•• �;p ••VO'L: V. No. 113. CHICAGO, TUESDA Y. APRIL 9, 1907. Price Two Cents.jllO\.isioll was intended :0 prevent t:1C.ection of a nat buildi�lg. There was Isternatiou among the residentsby, therefore, when they discov- • the oper?tor .. that store buildings were being The University of Chi.c:ago Swimming Team.. Of the "rank inconsistency" of many -_�.,� � ��t':. _'.�;',;; • -",.� •• r •• - -- •• ' �:- ':-:-Top· Row�COa-ch' Knudson� Oay, Ferguton��AI&:xaXder: T.i�d��Y:R;ddY, - Ma�Knight, Eh;ho�, -spit;;'"c�lliDp: _of the opponents of vivisection Pro-1'lDvestigation disclosed that the Middle Row-Hoffman Morse, Badenoch, Schott, Van Zandt, Peter son. fessor Angell says:�. der was strictly within his legal Bottom Row-Princell, Solomon, Captain Rohde, Harper, Walker, Bannerman. "The public is shocked beyondrights. The prohibition against the measure at the atrocities of a totallyerection of store buildings on Wood- DR. JUDSON LEAVES FOR SOUTH HOUGHTON AND SCHOMMER TO MEET QUAKER SWIMIIERS anaesthetic operation on a rat, whilelawn Avenue was evaded by leaving . it accepts without the quiver of anthat part of the lot vacant which University's President Will Address ON ALL WESTERN AVE Western Champions Win Take Part eyelid the widespread use of poisons�presentatives of Southern cot-I . __. In Inter-Sectional Splash With which presumably cost other rats pro-leges on Education at Pin�urst Coaches A�ge11, Cook and Jamison Pennsylvauia In Bartlett Tank lunged agony, and the use of trapsTomorrow- Will Return Fnday. Are Unanimous in Selection of Thursday N"lght.. . which crush limbs and hold thei�victims thus imprisoned for hours be-fore the captor comes to dispatch thesufferer. A scientist is houndedthrough the press as a devil incarnatefor inoculating animals with deadlydiseases in the search for prcvcntiesof disease in mankind, while thenleasurc-seeking sportsman who griev­ously wounds birds, animals and fihes:n the unsuccessful effort to slaughter'!'em for his own amsement,' therebycausinp untold suffering, is acceptedhv society as a fine clean-minded cit­izcn, often elected to high office andI"uded for his exploits as a NimrodEntries for the meet, as announcedby Dr. J. E. Raycroft, show that theeasterners will present their fullstrength. With such men as Renear,Sylvester, and Dalrymple, they expectto win the meet. From their show­ing a�ninst the C. A. A. team on its and an exponent of the wholesomeeastern trip, as compared with the outdoor life .Varsity-Co A. A. meets here.the Quak-ers should prove victors,small boy who cherishes with supcr­Si:\:y Y:lnl Swim-Sylnster. Ren- human (f<'votion the we1f:lre ()f his pctBlackmail or Spite Motive BehindBuildings Being Built at .s8th andWocdl.:.v.n Say Neighbors.• 1..(j 'J.e'Oray, . Prevented From' E-rectiJig'S Flat Build'ng Puts up One StoryShops Instead.The indignation of the reside nt s ofWvvd!�' .. ;:: Avenue living' bet ween 57and 5� streets, has been aroused bvthe erection of four small oue-st orvstores Oil 58 st r, .. et, just off of Wood­lawn Avenue. That part of Wood-.' Ilawn Avenue is· occupied almost eX-Ielusively by members of the faculty Iand is popularly 'calll'u "faculty row."!An effort :0 limit this rc:�ioll cxclu-s- Ih'ly to private residences has bccn .made ant! whc u the property at thecorner of 5S street and Woodlawn":J!'. su'rl �o I. J. Gray. t!!C builder oft e )'n'�l'lIl :-'.orcs, it .vas stipulatedtl.at IlJ huildiug of over two stories:should he erected on the site. T'hisNo provisionagainst store buildings was containedin the deed. Attempts to buy Grayoff have failed up to the preserit. It Chicago Men.The University of Chicago swim­ming team w'Il have a r.eet withthe Pennsylvania holders of thesecond place in the East, in the Bart­lett gymnasium tank Thursday night.The meet, therforc, will have a directbearing on inter-sectional honors.� s rumored that the University has President Harry Pratt Judson hastaken a hand in the matter by threat- left for Pinehurst, North Carolina, Wisconsin· and Minnesota Divide Oth-ening to buy no more bricks from where he will address the SouthernEducational Conference. On thetenth of April he will deliver a speech' er Places-Maroon Center LeadsWest in Scoring Ability.Gray, who is a brick dealer who has'supplied the University with bricks.Indignation over Gray's determina on "Education by the State and for By Coach Angell, Wisconsin.tion to ignore the wishes of the the State." He wilJ return to Chi- Scribner (Wis), forward,neighborhood runs high. one promi- cago by the latter part of the week J:eerin6' (Minn.), forward.nent member of the faculty going so The Conference has been called to Schommer (Chi.), center.far as to call it blackmail. consider educational and allied needs Houghton (Chi.), guard.Professor Tolman, one of the men of the South. Besides the presidents' Frank (Wis.), guard,1rho have led in the fight against the and other officials of the Southernstores, sa:!) yesterday to a Maroon