IleanaColleges on Track Yesterday derso� and Jane .Addams To Speak. nasium for Tomorrow Nichl's An�ounccd yestenlay. of KntertaiDiac Prep II.,. At-� Up. Mair.. :-r . -. tendinC Intllrlk.--boIasti.�. tl,.. - The Woman's Athletic Association Over thirty high school tennis ex- ., ,.f�; Wo� ;tOii.;';:·�-couecC: ';:'ll��ai' �ll�ibc't.:wilr be' h�id�in fix� ord.e.tril·';;:' .� : .......... :_ ...... rp.e&-�iri}tOclq�p�Y.�iD-th���Pia�� ... V TaIRia:_..::W.Hockey Game aDd' 'Maypole . ington GYDl this evening, begining Bladdriar oPeraa" for''''_ of ,1l31"J' I'OtIIIds:: :of the. atlll�l Wester.l "I •••. ;,- �,�" r .. wu �.. .: T"; , • ' ".' L.! h'ch' Club for VilrieDn-won-.en 0Danca. promptly at 6 :30. About one hun- the Daace.. . .: inter�legaate, '�IODS�PI, � I 'Hi' '" .dred girls are expected to attend and .are to be' held on -the UOlverslty of ....Interest in tomorow's Junior col- a number of the faculty will be guests. Every minute detail o(aiTangein�t I CbiC&Jo' �s. as a �� of the,' gen- A . b� massm�g�" at .which theJ.ge field day is growing rapidly President Judson and Professor Hen- for the Junior Prom .o:morroiw:n1ght ierat"prOgram"Gf-the sevemh annual .'" . , ... ,. ..,. I l.._... students of tbe University wa) 1"'1:among the representatives of the four dreson will make speeches and Mis-, has been completed a .... the gym has ;iDter�cholastic day. .....' . told the part ,they ar.e e���te� toco,'lIeges and while Science and Phil- Jane Addams is also expected to been monopolized by 111, e decorating I The matches' wil.' begin this after- 1..play in' connection with the inter-050, phy have a much longer list of speak. committee .. Yesterda'y' afte.:nOOll a rnoon, the d. ra. wings having been made .' .,ldscholasic meet saturday, will be he�tries than Literature and Arts it is The banquet is the occasion for the small army of wilting women worker� ! yesterday.' This is' the larg�st field .,.I be .ered . d : in Kent theater this mprning �t 10:30atdarcd to be far from. certain that awarding of athletic pins to the girls invaded the gym and began opera- ; that has. en '�ntere tn. years. an: o'clock. �I numbers will win the meet. who have made the Varsity teams in tions which will . transform' the intet--' .classy competition and excellent work .•, , ,.. Director tSagg' 'will speak wlule.Several oi the men who will com- bask .. tball, baseball, and hockey, anJ ior. The large baseball net is weight.,- iis 3StlrM �y ,tbe . calibre of 'the men d�... "., ',iDean Shepardson' and Dr. Goodspee.pete tomorrow were out on Mnrsha'I' to the winner of the tennis tourna-. ed with profuse green and pink flora:1 entered in both the doubles and iwill probably also say someihing.· TiteField yesterday. The only prediction ment. decorations and will be stretched .singles..d" .: meeting tias been called by the Senior,�hich could be obtained was that The candidates for pius are as fol- overhead on a level witt. the track. The drawings made yester ay re- �college co��iL' " , . .-110, records would be broken. The lows.' forming a striking 'and clever arbor .sulted as follows: ,. .,, "While 'we . want to' see as man,.order of events was anonunced yes- Basketball-(Seniors) Misses Mary �ffect. Green and white .bunting �iJ1 ' Slag-lea.' I'University students attend this meetitrday as fol1ows: Heap, Edith Markley, Vesta Jamie- line the �ides of 'tb�'�. At the I C. B. Toy. Morpn Park. vs. Joh'1 ';is possible, the spirit of th a meetingTrack Events. son, Mary ltcElroy, Florence Moran. )north end the large Chieago banner Thomas. Winona academy. Ind. :will be not so �uch to urge the stu-(Juniors)-Misses Helen Peck, An- 'will loom up and the. �ig electric C. Moore. Evanston Township. VS. dents to be at the field as to- urge. �9:00. 100 yard dash-trial heats. na LaVenture, Mildred Chamberlin. ,t'C" will also be used in the decoea- Hayes. Evanston academy. them to assist in the mattet" of. re-9:10. 120 yard hurdles-final heats. Florence Lawson, Margaret Bell, �ons. . Joe Bums. Greenview. vs. T. J. ceiving and, ,ewtertalaHng, -die out-of-9:15. 1 mile run. Baseball-(Seniors) Misses Mabel A musical novelty promised for the Cleaver. North Division. town boys," said Director StaJ16 yes-. 9:25. JOO yard dash-final heat. Lee, Florence' Moran, Ethel Terry, occasion is the rendition of selections L Daniels. Marshal1, vs. H. F. tcrday, "This caring for several'hu�-.9:35. 120 yard hurdles-final heat B. Henderson,' e. Lang. Mary Moyni- from the last t"':"o Blackfriar operas Phelps, Morgan 'Park. dred II)W .is an ellOl',motUi l;l� and'9:45. 440 yard run. han. E. Kline, Mary Heap..Mary Me- for many of the dance numbers. The. J. T: Child. Winnetka, vs. J. B.can be pr9P.crl¥ ,dD�e .PJ)Jy jf. the stu-9:55. 220 yard dash. Elroy. programs are in the hands of the Loesch, Francis Parker. dents here do ,;l .lot , to ,�.lp.. A. for10:15. 220 yard hurdles-trial heat. (Juniors) Misses Avis 1001', Anna printing committee and' have incited.. �. Yule, Evanst,?n ����hip, v�,,�. ,�t����"':iL.iII:-:cutamly. -'1:10:J5. 