l '�bc-- lDafl)2 maroon---VOL. v. No. 101. ,. CH ICAGO. TUESOA Y. :'.IARtH 12, 1907. Price Two CentsCBlCAGO LEADS IN BASKETBALL ORATORS OPEN SPRINGCONYOCATIOI TODAYHONESTY TO CURESOCIETY'SILLS.! ALL-STAR JUNIOR COLLEGEBASKETBALL TEAM PICKEDYARSITY PICKED 10 WINr IN A. A.' U. MEET TOMORROWCt Dean Sma!l Sa�-Di�honest Work Is IEssence of Social Problem-Tells IJuniors They Are Deeply in DeDt! Daily Maroon Critic Selects FourTo Society-Explains Payment. I Men from Literature and OneI From Philosophy for F"U'st FiveScamp work is at the �)ottl)ll� of 'I Standing of the TeamsStar Freshmen Will Strengthen Var· most of the ills of m�..,dl"rn ."o.=ic-:.'. Each of Four Teams; However. Is, Chicano 6 .857 :C d' 'ii:Son Daris-Next Tuesday"':""sity Tt!am-Illinois and Central··Y. according to Dean Allisou W. Snral l I Represented : on . Second Team_. Wisconsin 5 2 ·714' George E. MacLean, President ofM. C. A. Strongest Opponents. who warned the men ·,f th ; Jtllliorl Reasons for Choice. Minnesota 4 2 .666 Iowa-Convocation Orator.Colleges at t.heir chapel e-o-rciscs Y('�'I Purdue 2 4 .333terday rnormng of the (>xte'lt of their First Team. Illinois 0 8· .000 The �xercisl's for the sixty-secondilldl'hted�lcss ..to societ:,. Even t. he II Redfield, Literature R. F. convocation hegin to-day with thehod-cnrrier IS deeply :11 debt �(\ �o· Kelly. Literature L. F. Saturday evening's games in the finals of the Junior College publicciety. in the opinion oi Pr,::-ie.,;"or I Moore, Literature C. fight for the basketball championship speaking contest. On Friday the ex-Small. and the college ;,�.Idellt IS q: Ettelson, Literature, Captain R. G. of the Western colleges. all came ercises of the Divinity School will beI I I I I I· ., 1 . 1G out according to expectat ion. s, leavinglope ess y 011 the ue ll� "H,l' f �.:r no , Keene. Philosophy L. . held. On Sunday will occur thc Con-amount of money h e can evcr �;n': Second Team. • Chicago still the favorite for the vocation prayer service.' The Juniorwill eradicate his indebtrrlucs s. championship of the Western Inter- College class evercises will be heldDavis, Arts. Captain R. F.gcne:o ,It... par rio- Exsclsen, Arts L. F.are t:·, Four 'll:;t1i Ferguson, Philosophy c.A. C. will enter several famous ath- ties a man nm";,'ll' �la(\I·c�bl.hl:'�lfl�:'�·:r(lhl' cn' !,!l"tloll j A 11 <:,'n, Science. '.' R. G.letes, while the C. A. A. will be rep- hope to escape � �.. L L GH ainsfurther, . Iterature......... .resented by only an ordinary team. Professor Small. Western Championship to be Decidedin Game at Minnesota Next Satur·1day-Purdue Scared Maroons at La Exercises of Sixty-first ConvocationFayette Last Saturday. To Begin With Junior Declama-:Is Protest Against Entering CollegeTeam!_; Not Allowed by A. A. U.tion Finals This Morning.Authorities.The \'arsity track team, strengthen.ed by a number of star freshmen. willput up a formidable front at the A.A. U. meet tomorrow night at theSevcnth Regiment Armory, and it i:-,picked to come out a winner. Theonly competitors that will bc able tofurnish anything like a scare to the, Plain honesty. collegiate Basketball Association. The on Monday. followed by the exercisesMaroon" are the Illinois and CentralY. M. C. A. squads. The Milwaukee ism and religion-I tinal result now, since Minnesota's of the Senior colleges on Tuesdaydefeat at the hands of Wisconsin, and morning. TIle actual ConvocationChicago's victory over Purdue, de- will be held at 3:00 o'clock Tuesdaypends on the game between the Ma- afternoon. This will close the exer-Final Standing of the Teams. d h G h �'l' I'There was some doubt up to yestcr- "The world expects men lc hI! 11""1- roons an t e op ers at n. mneapo IS cises of the spring Convocation, theest and to do business at the same Literature ··.··5 .833 Saturday evening. A victory forday whether the Chicago freshmen 2 u-I . remaining three days of the quartertime," said Dean Sm-Il. ";\11 'h,! �c· Philosophy ·· ... ·········4 'VU/, Chicago will bring the championship . . .\\'ould compete on account of the fact being given over to examinatrons.that they m�et'·-"the' Illinois yearlings ports of graft unearthed ill the recent Ar.ts ······,············3 3 .500, here, while a defeat will probably Three students will rearesent the\;:., I' . ti . I SCIence 0 6 .000. cause a triple tie between the twoFriday. C·oll'·ch'.·· ·Frl·end stated, how- start mg mvcs rgations ":f'�!' y prove I" student bod in speeches at differentu •that tile world I'S auditin-z. ., its a. C.:,)t111t.S The basketball championship of the. teams in the contest and Wisconsin. . y I.ever, that he intends to send most of .. u . class exercises. Paul K .. Judson will�nd not th�t it is getting ,·.·(IIS('. Junior Colleges has for the secondl Purdue 'may cut a figure in the race respond for the Juniors at the class"The need of the world is that plain ti�e gone to Literature in. a series to the extent of putting either Min- exercises of the Junior Class, Roscoemen will fin:l'a place where they cn-i uniformly marked by playing much nesota or the Badgers out of the race S· . k S·I Fairchild will spea for the en-ors,work out their plain talents and have better than that of last year. In the I· in .the games.it has still to play. Th� 'and ,A. E. Bigelow will be the oratora good life, and only such is the real f��er season there \�ere a .few �n- Boilermakers will play at Minneapolis for the Divinity School.I ti f tl . t • 1 dividual stars. but during this series FrI' day evening, and at Madison Sat-claimed that colleges are not members so u Ion 0 ie socia pron em t u �. The _yrogram--ror � the convocation. of the A. ;·\.lJ .. �Ill·d:-·til�reforc. points "Be generous.vhe urged, "Sec things so many men of marked ability JH!'