marnnnmallyVOL. V. �o. 126. CHICAGO, SATURDA Y, APRIL 27, 1907. -Price Two Cents.s U STEAD MAY SPEAK AT ORATOBSTO GONTEST ONMAY6IWESTERNATHLETESPICKED '$2,000 000 IN LAND GIVEN. N�:��g���� ������rA:1 J�E�=:��:E pro�c���E ��:����D�� TO UNIVERSITY BY FOUNDERUniversal Peace Movement Asked Night-Miss Grim Varsity Orator. I Illinois at Penn. �ames Are En-To Give Talk. --- couraKln�.The contest of the Central Orator-I ---Dr. Jenkin Lloyd Jones Accepts-, ical League will be held May 6, ac- Big Field of Proven Stars to Compete.l.etters From Other Big' Men- I ccrdiug to a decision reached yester-! At '.!.'birteenth Annual ',Ev-;nt---PlaD& Eri1a�g •. ,_, day. Professor S. 'H. Clark, head of!" ChiCago PiftY' Arrives.�the Department of Public Speaking, I '1" I f I-W . r'_,' ./..r. . rrump lot Ie ,est over the �tHan. \Villiam Thomas Stead. prune h:IS for the last week �eell keeping ." . ' at the Pennsylvama athletic games Two Million dollars' worth of landl University four blocks. Then ideasover in the Univer-sal peace under'l,he wires hot trymg to straighten oat ,I • I k d f bv Umversim. . touay IS 00 C or y mversrty stu- on the sonth side of the Midway, ex- enlarged and al! the blocks. on the. . . d b I. C .he tangle .111 the oratorical contesttakmg, has been mvrte y t re orn- 1 • dents, N ever before have chances tending from Madison avenue to Cot- north side of, the Midway From Cot-which was to have been held last . . . 1· 'monwealth club to address the meet seemed so bright as at tlus, the thir- tage Grove, was given to th,e univer-I tage Grove avenue, to Madison werenight, but which was postponed on. 1\1 I I t Thursday night tcenth annual meet held by the Un i- sity yesterday by Mr. John D. Rock- 111 anr c next , account of � misunderstanding. Thebl b:M ver sity of Pennsylvania meu, The efeller, The University now owns all "Mr. Rockefeller has been' buyingand he wil l proba y e present .. � r. original date was the second Friday Chicago entrants, eight in number, the land on both sides of the . Mid�' up this land for the last five or six. Stead is noted as editor of the English ir- May, but at the last meeting of the I 'Iarc all counted 011 to bring home some' way from Madison avenue to Cottage years with the intention of deeding it, Ren'ew of Reviews. of London, and he league a motion was made to change I 'I -J points. Willia'mson in the hammer Grove, which praciically makes the to the: University. The Universityhas t .... vellcd twice around the world, the date to the last Friday in ApriL, h.... ,t. nro.\v, .is reg, arded as a certainty for Midway. a .part of the U. niversity cam- as owne. d no l,a, nd south of the Mid-In some: mariner this amc.udment wasy:siting rulers of many nations in re- a WlD 11" the hammer throw, as both pus, maintined at the city's expense. way until now. 'never submitted to the various schools,<r.Ird' "to this Universal peace project. Parry and Shevlin are out, of the com-,ll This step, one of the greatest in the Extent of �eo- to be voted on. However the amend-, He I'S wl'thout exception the foremost petition this year. Captain Russell plans of the University's expansion, A strip 200' feet wide on the southrnent was put in the constitution ill Ifigure in the project and the man who anticipation of adoj.tion, Some of the has shown improvement ,in �he discus, was announced yesterday by Mr. WaL side of the Midway, extending fromanti looks able to' clean up something lace Heckman, the University busi- Madison avenue to Cottage Grove·,has it most intimately at heart. I ulli\.·ersities un.derstood the date to I�ll this event, -', ness manager. �lr.· Rockefeller has avenue is a por�ion of the vast pur-"The Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones has be In May, while the rest made prep- Iddings in the pole vault and Schorn- been picking up the land, lot by lot, chase. The entire block south of,dd 'h arations-for the-April date. The con- I' I'�iccepted the invitation to a 'erss t e mer in the high jump will be in alf- fo.· six years past, and he has just Sixtieth' street bounded by Green-. . test will take place in Mandel Hall I!,�mee�g, saying that he would come un- star' company in ,their events, but are completed the purchases. The land wood and Lexington, that bounded byil on May 6. The other' schools repre-:::ltSS something unforseen should oc- expected to get places, with possibili-', cost in alb about $1,500,000, but 's Ellis and Ir.61eside, and all but a small.� sented besides, Chicago, are Cornell,ji. cur, but if, by any possibility he could lies to win. Iddings will be pitted worth today over $2,000,000. This ad- portion of the block between Ellis:1 Ohio Wesleyan, Columbia and Vir- '1�t JD3ke connections he would send against Gilbert and Dray of Yale, and ditional property, including the build- and Greenwood constitute the rest of�} , gin:a. Miss ,. Harriet .Grim, who will .ta�'detai1ed letter to be read to the Chi h gb h ABen of Syracuse, whileBchommer's ings, increases the income of thC Llni- the gift.� ... '. _ represent Icago, IS t OU t to ave . ,'..'��4-''ceting. Mr. Andrew Carnegie has11 hand I" d fi '1 chief opponents will be Marshall of versrty about $20.000 a year. Thmacb 'the agency of 'Mr. Wal-'. - ',. , 'd a ni ·an exce ent c ancc: to an rst pace, . 1 '.. asked for a letter, an a message . " ...,., Yale, Moffit of Pennsylvania, Risley Most Si&nific:ant Gift lace Heckman, ,Mr.' Rockefeller has- ,_�.