.. .- .,. \: . Itt�be lDaiI)2! /.. ,/. ,CHICAGO. THURSQA Y, MARCH 14, 1907. Price Two Cenr-.)�,! --._ ----.�ESmENT ROOSEVELT ASKS Y. M. c. A. ELEQS NDJemCos I CIiAIPIOISIIItHllll$.8f JO oft.osi-'IBACTlON ORDINANCE I JUNIOR ClASS ADOPTS.: STUDENTS 10 BE LEAOijlS :�njversity, Associ-bon Holda ADImal A. A.U. GB:T8TR8t� :. :,GMco-'£._�"���- CAP t.1D ,GOWI, REPORT';:'�k'c!iOQ Lat- Ni&lK-r�· IN [ �,OIl.. bal" 'etie n : Dn+� t jCinc League Given Article by Chid' Membership---Swall._ to � at Capt;rin Ruaaar. 1IeD.,- WIIL- '. Wilt lIIIIpQp;. ta, w..;..L.. YI8bcr: T� , .-.-Exec:utl,'e-.UnpubI:shed Part of' End.of Year; No Suce:ssor in Sicbt. Indoor Jlcet: by Score of 3O.PoiDtII .... n:icl*ia�co. Chapel. . P1aI:w L\J� Fuhlicatiall of � Ap--Central Y )I C. A. Sec Del. - proved Unanimously-'Ibin:7;;.6vc',' H:lr v �rd Speech. I' RemrrJLt of y, wr.C:A,]iJcctjjga F'_A. A...U ��., __ 0� ,�n,���u�n_�f.��--'� !';f..fP: _�:-d ��� ,', ,,'PREFERS WORKERS TO 'CRITICS '.\I:lurice T� :}-·'rice ....... ,� ... President I " " ,F, .' ... _-.' • ed la-st. Thursday-by Walter- Isner., . •. k B V' Presid body Makes Wonderful Rua.-. upbolding the - street car ordinances SoPhorT;(ue C� to' y�)e at flpeaJl',' r.m e,,-an , ICe- rest ent . I :. , , 'Meetj , .,. � t Me . ..Says College Men Ought to be'Part -vrthnr W. Hummel, Treasurer Merriam Seta Hew Record. Atr:' George E. Hooker. will speak to-' Ig'. or®rrow mmg Inf G . M N th Go ..,. F kh S . :Right in C' bb Cha-' M" Hook r Kent Theater.o overmng ass, 0" e v- vcorgc un ouser .- ecretary J ndoor track championship honors o�, 6. eerned, went to the University track team in .will point out. his objections to the The plan formulated by the com-The annual: election of officers Ior the 'ann' ual meet of t',} A.' A. u.. a't pcndillg grants. The lecture will be.. mittce of the Junior Class Oil the(Copyrigh t, 1907, by Intercotlegiate the University Y. M, C. A. was held Tattersall's last night. .The Maroons giver!' under the auspices of the Politi- future management and issue of theCivic League.) last night in Cobb Chapel. The men taled h' . tw�ty-five cal Science Club.tOL4UC t rrty points- to Cap and Gown was adopted yesterday.o.r the fo�r.offices had been-practical- for Central Y. M. C. A. The' C, A. .Mr. Hooker -is Mr. Fisher's chief morning by the class in a meetingAn article by President Roosevelt.v decided upon' before the' meeting, .opponent on the question of transporis printed in this issue as one of the J '- A. team was third with fifteen, and . , . -held in Cobb chapel" at 10 :30 o'clock ..md for imost of them' there were no Illinois, touted to win, was' fourth ration, These. two .men _have had a .Althougb the meeting had beenIntercollegiate Oivic League series . di d .number of inter, esting .tilts.. since ,the.ipposmg. can rates,, with thirteen. scheduled for some time and well ad-Frank Bevan.in making a .speech as F h d d present municipa! . campaign began.our firsts" ,t ree secon s an .orte vertised, only thirty-five' ()f the two[he retiring president of the associa- third, gave 'C,aimvn Russell's .team Last. Saturday Mr. Hooker spoke. be- hundred and, fifty members of the. id th t th t impoi tant '.. r· t· fore. the City Club in opposition .. to .f_lion, Sat a e mOS.l r first honors. First and second places .cia� •., were pr,:;cnt, T.l:�s number waswork__ b,e. fore. the organization for .the were- taken .In ...• _. 0 even t' s. the. �rdi�anc:es. . b' .. -�;.... ....,.. a out equally divided between' thecC'lrl'fng' "'ear is a lively cam,. paign for 'J�"- ,. L'·t. h":b' -d" ,':-.1:tJe ,spea.kc:r, fOf, t,onigM is a .leaderJ "j immy ig t o y. runmng unat- men and the women.ncw members. t a ched, .w·ron the m.ile run ,i,n the ree- ntncmg the. stu.d.ents .. of traction. He... • J The adoption of the plan by, ·th\!George D. Swan, secretary- ; in ord time of 4:24 in' ,a wo'�derfu,1 race w.as '. secretary of the original Juniors paves the way for the final-: 'charge of the Unive�sitY, Y. M. C. A., against Buechler o{.,the Y. M,' C. A,. Harlan, commission, and did the,main, . work , of. _ 6L""." . b_ od y, in, the way of acceptance of the report. The pres-nas .announced that be will resign at Eleven 'and four-fifths seconds were "'... ..."t .. t" . ti ti '. B: :ent Sophomore class, which will haveth� ·'end of the present ye.�r to take ia clipped ,off the _ former r�cord' �f ranspot .. il I,on. . mves Iga Ion. . e- . ,.' ! .' L '.. h I I . -, .; charge of the annual next year,; 'Willpo!>ition in charge of th,e boy's de- Post ,.0f-·lITI·scon· s:.... sides" ��owmg. t e . pca . slt�a�I.� ..n _. I .consider the. plan at a meeting to-partmellt of the Seattle Y. M:. C. :A� Me'rriiult set another record' in 'the ,tho.t:Ql!gbly, _he is_ f;lmiJiar with._ tHe,, I 'T I morrow morning at 10:30 in K�ntThe man in t}lc 1>0sitjon which Swa.n 'A;";.: Williling the sprint in· :51 4.,.5, one- cQnditions jn all the _leading cit�cs of� Theater. There is liUle d�ubt· ex-� 'la' • •n" salary and devot"s '. , ,-.I f W II � th".e· Un. ite.d S.tates .. an.d. EQrope. .M. r ..no s· IS give..., � fiftl1 of a second a lead 0 a er.. d f h f'l fpresse 0 teal ure 0 the .5.chemcIlh' t' t th . k fth Y...... . Hooker,. has__ s_tudied_his_s.ubject fora" I. f.. . I,me ° e Wor .0 e . .lU.' .Inns". t·rec, .. o.r, d. Quigl�y was a. strong t I h d If '�- :.-'. . . d' h' h l' b bOP ease t e secon year men. It·c _A. '1 n addition�' he,: is'. in active se-c�-�:..... .>-'. tell years, unng _w IC Ime e ¥. d b h .. .:,i.���.r"" ........ , .. �..".� ���lo:' -,-0;.": .. -.' : '. " '" -,,_ " •.. -.. ' ,�' ,'.. �,/\_- IS_,:',!