VOL "". No. 100. CHI CAGO. S.·\TU RD:\ Y. �IARCH 9. ]907. Pr ice Two Cents. qEPORT SAYS MICHIGAN HASJ •TAKEN COMPROMISE ACTIONJunior Class.Price Gets Victory for Arts.The nl'W plan comes in the form ofan amendment to that followed inthe election of the executive boardlast November.' The' m�in· change ·tmakes is the provision for the elec­tion of the executive board during thespring quarter i.n place of during the.mccecding fall quarter. By this meth­od the editors will be allowed the.summer quarter in which to plantheir work.• SWIMMERS WIN' FROM ILL I N I! LIMITATION OF SWOLLENVarsity Water. Men Find Illinois II FORTUNES HOPELESS TASKEasy at Urbana-Maroons WinAll Events but Century and PlungeP I H Sta I W. H. Mallock Declares Income--. au arper rs. Legislation Would be Impossible. Enforcement.Urban«, Xl arch 9.-�laroon swim- I Literature won the Junior Collegeme rs found J llinois easy tonight in l k tb 11 I . I . dE..nlains Plan to Avoid Conference Says Socialists Are Arguing for an las 'C a c rampions up yester ay-r t lu-ir return water meet I�crc and by f=Regulaticns" and Stay in "Big Impossibility .When Advocating a tcrnoon, when Arts d. efeated Phil-. .. . I\';nllill", every event but the roo-yard I b I f 6Nme -Not Official. I' I I If' . State Dictation of Salaries. .,Sup I)' y t ie score 0 7, to .,\\'.111 a m tie p unge or distance, tin- Tu Maurice T. Price, left guard on'-'Whik no official confirmation : .... hed with thc score i to 2 in theirl That it is hopeless for society the Arts College team, belongs theiavor. di - I ..could be secured yesterday an unof- II ' CI ' 1 I I ur the government to attempt to ere It lor iammcrmg 1Jl the nail which.. arper, ut ucago, prover t lC star . . , j'III' II •f t d d f L'ficial newspaper report from Ann Ar- . 1 "I I' limit swollen fortunes, was thc drift ,I y as cne own or iterature. . 01 tu« meet. wuuung the ::;o-yan swun th 1 nn tbor st.u cd that Xl ichigan had de- f J I I I I '<.1' f uf the argument of Mr. \V. H. Mal- e le unt.cided til stay in the "Big Nine" but rom . a c ':l�ll11 � lIe zs yar. sWIm. rom leek in the last of thc lectures at the Arts yesterday afternoon ups� theSwat cck, ue �\ aroon victory ttl the Ito sdll·,jule outside �ames with the Uuivcrsi ty, in which he has sought : ope on the game between that col-rclny was a lso due to his magnificent IEast a nr] Western univcr sit ies out- tu expose socialism as a theory based eg e and Philosophy, winning one of-purt in t lic last length.side t lu- Conference. According to Oil fallacies: Society is not powerful the fastest, cleanest and closestThe water polo game. countingthe rcport , the Xl ichignn Board of euough to limit thc incomes of the games of the season .. If the Philoso-t hrce points. also went to Chicago. Icaptain . ., of industry, according to pners had won, the series would haveSolomon Iailcd to do 54 feet in the �I r. Mn llock. He said the charactcri- ended in a tic bet wen Literature andplunge for distance. and Colerurer :md. . . r\�T'I . fill". k f . :�at:on of the majorrty as an all-pow- "hilosophy, but .thc defeat of Cap-.� I son 0 mrns t ook irs t anu 'sec-.. .Kruling» inappl icablc in contests out- " «rful ruler IS nonsense, which thc tam • eerie's men gives the Lits anlind With distunccs of ::;i and 5 ... Icct.] ...side oi the .. Big Nine." The" Big , "• po lit icin ns ha ve repeated until in llnclisputl'd claim for the pennant.Swat cck pr()\'l'<! too fast for WalkerFour" pr oposj t ion is also vetoed ac many cases they believe it them- The playing of Price was the Iea-. '. , , • -in the t oo-ya rd swim. and added thecording to the report. selves, rure of the game. It was undoubted--ccond of Illinois' two points. I 1To Ignore Rules in Outside Games The argument of Mr. Mallock was .y lis excellent guarding and passingl directcd agninst the theory of so- which won the fight, for the Artscialists that society should dictate the' men were not at all sure on theirtl'rms on which capitalists should basket-throwing, and needed all thework. He said that any law or order chances he offered them to make thePreliminaries of Inter-Fraternity Re-troacti\·c features in meets and gamcs' lay Race Are Run Off Last Night- which thc majority might pass limit- three field goals, which, with one. I II 'd I C f PhI' Gamma Delta Team Ma' kes ing thc income of the talented m:nor- from the foul line, make up the totalWit 1 co l'ges OutSI e t Ie on erence. ity which directs production. would be of scven points.According to the report, the "five Best Time.game" rule will be avoided by �Iich- annulled by laws of human naturc At no time during the course' ot· theigan by schcduling live gamcs with The intcr-fraternity preliminarics which arc greater than the powcr of contest was either team more than aIl'gislation. I)oint in tl I d Af bConference colleges and as many a5 wcre run off last evening. The first Ie ea. ter a out halfthe managemcnt wishes with extra- and second teams in cach heat will Limits to Majority Power of the first pcriod had been played,'Corifcn:I)('� "institutions. .;'::'uJnI5l:ic ifrthc' scnli-finals:' TtTe' be:'l Ferguson of PJUlo",ophy started th�The st:ltement of the proceedings time was made by the Rli Gamnn The conccption that the majority scoring' with :1 goal from the foul line.of thl' Illl'cting follows: Delta tcam. can enforce any law it wishes to en- Davis of Arts made a basket, and"The hoard votcs that �lichigan; The results: force is entirely' wrong, according to. Bebb of Philosophy. followed suite.shall not withdra\'�' from the Confer- First hcat-\Von by Phi Gamma �Ir. Mallock. and he says: "If it were I That was all for the first half; whichDelta (Chamberlain, Baird, HOPkinS'1 not, the majority of voters of Ncw! euded 3 to 2 in favor ,of the Philoso­Goodenow, Wright, De Tray). time, York State, by electing a Governor of' phers.T :,W: Alpha Tau Omega. (Finger, their own way of thinking, might not After the interval,' the ball was·nearRogers, Loose, Munson.' �Iurphy, only limit the ;omoitnt which any citi- the Arts goal almost all the time, dueJ (Jldersma), sl!cond, time. I :",0, zen might possess: it might do a to the way in which Price and LongSecond hcat-\Von by Ps' Upsilon. grl'at <lea} more besides.' ,intercepted the throws' to the Phil-time. I :,W 3-5: Chi Psi, second. tim,"! "Resides enacting the. law which, osophy forwards, but only two bas­t :30 ,4-5. (run in afternoon). limited �dla� any citi7.en mjght ac�u- r�ets resulted. These, however, wi�hThIrd he�t-Won by Delta Tan mulate. It m'�ht �Iso cnact � I.a�v, wIth, the f�ec throw, were enough to \vmDel�a. (LeWIS. Dunne. James. Elwell. the �ame deltghuul ease, IImltmg the, the vIctory. Exselsen made the bas-Ol1icial sanction was given to thc T:lmes. �Jabin). ti.me, 1:39 2-5: PhiI' ;1I�lO,\Int of food.