•• - . . � ..,.... -, .-�. -.•� '" "" : .. _.� 'of ��be lDatl)2 Maroon. " VI )1 •• V. No. 105· Price Two Cents.c CHICAGO. SATURIJAY, )'IARCH 16, 1907 .----- -- ----- ------- -- __ --- -- - - -RATIFY CAP AND GOWN REPORT \- ISophomores Accept New Plan for th.e IPublication of Annual by Unaru­mous Vote-Board of Student Or.!IAt a meeting of the Sophomoreda�s held yesterday in Kent Theaterthe new plan for the publication oftilt: Cap and Gown was unanimouslyI accepted. There was little discussionon the report. which, after being rea'l,hy Vice-President Sherer. wa.s voted Iupon as a whole. The meetmg was!.857 attended by about sixty members of j I.750 the class. IAs the report was accepted by the:. 667 Junior Class at its meeting Wedncs­.286 day. and the Board of Student Con­trol has' announced informally that.000I the plan is acceptable if app:oved b�both classes. it is now certam that Itwill now be the final plan.The new plan proposed wi11 go in­to effect immediately. According toits provisions. the election of the fiveexecutive editors of the Cap andI Gown will be held during the springChicago and Minnesota will meetquarter. According to its provisionsthis evening in the crucial game of'the president of the Sophomore classthe Western I nter<:ollegiate basket-must post a notice of the meeting. ..' Maroon victory w'Ilball series. � 1\ for nominations. this notice to beI h . 11'p to Chicago,bring t rc c ampions 1 given not later than April 17. Thewhile defeat will make the result .of meeting for the nominations will bethe season a triple tic between WIS-held Wednesday. May I. with the• 1\1' C sota and Chicago I '1 Icor.sm, ! mn ;". .' .' .'nominations rernainiug open untt t re Ir: ··Ihc,�tiB.t ,;;.C_h_I£�R.q-�''hnn�s?t:\ game following Monday. On Tucsday,' May,.'ti t the end of the regular ., I' I Iwas a ic a.. 7, the nom-nations, toget ier WIt 1 t re I .playing time. th� ��aro()n� fin�lIy w�n- eligibility lists. must be posted. Th(.'ning out. and tl11S. in conjunction WIthfinal election will be held' on Wed-the fact that both teams broke even11' .ncsday, May 15. po .s rcrnammg openwith Wisconsin. gives promise of anthroughout the day.exceedingly close game tonight.�either team has yet lo�t on its ownRELAY TEAM LEAVINGfloor, and neither has won a gamewith the leaders away from home. TODAY FOR 'WlSCONSIN In the afternoon, Mr. FairbanksThe fact that Minnesota is playing at will be the guest of the Press Club.home wi11 give the Gophers a big Maroon Quarter Milers. EzPect to, The evening banquet at the Audi-H I Charles Warren Fairbanks.advantage. Land Conference 'Indoor ODOrstorium will be preceded by a recep-The Chicago team left last evening Tonight. tion from 6 to 7 :30 o'clock, in theOHr the Northwestern road, �aptain, -- I FRESHMEN MEET D.LINI TONIGHT ANNOUNCE IINETY-NIIE parlors of the Auditorium. At theHoughton, Gcorgen. Buhlig, Schom- Wisconsin is Expected to be a Strongbanquet, he will respond to themer, Henry. Carter, and Walker com- Opponent in Argument for First First Year Men Leave for Return CHANGES IN THE FACULTY toast, uThe Irish. in America," afterposing the squad. Dr. Raycroft, Falls Place, Contest, Crippled by Loss of Page which he will be presented with 3and Page accompanied the team. :\11 and Glore-Expect to Win Majority Promotions, New Appointments, Res bunch of red shamrocks from Tara'sthe men are in good condition and The Varsity relay team, which of Points. ignations, and Deaths Make Shifts :1 ills.practice. leans this morning to invade Madison I in All Departments. The official notification of the v'sitlook for an �asy v.ictory a� the ,:ni-I Weakened by the loss of two stars. of the Vice-President, as made to allCUES GO TO JESSELSON \"er�ity of Wlscons�n at�letlc �arnlv�ll Page and Glore, the Freshman track New Appointments Sixty in 'Number, instructors of the University, is asAND JOE SUNDERLAND tonight, Coach Friend IS taking fi .. eteam will leave this morning at 10 Mo:.tly Assistants-President Jud- follows:men along. though only four will ru�. i o'clock to meet the Illinois first year son Heads List. "On Monday, �farch 18, at t IHe said yesterday that all five are in II' men at Champaign tonight.' Report o'clock a. m .• the Vice-President ofperfect trim. Of the athletes. Mer-cernes from the IlIini that the Or- Ninety-nine changes in the Univcr- the United States will be the guest ofriarn Quigley and Parker arc sure �o I angc and Blue freshmen have been sity faculty are announced by the the University at Mandel Hall. Therun, while the choice for fourth wl11! dO;Ilg' poor work for the past week. lil·jnrsity authorities. In this list members of the faculty are invited to.lc!lseboll ill hilliards, and. Joe Sun-lie between Graves and Shuart. I . f h Cl bh R Though the Var aity res men expect thc re arc thirtv-six new appointments be present in the Reynolds u not';·:rland in pool won out in t e ey- , J",l<1s Club tournament. the finals cf Xot much is known of the team s to capture the dual, they look for :t twenty-three promotions, twelve rcs- later than 10 :45 sharp, in cap and. . d ft competitors except that the chid much closer score thant he 45 to .2.4 ignations and fonr deaths. The new eown, to assist in the procession. It« hich were played yester ay a er-I '...rival, Wisconsin, has a fast quartet. count which they rolled up at the first al>f.0itttmettt� include three profe�- is hoped that there will be a largenoon,won from both Brewer Coach Friend was 'invited to enter a meet in Bartlett gyrnnasum. �(·r�.el('\·en instructo;"s. ten a� .. ociates, attendance of faculty and students.J csselson .... I f 1 'I k' .. I 'I . bj lli Is Tile scores for I full team, but' decided to give t tc Coach Friend stated yesterday that and seventeen assistants. The promo- It will be necessary or t rc 11 0 c OC ••• J( .