·_I_.r",'. �atly· arnnnIt•ItIIJr'..-� VOl.. v. No. 109. CHICAGO. WED N ESDA V. APRI L .3. 1907. Price Two �b.:'[iW-SHOULD BAR RIGHT -.»smmONSFOR COOCD.oasl BECK HERDIA11..,ED ". TO '1m. NDis OF THE --CHICAGO TO SEIO nail 'OF EM�LOYING CHILDREN Most of J�t �llegcs Fill Vacan- LEAD BLACKFf1i8S ROLE Dr. H. Karl, ,;-Kumm� &plorer' 10 PEIISYLVAIII alES', --' , :., cies. .,� �tive Commi�- -�., and Missionary, to Tell of 110- ' •Securing of National Child-Labor Fidt Day" �f Nomination for Sen- Coach Cushing Seleda ... of Ath- hammedan llmace to Sudan in Director Stace Seta Tf7-Outa for Ap..Committee Urges Need of Child ior Council Falla of Results. letic Build and PleaaiDc CoumIe- Lecture in Mandel this AftemOoa. ril 13-Make-UP of Team UDCU-= Labor. nance for "Spuds- A11=,Part. tam.) �. Ycsterday was election day at the' Dr. H. Karl W. Kumm, misaionary"; � it is More Economi,al in Long University, although the excitement Chamberlin., Parker, HeBI7.. aIId .and explorer, is to 'tell of the·a��-I, Run to Send the Children to lof the big city electi�l! thre� the Shaw Gi,,'CD Pa.ru- CaiBt ami ual needs of, the Su� this aftemoOn,�L, ,,-,.'--::-."" �, {jniVcr5ity"el�ctions. somewhat :into 'Cb;niS:� Tomom ... '. � 'm �a',lcctUl'e,in. M.aDd�i-Hall at. 3:00.:.u _'_' - the shade. Interest in nominations The need of speed in getting teachers .B1 Samuel McCune Lindsay, Secre- to, the Senior Council was entirely To Samuel Beck Herdman has of Christianity' into the 'region totary National n:=-Labor Com- eclipsed, and not a' single nomination been awarded the leading role in the ward off Mohammedanism, which is�lad been made when the Senior Blackfriars' opera, "Sure Enough gaining ground rapidly, will be theDean's office closed yesterday, To- Segregation," the part of Richard main point raised by Dr. K�mm.(C�pyrig-ht, rW7, by IntercotlegiateCivic: League.) day is the last chance for nomina- ("Spuds") Allen.• There have been Dr. Kumm has traveled extensively set April 13 as the date for the try-tions, and elections will be held several competitors for the PArt, the in the Sudan and, the formation of outs for this meet, and has notifiedIi may well cause us to pause and Thursday and friday. It is expected qualification for which were an .ath- the Sudan United Mission was the the track men to get in shape forask why in a land of .plenty, that that greater interest will be manifest- leric build, a handsome countenance, result of his investigations in that re- their individual events. It 'is expect­spells opportunities for so many, it cd today, 3$, the fact that nominations abilty as an actor and some k'nd of gion. ' He has been made a member ed that he will return from Indianais n,eccs::ary that .1IlV child under :-.5 were held. :Io some cases the chair- a voice. Herdman was chosen from of several scientific societies, includ- III time to superintend the try-outs.years of age need be a wage-earner, ized yesterday.' .:. the lot yesterday by Coach Cushin:. ing the Royal Society, and has' stud'ed The number of men Chicago willhelping to support.vhlmsclf ')r others In most-of theJunior Colleges elec- Herdman is a meditBl s-udent, and a and lectured in a great many Ger- send will not be determined until af-and submitting to the discipline, the ' 'and E -I' h . . .lions to the, executive committees 'member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. man ng IS universities.wear a:1(1 tear of our modern indus-trial life. Yet. thousands anti hun- w erheeld. In, someeases the chair- Other changes in the cast are an-dreds of thousands ,f children not men ,�f the �mmitteea... were chosen. ncunced. The. part of �ert Wiseonly nnder 16 yt!:lr.s -oj, nzc. h-rt tlIHi.:r ,', i. Arts, Colte�e af:- ' .. �' "was given to Weaver Chamberln;It. are in this condition. Child labor At, the meeting of thc,,:Ai-ts' College \Vinston 'Henry was given the part'S still necessary for lr:m,. c!1il,(lrer.� 'of M�� -Davi� 'Was 'eJected chairman. of '"Betty," formerly assigned to Pa'tilD':Ciluse of their poverty, '.Ir !�c.·,i:.�,·;:" The' �thei';��bers of tbe r executi re Harper; Paul Harper was �ven oneerty or lo�s of thei�. l'aretE';. ,:: T�; committee. eI�ied(' were.e Price, -of the French ,girls' part; "Clarice"many others the: :pu�1tc ";'.::!1" .. ,1 .. l-,�'l'm: Princel], Putnam+and McClintOCk., was given to C. G. Parker, andscarcely worth while, because . thev ' "L;'t tur 'Coll - f' V ', ...." , •, ' l era e; ege -.0 -, _ea' Hirschl Shaw was .assigned the, partor their parents feci: that eventually , -' ,they must gain their livelihr od -irorn At the meeting of Literature Col- 0: the chaperone.manual toil. Too often a rrarle _cdu; lege of Jten, Leste'r Stearn and Ho- ,Cast rehearsal is aR1lounced for' �o--eation c:Ul��nl)....,b��a in"-tttc""'\\��l.:� �_::P��a'{'�...clOat�d���r:� mp(rl)\\:·_,ni�!lt,<,an6-cJto£lL.� ��I"§.shop or in the reformatr-y. It must of the executive committee. Dean for tomorrow ;t�tern�on., ,.eventually be open to everv child Lovett announced that during, thewho desircs it through the pub1i(" spri:ng quarter he would be out of UNlVERSITY PROPBSSORSschool, where it cay be o�tajn.ed .. as .resid�nce, �ut that he would continue ; IN TALKS TC);:IIINISTERSan education, not :is an exploitation to discharge the duties of his officeof the energy and enthusiasm of, the f h 11 d.