!lurnnu�VOL. V .. No. 138. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, MAY IS. 1907. Price Two CcDU.Feature!)-Prom Committee Star'U5Operat.ons-Committee ChairmeD Reynolds Club Plans Best Smoker ofTo Meet Council Tomorrow. the Year for Next SaturdayNipl..;:---" Arrangements for Junior Day are That the man who is enthusiastic,� and Tennis Events Scheduled prog. cs sing rapidly. "Ned" Merriam, Director Stagg to Lead the CheerinC over an ideal, 110 matter what th_""-"niilMl- irate· P!ana.for .Entertain:·. chairman of -the day, states thl!t.,aU . '�To-Ha� Novel Vaudeville. Fea.. .. : ideal may be, is worthy of respect.�"�.,, ment are Devised. of the committees are hard at work 'tures. was .the·' contention of Professo�''';', and expect to furnish new features Charles Zueblin of the department of:�.he annual i�terscholastic meets to in the various events. The officers of the Reynolds Club sociology in an address before the Those Eligible to Vote.�hDirector Stagg invites prep ath; The athletic cornmttee has under are planning a brilliant and enter- Philosophy college of men yesterdaJ All having not less than ten nortdes from all over the middle West consideration several 'new plans for taining evening for the last smoker morning. Professor Zueblin arraign. more than twenty-one majors of cred-wiD see their climax this, the sixth, the kind of prizes and manner of of the year, which is to be held next ed the thinkers of today for their it.- 'p. Four thousand sc�ools have their award. In addition to this, the S a turday night. With' the intention neutrality and lack of enthusiasm In addition to the above, all stu­iItu, bCen· asked to enter teams for the committee plans to add to· the inter- of making this event. one which will "Most of the intellectual," he declar- dents having more than twenty-one:0 .• big event to be held on Marshall est of the athletic events by arrang- never be eclipsed in the history of the ed, "have rio faith, and they don't majors who have not been in resi-: span Field. ·Saturday. June 8. ing contests between the several col- club, they have. planned a program cafe. A good many of us take the dence more than two years in this, -'The conditions governing the meet leges. of "stunts" which promises to beat attitude that we are here to suck our or any other university.'will be the same as those in past The finance committee has corn- anything ever .given on the campus or�nge or squeeze our sponge andyears. It will be held the day after municated with the fraternities, ask- in past years. for nothing else."Jpior d'ay, at 1 :30 o'clock. The Rey- ing for a report from each fraternity A special feature of' the occasion That the man enamored "of social-� Club will have charge of the on the number of-men that will attend will be the. presence of the Williams ism is far more admirable, than thewelfare of the contestants, and, among the "Prom." In this way the com- and Chicago baseball teams arid, to supercilious critic of the socialist'sother thing, will . give a vaudeville mitteeis endeavoring to ascertain. ap- cap the climax: Coach Stagg has high flown idealism was another opin-f� their entertainment. This is a proximately, the amount of money it promised to· lead the -cheering. ion expressed by Professor Zueblin,• .lit" feature of �he annual. schedule will have to defray expenses. The biggest event of the evening Professor Zueblin was arguing for• of Reynolds Club affairs, and, accord- Chairmen of all committees for will be a sketch entitled "Love Tri- a system of non-theological ethics'iIIg to President Hewitt, wiU be the Junior day and the Junior promenade urnphant," to be given by Don Crane' through which all mankind would be'best the club has 'ever given. ..are to meet with- the Junior college and George Hunt, who are known as able to join hands on a similar basis'Dr ' Of. the various states, Ohio leads council this afternoon ,at 2, o'clock the "Knockabout Sisters." of conduct without' regard to opinion'-writh Tn schools, Inaiana' is second in Cobb 128. At this meeting the The sketch was written by Do,\ or creed. "Conduct has no speci a l',,;th 556, and Illinois is third with details for the arrangements for the Crane. author of "In Old Vienna,". relation to religious belief," he de-I'n of ;395. The other states and the num- day will be decided on. Committee, the Phi Sigma 1907 show, and Gor- dared, "you often see people whose",'at �i.er of teams from them are: Mich- men are asked. to have ·their plans don Wilson, author of "The Walk- religion goes alongside their conduct;"'. ... day. The polls, located in the cor-;:� '368; Nebraska, 348; .lowa,· 344; pretty well ion view and be able to ing Delegate," � .comic opera produc-, and seems, to have no influence upon'. - .ft f C· bb· hall.·Ji';'uri, 281: Kansas, 281; '.Wiscon- pr�ent-'fh�m to the council. The ed at Armour Institute several years'. it."