·,",_c._" .' .'b d a feat Chicago has heretofore never.,' . I ' ': ',,' b ,'-�' make th 1from him will undoubtedly' e reabeen able 'to accomplish." �- - of. Colgate" .and Patterson �f. �t�:J: ' This, ,gUt,.-,tbo'yg�,.::� !4e-,� _, � en ... ,.;u In mg' e pure las-Ito- the meeting. Mr. Bryan canot at- igan. The Chicago one mile relay 'is regarded as the most signific� in 9.' -As "Soon. as' purchased, the Jand'Itmd,· owing to an engagement the team consisting of Merriam, Barker. th hi t f th . tit ti as"t was placed In the hands of Edwardf ' e IS ory 0 e ins I U Ion, •, 'lAme night at Blainsville, Pa., but heFRESH-SO PH MEDICS IN Quigley and Lingle, is one of the provides for practically unlimited ex- V. Cary: of, New, York, personal rep-iitso will send a mesage by letter. strongest that has ever been, turned, . B thi dditi th t 1 resentanve of Mr. Rockefeller, Thei BASEBALL GAME TODAY pansion. y IS a 1 1011, e .ac ua ,.'I Plans for this comprehensive move- ou- here and will' give Pennsylvania· U·· . d bl d . last purchase- was made eIght months,- , DIversIty campus IS ou e 10 area, ' . , ..,. :,�ment have been in process for years. Physiology and Anatomy Diamond a close run if not defeat. ' I and practically trebled, for the Mid- ago., By Mr. ,Cary and. WIfe, an� bvIt is the obJ'ect to get all the nations TI'tJe To Be n-:ded On'M--,--n The Michigan four mile relay team .. I d d Th' .. Mr. Rockefeller and Wife; the prop-... �.. iUDUAU ' way is IDC u e . e campus IS now 'ill the world working in harmony; to -Coe Rowe Dull and Ramey-is I•t t erty was yesterday transferred to theField This lIominc. �,. , 125 acres ID ex en .avoid conflicts of force and settle all considered in a d�ss by itseli.1 By the extension, rOQm is provided disputes by universal at' -Freshman and Sophomore, medic Last year, with practically, the same for the buildings of Rush Medical That the long c;xpected technologi�bimt'o It's planned to stir in- team, the'\." 't d th d t cal schools will be the first buildingsI n. I baseball teams will lineup on Marshall oJ cap ure e. race an s� I school, hospitals, scientific and techttrest in the movement in every coun- a record Garrels who IS entererd In built on the new site, is the expecta-field this mor,ning at 10 :30 to fight ., • ' schools, and many other long hoped-, dl . d h . tion. Another' athletic field ... il .... alloout the supremacy of the Physiology the hur es, diSCUS an s at-put, IS. for additions to the University.d f h I I be erected in the new location in tfl'!and Anatomy buildings. Both teams ccunte on or some p enomena,' No buildings will be erected forcourse of time.'have been practicing for several days '". 'ork, w, hile. Patterson in the highI many years on the ncw ground, itII h f I Among the fifteen buildings includ-and affirm that they are in the best Jl1mp WI regIster near t e top 0 t lC i� thought. The primary object of theG· I ed in - the purchase are the houses ofof trim. "Rat" Edgerton is captain list. I lIinois, with rear ID the po C gift is to supply unlimited outlet formovement has been started in Ame=-- I· It B h' th h t t d Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Tau Delta,of the Freshman team and Ned Oliver vau, urroug sIDe s 0 pu, an the future growth of the University.heads the Sophomore, line tip. �atson in the b:-oad jump, seem cer-I "To furnish an adequate outlet forThe line-up: talD to an�ex a comfo�able total. the future expansion of the Univresity,Stackhouse 2b Oliver (capt) Watson will be up agalDst Mount! is the object of the purchase of theEd rt (t)' Doc,'khart Pleasant, the Carlisle Indian wonder, land by Mr. Rockefeller," said Pres-The immediate object at Chicago, ge on cap S5......... IAbbott 1b. .. .. Sch'"et" in the . . ident Judson ycsterday. "We do notU at other universities, is to take defi- Th W d)) Ph 11 I tFalls .... ,. .. .. lb. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. Cox. e. en ClIpS re ay cam" intend to begin to build at once. I t isIbte action at this meeting' T'hursday, h R II G Idb H d arc among the doomed structures.ScHer .. . d.. .. . . . . .. Lcigoric WIt el y,. 0. erg,. ay. n an I more in the nature' of an effort toill offering resclutions of support :0 K h d U H I h "" Set' 'Bolibds ,0£ EzpansionLackner , If ' Green, u n. an mverslty Ig1 WIt .� ,or-I make suitable provision for the, fu-lht movement, to be presented by Mr. . W I S.ld .I M . The bounds' of the University's ex-Talhot rf ,. Payne rlS, amp er, tau en anu • artm, ture."Sttad at the conference at The Hague . . h E I pansion to the east have been definite-ill June. Pearman c ' 'Mood� are doped to gIve the best In t east Dr. Goodspeed Explains Iy set at Madison avenue. It is re-M'lt '-- a hard race, even though both Chicago,Treacy Jl.... • I en.,crger. In explaining the gift, Dr. Thom3s garded as essential that the twoCrahb suh.............. Lee prep teams arc unfortunate III the, W Goodspeed secretary of the Uni- blocks betwem there and thc TltinoisElliot , suh choice of positions. .. .' .Dircctor Stagg and the athletes ar-I verslty. said:. . I "The gift givcs thr University;·rlv('d at noon yestt'rday on a private .. .I h N I· I grcat aUfI magmficent domatn. The("ar. ;&0( put tip at t e • orman( Ie, .,H I Th I 1· fiC'W camJlu� Will compnse 125 acre�.ote. e party stoO( t U" Journey,. .II .I '11 k I' 1 k 1" J: pr;lct,cally makes thf' �hdway :\we an.. WI ta·(, Iglt wor t liS I. I part oi thc University campus. Itmorning, All