mutly ilurnnu_--_.-. '"VO I.. \ . .; .. s o. 125·,-- ,--- . -----RECEPrION FOR THE PRESIDENT! "DOC" TO MEET ''�OC'' 01 SCORES WOMEN FOR nIGBTINESS LEAVES T.O STUDY BIRDSii'aculty and Studentt. of ,Divin,.ityll' MARSHALL FIELD TOMORROW Dr. Henderson � Junior Girls' ON UIINHABITED ISLAID3chool To Tender First J�.�gti�n . __ they Should Read Ten-Volume�o Dr. Judson As Head I��,'�,� Soph Sawbones to Fight German Essays and Study Mathe-ty Ne""t Th"-�-y .... ,,..,�<.,�. <I�t".... B ball H .......... -�SI, - lUMMI "; ' .•. ,,(,'" ";�,f;�m to ase onors &.IoMIOA_----nmong Themselves.The first reception ever tendered ' That women are too much inclinedby any part of the University to Pres- "Ned" Oliver to Lead Second Year to let men do the thinking _in' the 'Noted Psychologist to Study Habitsident Judson in his official capacity as Aggregation-"Bat" Edeerton to world, was the assertion of Dr. Hen- or Bi�ds t�ivine In SOuthern'read of the Univeristy is to be given Captain Juveniles. derson in Junior Women's chapel yes- Thursday night by the faculty I tcrday morning. Dr. Henderson. nd students of the Divinty school. Rankling 1¥ld�r the slurs and scored the women whC? are taking; Dr. John B. Watson, instructor inTI:e reception will take place in the siights of the sophomores, the medics easy courses and dodging mathemar- 'Psychology at the University of Chi­Haskell Oriental Museum a; 8 o'clock. have called the bluff of the second ics and sciences. cago, leit yesterday for an uninhabit-. The students and faculty of the "I am satisfied" said Dr. Hender-year men, by challenging them to a ed island of the Dry Tortugas groupschool, who have been planning for so'n, "that one-half of the world can-show of athletic prowress and skill where he will spend several monthssome time to find some way of show- , t d th thi ki f th 0 ld and,. on the baseball field. The sopho- no 0 e m mg' 0 e w r, engaged in observations "for the Car-ing their esteem for the President,mores, with considerable condescen- that is what it means when the wa- negie Institute in the habits of somehave issued invitations to members d t d thei share. I thinksion, yesterday met and agreed tc men 0 no 0 err curious the faculty, the trustees of the un i- f makedemean themselves by humbling the many 0 you young women The island to which Dr. Watsonvc rsity, and to their friends. Refresh- Ircsbmcn i h d l' t k s in your studies be-meeting other Conference teams, un- res rmen III to t e ust, consequent y mrs a re . has gone, is about seventy miles offments will De served. while an orches- . . . th l'less it accepts all the rules. accepting the challenge. cause It IS so easy to go in e me the Florida coast, Key West beingtra will entertain the guests with mu- . I b Ii th tboard : "Ned" Oliver was appointed cap- oi least. resistance. e ieve a a the nearest port. The island, beingdecide sic. tain of the sophomoric aggregation, good many inherited ideas regarding desolate and out of the track of, com­and he conferred with "Bat" Edger- women are false, and that our politics merce, has never been peop�ed. SoPROFESSORS Z.EBLIN AND ton, captain of the juveniles. To- and morals are suffering today be- seldom is it visited' that the 'animalsMECHEM A!D PEACE MOVE Gf:ther they, -drew up the articles of c. use women do not educate them- living on it are of an unusual degreewar, which follow: selves up to them and read what they of tameness.I. The trial of skill shall be a base- ought to. I believe a large proper- The birds which Dr. Watson is .0In Peace Conference of Common- ball game, played according to the tion of our women ,to put it mildly, observe have long excited wonderwea!tlt Club. official rues as set forth in Spalding's' ought to settle down to the study among both zoologists and psychol-official baseball guide. of mathematics, statrstrcs, political ogists. They have been known to beTwo more of the personages who 2. The time shall be Saturday mor science, and law. They seem to think very peculiar in their methods ofof using its ineligibles in football. will figure in the peace conference ning at 10 :30. that if they sigh over it and cry over nesting and building and in otherIt also means the' cancelling of Mich- to be held at the. U'nivers.ity next 3. The place shall be Marshall it a little thy can make two and twc particulars. Ho�eve'r, scientits 'liaveigan's track and baseball dates with Thursday night have been secured by Field. .., - � - equal 'five. up' to-'1his-:-time' -,gained almost nothe Commonwealth Club, which has 4. The girl shall be left to the "I would like to think that you definite information about' them. Itthe Conference in charge. Professor. choice of the respective players. women could be able to take charge i� the' purpose of the present expedi-The report that