880 yard run.. _. ��lY. J�D.ne J���Y.c.Sta�G"7 Mer� ·�r:a�!(:J'�����(lIb-;-...::r�� ':';��at' �uvan:,::"MGrpIt�:�' -:'-""-�;:"',�be worth, anybody's while. -for .it wi,!l�IO:30. 220 ,yara-hiirdle�nal heat. WiIlo�dean Chatterson, Clara Rob-. book 'is �f Maroon sue(le leathe'i with R ... Modiste, Ea�t bight Cleveland be: the scel)C of sP� of �he ;best COJIl-".! 10:40. I mile relay. inson, Adelaide Roe, and Mary Arch- Maroon leather thongs and with a and Bragg. Evanston academy, drew petition in tbe history of track ath..:·iA Field, Events. er. large gold "c" stamped on the front byes.It letics.",;:i Hockey-(Seniors) Misses Ida of the cover. Twenty-eight dances E. O. ·N.eedham, Morgan Par • n. . Al,p Kraaer, ch�innan of .tJt�.�i9:00. High jump. Perlstein, Anna Montgomery. Flor- with'a I�' and a Chicago extra are E. Adams. Evanston Township. pUblicity committee of the ReYlJold§�i 9:30. Shot put. ence Chaney, Mary Syl1a, Rebecca listed in it. Foster, Evanston academy. vs. Fred Club cOIQUl;ission, ,to.ld of the plans of;�9:30. Broad jump. Anderson, Marie Williams, E<hla An awning wilt be stretched, in case Atkinson, Lake View. his committee.�·IO:OO. Hammer thro,w. Schmidt, Althea Warren. Eleanor of rain, fro� the gym to the Com- W. SchJ:oder, 1t{arshall. vs. Stein- "We have purchased, a sec�jop .oJt} The girls' contribution to the Jun- Whippel, Florence Trumbull and mons, where supper is to be served. becker, North Division. �eats for the 'meet, which we wjllF. day exercises will begin with an I rene Poers. Those in charge have announced Gutheridge. EnJrlewood. vs. K. 0 offer to all 'who a�tend �t a redu�edJatercoltegiate hockey game on Mar- (Juniors) Misses Elizabeth Mc- that th-e price of the ti�kets wil' b'! Phares. Morgan Park. rate," he declared yest�rd4ly. '�OQ1tft 11 Field at 9:00 o'clock. This will Chesney, India Sharp. Flo:-ence Ty- raised from' four dollars to fiv� to K. Peck. Evan..ston Township. \'';, idea is to encourage all 'the goodfollowed by a Maypole dance at ley, Bernice Burt, Mary.Lynch, Alice those who do not purchase their J' Kenfield. Morlfcln Park. work done; to show" in other words." :00 o'clock on M�rshall Field and a Johnson, Florence Manning, Julia tickets before th'e night of ,the Prom. R. Coleman, East High of CI('vt' that we at the University apperciat�E I '11 b h Id . h land. Joe rr:homas"Winona Lake acadoon( one WI e e at 5 =45 an t e Reichamn, Marie Avery. Louise Ly� ,. athletics. Our purpOSe is not that ofernoon on the woman's quad- man. Florence Schaefenstein. IUNIOR D�Y PLAY PROMISES emy. and Thompson, Evanston aca4- partisans.".1:. gle.. A number of the mrls have already TO SCORE A SUCCESS emy. drew. byes.·it D'. Doubles. The "B.utton Brigade" has bcen··oc:-� Tht· II'neup for the hockey game won their pins or have made two . d b th 'tt �an'y� - Dramatic Club Rehearses Twice a R. Modiste and R. C01eman. East gamu y e comm, ee. qi.:tiu be: ' teams but the pins a�e only awarded buttons witb til- wor-4s' ··For Chicago,1once. ,The Senior basketball team Day in Preparation of "The high. aev:�land. c:trew a bye. ';,.i SchoolmiMraa." Moore � Adamf'. Evanston-� Philosophy-Arts, Literature-Science will be presented with a silver cup br..__ , R' W F M Ch . TOWIHhip. vs. Naylor aad Dewey.�es .. . . ... . .. . . c esney Miss Dud.ley which becomes their pos-I.aa R I F Sh . f Rehearsal twice a day i� .the pro:- MarsbalL" ren . . .�........ arp 'session now as they have won It orP. TIC F Ch gram for the Dramatic club. which is Hayes and Foster, Evanston acad- Chicago prep athletes are· appear-, • y ey . ...•.. . ... . . . . . . aney tbftc consecutive years. each team'W '1 1'. I F H k rcunding into shape Pinero's play, emy, vs. Thoqlas brothers, Winona ing daily on Marshal1· Field in large-e. . � . . . . . . . . an s in accepting their trophies wi11 re- . It"" h J W FR' h f "The Schoolmistress:' for presenta- academy. numbers. Out ,of town men are be�., •. c �. elc man pond with a stunt. the nature 0 .I', . ,.' . t;on Friday in connection with the Yule and S,quiers. Evanston Town- ginlng to arrive. and will continue '0un R. H. B.. .. Warren which 'will be kept a secret. The ban- . , .11' C H n H . exercises of Junior day.' ship. vs. Phar,es and Phelps, Morgan come t04laJ' and tomorrow. .annmg . . Ulsen�.l quet will be enlivened' by songs and • ,,,Joh I H B R b A rehearsal of the entir� .cast w:t� Park academy. 'The Mercersburg Academy team.nson _ . 0 ertC' yells. and a jolly time .is assured. A IT I. II R FRS I held last night. Coach Cushing ex- Hou., on and Peck. Evanston champions of the 'east. left yesterdayIllmuu •..... . .... mallw',o, dance will follow in Lexington Hall.A W - F B . . presscd himself as pleased with the Township, vs. Brown and Rosenbcr- and 'will arrive this aftem�n at 'theftry .&4. '. • ••••••• I.yn :.nPerlstein G...... Sharfc'l progress that has been made. ill spite' ry, Normal. Del Prado., Score Club to Initiate. o� the fact that most of the actors arc Kenfield and Toy. Morgan Park. One of the best programs ever of-------The Score Club will hold it!' in;- som<.'what shaKY in their lines. Stren_ ys: Cleaver and Steinbecker, North fered at a University vaudeviilc w�1IAnnouncemen� �f) Gradu.