\'c lirday e\·cning. . Tf 'in - eithr' 'of these 'We;�· as- announced I in full from thef tl th . t ..1 •r J") arpeared. th�t.. th.e selection. of the rep-I zames the Lafayette team WI·fIS. it . 1liM by athletes from these institu- rom re 0 er man s s anupomr. .,e_ G President's office yesterday IS as fo··1 h t b t .• 't' n;sen.ta trve fi ve IS a very difficult task. wI'11 affect the race only in case Min- lows:lions could count only for the ath- not on y ones u earne�:. t.la IS UI m .•I k· 11 '.1 d'" The first step in the selection of nesota wins from. Chl·cago·, underletes and not for the college. 00 mg on a slues an g.\'lllg' tree·the first year men into the contest:The protest of Central Y. M -. C .. _.A..against thc entering of college teamsas teams was not allowd by the A.A. U. authorities. The Y. M. C. A.Tuesday. March 12.e,'cn at that. we onght to win. if all if they make the most out of theirerery 111:111 does what he is capahle li\'e!' day by day."of. \ r!�. 12.President's office; candi(lates for de­�rl'es and titles wilt meet in CobbLecturr Hall.10 :45 A. M. The Procession.11:00 A. M. Mandel Hall-TheConvocation Religious Service. TheConvocation Sermon by the Re"crendCharles Richmond Henderson, Ph. D.D. D. Chaplain of the Univers·ty .Monday. March 18.TO :.10 A. M. Mandel Hall- Th,'the forwards is to see what the 'score.d h Iy. There is more comfort !T! �cttin�"We have a mighty goo c ance tothrough the world by pay;n.� a Jiitl>! book shows about the basket throw-win this meet, and no one need �e ing abilities of the men. In the se-SlIrprised if we pull out a victory," more of your share in the adjustment5of the give and take. get and give nes for the Junior College champion.declared Coach Friend, after the men ship Kelly. of Literature. takes thehad finished their last work-out yes- policy and it can but do you gO(Jd ;11 honors with .24 baskets, followed. the final reckoning.terday. closely by Redfield of the same team."Besidcs the reo gulars. we will have "Put the center of your life in whatI h CI f F!'I hd f h· I' W 10 as 23· cary, 0 11 osop y.a number of freshmen who are good you o. not away rom t e vita 111-for points. We are to be entered in terest. Perform your functi')lls an-I who played in only three games. isshrinkingly. The world expe�t� y"'u th'rd with 20. Cleary, however. joinedevery nent. and what is more. we the freshman squad and is therefor.!will put up' the best men we havc. to be patriotic in remaining ;>[ y(wrpost and doing something i.�r' your ineligible for consideration. TheUndoubtl·(tly men like Hahn and Coe.iellowman. until t..·ou are reli . .!\·('.1 l-.\' others ,vho lead are: Davis, Arts.�'ho will wear the Milwaukee A. C. J, t I'f I . h' tt· . I t 16: Ettclson and :'.Ioore, Literature.colors. will cut' into our chances. but tIe grea er lew lIC IS a a:n.lO � )15: Allen. Science. and Keene andFerguson, Philosophy. 14; Excelsen.Purdue quintet was ahead 5 points atCOll\'ocation Prayer Service. l\fem-dl'fference be- the end of the. first half, when th�I f I I� I' '11 . h;ers Q tIe 'acu tl�S ", meet m t ewhich circumstances there would be,in the tie only two teams which badwon both their games from P\trdue.Chicago Bests Purdue 10:30 A. M. Kent Theater-TheJunior College Finals in pubrc Speak­,ing. Deoclamations by MauriceThomas Price,' Samuel LafayetteThe Varsity basketball team has Trotcky, Izelle Opal Emery, Claraplayed its last game before the crucial Bertha Spohn. The members of th..:contest at �Iinneapolis at the close of Junior College Faculties who arc pres­the week, winning last Saturday even· ent will act as judges.inter·,Uegt ing from Purdue University at La Friday, March 15.Fayette. The game was rough and4 P. M. Haskell Hall-Exercisesvery close, the Boilermakers having of the Divinity School. Dr. A. K.tht" lead until the last few minutes ofParker, speaker for the facnlty: A. E.play when the Maroons took a ,'erynece�sary spurt and pulled out thevictory by the score of 21 to 19. The Bigelow. speaker for thc �tllclents.Sunday. March 17.10 :1':;:\ �J. Haskell Hall-TheOPEN APRIL 20 Recause of the largetween the numhers of field-haskets game stood II to 6 .Both teams seemed off form. espe·cially in tI},rowing the baskets. A"·usual. it w�s the defensive work ofthe Varsity team that won the game.Buhl:g, Schommer, and Houghtons. SEASON TO.'We arc entertaining a wholesomettspect ior the men . from Illinois.Rowen;', with the freshmen, severalof whon� are of Varsity caliber. wcought t,. come o';t ahead of theOrange ::Ild Rlack te�m. Thc Ccn·- Varsity to Play Initial Game With sccured by the 'two Literature {or-Illinois on Marshall Field. warels and the next ,.··g'ble man on--- I this list, :t is reac{ily apparent thatApril ;10 is the date set for the open- thc champions get these two places.ing of thc int�r-collegiate �aseballl These men worke, d together well, a�cllral Y. :'i. C. A. will gather in a large season for Chicago. accordmg to played hard :md in good fonn. F�:- taking the h�)J1ors.