�be IDatl� maroon• I..r 4lI· ,.CHICAGO.FRIDA Y, MARCH 8, 1907. Price Two CentsAn unusual picture of the Americanboy as a miniature cartoon of theAmerican . bu�iness -man is presentedby the Rev. J.A. Dewe, of St. ThomasCollege, St. Paul, in a contribution to That the' approval of the tractionthe March "School Review," issued ordinances is the only solution of theyesterday from the University of Chi- Chicago street railway problem, wascago Press. the burden of the address delivered inMr. Dewe is an Englishman and Kent Theater. last night by WaIterfeels entitled to present some original L. Fisher. former traction attorney�iews on the s.ubject. �s Mr .. Dew.e I to Mayor Dunne, and 'framer of thesees the American youth, he IS sen- ordinances. Mr. Fisher declared thatous, precociously practical, absolutely municipal ownership under presentwithout nerves and without awe on conditions of law, finance and politics.religious. matters.. is absolutely impossible 'for Chicago,The view of the American boy although as a final solution to the diffi­which will strike Americans as the culty or as a club to be held overmost strange is of his old fashioned! the heads of the traction companiesseriousness. As to this the writer it is possible.says that when the American boy is .let out of school instead of romping Mr. Fisher said that the vaguenessand shouting according to the manner of 'the working .of the ordinances inof the youth of other nations.' "he that section which referred to theei' her trudges like a man of business method of operation of the propertiesto the nearest car for home, or walks in case the city had tried operatiorinaturally to his special haunts of and failed was sufficient to make intosport or pleasure. Any acceleration mediate municipal operation out, or Even if IIlinois takes the relay raceof movement is not so much from an- the question. For,' he declared, the again, Paul Harper should land bothimal spirits as from the sober judg- �ecurity o�er�d is not sufficient to the 50-yard and 7S-yard swims, inment that he has to be at a given induce capitalists to put up the neces- spite of the fact that he will be swim­spot in a given time. No game is s�ry money to �uy the Mu�ller cer- lming in a strange tank. Solomonplayed without a certain amount .. of [J�cates, In this connection.. Mr. should again, win the. plung.:, leavingprevi�' ,-··�:aicUtannn, a;id",�'-eare(ul Flsher.- r01l_I�clly_�c?���_�ay()�. Dunne, 'only- 'the' 'loo-:-yard� -swirri� rto-lhe'�aJ-weighing of the respective merits of He said : ventage of Illinois. On the whole, thethe combatants. Much activity may "The mayor was more anxious to meet should be a repetition of thebe shown during the game itself, but propitiate certain influences than. he first affair except the relay which w'Ilin the 'short intervals of the game was to carefully scrutinize the ordi- be a closer' race.when, for example, it is a question of nances when they were originally pre-]. After the meet at Champaign thefetching the' ball gone beyond the pared. He evidently preferred to let Chicago schedule is as follows:boundary, the slowness 'and careless- sleeping dogs lie. AlI his interest March II or 16 (undecide-J)-Y. M.ness of movement are .almost pro- centered in getting the ordinances C. A. at Bartlett gymnasium.voking." passed; he· seemed to think that he March 22-Wisconsin at Chicago.Mr. Dewe takes the usual view that could settle the other questions later. March 25 or 30 (undecided)-Chi-hazing in American universities is an The very general terms of the ordi- cago at Y. M. C. A.example of the serious character of nance, which ref�rs to foreclosure if April :z-Yale at Chicago.the American youth. He says: the interest of the MueIler certificates April 13-Pennsylvania at..• Bullying is fairly common both in is defaulted are such that I do not , .the English and in the continental helieve they could ever be sold,"schools. Usually, however" it is in­stinctive �nd unpremeditated. InAmerica it is accompanied by a con­siderable amount of forethought andconscious will-power. I nstinct by it­self is powerful, but when accom­panied by deliberate effort it becomesstill more so; hence the systematicthoroughness that characterizes theAmerican hazing:'Mr. Dewe thinks the college yontnof America remarkably well behaveJ.Commenting on this he says: '''It istrue that they are alive to the factthat they or their parents pay thesalary upon which the existence ofthe college and' professors depends.and that they are not slow to exer­cise this power of the purse, butrarely do they abuse it. The Euro­pean boy or the English boy, placedin similar circumstances of liberty,would run wild; .but among Ameri:ail panies .::\Iinne!'ota has yet three game:-; tohoys the're already exists a certa;n "No man can deny this: There areplay. two at home and one at \Vis­tradition of order and restraint. The only two possible steps that can becon ... in. \Viscol1sin will abo meetdiscipline of a college. unlike that :n laken by the municipality. Either tl1{'d 1· b d Purdue at �f:l(lison. Roth Chicagothe old country. depen s more upon or< mances must e approve. ork �ame�. with Purdue and ::\rinnesota.C1os1'ng of Competition Postponed this tradition. and upon a half-sort steps must at once be ta en to con,are on the road. This gives the otherof understanding among the pupils Iclemn the properties. This latter alter-two schools a big advan·tag�.themselves. than upon any external nati,·e is impossible. because of thecoercion." . • legal and financial difficulties in the Out of four possibilities. ChicagoThe American boy has the hide �f way. Hence. the present ordinance� ha� two cha1lces to land t}l'e pennant,a rhinoceros for 't�ing away abn:;.'