Michigan will take Floyd R. Mechem of the Law Schol Verbal arrangements were made for of our municipal household and wrest tion to consider the birds both fromno action in regard to the resolutions will preside and Professor Charles the other details. It is understood it from some of its corrupt leaders. the standpoint of zoology and of psy­passed at the recent Conference Zueblin of the Department of Sociol that a full corps of embryo doctors To do this you would need to study chology.meeting, but will stand pat in its ogy will be one of the speakers. will be on hand, with a full comple- law and political science. You can Dr .. Watson will be accompaniedr Z bfi . dditi to d h d' never adjust your conduct to therormer policy, practically· means, if Professor ue 111, 11l a I ton ment of stretchers, an ot er me 1- by no one except a servant. The is-true, its severance of athletic rela- being considered an authority on soc cal impcdirnentia to provide 'for 'sudl \ ... crld by taking light studies. In- tand, being so removed from the or­tions with the other members of the ciological subjects, has gained a con- as may be injured in the cause of stead of this, take a ten volume book dinary distractions of civilization, willBig Nine. Michigan is stitt a rnern- 'siderablc reputation as a lecturer. H sawbone class loyalty. in German and dig into it. And then: �fford, it is thought, u�usua. oppor­ber of the Conference and has a vote has been connected with the Univer It develops that Captain Edgerton too. don't have the men do the think- tunities for research. Dr. Watson willin its meetings, sity Extension since the founding of has been having his team out prac- ing for you in religion. You go and not. return until july.The Wolveri�es. however, as y et the University in 1892. and has deliv- t!6ng for the past two weeks, as he pay your pew rents and make up half : The Carnegie Institute has alreadyhave violated no rules of the Con- ered a great many lectures in con- had intimation that the freshmen were! the audience and then let the men do conducted many investigations along,Ierence. As the latter body allows ncction with that department of th-e mustering up their courage to issue all your thinking. You ought to the eastern coast. It maintains athe Use of the "ineligibles" in the Unive-sity, He has also written ar- the challenge. Aiccordingly, in the again read the deepest books on reo marine laboratory off Key West.Penn games, and the Eastern inter- t:cles on sociological subjects that sceond year -camp there is nothing but ligion in German, French or Latin, if. necessary. Learn to read yOUT New SENIOR COLLJiGE COUNCIL�(jllegiate. it is not likely that the have attracted wide attention. confidence for a successful outcome of 'h Testament in Greek. This is the on- MEETS WITH PRESIDENTAnn Arborites will break any rules Professor Floyd R. Mechem, w 0 the struggle.this spring. Technically, therefor.', will be the chairman of the meeting, The first year doctors-to-be, how Iy way our intellectual and moral Questions of Student Interest �the basehall and track dates with occupies a chair in the Law School ever, are sure that naught but ig- problems can be solved." cussed for An Hour Yesterday-Conference teams might be fulfilled. and is accepted as high legal authority nominious defeat awaits the sopho- Meet Aeain Nest Week.But in view of the fact that Michi- Before coming to the University of mores, for besides having "Don" Ab P,LAN GLEE CLUB CONCERT. President Judson called a meetinggan has announced its unwillingness Chicago he was Professor of law 10 'bot and Julius Lackner they also haveH 1 of the Senior College Council in histo obsern' the rules, all the dates the University of Michigan. e a so had considerable practice. Lineups Women Students To Give Annual. f La office yesterday at 10 :30 an ddiscuss-";11 undflllbtedly stand cancelled. founded the Detroit College 0 w. are not divulged. ··Sin-" In Lezin-n May ... ... to..... or e�i questions of student interestforanThis not on�y cuts out the fou:- It is thought probable that at thebseball games and the dual tracK ccnference resolutions favoring the FRIARS TO RECEIVE TODAYIlltet with Chicago thiS spring, but c!"tablishment of international peaceremoves the last possibility of a and voicing wishes for -the S'Uccess Miss Yorke, Miss Hi� John Slavinfootball J..!'ante this fall. of. The Hague tribunal. soon to be and G1!S Sohlke To Be Guests. and the honor system was broughtin'g song is sch�duled for 8 o'clo:k ..I t lk d "'1 Thup an.. a cover tn ectat. �After the concert an informal dance! P . J • I h h h dres'( cnt sale t at e a some newwill be held in Lex:ngton Hall. The b . b f h '1n:atters to rmg core t e councl.dub will be assisted by Miss Virginia but as the time was taken up