-UNo c��d or 'politici!"pbtfonn,'" -ridor of the first m:r 0 � '" -.will be open from 9 0 clock this. mom-.aBC} iw,' 225; Minnesota, 154;, Kentucky, plans include the athletic arange- ago. The play is said to be remark- he urged, "should stand as a barriering until 5 o'clock this e�eninJJ. More" :.21-.. An entry blank and certificate of ments, the exercises �f the day, an4 able for its humor and brilliancy. between men working for a common, . than three hundred men and women. stand, ing with space for 46 names has the reception by the women. The plan "Arty" Bovee, the renowned uni-. purpose. You college students a,re .- •wiJI be eligible to vote and It IS ex­been sent to each school invited to to be decided upon is the raising of versity tenor, George Law of Dra- pretty poor specimens if yO!! allow:. .. pected that a large proportion. of'.' �cipate. The request' to -send' in -the money for. medals and awards at matic Club fame, and Adolph Pierrot, considerations of race or color, reh-. b '11 k d 'f', . -this num er WI ta ea. vantage 0entries early !!l order to assist the the Junior college m, eet.: the clever mimic, will be seen �n .t: �yton or sex to hinder you from CD-'h . Th fi . ffi . f.. . . t e opportumty. e ve 0 ces orThe council ,has gone on record .n sketch, the nature of which is not operating with your fellows If their' I hi h t b. next years annua w tC . are 0 efavor of a University pin, using the known, but which. because of' the conduct is worthy of respect. . .. filled are two managmg editors, twoProfessor Zueblin urged his hear-One hundred yards dash, 220 yards,dash, 440 yards run.' 880 yards run,ic.,J�mi1e run, 120 yards high . hurdles..'!.'.:J2IO �rc1� low hurdles. putting 12�nd shot. throwing 12 pound ham­',lIer, throwing the discus, running; high jump, running broad jump, and)ole vanlt. On account of the numberi of contestants· in the 440 yards run,i the event will be n1l1 in two races.i md a full set of prizes wilt be given;.for both.. � There will be a Quarter Mile Ch�m­. pionship Relay Race for High School!'! iad Academies for teams of thre-e·ho� each boy to run 146 2-3 yards,.1 fo. which suitable prizes will be given.',; Ally. school may ente� .. one. or more,�ms. Tn case any member. of a.; tfaIn is unable to compete. a substi­tute from the same school may run" for him. provided he is eligihle.Besicle� these. there wil1 be a ten­nis tournament, which will be playe.loff on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.June 6, 7, and 8. Thursday afternoonat 2 o'clock the preliminaries in both· singles and doubles are to be playedoff. Pri7.es will be awarded the win­ners of the ma'tches.As for the �ther prizes, handsomeloving c '11 be' h'- ups WI given to t e W1l1- Miss Edith Terry addressed theners of first, second, third and- fourth I meeting of the Y. W. C. L. yesterday· afternoon on the subject of "Sum-(Continued on page 4, col 3.) mer Conference."� �jOlL INTERSCHOLASTIC.�IEET TO BREAK RECORDS-§.j,''�r Stagg Invites 4000 Prep:.ricbools to Compete on Ma!'S'uill.!:::. ,'Field Saturday, June 8."to,. 'Committee on entertainment is also:.�de. All competitiors are asked to�. �e the day before the meet to at-to IS,I ·tend the grand "welcome" planned.. Following are the events for themeet:- IDEALS NOT CREEDS IMPORTANT I TO ELECT "CAP AIDGOWI" OFFICERS' TODAYJUNIOR DAY TO GIYE WILUAMS IIIE-A ROYAL ENTERTAINMENTAthletic Committae Prodses New Professor Zueblin Scores Those WhoQuarrel Over Formulas-Says RightConduct Should Be Only Aim-CaDsAny Idealist Worthy of Respect. Polls in Cobb Hall Will Be OpenFrom 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.-MoreThan 300 E1icible.Those Not On List Will Be AllowedTo V�te-:-Eligibility .To �,De-termined Later.Managing. Editors.Warren D. Foster. -Harry A. Hansen.Renslow P. Sherer.Busin� . Managers.John F. Dille.Wiliam P. MacCracken.Walter S. Morrison .Robert B. Pomeroy.Litenuy Editor.Preston F. Gass ..Charles Leviton.Miss Helen Peck.Today is Cap and Gown electionfootball "C," which is the official "C."The council ·wants the' pin used with­out a background, ion skeleton. Tho!senior council favors a background;Before the pin is definitely decided principals, gives much promise.Harold .Atteridge, author of thepopular song hit, "Mornin" Si," willgive an' impersonation " of GeorgeCohan .. business managers and one literaryers to retain their convicnons andeditor. 