�s ar as t e co ege was concerne Professors HendcnoD" ; lSoares., andhelpless child. For still othus, vic- I t was decided to purchase some; in- Johnson, and 1Iisa, ,lIcDowelltims of poor heredity, mental retar-d . s:gnia for the members of the col- , S�� at mm'--atton seems to exclude' them from � ... -I ' h . h' b k b II Dr H Karl W Kumm. only other Western schools to be re�thf' school, where they make little ege s c amplons Ip as et a tea�. - ',:, •• - •r�sented in the games. Michigan willor no progress; and to condemn them ' Philosophy College of Men Addresses "by Miss Mary E., -Mc- "That in a dozen years the Sudan battle with Pennsylvania in the four-at an cady age to the minc or fac- At the meeting of the Philosophy Dowell, Professor Cha'�le5' R: ,Hen- ,will b�' overrun with Mohammedans mile race and IS considered as havingtory because society is too neglectful College of Men yesterday an electioll derson, " Professor Theodore, G.ar.d hopelessly shut up to Christian- a strong cha.nce of winning thi� raceof !heir spc�ial needs., to fill., three .vacancies in, the, execu- Soares, and Professor Franklin Jobn- 'ity is the belief of Dr. Kumm and for the Wes_t. Its distance runnersSchooling Better ·Investment - t ive committee resulted itt the choice son made the- program for - the secondother missionaries who have studied w;ll be picked from Coe, Ramey,The child labor movement, stands �f Benjamin Badenoch, JGhn, , F. day of' the Ministers' Institute. .tile situation. In a pamphlet whtch Rowe, Maloney, Doll, May, Bohn-for a 1;lr!;cr faith. It See<; 'the -richer Dille anq Albert D. Henderson. �The ' During the afternoon session' theis being circulated by Dr. Kumm an.l '�Ick and Shaffroth. Garrels. andpossihilities in this human raw ma- college also selected W. A. Georgen subject 'of revivals was discussed. the mission socicty which he repre- �('hultz are working with the weights,terial. ·mt of which citiz'tns. �nd :wor- to -act as 1empor.uy :representative in Professor Theodore ,G. Soares spoke s�nts i! is set forth that the Sudan, a Heath and French in the high jump,kers, i:tthcrs and moth�rs .. are' to be' the' arranging of baseball schedules on "The Place of the Revival in the,I •• country as large as Europc exclusive and Patterson in the broad J·u�p.mauc, It IS wIser and more cconom,,; with':the. o�hc!r colleges', and to get :Modern' Church." describing the na-ieal, :l !letter im.cstment of our pres- of Rt�ssia. and with a population ofthe candidates for the baseball team ture,' clements and efftcts of an idealcnt r,"ottrccs, to keep ,every child in togcther. A call for all men inter- revival, while Professor Franklina seh, "I �uitcd to its nceds until �t •cste,d. in ,trying out, for the college Johnson dcalt with the subject of theis at :l'a�t 16 years 'of age. than,it nine 'was -made: In the - absence of "Church after' the' Revival."js to ('oin into moncy or evcn ex-, I Dca� 'Thompson- .. "who is out of resi- Both ·of the s"';'akers _laid: 'greatperrCl1 t' t Ie premature labor of im-' I'- custom::. and 'religion of their whitematurl: uodie!? a"nd miRds. The child dcnce this quart�ry, De�n Vincent will �tress tlpori".:the 'value and"importance rulers.' the pamphlet declares. thelabor Ill(l\'cment will c\"cntual1}':" re- aet as' the eolle-ge dean. . of AAnei and:, well-i-egulated-' 'f'eVivals, I;Irge numbers of Mohammedan trad-leas(' irom useless toil al1 of this Science CoDege of Women and' condemned the populu use of er� who are flocking to the countrylarge :' nny of chilrt workers and con- The officers of the Science College hi&hly scntimental appeals by evan- . 1" dI"!t are makin,g theIr re Iglon more an'\"trt ;, into a body of cducated and of womcn elected yesterday were: gelists ..traillC: workers Qhd not a 'class-ex"; - ; more popular. in the two-mile relay, teams fromChairman. Miss Marjorie Bell: secre- Professor Henderson. whb pre-ploift"l. discouragcd, exhausted, fit Yale. Princeton, Columbia, Dart-tary, Miss Mary Smith; treastirer. 'Sided, at the meeting: spoke of the Q CI b Gi Donly :-, 'r the social scrap heap before Three uarters u to ve ance mouth, and Pcnnsylvania heing en-�Jis, s Clari\ Jacobson; executivc com- -Earl _ of Shaftcsbury as the typicalit h;,,, rcachc(l the full del'elopmcnt The' annual dance of the Three tered in this event. According to rc-mittee��'i��es Suitor.Gorrlon, Spohn,' 'Chri�tian., in i11ustrating the connec-of it· powers. Quarters Cluh will be held Friday ports from Pennsylvania. T:;O in5tittt-\\'" ·," .. II· '.C tll ... t I't I'�,' I' 1 Kenncdy and Klcimingcr: room com,; tion between religion and school re- . h 0 • h R 1_J CI h' hId� .. ,lmmC( late y nt� t at .., :30 In t e eyno uS u. tlOns ave a rea y entered the meet,po��iIJ:(" and shonld be th� s�rious mitte��'i�ses 'Martin. Rudolph. and form. Only mcmber!' will be admitted. AScidenhur�: program' commitet - �fiss Mary McDowel1. who is head special in\'itation to all alumni of the�'is!'es Finney. Childs. and Pfeiffer. of the Unh'er5ity Settlement. spoke cltlh To Tell of Grand Opera Season.to he pre!'ent has hecn issued,Literature College of Women Q� "The Lt'�:tl Protection of Work.. Fredrick GriswoM. mu�ieal critic�'iss Edith Osgood presided at :the ing ""omcn and Children. and the Cross Country Notice. oi thc Rccord·Herald. i� t() talk onr.itcr�t\1rc election. in the· ah�cn(c: of T)uty, of the Church." .. ' r I"· :\I('mbcrs of the Cross· Cot1l1try 4'Thc Coming Season of Gr:tndl)ean 'Wallace. Thc following offi-' � --- Club wil meet this morning at 10:30 Opera" at 4 :.W this aftcrnoon in thecers werc clected: Secretary. Miss ·,Th� .. A. A. U. champion!;hip b�,s· in Cohh TTb to decide on some im- \'loman's union room at LC:o<ington.Carolinc Dickey; athlctic rcpresenta'; ketball team will ha,·e their r·lcture port: 11t Questions. �'r. Griswold comcs to' the t;riiver"trtken, at . Martyn's Monday. April 8, sity under the auspices of the \Vo-at 'J 'o·clock. The men will please 1 larry Schott. '09; has returned tt) man's Union. 'A r�ceptio,n will bercport promptly at the time indi- school after an ahsence of one quar- held for the speaker and his wifecated. � tel duc to sickness. before and after the talk. .Maroons Will Repracnt' Weat inMile l�ehlY, Rac�lIic:hipn andlIliiiOii Win, �ct AdaIda.Director Stagg bas 'annouriCed thathe will send a team to compete in theannual Pennsylvania games - to be heldat Philadelphia on April 27. He haser-ter the try-outs, but it is' certain thatthe mile relay team' will represent theMaroon. In this event Chicago willrepresent the West, with Yale; Cor-lof�1i'7higan and IUiDo�, will ' be, the'nell, and. Pennsylvania upholding the-honor of the East. Merriam, Barker,Qu:gley, Graves and Shuart are the(;uintct from which' the team - willprobably be picked.In" the other events, It IS uncertainwhat me.n will qualify, but it is ex-pected that all athletes who give!o�i_ser 0.