;�:.......",•Local Men Are Expected To Figuremuily •' ,. ,! .- - .arnntt".;'" .--' ,"��;O�'�L.�V�.�N�0�'�J�52�.����������������C�H�1���A�G�O�'�W�E�D�N�E"""IIIIIIP'������.�;��:�,���������,��·�.���C�ab��-LOYALTY or sEtnORS DDwmr.o I CHIC�GO PREP ATHLET.ESActive Support of· Alumni Necessary WOR" HARD TO "I MEETto Overcome Obstacles University Il . I .Has to Meet, Dr. Shepardson As­serts-Senior Class Mu'amera 170.ISKTHAT BASEBALL TE:AIBE CLEARED OF DISGR'ACE .. '.- SlWJ, � wED TONiGIT LAR8E· JUIIOR ElTitY USTII.B· .. a OF MEETProminently At InterscbolaaticLoyalty to the institution from Meet Nest Saturday.,which they are about to graduate was The marriage or. Miss Lina Small,'�tatements on Question Made By urged upon members 'of the Senior Competition of Mercenburg Team daughter of Professor and Mrs. AI-, Ivy PJ.:atiDc' PtaDiaed at S01ith'eDt,.Mem,ben-of the Team.-All Feel class, by Dean Sheuardson in Senior ..' .,: .. " .r .; ,.' " bron W. Small, and Haydn B. Harris Comer of �_,�U:. 1Iaurice.' - '.. '-, � - - -,Taken As. Indicatoin, That, 1IaD. " ----.-.,: .�!".:- '. .1D,;u.tice. chapel ye5:terd;Y-�orning. This 'Joy- R'econJ�: Will' �e' Sm8�. . '�·ill. - bk�'- pb�e tefti8ttt·· -at . 8":� uili' Prica--. 'OratDr.alty, Dr. Shepardson asserted. should Mandel hall, The wedding promises ,; �, ., Unsatisfied with the action of the be shown not only by interest in the This year's interscholastic . meet to-be thesnost important'-event that With fifty-five: men entered, con-· : Board of Control Monday, the base- University, but by Jiving a real life took on a new aspect yesterday, whe� has taken .plaee in University 'society siderable interear is' bein'g man:felt�d'ball team still thinks an injustice h .• s rather than a mere existence. and by i! was learned that the local prep in, for a long...time.· Unusual interest at- hy the members ... of ,tile. Junior col-· '�en clone them. The men feel that becoming a leader in the world rath- terest in the affair, �II reach its high taches to the wedding because it is leges in the .. oGtcOllWi of .. , tb'e track�the raising of responsibility from er than a follower. water mark in the .competition on �.he second that.has ever been, held in meet to, be, heidi on MarshaD· field on· .thern individually does not help mat- "On this, the last occasion J shall 'Marshall Field next Saturday. Chi- .�andel Hall, the other being that of Friday. If, numbers count, the meet:�\le�s much, and they think that they have to address the members of the cago 'lads are determined to romp Miss Davida Harper, the daughter of should be a dual between Science and->:",11 not have been treated justly until class of J9fYl," said Dr. Shepardson, away with a good total of points, the President. Harper. Phiolsophy, Science havin> seventeen.the stigma is erased from them as a .. , want to urge upon you a duty list and quality of entrants being The ,wedding -is essentially -a Uni- men entered and, Philosophy fifteen.· :tfam as well as individually. which you cannot escape-the duty of more encouraging than at any pre- yersity .. function, . many of the- party Ar�s· college is third with twelve en-The men were one in the expres- loyalty to your Unversity. The Um- vious contest. being closely connected 'with the in- tries and Literature last with eleven..�:!ron of their sentiments on the mat- versity of Chicago is in a peculiar Marshall Field. has attracted man� stitution. .The bride's father; Profes- The southeast corner of ib�, Law.• : .·t�r yesterday, They said that inas; position. It is not a state institution; men from the local high schools, sor Small. is dean of' the graduate building- has been, decided on as the'{much as the blame for the incident i: does not have the advantages of members of the 'University High 5C'."001; Miss Small was herself .. 3 place �vhere the .�vy will be planted. )ad been placed apart from the team, Michig3n and Wisconsin. whose very school squad being conspicuous .. This University .stqden�;· .the bridegroom this year and a slab with an appro­. ; :and the men had been absolved of name awakens a feeling of state pride. school is especially. strong . in the i formerly attended school here as- did priate inscription bas been prepaftd. 'tesponc;ibility, the' disgrace ought It is not even a Chicago institution; sprints, hurdles and broad jump .. In 'two of the ushers.· . : under the direction of Heber Hester-.-.:·.hot to rest upon their shoulders as a there are many other educational in- 'the hurdles it will be represented by Dean Henderson, the U'.niversity ,ter, chairman of the i!y committee,�'team. They thought that' the action stitutions in the city. and we cannot Wampler, Roberts. and Morris; tn ;prt'acher .will .marry the couple. while iThe exercises will tak� P�� at' �n':'of .tbe Board was .a compromise that even say our constituency comes: the dashes by. . Morton, Staddden, the. Reverend -Dr, Pap.. Rector. of iand will be led by, Neff- Mernam;jlid not get them anywhere. Unless from Chicago. It is not a denomi- . Crane. Kultchar e , and Carter, and in 1St. Paul's. .iIi .assist, Miss ,Harris �hairmaD of JU!1_i()1'" day.! .. �e .().�tiOR::.('. 'the Board clears them individually nated college; it therefore cannot ap- the broad. jump by .Stadden. Three ;will be the �d_ of. hoeor. and, Mr. lof the'day wilt be deliver,.d by Maur--and as a team from any blame or part peal. to _families in any .c�rtain de- relay teams will be entered. by the :M.