�. 1 tiatory banquet tonight at the Bi!'- uous polishing off for today and to- Division. be given Saturday evening in :\bn�c1:\nnouncemcnt is made from the: mark hotel. Twenty fre!'hmen. ail morrow is promised. and it is believ_ Ems and Lewis, Oak Park. ,·S. hall in honor of the visiting a,thldf"Presi I t' ffi tl d'd t fl· . �d that the players wilt have. their Bragg and Thompson, Evanston h t k . th . t hit'",. (en s 0 Ice lat can 1 a es or of whom have loyally been wearlllg W 0 a e part tn e tn ersc 0 as h.the rirIe .of associates will. be limited I their pledge ribbons of gold and hlack p;lrts well in hand by Friday. academy. meet Saturday. The guests of th('to on(' ticket to Tuesday s convoca- will be taken into the Sophomore' Schrader and Daniel. Marshall. V· Un:versity will see student activitiesfor exercises. although candidates I wciety by the older memhers. Junior Council in Last lleeting. Duvall and Needham. :\Iorgan ro:.rk: at their best, for the program will i.ll-for clegrees may secure several tick- The Junior College council held iB elude choice bits from recent operasth. The tickets will be given out I final meeting of the year in Cobb and Reynolds club smokers. Thethis afternoon. Department Clubs Meet. hall yestenlay morning. It was de- Vaudeville Aniata to Reheane. JOung women will be given a glimpseCandidates for degrees �ay atten,i i �lembers of the Political Scien�... l'�lcd to appear at this morning's ex- Rehea' sals of sketches that will b� of the typical Reynold!' club stagthe University luncheon if they de-: Political, Economy. and Sociology "rcises of the Junior colleges in Ca�) ,·i\'(,11 at the interscholastic vaude- performance for the first tUnc. as se"'­�re. Announcements of the exer-I C]ub�, held a joint meeting for a di:o.- "n,1 Gown. Final �(',orts of I com- ville for next Saturday evening will eral sonl'l that uye been produc.c:.d.ases of convocation week may be se-, cusslon of the proposed charter for mittees wc-n" heard and the counc:1 he held in Mandel at 2 o'clock thisl -----slired through the President's office. Chicago last night. adjourned sine die. af&e11l8GlL-ITEREST &ROWS II :JUIOR TRACK, MEET WOiON AIIILI1!S mUlls TOUINIY BlGlNS TODAY HOLD' 'BII-1ASS IEETllaTHIS MOHil16 II KElT�ice)>n\e.gray(Continued on pace ... col 2)- .�50. !$40-the:y.••, SOMWi"r.-.. 00toEst,"B�SUITtt£ DAtt. V MA ROON. cmcxco. THtiaSDAV. JUNE 6. 1907·For 'Chicago. we stand,"EDtl'rt'd IlB �uud,clwsa �all at tbe Cbl· The official song of the Seniorclass. to be sung during the bench TO' EsTABLISH �THLETICBOARD FOR FRh TERNITIESProject for Regul;ting Inter.Frater­nity Sports Mee� \V:�h F:1vo:Among Greeks."Glory and praise to '07 too.. Each, -class. may COJJY its .virtues �il('''l'st:rblishml'nt of a fraternitytrue; floard of athletic control is a proba-Courage 'in heart and open in hand,Yes. read): to wr ite and ready tofight..When, Chicago is gone!We'l1 not fail her in life,Wben departed. at last:',But prove we are true as loyal sonsdoWhen college is past!Now, we all must leave.We go, our dear old college daysare oyer.But we wil'l.ever think of thee.Serene in peace beneath thy azureslQr-Many a maiden fair.Is w:\iting there to greet her loyalstudent lover.Farewell Chicago, ILLINOIS FOOTBALL DATESIlJr .tly'liantDH I SENIORS ADO� CLASS SONG------------...---, -j Is Written by Adolph Pierrot-Sung<>ald.1 Htuciellt PubUcaUoa of the Ulllnr·to �he Soldier's ' Chorus."aU7 of Chlcqo. 'hility for next year.At a recent meeting of the frater LOC ...r-GRInity haseball representatives the pro. �jcct was discussed and fully approv- I, BRIGHTON G.&IlTEIl8l.a. The purpose of the board will Tbe natest, easiest and most comfortable cord garter made. The, .. . II k: If' rubber diamond holds with a vice-like grip that will never alip. WiDhe: to ,l'g'lslate n;ga-dlllg :1 nr S 0 notinjurethefinesthose. Thesmallest,smoothest&attestgripenrcxerc��es on Senior day.' has been inter-fraternity sports. and to act as used on. cord garter. Finest quality webbing. MetalpartsheaYJgubacrlpUuu price. $3.0U �r )'t:ar; $1.0t) I �t d b .1 I m 'tt� ee I 1'" ,. nickel plated brass. 