00·········· .aecc�be lDail)2 11� . ---------- -.- ---------------Cl-IICAGO,l·UESDA\·, �1,\RCI-I 19, It)Oi.:O��V_._�.�O.�I�OO�.�����_���_����-__--���������.. �.��;��;;�����_�_�._�_���.__�.�����_�_��������._�._�.�������������;'-PR-E'S'IDENT FAIRBANKS lIUfLEl'lEFROMMAROONDEFEATlpRESIDENT OF UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, WHO WILL DELIVER PRESIDENT H. P. JUDSON" CONVOCATON ADDRESS TODAY. TO BE IIAUGUR1TED ATJUDS DR. HARPER; CALLS Final Score is 6 to :2 for Chicago. Min-JUSTICE NATIDN'S PRIDE ��o;la:: ��CO;:�T�.W�1 N;� THE COIVOCATION TODAYChampionship This Week. IChicag�tan��� .��. ��. ��a�s. 2 .750 Id Theme of Address in MandelIU.lall From Inspiration of ruver-sity Founder's Life.:\linllesota .............. 6 2 ·iSO I\-\ i-cons. n .............. 6 2 .750Purdul." . .. ............... 2 6 .250jl ll-noi s ................. 0 8 .000• FAIRBANKS FOR PRESIDENTadcDts Greet Republic's 'Second!iighest Executive With Cheersfor Presidential Honors. IDefeat at the hands of Minnesota ISaturday night' at Minneapolis upset!the Varsity basketball team's cham-Charles \\Tarren Fairbanks, vice- I I hipionship hopes. and left the ear ers 'Pcsident of the United St�t�s, �d- )f the Western Intercollegiate Bas-essed the students of the Universrty kctball Association for I90i a tie be­Chicago ill Mandel Hall yesterday � ween Chicago, :\1 innesota and \Vis-)ruing. cousin. each of whir h has won sixHe paid tribute to President Wil- games and lost .two. The tie can1m Rainey Harper, declaring that henot be played off, as the BadgersId never known better a man than broke training after their game withe founder of the University. Draw- Purdue' Friday evening, and the Ma­g his theme from the inspiration of. roons will fr�m now on devote theirgreat and noble life such as that energies to winning j he A. A. tr.. Dr. Harper. the Vice-President championship.It upon the University influence in The A. A. U. championship series«.laping the character of the Amen- will be played at E v anston Thurs-LD republic. Justice he declared to be clay. Friday and Saturday evenings ofIe one thing. which, above all others. this week. The most formidable op-as made the United States a great ponents of the Maroons will be the•ation and a great power in the Central Y. M. C. A., the Evanstonrorld. . In the universities. he said, Crescents, and the Muscantine, Ia.,�. than in any ot��r pla�e, :hould five.'. .�lcated this spirit of jusuce. The Maroon team :me,:ts_: I��. _fir_�tfJ'-Vicc--P'rcsrdcOt��ceIVe(r"a-rre- 'c;p'p�ne�t,�lh'e-MaT';iifieWift"e, Thurs-�s ovation. The mention �f day evening at 8 o'clock. The. otheri''1.ame. by President Judson. �n teams to be met do not appear hard_�tion with. the presidency of the to defeat.. .fuited States. was heartily received. If Marshfield is beaten, the VarsityIDd the cho-us, "Fairbanks for Presi- live will have its second round of playItnt," was spontaneous and hearty, Friday afternoon elt 5 o'clock. Sue­!'be Vicc- President's presidential cessful in this contest. it will play inloom met with a warm reception.lfandel Hall was completely filled�y II o'clock. With "Chicago's,"'locomotives." and "bull-dogs," and Price Two Cents,Formal Installation. of New Head ofUniversity to be Part of RegularQuarterly Program.NO DEMONSTRATIVE EXERCISESDegrees and Titles to be Given to 121Candidates - Great Number ofSpecial Honors.Program for the Day.S :30 A. .M. The' 'Q�adr:!ngle Club'-Th'e . _:\Jlatuti�al for Candidates for'i-I igher Degrees. ..10 :.30 A. �1. Kent Theater-The�, )'rJunior CoJ1eg� Cl�'ss Exercises. Ad; � .:dress for Students by Paul -K. Judson.10 :30 A. :\1. .Mandel Hall-Se�iorCollege Chapel. The Senior CollegeClass Exercises.3:00 P. M'. Mandel Hall-The Sixty-sccond •University Convocation.The formal installation of Dr. Har­ry Pratt Judson into his office. ofpresident of the University will takeplace to-day in connection with theexercises of the sixty-first convoca­tion. The Convocation will be helda� 3 o'clock this afternoon in MandelHall... The in�tallation ceremony willt be.extremely simple, consisting only ofthe formal announcement .of the· ac­tion of the Board -of Trustees by Mar­tin A Ryerson, president of the Board,and a brief speech of acceptance byPresident Judson.the semi-finals Saturday afternoon at3 :30. The finals are set for 9 o'clock. Mayor and Corporation Counsel to Action Means System Will ProbablyThe Varsity team will include Cap- Present Democratic Side of Mayor- be Installed at University for Classtain Houghton, Hoffman. and' Page, I' alty Campaign. Thursday_ I Elections.guards; Schommer and Hubble, cen-t _ters: Me Keag, Falls, and Georgen.l Efforts Being Made to Secure Gov- Expense Objection Met by Agree-forwards. The schedule of games ernor Deneen or Busse to Repre- ment of Councils to Pay forhas not yet been announced. sent Republican Side. Printing Ballots.Saturday's. game. was- one of good I .'blocking on both sides, the guards on; Mayor Edward F. Dunne and cor-I \\' it h the ratification of the plan ofboth teams showing more class than' poration Counsel James Hamilton the Senior College Council for a urn The orator of the Convocation ;sthe. forwards. a fact which is true of Lewis will address a mass meeting form Australian ballot and an elec- ·)r. George Edwin Mac Lean, for sev­all the teams in the league this season. in Kent Theater Thursday at 4:00 tion day for class elections the Jun- n years president of the UniversityDeering's work made him. a most for- p. m. The meeting will be especially ior College Council completed its )f Iowa. Dr. Mac Lean, who is notedrnidablc candidate for the A11- West-I for the University public, but hand- 1 work for the quarter at a special ses- -.