Imons, and a message from Dr. JUd­son is the leading arficle,' . D�� 'Chaptt�,�,�R. 1-1 cnderson, '70, ccintribu'te:; the···...:...··first of a series of papers on "The-iii•�be lDafI� m�toon"'OL. V. No. 104. CHICAGO. FRIDAY. �JARCH 15,1907. Price Two Cents.----_._---;TRACTION ORDINANCES- ARE 1 MESS OF POTTA8E"George E. Hooker Heaps Denuncia­tion en Suppor_rs of ProposedStreet Car SeWement...- SOPHOMORE CLASS MEETS TODAY!WANTED: A HERO: MUST.BERatification of New p.lan For PUb_II ATHLETIC AID MUSICAL Eight Teams to Compete This Af-lication of Cap and Gown To Be temoon to Pick Contestants forConsidered-Much Interest But N01 First Call of Blackfriars Disclose Finals in Greek Letter Relay Race I New Monthly Publication of Univer-Opposition Manifested. Poor Field for Cam��e Medal -Hot Fight Expected. I sity Publishes its Initial 15sue-Committee. I On Sale Monday.The sophomore class m"ti in Kent I The semi-finals in the inter-frater-. .. rr '�,-:f·��. i�. C,. Jc� - E�Jjeo; ._�, "".'.��·;ttl'�,· ', thi.s mo�nin�, ':l� __ �� • .?:�Iock. :l-;r� �,.� .. ,'.IJY. JqL�:a�..!.'��t� :�ity relay race will be held, this ��� .• �C?ver:t Both Graduate and Under:=..-- 'T' I I f I I I tel ;;()()r-l at 3 :.)"0' o-;�ioc'k -ill- Bartlett r _, � •• ' -'�'-., ..... ',' - .• � ... 'J d•' -Ar' guments c-f Walter L. Fisher : f). rat.ry t ie new p an or the ccc-I' Coach Cushing Declares Material graduate Interests-President u-f I C .1 G b I f gymnasium. Eight te�ms will run d Oth C ib. �. on Traction Quetion. tion 0 t re ap anu own oa rc 0 Excellent. , son. an ers, onm ute.�'�itors. �llld inasmuch as class I .there being two races. In the first,Violent attack upon the proposed Will puhlish the next a nnual It IS eX-I Thirty n1\,'11 answered the call for. Ps� Upsilon: Alpha Tau Om�ga, Chitraction ordiances alld. invective peered that more inte 'est will he c.mdidatcs for. the 'cast of the com- PSI and Pill Gamma Delta WIll coni-. d shown by the sophomores t han by. 1)1 kf'ri tift pete; in the second, Delta Tau Delta,against their backers, characterize . 11l�) ac . nar opera yes en. ay a er-_ . .k '.he juniors a� their meeting Wcdncs- '. I R 1.1 TI t C 1 Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Upsilon, tempt to combine alumni and. under-the address of George E. Hoo er, sec- 'noon in t ie eyno us lea er. oac 1 '..b f dav. The plan submitted was in- I C I' . .1 I .1 I t th I . and Phi Delta Theta will fight for g raduat« interests in apublicdtion.retary of the City Club. e ore an .., us 111lg ucc areu t ia e s lowmgl .I E -pectcd by a committee from he if I .1'.1 fl' 1 I .1 honors. The first two teams to finish Its contents, including special arti-open mceting of the Politica cono- (1 t ie canuluatcs 0 lIg 1 C ass, anu ."sophomore class before heing pre- I I 1.1 fill I .. f tl II! each race Will qualify for the finals des, editorials, cover all pha. ses ofmy Club, held last night. t rat ic cou u 1 t re majorrty 0 reThe speech was in reply to Mr. sentcd, the committee being compos- parts from among those who. attend- 011 March .23· University lifc, and reviews .of �th-.·.1 f R P Sh P V H I Six men will run for each team I . d' .. . the "Walter L. Fisher, former traction cu 0 . . crcr, . . arpcr :1I1'J cd th c meeting. Only one place he ' etrc events, stu ent activities U1 eH P 1 I t tt each circling the track once. The U·· , ti d .counsel to Mayor Dunne, who spoke . . os c er., said it would be impossible to place mvcrsity, women s mee mgs an so-a week before in support of the pro- Rcpre scnta tivc members of theI at present, and that is the most irn- teams will probably be composed as cials.class expressed themselves yesterday part in the production, the folio,'.posals, F' Ra . The frontispiece is a reproductionas being entirely satisfied with the I I' TI' lI'St ee"If you. pass these ordinances, yO:.1 eac II1g man. re part reqmres a . . ,. I>f the painting of President Judson.�)rovisions of the plan. That it will I I k lik bi II t .1 PSI Upsllon-\\ ilson, MacCracken,will he selling your birthright for a man w 10 00 S 1 e a rg at lee, an-r which hangs ill the Hutchinson Com-he accepted there seems to be little I . .1 t M R' h I Lebally, Collings, Morris, Badenoch,f It would mean an \\' 10 can srng anu act, ll' anagcr icn-j .mess 0 pottage. doubt. Members of the original com- ards would like to see 'all me 1 ;.11.)1 Meagher. .indefinite continuance of the present A r ITO F'mittee will be present t·, explain I' k tl would k t bl ..... p ra au mega- mger, Rogers,wretched conditions. The long and t un ley rna c accep a cclauses that the class may wish to "heroes." I I Loos.e, l\.Iu. nson, Murphy, Joldersma.arduous course preliminary to muni- Chhear read and discussed. 'I C h C hi '11 t 1 ·Pst-Benton, Blackford, Park-. I ihi has been accom As usua, oac us 109 WI no. • Life Messages of Persident Harper',"clpa owners IP, -. _�, inson Chandler Kenner, Moody.plished ; now we are about to be announce the names of the successful,." the special j it le of this paper beingINDIANA ALUMNUS URGES candidates for several days, and tl:� Phi Gamma Delta-Chamberlin,compelled to surrender. When we"BIG NINE" WITHDRAWAL I Baird W' ht H k' G d "The Spiritual Basis of Character."r '11 b bI' h d' Th D'I I u, rig, op lUS, 00 enow,are just at the gateway. These ordi- 1st WI . e pu rs e lU e al Y,' De Tray. David A. Robertson, '02, writes -annances are a new version of the old Maroon Next Tuesday. important article on "The RecentHolds That Hoosiers Should Estab- Th f f" . Second Racesettlement schemes, machinations of lish' Athletic Independence-Neb- I el�e arerl o�r _���nmfe h�a�:s I�I Delta Tau Delta�Lewis, Dunn, Growth of the University," dealing'''ri�:';loc:\('-'ttciffi5po�':l\iiI='ct)frftrri'i���, ... « .•• "rC....-.: ""''':'iiSttais Unaecrdea-�' "', � ... �lJe",!!�'Y,..e!J .. ;"\'IS:Y�d�"'Q. ··��k�·�·,�·�!\_;11affi"eS;-'E1wen;janies. J.\Talim:- �- ... with_ the.. .pr.�Wi�.nt!�:�PL:.._ ...... , ..