,..�.�d;]t"" : .11)�.J[toll No. 150. Price Two C.Dtll.CHICAGO. SATURDAY. JUNE I, .1907.---_._--:TO DECIDE WESTERN·. TRACK SUPREMACY ON MARSHALL FIELD TmS AFTERNOONBOW TIE MEET MAY TURN OOT; CMCAGO WINNING OVER D.LINOIS BY FIVE POINTS ITwo mile run Jackson. Mo. Bcrt lcs, W.120 yard hurdles Smithson, N. D. Steffen. C.Event100 yarr] dash220 yard dash. 140 yard run880 yard runOne mile run FirstHuff, Gr.Markley. Mi.Merriam, C.Titld. Mo.Lyon, C.and�diulD ;rents.:ationisted, ,-fiap�med:high, . 220 yard hurdles Merriam, C.High jump Schommer, C.-Broad jumpPole vaultShot putHammer throwDiscus throwTotal Coorsen, W.H agga rd. Dr.Burroughs, IIIs.Burroughs, lIIs.Messmer. W. Second ThirdSmithson •. N. f);- -May; -tus;· .. -_-Quigley,_ C. May, 1115 ..Lindberg. Ills; Lingle. C ..�Iyc'rs, w.Barrett. IIls. Barker, C.Riley. laoMiller. Ills.Lazear, Ills.Bair, Gr.Slaght. Gr.·Yelcb. Ind.Norris. I1Is.Dunham. IIIs.Russell. C.l\Iaddigan, C. C :\10. Others�5Gardner, I lis.Clark, P.Van Derzee, W.Iddings. C.Conway, Dr.Johnson. oW.Iturroughs, Ills. II w363 S33 5355 53483 S36S3 3533 22 10 33CONfERENCE. MEET DEVElOPS INTO. TRIAI,GUlll RGIIT;SMALL COLLEGES EXPE£TED '10" .-DllERIINt THE OmeOIE:�. '.. . ',. . I-----------------------------iChicago, Illinois and Wisconsm Chief D.LINI AND BADGERS CONnDEfft mODS ASSURE CLASSY :MEIT:Contenden: . For Honors-SixteenC01le,es Represented in Meet.: '. Orange and Blue Thinks It H .. S:b--- teen Point-Winn�rs-Coach AngellCOMPETITION WILL BE KEEN Of Wisconsin Believes Team HUChance of VictOry.Illinois is confident of a victory' to- Despite the fact. that �1_.(�1!r��]��rday. It expects every one of its six- men .. md all freshmen have been bar-100 yard dash--o:09 4-5· Blair. teen entrants to place. The follow- red from today's Conference. classv •)!jl Chicago. 1903. Marshall field will today become ing is from a recent issue of The competition in every event is the ·n- �.1., 220 yard' das�-o':2r 3-5. Archie the Mecca for hundreds of athletes Daily Tllini i dication. Athletes in aIt parts of the II:�Hahn, Michigan. lQOJ; who wiII make their pilgrimages from "'If we' don't win the Conference.. middle West have been winning their; •_ ·.fAO yard dash--o·.4R 4-S. Merrill. colleges and universities throughout S t d 'II . it "',. th' . f hi h ... "M::r- a ur ay, we never wm 1, IS e events In orm w IC promises io�{Beloit., 1901. the middle West to compete in the way one of GiIJ's prorn'nent track .bring all of.today's events wen withiit :880 yard run-I :57 2-S. Lightbody. seventh annual Conference track and men sizes up the prospects. To get the record zone. . Herewith are given, field meet. IIIinois wiIl send a team 'fini ..../ f C G· I I '.� Chicago, lQ05. a fie rrnte statement rom oach 11 the best records made in competition.�. One mile . iun-4 :25. Lightbody. confident of victory; W�sconsin hope- :1S to the results would be �s difficult by the leading contenders in the var-. Chicago, 1905. ful of honors, will be represented by as extracting teeth from a bronze iGUS events in .today's meet:f Two mile run-9:50. Rowe, Mich- many stars: the state of Fowa will100 )'U'd dubJgan. 100S. contribute many point-winners in the (Continued on page 3. col. 3)-: .120 yard hurdle�:15 2-5" Mo!· large delegations. from the University. �ney, Chicago. 1902; Garrels. M:ch- 01 Iowa. Grinnell college. Cornell col- �,.-:-�.•-------- •••••• _�.n, 1906.. 1�8e. Drake university, and Ames:; . Two hundred and twenty yard Minnesota and Northwestern each'hurdles-s-o :25. Brockman. Minnesota. will send its Quota: from T ndiann'190': Poage, Wisconsin. 1904. wiII come Purdue and Indiana men:__ Pole v:1l11t-'2 feet 4 7 .. 8 inches. from Ohio. one man. a "Mi:lm: sprint­;:f_Samse. Indiana, too6. er: and from Lawrence university, � .High jump-5 feet I r 3-8 inches. another lone competitor. Chicago.:". Fuhrer, Wisconsin. 1904. r,laytnt:( the role of host, wiI1 receive.. Broad jump-23' feet .1-4 inch all these athletes. and at the same� Friend, Chicago. 1905. time win send into the meet a team. Hammer thrOW-lSi feet I inch that will fi�ht hard for Victory. Mich_ I� Thomas. Purdue, 1904. igan. many times victor in the greatShot put-47 feet 1-4 inch. Rose. Western event, will this year bear the-Michigan. !904. ('olore; of the \Ves, in tfle Eastern in-Dis.cus throw-140 feet 2 3-8 inches. t�rcone�ates. fighting with the best, Garrels. Michigan.' '90S. that Yale. Han-aid. Princeton. Penn­sylvania and other. ea�tern teams caT'IINNESOTA • A Y WlTllDRAW produce.Thie; \\;11 b(' �"e- �'ear of the sm""7tllerGophers. To Protect Seven-Game ("olleges. Taking advantage of Mich­and Retroactive Clauses At Confer- igan's withdrawal from the hiJ:r meetence Meeting This Morning-May �chool� which never before have play­Follow Michigan·s Lead. etl a prominent part in the meet. hav�Every Event Offers Classy Field-­One of Closest and Most Uncer-. tam ':Meets In HistorY Predicted.COltflRINCI RECORDS-(Continued on page 4. col. 2)tor.t. Athletes From ·A!l Parts of the West. IR�port Good Performances in 'AUEvents-What the Leading .Con�tenders Have Done.Markley, �1iami, orro.Ipractice).Branham. Missouri, 0:10 .Huff. GrilTllell. 