- h .. . The score:"11m er "I points and may Will. a.;; Captain Templeton. The initial con· the !'econd t('am. Davis and Exselsen.tbey h;"", :1 numher of !'>tars �n· test will he played on that (lay with hoth of Arts. arc picked. Davis has ChicagO-21.tered." Illinois (Ill :'.farshall Field. heen playing a consistent game all Ruhlig L, F SartorThe r,· :l1lars count on Rarker, Stcf-. I sc�son and has heen the chief point- Georgen R. F.. .. Lewisftn. an,; II enncherrt..·, to make POI·Ilt<;. VarsIty Nme Wms Agam. \\'I'nller for III' - team E cel n g t" Schommer C.......... CollinsJ • • I . s . . sc e " Junior College Class Exerciscs. :\<1-in the ri:,"h. while the freshmcn. with The Varsity nine WOll Its fourth I thc position hecause of hi!' 0'00<1 H(.'nry L. G Geitherf" dress for Students by Palll K. JlIfl,;(,n,Taylor ;1 :)(1 .-\lIen, wiU prohahly show c()n�ecuti\"(' \'ictory -from freshmcn t!lrowing' in the games in which he Houghton ,. R. G FlemingI I f 8 6 S Ink f Ifill S h �:JO P. :\1.-10:.'\0 P. :\r. Hutch;ll·lip 'Well :11 this e\'ent, Tn the hurdles ycstcn ay )y a score (I to. U -, h:1� taken part. all the ml'n who Icarl Ita!' ets rom t le (.' (: � c momerRlIhli ... 1. Henry. Col. son Hall-The COll\'ocatioll R,·qltion.Sldfen :1n(I ::\fcAvov will bl: rein. li\'an pitclH'fl for the reg'ulars and; him on the li"t heinO' chosen forj' 4. Georgen 2.,.. TI• I'" Ie gtle:oit .... of honor will hl': Theforcerl ", the service", of Taylor an(l Pre "ton twirlrt} ior the tir�t yt'ar lllen. qthl'r position... i lin:>' 2. Lewis 2. S:!rtor. Geither 2.J i 1" . " ,. Ra�kets from frce throws: Schom- Convocation Orator. Gcorllc Edwinacob" Th� 440·yard run will �('('. 1 1(' pOSItIOn Of center com(.'s :1I1alty 'I I 1'1 I) I I J) n .It Cl F h C Fl' R f '1 C !; ac .ean. 1. .• '.. .• r re�J( ('nt\\'0 "t'I" tr' 'r' R k I eary res man aptain. I' f(, ..... to�. r. -Ill' 1,('t\\'('CII t\\.o m"n. '.loorc m('r 5. • emmg 5· e eree .. ,. cor·.. , , lOS .. , errtam. ar cr an( " ,�� ,-.'mick. ,Oi the State ljnivcrsity of T('''':1: ThcQuigley from the Varsity. and Linglc. :'.Icmhcrs (If the ircshman ha".ehalll' (If J .iterature and Fcrguson oi Phil· t Convocation Preacher. The Rn'l'rcndGarrett '1111 lY 1 f I f 1 t(,�1ll yestcrday clected C('ntcrfielclcr" (I�.·O,)II\.·. '.' "cl'tll"r C,"fl be s· ..... I·(1 to 11a\.... Conference "Ineliaibles" Victors,r "long 1 rom t lC res I-I � J ., ,.. "" •• Charles Richmond Henderson, Ph. D ..�:n'M Th� half·mile run will draw Clcary captain for 1907· Ol:tjumpcd the other in the gamcs The Varsity "Conferencc Tneligi. n. n .. Chapla;n of' the ljni\'er .. ity.lJ . ernam. Harker. Shuart. and hetwcen the two colleges. Fer�n-I bie,," won an easy game irom the All friends of the University will beathew" from thc rctnl1ars. an'l PaO''' Maroon Board Meeting. ·011 pI"\' tl I 1 fIE," nston Y ''If C A S"ttlrclay "eno· '�'- � "JS le I.ar< er game 0 t lC I.··· . 4\ •• ' ... • e� - welcome without special invitation.�d Steffa f h fi The hoard of editors ''lf The n'li:\, h h b "II fJ • rom t erst-year men, two. ut ::\r(lo�e IS faster and has bct- mg. t e scorc tmg 53 to 4· .'" our Tuesday. March 19. Convocation Day., nth .. 1ll1'le ru S h 'd' h V :'.raroon will hold a meetin." ;Il ,- :'. ,) f Th I fIE" I. n, c eT tor tear· ,.. ) ter (lrlll. e atter is given the 1'0- 0 t le 4vanston team s pomts were 8 :.10 A. �f. The Qu:ulrannle Club---- o'clock in thc Reyno)ds' Cluh :\11 !'cor(.'<1 on focl�. The work of Falls ...(Continc;d-;;-;;; 3) editor:; are expectcd to be J)r�senr. (Cont'n' " ) I 'r K th f _. -I ,,. on 1)age ... ar�( .\ c cag was c eaturc. (C ·t· d )on JnQe on page �-'J,..IL--lctOn­uc.flat._ ....--ois---- :2-a mOJ 5Tl!vlCTORY OF SWIMMERS JUNIORS AND SOPHOMORESDUE TO STAR WORK WILL MEET THIS WEEK------------------�""klul Student PubllcatioD of the UDln', Chicago in Good Form, Although Ur- Discussion of Cap and Gown Reportalty of -Chlcaco. 'bana Men Take the Relay in Fri- Will Be Features of Class Meet-day's Contest. ings Tomorrow and Friday.The (o'ormerl,Unlv.· ... lty "f Chlcaa:o Weeki,.FoundedThe Weeki,. Oct. 1. 181}2.Tbe Dally. Oct. 1. 1902. Albert :\Iathews. Pres. Gco, II. Frcdler, Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton. SecJust the place to hold club' and fratelnity dinners.THE HOTEL l\,fAROONFIFTY -EIGHTH AN D DREXEL AVENUE •.Convenient. Excellent Service. First-Class:.Come over and see us about Yol:r next Ch:b Banquet,Our Lunchroom is open until O:lC a. m.the season 'against' Min- i :12. ious .capacities until his s,·nl.).- yearnesota at Minneapolis Plunge for distance-Pillinger. T..when he was managinz ·:diTl.r. Airernext Saturday, with 'i rst ; �Iistance. 5i feet. leavi.ng the Ujniversit.y, ;,,: was C1.5":' \ Phone Hyde Par·k-16.championship honors Two hundred-yard relay-Won by ball and football wn .er '.lI1 the ,,111hanging in the balance on the resuU Chitago�, (�orse •. Prince}l. W�ker '\���������������������������������. _, - . -cago Inter-Ocean,. fron-, whir'l 1.)