the men are in trim .. s' 1111,1 \" inciic;l� es t 11<' l'nla rging idee.for the hig g;ttll("S tmlay, It is cstl- '.I 0: wl:;!t tIll" �("npc oi the Univcrsityirpines" :\Ionday afternoon at 4 rr;;lted that So schools ('nt('ring- '200, II!' intended !o bl'. Just what directiono'c1ock in Room '�9. the �fal1t1al' :\,hl('te<; will compete.I _this cnlargemcnt will takc I am 110t at The block south ,of the Midway he-Training Ruilding.I The chairmen of the Junior daYI prc�el1t pr('pared to say. twcen Greenwood and Lexington a"e-tar.' . C •\J; ,Ier In the week, as was expcct("cl,.. committees were given power to fill, "\Vhcn the Univeristy was first be-, nues is now heing filled and levelled;;i�oW �Iuite ill wi,th the �p. The regular �onthly. informal (,i1Itny �'acal1ci� whic� m�y occur. at ;) eun the site for. the campu: covcredl and wJll be l�sed for an athletic field .. Bite also has a severe cold, I Alpha Delta PIli fratermty was hel;II'meetlllg' of the jUl110r College Com:· I three blocks and It was a serious ques- Mr. Heckman a'so st:ated that, smaller:d nclther she nor �Ir. Slavin wiSh-I' last night at the chapter hou�e. �lrs. cit held yesterday morning at 10:.10' tion with the tnlstces and patrons ofl ttacts would be' Jtv,eJlea' and 3��ignedt� be the guests of honor at a re I Harper and Mrs. Richards ac�d :1" in Cobb Hall. No other action was'the University ",:hether or not to add ' .''_.-. \ , �c:tptJon white Miss Yorke is ill. chaperons. ' 't;:kcn by the CouaCilors. I ;mother block to make the site of the (C.ontiaut!d' 011 paae 3,': <'01. 3) :SOUTH SIDE OF' MIDWAY, FROM MADISON TO COTTAGE GROVE,BECOIIES PART' OF THE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, ON,' :SIFT 'OFJOHN D. ROCKEFELLER�mWAY PRACTICALLY"IN-,- � �'CUJDED -11f"FOTUiIr 'CIMPurmEISIOrL� .v-: ,. 'try, organizc definite branch associa­tions in all cou�tries and have eachnation send delegates to the universalconference at The Hague. The ne�tconference is to be held in June. Theand Phi Gamma Delta. The ··openair natatorium," and gypsy shantiesat the corner of Cottage Gro�e 'ave­nue, the 'Wisconsin apartment build­ing, of World's Fair fame, and severalother equally queerly assorted edificesita principally in the universities for� is felt that in the universities t:cthe gteatcst power for furthering suci.a project.'Postpone Blackfriar Reception.The reception which thc Blackfriars Dillehunt, manager.of Hitchcock House intendccl to givefor �Ir. j()hn Slavin and �Iisses Hite �Iond Yorke yesterday ;Iitcrnoon, wa., To Re�at Lecture on Philippines.POstponed o",;ng to the seriol! sillncss �Ir. Samuel �1a("Clintock. a Ft·llf'woj �Iiss Yorke. )taJ1:tgl'r Gl'rSOl1. of in political scicnce at the Uninrsity,the \\�I' will )ectUf(' 011 "Eclucation in the Phil-Y llt11\·Y. t("lcphonccl ChairmanS�erer Yl'sterclay morning telling him�hat :\1 iss Yorke, inst cad oi recover­Ing from the slight cold she had Central tracks will be kept intact asa huffer from the noise of the trains,To the west, it is definitely stated thatthe grounds of the \Vashington ParkClub or Sans Souci Park will be thelimits. Therefcre. all expansion be.yond the immens(' propertics alreadyheld' by' the Unh-ersity will he to thenorth or to the south.THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1907·______ tinues to take on the histrionic var-In connection with the Senior class LAWYERS ON TRAIL OF nish the authors are busy peggingday exercises there is a custom of BASEBALL ASPIRANTS away at new features, introducing athree years' standing, of new line where an opening presentslHanding handing down the Uni- To Fit Up Law School Basement As itself. .Down The versity hammer by a Storehouse For Scalps of Rival Work begins Saturday on the songHammer Senior to a Junior. This Teams. entitled "In Gay Paree," which haspart of the programpr� qui� a little bu�ness to � with i�I��������������������������������surnes to have its excuse in being a The lawyer basehallists arc hot 011 The song is a take off on the Com-symbol of a far fetched idea that has the trail of the medics and all other 110ns dining room and the Physicalbeen class custom in some institu- aspirants for diamond honors and Culture examination, while the Jun­tions; it is supposed to represent the they are so sure of gathering in a ior prom also comes in for its sharehanding down by the Seniors to the wholesale collection of scalps that of attention. The music was writtenincoming Seniors of the privilege of they arc. getting ready to fit up the with special regard to time and has"knocking" on general principles. basement of the Law School as a tro- a swing that is infectious. Swift. KayLegiti�ate· criticism �£ anything in phy room. Candidates for. the team and Chamberlin will appear in thethe University life that is not what it have been turning out for practice song.should be. is. welcomed from anyone every afternoon at Washington Park,be he Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and now feel reasonably confident of COLD IN CLUB BILLIARDor Senior. That the Seniors should taking the inter-college championship ROOM CRACKS POOL BALLShave a monoply on a prividege that this spring.nobody would like to claim, that of Added interest was given a week Irregular Heat in Reynolds Clubcriticising' for the sake of criticis- ago by the suggestion of Director Causes Loss of Nearly Sizty DoI-ing-and that is what. "knocking" Stagg that should the Law School Jars in Equipment. .i .. -is rather borrowing trouble. win the baseball championship. theyMembership in the "anvil chorus" might be awarded banners for foot- Reynolds Club rolling stock hasi.. distinctly considered anything hall and basketball for their success lost one-third of its value, owing tobut a desirable reputation for in these sports during the fall and the recent cold weather. Irregularityan individual. For the Senior class winter. Should this be done, the stu, in the heat supply and the accompany­to want to claim such distinction is dents are planning to fit up a trophy ing rise and fall of temperature in thesom�what out of alignment. room in the basement of the Law billiard room has caused a deprecia-Chicago wants traditions; but they building. tion of about sixty dollars in the valueare not wanted so keenly that any At a meeting about a week ago the of the billiard balls.sort of custom picked up out of the lawyers elected ex-captain Fred Baird The Reynods Club owns three setsgutter will be received with open manager of the team. It is rumored of billiard balls. which cost fifty-fourarms, simply for the sake of establish- that he will later. schedule games withm"'t Ia;til. JlIJarD�n l the "':siting cheer le�der come overl COACH LAYS DOWN LAW I4!J lIA � to the Chicago section and- say: "You IRREGULAR CHORISTERSlook as though you. needed a little -0...... t;tudeot PublleatJoa of tbe UDtnr·• lt7 nt CIaIeqo. help," and lead a Chicago crowd Men Failinc to Appear At Rehe&rsalsFOl1Del'17 through a Chicago yell. Will J.'ind Positions Taken SaysTb� UolnrsltJ of Cblcaso Week17· T. his is what happened last Satur- Mr. Cushin2.FowuledThe Weeki,. Oct. 1. 1892. day. "Red" Mntthcws, Illinois' vcr-The Dall,. Od. 1. 1802. eran cheer leader, appeared on the Coach Cushing, of the Blackfriar&Dtert'd •• Secood."'I .. Mall at lb. Cia.. field unexpectedly; he was spied bycaJto Poatomc-.. the Illinois contingent as he came in opera, is out after results with a ven­geance, and from now on chorus menwho fail to appear at rehearsals will,find their places taken by men who Iwill be more regular in attendance.The coach of "Sure Enough Segrega­tion" laid down the law Thursday eve-::SubllcdpUoa price. J8.OU pel' �MZ; ,LOU. tor a mOD� But.crlpUODa rec:e1 .. d attile llUOOD OGlo.. EllIe BaU. or at tbeFacult7 Esdaaqe. Cobb Ball the gate and a spontaneous cheer wentup for. their auburn haired leader;"Red" W:IS forced to take his old position, and the handful of Orange andBlue Alumni shamed Chicago with anIt. ElJl.n: MA'l·H.':W�, !d&Ll1C1oS Editor.LU'I'H 1-;" D. JlEKNALlJ, Ne ... Editor..L W. HE�DEll80N. Athletic !i;dltorGEOIU;� E. .'ULLEU, llualoeti8 llIUlUCe:.ASSOCIATE ED1TOIlSChari. W. Paltaer. BerDarcl I. !leU. old time exhihition of Illinois rooting. ning, when a big gap in the ranksOrganization is tIl(> secret of good of the chorus spoiled any attempt oncheering and rooting; Chicago needs his part to send the men through thea good live head cheer leader who evolutions. The order has gone forthcan be depended upon to be on hand that irregular attendance will not be� '�at every baseball game. track meet tolerated. .•and football game. and to keep the Work has begun in earnest. CastMaroon contingent alive in support people are learning all the intricateof the teams. At some games and' gestures that go with the finished pro­meets more leaders will. be needed. duction, As the play progresses, newbut there should be some one who will features are being introduced. Pierrottake charge of it and consider it his has been given the part of "The Sameduty to see that the cheering depart- Old Game" much to the gratificationment is cared for. Chicago men have of his many admirers, who wanted tothe spirit and want to cheer; they see him in a more thankful role thanneed organization. Here's another im, simply that of a reporter. The songmediate task for the Senior college w lil give him opportunities for his in­council. imitable comedy. While the cast- con-I:'reetoD F. G-.ll�I"lo J. AdaalL Wurrco U. Futel,·r.Cole �. Rowe.RF.l'ORTERSPeter F. DWlIl. W. P. Kac:Cracken,Jerome FrlUlk. Harry A. Hansen,·P. W. PlDkerton. BUTe7 B, Fuller.JrA. L. i'rlddela. I, Eo I'ercuon.Mlsa Kether Ball W. J. Halns!urther.A.lbert D. BenderaoD.,Ijil:1�,]1'.1·1.!,j.�.";iJ'il:·Ir'.j !: �':1t�) I:'rlnted b7 the MarooD 1"1" ..474 East GGth StreetPhoDe 3691 87d. Part Marshall Field 6 Co •SPRING STYLESA New Line of Suitsfor the Younger MenThere is all the character and individ ualityin these new garments that the younger menwish for. We have carefully studied their re­quirements and embodied in every detail ofmaterials and styles a higher standard of meritthan heretofore attained in the. tailoring.dlYoung Men's Clothing. Second floorI t is a well-known fact that certain styles and patterns aremore becoming to men of a certain size and figure, and in thisline �ve feel that the man with 33-inch to 36-inch chest measurewill find his most becoming suit for spring and summer,Two and Three Button Sack Suits with low-cut vests, made ofthe medium and light grays, browns. tans and olives in club·checks. broken plaids, shadow stripes and self-striped blue.serges, $18.00 to $35.00.Men's Waistcoats-s- The handsomest new patterns in fancymaterials..�:,Albert Mathews, Pres. Geo, H. Fiedler, Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton. SecMathews &, Co. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers Bldg., 156 Wabash Ave.THE LINE FOR SPRING IS HERE. ACCCFapricesLocati(l5714 V\---Residence.833 Arlingt(PhoGolds,I. GalOffice. CabhWabash and_-Clothes £e!.�. JNewest nA dark (i DJedima...len)� EverY sizisning of a: tailor's eha:ProtectOIIDd rain s1it h50 oth.dollars a set. It also has three ivory \cue bals for pool worth six dollars Ieach. The total value of. these ivoryballs is estimated at one hundred andl-�������������������������������eighty dollars. The cold not only I Iimpairs the ivory balls, but also in-I'jurcs the pool balls of compositionmaterial.Mr. English. steward of the club,ing traditions. \Vhen Chicago forms the Northwestern and I11inois Lawtraditions. let her form substantial Schools.ones-traditions which wilt have some The team is practicing at presenthealthy significance and which in their under the. direction of Carlisle. whowas a prominent member of the lawfootball and basketball teams. Earlynext week the lawyers expect to geltogether and elect ·a permanent cap-very nature will stand. This "ham­mer" custom is meaningless and. letus hope. without significance. Theclass of T907 will be doing a charit-able act for the University by eli mi- tain. I gave the following explanation of thenating this part of the class day pro- . -.-. ---. - # depreciation: "The temperature in agram .and curbing the possibility of A �gutar monthly smoker was held bqFard room should always be keptby the Sigma Chi fraternity last nightits becoming a weak tradition..1t the chapter house.A LessonIn CheerLeadingFOWNESGLOVES :l� a uniform temperature. which isabove seventy degrees Fahrenheit.Every ball is of solid ivory and a cer-Perhaps a week's time has partiallydeadened the sting of a humiliating Patronize naily MarooTl "h·ertiscr.:incident; perhaps it willbe safe now to call at- �-�--����-�---�--tcntion to the mazni-tude of the humiliationand propose methods tain amount of moisture is held in thegrain of thcivory. When the tern­perature of the atmosphere surround-]ing a ball fans. the ivory contracts Iand cracks. \Vhen a ball comes in Iforceful contact with another on a Icracks. the ha 11 sp1it� or chips and be-come� almost valueless." IHands off cheap glovesif you want well· glovedhands. Hand outfor atonement :lnd prevention of an-Iother snch occurence. At the I11inols-Chicago hascball g;tme l:lst SaturdayChicago was out played and ont cheer­t'd by Illinois. It is a hard dose tobe so completely forced to the wanin a rooting contcst on the home field:hut when Chicago men '\\;11 allow thelesson to be "rubbed in" by bavingl ..I11I. TT'S THE BEST EVEtt. SEE IT NOW.OfficC!, H.I6z.t9 KimbIDr.IDl.HouJ$2.00A faOp161. 163�far'Jt1ette College has cancelledthe dual track mec.-t scheduled withRdoit College for today.' jTelephone your want ads to tb� ��� ��� ���� � � __ � ��.The Daily 1lar00D. VALEStade.u copied oar £OLLEGE £ORNER Saitllo4e1 Last , ...THE SPRING MODEL is much handsomer: .Come in and see it.�er 6WDkieTAILORS 115 119 Dearborn Sf.Bank floorUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per DozThey Fill that Empty Space at Home.e.mon'. _boto 6tubioPhone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETTHE DAILY MAROO�. CHICAGO. SA·i'\..7I\.;;.", y,I "SNELL COOLER" COMES TO LIFE I' $2,ooo�ooo IN LAND GIVEN TO I; . UNIVERSITY BY FOUNDERI --Editors for Second Annual of Uni-, --versity's Oldest Dorm Begin Work I (Continued from page I)-Poem by Janitor Mourns Loss ofto different groups for recreationWater Coolers-Plan Cartoons. I purposes.j 1 t was also announced that the Uni-A ti·· work has been started 011 •• "• C \ e vcr sity had purchased "Vincent FIeld.I the "Snell Han Cooler" the annual,the vacant lot at the northwest corner. gotten out by the residents of Snell of Lexington avenue and Fifty-sevI Hall. It is planned to make the 1907 cnth street.i number of the "Cooler" much lar�er'than last year's issue and the pnce I t was reported in New York andlof the book will be raised from theCleveland late last night that John D.2:; cents of the 1906 annual to 50 cents Rockefeller had transferred a largefor this year. portion of his property to his son,The year book will be issued .n John D. Rockefeller, Jr. It is assert-connection with the annual Snell Hall cd that :\Ir. Rockefeller intends tobanquet which will he held in the give the bulk of his .riches away be­private dining room of the Commonsfore his death. No confirmation wasin the latter part of May. possible.Contributions are already beginningto come in. The disappearance of-R�es"':'id�e-n-c-e-:------�P�h-o-n-e_": I the water coolers due to the instal- QUARTER'S1833 Arlington .PI. Lave View 1024 lation of the new filtering plant hasPhone l Lar rison 1644 been celebrated in a poem by Fred Twenty-Five Objects Furthered byGoldsmith's Orchestra Leaver for years the janitor of Snell Donations in Last Three Months.and described in last year's "Cooler"I. GOLDSMITH, Director. as "Ha bloody Henglishman." The Almost $3,000,000 has been givenOffice. Cable Piano Co. water coolers have been a favorite during the period from December 17.Wabash and Jackson. Chicago. 'I 8 fmeans of amusement for the residents 1906 to l� arch, I , 1907. or twenty-of the han during its entire history five different purposes in connectionand they were commemorated in the with the work of the University. Thenaming of the dormitory's year book. exact totals is $ divided asA contribution entitled "The Diary of follows:-THE-Harvard HotelFINESTACCOMMODATlONSFOR STUDENTSANDTEACHERSPrices Moderate.Location Ideal.5714 Washington Ave.;�mma C. StewarlGIFTS· $3,000,000MOSSLER. CO.Clothes for Men and Young Men!..;. Jackson Boulevard Endowment $2,713,125.