0:10.Myers. Wisconsin, 0 :10.May. Illinois, 0:10 '-5.Dougherty. Minnesota.' 0 :10Quigley. Chicago. 0:10 2';'5.Nelson. Purdue, 0:10 2-5.Smithson. Notre Dame. 0:10 2-5.Gilbcrth, Northwestern. 0:10 4-5 ..22O:prd�"May. Illinois 0:22:Huff. Grinnell. 0:22 2-5. .::\farkley. Maim;" 0 :22 3-5 (practice)Branham. Missouri. 0:22 3-5.Quigley. Chicago. 0:23·Turner. Grinnell. 0':2.1.. �'('rriam. Chicago. o:�.nougherty. Minnesota. 0 :23.Myers. Wisconsin. 0:2.1 1-5.'Mueller. Wisconsin. ,0:23 1-5·Knowlc!'. Arne!'. 0:23 2-5·Rafl("r. Northwestern. 0:23 3-5·120 Yard HiP HanDaSmithson. Notre Dame. 0:15 4-5·e-ntt'red large numhers of men ane':\rinnesota may follow �fichigan's expect to reap a fI�rvest of points {It:ld :lnd withdraw from the Confe:-- Athletec with marK'" wen within th(':('nee at the. meeting at the Chicago r('cord zone h:we sprung up in man}'R(':lch hotel this morning unless that olnces. :md if the-yare any indicationhody take!' a_ more liheral' view of �ompet ition will he class��. eventthe se\·en-gam(' football season and wilt be hard-fought. anti m:my surth(' three-year clanse. According to pris("s wilt h(" sontng.a rumor among Conference officials The meet :lppear� to have develor ..last night the Minnesota representa· ed into a triangular fight hetwee1: Lazear. Illinois, 0:16.McCord. Drake. 0:16.Natwick. \Visconsin. 0:16 '-5·Bail'. Grinnell. 0:16 1-5·Heninger, Ame-s. 0:16 1-5.McAvoy. Chicago. 0:16 2-5.Merriam. Chit"ago. 0:16 2-5.Sc:-ales, Notre Dame. 0 :16 .1-5.Steffen. Chicago. 0:16 3-5.Fifield, Punlae. 0:16 "-5- .---�.oobat.LrRBB1,---�ois (Coatiaae4 OD pap ... coL ,J.)--- ,ORDER OF EVENTS(Continue4 OD page 3. coL z)' '-'.� ..... -.� ..• • . . •• •'./�Weather Today.Saturday-RaiD; northerly and •northwesterly wiDds. ) •. Ili·n•.. • • • •.I oT.wtx32 :00--120 yard hurdles, trial ••. 2:15-100 yard dash, trials. n:�nO'H2 :30-0ne mile run. rf Ii- n& ,2 :40-440 yard run.1-5· om �,h2 :SO-I'!O yard dash. finals:)CU .,IIJ3:05-120 yard hurdles. fi� .. ,T3 :20-220 yard dash, trials.Of nr.JOl3 :45-2� yard hurdles, tf:i<\}� iii."4 : IS-880 yard run. rf• "!( n�,.". -4 ::l5-220 yard dash- finals• ITT 'rt::! (.," :40- Two mile run. ....,' ,un"Joe 't( I.; :00-2.20 yard. hurdles, ijRi�ls.,tnO:; :Io-One mile relay. rt .• F!eIcl" , .1r..,,,�,?f'·;!rhr. ( .. v..:l :oo-Pol� vault. ...d i" tt'".luon,·2 :oo--Disc\1f' throw. .I�rtr.rt", ")lh �t2:00-High jump. ." '�(f f,..,�r..,'').1:00--Shot put. ,"', ."1"'!:u ")r.f .,,,,..3 :30-Hammer throw, nco If f'r. , J., i 11:1 :JO-Broad jump. I, lIH.rt,i'lI .bn;;.--.lJ ,r. �·,.,i'r.tI1., ...Director Stan Saya'NUlitlJi .... 1AnNot Quitters and, ·PJac)l,(WO., WillConferellce Todatr .(.api_fall Ud­favorable Dope. ·�ffr. fr. t.nr. .,mit_&J....u·'m"·11 f'"f: u�mRefore a hig m�·m��tlHg:-f'df�.,�"!­thusin!'m of whichrwaN�(iWibi<2Akofkothall ("lays. ni.t��tf'fr ��Jfg ;.('VW­fticted yestt"rday lMt�"'t1�"*ijh�; tifthe Chicngo ata.'.'e� "ill hring vic·tory to the :\1atoQllritQh., .... ncemeet." He deol ... ch81atltthqpctt;fhef:evorite today"�"llideis.i,,.uirei"for a defeat. 101: ".,t·. to ")full 10"The chan���p.a,,� .. y� l�oJe:,! hi 'Iial ... ,., sll_ •••THE DAILY MAROON, CltTCAGO. St\.TURDA Y, JUNE I, f907. .'/'�.-BAlON IUIOII YAISIlTS GUISI CHICAGO SENDS WISHES FORGOOD LUCK TO MICHIGAN0IIe1&1 8tudeAt PabileatJaa of tbe t1alnr­alt7 of Clakqo.i'OI' ..... qThe VDlnlSlt7 of CbJeqo Weeki,.1'0UDded.Tbe Weeki" Oc:t. I. 1812.The DaU" Oc:t. 1. 18U2.i1utered .. 8ec:uad-e..... Mall at tbe CIlI·c:qo I" ... toalce. .Famous Japaneae Geoeral Vistts thellidwq and Makes 'Tour of Um­venity-Attenda Reception �tQuadrangle Club. Students in lIass Meeting Send Tele­gram Expressing Hope for WoLverine Success in East.versitv's guest yesterday afternoon.The japanese war hero arrived' at thequadrangles shortly after 4 o'clockan'd, led by the marshalls and accorn­panied by M. Shimizu, the Japanese(onsui and by President Judson and To Captain GarrellsBaron General Kuroki was the Uni-Care Michigan Track Team.Harvard UniversityChicago students in mass meetingwish you and your team all successin the Eastern I ntercollegiatc meet.. W. UBNDEK80N. Athletic Ii:41tor. rangles the baron was tendered aGEOImE Eo It'ULLBIl, BualD_ .... &Dqer.general reception at the Quadrangleclub.other University officials, was escort,HIla.crJpUUD price. $8.00 per ,ear; $1.00 .-Cd from H ull Court to Hutchinsontor :I IDOIlUW. HIla.