£ •. ,:wi{lllj�!�s . wil!,��2,- r �,....;:.,.• ,CaJ*-lin, R:��eU- in .the sho.t ?ut; ,�teff­l'n in the hurdles, Williamson in the, .hiJ.mmer thr�w, Schommer in thehigh jump, and Iddings in tbe pole's' , '\-ault, are considered the men witht!le best chances of making the trip, -t<. Philadelphia. .II1in'ois will send four men, this be-- sixty �o ninety millions entirely underEuropcan government has less thanfifty Christian mlssloaaries. Whilethe nati,'cs show a desire to learn the participated in this meet. CaptainGrear, the vaulter; Burroughs, theweight man. and Watson the jumper,seem sure of place's, while the fOUrt�lman will p�bably be either May, thesrrinter; W�shbum, the high jump­er; or Lazear. the' hmdler,The West wi11 not be representeding the first time that the I1Iini havekeItd'g-.. concerli f)i ('Ycry civilizcd Americanc(lnllllt1nity. fo prohibit :night work ofall k 11.],.. iraught as it is with great­er phy,.ieal and moral harm. to allchildrell und\!r 1<r. ,qhat it -I� 'immed­iately ;,ih'i5�ble ttl -l��sen their' hoursof work per 'd:l)'" to cight� and'- :tl'aatit is immediately nccc�sary ·to, pro.hihit their employment ahsolutely inoccupations where dangerou's machin- ti,'c on the \Vomen"s Athlctic As�o-cry is tt�ed, .Of ,unhealthy �condit1Oris'l ciation ;Roard, Mis'!il MaT'l'rie'l.i11y. 1"e(Contmued on page 3) l (Continued on paee 3)--�-.-��,il"f i>I,/' . THE DA!LY MAROON, CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1907.cions phrases, is a ret�rn" tow�rd sav- Chicago representative in the fi.nals,Class, a class that, has. th� reputation :tge an� .. animal unions:"" have been postponeq .. ,until the be­of 'being one of the iiveliest ciasses A return to publicatiort of the bans ginning of next week. There will bethat ever wen.t through the Univer- or some other means of investigatiol� eight contestants in this contest, whosity, and it will take all of the rc- o! the fitness of the candidates for will deliver original orations, limitedmaining time to demonstrate the vaL mar.riage is prop�sed llY Pr�fessor:to sixteen minutes in ac·ual delivery.ioity of this reputation. Hende�son .. In this 'co'nnection he: The winner of the preliminaries willFour standards are usually em-ls:1Ys: ' '.'.:be give'n a scholarship for three quar-ployed by critics to determine th(' "As marri�ge ,has consequences 0; t(:'rs' and' will represent Chicago in the Icomparative success of any class. pcblic intere�t, ;lnd. in-advised. mar,; :Leagpe c:ontest to be held at ,Chicago I A darkFirs� the scholastic standing for the riagc carrie� with .it results of the on Fr�ay, April�. I·-��������������������������������" �um Ifour years is considered; this record grcatest injury to the community, it Ihas been good for this year's Sen·or�. i.:: thc right and duty of, the com- Charles Parsons, the Phenomon�.llSecond. the indulgcnce �f the mem- 1,l1nity to surround it with all neces- Wisconsin sprinter, will not competehers in studcnt acti\'ities during the �ar.r safcguards �o prevcnt such mar- for the Badgers this spring. His Ifcur years is taken account of in thi:, r:ages and t.O secure that only they father has refused to allow him 0'respect the class, of 190i stands ahead marry who ;lre fitted to enter into return to school because of the man-lof nearly every previous class, 18c)i Ihis reiation. 'Easy marriage, for �ler in which the faculty deprived him I"nd ICV\2 b '1 "'t f of his right to compete in the con-.. ;jN clOg c ose competl ors or \\'hich many clamor, is the fruitful�he hO,nors. TI�ird�.Yr.t,h�. marh. made ·ollrCC oi elldless evis. I fuence last June, iIn bUSIness a,n� oth,c'I' wa�k� o� 1,lf(' �f- J"Secret marriages free}, l�et�tl): end i!1fterter R'raOuaflon_�tg@r�P"111 dNermm.; .ml�cr£:,,;Ul_�._sl1,_� __ .!.�_.. .;..._, Jing thc ,sta.m·p ,of t�l,C '.cla��, or-g.aniza- ":\II.�ll\llioral young rri.:i.n will s�mc­tion: this, howc,:,��� m�f' ob'",iously :imes persuade a girl. t� clope, wtihhe determined at a later time., Last- :�:111 secretly, becausc -he k�ows.: thta'ilIy. and most particuiarly a class in linll sc:cretly, because he knows thatthe lJniversity rccei\·cs its characteri- :�rter \\ould be �xposed .and the woo7.ation irom the activity d\tring the lI1:tll would refuse him. This' puh.bst three months of the \Ind�rgr:ldn- Every !saving oftailor's <:1Two spThe Lonbox, 38-irabrowns1ICk," dr,,,". ill. lengthProtect,������������������������������______, � nUn( It $:as. 0 �t'be M�lcientificdWest Baden Springs,Waters are unsurpassed- golf,tennis. riding, driving, billiards,howling, trap-shooting or per·fect rest if vou want it-Idealaccommodations- congen ial Iguests. :i I phone Hyde Park-16.Low RolIDd Trip Rates _D�y and nilrbt traiDs. sleepers. i r-������������������-������-��-....;..�-parloraDd�utfetcan. ,--- _.� II Spring Flowers in BlossomVISIT THE GREEN,HOlJSES NOWPhones: H. P. J8-H. P. 6957I ' .A. IY:cA.PA.lWSSad St��et and Klrnb .... k Avenuet s�ni�/ OfIic'e & ha�' go;� to a g�at ceded by full knowledge and abund�nt Ideal of trouble to' make this' ace om ..modation, and- the council '., anxiousomcl.1 Btudent PubllcatioD of tbe UDlnr· . . '..alt1 of Cblcqo. to organize for a successful term ofoffice. The Juniors and Seniors ought.1 t t f other circumstances divorce may be:at .least help out to t re ex e� v '-making the 'necessary nominations to- a duty. As to this he', makes the twoday and tomorrow and casting their st atements :ballots in the election. "An innocent woman ought to haveThe Council's work of the spring the help of a court to release her fromEU'.t!I·ud •• �vcoDd·Cla ... MaU at tbe Cblquarter Ts the 1I\0�t important of the any legal control of a 'man who afterCIl!;O 1'08tolHce.year, and there is opportunity this marriage becomes cruel and danger-" .I' 1 t f ous through low vice and inveterate�lllmcrllltloD price, $3.00 per year; $1.00 spring for the accomp IS irncn �_A I I' d t habits of drunkenness or use of drugs.