-ever bent on making Ilew grants, but W 10 appeareu yester ay rna es It as-I Delta Kap Epsilon-Pegues, for the last year, and showing theadequate provisions Agitation has been started at Ind- sured that the shoe� of "Artd" BrUCie Pincoffs. Jo�e:,a Sunderland, Burns, strides that have been made. "Chi-or' d' te munl'cl'pal . I . h and other stars WIll be a equate v Abb cc .. go·s Unl'versl'ty," by George Wasb-Imme ra ,&.!n� a�ainst remaimng onger In t e tt ..filled. 0 ."Uig Nine." In a recent letter from Delta Upsilon-Bowman: Gill,Kling, ington Thomas, '62, will be of inter-I d . :\fany of the candidates are mem- est, not only to those who' attended• he purchase price contemp ate ar • ..llumnus published in The Daily Nelson, Post, Morgan.bers of the Dramatic Club, while the h Id' . . be ownership is bolstered by $27,- .Student, several reasons are urged Phi Delta'Theta Ellr's Krog Nl'b- teo umverslty, ut to· everyonecast and chorus. of the Deceitful c -. ,Purchas'c on such terms io:- severing connection with that ath- Icy, Berry. Eastburn, Radford. who is interested in the historicalDean is well represented. f d f f th b Ipure recldessness.. What i<:tic body. The writer says: oun a Ion 0 e present sc 00.the present scheme means is that the ").ly contention is that Indiana CRUCIAL CONTEST TOMORROW Percy B. Eckhart, '99. writes onW. A. A. MAKES PLANS FOR "The �[agazine," tellin'g' of the con-city's representatives are to allow the should be more independent in herSONG AND YELL CONTEST Basketball Championship to be De- trol of the n thl d 'ttraction companies to recoup them- athletics; should sever connection ew mon y, an I s re-;elves for losses on watered stock at with the so-called Big Nine and adopt cided at Minneapolis. lation to the Alumn; Association.Association to Stimulate Enthusiasm S . I . hthe e"'. p"rlse of the people.' I I f h '.1 pecra mterest attac es to an ar-.... � suc 1 rn es or er gtlluance as seem TI 'I bby Prize Competition in Spring 1e .- aroon asketball team leaves tide by Dr. Joseph E. Raycroft, '96."The�e oruinances come under the best �uited to serve the highest need Quarter. to-night for Minneapolis, h .shadow of suspicion, because their .)f the University regardless of the were It on "The Relation of the Universitywill play the final and decisive game to Recent Reforms in Tnter-collegiatebacker� feared the referendum; be- st:md of any other institution. In Plans are being madc by the \Vo- of the season to-morrow eveningcause they were jammed through at a lIearly every other branCh. of collegi- mans' Athletic Association to hold It' is hard to predict the winner ofmidnight session, and because it has atc acti"ity Indiana lays down her a song and yell contest at the begin- the Chicago-l'linnesota game. Thebeen sllpported by a campaign char- own course. Why should she not dll ning of next qnarter. The girls have Gophers and Chicago both broke evenacteriz�',1 hy special pleading, gray �o in athletics? 10ng deplon'd thc lack of appropriate with \Visconsin. which would seem to Of the contributions by undergrall­'Wol\'l'�. and aU the phases ·of a hold- "It is conceded, I think, that Chi- n:eans of eXJlresion for their class and iralic�te that the teams are about of 'r:lte!'. Adolph George Pierrot, '07. isIll' gam\.'. :\Ioreover, other objections c •. go. :\lichigan, Wisconsin and Min· college !'pirit at hanqucts. games, and the �am(' strength. In the game on � he author of "Lines to Jimmie,"whicharise frrom the fact that the ordi- nesot:1 are the controlling factors in sprt·ads. :mel the idea of the contest is the Bartlett Roor the score was a tie wilI' he interesting to every man onnances ;Ire too elaborate in the way in the Big Xine. \Ve may pride our- to supply this demand. at the end of the regular time. an ex- the campus. Harry Arthur Hansen,which lhey are drawn: vague as the selvcs. if we choose. on the fact that :'Iiss l'lary Heap. president of 'the tra period being necessary for the '09. writes an article entitled, "Therights ··i the city after twenty years: the other membcrs of the organiza- Association. has announced the com- :\Iaroons to win. Uneler these cir- Status of the College Song." in whichand th;.l the"- make municipal owner- tion have a greater votinlY strength, Tletr·tl·on. "'hicll will last for a month h the reasons for its decade.nce are ana-_; ." n cum stances t e result of the import-ship t· ,(, expensive al)d leave the hut what do these votes amount to?' The winner will be a\'JMded prize� ant game is a matter of doubt to the's illterest at the mercy of a two- How long would the Big Nine last ,. prohahly in the shape of a Chicago ..;upporters of hoth fives. That section of the magazine devot­fifths rderendum vote, which may Indiana, JlJionis, Northwestern, Pur- h,lUner or pillow. Every woman stu- Neither side claims victory. hut cd to report of student actixities i"j,r Cor,,:ptec) hy special interests. due and Iowa would attempt to dic- 'dcnt in college is invited to enter th;� hoth are going into the fight with a very compact ane) interesting. Every"Tilt inherent trouble is that the tatc, to lay (Iown rules. that the Big contest. The yells and songs are to r(':-.iization of what it means an,1 hoth ('vent of the last month is chronicler!.prop(J'.ll� provide something for the Four would deem ohnoxious? About he of scnral c1asscs. suitable for }u- of the strcngth of its opponent", ";() that hy kceping a tile of the mag-cOmp;';l:C" at the expense of the dty. thirty minutes. De .. pite our venera- nior and Senior c1a!'ses and for he :tzinc, !'turlcnto: will be ahl(' tf) prl'-Actn;, !i�'. the difficultv is that it is I 'tion for our Alma l'-fater, our loyalty L"nivcrsity womcn in general. The Post{:one Talk on Philippines. 'l'rn a c(ll11pkt..: record .)i Cnin:rsitythe P:::1 to fix the �rice as though to her and our bclief in her greatness, Association expects that some stir- Th(' talk on "Indllstrial Rl'sources days, Tht:' department..; arl.' 11�';I(lt''':tht propertics were purchaseel now we must admit that in athletics we are ring competition:-- will he the result nf ci t'lC Philippine Islanrl..;. ",hidl wa" "The l'ni\'cr"ity:' "Thc Chrnni�ll'.'