.arnnn�.v No 'J9 CHICAGO, fHliRSDAY, MAY .6, '907.4���:;i.te is Dedicated' to President�jad.on-Snap Shots About Cam-.. \. .pus a Feature.. .ltn behalf of the Junior Class. theIs. Board presents this, the twelfth "01-aiDe of the Cap ant Gown. TheIler.Iqe Board has endeavored to prepare a,of "Sure Enough Segregation" as Bet­ty Gordon. the heroine of the play.Herdman had the title role as Rich-Orchard was: "leading ladies" of the chorus ofthis year's play and also of "Theand Gown! t,tt'l'I .. 'r,-r.-CI-......• f---iso.-, ... :: Board .. of Fiu, PicUd: as .. Man .....Board. of J�r Annualat.l!Ieet­iD�'Jo£. CJais. Y:eatIIllday •r ' Editors for the Cap and Gown for.1908 were elected yesterday by. theSophomore class, the. voti.ng. beingdone by the Australian ballot systemfor the first time under . the eonsti- .tution recently adopted by the Soph­omore and Junior classes. In spite­of the ·fact -that tile' polls-were: open.for eight hours in the lobby of Cobb,the total vote cast was but slightlyin advauce .of that of .last. ·year., whenthe vote was polled .in .a. nieeti��. of,the class.. Five nominations. were originally.'made for. the two offices of .manag-,ing editors of the annual, but two ofthe candidates, DanieLFerguson and _;Winston Henry. withdrew before the,(�onrinDeci--on �e "."_L .) .." ."KE DAtt�V MAROON. CHtCAGo. THtT.�St>AY, MAY 16, 1907,lo'WIDU!7Tb. UDl •• n1t, CIt Cbac:a.o Weeki'.'uundedThe �eekJ,. OCL 1. 1W�'l'aa. DaU,. Oct. 1. 180:. t .sueb actions are "smart" and take es­pecial pride in decorating their roomswith the fruits of their depredations.This sort of thing ought to stop; andthe initiative ought to come from thestudents themselves. :rhe men who FRESHMAN ATHLBTES TOMEET ARMOUR TOMORROWFirst Year Squad Looks for TightCOD�t With Prep Schoo! onOeden Fie!d.do these things ought to have it madeso hot for them that they will regret The Freshman track team will takeit in no small degree. Stealing a a trip to Ogden Field. Thirty-thirdCorrection.The following paragraph. through caliber, Director Stagg will pract i-strength of Armour is not known,but they are thought tu :)C of ","ond13 in, Five Innings. ,ever, agree that it is well worth wait- man get around the Jour bases. Theing for, and any delay would have star pitching ?f Preston '.'!:!� responsi­been.forgiven in consideration of the hie for the Delta Upsilon's modestexcellence of the finished work.' figure in the score. He struck outThe '907 Cap and Gown shows ex- thirteen in the five innings that wereceltent judg.ncnr, discrimination a-rd played.taste in the organization and conce 11:; -- ---.of the book. Facts and figures are DEBATING CLUB INITI.A:TESitone Fencibles Takes In Thirteen NewMembers-Two More Elected.lCD!.et"ed .. tSeeoud·ca .. .MaJ1 at .. Cbl· poster is a small thing. which makes street and Armour avenue tomorrowcqo l'oatomc:..it. all the more o�noxious, One can afternoon to meet the �rmour In-tSua.crlpdOD pl'1ce, f3,UO per. lear ; fl.W have some respect for a man who has stitute athletes. The first /ear ment.� ¥ mU&ltbL tSubM4:l'1pUuu neely'" at 'the nerve to steal something -worth who have shown up cons'istently arcwe KarUOll oac.s. WU. llall, Gr' at uae while. tVJ: :1 petty thief is beyond con, ie-«, and Director Staggjs not confi­l'ac:uJ� �e. Cobb HaLla.tempt. dent of a victory for the team. TheK. KVlJ� AlA'1'U.l:an:. "MI a�nc t.:dItw�LU'l·UJ.s:U lJ. J,o'.l!;UNALlJ. Ne •• KdjtOI'..A. W. Wk.... DlkWiO!oi. �edc Bditoe­wgouc.a: .lit JI'ULLll1lL, B ........ �r. a typographical error, was omitted cally enter the same men as at {:lCfrom the account ·of the Blackfriars' Central Y. M. C. A. conte ':.A SSOClATE EDITOJtSClaarJ_ W.l'U&Mr'. .HenaaN L Bell.�reatOD )II. G-. Warrea II. Voater.�cnlu J. AdaaL Cole 17. Bow, production Saturday: The Varsity team will no!' havc vaBovee handled the part of Clarice meet until a week from Saturday,Gazer admirably. even omitting con- when it will' tackle the \ViSC:ClIlS·!lsideration of the short time the old squad on Marshall Field. DirectorItEl'OKTEaSfriar had for preparation. While as Stagg has atiowed the athlete!' !o rest�.ter J,.. DUDA. W. P. .K&cCncken,successful a "leading lady" throughout since the Illinois contest. He wilt'Uarr,y A. Uana�u. w. J, HaiDaturther..A. 1.. Jrd� L B. Jr..... as in previous presentations, he was start them in at hard work this after-Juoaa. J'raaIt. BarYeI B. Faller.Jr at his best in the "Under the Moon" noon. 