· whic.h . any citizen I ket whic.h finally p.ut Arts i�to .th. e(61l0\\'ill." contests: T I I I d I h d d d f f P,.. Delta Thcta, (Elhs, Krog. Nib]ey.! nllg.lt cat. t mig. It mllt �verybody' ea , w. lIC en e m e eat or 1111-Foothall-Oct. 5, Ca�c at Ann .-\r- Berry. Easthurn. Radford). second'l to two ounces a day. It might enact ('sophy.hor; (let. 6. O. S. U. at :\nn Arhor; 'inll', T :",0 1-5. that nobody should wcar a grcatcoat In the locker-room, after the end ofX(l\'. 2. Vanderbilt at Xasl1\'ille; X 0\'. Fourth hcat-\Von by Delta Kappa. I in wil.lter. or that grown mcn should the gamc, the Literature and Arts6 II I' \ \ 1 Juniors and Sophomores Must Ratify.. l'llll"Y \'ama at : nn .. r lor. Epsilon (Pcgues, Pincoffs, Jones. array themseh-es in thc clothes of men had a big cc]ebration for Price.Ua:'t'h:dl- Thrce games with �J. A. Sunderland. Burns. Abbott), time" babies, It might decrce an eternal The score:C. at l.;1I1�in� during the spring \';}- 1:42 1-5: Delta Upsilon. (Rowman,ll�oliday, and. forbi�1 any citizcn. to per- Arts-7. Philosophy-6 .cation. iOl:r gamcos with Illinois (datl's Gill. Kling. Xci son. Post. :'\(organ), i torm any kmd Of labor. Besuies en- Davis, .. , R. F Allison. not C,'d). fou!' 'cramcs with Chicago ,. J t' It' I I Id bin� �;econ(J. tllne, 1:4.2 2-5. I a� mg t la no t�t lC' .s IOU. e<Ju�at 1 ! c.xselscll L. F.Ferguson, Keene(<tatl'- IlO! fixer!), \Vi!liams at Ann 1 hts wealth to IllS clllidren. It mIght I I.eai C BebbArh"f .\Ia_v 1,::. :\1. :\. C. at Lansin,r RECOMMENDS A ! ellact .t d'l t' t f I I G., '"' PAMPHLET I . JUS as rea I y la no at lcr _oug R. .Keene, Ferguson:\Jay .:' I. should have thc �ustody of his Chil-I Pricc , L. G SabathTr:.;·l,-�Iichi<ran to send a team (Iren Or a raJ'Il bIt' G B k f fi Id K... Junior College Council Requests Uni- I ,.,_ : ,g. , Y e ec mg. a. 0\.'- as cts rom IC: eene, Bebb,.£a<;t til thc inter-colle<yiate. "rtl0 ot t f h k E I... versity to Issue Booklet. I'. r I.S own way 0 . t m mg. It I ._xse sen 2. Davis. Baskets from freeIllllg':t l'nal't that n� remc.")· should he I throws: Ferguson, Keene, Leaf. TimeAtL:. tic altthorit;e� at thc Lnin'r- At the weekly mceting of the Jun-l aJlplled to any (�I�ease. othe� than, of halvcs, ]5 minutes. Referee, !\rc-• ;"r College Council. yesterday morn, �ome fJuack Illl'dlctlle. :l<l\'crtlsed to Keag. f�omhines thc hest featurcs of the sys·�ity .. tl'nl::y \\'l'rl·. rl'liCl'nt on thl' I . J - I I tems under which the Il·ading annuals(> \\ • tor a mon0 oliicial :11)(1 I)l" ing. Fn·(1 Caldwell was aprJointcd by I {,'I,lr,e �'�',eryt mIg" .. t a aw forbadc I Thc final. st:l. nding . of the JuniorI 1\ Clltzer_l an) cltt7.cn to 1 b tl C" of the country arc puhli�.)lcll. The'r;,'! "i :\li('hi:.:a:I·� ::ctinl1. prdl'ril1� Chair.m;1ll E. L. :'.fcnridc to draw UPI' -.. ' .. . '. a or, Ie 0 c�e senes IS:rl:solutiol1s rccomtllcndin<r to the Vni, majority of th(' cltl7.ens mIght hc dc- Literaturc 5 .833' cO�lmittee, immediately aitcr its ap-t::ih-,! ';1: �'l1h.'ll� (If �h(' Jlr(lccl'dil1�s (Ii ... I I 1" . I J\"'r I·t_" .'llltllor,·tl·cS tl1at ." (I .. ". crr·ntl· n h,ghte<1 with it on :\[o,nday• hu.t 011 Philosoph,,' t 2 .6671 pom.tmcn l'y. re .. lf ent Jc\\'itt 0i 111\,thell: \\'oh'l'rine hnard. Pr()ies�nr � " ... �," J .. J I' 11 lIes('ay th y wonll I I t \ - i ulltor (' a<; .. III ]:tllu:lry: \\'rnlc In 111":\lhi,,: \\'. Small cXllrc<;.;c(1 hi.m .. cH: oi thc Uni,·er.,ity with pict\tre� of .. c < (!Heg_ar< I. or : rts J .1 .:-00, I .I ., I' t 'd I 1-1' I' all of them woule! die likc\\;se" S . 6 000:.!5 e;l<ltn� anllt1:t! .. ill tilt, ('nulllry. :lllrl:\<; 0":. "f tOllch with thc Confl'rcl1(,(' )111 r mgs :tIl< g'ronn � )e pu )11�he( 111,' . • ClellCC ....•.......... 0 .a itcr rccei \'i:u: f\'pi ic" if' 'Tll T.:: oi:);II11phll't form at the expensc of th·� i Capitalists Have Upper Hand Ihc .. e rl'l.!'ardill� till·ir l,hl1' ,.j' ('I)<:r:l-l·ninr .. ity. for free di�trih\ttion to: . WILL SPEAK FOR SENIORSprosp(.('tin' �tnllcnt� :\11<1 to the »uhlic: That till' c=1»tain of indll .. try ha!' i tifln. pro('\·(·(!t-d t·, dr.l \\. ";, :1 rflll .. tifll,. .. II ' . I' I' I Ilk, 11011 (,lIJh(1(h!;I� :tll th,' 11.'-1 pnil1t'"i�;:I1', Ilflli('.\' IIntil fnrllH'r \\'nrc! hal! in g't'llcrai. 1 hc ('ollncll hcheH's th:lt, II np)H:r 1.11)( ,Illi cannot )e :- la (f), Roscoe S. Fairchild to Represent· '. I' .., . 1 I 1 "i tlte .. l' \'.!:-I"lb 1'1.11'- Tb<' fllni()rl,e('11 : ""('in.d from .'\nll .\rhor., . Ihnc i,;; a gn'at nced for tltis l1ere. 'Irom II:' position ,y:\t1y aw ma( e ly Graduating Group at Exercises. .Or I�a\'crl)ft :tho (1cc1illc(1 to <"0:' ()tltc'r routine husine�s was acted up,: till' lll:ljor"ity was the con('u:,ion (-Ja�.; ('fllIlIl1itlt,l' t'''l1,-i-t<'d "i \h·inI I I 'I 'I II k "TI . Kramer, \·hairm:lll. \\'\';Iill)�tn!l n.I'-C. . • '1 I 1 1 'on inclucling the oOicial Ching'o )lill fl'al' H'f )V.\ r .. \ a oc: Ie tlltt1or- I{o,col' Simpson Fairchil<1 w:ts, " :'11 oplllion untl morc lal wcn' . . ., ". -. . ..' Jnnl'� ;:1111 l'alll K .. 1ud'-"I1.karn. d ntiiciaJh' oi the �t:tnrl :\Iichi, I >dinitc ;Ictinf) will po�!'ihly he takcll' Ity. w.ho:,\.: l'fhcll'IH'Y I" Immellsely andi cho�('n hy Dean Shcpardson ycster-g;lJl. 11:-111 tahn� a� not infrequently: �t thc next mccting. thc last of thi:, I' �I,ll·aklllahl.y :.t1)Ove �hc ;I\'eragc,. must.' II.:I.Y. In s))(·;tk in behalf of the graduat- Thi .. cOlllllliltl:c ;:\ .. 1 \\·('('k mef wit:1"rc" t f A \ .! I 11 (ltt:trter II the majority deSIres to rctam and il1g' ·-rott), at thc Senior Collecrc exc� ,1 conl1nittf"� fro III till' SOI)homorc" � rf'por s ronl nn: r1)Or la( I .