\ orse m I Ian.. ,I .t h(� finals were as Iollow- : Jcssc1son.1 athletes a rest after the strenuous A'I th freshmen arc in shape for the I t:OI:S include three prof(''''sors.nine as- classes to he dismissed for t 11" pur-.. -. B . 110' Jessellson 14-.1 A. C. meet of Wednesday nght. ',conte�t. They have been traininc I :-isf ant profe!'sorc;. s ix a .. sociatc pro-II pose.' .. ,. re\�er,. ,�, I.J 1 ..)jqrse. I.p. The highest ru'l was 12. i I hard fo.r the meet,. and realize tl.la� I il·"-7r�. and t\\"o in:tructor .. Two Harry Pratt \l1 .. nn.:�':lde by Jesselson. The next best... they Will not .experte.nc� � walka\\a) I !,rn.t::- .. or ... Ollt· a,,�oclatc protes�or.,'I was also made by him. The a\'er-: Tells Resources of PhilipPines. I in score, nor 10 the 1Odl\,dual event:'. It .. , "r... :tnd t WI) In<:[ rltctors. Two I Council Postpones Meeting.:::..:(' was 1.3. i There arc fortunes to he won in Taylor will probably duplicate hi .. dIC.) ... Two proiea!'orc;. three a�5istat1t Junior College Council met ye�-The finals in pool were won by' the Philippines. according to �[r'l former performance by wi'nning tIll' pr(;!c'�ors. two a" .. nciate profe�sor!'. tenlay morning anll adjourned be­!-'Ilr.derland from Gaarde with the II Samuel MacCI�I�tock, who t�lked be- da!'h. with second bctween. A.llen n: and fh·c instructor:'- have resigned cause of special cla� .. 111eet;l1g� hein�-c()re of 135 to !25. The highe .. t run fore the Pohtlcal Economy Club Chic;tgo alHl "-atson of I11mols. Thc from the faCility. held at that time.. :\ special meeting\\:; .. 10, made by Gaarde. Sunderland' yesterday afternoon. Mr. �racC1in- hurdllcs are ex�cctecl to result as ),c- T',e chanRc� affect nearly all the of the council has he en call('d hym�lde a nm of 6. Gaard� also had I teck explained the \.ario�s industrial fore, Taylor fir�t. Xo.rris Of. I1.linoi� d('p:utmentc; !n the Uniwrsitv. Fol- Chairman Edward �fcRride for Mon­the highest ave ragc-. whIch was 2 resources of Uncle Sam s new pos- second, and JAcobs thud. IllInOIS has lowing is the complete list: -I day afternoon at 2 o'clock. when thet·(12. The a\'erage of Snnderland was I ses!'ions. and was enthusiastic over I .________ _ business matt(':'s of the quarter win1.05· their wealth. .(Continuet) on ..paee 2.) , (Continu�d on page 3) be c�mplcted.CHICAGO TO DECIDE FATEII BASKETBALL TONIGHTganizations Still to Act.Meets Minnesota in Finals of WesternIntercollegiate Basketball-Out­come Hard to Predict.Vietory Gives Chicago Championship;Defeat will Ma'ke a Triple Tie­Wisconsin Defeats Purdue.Standing of the TeamsChicago .............. 6--.I 6 2Wisconsin ............�Iinnesota .... ' ........ 4 2Purdue ............... 2 5Illinois ............... 0 8- :\Iatlison. Wis .. March I5_-Wiscon­sin ddc:lletl Purdue in basketball to­nij.!ht h� the score of 31-20•ld:th StandStor·ianos.andotiee,\Cl'II.ikel ItJil4'gBilliard and Pool Finals Played Yes·terday Afternoon-BreWer, Morseand Gaarde Lose.----•_- TO SPEAK AT THE YICE·PRESIDEIT FAIRBAIKS" TO BE' UNIVERSITY'S GUESTUNIVERSITY TODAY.in Chicago.Noted ViSitor Will Speak· at MandelHall at JI O'clock Monday Morn­inC.STAY ON CAMPUS TO BE BRIEFComes. �Cbicago..::,u_.spdker for St.Patrick's Day Banquet of IrishFellowship Club.Charles Warren Fairbanks, Vice­President of the United. States, willbe the guest of the University of Chi-cago Monday morning .Exercises in his honor will be heldat Mandel Hall promptly at I Io'clock. where he will speak to thestudents. Because of the receptionfor the Vice-President, the JuniorCollege class exercises have beenpostponed to Tuesday morning, whileall II .o'clock classes will be dis-missed.Vice-President Fairbanks is in Chi­cago as the guest of the Irish Fel-- lowship Club at its observance of St.Patrick's Day. . He will arrive in Chi·cago Monday morning, and will bemet by the officers and members ofthe· Fellowship committees, withwhom- he will breakfast at the Audi­torium.' After this, the party -will goin automobiles to St. Ignatiu.; Collegeand thence to the :UniversitY"or" Chi-cago, arriving here at II': o'clock.The stay of, the' Vice-President attho University will necessarily bebreif, because of the many engage­ments 'he has during. his day's stayTHg DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, SATuRDAY, MARCH 16, 1907. •\ FOUR FRATERNITIES PLACEIN SEMI-FINAL RELAY RACE ENTRIES FOR THE A. A. U.CHAMPIONSHIP ANNOUNCED LElO'flE'I Delta Tau Dr. Raycroft announced the Varsitv. Delta Kappa '.p�l on,Delta, Phi G:IIl1tlla De-lta. and Alpha entries for the Central A. A. V.OI1l�'ga won out in thv ::::halllpi()n�hip baskctba ll tournament";u��tt>d Ila �vcoDd·Claa18 lJall at the Cbl· semi-fiua ls of the iuter-frnternity re- which will he held at the Evanstonwa,;o l"otItollke.aft e r- Y. :\1. C. A. next Thur sday. Fridaylay. championships yc-f e r day .... -uid Saturdav. Ma rch 21, 22 and 2,�.� noon in the gyJllna�l\tJll. oJ�ubt;crlptloo price, $3.00 per year; .1.00f Tln- l'h�ht men chosen an' Captain(or 3 mootbL-- SubscrlptioDS received at Delta Kappa Ep,;ilon won the In:".