�.ltOn ,"':iI50,':n the- �. IIWL:, • Th� (lice PrTCe�I��d:�WiIl,�tial'�iUt,' jtbe!·work.',·"in. the disgrace and by so doing al- nommatron to send their children. 'U. High boys. . .bride's ma�.are to be.-M.�ses.Henll� r the Jritbor' �Iege!l;:' '.•,::'.Iow the team to finish out the sea- here, and cannot draw students of a: A number of new entries "He an.- \berry, y.1ileY"r,Giibert.: � -,mood The·foItoWi1i'ii".re_':'dle:ritnes·, for� :son with a clear record. they will not t'ertain denomination as a matter of i noullced yesterd;.y�.· Ben, Ofiel of. the !���, _. . K� �-,;� ,(.-,"'�" WI"-n "he ! he,.. Juaicnd)� a�.::;c�,"�",' I� �I. ""I.. . ;" .' J..... _ll .;.;.;.,t' ,. ' .• '-'. .. ".., A! .. .--5.��- .- -::::-: �'r.ave received just treat�,.�·� )\c c:!>�� �� _���.il!s_��_ons, ... -do-- � ;A-nn.-At-.b«,-' H;gh;.:.s&�:_' w�6·. ,;��.i�.:...����,-_"')fin� -�-;, ... ,� �-"'-Q"" ' '. .' " - __,. ". .�- ':'F�iTo;ing are the--statemen;'�' �i "I( we' cannot appeal to state, to the two mile last 'year. will compete ,Riley, Smith"aiuf :Co�rad. .. -! PhitosophY-Worthwin.e;' D� W_'_lIle members of the team.' All ex- city. to denominatonal' pride and sup- ,this year as the sole representative of A reception wit'l be IIeId at the Ferguson, Wertz.!'cept that of Captain Templeton were port. to what can we appeal? We can his team. Two names added in the home of, the. bricie"afRr ,tlae· wedding, : Arts-McBride. Princell, Davi"�d(' at the meeting of the Board F.p�1 to the excellence and the char- broad jump were C. B. Monroe of ;where all. thi-.w� party will as- b'B..,an. Nathan. Lightner.';'Monday afternoon: acter of the work we do. Chicago Morgan Park, and H. B. Bosdick of $emble�. The d�orarions at the Small ! Scienc�Bowtnan: Gill", DeTray,I heard that Staehling was goin� charg('s a heavy rate of tuition, while Denton Horbor. G. Moat�s of Ben- ;residt'nce will be in green. Hough, 'Meagher:'.�o bat for Mefford, and at once went other colleges nearby do not; th� ton Harbor and E. Schobinger of Mr. and MI'9. Harris will set sa.l Liter.ltur�Fi'iend.. Leigh; Hains;to Staehling and told him he could character and quality of the output Harvard School 'have been annexed :for Switzerlan� on June 8. They (':tvar: Newinan.·.not do it. He replied that Coach must overcome this difference. ;0 the list of pole vault entries. will remain in Europe six montbs. : 22O-yard dash ..:-D;ckinson had ordered him to bat. "1£ after a while we can turn to an Among the Chicago athletes, of On their return they will take an : Philosophy.:. .. �.-Fridstein; I. E. Fer-:.and that when he objected, Dickin- increasing body of active. loyal alum_ whom good work is expected, Wen- apartment �t 4559 �reen�ood ave. guson. '" ;;;�Ion replied: "Do what I tell you; I. nl. the future of the University of dell Phillips furnishes Captain Reilly " .. : Arts-'-McEtiDtock. O'Bryan'. Light-,.'. h' "Af I Ch' . b I I ARTS,' DEBATERS,. DElrBAT r."r. '1".8n·.:I-.· Priilcell,' . Nathan, . Da-, .'�am runmng t IS team. ter lear - Icago IS a so ute y secure. The and Kuhns in the sprints. Kuhns won " � ... u .... " 'PHlLoSdpHY"rlf' FINALS\�g this, I went to Dickinson. and strength of the University is not a the fifty yard dash at the Urbana in-�id: "Staehling can't bat for 2\lef- matter of money given to the instl' tercshoJastic this year: and is consid­. lord, Dick." and the coach answered: tution: the feelIng in the hearts of ered likely to duplicate his victory�rres. he ('an: let him go." I let th� -:he students is what tells in the 10nJ.! next Saturday. Coleman and Menaul.:,iaattcr drop here and went on play- n!D. Your interest, your supporo. two cracks from Englewood, should_illg, the seriousness of the affair your sympathy aie worth infinitely makc thing interesting in their spec- Arts College won the Junior Col-'ever occuring to me until Dr. Ray- more to your alma mater than a mil- ia,Jtics. their work in both indoor and lege championship last night in de-'croft spoke to me about it after the Eon dollars would be. Anyone of outdoor competition this year being �ating hy defeating Philosophy col-,Pine. In coaching, I did not call you who graduates next Tuesday may of the stellar variety. Lewis Insti- lege in the finals. The question for.:Staehling Mefford. but used his own be one of the most valuable assets tute Academy win rely on O'Mara in 'c!ebate was government ownership of·Dame. either calling him Charlie or the University can ha,"e. Most of the the 880 and Butler in the mile. One railroads. The Arts college team.Staehling. people in this country do not live; of the best races of the day is expect- t'c.mposed of Putnam. Frank and Say-(Signed) : ...... y merely exist. The great mass of ed to result �hen Butler and Paall of les. upb('ld the affirmative white th.�Frank H. Templeton. the people of this city live a hopeless Mercersburg �eet in the mile. Paull Philosophy colleJl;e men. Lambach.t:xi!'tence. Don't lose yourselves in has a record of,4 :32 in the event. but· .Fergus,')n and Stroll. suppOrted ,the1 was on first base when Staehling the mass; live. and resolve to make Butler is looked upon to run tbe .negatiTe.first (' .... me to bat for M-ffor..l. I no- I, yourselves powers in the community: Eastenl lad a close race. .