'believe in them zealously but. not to A Jist of all students of the tJni-obtrude them on others and not to versity having not less' than ·ten norbe intolerant of the convictions cfmore than twenty-one majors of ered,it was posted in front of Cobb hallyesterday. The names of these stu­dents having' more than twenty-one.".majors who _have not attended thisor any other' university for more thanon and the .manufacturers notified.beth councils will, agree on a pin. Great interest has been ... roused by others.the announcement of twC; -bOxingmat�hes. The first bout will ,b': '�� ��AP AND GOWN CONTENTSDIVINITY COUNCIL ELECTS tween "Tommy" Taylor and Walter, :'SHOW UNEQUALLED WORTHS�effen the seco��! .. between JohnMacIntosh is President-Ja� Anderson and Jolin' Schommer.Treasurer. The men in both the h9ats are pret-ty evenly matched and the m:ltche�Officers of the Divinity Council for will no doubt prove exceedinglly Advance Sheets of 1907 Annual Are t�o years were not contained in ,thisArtistically Aranged and Full of Jist. Some complalnt' of omissions'Originality. of names was heard yesterday but so·far as could be learned yesterdaythe ensuing year were elected yes- dose." Proofs of the 1907 Cap and Gown these were almost all due to tbe con­terday as fo1J\)ws: Alexander, holder of the middl �- were received at The Daily r.faroorl fusion resulting from the fact thatPresident � D. C. Maclnto�h v-eight wre�tJing championship in the office last night, and a glance ov�r .!.:! the names are not pJaced in strict al-Treasurer B. E. Jackson Junior colleges, will contend in a contents of the annual shows J:reat phabetical order.Chairman of Athletic Committee wrestling match with Johnson, who, it merit in them. The book is wett ar- In order to allow every student••••.... G. W. Chessm�n is said. will' prove a formidable op:.. ranged. free from typogra�h1(�al er- who comes within the terms of eli-Chairman -of Social Committee ! �oneat. rors. and novel in .;t !rar:p am! art gibility the right to vote it was' de-••••..•... R. L. Kelle'y A speaker of unus_ual persuasive features. cided yesterday that anr penon whoChairman of Devotional Committee pcwers is on the programme. but fo' The 500 pages bet"A'cen clwer;; .m: considers himself eligible to vote will.............. M. F. Sanbar. nrious reasons his name has been all carefully edited and full of var- be allowed to do so. These personswithheld. President Hewitt said yes- iety. and will prove interesting to th� will seal their ballots in an envelopeDean Hall On Federal Regulation. terday that the address by this un- student body. Compared wi·h for- and write their names on the outside."Posibilities of Federal Regulation known would no doubt be of the mer issues the one for thic: yea" is The' names on these envelopes willof Rusiness" is the subject upon whie;l greatest educational value, but ab- unequalled-both in size and qu:tlit.,., he passed upon by the clerks in theDean Hall of the Law School wilt solutely refused to divulge his name.' A few copie!' will be out toda;!. b··t Dean's offices and any illegal ballotslecture this evening at 8 o·c1ock. E�- subscribers will be supplied Friday. will be destroyed by them. Thosepecial. interest. has been aroused Professor Graham Taylor, profes- For the first time in its history. tTle ballols c1eclared legal will be countedamong students of political science sional lectuTer on Sociology in the annual will· be out on time. Tod:ty if I with the votes of those on the lis!..md economics. It will be given in University of Chicago, gave a lecture is final for students to get copies ;ttthe south room of the Law building. at . Michigan yesterday on "Chicago's t� $1.50 rate. Memfiers of the JuniOr Mathemat-Recreation Centers." ical Club win meet in Ryci-sa�,. RoomMiss Annabelle Ferrier will speak Miss Annabelle Fffrier will address 36; 'tli�' afternoon at' 4 :IS. Mr. In'-;.t the Y. W. C. L. meeting this mor- th'e Y. W. C. L. in Lexington Rall gold 'will address the meeting' oft hening �t 10:30 on "Womal}'s Work in �t 10:30' this morning on ·'Woman's topic:' HSitirpTe- Examples in' the Tt"e�Egypt. " Work' in .EOPt." ory· of lde:aii."THE DAILY MAROON. CHtCAGO. WEDNESDAY. MAY 15, 1907.classes. cided, there is a secret conclave some-The class today has the chance to .ehere, the matter is discussed in a'show whether or not the contest of truly paternalistic way. and we hear. the past two years is in vain. of some hitherto undiscovered and'Three hundred Sophomores are eli- unsuspected University policy thatgible to vote, andIf but ie'.t/ tlf these might be violated. Why can't the.avail themselves of their privileges iaculty tell us some of the reasonsand duties in this election the .. Ie re- for their+refusal P We are reasonablegime might as well be returned.. beings, and can be convinced."Good and deserving candidates are This Senior was probably a bitnamed. for all the offices; it is for the piqued because the trip was refused,t;Ua.ulpUOD price. ",00 per JMr i 'I.W Sophomore class at this, its last meet- but, nevertheless, there is a measureIw I lDuatba. dullKrlpUcma nc:eIyed atu.. MarOOll 0Ilc:e. BUla BaU. or at &M ing, to see that the best an I most of truth at the bottom of his remarks.Very truly yours,F. W. Parker, Jr.The Board of Student control has,will receive degrees. This numberthrough its chairman, Dr. Shepard-son, refused permission to the Black- is made up from the colleges as fol-friars to take their production to Day, lows: Letters and Science, 313; En,Uarr.r A. Uan.ae,!, W. J. B�rther. ton, Ohio, for a performance, with gineering, 132; Agriculture, 18; Law,&. 