re- colleges, state factory inspectors.] R)porter: commissioners of child labor, repre-"The students and faculty are d sentatives of the National Civic Fed-. unit in objecting to the course Mr. oration. and investigators of publicGray has taken. The property own- and private charitable associations� have offered Mr. Gray more than will be in attendance. The primarylie paid for the corner but he will ohject of the series of meetings will Coach Jamison, of Purdue.Dot sell." he to con�ider the position of the c01-When :lc:kcd if Mr, Gray was .pu�. le�e!; in regard to the broader �spectsting up th(' stores as a business ven- of educational prohlem�. Tndnstrialture or c:imply to get e,"en for not :lnd social ahuses will be discnssed :lSbeing allowed to put up a Rat buitd- welt a� mattcrs reT�tin� more dir('ct1y• ing Thof('c;c:or Tolman said, UT do not to ('fll1(,,:ltion. Dr. Cook, of Minnesota.Deering (Minn.), forwardRogers (Wis.), forward.Schommer (Chi.), center.Houghton (Chi.). guard.Uzzell (�tinn.), guard.Chicago, however, will be strength,cued hy the usc of its hest freshmen,! it ha\'ing been decided that they Wlil: b(' a !lowed to compete.I Point: wi�l be scored .as in the for-I Jr.er .. wlmmmg meets thIS season: onepr,il1t for first place in each of theCaptain Houghton :10(1 John sehorn-I swimming c\"ent�. two for the relaymer of the University of Chicago has- and Three for the polo g:lme.kctball team were unanimous selec-I The entries are:tions for positions as guard anci cen· Forty Yarll Swim-Rclll'ar. Sylves­ter, respecth'ely of the All-Westcrn ter, I'hiller. Pennsylvania: 1brpcr.fives, :l� named by various coaches. Lind. ('y, Templeton, Chicago.Selections by Coaches Angell of Wis-Deering (Wis.), forward.Scribner (Wis,), forward.Schommer (Chi.), center.Houghton (Chi.), guard.Curtin (Wis.), guard,think the proprrty wilT even pay ta:'IC­tS. for t11(" students and people :nthe ncigl1horllOod so �trongly objectwill be rl·fficult Miss Small to Wed June 5.\\·cl)nesday. June s. is the time setf()r the wc(lding of �fiss Lina Small,or ;mpo�"ihl(' to rent them," (laughter of Professor amI )frs.AlhionWhell ,I,kell c()ncerning the truth \V. Sm:lll to �Jr. Hayden Bartlett Har-:' the rl1l11l)r tlwt the University wou1:l rise son of Mr. and :\frs, Norman W. con�in, Cook of Minnesota and Jam-cut off it" p:ttronagc from Gra.\', Pro. Harri�. The ceremony will be per - ison of Purdue were announced Sun-lessor Tolman said he <lid not know fr.rme<l in )fandc1 HalT. day.lVbether �ttch a step had hen taken ------not hut he considered it likely as I Pur(lue foothall candidates are be·tbe. University .wishes to keep the 10- ing steadily drilled in the U�e of theIt)' gc.vJ res:dence property. forward pass. . car, Philler, Pennsylvania: Collings,Harper, Goes. Lindsey. Chicago.On.' 1Tun!lred Yard Swim-llopkin­Statistics compiled by Coach An· sel1, Dalrymple, Penn�yh'anja; \Valk-gel1 show that Schommer \\�as the best C II' Cer, 0 m�, hicago.(Continued Ob pace 2.) (Continued on page 4-) UNl ERS ARE MORE CRUELTHAN ARE VIYISECTlOllSrProfesor Angell Attacks Rank Incon­s.stency of Opposition to Surgi­cal Experiments on Animals.-."". � �., .........._---_ .. "'_-.,. .",'"Says Minerals Would Make Only Lo::­ical Diet of Those Who Would In·flict no Suffering..\ -piritl't1 t1dl'lbC' oj v iv.scctj on inwhich al l per sou-, who hunt or lisilor Sl't rat traps and the like are warn­cII not to t hr ow stones as they arcmore open to attack than the labor­atory worker, is contributed to theApril issue of "The World Today:'by Professor j amcs R. Angell. headof the psychology department of the:�'Ili\'�' <t:·. Pr ofc -sor .... \ I:�cll :oay.;.;., �':l' 0:11y ones w1:0 C:1Il consistcm.,ij .OPIl0SC vivisecton arc t iio.ic whohod t:.;.: i! is immoral to inflict anysort of suffering :::1:1 he dcclnr c s that� c.e \;o;:id I:;;v.: '. J rcsr.c ; t;1'::-:13::�V­c, :;) a 1:. ::�t'!Y m.uc r.rl diet because Jil -e c1il1i�l:lty in ti::!erm·nin.:! the divid­:%';� I:nt' between animal anrl plant life.!.! ': hr::nds as a malicious slander th-:cc ntcntiou that vivisection b. utalizc .."The scientist who experiments up­on an anaesthetized dog in order toperfect his technique for the perform­ance of surgical operations on humanh('in�, is likely !o find him�.!lf a�sail_('.-I as a heartless hmte. while the e:'IC­plorer in search of the North pole.thatcryin,::!' neetf of modern c-h·iTj,':ation.m:ly slanght('r a regiment ()f d()gc: h)'f;.tiJ:!1te and starvation and C!rt onlypnhlic enc-omillms for hie; her()i .. m."All thin�s con�icJcre!). the :lttitndcof men in these m:ltters i, not nl:lter­i�lIy morc consistcnt than that of thl"cat, whose �lightest injury h(' rec;entc:with yiolenc(', wh:tt time he cherrful1y,hies a hrick at the neighbor's pnssy,thr('hy with precision and pain bring­ing that innocent feline to e:trth."