F8FSBMOTROUNCE Sf. IGNATIUS I FRESHMEI TO HOLD RALLYFOR ILUIDIS ruCI MEETthey h:1<1 discovered a romance withthat . the leader of the University Y. M. C.Michigan has come to realize ., f and '. A. as 'the hero yesterday afternoon:its place is in the Con erence,E di t di 'when they discovered a newspaper. Dot in the ast, accor mg 0 an e 1-. . . •,. I 11.1' f th "1\,1" ch clipping pasted on Swan s door an- occted to mark the foundation oftorial III t Ie �\ ay Issue 0 ell -" . .... - Yo'jgan Alumnu-s." The radical policy. nouncmg the Issuance of a mnrrrage another University tradition A bas-. itl tl oth license to "George Swan of Deerfield, kctball eame and dances around thef immedIate severance WI I ic . -.. . �" "o .II h t k Wisconsin and BelJ Qualey of theer conference co egcs as no wor - maypoles will comprise the after-. II't orters same:" The rumors seemed verified 'II0011'S program. The celebration will- ed nearly as we as I s SU1>P•. .' I A d' to the when It was learned that Swan had begin at '3 '.30 with a basketball game:had Imagme(. ecor mg. . . .'-"Alumnus" the other colleges can left yesterday mornmg with a suit- on the woman's athletic field at Lex-II ith t Mich case, telling his friends that he was ington avenue and Fifty-Sixth street.'get along very we WI ou -. . going for a visit of a few days to . b h fi f h:. igan, but Michigan cannot mamtarn The game WIll e t erst 0 t e:jtself in the athletic world outside the relatives at Sycamore, I11inois. Fur- chapionship series between the Jun-: ·Conference. The editorial is as Iol- ther than this it was known thatiors and Seniors. The line-u., of theSwan was intending to resign his tf':,ms' will be 3S follows'lows: .•. I . d t t to leave . position as Secretary of thc U niver- Seniors· "Mlc ligan oes no wan. .,f 'H d Michigan not srty Y. M. C. A. at the end of this'the con erence. a '.1 't t ff from the year to take a position in the Y. M. Mary Heap�.betn me grea es su erer, .". ti there would C. A at Seattle and It was rumored Edith Markley Anna LaVenture�," conference restnc Ions. ."'have beers no talk of withdrawal. commonly that he would be marne.d Center.. 'Once these are removed or equaliz- before he took up his work in the Vesta Jamieson M. Chamberlin·ed, however, we should be entirely Washington city. Guards.ready to take our former place. It is The first dash which the pretty Mary McElroy Florence Lawson.becoming. more and more apparent romance received was when it was Florence Moran Margaret Bell· that there can be no lasting advan- reamed that Swan comes from Clin- Substitutes-Seniors, Misses Grace.' 0 1I.'II·chi • n in separation from ton, Wisconsin and not from Deer- Norton. and Jean Barnes ; Juniors,_.aget J,y ga 'fild I . 1 -. 'l'r - __.,� .... - ... -- .. - .. -- SI:oter,·lb;·::.:·.'� ..... --;2' 2' ,1 .•.. 5-0.0.�; .. -." t -.' I r -th·----sC�·TJiere· e :. t haiJpened-t rat no one Nilig MisseS"'-I�ci�ITse Norton and Roma'oar natura rrva s 1D e we . Sunderland, ss 3 0 0 2' 0jU, of course, been a strong course in Snell knew more than he came Vogt. T I 8..... from a small Wisconsin town. A f h b k b II there. ay or, c············4 I 1 I 0 0�IOf short-sighted opinion for with-. A tel' teas et a game P ,""" d bl h di h egues, 3b··•···· ... 4 0 2 0 I 0'tlrawal, but the fact has been be com- secon ' ow was t e iscovery t at will be a hockey game on Marshallj:' no paper of recent date contained fi ld Thi • h fi' r h h k Stangl. rf.;. :' ..... ···3 0 0 I 0 0;lin plainer every day that our con- e. IS 15 t e. rst 0 t e oc ey R dfi Id Besides being an endeavor to arouse. h ti s th th tee , 2b·········3 1 0 0 0, 2 . '. .�_ . t I sue a no Ice a e one a some championship series, also. •. b • d • be n t!�rence contemporaries can ge a ong Page, p .••••.•••••.• 2 1 1 0 0 c SPIrit y orgamze rooting, t e mee, -�irithout us much better than we can way had discovered the record some At 5 o'clock the Maypole dances ing win be on the order .of. a Fre,sh-hist as a part of the athletic worl'd time ago and treasured it for an 'op'- wil.l .begin. Arts and Philosophy col- Totals - - - - - -man reception where t�e "Nineteen-/'t. h Th'" I . J)ortune moment. leges will dance first, followed by 28 7 7 24 3 2" become bette'r ac-!Wit out them. IS IS precIse y onef II St. Ignatius AB ,R H P A E' tenners . may" '. f -h ' A basket u of old shoes was LI'terature and Scl'ence,' and then by .. d ; h "h" R dof the uncompromismg acts t at was K' b .I quamte WIt ,one anot ere egar-� hung up dn Swan's door last n:ght. eVJll, 2 ···········.3 0 0 2 0't seen for some time by many of the Seniors. H d . ing the occasion, Coach Sta� said01>'''' -'. <= I I d I b t' th owar . 3b·······.·3 1 1 2 1 3 .!6e enthusiastic advocates for wlth- �evera p acar s ce e ra mg e sup- The girls will all wear 'white with C f '1 2 0 I yesterday: "The men are going to;t., posed event with legends of greater I . f h' II I asey, c············3 1·.aawat (ecoratJOns 0 t elr co ege co ors., Q . I ' If' 1 0 have a hard meet and need the back- .Ii I I in the .'. mg ey, ···4 0 1f>��"Next fall after we have carried' or ess rumor were postel Arts will wear whIte wreaths. Pht- B o' 0 I 5 2 0 ing and confidence 'of the. entire class.present contracts and ha"e met neighborhood' of his rooms. osophy moss green picture hats, Lit- �c .mger. c········4. S d• - WIlson. ss 4 0 0 O. I I We want more mterest atur ayerature p;nk aprons and flowers, and Flanagan, Ib 2 0 0 9 1 0 than has been shown heretofor� andScience yellow wrc:.ths and garlands. 