'Albert D. Bendel'llOL song, which was the best encored of The freshman entries are:Mlu .l:!:ather Ball them all. 100 yard dash-W. Taylor, Allen.S, A. E. NINE SWAMPS THEDELTA U TEAM 36 TO.I Taylor, O'Brien.440 yard dash-Garrett. Page, Brew,Preston as Pitcher for S. A. E. Does ster, Whipp. W. Taylor, 'Loose, Glore.Phenomenal Work, Striking Out 880 yard run-Steffa, Brewster,Page, Glore, Whipp, MacNeish Speck,Loose, Simpson, McFarland. .This game makes the S. A. E. team One mile run-Glore, Brewster,the winner in its division, as the Dolan, MacNeish, Steffa, Loose.Yesterday, for the first time in the game to be played 'with Phi Kappa Speck. Simpson, McFarland.history of University annuals. the Sigma has been forfeited. 120 yard hurdles-W. Taylor, R.Cap and Gown was is- The Sigma Alpha Epsilon baseball Taylor, Jacobs, -Slater, Garrett.sued on the promised nine took a flying leap pennantward 220 yard hurdles-Garrett, R. Tay-day. Those fortunate yesterday, when it piled up a score lor, W. Taylor. Jacobs.enough to get a glimpse of 36 runs against the Delta Upsilon High jump-Hubble, Morgan.of the new book, how- team and let only one lone D. U. Broad jump-s-Garrett, Hubble, SIaLart work, camera as wen as pen, is'The Ti Thirteen men were initiated intomuch above the average. e Iiter-the Fencibles, the honor .debating Game Practically Makes Wumingary section undoubtedly bears much Team First in Its Division.quality unique to a university annmt1 society last night at a dinner held.But· what distinguishes the 1nN7 Cap !n Hutchinson hall. The new mem-Y"Ihers are: Chi Psi practically secured firstan� Gcwn from previous book.; IS the ')Iace.in its division of the inter-fra-coherenf. W�:r !n which an it� f.-!�+uTe5 Warren D. Foster, Albert D. Hen-ternity baseban league by d�feating-athletic historical, literary: ',. ·:.�:s_ derson, J. C. B<?wman, G. E. Put.nam, Phi Gamma Delta in a seven inningA. Sayles: F. S. MjJler, Albertus Long.game yesterday afternoon, by the safeR. Allison, L. H. Madden, J. Marron, score' of 6 to I. The features of theCarol Webb, Harvey Welling. andrcame were the ti�ly hits of the ChiThe editors have well realized their C. M. Keyes.John Dille and F. W. "Carr were Psi and the brilliant �itching of Hen-Ineberry. .events of the year" and to "mirror elected to membership.that student activity and college spir- ' The initiation consisted of speechesit which are eCl'Ch year· becoming more from the old members and the initia­marked among us." tes-- Two debates: "Why is a roost-The 1907 Cap and Gown is alike er?" and "When is a pumpkin?" werea credit to the editors, the Junior held by the novitiates.Prlllted b, the Maroon Pr_414 ll:ut Gtith StreetPhone 3681 BIde Park. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1907.ARealU nivei-sityAnnualpresented in a way that makesstatistically invaluable to anyconnected with the University. Thetic-atl cumbine in producing an 3.1-mirable picture of the University ,)fChicago life during the past year.double purpose to "chronicle the mainclass. and the University.Student kleptomaniacs are againa: work. This time an original post­er drawing for the Capand Gown, on displayon the bulletin boardPettyThievingApia Oxford Professor to Speak.Professor P. Vinogradoff, of theUniversity of Oxford will deliv� anopen lecture on. "Two Con(IUests ofEngland" in Haskell As�emhly Roomat 4 :30 this afternoon.in front of Cobb. wastaken sometime during The \Visconisn me('t with Minne-the deluge Tuesday afternoon. and sot a Saturday, witt be the first dualthe own·ers cannot get_ trace of theproperty. It happens in this casethat the art work is an original whichthe editors have promi�ed to returnto the artist after having the platem:ade, and the theft places them in ;tpeculiar situation. This, however, issomewhat beside the point, for themam interest here is that the act wasa deh"berate theft ostensibly perpe­trated by a student. Some men think meet held at Wisconsin in two year ...Wisconsin has' announced that theeollections for the maintena�ce of thecrew amount to $3,536.Miss Annabelle Ferrier addressedthe Y. W. C. L in Lexington on thesubject: "Woman's Work in Egypt."The Political �my Club' meetstoday at 4:00 o'clock in Cobb 3C. Garrett, Allen.220 yard dash--Garrett, Allen, W.cr, Jacobs, Morgan, Pegues,'.I Pole vault-Jacobs, Slater. Collings, I.