(�oritinued on page 3)THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO. TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1901·$2.00A f�0)�---- ----- -- -_, -----allyr Baily _arDon \ who do know, will do much to tin of Wisconsin. Both men playedalter the present state of uncertainty brilliant basket ball. Curtin of Wis­consin did not strike his, gait untillate in the season and only played inthree full games but in those three heHOUGHTON AND SCHOMMER made seven baskets, holding DeeringON ALL-WESTERN FIVE of Minnesota to one basket and shut­point-winner in the league. During t�ng out Georgen of Chicago and Lew­the season he scored 91 points; Rog- is of Purdue. Like Uzzell of Min­ers of 'Visconsin was second, with ne sota and Geither of Purdue he wa�c;60 to his credit. Houghton had 24· a brilliant running guard. MoneyIn making his !'election. Coach An- "While I can readily see the justice cheerfullygell said: of a claim for a guard position on the refunded."The selection of an all western all western for Uzzell of Minnesota,Subscription prtee, $3.00 per 1ear; ,1.00 - . diffi It thi f Pu d C ti of W1'S, b k tb ... ll team IS nuite 1 CU 15 Geither 0 r ue or ur 10 -tor 3 months. Subsc:rlpUoDJI recelTe4 at as ema ."hitbe :Maroon om�, Ems Hall, or at the year as outside of Schommer. th� C 1_ eonsin, my own particular choice.... oculty Exchange. Cobb Hall. Ordel1l cago center. who is the unammouS would be Arthur Frank of Wisconsin.taken by mall or telephone. H1de Park choice of all critics..-there are few Curtin's teammate. He plays a harel. \426. who can make the team with a claim steady game. holding his man usuallyfor the position . undisputed. Con- better than safe, passes �ccurat�IYceded that John Schommer will be the and uses good judgment 10 gcttmgIL' EDDY MA'l'H.:W�, Mat.aglng Editor. unanimous choice for All Western the ball quickly to the right man.LU'nn:lt D. .'EltNALU, New. Editor. • th t hcenter-there are still four posittons Frank outplayed every man a eA. W. HE�DERSON, AthleUe Editor. h 1to fill on the team. was pitted aginst during t east sea-Ol-':ORGE E. l'·ULLER. Business Manage r. : �"Considering the position of for- son and -made more oints than allward first-such men as Lewis of Pur- "The scoring ability of t�e men,sug-Bernard I. Bell, due, Me Rae and Deering of Minne- gested for all western honors:sota and the two Wisconsin men Rog- Points. F. G. F. T.crs and Scribner arc thought of. Lew- Shommer (Chi) ·95 . J2is played a splendid game for'� new Rogers (\Vis.) 60 21man and shows promise 'of develop- Scribner (Wis.) .. ' ',' ·55 24W. P. MacCraeken. :ng into a great player. McRae of Deering (Minn.) 51 2.!Harry A. Hansen. �iinnesota played the floor superbly Uzzell (Minn.) '" ., ·34 1;-Haney B. Fuller,J!' and his accurate passing materiallv Frank (Wis) :26 T';1�sisted in the scoring of his team, Houghton (Chi.) 24 12T i he had been as successful in making Curtin (Wis.) 18 . 9baskets �s he was in playing the field, .,- l'he would have uflquestionably made F�UR' MEET, S '�OR �OPHERSa place on the team, but the' season'�record shows only seven baskets ,to Tracli: T� ,Gets ' �ates ,With Iowa \ ..his credit. This leaves three men tv ',' �ebraska· and Wisconsin_' . 'consider and Deering of, Minne�ot;):5 doubtless entitled to first considera- Minnesota's track schedule h:i;" ;u�::tion. been announce. It is to .�e t1.e he"t ", Am�ng the many glaring instances "Deering made twenty-four field in its history. It is as fellows:,of the misnaming of the University, baskets during the season to but five .May 4· Iowa at Minnesotaof Chicago a 'Current! by -his-' opponents, and- W'hife he-dlJ -�-ra:y "r r." Nel>raska at 1\linrie·s·oT:r."- 'magazine, presents the: not play the field as well as his .team: May 18. Wisconsin at "Wisconsin.most recent and .gtaring' mate�'McRa'�, his ability to, score and June I. Conference Meet at Mar­Several pages of des-. hi�· 'd'eien�i�e w�rk' g;'ves him a posi. shall field., cription of the Univer-: tion on the All Western. : The other ---- �- .;sit nd't k' h h LOSE TO RIVER FORESTy a I s wor ,WIt P otographs position- ties between two Wisconsinof its prominent men and buildings. men, Scribner and Rogers. IN TEN INNING GAME. 3-2appears under the caption: "The (.'11i- .' "Dr. Cook of Minnesota selects Rog-cazo U' itv:" d . Va-;ty Ba--- F .. Il to See ''WeeII> mversi y; an never m the ers for the .position and Coach Jam-"'- ... "".... OIlYcourse of his extended article does ison selects. Scribner. .The latter choice Willie's" ,- Curves- Fie!ders Alsothe author deviate in' the slightest ,.:; also mine. though it is a pretty even Have Optica1-!l�O�from the stereotyped-misnomer. proposition. f would give Scribner After' shutting the River· Forest. Not many weeks ago students at the other forward position because of team' out -ior seven innings the var­the University had the pleasure of his ability in playing the field and ac- sity lost .ts game by a score of 3 to 2.listening to a most distinguished curate passing. In these two particu- Ten innings were necessary to decidespeaker, the