1. FriddeJD. I. II. � 38; Music, 18; Commerce, 30; Normalthe statement that such a trip is con- ��������������������������������Jerom. I'nak. Barye, B. 1'all ... Jr s-chool graduates, 29.trary to the established policy of theAlbert D. HeDdetSOlLdisappointment to the Friars. "SureEnough Segregation," they believe,is one of the best comic operas everput on at any college, and there is a�eneral feeling that it deserves a wid­er hearing than that gained by thetwo performances in Mandel Hall.It seems to me that there is a large!measure of justice in 'this position.In the first place the Friars wonderjust when this policy of the Univer­sity, to which the Board refers 'as itsmain reason for refusing their peti­tion, became "established." In form­er years, when the Glee and MandolinClubs were still doin'g business they I ::-��������������­took frequent trips, with not only. Special Pre-Inventory Salethe permission, 'but th eencourage­ment, of the late Dr. Harper' andthose then in charge of student af­fairs. Of course, these trips didn'tpay and so were finally discontinued.not because of the faculty, however,but by the. students themselves. N eith­er the Board nor the University madeup these deficiencies. The managersalways paid the loss, as, indeed, theFriars were willing to do this year,if there should have been one. This"established policy," then, is not morethan three years old, and has becomeestablished merely becaus�' there waso organization ready to undertake 3trip, Surely, the Friars think, it isnot so very unbreakable.Further. the Friars point to theTriangle club at Princeton, whichuses as a press notice, an appreciationfrom no less a man than ProfessorHenry Van Dyke. to the Hasty Pud­ding Club at Harvard, to the Maskand Wig at Pennsylvania, and to sev­eral other col1ege comic opera clubs,as examples of what Such or­ganizations can become with a lit­tle. appreciative care on the- part ofthe Faculty. These clubs are known,�cause �tthe!r _ trips, throughout th_eEastern and East Central states.' Theefficient advertising that they givetheir colleges is far better than ailthe' handsome ornamented circularsthe University could send out. Theybring the young men of the townsthey visit into close touch with actualbreathing students who think Prince,ton. or Harvard, or whatcver theirAlma Mater, is, talk it. and act it.Other faculties, say the Friars, appre­ciatc this. Why does ours not?Some of those interested would liketo know just why this trip has beenfcrbidden, and they think they shouldbe told. A certain Friar, a Senior,said this morning, ··Despite the stu­dent self-government of which wehear so much at Chapel. whenever anaffair of student interest is to be de-"'.cul" Kula.aqe. Cobb BalL'''ul'lIMrl,I'b.. UDhe .... t.r ut Cbl�o W_lll,.'ouDdedThe WeekI,. oct. 1. 1�Tbe Dall,. Oct. 1. 1802.....o�ered .. tlec:vud"t'l ... Mall at llae ,'b"caao I'oetodlce.deserving are chosen. The ballotingwill last eight hours in Cobb hall;K. KDJJY AlA·.l'UIl:W�, .,., epD. Edltor.LUl'lIKIt D. It'J:!:llNALlJ, Ne .. Bdltor.... W. BJaNDII1B8ON. A.tbletlc BIdltorUKOKUIl:' £. FULLIDR. UMla_ KaA.p'. .here IS no reason why a decisive voteshould not be cast.ASSOCIATE EDll'OltSCIaarI. W. PaitMr. BenaanI L .Bell. COMMUNICATION.To the Editor of The Daily Maroon:l'reaLOD F. 0-.oUel ylo J. AdaIIIL Worren JJ. Yoeter.Cole r. Ro ...ItUORTEIlSPeter Jr. DIlIlD. W. 1'. MacCndt-.Mlaa ll:atber Hal' University. This action is a greatl'rlllted by the Marooo '"r_47'4 Kut Gatb StreetPhone 3681 BJde ParkWEDNESDAY. MAY IS. 19Oi.. ;:j�Today is May IS and the Cap "andGown is Out on time. Final pages onthe whole book weresubmitted to The DailyMaroon yesterday after­noon and the first boundThe BookbOutOn Timevolume comes from the.bindery today, with the first consign-ment available for distribution to thesubscribers by Friday of this week.This is an accomplishment worthy ()fnote; to have produced the book with_in a week of the time promised wouldhave been all that could re�sonablyhave been" anticipated. but to have itready on the date promised bespeaksfor the editors and business managersno mean degree of industry and abil­ity to-cope with the trials of publica-tions.When the editors made their firstannouncement of a date of appearanceof the book the remark was made bya former managing editor that theeditors had begun ··telling lies," mean­ing that the date would have to bepostponed a couple of times beforethe book would actually appear. Theeditors w�re vexed with this remark,made though it was in a jocose vein,and they made a firm resolve to getme Cap and Gown out on May IS.Yesterday afternoon the editors en­joyed the satisfaction of coming intothe Daily office and displaying thebook complete except for binding,with the asarance of a bound volumetoday. Besides having an exception­al" 'produ�tion to their credit, which&>oint will be developed further in thenext issae, the Cap and GoWn boarddeserves a credit mark for gttting thebook out on itme.Today the Sophomore class is tochoose five editors to conduct the1908 Cap and Gown.TheSophomoreEnsemble After many years oflassitude and two yearsof controversy a plan. of election was dr.