-,.,. Taylor.Shot put-Hubble,. Wendt. R. Tay­lor, Alexander. Ott, Ehrhorn.Discus throw-H�bble, R. Taylor.Alexander, Wendt, Ott, Ehrhorn.Hammer throw-R. Taylor. Ott,Wendt, Hubble, Alexander. EhrhornCHI PSI DEFEATS PHI GAM Used,.All tile BI.Col .... NI....If you attend any of thebig college games you will findthat the ball almost invariably lused is the REACH OFFICIALAMERICAN LEAGUE BALL.College men won't have anythingbut the BEST-that', why they all useHaveYou The YouWill IJJeOHiclalBallThe BallTipBeen Top LikeThere? In-n· ItTop floor ofThe Pullman Company Eluild' gCor. AdatM St. and MichiE3n Ave.FOWNESGLOVES College mea kDOW too that t re Reacb Ball h .. been, adoptet1 by theAmericaD �agu� {or teu yeaN, and i. the Official League Ball. No otherball caD be WiCtl IU auy League game. Price everywhere. $1,25-1k"''I�_aII''''''''.''''a �_ .. � ......Iaca.. a ant artIde .. �..,. ....,. � (acett - ...,. SI .,® 1beREACHOio'YICIAL BASE UALL GlJIDEforllO'1-JllItuu·L Tl��.=-��I����i\l..��I���=t.:�ot 1_ World'.Q" ., at uour "�<ll;"',. Ire ,cill,"PP'" our t.}o.xU di,.ect on "('C"eil1l uf ;pna.s.-nd fur 1111>'7 It""" Hall CaWoa:ue-!'nEE.. A. J. REACH CO .• t7t9 rULIP ST., PHILADELPHIA.Albert .\Iathe.ws. Pres Gl'O. II. Fiedler. Vice- Pres. F. H Stratton. 5«Mathews &; Co. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers Bldg .. 156 Wabash Ave..THE LINE FOR SPRING IS HERE.TT'S THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW,University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per DozThey Fill that Empty Space at Home. -,QEsmou'� )0!loto 6tubiophone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETBRIGHTON'FIAT CLASP GARTERS· .;��_..... wom annually· on 4,000 000 lep-the most popular ganaik':men'. wear. The patented ht clasp brings comfort-the secret.iIIita non-binding, non-irritating hold. It', as Sat as a sheet of paper_ .' 'holds the 80Ck as smooth as the akin. Madeofpuresilkelastic�;.All metal parts of heavy nickel plated brass. 25 cents a pair, all daIIiI, .or by mail prepaid. For those who prefer a cord garter, we oIer :.'LOCK-GRIBRIGHTON G.&RTERSThe neatest, easiest and most comfortable cord garter made. Therubbel'diamond holds with avice-likegripth:atwillneverslip. Winnot injure the finest hose, The smallest, smoothest flattest grip eft!'used on a cord garter., Ymest quality webbing. Metal parts heavynickel plated brass. 25c and SOc a pair, all deal� or by mall prepaid.PlO.Ella aUSPII.DIIR CO., 7t 8 •• rket at., 1Ph11adel .........II&tcn � Piota«r 8�·••• TO PROSPECTiVE VISITORS TO ENGLAND •• ,' ..."Ardmay" 24 Woburn Place, Russell Square, London,W.C.Is a comfortable and. central boarding-house.that has been and is being recommended tomany Americans. Rates from. $1.50 per day,or $7.50 per week.MRS. FERGUSO�. Proprietress.THE PRfMOCiRAPH ••••The very latest for the amateur .!totographer.The Premograph is the only instru.r.ent of the reftectinCoffered at the popular price of $Io.oo!_ � .. �. ,;We now have them for sale.Film Pack, 12 Exposures, 70 cpts. Carrying Case, $1.75-Why not caD and see one?For Sale BySweet, Wallach & Co.Patronize naily 'Maroon Adv('rti�ers.TheyAreReliable.- --New £I' lc.l •••••....... ".AI NOI\. TO�Y.SFree DeliftI'YalE �: • .it Streb;Ph�U6 Hyde Park � ..Going VUlj;turnini. !Goillg-;·j. ::f1il/e. 1Stop·OVC!�e,. pCatskill.Utica, . 1Mts.)!bonsancLake Cit::! Drli�tween J0,,0Send fleis andthe Exp:City Offil�.'IRYJI •Busi:,� .. c:r),� ..•• �,�.:DAY A_ ... " ..:: ��del!t!:')1. W."BAR]SaratogTURIPL;Almoaltbips 1. Today�ns f(J�olars'�tion 1I.