��nrl then not purchase until later. It i :tltogethcr secondary to the Big �ollr. this plan. to havc hecn gin:n ye"terday hy :\1 r. "Th(' �ftlrlcn! 110cl\ . .'· in \\'hiC'h arcrnakc� l1;unicipal owner!'hip theorcti-! Thc recorcls clearly show that wc can- S;'I1:�!('1 :'la{·Clintnck ha� hn'J1 flI",,,t-' rc\,it'\\'l'd th(' RCYI1�j(l ... Cluh social,.cally po��ihlc:, hut that is all. 110t claim athletic rank with thc hig To Give German Comedy. !lorh rI to .this aitl·rnoon. It will hc work (lj the councils, r1r;llmtic�. wo-'"welcome litigation. Chi�:-,�o ha� universitics of the wcst.'" The German Club will prescnt the IH·ld at .t f)'dock in Cohh .�c. Ill<.n·s acti\'iti('s. the senior promenadealways profited by traction lawsuits. \Vith two victories O\'er lIIinois al- comcdy. "Ein Knopf." in the R('y- ;,rHI thc li�e: ·'.\thktic .... � which in-and will dOUbtless do so in the future. re:\dy to their credit the water ath- nolds Club Theater this aftcrnoon at De Lauter Leaves Purdue ,·h:<I('..; cnry form oi athldic actidty:Xotwithstanding the fact that ext or- Ictes expect to repcat their win from oJ o·c1ock. The comedy will he given :\. J. DeLautcr. who played Icft C'ports from the differnt altrmnitionate fees have. been paid to attor- the Raelgers in '905· hy different Gcrman students, and is �larcl on Furrluc's foothall team has \ luh ... :1I1rl "Xcw" from the Classes,"neys who have been plying back cxpected to h(' a very popular event. left school. His loss will be felt se-j t �nder "Literary �ot�s" is reviewedI The studcnts are preparing for Tht' comed�- oi "Ein Knopf" was vert'iy as hc was a good. ccnsistellt(Continued on pa� 3) tJ'eir exams next wcek. written by Julius von Rosen. worker. (C .d )D� ontmue on page ...FRATERNITY SEMI-FINALS TODAY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUESFIRST NUMBER YESTERDAYThe initial number of the ChicagoAlumni Magazine appeared yester­day and took its place as the first at-... :,.....-dhSt.and�Cy :\thletics." as it places hefore the puh­'ic an authoritative stat.,cment of the(Jr.iversity's stand in athletics.ildlg---_-rtise:'---.ois--,,� I:= \.. ,, , THE DAILY M_AROON. CHICAG_<_? FRIDAY, MARCH IS, 1907.��t laily .!Rardon f· i for the latter event it was evident that FOUND: A REMEDY FOR I_- -_1 Chicago needed every possible point RIOTOUS CLASS RUSHES Ito will tite meet from Central Y. � the race and lower the record, hedropped out and let the Chicago run- last hit UI)On an effective check forr ndergraduate overflow of spirit. The'OmClal Student l'ubllcation of tbe Unlyer·.ltl of Cblcqo. CA., "Jimmy" decided to hell> the {he Michigan Daily Discovers Cureold Maroon. lie went into the race For Which Faculties Have Longand helped the three Chicago runners Sought-Is State Legislature.lo'ormerllTbl' Unlnraltl uf Cblcago Weeki,.l-'ounded an the way until the Iflst lap when itwas apparent that Chicago had twoplaces practically won. Then, in­stead of starting out to finish strong, --I Our Lunchroom is open until one a. m.Found-a �u� fur ri��s mas� �1l1eeting alld 11azill�a �ate legi�a-I�-----------------------------�-�.,)ture.The University of Michigan has at)urpose with which we have striven.·'"Socrates, Emerson and :\1 ilton, all�'cognized this presence and inSPir.1-1'ton of God It was their �seen �--------�----------------------�presence which made Adam Bede a:�ood C:lrpl'nter. and the �ame presencewill make us successful in whatcvcrwe do. and bcing to a pl·rfect �tand­ard the routine and drudgery WTliclt Iwe must endure. IT c apprecia te� ouri;,ults anel tells 11�, without flattery I;;11(1 without cruclty."'l'be Weekll, Oct. I, 1892-The Dall" Oct. I, 1902.":u�el't'd UB Hecond·Cla. Mall at 'be Cbl·cllgo l'o.toUice.Subscription price, $a.oo per lear: ,1.00 ne rs SCOTe up eight points.Cor K mouths. SubecrlptioDS recelyed at J t is 0111..' kind of evidence of spirit remedy is one that wil: work for anythe llal'oon Omce, ElIls Uall, or at th� to get out and cheer at a track meet � tate institution. Facolt ie-, oi otherFuculty 1::xcbange, Cobb Hall, Orders and other varsity cont est s. I t is an public universities will probahiy ar­taken by mall or telepbone. Hyde Park entirely different proposition to gc� o·pt the prvscr iprion, wh ile overwork-426. out on the track afer running :1 heart- cd professors in colleges and univer si-]breaking mile and run through a hard i ies not so situated will endeavor to II r I "1 " IH. l�Dln' "lA'I'HEWS, M�lng. Editor. half mill' onlv to -acrificc. to th�' Uni-: c stab IS.1 a �1J1ll a r principle.IWWAIW U. FELSEN·J'UAL. News Editor. : . .. - o. • r .Peace now reigns at Michiuan. Notversrty an easy chance of winning' the ....I.U·fllEU D. F1::HNALD, Atbletlc Ec11tor race, setting an A. A, U. record and even the announcement that the Woi-GEOUUE E. J:.·ULLElt, Uuslness Manager. winning a �(I:d medal and a record vc rines had retrieved their prestigeas chess champions would now causecup. "Jimmy" has run many wonder-ful races for Chicago. but the team r iot ous demonstration upon the: Ann'11 I I' I' I I' I f Cl' Arbor campus.\\,1 remem )er t liS Itt c ( ISP ay 0 11_, H eTC is the cause of it all. printedca jo -pirit above a:1 oi his rema rk-r romincnt ly on the first p;ig{' of performances. The spectator-wondered why Lightbody dropped out. recent issue of The :\Iichig�n Daily:"The hill for our increased appro­The team men knew-and they willpriarion is under consideration to-day.• It the meantime The Daily asks un-PURDUE TRACK TEAM STRONG ::::r classrnen to refrain from violence') property or persons, as reports ofBoilermakers Expect To Have Point- 'ris nature will probahly defeat theASSSOCIATE EDITORSC, W. l'altzt:_r, Iseruard J., uen,A. w. Uenderson, Preston Jo�. Gasa,Warren D. Foster, �h'lvlu J. Adumci.REl'ORTERSPeter F. Dunn, never forget it.W. 1'. MacCrackeD,Jerome "'r:lDl., lIul'ry A. Ullnsen.I'. W. l'lnL:t'l·loll. Ila:-\'cy 1:. Full..r, Jr.W. J. Hatusrurtuer,!,rlnted by the Maroon !