. must either be voted upon favorably �rill:lesota olle. the la�t being':i trpleaccording to the writer. He say..;: by the people. or the pre�ent wretch- tic. If Chicago wins from the <;ioph-All Ball Men Out Today. "He ha� no nerves. In this respect cd condition of street car service con- ers. no matter how the �Iinnesota-All baseball men will report for out- he is like the Japanese who can sleep tinned. \Visconsin game turns out, �he Ma-" - �oor practice today ..Frank L. Dickir:-son, C03Q1.,. VOL. V. No. 99.,IOELEVEI FRATERNITIES TO�COMPETE IN RELAY RACE:iserf "However, I believe heartily in thereservation of the right of ultimate'municipal ownership. not only forwhat there may be in municipal own­ership, but in order to have somesort of a device to control' com-BAZlNG IS SYsrEMAtiC I APPROVAL OF TRACTIONORDINAICES NECESSARYSAYSEnglishman, in Article in "SchoolReview," Finds That American Col­lege Youths are Well-Bchavcd­American Boy, He Says, is SmallAdult. Walter L, Fisher Declares ImmediateMunicipal Ownera&.ip Impossiblefor Chicago- Scores Dunne.First Round Will be Held Tonight inConnection With Inter-scholasticMeet.II•Framer of Proposala As8erts TheirOperati6n ReqUisi�' to... .Jmprcried_:... .; . street Car· Ser.e. .Teams to be Composed of Eight Men.Each Man to.. Run One Lap of,·... - Track.Eleven fraternities have already en­tered the fraternity relay race, thefirst round of which is to be run offtonight in connection with the inter­scholastic· meet at Bartlett gymnas-iurn. The fraternities which have en­tered are Delta Kappa Epsilon, BetaThcta F�, Phi Delta Theta, Psi Up­silon, Delta Tau Delta, Chi Psi, DeltaUpsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, SigmaAlpha Epsilon Sigma Nu, and AlphaTau Omega. Of the other five fra­ternities, it is thought that two orthree may enter today.The teams will draw to find the or­der in which they will competeagainst each other tonight. Fourteams will run at the .same time, twoon each side of the track, and the twowinning teams from the four willcompete' on . the next Saturday night.In this way the weeding out will goon until two teams are left to com­pete for the shield, which is to begiven to the winning team by theDepartment of Physical Culture.From the men who have been en­. teredo eight men -are to be: picked.-"E�ch' ma'�-'�in- 'r�'; o'�� 'Iap: '-'The entries, as rec�ived by Leo De-Tray yesterday, are:Delta Kappa Epsilon - Abbott,Rohde. Jones, Goes, MacNeille, Vail,Sherer, Mitchell, Essington, Sunder­laud.Beta Theta Pi-Hunter, Long, E.L. McBride. Houghton, E. E. Mc­Bride, Carter) Hewitt, Thoits, Gif-ford..Phi Delta Theta-Ellis, Krog, Eber-rI� hard. Bradford. Bettendorf,Mitley, Eastburn, Denny,Psi Upsilon-Wilson, MacCracken,Meagher. Lebally, Sinclair, Morris,Collings, Reddy. Badenoch, Johnson.Delta Tau Delta-Dunne, Lewis.Walker, Mabin, C. P. James, Jordan. Mr. Fisher was the special tractioncounsel under whom the ordinances tobe voted on at the spring electionwere prepared. I n advocating that bythe referendum vote. they .be ap­proved. he said in part :10.Ferguson, James.Chi Psi-Renton, Blackford, Henry,Moody, Parkinson, Chandler, Kenner,Powell.Ddta Upsilon-Gill, Kling, Morgan,.Ulrich, Welling. i{pwman, Moulds,Fuller, Kennedy,. Nelson. Post. "Although municipal ownership maybe all right in its place, not even its.fnost hearty advocate-and the advo­tates of municipa ownership.seems to'be actuated by a sort of relgiousfervor. would declare that it is rightin any place at any time. Chicago Fsnot ready legally, financially, or po­litically, to undertake it at' ·this time.- Phi Gamma Delta-Wright, Cham­berlin. Goodenow, Hopkins, Dille.Parker. Baird. DeTray. Brooks. Hen­derson .. Funkhouser.Sig-ma Alpha Epsilon-Hobbs,Toms.St;I�'kho\1se, Trenton. Pierret, White­C01:1h. Allison, Webb. Gray.�lgma Nu-Gaarde. Stewart, Be­V:I1·. Reid, Wrather. <Linderholm.Whipp. Owen.. \lpha Tau Omega-Finger. C. E.Lpf)�e. Rogers, L. T. Loose. Benson.J()�dersma. McDermott. Hardy. Es­key. Rrown..:...- ..-r.- Thc competition for the Blac1cFri:lr's poster has bene left open un­til �(onday. March ". by the com·mittee in charge.ctonIe.flat. '---(Continued.on page 3) (Continued oft· Paae ,1.)_ ..I· SWIMMERS - ttlOO toNIGHT SAYS CAPITALISTS SHOULD�hica&o Expects to Duplicate Results DECIDE THEIR OWN REWARDof ,lo'irst Meet by Winnin& Polo I __liame-Plunge and Short Swims- Economist W. H. Mallock Holds it isMe lay in Doubt. Ridiculous for Society to DecideRemuneration of Leaders.morrow Night.Coach Knudson and the Varsityswimmers will leave the Sixty-thirdstreet stat.on of the 1. C. road at 10o'ctock this _. morning for Urbanawhere they will meet Illinois' aquaticperformers tonight in a return meet.Besides Captain Rohde the men tomake the trip are Harper, Goes, Bade­noch, Sid Walker, Solomon, Schott,Morse and Princell. All the men arein excellent condition and there is noreason to believe that they will notrepeat their performance of the firstmeet and defeat the State men.There is hardly any doubt about theoutcome of the water polo game. The10 tu 0 score which Chicago made inthe first game makes it impossiblethat the Illinois players will turn thetrick. As first place in each eventonly will be counted it wiIJ be neces­sary to win two events: besides thepolo game to get a majority of thenine points. I f the Chicago rel�yteam should take the two points inthis event no other first will be need­ed. . Declares Power and Not Koney i&Real Aim of Rich Men - FindsGreed in all classeS.The capitalist and the capitalistalone is the mall qualified to dictatethe reward he is to receive, accordingto the statement made by Mr. Mal­lock in his fourth lecture on social-Ism delivered yesterday afternoon inMandel usn. �lr. Mallock declaredthat society as a whole is ,110 moreable to dictate the remuneration ofa man fitted to be a leader than anassembly of fishermen can determineby counseling together that fish shallrise to flies which happen not to at­tract them.In another part of his lecture Mr.Mallock said that the desire for mak-ing money al ways has been and al­ways will be the actuating motive inindustrial life. He also declared thatnot mere sensual greed but the desireto acquire power furnishes the reasonwhy large fortunes are accumulated.Able Men I)ecide Own RewardsAs argument for his theory thatmen of exceptional ability are the'only ones to decide their reward Mr.MaJlock said: "In proportion as menof abilit.y: . ...are . .essential cto .the -pr'o­gress and the sustenation of wealthiii modern society, society as a whole,ii it is to secure and retain their ser­vices; must concede to them by itsconstitution the terms that these mendesire: and what these terms shallbe, must practically be decided notby society as a whole, but the excep­tional men themselves, Society as awhole can no more determine thatsuch and such a motive shall be suffi-cient to stimulate certain people thanChicago. all the fishermen in the world can de­termine, by taking counsel together,that fish shall rise to flies which hap-pen not to attract them."Puts Morality Second�Ir. Mallock put morality secondand practicability first. when. itt thecourse of his lecture, he said that aworking method must be found ·beforea moral justification for socialism canbe argued. Tn support of this he said:"To declare. however. thar this re­volutionary redivision is justifiable onmoral grounds is, it need h'ardly besaid, a perfectly useless proceedingunless, besides being just. 