-JF!'��� •. ;.� � ... ��.:�.��._,,,�I_IL_g�}_n.!�, ,_,. 'cha�e 'or ;:)nell "ml (. '_l'qi) 'acii 'fl!-"S .. �.'" : .. BarKei' -t� - the �iW-mi1C-�n-:-' - t . e r ,-". - -- �. < -_ �.... .� '--.- . - ;. f d·' 't' ,:, 't'::-:r, force Wh�n ratified bY" the- Boar�OI' ..; ·b�:ve ._vet been take. n' 100. king to :3 fa"".t· tl'me'of 2.'04 1-5. leading from the OI;;u:antJg_up.pomts.o - ISPU e' Qn ra(-··.. '.."., . . -. " Sttldent Control. Dean Lovett tbe_ -start .ano never passed in the race. t.011 matters. He·ls now secretary qf'. . '-.• 'h C't CI b . chairman of thiS board. has. said thatb 11 . h t e· 1 y u., '. . . " buart, y� '3 ,ste ar spnnt at t e the plan will ,be approved if adoptedTO BREAK :THE STRAIN �OF finish. passed M'cGinley of untral at Several of the political science an� by the two classes."CRAMMING" WITH DANCE I I' d dd d 1h e nAints niore political. economy. classes have dis-t Ie me. an a e re ... �. . " '\ The Junior meeting yester. day. wasSt ff d th old dal in cussed the features of the traction or-. e en securc e g me ,-' " .r t Chairman Kramer of th. ed I· I I dl f f . ·<fi .... RCes duri,ng the past week, and :t ve y amc.the 6o'-yar ug 1 lur es rom a ast 'mjniber of students in these classes committe!!. reported that the plan waslield. Taylor. with good chances for ' .. _.. , .'have signified their intention of at- the result of long consideration on thesecond place and a fighting chance ". th I • h d part of the committee, and that con-the fourth te:ndmg e ecture �omg t an enter-'ng into an arg\imel'\t with Mr. Hook- ferences had been held with memberscr. He.-like Dr. Fisher, will hol<! an, to . 'SW4Ul.: '. ,jReynolds Club .Informal' Saturday. Night To Be Last of ,the Wmter" �,:,;,of thc Sophomore class in workingout the details. Various plans inor.eration at' �ther -colleges had been.c��sidcred, and - the' best points incor­I)Orated in the' suggested plan.of for fi:-st, stumbled overTh(' last Reynolds Club informalL hurdle and was out.the winter quarter will be held Sat-Iddings, wearing tee Maroon. c1ear-urday night. Inasmuch as this is to be open discussion after the regular lec-ed the bar at II feet 5 inches, tyingthe final recreation before the exami-\ .. :th Norris,' after' Grear of Illinois tere.nations. students are expecting, to had set a new rna rk of I I feet 7. Thehreak the strain of "cramming" and MEIGS WRESTLING CHAMPIONMaroon star won out for second inturn out in large numbers, The-re- \V ).1 Ruffc tl' d th tthc jump off,' ciearing I I fe�-t, j� after Defeats Alezander in Wrestling . ..,.. or�.' lcn, move arorc: both "floors of the club will be . hc report be adopteo without beingthe lIIini star had failed. .'- AI H d F' hused. Lawrence will furnish the mu- ... atch tcr a ar 19 t.At the start of the relay, a due1 be- (';!<I in fulL. This motion was second·President Roosevelt.�opyri:.:l �, 1!)04, by Pat'h Bros .• �. Y. sic as on previous occasion�.- No onetween Chicago and Central, it waswill be admitted without his member-(!vident thfat this event, counting fiveship card. There will be no grand would decide the meet, as with pol� Meigs won the inter-collegiateheavyweight wrestling championshipby defeating Alexander yesterday.:\Ie:gs weighed 1(4 and thus had a ;!d. anti there being no discussion, avote was �alled for by PresidentHewitt. The meeting was unanimous�n favor of the report. A vote ofor. ci"iC' ;: lid polit:cal questions. This march, th� dance beginning at 8:30is part .. i the President's recent ad- o'clock.dress to the Hap'ard students pre- vault, points undecided. the� score�tood 25 to. 23 in favor of Central.Lingle ran a game "race in the ·firstquarter, b\�t 'finish�d' fh-e feet behin·d. thanks was thcn given. to the mcm­decided advantage over Alexander,�ho weighed but 133. But Alexan­der. who holds the middleweightchampionship, is well built and full ofgrit. g..ve Meigs a good fight. It hers of the committee, who had draWllup the plan. This committee con­Sisted of Alvin 'F. Kr.lmer, chairman:Wellington D. Jones, and Paul K.Judson.Like other presidents, the new ex­\;ously l'npnhlislll:d, -Following is the l'cuth'e of the Reynolds Club, Presi­article:- dent Hewitt, experienced labor trou� Garrett, however. turned the-" tableshies yesterday, when it was discov.,. and gave Quigley ihree Yards leadercd that Laurence's orchestra could . .. . .Xow. :t ,�'ord which applies to all over Hamilton. 'Th'e Central' sprinter sefmed as if the match would be anot he obtained to play at the club Th I h b . dmen '11 this country who have re- drew a round of applause by passing (I raw. but 'with 15 seconds of the si:.c e on y o! er U5111ess transacteclance Friday night. However, the "Q . ., b I'" '. h'd h' I d . by the meeting was the reading of theceii;rd ; "I.: hem'fits of a college cdn, mg. ut re rnquls e 15' ea an minutes remaining. Meigs succeeded .new officers solved the problem b,y the finai lap when th�' Maroon made in putting his opponent on his back. report of the dance committee. Chair-procuring the servicc�' of Btnson s, . h d 'f . m",·n B .... rker reported tllat tile total. . a stellar sprmt t at starte ... errram .... .•first orchestra. ffifteen yards ahe;,td. With the event HARVARD OPFICIALS VOTE expens('s 0 the dance gi"en la�t weekwon. Merriam took it casy and finish- FOOTBALL'S CONTINUANCE at the Reyn(.lds Cluh amounted to)Hare in Professional Ballmany ,1:li('n'nt kind� of work; but. . cd a score of yards ahead, $17.85, Of this amount. �6.:;o i� "'ill, k' 1 ' I f Ex-Captam Frank Hare of Tmhana. . I T b t' I Ithere l' ',nc ,,"or' 1t1 w ltC 1 all 0 yO�l . Talk of Abolishdlii "POotball at Har- unpaJ(. wo melr1 ers 0 : lC C,),-�h(lll'd ';tkl' p:lrt �imply as' good t�.)th;-dl star and hase�all expert, �as The Si�ma Alpha Epsilon hasket vard Ended by Action of Over- lecting committee have 1I0t a!' yd re'Americ::;1 citizen!'