laily !lnrnnttPrice Two Cents,'.Gll PLAIS STUDEIT�� lDYERTISINIG CAMPAIGN,:. -L College Body Advocates :ctiJ�- "i' f"P" Meigs 'To' Pia:" Fi�t Base.wenonal Solic taUon � . rep.rr.!' Grad::ates for U�uverS1ty. ...1'. _ . W isconsm. Chicago.i:cl;d::1!O�i2o� eD1-"" &�ril;r �-sQ. =:-> 3JiWl�.�!�.;_,'� of Undergraduate Colleges [.Rogers, cf, I!Iiss. 2!:C '. �' '}t: ;�;nth the Praidezit's Secretary. ;(aulfauss. SSe Meigs" rb., �' ..c Whirmorc.ab. . Gaardc, C, '4:\�e' junior college council inaug- Mucklcstouc.rb. '. Walker or'Sull:va. �< 'i The Varsity track team will open�ted an experiment yesterday which, Dean. p. Van Patten, If. , I I lits outdoor season today when :,ii successful. will make the student. Messmer. c. Staehling, cf. � i idual meet with' Purdue at 'Lafayette'cGcncils of the University of great ,':;f(,'�sne-. If, lloulton, rf. ' 'f' !will be pulled off. Director Stagg:dfulne5s. The idea broached at yes- Bade. rf. Nathan or MeffordI :does no; epect his men will have much'ttrcby· morning's ,mee�ng was that 3d h. ! I diff.culty in beating. the Boilermakers,'the council act 4lS .agent' for, the' Uni- --- -'1 as they have no athletes of knownttrsity in seeking-to intererst-stndents Wisconsin· and, Chicago' win�.�·� , ability. The squad �,w]t leave thisall over the country in the school in their. first baseool.1 ·�a�e�. G_f,� !�h imorning at 8 :45 o'eleck in charge ofThe council recognizes that no adver- season on "l'farsh:dl-fiefd this :3ftem!l' iDirector Stagg, aad'., win consist ottising is 50 effective as that which :5 at 3 :45 -o'elock.: Chicag-o's lineup '�J;!. iCaPtin Russell., Barker. _Quigley. Mer.personally directed and a young man be shifted be-cause of Schommer's trip ram, Caldwell, Steffen. Maddiganor woman intending to do University to Purdue with the track team. Meigs' 'Pomeroy. Lil·igre.· Shuart. Mathews.,,"ork but undecided which University wiil play first base, while Moulton , Scheid, McAvoy,' Williamson. Iddings,to attend, is often influenced in choice 1 Staehiing and Van P:1t�en w'Il com and Schommer, This will be Chi-.merely on the recommendation of 31 pose the o�tficld. It 110 pot. kn�wn cago's first' contest of any sort in I nd-friend. The council proposes to se- whether Sullivan or Walker win p:tch iana.cure the names ,of as many friends of as it will depend large!y upon' their The rear strength of the Purduestudents as possible and by assisting condition just before the game, '1. team is not -known here. but everythe University in sending, .. out cata- Wisconsin will present about the man on the Chicago team is countedlogues, will attempt to reach 'every same line up as that it used in the, upon to win one or more points, Afriend with a personal letter. This. Northwestern game and Notre Dame ", conservative estimate, made yesterday,the membe-s think, is more effective games: Dean 'or Knight.'. will .pitch. , gives the Maroons a victory by a mar-illan any other form of advcrrising. The strength of the Badgers is a more. 1 gin of at least twenty' points, For+Tbe' council will attempt to secure or less, indefinite quantity. although the 100 and �20 ynrd dashes,' Barkeralte..Games.-of--ilCo_'le. -\V'!o-fti"p� lik�ly they are' no! . expected:.:t6- ��2P"' '. :���'.�: �u. i��e� �i... �r Jj�-�'�ie- �nii� c,o.m. i1e�.!-to attend the Unh'er,sity of Chicago tain Templeton's team.. Th�y . began (Irs for Ch�cago, ::nd both are st ;on their graduation from .the sec- the, season bj losing to Northwestern, . '\li�l�y - has been "coa�hed' 'for, t'H,"�dary school, a�ld in order to accorn- J'to I, then bent Ppnlpe,'6 tOI, and lI��bes' ;dbting' �he :p:ist week ·auer lias,lisb this purpose." each co�neinor afterwa'rds lost to Notre Dame, 7 to 4.'. . . ,�,�:,,: -« .ia,;!. ���·�"""�rt,",�,'"·�",,,- •. 'U,. . �'ro�en himself fasf iri these ·event::.,will ask the ocollege' he or she repre- Their second game with Northwpsi-II The �ig�t .. �evt!��nd Charles .Palmerston· �nders0!l. i 1t. is' nercertain. ,wbi�h men will be.�Dts to turn over as many names ern, scheduled .for yesterday, was post-, Protestant�l, Bishop .of the dlo�se of Chicago, Will ;started' in the 440 ya.rd run, Merriamas tbe members know of, These will poned on account of the snow storm� be or, the, �mlDg convocation. land Ling!e being tbe only certa�n­lit given to Mr, Da\rid A, �obertson, • The game was postponed after th�: .. ,Bishop.Anderson, though born in Canada, lias been kie9" B'arkel" or- Qiliittey Dlay run th",secretary to the president, who tben first inning, with the score 4 to 0 in; in ��i.cago since 1891-, when he came to act as pastor or. the IQuatter� 'rlie Va'rsi(y' will be strong!!II send out the usual advertising fcovor of Wisconsin, They will play Oak Park Episcopal Church.' ' li't this. e\)'ertt.··· In' the 886.' yard' run.'. matter, accompanied by a personal off the game this morning at Evans· lSl\uatr and' Ma't1iew�' will l)e' t11("letter which the. councillors have pre- ton, weather permitting. TO REVISE OLD' RUL2s: .' Is EN lOR S TRANSACI' BUSINESS E��gest,. nten; '_ ��t�·e�. .S(:hei�.Pared. The scheme has not been tak_ FOR FRESHMAN' CONDlTCT '. .,__ ,. ,and pos�lbl� ���.art In tlJ� �I�e Will,a up by the University. but is being 'VAUDEVILLE AT. CLUB DANCE. . 'I '. �tf1er' sonte' POlllt'S; though thiS ev�ntdone by the ocouncil independent of --- >.