(Ul' :� uiont hs. Subscrtpttons reeehcu at much �ood t hroug I t I1S stu en or-lilt' )11:l'oou Of1lc�, Ellls lIall •. or at lbt· ganization. ::\lembership on theFaculty Exchange. Cobb Hall, Order» Council shoud be regarded. as . a·· highrukeu L.'· wall or telephone. H ... ·de Park .1 •• .t b.. � J ... J student honor anu It IS �urc..o e-come more of 'an- .h-onor a � the organ­ization ' becomes ,m'ore firmly estab- offered by the courts.".1 1TO INSTALL LEAGUE OFFICERS Moneycheerfullyrefunded. S. W. CORNER JACKSON &: �'!'ATE.reasons we invite you to comehere for things to wear are your rea­sons as well as ours; they are displayedhere on our eight big floors, the bestthings in the market.Hart Schaffner & Marx, fine clothe-., suits and overcoats from $15 to $':;1 ..time for consideration."Professor Henderson declares thata legal divorce may be morally wrongunder some conditions and that underWhitney OPERAHOI/SEThe (-'ormerl,UDIYel'8itl or Culcago Wef'kl,.J:o'ouoded-'l'be Weekl,. Oct. 1. 1892.The Dall,. Oct, I, 1902.Van Buren Street, between Wabash and Michigan Ave.: . ALL THIS WEEK: ,:". :"':.,!-J ....::! 1 t'. � h � \ � ... ...!THE NEW Mus1cAL ODDITY,. ' It is sometimes the duty of a woman.especially when the life, health, andmorals of her children are at ' stake,tc make use of the legal. protection 1I"4 KNIGHT f()R A DAY"It. l';lJlJY �ATUI�Wl:=, :'lat.asIDg Editor. lishcd.Y. W. C. L. to Hold Exercises thisMorning in Lexington.By' Smith & Hubbell,· Authors of "Fantana", .-----WITH ----1BouLt> KNOW EACH', OTHERL(.;TIIEH II. Fl·:HNALlJ. �cws Editor,Alice Yorke Gilbert GregoryJohn' Slavin. , ,.:� Mabel'Hk-.--, !·"i·,Lenora Kerwin ..... , . Jack HendmcllMaime Taylor: ..... ,., ... Harry LueFrank Hayes , .. Edward BeG:The American Beauty ChorlAND,...A. W, HE�DEU�ON. AtblcllC-. Editor.GEOlttil': K l-TLLI'�lt, Bustness MIlDIlI;('r.\AS�:-;OCI"T£ EDITORS Professor Henderson. Calls HastyMarriages Bad-Says it is Socitey'sDuty to See Brides and . B�degroomsare Fit .for Marded Life,The Kute Kitten,POPULAR PRICESH .. E S.HOREYC. w. PaltSer,l'reston E. Gnss,lleh'ln J. Adams. J nstallation of Y. \V. C. L. officer"fo: the remainder of the year will oc­cur this morning in the Lea­I�ollg- engagements. with plenty of guc rooms in Lexington, ::\[is5 Helen I\ ',�.ill1e for thinking- the matter over ann Hendricks presiding. At this meet-for invcst igating into. the .fitness of ing Miss Grace Norton will succeedihe .pro,.pecti\·c bride and groom �o:- Miss Hendricks as president of the.hcir future family duties are the pro:' League, and the other officers will be�, prelude to the important undertak fcrmally installed.�lIg of marriage according to Fro A feature of the League's wo:-k thisIcssor C�. R. Henderson, writing, on quarter will be a Bible course on��Social Duties" in the April number "The Ethical Principles of Jesus as6f the "Biblical World." Professor Applied to University Life," to beHenderson also takes occasion to offered by Miss Brysogel. a Bible�('ore the trial marriage propositiou teacher of many years' experience. I.in the same article, which is an analy.· -The course will commence Monday.'sis of the causes underlying the legal the classes meeting in Lexington' atTHETAILOR332 RepubJic BuildiD.1JS.00 COLLEGE SPEt:IALBernard 1. Bell.WurreD D. Fosler."ole Y. Howe.REI'OkTEkSPeter F. Dunn,Jerome Frank,P. W. l'inkerton. W. I'. llneCracken.YALEStudents copied our COLLEGE CORNER Suit lIoc1e�.Last Auta(THE SPRING MODEL is much handsomerCome in and see itC�"er & WDkie,TAILORS f 85 189 Dearborn St..nk FloorHnrry A. Hanson,Harvey n. Fuller, J�'II University Style $3.00 per Doz.I Student's Special $3.50 per Doz,They Fill that Empty Space at- Home.esmon's I&I)0to �tubio243 EAST 55th STREETA. L. Frhlsteln, I. E. 1"ergu8on.w. J, HIllDSturther�'lHl>s I-:stli�r 'Hull,Albert D. Henderson.Printed IJy the, �larooD Press.4,4 ,East' ;;;;U1. S�reetPhone Uydt' l'ark 3:;::1Spring, the time for Senior Class rvgulntions of marriage . and divorce .. 4 o"clock.'\ 'Vith reference .,to �rial _m!lrriage!'.Profc:ssor Henderson says: ORATORICAL PRELIMINARIES., "The social- virtu��" �hich are so POSTPONED FOR A WEEK, ....,necessary to the comfort and, hap-piness of a community, are .c�ltivate,l ,Eight Competitors Expected to ED­preparing to graduate: if' at all, i'n··the, hOJlle. ':"·-1n' :this con- .-ter Contest-tc:f Select�:: Umversityin June. The sPri�g.:·qu�rter-is "Sen- ncction should be studied th� �ff��t� Representative,lor Quarter," and 'all activity is ex- 'of . 'all kinds' of Iimited-marriagepee ted to originate with the graduat- �,chcmcs. every one of which, how- The preliminaries of the Centraling class, There are" three months of ever cunningly" disguised under spe- Oratorical League contest to select aur.dergrnduate lif� Id'l for the' Senioractivity, has' arrived, Ai this timeevery year the Univer­sity looks to the Sen­iors with interest to sciwhat kind "of a class isSeniorClassActivityIt's only a�ight�s ride­one sleep':"from• •• a.:.._J Chicago to real'rest and health atFrenCh Lick"";Ition !'hould b� gi\,(,t1 �ome wc:eks;lte cO\Jr�e. The first three of thesc tll.'forc the wedding, in order to gin'criteria are at this staR'e heyond the t;lI1e ior all nc('e�sary inquiries ant:reach of thi .. ycar'� Senior!', and it ;s ior �lIitahle reflectioll. The coilsc-Inow op<'n to them to show what (jllCI1Ce� of marriage an' so "erion.; Ikind nf an account the c1as� of 190i ;I:ld cflll1plt'x tll:!t it :,hould he pre-!c-;-.n gin' of itself in the �pring qtJ:\r- II IIter activities.THEY WEAR LuNGER.'TIy specialthe Senior fF YOU LIKE TO WEAR YOURand \1r�ent ree}u('�t frnm G La V E S ION G, WE A RCnllcgc Council. De:ltlShep:lrdson has ar-ran�('d to hold the FOWNESGLOVESEarlyCouncil Council elections thisElections wcck, so th� organ:za­tion can get to work onIpring quarter problems at oncc. The .