• , .... tI The dttision or the judges basedticed the change. but was given' the And not only live, but be leaders. If Many of the stars of former inter- ,"on the merits of the debating" wassignal to steal second. and then for- you hecome leaders in life. then the s('holastic meets are down for the two to one in favor of the Arts team.got all ::hout the matter. The second Unh'ersity from which you come affair thi� year. Central High school Each mem�r of the team will receivetifl1{' lit' ('anl'" ',0 1) ..... t htlt , .. · ... s. 011,1 "':.11 he strong. Loy.alty• life. leader- of St. Louis will enter McFadden in".. n., a scholarship for one quaner.�l':f)nII hase :Ilu( (Fd not think about: slllp-t1!(se three things each gradn- the RSo. and the Muskegon Higb--- th .. rlt:lIlge this timc. Of ('ourse. dur- at{' of the' University of Chicag(l �chool' will be strong through the To Play �ostponed lIatctr Today.ing tiJt· rest of the game' was think- should attain." work of Zeeryp in the dashes. hroad The Varsity-Quadrangle tenrHSm• {7 I . h' Af h One hunclred ."n..J seventy "'. ent·or�. J't�mp "ncl h' "mmer throw. Grandl'> a lout PltC Ing. ter t e game. .. U '" '" • .. .. tournam('nt. postponed from yester-111'2 00 I W • h '..J will re�eive their degrees at the com- Rapid� High school has a star in the ..I"". Cllt Into t e gym and sat uown \,;ay on accout of rain, will he playerlsat. by my locker. Templeton came ove:- ing Convocation. according to Dr. high jump in the pers'on of Homer. off this ahe-rnoon. provid('d the courtsL and said in a disgusted way: "What Shepardson. Si�ty-eight of these are All these athletes have good marks. :1re dry cnot1J{h.�RK&1'. do you think aoon! that deal of Staeh- 11:en. 102. women. Dean Shepardson and anyone of the names may heI:ng's hatting for :\Iefford? That was I also announced that a number of !-oecn in the list of record breakers. An opcon ,illustrated It'cture by Mr.the first time the matter :was really II positions for ,'acation school work i The likelihood of smashing marks 7.ug will � givt'n at .1:00 in Kent__ hought to my attention and I then and several ot:,cr opoprtunities open !�ems hrighter now that a full squa.1 Tht'ater. The subject will be "PaTis.__________. to University students could be se- :________ de Ch:lVannes '3nd Modem 'French�ois (Continued on paee 3, col. 2) cur�d on immediate application. (CoatiDuecI on pap ... eel. JJ P:rntia .. -.Daughter of Dean of Graduate SchoolsTo Marry Hadyn B. Harria-.cere�mon, To ,Be Held. In Mandel Hall- -Couple to Go .te. Swiuedand.�en Think Board Owes Them Ex­oneration As Team As Well AsIndividlWly •.L.IIp,d�,le�).). .40-ssutprf� Atidienc� bY winiuDc 'frOmLast Year·s IUDior ClWnPiODa­Decision is CloSe.---bOlMiew'"sir.Gr.--- --'Tait,All Four Co�, To Be .strODCiyRepre ......... _,.� Junior,DIp:, ...... 'vis.SdeJ'1ce.;.._Bowmari� GiII� DeTray,Hough; Fishbein; 'Meagher:Literature-Freund,' Leigh. Hains­further,' Keney; N ewinan.Phi1o�optiy-Friastein. Tait.· Wertz:Arts-Davis. Princell. Leaf; 'Lone.�kClintoCk; O'Bryan' .Science�Hough. Nelson;Joldenma.·ptt'f'cltl1re-Freund. Leigh;:Kellty. Newman.8lfo- ya rd mn'.Philosophy- Tait, Frid�tein, . 1. E.Reddy.:Haiils�,Ferguson.Art L"af Prl-ncelt T.. ona, Pri,ce..'" s- .. , . . ftMorgan .Science-Hayes. Bowman. Fishbein.Nf'l!\on. Rt'iddy. Jold�rsma.Literature-Leigh. Kelly. Rowe.On('-Mile Run.Philosophy-M. J. Adams. Bebtl.. ,D. W. Ferguson. Fridstein.-\rts-T40ng. \V(,rtz.McBride. Price,Prke. �f organ.5cience-Hayes. Bowman.'Math'er. Jolderstna.T.iterature-Row�.220- Yard HardIe •.Philosophy - Wonhwine,Res�i.. Reddy,.A�Davi!J. �orpD, NatbaD.THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, JUNE S, 1907·mI., 11..;111. Jlaro11ll l CC'.go must not only hold an inter­War ..a"'B scholastic meet, but she must 'makethat meet . e-clipse the attempts ofoaklal 8tD4eDt PubllcatloD of tbe UDlnr· .other univ�rsities and end the highschool athletic season in proper style,leaving th� minds of the visiting ath­letes bright with memories of Chi­.eago as host. Mr. Stagg will attendto the task of making his pari of the:meet a success: the University men.individually re�i>onsihic. should beI ... ure to make their part of'the hos-,EDlered &II SecoDd·c:l .. Mall at the Chi· pitality rank favorably with his. Sat-urday. three days off, the University�hould be turned over to the guests�1lt."crlpUuu price, '3.00 per lear; f1.0t) of the interscholastic. with every Chi­fur :I woutha. J:5u_rlpUoDa recelwed at cago man on deck to help the visi-.the llarOOD O.ee. ElU. Hall. or at the tors enjoy their stay and want toaU, of Clalcqo:come again,.'ormer17'l'he UDlnraltl of Clalcqo Weekl,.FODDdecLTbe Weeki,. Oct. 1, 1892.The lJa11" Oct. 1. 1902.LARGE ATTENDANCE ATu, 1·:01.1' lJA'!'UIl:Wtl. llaDql� EdItor. PROM PROMISES SUCCESSL(;'!'UIl:U O •• 'EItNALD. New. &d1tor. Twenty-Eigh_t Members Taken IntoOrder at BanqueLTheD &B LineSteamers lene Detroit weekdaysat 5: 00 p m., Sunday. at of_: OQ p.m. (centl:ll time) and from Buffalodaily at 5: 30 � m. (eastern time) :_�r-����E�ftachirig theirdestiDation the next --morning. Direct connections with early trains.Loweatratel and .uperior service to New York,BoItoa,PhiJadclphla,AtlanticCity,all points east.p. Popular week end excursions toitt Buffalo and Ni:lc:ua Falla, leavei� I Detroit every Saturday.',;.'1, RAIL TICKETS AVAILABLE ON STEAMERS.... :: \ • AU dutca of tkkna lOW radlAr YU M.l.cllp.a Ceaua1. Waba.. b &lad C r;;.awl! �'" Tnml::: ni!W2ya between Jk:ro!t &lad Culf�;) Ja dtbC'r dlruiloD .::1 be .