�e dire.lDliner,Saturcfor rCC'1Frtnrhreqnireraminati.Bin cr:Univcr�the Jun�nior'Rlement(3cherFl'tnchthe exto �pe.,ledge 0Comeilairns aftamed;------- ---- --- - ------- - - - --- -- -��:::::---•• I'!_�Ii!I... �-. .----------- FOSTER AND HANSEN A2E Jacoby. Clla les B Jordan, Benjamn CAR . N PIRIE.. ,�iamestowD Exposition ' C!!OSEN TO EDI!' ANNUAL Kahn. Dr. Wilham J. G. Land. \\"a" so- -Ex i !. McAvoy. Herman D B. More. CDr:;:, . curs ODS I ( Continued from page I) Morris, Paul Hht. Theodore !�l1L_. Via I -- - - _ .. ---. . - - ----- �.- vitz, Ethel M. Shinrnan, Leon • N·;MONON ROUTE ! Miss Pe-c� is an :,ssociate editor of! Starr, Jay H. WedJcll, Dudley Wat-i M"en�S avv Blue Serg-e$22.25 the Alumna rnagnz ne, secretary of son, and John L. Hancock. .,� the Women's Athletic association.Going via Cincinnati or Louisville., secretary of the Young Woman's BOARD EXPLAINS REFUSALReturning thru Washington. D. C. league, and a �'member of the Juniorcollege basketball team. She is amember of Kalailu, the Sign of theSickle and the Esoteric.'Cut and an appreciation of Dean Hul- government would have. to meet, and! _ bert and an' appreciation of Dean that today cases of doubt as to fedcr-TO HOLD SCHOLARSHIP jackman is contained in this section. a! power to regulate business shouldEXAMINATIONS TODAY The literary section of the book be decided in favor of the govern-contains forty-one pages. A large ment.'Amaual Contest for Science Scholar- part of this is taken up with grinds "We may be sure," Dean Hall saidtbips to be Held in Ryerson this and cartoons celebrating the peculiar- in conclusion, "that the federal gov-AfterDOOII. itles of prominent people of the Uni- ernment does not seriously lack pow-veristy. er to do anything proper for it to do., Today ocurrs the annual examina- Twenty-nine persons contributed to It is for us to see that wisdom is nottions for the Senior and Graduate the art department Of the book and wanting to the full measure of pow­�olarship in Physics. The exami- nineteen wrote for the literary sec- er.-�tion will be held in Ryerson' under tion. The literary contributors aredie direction of the Departmental Ex- as follows: Melvin Adams, Bernard'alniner, Professor R. A. Milliken. T. Bell. Miss Alice Bright. Miss_ Elea- Professor Mechem or" the LawSaturday. a teachers examination nor Day, Luther D. Fernald •. Warren school will entertain the members offor recommendation of teachers of D. Foster. Hugo M. Friend. Miss Es- the Mcchem Law club at a dinner inFrench will be held in C,�hh JOn. Thr- ther Hall. Harry A. Hansell. James the Commons Friday evening at f)requirements for admission to thi, ex- V. Hickey, Floyd A. Klein. Alvin F. o'clock. A trial will be held in whichamination are: the grade of at least Kramer. R. Eddy Mathews, George E. Leary and. Houghton will he the at­B in courses in French taken in the Perrin. Adolph G. Pierret, Thomas H. torneys and Prof. Mechem. Vernier,University: six courses in French of Sanderson, Miss Helen T. Sunny. and McGine.'ly will act as judges. The.'tbe Junior College and at least four Robert Toms, and Howard L. \V11- faculty of the Law school also is plan­Senior college courses, including the lett. ning an tcntertainrnent for the sen-Elementary Training course for The art contributors are: Samuel iors.teachers. and a general - course in EnE RBI' J '{' Wil. rown. . . ISS r ... \ ISS I -French literature. Preparedness for Iowdean Chatterson. Samuel K. Con­tbe examination consists in ability rad, Donn P. Crane, Ivan Doseff.to speak and write correctly, a knowl- Miss Lucy Driscoll, Miss Mary L.edge of the modem literature from Ferris. Reuby S. Ferris, Miss BlancheComeille and familiarity with the V. Fisher. Walter Ari Ford, Warrenaims and scope of elementary and in- D. Foster, Harvey B. Fuller, Elmotmnediate Freocb. . Graves. Frank Hopkins. HeJen E.Liberal Stop-overs at all Virginia� Resorts and a! Wasbingtor .._, $30.70,�Goillg t-i« Cincinnati or Louis-, �·vil1e. Returning through Xc,\'a. r C': ark '/�'.Stop-over at Washington, Balti­�e,. Philadelphia, New York.Catskill. N. Y. (for Catskill Mts.)Utica, . N. Y. (for AdirondackAlts.) Syracuse, N. Y. (forThousand I slands.) Niagara Fans,Lake Chautauqua._.! Delightful Ocean Trip RC'­tueen Norfolk and Neio York.. on Ocean Greyhounds, if�'Olt wallt.Send for a complete list of Ho­tels and Boarding Houses nearthe. Exposition grounds. Address:City Office, 182 Clark St., Chicago.