. and that i!' the I s!gnfd to play profeSSIOnal ball With hall, t�am defeated the Sigma Chi seers Y�. ported to him. howe"cr, ancl it i .. ('x-\\o-k (,I' 'l'li.go\'(.'r�;mcnt, Remfmb('r I thc Indianapolis American .<\ssocia- fi,'c at �orthwe5tern Univcrsity Tnes- pc-cter) tl�, the �JO( 1., "ill' iJ:l1:mce, I .. I tioll hashall club. I b f t Th r h' I "1.(' h 13 TI H 1 tl 'f 1 .tItIn thr Ilr,t p ace. that to takc part 111 (ay y a score 0 19 0 9. e game '- am rH ge. • .. arc ,- le ar- W len lC5 Iln( s arc tlrtlc{ ovcr uth(' work of' government docs not in I was thc first of three contests to de· \'ard Roarcl of Overseers decided to- him.the k;t,-\ mean of necessity to hold I :\ meeting, oaf the. B�ackfrjars is I c:de the championship between th� day to contintfe' inter-cbllegiate ath- General l:ltisfaction w:\s expressco!office, It means to take an intel1igent called for t?morrow mormng at 10:30 two teams which have won their way l('tics. including football, under se\'- on the cal:1,ns as a TCSU!t of the ae·d:sintcrc"tcd and practical part in thc o'clock in Cobb 8B. into the finals of the Northwester� cr�l modifications which will be tion of tIl ;r,'!ilttrs, All intcre"ted sel.·"C\"cryd:JY duties of- the average citi, University F,ratemity Basket Bal1 drawn up hy the overseers. The dim- i � fi�' i .. olution of the Cap and GO"'Izen, of the citizen who is not a fad- The Fencibles wi11 meet today a. serics, The purpose of maintainin� ,inntion of thc professional coach ;5 I qTfion, which has vexed the Uni-TO :30 in Cobb 8B. for the purpose of I a fratt'rnity league in basketbal1 is to the most important change which willi 7- ''._ - -(Continued on !>a�e 3) electing new members, de\'cJo� players of v:arsity caJiber. br. made. / (('or:atinaed on page 4.)By Theodore Roosevelt..-- cation: .. '111 what I ha,'c to say on thistopic (. properly be said under theauspice' ,.1 your Political Cluh, Yonh('re ",},"!l yOU gradu:lte will take uptiWS--TH� nAlt..V MAlt�ON. C1UeACO. 't�t11tSnAV. MAttea i4. i�.z·· . CT.:an be checked. The result he pointsout. will be: #!FI---------..:.------_.;_.---I .. fttES'···i�<change than to break forth in a .su­perficia] and manufactured burst" ofc:nthusiasm. to .inaugurate a revolutionthe "Those having power ill the matterwilt find a fairly definite course ofright marked out for them, and wiltnot be inclined-or, if inclined, wiltnot be permitted-to depart muchOlllcl&1 Student Publl(."�u..CIIt jhe UIl1Ht- only to see the Interest wana,. asalt, of Cmove progresses. to, be. snuffed outcompletely when the time for . the...... �. o�.� r: �The UDher !.It chsli.i; Weeki;!'ouDdedTbe WeekI" •. Oct. I, .1882-Tbe Dalll, Oct. I, 1802. climax arrives.This comment is 110t in anticipation from it."that the Cap and GOWIl plan will be a Just tbe- place to hold\ club. and (rate' ni ty dinners.THE· HOTEL lWAROONFIFTY-EIGHTH AND DREXEL AVENUE.Convcnient. Ezc�llent Service. . First-CWa.Come over and eee �.1 about ya'ur next Club Banquet.. Our Lunchroom -is open rntil one a. m. ---cbst 0cortUlwho \1pr..cvaioi.,oPIiLC31wishe:, concel'I ·otherrespecand' :tablemightof anUpon a thorough examination ofthe subject, I find that the addressSubscrlptlon price, :(3.00 Pt'r ,ear; '1.00 It is a privilege to be permitted to books gotten out at the University 0. fCor 3 montha, Subsaiptlob reeehe4 attilt! lluroou omce, Ellla Hull,· or at the vubli.sh ill 'this issue of The Daily Chicago arc perhaps one of the veryFaculty EXchaoge, Cobb 11 all. Orders �laroon a. first hand ar- very few editions that do not includetaken by mall or telepnon .. , Hyde Park President ticle by the President of with the address of each separate stu-"26. Roosevelt's· the United States. dent, his or her relephoue number.Article While this contributio�l This is n fact that should be stronglyu, EUDY ::'ta •• l.RE .... So. '"� by President Roosevelt "econimcn(ted to the Press in gettirigl ". .a .. I .u&Daging Editor.,I-;OWAIW U: I.J.ELSEN�·HAL. New8 Editor. to the I nrer-Collegiate Civic League out their books, for if there is any. EacLlJ'1'UElt U. l<·EUNAI.U, �thletlc Editor is not written expressly for the university which should have accessi-ueonua E. l<·ULLER. lluaiDese Manager., League, .this is the first time it has ble to all the phone numbers of the has nI . d . ocratiappeared in print. It is a part of the . students, it is a col ege situate 10 a Y ALE.'President's address before the Har- 'arge city as the University of Chi- to do.I h f t 1 th ". . is notvard students-a part that was not cago. t ere ore s rong y urge oseanticipated bfcore he spoke, and COil 'who read carefully the maters of cur- StUdents copied our £OLLEGE CORNER Suit Model Last Autuu .. :duty:sequently was not published.- The rent interest to our student body to _ - ,to hi.,>ress "advance" reports did not CO.l' consider_ the question of having the - -THE SPRING MODEL is much handsomer in til.ain this part of the address, which :>hone numbers in connection with the Come in and see it duty,.nakes- this article prancally new to '\ddresses of the students as found i,n conteche outside world. 'he, address books. C!lIII.. �er ,- WI-Ike 185 189 Dearborn St. lect If :. 