�Current expense. 19(>6-07 76,875.00Current expense, 1907-08 75,000.00Power plant 25,434.28:1 Freshman" is expected to create in­terest. Cartoons and illustrations :naddition to the group picture of theresidents in Snell are being consider­ed.The staff which has the annual incharge are: managing editors, GeorgeA ndcrson and Raymond D. Penney;local editors, Percy Francis, E. LTalbert and Preston F. Gass. 10,000.0010,000.0010,000.00'5,000.005,000.005,,ooo.ooA Spring CoatExhibitl Land purchase -.. , .History books .Modern Language hooksCollections .Equipment , .Ryerson Physics fund ..Incidental expense fund ..Rewiring Mandel HaJJ .. '. A dark oxford, silk lined vicuna HANSEN-KLEIN PLAY TONIGHT, Fire extinguishers .11�length-special at $25. R' '1 . . ""Hearts to Matc�'; by Vaaity Sopb at way courses .-. E .'Crane Russian Lectureship� very size to 46 stout. An assured omores, to' be Presented byisuing of about 33 per cent. on your McCormac Schools. Physiological Chemistry fund: tailor's charge. Classical Journals guarantee.�Tw ·'Hearts to Match," by Hansen &' fund - .. 0 special features in this exhibit. Political Economy feJJowship';ne London square box coat. fuJI Klein. will be presented for the fir�t Colonial' Dames scholarship'_box, 38-inch length-the popular fanru time, on the stage of the Masonic .-.I d Le Special scholarship ."browns and en:...'Inl 'The' "shapely I Temple, Sixty-fourth. stree.t ,a. n x-0·-.1- Fellowship in Domestic�ack.". draping the form slightly,�. ington avenue, this -evemng at 8� I 1 h Science •.................ia.lenith.. o'clock. The advance seat sa e asYerkes librarian fund ..... been very satisfactory, The ptay isInstitute of Sacred LiteraturePro· I being given by the Alumni Associa-teetor "auto coats"-light weigh Cl 905 ifttion of the :\lacCormac schools. Miss ass I gl , .IDCl rain shedding-fuD drape. Many Harper Memorial Libraryat hs. others up to $55. Lulu Yocum, Edna Buchanan, Doro-thy Kirk, Ernest Levy, and R. Jarna­ghan, are members of the cast- Theorchestra is under the direction ofEarle S. Smith, who also win directNewest models of Spring Coats.1.450. I. used In .n tbe big Intercollesd.te camH.HndorlOed by all I.eagun! and adopted •• theOfficial &11 of the American I.e.cue.IWACH OFFICIAL AMERICAN Ll';ACUJ(DALL $1.l5- Othe ... from 51: to $1.50.Duya copy of tbe ItF.ACIJ OFFICIAL BASHBALL GUID� for 19fY7 auel get posted on All the new rul�heduIH. etc. AIIiOhistory and I'hotos of 19!J6 Wort'l's Serin!. ICC atdealefli or by mail.Ask yo II,. dealer for R,ad. S/>o,.ti"" Coods. If'"do,s 1101 "an' Ilu",. w, will SIllIly ),011 Ji"cl Oilr ,cd/>I of />,.iu.J<p1 Base Ball FREE-wrlle for It.A. ". REA"CH CO •• 1718 TULIPST •• PHILADIELPHlA.�. TA1[OR BRY� 11 smno�WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS. BUSiness College·Clark and Adams Sts.OUR SPRINGSTOCK IS READYA large selection ofSpring Overcoatings attern ptin g prices.200 styles of FancyVestings.PRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests $20 to $so20 to so5 to ISe Send Your 8!1:Name toSpalding -POR A CATALOUUE OF FIELIIERS'GLOlfESWill do wonders towards m.klng yon.v .... lty pla7er. Gd one aDd lee bow ellsyit ia to pull dowu the high oacs. 25(: to $J.uo.rilE�BAUC1Dpeco Sbnmk Qaarter SIzeCOLLARMade with cracefully roUed pointsand lonlr under1appin� bIlnd:-anideal collar for wear wltbD�lageeshirt,., for 2S ts15 cats cadi. 2 cellCLUETT. PEABOI?Y 5. co.• .ken of Claett SIllrUEst. 1856Offen SuperiOI'Advantales in.Business Training •••ANDSpalding Athletic155·00 •• Stenography ••Goods. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLOwing to a dub rule, the Esper­antists have been refused the use orthe Reynolds Club theater next Tucs-:-;"",., .." , Phones-e A movement .s on foot among the day for their play "Fervoja Haltado."Office, H. P. 1 iSS. Residence, H.P. 961 men and women of the Arts Colleges The rule provides that no university6249 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 63rd St. to organic a dramatic club. Lander organiation three-fourths of whoseIDr. ftr' D. tlatlrt McClintock and Miss Dorace Morgan members do not belong to the Rey-.IDl. BalpD am. patkrt are taking an active part in the move- nolds Club can have the usc of the IDENTISTS ment. The object is to give a play in dub mort' than oncc a year. The E!'- Patronize the ••Hours: 9�12. 1:30-,5. connection with an entertainment perantists gave a rally at the clubwhich the Arts men intend to give Tuesday, April '7, and so will havelhusia"m is shown over the plan little'fhc Racl<yer crew has J·llst receive�t Ohserve Centennial of Cornell.rlifticulty is exp<'cted in filling the cast ...a gift of $100 from Isaac Stcphenson, \\"ifh a celchration lasting tw,Women to Give Minstrel Show. � Marinctte lumbcrman. to hc u"c�t rlay�, Cornell Uninrsity i" now oh'\.! h . b ... .. t of oars for the ,,(·n·ing the ht:nflrcdth anni"crsary ofThe girl students of .'<i ort western m uy11lg a new ,,'- . . .• . .. . 1..J . h d h II h' h ·a� ib fnt1llllcr. Ezra Cornell. :\ hOlidavll1D1,·cr!'lty Will glvc a mlllstre anll new elg t·oare s c • W IC ,\. ., •h I . . h· h t ..J h th Junior cia", from,' has h(·cn (lcclarc(1. and the studcntsI ur e"fJue entertamment tomg t III t c' prc!'en ('II y e • . .'