��d\ ,� for tlaA!,onaUoll (Ill D. Ii B. Uoc S:CUllCn. Send 2G. 1It:l!D� f,r 1l1I11lJ'>olt:.!._ IlUQb!et&udCfC2lUkncup. MJl'e1S1 L. G. LEWIS, G.P. A.DETROIT & BUFFALO STEAMBOAT CO., Detroit, Mich.pttlUP H •• CMILLA •• � A. A. 8CHAIITZ, ...... -.Tcnty-eight new members weret:!k�n into the Hlackfriars at the ini­tiation banquet of the order at theGrand Pacific hotel last night. Theinitiates were as follows: Harry Han­sen. Floyd A. Klein, Winston P. Hen_ry, Samuel B. Herdman, Francis M.Orchard, Dean M. Kennedy. HowardP. Blackford. Paul Harper, Cola Par­ker. Albert Henderson, George Ful­ler, E, Raymond Bliss, Samuel E.l+rown, DeWitt B. Lightner, GeorgeA. Funkhouser, Walter A.· Ford,Stuart M. Chambers. J. W. MacNeish,p;.u1 n.. Heflin. Benjamin H.Badenoch. BenJamin, F. Newman.Hurnard J. Kenner, Harvey Meagher,Walter Morse. Harry James. Hart E.'35.1)() COl.' .EGE SPECIALH .. E SHOREYA. W. UENlJEUSON. AthleUc Edltor.tiEOIU.iE E. .'ULLE11. BU81UeM MaDqer. Raker, and Walter Trimble.Finance Committee of Junior DayAffair Is Unusually Prosperous- .Over :roo Tickets Sold. A joint meeting of the PoliticalEconomy. Political Science. and Soc­iologoly Club will be held at 7 :.W thisA larger attendance and more cvemng in Cobb 3C. The discussionelaborate preparations than in any wil1 be on the proposed Charter forProm given at the University hereto- Chicago.fore are the promises held out bythose in charge of the Junior Prom.to behdd �n Fridaynigh� F�� a� hold a meeting in Cobb ]C at 4:�'1��������������������������������rangernents have been completed andthe chairmen of all the committeesnre optimistic."We have more money to spend onthis ye a 'r's 'Pro� than any committeehas had in years." said Renslow Sher­er, chairman of the finance commit-tee yesterday. "We have an accurate Miss Jones will be the leader.list of over one hundred fraternitymen who will attend without fail. An illustrated open lecture on "Ti­This alone assures us of nearly one rian, Tintoretto, and Veronese" willhundred dollars more than the finance be given by Mr. Zug this afternoon inASSOCIATE EDITORSCurle. W. Paltzer. Heruard L Bell,I'restuu .. ' (.iIl88,llelvlu J. Adsmr,Harr, A. Uaoaeo, WarreD D. Foster.Cole Y. Itowe.Jl'ruw� "'nlU�A. L. .'r1dst"lo,Peter Ii". DIlDD,l"ul B. UealD,Walter A. .'ord, I. E. Fercuaoo.W. J. UalDaforther.Uuruard J. Keno.er."'red W. Carr.Walter S. Morrlaoo, Eo C. Boadle"Albert D. HeDderaoD.'MIsa Estber Hall.On makeup today:IIJIILVIN J. ADAII8.PrlDted b, the KarooD Prea414 Eat 55th StreetPbODe 8891 Ibde Park 'fHET�ILORThe Political Economy Club willThe e1ec:ion of officers will take place I:11�d ASSistant Professor Dropperswill speak on "State Activities." IA farewell meeting of the YoungWoman's Christian League will beheld today in Lexington Hall at 10 :30.Kent Theater at 2 :00.Sweet, Wallach (:, Co.University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per DozThey Fill that Empty Space at Home.cfGmoe-t's 1&boto �tubiophone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETcommittee of last year had."Miss· Thelens, chairman of the dec­orating committee said, "We have l"latronize Dailv Maroon;mported many: novelties in decora- ihey are reliable.tion from \N ew �York which. togetherChi Rho Sigma Dance,The Chi Rho, Sigma Cluh held itsannual dinner dance in. the ReynoldsClub last Wednesday evening. "May29. Dinner was served at 6:30 in'theprivate dining room of the club. afterwhich the guest� adjourned to thellall on tile second floor for the danc�.The deco.rations w�re yellow roses. I- __the flower of the cluh.Chi Rho Sigma has plec1�ed H('lenKendall. Verna Tavey. anci Virllini.,Admiral.WEDNESDAY, JUNE S, 1907. with our elaborate home decorations,will render the interior of. the gymI articularly 'brilliant." Speaking ofIn the excitement "attendant upon the' programs: Ben Newman, chair-the closing of the' college y�r Chi- man of the committee -on printing,cago must not,' lose said, "The best engraving house inOur Guests siglit of' her' duty in the country is doing . our program.From The handling' , the inter- work and I believ� that the progra�sHigh Schools scolastic 'meet on Sat-urdaY.: .. High schoolathletes will congregate at the, Uoi-versity from all .will eclipse anything ever se.en at, aVarsityprom,"The arrangement committee has def­:initely .. decided 0.11 Nagle as catererfor the evening and expect him:to 'live up to his reputation. He haspromised' a few surprises for the sup­per, The committee has confirmedthe rumor that the. dancing will begi.learly. The "grand march will posi­tively start at a quarter of nine, andtile first dance at 9 o'dock.The. patronesses of the Prom are:Mesdames Judson. Vincent, Stagg.r ovett, Raycroft and Miss Brecken-over . the . centra!", west; they have already been enter­tained by Illinois and No.rthwesternand other universities ,. and they willcome to Chicago looking 'for 'a re­ception sUch as they have received atthe o.ther institutions. They' mustnot o.nly not be disappointed; theymust be agreeably surprised.The prime object of the interscho.