'h <, � • : '-=' Ie IAnything from the President's pen There seems to be 0 late 'somew at. TAILORS Bank Floor too iwould be read with interest, but inas- which the address books h�ve been or tomuch as this address is parti-cularly issued. The quarter system being used ' mayhere, we hn a gre� fluct�tin'� r-�--�--�---��--�------��---- __ ·I ��lor college men, it will be -of especial 1 " =,sign.ficance _and interest vto students attendanc� each quarter, and to .get University 'Style $3'.00 .per Doz. . nessin the University. The Inter-Colle- the books out once a year is too sel� man'!giate Civic League is to be congratu- dom. What ought to be done is to.: Student's Specia I $3.5'0'·"'�.�::p-�e',r D· o,Z ,legehave the books gotten out in each .calio!lated . on obtaining contributions from .•',i"hirty-tivc members of the Junior consecutive quarter and thus make makethe highest men in the· country, as 'Class met yesterday morning an-t th I bl t th h T' he F·II th t E . ty. S t H .t t• they have, and the thanks of the Uni- em more va ua e 0 ose w 0 can y ·1 .: a ,mp·. ' .. pace :,;a', ,orne. ') apassed the Cap and versity of Chicago for the privilege use them. G. R. Clarke. of jlGown plan, without youdiscusion, without read- of reading the articles should go toFOR PURDUE BOOK STORE ' <f6mOtr' 6 �l\kotO· �tU';'t'O o\"er·'the Commonwealth Club, Chicago's JQ'Y ;:;;zJ.., .. 'ing, unanimously. Thir- h d,representativc, in the Leaguc: Ph H d P ,. ar. ty-five Juniors of a Students �lan C070perative Business one y e ark-16. 243 .EAST 55th STREET y011'1class��oh�dred·a�,fi���W���:�D��E��. ��.m�.�,�m� �==�====================��=��-�seventh of the class-wen! intereste(i., WELL 'INTEN'FIONED': KEN . Telep!tone Calumet 2.. 51 .. , "6' th'·' .-';:' . ..1 •u: .. 1.::'" " are .(nough t d A' movement is now on foot among .. CIIIU � ." I 'e 0 appear an vote on the 6-' nl.,D lOt· h.·'· Si�:: L':�_ I�Y.'e�.. ",I_:,,fII1 . co'mtnal Cap and Gown proposition, the the students of. Purdue university· to -I."� the ..Michigan Pr�.fessor Says., the: VilJianclimax of a struggle th t hId orga· nize and finance a co-operative' ....'a as astc A1iL P ularly· .�,. 'yed' <:rea ' ." .�I·d,J-�g .. '�. �.�I "wi._e.. my' tthoed!i..... ; op .. �O':Cl .Ut',. -book and .s'upply store, such as is ,..._�_: tioD: � .. IQ.JlIginatioD.' now being conducted 1n most· of the High-Class ��dd�� � Ha�,�� .t�, a&Je/ it yclarge coJleges .. While the idea is not 'U';' S hool-..a· ..The .. viUian a�;popu1arly .�oJlc:�ived ,:nuacs .. c. � ,or ta new one at Purdue .. thi� is the. first Se d f 1':- .: 'is a:.creation of the .im;tgination .. The n or ""f&�. - ":-9pen ,� : thisman: who � ,esPQQ�hle ,fur swe� �rgani�ed atiempt th� has ev�been r----���--�---�-�����-���������� �I��made, and from indications it .will F. rank s. Young. Ph' H.p· . wgmeet with general favor. . The ap- . ' one. .}� , :. ,=::V:�r:�f�;/::�::��r::l!::: :h�:� .YoulIg America' ,lauD.tln :�:��offer o·ne 'dollar shares· in- the stock -JI:BUNI)LES\��ROUGHT IN ANI;) �ALLED FOR· righcompa·ny to be fonned. . Shirts ..•.....••.. c ·ti' _. .. Sc Cc:l3rS.: �.IC. , . u s ����; '��'t- .��;� • �.��� ••••• ·4C.�======��--�--�����--�----�, .Communication.failure, but as a measure of precau­ElI'.j'I.t!() .. t;vcood.Clua *11 at lb. Cbl. tion for similar embarkations 'on fu- To the Editor of the Daily Maroon:cqo P08toOice.ture occasions.'v:.I··'�. " .I' �i ''�.I·· ., .'., � .. 'ASSSOClATE EDITORSc. W.I'altzer, L:erDard I·. llt!lI,l'reetoD Fo. Gus,A. W. HeDdersoo,Warreo D. Foster, llt'lvlu J. Adams.Peter Jl. VUDO, W. I'. MacCrackeDJeromu l'"l'uok, Hurry A. llaDaeo.P. W. I'lu�el·lull. l1a:'\'l'Y B. l-'�lll�r, JrW. !�. llalnatu�tber,1'riuted b>: the MarooD ;"re11847-:1 East ;)5tb Streetl'boDe Hyde- l'ark a�tSnuffedAt theClimaxover two years.Such a display of apathy indicatesthat there is something wrong some­where. There is nothing to be gained. .,.by trying to force enthusiasm and in-terest into people. If they do notwish to take part in activities or helpthem along, that is their privilege;they should be allowed,to sleep peace­fully along in. their chosen atmos­phere. Bu� . it is not fair to thosewho arc interested in the class andthe University to encourage the lead:.ers to fight hard against present con­ditions and then, when the end in,·iew is about to be attained. dropaway anel leave the leaders withoutsupport. This sort of periodic enthu­siasm which IS manifest only whenthere is a chance of a fight. and op­portunity for revolution a�d throw­i�g �t1t th('. e�istin�' "()ppressi\'C re­gimc"-i:, characteri .. tic of s('mi-ci�­lization. It h:lS no place in an edu-cated' conlmu·nity.· "The Cap and Gown (Iucstion h3�heen tinatly settled, thanks to the iil':dustry and conscientious applicationof a few faithful leaders. Let us hopethat when the Sophomore class meetsto carry out the prO\'i:,ion� of th�plan there will be morc than thirty­fivc member� presellt. .\nd in the fu·t\�re wh(,11 radical changes arc pro­p(.�ed .to any cb�s organization let th-:d:ass fir�t (kcir; .. ' (lcfil1itcl) wh('ther ornot the melt1h('r� ("arc euough ;thoutthc change to Sec it to cO�lplteion andscc that the :change is �iven n frtir:trial. Ch�nges for the better are al-. ways advisahle in any activity.Cban�es for the better arc ,s,hops �s a well-intenti9ned .citi�en .. Doworse than ·the �rdinary run. of man­lcind., The man. who corrupts poli­tics does so as a matt�r of c:ourse andis not �onsciously � wrong doer.These are some of the tenets heldby' Professor .Charles � H. Cooley ofthe University 'in �he current numberof the American Journal of Sociology,just issued from the University Press. ,d"The consciously. flagrantly wicked ';" .man is. and perhaps always has been.for the mo�t part. a �ction of denun- ':.ciation:' declares P;ofessor Cooley.'