-rl.,Uou HC:t!lYecl at Court. where the assembled studentsLla. �OQI& OIllC(t� IWIa Ball, or at the gave the gri�zled warrior an uproar-i'aclllll )Ucbaqe, Cobb Uall. ious reception.Hutchinson Hall., the ReynoldsClub, Mandel hall, and the otherK. ':UJJY UA'l'UEWH. llaDq.... Edltor. buildings of the campus were VIsited.Lt:TUKlt D. It''EBHALD, He .. IIIdltor. After an extended tour of the quad-ASSOCIATE IWIT0a5Claarl. W Palt&er. Benaard L' Bell,I'reetoD JI' G ....MelYID J. Adamr, WarreD D. i'_ter.Cole Y. Rowe.UPOU'USPeter F. DunD. W. P. MaeCracli:eD,Harry A. UlID8eD. W. l. HalD8furtber.�. L. Frld8t-ID, I. E. FeqU80LJerome i'ran.. lIarYe, B. 1'ul18l', Jr�Ibert D. HeDderaoD,AI... Eather Hall,On makeup today:P. F. Gass and A. W. Hendersonl_I Prbated b,J the_ MarooD Pr-.-t1t Eat 55th -.t�PbODe 1881 Ibtle Pan:.SA TU'RDA Y, JUNE I, 1907.I IIltIIiI:,thavior bordering on rowdyisr in thegrandstands. There wm be repre­sentatives at the meet from all thecolleges in the West. Chkago's root­ers will be on exhibition. as it were. her of rivals or because luck happens est point winner. His work in the shotto be going against them. They are put and hammer throw in the pastall. full of nerve, and have the right makes him a formidable opponent toCHICAGO NERVE TO WIN(Continued from page' I)against us," he declared. "Try todope the met out. and you will findthat in the end. Illinois seems a bitstronger than Chicago and Wiscon­sin. Most people seem to look at thematter in this way."But just bear in mind that not aman on the Chicago team is a quitter.Our athletes are not the kind to getafraid. because they see a large num-kind of courage in their fiber."Director Stagg added that the onlyway to bring out the best ability inthe athletes is for a large number ofChicago students to be in the grand-, .. tand to support the team. tomorow.That the above message be sent toChicago's old rival in track and foot­ball. met with the enthusiastic' con-.sent of Chicago's students. nssernhledyesterday in Kent theater to hold arally in preparation for today's Con­Ference meet in which for the firsttime Michigan will not compete.Michigan has hopes of wining theeastern intercoilegiate' meet at Har­vard today. The eastern newspapersand colleges have picked Pennsylva­nia to win. but the Michigan Dailyclaims that the Wolverines have beer.underrated. Despite the fact thatsome of the best men in the east willcompete. Coach Fitzpatrick is confi­dent of first place in the two mile.mile. low hurdles. and broad jump.and of second or third place in the lhigh hurdles. shot put and half-mile.Thirty points will win the meet andMichigan expects her track squad tocapture more 'than the required num­ber. Of all the men entered. Garrelswill probably prove Michigan's larg-the easterners.In the trial heats yesterday. Mich­igan men proved their class by quali­fying in every event in which they,competed. Stewart qualified in the100 yard dash. and Ramey and Coe"This' meet is to be held on our in the half mile. Ramey won hisright way and at the right time.""Jimmy" Sheldon. former, Chicagoathletic hero and present coach of day morning between the Sigma Chifor the last time. this afternoon. I"We are 6anrlicapped this year inpatting up a squad of Sophomoresand Juniors. 'anfl counting on them tocapture this meet. We can dependon making a creditable showing inNo matter how the meet goes at any this meet and if we do not win. wetime and at any stage. let Chicago will at least he -up in the- front rank.men 'and women be good winne-rs Or The men on the team will all do their'idd," he said. "and I think it will be heat in 2:02 1-5. Garrels won his�Chicago's chief duty in connection =t shame if a big crowd doesn't show heats in the hurdles in 0:15 4-� andwith the Conference meet on Mar- up, What is more. you should show 0 :25. and made the second best markshall Field this after- your spirit not only by giving your in the shot put at 45 feet 7 inches.Chicago noon is to maintain a regular Chicago yells by by singing French. at 22 feet 3 1-2 inches. and�.� ��uct��willreft�t �e �Ima Ma�� Y�r �wort � He�h.at 21 &d9 i�in��, �� � �Exhibition credit on the Univer- needed now if ever, and with it lots qualified 111 the broad jump.sity. Not ' man or of p�sh-the kind that comes in ,thewoman in the University has otherthan hope for a Chicago victory, andthe more sanguine firmly believe thatthe track team is equal te the task'. Indiana. was called on for a speech. actives and alumni, which resulted inTo bring enough points to the -Ma- He was more optimistic than the a defeat for the actives by a score ofroon to win this meet. fought as it "Old Man." He declared that' he .6 to 7.will be in the face of odds. would he could see nothing to the meet butwerth great sacrifice, and it is safe Chicago.'to say that the team will make all "I firmly