0 Ma�ley. rf. 3 0, 0 0 0 I hope to have the entire class "ut. toThe program will end with the sing- Roberts, p 2 0 0 0 6 0 root for their class-mates.ing of the AIm:. Mater by all the Alth h I h I' d b14" 1 0 d Freshmen 0 0 0 0 4 0 3\ *-7 oug severe y all( Icappe v- ma r er g-irls from the field. Admission is by the loss of Hubble, who left schoolof Class ticket only. One thousand ticket� St. Ignatius 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 I::st week, the freshman are detennin':have heen issued hut have far from Sacrifice hits-PAige. Stolen basesC ed to wipe out the score which theysuppll'ed the dem."nd. It is hoped - ollings, Hechinger. Struck out-II owe Illinois for the defeat admin-Today is the final. date allowed the that this will hecome a tradition to by Page. 16: by Roberts, 4· Base onballs--off Roberts, 3; off Page, 4. i�tered the Varsity squad in the lastbe kept up and elaborated each year. d ltd . fi h fH it by pitcher-Slater by Roberts. ua mee an are gomg to g t orT! it rains the b=lsketball game will .Umpires-Abbott and Slausson. every pomt.be held in Lexington 'Gym and the The. freshman entries are:rt"st of the program postponed. FRESHMEN SWIMMERS 100 yard dash-W. Taylor. Gar-WILL GET NUJlERALS rett. Gill.in the box. He struck out 16 men,and except for a little nervousnessin the first inning, did not allow theathletic enthusiasm that even Chi-'collegians to touch him. He gavecago weather cannot dampen. Lastbut one single, and that a scratchhit after the first. Wednesday the yearlings attemptedSt. Ignatius started off excellently to hold a class meeting; it rained andtwo of the feminine members of thewith three singles, which netted tworuns in the first. After that its menandFOR lailyI'�'N,'VOL. V. 0, 145·t' \'IruRN TO CONFERENCE--- ELOPEMINT-on.M.C.A.LEADER WOMEN TO INAUGURATE,. DESIRED BY �ICHIGAN 'SO Thought Re���nts of Snell When, ANNUAL MAIFEST TODAYGeorge D. Swan Packed His Dress .CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1901 •.Strike-Out Pitcher Pqe Holda Col­legians at His Mercy While Team­mates Slaughter Nine Which Heldarsity for Twelve Innings.Suit and Left Simultaneous With Spring Celebration of W. A.. A. Ex­Issuance of Wedding License.�e Michigan Alumnus" EditoriallyRecognizes That Natural Field Isin We5t. pee ted to Become a Tradition atthe University. St. 1 gnatius college, which made\Vas G�()q.{l· D. Swan. the secre­Football Sea- tary of the Y. �I. C. A. :111<1 the rulerI 'of Snell mar ired yesterday? Thestudents living in Snell hall thoug-ht»elswithronta:ffect,anddiumrents.ation.sted, ,-flaplmedhigh,side r'--" 'Prtdicts Return After>�'" pl--Blames Chic-ago nad Wis­": ccr<>in For Bein� Forced Out. the Varsity fight twelve innings for aBasketball Game Between Juniors 3 t 2 .t . k to VIC ory SIX wee s ago, yes er-and Seniors and -Mavpo]� Dances 'l dav was jri . b"i ,._ , -I ay was grven a severe trouncmg yTo Comprise Program. the Freshmen on Marshall field. Thescore in an exciting game was 7 to 2.The annual Maifcst of the \Vo- .Page was the main factor for theman's Athletic association will be in­ Freshmen, doing phenomenal workauguarted this afternoon and it is ex.�ice)>me­gray hardly -saw the ball as it came overthe plate. . Price' Two CeDlIIIProspect of ShoweB Not to Dampenthe Ardor of the '10 Root­er&.Director Staltg and Freshman TrackStars to Speak---:-C1.ssmates toGet Ac,!uahltcd.There will be a Freshman massmeeting this morning.The weather man threatens show­ers but the timid Freshman girlshave r.oused themselves io' a pitch ofclass were' present. But rain or notthe Freshman girls protest, they willturn out 'in force to .cheer on thetrack men who will meet the 111i-·into the lead with four runs on aThe Freshmen failed to score fornois youngsters next Saturd�y.four innings .but in the fifth jumped The meeting will be held this mor-University puhlic for subscribingfor the Sen�or Convocation WeekProgram. So far� only 300 oIdersi�:J\'(" hel'n received hy the commitee,'COnferl'nce representative at Chicago. and thc;;e ,100 from about one-fourthWhile no definite action was taken at of the class members. Less than 75 FENCIBLES DEBATINGthat time, a resolution. nev�rtheless. out of 300 members have signifie;1 SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS I Nine lien Are Awarded' "1010" In.. 220 yard dash-Garrett, W. Taylor,�s passed' to the effect that when I th' . t t' .I 1 BI·aona-Pro-t.:w- 11.--:_. For Gill.etr tn en Ions one way or t le ot IeI'. L.. ,. __ -. �any conference college finds itself I but manv of those who have sub- ·Choose President, Vice-President and N� Year. 440 yard dash-Garrett. Page.ttmporarily unwilling to comply with' ., I -I I' I f I" I "--."--T-asu-r at --b'n' g Brewster" Whipp. \V. Taylor, Loose,h scn )e(. lave app le( or I )era or- ��--" .�.