-1 ! Iouuhtou. Schommer. Fa lls. Pag .. ·.t he liurOHU Omce, �1118 lJall, or at the race with Delta Tau Delta sl'C'oIHI. t 1<..' ...I":leulty Exchange. Cobb Hall. Order:t other t wo n-ams lH"in� Dclt a Upsiloll :\IcKl'ag. Gcorgcn, Hoffman and Huh-taken by Willi or telephone, Hyde Park and Phi Delta T'hetn. The time of the ')Ie.b The teams entered for .• the scr ies I'"Dckc" team was 1 :3R 1-5. the e s:rcg istcr cd to datto. In the second race of games are the Cent.ral \. :\1. �. A.. i. . Chicago Meteors HIllsboro "\ .:'\I.c.,H. ElJDY lIATIJI�W� :.Ial..u;iog Editor. Phi Gamma Delta was the wmne r. .... 'F· -\ Hull House. Northwestern UIlI-1t:lJ"'AI!lJ Lt. FEL�EN'1'llAL. News Editor. with Alpha Tau Omega second. �"".' I1.'�I·I'VI· ". l�I�I'Y·\I.·'. Athletic Editor .TI "l'r�it� �'II>l'r\�lle �eru. �Iarshfieldl .��������������������������������_U LI • V ...... _u Vpsiloll and Chi P�i lost out.· Il' . . .' ., .·I·()I"···· L' L"·LLEl" .. i ... '":on11>an\.· A, Muscatine Company C.(i � ''Jr ..... &. u �'. uU8 ness .ouanager. time made lry Phi Gamma Delta was - oJWest Sidc Y. M .. C. A., Muscatine V'II :3R �-:;. t hrcc-f ft hs of a secondby tllt':\l. C. A .. Concordia Co llcgc.Evanstonslower than that madeY. :\1. C. A .. and \Vilson Avenue Y.,. Dekc-," making Delta Kappa Epsi-Ion the favorite ill the finals. wu ic :\r. c. A.Chicago looks like a sure winner :11will be run off Tuesday at 8 o'clock.11(' tournament, with Central andEvanston dose rivals. Some of the Iother entrants arc of unknown cali­'icr, littlc having bccn learned of themmilt laily .!HarannTauomcJll1 �tudeDt Publication of tbe Uni1'er·Ilty or Cbic8.&o, D. K. E., Delta Tau, Phi Gamm and :hicago Has Str�ng Team In Basket­ball Competition-Freshmen Eligi­ble To Play-Begin March 21.Alpha Tau Win Out--UDekes" inBest Time.(o'ormt:rly1'be University or ClIlcago WHIt.,.... 'ouudedTbe Weekly, Oct. I, 1892.'l'!Je Dall" Oct. I, 1902."�G.-----------------ASSSOCIA'I£ t:n.l'1\'�.·,C. W. Paltzer, " UI!II,A. w. Henderson, I'restou ... :. Cass,Warren D. Foster, .\1�:\·lu J. Adams.MEETREPORTERS FALL DECIDES OUTCOMEOF INTER-CLASS RELAYPeter I". DUIlIl,Jerome Fruuk,P. \Y. I·lllla'nuli. W. 1". llacCrackeo.liul'l'Y A. Hansen,Schmidt of II :15 Team Falls and His 'n Chicago, but thcy are held capableClass Loses the Race by a of upsetting dopc in thc events.Yard.I:. l-'ulte r, Jr.\Y. J. I1niJ'sCur·.!ler,ILLINI TONIGHTTOPrtnted by the Maroon i'res!J.. 'j" East 55tb Str�tPhone .Hyde- Park 3\i::tThe editors wish to announce thcelection of Luther Dana Fernald 3';'Electionsto theDailymonths in Europe. Henderson waschosen to replace Fernald as athleticeditor. Preston F. Gass was alsonominated for 'athletic editor, but hewithdrew in favor of Henderson.Fernald has served on the paper inthe capacities of reporter, associate -. charge.Big Athletic Meet Will Be Held Ateditor and athletic editor, for twoyears. Henderson has worked for' Jamestown Exposition June 22.The Daily :\Iaroon a:' reporter and as-The world's collegiate athleticsociatc editor for four quarters. 1,oth .'. '11 b 'lId ID'I f· I f II champIOnshIps WI c· IC at t lCmcn havc scn"cd The al y a t 1 U y. . . S. f J .. mestown eXposItIOn Junc 22. orneand havc proven hy the qualIty 0..bl f (Iifficulty was cxperlenced In procur-their work that they are capa c 0iug an ayailahle date hecause of \'ar­filling their new position:, with credit.ious inter-col1eg-iate meets. Chicago.Fdsenthal's withdrawal is regretted :\Iichig-an. Princeton . Pennsyh·ani:l.by the cditors. a:' he has wcll han-Geor�ett)wn amI Xor'th Carolina willdl(,d th(· ncws dl'Jlartment' during the Iolohahly bc r�prcsented.last' (IUarter. Thc following- cvcnts will he opcnFour "hl1stll'rs" werc promoted to It's only atr the col1ege�:the regular �taff of rcport('rs. (iemoll- night's ride-. .I loo-"'arcl dash. 22o-yard dash. 880 one sleep-fromstratill� that they are ill carnc�t. all. oJ. . 1'· ff . yard rUII. onl' mile-run. two mile-ruII. Cr·eshlt·Caangdohte03ITeth3altare SlIH'crc III t l('lr (' nfts to eontllll1l' ITI . five mil('-rull. t.20-yard hnnllc race. F ch Licktheir work Oil tIl(' paJler. w�· arC' .. -- - .. -'. ; I "'enI J� F \ 220-\'afi"l 11l1nlT(' -raCl' .. ttl-ponnel-sh@. S')'li"s E�th('r Ifall. . '.. ·l'rguson. : . -West BadenSpnng· s\11 T·,..J· put, running . high junlp. I6-ponnel jL Fried"tcill and : )e.t enllcr�on.. Ihammer throw. nmnlOg broad Jump'l "�aters are unsurpassed- golf,i pole ,·ault :lno the discus throw. tennis, riding, driving, l>i11ianls,BLACKFRIARS DISCUSS TRIP A hal1l1<';", ('I'nhlematic of the worl<fs: howling, trap-shooting or per­(ect rest if you want it-·lelealcollege ('hampioll"hip will he awardc(i accommodations-congenialOpera Club Plans Extensive ?roduc- gueststn tIll' illstitution ',\'illnill� thc Iar;;:C'st ' .11lurnh(,f of point" :tt th(' m(,eting :ltd JA.w Round Trip Rates, I D'lV nnti ni�ht trains. !lleel)Crs,I �old. ,iln';' :tlld hron7.C' 111<'(1:t1� will he I parlorand!-ufTctcnn.,--..---- __:\1 ;1 Illt'l'till),! oi 1:1;1I ... kiriar� h�'ld �i\'('n tn !ir�t. �(,C'1I1" anrl third. r".I.IIIJI��IIIiP4M'lPiiIIII�.. t· I' I II I' r thl' l)rPdllctlol11 . . I� � .. \ r( .I�. ""." ...' "pectln·ly. 111 {':teh ('\·(,11t.