­lastic meet is to. interest high schoolmen in the University, with the an­tic;pation o.f sometime' enrolting theprospective college men on the Uni­versty register. True Chicago menwin see the value of this and do. allir. their power to. impress it upon theminds of the high school boys thatChicago is the place for them. W �d(' not want them simply becausethey are athletes; the best athletes:-re not always the best men, andChicago wants the best men. AnyChicago man can conscientiously en­courage a preparatory schoo.l man toC;'st his lot with Cllicago. for he kno.wsthat time will not make him regretit. Knowing this. there sllould beactive work for Chicago going, on allthe time the high school men are our ridge.Professor J. P. Goode's class incommercial geography took a tripthro.ugh the plant of the T11inois SteelCompany at South Chicago yesterdayafternoon.guests.Under tbe present situation, wben_, all tbe big universities bo.ld annualinterscholastic meets tbe holding o.fsucb an event is n� longer a featurepeculiar to "ny one in·stitution. To.eet tbese futare Chicago lDeII Oai- The Junior Class Exercises willtake place tllis morning at 10. :30 inMandel Hall. :V41:4TIO,,5AdvertisersWILL BE MUCH PLEASANTERIF YOU ARE WEARING .COLLEGE CORN£R CLOTHE�rS35 to 545c.zver (:J WDkieTAILORSJunatown ExpositionExcursionsVia,:111: ... :1311111 •.$22.2£1Going via Cincinnati er Louisville.Returning thru Wasbingto� D. C.Liberal Stop-overs at all VirginiaResorts and at Washington.$30.70Going z-ia Cincinnati Of' Louis­ville. Returning through N N('York Cit)'.Stop-over at Washington. Balti­more, Philadelphia, New York.Catskill, N. Y. (for Catskill Mts.)Utica. N. Y. (for AdirondackMts.) Syracuse, N. Y. (forThousand 'slands.) Niagara Falls,Lake Chautauqua._.! Delightful Ocean Trip Be­tween NOf'folk and New York.Oil Ouall Greylao,mds. ifYOIl 'lUG"t.Send for a complete list of H�lcls and Boarding Ho.ules nearthe Exposition grounds. Address:City Office. 182 Clark St., ChiC81O- Bank floor••• TO PROSPECTIVE VISITORS TO ENGLAND ..."Ardlnay" 24 Woburn PI"c;e,RusseU Square, London,W �c.Is a comfortable and central boarding-house,that has been and is being recommended tomany Americans. Rates from $l.50 per day,or $7.50 per week.MRS. FERGUSON, Proprietress.II!-.------------------------------------------THE PREMOGRAPH ••••The very lat-t for the amateur _,!1otographer.The Premograph is the only inatna r.ent o� the reflecting tyPe everoffered at the popular price of !:0.00'WE NOW HAVE fHEM FOR SALE.Film Pack; I� ExpoSures, 70" centS: Carrying Cce, SI.75� ,_Why not call � nd see one? __For Sale ByIt's a••• HAPCiOODS •••The National Organization of Brain Brokers.Hartford Bldg., Cllicago, '".YOUNG TfCHNICAl GRADUATESFOWNES Often cet into a rut from which it ill difficult to eacape.because they accept the fir:lt position offered. Why no.tmake your selection from high grade openinlS now onour lists. Can or write today.That's all you need to knowaboat aGLOVE THEPA1IIEGICLOIWHICING·WH.,CLlJIPatrotUNIVI\7here d··,NEW:and S'}Phone I-: BARSa,atojL.lOP1f., £st2OriginAwcltIcIiII(TTlIE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY,JUNE s. 1907.� �·I�������������������������������������������������������I ASK THAT BASEBALL TEAll ': and. can't bat for �i�" The c��ch II BE CLEARED OF DISGRACE, replied, "You can ur say so. 1-- I thought that probably he had made II (Continued from page 1.) ,some arangement by which I could.take Mefford's place at bat and didremembered he had batted often •. be-as I was told.team as a whole d:d not knov .. · aboutmy protest.It. or realie it. ,until after the game. (Signed) :(Signed) :order!' that we arc now in trouble. into me. to do just as the coach saidLxlon't believe the team should stand and when T have once or twice notthe' disgrace for a dishonorable deal done just as he said. T have beenthreatened with being taken out ofthe game. Lately. therefore. I havenot questioned him at all. for I amnaturally very anxious to make thepitched the first four innings of team.the game and after being taken outI noticed nothing whatever abouthow the game was being played ex-cept that we were being beaten. My When Staehting came to bat forhead was too full of the thoughts, Mefford. T did not realize that any­which usually come to' a pitcher who thing unfair or underhanded washas been taken out, for me to pay being done. I was coaching at thirdmuch attention to the matter of bat-.·ENT�EMEN... 1Il ... anuIlATIlII.lIRCO.fOIIwua DlIIIPIIYDBOSTONBARTERc.T as on bases at the time and. al­though T thought .it strange at themoment that Staehling \\.a� suhstitut­cd, in the excitement of. the game.chasing three-haggers.· etc., T g:\\"ethe matt('r no afterthought whatever.The team ;'IS a whole T lw1i(,"e �:'I\'�the maHer no thought. Thef(, W;'I"no intentional unfairness on the partof the players. Some of them. likeCoach Stagg and nr. Raycroft. whowere on the hench. did not even no­tice the �ubstitution. The team didIlot discuss the affair afterwards tomy knowl�dge.(Si,:rn<>d) :H. G. Moulton,ing taken out' of the game."President Judson then asked if theteam had discussed the matter amongthemselves ,in the: gym.I told him that· I did not have anydiscussion about it at all •• and that the�£ HcouaiD STAIDUD;�Tb •• a •• laatMlped", 01 ..,e"OJ �I�-'(J" -,T�.h�Y, CUSHION". £LN.r BUTTONCLASPUES FUlTO THE LEG-IEYERSUPS. lUIS .OIU.FASfElS Fred M. Walker.I knew nOllling of the change in thebatting Jist' until th� latter part ofthe game. when a memller �f he teamcalled my attention to it. After hehad spoken about it I remembered itall, but had given it no thought be­fore. One of the strong principlesof the team has been to obey thecoach, and it was simply by obeyingto which they contributed nothing.