• .• .: ,- • � .... • -•JlJac<'d the \Voh'crincs in an ttnf:lir: 10 proht hy Its serVices, neccssanly; ci,('';. Fairchi1<l is a native of J)atl- ( l:ts�. c()nsiqill� oi i�. P. �hc:-cr, Paullight. :tllfl the statc institution hadl Dean Georgc E. Vincent will <lc_In.maill tllc: n�aste.rs of the prcs-i\';lll', Jllinoj�, and gra<lnatcd irom the! ilarper :tn(J lTeher HO�I('tter to t:t1kbeen t1njtt�tly criticized a� a result.: livcr a lectnre on "Social Gcography" cut l'(,OnOI11I(, SItUation, nor could any I Danvillc High School before cntcr-I f':\'er the plans with the ill('l)miJl� cl:tss.hcforc the Sociology Club :\ton<lay at' - I ing the Univf'r�ity. He is preparin� I4 o·clock· in Haskell :\55embly Hall. (Continued on ,age 2.) to take up di\;nity work. (Continned on page 3)LIT CHAMPION BY ARTS VICTORY ANNOUNCE FINAL PLANS FORCAP AND GOWN PUBLICATIONPhilosophy Quintet. Literature'sPrincipal Rival, Meets Defeat atHands of Arts-Star Work of Committee's Report Places CompleteControl of Annual in Hands ofUnofficial Telegraphic News from AnnArbor Says Board of Control De­cidl.:s to Stay in Conference.Sophomores to Elect Executive BoardEach Spring-Ratification of Re­port Next Week.- The comple-te separation of the pub­lication of "The Cap and Gown" fromthe "Order (If the r ron Mask" is soonto be accomplished. The simplifiedand final plan for the puhlication ofthe university .mnua l has been drawn'up by the j unior Class committee ap­pointed for that purpose in January,and will come up before thc Ju�iorand Sophomore classes for ratification--Control has compromised with thest\ull'nb and supporters of the "with­drawal" movement to the extent uf at a rncctiug to he held next week.This report places all power for thee-lection of thc executive hoard in thehands of the Sophomore class, andestablishes the complete independ­ence of the book from control of anyoutside organizations. The plan hasthe appro\'al of representativerof the Iron Mask, from whomcame the suggestion that thepublication be placed e.ntirely· in thehands of the class by which it is tobe published,�Iichigan will remain in the "Big HOLD PR�LIMINARIES OFNine." ohsen·ing the regulatio,ns of INTER-FRATERNITY RELAYthat hody in contests with Confer­ellce. colleges, but neglecting the rc-Nominations in Spring Quarterior the purposc of considerir.g thereport. while it is likely that theSophomore:, will mcet the samc day.This plan, as now filnl1y drafted."'5.iDter·ollqt ellce ior the present at least; that�Iichigan docs not. consider the '"BigFour" proposit:on feasible at present:that in �ames with non-Conferencecol1l'�es ?\[ichigan will he govcrnedby all Ihe Conference rules except thefive galllc rule and the retroactivefcaturl' of thc three Yl'ar rnle." mec,ting of the sophomore class thefirst Wcdnesdey in May, which thisye;1 r will f:!11 upon 1\1 ay I, but willremain open until the following Mon4day. The election will then he heldin Cobb Hall on the third \Vednesday.which is :'\(ay 15. Arrangelltconts haveheen made to ha\'c the voting' machinebrought to thc uni\'cr:,ity ag'ain forthis election.Nominations are to be �ade at as. Schedule Games at Meeting-.:la55es. inasmuch as thc iormcr isllQW in chargc of the pfl'sent annual .:ll1d thi! lattl'r will, assume direction ofIhat in 1908, :\ meeting of the JuniorClass will be held next \Ve(lnc�dayThi .. plan .. till has to) he adoptedhy both the Junior and Sophomore..t.LUniver�ity Authorities SilentctorrIe.tatikeIt )Iro('" .ji:l��� .. incc the :-;pn'ial �c,,�inlloi "/'.:. and in :lily C:l"(' IlI1\\'illil1i! tnJo:t" .. : 1<1:.:n1\'l1t on the l'fT('ct oi :\Ii('�>Id'g-----(Continue" on page 2.)nOIThSCI1cicmclarth((01noofcit�511R.,"1-THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, t907·LIMITATION OF SWOLLENFORTUNES HOPELESS TASK(Continued from page I) -__:=GEORIAGJ'VJIJt laily aaronn �h. Con�N.ce and ' ••• '.'0 �"ch� �ORGAN PARK ALUM��-- II-������---�---�---�---�--������������������gan all that is good outside of the WILL DINE TO-NIGHT Just the place to hold club and fratemity dinners.Confercucc=-in short. to adopt th. THE HOTEL �AROONConference rezulations that "look Future of Academv. to be Discussed FIFTY-EIGHTH AND DREXEL AVENUE.Odiclal StudeDt PubllcaUOD of tbe UDlyer· ,._..lt7 of Cblcqo. good." and reject those provisions of by Speakers at Hutchinso� Hall Convenient. Excellent Service. First-Claathe "Big Nine" rules which do no Banquet. Come over and see us about your next Club Banquet.look particularly f:lvorable.) t hardly seem .. probable that theMichigan Board of Control wouldtake :IIlY such action as is outlinedby the Ann Arbor reporters. If t he.:D�t'l't'd a. SecoDd-Clue Mall at tbe Cbl Board has taken action. the reporter-ca¥o Itostolftce. must have misn.'I)resented it to someextent. and it i.. sincerely believedSubsl'rlptloD price, $3.00 per 7ear; $1.00 at Chicago that when the truth ;�(ill' :1 wontbtt. SubscrlptioDa recelYed at known, it will Ill' different from thetill' lillroon Omce, Ellis Uall. or at tbe recent "tell'graphic reports" w hich anFaculty 1':xcbaDge, Cobb Ball. Ordel'lI charucterisric of the fiction that come­taken lJy man or tetepnone. U7de Park occasiona lly from the fertile imagina-tion s of t 1)(' Ann :\ rbor report l' rs.The long-standing CaI> and GOW;I(!uestJulI appe3rs to be fairly well titud�e of voting units, whose votes,rounded up with the . . I h I I kbl" d' ,given or WIt 1 C (, ma -l' or mar1m Icatton to- ay ot 'he statesman."the final plan prcparedProposition by the JU,nior Clas., Idle Class a Stimulus to Work. Th as well as all girls interl'sted in th,'commlttec. c pro- The leisure class, acting as a mag-posed plan apparently covcrs all diffi- net to induce thc rest of humanity to hanquet, he present.culties that have, heretoforc ar'sen work ,in order to' raise itself into like:lI1d thcre�scems,little __ reason to doubt_ .circ'umstanccs . ',Was a. conception REGISTRATION TO C LOS Ethat, with a fe'.v possible alteratiom; v_oi:(:ecl during the course of the lee,'the class will vote to accept the pto"p- ture. "It may seem a paradox," said, Next Week