• .' -. _._. -., .•. ' Goodly Reps:esmtation of 1901 Meets �s' considered' ClliC.igo��·' wealte�( The.- Glicial action. The plan is an amend- Good Crowd Bra� Snow to Attend .,A�thontatf� '��o::,�r lb' be I.n H�eI!. and T�es Up' Wor� of ;1'20 andl 220' �itrd �11rdl�� win' filld�tel form probably will be placed be- . Function at Rquolds Club. ' erp4ftrafeci.: Go,m. IDlIlg Cap. Comnuttee&-Ap�t2eS fo� CLass jChieago represented" by' St'eft'en Mc-,- President judson next week. af- Day Announced. i�VOy add� M'errianl� wHo are a hard,-, Itt the council has measured the sen- Notwithstanding the indemency of . � :eombination to' &eat�Is there room for improvement in The Senior (:Iass met y' estcrd.ay mor�ent of the Junior colleges in regard the weather, the Reynolds club dance TH V: _. , h fi ,,'tt,e present .Freshman code of con- "ing in Haskell and. took u'p the bus, ,e a�lty, IS strong ,on. t e c'to such a personal -campaign, last night was well attended; A blaz- duct? \Vell. rather, A Senior says. .... " everits, Captam Russell, Schommer.: lb- co '1 "II d 'd' h I' I'ng fire I'n the bl"g grate I'n the hall lness of class gtft, ph,y, programs and , '.' d�" . h h' ... uncI WI CCI e on tee 1- so and his views will be found in th:: ' . ., . and ma ulpn m t e S ot put arc, .•. , f n -. . h f th 1 t d ' • pms., The gtft committee reported. In • � .. ' . y 0 a Juniors who have h overcame muc 0 e see an snow Cap and Gown this year. It is callcd ' f f C cath gnod for between 38 and 40 feet.-cd 011 th '.i-... Ott f h outside, The first and second floors ' favor of hghts for the ront o· obb ... 'II '1' 1° h'" C',> e . CUlllml .. ees or t e "Tips to Freshmen," and is c1assifie.J " " anu WI pace, n t e uISCUS. �p-�l .I1d Junior day, It w�s decid- were cleared for dancing the third . hall. With the suggestions of· a flag, . R' 11 'II 1..":' h h" f, '.. a� "reliable rules for classroom and I tam u!;se WI � t e. c Ie entrant •Ii.. nsterday that in case of vacancies bemg r«"served for th«" vaudevdle ..' pole and. doors for the north entrance whit';" �Jaddl-'n'wl'II'also �ompcte Rus,", campus conduct. I t IS guarantced to -., ," e" .... " .",' daairn. 1('11. the. new ch."I'nnan Wl'll stunts which were the feature of th�, " , to Cobb as the net, best. OpInions on, sell has'L ......... throw'n' th G'r ek me;,..• . be- one of tne most unique and O�lgt- ., ,uc.... I gee h-- 2n.v.. t I b t. '1' evening ., , I he clues:on are deSired by he commit· I '- b r . .,. : ....... ,,111 e( y tne counc,· nal features of the forthcommg ISSU(', s e m t e r:20 loot regton. and IS ex·This year the council will retain B. I. Bell and "Eddie" O'Bryan r� But this i!' only one of the good tec,. , peeted to furnish keen competition1Iptnj.'• 'sion over all Junior day exer- peated their sketch "Between Dances I . 'h' h h d I Class pillS are ordered and Will be for' th� two Pitrdue weigtit men who, , .!, t lings w IC t C stu ents may ex-, ' _ •�" espeC'ially the Ivy exercise" which scored such a sucees at the tl11M= . I I' ItS ready 10 a tew days. Samples of the·, "�ve the' samc' records Thc hammer� .,. . pcct 10 t le Iterary ( epartmen, orne. ' .•. ch will be entriely a junior col- of its first production. O'Brientie '" Wonder Why's" that wilt strike dass prog 'am are expccted, next week throw sHould: prove an e:1sy event forIqe affair. sang of the advcntures which bciel h . I I II h t d t '11 and return postal ocards WIll then be Williamson Whose 1'-0 foot marks,, . orne WIt 1 near y ate s u en s WI . .. .• . � • ...... KETBALL TEAM TO ELECT in Foster when the oclock struck ten b . I \11 I . t b' tl sent by the commIttee to all members a� 1ik�ly' to b� ;n advance of tho .. e� e enJoye(. .: W 10 aspire 0 e le" • •and Carl Durton gave the "Singing. b 11 f ..1 h 0; thc c1a!'os to hnd out the number to of the PurduC" entrant� while Captainest co cge us!'er�, an" �omc W 0 J' . • ",_'.. - Strumming Scouts" with success. I '11 .. I'" r t order. If 1000 programs are ordered, Rtlssel i� good for ;\ ,-,0 foot throw� Meeting For Selection of Cap- (0 not. WI gct t �etr!� a�corc 109- o.. ., I " . ,, .- 1..1' \ .•. It' I ., a larg(' rcduclon JI1 prtce can he se- a� �hown hy his work this weck TIl<'tain Will Be Held Thursday. t :e etlltor!'. ., uTa ecl s ory. 10 W lIC.l, •. . . "_ Arts Club � Give Play. the Information oftlce "boys" talk cured. I high jump will havc Schommt r :\!'The h:t!'kctbalt team wilt mcet:lt At a meeting of the Arts Colleges most naturally. as well a:- poems- 011 Adolph Pierrot W:lS appointed class the mainsta)', and he wilt h:l\'c thing�.e Wind('m('re hotcl for its annual Dramatic Club in Lexington yester- 'Mrs. Ingham's shanty ;Illd :\fitchell t:r;:tor hy President Swift and John his 'Way, Thc' same is expected or• ncr n(,xt Thursday night at 6 :30 day, a committee was appointed to Tower will also be cOIHained in th�' Fryer �I Ol1lds was appointed to rep;., �dd�rllJS in tf1� pore vault., Pom�r�ydOCk. At this meeting the election write the play that the Club expects ::nnua!. re!'cnt the class with a speech at the IS likely to wm the broad Jump. If to. a captain for the 1908 season will to give early in June. S. E. Putnam. Alumni banquet. Miss Grace Saratil the forrt1; 'H� showed last' plac(', :llld the awarding of the L. MIcClintock, Sa I q.... Miss Ha' ic Taylor Barker was appointed to hand) Directbr Stagg dtclared yesterdayC'�., will be made. The members of Bie�on and Miss Doris Morgan wilt The baseball game between Chicago down thc Cap and Gown to the Jun-I' tliRt' the rt'gulars 5houl<1' havc an easyb t.he Varsity and the A, A. U'I comprise the committee, Th� play and Purdue scheduled for June 8, wiJI iors. Sanford A. Lyon was appoint�d t!m� Mth Punlu�,rnPlonship team will gather at the wilt be a farce and will contain many fall on the first day of Purduc's com_! , .