�'})EmHA. BRYJBusi�.Busc.. �DAY AStudent!H. w.L. IJ.' .• :1 r-esI ,ATu�a:NewestItHE OAfLY MAROON, CHICAGO, W'EDNESDAY, APRIl. 3, 1907.-THE-------------:, r TO HOLD THE FUNERAL OF ELECTION FOR COUNciLORSi JULIUS JtA�BJf, '9S, TOD� Y ---- I,(Continued from page I.)which resulted in Mr. Karpen's death, Dean MacClintock, in addressing -------occurred at, his home at Riverside the women of Philosophy College, .. _ ..• &last Sunday. In exercisi,ng a recent- said in part: C nkli 'Jy purchased saddle horse, Mr. Kar- "At 19 or 20 a person to be ideal 0 n spen was thrown, and his skull was should be mature, and then he hasfractured. The surgeons called were two obligations-personal and social. Seu- Penable to do nothing. and he died before It is his social obligation to furnisn I1IUogregaining consciousness. the product demanded of him and not For busy people.An unusual story of delayed schol- to make excuses. Personally, we have No bother.astic hono�s, involving' the award of a the right to excuse ourselves, but not Fills itself.diploma and- election to Phi Beta socially. Expect yourself to succeed, Cleans itself.No dropper.Kappa ten years after withdrawal and say little about it when you fail. Nothingtotakeapart.from school, was made public by Mr. Strive for an, ideal, but if you do not Nothin4 to spill. 'Karpen's death. Karpen was a mem- accomplish it. don't try to excuse A dip In ink, aber of the class of '95, and would yourself. Stiffen your lips and rr-ake touch of -thumbhave graduated in June of that year. the product." to nickel cres.cent and thebut was compelled to leave the Um-pen is full.versity during the spring Quarter on LAW SHOULD BAR RIGHT ready to write.account of sickness. Ten years af- OF EMPLOYING CHILDREN AUthebelt nerr-..... &&aUODen. DI'�Offers Superior ter this, Dean Shepardson. in look- �-.:�er:;:::C=Advantages .in ing over the old records, discovered (Continued from page I) It1fc�=o��otbeI'd' hi h =�s::t�='. •• I that Karpen was of. stan mg 19 prevail. In many of our states, no =.boh In oarcatalCW.• Buslness Tra,n'(lg •. 1 e�ough ." be e1igibl.� for gra�uation child under 14 years of age is al- =���i:'. With thirty-three majors. A diploma lowed to work at all in any factory, TDE �!lKLIlf PElI w.AND .t"'U�A-'''''''''was accordingly issued and Karpen mine. �orkshop or store, or in the ........ c-u&a ........ ,. Stenography, was also elected b)-Phi Beta Kappa. messenger service, or indeed in any•• ••this happening i�' 190�, ten years af- occupation \fhere it is employed forDAY' AND , NIGHT' SCH.()(')L ter Karpen had left the University. wages and put in the relationship of Fhones:M K th fi t tw employee-to employer. Usually farm )ffice. H.P 1788. Residence, H.P. g61Students May Enter at An7 Time. r, arpen spent, e rs 0years of his college, �ourle,' at tile labor and sometimes domestic ser- !Dr . ..fttb mIL IlatlttUniversity of Hlinois.'. He,. \vas. born vice are exempt. This absolute pro- IDe B.alp' mil. Jlatktrhibition of work for children under DENTISTSin Chicago. near Wicker, Park, in',-' , '. 14 should be extended to other oc- ':'49 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 63rd St.1874- His, preparator,y,'- �rk: was cupations, and .if not. made to include '-'. ,..• '�jj:_ . '_, ...Hours 0-12. 1:30-5-taken, at West DivisiOn�·ttJgn� School f�fN . .., :work. and ; . ..domest.ic: .... service, 'He also attended the ChicRli{o. Col- there should at least be some protec- �::::::::::�::: ::.:::::::::'\lege of Law. from which �e received tion against abuses that exist even� doctor's dezre. "After . ieavin� the in this direction. The protection ofUniversity: he e'ntered bti�fness in the childhood-the rght to support, toClothes for Men' and Young Menfinn co�ducted by bis' six brothers as leisure, to playtime. and to schooltime-must be made absolute andought to be guarranteed to everychild to its fourteenth birthday atTO MAKE PUBLICATION OF least. Then work, even gainful em-II U. HIGH DA. ILY PERIIANENT ployment, may possibly begin with_ advantage to the child in some cases1 Large Staff is Chosen to Run New where there is ��efut restriction andPaper fot Remainder of Present adequate supervrsron, But the abso-Q lute prohibition for two years more., : uarter.that is until the sixteenth birthday isNewest models of Spring Coats.I . -- reached, must still extend to someA dark oxford, silk lined vicuna,_ �ith . the fi.rst two issues. of the occupations and to aU efforts, wheth-medium length-special at $25- University High School Dally, that er on the part of selfish parents or Residence: Phonepaper appears to be established-for greedy employers, to drive the child".u Arlington PI. Lake View loa..Every size to 46 stout. An assurecl the present quarter at least. Accord- to its utmost productive capacity Phone Harrison 1644saving of about 33 per cent. on your ing to the majority of students and without regard to its possible de­faculty at the high school has worked velopment.satisfactorily, and the Daily will be Condition Challenge to Humanity !. Goldsmith, Director.The child labor program will, of )8�ce, Cable Piano Comp3llY,permanent.gJ h f ,.ra'---L. and Jackson. CHICAGOThe staff of the Weekly, which ran course, appeal stron y to t ose 0 "u..uus who have enjoyed the benefits ofthe ne'Y paper during the final weeka college education, upon which we07 last quarter, has retired. It is re- have only entered at the highest ageplaced by five a�o,date editors, one of protection �ch we have discuss-. for each dirj·'Or. ttic: week four de- ed for the wdfking child:, We cer-Protec�or "�u'to coata"-light weight I parmental editors. a business mana- tainly owe J�methin'g 'to the little 'IIICI rain �hedding-full drape. Many I ger, and a large .corps of reporters. child workers. who toil on without'at $250 o�;�ers up to $55- apportioned by classes. Troy Par- hope of ever �etting � glimpse of the 'ker is business ril ... nager. The asso- larger world into which we have en-Tbe M�ssler coats drape the body. I' J . 