� - ... �t t rt1ll'�. no other college in th(' IT' Announcement has,been made that. Glore.C ! ( l'rs. he ('omtnltlc must pl:Jce the Yesterday. I'onfercnce '!'hall sc1wdule g-am('s fi I III :utdition to the nine men who hav(" 880 yard 'mm - 'Steffa. B'rcwster ... na onl('r totllor;ow. SO that all or-:---tth it. Th(' Fenc-ihles m("t and clect(·(1 offi- I r('('eived the secondary "c" emhlem Page, Glore, Whipp. MacNeish.Speck.,. ders must be in today. :\ copy of thenln compliance with this action cers for the following year at 10:.lO for aquatics. nine freshmt"n will re- loose Simpson, McFarland. .class roll, the names that will ap- . .,Michig;m's spring basehall gamc� yesterday morning. cc.ive their "1910'S." They are: Hoft. One mile run-Glore. Brewster,pear in the program, :\ copy of _the..tth Chicago and Tllinois were post- The following officers were elected. man. Ferguson. Day, Bannerman. Dolan, MacN'cith. Steffa. I�os�,class roll. the names that will ap-POned indefinitely and our dual track . tl, I h I R. C. "filler. President: A. D. Hen- Peterson. Lindsay. Collings. Spitz Speck, Simpson, McFarland. Page.p('ar tn Ie prouram. las e{'n poste(Ineet with Chicago our tennis and with the pr�ofs of the pr�- (!crson. Vice-President: R. L Allison. and Macomber. 120 yard hurdles-W. Taylor., R.rolf matches were also cancelled. I lYr"m n th r f . 001 S(:cretary and Treasurer. In these men Coach Knudson see� Taylor. Jacobs, Slater. Garrett.,.. . ... .. car e n ormatIon ce."Ilchigan proposing to 'stand pat' I Or I b 1ft The subject of the ncxt and last de- valuable material for the varsity 220 yard hurdles-Garrett, R.. Taw-. (ers may e eta the Tnforma- 011I1lhl next fall. at le:1st after the foot-II tion Office' F bate of the year to be held Friday., squad next year. Macomber. though lor, W. Taylor. Iacobs."-II or acuity Exchange. 'f P ,. . C hb rt. 1 . II 'II!iii season. As this r�cord of can-I .\ ay ,�,. at 4 .• VI •• III 0 '-'I,ape .' not tn co egc now. WI return in the High jump--Morgan.(elled engagement shows it has co�t I' Professor Davenport atldressed the I will he. "Resolved. That the Japanes(' I fall. All t�. other men will be in Broad 'jump-Garrett, Hubble, Slat-Political Economy clnb in Cobb yeS-I Shall be Given Fnll Rights to Re- college next' year with the possibleU:onunued on pa� 4. col. 2.) terday afternoon. come Naturalized Citizens." cxception of . Spitz, who may ao East. (C-tiaaed - pap 4. col Ja)Juniors.FowardsHelen PeckiSO' "..$40-the':y. combination of hits and errors. Thesame sort of a combination gavethree more tallies in the seventh.The game was called in the eighthon account of rain.� The score:Freshmen -AB R H P A ECollings, If : 3 I 2 0 0 0Cleary. d 4 0 0 0 o- 0eastern and southern opponents TODAY LAST DATE TO ORDER� grounds that will give an oppor-rr- CONVOCATION PROGRAMS�ity for a fair game and not make",' a mark fo:- annihilation. we 'should Ie' M PI., . omnuttee ust ace\e ready to come back to the \Vest. 0 0 F'fth,. at nce- ne- 1:aad to the "Big Four" if it is then in. SubscnDed._force, with an entire readiness toODe:,,1014 �bide by conference rules, however�shict. as long as o�r' opponents are'1nder exactly the same restrictions.�nis l)ossihility was evidently for­�Sten at the recent meeting of the:V.rr.r.--tJis, ning at 10 :30 in Kent theater. CoachStagg will speak, as will the variousstars of the team, including Captain'Morgan of the field men. and CaptainGarrett of the track squad. .The first year men are unusuallystrong this season, having won fromthe Y. M .. C. A., from Anno�r�_ andonce from the down-state athletes.The. only_thing' Ja<king -is' bac�ng A'from their classmates, according toCoach Stagg,. and 'this he will .en­deavor to supply when he gets theclass together in Ken� this morning.THE D_AtLY MAROON. CHICAGO. FRIDA Y, MAY 24. 1907·m ...... 1I_1 .. .iIarIIII11 t conceivable contiqencies; it, has- a IIJSSIU IIIPIOYB III IISCUS.,... ....... good aDd important purpose andmeriu profound consideration and Vanity Captain Expected to Giveomc1&1. StudeDt PublicatlClll of &be UDl� __ support. lIesamer a Hard Tuule Tomorrow"'7 of CIIlcap.., -Director Stage Announces Wis-it·OnDel'Q' �ENIORS IN A REAL HOP; coDSin Meet Officials.'l'he I:wweraitl of Cblc:qo Weekll. PILLOW FOR BltST HOPPERIt"owuIed.for honors at the meet tomorrow.Senior dignity is to be thrown to His throws have been around 123the winds. On Senior day' the grad- feet consistently. l�u��u����aw�rl�;�w ��s s�n � � will � ili�rk� An���m�twasma��dH�y------------------------------lur os wuuthaL lSua.c.·r.�uulUt ,"",,"Caved aLOM: 1lJuwu umce. I!:UlaI Hall. ur lit tht." in sacks and hop across the campus, of, the list of officials for the Chi-l' IlcUIl1 WC&U& ... �. '-""", UaU. cheered on by the- Senior women. cago- Wisconsin meet to be held onwho will present a pillow to the fast- Marshall field tomorrow aft�rnoon at11. t�lIH� l!A'l'U10; ws, KaAa&1D& Editur. est hopper. The Senior girls are 2 :30 o'clock.LU'l'l1�1.t lJ. It·&lLNAW. Nen Kdltor. contributing toward the handsome Director Stagg stated that he willA. W. H1o;NJ).b:W:WN. Athletic Ii:d1tur. pillow that will be given to the win- not work the Varsity athletes theirU�U1.tU� &. VUL1&J.t, lSuaWda MaDqu. nero From fifteen to twenty-five dol- hardest as he wishes to run them asASSOClATE EDlTO&S lars are to be raised by subscription. far as possible in the events in whichISemard L Bell. The fair donors of the �i1low will of- they' will compete at the ConferenceWarren D. ir08�r, ficiate at the race to cheer on their He said he will not double them up'.rbe WeekJl. GeL 1. 