Will End Month's Workosition and put the Cap and Gown for: Mr. MalJock, "but it wiJl be found onnl'xt year on a working basis anfl reflection to be self-evident that at!efinite organization before the expi- cJa�s which, if considered by itself, isration of the present school year. absolutely non-productive, may, whenA hnal settlement of this long. takell in connection with the socialmooted question will come as a great syst'em as a whole" be an essentialrelief to all who have in any way and cardinal factor in the workingbeen interested directly or indirectly fmachinery of production, supplying as majors' work; Juniors whose namesin the movement to put the annual lit would do. by the mere fact of its range from 1\1 to Z with less than ()I 'b - TI . - maJ' ors' credit. Unc1assilied students\111 a (emocrallc aSls. 1e commlt- existence, the magnetic or attractiv,'tee should now carry the proposition pOWl'r hy which thl' machinery is may register on application. Candi-I" . I h fl' f h d;ltl'S for the associates' title registerto a III11S 1 e ore anyt ling urt er kept in motion."comeS up to endanger the postpone- w· h the dean of the Senior CQJJeges.ment of the settlement, beyond the To Exhibit Japanese Prints.l'nd of thl' spring (IUarter. Mi�� Eva' Ndson Schultz .wjJJ de-liver :1I1 addn'ss 'on "Some Japanl's�,Prints from the Tokyo School,','next Wednesday afternoon at ...o'clock. From =i to 6 o'clock ther�will hl' an l'xhihit of the prints. The Imemhl'rs of the Union han' h(,l'n 1-IO\\'('«) the privill'ge of il1\'iting llll'ir:(ril'lats. IpalH'r fl'Jlorters at Ann Arhor has, Professor Sma!1 to Preach.Pro(l'ssor :\Ihion \Voodhnry Small.!the Uninrsity prcachcr. will dl'lh'l'r Ithl' �l'rmOI1 a! thl' r<.'gular Uni\'ersityreFgions sl'r�'ice tomorrow at II Io'c1ock in ::\fandel Hall. The orKan Irecital ginn hy ::\1 i",s Erlith Reicl('rwill h('gln at 10 :�.5. 1T11:ln who tried to plea .. e e\·erybod�·. IThc report woulo ha\'e us helieve thatl FOWNESth(' Roanl. .. �ill wi .. hing to retain it�"1;]11(1 ior continued relations with th,_,"Big' �in('" uni.\·l'rsitics. ano at thclGLOVESs�me time fcarmg to offend the stu-(knts and others who are radical in• their plea", fo� withdrawal from theConference. has decid�d to take aTbe Weeltl7, Oct. 1, 18t2.1'be 0.117, Oet, 1, 1902.It. I':UJ)\' lIA'1'llEWS, MaoaglDe EdItor.I·:DW AIW U. FELSEN'!'UAL. New. EditorJ,(;'nllm U. ):.'.(o;ltNALU, Atbletlc EdItorGEOIWfo; E. «'ULLEU, BuslDess Y.aoa�rASSSOCIATE EDITORSC. W. I'altzer, llerDard I·. �II,A. \V. Henderson, PrestoD F.. G ....WarreD D. "'oster, l1«.>lvlD J. Adams.REPORTERSPeter ):.'. (JUDb,Jerome I·'rank, W. It. �cCrackeDHurry A. Uaoaeo.P. W. l'ID�el·tolJ. IIft:-v('Y B. I··ulll'r. JIW. J. Ualoaturtber,l'rlDtell by tue Maroon Itresa-17 -& East GGtb Str�tPhone lIydt> Itarll 3:;:>1The NewAnnual,: !flFI! •': 1, ;" rI ( thl' newspaper reports from AnnArhor ;In' :lt1thentic, :\Iichigan is get-ting dl.'eper and deepl'rAgain Thos'C into the mirl' of uncer­Ann Arbor tainty on the "BigReporters? Xinc" proposition.' Ex-pl·rit.'nce with the news-I:owl·\·cr. hecn �nch a� to warrantgivin� l'rl'cll'nl'l' or �erio\1s thought toaftont onl' pl'r "'l·nt . .of the startlin�hit� (If information that l'manatc fromtIll' :,\'id1i�aTl town uncll'r thl' guiseo� tek�raphic nl·W�. The chancl's arc.tlH.,·n. that if thc ::\Iichi�an Hoard ofControl ha� takl'lI ;IIIY definite actionat all. ",hid1 is douhtful. the action\\'a� l'on�idl'rahly diffefl'nt from thatg-iven out 'hy thc :\nn ArhrJr report­er�.:\ccordin� to thc "telegraphicIH'\\,�." the ::\Iichigall Roarrl of Controlha:- t:>kcn an action that well accord!'­wit h tlh' old "moral story" of thl'j� I The annual banouct of Morrza nPark Alun1ni will hc held to-niuht ill �,���������������������������--����the Commons, Nearly -1200 invita­tions han' bene sent out and an un­usuallv larue number an' extu'eh'cl tnnttcnd. Besides the f:ll'Ult\'. the p re .. -­ent Senior class will attend. Snl'e{"W"will be made .. n nd i! i .. e xncctvd t'l:'T.. orne nction will 1)(' t:tkl'l1 rl· ... nrdin:thc continuance of t hc ill .. titut;oll.\mone' those who will sJ)l':lk\ ar�Princinal Johnson. I1l';ln Chase. Dr. IKellog' Speed, Ellisworth Dare, !\f rs ITo'm Wehh. Murrn v Morunn. Ed­ward G. Felscuthal. j cssc Harper, andC. A. Rcniff. Evcryone present will'II: l!in'T1 an oppo-tunity t» c xp rc sst,il1lsl'lf in regard to the future of th»Academy.conceivable form of socialistic legis-lation alter the fact," said the econcWOMEN TO DISCUSS DINNERmist..Minority Rules in AmericaThe minority rules in the politic sof America. according to the Eng'lisl­economist. As analysis of the actualworking of American politics. l\lrMallock submits : "That the voterscan. except 011 very rare occasionsdo nothing hut choose between courseswhich have been formulated to themby a minority-that the chosen courseitself can only be followed out inpractice on condition that it .is con­sonant with the needs and the work­ing principles of human nature -these facts to not appear o,n the sur­face. We see nothing but the mul-German Club in Comedy.:\ Gl'rman cOIl1l'cly ('ntitll'd "EillKnollf:' written hy Julius Von Rosen.will he pre .. cntccl hy tl,c GermanCluh. 1t is to he gi\'l'Tl I1l'Xt Friel:,'" Iafternoon at -t o'c1ock in the th('ah:r;of thl' Rl'ynold� CluhWJLL BE WORN LONGER ,.omsstep h:df way between th� two ac- SEASON THAN OTHERS-"ffATlions-to retain that which i. ,oocI ill IS, l'BAN OTHER GLOVBI.II!.Ii'�H,,;. Will Meet Mond=!y to Arrange forAthletic Banquet. IThe Woman's Athletic Asso.ciati�nwill hold an important mcetmg 111Lexington �ymna�iul1l at 1 :30 o'clockon Monday afternoon. The questionof the annual athletic dinner will bebrought up for discussion, Hereto­fore the banquet has been given inLexington G. ymna sium, and has been Ilimited to girls who were especially'nterested in athletics. Some dissatisfaction has been l'xpressed with this.and it has bl'en suggested that tht'banquet he given in the Commons.where more girls can be accommodated. :\[onday this question will h�'decided, and it is therefore urgen�that all membl'rs of the Associationin Dean's Office.Ncxt week is the last week oiregistration for the Spring Quarter.Graduates will rl'gister in order ofapplication; Seniors with less than 21 WeU·klSelecIOur Lunchroom is open until one a. m,Gl'"rttl byprcst!11car "rin Kl'I1, I secoll,lfor rl.city �tlled c.i rlivervlL. Fi,,11\1 r,can:il1iquest»man it-He i ..held aal Halalongvesti�,"�Ir0: tr.tsaid .