withKetchem. vio:nist. :\li55 Mary Sul-be held in Hitchcock Han this after- oM husiness the meeting adjournedli,,'an, reader. and :\Iiss Florencenoon, promises to be a big succcss to meet :lgain next Thursday in theSheet?, pianist. Tickcts are on saleaC'cordin<Y' to the friars who h'''''e ,t President's oOice. At the meeting,., .. at the information office. h A I b f h next week. it is expected that sonlCJ:1 c arge. arge num er 0 t e Thc GI·rl ..,'· Glee Clttb . II. IS unust:a y f .X 0 monl'y for the Harper :\Iemo- B1ackfriars will be present and judg. matters 0 great Illterest to Univer·prosperotls at the present time, its. I 'ILrial Library has been received forI in"' from the interest taken in t Slty sttIC ents Wt r be brought out.,., 0- membership having largely increase·1two months, according to a statement I day's reception, it wi1l warrant thc over last year. A number of tlifficuIt First Meet For Freshmen May 4,made yesterday by Dr. T. W. Good- carryin"', ·out of sim;Jar ones in th Th F,., e selections wil1 be inchuled in the pro- e reshman track team ",�n!'pccf), R�gistrar of thc University. future. gram. i mcet Culver :\riIitary Academy Sat�Dr. Goodspeed, however, sa:d further jllr(lay, :\Iay 4. at Culver. This con.� circular adverti!'ing the university that he has sanguine hopes for the The first oratorical contest of the A meeting of the University Dra-j test wiII open the outdoor· season for"..n be issued :\fay I. It will con·, dtimate �ttcce:,s of the enterftrise collenes of 1111'no' th b'" f . CI b .�. I . I It" .'" �, IS �n e su Je. ct 0 I' nl.atlc .u will he held tOd. ay at 4 th, e fir.!'t y.ear men .. They ""ilr mak�'.1n arge cuts of Ryerson and of a, and thinks that the money will he '\\:oman s sufi II b h Id h I\'1e� I ,_. I . ., WI e e 111 t el 0 cock In CohL 9B to deCIde upon the triP 'wlth the Varsity team, which'OOKlng east from Snell. raised. F "rt b Id Mme.� s Ul tog on • ay 4- the selection of a play. wilJ meet I'\Jrdue on the same date.IIICHIGAN t STANDS PAT01 CONFERENCE A nlTUDEYiolverine Board Refuses to RescindPoliC1 and t<? Abide by all the�.�on, if Report is Correct. MeansI..Cance1l3tion of Conference Trackand Base!l311 Dates.(Special to The Daily Maroon.)Ann :\ rbor, April 25-JlanagerBaird today cancelled the baseb-rllgame scheduled with Illinois for. Sat­urday at Ann Arbor. and arranged tomeet the Albion College' nine her!'.This action was taken because of thedifierencl's between Michigan andthe Coni erence, which prohibit itsAfter the. meeting of theof athletic control, held toupon Michigan's position, Judge V.H. Lane, the Conference representa-tive, said: "No definite action wastaken. The general concensus ofopinion was that the best thing todo is to let things stand as theyare." This means' that Michigan willstand pat on its policy of schedulingmore than five football games, andConference teams. CHICAGO, FRIDAY, AP.klL .26. 1907. Price Two Cents.Dr, Watson to Spend Several MonthsOn Deserted Island In Dry Tor_tugas Group.Noted Members of Faculty to Figurehour. Rusiness left over from lastThe anrwal concert of the Girls fJuarter, including reports on CobbGlee Club wilt be held on Saturday hall panic danger, the University seal,May 4. in Lexington Gym. The openconvened, will be proposed.GRANT RATEs FOR SUMMERRailroads Reduce Fare For Chicag:>S�lden� GIFTSRates ()f :l fare and a third for th:! No ContnDution to Harper LibraryrOUnd trip to students for the sum· Rece�ved for Two Months.Iller quarter have been granted by'the railro:l(l:< cntering Chicago. Thisrate applies for either or both termsof the Slimmer quarter, tickets, being!lold from June 12 to ,8 and Julv 24to 2f>. goo(1 for return till September3. The Rlackfriar reception in honorof Miss Alice, Yorke, :\fiss MabelFEW Hite, John Slavin and Gus Sohlke, toFOR MEMORIALTHE DAILY MAROON, CJ{ICAGO. rRIDAY. APRIL �. 1907·-"r mlMlii • .maroo!, 111nOaSl�111igfC .. tt�.d"lI1\\'hell backers -su�purta LOOK FOR INTEREST INWaf .uG"'!t �,.. with good hard cash. CAP AND GOWN ELECTION----------------''1 The accident in the relay trials. whichom.lal Student l"'abllcatJOD of the UD.......lilt,. nf � gave Wendell Phillips a victory overUuiversity High was unfortunateand it was a white thing for theFOnDer.,TIl.. Unl ••,. of Cblealo Weeki,.FOUDde4The Weeki,. Oet. I. 18a2. school to do tu gi,'c the team an. I I-rOIl) IIOW until next WednesdayThe Dall,. Oet. 1. 1802. even chance by sending t ie men t,:l •. . I' ri I first day of nomination.s· for the IICDteH'{t a .. 8ftOoud·("la. Man at tbe Clat. Philadelphia on pr ivate :'\1 )SCrip Ion. t re- � ·ea� r .. to....._ live positions on the executive boardl:5u1»�.rI"t1<>a pdce, p.uu per ,e&r',LOO MINNESOTA LEGISLATURE of the Cap at�d Gown. for .1C)08: �o�'h.