(II the "lllT;\ lor :l \\cel-: lit :\la� ,n""l1le dn\\l1t(,wn th('ater \\crt· .li .. -_(tl�"l'd ;11111 the matter plat'I'" ill the!h:\Il(I� of tht' trip cOl11mittee. Th-:: 1 LOTS OF PEOPLE NEVER.' I" . ,.I·IWOJ�RV ft.'SOUT STYLE,prot·,,1 trip ,'omlll" tc,' W:l� (I�tl1l��1I JUST BUY;'11': arr;ll1),!l'nH'l1t� were made for tlw::lPPoilltIlH:tlt of a IIl'W Olle. : FOWNESIt \\"a� .1c..'l'i(led that the d('�igtl iOi":GLOVESthc H1ackiriar< pin woulel be ddinite- iIy cho�,'n at the ncxt meding t� he Iheld on. thc tir�t Fri(i:ty in :\prtl :ItJ AND HIT IT RIGHT10 :Jo a. m. in Cobb Sll. KIIIIBAJ.r. BALL243 Waba."h Ave.Original Ideas allel Exc:usivc Style::: inPHOTOGRAPIISSpecial R:l" s t> l: . .,r C. ��udeD'stion of Plays.Postal Cards of the Washington Prom iAn UnictuC picture of the dance, for Isale at I:\r:\RTY�'S MAROON STUDIO,5io5 Cottage Grove A "e. Also pho­tos of tbe same. Send one home. Just the place to hold club a�u fr�i.cmity dinnera,THE HOTEL lWAROONFIFTY-EIGHTH AND D;!EXEL AVENUE.Convenient. Excellent Service. First-Class.Come over and see us about yo�:r next Club Banquet.Our Lunchroom is open entil one a. m..�Albert :\Iathl'ws. Pres. Gt'O. II. Fiedler. Vic(' Pres. F. II Str:lt!III: Set'Mathews, & Co. Inc.THE TAILeR S:-10PNew Powers Bldg .. 15(, VJabash /"veTHE LINE FOR S?2iNG IS HERE. \VaD SUnivcIT'S THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW. Colling:( �Conti- YeaYALEStudents copied our COLLEGE CORNER Suit Model Last AutomnTHE SPRIN.G MODEL is much handsomerCome in and see it LemcUniver!Streettom w:camPU5conditi'list byStart.and alow ovandrei11 risergle lerbrandt.Fresleffortspresen"Itarticlenary, 1sider tit C::OItoo mabe aThepricerernarterdaypurpo:I. �2-that t,AceCollindent :JI Unsu:,;�where: lemon"YouOub.·. Theactin�approand'cents,againof thC�er 6 WilkieTAILORS t 85 189 Dearborn St.Bank Floora SUIereasthe tof'lelThLern(putcethatt('o(llandthc �mayjeetnPRE. Firs14Inafter\;ct(candL1tlandregllof ;!TlFI(le;1SlatRedRflc�'alI ::.t1SheStet)rfeiUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz.'They Fill that Empty Space at Home.<!Sl)mon'l) J0boto �tuJ:Jio243 EAST 55th STREETOpen Evenings.Frank S. Younl Phone H_P. 1252Hyde Park 3n.Young America LaundryShirts BUNDLES BROUGHT IN AND CAL!.Cp �u�..:.................... , .. Sc CO!!3rs " " . . .. . xCuffs 4c684-686 East 63rd StreetOffice •. Branda Of&ee. IDformatiaw c-..UaiT. of C1Iic:ap.R. R. W .........Chic:qo J-aiaa ...._ aDCI CaI __NIIRDEWSr:ireproof Storage " Van C ..VURNITUR� PIANOS. TRUNKS. MKR�HANDI8B ucl PAR ...D&LIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, D&PeTiAND SUBURBS. .Gaeral Oflicea.._h SL and CalumetPhoae'DoqJu JIooPriftte Exchance allSpring Flowers in BlossomVISIT THE GREENHOUSES NOWPhones: H. P. r8-H. P. 6957A. lWcADAlWSS3d Street and Klmbark AvenueTHE UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUMPresses your suit every week and shines your shoestor $1.00 per man th56.tS Cottage Grove Ave.lDr'-THE OATLY MAROON, CHICAGO, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1907. �- ..........�- LElONS AT A PBEMIUII; ! ANNOUNCE NINETY-NINE I, RESDEu BOLL MARKET; CHANGES IN THE F�CULTY Appointment: Ernest Wreidt, in-f n I --- structor, Promotions: Henrick--- I (Continued from page I) Maschke, professor; Leonard Dick-\VaIl Street Panic Does Not Affect - --.------- - _ .. -- -son. associate professor.University Demand For Fruit- 1 Ap.pointment: 'H�rry .Pratt Judson, PsychologyClos...-s At $250. ! President of the University.E!1glishCollings Starts Movement Which, Resigned: Robert Bruere, instruc- sociate.f 'Continues Throughout Day-First tor. Promotions: Albert H. Tolman,',' Year Men Hasten To Get On. ; associate professor; James Weber�i'axcy Zane and Alleyne Ireland,Linn, assistant professor; J:.mes Roy- professorial lecturers.Lemons came to _ the fore at the stcr, T. A. Nott, and Albert Hill, as- School of EducationU . ersity yesterday While Wall sociate instructors; Carl H. Grabe, . .DIV � • Died: Wilbur S. Jackman, prmcr-Street was in a turmoil and the bot- assistant. pal of the University Elementarytom was dropping out of stocks, the Latin School. Appointments: Elizabeth C..... mpUS exchange was in a bullish Resigned: Charles Beeson, instruc- and Martha� Sprague, Gladys Baxter.. ..condition, with lemons leading the tor. Promoted: Gordon J. Laing, as- Holmes, assistants in home economy.list by :1 �ide margin. sociate professor; Su,an H. BaJJou, GeologyStarting at the modest price of two instructor. I' Promotion: Harlan H. Barrows. in-and a half cents per, the small yel- Romancestructor, Appointment: J. E. Car-'Iow ovals, formerly greatly despised. I_)' .1 'I' I . tvesrgneu : �\' axrme ngres, assis -men, research assistant.and rcfu5cd by specuators, have rapid- ant professor; Miss Lisi Cipriani, in- Physical Culture11 risen in price until at present a sin- structor. Died: Ernest Dubedout, in- Appointments: P. S. Wagner andgle lemon is as valuable as a Rem- structor. Appointments: Ralph House Charles E.' Suiter, assistants.brandt. and Earl Babcock, instructors; Roy Railway TechnicolgyFreshman Collings, through whose Peck, associate. Promotions: Hiram Appointment: C. W. Schroeder,efforts lemons have attained their Parker Williamson. assistant profcs- assistant.present value, said ycsterday: sor ; Henri David, instructor."It is true that the price of this German MathematicsThe 9Varsi'ty. BSDksto,.A catcher 011 a college nine cannot l,c tuo careful aboutthe Mitt be uses-tbe Big ("atnemay depend upun his abilityto bold the ball. The majority of 'Varsity Backstops, likethe majority of the great League Catchers always use aAppointrnent : Walter Bingham, as- Rea5hCATC_ERr .In-Resigned: Francis W. Parker. John- Law.� TIIC: arrangelDent o( paddiD$t aDd deep hollow hoMs the ball"ery time. Ite:ach Catchers' Mitts are made: in rights and ldtsand range in price from 25C to $!!.oo each. 