�lcrri;the 111l)rcsl'lositiopointstand]studyeo otformeIt's only anight's ride­one sleep-from...... __ J Chicago to realIi rest and health atFrench LickWest Baden SpringsWaters, are unsurpassed-golf,tennis, riding, driving, hilliards,bowlingt trap-shooting or per­fect rest if you want it - Mealacco�modations- con gen i alguests.Low Roaacl Trip RatesD'lY and nhrht train., sleepers.parlor aDd butlet car •. ,_.��-.-._GOOD JUDGME:-JI ,.is'one of the factors of life. Cultivateyours by having your photographic Iwork done a t I�J.\InY��� i��,���O�ro�:UDJO II; . ..,f C. l·holo�·rapbt'r. j Albert Mathews, Pres. Geo. II. Fiedler, Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton. SecMathews & Co. Inc. ,THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers Bldg., 156 Wabash Ave.THE LINE FOR SPRING IS HERE.IT'S THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW.YALEStudents copied our COLLEGE CORNER Suit Model Last AutumTHE SPRING MODEL is much handsomerCome in and see itC&JVer 6 WDkieTAILORS t 85 189 Dearborn St.Bank FloorUniversity Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz. PRE�1They Fill that Empty Space at Hotne.cf�mOtr'6 J0!Joto �tulJto MinnStaDr.the lPhone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETsue'Uni\·�"�-that, 16th arid W�dUpD�e 16th St. Livery iiiRiding AcademyHigh-Class Saddle and Harness Horses for Sale.Telephone Calumet 251m�n.the"colleH\Presa m;siderandfeattInDr."IHorses SchooledSend for Circular. Open EveDiap.Frank S. Young. Phone H.P. 1252Young America Laun4ry cxaclit fBUNDLES BROUGHT IN AND CALLED FORShirts _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• 8c Collars _ , xCuffs __ ........•• '.........•.• 4c684-686 East 63rd Street failSpl'(.'dul)"IIll\'(agaihe Itl('ngangellfrel':tsagr,knflGeaenI OSca._.. St. ... Cal_a Aft.Pt.ae­Do.cIu Ill»Pthate ."anp all OIiCCL"IIIUJE••r:ireprool Storage & Van�1fITU1lB., PlAfiOS. TROHa, IDIlCBAlfDID �DBLlVKRBD TO ALL PARTS OP TIm CI'IY,, AHD 1U81J1tB& . :"SCIBnDCIa 0Ib, J I ."0. •1f .... � "R. .. W : ...c:wa.a- J K It_ .. c.a.r.1t.' 1thiSpring Flowers in Blos§o�VISIT,.THE GREENHOUSES NOWPhones: H. P. IS-H. P. 6gS7A. �cADAIWSsad,Street and Klmbark AvenueTftF- nATLY MAROON, CHICAGO. SATURDAY, ,MAROH 9,' 1907·-G;RGE.E HOOKER TO TALK lANNOUNCE FINALPLANS·FORAGAINST CAR ORDINANCES, CAP AND GOWN PUBLICATION. _ iWell.known Traction Investigator Is ISelected to Take Issue With Dr. : Thl." report of the committee,Fisher Next Thursday. .ful], is as follows:----------- ----II business manager and one. candidatefor literary editor. In case of themanaging editors and the businessmanagers the two receiving the high­est number of votes shall be declaredill clect cd. In case of the literary edi­tor, the one receiving the highestas number of votes shall be declaredGl'lIrge E. "Hooker has bvcn sccur- an aurcudmcnt • I the pku: fotlowcd in elected.ed by the Political Science Club to t lu- e lcct ion uf last Xovembe r.prcseflt his objections to the street Organization.car "rdinances next Thursday nigh: Till' executive Buard of the Cap andin Kvnt Theater. This speech is the Gown shall consist of five members.I sccolHI and last of the series arranged viz" t \\"0 mana�ing editors. two busi­for rl.c purpose of giving the Univers- ness mauaxer s and a literary editor,ity �t udents both sides of the propos- This board shall be responsible fored c.r:: grants. The first talk was de- the puhlisb insr of the "Cap and Gown."li\,crl.tl last Thursday by Dr. Walter It shall han the power to appoint theL. Fi';)ler in defense of the ordinances. chairmen and members of the variousMr. Hooker has made a close and commit t ccs necessary to the publish­can:illl study of the local street car ing lIi the book.que�tit)n .• and is considered the best Eligibility.man ill Chicago to answer Dr. Fisher. Any st ude nt with J10t less than 10--I-I� i" secretary of the C't y Club, ant! (tell) nor more than 21 (t wenty-one )held a similar position on the origin- ma ior s credit shall be eligible foral Harlan Committee, which did work nolding office upon or voting 'It thealong the lines of transportation in- election of this board. Any studentvesti�ation. who has not been in residence more":\lr. Hooker has been. a student than twu years in this or any other0: transportation for many years." university shall also be eligible.said Associate Professor Charles' E. Nomination.(Continued from page 1.)W l' submit the f'ollowing plan�lcrrialll yesterday. "11 e is pe rhap ..the 1111 )st �atisfactory we could get to Vacancies.Any vacancy in this board shall betilled by thv remaining members ofthe board.Financial Responsibility.The two business managers shallbear the entire financial responsibil­ity of the book. and shall bear anydeficit that may result.Disposition of Profits, Auditing, Etc.The business managers shall beentitled to a share of the profits underthe following regulations :I. All contracts. bills and expensesconnected .wit h the' pui)licati�n of thehook shall first be met.2. All accounts shall then be audit­ed by a committee appointed by theboard of Student Control and a de­tailed and specific statement shall bemade hy this committee to the uni­vcr s ity public during the au turn nquarter following the publication ofthe book.J. 1 f any money remains after allcontracts. hills and expenses han'hcen paid. the bnsincss managers shallthen he paid a share of it up to 25per cent of the net value of all ad­vcrt isi ng and J 5 per cent of the sell­ing price of all copies sold over 600.4. Any profits remaining after theabove regulations have been carriedout shall be, given to some cl.nr'itablcorganization or fund connected withthe University, to be designated bythe Board of Student Control.Amendments.This plan may he amended hy anysucceeding Sophomore class by :lmajority vote, providing that theamendment or amendments proposedshall have been posted on the bulletinboard and in the Daily Maroon atleast two weeks hcfQJ;� tho- date "seton which they arc to be voted uponby the class and providing also thatthe final vote on them shall not betaken later than the second Wednes­day in April. Tn case the final voteis not taken on or before that datethe plan followed the previous yearshall prevail.Alvin F. Kramer. chairman.