·1luI' 'a mODtha. SubKrlpUoDa rece1Yecl at TO GIVE GOPHERS BIG SUM omon' class interest III this dlrcctlo:11� MuOOll 06:Ie. BWa Ball, or at tM is expected to be apparent. It 1:0-F_cult,. kclaaqe. Cobb Ball. Appropriation of $70,000 Passes Both thought that a large number of nom-Hou!>es-Quarter Million of Sum inations will b� placed in the fict«(for Engineering. for th e offices of two managing edi-___ tors, two' business managers and aGEOltGl-; E. FULLl-JIC. UualD� Mao-pr. A bill .11Jpropriating $ for the literarv editor.usc of the University of Xl.unesota Las; year election to the executivehas just passed both houses of the I hoard was made early in the 'fall bystate legislature. Last week the Sen- thc Junior class, but the committeeate passed' the bill granting the Uni- which framed a new constitution forREPORTERS ver sity -$I,noo.OOO. The House has the Cap and Gown decided that anP F D • u now' passed it, hut cut down the election h .... the Sophomore class dur-.ter • 1UUl. \�. c. Ilac:Cn.cken. JJerome Frank. Hur'7 A. Banaen� amount of the appropriation. The bill ing the spring quarter would give theP. W. Plnkerton. Bane,. B.l'uller.Jr will go back to the Senate. where 110 editors and business managers someI. II:. l'er'CWlOJl, opposirion seems probable since the :lltlch needed time.bill in its unamended form previously The right to make nominations willreceived its sanction. be open from next Wednesday to theTwo hundred and fifty thousand iol1owing Monday. All nominationsdollars of the total amount is to be entered after the meeting Wednesdaydevoted to an engineering depart- must be by petition' of five membersK. JH)D� A1A'I'U':W�, Ka�lul" EiUtor.LU'l'HI':lt u, l·'':UNALU, New .. &4ltor.� W. llEND&BSON. �tbleUe �d1tor.A 5SOCIATE EDITORSClaarl_ W. Palla.... .Bena.u1I I. Bell.P� F. G-. Warren H. I··tntlt·r.MelYln J. AcIuu. Cole 17. Rowe"A.L.I'rI�1rI ... Ketber BallAlbert D. BeDclerwon.Pdnted b, the Mal'oon Pna-i... Eut G5th StreetPhone 3Ul Ib'de Park Field of Candidates for ExecutiveBoard Expected to be Large­Meeting Wednesday.merit, and $450,000 ior campus nn- of the class.provcrnents. The election will be held on Wed-A recent' issue of "The Michigan ncsday, May 15. from 9 a. m. untilDaily," in an article on the Confer- BOOK DEFENDS HIGHER .5 p. m., and will be governed by theence question, quotes ,CRITICISM OF THE BIBLE Australian ballot system. Efforts willProfessor Bates, one of --- he made to obtain a voting machine.Michigan's representa- The Rev. Henry Waring Publishes Students with between 10 and 21 rna­tives, as follows: '''The Volume on "Christianity and Its jors of credit are eligible to vote andUniversity of Chicago Bib!e." hold office.I�BreakingOf TrueLight MOST college men haven't any too muchmoney for clothes: and you have todress pretty well at that.This. store is a place for the best of you; the moststylish, the most economical We·re here withthe goods; and the prices are like getting it fromhome..aurice L. RothschildGood Clothesand Nothing Else.S. W. CORNER JACKSON a: STATE.representatives, Dean Small and Mr. ---Stagg, were distinctly friendly and "Christianity and Its Bible," by the To Complete New Building May. 10.did all in their power to help us. 11- 'Rev, Henry F. Waring, is a new book The four story brick building onlinois and Iowa were also friendly. in a series of constructive Bible stud: the corner of Drexel avenue and 58th"We simply were not complying ies just issued from' the University of street, will be ready for occupancywith the Conference rules and we Chicago Press. The plan of the book 'hv the American School of Corres­couldn't expect them to act as though presents a' survey of the whole relig- 'p6ndence on May 10, according towe were." . ious .field, the plans of the architects. TheThis, from a good Mi�higan man In his conclusion,. �lr. Waring says structure will have a tower. Thedo��Chla�man�heart goo�fur "Let us n� be a&aid � h�hcr crit· Ame�rnn S�o� � Corr�ponden� ,-�������������������������������Chkago has &� aU �ong that the ic�m. L� us under"and what it i� 'is now �caud � bne of the A�our ��������������������������������Michigan students were looking this Condemnation or' all higher criticism Institute buildings. but on account ofway through dark glasses, seeing indicates an ignorance of what it is. :t3 recent growth, needs larger space.things as they were not. It is fortu- While textual or lower criticism aimsnate that Michigan has seen Chicagoin a false light, but now that the truelight has. begun. to break perhaps thefriendly relations may: be soon reosumed with the natural rival.;:,• t, ;r Farce Comedy ••• � ,• •• HE:llRTS TO MA Ten •••Written by Hansen & Kleinand given by the Alumni of theMcCormac SchoolsMasonic Temple, U4 and Lexington Avenue,Saturday, April 27Admission SOc. Reserved Seats 7St'Curtain 8:15 Dancing 10:15 .H. E SHO