----.- -'----_eting, local hits. mcncement week. I (Continued on· pa8t 3, cot 3' �&'nllnired; (111 p:(� .., 'cor. 2.)TO OPEl OUTDOOR ,TRACKSEASON AT PU_ TODAYBT REVEREND CBULES PALMERSTON ANDERSONCaptain Templeton Will Lead 'His·Maroon Against WISCOnsin Nine On'M:1I'Sball Field this Aftemoon- ICaptain Russel's Men Expected To,Win Victory By Marpn of AtLeast Twenty .Points.'jEve:y �an :�.��ved Able To Place­, Sixteen ·)lake Trip---FreSlimenj' Wt!! Meet Ct:!VeL. 't:I�••THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO, SATURDAV, �f_'\\' 4.1907.mlJr Batly lIarDon c --1-'-- c-ro\\'ll -i�to �he dub theater to shoutl come out for the Frcrshman team t usU' and sin .. Chicago song» while waitingyear, They have a duty to the' m- ...for till' next sketch on the proJ.tral�1.versity. It should be a matter. 110tmakes membership in the club veryonly of' individual, hut also of class."to "'''C that till'S duty is desirahlc, even if the club were putresponsibility, J" uperformed. ,UlIlClll1 �tud�Ul '·ubUcat1ol1 ot tbe CDI .. •.• ll'�'Of Cb1c:a&:o.l-'orwerlTThe .UDln .... t1 cd Cblc:aco W_kl,.•, ", . (o'ouDdedTh� \\'�kI1. UCL 1. 1892-'The J,ali". 'Oct. 1. lU02. to no other purpose.Following this comes a list (If the_1 prom- various f ra t c rni tics. the woman's or-Summer quarter students arc •ised a student paper this year in th gauizatiou-. and other student activi-new weekly. :\ student tics. The remainder of t�e hook :spaper is publish ed as a given up to sixteen large and cx�ep�convenience to the uni- tionally good half-tonv- of various I. I . I' I I U" scenes Thevcrsity pubhc-at east built uurs all( cam),. .,this is the theory on views arc a" follows: Tower group,.which it is bascd-and heretoforrc a Hutchinson Court b ... -t wcen R�tal�Yf· '1 1 1\f 1·1 I1t rior of llutcllln!'oll'summer quarter paper has been a .11 - :UH :10( e I C, 'lire because of lack of support by t he Hall. Bartlett GYlllnasllllll. a view ofsummer students. The Daily Maroon Marshall fil'h� dur ing a hi.g game.was attempted during the summer Womcns' IT:"ls from the )olidway: ,:1, I . Snl'lI lookinaquarter of the first year of its ex- view from a room III �.,.1 T -icw C'I s t wa rd 111istence but it was not found a success. towards t re 0\\ e r, n \ ''UT '., I I' a view southeastThere was not enough mvcrsity till' quae rang cs, . ',I -k the l : h .1. <TIes 'J winter sceneactrvrty and local co or to cccp c III t c quauranz ., .'paper lively and interersting. and there or Haskell and. tlrc -Law huilding, Ht111. 1 tl "duckwas little demand for it among thc Riological t.abrntorics anr rcstudents. The weekly, combining pond." Ryerson Physical and literary mat.erial shoul� fill 'Kent. Chen�ical La�) o��:r�1:i. vacancy and should hnd a good field. Hall III Winter, The '\ c rkc: .As a worthy attempt ill the University vatory at Lake Geneva. and last comeslj�u�nalistic field the new weekly has a view of En11nons nlai�e llal1: T��- .!���������������������������������'the best \visl1es of �he Daily �laroon en :111 in all the hooklet IS a fittIng clr- -I��������������������������������------ cvlar for Chicago nnrl one that should. If A'CATIONSNew dubs and organizations with do a great deal toward brin�ing stu- ,,' ',( ,worthy motives arc always welcomed dcuts to the University.into the realm of Uni-b'.ered .. KeeODd·CI.. llall at lbe Cbl·ca.o '�oetolllc:e.SummertSut»crlptiOD �r�ce, saeo per 7ear; '1.00 Studentfer' a mOD�:. ,8y�rJpt1oDa recelTecJ at 'WeeklyLbe llarooD Omce," KUla Hall, or at tilehcultl 'Ks'cJi��e, • Cobb BalL,THE LINE FOR, ,SPRING IS HERE.It. J::lJVl' AlATlIl';W:::. lJat.IlCIDC Editor.LU'J·Ul.m' lJ: I-'lmNALlJ. New. EdItor.A, W. B':�DElU30N, Atbletlc I!kUtorOt;OitGI'; Eo l;·ULLEU. UuaIDea. Man.&e. . ,Albe�t Mathews, Pres. Geo. H. Fiedler. Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton, Sec,SEE IT NOW.A ��OCIATE EDITOl:SCbarl. W. PaltMr, . Ben.ard I. Bell. ,Mathews, & Co. ·Inc. HarvaFlACCOMFORTEprices MeLocation57: "'Vas.WllrreD lJ. l··OIJtcr.. Cole 1:. Rowe.;I'reetoD P'. G ....llelylD J. Ack .... THE TAILOR SHOP'New Powers Bldg., 156 Wabash Ave.REPORTERSI'eter JJ'. Dwm, W. P. K..cCrac:keD,Jero_me Frau. Harry A. Hansen,P. lV. PlDtertoD. Banq B. Fuller,.lrA.. L. Frlclate1o. . I. Ie. , FercaoLMla .latber Sail ,W. J.' lIalb8!urtber. TT',S: T�E B�ST EVER.Albert D •. Beu.deraoD.,PrlDted by the AlarooD PreP-&.4 East :;5t� Streetl·boDe 3691 H1de Part WILL BE MUCH' PLEASANTERIF you ARE \VEAR;INGCOLLEGE ;'CORNER' CLOTHES·535 to 545C�er: t:J W8kie',;, " ·tAI�ORSvcrsity student activi-ties. A Stage club has VARSITY TENNIS TEAM TO ';recently been organized I PLAY QUADR�GLE CLUBby University students Jpreciation of ·the· efforts 'W·th P fA'for the purpose of promoting intcrerst! Two Matches 1., ro esso� reIIVV\, Do being made in their be- II' .. 