·1 t is not bad will. but lack of will,"he continu�s. "that is !Dain1y the causeof eyil things: they exist outside thesphere_ of �hoice. \Ve lack .rationalself-direction. and suffer not so much£rom our Sins-dark '3� those fuay be�� from . our blindn��s. w�a�es5·1·�:and confusion." :The .r�medy, according to ProfessorCooley, is not in denunciation of thoseapparently .respof1s�ble .but in .a�. edu·cath'c campa�gn to instn1ct those 'con;ccrned in the condition causing theabuses and the means by which they II-----1i"ljGLOVES MAY BE RIGHTAND NOT BE FOWNES··,DU'r THEY cAN'T ,BE, . ./ - ,., -P:' r:'. -;, .. �r��r-r-:FOWNESGLOVES II I Postal.Cards of the WashingtOn PromAn .unique picture of the dance, forsale atMARTYN'S MAROON STUDIO,5705 Cottage Grove A,·c. Also pho­u), of the fame. Send one bome.nl�rks ofpro�ress. when carried out. Rut farmore creditable is it to let a cordi­�ion exist until it is read, for � ,;� 'tJ ! .. ".-, -: •;:AND NOT BE RIGHI... � Albcr t �1:lthe\\'s. Pres. G(·j). II. Fiedler, Vice Pr("!'O. r. J ISS" . I·.·. t rat t ou. rcMathews' & � Co. Inc..'!'HE,TAILOR S:iOP. New. POY'crs Bldg .. 156 W�ash Ave·THE LINE FOR SPRING IS HERE.IT'S· THE B-EST EVER. SEE IT NOW ... �er4. thatself-.' Oleingo\'ctheter­do 1..... 1' •.• - ... ,...,.- ..... .....II.\ ;.·HIIIIP£••r:ireprool'; Storage ';6 "V.an �1�" . t·A:t(· t1riln. gov,naJT.. 1011m�tica. findI��.IItTU� PIAtfOs. 'J'RUNKS, IIBRCHANDID ... p�. 1;)SLIYBRED TO ALL PARTS OF' TH. CITY. D.Peft-·�.. AND� SUBURBS.· '..GeaenI 0fIica..... St. .... CallIIIlet . Aft.'Pbaae*J?oqIaa .)IaoPriftte £sch .. p all Office .. "mt:ans'one. �rs';cant\\'111if }!'t'hc1a�da!thejoirGo;cii!'1Wewit�alSpr'ing Flo",ers in' BlossomVISIT THI: GRI:I:NHOUSI:S NOWPhones: H. P. 18-H. P. 6957.A. �cAPA�SS3d Street and Klm�k·AvenueTHE UN'�ERS'TY PANT!tIQRlUM 'Presses your SUIt every week and shmes your s ....tor $1.00 per month .-.1lJde Park. ma5645 Co�ge. Grove .Ave./ I ,,'•�-LEach man here should feel that h�h 5 no excuse. as. a citizen in a dern-a if I failtic republic like ours, I ic ar Socra . .. Itto do his part in the government..is not only his right so to do, but his'. �uty; his duty both to the nation a�d:.hi self Each should feel if he fallsto Im-,- ..'in this, he is hot only failing in hisduty, hut is showing himself in acontemptible light. A man may neg­lect his politica] duties because he i�too lazy. too selfish, too shortsighted,or too timid; but whatever the reason___ .' ,may be, it is certainly. an un�orthy� .' -1"t3son, and it shows either a ,weak­.ness or worse than, a weakness in theman's character. '. Above all, you col­lege men. remember that if your edu-;cation, the pleasant lives yon lead,make you too fastidious. too sensitiveto take part in the rough hurly-burlyof .jhe actuai work' of the world; ifyou become 50 overcultivated, soover-refined that yoU, can not do thehard work of practical politics, thenYOlt had better never been educated atalJ. The weakling and the coward< . -=--are ��f of place in"a stfo�g ana-free� '. '�(i�rnunity. in a republic I;ke our.�.'"';f/IJ the, governing class is composed ofthe strong men wOo take the troubleto do the work of governm�nt; and-b'."'�r,••. ��.IC",,t, Decided to· Figh� �'1'uckers",IeII..�,:� ;-n� n IL '! MAROON, CUteAM, TltUitSbAY, MAttea �4� t901:-,��������-�-�-'����������������������-�'"r-��������������, #--IDENT' ROOSEVELT AS�SI":shO:ting for me. I ihtend�d to do. itling. If �n .the othe� handYou �reati .. '\: Y,• � UDENl'S TO BE LE�DERS myself; and in .the same way I In- your education as a weapon the morc; �= ....n·; .,O ....... :.!",Le44er":-1"ST." _' __, . '. tended'. to do th(\ governing myself, in your hands. a weapon to fit t� d,,; Tr.l:�:a� "".J.. ur •• 1(Contintled .from page I) t to do my part of, it. I want to see better in the hard struggle of effort,'] r::o!E�::�:.. vou feel the same way. Education is and not as excusing you in any way I a Df'W arUcleor, . loarmooeJback.st or a 'doctrinaire, but who abhor:', (,f �ood' chiefly according to the usc from taking part in practical fashion a'i!s�r:'�b J:=dJrion and dislikes inefficiency,' vou put it to. If it teaches you to be in that struggle, then it will be a ben-: 11®.mJ.corfUVI. " .'I " hes to see decent government: --0 puffed with pride .IS to make you efit to you.\\" 10 \,,�, "', •'1 'It home with genuine equality misestimate the relative value'S of Let each of yon college men re-pr..cval .,'.. b . ,oi opportunity for all men so tar as things, It becomes a harm and not mem er III after life that in the Iunda-:. "can be brought, about: and who it b -nefir. mcntals he is vc!")' much like his fel­It:, h . as far :IS foreign matters are Ed\lc.,tion Without Action Useless lows who have not bcclI to college.\VIS e:>,.·· .j ,ned to see this nation treat alii ',', -rc are very few things less and that' he is to achieve results, in-, concer, c ,••'I ·other nations. g:eat and small, w�tll' (k�l ••• ble than the a,rid culti\'ati�r.. stead or confining himself exclusivelyt • nd if need be with generosity the learning and refinement which tc disparagement of other men whorespcc .. 