believe that Chicago willthe sacrifices possible to that end. come 011t on top." said Sheldon.Only one 'sacrifice would be too ':Vou certainly show the right kindgreat. the forfeit of sportsmanabip. of spirit here. anrl it will do much forNo athletic contest is important the chances of the team. Yon have_ enough to be won at this cost. even l' team of high class this year asif the chances of wining were in- well."creased by unfair and unsportsman- The speechrnaking was wound uplike tactics. If Chicago can win at hy a short address from Caprin Rus­an she can do it fairly and sqt�rely sell, who acts in his' o ITtci a 1 capacityand without the attendance of be-losers as the occasion demands. Thevsitors should go away willing tospeak a good word for Chicago spir­it in quality as well as in quantity.Graduate Given Scholarship.George H. Brunson of Clinton.Mis!>lissippi. who received the degreeof Muter of Arts from the Univer­�ity of Chicago in 1901. has been giv­en a Kholanhip in history in Colum­bia' University for tJte year 1907-Olt best."A short yell practice followed thistalk. all the yells being gone through.. Acting on Director Stagg's sl1g�es­tion. the rooters joined in the "Alma"fater." The announcement wasmade that a "philanthropic enthusi­ast" by the name of Green has se­cured a hundred seats in ,the Chicagorooter sectio� which have been plae­eel on sale in the business manager'soffice in the Press building. A baseball game was played Thurs-Lots of peoplenever worry about style,just buyFOWNESGLOVESand bit it richt. .\Iben Malht:"".l"<·� \,j •• s. II liedler, Vice-Pres. F.H.Stratton.SeceMathews & Co. Inc.T!lE T.\ILOR SHOP! !ew POWOl s Bldg. 156 Wabash Ave,THE I.iNE FOR SPRING IS HERE..TT'S THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW.University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz'They Fill that Empty Space at Home.e.mon'£i �boto 6tubioPhone Hyde Park-lfi. 243 EAST 55th STPtEETV4CATIONSWILL BE MUCH' PLEASANTERIF YOU ARE WEARINGCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHES535 to 5'15c..rver 6 WDkie tl5 ,. Da,..", St.TAILOIIS Sallk fIN'••• TO PROSPE£TIVE VISITORS TO ENGLAND ..."ArdDay" 24 Woburn Place,lDsseU Square,London,W.C.Is a comfortable and central boarding-house,.that has been and is being recommended tomany Americans. Rates from $1.50 per day,or $7.50 per week.MRS. FERGUSON, Proprie�:I1 ___1--------i Tiff PREMOCiRAPH ••••j,I The very lat-� for the amateur photocrapher.The Premocraph is the only instru neat of the re8ecq t;Jpe • __offered at the popular price of !ro.oorWE HOW HAVE THEM FOR SALE.Film Pack, 12 Exposures. '10 cents. Carryinl Case, '1.75-_Why not call and see one? .. _For Sale BySweet, Wallach 6 Co.OPPORTUNITIESour monthly publication describes many desirable posi­tions for college and technical school graduates who wishto begin work in the early summer �r fal1. Can or writefor free sample copy.••• HAP(iOODS •••The National Organization of Brain Brokers.Harlfonl II".., '''Icafo, III. TAlTmIBASara.ISPEC, L.OPEa1TANhoWlUPatrUN)'-Phone--PhoneI�1 =--so"BOW ABOUT YCURSUIDIER -CLOTHES?"SergesCheviotsHomespunsWool and linencrashes andFlannels...Prices. $25 to $50.-�J1�rf�A. N. Jerrems. Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN.Either Store:131 La Salle Street, and44 Jackson BoulevardTURKISH1RUSSIAN 75cPLAIN BATHS 25cOpen Day and Ni&htBARBER SHOPSaratoga Hotel 161 Dearborn St.-)ZiSPECTACLES and EYE GLASSESET L .. ManasseOPT I C I AN I8l1adisonStTribunl Bid.--_ERBROWN! rGRAY!I!BLU�!! !-!I . Clothes for.� Summer.� ••TAN r,.e. TiE-l Have all of them in many! shades in sere-e,· cheviot,homespun and wonted.� Sensible Prices. No Extremes.See our Fancy Vestings.�...._......�. TAILORWlWAM "ERR':".' .ON ••Clark and Adams Sis.------------- ----_---Patronize the • • •UNIVERSITYPHARMAC'560 E. Fifty-Fifth StTeet.R. R. BOWAN. Prop.Wbere do yon get yourNEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALSand STATIONARY?At NOR TON'SFree deliveryPhone H. P. 116. 348 57th Street.Pbones ...... Residence, H. P.96I.Office. Central 3165.i)r • .full am. �klla." am. �DENTISTS0IIica..-. Suite 708. Ver.etian Blctv.l4 Washington Sueet..B __ : 1-1" THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, SATURDAY, JUNE I, '1907.·RECORDS ASSURE GOOD MEET .lLLJ.N.l A.l'(.t; 'c 0 NFl DEN T,( Continued from paJIe I)220 Yard Low HurdlesGardner. Illinois. 0:26 1-5.Bair, Grinnell, 0:26 2-5.Merrium, Chicago, 0:26 3-5.Smithson •. Notre Dame.-o:26 3-5.Natwick, 'Wisconsin, 0:26 3-5.Woodrick. Minnesota. 0:26 3-5.Steffen, Chicago. 0:26 4-5.McCord, Drake. 0:26 4-5.Van Vor st, Minnesota, 0:2i 1-5.Fifield. Purdue, 0:27 3-5.440 yard runMerriam. Chicago. 0 :50 2-5.Lindberg, Il1inois, 0 :50 2-5.Latshaw, Missouri. 0 :5J.Flanagan. Grinnell, 0 :52 1-5·Lingle. Chicago, 0 :52 2-5.1\1 neller. Wisconsin, 0 :53.880 yard runTidd. Missouri. 