_'rcsll414 East :;:;tb Str\"etPnoue Hydt> l'ark 3.i�1 winners In Field. Idl."Purdue expects to turn out a sue­cessful track team this year, accord- "LET GOD BE YOUR ADVISOR"1ilr. C. R. Hend::::- Speaks To Wo-men. of Junior College. 1"One word from a competent mall I109 to the' Purdue Exponent, whichUniversity news is again published predicts as follows:in monthly form in the first issue of "From the indoor meets that haveTh CI . Al '" worth more than dozens of C\.'I1-e ucago umni taken place this season, those interest- J"1 .which :l'al criticisms from those who arc Ill)�v agazmc, ap- cd have been enabled to get a linepearcd yesterday. The l on the track teams with which Oldpublication exceeds the Gold and Black athletes will contestAlumniMagazineAppears 'letter than we ourselves arc," said D:-.Ilcnderson in junior women's chapelyesterday morning, "therefore. weought not to be discouraged by ad-expectations of' almost this spring, and the conclusion is that-veryonc who 'has seen the initial we stand very well in comparison.iumber .: "and the' new monthly rc "The Pu-rdue aggregation is thisceives a well-earned welcome, The year under the able leadership off.rst number must necessarily be irn- Paul L. Clark. and with such a coachperfect in certain particulars, but theeditors have. succeeded in keepingthe :\lagazine exceptionally free fromthese "first issue" imperfections. Inonly a few particulars docs the firstissue of the monthly fall short of theal�ticipations of the editors, and these verse .criticism of the newspapers andour fellow men. but remember thatGod is our only competent judge. arul::c measures \1S, not by our aclt:e .... e­in cha:-gc a� Jamison, the team wi!:ments or the bulk of our work onsurely not suffer from want of com- earth, but by' the sincere ancJ mor;!1petent instructors. The ability ofCaptain Clark in the high jump hasbeen demonstrated, and he is withoutdoubt the best man in the state inthis cvcnt, and will in all probabilityfew particulars, principally with re- prove ;l point winner in e\-�ry contcstgard to the cover, will be improved in which he will take part this the April number. The editorial "Coach Jamison intends to pursuematter in the magazine is well or- a different system of coaching thisg;,nized, and is typical of a general spring than last, as he will place theliterary magazine, such as The Out- most promising man in each event inlook,rather . than of most college mag- charge of that Wl rk. all to he underazines. The news field of the alum- his �upeT\·ision. of coursc. In this wayni, :lnd !"tudents is well covered, and the athlete in charge of the event willthere i� interesting reading matter benelit from his tcaching as well .asior Chicago men and women from the the others."gradu:1ting <:lass to the present Fresh-men. Articles contrihuted to the RE-ELECT PRESIDENT JAMES�Iarch number are written by menwho arc capahle. and whose material �rustees of University of Illinois Re­organize Board. It's only anight's ride­one sleep-from...... _-1 Chicago to realrest and health atFrench LickWest Baden SpriDgsWaters' are unsurpassed-golf.tenni,:;, riding, driving, l)iIliards,howhng, trap-shooting or per­feet rest if you want it -Idealaccommodations - con gen ialguests,UW Romad Trip RatesD'1Y nnd nis:ht trains, �leepers.parlor and "!:uftct cars. ,----..-._.-��is worth reading.The Chicago Alumni )Iagazine ap- --- Ipars to hl� a great "ucct.'''''. Its firs: Dr. E. J. James wa!' re-cl(':tcd 'PreS-I.I . - -.-. idcnt- �t� ·UniTcrsity. o{- f,tr.'lmirT<;rI�S\te, at cast. i� a ('ertain crt.'(lit tothe University. The Daily :\Iaroon a term of two year� hy the trU!'itcc�extends .to the new puhlication a wcl- l� their annual meeting last TtlC�daY·1. The new hoard of trtl!'tees was or-('ollle tn!t) the Cni\'erslty journalisticfield, and wishes the editors all "uc- �anizt.'d and L. n. Herrick. of Tlloom­ington. \\'a" l'll'('�etl pre"ident to suc-:cecl S. :\. Rullarcl. oi Sprin)o!'neld.l't s� in th(' undertaking.of\\·h:) r('si�n('(l after a ,,"'n'iceOlle who s;a\\' tht: h;tli mill' r."le" at . h'- el)o!' k('11 Y(,:lT".:ht' :\. :\. l�. Challlpioll ... hips \\ ..... dlles-day night ('ould nnt help _._h;I\'in� a wholcsomc r�-SPt'ct ior Chic;wo sOI·n·. GLOVES MAY BE R�GHT" '... . I' ", AND NOT BE FOWNESfor It th('rt' was cwr a BUT THEY CAN'T BEdemonstration of an ad­mirahll' spirit and lo\'e for the A}J11a:\'at�r it was given by James D. Light.body. "Jimmy" had won the mile inremarkahle form. running "unattach­co." He intcnoed to run the halfmile and :mnex another A. A. U. re.cord, but when the time came aroundJimmy'sChicagoSpiritFOWNESGLOVES Postal Cards of the Washington Prom:\ n unique picture of the dance, forsale at :e-­i. M. C:Marootbe y, J�hedulcF;ycroit� no UlOucagoteam anteSt withthe We�The 5probabbagainst2 and I�of defeaa�ly andLindseyFreshmcexcellenteam aiMcKnigwill besquad,·NebNebra\Vhether"Big NiThe ,night arthe quegames 1next faltlat tluMB:g Niraska breonclusi;lnll �hcJust the place to hold club and fraternity dinners.THE HOTEL IMAROONFIFTY -EIGHTH AN D DREXEL A VENUE.Convenient. Excellent Service. First-Class.Come over and see us about your n'ext Club Banquet. MaroonteStH .. E SHOREYTHETAILOR332 Republic Buildin,135.00 COLLEGE SPE':IALYA"LEStudents copied our �OLLEGE �ORNER Suit Model Last AutumnTHE SPRING MODEL is much handsomerCome in an d see itC�er 6 WilkieTAILORS 1 BS 189 Dearborn St.Bank FloorUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz.They Fill that Empty Space at Home.��motr'S 10boto �tubto WET (Phone Hyde Park-lfi. 243 EAST 55th STREET Varsity_From-_OmTelephone Calumet. 251 16th and MichiganC£he 16th St. Livery aaRiding AcademyHigh-Class S�ddle and Harness Horses for Sale.Horses SchooledSend for Circular. . Open Evenings. Varsififth prmen yeField, :trams 1The firimproviClearyTheFresl3d b.;field,21Presto,Varsi2d b.:Yaddi�G:!ardeCo f.Frc.nk S. Young. Phone H.P. 1252Young . America LaundryShirts BUNDLES BROUGHT IN AND CALLED FOR.