1•d t the &ame' time .show herself lead merely to that intellectual con- have achieved them, he must managean a ,able tc protect herself hy her own ceit which makes a man in a demo- t(l come to some kind of workingt tl hands ti it like ours 110ld him agreement with tlrese fellows of his.might jrom any wron-rs nt 1C • era IC communi Y I . -of any outside power. self, aloof from his fellows and prideContemptible to Shirk himself upon the ,�eakness whichhe mistakes for supercilious strength.Small is the use of those educatedmen who in after life meet no one tudu-if normally he is unable tobut themselves. and gather in par- work in combination with a consider­tors to' . discuss wrong conditions able body of his fellows-it is safewhich they do not understand and to to set him down as unfit for usefuladvocate remedies which have the service in a democracy. In popularprime defct of being unworkable. �o\'ernment results worth having can"Perfect" Theories that Won't Work only be achieved by men who com-hine worthy ideals with practical goodI remember ex-Speaker Reed speaking sense; who are resolute to accornp-remember ex-Speaker Reed speaking' lish good purposes, but ·who can ac­to me of how easy it was to get an ccmmodats themselves to the give:absolutely perfect theory to meet any and take necessary where work hascondition as long as you kept that to be done, as alomst all important .. ---- .. _.cIl8I:.1W11_ ...theory in the study, and how difficult work must necessarily be done, by'it 'ras ,to. get even moderately good and take necessary where work has,results out of any theory when you (0 be done, as almost all importanttried to apply it to hard facts of ac- combination ....·u;;l life. The judgment on practcalaffairs, political and social, of the menwho keep aloof from conditions. ofpractical life. is -apt to be valueless tothose other men who do wage effec­tive war against the forces of base­ness and of evil. From the politicalstandpoint an edGcation that leads youinto the ranks of the. :educat�d_ inef­.fe�.tive5 is � ha��, -;;� a good� , It isa haTm to all of yo� here. if it servesyou as an excuse for ,refusing to min­Ogle with your: fellows, for standing:tl�of from the broad sweep of our Don't be a ., sub "-get, into the game and be aregular. �u can hold' Jhe hottest kind of ballwith a ' �,�,F'ELDER5� GLOIIE-get one, it _ill help you make your team and the muchcoveted "letter." Rights and len.. 2S cent. to �3-00.THB REACH OFFICIAL AMERICAN LEAOUB BALLts the standard with all I.ealCUes. Adopted for 10 yean bythe Kff'at American �ague. fl, �s each.THB REACH OFFICIAL BASB BALL OUiDB for 1907is now ready. Te-Ils an about tile big Leagues, schedulesrecords, averages, rules, etc. Containll history and photCM ot.the 1C}06 World'lI Series. 10 c�nt. at dealers' or by mall.Alost d�al".rll�JI 0111' Koods; '}_"OI4f'S does "'II "",,;/� us.Gild W� willfill)'()'" ""/t'rs UII 'uriI'I of p,iu.IfP1 Rue B.'lll Cataloguf: PREI�-ask for oae.A. .... REACH CO., 1718 TUlip St., PhiladelphiaThere are times of course when itmay be the highe�t dU1y·,.o£ .� citjzento' stand alone or, practicaUy alone.But if this is a man's normal atti- Send \"'ol!rName toSpaldingA CATALOGUE OFSpalding Athletic Goods.Mention ",hat sport you are inter­ested in and ask for a list of collegeand school supplies,The Spalding Athletic LibraryTextbooks on every athletic sport10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List..Mail Order Dept.A. G. 3PALDING & BROS.[26 Nassau St., New York.149 Wabash Ave., Chicag".And then, moreover, remember,that normally the prime object of po­litical life should' be to achieve r:e-;suits and not merely to issue mani-:festoes-save of course where the is­suance' of such":manifestoes·· helps' t9.achieve the results. It is a very badthing to be morally, citlous� fot' 1I10rall�allousne5sn'�s ·�':dise!t�. But: in-: "Conklin's.11�gj, PenFor busy people,No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.No�hingtotakeapart.Nothing, to spill ..A dip in ink, agJ .. �hof.thumb·�" to nickel cres-,cent ,and thepen is full,ready to ' write.An tbe beetdealen nay-Et.�:�Pm or cali .ppl�tUf 1'O1l IneUt upon a.flDCtt. C ... no moreUIaD oUIei'=:;::.=��= eboltn in oar eata1cc��':e.m:cTI==talD )leD repa1reil prcmptl1-'I'IIE H1'lIELlK PEl!( W.�������----�flammation CW the conscience may bejust as unht'.althy 50' far as' the pub- BfSURfYou are CorrectlvDressedIt will make you feelbrighter and betterand convey the im­p'resslori ., that' yourbrains are ,paying 'div­idends.The World LikesProsperous People .Our Soring StylesAre Now Re�dy"Be Doers. Not Critics" Fhones:)Ilic�. H.P 1}88. Residence, H.P. 961!!Dr. Jab mil. Jlana!lDl'. ltalp� mIl. f)arknDENTISTS A. N. JERREMS, Manager.Tailor for Young Men.Either storeI:J La SaUe Street, and'" Jackson Blvd.i249 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 6Jrd St,Hours 0-12. 1 :30-5.._---_. __ ._- - .. _-_---WHERE do you get yourNe •• paper., PeriOdical. aadatatloa.r7.At NOR.TOWSPre: Delivery:CU8 57th Stre(.·t OUR SPRINGSTOK IS READYPbOIU�U6 Jlyde P:arkA large selection ofSpring Overcoatings atI tempting prices.200 styles of FancyVestings.$20 to $5020tO so5 to ISPRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFanc� VestsAN AD, INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD AN,,.INVESTMENT,AS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED?/ WILLIAM .tERREM.· SON ••\J.ark aDd A .... Ita.",. ,� I �j: :!\ ..It· '.;! .It ,:t ,:,j'tH:11 i .f!�I !.II .,I::t .,1/, rli·I'\. !I' .'I; :..f; �f: 'r,j.It:,III; BRIGHTONFL&'r ClASP G&RTERS--­�OL.::::::TH� D,AILX MA·ROON: CHICAGO, THURSDAY; MARCH· 14, 1907.are wum annually on 4,000,000 legs-the most popular garters forThree more games were played men's wear. The patented' flat clasp brings comfort-the secret is inits non-binding, non-irritating hold. Ifs as flat as a sheet of paper and� rl.e semi-finals of the billiard and pool holdsthesockassmoothastheskin. Madeof pure silk elastic ,,·chbing.Philosphy College and Literature The lir�t meeting of candidates for tournament yesterday. All metal Ftrts of heavy I�ckel plated brass. 