'N M T7":6 in dramatics, play writing and the Scheduled--I mo:s et en 0Your Duty half by _Director Stagg study or'dramatic litcrature. This or. Invade Chicago Saturday.and the Departrment oi ... g(,�izatio�l is similar in some of itsAthletics. Besides thi�, they are in- .I I .aims to !hc J)r.lmatic club and the The Quadrangle c U) tentlts teamjuring their own -chances of making Blackfriars. but. it ,has added to its rilects th�. V'arsity team' 'V cclnesdaythe Varsity teams when they become ., I' 01. the c."m))us cottrts. The matchei'prrposes :t new idea and maue t liS. ..el!gible, and thereby crippling the '. 1 k 1. I •riew idea. play writing, its feature. will start about 3 0 c 0:::'. I.)ot 1 Stn-future teams 'that will represent Chi '. 1 d bl b' I . I "-In . t�s v.-ay it is·a combination of a gles anc ou es clllg payee. .'"'cago. dramatic 'club and a press club. It i� return match will be l1cld at the Quad-\\-'hen it was decided that freshmen .I. .. . the aim of the Stage club to fill a rangle club on June I r. T lese twoshould be lllchgible In' all br�nches want, by getting together and heip- matches will. be something of an iuno-of Varsity competition, Director _.,..,. . . �. . +1 t I' t.make .ar- ing those mterested m the� �at�o�� as. In ,lC �as on y one mee,-S��gg set about .... ,to. \vriting, a'nd if it fills a want its suc- 109. hctween tl1e professors and thl'rangements for a. speCial schedule . d . bl . Varsity has been heldcess IS eSlra e. . .of meets with frcshman teams of oth-er schools and with other teams of '. ,•. �: .UNIVERSITY ISSUES NEWATTRA�IVE CIRCULARA NewFrcsm;m t.rack mell have shown aIOld, of colll."gc spirit, a iack of cJasf> StageClub-spirit. an4 a lack of ap- J': . ;,.').Men Of185 '189 Dearborn St., Bank FloorUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz., ,Student's Special $3.50 per Doz:::'.'They -Fill that Em()ty Space at Home..esmoer� �boto· 6tlllJio• •• HAPC;OODS •••The National O;gan;zation of Brain· Brokers.';, Hartford Bldg.; Chicago, "'. 'Among the the r�presentati('es of . phone Hyde' Park-16.­the ��adrangle club will be Torrey. ����������������,'�. ����������������243 EAST 55th STREET'secondary nature. 'Nich�lson. Kinsl.ey and Hob�s. The \" ..'�:�:t;�l. n�:rt���s:.e a�(;p;;�:ry�r��.�\ -Wit nf a�, p'osltiiin this Su m mer?last' position hein� as yet unccrtain. " .' . - f II h' h t. I ;.some good poSItions, or young co ege men w 0 WlS. 0In these meets wtth the professors the d' ' ..' Iso t 'ti' • b'• • I work unng vacation, a per�anen POSl ,on m USl-l<:ams number SIX, rn collcge dual I f· ; aI' d bni I k. Call 't t d'ness. pro e5S1on an tee ca wor or wn e 0 aYemeets four, an(1 in thc intercollegiate ' , ,.', . .C-ulver Military academy, was se­cured for the: opening meet. . TheFreshmen go to Cul\'er today unpre­pared' for· this meet .. They are notrepresenting the' best there is in them.They arer not doing the University The city white has fled the earth,justic�. 'While some ,allowances, are But where the azure waters tie,to be made for bad weather, ·there i:i 'A nobler city has its birth:­no excuse for the fact that but four The city gray that nc'er shall die, linois on the courts of the Unh'er-or five of these men are really in con- For decades and for centuries sity. Last year the team went to T1-dition for thc meet .. Twenty-five men Its battlemented towers shall rise Enois. and won four matches out ofr�gistered for the work Of these, Beneath the hope-filted Weslern the six. Ipu�� fift�n �� �� mla�nga ��� --------l�------�--------A-T�T�H�E�-----�----�pretense to report more or ess reg- 'Tis our dear Alma Mater.ularly. And the latter, there are five I UNION HOTEL and RESTAlJRANTor six who have been doing their work The abo\'e stanza beneath a half- Special Pre-Inventory Sale I WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON TWO I'LOOltSWl&,L FIND A SPECIAL AFl'ER- THEATER MENUfaithfuily and conscienciously. To tone of Mitc�ell Tower appears on the I !. WILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEthese five or six all credit is due. cover of the best bulletin of informa-I Pictures, Casts and Pottery 5�rving only th'e Bcs<'the 'Market AffordsTh�re are also several men of ath- tion the University has ever puhli�hcd'l Rare bargains in Frame� and Un- .111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREETletic"abiJity who neglect or refuse 'to In the matter of information. the cir-I framed Pietures,-Copley Prints, . We make a Specialty of CIa." Pratemity DiRners. E:c'train or even to come out for the ceJar presents the advalttages of the I Platinums, �J;ons, -Color 'lirintis7 Finest Orchestra in the City f.,team. Director' Stagg says that he situation of Chicago. the huilding.;. Mottoes-that you will delight toshould have a squad of at least thirty- and gencral statistics n��af(ling the' have in your own home cr give tcfh'c or forty men trying out 'daily for e:"Cpcoses, registration. etc, Foil ow- your friends for gifts or prizesplaces on the team. The· fact that ing this com('s an explanat'on of th.:! The Chir:ago Art Education Co .