2 :02 3-5.Myers, Wisconsin', 2 :03.Bloomfeldt. Illinois. 2 :04.Bn rker, Chicago. 2 :04 1-5.Beard. Ames. 2 :04 2-5.Shuart. Chicago. 2 :04 4-5·Lindberg, Illinois. 2:06 4-5.Riley. Iowa, 2:08.Keefe, Notre Dame. 2:08 1-5·White. Purdue'. 2:08 2-5.Eash, T ndiana, 2:08 4-5.One Mile Rl1nH cnsleigh, Drake. 4 :36.Barrett. Tllinois, 4 :36 4-5.Riley. Iowa. 4:36 4-5·Van Marter. Ames. 4 :40 3-5.Blankenagle, Wisconsin. 4:42 1-5·Lyon. Chicago. 4 :43 4-5·White. Purdue. 4 :49 1-5·Eash, Indiana. 4 :51 1-5·Two Mile RnnJackson. Missouri. 9 :52.,_ Bertles. Wisconsin. 10 :()().Miller. Tllinois. 10 :22.Smith. Tllinols, 10 :�7 4-5.High JumpSchommer. Chicago • .5:911-2.Hacgard. Drake, 5:8.CIa rk, Purdue, 5:8.�':lC!'ht. Grinnell. 5 :8.McDonough. Notre Dame, :; :6.Smithson. Notre Dame. 5 :6.Norcross. 'Minnesota. s :5·Maddi'!':n1. Chicazo, 5 :4·Coorsen. Wisconsin. :; :4.Smith. Wisconsin. -5 :4.Broad .-Jum�Coorsen. Wiseons'n. ?l:TT 1-2.Van Derzee. Wisconsin. 21:11 1-4.Yclch. Indiana 21 :8.Ienkins. Illinois. 2' :5.Pomeroy. Chicnco. 2':' T-2.Renshaw. Iowa, 20:'0 1-2.Hosie". Tndinnn. 20:"0.Rnrkht'imer. Iowa, 20:5 'l-4.�('hommer. Chic:l(!o. II :i .Pole VaultTrldinJ;!s ChicaJ;!o. TI :7.Norris. T11inois. ":3.Vetch. Tndiana. '0:10.H:l�J;!ard. Drake. 10:9.Clarke. Grinnell. YO:9.Shot PutRnrronghs. T11inois, 44: 7 1-2.Conway. nrake. 41 :'!.nnnha�. Tlt01;oi ... 40:8.Car .. i:h<-rs. Tllinois. 40 :7.Schommer. Chicago. 40:2 1-2.M:erl<1ig:m. Chica�o. 40:0 �-4.Russell. Chit'ago ..'l():11 .1-4.Hammer ThrowRu rrough s. TlIinoi s, 152:l) 1-2.John!'=on. Wic:consin. 141 :TT.Lamhert. Ames. 13i :6.Russetl. Chicago. J 36 :5.Conway. Drake. 136:2-�f('ssmer. Wisconsin. T2g:TT.Disrns ThrowMessm�t'. 'Visconsin. 129:2 T-2.Burronghs. T1tinoi�, 127:1 1-4.Steffins. Purdut". 125:2 1-2.If:uldigan. Chicago, 123 :1.Thayer. Ames. 122:5.Russell. Chicago, 121:6.. ... _TIle .BI" 8 .......After w�u or practice the "Bi� Game" lila,. be lGet by.......... DoD't take au,. cbaucea or .ot qiualDK you "Jetter."Jf you ute a aood .itt it.wU1 �Jp you whl the pac.Get the best-aull laalst OD haria. tIac best-th.(COlllillul:d from _pa&e 1)�lalUt:, ior not smce he has been atIllinois has he i.IIUUIg':d ill a staight-Ifoward prediction.... � ot withstanding the statementsmade by the Lhicago papers Sunday!to the effect that Hlinois' basis forclaiming the: peunant is mostly onsecond and third places, the past per:Icrmanccs plainly shuw contra. Whyhasn't HurrUl;ghs a strong .chauceIe-r first in all three weight events?Nor are such men as May, Lindberg,.111'1 Lazear to he left out of consider;at ion. In fact .. Gilt said that. he ",asdecided to take only those men whomhe honestly thinks stand a chancefor tirst Saturday. Thus it can beseen that to give his list of probablewinners would amount to giving thelist of sixteen entrants which is:100 yard dash-May. Jenkins.220 yard dash-s-Mnv.440 yard run=-Liudbere.880 yard ruu-s-Bloomfeldt Lind-berg.One �Iile run-Barrett. Richardson,Van Inwagcn.Two Mile run-e-Miller, Smith Van­Inwagen.120 yard hurdles-Lazear.220 yard hundles-e-Lazear, Gardner,Dunning.Shot put-s-Burroughs, Dunham.Carithers.Hammer throw-i-Buroughs,Discus throw-Burroughs.Pole vault-Norris.Broad jump-Jenkins.High jump-No contestants,Of Cardinal Hue.The Daily Cardinal thinks WiacOD., sin has a chance to win the Confer­ence. It, S:lVS:"Although defeated' in the dualmeet with Chicago. Wisconsin prom­ises to give the Maroons a hard fightfor points in the Conference meet.Despite the fact' that Tllinois has notlost a dual meet this sprin� and isconsidered by track men as the mostprobable winner. Coach Angell be­lieves his team has a possible show."Captain Myers is expected towin th� h�f mik �� He �as not ����-�������--����-��--��������,been required to do his best this �ear.He probably witl enter the hundreddash also: he was not in conditionwhen he lost to Quigley last Satur­day. Van Derzee and Coorsen haverecords in the broad jump half a foot.better than any other made thisspring. Coach Angell is countingnoon them for two places in the Con­f('rence."�f essmer is conceded first placeill the discus. The mile wi11 prohablyheclosehetwcen Rlankena�eof�i� .-���������������A�T����E�::::::::��������consin. Lyon of rh'(':um. and Rileyof Towa. Rertles' time of 10:09 in UNION HOTEL .... RESTAlJRANTWILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON ,'WO n.cJOltSthe two-mite is ten seconds faster WT:..L FIND It. SPECJAI� 'AFTKR-THKATEIt JlUUthan :-tnything 1s� this spring. an� WILL FIND IPLENDII) SERV) ca'he is e:q,ected tn make a strong fight Serving only the 8est th� Market A.ord�for first. Natwi"k is comidered ht't- III to 117, Rl\NDOLPH ITItDTtel' than either of the Chicago hnr- W. make • Ipedalty of Club. Pntenaity Dianer�. EtcdIet's who won from him 1:tst �:1tnr- Fin�st Orche.tra i. tile Cityrlay when he was not in shape. �<-"-eral men. however. ha\'e eQllat1cfl h; ..r('corrls. �fue1ter will ha'\"e �trong"omp('tition in hoth the 220 and theflu:ertcr. but is d<-terminc.