� a scholar in English, was born inMee�s Fraternity �enern five. as he showed that he is one bilts will be di�tributed throughout I sion, held yesterday afternoon in "ounccticut in 1�50. He received hisAt the c!·�"c of the speech. the of the best in the west at every depart- the Seventh ward advcr tising the Cobb Hall. This means that the plan ')a�helors' dcg rce from Williams inVice-Presi(!.,,! went to the Reynolds ment of the game. Mt.Rae also play- speakers. The Commonwealth Club probably will be adopted by the Uni- '871 and was graduated from the theo­Club. He 1:; (I requested to meet the cd well. Schommer and Georgen did secured the speakers to present the vcrsity. This, together with the .grcal seminary of Yale Universitymembtr� of .he local chapter of Phi the best work for Chicago. Democratic side of the present may. adoption of a resolution asking that 'hrec year- later. Tn 1883 he W3SGamma D(,;' '. of which fraternity he The score : oralty campaign. especially the much- debaters be given a major's credit for n.ad« no<:�o:- of Philosophy by the�ame all,. mhcr during his under- :\!innesota (20) Chicago (10). talked of traction question. work on the team completed the Uuivcrvity oi Leipzig and later stud-gT3duate 1);1\" at Ohio Wesleyan Uni- :\fuir R. F........ Georgen The Commonwealth Club is also council's program. :,.11 at t he l�lIiH' 'sity of Berlin. Uponttrsi;y. T;;v mcmhers of the fratcr-I :\fcRae L. F Buhlig making an effort to secure either Mr. The early objection on the part of 'li� r\'turtl to America he was givennitro were iilt roduced to him. after ';Voodrich c.. .. Schommer Busse or Governor Deneen to l)reS"t1t tl ,.... l' 1 .. ,Il"yr"e ot· LL.D. h,,' Wi11iams."" 1e ufll\'crslty aut lo:"lties that the " .... " oJlrhlch the \'jce- Prcsident held a gen-, Deering R. G.:... Houghton the Republican contcntions in the election hy ballot would mean a great Fl)r a 'ime he was pastor of the Me-eta! recepti'.;1 to the �tudents of the UZ7.el L. Goo...... Walker, present campaign. but a� yet llothinn d('al ot' '.11nrl·;o1 Preshyterian church of Troy.I ,.., unnecessary expense \\':\;; .._'tni\"t'rsit.\·. :ll('etinn all the men in Field O'oal�-Uz7.el (,�)'. "·oodrich. definite has ben arranged for. d .. ".........on:- away with, whcn both cO\l11cils 1:\. I.tnc Reynol.:. Club. (.2), Deering' (3)· Buhlig. S, hommcr.! Thc tlnu�l1al. intercst �hown in the a;�rt'�'(1 to �tand the expen�(' ni 11:\\'.! Dr. :\(acLean has been pr('�ident ofFrom �j" L-ninrsity. Vice-Pre�i· \Valker. Free throws-:\lcRae (4).! p�e5el1t c:lmpalgn and the rcputations ing hallots printed .-or the cl('ctiol1. i '_' State University of Iowa sincedtnt Fairl.:, , ,b :lncl his party left in Schommcr (2). Georgen (2). i 01 hoth :\f:\yor Dunne and Mr. Lewis :\11 d:ls" elcction" at l: to he held on 1&)9. From 1883 to 1:-V-'5 he \\'a� pr0-�lltornohilt, lor thc Press Cluh. where Referee: K,yser. I will prohahly attr:lct a large al1di a c(';'t:lin day. nomin:ltinn" arc to he i('"sor of English Languag-e and Lit-ho; ""as the :":11('st at luncheon. Tn th(' I, e,�ce from the eni�'ersity and the re�t mad: hy petition. and these nomina- cratnrc at the Cni\'('r�ity oi 'Iinnc-aiternoon 11,· he \\':\s at home to hi" Four Games With Illini Nine. 10: t1t(' SC"(,l1t1t w:1nl.he wasf fIliI' . b TI tiOIl' :lrc to be po"teo. so th:1t e,"cry "ota.. From TK95 to 1&>9riends at th.· ,\tl(i,·torl·tlm. an(t I'n thc :\nnot1l1<.ement 0 tIe 1111 ase- 1C studellts :'ire t�king· consl'der- 1 fIll ." b ka'. meL )cr 0 t 1e cbs� will know who C!lance or 01 .,\e ras',tttnin .hall dates for 190i givcs the followmg ahlc interest in thc tr."ct,·on nu"'st'I""',.g \\';1, the gucs( at the rccep- co'I"" is n::m�d. and li!'ts arc to hc made of sity.�n of the !ri�h Fellowship Cluh :It four games with Chicago: :\fr. Dunnc 1lf.rfouhtedly will bring 'I I Facts About tho e CandidatesIts St p . k n f .'pril 2O-At Marsha.ll Ficld. out "orne' nc\" po' t . h 1(, l11et11 )er� nf the different cbsses.'. atnr· day banquc,. nC ore '"'. • "Ill S tn t e case. E' r Itorning to (hc Unh'ersity, he spoke :\fay I-At Marshall Field. �:lC,l C�f1( 1( .�tc i� to have the righ There are 121 candidates for titles---- - - - May II-At l11inois Field. Miss Adelaide Hedegarde h:15 bcc� te appolllt 1m own tellcrs. Thc plan Ian. d degrees. This is about thc same(COntiliued 9Q page 3) May 29-At Illinois Field. �Iedged. to the Chi �ho Signia. (Continued on �age 2.) (Continued on page 4-)'5(\"en rahs for Fairbanks," the meet­ing took on the excitement and char­acteristics ni an old-time ChicagoII1:ss mectinsr. As the processiontatne through the doors. the entirea�semblag(' rose to its fcet. while theband playc-I martial airs. Cheers"re 'ginn for Vice-President Fair­banks and jor Dr. Judson. who pre­sided at till' meeting. George Edw!ri. MacLean.DONNE AND LEWIS TOSPEAI AT llNIVERSI'I¥ JUNIOR CODNCIL PASSESAUSTRALIAN'BALLot PLAN. This is in accordance with thestrongly expressed desire of Dr. Jud­"011 that no elaborat� ceremony of in-.-uguration be held. At the time .. �.f. ..'is election he said that he. was. i�.:�p"'reed of an introduction to the. U�!71 J-ersity public and he hoped the i�-.;"lallation service would h� quiet andirnple../Dr, MacLean OratorUni\"cr-THE DAILY MAROON, CHIC�GO, TUESPA v, MARCH· 19, I'P!'t hard. The end of the.. fir st half sawthescore four to three in Minnesota's... ,¢-• .,__.,__ __ .,__.,__ __ .,__ __ .,__ �.�RESIDENT;J,AuDS'DR. HAlJUST1CE NAICon�ratulation� arc due all thre;.- Here'!, your opportun!ty to di!'pose II 'Vith hut a few week!' of out-doortcam� for dl'li\"cring all excel cnt of your text hooks at a fair price. Fix j. .I trainin�. the Chicago hasehall squad I.rr,·I(](' of \,·or'·. 'fh'" rda_" team WOI� "'ollr '""\\'11 I}rlc" t Ie I gllC "ell� .... ,,'- J 'J .... -,. '" '. -===============::.