\ "''lup to give theJunior class the be�tset of· editon: eliminating sO tar aspossible all chances for political jug­glery or hereditary handing down.Thil plan was ananimoasly ad�ptt:d.". the present Janior and Sopb'Jmo� Wisconsin Graduates Many.At the fifty-fourth commencementof the University of Wisconsin, to beheld June 19, the Madison institutionwill graduate the largest class in herhistory. A total of 519 graduatesProfessor Boune To Lecture.Professor Borden Parker Boune ofBoston University will lecture in theSouth Room of the Law Building at4 :15 this afternoon. His subject willbe "The Present Situation and TheOutlook in Philosophy.'" All stu­dents are invited ..The Y. M. ·C .. A will meet this eve­ning at 7 :15 in Cobb Chap�1.Telephone your want ads to theDail,7 Maroon. .p6 Hycie Park.Pictures. Casts and PotteryRare bargains in Framed and Un­framed Pictures,-Copley Prints,Platinums, Carbons, Color Prints.Mottoes-that,you will delight tohave in your own home or give tcyour friends for gifts or prizesThe Chicago Art Education Co.,A. C. McClurg Bldg., .215 Wabah Avenue.Conklin's'SeJl.pen.....For busy people.No bother.Fills itself. -Cleans it.!lf.No dropper.Nothin,to take apart.Nothin4 to spill·A dip In ink, atouch of -thumbto nickel cres.cent and thepen i. full,ready to write.� ............ �- ;m;;:-u:cj•.. _- :�-==­=,=.,...�.,..�� .... ar.lIJte�.... ,..��...... NlIKUJlpa ...I"'�A-,,,,,,,,,....... .,... ....... '1'If �ou like to wear yourgloves lone. wearFOWNESGLOVESThey wear Ionpr. Stop-o\'�more, 1Catskill.Utica,Mts.)ThousanLake ellA Deli: tween011 Gr---------------�-------------------Ja-�.H. E SHO REY MOlTHETAILOR332 Republic BuildiDI Going viRetUfIlin135-00 COLLEGE SPECIALIJber81 :ResOrtGoing ..1';llr.University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per DozThey fill that Empty Space at Home. ��gmotr'f5 J&boto· _tulJiophone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETSend irels am]the Exp"�CAT'ONSWILL BE MUCH PLEASANTERIF YOU ARE WEARING.COLLEGE CORNER CLOTHES City om$35 to 545C�er6WnkieTAILORS , .185 t 19 Dearborn Sf.Bank floor BRYJ\ Bosi••• TO PROSPECTIVE VISITORS TO ENGLAND ... '"ArdIIlay" 24 Wobuni Plaoo,RusseQ Square, London,W.C.Is a comfortable and central boarding-house,that has been and is being recommended tomany Americans. Rates from. $1.59 pyr day,or $7.50 per week. . .MRS. FERGUSON, PrOprie� .. Bus IPositions for Teachers L IJSchools and colleges throughout the country calIonus 10 fill all high grade openings. Do yOu intend'Jo teach next year? Call or write u.s today.••• HA·PGOODS •••The National Organization of Brain Brokers •Harlford Bldg., Chicago, III. IDt�10IIice.._.HOI�WR�. PLSouth Side TraasferBARISuatog., Lindsay Storage Co.A C.htche'thecenIgllJIIle. _o _ "•UHAO BXPRESSW .... L 6JdSt.' ......--..1 "IlL....... SL, ...... 3 =30 p.....,.:a- ..- 0.. m.-T� 10 Wood-............ ,; .. IIOVDfG-PACKDIG-III� IWe Dft cardaI .... CIS,for ........ Hog .'t � .....,.iD H1M ..............� s,.ww' I' ...................... --vo�enICU., .. .., ...Til. B,.. ukPatronize Daily Maroon Advertisers.TheyAreReliable. ...-a.a..so J'CM1d JOIfIrN Pe lcal ...t .,.AI NOJ\. TO�5Pree DeUftry=::;. .. lit 3ff r;', .it Str-...... -. .�.' " -�R JlmestOWD ExpositionEXcursionsViaMONON ROUTE$22.25Going via Cincinnati or Louisville.Returning tbru Washington. D. C.Liberal Stop-overs at all VirginiaResorts and at Washington. .$30.70Going rio Cincinnati or Louis­'['illr. Returning through Nc ... �,York Cit)'.Stop-over at Washington, Balti­more, Philadelphia, New York.Catskill. N. Y. (for Catskill Mts.),I Utica, N. Y. (for AdirondackMts.) Syracuse, N. Y.· (forThousand I slands.) Niagara Falls,Lake Chautauqua.A Delightful Ocean Trip Rr­. : tween Norfolk and New York,011 Ocean Greyhounds. if)'OU usant:Send for a complete list of Ho­tels and Boarding Houses nearthe Exposition grounds. Address:City Office. 182 Clark St., Chicago.r.c. Offers SuperiorAdvantaps in.. Business Training ..AND.. Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOO�. Staclents May Enter at Any Time.. .'