25 cents a pair, all ut:alUsCollege will dash tomorr�\' evening tl:e cast of "Sure: Enough Segrega- At billiards, Jessclson and Morse or by mai prepa�d. �or those who prefer a cord garter, we oflerat � o'clock in Cobb Chapel, in the tion," the fourth annual Hlackfriar won their respective matches. while 'LOCK-GRI'.fir st pr e lim iuar ivs of t he Jun10:- Col- product ion, in accordance with the Gaarde defeated Carter a� pool. IIq.!l· dl'i)atin� contest. The subject c.:!11 issued by Coach Cushing. will be The details were as follows: j essel- BRIGHTON G.&RTERS·to be di:'l'us .. cd by the rivn! teams is: held this aftl·rnoon at 3:30 o'clock in scm (145) defeated Reddy (1.25) with: The neatest, easiest and most comfortable cord garter made. TheI I 1'1 . J'1 I rubber diamond holds with a vice-like grip that will never slip. WiD"Resolved, That elective municipal the Reyno us renter. a score: of 89. ll igh r::I1- e s sc rson, notinjurethefinesthose. The smallest, smoothest flattest grip everofficers .. Iiould be nominated by pcti- The scene of the play being laid 1!-7-7: Reddy. 10-54. Avcragv-c-j es- u ied on a cord garter, Finest quality webbing, Metalpartshea1.tion on 1_\,." on the campus of the University of selson 1.81' Rcdd J.J.2. nickel plated brass. 25cand SOc a pair, all dealers or by mail prepai •. ,y, PIONE.R SUSPENDER CO •• 718 Market St.. Philadelphia.The representatives from Philoso- Chicago, and the time being thc pres- Morse (150) defeated Brewer. (115) JlUn"' qf Piora«r 8�(kra.phy Collcsrc, Carl II. Larnbach. C:1t, opportunities f<;>r straight comedy \\ "0 had a score of 106. 1 �igh run-Cha r lc s St r ull and Isaac E. Ferguson puts arc especially good. and �t is :\!orse. 7-i-7: Brewer, II-i-7. Aver-will uphold affirmative. The Litera- d csircd that all "real or would-be ae-, a�{',-l\Iorsel 2: Brewer, 1..�6.ture rc-p rcscnta t ivcs. I.I:,e 1. Levingcr, tors" attend this first meeting. Gaarde (125) defeated Carter (140)Charles Leviton and Lester A. Stern The dates for the production of the who had a score of '123. High run­will defend the ncgntivc side of thc opera have been set for Friday and Carter. 10-8. Average-e-Gaardc. I.I;question. Saturday nights, May 10 and 1 I. Re- Carter, I. 14.The subject upon which the de- hcarsals will begin promptly with thePHILOSOPHY TO �.�EETLITERATURE IN �EB:ATETourney Played Yesterday.BLACKFRIAR CANDIDATESTO MEET THIS AFTERNOONThr.ee Games in---;;'iard And Pool jFir2tt Preliminaries in Juruor College Coach Cushing Issues First Call forSeries to be Held Tomorrow Actors for "Sure-Enough Segre-Night. gation."haters have been steadily working for first week in April, when the trials TO HOLD SEMI-FINALS OFsome time is onc of great interest, for the chorus will he held. INTER-FRATERNITY RELAYand was discussed in the Chicagocharter convention. wherc it supplied �.:OR�ING GYM CLASSES E;ght Greek Letter Relay Teams �one of thc warmest debates of the TO RUN RELAY TOMORROV? Compete in Qualifying Meet To-session. morrow Afternoon.The winner of the contest wilt meet Thirty Men From II :15 and 12 :15the winner of the Arts-Science con- Squads Will Compete in Annual Semi-finals in the inter-fraternitytest to be held next week, The win', Event. relay races wil1 be run tomorrow af­trcnoon at 3 o'clock in the gyrnnas­ium, Alpha Tau' Omega. Psi Upsilon, IPhi Gamma Delta. and Chi Psi start­ing in the first race. with Delta TauDelta, Phi Delta Theta. Delta Kappaning team in the finals will be award-cd thc Junior College debating 'cham- The TJ:15 and 12:15 o'clock gym­pionship. while scholarships for one r asium classes will compete in theirquarter will be extended to each r nnual indoor relay race tomorrow atmember of the successful team. I o'clock. The men for the teamsMR. MAC CLINTOCK 'TO were chosen by Captains Bevan anrl Epsilon. and Delta Upsilon contestingWhipp yesterday. after the prclirni- for places in the second. The firstTALK ON PHILIPPINES nary try-outs. two teams to finish each run wiltFifteen men will run for each class. cualify for the finals on March 23 �Industrial Resources of the Islands each runner going one lap. The Phi Gamma Delta in the preliminariesWill Be Theme at Meeting of f earns will be comped of the' fol1o":� made the best time .for the distance,Political Economy Club. ing men: I :,3(), but the other seven teams have12:15 class-s-F. S. Bevan, Capt.: been training hard during the last!:\Ir. Samuel Mac Cliutock will lee- Kahn. Richards. Chandler, Jordan. week, and several of them expect toturc on "I ndustrial Resources of the Adams. Morrison, Carr. Ulrich,' Tres- b�tter this tim<;' considerably.Philippine Islands" this afternoon at tic, Lake. Conant, Herger, Gregory,4 o'clock in Cobb Hall at an open King. Blumenthal, A. D. Henderson, Covemment Secures Professor Jenksmeeting of the -Poli ical Economy Miller, Professor Jenniah Wipple Jenks ofClub. II :15 Class-Whipp. Capt.; Knapp, the department of Politica'l Economv::\Ir. :\IacClintock is a brother of Emery. Schmidt, Ford. Benton, Gif- at Cornell has been appointed a mem­Dean :\facClintock and is a fellow of ie.rd, Bernard. Natanson. Christoph, J. b�r of the Tmmigration �ommission.the uni\'(.'rsity. He has heen in the \lorrison, Blackford�' FricJstein. Zeis- Pr�fessor . Jenks has written manyPhilippine J slands for th� .last six 1£-1', Hainsfurther. h')oks on economic problems and