'the rc-division is also practicable. \Ve mayThe unexpected defeat Wisconsin leave. therefore. the question of itsadministered to the Chicago basket- justice altogether on one side. untilball team Wednesday evening has, we have considered now. as practicalcaused 'the fans to revise their sched- men. the socialists propose to brinzthe redivision about. and what arc theviews taken by them of society andof hnman nature which lead them tillook on their programme as r callysusceptihle of accomplishment."Power Not Money the Aim\Vith re�ard to hie; contenti()n thatnot mere sensual g-reed hut the loveof p�wcr and position wa� the ani­mating motive in the aCfJl1;"ition oflarge fortunes. �rr. Matt()ck "a;(I:"The possession of wealth g'c1lerally.and the desire to incrca�e it. mcan :menlargement of the gcneral conscio\ls­ne!'s far more than any titillation ofthe nerves. or the pamperjn�' of anyIlhysicial appctite. What are theforms of expenditurc mo"t character�CHICAGO HAS BEST CHANCEFOR BASKETBALL HONORSDespite Wednesday's Defeat, Varsityis Stin in Lead-Meet Purdue To-Standin& of the TeamsChicago .............. 5 .833�Iinnesota ........... 4 .800Wisconsin ........... 4 2 .667Purdue .............. 2 3. ·400Illinois ............... 0 S .000ule of possibilities in the inter-col­legiate championships. In spite of thedefeat. however. Chicago is still inthe lead.. (Contintltd on page. 3) ----------------(Continned on page 3)THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MARCH 8,1907..,La w pulled into the lead in thl'l�eries for the chanlpionship of the ���������������������������������Universi\y in basketball yes�erda�I·���������������������������������lfternoon by winning from Scieuce byhe score of 3� to 10. The gal11l' was Ivcr y slow, and not' at uu up t� the.tandard of the previou-. games of the� game. Chicago is still at t'he head I LA W GETS NEAREST TO I� in the- percentage column and there UNIVERSITY CHAMPIONSHIP----.---- arc reasons for believing that ChicagoOftlclal Student .·ubllcatloD ot tb .. tJDI .. er- will remain at the head of the r st. Defeats Science by 34 to 10 Yester-altl of Cblc�aKo. .; .The Min�lesota game, a week from 'day. Getting One Point Ahead ofSaturday will be the decisive Iactor Philosophy.in determining the championship, a:hicago victory in this contest vir­.ually bringing the pennant home t ohe Maroon. If the team shouldm�.r lailyllar�nnseries.(o'ormerl,'·h .. Unl't'eralt,. \It Chlt'ago Weeki,1·'OllUdedThe Weeki,.. Oct. I, 1892.The Dall" Oct. 1; 1902.___ __ __ _ . "o se against :\linnesota- the race would.. :u· ... rfOC) .a Hvcond·Cla .. 1lall at I hft Cbl· .'.till, be a tic.caa:o l'o.tolH('e._ \Vith all this in view, the prospectsSlIi.lKcrllltl n prl $300 1 re not so da rk as most of the stu-• 0 ce, . per year: $1.00 .lur ;$ monthll 8u ..... - 1 tl .le nt s would picture them. Perhaps• UlK:r p ona re<.-elved at , . . .'Ih,' �Iu.'uou Office rill' II II I he gl'neral 01>1111011' that Chicago IS Carlson was the hero of the day,I' '11 I' h ," a a, or at the Jut of the race as a result of the -naking II field ba sket s and .! from. UCII Y '.xc ange, Cobb lIall. Orders Wisconsin d .. f e: rt, I'" (Ill" to tile facttukou by mu l] or t etephone. lIyde Park .. .. .. � .. free throws. Peacock was the chidhat it had become a matter of habit noint-winuer for the losers. Carlyll·.1vith thl' team this season 1I0t to lose �ight guard on the Law Sc1�ool tt'a01.!�allll·S. and the first loss comes rather -rlayed a vrey good ga 111 e.!s :r shock. A bctt er way to look at i The crucial contest of this se rieshe situatioll would be to regard this" 'NiJl be the game between Law andlcfent :\s a timely warning. It is Philosophy. the date of which is not'nuch hettl..'r'that the defeat come at lefinitcly decided yet. The two teams·,\'isconsi.i than in next week at :\Iin- 'lre the only ones at present undc-.800------------------------------I:. l:hU\' )lATHEWS, 1I1lnaging Editor.J-:U\\, AI!!) c. ..'l-:L8E�·J·lIAL. News Editor.J.l;TlII-:J: n. 1·'I·:H�ALlJ, A,tb!etlc Editorc'J-:c.m(; J-: J-:. "'UI414(o�It. Business Mllnager.•.. AST INTERCOLLEGE GAMEMAY MEAN TIE FOR FIRSTASSSOCIATE EDITORS:>RESIDENT 'E'L10TTHITS FOOTBALL AGAINe. w. l'altzer,A. w. Henderson,Warren D. Foster, l:"ruard J. uou.I'reston I'�. (;Il8S,llt'lvln J .• \,ll1u ...'annual Report of Harvard Executive ?hilosophy Booked to Beat Arts TO-ISays Game Is' Unsportsmanlike day and Equal Record of Lit-and Brutal erature.REl'ORT£RSI'eter 1". lJUDU.Jerume Fr�III,. W. 1·. lIacCrackcnlIurry A. UIIoIUIt'U.President Eliottt of Harvard in his The final game of the Junior Col-1111ual report took another fling at 'cge basketball series will be playedoothall. in spite of the new rules. he It 3 :30 this afternoon. between Artsleclnres is an undesirable game either -nd Philosophy. The dope gives the'or gentll'men to play of for multi- victory to Philosophy, and if tudes of spectators to watch. Basket- comes out as predicted, the series)all and hockey arc also �Iassed as 'will result in a tie between Litera-rrutal. �ure and Philosophy for the cham- \. F'rcsident Eliott says: ! oionship of the Junior Colleges. If I,"The game of football was some- \rts wins, Literature will be givenvlrat improved by the new rules ex- he championship. The present stand­or ted last year from its creators and :ng is:rianag-l'rs by the pressure of public Literature 5teams, the University is Ipinion. Undl'r the new rules th,! Philosophy 4losing a man who .has �::me 'is more visible than before to 'Arts 2been of invaluable service for the ')�th � �f}jcials and, spectators, and it Science 0past seven years., ,Mr. Chitwood wa� ��·Ii\·elie� and therefore more interesc-!ormerly Registrar of .l\lorg:m Park '. �g' \ttl,·��.