===============:!and dl· crn·c; 111llch crc(lit. for the men them. 15 per cent. ('ommi!'sion. Rooks h.ned up :gamst Callahan's profes-I"·r.-'n " c.·lltl·(.ll.-.II)· \\,,.11. =-'11(1 011:l t I' . I �Ionals on :-'aturdav, and though fight-.. ".,' .. ,., wan ef now tor next quarter � courses . -,:-tr:ll1;lt' track Thl' Frt'�hmell hope(1 League Room. Lexington T. Ilflg gamely. was defeated hy a score 1tc win from l11iol1i� hut in a crippled 10f Ii to 6. :\ had slip in the second il'()l1ditinn tht' tea111 lo .. t hy a narrow I fHE MAN WHO DOESN'T irming let in. tweh'e runs. hut �fter Imar�ill. To them is' :d�o due ample K NO W, MAY WE A R th:tt the Varsity succeeded in h01ciing',.I . the "i�itors- clown to 5 more nms.credit. 111ix('� with COll�O atlOl1.:\fo!'t of all i!' n'cognitioll due to th�ha�kethaJ1 team� for while thi!' teamlost it had the hardc!'t proposition todeal with. and the men put up a won­derful fight onder ad\'er!;c circum­�lances. On a strange floor and he­fore a �trange cr�wd the team fOU1Jht ,favor; soon after the beginning of theUDhu· second hair; .the·' score, wa's, tied; thenup went Chicago's score- to ten whilellinnesota stood �tiJl. With the sCOI:eten to five near the end, of the secondhalf. things started to> go wrong arul�Iinnesota piled up fifteen: points andwon the game:There is a great deal of talk thatOfIIcaJ StadeDt PubllcatJOD of tbealt.r of Cblc:qo..·ormul1The UalYeralt.r vf Cblca.:o Weekl,.J:o'ouudedTbe Weekl.r, Oct. I, 1892.Tbe Da1l" Oct. 1. 1802. uI.he referee gave the game away.' ISul)(u:rlptioD prfce, $3.00 per .rear: $1.00 Some men who ought to 'know, Say, IItor :1 woothB. SUb8crlptioDS recelYed at that Chicago played a twenty-five per.the lJllroou omee, E1I18 Hall, or at the cent hetter game than did Minnesota,J:o'ucuJty £xchaDge, Cobb Oall. Order .. Tr may be so, But what is to be Itakeu by mall or telephone. lI.rde Park gained hy snyinz so? The team lost. JUNIOR COUNCIL PASSES-!:.W. and. whether fairly' or not. nothing AUSTRALIAN BALLOT 'PLAN!can he gained by "crying" over it. IIt. EDDY lJATHJ:o;W�: M&Laglog Editor. Chicago can make 'thc defeat less lI-:D"'AIW G. FELSEN·!·UAL. New. EdItor. hard and in a sense a victory byLljTlUm D. FEltNALlJ, ·Athletlc Editor showing that Chicago knows how -to .loes 'away with railroading andUEOltGE 1-.:. J:o'ULLElt, UuaIDe88 Haaager. take a defeat-s-the hardest thing tc conventions,.�u�ero..-d .. HIJCODd·CJ .... AlaU .t tbe Cbl·ca.:o Pu.tolJke.learn in athletics. (Continued from page I.)snapA resolution offered by Fred CaM ..well, asking that the University fur-ASSSOCIAT£ f.Jh.l"Ol.!:C. W. l'altzer, U�ru::t\ .• '. 1:\!Il,A. w. Benderson, l'reatou 1':. Gaaa,WarreD D. Foster, l.I�:vlu J . .\t)aw&. ELECT 13 TO POI BETA KAPPA 'iish advertising matter in book form,showing views of the grounds andOne Junior and Twelve Seniors, .lescr'ibing the University, similar toEight of them Women and Five '�le booklet issued some -years ago byMen, Are Chosen for Membership ''; ott Flint, was adopted. The resolu­in Honor Fraternity. .ion asking that debaters be givencredit was presented by Earl Stewart.l'eter 1". DUDD,Jerome J:o·raul., W. I'. .uaceraekeD.Harry A. UIllldeD.I'. W. 1'lu�crlUu. lln::v(: 1:. I, utter, 'Jr.W. J. lllllvaoU.ltdler; One Junior and twelve Seniorsd . d Ph' B v_ NORTHWEST DIVISION STRONGwere a rmtte to I eta n.appa atits quarterly meeting, held yesterdayafternoon in Has�ell :Hall. Eight 0':the new members of the honor Ira­ternity are women and five of them Wins Unexpected Victory Over OakTh:ar;O::h:= ::::�Ietcs Iupset all calculations when they cap-:t�Ired the third and last preliminary Ihigh school contest Saturday night:r. Bartlett gymnasium. Oak Parkhad been picked by all the critics toI'rloted by tLe MarooD l'rea474 Ellat �Sth StreetPaone H.rde Park 30;01men. Erwin P. Zeisler was the only1- • one accorded the exceptional honor ofThe University enjoyed a rare priv- admission in the Junior year. Thefollowing persons were admitted tomembership: Mary Madeline Car­lock. Mabel Drury, Peter Hoekstra.nation's Vice President romp away with the meet,' but wonAlice Margaret Hogge, James Rootas the guest of the Uni- H lb E M J N· only 13 1-4 points as against the 17 1-2U ert, va argaret essup, a-versity. Mr. Fairbanks '")f Northwest Division. McKinleythan Louis Krueger, Helen Dorothea 'apparently enjoyed his flying visit tu High's failure to enter a team is at-the campus; a"n'd '"th"e" U' niver sity m' ani- Miller, O�a Erances Proctor, Walter I. - . tributed by many as the reason for. Robert, Rathke, Harriet Vance, Ella "fested appreciation of his. visit in goorl �orthwest Division's victory, as the'Louig-(; Wangeman, E-rwln 'Paul�·Zeis· .style. Mr. Fair,banks' t:ribute to Pres- �JcKinley· stars were expected to cutident Harper was especi�lIy appre- ler. 'nto this school's score. Lake View,iated, RELA Y TEAM'S AVERAGE came in' third with 6 1-2 points, JohnTh'is reception by the· students anti BREAKS - WISCONSIN RECORD �farshall fourth with· 3 1-4-faculty .�s. what it shoul<1 heve �ee!l. ----The, ��udents showed that they', real- Chicag�' Qu�rter Milers Set Signifi� �AARDE WINS POOL FItolALSized the '.Import., of. the occasion and cant Mark at Madison Relay Defeats Sunderland 'in CI�sing Roundof Reynolds Tourney.i1cgc yesterday morning in ,hearing:\lr. Charles W. Fair­banks and 'having theAnotherNationalGuestentered into it with enthusiasm. Itis particularly fortunate that the Uni- Meet-Easy ·Victory.versity .. should have a distinguished , CHicago's victory in the relay Car- Finals of the Reynolds pool tour-nati�nal guest s� soon after Secretary nival at Wisconsin Saturday night. nament were won by Gaarde. whoShaw was here, so the c�tire. Wash- was significant in that the average defeated Sunderland by a s�o"'e )fington representation will not have time of the runners was lower than125 to 72 Gaarde's average wasthe idea that ,Chicago is asleep, Vice the Wisconsin track record - for the .. 