25c and SOc. pair, all dealen or by mail pren2id.:1( op e y. ie c ass song co rm e: final court of appeal on all disputed r-Cor :J moutbs., �ubll('rlptloWl rl'Ct:lY�tJ at f hi h A 'h B . hai a". PIO.E •• aUSP •• D •• co •• 7t8 Market ate, Phlladel .......o W IC rt ur ovec IS c airman. (Iuestions. This board wiJI assume JIi&J:.crI(l/ PiIJact:r 8�tkr...tbe lIarooa omc�, J,;U.bI 1Ial1, er : at the 'The song is written to the tune oi all th'e: duties now di�charged hy theFacult)' EXcbau¥e, Cobb Uall. ."The Soldier's Chorus." The words existing legislating body on baseballof the song are as follows: matters. consisting of each fraternity. "Glory and praise to '07 too, baseball captain. It- will also do allEach class may copy its virtue" in its power to arouse interest amongtrue; the fraternities over indoor and out-Courage in heart and open in door inter-fraternity relay races andhand. athletic contests.' The organizationYes, ready to write and ready to (If such a board is anxiously urged byfight, fraternity men because they believeFor Chicago we stand! that it will simplify inter-fraternityWe'll have power to do, : athletic legislation and encourage in-Since Chicago's shown' ter-fraternity contests.We'll be loyal and true,.. eter 10'. DWUl,I"aul u, Denio,Walter A. "'ord, Hurnard I. Kemler.1o'red W. Carr.Novemberfield.November 16-lowa, at Towa City.2-Purdue at Illinois,F8"cewell,�.Chieago, November 23-�ndiana at; Bloorn-.I 'Far���il ro you, to you we bid our ing, Ind.last adieu!We leave you now, we leave �Otlnow.We leave you 1(1 ow, we leave younow we leave you now!"know by how narrow a margin it wona victory from the Philosophy teamin the Junior college debate finalsTuesday night. To make this clear.it might be well to repeat the opinionexpressed by one of the judges im­mediately after the debate. He, said:"11�� debate was extremely hard Ddecide. Up to the time of the rebut­tal, the judges were, I think, readyto decide in favor of the Pl:ilosoph.vt�am. The Arts team did not outlin��r present as clear a case as the othe�'side in the direct argument, but in therebuttal they were unusually strong.It was the way in which they ham­ill�:-ed away at their points, their�bility to knock on the head the ar­guments put by their opponents, tntr If .. miliarity with all phases of thequestion-these facts won them the�ebate. But the decision was remark·ably dose."The Arts team is proud of its vic,ler),. but appreciates how close itcAme to defeat.(Signed) : I'The Arts College Debating Te:tm.Putnam,Frank,Sayles..'ormerq'fhl' UDlyenJt, of ChlcaKo Weeki,.Founded.Tbe Weeki,. OcL I, 1�9:!.The 0.11" Oct. 1. 1002.I�.,u. Iwm' lJ.A·i·UEWH. 111l1lqlnK Editor.Lt;'J'IlEU U. It'EUNALU� Ne .. EdItor.A. W. HENlJEllHON, Athletic EdItor.tiEOUtiE Eo .·ULLEU, 8ualnea. Mauqer.ASSOCIATE £DITOasCbarh� W. PaJt&er, 8emard L Bell,Prl'lltoD F tiuas,lJl'lvln J. AdalDl', Warreu D. Foster,Cole �. Rowe.Harr), A. Hanaeu, Jl'rOW� "·roolL.A. L. "·rldst .. lu, I. E. Fersuaou.W. J. u.iDafurtber •Walter S. HorrlsoD, E. Co Boadle7..& lbert D. HeadenoD,lJl.sa FAther Ball.On makeup today:Burnard Kenner.Probated b� tile lIIIarooD �414 But 55th StreetPhoae 3691 Ibde �THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1907.AttendThe IIasalleetingasm and interest in theinterscholastic. Did you ever stop tothink that the interscholastic is a per­sonal matter that comes sraight hometo every student in the University:'The meet is a big thing; it is the cli­max of the season in Western inter­scholastic circles. 'And, like' all otherbig things, you perhaps have thoughtit would take care of itseJf.These athletes who will compete onMarshall field Saturday have been en­tertained at Iowa, Northwestern, atMichigan, at Illinois, at Wisconsin.at Indiana, and at other great uni­versities. They come to Chi�go forthe greatest meet of the season. Theynaturally expect a royal welc�e anda great entertainment. Mr.; -St�ggand tht: Reynolds commission' havebeen working for weeks planningtheir entertainment.The students now must do theirpart. They must show the athletesthe .true Chicago hospitality. Theymust give up their time, their money.and their energies Saturday to enter­taining the high scho�1 men. Theymust come to the mass meeting thismorning; hear what Mr. Stagg has tosay; show their spirit. and demon_strate that they have the interests ofthe University at heart.Owing to a typograprical error, thename of Weaver Chamberlain wasomitted from the' Ii�t' of Blackfriarsiniatiates ye.tenla��La �fisses Bertha Montgomery andRuth Converse are pledged MortarBoard. BRIGHTONFIAT ClASP G&IlTER8are worn annually on 4,000 000 l�e most popular garten farmen', "ear. The patented ht clas., brinp comfort-the sec:retiaiaita non-binding, non-irritating hold. It', as Sat ., a sheet of paper ....holds the sock as smooth .s the ,kin. Made of pure silk elastic web�All metal parts of hea-ry rackel plated brass. 25 cents. pair. all d ...,or by mail prepaid. For those who prefer. cord aaner. w.ofter. ",.1.1- )�UIlestown ,ExpositionExcursions,Via,tl1mmlamll': ".22.25Going viti':<:incinnati or Louisville.Returning thru W ashincto� D. C.Liberal Stop-overs at all ViremiaResorts an� at WashinctoD.