REYTHETAILOR332 Republic BuiJdina135.00 COLLEGE SPECIALYALEto give' "Us the original words as l Inearly as possible, higher criticism ,. � .. : .... )I ... T 5 '"aims to give their authorship, dates, __ iIIiiII_- 1etc. It is true that critics sometimescome to conclusions without sufficientevidence. . It . is also true, however,While the campus is torn up in the that .many conscientious Christianprocess of inprovements and land- specialists are now engaged in thisscape gardening the pe- historical work and liter�ry study.Guard' destrians must restrain Their work is recognized as a meansAgainst their . feelings for the of getting a truer appreciation of theDanger present and look to- Book of Books. Let us not forgetwards what the future that the critic most to be feared ishas in store in the line of beautifying not the so-called higher 'critic, butthe University grounds. While the rather the ordinary critic of the BibleUniversity. public is thus raising its as it is translated in our lives."eyes above the existing harshness and :\Ir. \Varing says also that the great;viewing the beautiful beyond, the au. est characteristic of the age in its at­thorities in charge of the work of im- titude toward the gospel, is that ofprovement should take precautions to indifference.-----see that the pedestrians are guarded . Oberlin Alumni to Meet._from injury. On the �ork i� front o£ '7he annual meeting of the IllinoisHitchcock Hall a deep excavation in ("'berlin' Alumni association will bethe middle of the driveway has been heicl at the Auditorium th 's eveningleft unguarded for two nights; red at "i o'clock. The meet ina will he fol­lights and a temporary fence ought lowed hy a banquet ;'!HI be provided for safety in such Several hundred. g-ra«ll!:ttc" arc ex.places. peered to be present.University High School supporters �����---�-�-����and backers have shown a spirit ofthe right brand in send-U. HighSpirit It's aing their relay team to Ithe Penn 2'3mes and,defraying their e�-Ipcnscs by subscription. It i� oncmatter to stick with a winning team;it is a harder proposition and' a bd:'tel' test of loyalty to stand by a los­ing team with encouragement androoting from the bleachers; the ac-me of sc:hool spirit and IOyalty;51 ••••••••••••••••FOWNESThat's aU you need to knowabout aGLOVE Colonial.THE BELLEOF MAYFAIRand theGIBSONGIRLSThe GarrickLEW FIELDS\1l�1 his an-Star Company, .in'.'ABOUT TOWN"And His Travesty of"THE �lUSIC MASTER"IllinoisSAM­BERNARD'In the 'New 'Musical Farce,THE RICHMR. HOGGENHEIMERSix Months inNew York City.La SalleTHE TIMETHE PLACE adTHE'GIItLThe' StudebakerAugustin DalyMusical Comedy Co.Will prcse�t Geo. Edward's:\{usical Comedy Success •.TWO., LITTLEGIRLS Students copied our COLLEGE CORNER S�t Model LastAu�THE SPRING MODEL is much handsomerCome in and see it.C�er6wnkieTAILORS 185 189 Dearborn St.Ban" floOrUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz. .I Student's Special $3.50 per DozIThey fill that Empty Space at Home.cfsmotr' •. t&�oto IttubiGPhone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREET,:Spri�g f'lo�ers in BlossomVISIT THE GREENHOUSES NOWPhones: H. P. 18-H. P. 6957A. IMcADAl\ifSSad Street and Klmbark AvenueAT THEUNloroi HOTEL and RESTAURANTWILJ ... FIND RESTAURANTS ON 1'WO PLOORSWt�L li"IND A SPECIAL AFl'ER·THEATER MENUWILL FI�D SPLENDID SERVICE5�rving oniy the 8(:5t the Market Afford!'111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREETWe make a Specialty of Club; Pntemity Dilmers. EtcFine�t Orchestra in die C'it:v CioldsmjL GOLDHarV4IACCmFORT]Prices :MLaUtion5714 Wa:EmmaResidence.ISJ3 ArlingtonPhone1 OBQUA]92-94·96ht Dc:!)pa Saturd;Sec. H.P. IKimbarlIDt.JklaD:HoursA fairOper,61, 163 E,THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO. FRII)A Y. APR] L � .. 1�.-THE-Harvard HotelFINESTACCOMMODATIONSFOR STUDENTSANDTEACHERSPrices Moderate.Location Ideal.5714 Washington Ave.Emma C. StewartL GOLDSMITH. Director.flice, Cable Piano Co.abash.and Jackson. Chicago.r. Swell Dresser:10REMANQUALITY CLOTHES92"94-96 Washington Streeti::et Dearborn and Clark Su.)pm Saturday evening until 9 o·dockPhones:!!ice, H.P. I i88. Residence. H.P. g61Kimbark Ave. Cor. 63rd St.lOt. ,frrb tilL "rUtIDl:. RaJ" tilL f)arurDENTISTSHours: 9-12. 