5 fi ld f tered Their condition i.., a chal-clate C( Itors are: umus co e or .•lcientifically. 'I..t ,.. I B t T d II lenge to our chivalry as well as to I'., on·,:1Y; ."1une en , ues ay;.. . h• . our humamty. Let I1S glVe t em un-K. Unon, Wednesday; H. W. Da· . dl' f th ht dour sershnte y 0 our oug an -now. Thursday. and Marc E. Jones. "ice; let us wage relentless war upon.ossler CO Friday. The department editors are: parcnt�. employcrs or others who�Evcrett :\f. Rohinson. news editor; will not join :n social work and ncc­Achsah Garrlncr. exchange editor: cs!'a-y legislation to grapp,le success­Hcien FMter, local editor. and C. F. fu.IY with the problems of child la-, H thl t' d't bor. �et us determine with everyI; yers. a (' IC e lor.PATRONIZB power at our cpmmand to help,.. \\'i�con�,;in 'crew candidates are now change the conditions which makeNIVERSITY i PI acticing 011 the water under Coach I poverty and the rcck!ess competbiti,OIlL., '" • I for profits obstacles an the pat wayPHA.RMA.CY Ten Eyck. The men plan to maIO-)" I h'ld Y _ h' d 'WDfta'a CclCUnAfti DIl"nOIrAaT.i �. .. . bl of the Itt e c I . a.....ct us ope an ,..�• ...!!.. �t::.... !�::-� r. --th Str-t ,t •• m a co-operative tralmng ta e. . '--I' h't' 'b'l t .to .... - ._ -,_--_fU I'., :;):" �.U'C ICV(, t at I IS POSSI e 0 glve -r::'p:'��non.1l80W�N. Prop�. . every child a chance in childhood I w .. _"Tbes..,oe.8ook"-FIMo• I Northwestern Will hold Its annual for that happy and normal growth Q. a c. IRItRIAII CO .., • I interscholastic track meet on May I J. in body, mind and spirit which is the snao�+.r��T.S, A.The Daily Maroon is a I Invitations have been issued to over usual preparation for'a useful, moral I ,. __ �Have TOU tried it? thirty schools. and industriou� life in the Republic.' •Harvard HotelFINESTACCOMMODATIONSFOR STUDENTSANDTEACH:ERSPr ieee Moderate.Lccatlon Ideal.5;:4 Washington Ave.fmma .. �. Stewart'Est. 1856BRYANT 6 srunoNBusiness CollegeH. W _ Bryant, Pres.L. Brent -laugban, U. 0(. C, 'v}.,'Manager.JIS-.W Y'abas� AVf;.50 Jackson BoulevardMOSSLER. CO.A Spring Co.at,Exhibit!Tueftdaytailor's charge.Two special features in this exhibit.'!be London square. box coat, funboZo J8-inch lcngtb-tbe popular fancybrowns and gna,-s. The "shapelyact." draping the form slightly, 44-ilL length.SO Jackson Boule.vard Alumnus Came to Death by Throwfrom Hone-Receivccf DiplomaTen Years Late by Error. new members of the exeeutive com­mittee are Misses Valencia Dentonand Ruth Hartwell.Those who continue in office areMiss Edith Osgood, chairman; MissesEthel Chamberlain, Katherine Slaughtand Emily Schmidt, members of theexecutive committee.Dean MacClintock Spe�sThe funeral of Jutius Karpen,alumnus of - the University of Chien­i go, who died Monday from injuriesI received from a fall from a horse,, will be held this noon from the resi­dence of S. Karpen. The accident.AIID ......a.oo A ... ·A fair ....... eweq IIIIt111. III .. IlADI80II 8'1 .n- ...-�ear I.S-. .credit man.Goldsmith's Orchestra�.STE�:'�_IKTERNATIO.NAL_ DICTION.AR.YTHE ONE OREAT •STANDARD AUTHORITY.Cnlt tnalf_be uid of IIn,,_ ()t�r Molttha WBIISTER'5 INTERNATIONALDICTIONARY that it il:_:_TIM SueUtdolt1� FederalandStatcCnun,!TIM StaDClard 01 'he Gem. Printing (1flj..:(,!TIM Baas O'lICUly all tbe &hoolhooh! In­doncd bJ netT State School Supt.! l.j ni"cr­,apy � br Coneae Ptnid<nl!' andlAhleaton! Tbe Staidard lOr oyer W'!o 0'tbe Ncnpapen!11P TO DA. TE _" BELlA BLF..__ p..-. aooo DlutratJon ..·-..14T_._ ....... " .... _k' Bf,SURfYou are Correctl,DressedI t will make you feelbrighter and betterand convey the im­pression that yourbrains are paying div­idends.The World LikesProsperous PeopleOur, Suring StylesAre Now Ready--�A._ N. JERREMS, Manager.Tailor for Youn& Mea.Either store13J La Salle Street, aDd'" Jac:kson Blve!..• S. end Your e'.Name toSpalding -FOR A CATALOGUE OFSpalding Athletic (i�$f1Mention ",hat sport you are inter­ested in and ask for a list of collegeand school supplies.The Spalding. A�tic Librar7.Textbooks on every athletie sport10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List.Mall Order Dept.A. �. SPALDING a: BRos.--' --126 'Naasau St., New Yodr.. •149 Wabash Ave.. ��.,OUR SPRING,STOCK IS READYA large selection ofSpring Overcoatings atI tern pting prices.I . 20Q styles of FancyVestings.PRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests $20 to $so20to se5 to 15I! WlLUAM "ERRE�.· SON ..I \;lark and Adama Sta.I------15l\e 9\cot Stu�i�KOIS,\ U. BALL1 243 Wab.&,.ll Ave.I Original Ideas awl E:-.:c1usive StylednPHOTOGR.APHS�I�i ��_.". ��J�_o" C. '_',u4eD!!_---.--- ---AN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED?... e .... _�" .,. Gt.iI",,ji,11 ,iI'ii:;','.... :._r;1,.'1:I'}r"I;,L1::11 : .�� .;�(1;1\.'1"1..�ttfI ��::, t��:.; L , .... t, � � ,'" .• •. : ,�" ',�� �"it ,', •• :.' ••;-.._ t.!" � �;; .�� :;!.::': ''r�� 'bAi�YjftAtt�i[��i<;AGO.\v�DNES6AY.,�·-A·�tttL·-0,go, .. � '.-. ;'-"'�'�-.���--' .----.---,'terar}'.SUrPdS....,.. ..• t -..--':-·�·��.�_�T��"'·�OI·M·s�!�:". �, '., .f ... ���T�: �OTES ;].U�S.l.D co.nam, mKERS LOSE TO MAROONS, �3 I,RACK 'MEN BRAVE"C?LD� ..8' O�S:·J.·l...;'100'uN, ... : ... ':..... .' '..;,._._ \, � ,r;�. : .. ' v . BLAST T9 T�ni. OUTDOORSCoach DiclDMon Tries - O�t .-t�enty-, . ..; . .. . .