11192-'l'be 1J&U1. Oct. 1. lW.L�ut�r� u �4-clua Ma11 at the CIlI·C.barlea W. Paltse.r.l'r�tou j.' tilUl8.llt=lvlu J. Ad:uw:. Cole Y. Rowe.l'eter it'. DWUl. �"e Gnduatea to EDcqe inSaCk Race on Senior na,.-GirJato Donate Pillow. Captain Russell's' performances inthe' discus throw during the weekpoint that he and Messmer of Wis­consin will engage in a tight fightfavorite hoppers. as in the Itlinois dual, and that forEntries are now being received this reason he is not confiedent thatfrom thos� who wish to contest for the Maroon will defeat the BadgersA. L. j.·rldst .. In, L E. It"ergUlJOIl.W. P. IlacCradtea.o 'the pillow. -There is no restrictionsHarry A. HaDSeo. W. J. HalDafurtber.put upon Seniors who wish to enter.It is rumored that Coach Stagg basJe:rome lo'rau, BarYe), B. )'wler. JI'Albert D. HendersoDo.Mlu Esthw Hall.On makeup �oday :COLE Y. ROWE.PrlDted bl the .M.uooa Pr.a414 Eaat c)Gth Street1"hoae 3691 lbde PukFRIDA);, MAY. 24. 1901./University men ought by all means.ro save the date of June 8 open from? all, engagementS . andWatdUnc J:!lan tQ devote the en-For The tire .day to the enter-� lien tainment of prepara-to,ry sehoe! men whowill, be here to compete � the inter­scbolastic track m�t. Mtisch _000can be acocmplished for the Univer­sity on this day if the UDiversit7 mendo all they �n to make things pleaS':ant for: the sCb�I' boys, �th thosewho are athletes and those who arenot athlet�S: �e owe it to the Uni­versity; we owe it to the prroayaeprtversity; we Owe it to the preparatorymen; and we owe it to ourselves.Of course .Ch�cago .wants good ath-le'les, but she wants men more" menwh� will be a credit to the Univer­sity and whC? will make. goot, loyal,Chicago men.Chicago men believe lhat Chicagois the best unive�sity in the. ��u�t�,else they wouldn't be here, and .ifthis is the case, there should be nohesitancy ib trying to convince goodmen that Chicago is the place forthe�._ It is, i� a senSe proselyting;but if it is done conscientiousl,., thereis no harm in it for anyone.Consideration by the classes. of theproposed plan for class'- elections.should not be taken toolightly. for this plan isa carefully worked out'A S,..temFor ClasaElections system which is intend-ed to govern class elec­tions for years to come. The troubleand disinterest in the past on theseoccasions, has been largely due tolack of orgal1ization and sy�tem. Hadthere been a definite established planmuch of the friction that ha� beenexperienced might have been avoid­ed. - The system as proposed b,. tbeC01J1IeI1. and approftCI by the deanshu beea c:outna�ed to COYer all tomorrow.The full number Of.. officials are: IRe��� D� Gem� � He��; ���------------------------��­Judges at finish. W. L. Shepard, Sr.: IW.o F. Ja�kson, and E. C. Brown:Timer.s. C. J. Zeller, E. B. De Groot: Iand H. M. Friend; Field judges, 0H. Kaecke, P. A. MacFarlane, Dr.H. H. Everett, P. S. Wagner, C. D.Smith, W. L. Shepard, r-, H. J.Buechler. and C. E. Suiter; Inspec­tors, George Smith and A. H .. Haigh:Scorers, A. Bowers. and H. -T rving;Clerk of the Course, Dr. J. E. Ray-'croft;As��ant Cle�ofCoun� �o �--- � ��_� �_����lien Selected Yesterday Make Total De Tray; Clerk of Field, F. E. Belt;of -Twenty-eigbt New Members· Assistant Clerk of Field, S. W. Fing­for Order.offered to help train the fourth-year;nen, and has consented to their us­ing all of Marshall field to practiceOD, provided that they do n�t spoilthe grass. No handbook men will beallowed on the campus during therace. AU bets will have to be madeprivately.FRIARS NAME LAST SEVEN:ALL FROIl OPERA CHORUSer; Announcer, J. R Henry; Starter,C. H. Wilson. The order of eventsThe fourth and last seven �f the has been changed slightly at Wis-year were elected to the Blackfriars consin's request, the 220 yard hurd­at a # meeting held yesterday morning: les coming directly after the twoAll the men elected were from the mile.choruses of "Sure Enough Segrega­tion," .' and are as follows: N ewmanaDd Kenner from the Tennis chorus;Morse, Meagher and Baker from- theyacbtSmen chorus and ]!ames �ndTrimble from the janitor chorus.. Ilea of Hitcbc:oc:k Are Hosts. Award Junior Scholarships Monday.The Scholarship committee of theJunior Colleges will on Monday de­cide .on the appointment of scholar;ships and remissions for the three --------------------------------,quarters of 1907-08. Ab�ot ISO ap-plications have been received at theTh'e' monthly reception of Hitch- Junior dean's office. O( this numbercock Hall will-be held in the recep-one hundred scholarships will betion room of the baD from 4 to 5 awarded.o'clock, Monda,., May. 27 .. The Te­ception wiD be followed by dabcingfrom- 5 to 6. The guest of honor willbe Mrs. Charles Richmond Hender­son. wife of the university cbaplain.All members of th� uni"f'ersity areinvited to attend. A. T. O. to Hold Formal Dance.The annual formal dance of theGamma Xi chapter-of the Alpha TauOmega fraternity will be held thisevening at the Colonial Club. Sev­eral out-of-town alumni win attend.s. IL· E.. AImomaces Four Pledges. Professor Zueblin Postpones LectureThe following men have been An open lecture by Professor-pledged to the Si�a Alpha Epsilon Zueblin on "The Relation of Womenfraternity during the _spring quarter:Harry A. Hansen, Davenport, Ia.;John E. Freed, Terre Haute, IDd.;George A. Knapp. Chicago; Karl H.Schnndt, Chicqo. to Public Life," which was sched­uled for this afternoon, has beenpostponed indefinitely•11101 Ii SDATIONThe Esoteric: club is gJ"f'Inc aweek-end house party at Lakeside, B· CoDee�ichigan. The guests of .the club DSIOess ewill leave today for LakeSide. Themembers of the organization left yes­ter�ay. The party will return onMonday.To Arrange Fraternity Semi-Finals.The fraternity baseball captainswill meet this morning at 10 :30o'cloek on the second floor of rnbb. Offers SuperiorAdYanta,es iD.