2 1-62: Sunderland's r 5-21.President Fairbanks' re,.eption was in Cfuarter mile. held hy Frank \Valler. In the pool tournament the win­!'ha:-p contrast with that of Secretary The average tim<: was 53 '-5. two-ner of the high average prize wasShaw, and much more truly repre- fifths faster .han the track record Gaarde, while Sunderland, Carter andThis time was made witholit stren- Gaarde tied for high run prize with!uous competition. for at no time wasa run of 13.Ch· . II' 11a-1 a bu-.·y there ll:tnger from the Wisconsiil lIcago s at 1 ctlC team� u ., In the billiard tournament Jesselson'time Saturday nigh·t. experiencing all team.won the high run prize with a run of IRarker ran lirst and got the pole,the sensations from vic· 21. :\f o:-se won the high averagedefeat. The:\t the first turn, Shuart ran second. 'A Strenuous t()ry. toQuigle'y third and -l\f crriam fourth. prize. with an anrage of. 2. IEvening i� Varsity relay team won --- --- IAthletics the Conference rela:: Every man on the team gai.ned 'on his ��OFESSIONALS PROVE TOOt('am lost to l\linne�ot:l. ma.n. :\ferriam. running last. ran STRONG FOR VARSITY NINE'easily, ,and finished in 52 '-5. Eachtherein' l11akin� a, triple tie in th.". ,�. ..-man recel\"ecl a cup and the team was I C'llah ' T •chatllpinn ... hip and the Freshman tear.11 . .., . a an s earn Scores 17 Whde theIII' . F I gl\·r.n a hronze !'hlcld. U· • N' G • S·went ,Io\\'n bcfor'! the 10m"'· res 1- '. ' ,nlverstty Ine. ets In IXRuns.S('nts Chicago spirit.man. Second Hand Books.FOWNESGLOVES : ---�----'Postal Cards of the Washington PromAn unique picture of the dance, forsale atMARTYN'S MAROON STUDIO"5io5 Cottage Grove Ave. Also pho­tos of the same. Send one home.THE MAN WHO DOESgNOW IS SURE TO. Just the pla� .to hold club and fwte.nit-,. dinners.. THE HOTEL M,AROONFIFTY-EIGHTH AND DREXEL AVENUE.Convenient. Excellent Service. First·C_,\ Come over ,nd see us a�utyo .. r next Club Banquet.Our .Lunehroom is open t'ntil oee a. m.Alben \Iathews. Pres, Gt:o. II. Fivrlle r. Vice-Pres. P. H. Strat t ou. SeC',Mathews & Co. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPNeVI Powers Bldg., 15U \VOlb3�b Ave.THE .LINE FOR SPRING IS HE2E.• IT'S THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW.YALEStudents copied our COLLEGE CORNER Suit Model Last AutuJulTHE SPRING MODEL is much handsomerCome in and see itC&.rVer {:J WDkie'TAILORS f 85 f 89 Dearborn si,Bank FloorUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3;50 per Doz'. .They Fill that Empty Space at Home.Cf�mon'g I&boto �tubioPhone Hyde Park-16. '243 EAST 55th STREET. :Telephone �alumet :Z51"'tire 16th St. Livery �Riding., AcademyHigh-Class S�ddle and Harness Horses for S3l.:.Horses SchooledSend for Circ:uIai. Open EveaiDp.FraDk S. Yount Phone H.P. uS'Young America 1.aundry, BUNDLES BROUGHT IN AND CALLED Itui\:Shirts .' � •........ '........ Be Co:!ars .. : .. , , ., xCuffs '.................•... 4c684-686 East 63rd StreetGeaeraJ 0fIic:a... 51. ... Calame! Aft.ftc.e.DoIIaIu __Prhate Eadllaqe aU Oliee .. BnDdI omc.. 1aIor ...... 0-..U •. of�It. R. W.* ..CIdcIav 1 .._ Cal-.IIA8DEIFS'rireprool Storage It Villi Co.-URIllTURB. PIMfOI, TRUHKS. IIBRCBAllDla ... PARCaLIDELIVERED TO ALL PAaTS OF TIm CITY. IJUlt)TI.A!fD suauasa.Spring Flo",ers in BlossomVISIT THE GREENHl)tJSES NOWPhones: H. P. 18-H. P. 6957A. �cADA�SS3d Street and Klmbark AvenueTHE UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUMPresses your suit ,every week and shines your 'shoesfor $1.00 per month� � �e �Y�. IIJde M3711 (CoDtinued fro�of"JcCC-�dent Judsc:..tf'oducing v«111-)IJb. Dr. Judson s"VIe have with us�t of the UnoIIII'fteraJly selectcate&- '.1,; the Vicc- Presidedeir bank account�pading per�onal �1the pr,·.;cnt If:: of these qualitkIlO'" that he has tlcttr, of late years,tJkc!I to select menc:atioJIS- The last RtiOII and the peopleIcded a mall who itaincd experience :.. hom we know if tUaitcd State� shouprtSidency would wthat position."We in Illinois knoat state in the uniIIOfC politics to theiI! all the other sf;_bined. We feciII1D Indiana wouldstrtby of any officeIfptblk.Cheer-leader Mac:cd for a .. F airbandorns, which wasCllhusiasm.-We are not allno are not. centroSOlI resumed. after tlOIDeIl had subsid�t pleasure and 1to 'JOU, today thet!lJuit>cd -States," ,Vice-President F:I,'.,,),that nPraises Dn or a nnhletb of mat(,rialbtdral that e'\'b of the ).!vlliuicsttc and "plene'1 bave knowntil of cornmandi'lIInnanding J!l'rC;Otals and nollle a'n th�s� I Ih'\'cr '�Il Presidellt 'V:of the rlli\('rst Wealth oi �cni ind '. .OIl11nlt:dlle 1lack he gaw to;igbty institl1tlon'1 .�en We �('e flIlan with an etho rOugh COllC;t'CSOtne idca of 1ititvt'Ion such :t!'Up the nation.aud thousanof this university has set in opera­tion 110 man can ever tell. The 'youngmen and young women will go outstudents of St. Ignatius Col- from the state of 'lilinois-a great andmagnificent commonwealth - into_dent Judson's Address .'other states, and they and others will The Sixth Annual Gymnasticreducing Vicc.