hao.;years, having gone there as an b- made a specialty of immigration COIllt:-structor. Ai the time of his departure 'ENTERTAINS IN ilONOR OF tions in this country.he was superintendent of the public PETTIBONE'S DEPARTUREschools in the Island of Cebti. JUNIOR CLASS ADOPTSCAP AND GOWN REPORTP. W. Pinkerton Gives Event to Hon­or C. J. V. Pettibone, Who Leaves• Tuesday. for Berlin.FRIVOLOUS SKEPTIC GONE(Continued from paJ!t' ,)Ministers Now Encounter Only Sin­cere Religious Doupters. \'l'rsity for three. years. The plan ;sP. \Yhittier Pinkerton entertained a l;elieved to be an equitahle one, andis party of men at the Reynolds Club one which will prove effecth'e in ac­last night in honor of C. J. V. Petti- tnal operation. The feature of hold­bone. who graduates this quarter and :ng the e,lections in the spring is es­l('a\"es Tuesday for Berlin. where he pccial1y endorsed.win enter the Institute of Technologyof tht' University of Berlin.The guests were: Messrs. MervitJeThompson. Edward F. Bauer. WalterFoute, Charles Paltzer. Milton P.fed that to he :nt('lIl'ctually honestolle tnt1:'t think Ollt rcligiol� ior one- \Tor(', Jr .• ,Roy Davis, Edward St�nke,. Alvin Kramer. Frank Spicrling, Rob­self. 'Vith the douhts that assailert C. Leland. Frederick W. Carr.Tht" fri"olotls rcligious skepticf;lst di�app{'aring:' said AssistantProf('ssor E. J. Goodspeed at DivinityChapel yesterday. "To-day ·\\'C finctthe sincl're sceptic, the man \\'ho hassincere t1o\1ht� which he i!" unable to Postpone Baseball Game.The haschal1 .game between Fresh­men and Varsity, scheduled for yes­terday afternoon. wa� po!'tponed. he­l'aU!'e .of. the raiD.� until tomorrow,o\·crcome."\Ve lin' ill an age when Jl('oplc GearsdonTO'M'ASOSCHOOL andORCHESTRASII KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.MANDOLIN LESSONS, $1.50. Viotractilagain!the a<retar)openmy (TIl(WaIteMusic Furnished for=====�=====-.-------��-- All Select Occasions.Phone Harrison 8o;iAT THEUNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON 'nVO FLOORSWl�L FIND A SPEciAL· AriER-THEAT.E·R'�MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE .. 'Serving only the B'c�t ,the Market Afl orrls :.' -.. .III to 111 RAND.OLPH STREETWemake a Specialty-of Club,' Fraternity Dinners, Ere:J' Finest Orchestra i� the' City eouns..... ' a weeposal!"Ifwill 1... -:.messindefiwretcarduocipalplishecompare jlnanceILLINOIS WAREHOUSE and'STORAGE COnPANYPhone Hyde Park 5;1. Kirr.bark Av. &!ll:t1-�ixth StThe Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWa=ehou�e in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed andShipped to .all .parts of the �... tcr-.. .. '. ., . . age Rooms. Lal��.-.£xclusivel�' for Pian :Rooms for trunks and Wheels. Large Homn' for Carriages, Guggies anSleighs: TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local Transfers for' Baggage, Furnit urc, Packages, ctc., at shortSpe'ciaJ' Attcntion Giv�n to Urii\,crs ty Cnlt·r�.B. F. CLARK CHICAGO, 17 E. Van Buren St.city'stract;elvethe I"Tshadback17th Yeartit.The Clark Teachers' AgenCiesNEW rORK, 156 Fifth Ave, BOISE,IDA.HOPATRONIZE1 "j Tal:I' ..BRYANT 1' •. STU'nON ' UNIVERSITY" '. PHAR�lACY• " 5flo E. 55th Street.Busmess College· R R._s_o_\\���._, __. __Est. 1856caUS4midr:beenactelwohlIl' garis(nanc'whierighlandshipcity'fifth:Offers SuperiorAdvantages inYou TipBeen' :T'op LikeThere?' Inn' ·,ftHave YouWill'·1pro�comActlthetht;,Tlflmakcall�"(al\\,;andXottionney:The.• Business Training.;!AND•• Stenography ••.DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Till' tlo"r niP:'ltroni7.� D:n1:v M:lroon :lCiverti��n. . Students· May Ent�r at An7. Time.PI' C'R C:-If!t:IICt' . PhoneLo!'t-A rOtlr.d brooch pin, set with . �.j3 "rl11lJ,!tOll PI. Lake View W.l..:')nc largc turfJuoise and six diamonds. I'hone Harrison 1644Lost Sunday aftcrnoon on the Cam­;ms or iu one of the r'liversitybuildings. Findcr please notify TheDaily Maroon Office, and communi­elate witli' owner.tlll��C pcople we ministers �1tlst stru�­Robert E. Crouch. George Cadman.�lc. ,Yc mtl�t O\'crcotlle thesc douht �James W. :Morrison. Mathew Lyleby kindne�s. :is Je .. tl� did in the cas'�of the ;\po�tlc Thoma�. Teach peo­ple that if they fir�t accellt the lrO�­pcl thcy will ,,0011 lilHl the light:· ------,__ - _.._------Advanced Standing Notice.�tllc1ellts offering'. ad"anccd cre...litfrom 0t1�cr colll'g'cs. anti whf) ha\'chcell in r('�it1cnc(' t\\'o quarters, andcompl('tt'ct �i:-o: maj0rs of '''{'IrK arc 1 e­CJllcsted to Ica,·c their name,; at the(llliC'c (If atimis:,ioTls at onc�, if they\'.;i�h t!tcir claims placed �efore theBo:trd of Univer�ity Rel:ati6ns for of- Spenct'r. Fr('derick Hornstein. James For Salc-New complete set His­Finch Royster. R. Eddy Mathews. \V. torian's History of the \Vorld. Ot1t­\V. Ruffcorn, Nathan L. Kn1eger. I('ok Puh. Co.: 25 volumes, practicallyOlh·c �lorey. John T. 1.i,·er. anrl non unused: cht'ap. Phone \VentworthEl1iott Bridgman. ,U2.Dr. Black at Cornell.The RC\'erend Hugh Black who wasthe Vni\'Crsity preacher at Ch:cag'otwo \\'l'l'ks ago is now at Cornell.ficial action.·' ..... An :'1(1. in The Daily Maroon is a�ood in,·cstmcnt. Have you tried it?'-- The Pullman Compa'ny Puild'gn. W. Bry.n t. Pres.L. B:enl 7aughan. U. o( C, ':u. '!!"'- "'I.Manager.31 �-J.zl \\, .. 1,a5h Ave. Cor. Adams St. and Michigan ,�v�.---- -------Goldsmith's Orchestra Pa:ronize Daily �lar<'lO'l :\,h·(·rtisenTheyAreReliable.� Goldsmith, Director.)f�··ce. Cable Piano Comp�ny,,Vabash and Jackson. CHICAGO.E.· C" MOORE. FLORIST., ..... - .. ,.272 -East 55th St;eet. Chicago.TELEPHONE HYPE PAL( 38---------Illinois/ /