• 'freshmen arc harred from the Var- Graduate School, the Ogekn School of A. C. McClurg Bldg.,�ity' this year, should not detcr them Science, the Divinity School. the 215 Wabash Avenue.from working jus� as hard. A track School. ancl the School of Eeh��ation.:man mu!'t keep in condition; he must A clctailec1 account of the college "y�-I-�������������-­practicc ("onstantly, If he neglects t("m is set forth, followef) hy :\11 expl;)-:this. his work suffer:'. :lI1fl when he nation of the fJuart('r "yqelll :anfl it,!.. gain seeks to take up his work, heJ advantage... The �tudent liie of the!finds himsclf stale, and unable to'l university is ftllly descrihed in :10 ac- irea�h his old-time form without great I count of the Reynolds Cluh :lOd the:effort. I \'ariotls fraternities and other organi·lNext year the Varsity team must I zations in the college, concernin::rlrecruit largely from the Freshmen. the Reynolds Club, the article says.IIt rests with the Jatter to decide "Bowling and billiard tournaments.whether they will be ready to take shop talks from men successful inthe places of the men who ",iII leave various professions, informal!'. smok-this year. To be ready. they must crs jn which as many men as possible ..t\dvantages . of Institution ExplainedIn Illustrated Book Published forProspective Students.two.On May JJ. the team will meet II·HARDEIFSFireproof Storage & Van Co.GLOVES FURNITURE, PIANOS, TRUNKS,MERCHANDISE and PARCELSDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. DEPOTSAND SUBURBS.Ask for the best and seehow quick they'll bringyo� General Offices,40th 5t. and Calumet Ave.Phone:Douglas 3800Private Exchange all Offices, Branch Office, Information Office,University of Chicago.R. R. Warehouse.Chicago Junction R. R.40th and Calumet,FOWNES Cor. AdamsHave 1YouBeenThlTThe PullmaVogel182 MA Cafe cwhere fa!cheer anthe, perlecentury Ilightful I..... �phere •. _.(There is cMOScloihes for:,(' Ja(A S,fNewest rnoA 'clark oxDJedium leng1E� sizelbing of abc1Ii!qr's charg,r"Q �pecia'Tbe. London1Io� 38-inch IIrowns and1ICk." dr�pinilL length.Protechr ,.� rain she4at S2s. othenThe Mc�:>llSCientific.1liy.-_Patroni7.c nTHE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO. -SATURDAY. MAY 4. 1907. -- - I-THE--""!"'-----------I FINAL WORK ON BLACK-' !SENIORS TRANSACT BUSINESS1�-------------------------1FRIARS PLAY' BEGUN!. !\�mma C. SfewartHarvard HotelFINESTACCOMMODATIONSFOR STUDENTSANDTEACHERSPrices Moderate.Location Ideal.57' "Vashin&ton AvYouTip WillBeen Top LikeThere? Inn' ItHave. You TheTop floor ofThe Pullman Company Build'gCor. Adams St. and Michigan Ave.v ogelsang-s182 Madison, StreetA Cafe of individual tonewhere fastidious folks findcheer and refreshment-the, perfection of twentiethcentury cooking in a de­lightful old-world atmos-,.,�phere.,_(There is only one Vogels:mg's)MOSSLER. CO.,cloihes for Men and, Young Men!,(' Jackson BoulevardA Spring CoatExhibitlMewcst models of Spring Coats... length,A 'dark oxford. silk lined vicunaDJediam length-special at $25.�...s scientifically .-- (Continued from paee I)Thc Girls' met! Club will h010 itsGIRLS" GLEE CLUB HOLDSANNUAL CONCERT TONIGHTSeason.ycars, production of Blackfriars.Earle Smijh, musical director. an­nounccs that th� orchestra rehearsalMusic 70 Be Followed By Dance­will be held Friday afternoon iu ManOrganization Ends Work ofdel hall. Every man iii supposed toi bc present at, this rehearsal. Th\Jhelddress rehearsal will be nextThursday evening in Mandel.annual concert and dance in LexingP. \V. Pinkerton has been' placed inton tonight. This will mark the closecharge of, the electrical arangernents of the club's' work for the season. Thefor the play and is bliSill engaged in., .. . . h d "'1 orgarnzatron has among Its number• expcrrmentmg wit rc I, greens, II ��s. . .• 1 II I 1 . t th ttl. some voices of extraordinary quahtyanu a t rc ot rer tin s a go 0 ma�� ". ff "I thi k I '11 b The m{lmbefship is large, but all theup scenrc e ects. m WI e 'bl d d h d f parts are well balanced-a cenditiona e to pro uce a very goo - s a eo. .1· h" '.1 Pi k t t d which promises well for the concert.moon Ig t, saiu In er on yes er ay.,.. ,I '11 b 1 h t 11 th It WI1J begin at 8.:00 0 clock sharp.• t WI C so-natura t a a e menin Lexington Gym. The program willwill want to take a walk in Jacksonthe cover of the sheet of musk. CARSON PIRIE SCOTT 6- CO.MeD�S . Navy Blue SergeSack Suits, $20.00Blue serge is desirable forspring and summer wear fromthese points of view-its becom­ingness, the ease with which itis cleaned, its appropriatenessfor day or evening wear. At$iO.OO we have a strong line of'sack suits that will give, excel­lent service. Made of extra finena vy blue serge, fast dye and allworsted, hand- tailored button-'noles, collar and lapels-coatfull lined with mohair.fntire Price Range ;s $15.00 to $25.00Blue Unfinished Worsted _Suits---$25 .. 0()Our line of suits at $25.00 in blueunfinished worsteds, with linestripesof white, is extremely popular. Thecoat is cut straight front and hasdou ble stitched edge. The work­manship is reliable in every essen­tial detail.We have an admirable assortment of spring suits in the new checks,stripes and herringbone weaves, ! n plain grays and gray mixtures,cheviots, and worsteds, at a price range of $15-00 to $35..GO.$25.00 and $30.00. Second floor. south room.Spring Overcoats,$20, $25, $30.Plain black and oxford graysprin� overcoats, cut .p incheslong, full silk lined throughout .with, lapels-a coatA large selectiori ofSpring Overcoatings attempting prices.200 styles of FancyVestings. Rain Coats$15.00 ·to $30.00Tailor-mad in cravenettedplain black thibets and unfinishedworsteds. plain gray and graymixtures. and silk mixed grayworsteds. At $30.00 we have aspecial "Cambridge worsted", ina shadow stripe _ (double facedfabric) hand-made. and half silklined.alw:ays in style-$zo.oo.: Cast and Chorus of "Sure �hl .