('S�- ,.of the contest, Capta. in .Houghton -'Jl(LH�rper.. ) Time. 2 :T4 2-S· T 1 h C I 6th d '11..tion he resigned to a"c _ Jt a P'I,tt i:)11 e ep one a umet 251 I an .lD.ichiganand the members of the team deserve \\'at!!r polo-Chicago. i: Illinois, 0ill Dayton. Ohio, Wlt;, the �aii·)n:.t aL. 16th 'St L·v· .al! the credit they are receiving for Lineup: -�"e. . •. I ery CuraCash Register cornranv.their hard-fought _victor� over Pur- Wilson . __ L F Princell Riding ·Academydue Saturday night, and the skill and Carmack.Brown R. F......... Schott 'Break Shot Put Record.. I I . 1 . HI· t C R hd High-Class Saddle and Harness Horses for Sale. .uas 1 S rown til t liS contest pres- ac l\\·�IS er . ., 0 e W. W. Cook-of Michigan. broke the -,..ages . much for their championship Flanders L. G...... Solomon Amateur Atf(letic record m the shotmatch with Minnesota this week. Nilson R. G....... Badenochput on S�,6trday-�i,ght hy tossing theThe team will .havc an uplrill tight. Lillard, Bell Goal.. : . . . .. .. Goes rwelve-pound shot 55 feet. The oc-to bl' sure, playiilg on a strange IloClT Goal-Rohde (4). Schott. Solomon. casion of- the record put was the ninthagainst a' team of the caliber of �lin. 'Valker.--------------------------------. i·: i,last year. In the i5-yard race he bet-�cred the record of Lobdell of Chicago FORMER MAROON EDITORADVERTISING DIRECTOR. ', :Ii1 ;! "< "� I� ji� . by 3 seconds. covering the distance:n 51 seconds. The best race of theHarry W. Ford· Is Appointed .Director-neet was the is-yard swim. Swatek.of Advertising and Publicity InConnection with She!don SchooLASSSOCIATE EDITORSHernurd I. �1I.l'restoD Fo. GIUIB,'u"I\'UI J .",ctuwc).('. 'V. J'nltzl'r,1\. w. Henderson,\\ urreu lJ. "'oz;l�r. he Illinois star. finished about a footREPORTERS re hind Harper.The polo game was a one-sided af-l'eter 1,'. LJunu,Jeruw� Frulli •• W. I". l1acl:rackenlin rry A. llllUlien. Harry Ford. who was managing··air.' Chicago easily scored i goals -ditor of The Daily Maroon in 1904-while Illinois never came near the�S. has been appointed director of ad-:isit,ors' goal. Captain Rohde was·;.crtising and publicity in connection.he star performer, with the Sheldon school, the SheldonP. \\'.'I'ln�'·I·LulI. Ila:'ny 1;, FI:lh r •. IrW. J. llulnaturtber. 'Summary of .events:Fifty-yard· swim-Harper. C. first: commercial school an.l • he �lH'id(,n 1Press of Chicago. The :'1'11 +ntnu-uttakes effect immediately, and :\Jr.Ford will remove from Dayton t o Chi-l'rlult'tl by the }I.rooo :'reM ... oj ... t::ust 5;itb Str�tJ 'hone llyd.t> Park 3�1 Hale, I., second-s- Time :JO.Severity - five yard swim-Harper.':.,. first : Swa tck. I.. second-Time.With cago to take active charuc ',r hi" newsix victories and one defeat :51. work.to its credit, the basketball 'team will One hundred-yard swim-Swatek,. Mr. Ford was a mc.nre ' .jf the firstplay the final .game of r.. first; Walker, C. second - Time. .Daily Maroon boar'd, serv.nc 111 var-OneMoreGamei,, '.annual indoor games of GeorgetownlH'sota. hut this is' all the mo're reason' The eoming meet with Wisconsin. University held in Washington. D. Cfor the most enthusiastic student sup- 'slated for March 22 at Chicago. willport. Stl1dl'nt� who c.an J01l1 the decide the Western intercollegiate P:'Itronize DaIly Maroon advertis�rst<:am on its trip to Minneapolis Sat- c�lampionship.urday morning �hould hand in theirnames without delay to Dr. Raycroft.so that arrangements can be made forthem.Student !'-upport may ·he evidenceda� eff�·ctively. I)erhaps. in anotherway. The team practices ciaily at 5 The Young Men's Christian Asso-o'clock ill the gynlnasium. and the ciation. at its meeting tomorrw night,support. of a Rood "galll'ry" behind at 7 :15 o'clock in Cobb chapel. wiltthe men will do milch to keep· them in' 'hold its election of officers.tlw �pirit as well as form to win. Y. M. C. A. WIJ�L ELECT.Cfficers for Ensuing Term to beChosen Tomorrow' Night.It's only anight's ride­one sleep_fromChicago to realrest and health atFrench LickWest Baden SpriDgsWaters are unsurpassed-golf.tennis, riding, driving, billiards,bowling, trap-sbootin� or per·feet rest if you' want It - Ideala(;commodations-congenialguests.Low Road Trip RatesD'l., and bight trains. sleepers.parloraDd!:'uffetcan. ---- .... -Tigers Are Chamoion SWimmers. IBy winning Saturday nigh(s SWim-Im;ng meet and water polo game' with'fl:fr\"'a'ril:-Princeton clncflc(f'the Ei .... -=Tern . 'intercollegiate championship. IThe score of the meet was .H to 20. .the. water polo gam� resulting in a. Dean Vincent on Social Geology.1 )c:1I1 G""orRe E, Vincent reaci anintt·rt·stinJ.! paper on "Social Geo­�r:lphy" heforc..� the SoCiology Clubyt'�fl'r«1ay afternoon in Ha!'kell Hall. � to 1 score. Chamher�. of PrnicetonFT()i\'��or Vinet'nt re"iewcd the workof Demonlin. the eminent French�ociolo).!i�t. as well :lS. that of Pro- �et intercollegiate Tecord� in the SCarod 100 yard races. h;\1l�ing' up . .li 1-:;:Ind 1 :0-, respecti\-cly.ft'<;"or� \Villiams anci Gicidings. themo�t promin<.'nt of Amcrican writerson !'o,)('ial ).!(.'ography. Dean Vincentcxpre;;sc(l the opinion that the workof il1ten�i\"c SHl<ly of !'matl ('ommuni-, .t it'� wouM have an im'aluahlc utilityto �f)('ial geologists. IT'SAFOWNES GOOD JUDG�IE�T'\ i� one of the factors of life. Cultivate� Ol1r�. by h:wing your photographicI work done atTHAT'S ALL YOU 'L\lnY�'s \1:\fWO� STenIaNEED TO KNOW 1 :':'''� (OU·'l:!" rro,·f'ABOUT A GLOV�·IEdmund Cook. a fre�hman. wascktcd captain of Tndiana's 1'}08 ba!'