Vjce-Prcsidcnt of the lars he was unsurpassed by any other the game, Chicago got in one run in,United States. Surprise and disap; western player. He was also a good the third, but in the eight, by a ser-pointment mingled to mar the pleas- basket maker, having scored 24-the ies of errors allowed the score to beure, however, when the speaker, while same number made by Deering. tied. The tenth inning proved fata1.heaping enconium upon' eulogy for "The choice for all western guards Sullivan allowed three hits, and, thethe Uni�ersity and the man and men must- he made from such men as River Forest runners took advantagewho had so ably directed its desti- Hong-ton of Chicago. who is a Mil- of their opportunities to the extentnies, wit" conscientious exactitude waukec product. Uzzell of Minnesota. of two runs. Walker brought in an-lunfailingly refered to that university Curtin 'and Frank of Wisconsin, who other run in the tenth, but the suc-,a� oCThe Chicago University." is also from Milwaukee, and Geither ceeding batter failed to ditto. IInstances of this sOTt are of too fre- of Pnrdue. All of these men ou:· It was "Wee Willie" McGill's pitch-quent occurrence to call for further played their opponents,Uzzell makin6 ing that won the game for River For-Icitation. In press and pulpit and 17 'baskets, Houghton 12, Geither 18, est. \Vi11ie, who is not so young as,wherever reference is made to' the Uzzell 16, Frank 13, Curtin 8, Hough- the name implies, has pl;.yed in faster l. ton of Chicago is the choice of both d h ot to be foolInstitution of Ic=arning--Io<:ated at Chi- company. an e \Vas n _. :;;: : EVUJcag� the chances a� even that �Th� D� Cook and M� Jamiso� Hough- ed by �e c�le�b�s. Jad by way .-������������������������������!.�Chicago University" will be ·the ton is also my choice. He is a steady. of toying with them. he sent '7 to tho !o&r�chosen desiguation. ' Istrong player, never losing track of bench almost before they could see University Style $3.00 per Doz.hi� man .. � good passer and dangerou;; the ball. He allowed only four hitsThe, why of this is incomprehen- enough under the goal to keep his :l�d one base, but '111 of these counted. Student's Special $3.50 per DoZ.:sible, for those who take the Univer- opponent worried. Playing on a team Sullivan pitched in fine form forsity's name in vain are often men who t"at \Va!' mediocre outside of himseli nine innings. Several times he pul1-otherwise give evidence of being wide I and Schommer, his strong defensive cd the team out of bad holes by theawake and generally intelligent. The work wa� an important factor in the proper use of his strike-out halls.speaker or editorial writer who would Maroons' success. For the other Score by innings: r. h. e,)denounce as illiterate anyone who guard Dr. Cook selects Uzzell of Min- River Forestshould refer to "The Pennsylvania nc�ota ancl J:tmi!'on's choice is Cur· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 0 2-3 8 T;l7niver!"ity" or "The Un'versity of I ---- ----- U. of C. 0 0 TOO 0 0 0 0 1-2 4 8 \�ale" is as likely as not to put the! Batteries: �rcGill and Gnlclblnonll .��������������������������������c�rt bef.ore �he l�orse when he men-I FOWNES I and McKenna; Sullivan and G;)arclc·lttOns th1s uDl\·erslty. IIt is to be �oped that a more intd- GLOVESligent acquaintance with the u'niver- priceLoe::heflid Ha01-; to what is the real name of theomCJ.a1 StudeDt l'ublleaUoD of tb. UDI'I'er·ally of Chleqo. University of Chicago. S. W. CORNER JACKSON &: ��ATE_IF you haven't yet bought your SpringOvercoat, you have an exceptional'choice of 'goods here.$18: Silk lined grays, browns,Oxfords; the new box coats; HartSchaffner & Marx made a speciallot of$2;}, $2R and $:JO goods: $lRThe lo'ormerlyUnlweralt1 of Cblc.co Wed:I,.FouDdedTbe Weekl" oec 1. 1892.Tbe Dan,.. Oct. I. 1902.,.:D�ered •• Sec=oDd·Clus )lal1 at t.be Chi·C_EO PoatoQ\t.-e.Whitner OPERII,­HOIJSEVan Buren Street. between· Wabash' and Michigan Ave ..ALL THIS WEEKTHE NEW MUSICAL ODDITY.KNIGHT �OR A 'DAY","4 _-By Smith 4 Hubbell, Authors of "Fantana" Office. H.62�9 Kim!I)riiDtA SSOCIATE EDITORSCuries W. Paluer, ---WITH---Pre.ton F. Gaas,lleivln J. Adama. Worren IJ. [·'oster.--' POPULAR PRICESCole Y. Uowe. 18 Alice Yorke. . Gilbert GregoryJit£PORTERS , I John Slavin Mabel HiR HOIPeter F. Dunn.Lenora Kerwin Jack Hend�'Jerome FI'&I1k.P_ \Y. PIDkerton.A. L. Frldsteln, Maime Taylor '. Harry �}',Albert D. Henderson.KIsa F.stber Hall. Frank Hayes Edward, Bccll'rblted bj the Maroon Press The American Beauty C��ti� East G�tb StreetANDThe Kute Kitten5'::\}-:.. , .,Resid­,833 Arli:1Gol.L (Oftice,CWabashAlbert Mathews, Pres- Geo, H_ Fiedler, Vice-Pres. F., H. Stratton. SecClotheMathews, &. Co.' Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers' Bldg., 156 ,Wabash Ave.,THE LINE FOR SPRING IS' HERE.' MIT'S THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW.YALEStudents copied our COLLEGE. (;ORNER Suit Model Last A�., . THE SPRING MODEL is much handsomer'Come in and see ittIS 189 Dearborn s,� '" NeweAdaD1ediumC&3ver 6 WDkieTAILORS Banlc Floor..;. � TwoTbeL1Iox. 38brownslick,"in.lenlThey Fill' that Empty Space at Home.qcsmott'S �boto I&tubto243 EAST 55th STREET Prot!and raat S:zs.phone Hyde Park-16.ThelCienti:Spring f'lo",ers in BlossomVISIT THE GREENHOUSES NOWStudents Remember Us.We give you the best work at' the Phones: H_ P_ 18-H_ P. 6957A. l\IIcADA�S·Sad Street and Klmbark Avenue:lowest· prices.sity -on the part of some of those who WILL BE WORN LONGER THIS MART�N'S MAROON STUDIO,Profess an intimate interest in it, aid- SEASON THAN OTHERS-THATIS. 'l'HAN OTHER GLOVES.td by occasional criticism by 'hose 5705 .Cottage Grove,U. of C. Pbotognpber.THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO .. TUESDAY, APRIL 9. 1907·.. _ -- -. - --- . _.�--------------�Irr=====================================�-THE-Harvard HotelFINESTACCOMMODATIONSFOR STUDENTSANDTEACHERSPrices Moderate.LoC':: r' 0::1 Ideal.. S;14 Washington Ave..10'Emma C. StewartPhones:Office, H.I'. li88. Residence, H.P. 9616!.t9Kimhark Ave. Cor. 63rd St.!!Dr. jfrtb UZlI. JlarkrrH)t. 1..I{aipb UZlI. JlarknDENTISTSHours: 9-12. 1:30-5.IIIIII AMES HATS$2.00 $3 00A fair deal with every hat.Opera Hats, Silk Hats.I�I, :�.; :So U .. �DISON STREET,I � ear La Sal!e,-----_. -_ ----Residence: Phonetill Arlington '1'1. Lave View 1024I Phone Harrison 1644: Goldsmith's OrchestraL GOLDSMITH, Director,0fIice, Cable Piano Co,Wabash and Jackson. Chicago,MOSSLER. CO.Clothes for Men and Young Men50 Jackson BoulevardA Spring CoatExhibit!•. Newest models of Spring Coats.• Two special features in this exhibit.tile London square box coat, fullJ.os, l8-inch length-the popular fancybrowns and grays. The "shapelylick," draping the form slightly, 44-in, length.Protector ··auto coats"-light weightand rain �hedding-full drape, Manyat S25- others up to $55.Iclentifically.n If you want to makemoney this summerWe. have a ,p�oposition by which agood man can, in three months, makemore than enough to defray hiscollege expenses for the next year,There is no outfit to buy and no catechismwhich YOQ have to learn. All you need isyour own gray matter and a little help fromus from time to time.If you will write us, we will gladlyexplain how we propose to makeyour next college year free fromfinancial worry.THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY4z4 Cherry Street. Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaTHE LADIES' ,HOME JOURNALTHE SATUR.DAY EVENINC POST'rireprool Storage & V_ Co.-UltNlTUItB. PIAKOa. TRUNBB. IIBRCRAIfI)la ..........DaLlYKRBD TO ALL pdTS OF Tim CITY, ...-eft. AMD' 1UBURB&.Geaeral 0f6Ca.... St. ... Cal1IIIlet A.e.PhoaerDoqIu --..... 1' ...... all 05cu.ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE and. - STORAGE conPANYPhone Hyde Park 571. Kimbark Av. I:Fifty-Sixtb St.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed andShipped to all parts of the world 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for Pianos.Rooms for trunks and Wheels, Large Room for Carriages, Buggies andSleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROII ALL DEPOTS.Local Transfers for Baggage, Furniture, Packages. etc., at short notice.Special Attention Given to University Orders.(Continued from page r.,)Dr. Fenn Says Friendly Attitude inAll Things is First Requisite toHappy Life. IWin Your "Letter"Dou't be a "sul) "-get into the gaDle and be.�. You call hold the hottest kind of ballWIth a��FIELDERS� CLOVE-get one. It will help you make your team and the mucbcovet4:d "letter." Rights und Iefts, "5 cent. to $3-00.THE REACH OFFICIAL AMERICAN LEAOUE BALLI. the .tandard with nil l.ea).!"lIl"s. Adopted for 10 yean bfthe "n�at Americau League. $1.25 each.THB REACH OFFICIAL RASE BALL QUIDE for I..,i. DOW ready. TrUll all about the: hlg League15. IChedul«:S1records, aYef"&Ces, niles, etc. (Ollt;I'II" history and pbotOli 0the JCJ(b \\'orld'� Scrlt'S. JO ce uts ;It .k:a.ll"nI' or by maif.Most d,aurJ $,11 o.� 1(0""', .. ""),014' � does "01 uwil, 'IS,a"d fill Wi/Ifill J'g"" (}IdOl VII ' .... "'j,1 0/ p"a.1tp7 Base Ball Catnlo�ue I:REI':-ask for one.#.. oJ. HACH CO., 1719 TUlip St., Philadelphia� tConktln's::;'PenFor busy people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothingtotakeapart.Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of'1:humbto .nlckel cres­cent and thepen is full,ready to write •,.t: &lie ............ eftr7-• StrUODtn. Drq��.!e .... llirrun .....tm;r-GI'_�f;_�=��==����- non In oar cataIcChInIIIIed free 1I)IOa nIl1II&.AD} maD or. �Ie of foaa­t.ID lMD rep&Ind J"IIl�.TIlE eoBJ[LJlII pmr ...11WU�A-., .............................. J BE SURfYau are .CorrectlyDressedI t will make you feelbrighter and betterand convey the. im­pression that your.brains are paying div­idends .The World Ukes 'Prosperous People.-Ouri Spring StylesAre Now Ready- , . - .,l Mention ",hat sport you are inter­-------- ·.;......-----1 ested in a'nd ask for a list of collegePAT RON I Z E and school supplies.