•..•.•......••....•. , • • •• Bc CO!!3rs , , ..... : . . .. . ... 2CCuffs , 4c684-686 East 63rd StreetHJlIIDEIFSr:ireprool Storage A Van Co., )tlr.sing alat )tlicOaily"Thtning, iJiamsoit may"'as atIll' hi!.'C;treer.rOundprogra"Prebrgei5 oneill Chif)resid,that ci��\'e 1I speaGeoeraI Offica._h SL aDd Calumet A.e.Pboa�'00..1 .. 3100Priftte Ezch._e all Offices. Brancb Olice. hafonaatlc. 0-..UniT. of CbicapR.. R. WanIIoaI,CIIicqo J-ctioa .. R.... ... Cala.IIIL IDstructertawUltNITURB. PIANOS. TRUNKS, MER�HANDIIB �CIUDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. DAND SUBURBLSpring Flowers in BlossomVISIT THf GREENH�lJSE5 NOWPhones: H. P. :oS-H. P. 6;JS7A. l\IIcADAlWSSad Street and Klmbark Avenuei1.------------------------------------------------------,THE UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUMPresses your suit every week and shines your shoestor $1.00 per month5645 Cottage Grove Ave. HJde Park 37 ••AND NOT BE RIGHI. :\f :\RTYN'S MAROON STUDIO,,:;705 Cottage Grove Ave. Also pho- jtos of the same. Send one home, ,---------------------------------------------------�I.THE OATLY MAROON, CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MARCH IS, 1907 •...... ---y: M. C. A. WATER MEET OFF� SESSION ON CAMPUS HELD I"TRACTION ORDINANCESBY Y. M. C. A. SECRETARIES! IDr. Henderson and Mr. Robertson t (Continued from page I)Speak to Forty Visitors at Uni- I' - ",versi�y Yesterday. and forth to forge new Iet­special interests who have been ply-ing back and forth to forge new fet­rers on Chicago. the city has won inARE A MESS OF POTTA.�E"Maroon Swimmers Training for Con­teSt With Badgers March 22.�larOOJl swimmers' will not meet ithe Y. 1\1. C. A team as tentatively I!-CheduleJ for Saturday night. Dr.: Forty local secretaries of the Young;ycroit announcing that there will �len's Chr isti-m Association vixitedI •no meet until Wisconsin comes to: the University campus yesterday the transfer. ()C)-year act. and otherChicago March 22. The men on the II under the Kuidance of the officers oi' decisions. 'team are working hard for the con-I the University section of the associa- "From the first, the companies havetest with the Badgers as it will decide i tion. The men spent the day in in- defied the law. All the ordinancesthe Western championship. spcction of the buildings and in vari- which have provided for a properThe statement that Freshmen will ous discussions. number of cars, heating, ventilation,probably be allowed to compete �J r. D. A. Robertson. secretary to through routes and transfers haveagainst Pennsylvania and Yale April the President. represented the Uni- been a-dead letter from the first. So2 and 13. boosts the Maroon chances versjty in an address to the visitors. why shall we assume that similarof defeating the Easterners consider- Other addresses of importance were provisions of this ordinance will bea�ly and insures a hard fight at least. made by Dr. C. R. Henderson on obeyed?Lindsey. Collings, Spitz and other "The Relation of Service. I ndividual "Under the ordinance. the city canFreshmen swimmmers will furnish and Organized. to the Development never compel the building of parallelexcellent material for a strong relay of Christian Character." and by Mr. street car lines closer to each otherteam and Macomber, Bannerman, L \Vilbur Messer 011 "The Enlistment than a half mile. There is no pro­McKnight. Ferguson and Hoffman of Men in Christian Service as a Part vision for a fare lower than fivewill be valuable additions to the polo of the Secretary's \Vork." Mr. H. cents. In some ways. the proposalssquad., Gates. president. of Roberts College, arc as bad as the provisions of theNebraska Schedule Undecided Constantinople. "also spoke. Several nefarious, Allen and Humphrey bills.Nebraska is as yet undecided as to book reviews were read. The session I � is to the interest of the Field es­whether it will meet teams' of the ended with an informal reception in tate and J. P. Morgan to keep fares"Big Nine" colleges this year. Hitchcock Library. high to protect their downtown realThe Athletic Board met Tuesday estate holdings, and make their stock ------------------Conklin'sPenSeD-FUUngFor busy people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothingtotakeapart.Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full,ready to write.AU the best dealen eTefY·wbere-8t.&Uonen, UruK­Illata. Jewelera-bandle theConkun I'en or can mppl,.ItlV� �,:�s;to�!ii:!m��tountalu penl qr best cra4e.100 atJIM and liz", to �leet= lOO"n Iu our eata10cA��f�J�n!f1::talD pen repaired promptlJ.THI! COli KLllC PEl' CO.11Mb ,...� A-. T ...... O'.... 1lf'nCeaU1a s.u.nDla::'" ......... __ ..-6earn dividends."Mr. Hooker also attacked the finan-night and had a long discussion upon LIT A�D PHILOSOPHY TOthe question of scheduling football HOLD DEBATE TONIGHTgames with Iowa and Wisconsin for I ,cial plan of the ordina�ce in fall. These two schools demand Winner of Contest Will Meet Victor Mr. James Weber Lmn, of the de-. .tlat the games be played under the of Arts-Science Debate - Latter partrnent of English, and Professors,Postponed to Spring. Merriam and Freund, and Messrs.'__ Hatton and \\'oodhead replied to theT MB:g Nine" rules, to which the Neb­raska board is distinctly opposed NOPhilosophy College will meet Lit- speaker.conclusion was arrived at. however.�nll -he final decision was put off. erature College in the preliminariesof the Junior College debating series SENIORS LIKE AUSTRALIANtonight at 8 o'clock in Cobb Chapel. BALLOT; IS UP TO JUNIORS Fnones :WET GROUNDS INTERFERE The winning team will meet the sue- )ffice. H.P 1788. Residence, H.P. ¢IWITH PRACTICE GAME cessful trio of debaters in the Arts- Senior College Council Decides for mr. jfub mil. flarktrScience contest. New Election Plan-Before Junior me. ltaipb mil. flarknVarsity Wins Fifth Practice Match Council Today DENTISTSThe preliminaries between Arts and • ',From the Freshmen Yesterday Science debating teams, which were The Australian ballot system for )249 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 63rd St.