• Business Training .•AND.;Stenograpby ••The purpoSe of th�s meeting is the DAY ANI) NIGHT SCHOOLmaking of arrangements, necessaryfor tbe playing of the tend-finals.Members' of the French Conversa­tion circle met in Lexington hall""tenia,. Utenooa.�-, - - -- - ,.�"-?'�� Stadenb IIQ Ea_ at AD� Tim.H. w. �t. PI'-.L anat V....... U. ef C, ·97..........JlJ-Jn W ..... Aft. . HERE·S what you college fellowswant:�,Suits: Body-tracing coat with large spooni. �glapels. high. broad shoulders, very smart··,'lVests without collars, and long, front dip;':: .�trousers with liberal hips, and deep turn- up:.: ::';in short, the limit of snappy style. $:W, $�5: � ��.aurice L. Rotllsclli'" _0:;Good Clothes and Nothing Else.S. W. CORNER JACKSON & STATE.H. E SHOREYTHET \lLOR332 Republic BuUdia.-135.00 COt.LEGE SPECIALUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per DozThey . Fill that Empty Space at Home.ce.moer'6 _!Joto _tubioPhone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETIIi1CIITIONSWILL BE MUCH PLEASANTERIF YOU ARE WEARINGCOLLEGE CORN£R-CLOTHES--535, to 545C�ver f:J WRkie rss tag Dearborn St.T AI LO'n Ban" . Floor••• TO PROSPEttIVE VISITORS TO ENGLAND ..."Ardmay" 24 Woburn Place,lDsseU Square,London,W.C.Is a comfortable and central boarding-house,that has been and is being recommended tomany' Americans. Rates from $1.50 per day,/ or $7.50 per week.MRS. FERGUSON. Proprietress.THf PRfMOGRIIPH ••••The. vel7 la� .for the amateur0 ,hotograpber.The Premopapb ia the only insttu .. ent of the reSecting type eva'ofl'erecJ at the popular price of !!o� ...WE NOW HAVE THEM FOR SALE.Film 'D:ick, 12 Eiposura. 70 cents. Carryina Case, $1.75-_Why. not call and s:ee one?_For Sale BySweet, Wallach b Co.ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571. Kimbark Av. _Fifty-Sixth St.The Cleanest and Best Kept Stora,.Warehouse in the CityFurniture an� Pianos Moved, Stored, Pachd andShipped to a1l paT'ts of tbe world. 300 Private Storeage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusivel,. for Pianos.Rooms for tmnks and Wheels. Larlre' Room for Carriages, r.uggitS ladSleighs. TRUNKS TO 'AND FRO. ALL DEPOTS.Local Transfers ft r Baggage, Fumi!ure, Packages, etC'., at shon notice.Special Attention (:i1ren to UniveR ty OrdefL •Vo---AwhthethecerJiglphi(TheJalMe_GoingRcturlLiber.R�Go;",villeStOP-4more,CatskUticaMts.)TiwuLake.-! L. noe"SCIter�the 1City'TUIjSPECL.OPEWhelNIanTHE. DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1907·�..---�--.-YAISITY .uSlCIAIS IN CONCERT TO srAR IN "FIlSS MfD � ..Dr. Shambaugh addressed a meet-To Speak on Greek Art ing of the Physics club in RyersonMr O. M. Washburn witt deliver yesterday evening on. die suhject :an open lecture on Greek Art this "A New Theory of Tone Percep­afternoon at J:OO o'clock in Room tion."'5(). Manual Training Bui1rling.The suhject of the le('tur(' wilt � Clas5es in German Conversation"Pheidiad." The lecture will he ren· �·ill meet under the auspices of the•..J • I 1· . b th German Club this afternoon at 4Free delivery rlere" p:utlCU ar y interesting y ePhone H. P. 116. - 348 57th Street. introduction of stereopticon views. o'clock, in Leington HaiLGENTLEMENWIll .... MlnuIOtlUI, .. D CI8fUIwua I'II.PMWU .BOSTONGARTERTH£ R£COIIIZlD STUDARD.... The ••• ela·� •• n��•. CUSHIOIIIUTTONCLASPUEI flAT TO TIIIUI-IEVERsUPS. TUIIIOR UIFASTEISVogelsang's182 Madison StreetA Cafe of individual tonewhere lastidious folks findcheer � refreshment­the perfection of twentiethcentury cooking in a de-.lightfu( old-world . atmos­phere.(There is o"ly' one Voge1s:mg's)_-ET Jamestown Exposition'ExcursionsVia�RLiberal Stop-overs at an VlI'ginia. Resorts and at Washington.$30 •. 70Going z-ia Cincinl!ati or Louis-,oille. Returning througb N C'i:('_York City.Stop-over at Washington, Balti­more, Philadelphia, New York.Catski11, N. Y. (for Catski11 Mts.)Utica, N. Y. (for AdirondackMts.) . Syracuse. N. Y. (forThousand Islands.) Niagara Falls,Lake Chautauqua ... ! Delightful Ocean Trip Be­tween Norfolk and NC1.o York.01; Ocean t.rcylionnds, ii)'011 uiant.Send for a complete list of Ho­tel" and Boarding Houses nearthe Exposition grounds. Address:MONON ROUTE.$22�25�ing via Cincinnati or Louisville.�eturning Ulru Washingto� D •. C..'-City Office, 182 Clark St., Chicago.TURKISH1RUSSIAN 75cPLAIN BATHS 25cOpen Day and NightBA�B£R SHOPSaratoga Hotel 161 Dearborn St.SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSESed and.e Slor­PianOS­U lad L. ManasseOPT I C I AN IIlIadlsonStEstablbhe4 1168 Tribun. Bldgnotice. flhere (10 you !.:ct yourNEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALSand STATIONARY?At NOR TON'S cast are girls of Philosophy college.beThe program includes five topicalsongs, words and music both origin­ated by Hansen and Klein. A specialfeature is a university clog to thetune of "Go Chicago," which is new.The play has been under the direc­Miss Virginia Ketcham '08. 