'Till-; Itl!AClI OFFICIAL AMl!ItICAN I.I:�AGUHBALL hal been adopted by the great Amer ican ���� .....League (or a ten ye:ar pertod. It is allo used bymost of the big "'arsity and Prep, SchoolNines. $J.25 eacn.® If "01 at ,'QII' dealer's, fl" u'illfill ,'011" order» direct ell. "udPIvfp,-iu. '.Write (or Jtp'l Base Ball Catn- '.'i:I�""""Jogue:-FRl!HI. J .• flClCI .• 1711' .... T •• '__'__BfSURfYou are Correctl,DressedI t will make you feelbrighter and betterand convey the im­pression that yourbrains are paying div­idends,-AX"p.�WCLUPECO SHRUNKQUARTER SIZE COLLARTHEY GIVE .EST SE"VICE. 2 .. Oft 2SC.CLUETT. PE •• OOY .. COo •• ,,"E".PhysiologyResigned: Charles C. Gutline. in­article is somewhat above the ordi­ Resigned: Camillo von K.1enze, as- structor, Appointments: Samuel A.nary, but nevertheless when we con- 'I h . f f. ., sociate" professor; Torild Arnoldson �\ at ews, to associate pro essor 0 ex-sider the economl� worth of tllls. fruit, and Eduard Prokosch, instructors. perimental therapeutics: Waldemarit cannot be denied that $250 IS not I Promotions: Martin Schutze, assist- Koch, assistant professor in physiol­too milch for so luscious and dclcct-] ., l ant professor; Charles Goettsch, in- ogical chemistry; J. R. Green. assist-abe a product.' t D . J k . .. s ructor. Appointment: Joseph Bei- ant; ennis ac son, assistant 1DThe cause of this. sudden rise of .fus, assistant; Hans Gronow. associ- physiological. chemistry; Frank H.price is as follows: With his usualate. Pike, associate.remarkahlc ingenuity, Collings yes- Greek 'Zoologyterday organized a club for a two-fold The World LikesProsperous People01tt ��Hng StylesAre Now Ready.. �Conkli'n�sPen-Sell-IDlIngFor busy people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothingtotakeapart. 'Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of thumbto .nickel cres­cent and' - thepen is full.ready to write..iD tile beatcleaJen eftf'7-��:�if J'OQ t:.oru= ==It. C ... DO more tbaD otIaei'==���1hl In oar cata'oc.lD:rmau �=�==laID pm repaired pnlIIlptl:r •'1'1111: ceJlELIII PO ce.::,:..�:.:nw.�.:.'"",,","--"Promotions: Frank R. Lillie, pro­-fessor of embryology; WilliamTower, assistant profesaor-; ReubenAppointment: D. D. Luckenbell, as- M. Strong, in5t�r; Y-JCtoc. E. She1-ford associate.Appointment: David Covington, as-purposc- sistant.I. To enhance the value of lemons.2. To teach University Freshmenthat to give is better than to receive. SemiticsAccordingly, armed with a lemon, sociate.Hebrew NeurologyCollings approached an unwary stu-dent and asked for the loan of a dime. Appointment: B. C. Thompson, az- Resignations: Henry H. Donald-I l1.nsuspectingly the student handed sistant professor. son, professor and head of the de-,·ttre--re'lncstt'o -amount to Collings.� __ . Hist�_ partment, App�intment: Charles ].whereupon the latter handed him a Resigned: Oliver J. Thatcher, as- Herrick, professor.: lemon, remarking at the same time. sociate professor. Appointed: An- Pathology"You arc now president of the Lemon drew C. McLaughlin, to th.e head of Promotion: Howard Ricketts, as-Club." the department; Julien Bretz and Ed- sistant professor., The student, now no longer unwary. ward Krehbiel. associate instructors. Bacteriologyacting in his official executive capacity Political Economy Appointments: P. G. Hcinaman, as-approached another unwary student Resigned: Thornstein B. Veblen. sistant. Promotion: Norman Harris,. and requested �he loan of twent� I ass�stant professor, and Hugo Meyer. assistant professor; Edwin Oaks Jor­cents, The previous performance was1 assistant professor. Promoted: Her- 'dan, professor.again repeated and the new president I bert Joseph Davenport, associate pro- Anatomyof the T .ernon Club .proceeded to fi.nd I fssor, Appointed: L. C. Marshall. as- Resigned: D. D. Lewis, instructor ;a successor, The inaugural fee 111- II sistant professor', Chauncey W.· Appoint.1 1 . - '1 t' B. J. Simpson, instructor.creased at eac 1 repetition untrl. :1 : Wright and Robert Hoxie to instruc- assistant ;th' f' l' I mcnts : J ohn Sundwall,e time 0 going to press, t ie prIce' tor: and Gerret Droppers, lecturer. J:-mes Patterson, technical assistan�;of'lemons had risen to $250.00. P Ii- ·cal Sc·o ti lence ·.Holmstrom,tcchnician. Promotion:RThe various ex-presidents of the P . Ch 1 Ed d Mromotlon: ar es war er- R. Bensley, professor; Miss E. HLemon Club have not as yet com- riam. associate professor.puted thcir earnings but it is rumored Philosophythat Cnllings and various of his lieu- A. N. JERREM� llmacer.Tailor for Young lien.'Either Itoie'--13J La SaUe Street. uad" JacksOn Blvd.j.:. @ Send Your. --Name to� :: SpaldingFOR A CATALOGUE OFSpalding Athletic Goods.Mention ",hat sport you are inter­ested in and ask for a list of college'md school supplies.The Spalding Athletic LibraryTextbooks on every athletic sportFnones:)ffict'. H.P 1788. Residence, H.P. 961.!!Dr. Jab- �. t1atkn!!Dr. Ralpb tilL tlarknDENTISTS.. K10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Ord�r Dept.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.126 Nassau St., New York.149 Wabash Ave .. ChicaCt).i249 Kimbark Ave.Hours 0-12. Cor. 63rd St. II:�S· ,l.. Dunn. assistant.Appointment: Roland Haynes to as-te-nant" intend studying arithmetical sociate. Promotion: George H. Mead DELIVERS LECTURE ONTHE FRENCH THEATER -------- --- --------WH£RJt do you s;et yourN ••• pap ....... ?;.-locUcal. aDdat.tloD.