�a�fil. ·It gives apptopriat� ':"?OSTPONED DANCE SUCCESSAcademy, his efficient work at the .jiJ>o.:t'tli1�)1e� to several kinds of nat�preparatory school recommending :.ra'l·at.h,l,e.tes, anu'it affords fewer op:- Tunior Class Dance Well Attended-him for the position in the' Regis- ortlini-'ties for foul -play and brutal- Goes Off Without Hitch.trar's Office at the University. His ;ty" wlteth�r deliberate and plannedfulfilment of the duties in the Regis., r suddden and acdde'ntar. than thetrar's oftice has been more than sat.: '�a:tle under the former rules afforded.isfactory, the accounts and records in "Thl" spirit of the game. however,the otlice 'never having been in better r�mainS:' essentially the same.condition than they a re at present. "I t is properly described by the ad-As athletic manager, 111 which ca. kctive "ficrce"�a term which is con­paelty Mr. Chitwood has served for a ;:antly' aj)i)lied to the game by its ad-number of years, he has made a name l1l.irer:;. 'for himself among the other athletic "1 t thl'retore remains an undesirablemanagers of the \Vest. His handling s"!I11{' for gentlcmen to play or forof football and bascball games and multitudes of spcc,tators to watch.track meets bctwee,n Chicago and' "Xo game is fit :for college uses inother unin'rsitit"s in the \Vest has \\'hich m�n ar� often so knocked orhl'cn most diplom:.tic. and it has CiIISlll'd into i'l�l'nsibility or 'immobil­hl'en largely through llanager Chit- it)' that it is a (I�estion whether bywood's efforts that harmonious rcla- t> e :.pplication (If '\\;ater and stim­tions ha\'e been maintained between I: 'ants. tlll'Y can be' -brought to andthe managements of Chicago and the l :lahll'd to go on playing. No gameother members of thc "Rig Nine." i� tit for colll'gc USes in which reck­Chicago appreciates the good work h "�'�l'SS in causing or suffering sc:-­of :\Ir. Chitwood, regrets his w;th- jc'lls ho(lily injuries promotes eOi­flrawal. and wishes him success in his .:"l'nl'Y. and so is taught anft held uphr admiration.I'_- W. I'lut,·nuli. lln:-,'! y I:. 1-'1111.'1' •• 11W. J. lluluIJt,urllJer,1'.·IDted lJy the llarooD �'n.'tI"4i4 Eust :;:;tb StrfttI'ho�e Hyde> Park 3;;�1In the resignation of RichardChitwood from the pos i­tious of manager of theRegistrar's Office andmanager of the athleticXl or timcrManagerChitwood'sWithdrawal.�OOo .000The Junior Class dance, postponedrrom St, Valentine's day. because ofthe death of Walter Kellogg, was held'. esterday. Several novelties in th.?"lay of dances were introduced,amongfhem a "basketball dance." Therewere twleve regular dances. A shortreception was held before the, dance.�nd the affair was pronounced a suc­cess in getting the members of thel·lass acquainted. About thirty cou­"Ies were present.Don'tWorryIt's only anight's ride­one sleep-fromChicago to realrest and health atFrench LickWestBadenSp�s. Wat�rs, .ar:e .11nsurp�-:-,Rolf.tenDl.s, ndlng, driving, billiards,bowhng, trap-shooting or per­feet reSt jf you want it -Idealaccommodations-congenialguests.Low Roud Trip RatesD'l., and n�ht traina, sleepersparlorandbu«et� •, l; .nt'\\" <lep;1 rture in business.Edward Clayton Eichcr. who' re- ":\n ('xtn,'n.t' recklessness remainspl:tc�s :\lr: Chitwood as ma'nager of :1 �ra\"(.· 'ohjl·ction to thl' game of foot_�thc-Ri;g-i�tr:tT'� OtlTc-e; ·h� h�1 sC\'l'ral hll. and it al�o m:�kc�. haskl't-hall and,yt'ar< l'x))l'riencl' in the office, and,is lockcy.·;,� fll'\'\'loped 111 reCl'llt Yl'ars.wdl littl'cl !O till th(' Jlosition; Frank .1' n-'�t's�I":t�)I .... 'J.r.lme�.'.· .', ' II.. Dickinson. who has rl'placed )f r.Chitwood as manager of till' athletil' " 'For Student Service.conte�ts this Yl'ar. has been closely :\ nnonncement ,is made' that all ap-:Is",oci:!h'cl with :\fr. Chitw(lo(1 an<l plfcations for sttHI('nt s('r\'ice or forI>in'ctor StaKg- ill the work. and' hl' 11'�11.l'r f:,rm of ,assistancl' . from thci� thoroug-hly acelnainh'(1' with tIl(' ins LllIn'rslly for tIlt..' sprinK CJtI:trtl'r:1I1c1 on' ... oj the man:tJ,!('nH'nt. TIl(' ,holllel Ill' m;uk :It OI1C(,. Each .. ttl­diil'it,1lt s('r\·ic(' gin'n by tht ... t' ml';l 1�"llt :--holll" :tppl)' to his ,I('an.;llr(':I(I.y i .. :J�"'lIr:tIH'(' that tht· aelmin-i"fr:Jtion oi tht'�t· import:Jnt d('part- -lll(,llt, in the L'ni\'('r:--it\" ha" f:tll('n intoc:lp:,hlc ha'His.· IrFOWNES,GLOVES GOOD JUDGMENT I;s ,on� of the f�ctors of �ife. Cultivate Iyours by havJl1g your photographicwork done at IMARTYN'S MAROON STUDIO I5705 Cottage Gro\"eU. of C. Photo�rapb�r. � � �JI"I:1·WILL BE WORN LONGER THISSEASON THAN OTHERS-THATIS. THAN QTHBR GLOVES.not mean that ClliC1�ois out of thc race forthe ha5-kcthal1 cham­pionship. So far. i!merdy mc:tn" that lh�tl':tm will not t:oSl'ason without losing aIn theHabit ofWinning .. , : .. --, - ... 1-· ,through theIt Just the place"lO .hold club mid fraternity dinners.THE HOTEL �AROONFIFT¥, -EIGH'I'H AND DREXEL AVENUE.Convenient. Ex�ellent Service. First-Cl;ass,Come over and see us about Yo1:r next Ch:b Banquet,Our Lunchroom is open until one a, m.H .. E SHOREY,,'!!!!:TAILOR332 Republic BuildiD,135.00 COLLEGE SPE':I ,\L.. -- � : . .:THE COLLEGE LARDERFAVORITf DININGROOM OF UNIVfRSITY STUDfNTSIs again under the management of the Mitses Butler, WhoWho Will be Pleased to Receive the Patronageof Their Old Friendsand New, Ones, Sure to be Made byTheir Home Cooking and 'Attentive Service. GIRlReds' ]447 55th Streetat Lexington A venue.Phone Hyde Park 2644. CATERINGHome Bakery Goods ru.120 .... ·11class,in I.e::noon.toriou«showingood.first qTheBlueNellit'Ida 1'4�laryGrace�Iaril'SubsiRe;SC.:Under:, iiDtekl;lorellminut�'r. , ')1' '�VALStudents copied our COLLEGE CORNER Soit Model Last AutumnTH� SPRING MODEL is much handsom'erCome in and see it, C�er CJ WDkieTAILORS lBS 189 Dearborn St.Bank floorUniversity Style $3.00 p'er Doz.'Student's Special $3.50 per Doz.They Fill that Empty Space at Home.QC�motr'� J&boto 6tulJio SAYSsoundluntowtusc tbut hieasilybeen IlectllaJgent �Phone .Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETTelephone Calumet 251 ,'16th and Michiganrows:Infl I)of !h ...�Ir,Amcrhim 11,wo�kl1tesj',Oldqbe. 16th St. Livery flIidRiding Aca'deJDYHigh-Class Saddle and Harness Horses for Sale.Horses SchooledSend for Circular. Open Evenings.APPFcrowl]Qu:t1i:;� Frank S. Young. Phone H.P. 1251I Young America LaundryI BU�DLES BROUGHT IN AN� CALLED FORI Shirts. ' C'�ff�" � � �: �: � � �. � .. �.� .. !���� � � � � : � .'��' 2CI 684-686 East 63rd StreetI----------- � __ ��� _lII "Tildepl.,clecttthe I'icgi�ldinal1what:lpath:aft('r\canll. '�Ir,tail Iir\:lnc�,muni�hut itdetla:�fe�HII"DEWS,rireprool Storage a V_. Co.Th.afterr'Hall�NlTURK. PIaNO" TRUNa. IDRCHAllDla ... MM&LID&LIVaRm TO ALL PAItTI OP TIm CITY, HN1tAND .