(Signed) :Fred W: Gaarde,e-&u.aSHIRTSTIlE PRECISION SEEN IN THEPATTERN OF A CLUETTNEGLIGE SHIRT .HOW. THECLOSE ATTENTION TO DETAILWHICH ATTEND. THE IIAK­ING OF ALL CLUETT SHIRTS.'WHITE AND FANCY PAT'TER ...._11(1"011 CLUCTT.MIIITa.LOGlI(l"OiI CLUETT LA.IlL.CLUETT. PEABODY" CO_--- __ Il_�,./ .Spring Flowers in t;llossomVISIT THE GREENHOlJSES NOW'PiIoDes: H. P. :8-H. P. 6951A� 1\IIcADAI\IISsad Street and Klmbark AvenueIt has been impressed upon us timeand again that the coach in chargerr.ust be obeyed. I obeyed his orderson this occasion because T thoughtit my duty to do so. T want it un­derstood that T was sent in in spite ofSouth Side Tra1;lsferChas. C. Staehling,Lindsay Storage Co.I twas the first or second time thatStaehling came to bat that I noticedanyhing out of place. I wondered atthe time how he could bat. but hadnot examined the rules on this pointthis year. and thought it must be allrght if the coach put hem in. I drop­ped the matter at that and thoughtonly of the: game. 1. as well as therest of the team. have had it instilled BAGGAGE-EXPRESSW..,.. Ly •• &.6,.. St.OL .......... J .....n-t.Ini St.. I ..... 3:Je ,. IL,5=11 .. &0.. S..., tr9-TripG to Wood-................. SUtM.._ IIOVDIG-PACKtNO-iiBD¥III.We _ve careful Dlea _,-'for IIMW" Household � ....&Do. in Hyde Park. W.., •• _ ..EngieWOCMl. S?«iaI'" " ",,_to pacJdac ... chipp ...OltPICUI/t1 &. Sbt,-dIW ....Til. R,. ......t :(Signed) :James B. Meigs,-.HARDErs�ireprool Storage & Van Co.base at the time, and was so bent onters each inning. My first knowledge winning the game that I did notof illegal tactics came after the game think at all about who was battingwas over when we were in the rub- and who wasn't. In fact. the matter � .. "FURNITURE, PIANOS, TRUNKS.MERCHANDISE and PARCEL.S�J:DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY •. DJU-OTS'-AND SUBURBS� ,..'�';.'.bing room.(Signed) :James P. Sullivan,Patronize the ••UNIVERSITY,'. . ,_._ PHARMACY! .: '560 g,: 'Fifty-Fifth Street.R., R.cBOW AN. Pnap. anything wrong was being committedduring the game. My first intimationthat an irregularity had been commit­ted came at noon the following daywhen 1 was told over the ltelephon�After it is all over T can 'recall nowthat Staehlin'g was at boat ��e' i,:)'thelatter part of the game. When' T never entered my mind again untilthe following morning. when I heardthat the coach was dismissed and the General Office.,40th St. and Calumet Ave.Phone:Douglas 3800Private Exchange all Offices. ",Branch Office, Information Office,UniversitY:' �f chi�.o.·'- ' R. R. Warehouse"ChicaKo JUDction. It R.';4,..;'"4Ot� :aDd 'calumet.team disbanded.I was absolutely unconscious that (Signed) :that any change of men was takin ....I. tame no more -han Dr. Pavcroft :'1'.'Director Stagg. both of whom wereseated on the. bench which the irregularity was being committed. no"any student or professor seated i,'the grandstand.(Signed) :L. A. Van Patten.When T �a� ordered to hat forMefford. T a!l�wered Coach Dickin- scheme?"·A "1son by saying '" a� -Out of. this game' nswer:t .. ,· #, .""-1.\7here do you get your. ,NEWSP��ERS, PERIODICALSand STATIONARY?At NOR TON "SFree delivery thought it over it seemed to me :toPhone H. P. 116. 348 57th Street. first as if he .must have been P}lf h�c:"in the game again in centerfield, PerTURKISH RUSSIAN 75 mission I thought further. must. of, 1 C: course. have been asked of, �finn"l PLAIN BArns 2ScoPen Day and Night• r: BARBER SHOP sota. T 'taw Mefford make no a·tempt to hide. nor did T hear anvon �c"\11 Staehling by Mefford's name. A.;:": mat+cr of fact, T hotd rnvself toI bl Ue31 born St.SPfCTAClfS and EYE GLASSES,s.L. MaDaSJeOPT 'I CIA N 81l1adison St. Tribune lid.i., Establishe4 11689"�� 9{oot c!>tucli�ItDIBALI. BALLa43 Waba..�b. Av,'.Original Ideas and Exc'usive StylesiDPHOTOGR.APHS�I R.a,· s_��!.�..?..! C. "IUd.DtsVogelsang's182 M •• dison StreetA Cafe of individual tonewhere lastid40us folks findcheer and refreshment­the perfection of twentiethcentury cooking in a de­lightful old-wodd atrno.phere.(There is only one Vocelsanc'a) Walter R. Nathan..-T was sitting on the player's bench.Mr,' Stagg' and Dr: Raycroft sat next,lto ,me .. 'All during the game Twasmuch excited and stitt more SO whenT- heard some 'o�e- telling'Mr StagJl'our tea� wa.s resorting to. unfair tac­tics by playing ten men : namely. one!;by:ng a fielder's position and an­other man batting in his place. Thi­wn s news -o me fo- T knew a marr-ould hat in another's place. hut did­n't know that the batter must enterthe game. T was s� .inerested dur­:ng the game that T never noticedolace. Neither (lid M-. Stag� nornr. Raycroft who sat next to me(Slgned) :John J. Schommer.Tn the fourth or fifth in:,in(!. Tnot certain which. T was sent into'centerfield. and Walker pulled fromcenter to the box, Staehling havingbeen take previously from the SVlme.Tn the next inning T went to hat andstruck out. Wh�n my next tum cnmeto hat. the coach ordered Staehlinflup in my place. T asked Templetonif he meant to stand for it. He ask­ed what? T explained the situationto him and he ohjected tel the coach.After this 1 sat down on the bench.The second time Staehting was S('ntup. T �ot out of sight a� T didn't wantthe Minnesota third baseman. whom IT happened to know personally. to sce. h' d t(, ohey the ('o;'lch. and I did as Ime. T thought that ;'It t at tlme;'ln I ..h·' 't b t was told.undtr t e cIrcumstances., was cs Ito keep Ot1� of sight and prevent any I Q.