� .;.rhree ��a 'and' Freshman Can- Ten Trac� Athlete.s,. �p�ar o-:_��-G.A.RTE.R, r.t=:.in FIrst Practice �e 01 shall FI:�.I�:::l�:ork Jr , .' ' • '" •• ,.I b' ank baseball I n spite of the chilly atmosphereTHE i£COCIUltD STUDAID The' First' Nariona........... " ;uid'brisk southerly yesterday, a num-·., .... T ... II"'III team yesterday afternoon furnished'. .. F h. Young' 'Ame: r,·ca,tMlaIMI on � - . .' .' ._. . .' hi'r of the Varsity and res man: ' .... r- .• , evecJ •the two varsity baseball squads With -. dfoop-', , ... _ .. _, � .. , - c ... �". ••.• ""I� hall track, athletes appeare d outdoors ann.nc mmngs practice on Mars� , .th fi .: f' th took some light training. The tracke : 'J field The game was e rs 0 e. I.' (l�'• '. I, .j ... .. ..: ".; , �'i.' 'un Marshall field is not yet II! Slape..j , • .• �US 0 quarter and resulted III a 4 to 3 scoreh t• I C HI I .'- .... ".. ,for heavy work but now t at on-� !. BUTTON '.� in favor of, tl�e combined varsty-. . .' '",. .' door work Will take place ev ery dayCLAS� freshmen' forces. ,. . "J' .. d.... >'. ...-;", The: �;me' was used. by Coach the weather permits .. imrny adn. What We do lor College MenLIES FllTTC)lHU£G-IEYlR ... 'tr'y his 'assistants will speed the con 1-._ _ . . . . •.SLIPS. T�IORuaFlSTlII' :. Dickinson as an opportunity to_ _'. t ioning process.. his men, and in all Z3 players from .. ". h the. ,... Coach . Friend was out Wit� ·'le regular and Freshman squads held '.'. .. squad, The hardest work' was done.l.ll.aces in the :\Ia.,r.�on.. , [ine .. '�. p. .T �c .. '- hy Iddings and Jacobs, wh·. spent afreshmaI} pitchers .. w�re. used, Page J b. half hour in pole vaulting. . aco sshowing the. best form. There. were '• . also worked . in broad. [ump'ng and____)._ no par-ticular features to the game, . I'. .', went over 18 feet without ettmgVerv few men were all. owed to., getII Dr J I . If t He made a favorableMr. Swe -, ; esser :,' ·i)th;a�es, and the_1;its by both teams urnse ou., ., '. .' .. - impression and looks like a comer.THr.C:l _jI�' Y"OU WILL THANK were �ew,. but. bunched. Chicago got ., - .d.Co T r The I other men who appeare wereME FOR IS THIS:' . ,·t"lree. runs r igh]; offthe.. reel. N�t�<l.n, :�Ierrlim, . Barker.' 'Quigley, Mathews,_. .. ,), flrst.:man UP. in the )\r.st iJl�iJ1g., was' ... � � :', .. ..', '-; . , Caldwell, Williamson. Johlin. andTHA! FO� ANY ;O��A.-g�O�1 1 I�i(" 1>y the .pitcher •. went,. t.o:· s�cond. .' k jog:;HAVE /IJ. SUIT FOR,oYb�' 'ALL on�'Slater's hit and sc��ec:i o�"Burke's Hunter, all of whom too easy• ....:I' B k':' t"'l . , .. , .:. 'd" ;," - 'lrountl the .,t.rack. i •READY :-?;q ,S.�I.?E RI,�lJ.T ON;l 5I1J5���.·- ur e .,s 0 e, s�con I. Wt;pt ·0:.. t\;il:d On the wild 'pitch which-iltlowed G.oLF ,THE Q,:t!�I?.r �I�L _ �E; At-. Slat�� ·to. score'," and" ��me' i�. on GIR11S T.O . :PLA'V " .".,ftjlr._WAyS .... HIG� r ':"TllAfi" TilE. 'r);u'�mond's. erro� .. In: 'the" .third. �: , ....Women Plan' Their First SpringPRICE; THE F� PERPECT; THE Van Patten' ;��s· hit. -;i�te '�"b';�e and" . 1 ' . -", ,Toumament.·, •STYLE �'ON' T ME;.- .. - - ;'cor'ed on a wild throw from thirdI TRY, 'to TaEAT 'T�:OSE wHo � first. T\�o .Chi·cagomen were, put .P�a-llS are bei�g. mad�. by .t�le girlsFIRST' ENTER: MY STORE � sO'- rmt· at' the home plate. .' .!'for·3. golf tournament to be .held, �sTHAT THEY' WILL FEEL AT Two error� and a'. cou�le of wild ... oon: as the entries can be secl1re�.HOME AND COME BACK AGAIN "itches 'gav�'. th.e' ,ba'nkers': their fir�t It is :expected that the ·number.- ofEVER�>TIMri"""HE'.Y ·WISH 'TO ;oun in the thin(' and in the eighth . 'd f twelve1: .Co .l entries will not excee ten 0 : .'BUY MOltlt 'CLOTiiEi - FOR they started a batti�g ,stre�k' which hut among these: "'·itt be a number .o(YEARS 1UlD ··¥EAR8:I'.:. 'r�'''': r- netted'.two .runs. " Bai'T«( was the star first class' golfers,' So�'e of the pro,?,.�, �. ' � ';i '1' _. 'c' -nan for the visitors.a bl� e�trie� wil1� b� 'Mi�'�es" Mabel Lee• THE GET-RICH-QUICK PLAN Follo,,:!��; t�i?:. ����, the' V�rs�ty Av.is 'I�or,' �I��jorie Jlell �nd C!l.�I�;:�IS NOT"MINE. 1 MUST MAKE � �nd Preshmen line'd uP, !.0f •. a. .�hree �a Sclgar. ".: -:::PROFI"n. � � ,inning gam�,".�hich .�as, �on by .��� ') AIl.girls. in;er�sted in golf,are.ur.ge\lI DO�, .' " .' ... _,:' '. ,"0 .,' .?�i;tr· �a&� ����,hed for t�e .latt�r to enter., the .. tour�ament. and handBUTJI wtsa"d'ftLY"'A FAlR 711lJ:��n b�s .. o�!1 .. game.�ybnngt��lfl their.names either: to MISS Lee. orPROFIT. �ND l' WISH FOR MY '�e only tally.• :' ,. Miss Ortmayer, The tournament isCUSTOM£RS TO BE "REPEAT- Tom<;>rrow. Chicago pla'ys' the Lo- root intended merel-y for expert play-ERS." ... -"'" .'- ,. 'w'.'- jg1.9 ......���3l!.e..���g�� SJJ�., �,.Jc:, ers, but is' �ri opportunity for al'l golf�nthusial'ts to improve their game .TWENTY TO, FORTY DOL- DOU LES IN Bciwi'iNG' ... :'.. . .... , . . . ,LARS. •. _" C' ". T9 .B�GIN-.TQMQF.OW FRATERNITY REt��Y.�',; ';: ',,; '}. f:� J \� I .. -.' ,: �: .. '.-��;:: .... ' :/.��> . FINALS ON APRIL 10F 0 R E M· A 'N'. Eitee� Twc·om�-pe'Mti�ti�·o'·nt�f-o�r·$;.:�ayn��O:'·l!dsE.�_ , ..,. . : I ..... .&�'f nJC 'Alpha . Ta�" Q��P ; a'd: : p'hi·· ·G.t�DWClu� Cup--Entries Close tonight :P�'ta �ust'.�t' ·i?,elta. Tau n�-. '�.. ta's Tim.e to �in Shield. .The Reynolds Glob bowling cham::!omor�o\r· , .Gaar:de ;an� �ullj:van are..;chechlled to roll the fi�s� match, at.TO o·clock.· ,The teams will not roit,: .·r". .::':. .in cotmpetition,. but the, high, . �core the' race.\\"ill d�cide.· 'Phi 'Gamma Del�� and �lph.a TallEntries will be received by Mr. Omcga wil� run � �.ufsui� .. racc.,.;oncEngli6� at. tl1_e .RC:Y�.Qlds...t:.Iub .. tip un- on each �ide oi the .. tra�k. It. has FRESHMEN GET TWO -GAMES.! H Thtil to�ight�' ·.Th� "p�ize '..ri;;en· bv th.e d' 'd 'd' b'h '11 be 'no race I ave eroo .; been CCI. � t, .31.t ere WI'.dub is a sih'�r cn�. ��n�t:.ore�· ..en- l;l'lw�t:n the winner :lnO thc Delta Captain Cleary'� . Nine Will Pl�y:;-r;t,·e�;. h' . Y1)U Tte p -,., , , . Tau Deltas but that the team w lell Wendell Phillips and MorganIt i{ expe. cted.::that� 'there_���ll be b' .'II et' the Park. '. B T .. '. 