1:30-5-AMES HATS2.00 $3.00A fair deal with every hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.61, 163 E. MADISON STREET,Near La Salle. ::::1::7:�::=::: CARSO· N PI RI E SCO�T & Co.son and New Pictures of Uni- ' Iversity Cam!)us.The number opens with thedresses at the installation of Presi-Trustees by Mart;n A. Ryerson,President of the Board. and thespeech of acceptance by PresidentJedson. The convocation address."American Expansion and Education­a! Efficiency." by President GeorgeEdwin MacLean, of the State Uni-.versity of Iowa, is given in Jull, andquarterly" statement on the conditionFel!owship for Social Study.A fellowship of $500 for the year1907-08 for work in social investiga­tion is offered by the :\ssociation ofthe Collegiate Alumnae together withthe College Settlement Association.The University is a member of t�isassociation and hence the fellowshipis open to, its graduates. Applicationshould be sent in before May I toMiss Catherine B. Davis. the CollegeSettlement Association's representa­tive on the committee. Suits and•OvercoatsThe Highest Degreeof Quality and Styleat the Minimum of CostOur Second Floor Clothing Section for men,-Top Coatsat $15.00 and $25.00 Rain Coatsat $1;;.00 and $20.00Men's tailor' made rain coats of cravenettedfabrics. One well tailored line is of dark mixedworsted, perfect fitting, half lined, cut good andfull, The lapels lie close and tight, $15.00. An­other is of a fine b.Lade shadow stripe in an un­finished worsted, hand made button holes, collarand lapels, half silk lined, $20.00Our showing of top coats for Spring em­braces an extremely large variety to select from.For the man who likes a shorter spring overcoatwe have top coats in gray herringbone weaves,tan and gray covert and black thibets-tan oov­erts and gray herringbone weaves at $15. andthe gray coverts, silk lined, $25.Men's S�ck Suits at '20.00Checks, stripes and herringbone weaves - also the popular gray worsteds in light and darkshades. Sack suits that are characterized by all the Iittle details of custom tailor work and thatwill yield splendid satisfaction in the fit, $20.00.SPECTACLES and EYE GlASSES.-.L. Maaesse •OPT I C IAN AlladlleDStTriRD. I."Residence. Phone1833 Arlington 1'1. L V'ave lew 1024 'lent Judson-the announcement iuPhone Il:.rn!'onn 1(1.44 behalf of the University Board ofCio/dsmith' 5 Orchestraof the University· appears, . togetherSEE JUST' HOW with the list of new appointments andOUR SUIT WILL LOOK BE- promotions, numbering about eightyRE YOU FEEL THAT YOU The memorial addresses at the. fu,. ST BUY IT. YOU HATE TO neral of Eri Baker Hulbert; Dean of,RDER A SUIT AND NOT TAKE the Divinity school, . by Profsesor.• I?ON'T YOU? Ernest D. Burton and Professor!.:1 CAN Charles R. Henderson, are also. in-> • -c SHOW YOU NOT ONE eluded in this number, -as well as the, BUT HUNDREDS. addre�5 by . Rev. Be�jamin' A.�·CAN ALSO SHOW YOU THAT Greene" D.D., member of the Board. � ,SAVE YOU MONEY. of Trustees of the Divinity school '� B .... The -resol�tion by -. the rii�nity fac-5 UYS A PERFECT FIT- ulty and Conference and the Univer-G ALL-WOOL SUIT FROM sity Council in memory of Dean Hul­FOR WHICH THE TAILOR bert is given in connection with theaULn CHARGE YOU "5- addresses. There are . also included�FROM�5S�YOUh��e �dre�� � �e memori� ��!II�------------------------------------------�rs ARITHMETIC. vice for Wilbur Samuel Jackman. Patronize the • • • e Send' Your •principal of the University Element- NI DON'T ASK YOU TO BUY- ary school, by Professor James H. UNIVERSITY Mle toXLV TO LOOK. Tufts, of the Department of Philos- PHA.RMA.CY Spalding-opby, and Nathaniel Butler, dean of s60 E. Fifty-Fifth Street. FOR A CATALOGUE OPthe .College of Education; and the R. R. BOWAN. Prop.resolution in memory of PrincipalJackman by the University Council.They are notices of various newvolumes issued by the University ofChicago Press and of the first num­ber of the Chicago Alumni Magazineand the list of new fellows for theyear 1907-8, with the departments to.which they are appointed, and thestates from which they come, and the ------------..:::--•ten .pages of Dotes concerning the enid. ,faculties and the· association of Doc- 0 10 Stors of Philosophy. .' &Peo: 1The April issue of the Unive .. rsrty 1·:··>:::···:···:·· ......Record, appearing today. is of espl'­cial interest to students and all in- I: :).�:·:\.l.\::···:·I�II··:terested 'n University life. A repro-! duction of the official portriat .of; President Harry Pratt Judson. byi Lawton S. Parker, which now hangsI ill Hutchinson Hall, forms the front-ispiece of the issue. The number hasalso two other full·page illustrations-a view looking toward the MitchellTower, and a view of Kent ChemicalLaboratory from Hu11 Court. Theseare both new points of view of th:e• ::·; -. �':.W::iIUn'vesity architecture. and are pa:--ticularly effective.Spalding Athletic Goods.MentioD 9"Jhat sport you are iDter·ested in and ask ·for a list of collegmd school supplies.The Spaldiq .Athletic LibnuyTextbooks on every athletic spor10 cents per copy.Send for Complete LiSL11m ':rder Dept.A. G. SPALDING a BROS.126 N .... u St.. New York.149 Wabash Ave., Chic:qo.£ .......... - UNEXCELLED FOR FIT ANDWEA". .WMITE AND EXCLualVE FANCYFA.RIca...a FOR TME CLUETT .M"IT •• DLOOa FO. TME CLUETT u.l:L.CLUETT. PEABODY 6, CO._____ a ...... __ .....EaL 1856BRYANT li mAnONBusiness CollegeOffen SuperiorAdvantaga in.