-"Have 'OU anything further toQ• � ..trouhle !n the �me. oestlon: \ say." . ."n:d,'·t y01l know �h;lt �"is was h�lo- I A.- Notlung. except that I Slm-in� the coach to carry out his' ply did as ordered by the coach.". ! (Signed): 'h2v«" atway� been told 1. ' Hal .)ldford. ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORA.GE COMPANYt>hone Hycle Park 571. Kimbark Av. a Fifty·Sixth SlThe Cleanest and Best Kept StoraceWarehouse in the CityFurniture and Pianos �loved, Stored, Packed and"!lil'l'�d to :111 parts of the world. 300 Private: Stor­:tgc Rooms. I.ar�e Parlor Exclusively for PianosRooms lor trunks and Wheels. Large l�oon1 for C�rriages. L:uggiu andSleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROII ALL DEPOTS.Loc�1 Transfers ft. r Baggage, Fumi" nre, Packages, etc., at shon noticeSpecial Attention Given to Uniyers t'! Orders.This Spase Reserved forTWENTIETH CENTURYSHORTHAND SCHOOLSuite 6al.Cbicqo Opera Houe BkIc.Cbicqo, m. 'I. -,-'tHE DAtlY MAROON, CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1901.HAVE FULL SCHEDULE OFEVENTS FOR ALUMNI DAY LARGE JUNIOR ENTRY LISTINSURES SUCCESS OF GAMESOffers SuperiorAdftlltaps In.. B�s;ness Training ••., AND.• ..5I�nography.. The wedding of Clarence T. Mac-'DAY AND N'IGIIT SCHOOL Nei.lle to Miss Anna Waughop willbe held on Saturday evening, the fif­Studenta ..... teI' at Aap..'u.. teenth of June. the day after theH. W •. ,Itr7-t. Pr.... dose of the quarter ion which Mac-L. IInat V ....... U.:.,e;�. Neilte wilt grnduat-_ Miss Waughop.. ........ ',eft· the- University at the end of theJI5-JaI .... t. A.. . spring' quarter- bst year. The cere-.mony win take place at the hom'e of�. Waupop's parents. 4563 Lakeavenue. Dr. Quayle of the St. JamesMethodist church wilt officiate. Har­old H. Swift will attend the bride- .groom as best man and Miss LouiseMacNeille. sister of the future bride- -- _ ..... _-----------groom. will act as maid-of-honor to Oft om the Mercersburg Academy. thethe bride. first of Eastern schools to enter' aImmediately after the . ceremony Western interscholastic, wil linvadethe couple 'will leave for New York. Marshall Field. In Talbot in theG RAY ! I. r From there they will sail for EuropeB L U E ! ! !! on June· 29· They expect to travelI . SHOW SPECIALLY MADECLOTHING OF QUALITY.READY TO WEAR THE DAYYOU BUY IT. THE ONLY DIF­FERENCE BETWEEN IIINi;AND THE HIGHEST PRICEDREADY - TO _ WEAR GOODSSOLD IS IN THE SELLINGPRICE.. I BELIEVE. IN lIAHYSALES, SMALL PROFITS ANDSATISFIED CUSTOMERS. THATIS WHY YOU WILL ALWAYSSEE CUSTOMERs IN MY' SHOP..DROP IN AND SEE. YOU WILLNOT BE URGED TO BUY.Price Range Sao to '35-'FORE.M.AN.QUALITY CLOTHESg2-94-96 Washington Street, Bet Dearborn and Clark 8t&Open Saturday evening until 9 o'clock,ut. 1156 '--,-'---.. ��.r __ l1' STlAnQN _Business EollegeClothes for,S·ummer� •••TANIBROWN IIWE--Have aU of them in manyMad.. in serp. cheviot,bomapan and wonted..'.; �-.. ,.... Je Prices. No Extremes.See OUl' Fancy VcatiDp.---TAILORWILUA • .tERRE •• ' .ON ..Clark and A ..........Phones._ ... Residence, H. P. g61.Office, Central 3765.i)t • .lttll am. .. rtnI)r. Bal" ma. �rtnDENTISTSOflic ....... Suite 708. Ver:etian Bldg..14 Washington Street.s ... : 1-1.. '�s. The fabrics used in the Mossier (ready for service). g�r�en�s ar� the best Imported and DomeMtic Home­SpUIlS. Cheviots and Worsteds in light colors. blue, grayand the newest brownish effects. .. .Arts-Long, Princell, Leaf.. Prices-$18� $20, $22.50, $25, $:{O, �'l5 and up to $.50.-Science-Lingle. Whether you pay $lRor go up the scale to $.'-18 or $40Literature=-Stearn, Slater. . ?� � eve� $.&)0, you get the' same superior style in each--the 1 9:00.One Mile Relay. d a: . 9:10.prrce inerences represent fabric and trimming quality .Philosophy-Donovan. Worthwine. D - d 9:15.Resnick. Fridstein, D. W. Ferguson. rop m an get o�e of our • B B" Score RegisttfL . 9:25.Bebb. 9:35.Arts-McBride, Long. Leaf. Davis. M-o.· ssler ·CO.. 9:45.Lightner. O'Brian. Nathan. Excelsen, 9:55.Morgan� So Jackie) Boul ard ' 10:15·Science-Mather. Hough. Iddings'l· n ev /, i,;:10:15..L�rn�re - K�� Newma��-----------------------�---��.