$30.70Going'i';a' Cincinllali or Louis­'Z';/le. Returning throflgh Nt'i('York Cily.Stop-over at Washington, Balti­more, Philadelphia, New York.Catskill. N. Y. (for Catskill Mts.)Utica. N. Y. (for AdirondackMts.) "Syracuse. N. Y. (forThousand Islands.) Niagara Falls,J .ake Chautauqua._-! Dcl(�"'f"l Ocean Trip Be·tween Norfolk and New York.on Ocean Gre�'hor",ds. if::. yo" 'ZVGnt.Send for a cornplete list of Ho­tels and Boarding Houses nearthe Exposition grounds. Address:City OBi�" 182 Clark St., Chicap.Hands off cheap glovesif you 'want well-glovedhands. Hand outFOWNESGLOVESI Small ads bring large returns ju'The Daily MarooD. __ ••• a ... ...H.E SHOREY oA.TAIL!THET-\ILOR332 Republic Buildinl 131 La'35.00 COLLEGE SPECIAL_-I�--------------------------------------------------------------Director, H uft' Announces sChec;tule-1Two Games at Urbana.Director Huff has just announced Ith. e Illinois; football schedule. It in­eludes .games with Chicago. Wiscon­sin. Purdue, Iowa and Indiana. Thedr.t es arc as follows:October J9-Chicago on l1Iinoi ...field.October :z6--Wisconsin at Madison.Wis. UNWIWI'FAa.1L04CUniversity Style ,$3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per DOlThis morning there w'lI be a mass­meeting. I f you are loyal to Chicagoyou will be there. 'Themeeting is called by Communication,the senior college coun- The Arts college debating teamcil to arouse enthusi- feels that those interested should They Fill that Empty Space at Home.ESmOtt'6 1&boto �tubtophone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETVACATIONSfUJifWILL BE MUCH PLEASANTER� iIF YOU ARE WEARING . ..; �COLLEGE CORN£R CLOTHES535 to 545'�er l:J WDkie las 119 DearlJom St.TAILORS 8ank .floor 5BAlSara�••• TO PROSPECTIVE VISITORS TO ENGLAND ..."Ardmay" 24 Woburn Plare,RusseU Square, LoDdon,W.C.Is a comfortable and central boarding-house,that has been and is being recommended tomany Americans. Rates from $1.50 per day.or $7.50 per week.MRS.FERGUSON,�roprie� SPfC'L.OP'Ea1THf PRfMOGRAPH ••••('The very lat--t for the amateur ."hotographer. .The Premo graph is the only iDstra,nent of the reftectine type ever·otl'ered at the popular price of !:o.oorWE NOW HAVE THEM FOR SALE.Film Pack, 12 EXposUres, 70 cents. Carryinc Case, $1.75-_Why not call and t;H one? __For Sale By WherNEan(Sweet, Wallach 6 Co. PlumYOUNG TfCHNICAL GRADUATfS vOften eet into a rut from which it is; difficult to escape,because they accept the fir:lt position offered. Why notmake your selection from high grade openinc. now onour lists. Can, or write today.••• HAPC;OODS •••The National Organization of Brain Brokers.Hartford Bldg., Chicago, "'.g- -- - ...'fIlE DAILY MARO.ON, CHICAGO. "HURSDA Y, JUNE 6, 1907."BOW ABOUT YOURSIlMMER CLOTHES1" , -:Gustav G. Abraham Writes Comed� yarsity Pitcher Especta to HeadI Drama of Civil War Period. Winnin, Nine Against Seniors.SergesCheviotsHomespunsWool and linencrashes andFlannels.-j- �. Prices. $25 to $50.A. N. Jerrems, Manaler.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN.Either Store:131 La Salle Street, and ---_._-. -�.� -:- "': .. - --.-.- .. _---STUD�NT IS PLAYWRIGHT WALKER CAPTAINS JUNIORSIGustav G. Abraham, an unclassified Fred Walker was unanimously dec-student in the university, has .written ted captain uf th� Junior .ctass base­a play which will be produced dur- ball nine at a meeting of the Juniorsing the summer by the pupils of a 10 it: Cobb yesterday morning. Wit"cal school of acting, and will receive Walker, Templeton and Staehling ofprofessional presentation next fall. the Varsity nine as a nucleus, theTile play is a comedy drama of the third year. men cla.m thcy will sus,Civil War period, the scene hdng la <i Ic urth-year players in the indoor- III ;1 small town in. souther y'irgini:l. outdoor game in "Sleepy Hollow"a few weeks prior to the surcnder 0' Senior day. Tryouts for places on theGeneral Lee. Abraham has several ream are said to be unnecessary. asone-act plays til course o"{ prepara- Walker claims that all the Juniors: :on for \':Iucll'ville production. are stars and need no practice to deNext fall Abraham- \�:l g6 to Nejv feat their elders.Belasco. later entering the dramaticprofession. for a few year, under till' VICTORY OVER A. T. O.York and study dramatic work UD<I{'r LANDS S. A. E. IN FINALSlle la sco management. before devotinghmiself entirely to dramtic writing. Defeats A. T. O. 8 to 2 in BaseballBefore coming to the universitv. -Chi Psi To Play Alpha:\ braham was dramatic critic. speciatl Delt.and political writer for papers in NewOrleans and Nashville. MT. Abra- By defeating the Alpha Tau Omega44 Jackson Boulenrd ham's work appears under the name nine in the semi-finals of the inter----- - ----- - of Gustav Gambetta. fraternity baseball series yesterdayafternoon by a score of 8 to 2. theCHICAGO ALUMNI Sigma Alpha Epsilon team qualifiedSUCCEED AS COACHES for the finals. The game was hotlycontested and until the last inningDr. Calhoun. '92 Track Captain. Di the score was about even. Bot11rects Winning Carol:na Team- teams played stellar ball, Preston'sHarper's Nine Beats M:chigan. excellent pitching being the featureof the game. The batteries were:Evidences of the success of Chicago Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Preston andFreed; Alpha Tau Omega. Allen andHandy.Both A. T. O. and S. A. E. had-UNEXCELLED FOR FIT ANDWEAR •..WHITE AND EXCLualVE FANCYFA.Rlca.a.K PO" THt; CLUeTT .HIIIT A ...LOOK .. 0 .. THe CLUETT U.CL.CLUETT. PEABODY • CO�___ .r ... __ LLA-.·�tr�nize the ••�NIVERSITYPHA.RMA.CYs60 E. ·Fifty-Fifth Street.R. R. BOWAN. Prop.TURKISH1RUSSIAN 7ScPLAIN 1)ATHS 25cOpen Day and NightBARBER SHOP•��� 9{oot �tu�ic:1tD18ALI. aALL' ....343 9fa�'h Ay·". . . 