�UJtaG.enI 0Sca._ It. ... Cal1IIIIet Aft.�'hqIas -­.............. all OlieeL BnDCIl OIa,'IIII'_1 nl ........... ,t I..... u ..�J"""'''&."'-01°.'_ ..THE, nATl.Y' AtA.ROON, CHIC.�GO,- FRiDAY; �fARCH 8", '1907 ... 'n .,- --'fl"l' ,,,:;,�,,fjiF.' _,..". oy";-Fi'·�.1iIi1lll'---- ... ----, I SAYS CAPITALISTS SHOULD thousands of years. It built the wallsGENTLEMEN DECIDE THEIR OWN REWARD of Babylon, It built the pyramids.. HO DIUS FOR smr of Egypt.' 1 t raised the monstrousIUTI£SS,lID CO.FOII i ;_:ontiuued f:om pag''! I.) stones of Baalbec, It was the methodWUIl11ll .... 0VlD •I:--- -- --- of slavery. It did not receive "ts 1BOSTON :,.t:l' of thl' very rich men who have deathblow in the civilized world till':: r isen in the world to-day? One :s this country inflicted it within thecvrtaiuly the collection of works of lifetime oi living men. It is this me-GARTER' ;,rt. A'n�ther. sp��ially noticeable in thod of securing and 'controlling ord­�hi,. country is the giving of great sums inary labor that. on �lr. Sidney" .:�I cducut ionul and other public 1 ;1:- Webb's admission. any system 'whichTHE IECOCIIZ£D STUDAID . poses. 'The motive which stimulates is "truly socialistic" would reintro-..... Tbe "Ime ,. I th e producers of great wealth to de- duce, I f every citizen. whether he is,tamped ea nery�. . : maud it pr oporrionate amount of their willing to work or no. has an inde­loop-' 'J i great products for themselves, is �ot feasible right to board. Iodg-ng, fuel�e I a desire for pleasure, but a desire and clothing, equal to those enjoyed� for the realization of power." by the most industrious members of..... CUSHION' Any One May Be Greedy the community, the idle and the d's-IsUTTOrf Greed may exist in the hovel to obedient can be made industrious andCLASP : :I!'O' great an extent as in the palace of obedient by one means only-the ap-UES FUTTOTHU£G-IIEYER I rhe tinancier. accor'ding to Mr. Mal- plication of the lash, or by the fearSLIPS, TEAlS IOIUlifASUIS iack. He said: of it; or. if :!\Ir. Webb and his friends"One man may be as greedy over a prefer a strictly military, discipline,Siltlsa�l" as another man is over an by the fear of irons, or . the bulletsGEO.nOS'lCo.,JI!abn ortolan, A man may be as slothful of a dozen rilles. Whether thisJIoa&oD,Eua,.17.S,"".in a cheap bed as in a dear one. He would be preferable in the eyes of amay luxuriate as idly in a rocking free population to the existing wagechair that cost a couple of dollars as system, either in point of efficiencyPLAY BASKETBALL :lC 1ll;IY in a gilded fauteui! which be- or otherwise. we need not" for the"ongcd to �Iarie Antoinette, and which n, ,ment discuss."Reds'Defeat BI14es in Exciting Con- cost perhaps two thousand. Asks Method of Enforcing Worktest by Score of '7 to S. "The fact, is, that greed- forms a 11 r. �1 allock questions the doctrinevery small pa rt of the motive which of the socialists who believe that theThe girls' basketball teams of the "nduccs tlle'most selfish men to the mere joy of work will be a sufficient12 o'clock class, (Reds), and the 1 :30 prolonged efforts in virtue of which stimulus. He atso asks how, if theclass, (Blues), met in a hard contes , ::hey produce and augment great for- state is going to decide a man's trade,in Lexington gym yesterday af cer- runes. that trade is to' be selected. Henoon. in which the Reds were vie-I "\Vhen wealth is possessed .on a draws a picture of Columbus impress­torious by the score of 7 to 5. The I great scale, the amount which the ut- ed as a common seaman, of Burnsshowing of the Blues w; . ,ticuiarlyl most ingenuity could expend on the being forced to stay by his plow andgood. considering that," i is their satisfaction of, personal greediness 'is of vain efforts to force Shakespearefirst quarter of basketball, comparatively "small: and, in the case to write such a masterpiece as HamThe line-up was as follows: of the men who produce their tens I) l�t_Blues-s-g. Reds-7. millions. is 'left far behind at aver}Nellie Hodge L. F. .. Nellie Spence -ar ly stage in, their career."Ida Pertstein R. F .... Carlotta Sagar Socialistic Psychology Puerile�Iary Lynch c. .. Eliz. Erickson Just try to pick a millionaire's pock-Grace �lills L. G Villa Smith ,·t if- you think that because he gives (Continued from page r )�farie Avery R. G 1\Iay Clark away millions to charity he does not _Substitutes=-Margnrct Sylla, Alice value his money, is the suggestion of- roons will have the victory. But, ifiRe;se. Emma Sidcnburg, and Olive iercd by Mr. l\IaIJock. As to the an- Chicago loses to Minnesota, the bestUnderhill. Referee, Miss Ortmayer. s we r Mr. �[allock says: it can get is a triple tie, if: Wiscoasin. i�ckcepcr, Jessie . Neston. Scorer, - "Because, very rich men will so often defeats the Gophers. If �Iinnesota�Iorence Tyley. Time of halves, 10 1'ive of. their riches to public purposes wins both contests, it gets the pen-minutes, :t may seem to some that they would nant. ,'itilt go on producing, if. instead of, This, however, ignores 'the strongSAYS HAZING IS SYSTEMATIC being given away by them, these team from Purdue, which' has beensums were taken from them by the playing good. but unlucky ball. losing(Continued from page I) -tate, Here we have another erample a game to each of the three leaders.-,-------- - rf the puerility of socialistic psychol- Tomorrow night the Maroon teamsoundly in the midst of sudden and )gy. If the sums in question were plays a game with' the men who mayuntoward noises, Not only is he ob- .akcn instead of given,' the produce!' throw the .dice that �i11 determine thetuse to shocks of a physical nature, vould lose the one thing which he 6nal landing-place of the Westernbut his mental susceptibilities are not nrimarily values in the transaction. Inter-collegiate basketball, champion­easily aroused. He seems to hav � He would himself lose all share in it, ship. and none of the men are anybeen fitted out by nature with intel- r t would cease to be an expression of 00 optimistic about the result.lectual oilskins. Rough abuse, pun- himself. Let anyone who thinks that \\"ith the single exception of "Longgent sarcasm. ar�' turned off like :lr- )ecanse a man is willing to give mon- John" Schommer, none of the menroWs from the hide of a rhinoce:-o"" :y away. he necessarily sets no valu,. are in the best of shape for the c;lose:Inll only a smile-�reets the thrower )n being recpgnized as the rightful e,f the season. Captain H��ght,on andof th .... dart.