� W. Jhyaat. ,Pres.L Brent Vauelwa. U. of C. ,J.llanapr,3(5-321 Wabash Aye.PIIones._ Residence, H. P.96I.Office; Central 376'5.JDr. mil mIL JllrkrIDt. ttl." mIL J)atlnDENTISTS0I&ce-.. Suite 708. Vecetian Bldg..l4 Washington Street.Hours: 9'�2- 1:30-5-WRKISH1RUSSIAN 75c" PLAIN BATHS 25cOpen Day and NightBARBER SHOPSaratoga Hotel, 161 Dearborn St.SPfUACLfS ind fYf GLASSES.-.JL. Mana.OPT I C I A N B8 a�a�iS:'D �tTribune BldgEatablished 1868------- ------182 Madison StreetA Cafe of individual tone• here fastidious folks findcheer and refresbment­the perfection of twentiethcentury cookine in a de­Ightful old-world atmos·plJere.(nere is only one Voge�'s) THE DAILY MARO,ON, CHICAGO. WED��DAYt . MAY IS. t907.6��DG�M�N�'�m����� --I:������==============�===-- IMPORTANCE TO. STUDENTPen Club Entertains Novelist at IIDinn�r. Professor Hendrickson Holds L31l-guage to be a Phase of History-"Necessary for Study.Latin should be studied for its ;':.-.torical importance as well as dis.:iph.nary according to Dr, Hendrickson,who spoke before the women ("'I: .\.rtscollege yesterday 1110 niug,"Latin should be thought ..:! as ahistorical subject, a phase of his{"'lj:'said Dr. Hendrickson. "It is thatwhich justifies the study of Latin. Itis important to those who have his-torical or romantic interest, becauseDr. Moulton T:» Lecture. for practically two thousand yearsTn �one�tion �hh �e cou�e of Latin was ,a u�ve�� langu�g� �����������������������������Readings of Ancient Classics Profes- "Throughout antiquity and the Renais_sor Moulton wilt deliver an open lee- sance Latin was of great importanceture on "Daughters of Troy of Eu- politically, legally and religiously.ripides" in Cobb chapel at II o'clock The Renaissance was not prim lrilythis morning. a result of the fall �f Constantinople.but a result of the revival of Latinculture after the barbarians had ab­sorbed its influence." BRIGHTONFIAT ClASP G&IlTERSare .om aDIlually OD 4,000 000 Jegt-the most popular garters formea', wear. The patented &t clasp brin� comfort-the aec:ret i, inita noa-bladlng, non-irritating hold. It', as Bat as a ,heet of paper andholds the lOCk as smooth as the skin. Made of pure silk elastic webbing.All metal parts of heavy uickel plated brass. 25 centl • pair, all dealeRor by mail prepaid. For those who prefer a cord garter, we offerLOCK-GRIBRIGHTON G�TERSThe neatest, easiest and most comfortable cord garter DWfe. Therubber diamond holds with a vice-like grip that will never slip. WiDnot injure the finest hose. The smallest, smoothest flattest grip everused on a cord garter. Finest quality webbing. Metal parts heavynickel plated brass. 25c and SOc a pair ,all dealers or by mail prepaid.PIO.IEER auaPEND.R co •• 718 Market at.. Philadelphia.MaUrI qf PiMI«r 8ruperathr ..H�RDER'SFireproof Storage & Van Co •FURNITURE, PIANOS, TRUNKS,MERCHANDISE �d PARCELSDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, DEPOTS'AND SUBURBS.Est. ra� • To Observe Second CentennialBRYANT I Prof. C. E. Bessey of the Univer-, Ii srunoN sity of Nebr:ska wil! lect�re on "The. "Busl-ness rolleg-e I :�::k O�h�lD:r;::�o�: ��le;:��:ya\3�\I The occasion 15 the 200 anmversaryof the birth of Linnaeus. Ye�terdayafternoon Professor 'C, E. Bessey, ofthe University of Nebraska, addresseda meeting of the Botanical Club. His .topic was: "The Place of LinnaeusI Opie Read was the guest of honorlat the last Pen Club dinner of thequarter, held last nigh't in the littl�dining room of the Commons. Thenovelist related to the members ofthe club several anecdotes and rem'·niscences taken from his experience.He also gave advice on writing novelsand short stories, declaring tilat either'the typewriter or the st�'I .... c rapheris to be avoided if an author desiresto create real literature.Theology Club Holds Meeting."The New 'Theology" was 'the sub-)ect of an address given b:f . R. F.Campbell before the Theology Clubin Sonth Divinity Parlor yesterdayevening at 7 :30. Enley and Howellalso read papers. General Offices,40th St. and Calumet Ave.Phone:Douglas J800Private Exchange all Offices. Branch Office, Information Office,University of Chicago.R. R. Warehouse,Chicago Junction R. R.40th and Calumet.in Science. nMOSSLER. CO.50 Jackson Boulevard.��Co"efle Menalld their Clothes'�B,. MOSSLER co.AUTHORS. DESIGNERS and.MAKERS OF .CLOTHES FORTHE COLLEGE MEN.A NEW SPRING MODELOur �Chesty" Sack' CoatCoats have extremely deep lapelsrolling down over the chest, ·withcorners softly" rounded. Frontstaper to give a dignified effect,with semi-broad shoulders andnarrow waist. Backs are mediumclose, with or without vents.Sleem a�e finished with imitationc�ffs. ,Vests are single breasted,with or with�ut coJJars-flap.Jackets.· • Trousers have turnedup bottoms, cut wide at thigh,narrow at shoe and have sidebuckles at waistband.'! he fabrics u-u-d in the Mossh r (re;ldy for servic.i]g-arllle.:llts are the lu-st Importe-d and I >omestic Home­SpU:H, Cheviots and Worsteds in light colors, blue. grayand the newest brownish effects.Prices-$1R, $20, $22.50, $25, $:{O, $:�5 and up to $50.Wheth�r you pay $1 R or go up the scale to $.'18 or $4()or.eve� $.