-President Fair� 'I be a powerful influence for the up- Contest for women held in Lexing­i>r. Judson said: lifting of humanity and the enncbling ton gymnasium Saturday afternoonnave wi.th us today, the Vice-, and glorifyi,ng of the greatest citi- resulted in a victory for the SeniorIt of the United States. Men Izenship in the greatest republic since College by the score of 33 to 32. Missemily selected to the position the stars first shone in the heavens. Mary Heap won the pennant for indi­Vicc- Presidency because oi ··It is a pleasure to pay tribute to vidual points with a scor� of 21 pointsank accounts, or their corn- our departed friend. The members of to her credit. Miss Marjorie Bell� persona! attractiveness. ""lie the faculties, who shared his fellow- was second with 14 points, Miss Ethelle prv-ent incumbent has the ship in the early days of strug�le, Preston third with 13 points, and Missthese qualifications. We all know better than I the true magnifi- Bessie O'Connell fourth with 10�t h� has the second. How- C�lce of his characte� the di�culties po'ntL In the inter-college events ��������������������������������-£ late years, care has been he had to meet and overcome, the Philosophy won out with two firsts, 1Bf SURfo select men of other qualifi- objections and obstructions he had to one second and one third.' You are CorrectlvThe last Republican conven- clear out of his pathway, of h's am- No records were broken as mostd the people at the polls, se- bition to make this institution a pow- of the events were judged for form. Dressed1 man who is a statesman of z : in the great Middle West, and in Miss Florence Lawson tied the rec-d b'l' . It will make you feelexperience an great a 1 ty, �!Ie greater republic. ord in the. high jump at 4 feet I' inch.we know if the citizens of the "What is our object in life? It is Miss Chatterson and Miss Preston brighter and betterState:' should elevate to the not to live alone, to dwell apart. But we-re each presented with a pair of and convey the im-!ley would well be able to fill your chief object should be to make Ind'an clubs for first place in the pression that yoursition. citizenship better, to make the coun- club swinging contests. brains are paying div-in Illinois know Indiana is the try better, It is important for us, if The events and their results were .te in the union where there is we are to achieve the most, to be' as as follows: .idends.olitics to the square inch than the late President Harper was, conse- Ladder traveling (for form)-Wonthe other states of the union crated to a great object in life, to by Miss O'Connell; Miss Preston,ed. \Y c feel confident that any dedicate our lives 'Completely to the second; Miss Googine, third.idiana would present 'would be work God commits to our hands. High jumv---:Won by Miss Lawson,of any office in the gift of the "Justice-how great and how splen- height. 4 feet I inch; Miss Slaught,to did a word. We live in the republic, second, 4 feet; Mi,�s Heap, third, 3r-leader MacCracken here call- which, because there is. the most of feet ,10 inches.a "Fairba.nks for President" justice, is the one fittest to survive the . Broad jump-Won by Miss Lee,, which was 'given with great centuries. The world is beginning to distance, 13 feet I inch; Miss. Bell.iasm. like America more than ever before, second, II feet 7 1-2 Inches t Missare not all, voters, but those and in the 'Countless years ahead of Pitkin, third, II feet 4 3-4 inches.'e not. control voters," Dr. Jud- us it will like America still more, be- Flying rings (for form)-Won bymmed, after the cheering of thecause the nations are beginning tv Miss Heap; Miss Bell second; MissI had subsided. "I have the think America a just country, and as Chamberlin, third.)leasure and honor to introduce the years come and g<?, they will ap- Traveling, S:1:ngs (for form.)-::-WonI, today the Vice-President o� pr�ciat� .more: and' more the high by ,Miss Heap; Miss O'Connell. sec-Eit:ed·StatesP·,· -"'-' 'sense Tof justice which "actuates the �"; I-President Fairbanks spoke as American people. And here ip the Inclined rope .climbing=-Won bys: I University, more than. anywh�re'- else, Miss Preston, tim� 22 2-5 seconds;egret that no. possible felicity can be inculcated this love'. for justke_ Miss Bell, second, time 23 2-5·trance will enable me to ex- For where there is the largest �mount Horse vaulting (for form)-Wonadequately my. appreciation of of justice, there will be the least con- by Miss Heap; Miss Bell, secondiearty welcome. But I may say fusion. the least friction, and the least !\f:ss O'Connell, third.f'the present; prophecy is ful- wrong done. Parallel bars (for forrn)-Won byin the future. the students of thersity of Chicago will be heard �BAUill used in all tbe big 1 n tercollm ate �a�e.I.Endorsed by all I.cagu6 aud adOpted as tbeOftic:lal Ball o( the American I.eape.RF.ACH OPPICIAI. AMERICAN I.EAGUHBALL SI.:lSo Otbel"ll from sc: to S'.50.Buy a copy of tbe REACH OPPICIAI. BASEDAI.1. GUIDE for 1907 and get postc:d on thegame. All the new rul�s-t1C:bc:dule5, etc. Alsohistory aDd Pbotos o( 1906 World'. Seri6. IOC atdealers or by mall.Ask you,. dnJu,. fo,. R,acla Spo,.tiNK Coods. 1/ hedM� not lIa�, tlu"" file fIIill supply you di,.ect Oil,.ec"I't of ;,.,,,.1907 Base Ball Catalogue FREE-write for it.A • .I. REACH CO.,1719 TULIP ST., PHILADELPHIA.TilE n.ULY MAROO� .. CHI�GO, TUESDAY, MARC� i9�OSIDENT FAIRBANKS I halls. How much good Dr. Harpe�I'SErflOR WOllEN WIN BY 1 POJNr�·DR. HARPER; CALLS did in his age and generation; howJSTICE NATION'S'· PRIDE far-reaching an influence the founderontinued from page I.)Contest. .Sixth Annual Gymnutic Contest forWomen Rcaults: Senior... 33; Ju­niora.. 