-d to nm :e�(\orl ract'." The D &B LineSteamers leave Detroit weekC1aysat S:OO pm., Sundaysat4:0,! p.m. (central time) and from Buffalodaily at S:30 pm. (eastemtinte) ������reaching their destination the nextmorning. Direct connections with early train&.Lowest ratea and superior service to New York,BoIton,Pbiladelphia,Adantic City,all points cut.Popular week end excursions· to1 Buflato and Niagara Falls, lean:" Detroit every Saturday.&1 RAIL ,TICKETS AVAILABLE ON . STEAMERS,; .... � All duIea 01 tIcbu IO'J ��Ia Mlchlpa Caaual. w ........ CraM�I ' Tnuak raU .. ,.. __ D. :rolr aDd Ila6Io III dlber dlra:doD wW � �'\ ,� ,_ � .. D. � -.1. llDe Z:amen. Send 2c. DIal.. for �,. �"'CratLatcac..p. MJI'eSII L.G. LEWIS. G.r. A.DmOIT. BUFF' lO STEA.BOAl CO., Detroit, .Ich.""U�'" MeMILl A., __ a. A. A� "HANTZ, aa. .....BAR.fR'SFireproof Storage �: V.�n __ ��_._FURNITURE, PIANOS, TRUNKS,MERCHANDISE an4 PARe.LaDELIVERED '1'0 ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, DBPOTIAND SUBURBS.General Offices.40th St. and Calumet Aye.Phone:Douglas J800Private - Exchange all Offices. Branch Office, InformatioD Olice,University of· Chicqo.R. R. Warehoaae.Chi�gC? Junctioa. R._ R.:40th and Calumet.IL'-INOI� WAREHOUSE BudSTORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 57I� Kimbark Av ... Fifty-SUrth St.The Cleanest an.d Best Kept atorapV..'are'louse in the City .Furniture and Pianos Moved. Stored. Packed andShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Slor:age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for Pianos.Rooms lor trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carriages, Huggie. and.Sleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROII ALL DEPOTS.I.ocal Transfers f, r Baggage. Forni' lire. Packages. etc .• at shorl Dorice_Special Attention C-;ven to Univers . \. I 'rrl�rI_Spring f'lo-wers in BlossomVISIT Tilt. GREENHOlJSES NOWPboaa: H. P. :8-H. P. &g5�A. l\,fcADAlMSsad Street and KllDbark AvenueGOLFERS GO TO MADISON iCaptain H ebberd's Teqm Will Meet!Badger.: ;n First M�tc� on Monday. ! Good Posltlo�s"Say Bo,.." if you want to &et IOQted this summer, come U'OUD4I... _.. Coats JOu nothing to find out. We lmow .......place ,..Captain ""'H'ret ",.,� ':\1.(' hi!' Jl'oll",,'am to 'Vi ;:onsin '!onday for .. '�,�t('h W:,I. th(' c. ... �.I;n:t'� Thi!'= i-tlie only otlf-or·fown nl:et('�' t�,C �(':e-'1t:as thi ... yt':lr. The 111t'11 who wilt:m:lk(' fht' trip are: Hehhc.-rd. M_ ea� 11gher. :\Iorse. and Zeisler.sa •• j e • Business Mens Cleariq HouseWOllAM'S TBIIP:t.a.1107 .. La Salle a-. ; Jconsin will figur� promin�ntly and of Missouri. and Flanagan of Grinn�l.s��ms sur� of at I�ast third plac�.With BtHToughs in th� w�ights. 'MINN�OTA MAY WITHDRAW._Lindb�rg in ·th� quarter. May in ,hedash�s. Rarr�tt. Smith. Mi11�r and, � __(C_on_t�j_n�U_ed_f_rom_,�_pa_�...... _I_) __Richardson in tht' distance events. tive.at today's meeting will mak� a-off Brown. II in 6 2-3 innings; off Lazear and Gantner in the hurdles. strong prott'st ,lg:linst th� five-gam�Dretchko, I in 2 1-3 innings; off SuI. J�nkins in th� broad jump. and Car- season and the retro-activ� feat\1l�s r_-----_--------_Jivan, 6 in 4 inings; off Walker. 12 in rith�1"lI' and Dunham in the shot put. or !hc thre�-yeaT' nile. It is belieyed5 inings. Hit by pitcher-Marshall the mini lIav� c�rtainly a strong that h(" may threaten Minnesota's:'y Sullivan; Bliss by Brown; M�igs basis upon which to fi1lUl'� a victory. \\;thdrawal. unless these r�gulationsby Brown. Wild pitch-Brown, I; But Oicago has 'Merriam in th� ar� modifit'd.Walk�r,' 2; Capron, I; Gaarde, 2. quarter and hurdles. 'Quigley in th� Ther� was also a .report circulatedTime-2 :00. Umpire-Pickett. dashes. Barker in th� half. Steffen to th", effect that Midrigan may be Te-·Staehling out for interference in and McAvoy in tilt' hl1rdl�s. T.yon in admitted to good dandin� in .basebal1!'iecond inning. the mile. Schommer in the high jump. ..nd track regardless of its footba"Pomeroy in the broad jump. Tddi.ngs attitl1d�. Judge Lane wilt" attend the Top floor ofBADGERS DEFEAT SYRACUSE in the pole vault. and Captain Russf'l1. meeting and som�. developments are The Pullman Company �uild'gMaddigan and Schommer in the (''Cpc.-ct('d. Cor. Adams St. and Michii&n Ave.W"an Ei&ht-Oared Boat Race. But w�ights. Upon these men. ev�ryone The ('onfcr('nc(' me�t managing � ILose FoQl'-Oarecl Event. of them trclme to th� finish. and every c.lmmiuc.