�O, you get the same �uperior style in each-theprice differences represent fabric and trimming quality .Drop in and eet one of our' B B" Score Registers.Mossier Co50 JackiOn Boulevard Spring f'lo'Wers in BlossomVISIT THI: GREENHOUSES NOWPhones: H. P. IS-H. P. 6957A. l\IIcADAl\,IISS3d Street and Klmbark AvenueTHf PRf�OqR�pH� •••The very latest for the amateur tJhotographer.The Premograph is ·the only instrument of the reflecting type everoffered at the popular price of $10.00.:We. now have them for sale.Film Pack, 12 Exposures. 'JO cents. Carrying Case, $1.750 .r:Why not caD and see· one? •For Sale BySweet, Wallach b Co.----- AT THE -----UNION HOTEL and RESTAIJRANTWILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON TWO Jl'LOOItSWl�L F!ND A SPECIAL AFTER THEATER MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEServing ulliy the Bcs� the Market Aftord�111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREETWe make a Specialty of Club, Fratem:ty Dinner», C:cFincs t Orche st r.! in ,I,t' ri','THE DAILY MAttOON, CHICAGO, WEDNESDA Y, MAY 15. 19fY}.TO MEET AZTEC NET' ·IIEN ANNUAL INTmRSCHOLlASTICMEET TO BREAK RECORDS.' • Ili:NTLEM EN...... -"'"I1&11III.,11.........BiisfliNGARTERnE 1I11I_DItIlDUD�ne ••• el •. ,•• fed on nerJ01 �..... -'fJ. -�•. CUSHIONluno.CLASPUti fUI1I11I1 LIt-lOllIUN, lUll .. UIFAlT£JISDO. nOR "'"-..- v .•. A.__ ..,.ALWAY& EASY� __Mr. Swell Dresser:EVERY MAN WANTS Vanity Tennis Team Has Mat�This Afternoon.the 'Varsity on the University courtsthis afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Az­'tee Club has its grounds on /the northside by Lincoln Park and holds theIllinois State tournament under itsauspices yearly. Last year the Aztec (Continued from paa"{e I)Th� Aztec Tennis club will meet places in the Track and Field Events.A beaut Iful banner will Le given toPRACTICE FOR SOCK ANDfor Dance.Club captured the championship ofChicago. defeating the Kenwood club athlete who scores the largest nurn-in the final matches. Only single, ber of points. Suitable prizes will be (:. A M V • Eo M r. N '1" 5 "'Iwill be played. The matches will be �iven to the winners of first and sec1_- ... .-----------1-held on the Mandel hall courts. in the tennis tournament.Director Stagg has decided uponBUSKIN PLAY RESUMED I. No person is eligible who is nota regular student of a high schoolImitation Men Master Male Gait and or academy.Rehearsals Begin Again-Plan 2. No student is eligible unless hehas been in attendance at his schoolfrom the beginning of the third weekWith the date for the Sock and of the spring term.Buskin play less than two weeks off 3. No student is eligible who is] __;_ _the girls of Philosophy College are not carrying successfully at leastredoubling their efforts. Rehearsals twelve recitation hours of schoolfor a few days have been suspended work .. The work must be averagedin order that Aristophanes Jones and according to the passing grade of theFrank Fusser the two "men" of the school.A play may study and imitate the walk 4. No person is eligible who has.ue team winning the most' points. asa school trophy. First places countfive points: second. three; third. two:and fourth. one. Points will countfor both 440 yards races. A specialprize will be given to the individualthe following rules of eligibility:SQUARE DEAL HE GETS' IT and motions of the sterner sex. These ever used or is using his skill in ath-TO MY two members of the cast. whose letics for gain.WHEN HE COMES names cannot be announced in this 5. No person is eligible who is 21STORE TO BUY CLOTHES. I connection. declare that they have years of age.ALL CORRECT now acquired -a gait which strikes a 6. No person is eligible who hasHAVE THE happy medium between that of Frank competed in Interscholastic Meets forSTYLES. I SHOW A MAN THAT Orchard and Dan Ferguson. With 4 years.this important feature mastered the 7. No person is eligible who <toesWHICH WILL BEST MEET HIS rehearsals will be resumed today. The not present a certificate of his eligi­INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS. dance to be held in connection with bility from the principal or superin­the Sock and Buskin performance ten dent of his school.will take the place of the May party The complete program for the dayALL WOO� EX C L U S IV E and cotillon which the college ex- will be:HAND TAILORED. READY-TO pected to give this quarter. 9:30 a. m. Interscholastic tenmsWEAR CLOTHES.DROP IN . AND SEE-YOUWILL NOT BE URG�D TO BUY.Price range ho to $.to.FOREMANQUALITY CLOTHES92-94-96 Washington Street.Bet. Dearborn and Clark Sts,Open Saturday evening until 9 o'clockPatronize the ••UNIVERSITY"PHARMACYs60 E. Fifty-Fifth Street.·-;R. R. BOWAN. Prop.