32-11ia IIuY Heap Star­Philosophy Wins Inter�CoUeliate.,' �Conklin'sSeD- PenI1IIIog .For busy' people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothingto take apart.Nothing-to spill.A d;'p in ink, atouch of thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full.. ready to write..lU tile bMt dIaJen ner)'-is:,�:�I'm w can mJIIPI,."If' JOII lIIIIIIt apoo .. ..._Po C"..... PO more tlIUl o&ber�P:t��traaa-aboh III oar cata14lChrnJIbed tree 1qICID ftQ1IIIIL�mab OI'.lItIle of lGaD­tabl pea repaired JIIUIlJd7.'I'IIR ee_Ja.l. PE!I CJe.alw .. ,..._.a-, .............. .,..... ......... l .."We have a great army and a great Miss' Heap; Miss Bell, second; Missnavy, but they are not our greatest O'Connell, third.trophies, not- by any means. A few Club swinging contest (for f�rm)-is· a great pleasure for me aD(� months ago J was standing on "the At-.... fro h Elementary, won by Miss. Chatter-'iends to get away rom t e Iantic seaboard with a foreigner, look-of Indiana for a day. where son; Miss Shaw. second; Miss Laing across the bay, where rode our Venture, third. Advanced. won byis so much politics to the square navy on the bosom of the deep. Saidand come to the great state of Miss Preston; Miss Manning, second.he. for he liked America, 'You have a The inter-collegiate races resultedis, and to the city of Chicago h ifigreat country. you ave a rnagm cent as follows: Fhoees :)fficC'. H.P 1;88. Residence, H.P. 9l)I.IIDr. Jrrb tilL JlarlttInt:. Ilal, .. mIL tear,"DENTISTSlz49 Kimbark Ave.Hours 0-12. Cor. 63rd1:30-5·politic- is unknown.Praises Dr. Harper navy. a magnificent anny; the United I'oIato �ce-Won by Miss Kelly --�------ _ .. --����-States is a powerful nation.'of Literature College; Miss Gould. J stand here. I cannot refrain "I said to him: 'My friend, all thisArts College, second; Miss Hall.paying the tribute of a friend is true. but you do not see the realPhilosophy College, third.ir(at friend who has died and security of the power and strength Sack Race-Won by Miss Hall ofJ knew well the late President of the great republic. The navy hasPhilosophy College; Miss Jacobson,It Uniwrsity of Chicago, Dr. shed lustcr upon the country. Theh· . h' h d the sword. but Sciencc College, second; Miss Kelley.tr. Therc is not mJl In t IS army as never ra�nt I d'd h bl I h b d of ll·berty. and Literature College, thirdmore �p en 1 t an a no e to en arge t e oun sor a Ilohlc woman. All the Ilever will. Our cities are outstrip- Relay Club Race-W�n for Philos-h of material, thc .most sublimc ping in progrcss. growth and develop- ophy by Misses Tyley. Chamberlin.1Ira1 that e,,"�r burned at the: ment. the old world. We are proud of and Hall: Arts College. second. runI of the i-!<,uius of man. is not s�, all these things. But we are proud�r by l\Ii�ses Avery, Gould. Preston;. f Science College. thi'rA run by �fissesitlc anel ;;plendid as a noble man. o� the fact that the secunty 0 our u.have klloWIl many strong men .. strength lies in education. in the mor- Jacobson. Sidenberg and Smith. WHERE do you get. yourNew.pap •• �. ?l'lo41cal. aDd. at.t:CU1.� AAt NOJ\.TO�SFree DeIi'YttyPhow�' 9.C r. c.:U6 H,.c!e Park one '-"� .wotr�.;-.� ..of commanding genius. men or al uplifting influence of our own peo- The J�nior-Senior basketball throw-_. --�anding pl'rsonality. men of high pie. ing contest was won by the Juniors Residence: Phone"The strength of the country is ;11 with Ii baskets to 15 made by the If� Arlington PI. L'lke View IC�the virluc, and in the splendid am- Seniors. The baskets for the Juniors Phone Harrison 1644bition of the citizens of the republic. "ere thrown by �fisses Lawson, L.'lYOl1 are contributing to the s'trength Venture. Tyley. and Underh'J1, andI and nohle ambition. but amongltse T Ilt'\'cr knew a better manpresidellt \Villiam Rainey Har­If the t"'lli, ('rsity of Chicago, :\11 Goldsmith' 5 Orchestral Goldsmith, Director.la;c� Cable Piano Comp3Jl)',,V.bash an� Jackson. CHICAGO.for the Seniors by Misses Barne:'.Spence. 'SJl1ith, and Miss Heap.The jl1dgcs were : �'isses HelenFree-mas. �raric Ortmayer, JennieWoods. Referee, Miss Frances Kd-I .lor: timer. Miss H. L. Livermore: Pat:-onizc Daily Maroon A<!vertisers.starter� lfiss Gertrude Dudley; an­nouncer. Miss S. 1:1. Guyer.After the meet. the contestantsbroke training. and were treated to Iice cream and cake. ,[ C-=-----'L..---OS--.-.!-E-L Y--BO-UN OJ�ealth 01- ).!'enius and of encrgy. of the country in an immense degree.Idominit:dl1<' will and of mighty :\� 1 Ic:t"c you. 1 h�\"c the hope thatthe ga\'(' to the creation of this GO(t in his Infinite Pro,·idcnce. wiltty institl1tlon. iulfill :.11 your highest. nohlcst. and'hen we :-cc from this how rnuch rnost splendid ambitions."irian with :m exalted purpose and I a� m il.)rough con<;l'cration can do. we I � l\e �oot �uJiQIoole idc:! of the mighty good an i 1["8&11 BALL�tion such as this does in build-I au W'.'" ..... e.lip the nation through the thol1s-1 Original Idea. and E.�clQSjveStylesfD.. PHOTOGRAPHS,ad thousands who leave It� • .-claillale- •• .; u •• r C. :M ...... TheyAreReliable. FIELDERS'CLOIIESWill do wonders toward. making you aVal"llity player. Get ODe and � how ea.7It is to pull down tbe hlEh ODeS. :lSC to $3-00.11f£The World LikesProsperous PeopleOUr Suring StylesAre Now Ready'A. N. JERREMS, Manager­. tailor for Young Men..- - .. -'Either stoie .: -.lSI La Sane Street. 'and44 Jackson Blvd.• Send YOl!r".. Name to...... SpaldingFOR 8A CATALOGUE OFSpalding Athletic Cioods.,St. Mention ",hat sport you are inter­ested in and ask for a list of college::nd school supplies.The Spalding Athletic LibraryTextbooks on every athletic sport10 cents per copy ..Send for Complete LiSLMail Order Dept.A. G. SPALDING &, BROS.126 Nassau St., - New YOl·k.149 Wabash Ave., ChiCC\gll.OUR SPRINGSTOCK IS READYA large selection ofSpring Overcoatings at'tempting prices., 200 styles of FancyVestings.PRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests $20 to $50.20 to So5 to ISi ,. '.candidates for titles and deg';ee�at -Gould. Paul Gustav Heinemann._:-\nnl!age; the youngest 20. lardyce. Margaret Ernestine Burton,The future occupations of the grad- Mary Madeline Carlock. Mabel Drury.uates are as Iollows s Law 3, Medics Peter Hoekstra. Alice Margaret' men upset "dope" in enough eventst(l win.3. Ministry 2. Teaching 27, Business Hogge, James Root Hulbert. EvaG I Steffa ran a game race against Hin-2, Graduate Sttidy 3. eo ogy I. Margaret Jes!'up. Reink Bouke Kuip-man. the Illinois best miler. and fin­�r, George Frederick Lussky, DaisyMay :,\1 