. .II 1 1 • \\'·11 ..J h II E tIl" proceed.. If \Viscon"in· cHld fa(,ulty Will gather III a bIg tentl,c lape or . I arll a at '..,·an� on. c ass p .. y . . ,. I .Thc proc('('().. will be for the benefit wins the Poughkeepsie race, Mr.1 crcctCfI (,n the campus. to h�ten tolof Xorthw('st('rn university settlc- Stephenson will give thc Barlgcrs I addresses by Andrew Carnegle anti. meDt. $200; if it gets second, $100, others.�----------------------� 520.00300.00120.00roo.oe160.103·507,&)5.50Total . . . . . .• . . . . . . . .. $2,955.238.38The MossIer coats drape the bodyICientificaUy.-:,1.1: ..". .:' !.. •• the Blackfriar orchestra. REFUSE REYNOLDS CLUBFOR ESPERANTO PLAYARTS MEN AND WOMEN TOSTART A DRAMATIC CLUB Club Rule Closes Theater To NovelComedy Because Organiation HasUsed It Before This Quarter.osaler CoSo Jacmn Boulevard Lander McClintock and Miss DoraeeMorgan �nd Movement toPresent thc Arts women in a few weeks, to arrange for another hall, WhereBoth colleges have a great deal of this wilt bc has not yet heen rlecirlcd.excellent material, and as much en-AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with e�ery hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.161, 163 E. MADISON STREET,Near La Salle •. 50.00 Mention ",hat sport you are inter.ested in and ask for a list of colleland school supplies.The Spalding Athletic LibraryTextbooks on every athletic spor.10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List­Mail Ord':r Dept.A; G. SPALDING Ie BROS.126 Nassau St., New York.149 Wabash Ave.1 Chicago.SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSESL. ManasseOPT I C I A N 88MatiisonStTribune BldgUNIVERSITYPHARMACY560 E. Fifty-Fifth Street.R. R. BOW AN. Prop..----------------- Students lIay Enter at ADy Time.H. W. Jlryaat, Pres.L. ·Brent Vauchan. U. of C, '7/,llanacer.315-,321 Wabash Ave.A Word inYour farSpring bas come-and you haven·tAlthough our patterns f airlycrackle, they're so snappy. Grays,Browns, Olives, Tans - thisSpring's most popular shades-arewaitine here for you t�.The Grays-because of excellent effects-lead a little.But the tans are coming on fastcatcbinlt every eye. And there'something magne�c about theOEves and Browns. Anotheword. Gun Club Checu-ne·.9'and very cocky. In fancy Vestings-the most recent shadesAnd we have all of our Jerremtailoring :;kill, at your instant service. Prices exceptionally attracave.Be over today? Something tellsus to expect you.SUITS $30 to $50.A. N. Jr.rrerns. Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN.Either Store:'31 La SaUe Street, and... Jacbon Boulevar4THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO, SATURDAY. APRIL 27, 1907.FRESHMAN NINE OPENSSEASON AT ILLINOISDrawings for the freshmen tennistourney were made yesterday. as fol­lows: Abelo against Ross, Stearnagainst Henderson Gardner againstMorgan. Kuh against Ettelson, Shearsrevci�ng the work of this year� pa� drew a by� ������������������������������tially- successful season and setting a Ettelson and �uh played off thcir .������������������������������higher goal to be attained in the fu- match yesterday afternoon, Ettelsonture. Although defeat at the hands winning after a hard tussle. 6-3. 3-6.of Pennsylvania came as a severe 6-4. The other matches in the firstbiow to the polo men. they gained round must be finished by Tuesdayconsiderable credit .by the annexation night. The freshman team will beo� the western college championship, picked on the showing in this tour-and the fact that no college team in nament, .the west scored upon Chicago. The Varsity tourney commencesLost-On or near the Campus-Ox-- Monday at three. Drawings will beidized silver belt-setting of peacockto Infor- ARRANGE COOK COUNTY posted on the bulletin Monday morn-eyes. Finder please returnmation o ffic e, Cobb Hall. HIGH SCHOOL CONTEST ing.:\Iinncapolis 5· Iowa o .. \� :\rinneap- men. The winners express hopes ofolis. becoming the "white sox" of the Uni­vcr sity, Lineup :BASEBALL GAllES TODAY Sigma Nu :-Captain Kay. p: :\{orChicago V� River Forc�t Athletic rison. rf; lfontigel. cf; Bevan. If; ������������������������������i�Club at River Forest. Stewart. c : Tracy. 3h: Linderholm.U. of C. Freshmen vs. Illinois zb: Swan. ss : Yoran, B.Freshmen at Urbana, Sigma Chi :-Ehrhorn. p: Christoph.Wisconsin at Purdue. rf: Lackner. cf: MacNcish. If: Young .Northwestern at 1ndi:tna. c: Rrcwster, Jh: Hoffm:tn. 2h: Cap·Iowa at lfinnesota. tain \Vendt. ss: Yap', Th..\lhion at Michigan. Umpire, Earl Smith .II.I'IMonday.'VARSITY TO CROSS BATSAT RIVER FOREST TODAYHave YouWill.TipBeen Top LikeThere? Inn ItYou Seek to Wipe Out Defeat Administer- Coach Baird Will Take Team Toed At First Game--Close Contest Urbana 'roday-Page To PitchExpect�. With Taylor Catching.River Forest Athletic club will bethe opponent- of the )laroon baseball The Freshmen will go to Urbanateam this afternoon. This will be the today to play their f.rst collegiatesecond game between the two teams, game of the season. meeting the 11.and will give the Chicago nine a linois freshmen this afternoon. Thechance to get. revenge for the 3 to 2 team in charge of Coach Baird :10<1defeat of vacation week. Captain Cleary will leave over the 11-While the River Forest lil1e up ;s linois Central at JO: 15 o'clock thisnot known definitely, it is probable morning.that "Wee Willie" :\lcGill, the strike- Althought not much is known con­-out' pitcher From the big leagues, will cerning the strength of the -Orangedo the twirling. The teams will prob- and Blue youngsters. it ' is expectedably line up as follows: that they wilt prove true to IllinoisChicago River Forest baseball traditions and playa strong'Walker. Sullivan p.......... McGill game. The Maroon team. however,Gaarde c. Goldbl'rn, McK'na is an unusually fast hunch. and may..M eigs lb. . . . . . . . . . .. White he relied upon to give good accountBliss 2b... .. .. Abbott of itself.Nathan j h Hage The line-up of the team will be:Templeton S5 .