----. _---------AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with every hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.161, 163 E.. MADISON STREET,Near La Salle.9l\e 9(oot �tuJi.DJIBALI. bLL348 Vi.beN. An.en.mat Ideas and Exclusive Styles faPHOTOGaA.PHS....... a.,e. t. u .• r c. Stw .....i . Sprinl baa come--and you.haVeq·tAlthough our patterns fairly MATHEIlATICS AND ARTcraclde, 'they're so snappy. Grays COMBINE TO ADVANTAGEBrowns. Olives, Tans - thisSpring's' most popular shades--arewaitin& here for you today.The Grays-because of excellent effects-lead a little.But the tans are coming on fastcatching evUy eye. And there'.something magnetic about theOlives and Browns.. Anotherword. Gun Club Checks-newand very cocky. In fancy_ ,Vestings,--the most recent shadesAnd w� �ve all of our JerreJmttailoring skill, at your iDataDt ser­vice. Prices ex�ptiODalIy attract. Dean MacClintock in addressingthe Science College of Women yes-terday morning, discussed the rela­tion of mathematics to art. He as­serted that poetry is well combinedwith mathematics because so muchimagination is necessary for both.As an instance he referred to Car­roll. the' author of "Alice in Wonder­land," who was an advanced mathe- --------------­matician.Dean MacClintock divided art intofour tYPes: I. Story te11ing; 2. fmth­ful realism; 3, exact thesis; 4- im-tournament.12 :30 p. m. Luncheon, UniversityCommons.1 :30 p. m. Interscholastic Meet3:00 p. m, . S�m in Natatorium.6:00 p. m. Dinner.7:00 p. m. Massmeeung ..8:00 p. m. Vau�eville at. ReynoldsClub. followed by. dance.Imagination, NeceSsary for Both, Re­lates Two Branches-Four Typesof Art.pression.Illinois Gets $2.000,000.A bill providing an appropriationof $2,000.000 for the Use of the Uni­versity of Illinois has passed the Gen­eral Assembly. $550,000 is for theerection of new buildings and $1.450.-000 for running expenses. A physicslaboratory costing $250,000 witt beconstructed while ample provisionhas been made for the maintenanceof various departments.Patr'onize Daily Maroon adveni�n. . ............Have The . YouTip WillBee'n Top LikeThere? Inn 11YouTop fluor ofThe Pullman Company �uild'gCor. Adams St. and Michigan Ave .... .AWord inYour farive.Be over today? Something tells... to ezpec:t you.SUITS S30 to Sso.A. N. lemma, Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN.Either Store:131 La Salle Street, and44 Jacboa BoaIeftrcI Colonial.FIFTY MI!..ESFROM BROADWAY-BY-GEORGE M. COHANCOHAN & HARRIS'All-Star Cast.,.The GrandFRANK DANIELSIs Playing"THE TATOOED MAN"Illinois- THE MANOF HE HOURBy GEORGEBROAD HURTA Powerful Play of Present­day Conditions.The StudebakerHENRY WOODRUFFIn the Spirited CollegePlay.BROWN of HARVARDPowersTHE LIONAND THE MOUSE-With-"THE CHICAGO COMPAN�La SalleTHE TIMETHE PLACE andTHE GIRLThe Garrick'MARYMANNERING-In­"GLORIOUS BETSY" Qapeco SImmk Qaarter sa.CO LLAR)ladewith�runr rolled paiDtaaDd 1oD« underiappilllr: lxmcl-anideal collar for wear with�abirta.15 ceDts a£h. 2 for 2S ceIlbCLUETT, PEABODY 5. CO..abnol C11MIt' bbirtaThe WhitneyThe Season's Real SuccessA KNIGHTFOR A DAY-With-JOHN SLAVIN,. MABEL BITE,And Beauty Chorus • Send. YO�.1 8-Narr e tcSpalding -"'OR A CATALOGUE Uf . . Iotn beh:Board pre.me of tlBoard has�Itlme thmain evenill the hiswhich als:least. thai.college SlbecomingTo thoseAlumni.haye by candertakiloar sinceremarks,,round atfor itself.and Gow:And abas the ,.lance co','''e ���. "-rile b.�e� y.�l1y de-�on. 1ODe of il. Credit 01them. 1seats a,Picture (JSensible Prices. No ExtremeL: . ftrsity (Spalding Athletic Goods.Mention "rhat sport you are iDter·estcd in and ask for a list of coUqemd school suppliesText books on every athletic s�The Spalding Athletic LibrarJ10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Order Dept.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.126 Nassau St., New York.149 Wabash Ave., Chic:qo.C'lothes forSummer ••••TAN!BROW�! !GRAY'!-!lBL UE! !.f:l---_WE-Have all of them in maDJ'shades in serge. che�t,homespun and worsted.questiongueting.Thebto Pres;dedicat:(eonsists-wiater�e T.:\\':jrinted.;iectivel10undThe :.in thesnap sll.. � fn·lpres'Qped 1'�dlbtrati,Residence: Phc.e .1.I.Umbel1833 Arlington.l:'l. Lave View .... ��,malPhone Harrison 1b44 ·.elon IiSee our Fancy Vestin�WlLUAM JERREMS' SGlltClari and Adams Sa. �BORDEN'SCondensed Milk. Fluid Mi� CnImand Buttermilk.All Bt)ttled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milt Co.327.329 E. Forty-seventh St.Goldsmith's OrchesfrlI. GOLDSMITH. Director.Office, Cable Piano Co.W.bash and Jackson. Chic:qo. �ge 01Jar apptettionT� tilefeaturefaculty"'eseSmithProfesa hit.are ele-WANTED AT ONCICollege Men for half day wort.High Grade and ProfitableEmployment •••••nentsof Pr4piece,.in se\'t-&atenIllino� J «Call at 909 Schiller Bldi., Chicap...,fE. C� MOORE. FLORISTw 172 East 55th Street. Chicago.Ta.lrPBOIIK IIYP& PAH _---------