\Vcllington D. Jones.Paul K. Judson.z I t shall be the duty of. thc Presi­dent uf the Sophomore Class to posta notice in the Daily Maroon and up­on thc bulletin boards, not later thanthe third Wednesday in April that ameeting of the Sophomore class willhe held on thc first Wednesday of�Iay, for the purpose of making nom­inations for the Cap and Gown board.The president of the' Sophomore classshall preside at this meeting. At thismeeting any member of the class (asdefined in sec. 2) may nominate anyother member for any onc of the fiveoffices to be filled. There shall be nolimit to the number of nominees toany of thc live offices.Additional nominations may beDr. Cyrus Northrup, prcsulcnt of made by the petition of five membersthe LJ niversity of l\l innesota, takes is- of the class, if presented to the Pres­sue with President Eliot of Harvar-I ident of the Sophomore class beforeUniversity in regard ro his assertion 5 P. :\1. of the :".l()nelay following this�";';-that iollth:dt 'is nut a game for gentle- meeting.men. :".Ir. 'Northrup strongly praises Posting of Nominationsthe ethics and manliucss of American The President of the Sophomorecollege football. class upon the Tuesday following thisHe asserts that the statement of meeting shall post a list of all candi­President Eliot is the expression oi elates upon the bulletin boards :lIld illa malt who steadily declines to corr- The Daily Maroon. 'He shall alsosidcr sanely the merits of football post upon the bulletin board a listand refuses to sec any excellent of all persons eligible to vote at thefeatlltl.s in the American game. coming' election. This list is to heIn scoring the position' takcn hy securcd from the Dean's oftice.Dr. Elint, Dr. Northrup said: Tellers.prescut his side of the ordinance prop­osition from an impartial student'spoint of view as against a pol-tician'sstanllpoint. He has made a scientificstudy (If the problem and has point­ed out many valuable objections toformer ordinances."PRESIDENT ELIOT SCOREDBY PRESIDENT NORTHRUPMinne�ota Head Disagrees WithStatement That Football Is Un-gentlemanly Game.ET... �lIe said. howcver, as he understoodit, :\Jichigan or any other member ofthe Conference has a perfect right tocompl'tc in any inter-collcgiate con­tests it sees fit to, and he go\"crnedhy other than Conference rules, pro­vided in its contes·s with membcr�of the "Big Nine" it adheres to Con-"I have a great curiosity to learnexactly what the presiden� believes istit fur the young college man. I am;,n ;r,h'ocate of college football, as Ifail to, see anything in trained skill,SPl'l·'1. stn'ngth and science that prc­clud," :t gl'lltleman's participation."I ltt'lic\'e the game is manly andrknlo 'JI� gentlemen rather than worksagain,t the principles of what shout.lhe t'I'lI�ideced manhood hy e,"ery gen­tlrm;'n. and moreovcr. I helie\'e the..I Thc electiol1 shall take place in thecorridor of the first floor of CohhHall on the third Wednesday in :\laybctwecn th(' hours of 9 A. �f. and 5P. :".r. Thl' poll� shall be kept opencontinually eluring thcse hours andtwo h'lIl'rs shall always be present.Thc ell'ction shall he conducted ac­carding to the Australian systemthroughout. Thc President of theclass shall furni�h the tellers with a. . . f(·rence reJ.,."'ulations. Whether or noth�t of all pe:'solls eltglhlc to \'ote and . ... .with hallots to be used in the election. a Con terence 11l)itltut1On has the rightTI - f I f II I 11 f f 10 Sdll'dulc more than 5 gamcs. Con-IC form 0 t Ie )a ots S la )e SU )'1 .. ... - .t t· II f 11 � fccencc or. no non-(or.ference- was, he, an la '" as 0 o\\"s: I .. �;rir!. a (louhtful point.SCO�E CLUB DANCE TODAY CAP AND GOWN ELECTIONI For Managing Editor. ..\ To Morgan Park AlumniSopLlmore Society to Give LaSt In·la " ··1 The following appeal to alu�niformal a: Rosalie Hall. Ib :\Iorgan Park Academy, has been is-T: . . .Ie sl:ed hy S. Edwin Earle. business"'c('ond Score CluJ, 1I110rl11al (It dC'. . ................................• managrr of The Academy Ncws:thi .. ';Iarter wili ')l' gi\'en thi .. aftl'�- For Business Managers. "The trustecs of the University ofnO',I, ;It 2 o'clock in Ro�alie Hall. ;1 •. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . , ..... , ..... , " ... " Chicago ha\'c announced that this \\;11Thi, \\ ill he thc last dance that thl' 'J hS , . . .. .. . . . e the last year of the e;tCistence ofe(Jt· Club will hold thi .. cluar:er. \"'- the ae Idrmy. Owing to this actionT:" succcss of the Sophomore' So· (·t".- '- : '.' ,Thc ;\cademy X cws will be deprh·c.-Iciei�, party .a month ago has led tlw I For LIterary EdItor. ! of considerablc income. The manage-l11eI11')('rs Of the cluh to e:xpcct :. I a ." : ment wishes to finish the '-"car out oflarg-\' attend;}ncc \Vith tl'· i .' '1' J'. lis n \ lC\\. ) ••••..•.••.•••••. , •••••.•.••••...••• I c1eht but ()\\·inlY to tl' If'the\" 1. . I" ' ."'" lIS oss 0 mcom(',• 1.I\C �la( (' car('tul. prrparatl011 (' it f('ars that it will bc unable to do so.for Ihe alTalc. and havc 1Iltrol)uced a \' etc. . : Thefo-'" it "pp t", t th t • fnOlO I I' .' ., . '-. ., ,-". ., 0 e a umnl 0of fl', .:tl)( . ul1H1ur f('atnc(' 111 thr linc 1 he nal.�H'� of ('an.didat(.'s �hall h ....I :he academy to help it out. If theIt, t)ratIOI1. Black alHI ycllow. the I acranged In alphahrtlcal onlrr lInrler '�lttmni will C;11h 'b fift· t .Cllll '. . , . ;' . scrl e ) cen s no,v). ('(I nr�. WIll. he t!c('d. The n1l'11l· the name of tlir oftic(' for whIch thry for th ... Jac;. qtt ... t d •. d'�r .1 - '- .. , "r cr an receTVC m a -, , nl t 1r commiH('e acc: 1 J. G :lrr running. Each \'oll'C .. hall he rn- Il)ition tile c m .. th' f ISh:lw \\,' J"l ••.. (' ammg' ree Issues 0. .. "rncy, F L C:lrr. ;11,,1; tltlerl !n \',)!(' tor two cal"I1,late:" for I this qll"'rtcr I't c'" fi' h th IR. I' Sh j I • ., , •• n ms e yea!'