'tion of Miss I nez Jackson. ThePiano a Nocturne Schumann.scene of the first act is laidin a par-b. Evening in Viennalor of Screecher hall. The secondSchubert- Lisztact takes place in the Woman's Com­Wilbur S. Blakeslee. 'oS.mons. The musical program and castCello a Berceuse Godard.are as follows:b. Canrilena Goltermann .- Miss Meddler head of ScreecherOswald Stark, '09.Contralto. a. Elegy Massenetb. This Would I Do ChapmanMargaret Maroone, a popular co-ed_ •....•........... Sarah. WilkesMay Belle Ring. an athletic girl. Zelma DavidsonJulia Marlowe Smith. trying forthe Dramatic Club .. Nina YeomanMignonette, of Screecher hall•••••... ;- ... Esther GodshawAristophanes Jones, a man ofscholastic attainments .Mary SwanChopin Frank Fussser, a poP',llar. collegeman ••••..•.•.•....... Esther HallBlakeslee. .M. ITennis Beauty Chorus- rssesC t Ito a.' Bonnie Sweet -on ra Stein. Roe, Archer, Kawin, Robinson,Bessie . Scotch ballad Franklin and Chatfield.b. Where Corals Lie. ElgarMis� Bright.Org�tf T'riumphal March. GuilmantMr. Lunn.Accompanists. Mr Bettelidorf. Mr.New Club· to Make First AppearanceTonight-Dr. Lunn, Miss KetclWn.W. S. Blake�ee, Oswald Stark,Miss Bright, Boecinger and Berry.The first public appearance of theUniversity musicians'. club will beheld tonight :when seven memberswill give a concert in Mandel Hall.The club has been formed within thelast few weeks, Paul H. Dodge, H. P.Goodwin and Wilbur S. Blakeslee he­ing active in its organization. Thesoloists wil1 bl' Dr. A. C. Lunn, or­gani�t, Wilbur S. Blakeslee. oS. pian­ist. Oswald Stark, '()(J. cellist. MissI Helen Bright. 'oS. contralto. EarkBerry '09, basso. George Boesinger,·09. violin. Miss Virginia Ketcham,�oS. violin.The rololwing program willrendered:Organ a. Pilgrims' Chorus Wagnerb. Largo HandelMr. Arthur Lunn.Violin Gondoliera Rie."Miss Helen Bright, 'oS.Intermission.Piano-organ, Adagio from Concert5. Beethoven.Mr. Lunn and Blakeslee.Violin. Cavatina Raft.George Boesinger, '09.Basso a. Stein Song Bullardb "Drink to Me Only WithThine Eyes" Seventeenth Century. Earle Berry, '09.Piano. Ballad NO.3·Hamilton, Mr. Lunn.MAKE BIG PREPARATIONSFOR SCORE CLUB DANCF. Extra Quantities of Franpe and Pro­.grams Ordered-New Membersto Attend.Tn view of the fact that an unusualIy large number of undergraduah'couples are expected to attend theclosing Score club informal to begiven at Rosalie hall next Saturdayafternoon. the Score club dance com­mittee has ordered an extra supplyof programs and an Increased quan­tity of (rappe.At this dance the men elected tothe club for next year will attenden masse, and will be mainly dis­tinguishable by their pledge ribbonsof gol,l and black, This last dance isexpected to he the crowning eventof the popular score club informal"in point of attendance and sociabil­ity. Maroon and gray, are the officialcolors of the Senior class. accordingto the decision reached by MissesHelen Hendricks, Edith Terry, andGertrude . Murrel, who compose thecolor' committee of the class. Thiscolor scheme will be. carried out inall the decorations fo'r Senior day ..Competition (or the class. poem hasbeen extended until next Monday.The poem selected will be read' by.its author during the bench exercises �������������������������������on Senior day.Sock and Buskin to Present • Han..sen and Klein Opera Tonicbt-AUParts to be Taken by PhilosophYGirls-Contains Moral Features."Fuss and Fudges." a comic opera.will be presented tonight by theSock and Buskin Dramatic society ofthe Philosophy college of women onthe stage of the Reynolds club the­ater.This is the second appearance ofthe organization on the stage, itsfirst production being a vaudevillegiven in the winter quarter. The per­formance wi11 begin promptly at 8o'clock- and there will be dancing af­terward. The play is a lively fa,rcewith a University setting and lots oflocal hits. AU the' ':members of thehalt •...•............. I rene Ka winAlice Blue, a freshman•••••.•••...•... Marjorie DayAct I."When the Ivy on the Campus ITurns to Brown". �•• 0 _ •••••• Margaret and Fusser"Fudge" Alice and CompanyFinale.Act II.Term-s song•• 0 ••• Miss Stein and Chorus"Sweet. Sweet. Chocolate"...... Margaret and FusserBasket Ball, Miss Stei� and ChorusMAROON AND GRAY COLORSSenwr Class Decides on Color Scheme�mpetition Closes ilGnclay.Explains Tone Perception. ___ - 6�.The D & B,LiDe.Steamers leave Detroit weekdaJlat 5: 00 p m., SundaJl at 4_: ()() P.m. (central time) and from Buffalodaily at 5:30 p JD. (eastemtime) r-'����8!='.reaching theiraeatiDation the next �moming.. Direct connections with early trains.Lowest rates and IUperior service to N cw York,BoItoD,Pbiladelphia,AtJantic City ,all points east.Popular week end excursions to&ffaIo and Niagara Falls, leave,I Detroit.every Saturday.�I� ... RAIL TICKETS AVAILABLE ON STEAIIERSiii. \. All daaIeI of tickets IOlJ � yia Mlchlpn CcIIual. Wabub ADII Crud• ", , "I"ruIt nil .. ,. bc:twccn Detroit aD4 DdaJo la either dlrectloD wiD � �. \' � rOl' trusportatioD OIl D. A B. L1De Stamen. Sencl 2c.aslWlle..'0I' �,. 