• Business Training •.AND•• Stenography .•DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudentw lIay Enter at Any Tim ..H. W. ! Pres.L Brent 7 .. .,... U. of C, ·n.1Iaaapr.liS-PI. W.bub Aft.GENTLEMEN1IIIO .... ,..nu1011111,"1 ClllfIII111M lIIlaPlOYU ,BOSTON--GARTER THE DAILY MAROON,' CHICAGO. F1UDAY, APRIL 26. 1907.Badgers Wi!! Play Miimesota, In. Director Stagg and Eight Men. Ac�diana. .Purdue, Iowa, and Illinois companied by High School Relay-Meet Gophers November 26 at Teams. Will Arrive In PhUadelphiaMadison, Wis. April .:?5-\ViscOll- scve nree n athlete; !�:: :'csterday mor,sin's 190i Iootbalf schedule was an- ning over the Pennsylvania road aminounced today by Dr. C. P. Hutch- will arrive in Philadelphia at noonills. Only live dates are named, in today. The men' will rest up this af­accordance with the Conference rule, tcrnoon, but may take Fght workoutsand all, of fhl' �ames are with Big .omorrow morning to get � id of theirNine teams, The)J inne sota game, stirf'ness from the long ride.which will ),l' the big �ontest of the Sentiment on the campus secondedyear. is to be played at Madison. the statement of Director Stagg thatThe schedule: the Chicago squad will. cut into theOct. 26-lllinois at )ladison, scoring at the meet tomorrow. MostNov. 2-lowa at Iowa City. of the dopesters give PennsylvaniaNov. 9--1 ndiana at Madison. a first in the relay, though all agreeNov. I6-Purdlle at LaFayette. that the Chicago quartet will make'No\'. 2.)�l\Iinnesota at Madison. the Penn men hustle. One opinionwas that, if Merriam starts withinFRATERNITY BASEBALL five yards of the last runner, he willSERIES OPENS TODAY win the race. Mr. Stagg has cornpil­ed the figures r.egarding the two for-ISigma Chi and Sigma Nu To Play mer Chicago teams. the one of 1900First Game-Trophy Will Be A winning the relay championship in 3Banner. minutes 23 3-5 seconds, and that of1905. which finished fir�t, but was dis-The inter-fraternity baseball sea- qualified on a technicality. In 19<)0,son will open this afternoon when the time was: Slack, 0 :50 3-5; Lord,Sigma Chi and Sigma �u play the 0:51 3-5;, F. ,Moloney, 0:52; and W.curtain raiser of the spring's games. Moloney, 0 :49 2-5. Times in 1905 wereThe game will be played on Marshall Lightbody, 0 :50 2-5; Blair. 0 :50 4-5:field at 4:30 o'clock. Several games Quigley, 0:51 1-5; and Groman. 0:50-fore May 15.' Arrangements for the seconds.various games will be left to the cap- The athletes who accompanied D'·rector Stagg are Captain Russell an-IWilliamson for the weight event-s.Iddings for the pole vault, Schommerfor the high jump and the four -elav ,LIT WOM�N VICTORIOUS men, Merriam, Barker. Quigley and. ,. .OVER PHILOSOPHY FIVE Lingle; the Wendell Phillips, whichwon the tryouts held by Mr. Stagg----------------------------------�------------------------.Exciting Basketball Game Is Won last Saturday composed of Reilly,By . Close Score Of 13 to Goldberg. Kuhn, and Hayn, and the10. University High school team whic't1 •.. :"'-". ,,-."...'.. was entered by ·petition. consi-sting otLiterature college girls defeated the Wampler, Morris, Martin, StaddenPhilosophy girls by the' score of 13 and Kultcher,to TO in a hard fought basketball gam"! 'Coach Fitzpatrick has decided toill Lexington gym yesterday after- take Patterson. the Michigan highnoon. The playing on both sides jumper.. .Patterson . has.. been suffer­was fast and snappy, and every point j�g from tonsilitis.was closely contes�ed., Both colleges TENNIS TOURNEY TO BEGINwere represented by a large and en- 'thusiastic crowd of rooters and ex- Varsity arid Freshmen CandidateScitement was intense. Misses Sagar Start Net Work Today.and Chamberlin were the stars forPhilosophy. while Miss La Venturemade most of the points for Litera­ture.. The lineup was as follows:Literature (Red) Forwnrds : Grap­er and' LaVenture: Lawson, Center;Stayer and Lilly. Guards. Philosophy(Blues) Forwards: Sazar and Cham­bc.Iin: Center. Tvlev : Cunrds : Nor­to� :111'1 \\T crzlcr. - -Suhstitutes-Misses Vozt, UnderhillTHE I£COIIIZU STUDAID.... r ...... el..U-pod 01 .. �e.1..,-�e CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPLIES FUTTOTII( LEe-REYERSUPS. TUIS IORUlfASTEIS00. nonoo . .xu...Jladoe ....... 1J.8. A.... _..,ALWAYS EASY�_ ....Cor. Adams St. and Michigan Ave.HaveYou YouTip WillBeen Top Uke'There? Inn ItTheTop floor ofThe Pullman Company �uild'g182 Madison StreetA Cafe of individual tonewhere fastidious folks findcheer and refreshment­the perfection of twentiethcentury co�king in, a cle-,lightful old-world atmes-.phere.(There is only one VOgels:mg'a) �.It's only anight's ride­one sleep-from•..... _J Chicago to real_ resta!ldhea1thatFrench LickWest Baden SpringsWaters are, riding. driving, billiards,bowling, trap-shooting or per­feet rest if you want It-Idea!accommodations-congenialguests. .UW, Roud Trip RatesDay and nb�ht trafDa. sleepers,parJoTand !::uftetcara. ,----.