-.T . BRYANT li STUnONI , -Business' CollegeEst. la�6Offers SuperiorAdvantaaea in'��;Business Training ..:::':_ :\ � J''i,' � ... Stenography ••-.-:-DAY AND NIGHT SCtlOOl. -")StadelJ� May Enter �t An7 Time. '?_ W. Bryant. Pres. •,_� L. Brent ':/aughan. U .,ef.C_.< Manaaer:)i.' jI5-.UI Wabash Ave:"'!.;-�:-161 Dearborn St._­- TURK'SHiRUSS,AN 7ScPLAIN BATHS 2ScOpen Day and N!�htBARBF.R SHOPSaratoga HotelL111'. THJ! DAILY· MAROON. ("HTCAr.p THURSDAY, MAY 16, Igcf'/. �.----�._-- .&Co• Sack Suits,$20.00TO ALLOW OPERA A TRIP Blue serge is desirable forspring and summer wear fromthese points of view-its becom­ingness, the ease with which itis cleaned, its appropriatenessfor day or evening wear. At$2U.UO we have a strong line ofsack suits that will give excel­lent service. Made of extra finenavy blue serge, fast dye and allworsted, hand tailored button­holes, collar and lape1s-coatfull lined with mohair. .Entire Price Range is $15.00 to $25.00Blue Unfinished WorstedSuits---$25.00Our line of suits at $:l500 in blueunfinished worsteds, with line srripesof white, is extremely popular. Thecoatis cut straight front and hasdouble stitched edge. The work­manshi p is reliable in every essen­tial detail.(Continued f rom page 1 )19o5 "CAP AND GOWN" OUT;PRONOUNCED A TRIUMPH hope for fnvorahle action because ofthe carefully considered position ofthe members of the board in previousyears."Dean Shepardson further cited the(Continued Irorn fla�e I)reasons for the disfavor of the. tripsthe most important artistic features by bringing lip the case of the gleo:of the book. In the athletic section a and mandolin clubs. He said that thelarge number of snap shots of ath- putting a stop to such trips was theletes in action enliven the pages. In :mmediate result of unbecoming con­the literary section drawings, car- Juct of the glee club on a certain oc­toons, and photographs are used to casion in a nearby town: that com­illustrate the stories, poems and plaint to the University from citizensin that town caused President Har-grinds.The vario�s student organizations per to insist upon the policy of refus­are treated fully.. Special attention is ing to' allow further trips of the sort.paid to the Junior colleges and the A minor matter brought up was thebook contains a group picture of five fact that the trip would involve start­of the lower colleges. The Sen-ior ing Friday afternoon, riding all Fri­class is treated in the customary man- day night and- riding all Saturdayner, there being pictures of 196 Sen- night in order to make connections,iors contained in the book. Group which procedure, he thought, WOUld.pictures of all the fraternities, the :lot be conducive to effective study• University houses. and most of the on Friday and the following Monday.clubs of the University are contained. Dr. Shepardson was also strong inSeveral pages are devoted to the Rey- the belief that the show, white beingnolds club, several scenes in the club a success on the -Chicago ca!1lpus.rooms being represented. The Fresh- would fall flat before a strange au­men, Sophomores, Juniors and Sen- dience; that it bristled with local col­iors each come in for a write-up, or which appeals to a Universityfull page cartoons of types represent- audience but which would not be ap,ing each of the four classes being preciated by the Dayton patrons.used as, title pages. A cut of thefirst page of The Daily Maroon on FEDERAL POWER GROWSwhich are superimposed pictures of WITH CORPORATE STRENGTHthe members of:--ihe--staff -is-'one of'the ilustrfations in the section de- Dean Hall States Disposition is tovoted to publications. The full staff Give More and More Power toof the "Cap and� Gown," including the Centra! Government. We have an admirable assortment of spring suits in the new chedal,stripes and herringbone