·" )Ossessor of. it. ask hiensclf if, because Georgen both injured their ankles.\1 r, Drew !Jlrojvs a bouquet to the u,' is willing to gi\'e a dollar 'to a poor ,gain in \Vednesday's game: HenryAml.:'rican worknlan. In describi:1'; 11;111 in the street. he would be equ�l- has a bad wrist and knee; Buhlig hashim hI.:' savs: ";fhc average Ameri'::"l 'y willing that the stranger should several badiy skinned joint�. "But,�'o�kl1;';;n'- for, self-r�straint. f�r co·:r- ;teal it ont of his coat ·pocket." .vhat is worth more on the plus sidetes'·. i:lr excee&s' hi� compeer :!1 l!l..' Co-operation Tortoise-like than injuries are on the minus side,Old \Vorld, 'Again. an Amcril"tn In dismissing the co-operative the men are going into- the game withcrowd aho exhibits the S;lm(' I:i;!h ,chemes now in existence which savor:t full rcalization of what it means.QU;IIi: il's of order and sclf-rcsti.,:·IC" ,omc\\'hat of sociali�tic principles. :\[r. :>nd of the possibilities of a hard\[aJ1ock' said: tussle." is the way Dr. Raycroft sum-APPROVAL OF TRACTION "It shows besides capitalism as a med up the situati6n. "To the veryORDINANCES NEC�ARY ortise shows besides a towering oak. end of the \Visconsin game '{he men� n Great Rritain. for examp·e. an the fought hard. �nd they will" do. tlte)rotiuctive buines5es which are cO- �amC' in' this contest.'"')rl(,'�ati\'e in any socialistic or scmi-'('Jciali�tic sense. might be suddenly·xtinguished to-day without any ap­'rcci;lhle effect on the national wel- :HICAGO HAS·BEST CHANCEFOR BASKETBALL HONORST:ane.gs.lSiTo Morgan Park AlumniThe following appeal to alumni oi:\Iorg:m Park Academy, has been is­sued by S. Edwin Earle. bus;nessin:lnager of The Academy News:"The trustees of the University ofChicago ha,-e :tnnounced that this willbe the last year of the existence ofthe ae Idemy. Owing to this action.The Academy Xews will be deprivedof considerable income. The manage­ment wishes to finish the year out ofdebt. but owing to this loss of income.it fears that it will be unable to do SIl,Thcfore. it appeals to the alumni ofthe academy to help it out. If the�Iumni wilt subscribe fifty cents no ....for the last qnarter and receive in ad­dition the remaining three issues ofthis qnarter. it can finish the year Iout of debt,"2C(Coutinucd from par;:� 1) i.l "Til, responsihility ior the presentdcpl., :Ihle condition is yonrs. for youelcctt 1 to o fri Cl' the men who passed1 :;: re a� a whole. If a similar fate over-the l .. forious Allen hill through t le,. , . .. '.1 ,'II ; lo""or'ou" or- ('ok c:ipltahsttc productIOn. the entIreIcg1� . t t1r ... ·.anc e'l"a ) ma c '...d' I I 1 '111C'll .\n<1II1;,tlon \\'011111. tn a very few days. belOall·'t·S t 1roug 1 t \(' cOl "••• -\\'hat 1� morc :"crions. throl1t:h your ... tar\'m�, .. .'. .' Slaves Made By Soaabsmap:lth, or worse. thl's(' \'Cry men \\ t: rl: I, •'f .I . I't (fI'C' '-0111 Thc sla\'('s who hmlt the walls ofit t('n', 'In s retllrnl'l 0 0 l,1 I, 1 11" B;tI,,'loll. -hos(' who con:"tructecl theCanl1f.: I o( gc t 1e lame,. -, ,'I I" hI' I '11 ·(1 \'11 clc.-- !',gypt!;1Il pyramIds of Egypt and.\ r 'J'" ('r t len ('Xi> aJ t:" 'I' "10�� who pickccl cotton in fhe Southtat! hf 'W the propo�e(1 tractlOll on 1-••r. I t ' tl I·t\· Illtimatc 1rc fair l·x:amplt·:" of the conchtlOn of\anct" WOII ( gl\"c 1(' C• 'municipal ownership. if it wanted it. 'ahorer ... I:ndc;" a !'ocialistic system, ac-but ill any case. atie(luatc service, He cnnlinJ,: !o :\Ir. :!\f:tJIock. He had thede('larl'd the right� of the city amply follo\\'in� to S:lY as to this:"On fhe contrary, itS T said before,,.•LISOl fc g'll :1 rd�d.______ !hi� mc'llOd of :ooocialism is one whichThl' Dames Cluh will mct tomnrrow "";'s practiccel �n the cartiest civiliza-f T' ::ons known to ns. and was in prac-.a.ternnon at :2 :30 o'dock at .exJO�tonHall tical operation for thousands upon Spring �Iowers in Blosso�VISIT THE GREENHOUSES NOWPhones: H. P. IS-H. P. 69S1A. }\,fcADAlWSS3d Street and Klmbark AVEnueILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE CoflPANYPhone Hyde Park 571. Kimbark Av. aPifty-Sizth St.The Cleanest and Best KePt StoraceWarehouse in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed andShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for Pianos.Rooms for trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carriages, Buggies andSieighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS,Local Transfers for Baggage, Furnit ure, Packages, etc., at short notice.Special Attention Given to Univers ity Orders,UNIVERSITYPHARMACY�(,o E, 55th Street,Small ad!' hr:ng large ret�rns in o,.r"N P�. R. B n '" , rop.The Daily Marnon.--- -------------..Conklin's:g-·Pen", u, 'For busy people,No bother. 'Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper,,, Nothingtotakeapart.Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of thumb,to nickel cres­cent and, thepen is full,ready to write.AU &be beat deaJera eTer7-��CoDkllD Pen or am .a1lPl7.ttr you tnat. 'Ilpbn ba�IL ,c..-. DO more t.)MUl oe.-����=. fwoaa .b(l'Itll III � r�hmlalled free apoaAD,.1D&ke or 1Ity1& of oaD­&aiD pm repaInd praDJII&17.Tal! �"KLlII PElI c..IIUIS � &.., or....._........ c..lJIa ........ ';' .._,--- ----- -------l-nunes:Offic<". H.P 1788. Resideuce, H.P. g6[�!!Dr. jub a �tkttD)t. Ralp� a f,latlttDE�'TIS"'S)2.49 Kimbark Av�.Hours 0-12. Cor. 63rd 5tI :JO-5.----- --- -" - .- ------WHER8 do you lIe�,youl' ,. Ne�.paper •• P.rlocUcal. aDdSt.flODOI7 •At NORTOWSPh01leU6 H"de Park. Pre.: Delivery:US 5itb StreetAN AD� INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED? Bf SURfYou are CorrectlvDressedIt will make you feelbrighter and betterand convey the im­pression that -yourbrains are paying div­idends.The World LikesProsperous PeopleOUr Suring Styles'Are Now ReadyA. N. JERREMS. Manager.Tailor for Young Men.Either store13l 13 Salle Street, and" Jackson BlvdOUR SPRINGSTOCK'IS READYA large selection ofSpring Overcoatings at. .tempting pnces.200 styles of FancyVestings.PRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests $20 to $5020to 50sto ISWILLIAM .lERREMS· SONS.\,;lark and Ac:bms Su,PATRONIZETHI. g'j\e 9{oot �tu��h�KI1IBALI. BALL243 Waba.