••.•••.•••• Lange Page. p: Taylor. c: Slater. rb: Red-Van Patten If Kutina field. ab: Sunderland. ss ; Pegues, 3b:Staehling cf , . . . . . .. Burgeois Collings. If: Cleary. cf: Falk, rf: andMoulton rf Munster Rockwell. sub.Steffen u )TcKennaTop floor ofThe Pullman Company Build'gCor. Adams St. and Michi�an Ave.Polo and Swimming Teams to ConferHonor at Dinner Thursday. Kuk Is Defeated In Close Contese-«Varsity Tourney To Begin OnVogelsang·s182 Madison StreetA Cafe of individual tonewhere fastidious folks findcheer and refreshment­the perfection of twentiethcentury cooking in a de­lightful old-world atmos­phere.(There is only one Vogelsang's)It's only �night's ride­one sleep-from1 •• a.__�J Chicago to realrest and health atFrench LickWest Baden Springs,Waters are unsurpassed�golf._tennis, riding, driving, billiards,bowling, trap-shooting or per­fect rest if you want it-Idealaccommodations-congenialguests.�W Roand Trip Ratesnay and ni2ht traJAa. sleepers.parloraudbufJetcara. ,....-�--� SWIMMERS TO ELECT CAPTAIN START FRESHMAN TENNIS;ETTELSON FIRS'!" WINNERThe annual election for captain ofthe polo and swimming teams willtr ke place next Thursday evening ata dinner at the College Inn, Direc­tor Stag. Dr. Raycroft and CoachKnudson will he present and will beexpected to make after dinner spechesLost-Alpha Tau Omega pin, set Director Stagg to Give Prep Athletes SIGMA CHI WINS FIRSTwith pearls and rubies. Kindly leav Use of Marshall Field Saturday, VICTORY IN GREEK LEAGUI$at Information Office. June 5·Sigma Nu Goes Down in Defeat WithDirector Stagg has arranged with Score of 8 to 16.-WashingtonPark the Place.�i\e 9\oot �tuJio'KDlBAI.I. BALL243 WabaJab. Av".Original Ideas null Exc.usive Styl�iDPHOTOGRAPHSS,..clal I\.a'· s I) rr. or c. �'udeDt.--- ------�- --- --- Dr. P. H. Boynton, president of theHigh School Board of Control, tohold the Cook County interscholasticmeet on Marshall field. June 15. The first game between the Greekstook place yesterday at Washington-There had been considerable unccr- Ch· d S· N IPark, when Sigma I an igrna utainty as to whether the event would dashed on the diamond. The resultbe dropped this year on account ofwas a victory for Sigma Chi by a scorefailure to agree on details. Dr. of T6 to 8. Owing to a misunderstand­Boynton attempted to get another ing as to where the game was to bedate. hut the Chicago-Wisconsin dual held, the fans failed to appear. How,on May 25. the Conference on June ever, there was no lack of grandstandT. and the interscholastic contest plays. although the stands were emp­held by Mr. Stagg on June R pre- ty. The slumbers of the outfieldersvented earlier arrangement. were continually disturbed by longshots from the home plate. Medicsand Jaw students figured largely onboth teams, and did a Jot to help outthe effort� of the hot-blooded fresh-&Conklin's.=a PenFor busy people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper,Nothingtotakeapart.Nothin� to spill.A dip ID ink, atouch of'-thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full,ready to write.A II tM two.t df'alf't1l f'TnY-���r!��ltn pf'ft or CJIIIlJl:_1tc'': :::!:o�� J:::1:"'.';:. J::t ��.",.. .ho"th III Oft c:a1al08f1U"alahed free 1J1IOI'I :n=:�l::U�J�::TWit �WKU}lf PO ..11106'" ,...._.I-. ............... .,.... '1'Tt-,rj�', t'. ' BASEBALL SCORESNotre Dame 7. Wisconsin 4.Purdue 8. Northwcst e rn 0_II'I ".-.�E. C. MOORE. FLORIST. 272 East 55th Street. Chicago.---------. TELBPBONB HYPE PARK _----�----..... """South Side TransferLindsay Storage .Co.BAGGAGE-aDDISW..- Ly .• E. CiIIIIt. 9 L m........ .1 P.IILDeartIOni St.. 10. ..... 3:30 p. a,5::-"'" Wood­....... Kaclewooci StatiODL• IIOVDIG-PACKUfG-ImDJIIWe haye c:arefal mea .. ..m­for moving Household Goodi--. ..&no. in Hyde Park,' Woodla .. IIIEnglewood. S,c:cial attentioD packinc aDCI ,hippm.,OJI'PICES -• E. Slxty-third StreetTel. BJde Park Ii6L-HARDER'SFireproof Storage" Van C�FURNITURE, PIANOS, TRUNKS.MERCHANDISE and PARCIUDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. DEPOTSAND SUBURBS.General Offices,40th St. and Calumet Ave.Phone:Douglas 3800Private Exchange all Offices. Branch Office, Information Office, _University of Chicago.R. R. Warehouse,Chicago Junction R. R40th and -Calumet.Pa-rce Comedy ••••••• Ht::ilRTS TO MA TeH •••Written by Hansen & Klein­and given by the Alumni of theMcCormac Scho�l�Masonic Temple, 64 and Lexington '- Avenue, r ;Saturday Evening, April 27 'AdmisSion SOc. Reserved Seab 75cCurtain 8:15 Dancing 1�15'Good Positions-Say BoYs." if you want to get loca� this summer,-come a�-- 'ad see 1IL Costa you nothiDc to find out. We know YC»LBu.inea Mens Clearing HouseWOMAN'S TEMPLE,n07 114 La Sane Street.Spring f'lo",ers in BlossomVISIT THE GREENHOlJSES NOW 'Phones: H. P. 18-H. P. 6957A. �cADA�SSad Street and K!lftbark Avenue _-ilB1SSA[IS CONPlClidcn t J Cof. Dis tin gGraduati.'Sfttto.t ExercAdcThe Hon.dor'to the laniian., willaddress attio� of the Iaeiday, Jut:ellt was J1iden� J�dsonAmbassadc!!lost promiiclay. He isthe most auemment an:st k�ownTono]