osher. Helen Norris, 'Valter ·shed second. He duplicated thisfeat by finishing �Iose to the heels ofRobert Rathke, L'lUTa AntoinetteRich, James Thomas Rooks, Philip Popperfuss of Illinois in the, ha1fmile_ Garrett turned, the tables onGeocge Van Zandt.Cancl:dates for the degree of bach- Captain Lingle in the quarter mile.elor of philosophy: Harry Bennett ("hicago wO,n the relay. Phone Hyde Park 571.. KUDbark Av. c!:FiftY-Sixth at:Anderson. John Maxmillian Baptista. The summaries:. - _J.5-yard dash�First heat won by The Cleanest and' Best I(ept Storage ,.Bernice Benson, Mary Stevens Comp- Warehouse. in the City •D . I N Watson. Illinois: Allen, Chicago. sec- .2. The Prayer. ton, Lucretia Ellen ame s, eta Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed andThe Convocation Chaplain, the Gertrude Edwards, :\Iary Anne E�ans, ond. Time, :04 3-5· SI�ipped to all parts of the w.orJd. 300 Private Stot�Reverend Charles Richmond Hen- Roscoe Simpson Fairchild,' Jessica Second heat-'Von by Taylor, Chi- age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for PianOs.dersQn, Ph.D., D.D., Chaplain of Foster, Roland Clyde Foster, Bertha -::a�o: Watson. JIlinois. second. Time, Rooms for trunks and Wheels. Lar(Z'e R<lom for Carriages, Buggies andthe University.. Heimer Gelde;-s. Ferdinand Mosely :04 2-5. Sleighs .. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.3 The insta1lation of the President Horton. Nathan Louis Krueger, Alice One mile run-on by Hinman. Il1i-:1 Local Transfers for Baggage, Furniture, Packages, etc., at short notice.nois', Steffa. Chicago, second; Spon.- Special Attention Given to Univers:ty Orders.of the Unh·ersity. Sarah }Iartin. Helen Dor<..thea Mil-:'ie, Illinois, third. Time, 4 :45 I�5.4o-yard high. h,urdlcs - Won by'Norris, �lIinois; Taylor. Chicago.!'ccond; Jacobs. Chicago. third .Timc.:05 '3-5..,J4o-yard run-Won by Garrett, Chi-PRE8lDENrr' H. P:- JUDSON'TO BE INAUGURATEDAT CONVOCATION TODAY Eate s Hersman, Daniel David Luck .. '.c nbill, Charles Henry Turner, Sh.geothe Convocation:Those \¥to Get DegreesCandidates for the title of associate: Yamanouchi.(Continued from page I) Stella Anderson .. lla:t Edward Baker. ::;eniors and Juniors Hold Exe:ci::3.Norman Harker. Clyde �laxwC!1 Both the Senior and Junior Cla» ...number as there were in the spring Bauer, Mabel Beck. Phebe Frances : }:IY exercises will be held this morn­Convocation last year. Bell. Elizabeth Shelley Bogau. Hallu:- ::!g at 10 :30. The Senior exercisesOf these, forty-six arc candidates hal Harlow Chandler, -Jr .. Yue Ching. wi ll be held in �landel: the j ruorfor the title of associate, sixteen will l\lclbourne Clements. Marie Aloysia exercises in Kent. The prng:-;lm;11:receive the degree of bachelor of arts, DUIlJle, Vern Constance Fiue rt y, EILl {Dr the Senior exercises is ::s Iol+o ws :twenty-seven the degree of bachelor Mary Cornelia Ffynn. Ha rvey Ben- Prayer,of philosophy, tcn the degree of bach- jarnin Fuller. Jr .. Edna Gould. AILI .\ddrt·!,,� 011 behalf of t lu- �r:lCluatl'selor of science, five the certificate of Kathryn Green, Gl'rtrudl' Greenbaum. �J r. Roscoe Simpson: Fai c: ;'(1.the College of Education, six _he de- Paul Vincent Harper. Edna Heller. Alma �1ater.g:t:e of doctor of philosophy, five the Heber Peart Hostetter. Juanita Carol The program Ior t h c j nnio- Co'-degree of doctor of law, two the de- Howard, Paul King j udson. \\'illiam ":gc!' is a!' [o llo ws :gree of bachelor of divinity, one the Kixmillcr, Alvin Frcdcr.ck Kramer .. nvocation . " ., ,. ' ,I )r. Hcndcr s ondegree of bachelor of laws, two the Jcan Krueger, Mary Ethel -Lackcr- "e lcctiou :. "Alma �Iater"degree of master of arts and one the steen, �Iabe:l Emma Lea. Florence \,ddress Miss Susan Helen Balloudegree of master of science. Bell Leavitt. Hulda Rose Ludwig, Quarkrly Statement.Eighty-eight honors will be award- Curtis Eugene Mason, Lena Rosella Dean of the Junior Collegesed at the Convocation. Of these, Movitz. �fary Jo�ephilll' Moynihan. '-;rel.'ting to the Candidates for thetwenty-eight are for honors in the James Roache :';[CCarthy. William Title of Associate .... The PresidentSenior colleges, eleven for honors in Patterson MacCracken.· j r, France!' ;"e"ponse: for the: Candidates ....the Junior colleges, twelve for honors T. NO\·ak. Gustavus Swift' Paine, Wil- Paul King Judsonir; particular departments, thirteen Ii::m Roy Peacock, Ida Perl�tein. KO;) Selcction................ "America':elections to Phi Beta Kappa and twen- crt Thomas Proctor, l\fax Spencer Recessional.ty-Iour elections for Sigma Xi. Rohde, Narhaniel Rubinkam. Jr .. MiloAs announced by Dean Shepardson :Myron Scheid. Joseph Clark Stephen -LLINOIS FRESHMEN WINyesterday, 9 men and 19 women will son, Elizabeth Louisl' Thie lcns. Emil- STUBBORNLY FOUGHT MEETreceive honorable mention for excel- ie Tuma, Ethel Xl ir iam \Vitkowsky.Ie nee of work in the Senior College: Candidates for the certificate of theFive men and five women will be College of Education: Anna Louallowed to graduate with but 33 ma- Chamberlin, Adeiaide Xlay Chapin,jors, because of high standing. Daniel Peter Harrigan. Sarah RelicK· I . d ' Ry a margin of two points, the IJIi-Robert B. nrper las receive spe- Spahr, Florence E. Wells.cial distinction in the way of honors Candidate for the degree of bach- nois Freshmen won from the Chicagoin his University carer, while Helen elor of laws: Elias Conway Ashton. first year men at Illinois Saturday. night. the count being 35 1-2 to 33Miller is a close second. Candidates for the degree of bach-The oldest graduate is 4i years of elor of arts: Margaret Blanche AI- T-2. Though competing withoutPage and Glore. Chicago had figuredon a victory, but the Lllinois . fresh--_-niversity Squad Beaten by a Marginof Two Points Saturday-TaylorFails to