�.At NOi\. To�rsand g(,nmetrical progression during to professor.the !'prillg- vacation in order that they I ---. __ ---- _lOUR SPRINGI STOCK 15 READYHomileticsmay ai'ri\·c at an approximate eon­jrctl1!"(' "i what they ha"e taken in. Resigned: Edward Judson. profes- Mr. Hobart Chatfield-Taylor Talkssor and head of the department. to Literature Students Giving itsDivinity History.Died: Eri Baker Hulbert. professor..Appointment: Frank Pike. as!'o­eiate. Promotions: Charles R. Mann.a��ociate profe!'!'or: Robert A. :\filti­k:m. a!'sociate professor: Henry Gale,a�!'istant professor: John Y. Lce. as- 20 to 505 to ISFree Delivery::l!f :.. ,� Str�.;Phot1eU6 Hyde Park-_ ..FRESHMEN WIN FIRST GAMETU'RKISH [RUSSIAN 75c('* PLAIN BATHS 25c ofat:\tr. Hobart Chatfield-Taylor gavean info�mal talk to the members ofMiss Wallace's class in French Lit­Promotion: Lauder Jones. assistantJ p-ofessor. Appointments: Charles11 hard-fought game yesterdayf Carson, as!'istant: :\fiss Edith Bar-c tern", '11 the Freshmen wre!l'ted a h:lnl. asoC"iat(' in 'luantitatin' analy­"ictf,j\ from the Varsity baseball sis.candi,;;, tc� by the score of 8 to 6.1�'lth;:11 pitched for the Freshmen.and S'I:!i\'an was in thc hox for there�ul�,;;. The game was ia�t anrl iullof �in;::-('r.Till' iillC-I1P follows:Fr(":;ll1CI1. Var�ity.Cleary C. F Van P:lttenSlater S. S TcmpletollRcn.firl.1 �d n. ,. missRf'ck\\'('l1 C , Nathan�rrll)di�an 1st R .. ,. . . .. Steffen1 :;th:lT11 . '" P SullivanSheldon L. F StaehlingStern 2d B. '. . . . . .. BurkeJ.leigs R. F.. • Dickinson :-nd hcad of the department.Chemistry. First Year Nine Takes PracticeGa mes From Regulars, 8 to 6. A large selectionSpring Overcoatingscrature yesterday, fliscussing the his-tor): of the Theater Francaise from its. tern pti ng prices.('arli�st stage!' to the present time.-Victor Hugo. though one of the 200 styles of�reatest literary men of the 19th cen- , V t·fury. wa!'. Mr. Taylor asserts, one \ es IngS.Put New Magazine on Sale Mondayof the poorest playwrights. Tn sum- __ .!mari7.ing the pre�ent condition of the l.·nrlegraduate .. will han an oppor-,theater in France. he stated that tl1n:ty �Ionclay (lj "ecuring copie� of I. Suit to ordermorlcrll rcali!'m is virtually a return tIl(' new Chicago :\lumni �la�a7.irll,.1 Overcoats to order.0 tIlt" com('dy of �foli('re. I which at th:lt time will he placed nn 1 Fancy Vests�ah- at tl�c l7ninrsity Pre�!'. and ina !- :'ecial stan.1 in Cohh lhl!. TheResigned: Rradlcy navis. professor I Examinations Next Week. �Jl(' :i:t1 rat(' on suh�criptions. $1 a0: plant morphology. Appointments: � :,�O classes-\\·ed., 8:3O-II :30· year ior un.l('rgraduate� in rcc:irlenc::.\Villiam J. G. Land. associate; L. L. (') :.10 c1asses- Thurs., 8:3O-IT :30. I if raid in advance. will he operative.Rurling:lDle and \Villiam Crocker, as- I I :30 classes-Friday, 8:3(}-II :30. I Snh�cription hlanb will hI! pt:\c�l in·sistants. Promotions: Charles Cham- IZ :co classes-Wed., 2:�5 :00. Cohh Hall and in tht' RC"nolds CluhI �tonday. Single copies o-f the mag:,.- WILLIAM "ERREMS· SON ••. ;::ne will sell at 25 cents each. \,;lark aiad A� I ..FancyPhYSIcs.'PRICES$20 to $50s1(.t:mt.Botany=.es2 :00 classes-Thurs., 2 :00-5 :00.3 :_00 .classes-Friday, 2:00-5 :00.Hen�berlain, associate professor;Cowles, assistant professor.TJ·tt�··nAttv· MAROON. ·ClttCAGO,SATURDAY; MARett t6, t�.-To Hold Senior Class Exerci&es atSame Time in Mandel-DivinitySchool Receives. �,rcb�stra':JONioa CLASS EXERCISESPOSTPONED TO TUESDAY WOMEN TO HOLD SIXTHGYMNASTIC CONTEST ARTHUR .VAIL ELECTED ASHEAD OF DRAMATIC CLUB 'THE EDCAk A. Btx�.ELI COl:kLANVEIt.ensonVisit of Vice-President Fairbanks\.:auses a Change of Schedule-«Held in Kent. Contests in Rope Climbing. Jumping; Footlight Stars Hold Annual. MeetingRings. Basket Throwing and Run- -Spring Play is Discussed andning on Program Today. Trials Announced. 1�06 - -SEASON - 1907The Bensen Orchestra will furnish music for the following well kno",The Sixth Annual Gymuast ic COI1- The Dramatic Club held its annual clubs throughcut the season:�Lst for women will be held ill Lex- t 'cction of officers yesterday after- CI.UBS -:- _ing t on g ymuasium at I :45 o'clock n oon. Arthur Vail. 'oK was chosellj Homewood Count y. South Side Colonial Casino at Ed:.;e"';il�: his afternoon. The girls ha vc been i 'r e s idcut : Gcorg e Law. Ilusines s ] Calumet. Cuwcnt s ia I.a!;t·sidcf:.ithilllly training for the last two :.tanager, and Eleanor Day. Secre- i South Shore Club New Illinois Athletic Club Ra vvu-wood Cir.!.AIlIllIlIllcellH:llt wa s made yesterday \· .. ce k s iur this event and it is expect- tary. ; Union Leagueirom t hc I'rl',..idellt'·� ottice that the vd to pr ovc a record breaker, It will The dub is already considering iblj uuior l'b" c xe rci sc- will be held .)C a cla sh between the Junior and . I \\'111' -II will be l)r . '11t (I 'II Moraine,;)rlllg pay. c e l':;e eI ieTII(,,;d:IY 1111 ,riling-, i n st cad of Monday ,;lnillr Colleges and between different II Junior Day. Se vcri l dram;:s arel Virginia Lakota Vendometill' p"�")(Ollt'llIl'lIt IH·ing- occasioned junior (olkges, as we l l as an ind:· ',;·ing discnsscd. all of them fnr ces or This Orchestra enjoyed the distinction of having played for the �by t h« \ i-i: ui vicc-L'rc sidcnt Fair- vidual contest. The Junior inter-col- �ight comedies. among' which a'c Os- and the Midwinter Cotillionbn nk-; C· 'lit 1':1 ry tu custom. the e xcr- lege cve nt s arc the zo-ynrd dash. thv ::Ir \\'ild's "The I mpor tance of Being Fnr ,1I'l'n dates and other information addressChicago YachtHOTELS -----Wellington Metropoleillg the faculty. and A. E. Itigclow 5" KIMBALL HALL. CH�CAGO.MA!