·b. Ave.Original Ideas anll ExC:usi\'C Styl�inPHOTOGRAPHS8peclal,R.:t''"S t, 1J�� C. �tu4.Dt.An ad, in The Daily :\Iaroon is :1, good investment. Ha\'e you tried it?TO EUlllNATE DIVORCE LAWS "POOR CHILDREN FAR I SOCIAL WORKERS TO BE IHAPPIER THAN RICH" AWARDED PRIZE OF SsaoMiss Holmes of Bureau of Charities, CoUegiate Alumnae Co-operate WithTcills Women of Work Among College Settl�ment Association toL-ower Classes. Encourage Slum Research;"The children of the poor arc the ---happiest children ill the world." In A fellowship of five hundred dol-these words Miss R. B. Holmes, sec- lars is offered by the Association ofretary of the Chicago Bureau of Collegiate Alumnae, together with theCharities, spoke 011 the "Children of College Settlement Association, forthe Poor" before: the Woman's Un- the year 1907-8 for work in social in­Ion in Lexington Hall yesterday af- vestigation. This fellowship is open;te: noon. to graduates of all the colleges which:Miss Holmes told of the work of belong to the Association. The Uni-Ithe bureau among the poor, especial- versity is a member.Iy of the sunlnler outing� whkh she In ord�r that the Comnlhtee on �--------------------,��-.-��-----���ilsaid did for these poor wretched little Awards may be able to judge wheth- TO' MASOSCrs�OL ad,dton submits the plan because, he de- bl' f �ones what nothing else could do. She er the candidates arc capa e 0 sUC:- ORCHJt:...STRAdares, laws today are unsatisfactory, said that there is a wonderful amount ccssfully carrying on social research.and unjust, holding that no legisla- . 'd I . dof satisfaction in the work, an all appliants arc require tolion can ever be adequate. fri d S h d k thurged each woman to mao ke a rren I. tate '.v at aca e.mlc wor. ey"Would not," he asks, "the best d Iand companion of some httle luckless have done In economics an SOCIO-method of dealing with all question child. logy. what positions they have held.of divorce and �e:mar�age to intrust Miss Holmes classified the poor and what volunteer social work theythem to the deCISIOn or a court com-; children into: bad children, that is. have dorie :posed of men-or of men and women the very worst, "')'0. however, all 2. Send copies of any papers they-of the highest morality and wisdom'have some good in them; those who may have written on social subjects.and empowered to decide all caseshave some care and attention from whether or not in connection withbrought before it, guided not by a their parents; and those of the "re- their college course;statute of defining what should bespectable poor." �Iiss Holmes said J. State the line of investigationlcga l grounds for divorce, but by that it is those who have loving and they have in mind. and why they arcth .. ir own moral sense and insight d b I f II I .d....unselfish mothers. but who have no attracte y me e ows up : aninto the rudiments of each case?" f G· h d dd fmeans. whose ambitions for better Ii e -to ivc t e names an a resses 0Dr. Burton decides that if such a ;;l'Id better clothes lead them to the persons who know about their quali-court is not possible in this country, vicious dance halls. Last summer the fications. fit I·S because the tide of intelligence . Th .. t f tl . ..bureau sent 13,000 women and chil- e recrpien 0 ie prize IS ex-and morality has not risen high dren into the country for periods of peered to live a year in a settlernenr..enough. "Meantime," he concludes, from two to three weeks. 'where conditions may be studied at I"our great duty is education, especial- close range. At the end of the allot-� of the youn& through the inc�c� HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS HAVE �d period the young woman mu� ����������-,���������������������tion of the principle that marriage i:. SECOND CONTEST TONIGHT 'submit a paper which will contributeproperly indissoluble and altruistic something to the present knowledgelove its ruling principle and safe- ,Wendell Phillips and University High of social conditions.guard." Are Favorites-Opening Prelimi- Applications for the fellowship mustDr. Burton's statement is containednary on Card be in before May I. They should bein an article that makes an exhaustive sent to Miss Katherine B. Davis. Bed.study of the attitude of Jesus toward The second preliminary for high ford. New York. Miss Davis is thedivorce. Dr. Burton finds the follow-schools is on the Bartlett gymnasium �College Settlement Association rep­ing to be some of the �ore obvious boards for tonight. Though five resentative on the committee whichand .irnportant implications of this schools arc entered, the contest is has supervis'on of the researches.reaching ; conceded to be a dual affair between l -' .:. .A marriage should not be entered '�/endell Phillips and U;liversity PAYS WORTHY TRIBUTEinto with the thought that the bond High. The other there teams from TO DEAN E. B. 'HULBERTmay be severed if disagreeable, for Calumet, Lake and Curtis arc darkruptured marriage is a crime against horses. and not considered strong.nature and love. The University High squad is th .. ,Husband and wife each work for b�st that has ever been developed atpeace and harmony in marriage, as a tn,'lt institution, while Wendell Phil­solemn' obligation. , lips is materially weaker than 'IastNo specific wrong can be named asyear when it captured the champion- is contained in the March number cfexceeding the limits of forbearance or ship. "The Biblical \\:" orld," of which heforgiveness. Love endureth at! The feature of the meet will be thethings. Adultery is not per se an un- fight between Reilly of Wendellpardonable sin, or reason for divorce. Phillips and Wampler of, UniversityIf after the exercise of all possible High in the sprints.forbearance on both sides, it is evi- I n connection with this meet. thedent that a continuance of the rela- first preliminary of the Inter-Frater­tionship will affect the well-being. of nity relay championship will he runthose concerned, then the separation off. This event is expected to drawis necessary. Each case demands a strong University contingent. Ofconscientious study. the competing- fraternities. one-half friends hy his unfailin.r humor andIn the question of a second mat- will he eligible for the second pre- his indominitahle cour igc. His dee-p-riage after divorce the well-being of lirninary, which is .to be pulled offthose concerned is' the supreme con- next week. I�"?jl Dr. E. D. Barton, in Article in "Bib­lical World" Advocates Establiah­ment of An Impartial Court ofMen and Women to Decide Cases.The elimination of divorceIaws andthe building up of a court to hearboth sides of 'the question aId judgebetween man and woman gtrided bymoral insight, instead of statutesv. !»