. ..;. .....�be lDatl)2 maroon4·e::--:-- ...VOL. v. :\ o. 96· CHICAGO,TUESDAY, MARCH S, 1907· Price Two Centsy VisiTYTO ENTER STRONG. TO ELEGT MAYOR FOR CBlCAoolSAYS THEORY AT BASE JOHN BOWARD UPl'ON, '87, DlES'lRUSTEES DISCUSS CLOSE, TEAM IN NExT A A. U. MEET Men and W�men Stude�ts and Fac- OF SOCIALISM IS WROIG' Divinity Student, Overworked by OF MORGAN PARK lCADEll• ulty Members to be Given Chance Studies, Duties as Pastor and Edi-to Test New Voting Machine To- tor, and Effort to Support Five Sis-Mr. Mallock Intimates that Capital-ists Are a sMuch Laborers as tel'S, Succumbs to Typhoid Fever.S .1 .f fl' b of I Horny Handed Toilers.tudcnts anu acu ty mem ers j ohn Howard Upton, a student inE the University will tomorrow elect the Senior College and the DivinityVarsity Represented in Every. ventthe next mayor for Chicago, with the Says Orthodox Economists Are Be-I k S dN Handicaps - Iddings, hind the Times-Their Ideas of Schoo!, died at 3 o'c oc un ay_Me 0En entire municipal ticket, and also will morning at Wesley hospital; �JedParry and Lightbody ter. settle the fate of the traction ordi- Labor Antiquated. twenty-one years. Typhoid- . fe·ver,-- - ; . I" it- nances .and (,li�er' questions' of: piibiic'· ...:---brought on by overwork ·is given as- -':'-10':-- -'Uni\'dsity track team W,lIC I· Definition of socialistic theory and News was received by The Daily,� . h C t 1 A A U po ICy. 1 . . f lee- the cause. .'will compete III teen ra .' This novel experiment, suggested an introduction to liS serres 0Supporting five sisters, acting as Maroon last night that following themeet at the Seycnth Armory Wednes-t by Associate. Professor Charles E. tures was given by Mr. W. H, Mal- announcement of Principal JohnsonI :'\ - pastor of theAdrian Methodist churchday, March 13. is one of tne strong,es . b d d d lock, the eminent Engish economist, at the chapel exercises at 3 :30 o'clock�, Merr iam,' IS to e con ucte un er at Crawford, assistant pastor in the..... at ever WL! .... inc Maroon, according the auspic es of .the Department of til his address at Mandel Hall yester- yesterday afternoon to the effect that,.... d - - Universal Methodist churc:h, editing·>to' 'ott entry list given out y.ester ay Political Science. A voting machine day .afternoon. ,The next lecture, the trustees had decided to close Mor-V t a church paper here, working in the� by Dr, Raycroft, The arsrty earn will be placed in Cobb chapel from 10 wnich will be held this afternoon at gan Park Academy, the students heldf .. Divinity library and carrying moreWill be added to by the best men, romo'clock tomorrow' morning until 5 -l o'clock, will define the elements of an indignation meeting on the campusCh than the usual amount of collegethe ranks of the Freshmen., icago o'clock .in the afternoon. ,,>roduction. l\1r,). Lawrence Laugh- riding President Judson in effigy ont studies, he became weak physicallywill be represcnted in every ev.en ) Post�aster Fred Busse, for the Re- r.n, Professor and Head of the De� and thus was unable to withstand the a rail to the depot, where the effigyand the meet wi�1 not be a handicap publicans, and Mayor E. F. Dunne partment of Political Economy,' in-disease, was suspended on a lamp post.affair. With these advarrtages, thefor the Democrats, are the leading croduced the speaker.. Mr. Mallock The policeman of the village at-b bl t Upton; according to the opinionsUniversity entrants should e a e 0candidates of the mayoralty race. agreed to answer written questions, expressed by. his' instructors and tempted to end the disturbance at thiscarry off the most points. Sixteen The 'use which the women will placed in a box at the rear of the hall, friends, was cut, off at the beginning po-nt, but he was overpowered by themen are down .to compete for the ��k� of-their -su-f{;;ge wili" be watched at the next lecture. of a promising career. His classmates students, who followed him back toUniversity. Every member of the A. ·\vI·th· especial. interest, - '.' Municipal Ownership is Capitalism the campus. After some difficulty the£ h feel his loss deeply; all attest his re- .A. U. will enter a large team or t e The· re is to, be a second 'machine "Operative socialism does not ex- officer succeeded in locating Principalmz.rkable energy and perseverance.contest. for demonstration purposes only. Mr .. st,", declared Mr. Mallock in opening. At the university he won the friend- Johnson in Blake Hall, and made a.Besides the college eve,nts,. there S, C,' Hamilton, assisted by the local "As far as the general welfare is con- complaint to him. After another60- d ship ofmany of the faculty of the Di-will be a 6o-yard dash, a yar Board p' f Election Commissioners, cerned, municipal ownership, though demonstration on the campus the 175hi h vinity school.