'r",',:OrigiDat Ideas anel exc:Wiive �t,leiiiDPHOTOGRAPtlS .� a..,� SO t, U� of C. "'''141 •• ,.Saratop Hotel 161 Dearborn St.r.G. SPfCTAClfS and EYE GlASSESIV" .A Cafe of individual tonewhere fastidious folks findcheer and refresbment­the perfection of twentiethcentury cooking in a de­lightful old-world atmos­pbere.(There is onl7 one VoceJuna-.)Where do yo� .ge.t �our .112 Madison Street pionship of the intercollegiate leagueof Michigan. having defeated a!1 i�srivals up to date. Jesse's· chief' de­light and glo;y was in the defeat ofMichigan. 4 to I. on lfay 18. qualified for the semi-finals by winhoun, who cs the leader of the 1\Ia- ning every. game in their respectiveroons in 18g� is now head of the de- divisions. Chi Psi and Alpha Deltapartrnent of geology at Clemson col: Phi, the winners in the other two Rea>hCATCHEIIS- .rn-l.L. ManasseOPT I C I A N "Madison St WOMEN'S TENNIS TOURNEY� 1161, Tri"�. lid. REACHES THIRD R('UNDThe third round or" !11� ,,'. llh i'· ;.tennis tournClme�t ha� .. · h�e�I': j)t:,):eiwith· the' folio�in.g· re�nh.· �. '.":,Miss Kuh defeated :,1 i .. -; I.l·nn<·sNEWSPAPERS, PE�IODICA� 7-5. 3-6, 8-6, . ..and STATIONARY? I IAt NOR TON' S Miss Rosenfdd ('efc:lt?�' �ti.;," Ho ..... kins, 6-2. 7-5.Free del:vo:rv I M' R II , ..- I lSS e (l'it'att'd �h .... (,r:"'l' 'Nor·Phone H. P. 11/). 348 Sith Street. ton, 6-.l. 8-6.I �fiss Greenhaum ch'if'�h'!l Mi:o'�r,ool{ins 6-3, 6- ....The semi finals wil1 he played todaybetwcen Misses Kuh ;1I1il Rf):O-l·uil.1.1.and Misses Bell and G(C(:nba11lr. .them by large scores. The "Clemson W. P. TO HAVE FIELD DAY'Tiger" states: "Dr. Calhoun deservesgreat credit for his energy and effec- Coach Friend' and Vanity Athletestive work. To him is due the rank to Act as Officials. 1which Clemson's team has assumed -- .in the short time he has been its Wendell Phillips High school wil1holdits third �nnua1·field.�ay at Mar_shall Fie1d on Friday. Jun� ,14-· CoachHugo Friend 'of the Uriivet5ity 'trackteam and an alumnus of WendellPhillips wil1 officiate as sta'1:er. ManyUniversity athletes will act as officialsis a strong competitor for the cham­in the track and fied events for thehigh school, Severa1 hundred boysand gir1s wiI1 participate in the com­pete events and drill features.men as coaches continue to come in.The latest news is that of the- succes­of the captain of the Varsity's fir��track team. Professor F. H. H. Cai-1ege, South Carolina. where he ha­been volunteer coach of the. track_.. .;';..' . '\, ..•team. This team has won every meetin which it has competed. most of.coach."Jesse Harper, captain of the 1905Maroon baseball team, is also hav­ing a succes�r"ul season as coach 'ilfthe nine at Alma college. His teamMisses Kuh, Rosenfeld, Bell apdGreenbaum Aze Vi�ton-PlaySemi-Finals Today. divsions. will play early next week i:(Idecide which team shan play S. A. E.for' the t championship.:\fiss Louise Magee is pledged Eso­teric..• ..AMUSEMENTS....The WhitneyThe Season's Rea1 SI1('cessA KNIGHTFOR A DAY-With-JOHN SLA VlN.MABEL BITE,And Be:U1ty ChorusColonial.FIFTV MILESFROM BROADWAY-BV-GEORGE II. COHANCOHAN & HARRIS·AU-Star Calt. TIt.· ·Varsltr Bac.sto,. .A catcher on • college nine can Dot he too careful aboutthe Mitt he ulieS-the Bir Ga".em&v depend upon hi:l abilityto hold the ball. The majority oC·'Varsity Backstops, likethe majority of the great League Catchers alWIlYS use 11TheD &B LineSteamers leave Detroit weekdaysat S:OO pm., Sundayaat4:0() p.m. [central time) and from Buffalodaily at S:30 pm. (eastemtime) ' ..rcaching their destiDation the next -morning. Direct connections with ear1y trains.Lowest rates and superior service to New York,Bosto�Pbiladelpbia,AtlanticCity,all points east.m Popular week end excursions tot Buffalo and Niag:lra F=tll� leaveI'I Detroit every Saturday.:�I\ RAIL TICKETS AVAILABLE ON STEAMERS �)Jj:: i· All dasIa of l!ctm IOld 1'CId1� yb Mlchiran CCSIlftI. Wabasb and Cr:Ad, ", , Tnmk rai!ways between I>colu,1Id D:1ffalo la either dlrcctloD .. i:1 be: 1ICC'qIIc4\. I D for truaponatioll OQ D. l: B. lJDe 5:c:amen. Sc!Id 2c. 1I:I1D2. for �.. PllQhletaDdCreatl.:W:tm:ap. AddmII L. G. LEWIS, Q. p ....DETROIT. BUFFALO STEA.BOAT CO., Detroit,' .Ich.PHIUP N •• C.ILLAN. � ... A •• CttAlITZ; ........... -I lIeeKSI- •• AlII) aKOND-BAIID• t..e. PriceI1111_1 __.415 It. gila ......\.: . � .' I Spring Flo",ers in BloSSODlVISIT THE GREENHOUSES NOWPhones: H. P. 18-H. P. 6gS:-A •. l\IIcADA�SS3d Street and Klmbark Avenue·HII.DErsr:ireprool Storage & Van Co.FURNITURE. PIANOS. TRUNK8,IIBRCHANDISE lind PARCELSDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. DEPOTS "AND SUBURBS.!'