- I1 Segregation Put Through Paces to hand down the Senior bench, andBy Coach Cushine. I Miss Edith Terry, secretary of the,__ , class. was appointed as the class mcm-.I "Work." is the watch�ord of thel ber of the Alumni Magazine staff.:I cast and chorus of "Sure Enoughll07 members of the class attended the''1 Segregation" this week and with nextl meeti�g. Another class dance lSiI week the men will start the finals in promised for th� .near future, but Ithe g reat contest for loosening up plans have not definitely been arrang-.joints, and bringing out voices. con- ed. i rducted by Coach Bartley Cushing. The Senior women have announced,Coal'll Cushing declared yesterday a dinner in Lexington l�aJ1 next W�d. :that the play is now complete and that nesday at 5 :30 to which all Semorla success ui it depends entirely on women are in'·i�ed. The Senior men.:good, solid work on the part of both to keel) up their end, have also an ,.1 ". t •• l' f 1 II principals and chorus. I ncidentally nounceu a s al-{ uirmer or t ie sameiI he hinted that the men need make no date. the place to be announced tater ibreakfast arran-jcrnents next week It is said that the girls \'1o"iJJ be visited �I ' . . Ias this would probably be served on by the men before the everung I�,I the stage. showing his readiness eo over._______________ devote all his time to furthering thisopen with two numbers by the GleePark at once.")Ieanwhile Wilson Austin, who is Club. lI�fpytim�," by Spcilk� find., ,. "Spanish Tambourine Girl" by Schusuperintending most of the costurmng, '. . hi bl . mann. MisaFlorence 'Sheetz will con,IS having us trou es measurIng ,• _I' d" tb tinuc the program with a piano selec-wa r .. t. anu trying to persua e e men• 1 b . t tion. "Loreley" by Seeling. The Gleethat they cnn adopt t e wasp WaIS1 .' . h ', ., Club next wiJJ sing Dworak's "Songsin style t lSj i!!tlaOn WIJ, out marmmg} , . .. .,",..-l' 'f' ur "If '<, My Mother Taught Me. followed by Irhemse yes or I e. a woman cap' A' "Th S f h V· li .. b. .h '• ?"'J Al d a roa,.lOg , t m1' Q t c 10. 10 Ydo It, w y can t a mans ial • an .h d . hi t k, M I!iS Mary SuJJiV_Hl, The next nqm·t en starte 111 on IS as '•B d h d B·II M C k ber of the Glee C10Ab will be • Suow-Ben a enoc an l ac rae en ,'11 ". h I f h] bl flakes" an excellent selection by COW�WI appear m t e atest all rona e ', .' b • bl en.crew SUIt 0 tam a e. '. . .d k h . f .. s MISS Edna Yond,orff wIll smg aI n or er to rna e t e musIc 0 ureS ." 1 solo part in "Kentucky Babe" a south-Enough egregabon more or ess.. .._ ,.. . ern melody. MISS VlrgIma Ketcham,of the nature of souvemr copies, It I . ]. . '11' 1· f h, . . \"10 mIst, WI give a se ectlon 0 t ehas been deCIded to run a Itst of the '. .. d 1 ·11 I ·th. 'V·O.ln, an tIe concert WI cose � ��������������������������������mcmbers of the Bla(!kfnar organiza- b b h GI CI b "Atwo m:m ers y t e ee u. m-tion and their picture on the, inside oforos .. " by !Joe x, and ·'Goodnight,'by Goldberg. After the co,ncert .-\dance will follow in Lexington Hall.POSTERS FOR FETE ISSUED The Glee Club dance has always beel,·ctc.'d one of the most enjoyable affairsY. W. C. L. Anonunces Plans For of the year, and tonight promises toNight of, BJackfriars Production. be no exception. The admission toboth concert and dance is 50 cents aThe Young Women's 'Christian ticket. The tickets may be obtainedleaguc has issued posters announcing at the I nformation Office or at the� thcir annual Quadrangle Fete to be door.'Ivery size to ,,6 stout. 'An of about 33 per cent. on your �leld before, bctwecn and after tho!�1:tckfriar 1>crformancc on Saturday�r's charge. night. May II. It will be held inTwo �pecial features 'in this exhibit. Hutchinson Commons, beginning with� London square box coat. fun suppcr which will be served about 6_ 38.inch length-the popular fanC".1 o'clock. Therc will be twelvc booth.;awns and grays., The "shapel� rcprl'�cnting thc differcnt women's or-1Kk." dr:1ping the form sli�btly, 44 ganizations. and each booth will ret> silk. facedyou can wear at nll time and$20 to SsoFancy A new'line'in three :button strIe, _' two breastVests pockets haring flaps ,and buttons. TIle, come in'tan, gra, and 'black and white figures-regular and stoutsizes � $2.5,0It's only anight's ride­one sleep-from•....... _J Chicago to realrest and bea1thatFrench LickWest Baden SpriDgsWaters are, riding, driVIng, billiards,bowling, trap-shooting or per­fect rest if you want it - IdealalTair and t!ll' proceed" which each a(.'COmmodations-congenial('rgalllz,lti("n Illak('''. will �o to pay guests., I the �xpl'n�cs of s. ending a rcpresenta- Low Ro_ Trip Ratesossler Co I tive to the,',,'an,llual' Y. ·\v .. c: A. "urn Dt., and nillht tralas. sleepen.parlorand!::ulfetc.n .... ---.-._Illl'r conicrellce at Lake Geneva. ..�II!�.��,50 Jack40n Boulevard' _... -�-����������_. "irls:1t Wisconsin wiJ1 ht'reaitcr he!