111akes the est· ume WI g. Ukeen �:Ompe�it�?�,'�n(h���1s�Fes, on shield. Delta Taus Delta, iri winn�ng . een '. . Op '. Frell';1CCOUI1t of, the entries receive� :lnll from D. K. E. made a record of I :3i- .-\rrangemcnts have b��n made bv \ There? Inn ban ".;,the_ inter,est .. a. ro.�.. sed b,,' the c-;;nte�t. '. " .D '1' honor,- .;.' 5. And either Phi Gam,ma e t.l Coach Frc(i ·n�ird. Wil'O is in .:har�e:The, fol.lo,,\\;j.. ·ng m, C1I1. .�.. re, ,.s:c.he.. d. \lIed \1 1 T' O' cr!lI' 'wI'II' 11a'�e' to' T fl ernts "01 .- P 1:1 au. me�.. , . • 0:' thl' fre�hman haseball team. fpr. op oor ctt(\ appear:. ,". _ , k . h t I �. in fI:\�,..h<:at this m�.r· to wtO t e ,rop ly. two practice CT_ ame!' th:5 week. On The P�.I!�an Q.5>f!l, pa.ny . PI'tal I'll-----,-.---.�I:"':_T.! Gaaroe .apd Su1li\':tG .:1.t 10 a, m.: ,..._, _".F.or Rent, •. ' .. The. teams to fun are: Friclay afterno�n the' 1909 tea. m wm,; , .. ,.. .'F .... inwton "nd Vail at tr am' Car 0 1 I' .,. Cor.ldatns St. Clnd Mid', ..... an1C- torian (For Rent-One light room.' $2.00 ...,... ". •• ..,. - Phi Gamma Deha- lam >er Itl. meet the \\'end('ll 'PhilliJl� high !'chool:per \\·c .. k. 612-, \'�oodl."\'·n .·\\·e. 3r(! ter :tn�. GifT�rd at 12 m.; Sundc:rl:1ntl I'a'rd \\"rl'ght 1'lopkl'n" Goo(lcnow' I S I .;. '11 i ;._-------------- The... ,\' ••. � 'I " ,(C -, • I1I1'e. anc on . atlln ay morlling ,"'? . 1 r------------",. arninati,I and Essingtc1n at .3 p. m,; Russ�1 :tt1f1 I) T \' P tt n Ifat. c ray. . an a c . l' ay the tcam irom \Iorgan Park'forgan at 5 .I). m.: Linn apd C.app!-; :\Iph:l Tau Om�ga-Finger. Roger's. ��cad<:m:r. Both game!' will hc playcd stu�('ntat 8 pm' J fi,'c hi;.:'. .' . l.oos-C. :\Inn!'on! �furphy. oldersma. on :\Iar!'hall Field.The Choir . " Those scheduled for Frda>. ar·c·:.Is ;\1though !'cwral of the ir('!'hmt'n A. S. i:There arc vacancies for first and follows: :\fcndclson and Jc.��eJ!'Qn at Two :roung \�'omcl,1 c�n �e�u�c.'\ pl�ycrs havc. been llsl.d in the prac�. i:;. E. Z.second lenors :t!)d secpnd bass. Ap- i,' a: m.: Vail and �und�rl�t:ld �t 12 comfortahle home ·with al.1 p.ri�·ile�('� tice gam('s and th� te�m has played � � H. \\"\ply in Kent Thc�tcr'-J:uesday at 5. or m.: Gilhert. and Essington. at 3 p� m.; For p::,rt.ic�lar�, call at second llal. a number of games against the Val- The ()!'.I,"n(lel Tilursd."·';': :a't" � J. • • r ta"y'lor' an(1 Sundeland at 8 p. m.,· 6". Gr"''''n'''od a""'nlle Telenlloll'" I J)a�sjng.\ •• ".; ·i·d E k II ,'J'9 " ... n H. • - ",ty. t lese will he the first �wo games, Small ads bring large RansonLest�r B. Jones, Director. - C�J)ps :tn. _c crsa at 9 p .. m. - n. P. 6339. in which it will meet outsifle tcam�.' The Daily Maroon. I.. ;_ 1 �1Jin�SPtik.S. KoiIIlan ar. '�PIne��WIOfo •• CottOli �" � .. �h���IVlo. pr'� •. ( •• '1 ......uo. nonoo,,IIMIn..,. ... .,... ... �.B.A .. �__ rr- ALWAYS EASY�. __ ..(" c. '.' i" \QUALITY CLOTHES92-94-96' . WaShington StreetBet. Dearborn atid Cla·ri"Sis. :.' The finals of. the interfraternity, re­lay race will be run on the night ofApril 10. This announcement ha5been tnade by Dr.' -Raycroft and ar­rangements have b�en completed for!lionshij> tryouts. in doubles will sta�tOpen Saturday evening until �,�'clock_ ... ---_--_._------V Qgelsa..ng�s� 182 M� street"" 1. Ai Cafe :;.:r1iJfvia��ii�·V!�ere fa��d.!��j� �� :.cileer 'ana ··ri{reiDment- -the perfection of �entie\hcehtury' cooking 'in' a de­lightful- old-world atmos-'pbere.:: . 1: -, r:�;-.,."_;"" ·'A •• :._'_i..,. �'.h.....,.r\!. '.'" "�. C, MQQ�E, FLOR.I ST. '.'AT THEUNION HOT�L and IiESTAlJRANT, ..'. '. .WILL FIND RESrAURANTS ON 'lWO FLOORS. . ,Wl�L �IND A SPECIAL AFTER- THEATER �Er� UWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE��r\'ing only the Best the Market Affords-111 to 111 RANDOLPH STREET"IN e make a S�ecialty of Club,. Fra temity Dinners. EtcI ,Fine-st Orchestra in the City=:::--.VOl.. v.�Phone H.P. 1251Laundry· CAP UIS 'BUNDLES BROUGHT IN J\I'!D CALLED }4u:':Shirts .............• ; ,...... 8c Cc:�...;..·s., ', ',Cuffs ' '.':'" " ....•...... 4C, 604-686 East 63rd Street ., .. XEdi:or_;Dedicati.,We place them in positions for which- they are Deftf'fifted L-in business, professional or technical work, and in any 10- The I�dedicatedappear �r.ounccmlthe Univmaterialill ehargactive illThe edit.getting tdifficult 1of contriIarging 0The spliterary ta few palit(.rary •ing 3ugrrthis secticOlor, Tagent hal�ituation·"Promi,may exp'natured.. ;Oar wallquotatiordeclinesfinished'---------------------------� .. cJass. Tccmplimlcemed \'"Ever),oar photOn thisc')1ity desired. Call or .write today..�� H APGOO DS .:The. National' Organ_;zat;o.�: ,ofBraij.J �rokers,! .. ': Hartford Bldg., ChIcago, III. .ALL ,LIFE. ,18 A BATTLE AND' A' MAR'eH'.iM-Al:Tu .. � ..MARROWbeing a ;,ut'� extnct of bops and' malt I, food. drlnk and DleSlc1ne all In one. It, .bullds bODe •. brain �d brawn; It .nour.sh� the blood and tones' up the system'like maCIc.. '. __ . . _ .. ."'_ ·It ""'bble. oyer with. nutrient p-opertles for the a�c1t and' wounded In life ..... lUe. It Jr �� men stroDe. healthy �nd litrenDotls. Ut to cope »uccessfully wlt:1',e't'e"41mcuHy_:L�C\e�!"Y4� � �'-' •. , ,. ' ': , ' .. ' .,.. _� :.'. -\ .,:... .� __ 4l, ... A ... ;- ...... � _";',' -- _0 .-.�; ,.:_. �'"� .• - - 'II •••fWlcAVOY MALT EX.:'RACT 'DEPT., CHICAGO: '.�..al uaf� t..ook1ct-"..:.miDe�t Phyalc1anaof the WeaL"----_.-$.-, .. , ....... 1 .. 'DOuncetinctly (life havein the 1that willture ofyet discierahly nare ete,""And.blanks ;,.f ,. : •. �."o· , ... � : �"1J1tinTURB. PIAROS. TRUHK&·JIBIICBAJQ)IU .... �DBLIVERED TO ALL PArtS Oil' THa c:lTY,1JUIeTt.. AND 8UBURBa.GeDaaJ O&a... 51. ... Cahnaet A"­PIiaaer,DoacIu __""te ....... p aU OliceL,,-. ,.. . \.. ", BraDda 0Iice. &'.' _ .....1:1 •• of �' .!!It. R. W .......CIIicap J�""......... c.a-.�--------------------------------------------�PREDFonnerIn EliJ272 East 55th Street. C·hfcago.TELEPHONE HYPE PARK _------- .......