-THE- The Spalding Athletic: LibraryUNIVERSITY Textbooks on every athletic sportCy 10 cents per copy,PHARMA Send for Complete List.560 E. Fifty-Fifth Street. Mail Order Dept.R. R. BOW AN. Prop.MAN'S PERVERSITY CAUSE HUNTERS ARE MORE CRUELOF HlS UNHAPPINESS THAN VIVISECTIONISTS I 126 Nassau se, New York.life and asks the rhetorical question: I 149 Wa" a sh Ave., Chicago •"Shall they suffer the pains often ex- i _cruciat ing of a natural life and death iwithout advantage to anyone, or\ OUR SPRINGSpeaking of those who believe all shall t hey suffer, often much less, for: STOC' K IS REA DYA dark oxford, silk lined vicuna, infliction of suffering is immoral, Pro- the ultimate benefit of themselves • Imedium I.!ngth-special at $250 Man's innate perversity and the un-iessor Angell says: and their own brute relatives?"I happiness he brings upon himself be- "0 h k 1 h d'ffi It d i I' I I· f6 An � ne w 0 nows lOW muc I cu Of the scientists engage 10 t re re-' A arge se ection 0Every size to 4 stout. assur�. cause of it furnished the theme for. , , "., . .....: .. g 01· b ' cent. on vour d It IS to determine where mind disap- search of which VIVIsection forms a, S' Overcoatings at_YlW a out 33 per I the sermon of Dr. Fenn. of Harvar " ,. . pnng�'-r's charge, ' f r·ears 10 the lower animal forms. If ucccssnry part the writer says:� .. who spoke at the chapel exercises 0 '. ,.• " .: • •• ! indeed It disappears at all, and how "The men engaged 10 vivisectional" tern ptmg pn£es.the Junoir College men yesterdaYl' . ,. ;• I. ' "'d impossible It IS to draw any shary work arc certainly for the most part,morrung. No ordinary man, sal I' f 'di 'b h I h b; 200 styles of Fancy.. • ' ,. me 0 rstmctron etween t e p am high-minded humane men w 0 can eDr. Fenn, can pass a fresh aint I d h ., ld 'II - , 1 h V .'. •• an t e anima wor ,WI appreciate trusted to cause no suffcrmg t rat as estmgsSIgn WIthout an almost irresistable , I 1 ' , ' . . •. • that on strtct y ogrca grounds ad -no a serious Justification. such asimpulse to touch the paint." hi h' . ffi, , vocates of t IS "lew oug t to abstain would approve Itself to any one su c-Dr. Fcnn said Han':ord's reputatIOn , , f f 1'£ h, , from JOJury to any onn 0 I C W at- cicntly well-informed ful1y to under·for c:"CcluslVeness was largely bUIlt up h th Ito 'm"'l T1 Suit to orderc"cr. w e cr p an r am ... lC st:m.1 the issue."by proud students of limited means dietctic inconvenicncc of this corroT- Overcoats to orderh t th • 't t' Fancy Vestsw 0 comc 0 e UnlverSI y expec mg ary with its reduction of the bill of Frerhmar •. M. p, A. Game Cancelled.to he snllbbNt, makc no advances f:lrc to a largely mineral form will Th� ha�cha1J game between the Uni-towards making friends themselves. pcrhaps prc,'cnt its acceptance,'- \'('r�;t\.' of Chic:l(To frcshm(. ... and theThe MossIer coats drape the body 1T 'ct � ,..e sal therc werc enough poor stl1- Vivisection has been responsible for :\forl!an Park :lc:Hlcmy ninc schelluleclflcnts at Harvard who have become nearly all the advancc in medicinc an.! for S:lh1rlla\. morning on }.farshall: p�puTar lcaders in stmtent affairs to surgery �inC'e medieval timcs, accord- fid.T \\":l� c:l°llcd off hy the academyIi rhsprove any contention that Har- ing to Professor Angell, He declares team.I C \ ":lrfl stnrl('nts are snobbish. that thc pain suffcred by the animals _OSS er 0 : in the laboratory is often much lesc: I The Seniors of Purdue havc issucrlJ 1--- Bo I d I Coach Nicol has cut down the Pur- than the animal wonTd often suffer in a challenge to the membcrs of thl! WILUAM .lERREMS· SON ..50 aC...:tUn u evar Clark and Adams Sts.due baseball squad to 19 men, the ordinaf7 vicis5itl:des of its natural faculty fo compete in a track meet.� .... -------------------- '_11� ..A. N. Jerrems. Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN.Either Store:131 La Salle Strett. an�44 Jaclason Bo�� Send Yot!t ��s;�;di;g VFOR A C�TALOGUE OF .Spalding Athletic'" Goods.A. G. SPALDING &: BROS.PRICES$20 to $5020tO 505 to 15,Ji,I THE DAILY MAttOON. cttitAGd. tUESDAY, APRIL �, 1901.---------ITURN AnENTION TO PENN GAMES 'M1C81GAN-CBICAGO GAMEPRECIPITATES CRISIS ANEW BRIGHTON� FLAT-CLASP GARTERShav.long been the standard 25 cent garter. The patented Bat i..tprevemts chafing, binding and catching in the clothing, The Brightaa�lat Clasp Garter is as flat as your hand. � om by. men who a�ciate comfort and neatness. Made of pure silk elastic webbing. AImetal parts of brass-heavily nickeled. 25 cents a pair, all dealmorbJmail prepaid. For men who prefer a cord garter, we have perfedIiLOCK-GRIBBRIGHTON GARTERSWhile th�y are quickly and easily detached, yet they have thefirmest �np of all cord garters. The flexible rubber diamondgrips with a bull dog tenacity. No wear or teal' of the socks.Can't spril_lg loose or become accidentally detached. Made offinest quality webbing; all metal parts heavilr. nickel platedbrass. 