­kctbatl team Friday. Despite the factthat he has 'ha(l hut little College ex,perience. Cook is a stu forward. Mathews &, Co. Inc.THE TAILeR SHOPNew Powers Blu�., 156 Wabash Ave., THE LINE FOR SPRING IS HERE.IT'S THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW.YALEStudents copied �ur COLLEGE CORNER Suit Model Last AutumnTHE SPRING MODEL is much handsomerCome in and see ItC�er 6 WilkieTAILORS 185 189 Dearborn St.Bank FloorPreTh.Pre-Iter 1o'c1o,--illpalh1I1em,r�sliprirUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz .Student's Special $3.50 per Doz.They Fill thaJ Empty Space at Home.�6mon'6 J0!Joto �tubio JIICHIGAlREASO/ Sa1I ,WesSphere aRelatiol243 EAST 55th STREETHorses SchooledSend for Circular. Open Evenings. .an Wittyear WeReport itbe In e III 1 I'of ,·)ntr.,!(ight rea-:tbe Boar'!siluation.sons formain ill tl�Big ·Fo\;gO\'erncdin (ollfl'rgam\!s, \\1ter of thttroactiVl'rule.Frct.Dk S. Young. Phone H.P. 125'1 The �Itorially (3S follow';:\lichi�SC\'cn-gaJnit ion ofsenior atseniors Jthe COlirulings,varianceparticulawill conganize ,other crThc kn(In thisthe We!that a <lmake 1\'the featjeft�.J:.�arrangermake vnot beYoung LaundryBUMbLES BROUGHT IN AND CALLED FORAme·rica u. HIeFUStaff ofArrar:Shirts ........................... 8c Co!lars x'·Cuffs _ ..•....... 4C684-686 East 63rd Street TheHigh �ance Y'origin:.paperspace<if' tlfeFridayComzationtime.madevisionThe icolleg>for ca�e 1lI1('n.athlt·tfacultlIIakil1to tin,romp,... ill (the II17th YU''Patr...HII_DEIF.�ireprool Storage -' Va. Co.-UltIflTURE. PIANOS, TRUNKS. IIBRCHAlfDI ...... AIlc&lDaLlVKRKD TO ALL'PARTS OP TIm CITY, DaPeTIAND SUBUJtBa..GeaeraI 0Iic:ea.� St. ... Calame! A .....,..,_,DoqIu --Priftte B ..... p all Olice .. . BnDCII 0... 1aIat ..... 0-.U •. of�R. R. W .........CIdc:IIao J.... .. ..... ... CaI-..Spring Flowers in BlossomVISIT THE GREENHOUSES NOWPhones: H. P. �8-H. P. 6957A. �cADAl\,fSS3d Street and Klmbark AvenueB. F. CLARK CHICAGO, 17 E. Van B�ren st.The Clark Teachers' AgenCiesNEW YORK 156 Fifth Ave. 80ISE,IDt .. :,.;tT� ".\lLV MAROON, CHt�AGO, Tt1£SDAY, MAR.CD !�, !�.-e--.�- ---.-- ." Jl)i:HIGAN BOARD GIVES. . ALUMNI TO PRESERVE l VARSITY l'ICKED TO WiNREASONS FOR COMPROMISE MORGAN PARK ACADEMY IN A. A. U. MEET TOMORROW-. (Continued from page 1.)SI1I . West is M��g�'s' Natur_al Project 'For Raising $400,000 .Endow-Sphere and Perm�ent Eastern ment Fund Is Launched. At An-Relations Are Not �racticable. nual Meeting Saturday.) sity, and Glore for the Freshn�ell, willendeavor to win points for Chicago.ears Withdrawal After Bad Football Morgan Park �.:ademy will be con- Caldwell will be the sole representa-year Would Appear in Bad Light tinned if the alumni of the institution rive in the two-mile run.-Students Satisfied. an.' successful in their plans. The In the field events, the Freshmen_ annual meeting of thc alumni of the will be the material aid to the scor-Report 1 rom Ann Arbor has it_ that, academy, was found far from being ing ability of the Maroon represen­the nlcllIl,dS of the Michigan Board l the funereal occasion which was pre- tatives. The pole vault will bring outof '-mtr',J have issued. a statement of dieted for it and plans for raising Jacobs to help out Henneberry. Thedght rca-tillS f�r the recent action of an endowment of $400,000 formed high jump will see Hubble and Mor­the Boar,t on the Wolverine athletic the principal topic under consideration. I gan of the Freshmen as an aid tosituation. I n these are given the rea- It was decided by the alumni to I Schommer. In the I6-pound shot­sons for .\Iichigan's decision to re- appoint a committee to collect funds put, the Varsity will enter Captainalain in t l.v Confcn:ncc, to reject the for th� propo�ed. endowment and the I Russ.ell, Schommer and Maddigau,�Big 'FO\;l" propositioll, and "to be following resolutions were drawn up I and in the rz-pound weight event, t hegoverned hy the "Big Nine" rules to he presented to the trustees of the I Freshmen count on Hubble .l·!din (onh.-rellce and non-Conference University: \V cndt to make. some points, On thesegaml!s. "i,1I thc cxception in the lat- Wh.creas. we, the alumni of the men the University places its hope forter of till' livc-game rule and thc re- :\lorgan Park Academy, hear with a victory,troactivc il'ature of the thrce -year deep regret of the action of the trus-rule, tees of th e University of Chicago in MICHIGAN ATHLETES ST�ONGStudents Satisfied votimr to c lose the academy the com-The �Iidligan Daily comments edi- ing June for financial reqsons : and.torially Oil the action of the Board' Whereas.We regard the school with3S Iollow- : deep affection and believe that it fills':)Iichigall is now committed to 'a a real educational need: and. j udgirig from the performances of\\.1 .' :\Iiehigan athletes in their last indoorse\;en-gallll� schedule, and the rccog- ' icrcas. \\' c belie v e that a sum of·f I' ibili .f 1 Iff . $ e , meet of the sea, son at Ann Arbor 011nition 0 the e IgI I ity 0 t re present money 0 rom 100.000 to '1'-+00,000I '11 I . . . Saturday night, the Wolverines wi!lsen�or athletes. This mean� tl.lat "ilr WI at t us crrsrs assure the contim�-se11lors may compete for Michigan. If I ance of the academy; therefore, be It present a formidable array of trackthe Confcrence does .not, alter its _ Resolved. That wc here and now mcn in the coming conference event,rulings, Michigan