weaves, i n plain grays and gray mizt:ures.cheviots, flannels and worsteds, at a price range of $15-00 'to $35-00-$2,5400 and $30.00. Second floor, south -room.Spring Overcoats,$20, $25, $30. Rain Coats$15.00 to' $30.00Tailor-mad in -cravenettedplain black thibets and unfinishedworsteds, plain gray and graymixtures, and silk mixed grayworsteds. At $30.00 we have a­special "Cambridge worsted" ina - shadow stripe (double facedfabric) hand-made and half silklined.Plain black and' oxford graysp: ing overcoats, cut 42 incheslong, full silk lined throughout.with . silk faced lapels-a coatyou can wear at all time andfive executives and the chairmen ofall the committees is represented by always in style-$20.oo,beThat the constitutional rights ofa page of individual cuts. Two views Congress t? regulate business are be­of The Daily Maroon office are also ing more and more liberally co�stru­included in this section. ed as business becomes more concen-Memorials to eight persons con- trated and - corporate combinationsnected with 'the Univeristy who' have more formidable, was an opinion setd-ed within the past year are contain- forth by Dean Hall in his lecture las­ed in the book. They are: Dean Hul- night on ";possibilities of Federal��Prok�MErn�L ��d�thgu�ti� � &��� Prok�M��----------------------------��Dean Wilbur S. Jackman, Mrs .. Mary Hall stated that at the time of theBeecher, Charles E. Latchem, Walter framing of the constitution, no oneS. Kel1og, and John H. Upton, A could perceive the exigencies that the Fancy A new line in three.button style, with two breastV�sts p.ockets having flaps and buttons. They come intan, gray 3n1 bla:Jc a:d N'lite ligll:es-r:g dar am' s'ou�sizes $2.50_HARBErsFireproof Sfora-ge & Van ce.:FURNITURE, PIANOS, TRUNK8,MERCHANDISE and PARCELSDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. DEPOTSAND SUBURBS.General Offices,40th St. and Calumet Ave.Phone:Douglas ,3800Private Exchange all Offices. Branch Office, Information Office.University of Chicago.R. R. Warehouse.Chicago Junction R. R.40th and Calumet.Laws To Dine Friday.Spring Flo-wers in BlossomVISIT' THt: GR�ENH L)lJSES NOWPhones: H. P. :8-H. P. 6951A. �cADAIMSS3d Street and Klmbark AvenueAT THE ----UNION HOTEL end RESTAURANTTo Tel! of Factory Girls. WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON "tWO n.oo ••Miss Nichols of Neighborhood WILL FIND A SPECIAL AFTER· THEATS. MafUHouse will address a meeting of the WILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE .Y. w. C. � in Lexington Hall this I ��rvin8 only the Hcst the Market Afford!' •afternoon at 4 o·cI�k. Her subject I 111 to �17 RANDOLPH STltEETwill be. "Conditions Under W'hich I . We make a S�ecialty 5d Club. Fnte�ity Dinners. EtcFac�ory Girls Work.:" 1 ... F_...in.;�_!'.;.t _O�rc�h.;e�• .;.;tn�;;;i.�..;..;..;;CitF;.;;;� ..../THE DATT .. Y MAROON, CHtCACO, THURSDAY, MAY 16: 1901.oBElLuJ· 'NINE TO p�y BIlE FlD.DING IS &mIN6 BmERC#WonI·illYour farSpr�1 baa come-and 'you haVtM°tAlthouch our patterns fairlycrackle, they're so snappy. GraysBrowns. Olives, Tans - thisSpring's most popular shades-are,.waitin& here for you today.The Grays-because of exCellent effects-lead a little Game Will Fumiab,� of Com· Batting of Team Also Improves, But.,.n.on Wi,th Michigan, Which Beat Weak Stickers Pull Down AverageOhio Men. 6 to o-Sullivan To -Eight Men Hitting Over .lI8o-Pitch. Gaarde Beat Fielder.Battin& Order.Oberlin.Templeton, SSe \Vaters. C.V. Ward, SSeBlissj zb.But the tans are coming on fas' Schommer, d.catching every eye. And there' Walker. 3h.Meigs. lb. Smith. ab.Rupp, 3h.1\1. Ward. cf. •BraQlcy, lb.Husted. If.McGill, rf.ternoon. The game will be of es- hitting above � .280 clip.pedal interest in view of the fact that Moulton. by virtue of his perform­Oberlin is the only team which. Chi- ances in the Northwestern game. hasBe over today? Something tells cago has yet met which has played jumped from the near bottom to theus to expect you.SUITS $30 to '50.ift.A. N. Jerrems, Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN.Either Store:131 La Salle Street. and44 Jackson Bouleft1"dPatrottize the •.