25c and SOC a pair, all dealers or by mai , prepaid.PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market St., Philadelphia.Jld:WI qf PiIm«r 8.�.Chicago, Michigan and Illinois Ath­letes Begin Final Preparations forAnnual Eastern Meet on April 27-First Maroon Tryouts Saturday.Decision In Regard to Saturday'sBaseball Game Expected To Out­line Attitude.Much Uncertainty Exists But Situation Will Probably Be Cleared UpThis Week. The attclltiull ui \\. es tv rn athlcri :circles is IIOW Iocusvd on the first bi�calendar, the aunual Pennsylvaniatrack and field event un the athleticgames tu be held at l'aliladelphia onApril 2j. Bcsidl'S Chicago, Michi­gall and J lIin()is will be well repre­scuted, and dur iug this week. will be­gin linal prcparations for the big car-nival.Director Stagg is expect cd to reru.r.from Mudlavia tomorrow or Thurs .clay and will take pe r s oua l ch ar gc 0:�hc Var:-;ity squad. III.' will hold ,tryout Saturday and another a Wl·C!.;later. The makeup of t lic team whichwill mak e t h e trip to Ph "ladclphi I Directeo theschedullthoughviouslyleges.tcday IThegames.dates wtain Tcule thayears.Purduelin amity offield. aUrban;f;.yetteN(;bra!come tg"cill Y<and d,In :gamestrack.. Ilin<!i�lfichilThePhila(. to L;the SIior dheldA crisrs in the Michigau-Chicagocc nference situation is expected thisweek. The opening intercolegiatebaseball game, between Chicago and�Iichigan. is scheduled for Saturday.This date, however, is tentative, antiill the decision as to whether or notthe game will be played, it is expectedtha t the something definite in regardto the athletic relations of Chicagr.and Michigan will be reached.At present, the situation is ill �ll un DirectorBaseb,Iiam:Have The YouTip WillBeen Top LikeThere? Inn ItYou �urMiWAreDaland 1tenta�! thdaes,Man;States Restaurantset rrcu state, and 110 true prcdrcuon­can 01.' maul.' as to its outcome. JJur- .v ill not he known until the SCCOll'.liug .. \hdllgau·s cunsrderatron of its at- trial has lrcen held. )1L'rriam. HarThe Pullman Company I?uild'gtrtude ill regard to the conference anti kcr and Quig-It:y, a:-; three ui the rcla,the "big tour." Director Stagg post- quartet, are ccr tu int ics, while it 1:-; Cor. Adams St.and Michigan Ave.poued all schedules awaiting the final thought that Captain Russel] aud.. _- - ----decision, Williamson in the weight evcut s, Wisconsin athletes arc not workj ngIt was generally understood that il Schommer in the high jump. Iddings for the Pennsylvania. games. but ex­Michigan left the conference, 110 game , )1 t he )loll' vault. au d Steffen in till' pcct tt> make a good showing in t hewould be scheduled .. \Vhcn, however. hurdles will secure herths. The Western meets.the Wolvcrines announced their pol- fourth man on the relay team, com- A large squad of proven stars anciicy of staying with the conference bu. -ietj tiou for which place will begin classy poss ihhilit ics has been reporteubreaking its rules in regard to the will also accompany the team. to Coach Angell. Captain )lycrs ::1fcotball schedule and the playing (Ii All the candidates for places on th c the half mile being the mainstay 01four year men, thc -situation became squad. as wcll as a number of fresh- the team. Blanknagle in the distancemere complicated. men, appeared on Marshall field yes- runs, Van Derzee in the broad jum»The question now at issue IS terday, and went through I'ght work. and 220, Hughes in the high jumpwhether Chicago and can play Michi- The relay men are the only ones who and Messmer in the discus. arc t h,­gan is if its persists in its policy as are being given strenuous training. strongest men on the Cardinal ag­outlin�d. The series of four baseball Merriam, Quigley, Barker, Shuart and gregation. The' squad is weakenedgames has been scheduled tentatively, Lingle were all put through fast 220 consitferably by the decision of Par­and the approach of the first game and 330 yard dashes and made good sons 1I0t to return to school.brings the question to a head. Just lime. The fight for fourth place onwhat means will be taken to reach a the team is expected to be exciting,d .. . as. the three competitors are about WIN REYNOLDS BOWLING CUPecisron IS not known, but it is ex-peered that Director SAagg's return even in ability. Schommer and Id-hi dings were out for baseball, and de- Essington and Sunderland Make Hight IS week will result in somethingdefinite. 