will be acting at appoint a cornrnit+ce of seven to col- �specially in the half mile, whichvariance with the code in these two lect funds from the alumni and all Ramey reeled off in 1 :57 4-5, thusf breaking the old indo dp3rticular�. In that event consistency persons 0 means and large v iews, so or recor atwill compel the Conference. to reor- that we co-operate with the people Michigan of 2:� minutes, does Mich-ganize without Michigan and such of Morgan Park in their efforts to igan appear exceedingly strong.1. t t tl d d . Garrels continued to toss the shotother colleges as ollow our lead. perpe ua e re aca emy an to co-The knot 'has been skilfully ' untied." operate with any other committee in conference style by making a putIn this statement it is declared that that may be' appointed for this pur- of 43 feet 9 inches. With Garrels andShultz who is capable of closely ap-proaching 42 feet, Michigan is certainttl count well in the weight event.Davey's work in the quarter-milerun which he negotiated in the fast;time of 0 :53 3-5 stamps him as astrong m'an in this e�cnt. Exception­al work in the high jump was accom­plished by Patterson, who succeededin clearing the bar at 5 feet I I inches,and barely missed sett ing a record at6 feet I inch.Records In Indoor Tryout ShowClassy Form,the West is Michigan's natural fi�ld, pose.that a disastrous football year would It is thought that, if the alumni atemake Michigan seem a quitter, that able to raise the endowment, thethe features to which Michigan ob- school will be continued.jects arc only temporary. and that . The annual deficit. ·as we]] as the• \.l.. ...... _ ..... _ •• � .-';:.' .. ::_. � ..arrangements that Michigan might fact that=the academy has .not sent asmake with· Eastern colleges would large a number of students. to thenot be satisfactory. .I University as was to be expectedI were the reasons assigned by the trus-U. HIGH DAILY ISSUES ! tees. The board. in the statementFIRST NUMBER YESTERDAY I announc!ng the closing of the acad-___ emy, said : .Staff of Weekly in Charge Will Make "It is still the opinion of the boardArrangements for AppOinting the however, that there is room for use-Next Quarter's Staff. ful work in an academy conductedfor the benefit of boys who can thusDL AX"p.�WCLUPECO SHRUNKQUARTER SIZE COLLAR����G:YE SEST SC"YICE, 2 P'O" 211C.• PE.SODY.� co., M"Ke".Conklin's::.PenFor busy people,No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothingtotake apart.Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of thumbto nickel cres­cent and . the'pen: is full.ready to write.� beatdeaJen enry-�e:�!�"If TOG t::..orll= C=�L C..u no DloretbaD oUaer:'::'P:t��r=..=�a::cata1OC::: IIIUIJ 01' 8f'J'le :n=:pea repalred .PICIDptlJ..... £ COIUtLlK PER co..IlW1A�£�T"""....... c:..u. 8eIWIIII& � ..., Mr. Ma!lock Lectures at Penn.W. H. Mallock, who last week de­livered a series of lectures on "So­cialism and Allied Social and Econom-ic Subjects," has left for Philadelphia, I:-nunes:and this week will speak on the same ')ffi H. Ice. .P 1788. Residence, H.P, 961subject at the. University of Pennsyl- !!Dr. frtll mll. J')atlnvarria. His lectures at Pennsly v ania !!Dc B.alp" mIl. J')atlnsimilar to those at· Chieago, wiH be .DENTISTS .under the direction of the National )249 Kimbark Ave.IS RE-OPENED Ch'ic Federation.'The first issue of ' the t:1!:v�r;;itv obtain educational advantages not toHigh School Daily made its appear- he found in day school. But underxBOOK STORE Hours Q-I2. Cor, 63rd St.1:30-5· BfSURf .You are Correctl,Dressed .It will make you feelbrighter and betterand convey the im­pressien that yourbrains are paying div­idends.-------- .- .. _._-----WHeR.E do yoa �t. yourNew.papera. P.rlodleal. aDdat.UOft.Q.At NOf\.TOWS .I Pb01l� Fre� l>elivery�6 Hyde Park ::\18 5,th Street The World LikesProsperous' PeopleOur Soring StylesAre Now ReadyA. N. JERRE�S. Manager.Tailor for Young lien.Either store,·131 1.. Salle Street. _d." Jackson BlvdOUR SPRINCiSTOCK IS READY.A large selection ofSpring Overcoatings attern pting prices.200 styles of FancyVestings.PRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests $20 to $5020to SO5 to 15To Exhibit Japanese Prints.To En�ertain Mrs. Hitchcock,Hitchcock house will entertain \Verl·l1e�<lay aitcrI100n from ..J to 5 in hone Snell Men Have Informal(lr of :\'r�. Charl('s Hitchcock. who Thl' men in 5n('11 Hall enjoyed onega\'C Hitchcock hall to the Uni\'('r�ity I,j tlH'ir rq!ular stag parties last evcn­:11111 .'�'h�. ha� taken a, deep int.ere�t in iug, All the old games and man�'1It CHr �111ce. :\Irs. Ihtchcock IS ahout I new ones were u�ed up, accompaniedto go to Europe for an extended visit: hy a genermlS allotment of root beer.jalld thi� will he her, iarewcll to the pop. wi('lIers. "andwic-ht's and what-Ih�u:"t.'� fo)r :h(' com1l1g year. �Irs. ever else goes to make up a rc:tl I111tchcock WIll read a paper 011 arc hi· Snell lunch.. tecture \Y cdnt'sday aiternoon, a sub- Ii ject in which she is greatly =ntcrcfted. Patronize Daily Maroon Advertisers.'Pre· Legal Club Meets Toni�ht.Thl: I;, .. t regular' meeting' of thePrc·l.·,·" CI b fl'... , 11 or t 1e wlIlter (Iuar-tcr will bc h('ld tonight at -: t­o�1 . I ��. or!.; 111 Cohb l.ccture Hall. TherelrJlI hC' ext. emporaneO\1S speechl-s onPOlitiC'll . ff' , CI'• • ,I aIrs 111 llcago. and all1btnther .. and friends arc urge(1 to heprescll t J'I .", . � ectlon of otlicer:" . ior:Tm� '111arter will also he hdd.'Patronize Dailv; Marot'� adycrt;st"I5,... .'