�uggested by Professor Ernest D.Hurto�l of the University in his sec­ond article on "The Biblical Teach­ing Concerning Divorce," in TheBrbl ical World for March. Dr. Bur-I �• I, !IiII� ;1 .II,: r;e »\ "The Bibica! World" Praises theMany Noble QuaJiti" of the Late:Qjvinity School Head.I_', ';.4A tribute to Dean Eri ti. Hulbert: : was one of the editors du-irur his life­time. Concerning the late Dean ofthe Divinity School. the j'>1J-w,1 says :"Dr. Hulbert was a sincere and ·.Ie-., ivout Christian. an able oreacher andsuccessful pastor, a diliqent student,and enthusiastic teacher. an emc:\.·n�executive. a faithful and hdo\ cdfriend. He endeared h;mself to nissideration. est interest was in men and in i heinstitutions that make fer th,� welfare,f men.Though master of an ;dmirahl��tyle. he wrote little for l uh'i.�.lti:)1l.Possessing' untlsnal abilit.v 'n r )lBif'lg!nterest in his subject 0'1 thoe p:lrt ofhi� st.udents. he prefcrrf'd lIlt' ·:la5'5-room �o .the. printed P?tK � ;IS thl! meclium o� J1i:; influence ..• );1 h:; :.:en�ra­tion. Hi� death wilt 0-: 1I10urn(:,d anjJ,is memory cherish,�(! by th� !-tu­dents and colleagu*:;; in th� UJ11\'U­"itl' of Chicago and by a large circleof those who in formt'r (!ay� h;,,·\.' � .. tunder his instmction as pastor .Jrdc·L..-ts that the Bibli- "CONFERENCE INELIGIBLES'", Dr. Burton uu\.; SWAMP WHEATON TEAMcal teachings give no immediateb:lsis for legislation that gives intothl' hands of others than husband and,wife the decision that mariage shaltcontinue. He says: "The demand, 0(­ten made by ecclesiastical assembliesin the llame of Christianity, for ��Iatutt.· which shalt authorize a courtto grant di,·orce for adultery only hasno Xew Teslament basis: first be­\.';lU�e there is no sufficient reason thatJ t.'sus names adultery or any other�pecjfic cause as a ground for divorce:sl'c\uHlIy. he was not formultainJl;rules. which statutes must always he.!lIIt clHlIlci:lting broad elemental prin·cipks. and thirdly. hecause he was notsJleakin� of what the law of the state�hould h(·. hut what the conduct ofmen should be. and it is by nomeans to be assumed that the stateshould endeavor to enforce the pre­cepts which Jesus addressed to men'� Star Five of University Defeats HighSchool'Lads by Score of 40 to 12in Fast Game:The "Conference Ineligihles" of theUniversity played a practice basket­hall g:tme with a hastily gotten to­gether team from \Vheaton High�chool yesterday afternoon. and wonhy tr.e score of 40 to 12. The conte"twas t'xceedingly clean :nd fairly fast,The second half wa� only half length.The �'aroolls won on their goodteam work ane,l quick thinking. :\Ic­Keag wa,� the chief point-winnt'r.with nil1(' field haskets to his crdt'it.Page playe.d his " .. nal good game.and all the other men did very well.For the visitors Captain Brooks was !eacher."Patronize Dailv Ma:-n"n a,lver ,is�:!'o.,, .. \ Lost-A ronnd brooch pin, set withone large turquoise and six diamonds.Lost Sunday afternoon on the Cam­pus or in one of the t':"iversitybuildings. Finder please notify TheDaily Maroon Office, and communi­Sabscribe for the Daily Maroon:lnd be in line. cate with owner.� ,(;i' IIit conci('nces."E. C. MOORE, FLOR.I$T. 272 East 5Sth Street. Chicago.-----.-----TBLBPH9 .. JIYD" ,.u ,.------:----.,..,..,_Thinking of Teaching?Our Professional Department suppliesteachers and instructors to the leadingschools and colleges throughout the COlJ n­try. Get in line for a position now. Callor write today.••• HAPGOODS •••The National Organization of Stain Brokers.Hartford Bldg., Chicago, III. '.511 KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.MANDOLIN LESSONS, $1.50.Music Furnished for======�����:::=::- All Select Occasions.",.. Phone Harrison 80�AT THEU· NION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON 'J·WO FLOORSWI1.L FIND A SPECIAL AFrER-THEATER MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEServing only the Best the Market Afiords, 111 to 111 RANDOLPH STREETWe make a Specialty of Club, Fraternity Dinners. EtcFinest Orchestra in the CityI� ,THE UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUMand shines your shoesPresses your suit every weektor $1.00 per month5645 Cottage Grove Ave. Hyde Park 3718 .----------------------_ ..Est. 1856 8 Send Your eName to .. Spalding -r :�OR A CATALOGUE.OF·BRYANT �. STonONBusiness College Spalding AthleticOffers. SuperiorAdvantages Dr Mention --,hat sport you are iDter·ested in and ask for a list of collepand school supplies.The Spalding Athletic LibraryTextbooks on every athletic sport"0 cents per copy.Send for Complete ListMail . Order Dept.A� 'G. SPALDING 4: BROS.126 Nassau' St.. New Yock.14g Wabash Ave_, ChiC8&"..• Business Training ••AND•• Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents May Enter at Any Time.H. W. Bryant. Pres.L. Brent 7aughan. ,U. of C, '97.llmacer.315-321 Wabash Ave. ------------- ------Residence; Phone-FlJ Arlington PI. Lake View I�Phone Harrison 1644Goldsmltlrs Orchestra f__ --------------------------.-----Top floor ofThe Pullman Company Build'gCor. Adams St. and Michilran Ave.!,; Goldsmith, Director.)ffice, Cable Piano Compall7,�Vlrbasb and.Jackson. CHICAGO. All kinds of typewriting done.Students patronage solicited.Terms reasonable,work saticfactorrCall at 575.1 Drexel A venae.Miss Vaughn, Sccon� �lSUPERIOR TYPEWRITING.Reasonable rates for superior re­vision of manuscript-spelting, para­graphing, etc. Graduate student. Eng­lish. In thesis time, any time, tryH., Maroon Press, 474 E. 55th St. _._----------_. - - ------�.TheHaveYou YouWill-----------------.-----------------Patroni7.e Daily Mar(lon AdvertisersTheyAreReliable. TipBeen Top LikeThere? Inn It--- ----_. -----------�fad'illan Minett leaves nextTuesday for Los Angeles to meet hisparents. He intends to return toColumhia University to complete hiscourse. next fall.IllinoiS ===-­VOL.-_-•UnofficArbocid. Explai"Reg\Vhilcouldficial nbor scidedtil schEastside tthe rcCentrestudcndrawalruling:side •Four"eordinTo I�.\lielNine:'that 1ence .•troactwith.AccorgameiganConfethe n,'ConicTheof the"TI'shallGoods.cnee�IiehiFour"thatcollcgby allfiveIcatmom(6Ilo\,Fo(hor;X�,·.·6, l't,C. atcatio:not I(daftArh":\rayTr;EastAtl�ity(> \\t::ik.thellAlbi.l,ro('(Ii I'l·a .. ,ig-::nhC('llOrl'ic,kartg;1I1pre ..Jlla(',li�hlbeet