-._Lost-On or near' the Campus-Ox­idized silver belt-setting of peacockeyes. Finder please return to Infor­mation office, Cobb Hall. Madison.(Special to The Daily Maroon)arc scheduled for tomorrow.At a meeting of the captains yes­terday morning at the Reynolds club,it was decided to make the trophy <ibanner this year as in former years.Wendt, Richards and Meagher wer­appointed a committee on the tro­phy.It was also decided that all pre­liminary games must he finished be-tains of the playing teams, and ::9effort will be"' made to dr-aw up a corn­plete schedule for the league.:t nd Erickson.Lost=-Alpha Tau Omega pin. sc; It is expected that a number of in-with pearls and rubies. Kinoly leave tcr-collc_Fe, g;tmcs_. will, follow, Inform:ttion Office."" g-t;e 9\oot �tuJi�KDlBALI.IlALL243 .... bull ATe.Original Ideas ancl Exclusive Styles inPHOTOGRAPHS 'a •• clal �.If". to u� � S,a�r"!1!1ilt,iI Director Stagg' and his party of2-5., The probable time of this year'steam was figured at 3 minutes 23 4-5seconds. or one-fifth of a second:slower than the 1900 four. Individualtimes arc estimated as follows: Mer­riam. 0:49; Quigley, 0:50 4-5; Barker.0:51; and Lingle, 0:53. The Penn­sylvania men boast that their teamwill cover. the mile in 3 minutes II)The .annual spring tennis tourna­mcnts to serve as a weeding out pro­cess for th� tennis teams are sched-Iuled to begin today. Separatematches will be held for the Varsityand freshmen players, in both dou­bles and singles.GGPHERS WANT SEVEN GAMESMinnesota Athletic Board Favors ALonger Football Season. If you want to makemoney this summer . / .e--­VOL. V.We have a propOSItIon by which agood man can, in three months, makemore than enough to defray hiscollege expenses for the next year.There is no outfit to buy and no catechismwhich you have to learn. All you need isyour own gray matter and a little help fromus from time to time. w. T� snPEACENoted EngUniversalDr. Jenkint.etters]--1,'JIf you will write US, we will gladlyexplain how we propose to makeyour next college year free fromfinancial worry. Han. wumover in ttaking, hasmonwealthing ill Ma:and he wi l l. Stead is 110,Renew of Ihas travelhv:siting ru Igardto thi. He is withlfigure in th�bas it mos,"'-'_', The Rc\', �accepted tlTHE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY4z4 Cherry StreetPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaTHE LADIES' HOME JOURNALTHE SATURDAY EVENING POST" ':�meeting, sa::'jltsS somet�,;..� eer, but if,iaot make ';��,:'d�tailedI!" 'eetjng. JE:c��dfrom himl�the meetrild,. owirlame nigh11100 will sI Plans foj�ment haveIt is the 0ill the woravoid confinternatiollbitration.terest in tltry, organtions in anation senconferenceconferencemovementita princijr is felt 1the gteate:a project.The innu at ethciaite aetiorill ofierin�tbt mOVet1St�ad at tlill June.Positions IQr TeachersSchools and Col!eges throughout the country call on usto fill all high grade openings Do you intend to teach nextyear? Call or write us today.•.• HAPC;OODS •••Tte National Organization of Brain Brokers.Hanford BId;.; Chicago., III.,ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE aadSTORA.GE COI.1P A.NYPhone Hyde Park 571. Kimbark Av. &rifty-SiIiUtThe Cleanest and Best Kept St0l'll' - 'Warehouse in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved. Stored. Packed andShipped to all parts of tile world. 300 PrivattSlor·age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively ior Pi:sktS.Rooms (or trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carriages, I'uggies lidSleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local Transfers for Baggage, Furniture, Packages, etc., at short nobct.Special Attention Given to Univers ity Orders. 'PostpoThe reccof Hitchcefor llr. J,lond YorkPOstponedoi �Iiss ,the \VhitSl:erer Yl'�that lfissing fromtar:icr in"'as nowlliss Hand ntithe� to be 1teption w'�hc Unive�ity of �innesota atll-��_����� __ � __ �_�� __ � ������ __ ���letic hoard (If control. at a meeting\Ycdncsday put itself on record asf;l\"oring a _schedule of seven, instea.lof five, football games each year.Although this question has alreadyheen decided by the conference.' theTelephone your want ads to, the :tttitude of the Gophers goes to showfhe Daily Maroon. th:tt the issue is, n9t dead. ,BASEBALL GAMES '!"ODAYNorthwestern :It Pnrcll1<'.Iowa :at Minnesota. Good PosltloIlS"Say Boys." if you want to get located this summer, co:ne a:oundand see us. Costs you nothing to find out. We know where toplace you.Business Mens Clearing HouseWOMAWg TEMPLE,1107 114 La SaDe Street.c .. MOOREp FLOR.IST. 272 East 55th Street. Chicago.T�J,BPHONB BYP� PARK JI--------IllinoisE.