•UNIVERSITY, .PHARMACYs60 E. Fifty-Fifth Street.It R. BOWAB. Prop.,----- ----- ------AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with every hat.Opera Hat" Silk Hats.:,161, 163 E. MA..:lISON STREET;,. Near La Salle.9l\c, �oot �tu�iC'DJlBAlI HALLa43 ... buh Av.'.-...mal Ideas and Exclush'e Styl� inPHOTOGR.APHS_ eela' Ilal". t) u. or C. �tadeDt.---------- . _._---•Conklin'sdt,PenFor bUsy people.Nobother ..Fills itself.Cleans i_If.No dropper.Notbinltotakeapa�Notbin� to spill.A dip In ink, atouch of -thumbto Dickel cres­cent and thepen is full.ready to _ write.t: ......... enry.f&�i.. .onUtan otbet��r ........... 10 ...... oar�lNIaponAIlY .... __ lftle of....... � JII'CD.-.... _ ...... puwo....... ,...._a-. .................. �� Burton. p.pleton second and Schommer tied forthe next honors at .930.The official averages:'RatUng.� R H SBAZTEC CLUB NET MENDEFEAT VARSITY TEAMThree of Four Sets Go To NorthSide Cracks-Trip Dates Chang­ed-Purdue Here Saturday. Moulton 12 l 5 'I21 ,3 8, I35 8 12 730 12 10 634 6 TT 719 7 6 228 9 8, 625 6 7 835 9 9 126 3 2 016 4 1 5510.2()6 75 83 48600 •MOSSLER. CO.So Jackson Boulevard."College /tIen,an" their ClotheS"B� MOSS!.ER co,AUTHORS. DESIGNERS aadMAKERS OF CLOTI:IES FORTHE COLLEGE MEN.A NEW SPRING MODELO�r "Chesty" Sack CoatCoats have extremely deep taJtrolfiug down Over the chest, withco, ners softly rounded. 'Frimtataper to give a dignified e1Iect,with semi-broad shoulders andnarrow waist. Backs arc: mcdiumclose. with or without veoU.Sleeves are finished with imitationcuffs. Vests are single breasted,-� with or without collars-ftappockets. Trousers have turned. up bottoms. cut wide at thigh,1, narrow at shoe and have sidebuckles at waistband. I'.. of Sr�.-. and:�,' CSI':;Jew's ofte ·Willian� the,�ow�own.IirJllllS s t'�' Chica�-Recor�'ihe rece�',ncre v�ctic riviIeu will ....� to out�llegiate.' elabor·�fumisl�rsity*, impres:��in reg� to theThe fabrics used in the Mossler (ready for service]garments are the best Imported and Domestic Home­SPUIlS, Cheviots and Worsteds in light colors. blue, grayand the newest brownish effects. ,,'Prices-$18, $20, $22.50, $25, $;{O, $35 ana up to $50��' .�Whether you pay'$18 or go up the scale to $38 or $40, 'or.eve� $50, you get the same superior style in each-ili.e,prIce differences represent fabric and trimming quality. -.:Drop in and get one of our' B B" Score Registers.Mossier Co :?�D,e no SJ:,'Directoriii for the&am nine,.... :- �"Don CPet. So Jacklon Boulevard _', "ther sl<":::.. i.417 ��; " ,�:supp.3811� � �·��� Ot:: Clothes for;:�.323 -;'4 ;,'.316 Summer •••• , ;K}.286 �,:{.280.257·075.063(Jay. Henry losing after taking the Two base hits-Bliss. Gaarde 6.first set without difficulty. 1-6. 6-0. Schommer. Meigs. Staehling. Sullivan.8-6. Hart and Carr matched in the Three base hits - Templeton.Schommer. Moulton.Continued improvement in fieldingw ith a further batting slump are shownby the official averages of the baseballteam. brought up to date to includethe Purdue. third Illinois and secondNorthwestern games. The team isnow fielding at .904. as aginst .894last week. while its batting has drop­ped from .290 to .280.The batting of the majority of theplayers is excellent,' but' the teamaverage is pulled down by the poor., Oberlin will be Chicago's opponent stick work of a few of the weak bat­in baseball _on Marshall field this af; terse Eight of the twelve men' arcdoubles. for the first time of the year.and worked hard against Wilkins and \Forestall, ,btft were beaten. 6-4. 6-1."{'IlS beat Henry 1-6, 6-0, �JWilkens and Forestall beat Hart anJ Home runs-Walker.Sacrifice hits-Rliss 6. Meigs 3.Fie.!din,.PO A E �t.1.0001.000·990son and Tuesday or Wednesday atMinnesota. Purdue ('omes to Chicagolhis Saturd,ay. with singl('s in the Whitmore. captain of the Wiscon­forenoon and doubles in the after- �in baseball team. has resigned in or_noon. cler to play professional baseball withLost-\Vaterman Ideal Pen No. 15.Will finder kindly leave same at In­formation office or at the ReynoldsClub desk for Walter S. Morrison. Purdue's Varsity and freshmentrack teams will compete with Illi­nois tomorrow at Urbana. .280 CIapeco Sbrak Qarter $be ,COLLARSare sold b,. more retailers tbauaD,. otber kiDd. aDd lallDdrymeosa,. they wear best.1Sc ada: Z ,_ zSc:.CLUETT. PEABODY' allabncl a...