\ Small ads hiing large rct�rns inf1w Daily Maroon.AN AD. INTHE DAILY ,MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE •,HAVE YOU INVESTED? ----- ----- ._-- -- ---PATRONIZErUIUNIVERSITYPHA.RMA.CY.¢o E. 55th Street.R. R, ROW ��, Prop.g"e �oot Stu�ic:JtI1lBALI.IlALL243 Wabub ,A.,e.Original Ideas an(1 exclusive Styles iDPHOTOGRAPHS.p.el •• 1\ ...... t:» 11. or c. �'acJ.ftt.--_. - --- ---.-- - - ..An ad. in The Daily Maroon is a_good investment. Have you tried it1TH� DA1LV .MA�OON. CHICAOO. ' 'rURSt>AV. MARCH 12, t907.the, State University of Iowa.The Conferring of Degrees.The President's Quart er lyon the 'list because of the way he ment.Top floor oi played in the final contest, but his: The Recession.I work throughout the season. although: Wed.-Friday, March 20. 21, 22The Pullman Company Build'g good. has .not been aggressive enough I 8:30:\ .�1.--l:30 P. xr. Exarnina-to warrant him a place on the first I tions for the Winter Quarter.-----------------1 five. Long has played hard. but has iL A M U 1:. ... .. Eo N �. s I not a sufficiently great acquaintance W. A. A. MAKES PLANSe. . � -L-_.L-a . , &. "'. with the game. Stewart has played FOR ANNUAL DINNERin too few games to be consideredPowers: Hainsfurther of Literature has work­ed consistently. being a good feede:-------Have T,he­You TipBeen. � op" LikeThere? Inn ItYouWill. '•�I·1'1, l Cor. Adams St. and Michigan Ave.I';",. '� 1 CHARLES FROHMAN,-I PresentsJOHNDREWin A. W. Pinero's Most Suc­cessful Play,"HISHOUSEIN ORDER"The .StudebakerTHOS. W.ROSSIn Augustus Thomas'Great Comedy,THE-OTHERGIRLLaSalleOthersCome,andGo, But­THE TIMETHE PLACE and,THE GIRLGoesOnForeverIllinoisr:;, . CHARLES FROHMANPresentsMAUDEADAMSIn Her FamousPerformance ofPETERPANThe GarrickDAVID.BELASCOPresentsWARFIELD-IN­THE-\ MUSICMASTERThe GrandMR.HOPKINSONWithDallas Welfordand the Best CastEver Seen in Farce have long been the standard 25 cent garter. The patented Sat �prevents Chafing, binding and catching in the clothin�, The BliP ..�1at Clasp Garter is as flat as your hand. Worn by men who ...ciate comfort and neatness. Made of pure silk elutie wl'bbing. Alm� parts.of brass-heavily nickeled. 25 cenb a pair, all dealers.a,mall prepaid. For men who prefer a cord garter, we have perfedIil,LOCK-GRIH ' ..ty-svcond University Convo c ation. BRIGHTON GARTERSIS found ir •The Procession. Wbile th!y are 9.uickly and easily detached, yet thex hay� theThe Convocation Addrc.s s. .. Arner I 6J?Dest �p of all cord gU!en. Tbe flexible rubber diamond,. 'I I gnPs wIth a bull dog tenacIty, No wear or t ... of the IOCb.ican Expansion ami Educatona n' ! Can't spring loose or become accidentally detached. Made oftensification." Georg-e Edwin M.·I::- 6nest quality webbing; all metal parts beavilr. nickel platedLean. Ph. D., LL. D .. President of brass. 25c and SOc a pair, all dealen or by mai, prepaid.PIO ••••• U ..... DE. 00., 7t a Market .t-, Phll_ ••• phla.Jlahrt � Pioft«r IItlllHftden.(Continued f:om page- 1.)State-ALL-STAR JUNIOR COLLEGE ORATORS �PEN SPRINGBASKETBALL TEAM PICKED CONVOCATION TO-DA ·'1I(Continued from page 1.)----------------sition on the ground that he has cov The Matutinal for Caudidates fo·.ercd his man more thoroughly. T'hi: H igher Degrees. =.fact :s shown partially by the records10 :30 A. �1. �Iandel Hall-S�nioCollege Chapel. The Senior Co!lcr'-;., of the games, when' it will be seerthat comparatively few baskets were Class Exercises .made off Moore against a good num3 :00 P. �1. Mandelber off Ferguson. Ha!!- Th� �i:;The wealth of materialthe candidate!' for the guard positionswhere every team has a good man.I Those who appeared best are: Longand Price of Arts; Ettelson. StewartI and Haincsfurth er of Literature:l K�ene of Philosophy. and Allen andFishbine of Science. Price is namedAt a meeting of the Women's Ath­letic Association in Lexington gym­nasium yesterday afternoon, it was 'Iunanimously voted to hold the annualassociation banquet in the gymnasiumon June 6. At this meeting. the ath-Affair to be Held june 6 in Lexington-Carnival Report Shows Net Pro-. ceeds of h9O.,for his forwards. but he has hadenough xpericnce to warrant his be­ing .placcd on the first five. Hegiven a position on the second team.Allen played a good game. but. as hewas with a team which never proved'�ood. he did not have a real chanceto show what he could do in fast "BRIGHTONFLAT-CLASP GARTERSCbaDcesCham]-1The �Seventhpromiseeontest­that a'will beevents.the criito seebut seenois orChicag4TheTOM.ASOSCHOOLand. ORCHESTRA511 KIMBALL HALL, CHI�AGO,MANDOLIN LESSONS. $J.so.Music Furnished for-- -----'-­---All Select Occasions.AT THEUNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWILL FIND REsrAURANTS ON "1''110 FLOORSWt�L FIND A SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEServing only the Best the Market Aftorcl ..company. He is, however, assured of letic pins are awarded. 