___ -______ - :thlc to learn the art of rowin�, aslsuch a course has bcen, added to the IPatroni1:c Daily Maroon At!vertisers. curriculum. JI n�sel1.t olle sh:1dc of the rainbow, eachbeing so arangcd as, to blend with tltcProtect()r "auto coats"-light weigh lothers to (orm a rainbow cffectf:Dd rain shedding-full drape. Many E\'Crythin� in thc way of eatables WillIt S2s. others up to $55. he: included in the series. Each booth;ntcllds to h:1\'c a printcd menu. TheThe Mc:::>1er ('oats drape the body y, \V, C. T.. h:1S ch:1rgc of thl' \\'holl'1NILLIAM .tERREMS' SONS.Clark and Adams Sts.heOUR SPRINGSTOCK IS READYPRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests TURKISH1RUSSIAN 7ScPLAIN BATHS 2ScOpen Day and NightBARBER SHOPSaratoga Hotel ' 161 Dearborn St.�'--Residence: Phone1833 Arlington 1:'1. Lave View 1024Phone Harriaon .64 ..Goldsmith's OrchestraI. GOLDSMITH, Director.Office, Cable' Piano Co.Wabash and Jackson. Cbicalo.BORDEN'SCondensed Mil� FlUid Mdk. Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country •Borden's CO:1de:lsed Milk Co.J27-329 E. Forty·seventh St.AMES HATS52.00 $3.00A fair deal with every hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.161. 163 E.' MADISON STREET,Near La SaUe.SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES9\.. �oot �tu�i�QII8&11 IIALL243 •• .,.,ll A.,.OIiiiDat Ideas all(1 Exc1�ive Styl� iuPHOTOGRAPHS• .-cl •• a..lea to 11. or c .. 'udenta---_,L. Manasse'0 P TIC I A N II11adlslD5tElldl , E J .... TrlIta. I • ., , ',THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO,·SATURDAY, MAY 4. 1907·Hours: 9-12.All inuovation in Univcrsity of Chic;.go ar h let ics was introduced ycsterclay when, at the election of a captainior the freshman track team, it W'\5decided :0 div:c1c the work of lead,Phones:Office, H.P. 1788. Residence. H.P. g616249 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 63rd St.=: £\��'::.�DENTISTS TO 9PEN OUTDOOR TRACK S. A. E. DEFEATS PHI PSISEASON AT PURDUE TODAY(Continued from page I) Extra Innin&8 Necessary To Decide9 to 8 Contest."I don't know much about the Pur- The first extra-inning game in thedue team, but think we will have fraternity series was played on Thurs.things pretty much our way." he said. day when Sigma Alpha Epsilon de-"All the Varsity men arc in shape, feared Phi Kappa P:;i in a ninth inand 1 shall try them all out hard. IPatronize the •••UNIVERSITYPHARMACY560 E. Fifty-Fifth Street.R. R. BOWAN. Prop. ning finish by the score of 9 to �.want to see what men arc really best The game was originally scheduledin each event, and will usc this meet for seven innings, but in the sixr'ras an opportunity. I shall not decide Phi Psi overcame thc earlier lead otuntil the time of the meet what ath- the S. A. E. men and tied the scoreletes I will cuter in +hc individual For 1 \\'0 inninJ,{s, no runs were tal.Fed by eithc:- side. and then, the scoring again commenced. S. A. E. get­ting three and Phi Psi two runs.Score :events."FRESHMEN TO MEETCULVER IN TRACK TODAYS A. E. o I' 2 I 2 0 0 0 3�o I 0 I 0 4 0 0 2--8BRIm � STunONBusiness College Coach Friend Will Take Fiftee:1 Men Ph; PsiFor Opening Meet Against S �::-O!lgCadet Team. Batt«.:ries-Prestoit and Gray; SuI·livan, Maddigan, Sass. and SheldonYesterday afternoon's sno,y stormWhile the Varsity athletes arc at caused the postponrncnt of a l] theLafayette today, the Freshmen will g-imes the taem from Culver Xl ilitaryAcademy at Culver. Director Staggdeclared yesterday that the work done TWOOffen SuperiorAdvanta ... in.. Business Training ••AND•• Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents May Enter at Aiay· TiDie­H. w. Bryant, Pres. r.A PTATNSby the Freshmen as a team has beenunsatisfactory. and that he is doubt. Ga::-ett Wlil Lead Track Athletesful as to the outcome of thc meet. as Wh:le Morgan Wi!1 Have Charge..hc Culver boys arc strong this year..Fifteen athletes. including threebaseball men, will make the trip toCulver with Coach Friend this morn­'ng. These arc: 'Y. Taylor. R. Tay­lor, Allen, MacNe ish, Whipp, Hub-L. Brent 7auChan. U. of C, .')}ManaKer.315-321 Wabash Ave. hie. Morgan, Slater, Garrett. Brewster, ership and choose one man for theSteffa, Dolan, \V cndt. and Pagc. The track and one for thc field mcnfirst year men have not traincd in George A. Garrett, the quarter-miterearnest, according to Directo:' Stagg, was the choice for track captainless than ten being consistent. while Frceman E. Morgan, whoseWHJtIl& do you �et your Taylor and :\ lien arc strong in the specialty is the high jump. was select-N.w.p.p.r�, P.rlocUc". aDd8tatlo •• 27. dashes, their work during the indoor ed to lead the field men. They sue-AI NOR.TO�S season bcng excellent. The 440 yard cced Lmg le, who becomes eligible forPb01le 'Pree: Delivery will bring out Garrett and Whip. the Varsity this quarter.116 BJ4e Park me �' . ..b Str�·' G tt '11 b bl .. D' S b I' I' I .:_ __. arre WI pror a y w:n this event 1 re ..""C tor tagg e ieves t rat t usLost-On or near the Campus-Ox. handily .. Whipp and Brcwstcr in the system of double leadership will beidized silver belt-setting of peacock half mile arc the strongest entrants more effective in bringing out theeyes. Finder please return to Infor- for the Freshmen. In the mile. Mac, freshmen candidates. Thus far. themation office, Cobb Hall. Neish and Dolan arc the best men. freshmen have shown a lack of inter-W. Taylor, Jacobs, and R. Taylor est in practice. Out of 25 men regis­are a reliable trio for the hurdles tered for the course, only 15 men haveHubble has been throwing the dis- been reporting at all regularly, andcus 110 feet consistently, and should only fivc or six have been workingshow up wcll in this event. In the consistcntly and faithfully,shot put, Ralph Taylor. Wcndt and "We should have at least 35 or 40. For Rent-One large room for Hubble arc strong. and in the hammer freshmen out practicing daily fortwo parties, $15. One smaller room, throw, the work of Taylor and H ub- track work," said Director Stagg last$10. 