&&&tISenti Yo"Name tclIlt! school suppliesText books Of; e_"ery ath!etic sportThe 'SpaldinC Athletic Library10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Order Dept.A. G. SPALDING a: BROS.In Nassau St., New .York.149 Wabash Ave., Chicqo • TAN!BROWN! ! . '. �.(.�. \. ···t· ::lhe enn�tclytIIe.team "iiIe ride�lCOCmod� beginsomething magnetic about the Gaarde, C.Olives and Browna. Another Moulton, d.word. Gun Club Checks-new Van Patten. If.and very cocky. In fancy V:st Sullivan, p.ings-the most recent shadesAnd WoS 3ve all of our Jerreinbtailoring skill, at your instant ser­vice. Prices exceptioncilly attract-Michigan this- year. In the game at lead in batting list with an average ofAnn Arbor. Michigan shut out the .417. while Meigs follows him at .381.Ohio men by a score of 6 to 0, this Captain Templeton still maintains hisvictory being due largely to the pitch- pre-eminence as the best run-getter..ng' of Whipple, Michigan's twirler. with .twelve scores to his credit.This will be Chicago's first, game Schommer has stolen the most bases,with Oberlin here in two years. eight. with Van Patten and Walker, The Chicago team is little changed. credited with seven each. NearlySullivan will pitch. Walker being re- evry time Gaarde makes a hit it isserved for the Williams game Satur- good for two bases. He has six dou­_ day. He will probably fill third base. bles now. Bliss and Meigs have doneMeigs will play first. with Schomme all the sacrificing.in the right field. Moulton will prob- Staehling and Moulton with onlyably play centerfield. a few chances. 4still maintain theirNotre Dame defeated Oberlin yes- r.ooo "averages, Gaarde is really theterday by the score of 5 to O. premier fielder. having accepted 85out of 86 possible chances. with Tem-MeigsThe Aztec Club proved superior to Walkerthe Varsity tennis team. yesterday, Templetonwininng three of the four matches Van Pattenplayed on the campus courts. The Sullivannorth side cracks did not bring a full Blissteam. SchommerCaptain Gray was the only Chicago .Gaarde ,player to win, beating -Ricker in two Staehlingeas sets. 6-4. 6-1. Forestall played Nathansplendid tennis, winning '6-2. 6-1. Meffordfrom 'Carr. Henry's match with TeamWilkens proved the closest of theCarr 6-4_ 6-1. Staehling. d.--_._-- - ._--- the Madison City team. G RAY ! ! ! ,./; � automBL UE! Ii): Will be gi·".", �. ThWE-Have all of them in IDID1 'shades in ser&e, cheviot, ..�;:Ion espun and worsted. _Sensible Prices.This match was only a practice Moulton. rf. 3 2 0match for the collegiate of the next Gaarde, c. 61 24 Itwo weeks: and is irregular because Templeton. SSe 25 28 4of the short complement of the Az- Schommer. 1 b .• rf, J6 4 3tee team and the absence of the dou- Meigs. rf .• lb. 46 5 4bles. A' full team match will be held Bliss, ab. 14 15 3about the first of June on the courts Sullivan. p. '} 9 3of the Aztec club on the north side. Nathan. 3b. 15 6 5The trip of the Varsity team to Van Patten, If. 8 I 3Madison and Mineapolis has been Walker. p., 3b. 5 24 TOMefford. rf. 0 0 0postponed to Monday and Tuesday.The team will play Monday at Madi­ Team ·930·930.fP!7.906. "'0 I( A.842·.8�1 Spalding Athletic Goods..750.74.:� Mention .. ,hat sport you are inter.000 estcd in ant! ask for a list of colleg� BORDEN'SCondensed MDk, Fluid Milk, CreIia�and Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Co\!ntry.Borden's Condensed Milk Co. .•327-329 E. Forty-seventh St.Residence:1833 Arlington .t'1. Lave View"".-�-:.. -Phont' H;trri�on 11\44· . ,Goldsmith's Orch • .'·I. GOLDSMITH, �Office, Cable Piano Co.Wabash and Jacboa. Cbic:ap.�E. C. MOORE, FLORIST. _ smokeID the SI�,the SUe�h.One of��Senral� be S�gt'� 3 Wieights t.Itr Steffet!ightsAlderson'IOands.The wr,Alexanclc� 1trcstlit1lIJoker athri!f'rsit-e notBcrnar,listed by----­.,-. (Cont272 East· ·55th Street. Chicago. Illineil, _ TKL8PJIOIIK IIYR PAU _-----------',!!':