--iit Sinte of Slippery FIeld. I, ai��-��I��dt1le�1 for this week, have, by class elections is to be pushed by the Hours ()-12. 1:3':'-5·I the mutual consent of the rival teams, Senior College Council. At a meet- -------Varsity baseball players won their I btl til tl d k ing held yesterday afternoon theeen pos ponce un I ie secon wee·fifth practice contest from the Fresh-] f I" . t Australian scheme was brought before,Ot re sprmg quar yesterday afternoon on Marshall! O· t di t tl b the council and passed upon favor-. ' wmg 0 a Isagrcemen, Ie su -Fie,ld, although the work of both I' f I' . f l' d id d ably.icct or (ISCUSSlon ormer Y eer cteams was marred by wet grounds. I b b d d S· The plan wi1l be put before the Phoa-upon las een a an one. cience ..The first year men showed marked I C II '11 bmit ti f th Jt:nior College Council at its meeting U6l1yde Parko egc WI su nu a qucs Ion or cimprovement in fielding. Captain I I f tl 't C 11 d this morning. I f it meets with favorapprova 0 ic Ar s 0 ege e-Cleary starring in several plays. . b t Maurie T P' S 1 E here, it will be, brought before theI a ers. ,,\ aurrce . rrcc. amue .The line-up follows: : Putnam and Jerome Frank will reprc-Freshmen-Collings. 1. f. : Cleary, It,\. t 1 J C' B· owman,,_ I sen .. "r s, am . rarg n3d b.; Rockwell, p.: Slater. S.S.: Red- ICharles T. Maxwell and Otis Ballfield. ad h.: Sheldon. c.: Peguis, r. f.: will uphold the honor of Science Col-Preston. c. f.: Sunderland. rst b. the Australian system, and it islege.Varsity-Templcton. s. s.: Nathan, thought probable that it will put into2d h.: Srachling, p.: Moulton. 1. f.: WILLMaddigan. rst b.: Van Patten. r. f.::anWH�RIt do you.get yourNew.paper •• PerlocUcal. aD43t.tlOD.�.At NOf\.TO�SPre.: iJciivcryats 57 th Streetgs.y'.X various classes for ratification, andwill be passed upon by the Junior andSenior deans.Sentiment generally seems to favorMOLIERE operation by next year.ONSPEAKg'i\e 9\oot StuJic-KIll BAL:;:. BALL243 W� Ave.Original Ideas �JJlIt Exclusive Styles inPHOTOGR.APHSSpecial R.:at�. t·) 1I. or c. �'udeDt.l,. Will EXAMINATIONS NEXT WEEKG:!arde. v.: Dickinson, 3d: Davenport. Mr. HobartCo f. Chatfield-Taylor,Meet Miss Wallace's Class Today. Finals to Run on Regular Schedule,lilt WILLIAMSON TO llr Hobart Chatfield-Taylor, the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday'SPEAK AT MICHIGAN 1 prominent Chicago litterateur, hasI hccn invited by :\Iiss Wallace to speak The regular (Iuarterly examination�Instructor In French Will Also En· to her class on "::\Iolierc" this morn- for the wintcr CJuarter will bc heldter'tain Wolverines With Typical 'ng at II o·clock. :\[r. Taylor recent- next \Vednesday. Thursday. and .Fri-,day, :\Iarch 20. 21. and 22. The usuc\lSongs. :y puhlishcd a biography of :\Iolieref -chedulc- of hours will be �arried out.:1I1c1 is now working on a history 0! '1' follows:llr. Ii Iram Parker \\'iliamsoll will French comedy. It is on this suh-S. J'cct thc .. t he "'1;11 speak. The le"tur.' R :JO c1asses- \V ecl.� 8 :30-1 i :30.Ing and !Iiscuss typical Frcnch songs .. n ... ��t ,Mich i;.:an to-night. The ::\Iichigan is intended primarily for the class but .() :.10 classes-Thurs., R :30-11 :30.Oaily �<,:-, of him: others who are interested in the .sub- IT :.10 classes-Friday. 8 :30-11 :30.j('ct will be allowed to hear :\Ir. Tay- 12:00 classes-Wed., 2:00-5:00.2:00 c1ass('s- Thurs., .2 :00-5 :00.J:OO cla ... ses-Friday. 2 :00-5 :00. 'W£BSTER!SINTERNATIONALDICTION.AR..YTHE ONE OREAT ISTANDARD AUTHORITY.t�an �F.��T':rRt;;ii�TkRNA�ioN;:tDICTIONARY th:.t it is:-The Standard of the Fc-,Icral ano Stale Cl"lIr',.!1 he Standa,d 01 the (;()vt. Prinlino;: (,ff,rC'!T!-ae R:>"isol nearly "lithe Schoolj,ool;�! In·d 'rsco 1>y c,·ery School SUf.t. ? t; niver·!: 11, recomm .. ndc.! l.y Collc!:e 'rc"idcn'� andt:Juc:,tor,,! .Th; Standard lor over '.1'/;'0 01t .. C :!'cw"paper�.1�1� TO )),\.TI: an.l 1tl-:t.I,Un.l:.2,1M l·age80 UOOO 11I .. "tratinnl'o'�"'_I'1 "CHI Xnt 0 .... "_h R r .... 'k fWu"n:1t'" C'OLLIMIAT. D1CT1o�AnY.Til. la.pst of mar .brWlr""'''''' n"&:1Ilor..... TI.I" I'a(",r .. IIUC'IIA. Cn ... �1 for___ nno I\�" t'OII�lli .. ,,_UI6 [''''fOal "':SD It,O ILLnTJl"TlO� "-IIBasketball Notice. IThe following basketball men are IUl' hi� 11;li\,crsity work for a musical Students and Faculty to Entertain notifjerl hy Dr. Raycroft to be at the'c:\retr. ! r e is said to possess a full. Graduates this Afternoon. --tl t t .' • h TIl' . C 1�I 1 S rec 5.atlOn ot t e 10015 en-:rOund \', .icc which is well suited to a tral tonight at :; :45 o'c1ock: Captain Ipr�grall1 such as he will give. Stuclent� and faculty of the T)ivin- Houghton. Schommer. Ruhlig. Henn·.1'Proi('<:sor \Villiamson has spcnt a, ity !'chool will gi\-e a reception this Georgcn. Carter. W:\lker. Falls. al;t11�rge part of his life in France. He; afternoon in Hitchcock Library at 41 Page. ih one of thc lcading French schol:us: o'clock. for Frederick C. Aldinger, Iin Chicago and holds thc position of: .\lton E. Rigelow and Kuoisaburo The Dramatic Cluh will hold a bus_If)resident of the ;\.l1iance Francaise of' Xabgu,\,:\. who graduate this quarter. inc"" rneetin� this afternoon at 4that city. Th�se who ha",e heard him' A. E. H;g'('low will make a short o'clock in Cohb 8 n. The purpose��\'e 111I1Ch to say for his ahility a5 arldr('�s for the �lttclents amt Dr. A. of the meeting' will he the ele(�tion ofI �peakcr and singer" ; K Parker will speak for the f;-.culty. I officers_"The .' rincipal interest of thc eve­ning, j� expected to lie in :\Ir. \Vil­ii:lmsoll·, singing. I n this connectionit may he notcd that ::\Ir. \Villiamson lor. who will speak in English.DIVINITY SCHOOL TO RECEIVE"·:lS at • :1(' timc on the point of giving----s- ..Wnte lor .c 1 he SIOTJ of a Hook "-l-'rce.O. I: C. MERRIAM CO.,SnlNr,l'1& L!>. )hs�. U. S. A.GET THE BE!o!T.I Send Your"Name toSpaldingA CATALOGUE OFSpalding Athletic Goods.