· The late Dean Hul-hurdle race, and a mile relay for Ig wI'II. h'e· in charge of both machines. perhaps tendin g towards socialism, is students dispersed to the variousbe: t once said of Upton : :�'Gentle-schools and academies, A banner They will explain the working of the simply a case of capitalism. Private halls,Wl'11 be awarded to the team getting . men, give the man eight years and hemachines, and record all votes, The capital furnishes the motive power to will be far above you all in h' s pro- Morgan Park Academy of the Uni-the highest number of points,' while . dea received a trial which proved municipal ownership and municipal Cession." the present school year, according tothe winners of the individual events successful at the Reynolds Club elec- trading. In as much as socialism is a versily is to be closed at the end ofWI·II receive gold medals, the second hi h 11 Dr. Henderson said yesterday: "Mr.tion last Friday.' but the students oj protest against abuses, w IC we a, Upton was an earnest worker. His the announcement made yesterday by'; silver medals, and the thirds bronze the University .as 'a'�·wh,�le, . and the acknowledge and' which are rerne- work always stood out from' that of Dr. T. W. Goodspeed, Secretary, ofmedals. A, banner will also be given f I 1 .'h d) h' I' I I h 11 di it The use b D d f T f h U'cu aC\1 ty lave never; a ' a c ance to urar, s a not ISCUSS 1 • his classmates." Dean Mathews said: t e .noar 0 rustees 0 t e mvers-to the team winning the relay, each . I . � ,. f h . I· aning the . Th ell fbi·see a votmg_IJ!.'!.� nne In opeUltlon. 0 t e term socia Ism, as me ··H� wa�; alJ�; exc�e!iona!l� _�ble ,st� Ity. e exc ent system 0 pu IC.,·member,;:f the quartet, getting .a sil-.:.. cxiSt�nce of" the couditions ,-which the dent and- 'One of whom we expected hrio --se:l1oots lomit{a::�·S1ftCe': - K<iiPn�--':'''ver :nedal. Hal Iddings, Ed parry, VARSITY WINS BASKETBALL socialist believes advisable is inaccur- Park was founded and the fact thatgreat things."'and James 0, Lightbody, former 1\1a- ate, for operative socialism does not the 'University has large and growingIn spite of his youtl� Upton hadroon stars, have been entered unat- Saturday's Victory Over' Gophers exist, However, the other use of the preparatory schools in, connection,tached. completed over three years of collegeLands Chicago at Top-Must De- term socialist, is taken to mean one work and would have received his with the School of Education arefeat Minnesota Again, Purdue and who believes that the practice of so- bachelor's degree in June. given as the. reasons for the discon­Wiscon,sin to Get Cbampiomlhip.. cialistic· theories would be advisable. As a boy U.pton published a church tinuance of the Academy. Dr. Good---_ - "Enthusiasm is possible to the so-paper which was commended by speed yesterday gave out the follow-of University entrants Iol- Captain Houghton made a success- cialist only when he believes that hemany pastors. A few years ago he ing statement regarding the action otIul ending of his basketball career as .s an adherent of a doctrine which can worked his way to Europe. Since the Board:far as the Bartlett gym is concerned be 'pur into practice. Those so-called his eighteenth year he has acted as "The Board of Trustees of the Uni­when Chicago won from Minnesota's soci'alists whose adherence to the doc pastor of the Adrian Methodist vcrsity of Chicago has decided topreviously unbeaten five last Satur- �rincs is purely intellectual, can be church. his mother and five sisters close the Academy at Morgan - Parkday evening. The game was the most .lisregardcd. Socialism is' as old' as living. in the parsonage. Since the at the end of the current schoolyearexciting and sensational ever played PI t " in