capture Hurdles.The Convocation ProgramThe program for the convocationexercises this afternoon is �s follows:I. The Convocation Procession.Processiona! March. "GrandMarch" .. :_ KretschmerLed by the University of ChicagoMilitary Band, Frederick M.Blanchard, Conductor.The announcement on behalf of ler, Marietta Wright Neff, Annie Sher­the. Board of Trustees. Mr. Mar- rerd �ewman, Bertha Payne, Oratin A. Ryerson. Prcsident of th� Frances Proctor. Carl Leo Rahn,Board. Franccs Rcuhelt. Marion \VallaceThe Acceptance by the President Segner, Lilian Oli"c Sprague. Clarkof the University. Candec Steinbeck, Caroline �lontgo,m-4. Music. ery Towles, Ella Louise Wangeman. cago; Single. Chicago, second; H�nly,Edith S. Reider. Unh'crsity Or- Eleanor Bland Whiteford. TlIinois. Time. :55 1-5·Shot· put-'Von by Sampson. Tlli­C:mdidates for the dcgree of bach-ganist. �have long been the standard 25 cent garter. The patented 8at � Iprevents chafing, binding and catching in the clothin�. The .Flat Clasp Garter is as flat as your hand. Wom by men whoelate comfort and neatness. Made of pure silk elastic webb� .metal parts of brass-heavily nickeled. 25 cents a pair, aJl'deaIeDmail prepaid. For men who prefer a cord garter, w. ha\'eLOCK-GRIB ..BRIGHTON GA.RTERSWhile,they are quickly and easily detached', yet they have thefirmest �rip of all cord garters. The flexiblerubber diamondgrips with a bull dog tenacity. No wear or tear' of the socks.Can't spring loose or become accidentally detached. Made offinest quality webbing; all metal parts heavilr. nickel platedbrass. 25c and SOC a pair, all dealers or by mai , prepaid.PlOIIIIER aU.PllftlD!:R co., 718 Market St., Philadelphia..lid". qf PioA«r 8�.I TOMASOSCHOOL,and. ORCHESTRAIIII !;I I KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.�IANDOLIN LESSONS, $1.50Music Furnished for--­---All Select Occasions.Phone Harrison 803-.----- AT THEUNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWI �L FIND RESTAURANTS ON 'pNO FLOORSWl .... L FIND A S?ECIAL AFTER-THEATER MEr�uWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE. �l"f\'i:J;; on;y lilt: D�st the Market Anunl!"111/to 117 RANDOLPH STREET. We male a Specialty of Club, Pra tern.ty . Dinners . EtcFinest Orchestra in the CityENGLISH TEACHER WANTEDCollege Preparatory School for Boys. ,Women ofmaturity and experience. Write fully.The Clark Teachers' Agency604 Steinw&.7 Hall, Chicago,ILLINOIS W A.REHOUSE auiSTORA.GE COMPANY"PATRONIZEEst. 1856 THEUNIVERSITYBRYANT 6 STUnON, .Business College PHA.RMACY l.sflo E, 55th Strt!et. .:R. BOW �N •. Prop.no:s. distance, 38 feet 10 r-2 inches: O�ers Superiorclor of sCience: )largaret Gleason.Lutt. Illinois.' second. cli!'tancc 3R Advantages in"American Expansion and Eclu- Julius Ernest Lackner, Jelta J...'lncas-cational Er1iciency" by Georg(' ler. Xancie �lacArthur. Charles Wil- ::e;�c:l;b��lin<;;:::�go. third. distan�('•• Business Traini�g .• fEdwin �lacLean. PH. D .. LL.D .. scm Petcrson. Chauncey J. Vallettc I. - 1 S U· .T 1 High jump-'Von by Washburn. T1- .,.." "'.'TD "IPr('sl(lel�t ot t Ie . tate 111\·crslt,'· Pettibone. Charles Henry ay or, � ...of Iowa. Anhnr Carleton Trowbridge. Harriett linois. height 5 feet· TO inchc!': Wa:-son. llIinois. and Hubbe1. Chica�o,R The Confering of Dcgrces. of arts: K\1ni�:Ihnro Nakagawa. AnnaC) The Pn'�iri('nt's Quarterly Stat('- Louise Strong.ment on the Condition of the Candidatc for the cle�ree of �Iastert:ni\"ersity, of science: Vernette Lois Gihbons. Relay race-Won by Chicago. Time.10 lJnin'rsity Song-":\lrna �Jatcr,' Candidates for thc dC'gr('c of doc-11. Th(' n('nroiction. tor of law: Arthur Griffin Ahhott. 2:53·,ThrcC'-quarter mile relav-\Von hv. 1.0"t-.\ rOtlnd brooch pin, set with:Champaign Hig-h School. .Time. 2 :;4 ,"II,� lar�e turquoise and six diamonds.,2-5. l.ost Sunday :Ifternoon on the Cam- ... --------------"'"pas or in one of the F'1iversity Patroni7.c Daily l\laroon Advrrtisers., huil<lings. Finder please notify Th� Theya·d. in The Daily Maroon is a Daily ��'aroon Cffice, and communi- .Areinvestment. Have you tried it? .:ate with owner. Reliable.5. The Convocation Address.(" :\fusic. Vance. Thurston \Villiam Wenm.:\lIegretto in B: �finor. Gl1ilmant Candidates for the degree of bach-Edith S. Reidcr. Uni\'crsity Or- elor of divinity: Frederick Charles• g;tnist.i. The :\ward of Honor�. Aldinger. Alton Ezra Bigelow.Candidatcs for the degrce of �Iastcr Time. 2:rr.Pole vault-Won by Jaco1?s. Chk:t-go. height TJ feet; Ren.naker. TlIinois.�nd 'Vatson tied for !'econd. hd�htfo feet 6 inches.The Com'ocation Chaplain. Claude Alhert Bennett. Harold Le-I':, Th(' Recession. Clair Tcke". "'illiam \V('"lcy Kirk-R('l'('s�ional �I:lrch ":\Ian"he Ro- patrick. Jam('s �IcKeag,maine," GounoJI C:1udidatl's for the degree of doc· " AnFollowing is a COml)lctc list of the to�. of philoo;ophy: Chester Nathan goodE. C. MOORE. FLORIST.• ., .0£ ,_ • '.. Stenography ..Cor. Adams St. and Michigan Avp..272 East 55th Street. Chicago.T�LEPHONE HYPE PARK JI---------HaveYou The YouTip, Will"Bee_n Top U,There? Inn IlTop Roor oiTh'e Pullman Company 8uild'gH. W. Bryant. Pres.L. B;-ent ·"aughan. U, of C. ':)7. 1:.---------------.-,: :Manager. ·iJI:;'311 \\'aha:r.h Ave.Illinois., Sisty-sec(lby Ins. aYERSOIPresidentVoicesSelectFormalinto the'Universit.the newLean andsixty·scc�terday 0:tions �l. dent of t: the fO:111: tion of t: Judson r: ceptann· ., lows:Memberssity :As PHtees ofmy privimeeting- (-Acting ,.son wasdent oi. ' I,havethe eanJudsoneiaboratcto markPresidclIon his (. tmt:!tiornouncengether \'office 01only C('IAdmilWe hiJudsondepth ;1Thou!!1friend. t"(rsity.:1e, Actilwhich ItCalted :begun 11festinl;stanct,., in�t:l!la�this (.,,'It ("(tious Lwith.l:,\\;th IIhas ht \Tnl�t(,.,t>rom!,tfoUr (". otW('came tdays (,COur;I�'certainthe upalway"able J):of the--,.