�I en t io n ··'ha t sport you are inter­ested III :IIIU ask for a list of collegeand ,dIClU! supplies.The Spalding Athletic LibraryTe xt hook . on every athletic sport10 cents per, copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Order Dept.A. G. SPALDING &: BROS.126 Nassau St .. New YOI'k.149 Wabash Ave., Chicagl).--------- ----BfSURf.Yau are Correctl,DressedI t will make you feelbrighter and betterand convey the im­pression" that yourbrains are paying div­idends.The World LikesProsperou� PeopleOur Sorine StylesAre Now Ready1\. N. JERREMS, Manager.Tailor for Young .en.Either store131 La Salle Street, and" JacksOn Blvc1�OUR SPRINGSTOK 15 READYA large selection ofSpring Overcoatings attempting prices.200 styles of FancyVestings.PRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests $20 to $5020 to SO5 to 15..,ILLIAM .lERREMS· SONS.\;lark and Ad�zn. Sta.AN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED?I .� (. � .l'�I � .•: l� ; j,:. : '� ;.} t"t: 'rI ,.!{ THE DAI LY MAROON. �HicA.GO. FRIDAY. MARCH IS, 1907.,-' - _--CENTRAL LEAGUE CONTEST ,\LUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUES ,ORATIONS DUE APRIL l FIRST NUMBER YESTERDAyi TOMASOSCHOOL and-- I ORCHESTRAFinal Contest Between Columbia. Cor- (Continued {rom page I} i -,.nell. Ohio Wesleyan and ChicalO ,---- --- -.----- '511 KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO,To Be Held Here April 26., thc literary work done by Chicago I MANDOLIN LESSONS. $�.some n and women. IThe Central Oratorical League COII- The first edition. published yester-]test will be held at Chicago. Friday, <lay was sent out to paid subscribers!April .26. The League is composed .uul has been exhausted. A new edi-:oC four universities. Columbia, COI'- .ion will be printed for the under-:nell. 0111'0 Wcsle van and Chicaeo, rruduates. The magaziuc will beJ ... Phone Harrison 80:;The prl'liminary contest to Sl'lcct a ')Iaced on sale at the Press �londay: ����������_������������������_���Chicago representative in the League morning. Separate l'opil's w:11 sell icontest will be held dur ing the first at 25 cents each, but a spccia l rat e ]week of April. Papers will be due of $1 a ycar has been granted WApril 1 and the contest in speaking is ':ndl'rgraduaks in residence 1.y theset for Apri! -to All orations should 'roard of control, To those not in res­be handed in to Professor S. H. Clark . deuce. the price will be $2 aand should bc limited to sixteen min- '(.'ar. The price to alumni is $2. thisutes in actual delh·e�y.·· All ca�l(li� -um including thc annual $1 dues todates for th,: baccalaureate or master's . he Alumni taking full work arc eligible The cover design is the work offor the honor of representing the Harvery B. Fuller. Jr .. one of the as­school. A scholarship for thrcc qua r- sociate editors.ers will be given to the winner of the �ranaging Editor Faith weather said c -1GENTLEMEN.HO .Iua FGI.nuIUTIEIS. UD COIINII• EARlIE ...... 'BOSTONGART.ERTHE IECOCIIIZ£D STAIDARD.... The NIlDe II'.tamped on everrol. �·1 .... -'fJ. -��y, CUSHION£LN"r BunONCLASPLIES runo THE LEO-IEYERSLIPS. TWS lloaUlfASTEIS Music Furnished for - - - -----.---All Select Occasions.College Men in DemandLast year we placed over I,seo college and technicalschool graduates. Advance orders already received ex­ceed those of a year ago. A few good summer positionsopen. Call or write today.OEO. ftOftOO . .-u-.n. .......... tJ ••. A. • •• HAPGOODS •••The National Organization of Brain Brokers.Hartford Bldg., Chicago, Ill.__ ."ALWAYS EASY,..._-'I,>reliminary contest. yesterday "We are planning to inter-LITERATURE IN TRIPLE I AT THEest every Chicago mall and womanTIE FOR SECOND. PLACEBLACKFRIAR AUTHORS ;Ii the magazine, whether alumnus of; UNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWRITE ANOTHER PLAY the old University or of thc new andll WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON l'WO FLOORSMinor League Series Closes With the big undergraduate body of the Wl.a...L FIND A SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER MENUDefeat for Senior College-Game' Farce ·Comedy by H. A. Hansen and Uni liE' f WILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEmversity as we. ry Issue 0 IFast and Close. F. A. Klein to Be Produced on the magazine will aim to represent all I Serving only the Best the Market Affords111 to 111 RANDOLPH STREETApril 19- equally. There will be a new coverWe make a Specialty of Club, Fraternity Dinners, Etc .Literature closed thc inter-college design next month. as well as changesbaskctball S-l'rl'es by '�ncing hom the Th . f -Th S g' 'Ir b '.. ���������������_F_'_in_e_s_t_O�._rc_l_le_s_·t_ra�i_n_t_h_e�C_�_y����e premiere 0 e ava e .:.\ . in the grade of paper. the cover e-ISenior in extra time yesterday af- Splurge," a farce comedy in two acts ing of a slightly heavier grade thantcrnoon. Thc contest was the fast- by Harry Arthur Hausen and Floyd the pages of the magazine."est of the twenty-one played. and its Alvah Klein will be produced in the The number of advertisements incloseness can be judged from the fact' theater of the Masouic temple of the magazine show a good businessthat ot the end of the two halves the Woodlawn 011 April 19 by the alumni beginning. Harvey \Velling is thescore was IJ to 1.'. After over four association of the :YlacCormac schools husinegs manager of the magazine.minutes of extra play, Stewart re- of Chicago. The authors are thc Un i-ceivcd a long pass, and made the win- versity Sophomores who wrote "Sure MANY HIGH SCHOOL ENTRIESning points, closing the series at Enough Segregation." this years15-13'. Blackfriars play.The victory puts Literature in a tie Inasmuch as "The Savage Mr.with Philosophy and Arts For second Splurge" precedes thc production ofplace in the University race, in which ':he Itlackfriars it will be the first per- McKinley, Oak Park. Lake View.Law won the championship last weck. forrnancc of a Klein-Hansen play. Northwest Division and MarshallKelly and More starred for the vic- Parts are now being assigned and high schools filed entries yesterdaytors, while Harriman and Boyer were 'popular Hyde Park and Woodlawn with Dr. Raycroft for the �hird pre­the best of the Seniors. Webb played 'people will be in the cast. There is liminary of the Cook County indoora good game. no music in the play,. th eentire ac- championships to be held in the gym-The final standing in the series for tion centering around a definite nlor nasiurn Saturday night. Oak Parkthe University championship is: development. enters 21 men; McKinley, 17: North-Law................. 6 0 1.000 west Division, 14: Lake View, 6, andLiterature ,....... 