\!DOLIN LESSONS. $1.50.c i-v .. wi l l be hcld ill Kent theater, in- potatu race and the sack race� Tb e l .a rucst;' Richard Harding Davis',..tt':ld • ,j .\LII:dd l l al l. The complete apparatus work will be straight and . The Dictator." and Augustus Thorn.IH()�r:lllI i,,:, t omo rrows rvl ig ious scr- i ncl incd rope c limbi ng, horse vault- ,,' "Xl r s. Leffingwell's Boots." This �::tite 50�)-:;14 Handell Hall,. I Tclcphones=-Centrnlvic« ;!IIe1 t h«. umor c ass exercises i ng, club :-;wingillg. ring and ladder . I;IY will be the first farce the clubwa-, a l-.o �i\'L'n out. t ravc ling. Some of the events anti en- l.as put on for several years.The I rivinit y school commencement t rcs arc: �Iisscs Avis loor, Marjo- Trials for the club will take place\\:t� helel yesterday afternoon in Has- ric el·l'. Estlll'r 11a11 and Grace Xor- Wednesday am! Thursday of the sec­kc II J l a ll. Dr .. \, K. Parker, represent- ron. 1)11<) week of next quarter, and a so- EDGAR A. BENSON40 East Randolph Str�5253; :entral 571,�TOMASO SCHOOLand.ORCHESTRAInclined rope-s-Misses M. Bell. Avis ':;;!l meeting and initiation will be heldLoor, Mary Mc Elr oy, Mary Zuraws- ")IJ Tuesday of the third week. Therethe students. Trnuo r ro w morning -ttMusic Furnished for===========�----All Select Occasions.TO:r5 o'clock. the convocar ion prayer k i, Florence :\lnran,\Villo\\,(1can Chat vil l probably be six vacancies. threeservice will take place 111 Mandel terson, Bessie O'Connell.Hall. The members of the faculty High jump=-Xl arjo ric Bell, Ma rywill meet in the Pr�sident's office. Heap, Mabl'l Lee, :'.lary �lc Elroy I2NTRIES ARE :REQUESTEDwhile the candid:ltes for degrees and Florence �loran. Florence Lawson.FOR ORATORICAL CONTEST.titles will gather in Cohb Chapel. At Avis Loor.10 :-t5 there will be a procession to Broad jUl11p-�lisses :\lahel Lee I' :entr� League.Con�� To Be H�d ._������������������������������Mandel Hall. to bc followed hy the :'.Iary Pitkin, Estlll'r llall, Flo'renc� -.----- AT THEIn Chicago April ��Papers Duereligious sen'ice at I I o'clock. Dr C 'I' " ,. oran. "April I.R. Henderson. University chaplain. Doublc ring:,-:\l isses ?\labcl Lee,w'II delin'r the con\'ocation address. Ma,ry llt'ap, :\Iarjorie Bell. :\lary Zu-Owing to the change in the date of rawski.the Junior collegc cxercises. thc only Ba�kl't ':en anti three women,Phone Harrison 80�thro\\'ing-:'.lisscs All who intend to compete for thc�1.20 scholarship and the' honor of'l'presenting Chicago in thc CentralLl'aglle Oratorical Contest arc asked,0 inform :'.lr. nIanchard, of the Pub- U' NION HOTI:L and RESTAURANT "WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON l'W'O FLOOI�SWt�L FIND A SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER MEI.UWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEScn,jll� only the Dest the Market Afiord!-111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREETWe :-::ake a S�ecialty of Cl�b. Fraternity Dinner;. E'cFineSI Orcht"str.1 in the Cit\'Jcanevent for :i\londay will hc the con- !larne:;, Grace Norton, B. A. N oycs.vocation reception in Hutchinson Hall \1. E. Smith, Florence Tyley Annahom 8 :30 to IO :30. At this affair thegucsts of honor will be PrcsidentGcorge Edwin MacLean. of the StateUniversity of Iowa, tl� cOJl\'ocationorator. and Dr. Charles RichmontlH"ndcrson. convocation preachcr. Allmembers and fricnds of the Univer·sity are welcome to attcnd without f�a Vl'nture. Flo 'encc Dawson. :\lary f tllel'r 1'1'.-. i;: Speakirig- department 0. leap. Florence �Ioran. 't.:ntion ;tt once,"' Fap�rs are due with,Twenty-yard dash-:\Iarjorie Bell.·, ofessor ClarK "on or beforc April I::\1. Ch:·mberlain. Florence Lawson..vI. :'.1 c Elroy. :'.Iarie Oury, 'Ethel Pr'cs­�on, Esther Hall. This i:; only the s:!cond yca: of t'1c�xistence of thc leaguc which is not)';:!t complete. cont�:ning 0:11y four:I:stitutions, Chicago. Columbia. Cor­::ell and Ohio Weslcyan. the o:-i�inal!Jlans having included Yale, Princctonand Pcnnsylvania, Thc contcst lastyear at OhioWcslcY;ln was won by Cor­nell, Chicago taking third placc. Thisgram ioiiows: Iy, 'Mary Lil}ch, Vera :\Ioycr. Ednayear it will be held at Chicago. AprilProcessional. Shaw. Nina 'i coman, Kathcrine 26.Invocation , Dr, Hcndcrson Slaught and :\1. :'.lathews. BRYANT (1 SYUnONB• r II - ,:\� E. 55th Street.uSlness \JO ege i R__ � B_��.�N._Prop •. _1-------------------------------IHorse valllts-:\Iisscs Flo-ence -:\10·ran, :\lahc1 Lee. 'Mary Heap. Marjo·rie Rell. :\Iary ::\lcElroy,special invitation. PATRONIZETuesd:lY morning at 10 :30 in Kent. Thc entrics not yct classificd are:Theater, the Junior Collcge exercise!; Mis�l's lzelle Emery, Joy Franklin.will take place, Thc eomplctc pro- Zelia Fox, Alicc Johnson. �Iamie Lil- TillEUNIVERSITYPHARMACYThe preliminary will not he a form­al affair as sevcral of thc probahleSelection ', "Alma Matcr"_Address" " .).Yis!' Susan J-.Ielen Rallou HOLD LAST HIGH SCHOOLcontestants were hcard hdorc in theQuarterly Statcment. ... , .. , .. - -,.. PRELIMINARY TONIGHT Xorthern Oratorical. Speeches arcDcan of the Junior Collcge, Offers SuperiorAdvantages inCor, Adams St, and M,ch'f!an Ave,The YouWillHaveYou.. Business Training ..limited to sixteen minutes in actnalOak Park Picked to Win With Mc- .Ielinry, 'TipBeen "T op LikeThere? Inn ItGreeting to the Candidates for theTitle of :\ssociate.,., The PresidentRespon!'e for thc Candidatcs, .. ,Paul King- JIIlI.son Kinley As Second Choice-Five ANDSchools Entered.