�;ro:�"·10:40.Freund. Leigh.. Hainshtrthu. CaY-Ia nor.Coach Sheldon aimounced ttie faUChicago won from Wisconsin in thegolf tounament held at Madison on Tr,diana 1907 football schedule y�s­tcrday. For the first time in twoyears TlJinoi!l will be played. the game Top ft�r of I. GOLDSMITH. Director.heing at Bioomington on November2.'i. The t)ther games are with De The Pullman Company Etuild'g . �����J'::�. �bicac •.Pauw October 5, Chicago October Cor. Adams St. and Michi�n Ave.C;l�O ohtaincd its lead.in the morning .. �22. Alumni October '9. Notre Damehut Wisconsin tied the score in the October 26. and Wisconsin Novem-aftern(:on. The final score was as ber 9.follows: ,B.Anquets, Baseball Games, Clasa Re­uni�ns and SingS to Keep FormerStudent& on Move Saturday. Science- DeTray, . .Fishbein,dings.Literature-c-Spitz.120- Yard. H urdles,Philosophy-M. J. Adams MOSSLER. CO�Id- 50 Jackson Boulevard.The Alumni of the University willhold .. their annual gathering on Sat-nrday, June 8. The arrangements as Arts-Davis, Morgan. Nathan.announced outline a strenuous pro- Scil·nce-DeTray. Hunter, Iddings.gram for the former Chicago stu, Literature=-Spitz.'d�nt·s. At i2 M. a breakfast will b:: Hammer Throw.given at the Quadrangle club by the Philosophy-e-Worth wine, SilbermanChicago Alumni dub. At I o'cJcok Anderson.the men of the class of '02 will give a Arts-Leaf.Science-Lingle.Liternture=-Stearn.High ·Jump·.Philosophy-Merriam. D. W. Fe--. '.., luncheon in Hutchinson commons,At 2 :30 there will be an annual busi­ness .rneeting of the Alumni associa­tio':1 in �andel hall, The Law SchoolAlumni wi] l .hold a meeting at 3 P. �uson.,M. in the Law building. A baseball Arts-Leaf. Excclsen, Davis.game" IS scheduled for 4 P. M. be- Seience-c-Hunter, Hough. Bliss.tween the classes of '97 and '07. The Thomas. Page.University Band wiJI give a concert . Literature-s-Hainsfurther.at the "C" bench at 5 P. M. and at Broad Jump.6 P. M. the Alumni will hold a "Sing" .' Philosophy-M. J. Adams. Tait, I�on Haskell steps. The Alumni Ban- . E. Ferguson, Kahn. Anderson. D. W.quet will take place at 6:45. Speeches]: Ferguson. .at+the dinner will be made by Presi- Arts-McBride. Leaf. Davis. Light-dent Judson. by a representative vithe class of '97. a representative ofthe class of '02 and by John F.> M;�ilid�' '07. ��Collelle Menalill their Clothe'ner, O'Brian.Science-Gill. DeTray, Hough; B7 MOSS!.B:R CO.AUTHORS, DEIIONERIIDdMAKERS OF CLOTHES 'ORTHE COL!..EGE MEN.A NEW SPRING MODEL. 'L";.--., _ .. --3,.-r �, Hoc:Our "Chesty" lack COltC03ts have extremely deep Ia"rolling down over the chest, with.co -ne rs softly rounded- Proa ..I,.taper to give a di,nified elect,with semi-broad ghoulders andnarrow waist. Baellil are mediumclose. with or without 'Tents.Sleeves are finished with imitatioDcuff's. Vests are i!n,le breasi�with or without c(Jllars-ftappockets. Trouset. have ·turnedup bottoms; cut Wide at thi,b,narrow at shoe and have li.ebuckles at waistband. [nter elege tieamong 1CollegesOsophyratries .aedaredI Bamber:I SevertjJete tOI1Field ye. which 4DO reccorder 0terday :Fishbein. Page.Literature-Whipp. Stern.Shot. Put.Philosophy-Merriam. Worthwine.TO MARRY DAY AFTER 'I:onovan. Anderson. Kahn. Silber-THE CLOSE OF QUARTER man." iConklin'sSeJl.penI'IIIbItFor busy people .:No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.NothingtotakeapUt.Nothin4 to spillA dip In ink, atouch' of -thumb .to nickel cres­cent and thepen is full.ready to write..AD ... 1Ied ....... eftI7-'WIMI. 8CaUCIDIIII. D 1' ••....... "....... ".Dell ...� CII' caD -JItb"" .,. apoa .....&7;:"-;-::'-'=.::' ...a:.�'"� __ r::-:r::,,":'- ........... � ........... KUJr.a ..II ......... & .... ,......_..................... J�..:-.CJarene. IlacNeille and MiSs AnnaWaughop to Wed on Evening ofJune IS.CHICAGO . PREP- ATHLETESWORK HARD TO WI)l1iBET(ContiDuecf frea. ..... )on the continent about six months.returning to the United States tospend Ch ristmas with Mr. Mac­NeiJJe's parents in North Carolina.Early in the spring they win returnto Chicago. where they intend tomake their home in the future. weights. and Paull in the distances.Mercersburg has men who are almostsure . of firsts. Talbot holds theworld's record for the 12 pound shotput and hammer throw. while in thediscus. his best tnQrk is 127 feet.Several others on this well-balancedteam are of the coJlege caliber, andthe athletes from the East are con­sidered by many the likeliest winnersof first place. �i.�ig:oo.1I9:30.'·'1�·19:30.�r.o:oo.11;.'it The Ip dayt.tercoilr".. )J Fi.' folk:000�7.�;)Thl'Wiu be·1.J,_�Philo�e!I.:aaren�. Ty).-Weillynchlurt .lIanninJohn Sf)Trumt,A-nryPerlsteCHICAGO GOLFERS BEATWISCONSIN AT MADiSON HOOSIER . SCHEDULE READYBadgers Defeated 5 to 4 by Varsity Indiana Pia C�eam-Pla,. in Mud and to ,. hicago October 12Rain. I. -Other Dates. L�'onday. Playing in a drizzling rainover a muddy course the Universitygolfers succeeded in besting the Bad­ger men by a score of 6 to 5. Chi-Chicago-Hibbard. 2; Morse. 0;Zdsler .• 1: Meagher, 0: total. 5. Wis­consin--lHewitt. 0; Hibbard, T; Les­I lie. 0; Gruenwald, 3; total, 4- . •.. SendYour •,N ..... to ",Spaldirlg· -FOR .fa ,CATALOGU� OFLOST-Large black leather note­h( ok. Liberal reward for return toThe Maroon office. SpaldIng' Athletic GoodsMention ",hat sport you are Inter­ested in and ask for a list of college.uul school �upplies.Text books on every athletic sport.The SpaJcfiDc Athletic Library10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Order Dept.A. G. SPALDING a BROS.126 Nassau St., New York.149 Wabash Ave •. Chicago.YouWillTheHaveYou Tip888n Top LikeThere? Inn It Residence'1833 ArJiagton 1'1. PhoaeLue Vi ... 1_Goldsmith's Orchesfr.An:\nn(Presi!](th� til'to on('for efor cielth. 1this afCancthe UIair�.,,elses 01SlIredBORDEN'S'Condensed Milk, Fluid "ilk, Creamand Buttermilk.All BottJed in the COUAtr)'.Borden's Condensed Milk Cc..327-329 E. .P9rty-�th St. AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with ..er,. bat.Opera Rata, IDk Hata.161, 163 Eo MADISON STUB!,Near La laDe.E. ·C. MOORE. FLORIST. 55th SUeet. Chicago. IIUnois--------- ......... IDR .�.--' --- _272[L".,�_�_ � ....._