·General Offices,40th St. and Ca1umet Ave.. Phone:Duuglas J800Private Exchange a11 Offices . Branch Office, Information Oftic�.University of Chicago.R. R. Warehouse.eh icago J unc.tion R �� and Ca!amet... the � � baildel' of the tweDtieth ceDt1Iry. It&Ds the � with rich re4 blood. buDcJa lID � 1D1I8CIe a4bone. and feeds the atarved. tremuloaaand achlnc lienee. P'b7siciaDs eftI7'owhere UD COIIStUlti7 ncommelldiq Itfor theirCODvaJac:iIIlr patients and abofor weak WOIIlell. powinlrcblldreo anclthe OTe1'WOrke4 b_n_ maD wboIlea an In�nlr and atlmulattDCtonic. .alt.arrow Is the utrw:teclJalcee of the Snest barley malt·anclbops and eontaln. nodeleterioaacbem­Icala. Doctore 1ttaow this. benee theirpraislDlr testimonials. We haft Isnect• booklet. •• Emmellt Pb� of theWeat.·· In which the most fammIa php.IIieIaa and aaf'lr'lOlUl nf tile West Iff"thelt' l)enIOnal experiencel' with MaltlIarmwasa bealtb baDcSer. A �will briDe it.AT THEUNION HOTEL and RESTAlJRANT·,yIl .. L FIND RESTAURANTI OM 'hVO n.oo ..Wt:"L FIND A SPECIAL AFT •• -THtiTEa IImlUWILL PIND SPLENDID IERVIcaS�rvina onl, the Beat the Market A.or41111 to 117 ItAMDOLPB lTanTW. make • Specialty of a • ., Pn .... ity DiIInen. ate .Pi.est Orchestn ill tile r..ityI SHOW SPECIALLY MADECLOTHING OF QUA LIT Y,READY TO WEAR THE DAYYOU BUY IT. THE ONLY DIF­FERENCE BETWEEN MIN�AND THE HIGHEST PRICEDREADY - TO _ WEAR GOODSSOLD IS IN THE SELLINGPRICE. I BELIEVE IN MANYSALES, SMALL PROFITS ANDSATISFIED CUSTOMERS. THATIS WHY YOU WILL ALWAYSSEE CUSTOMERS IN MY SHOP.DROP IN AND SEE. YOU WILLNOT BE URGED TO BUY.Price Range $20 to '3S.FO'R EMA.NQUALITY CLOTHESg2-M-96 Washington StreetDet. Dearborn and Clark Sb (Continued from page I.)there will he sung. and a wr e stlinl-:bout is .also on the program.Fred Kay. the popular matin e e idol;Beck Herdman, the sweet singer wh-iturned down an offer of $300 a weekwith Caruso; Harold Atteridge, theboy wonder, and Bernard I. Bell. theinevitable ;t.ll1 are �wn on the pro­gram for their best stunts. The Iea­tures of the evening will be twosketches, one entitled. "The FrivolousFive," of which Carl Burton and Win­ston Henry are said to be guilty, an.lthe other the first act of "Fuss andFudges" by the Sock and Buskingirls .. The tennis beauty chorus i�lthe latter is expected to win all th ... ·hearts of prospective college men iorChicago. As for the "Frivolous Five"it is said to be second cousin to thefamous "Strumming Scouts" inas­much as Burton will inflict his or igin,al and uniquqe "Ragtime Creatorc'Open Saturday evening until 9 o'clock song on the suffering audience. Thebill in full is as follows:Eat. 1156BRYANT � STRAttONBusiness. CoHegeOifers SupedorAdvanta.es in.• Business Training ••AND•• Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStadeaa May Bater at #ai7 TimeH. W. �t. PnL: �L. Brait -.raucbaa. u. of C. ·�/.' .......315-,321 Wabub AY�Clothes lorS.u ... mer ••••TAN!BROWN! !GRA Y!.f ,BLUE!!! !'I:1! WB-Have all of them in manyabades in serKe, cheviot.homapun and worsted......... Prica. No EJrtreme&.See our Fanq VatiDp.... .".� JTAILORWIWA. "ERRE •• ' .0" •.Clark and Adam8 Sta.Phones __ Residence, H. P. g61.Office, Central 3765.1Dr • .iuD am. '_tltrI)t. ltal", am. J'atltrDENTISTSOf&c ....... Suite 708. Ver.etian Bldlr..14 Washington Street.Hoan: .IL I� .- I .. .. �Send Your Name te I C .nk1. .' �Universtiy clog vocation day, next Monday and Tues- .• .•.�. lOin s.•••.•••.•.•. Misses Han and Swan d _.-ayeBasket Ban song The class luncheon will be held on_. Spalding ... I· Sell- Pen•••.•.•...•. Miss Stein and chorus Monday at I o'clock in the cafe of IIIIIagThose taking part are Irene Kaw- HutchinsonEall. Sanford Lyon, the FOR A .CATALOGUE OF For busy 080_ plein, Marjorie Day, Sarah Wilkes. chairman 'of the committee askedElizabeth Franklin, Nina Yeoman. that '�ll ��·o· wished t� attend l�ve Spalding Athletic Cioods �n:it�if:Esther Godshaw, Mary Swan, Esther their names with him. Cleans itself.Hall and the chorus. An invlt�ti'ao to the graduating Mention what sport you are inter- No dropper.E-Bernard 1. Bell, as Professor .- ested in and ask for a list of college NothinitotakeaPart.class to attend the alumni day banquet Nothina to spill IGazer. sings ""m a Bookish Man" Saturday night was extended by David and school supplies. A dip in ink, afrom "Sure Enough Segregation:'. A. Robertson, the chairman of the Text books on every athletic sport. touch of -thumbF-One act sketch. "The Frivolous day. It is expected that the Seniors Mail Order Dept. to nickel cres-Five" including Carl Burton, Earl will vie with the graduates of '97 and The Spalding Athletic Library cent and theBerry, Winston Henry, Charles '02 in voicing their class spirit. The 10 cents per copy. pen is full.F 0 d Ch I I L· ready to write.Lee. 'rank rchard, an ar es executive committee of the.class was Send for Comp ete 1St.An ............ eft17-Ireland, with the following songs: chosen to take charge of the alumni is.=.=J'':�Opening chorus .Companv exercies in 1912, it being the plan of A. G. SPALDING a: BROS. 1&11.,.,.=.-..===Y L §IIO-.oftUauaoGli'"When I Puff My. Cigaret" I U·· hasi h fi ,26 Nassau se, New or&. ,!,:!!Qf ��t re mversrty to emp asrze t e ye _ .... _W· t H 149 Wabash Ave.·. Chica.n �"�r�..... -........... . Ins on enry year periods in the classes. A com- .- ., __ ..-.AJq -. .cJIe of .,...."Add a Little Bit More" mittee to make a ftag for Seni�r d�y ---------. ... ��...... .,. ............