. ('rer. I managing" ('(Iitor. two candidat('s fo: lout of sJcbt:' ,(Continued from pa2t' I)gantt i� hec(' to stay. It i .. hcing pur­gell :.-I':&r hy year. gl'tting cl('aner and(tCl'r irom objl'ctionablc features with!t� ��·lIwth. :Ind·-well. ceally. I can'tagrl'\ with President Eliot, for yo::).;110\', what' think of foot hal),"e Usefl IIr .A" file .'. �.---­College ""lIesIf � ou attend all y of thehig college games you will findthat the ball almost invariablyused is the REACH OFFICIALAMERICAN LEAGUE BALLCollege men wont have anytbi�gbut the BEST - that', why they all use n. •ORielal8a"TheAt the nominating caucus ei�ht tell­ers shall bc elccted by the class to REPORT SAYS MICHIGAN HAStake chargc of the' election. TAKEN COMPR OMISE ACTION OfJict'. H.PElection. Conklin's::!�PenFor busy people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothingtotake apart.Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of thumbto. nickel cres;._ .cent and thepen is full,ready to write.AU tIIe'beitel_1en eTer7-&:'�...R!':I;.. en CII' am .. ppl7,ut 70a l .. upon ... ._IL C .... no more UIua otbII'=-=�=:tfi'oID .bon III oar �lamlabed tree 1IJIOG �il;:=::-e�I;:!.::TIll: eeJlELIll PO ce.11W""'_.a-.�����;�����----�_._-------Fnones:1788. Residence. H.P. 961!Dr. ,fub mIL tlatlrt!Dr. Ralp" mIL tlatlrtDENTISTS)249 Kimbark Ave", Hours Q-12. Cor. 6Jrd St1:30-5·------.- - _ .. -------WHERE do yoa SId yourN.w.pap •••• P.l'l04Ieal. aDd! atatloDOP7.At NORTON·S: Prtt DcliyuyPh�U6 "?de Par-k :us fifth S!reet�mall ads hring large rcttArns inTbc Daily :Maroon. BE SUREYou are Correctl,DressedIt will make you feelbrighter and betterand convey the im­pression that yourbrains are paying div­idends.The World LikesProsperous PeopleOur Suring StylesAre Now ReadyAN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS 'AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED? A. N. JERREMS, Manager.Tailor' for Young· Men�Either store13J La Salle Street, aDd" Jackson BlVd.--------OUR SPRINGSTOCK IS READYA large selection ofSpring Overcoatings attern pting prices.200 styles of FancyVestings.PRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests $20 to Iso2oto SO5 to ISWILLIAM JERREMS' SON ••\;1ark and Adams Sta.----.---- .. ---PATRONIZETHEUNIVERSITYPHARMACY5flo E. 55th Street.R R. BO'Y:�N, Prop.g-",e 9{oot StuJic:KDlBAU.IlALL243 Waba.�b Ave.Original Ideas 3n(1 Exc1ush'e Styl� inPHOTOGRAPHS.�ocl.1 �a1"'S'� U. of C. �'Ud.D"----- - _- ------;\n ad. in The Daily �faroon is a'.:ood il1\"cstment. H�l\'e you trie4 it?Ttt£ DAlLY MA�OON, OtICA.OO, SATURDAY, ,MARCiT-t 9, 1901.THE' EDGAR A. BEMSOI. Have'You The YouTip WillBeen Top LikeThere? Inn ItTop floor ofThe Pullman Company Build'grI\1_ [�:A_ N u_ S E_N E-N'l'S �IPowers.CHARLES FROHMANPresentsJOHNDREwin A. W. Pinero's Most Suc­cessful Play,"HISHOUSEIN ORDER"The StudebakerBERTHAKALICHIn Harrison Greyproduction ofTHEKRUETZERSONATA Fisk'sLa SalleOthersComeandGo, But­THE TIMETHE PLACE andTHE GIRLGoesOnForeverIllinoisCHARLES FROHMANPresentsMAUDEADAMSIn Her FamousPerformance ofPETERPAN'The GarrickBLANCHEBATESGIRL OFTHEGOLDEN WESTColonial.CARLETHE SPRINGCHICKENA CYCLONEOF MIRTH,:.\lUSIC ANDBEAUTY,In the Full-Fe;tthered:\t l1�ical Hit,.. The GrandMR.HOPKINSONWithDallas Welfordand the Best CastEver Seen in Farce SECOND-HAND BOOK STORE . VARSITY DEFEATS FRESHMEN ELI COURLA�DF.RTO BE REOPENED MONDAYi.I Second Outdoor Game PlayedStore in Lexington Will be Open ] Cold North Wind.Daily, Except Saturday, from 1 till2 p. m. �rcb�str8.tude nts to raise this amount in tenlays, and that he would not solicit a 1IGMA ALPHA EPSILON TOlollar from the alumni, faculty and CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY:riends of the university until thislad been paid in. The students have 'Nill Observe Fourth Birthday of:atried out their part of the bargain. Theta Chapter of Illinois by Ban-quet and Smoker. AT THEUNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON "'1''110 FLOORS. Wl�L FIND A SPECIAL AFrER- THEATER MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE'Serving only the Best the Market Affords.rn to 117 RANDOLPH STREETWe make a Specialty of Club. Fraternity Dinners, Etc.cn days. Finest Orchestra in the CityThe canlpaign for funds anlong the Sigma Alpha Ep�lon �ill celebratel'��������������������������������'he fourth anniversary of the 111i-���������������������������������rlurnni will now beg-in. ] t is ncces--ary to raise $3,000 in order to defray nois Theta chapter tonight by a ban-the expenses of the Syracuse and ':uet and smoker at its fraternityPoughkeepsie regattas. ' l.ouse, located at the corner of 61 st-trect and Lexington avenue. ManyU. HIGH FIRST IN HIGH alumni members of the fraternity �iI1SCHOOL PRELIMINARIES he present and several prominent'Hen and members of the faculty of'he University. who are members ofthe fraternity, will speak.Chelton Lecture-Recital,first in the preliminaries of the high )orr. Carroll Brent Chelton of Newschool track meet, held last night in York will give a lecture-recital onBartlett gym. The results were: "Mus ica l Romanticism," in CobbUniversity 19· Wendell Phillips 14 chapel on Monday afternoon. March1-2, Waller 5 3-4. Curtis .1-4. and Cal- 1 r, at 4 o'clock. His talk will be il­urnet 1-2.till' pre"ious g-ame had a lead on th�\'arsity at the end of the tirst half. Residence; Phone(�!licag-o finally won out hy a com- ·f..)J Arlington PI. Lake \·iew leu.. 