4 2 .667 INTER-F�SHIIAN D.UAL Marshall 3, making a total of 61 en-Philosophy 4 2. .667 MEET POSTPONED. A. DAY tries,Arts 4 2 .667 .A dual between McKinley and Oak B· I. ·Senior 2 4 ·333 Varsi� Yearlings to Leav.e Tomor- Park is expected, although individual l e e USlneS5 raInIng •.. 167 row for Return ·Struggle With 11- stars on other teams should score in AND.000 linoi&-Page and Glore Out. certain events. Jery Dillon. of ·Mc- S hKinley will probably be the individual.. tenograp f.. IHOLD INTER-CLASS RELAY On account of a misunderstanding star of the meet. Oak Park hopes DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL IIAT ONE-O'CLOCK TODAY of dates, the athletic authorities at I1- to win by taking thc majority ofJ d I· I I Students May Enter at An7 Time.linois have asked a postponement for scconr an t nrr paces.Teams of 12 :1,5 and II :15 Gym one day of the track meet between its H. W. Bryan� Pres. 1CI T Speed T k FIVE MAROONS ENTERasses to est on rae freshman track team and that from 1 ::==============This Noon. WISCONSIN RELAY MEET L. Brent -/aughan. U. of C,"9I, I.the University. and the contest will Manager.take place tomorrow, instead of to- jl,5-J.l1 Wabash Ave.TI I I sse' Merriam. Quigley. Barker. Grover and1(' 11:15 ant 12:15 gym c a :. night. The Varsity yearlings w:11arc to hold their annual inter-class rc- lea,'e tomorrow morning at 10 Shuan to Compete at Madisonlay touay in Bartlett gym at I o·clock. o'clock in charge of Walter :\h.A,'oy. Tomorrow Night.All mcn who were ablc to make I� Coach Friend taking care of the' Va1-4-5 or better wcre chosen for th� sity relay team.tca��._._ I�<:_ exact nltmb�r an.<!:;. All the freshmen 'are in tr:m for thesonnd of the tcams will not be decid- struggle. and are. anticipating acd until the heginning of the rac('; harder fight than was put up at theThe ml'n picked in the tryouts arc: first meet. which th�y won by a count12: 1,5 Class-F. Be,·an. captain: of 45 to 24. Thc men to take theKahn. Hicharcl�. Chandler. Jordan. trip are: Captain ungle. Taylor. AI­:\dalll�. �Iorri�on. Carr. Ul1Irich,Tre�- len. O·Rricn. Hough. Jacobs, Garrett.t1{ .. I.ake. Conant, I (,·rger. Grcgory. Horn. Orchard. :\o[:tcNei�h. Mal·om·Kinlo!'. BllIlllcnth:d, :\. It. Hcnderson, her. IIl1hbh-. �forgan. \Vcndt. :\. C.)lillcr. Hoffman. and :-;. B. Johnson. The ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORA.GE CVnPANYPhone Hyde Park 571. Ki�bark Av. &Fifty-SixthSlThe Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed andShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for Pianos.Rooms for trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carriages, Buggies andSleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local Transfers for Baggage, Furniture, Packages, etc., at short notice.Special Attention Given to Universty Orders.Sixty-one Preparatory School Ath-letes to Compete Tomorrow.PATRONIZEEst. 1856 THIEBRYANT Ci STRAnONBusiness College UNIVERSITYPHARMACl's()o E. 55th Street.R R. BO_W �N. Prop.Offers SuperiorAdvantages in HaveYou The YouWinTipBeen Top LikeThere? Inn ItScience '"Divinity , 0 56Top floor ofThe Pullman Company Buil�'gCor. Adams St. and Michigan Ave." BORDElf-SCond __ d'MiIk. Fluid .... en.and B.ttenDiIk.Au. Born.o ,. 111& COu ....Borden'. Condeued IIilk c..327-.}29 It Ferty-�dI 9L1{C::-lfit:'lu'f' • Phone" .;3 Arhngtoll i·1. L�kc Vic\¥ lC.l�I'ho�c H a I rison 1644 �_-_�._-_---_-_- _-_-_-_-:.-:.-:.-::.:.-_-��_" : I:; Cla�:'--\\·hipp. Satisfied that thc Univcrsity has th�f:t .. tcst <llIartet of mi1ers in the wes!.�he Var!'ity relay team has heen en­tcrc(l in thc \Visconsin relay meet :-.t�1:1dison Saturday night to cont(.·,4for the Confe:-cncc indoor relay cham­);on�hip. �1 erriam. Q\ti�1l'j·. Ba ri.·,".Gra\'es and Shuart will compo�c th .. ·d k t '.I."(II·�·Oll <"" t I For Sale-�c\\' completc !'ct His-sql1a ta '('11 0 .\., ;,;� lin :1','mornin�. Th{' fir�t three are .:.url' of tnrial1'� Hi!'tory of the \Vorld. Out­I('ok Puh. Co.: 23 \·ollllllec:;. practically!>Iacc .... hut the choice h{·t\\'l'{'11 Gra\'l':''1111 (I' cll .... ·lp Pholle \\'entworthand Shuart will flepen(i Oil tl1l'ir CO'I- I S 'f . ,.. ArcGoldsmith's Orchestra� GoJdsrr:ith, Director.1;J'·ce. Cable �>iano Comp:my..Jabash and Jackson. CHICAGO.Patronize 1);lily �Iarnoll .\\:\·.:m�c:'Thcycaptain: team will be without the services of (Hion at th(' la!'t minute.Knapp. Elllcry. Schmidt. Ford. Rell- Glore in the mile ancl Pagc in th(' . _The ':'lh·CC�S of the �larool1 fl·1ay ,ton. Gifford. Bernard. �atanson, half. hoth of whom were figured upon Lo:-t-:\ round hrooch pin, sct WIthl1'cn "0 far thi .. s(·a ... on and la.;,t.mak�'� ')l1e la-O'c turnuoisc and six diamonds.Chri�tnph. ]. �lorisoll. Rlackiord, to \\,;n th(';r ('\·cnts. ... '1it pr:lctically certain that. harring :1(,- Lost St:nday afternoon on the Cam­Frid .. teill, Zci�ll�r. Haimfllrthcr. cident. th('y will have no difficulty in pns or in one of the t·'liversityAn· :Hl. in The Daily Maroon is a landing championship honors from huildings. Finder please notify TheTelephone your want ads to the good investment. Have you tried it? the field that is cntercd. Daily :\:aroon 0,ffice, and communi-Daily Maroon. 426 Hyde Park. cate with owner.--------���----�--�--�--.--------�------------��--�--t. c" MOO.RE� FLORIST" 272 East 55th Street. Chica.go.---------. TELEPHO •• HYPB PARK ,. ---------Illin •