0 IlUlllblctADII Crcal.alta JDIlI. Addreaar L. G. LEW ,G. ......DETROIT. BUFFALO STEA.BOAT CO., Detroit, .1eIa.PtUUft H. IICIlILLAIl. � A. A •• CHAllft, .........South Side Transfer. ..'Lindsay Storage Co.hGOAOE-BXPltE88W .... Ly .• K.6tdSt.9L ...."--'3,.1ILDeartacinI St., MI .... 3:JO p. IL,,� ....OM s..., __ Tn.,. to Wood-.............. �-OBICU_ .. .., ....T .... .,. ..Spring t=lo",ers in' BlossoDi.VISIT THf. GREENHLJUSES NOW. Phones: H. P. IS-H. P. 6957,:: . A. l\,fcADAPASSad Street a�d KI:rnbark AvenueGood Positions"Say Boys,'" if you want to get located this summer, come aroaD4and see us. CostS you notbiDg: to find out. We know ...... toplace y01l.Business Mens �Iearing IfouseWOIIAN'S TEMPLE,1107 114 La SaIJe Street.HOW HAPCiOODS HflPSThe young college man is tully told in our new booklet,"The College Man's Opport1l ruly." Call 01' write for ittoday.••• HAPCiOODS •••The Natlofl.' Ortanlzation of 8r.'n Br_ers.Halffonl_., '''kapo, "'. ICollege "'en Ithe action of Chicago and Wisconsin last night for the Minnesota series.and had ben forced to look elsewhere The first game wilJ be -played "hisfor games, When Chicago and Wis- aftemoon; the second tomorrow,Open Saturday eveninguntilgo'cloc:k consin ,through the proposed estab- both on Northrop field at Minnea-Iishment of the 'Big Four' schedule, polis. Next Tuesday, the return·showed their willingness to resume game will be played on Marshallrelations with Michigan. we were im- field.mediately placed in a dlfficult posi- Captain Templeton was unable totion, because of our contracts wi�h accompany the team, while Directoroutside colleges for the coming year. Stagg kept Schommer at home to"The question now, as we look at compete in the Wisconsin track meetit, has ceased to be one of withdraw- tomorrow. In today's game. withal, We are assured now of games SuJJivan pitching, Walker will playwith 'our proper rivals in the West, at shortstop and fin the position ofand. we wish to resume our place as acting captain. Tomorrow, it issoon as we can properly do so; but probable that Van Patten will bewe must first extract ourselves from brought in from the field to playthe tangles in which we were involv; short, Sullivan taking care of one ofed by the recent refusal of Cliicago the gardens, with Walker in the box.and Wisconsin to play with us. The C�ach Dickinson was not enthusias­fact that we have been compelled, tic over the prospects.largely through the action' of the The batting order for today's gameConference colleges themselves, will be:seems' to have been overlooked. It'might be safely said, that even withsuch active student sentiment as wehave in AnD Arbor, we would have"YOU WILL NOT BE URGEDTO BUY" MEANS THAT MYSALESPEOPLE ARE INSTRUCT­ED TO SHOW TO YOU. ANDYOUR FRIENDS THE NEWESTMODELS, B EST WORKMAN­SHIP AND EXCLUSIVE FAB­RICS, AND LEAVE TO- YOUROWN JUDGMENT THE RIGHTTO KNOW WHETHER' YOUARE READY TO TRADE WITHFOREMAN. MY STORE IS VIS­ITED DAILY BY NulmBRSWHO ARE NOT URGED TO BUYBUT BECOME SATISFIED CUS­TOMERS BECAUSE MY READY­TO-WEAR CLOTHES ARE jusTAS PERFECT AS CLOTHES CANBE MADE.Price range $20 to 140.�II 92·94·96FOREMANQUALITY CL.OTHES92-94-96 Washington StreetBet. Dearborn and Clark Sta.�i\e 9{09t �u�i.ICIIIBALI. BALL343 Wabull Ave.Original Ideas and Exclusive BtyleamPHOTOGRAPHSe ... clal & •• ,.s to u .• 1 c. St� ••• "Patronize the •••UNIVERSITYPHAQMACl's60 E. Fifty-Fifth streetR. R. BOWAN. Prop.----- ----------AMES HATS$2.00 �.OOA fair deal with eftI'J' bat. .Opera Hata, Silk Hats.161, 163 E. MADISON STREET.Near La SaDe..Phones.-. Residence, H. P. 961.Office, Central 376s.1Dr • .Jrrll am. �I)r. Baln GIlL tlIrlrrDENTISTSOflic:e...-. Suite j'08. Ver.etian Bldg..14 Washington Street.Hour.: 9-12. I:�S.The YouWillHaveYou TipBeen Top likeThere? Inn ItTop floor ofThe Pullman Company �uild'gCor. Adams St. and Michii&n_ RETURN TO CONJI'BRBNCBDE8I� BY IIICHIGAN way. - as onerous as the Conferenceregulations."When we play with Conferencecolleges-and The Alumnus hopesthat present complications will soonbe of the past-we ought to stay byour natural rivals in this section ofthe country entirely and abide by theConference rules which place us un­der the same restrictions. But whenwe 'are practically compelled to look(Continued from paae J)us something to maintain this posi­tion, the only offsetting advantagebeing the am�lioration of the footballsituation next fall.· The resolutionleaves matters in such shape thatwhen we find ourselves willing tocomply with the rules we can takeour place and make schedules withthe .Conference colleges as hereto-fore. FRESHMEN TO HOLD RALLY"The Conference realized the FOR ILLINOIS TRACK ,MEETsoothing effects of time and in put-ting off the evil day has closed the(Continued froin page I)incident we hope entirely. This solu-_tion is entirely in harmony w:th 10- er, Jacobs. Morgan, Pegues.cal sentiment and affairs wilt be left Pole vault-Jacobs. Slater. Collings,in status quo except for the base- W. Taylor.ball schedule until next fall, The Shot put=-Wcndt. R. Taylor. Alex-proper course should then be obvious ander, Ott, Ehrhom.to everyone. Discus throw-R. Taylor, Alexand-In a separate editorial, entitled. er, Wendt. Ottt. Ehrhorn.