'iortahlc margin. Phone Harrison 1644'ustratcd by the performance on theiianola of works bySchubcrt. \\' cber,\Iozart. Beethovcn and Chopin.VARSITY QUINTET TOMEET PURDUE TONIGHTHard Contest is Promised-Victory tf)Have Important Bearing 0:1 theChampionship.The Unin'rsity haskethall team will:,Iay at Pllnlllc this c"ening- in what:)rOllli:-l'S to he a very hanl game.rhe hoile:-makcr:- play well. and inPlaying nip and tuck for nine in­nings, the Varsity baseball team de­The second-hand book store, that Ieatcd the first year men by a score The Benson Orchestra will furnish music for the follo,!ingwas opened by the Young Womens' of I' to 0 yesterday afternoon. Des- clubs throughout the season:Christ ian League last quarter, will be p it e wintry winds. the men were kept -------- CLUBSreopened in room I. Lexington Hall. warm hv the hard exercise. Homewood Country South Side ColonialBeginning Xl onday, the store will be: Both �"idl's fielded well considering Calumet OnwentsiaCor. Adams St. and MichiganAve. open from r o'clock until :! o'clock -ill' uneven cond.tion of the gnarll South Shore Club New Illinois Athletic Club_��� � �I p. m. every day except Saturday. \Il':g-S and Cleary both made Sl'vl':-al Union League Chicago YachtAnyone ":110 I.la� a hook to scll .' ,-, i ,tar catches.., I HOTEl.S _asked to wrrt e h is name and the prrce : In view of the faC'� that t h is I'; lnt:.I . . I '. rhehe a-ks for the houk on til' IIISI( l' or the �l'C()IHI outdoor ganll'. t he workthe cover. and t o drop the hook in a: ·.\·as unusua lly fast.box provided [or that purpose ill I The line-up was as iollows:Lexinuton l l al l. The League will sell Sh eldou C " . Rockwellthe book ii it i.; possihl« and will gi"e i Gnardethe amount. m inu- J 5 per cent.. as La tham. Preston .. P , Stae hliuacommission. I Roe.It was iouud last qucar t c r that the Tucker r st B. :\Iaddigan Suite s00-5l..l Handelt Hallgreatest ohs tucle to t he success of t hc Skill. Preston 2<1 B. ..... Van Pattenstore was the iact that the student Sunderland S. S.. . . .. I )ickinso�lchargvd lou high pr ice s for their Reguis 3d fl. Moultouboob. Redfield R. F.. Davenport,. WISCONSIN STUDENTS Cleary C. F , '" StubhRAISE $1,000 FOR CREW ':-:olling-s L. F.... .. DavenportGaa rde and )o[l'ig!' made t wo-hau­Badgers Secure Required Fund In �l'r:-. while Davenport and Hur kc.Ten Days-Appeal To Be Made -ach pasted a t hrcc-bnsc hit.Now To Alumni. The Fresh men runs were scored byhe following men: Cleary 2. RedfieldWisconsin students have succeeded \ Sheldon I, Tucker I, Collings J.n raising the $1,000 which they prom- For till' Varsity the following mensed to subscribe ior the support of nade runs: Dickinson 3. Stachling r..he crew. ;a:�nle r , Van Patten I, Rockwell I.j Phone Harrison 803Exactly ten days ago D� C. P. \Ioulton I. �atllan 1. D�venport 1, ��� __ ��������������������������_� ---�-- Hutchins, athletic director issued 'a vl addignn I..tatcrncnt that he would expect theI'hey have raised the $1,000 withinVarsity School Defeats WendellPhillips. Waller. Curtis and Calu­met High Schools.University High School came outPatronize Daily Maroon Advcrtise:-sTheyAreReliable.\\'jthnut a victory in this gam<.' only';<II11e man'clou" luck woulel hrin;.! thl':h:;mpionship to the �taroolls. Th"men an' not in the lw:-t of shapl'I'hy:-ic:t1ly. hilt ar(' going t(, fij.!ht :llIelto win. ii il i:- pns ... ihlc.SUPERIOR TYPEWRITING.Reasonahle raIl'S for superior re­,-ision of manuscript-speIlin�, para­graphing. etc. Graduatc student. Eng­lish. J n thesis time, any time, tryH., Maroon Press, 4i4 E. 55th St.! �I, 'WE.BSTER'SINTERNATIOMALDICTION.AR.YTHE ONE OREAT cSTANDARD AUTHORITY.thn �E��T�Rll:=.sli�T�RMriio�tDICTIONARY that it is:-The Sundardohhc FedcnlandStateC-n"�?The: Standard of thc Govt. Printing (Jffic�!Tbe 'Rnisol nearly .. lIthc Schoolbooh! In·doneel byc,'cry Statc �choolSupt.! Unh'cr­,ally rttomDlf'ndcd by Collc�c I'r�",idcnt!< andEducator�! Thc �tandud lor onr 9'-1':0 ofthe Ncw�papcr�!I'P TO nATE amI Rl-:I.1AUI.E.2380 I·a� r.ooo I1hlllltratlonl'.""_I" ,._ Xnt. O .... n "n .. h R TW_ki'WKlIl'ITl:,,'1I COLLEntATJI l1tc-nOlU1lT.'lbe 1.,,11:"_\ of onr abridrn�n", nrcn"rallel Thin I'al"'r ... Iitlcna.· l:n.nrp-.l for.:etr'lN'I'" :-",1 (·o'''-..tlirnf'''fl.11161'.0;.;11 .)it> 11.0 Iu.U5T'RAnOluI ..Write lor" Thc Story 01 a Hook .. -t·rcc.Q. A C. MERRIAM CO.,Sl'1ttNC,F1l!t.D. MAS!'.. U. S. A..GET THE BEST..�!' C. MOORE" FLOR.IST. I� - -SEASON - 1907well knOWl-----VOL v-----_--Casino at ,·.t�ew.m�Luke-ideRavensw c-«! Clu,EX11100: Golf YIRSn(' IN A. IMoraine Wellington Metropole Chic.i.,o BeaccVirginia Lakota VendomeThis Orchestra enjoyed the distinction of having played for the Kinnessand the Midwinter Cotillion ProtestTeam�For open dates and other information addressEDGAR A. BENSON- Star Fresity TcM. CTelephones-Central 5253; 40 East Randolph Stree":entral 5713The ved by aput up •A. U. ISeventhpicked tonly COlfurnishMaroon�Y. M. (A. C. wletes, wlresentedThere \\day wht. would ccthat theFriday.ever, thoth� firstThe pagainstas teamA. U. aclaimed. of the:liM bytions crletes an"We Iwin thisurprisedeclare (had finiterday,"Be.;i.a numbfor poi Ievery (will puUndoubwho wicolors.el'en 31every Iof..''WettspectHowe\",of whooaghtOrangefral Y.1I1Imberthey htteed."TOMASOSCHOOL andORCHESTRA511 KIMBALL HALL. CHICAGO.MANDOLIN LESSONS, $1.50.Music Furnished for��======----- All 'Select Occasions.THE UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUMand shines your shoesPresses your suit every weektor $1.00 per month5645 Cottage Grove Ave. Jiyde Park 3711- Est_ 1856 Send YourName to a'eSpaldingBRYANT Ci srunoNBusin�ss College FOR A CATALOGUE OFSpalding Athletic Goods.Mention ,-,hat sport you are inter­csted in and ask for a list of collegeand school supplies .The Spalding Athletic LibruyTextbooks on every athletic sport10 cents per copy.Send for Complete ListMail Ord�r DeptA. G. SPALDING & BROS.126 Nassau St., New York.14� Wabash Ave .• Chicagr..Offen SuperiorAdvantages in.. Business Training •.AND.•. Stenography ..DAY' AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents May Enter at Any Time.H. W. Bryant, Pres.L. Brent ·"aughan, U, of C, '91,Manager.315-321 Wabash Ave_The Iftn. anin theTaylorlip 'WeliSldfenforcerlJacoh�.1"'0 stQuigJc.Garret;IIItn.Cut Mlfathc1and S1. In thl!Illinois .___Goldsmith's Orchestra:\11 kinds of typewnt1l1g ";one,:'tllrlents patronage solicited.Term� reasonable,work :-:lticfactoryC;!lI at. 5i5.1 Drexel .\venue.�tiss Vaughn. SC(l)nd flat.!. Goldsmith, Director.Iffice, Cable Piano Comi)�my,.labash and Jackson. CHICAGO.-------r .(I�t-:\ rOllnd hrooch pin, set with1,11(, la:-g-c tur(]uoise :tnd six diamond!'.Lost Sunday afternoon on thc Cam-; . �_.,Jpus or in one of the FTJiversity Patronizc Dailv !\far()IIIl ;l(h·�lIis�(S.building!'. Finder please notiiy Th� TheyDaily �tarooll Office, and communi- Arccate with owner. RcJiahtr.