111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREE:-a pia. ce on the second quintet. Fish- J t was decided to keep the price '-if" e make a Specialty of Club. Fratem.ty Dinnert, E.chine was a very hard 'and consistent the same as in former years in order Finest Orchestr a in the Cjt yfighte� but did not play in t;rnc to restrict the attendance to those ��������������������������������with the other members of the team. strictly interested in athletics. ThisThis' narrows the choice down to�he rival captains. Ecttelson of till'champions. and Keene of Philosophy.two or: the best men, on the floor inthe ,series. It was due largely to the decision was the result of expressionsof dissatisfaction which have beenmade about the former banquet planThe committee chosen by the advls-!ory board of the Association to attendwork of Ettelson in guiding the team to this affair are Miss Grace Norton.work .of the Literature five .hat general chairman; Miss Mildredbrought victory to that college. and Chamberlin, in charge of catering;for Keene it may be said that much Miss Marjorie Bell, music and deco­of the credit for Philosophy's high rations for the danc'e to follow thestanding in the race is due to him. banquet; Miss Ethel Preston. plac­After Cleary was made ineligible for ing cards and table decorating; Missthese contests by joining the squad H clen Peck. programs.Keene and Ferguson were the only The final report of the carnival wasexperienced men left for the runners- read, showing a total net profit ofup in the race. a fact which explain" $289.94.a .great measure the preponderanceof Literature men on the All-Junior- REYNOLDS DANCE SATURDAY,team. Club Makes Arrangements For LastEttelson, as captain and Iormulator Informal of Quarter.of the team-work which won the pen-ant for Literature. is made captain The next Reynolds Clu', entcrtaiu­of the team. while Davis, captain of mcnt will an informal f!:mce 10 beArts. and the only captain on the held next Saturday, �l:lrch 1'1 Thissecond selections. is made captain of will be the last dance thi�: .!t:ar::l�r .111(1that squad. 3 large attendance is e",,"'d,·d Themusic will be furnished. a- iot pre­A meeting of the Cross Country vious dances. by Lawrence: The la:'1Club will be held tomorrow morning affair which the club g-w(. \\,:I� theat 10 :30 o'clock in C�bb Hall. Hard Times party in J; nuary.------'-- - -------- Law School Registration Begins.For Sale-New complete set His­torian's History of the \Vorld. Ott�.1cok Pub. Co.; 25 volumes, practicallyunused; cheap. Phone Wentworth3.12. Phone H arrisen 80:$. THE ,UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUMPresses your suit every week and shines your shoes·tor $1. OO,per month ' :5645 Cottage Grove Ave. Hyde Park 3718ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COf:1PANY'Phone Hyde Park 571. Kim�k Av. elF-ifty-Sixth StThe Cleanest and BeSt Kept StorageWar�house in the CitYFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed andShipped to all parts of the -world. 300, Private Ster-:age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for Pianos.Rooms for trunks and Wheels. Large Room, for Carriages, Buggies andSleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local Transfers for Baggage, Furnit ure, Packages, etc., at short notiee,Special Attention Given to Univers ity Orders.Est. 1856 @;;;id;�� 8rOR A CATALOGUE QFBRYANT 6 STRAnONBusiness College Spalding 'A;hletic Goods.�lention "That sport you are inter­ested in and ask for a list of colleat'and school suppliesTbe Spalding Athleti� LibraIJTextbooks on every athletic sport10 cents per copy.6 Send for Complete List,, M • .:1 Ord�r Dept.A. G. :;PALDING It BROS.'1:6 Nassau St.. New Ye' k,IH Wabash Ave .• Chiulf\Offers SuperiorAdnntages in.. Business Training •.ANDRegis�ration in the Law School for �.S'enollraph,.. rthe sprmg quarter began yesterday . ::I Iwith Oean Hall. and will continuc I DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLthrough the week. It will be a con- Students May Enter' at An7 Time. ivenience to the dean's office, if all------- rc�istration is completed within thisperiod, All Senior College studentswho intend entering the Law Schoolin th(' spring. or takinR law work.�hollld re�j�ter for thl·ir law courSl'�Ihj� week.All kinds of typewriting done.�tudents patronage solicited.Terms reasonable,work saticfactoryCall at 5i5.1 Drexel Avenue.Miss Vanghn, Second flat.Lost-A round hrooch pin, set with01le lar�e turquoise and six diamonds.Lost Sunday afternoon on the Cam­tHIS or ill one of the t�"iversitybuildill�5. Finder please notify TheDaily :Maroon Office, and communi­cate with owner. The Dramatic Club will hold a social m('ctinR in the Reynold!" Club ,ItS o'clock tonight.Small ads bring large returns ia.The Daily Maroon. H. W, Bry;.n� Pres.L. Brent ·laughan. U. of C. ·�l. :Manager..U:;-J.2T \\'aha5<h Ave. -.0 R ORB-.c. •• r .1.·1IIUk. FlaW IIl1k. en..... Battermilk.AIL BorTu. •• 1'.& CoUII'III... den'. Cond IIi1k c..."'-329 It Peel) en� II. t----- -------R t:-UIcIH"C • Phone''';.1 A rllngton PI. Lake \'iew :c,,�Phone Harrison (644 .. ---------------- claimswin ttmainand CworkGrearpointsbeenof latdaib.in thein theto calCenother'Wiu:1I1Theirdles,dash. Iler arthe hj1ltnp.CentrOf:Mil\\,;Ostolformboth"'ill (men..".hoPO·ntanrJ 1Goldsmith's Orchestra Patroni7.e Daily ;\Iaroon !\.i\'Cftiset1They .' , CothetheAllcT'in hiJaco1�, �, MOORE. FLO R.I ST. 272 East ·55th Street. Chi�&.go',' IllinoisTELEPHONE HYPE PARK _ ,..!. Goldsmith, Director.'ffice. Cable Piano Com��,..wabash and jackson. CHICAGO. AreReliable,-