••. •. .. .. .. . . .. _ .... Frank Orchard was appointed and will hold its first Have The You ::..w:..�::n..�"The Moon Has His Eyes On You" meeting this afternoon at 1:30 in•••.•..... - Charles Lei' Lexington hall. Engraved anonunce-"Ragtime Creatore" Carl Burton ments .of :,the Convocation exercises You Tip. WillFinale of Harmonious Music. were deciUed on. Orders for these ..1;. T··· .,LG-Beck Herdman as "Spuds" will be received at the infonnatioo Been .:. O.P -_ ikesings "The Man Who Wears the oihce up to Iloon and the7 will be Th.. ere?·.: Inn' It"C" the entire audit'nce to join in available Saturday at the informa­the chorus.A-Fred Kay sings "Politics" fromthe Blackfriar opera. "Sure EnoughSegregation. "B-Wrestling bout by Johnson amiAlexander. Two out of three falls.C-Harold Atteridge, singer andimpersonator, in a series of take-offsand "Mornin Cy."D-The Sock and Buskin societyin the first act of "Fuss and Fudgesby Hansen and Klein, with the following songs:Opening chorus "Tennis We Play"••.... Beauty chorus-l\lisses SteinRoe, Archer, Kawin, Robinsonand Chatfield."When the I vy on the CampusTurns to Brown"..•....... Misses: Hall and Wilkes.. "Fudges" .. __ Miss Day and chorus"Sweet, Sweet Chocolate"•. • ••••••... Miss Wilkes and chorusThis Space Reserved forTWENTIETH CENTURYSHORTHAND SCHOOLSuite 60S, Chicago Opera Houae BIde.Chicago, DI. MOSSLER. CO.Cadidates for Associate to Appea'r·in Cap and Gown at Ceremony To.day-Attenciance of Junior Colleg!Members Required. 50 Jackson Boulevard."College .enalld their Clothes"The class exercises of the Juniorcollege:' will be held this morning at10 :30 in Mandel hall. Candidates forthe title of associate are expected tomeet in the corridor of Mandel hal!'in cap and gown and will take partin the processional. Attendance atthe exercises will be required of allmembers of the Junior colleg e s.The program arranged for the cere­mony is as follows:Procesional.Invocation, 'by Professor CharlesR Henderson."Alma Mater"Address by Associate ProfessorCharles E. Merriam of th e de­pa;tment of political science.Quarterly statement by the dean ofthe Junior colleges.Greeting to the candidates for thetitle of associate, President Jud­son.Response for the candidates. .M issMary Ethel Courtenay.Selection "America."Recessional. B7 MOSS!.ER CO.A UTHORS. DESIGNERS andMAKERS OF CLOTHES FORTHE COLLEGE MEN.A ·NEW SPRING MODELOur "Chesty" Sack CoatCoats have extremely deep lapels :rolling down over the chest, witbco ners softly rounded. Froatstaper to give a dignified effect.with semi-broad shoulders ·andnarrow waist. Backs are mediumclose, with or without vents.Sleeves are finished with imitationcuffs. Vests are single breasted.with : or without collars-flappockets. Trousers have turnedIll' bottoms. cut wide at thigh,narrow at shoe and have sidebuckles at waistband.The fabrics used in the Mossier (ready for service)garments are the best Imported and Domestic Home­spuns. Cheviots and Worsteds in light colors. blue, grayand the newest brown ish effects. .":. .Prices-$lR, $20, $22.50, $25, $30, $.�5 and up to $50"Whether you pay $lR or go up the scale to $:lR or $40or even $.!)O, you get the same superior style in each:-theprice differences represent fabric and trimming quahty.Drop in and Ket one of our • B B" Score RegisterLSENIORS HOLD THEIRLAST CLASS MEETING.,To Wear Caps and Gowns on Seniorand C��mencement Days-GiveSing Last Night.With th-e sing held last night theSeniors began the festivities whichwilt continue �ntil after Convocation.The prospective graduates held theirlast class meeting yesterday morningto decide on several matters concern­ing the exercises of the next few days.According t� ih� decision reached theSeniors witl wear caps and gowns atall the events of Senior day and COb- l\1oss1er· CO·50 Jackw.n Boulevard.,tion office. Goldsmith's Orchestr.Residence' Phone.833 Arlington 11.· Lan' View I_Phone Harrison 1644Top floor of I. GOLDSIlITH, Director.The Pullman Company Build'g. �"::'�J!::c:.. caucap.Cor. Adams St. and Michi�n Ave.tlailv Maroon, Hyde Park _TheyAreReliabh:. BORDEN'SCondenseclililk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in.the Countr7.Borden's �lIdellaed MiIk�.327-329 E. Fon,·snath St. AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with eftlY bat.Opera Hata, Silk Hata.161, di3 Eo MADISON STREET.Near La SaDe.LOST-Large black leather note­h(,ok. Liberal reward for return toThe Maroon office.E. C.· MOORE. FLORIST. Z72 East 55th Street. Chic&.go. Illinois'ft' __ .... PAD 111-------- _ :::., VOL. ,.�Strict E• and}f..'I• .1Pllrit�t. ,('relay. '-2J1d hel4,. '-So rea'compchhl\'l' he'hshed :_los:"Any. have easuccess:shall bfor the. from t1"Any! track t:.pd a j, fifteen� start illi "Anyhave ri credit.\ of Dotl tire disi be entI.:· "An)\,1 bicy,"'IDter 1� "An��der in�'ed..� "An·J. .�m.:ord�nent.1-¥ ..� Afte,..:;tntmo:�th��proce..:''PrOte!:fit.t The)1aelig:1Joint!'�'R�'?4bsh,'��1ay��m..ofScJay: �'mileTh, 'bilSeier:eredlers.andalsoson.wenTltranheldbegidic;!arfalastAScief�atLit,