-e ha:, appointt"d a committeeon� with past performances that in- consist;ng of George ,r. Cook. Wit­spire confid�nce in their ability to ham Scott Rond� Joseph McNab. anddo their best �ven under the severest \Vi1Iiam �(cKenzic. to appear befores�n, Oicago places its hopes of the meeting and suggest changes,.�"ho��_wil1 be realized particularly in �gard to the statusis the belief of every M8IIC)� __ er. of non-conference track athletes...... IW i •• OoIS .... __ IS � QWIPIOIf �.DO�"'�L OF�1S_. �'., ""-.' ---:- Coach Friend' Sa7a Plabt for PintcOld Weather SlucaiDa � oa 'V'1CtD17 of Gray aDd Carr Over W__ is Between Cbicaco and IllinoisIIaraha11 Field Goes To Nortbem- � in Doubl_ Makes Vanity �1Ien'iam TbiI*s IlliDoia Baa Besten-Eada Side U .. Two Pitchers First'In Westenl Tennis-Carr De-. prospects-Barker Optimistic.-Thirty Hita In AlL .• faults to Gray in Sincles. .Athletes were shy on venturing pre-Chicago took. its second defeat Chicago became the championship of dictions for the meet., • th gam- played the West ill tennis Thursday when .. "1 have not doped out the meet,.Irom Minnesota 10 e ... 'fOJ Marshall fi�ld yesterday afternoon. Gray and Carr. after five hard-fought because i am completely at sea as ·toIt was another of the cold weather sets, succeeded in defeating Wiscon- how the men will perform," said.contests which have been character- 'sin in the doubles. The singles hav- Coach Friend. "I have talked to a, . 'istie of this season. and the Maroons ing been previously won by the Chi- number of men from other colleges.were unable to get together and play cago men, Chicago became the sole : nd from-each 1 have learned of ath-the game. victor in the tournament. Ides who have not been taken intoIt was a slugging match. in which Thursdays game was the' most � ccount by most people. Any num.!the Gophers pounded out some six evenly contested match of' the tour- her of men with records ::!,oocl ellO\l'·hmore hits than the twe1v� Chicago nament, Until the last game of the 'to insure them places. have. come togot. Men were on bases nearly alf last set the outcome was in doubt. 1�y attent :on. so that now- it looks to Ithe time, and long hits were not ttl the first set Chicago was slight- me as if the events which can be prf"­scarce. Poor playing se"e�l times Iy out-played. and the score of 6-3 dieted with certainty are few indeed.lost the game for Chicago. made the Wisconsin men somewhat I feel safe in making only. this pr»Sullivan and Walker, the Maroon over-confident. The second was won d;ction-that the fight for. first wi11pitchers. were no worse than Brown by the Varsity men, for the Badgers be between Chicago and Illinois.and Dretchko, the Gophers; only played safe and left room for some nnd that the margin separating theseMinnesota batters had their batting of Carr's smashing. The score was two colleges will be small."eyes on the ball more frequently than �3 in Chicago's favor.did the Chicago men. The third set proved to be "I do not know about the result,"the said Captain Russell. "It certainlyScore: closest in the entire tournament, appears close. and I hope to see usMinnesota AB R H P A E Chicago winning the long drawn-out come out ahead. since it is to be myKesting, ss S 2 3 4 5 I tight by the score of I I to 9. Deu e last meet."Capron, c 6 I 4 8 2 0 games that took away the breath of "Illinois 'seems to have a slight 'ad-Marshall, rb 5 3 2 "I 0 1 the spectators finally resulted in a vantage this time." was "Ned" Mer-Dretchko, zb-cf-p .•.. 4 I I I I 1 .victory for Carr and Gray. riarn's opinion. "They are a bitVJalker, cf-2b S I 1 1 I I The fourth set at first .looked like stronger than we are. and. though theRosamen, 3b 4 1 1 I I I Chicago's, but fighting hard. Wiscon- work of smaller colleges will cut intoLarson, rf-cf 5' 1 3 1 � 1 sin -succeeded in taking it 8-6. their chances. I do not think tharth«Crown, p-rf ..••..•••. 5 3 3 J 2 0 "Two arid" was the score at the Tllini wilt be handicapped in this re-Sloane, If 3. 2 0 2 0 0 outset of the fifth, set. The hard fight sped any more than we will!'_ _ _ _ _ _ had begun to tell .Dn 'the' four men "I think we should capture thi�Totals .•..• ' .......• 42 IS 19.26 6 �In� the result of the match was Conference," said Norman Barker._ f1oubtful.. But Gray and .Carr set "We are weakened considerably. byChicago AR R H P A � 'heir mind on winning the champion- the absence of Wi11iamson . in theTempleton, ss ....... 5 1 1 3 0 0 �hip and, allowing Wisconsin to win weights and the fact that Iddings ant!Bliss, 2b ••• � .••••... 5 1 2 3 2 0 but one game took the game, set and Pomeroy wi1l not be at their best.Meigs, rb ......... ·.�.5 0.1 9 0 0 match by a score of 6-1. Ye't I look to see Iddings get awayG d 6 0 Gray and Carr both showed un- with the pole vault. Every event:, aan e. e ••..•• �...... 1 2 "I 5 .�oulton. 1f •••••••••• S 2 ! 