1 �� clared that they will train at theirtrack events as soon as the weatherTO MEET QUAKER SWIMMERS is mild. Captain Russell and W:I­Rcynolds Club Bowling tournamentwhich ended Saturday. Their scoreof 1822 was exceptionally high. It 52 ADAMS STREETUnder the supervision of M. D. Dunne, . formerly manager of theChicago Beach Hotel and Planters Hotel, St. Louis, Mo.Most Unique aud Only High Class Restaurant in the City ServingfiRST CLASS fOOD AT .POPULAR PRICESOTHER DISHES IN PROPORTIONEvery State in the Union Represented by a Separate Booth-Reserve:'and . Dine in Your Own Stato--Phone Harrison 5171.Score of 1822 in Doubles.Our Great Mantarlo Male Quarte� back home from New Yorkwith new' music, new songs and new stunts, will alternate everyevening from 6 p. m. to 8.p. m. and 10 :45 to 12 :45. with ourcelebrated Hershfield Orchestra.Essington and Sunderland wOQ the(Continued from page I) liamson practiced at the hammer, butmade no measurements. Caldwelljogged a mile in brisk fashion. Ofthe freshmen, Glore in the mile, Joh- was madc the first day of the tourna-lin ill the half and Taylor in the ment, Wright and Sass came seconddashes took with 1754· Gilbert and Essingtoncasy work. Garrett,\\ ere third with a score of 1733. Thewhose foot has been bothering h'rnprize was a silver cup, handsomeiyduring the last two weeks, is in shape. engraved.and will train steadily from now on.A large squad is reporting at �Iich- B. F. CLARKPlunge for Distance-Dc Bow.Pennsylvania; Solomon, Chicago.Relay Race-Renear, Phillcr, Hop­kinson, Dalrymple, Sylvester. Penn­sylvania; Morris. Walker, Princcll.Harper, Goes, Solomon, Templeton.Lindsey. Collings, Chicago.Polo Game-Dc Row, Rcnear. Phil­lcr, Leahy. Somers, Gribbel, Stern.Pennsylvania: Ruhde, Princell, Bad­enoch. Goes. Solomon. '�/alker, Alex­ander. Chicago. Tables Especiallv Reserved for Ladies ; .. ip.t£r.�"8igan daily, although only between FINALS IN FRATERNITY CHICAGO, 17 E. Van Buren St. 17 t h 'f e!.se,·c)tractiRa,Chic.Arb(Tr�Tay. TIcxcliganRELAY RACE TONIGHT The Clark Teachers' Agenciesfifteen and twenty have thcir eyes Oilmaking the team that will representthe Wolverines at the Pennsylvani:lcarnival. Coach Fitzpatrick has norgiven the athletes hard work yet, b;1:will make the men hustle after thl' Alpha Tau Omega And Phi GammaDelta Will Make An Effort ToLower Delta Tau Delta's Time. NEW YORK, 156 Fifth Ave: BOISE,IDH-.---- AT THEspring vacation in order to get ther1 For the championship of thc Uni- UNION HOTf:L and RESTAURANTFormer Maroon Star III in Hospital in the bcst condition possihle withi., n;rsity the finals in intcr-fraternity WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON l'WO FLOORSWith Appendicitis. two weeks; when team trials will b\! relay raoee will be held tonight. As Wl�L FIND A SPECIAL AFTER- THEATER MEI�UWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEheld. i( stands now thc .championship lies"Jimmy" Lightbody, thc former . I. �Pf\·ill;.! only the Hl.'st the Market Aftof(l�Schultz, the husky iootball man. uetween Phi Gamma Dclta, Alpha III to 117 RANDOLPH STREETUniversity distance star. is at th(' Thas been heaving the shot over iorty au Onlcga and blc1ta Tau Delta. We rr.al;e a Ss:edalty of Club, Fraternity Dir:r:cr:;. E:cChicago Baptist hospital. wherc hl' fect. Garrels and Hoelgen arc con- Phi Gamma Delta and Alpha Tau Finest Orchestra in the c:itywill undergo an operation for appen· 0 .��������������������������������sidercd better this year than last in mega race tonight, and in order tothe hurdles. Bowman is also de\'CI- ." in the shield, which is the prizc, 011eTO OPERATE ON LIGHTBODY\\' t',M;u'Th\lai )WeshaiSattid,TillF..\,;S:lt\\'(ticlSat-'fielTl:fidSa:dicitis. HIS case is not considere(i�crious hy hi� friends. and no douhtis cxpressed that he will go throughthe ordcal without difficulty. Light- Frank S. Yount Phone H.P. 1151oping into a "phcnom" in the sprints, 0; these tcams will have to beat theand is counted on to give Stewart. tm1e of 1 :37 2-5. which was made hythe Varsity star, a hard r:tce. Dclta Tau Delta ill its la�t rac..:hody's l:lst puhlic appc:lrance on tl1(' Thc authorities at Illinois ar(' per. against Delta Kappa Ep�ilon. In thetrack wal' at the A. A. U. meet ::\Jarch "plexcd on the question of sendin:-: race at 0 o'clock tonight Phi Gammar,1. when he did the he�t running- ill \\'atson, the freshm:lt1 all-around :tth- Delta and Alpha Tau Omega will runhis C:lrcer. co"erin� the mile in 4 :2:-.and lete, to Pcnnsylvania. They are at- a pursuit race.l'ctting :t new record. t(mptin� to dctcrmine whether com- The teams whidl will run arc:pftition :It these games will cut shot' Phi Gamma Delta-Chamberlin. Baird. Young America LaundryBUNDLES BROUGHT IN AlJD CALLED .tou��....................... � .. 8c Cc.!�.s., , ,Ccffs 4C684-6e6 East 63rd StreetShirts ., •. 21:gi\e 9\oot �tuJicKI.BALI. HALL243 WOIba:all AVA.Original Ideas an,1 Exc1u�i\'e Stylc!? inPHOTOGRAPHSSpecial R.::s'",s h U. or c. �'adeDt. Build a HouseFor Sale or Rent. \Vright, Hopkin", Goodenow. J)eTray.\';111 l-�ttel1.Alpha Tau Omega-Fingcr, Rog('rs.loose, Munson, ::\furphy, Joldersma.For Sale or Rent-8-room 1110de) 1 hi!'; time of competition on the Var­he Use. near Unh-ersity. For particu- sity squad. If it is to bc countccll<,rs, apply to 5471 Ellis Avc. All against him. he will in all probabilitymodern com.eniences. not be ust!d. licar til(' Clli\'Crsity for $3.000. Ba�;mcc no more than rent. Addm!Box 20.1. Faculty Exchange.E. C. MOORE. FLORIST.. .. 272 East 55th Street, Chicago�TELEPHONE HYPE PARK ,a---------Illinob