6147 Ellis Av., third flat. ble has been good. The high jump. night. "There are many men of Varwith Hubble and Morgan, should sity possibilities, who are hurtingprove one of the strongest events for their chances by a year or so by notmen for the Freshmen. The pole vault will getting the advantage of training withhave Jacobs as the chicf entr.ant. Gar. the Freshmen."and pro-at 909 rett and Jacobs in thc broad jump arelooked upon to gather some points. FRATERNITY TENNISLEAGUE IS PLANNEDLost-Alpha Tau Omega pin, se:with pearls and rubies. Kindly leavat Information Office.Wanted at Once-Collegehalf day work. H;gh gradefit4&ble employment. CallSchiller Bldg., Chicago.FRESHMEN GO TO CULVER Meeting of Representatives . To BeHeld At Reynolds Club MondayBaseball Men Accompany TrackTeam for Game With Cadets.For Rent-Exceptionally desirablelarge, airy room in detached, newmodem two apartment buildingThre.e adults in family. No otherroomers. Breakfast if desired. $12.00fo� room. Mrs. Washburn, 5642Kimbark Ave. Afternoon.Coach Baird and his freshmen base.ball nine accompanied the track teamto Culver 2\lilitary Acadt'my today,where they will play the Cadets this.... hernoon. The team will prcsent astrong front to the Cadets. and 15cxpected to win. The lincup will b;!as usuall although somc changes wiilbc ne('e.�sary. because of the fact thatse\'cral of the men also compete inthe track events. Plans are now on foot for the or�g:lI1ization of an inter·fraternity ten·nis league. A meeting has been by sevcral of the 'tennis enthusiastsof the fraternities. to be held i"n theReynolds club :Mondayafternoon at 2o'dock for the purpose of considerin�the ad"isibility of launching the 'newleague. Each of the sixteen fraterni­tics is requestcd to scnd a representa·tive to this meeting.If the Icagtle is organized it is plan·fled to ha\'e contests in both the sinR"les and doubles. Play would start!'hortly, ancl appropriate prizes wouldhe offered to the winners.Patronize Daily Maroon AdvertisersTheyAreReliable.Divinity Men Receive.The Di\'inity Scho::>1 held it:, se.'mi·:ll1l1l1al re.'ceptlon last c\'ening in Has·kell Oriental �luscull1. SC\'eral hun·dred of the.' friends of the faculty :Andstuoents were prl'!'ent and mct Pre!'­idcnt and :'\Irs. Judson.The Yale crew will meet :\nnapo·li� this :lfternoon on the Severn river.This will be the first time in sevcralyears that the first crcw has beentaken to Annapolis. the second crewusually meeting the naval academymen. Telephone )"Our want ads to th�rhe Daily Maroon. Spring t='lo",ers in BlossomVISIT THE GREENHOUSES NOW 'JPhones: H. P. IS-H. P. 6gs�A. �cADA�SS3d Street and Klmbark Aventie� .A Word.nYour farSpring has come-and you haven·tAlthou&h our patterns f airl,crackle, they're so snappy. GraysBrowns, Olives, Tans - thisSpring's n:ost popular shades-are.waitin& here for you today.The Grays-because' of excellent effects-lead a little.But the tans are coming on fastcatching every eye. And there'something magnetic about theOlives and Browns. Anotheword. Gun Club Checks-newand very cocky. In fancy Vestings-the. most recent sha<AesAnd we have aU of our Jerremtailoring skill, at your instant service. Prices excepticnally attractive.Ee over �oday? Something tell:us to expect you.SUITS S30 to Sso.A. N. Jerrems. Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN.Either Store:131 La Salle Street. and44 Jackson Boale�.� -. ._-This. space reserved fOI7'Tbe S. W. Wright Co.816 Mars,1IaIl ,lel4 IIdIdIIIg. CClSalChic:fromterril�aPUAN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED? -�:�I004. tc.o'the';���.�,,r F'.: .Chapeco Sbrut Quarter SillCOLLARS ,fert�et6 5�2._�!lI. 'siD 1:)1--�� :�Ot e:�c:.It w;�lU-:. illin; theJ rOot:are sold by more retailers tbaDany other kind. and laundl"7meJisay they .ear best.1Sc adl: 2 for 2Sc.CLUETT. PEABODY S.Kabn cl. CI.u Shirta.S;�d;�: •"'OR A CATALOGUE O�Spalding Athletic Cio� merwinpal,burlietocd�fentiol1 ",hat sport you are ilia­estcd in aud ask for a list of c:011eatand school supplies.Text books on every athletic span JarlQuibre,and100Chi1The Spalding Athletic Librar110 cents per copy.Send for Complete LisLMail Order Dept.A. G. SPALDING a BROS.126 Nassau St., New York.149 Wabash Ave., Chi., I:ChFifi1----------------·/----------. .,Conklin'$.::'Peo·For busy people.No bother.Fill. itself.Cleans itself •No dropper.Nothingto take apart.Nothin� to spill.It dip In ink, atouch of -thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full.ready to write.�'ennft'J.�.........,J:!1lc&i,.. or caD .a7W IIIIIIt 1lPOII .. =�n. � 110 lDore UIaD 0CIIer, ........ �Qr1lNt�._.,. jI&Ip8 loR*''""" .beI I. oar ca�hnaIabaI fNllIlI'OD reca-.::z .... or IQIe of rGaD •._...,.and JnIIDJClJ..... c.'eWKLIX pa ce.IIW"�A-'''''''''.... ............... , .. ·soE. C. MOORE. FLORIST" 272 East 55th· Street. Chicago.TJU.EPBOII& IIYI'& PAIIK_ Illinois