1 !l I were to meet in the finals but as Carr will b� closely fought,"V P -f I � 0 :lefauhed. Gray becomes the cham-.' an atten, r.· .•••. 3 0 2 ..S hi' f 0 0 pion of the West in the singles.rae tng, e 1 0 0 0Walker, icf-:-p 2 2 1 0 2 o ,MEET A ��NGULAR PIGHT Field of 38 Dwind� �wn"to 6-Sullivan. p •.••.•..••• 2 0 0 0 I I Chicago Has Two Fatered.(Continued from page I.)Metford, cf 2 0 0 0 0 0 , __-------- ---- Owing to the 'larg�' amount of� Nathan, 3b····· .... ·5 2 2 3 1 1 Chicago. Hlinois, and Wisconsin for' scratching among entrants for the- - - - - - first honors. Much depends upon HOLD NO TRIALS IN. Totals ., ••••••.. 41 9 12. 27 13 3 the amount and manner of cutting-inScore by inings: done by the smaller teams.Minnesota � 0 0 2 7 0 0 4 .2-::.15 Illinois, which not since 1894 hasChicago 0 0 0 4 0 1 3 1 0- 9 held a track c�.lDpio!,sbip. ,tl1is y�arTwo base hits-Kesting, ' Blislh §eems to have stepp�d into Mich­Meigs. Three base hits-Kesting, igan's shoes. and !Jas the best chanceWalker, Rossman. Gaarde. Home of winning the meet. However. Oi­run-Marshall. Sacrifice' hit-Sloane ago still has a good. 'strong fightingchanc� to win and a Maroon victorywould b� not at all sllrpris:ng. Wis_ Conference quarter 'mile run, notrials were held yest�rday as hadbeen scheduled, Of J8 athletes ori­ginal1y entered, all but 6 w�rescr;;tched from the �vent. and it wasnot thought n..�cessary to ran off pr�­Hminary heats' for such a smal1 field.Of the' six run today, Chicago winbe represented by Merriam and Lin­gle. The oth�rs are Lindberg of II":linois. Mu�l1er of Wisconsin. Latshaw2. Stolen bases-Marshall, Larson,Sloane. Templeton, Gaarde, Van Pat­ten, Walker. Struck out-by Brown.6; by Sullivan, 3: by Walk�r. S. Baseon ball�ff Brown. 3; off Dretchko,3; off. SaiJinn, I; off Walker, 2. Dou­bl� plays-Van Patten to Nathan;. Capron to Rosman to Marshall. Hits(Special to the Maroon).:\(adison,.'.t.tv.a.l..-:-�isconsintoda3WJllMt.3J�P.M:� 'h� ciaht­oar�� WIAI'Wdo\auosc,.:acuse won the four-oar�d event.; ;.T,rT ;.,,,;E. ;,. ...,...­;--'0,:;>MOSSLER. CO.JIIinostrong.parenti.-�o:-gedevents.Blue airst ticolors. triaunpWest:i ,�.n�eD ojThefblC3S'�th 21Itt inGrinneaJ:pearWith tl)&ou'�De;. ¥otre�:,: 1-3:j�.i.3.'jfllmi��'ACOJ,lt \\.�"lht e"\imos.�]Dinoi'4';:,eariy:Crinn{";pear'jI';.0IIe (.��.. -.eet,)is te���:�l1n11·· ... d�: .. e I.�nt:Qin'{Gard.;.,��th;dsiv4TheInord-lrianlthe'iaoir. t�Coniont)iranhric,mgin bPUs}andallo,i: isso Jackson Bou1evar���Co"e.e .ellall" 'he;r Clothes"B7 MOSSLER co.AUTHORS, DESIGNERS andMAKERS OF CLOTHES FORTHE COLLEGE MEN.A N�W SPRING MODELOur "Chesty" Sack Coat ,()rInge: ,aal-:�1a:.'Coats 'have extremely deep lapel.rolling down over the chest, withcorners softly rounded. FronDtaper to give a dignified effect,with semi-broad shoulders andnarrow waist. Backs are mediumclose. with or without vents.Sleeves are finished with imitationcuffs. Vests are single breasted,with or without collar s-e-flappockets. Trousers have turnedup bottoms. cut wide at thigh,narrow at shoe and have sidebuckles at waistband. AltboUj.WeatBThe fabrics used in the Mossler (ready for service)garments arc' the 'best Imported and Domestic Home­spuns. Cheviots and Worsteds in light�olors. blue, g�yand the' newest brownish effects.Prices-. $lR, $20,_ '2�J)0. $2fi. $30. $a5 and up to $50�Whether you pay $IH o.r go up thescale to $=1X or $.t0or .eyen $50, you get the.same superior style in each-theprice differencts'.represent fabric and trimming quality.Drop in and. get: o�� �o�; our • B�" Score Registers."MQssler CoSO Jackwn Boulevard- �',Conklin'sSelf-pen.... _.For busy people.No bother.Pill. it.lf.Cleana i_If.No dropper.Nothinlto take apart.Nothin, to spillIt dip In ink, atouch of -thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full,ready to write..AB ........... �..... �J,:".!G=.--===t4PL.=E='== .. -�..,.J. r::-.:r.,__..... �-..................... __........... Aw..�................ ,• Send Your •Name to�paldin9 . -,_POR A CATALOGUE OP". .... .Spalding �t'''e�c .. Goods.Mention ..,hat lport you are inter·ested in and ask' for a'list 'of collegeand �chool supplies.'Text books on every athletic sport.The Spaldina Athletic Library10 cents per copy.Send for Complete Lilt.Mail Order Dept.A. G. SPALDING a: BROS.126 N .... u St.. Ne,. Vork.149 �abasb Ave., Chicqo •YouT�p .WiIIBeen Top. LikeThere? Inn ItTheHaveYouResidence:1833 ArliDatOD PI. Ph ..LueVi .....Phone Harrison 160MCioldsmitll' 5 Orchestr.I. GOLDSIIITH, Direc:tIOl'.Olliee, Cable PiaDo Co.Wabub aDd JKboa. Cbicap.BORDEN'SCondensed "ilk, Fluid 1Iilk, Creaman� .uttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's' Condensed Milk CCI.327- 329 E. Forty-seventh St. A.MES HATS$2.00 sa 00A fair deal with eftIY bat.Opera Hata, Silk Hata.161, Ifi3 Eo IIADISON STREIT,Near La SaDe. aeeeIllinois