··Michigan's Attitude on the Athleic Hammer throw-R. Taylor, Ott,Siuation-An Explanation." the mag- Wendt. Alexander. Ehrhorn.azine deals especially with the effectof the "Big Four" propsal on Mich- RAM LEAVES FOR MINNESOTAigan's position. It say in part:- "The complexion of the whole sit- Coach Dickinson Takes Batterednation as regards Michigan's attitude, Baseball Nine North for Two Gameas a matter of fact, was changed Series--Sullivan Pitches Today-elsewhere for games, we see noheresy in doing to a certain extentas the Romans do."when the 'Big Four' question cameup. Up to that time Michigan hadbeen fJracti�al1y barred from football Walker Tomorrow.Chicago's battered baseball team.games with Conference colleges by minus ·two of its best pla:rers. leftMinesotaCaldwell, ss.ChicagoBliss, zbVan· Patten, If.Meigs, rb;• McRae, If.Marshall, lb.remained in the Conference, had we Walker, ss.not been practically forced out, as fa� Moulton, rf.as fotball is concerned, from compe- Gaarde. c.tition With rivals of our oW!' size, by Sulivan, p.the action of' Chicago and Wisconsin Staehling, cf. Dretchko, ri.Cauron, c.Kesting, 2b.Walker, d.Larson, 3b.in refusing to play games... After we had "been compelled to Nathan,3b. Brown, p.Mefford is the tenth man on theseek for .. games elsewhere and after team.the contracts had ben signed and thedates fixed, Michigan was confrontedwith the so-called 'Big Four' sched­ule which gave Chicago a game withMichigan neY.t fall. Had' Michiganacceded to this proposal and adheredto the Conference five games sched­ule. we would have had but two lIiss Stough and Mr. Gross to Wed.Formal announcement of the en­gagement· of Miss MorRia JaneStough, ';08,' and Mr. Wilbur ConditGross, '02, was made yesterday at aninformal reception, given by MissStough at her home, '129 West 64thgames before playing P�nnsylvania, street.Vanderbilt and Chicago in sneees-sion=-an impossible situation whichshould explain Michigan's attitude onthis whole question, for the corningseason."As for Michigan's unwillingnessto abide by Conference 'rules,. that isalmost entirely the result of the factthat our principal games win be Stump Clnb To Meet Tonight.Members of the Stump club havearanged an interesting program forthe meeting in Cobb 6A this eveningat '1 :30. Women have been invitedto attend. The chief feature of theprogram will be a debate, "Resolved,That Roosevelt should be Nominatedwith teams that are under rules in no for a Third Term. IfE. C. MOORE. ·FLORIST. -s- g- ?tC,_asMOSSLER co.50 Jackson Boulevard.��t:o"e"e .en �an" their Clot"es'�·By MOSS!..ER CO.AUTHORS, DESIGNERS andMAKERS OF CLOTHES FORTHE COLLEGE MEN.A NEW SPRING MODELOur "Chesty" Sack Coat•Coats have extremely deep lapels'rolling down over the chest, withco ners softly rounded. Froiltataper to give a dignified effect,with semi- broad shoulders andnarrow waist. Bacli� are mediumclose, with or without vents.Sleeves are finished with imitationcuffs. Vests are single breasted,with or without collars-flappockets. Trousers have turnedup bottoms. cut wide at thigh,narrow at shoe and have sidebuckles at waistband. _. "!bespring \'asiulll:cbangea«omo(city of·While Btha� nui.. "The Iwill beh·has-a,mg tr:pie thaiies in 1\. '{So grhess 0the deltsual1y·tbe enls�ange,is thou:of thosThe fabrics used in the - Mossler : (ready for service).garments jlre the best Imported and Domestic Home­spuns. Cheviots and' Worsteds in light colors. blue, gray,and the newest brownish effects.Prices-$18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30, $35 and 'up to $50.-, Whether you pay $18 or go up th� scale t? $38 or $40or even $.50, you get the same superior .styl: 1tl each:-theprice differences' represent fabric and rnmrmng quality,Drop in and get .one of our 'B B" Score Registers.Mossier Co50 Jack�n BoulevardConklio,-- .'.::'Pen. For busy peOple.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothinftotakeapart.Nothin4 to spill. ;A dip In ink, •touch of -thumbto Dickel cres­. cent and thepen is full.ready to write.AU tIae Ileal � eftr7-..... ,,�JU"�� GrC'aD .. 1'IIl7 'UU'J'CIG lIJ101l ......� DOlllon:U .. oa.r=��=:&.. III .,. CIIIa'Crr..". .......� ... CII',IIIJe of f __............... �..... c...JlKLlJI PU ce..IW.""_.I-,�.................. t Iv I�To�,.�.��Sub�:!-.onlltogra'":tommi� 50�ti.� C(1tIIat itC)f thelack (,for absaid tlbilt'dpIt ath� S.gramsders 11the fir1bt'�rdsof thebt�n ,G"NEXCELUD FOR FIT ANDWEAR.WHITE AND EXCLUSIVE FANCYFABRICS.• •• FO .. THE CLUETT SHIIIT .IIDLOO. FOil THE CLUETT U.EL.CLUETT. PEABODY ... CO.____ ... _COL&A __• 8endyour •Name toSp'a'ding -FOR A C�TALOGUE OF BORDEN'SCondensed Milk. Fb:id Milk, Cream. and Buttermilk.An Bt)ttled in the COl:ntry.Borden's Condensed Milk cs,327 329 E. Forty-seventh St.Spalding �fh:'et;c GoodsMention .. ,hat sport you are inter,ested in' anti ask for a list of collegeand school supplies.Text books on every athletic sport. Residence:1833 Arliaaton PI. PhoaeLaye View I"Phone Harrilon 16.t.cThe Spaldinc Athletic Library10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Order Dept. Goldsmith's Orchf1StrlI. GOLDSMITH. Director.Office, CabJe Piano Co.W.bash and Jacbon. Chicap.A. G. SPALDING a: BROS.l26 N .... u St., New York.149 Wabuh Aft., Chicqo. Patronize Daily Maroon Advertisers.TheyAreReliable. Ritebr mlMondCharll·lhe 2'212 East 55th Street. Chic&.go. Illinois_ . Ta .. 0iIJI1IDS pAlIk iJ---------... _.