•• Stenography ••The Pullman Company �uildlgCHICAGO LAW STUDENTWINS HIGH RECOGNITIONSclection".,.,' 0 .... "." uAmcrica" The third and last hig-h school prc-Reccssional. liminary will be run off tonight inAt the same time that the Junio:- Rartldt gymnasium, Of the five James W. Simonson Wins Eleventh Students May Enter at An7 Time.Colleg-es arc holding- their cxerci!'c,; schools entered. Oak Park is picked Prize Among 3000 Contestants.in Kent Thcater. the Senior College to win the contest, thollg-h many scewill hold sway in :\fandel Hall. In the pnssihility of :\I_cKinley finishing Janl<'s \V, Simonson, of thc Lawthe afternoon at 3 o·clock. th(' :,ixty- if! the l('ad throug-h the indh'iclual School. won the ele\·cnth prize in a'11 k I . I 'contest for the best law hrief wrif-.. ccond cOIl\'ocation WI ta'e p ac(', work of Jerry Dillon. tIC star sprtn-President Georg-e Edwin :\JacLean 0: ter, and Timhlin. the distance phe- ten on a supposed case il1\'oh"l1� theth(' Stat(' Cnin'rsity nf Iowa. will dc- nom. The otll('r three teams from .. tatnte of limit:ltions for which the Philosophy Debaters Win.lin"f th(' cOl1\'ocatiotl addrcs .. nn Nortll\n'�t ni\'i�ion, Lake \-iew, and :\merican La'." Review offered a prizel Philo"ophy College dehaters dc-"American Expan:,inn and Eclucatinn- Marshall. art' -not cxpected to make of $50 for first prize. The fir�t, prize : .. atl'li Literature last l1i�ht in Cobb:.1 Tntcn,iticatioll." Th(' coni"rring- of :l �tr(Jng hid inr fir .. t honor... was taken hy Charles E. Fl'lrlch, a I.apel in tIll' tir't (�f the Junior Col- �._"_-_-_-_-_-_:-_-._-_-_-_-_-_-�_-_-_-_-_-::::_:-_-Jd( ::r('�' will joll(l\\' th(' addn'''''. aftC'r Two more inter-high schonl meets "t'nior at the Chicago- K(·nt Cnlk;,!(' ;;" '�e ckhaiing Sl'rIl'S. Thl' winning' Residence;I' I T' 01 T I '11 I ' . The first. the semi-finals. fli l.a\\'. The conte .. t w:, ... opt'n to allCll ... rl ..... :: ",\,_ .. \rllll;';II'1I 1'1.\\',lle I fC"" ('l1t_ Ih SOil \\1 t 1('11 rt'a(1 remaIn. ham. Carl H. I.amhach. .. ...jli� qll:!rtC'rly r('p""rt. will he hcl,1 llext SatuHlayo and the 1;,\\· :,tllll,,'nt .. in .\merica and Canada Slrull a ... 1 I.E. Fl'rgu"ol1 �uppnrtl',l th-', I'hone tlarri�(l1I .644The in11()\\'ing thr(,(, d:1y�. \\'('1)11(,"'- second tinal� ()n th(' �atl1rday inllo\\'- :il1t) m','r Jno() hricis \\'t're .. uhmittt'II. a(lirm:ttin' oi the qUl'stinn: "R('-I Goldsmith's Orchestrad:1Y, Thllf,l)ay. :lIlcl f'riclay, "ill he ing. .\t th(' "('mi-hnals. all m('tl who �nh·l"l. That "lectin' I1llll1icil)al oni-I, � G Id .h D', .. 0 sfrat. I:-cc:tor.Illini Want Easter Vacation. In·r.; sl;nuhl I)l' tlnmill:tt('(l hy petitioll; 'A'ce. Cable Piano Comp:-.ny,(lnl:·... The Lit repr(':"clltati\·e'. Lee: ,Vabash and Jack!'o:1. CIHCAGO·l.cvingcr. Charlc:-; l.e\·itnn anI! Lcster, - -- ----------Stern, l'ol1ten<1l·.1 inr the I1cJ;.!'ati\'e sicl�: For Sale-�e\\' compk:c set H�'oi the 'lt1cstion. ' 1 torian's History of the \\·orld. Out·I·"'ok Puh. Co.: 25 \"olul11(,", practicany:til. in The Daily :\faroon is a!Ullused: cheap, Phone Wentworthinvestment. Havc you tried it? .1.';2.DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLTOI' floor oiH. W. Bryant, Pres.L. Brent -Jaughan. U. 'of C, '97,Manager.·JI5-J.l1 \\'abash Ave .Phonewon �(,coIHI:, and third .. 111 thC' thr(,(,---- _. _ preliminaries will compct(' Thc \\'in- I Ililloi� �tlllknt<; .. ta rtel! a petitionPhy ill th .. hn\\·lill;.! d"llh1c" :It tl�;' lIer" of the fir.,t tl,r('e pl:Jc(''' :\t th(' �jonday :t .. kin� tlte faculty to grantIXC,Yll .. ld .. Clllb will Iln� C()1I1l1l\'Il\',' h('- '('mi-fin:d". to�etlH'r with tht' winners ;\ �hnrt \'acation at Ea .. ter. The pc­iore .\prjl 2, :lccllrding- tl) :! Il 11 (lll 11 Ct'- 0:' tir,,� .. '.at th(' prelimillarics. will ('n-I titinn n.cei�·('(1 Iii;; signatu�('s. an:!11;('l1t hy Pfc ... id('nt Hcwitt nf the Clllb ter the 1111:l1s. 1 \\'as placcd til the han<1s of l"resJ<lcn:ye .. tcnl:1y. :\,Iditinnal ('lltri('<:. \\·ill he James on Tuesclay, The matter has I :\nr('('cl",',1 tip to noon of that clay. Patrnl1ize Daily :\faroon Advertisers. not yet been decided, I.;'()ocl272 East 55th Street. Chicago.TELEPHONE HYPE PARK 31--------· ..E. C. l\JOORE. FLORIST. Illinois �p, IC�"IE·PRESIDIlIUOS DR. IJUSTICE'J)rad Theme 0gall From 1m!sity Fo'IOIFAIRBMsmcJcnts GreetHighest Execfor PresicCharles \ Va r:president of thedressed the studof Chicago ill ?\'morning.He paid t ribuliam Rainey 11 mhad never kno\�tbe founder of ting his thcmc f1l great and ncof Dr. Harpcr,dwelt upon thc 'shaping th(' ch:� republic, Ju. the one thing. "bas made thc 1uation and a J·worId. . In the�"than in a'�lcated tl, !fj'-Vicc-Pr('w! ' "';�s o\'ati(:��me, by.-.-c· .(fIDection witt.·lhJted States.3IId the cho:-us,dent," was spoThe Vice- Prlboom met wi t hlrande 1 H a 11by II o'cloc1'c:omotivcs.""5t\"en rahs fotmg took on thacteristics (IiII1:.ss meetilll-!.came throug-ha�semblag(" f()�band play(',1_re givcn i nlbank-; and inrsided at tIlt' nMeetsAt the ch:,(Vlce-Presi,!," �Oub, He 1:: dlJJttnbtr!' 0:' : IGamma D"i':',�ame.a Il,' Iraduate .by.\"trs�y, T;lvnity Were iilt 1lfhich the \'i\'etal recepti •. iltni\'ersity, :11the Reynol.:.FrOf:l .J,dtnt Fairk" i,�tItomohiJt·� i.b,; ""as th" !.;11aiternoon h('friends at tiletttning W;I­lion of the Tits 5t. PatrirCOrning to II·---(Conti