June nexta o. death of his mother last year he has .'In the Bartlett floor, the score being Pays R�s�tS' to Parlor· Socialists been depressed and sensitive. "When sixteen years ago- the Theo-Barker, a tie at the end of forty minutes of In :.peaking of the parlor social- logical Seminary,then I�cated at Mor-Garrett, play. ist�; :\Ir. :\fallock said:' gan Park, became the Divinity School"Within a few seconds after the re "I think I may venture to say that a FRATERNITIES HAVE RELAY of the University, the three buildings::\ferriam, 'mmption of play to determine the large number of highly educat'ed per� occupied were left vacant. It seemedvictory Schommer made a point on a sons who. actuated no doubt by gen- Details Announced Yesterday - Pre- a wise and economical use of these'G free throw. and a minute later Ger"r- erou'".. ."nd llnselfish sympa.thies, are liminaries to be Held Friday-Is buil<lings to open in them an academyI·mile n:n-'l\[athews, Sheid, lore, '" .,Steffa, gen received the ball at the center of anxious to claim fo·r 'themselves the New Feature at UniversitY-Finals which would in a short time becomethe field and with one' of the 'stellar name of �ocialists, have never sub- to b: Held March 23· �elf sustaining and would be a large�hrows of the game made the winning mitted themselves to this discipline of feeder of the University. Althoughtally, the final score being· 27 to 24. preliminary scientific inquiry, They Details of tha inter-fraternity relay the Academy has always had an ex-He was given a grcat demonstration sec that nndcr th!! existing order, of race. the preliminarics of which w'n c(.ptionally able faculty, and large"lfter the contest. things many e\'ils c:-cist. They are be held next Friday in Bartlett gym- .;ums of money have been spent on 'tThe game was fast and rough from persuaded that these e,·ils arc due t.� nasium. were announced yesterday by fo: additional lands and buildings, itthe very beginning, The visitors the general c.onstitJlt�on. of socicty. Dr. Raycroft. This feature is ncw at has neithcr becomc self sustaining,;tarted out by making fi,·c points and t.hat the e,·ils would disappear the University. and if it proves suffi: nor has it sent any such number ofright off the reel. The Maroons got were that-: general constitution 3'ltered, ciently popular, awardcd to the win- students tel the University as was an­a start and· pulled up until the half Such being the case. they leap to the. ning team, The plan of weeding out ticipated.ended with the score 12 to II in Min- curious conclusion that the only alter- the competitors is to have one-half "Meantime. in thc sixteen years thatllesota's favor. During the s'e.cond nath·e to the existing state of things of the teams which compete in the have passed. since thc Academy wasJlalf "Long John" Schommer mad� is' socialism. and that. by leapin� into first race run in the second; half of first opened a most remarkabl� changeLaws Near Championship.Th :he prettiest basket evcr seen on the the fire. we shall free oursth'cs from tho .. e in the second will Qualify for has taken place in the provision fore T.:1\\" School team tied Philoso-h floor,._a. 10, n,g. tho row from ,th, c,irniddle o,f :til the evils of the fryin� pan, What the third. anrt so on. until the finals, secondary education throughout theP y in the race for thc Univcrs:ty ......b k the cast side of the court, : socialism is in <Jetail, as a construct"·c �'emhers of the Varsity and Fresh- middlc west. High Schools haveas etk 11 championship hyi dcfeatino.;A Schommer was the- �tar and chid scheme. they make no attempt to man squads arc ineligibc for compc- sprung up everywhere. They havcrts 21, !I) 6 yesterday afternoon. The point-getter of thc game, He made investiO'ate, The,y altow it to impress tition. becn e!'tahlished not in hundreds. butgame \', ;,� the slowest of the season. ' . ,.,and .. t·, , I fi fi . . ele,·cn polOts on the thIrteen thro\V� their' ,imaginations like a huildin� Follnwing is the statement issued in thousands of villages and country.. '( r t Ie rst I\·e mmutes. In "which I- A I 11· , a\\· •. arded from thc Gopher!, foulS; seen in a drc:tm: hut they never in- hy Dr. Raycroft: districts, thc village of ::\Iorg:tn Parkfme rts m:)( e a ·t.; pomt.; .. -, -" , .. , ... - .,.",as' a I'· '_. _, along With three pretty ba�Kets. quire. as practical huilders arc bound It is proposed to hold a series of included, m;aking wh;at to some of the, . comp ete runaway. Carlson 'and ).T 1 lb· f ,Capt:l1n Houghton and Carter hoth to do. whether such a huildin� is a '('I;ay races to determine the Fratcr- members of the RI);ard of Trustces. • rgan were t IC cst 0 thc Wln-.. . ,ners :111(1 P , d D ' f I played their last game on thc Bart- structural possihility or no. They nity relay championship of the Uni- seems ahundant pro\·ision for second-, . rIce an aVIs 0 t le Ar- ,tists. lett gym floor, and both ended theIr never consider in detail thc principlcs versity. If sufficient interest is :Iry education. Every young man andallotted time well. Houghton. play- of its stn1cture at all." shown in these races, as indicated by wom:tn now finds within a few milesing against the captain of the Gophers 'Labor' Definition the Difficulty t'lC' number of entries received. the of his home if hot within a few rods.Mrs, Harry Pratt Jud,,()n :111c1 daugh. held his man down to one field basket :\Ir. :\fallock declared that social- lli,·i:,i()n of Physical Culture and a high school whcrc he may be pre-ter. :\1 rs, Gordon L:l:ng. will �I rnd while making three himself, and gave ism asserts that as all wcalth is the ",\thletics, wi.lJ give a shield, represent-j p_a.rcd for collcge.next week in New York and P'!"incc-, , '_ton. 1 (Continued �� ��, 4) , (�Ptir.iiecf OD paee 3) (Continr,"" 011 oaae ... > (Continaed on page ... ).'" .. -M On Team that Will Try� C:1W' Points for UniversitY,to In-March 13· rr.orrow. Board Decides to Transfer Support ofUniversity to Preparatory Schoolon Campus.Academy Students in IDdipationParade with Effigy of President,-. Judson.-and. Truattees..�. ,_, -Walter H. Eckersall's .name appears.as one of the field judges in the listof officials.The listlows:6o-yard dash - Steffen, Graves,Quigley, Henneberry, Allen, Taylor.oo-yard high hurdles-Steffen, Me­Avoy, Merriam, Taylor, Jacobs,6o-yard low hurdles-Merriam. Stef­; fen, 1\Ic:\voy, Taylor, Jacobs.44o-yard run""':"lferriam,Quigley. Graves, Lingle.S}:aart, H ollgh.88o-yar<l run-Barker,Shuart. ).Iathews.2·mie n·n-Caldwell.Pole \';til't-Jacob�, Henneberry.High _il1l1lp-Scllommer, Hub�le,Morgan,Shot put - Russcll. Maddigan,Schommer, \\�en<lt. Alexander. Hub­ble.I-mile rday four men to nm)­lIerriam, Barker. QUigley. Graves.Shuort. I.ingle, Garrett. Hough,s--- ... � ... '.�"�����������������T�H�P.�:�D�A�I�L�V�M�A�R�O�O�N�.�C�H�IC�A�G�O�,�T�U�E�S�D�A�Y�.�M�A�R�C�H�5,�r���.����������������������I� =:m, iff llail1t fIlarllon ketball team in defeating Minne.';,ta THOMAS ORCHESTRA TONIGHT �JlPETIT:,:, Saturday night merits only the high- . -- Juat the place to hold cluJt and fraternity dinners. ,SCORest praise. Despite the fact that one Fifth of Series of Concerts to be H.� THE HOTELman scored over half the points made in Mandel 'Hall-Leopold Kramei �A H 00 Nby the team, its victory was obvious- to be Soloiat�Ezc:enent � FIFTY-EIGHTH AND DREXEL AVENUE.ly due not to individual "starring" Arranged. .����t. Excellent Service. First·C1a&but to consistent team play. Captain Come over and see us about your nest Club Banquet.Houghton and the team have almost An excellent program has been an- Our Lunchroom is open until one a. m.won the championship; they have al- nounced for the fifth concert of theready won the universal interest and season -by the Theodore Thomas Or­support of the students. chestra, which will be given this even­ing in Mandel Hall at 8:15 o'clockThe special feature of the, concert is�o be the violin solo. which will berendered by Mr. Leopold Kramer, oneof the most celebrated violinists inChicago. who has been with theThomas Orchestra since 1897 as co�­certmeister.Following is, the program in deta'T:Overture, "Melusina .... MendelssohnSymphony, "The Country Wedding."Opus 26................. GoldmarkWedding March with Variations.Bridal Song.Serenade.I n the Garden Dance.Intermission.Concerto for Violin, No.2, D. Minor.Opus 44 ..•................ ,.. BruchAdagoi Ma Non Troppo; Recitative;Finale.B�cchanale, "Tannhauser,".. WagnerOverture, "Tannhauser," � ... Wagner That conu>___________ '"":-" ..;..J. nicious andshould be �,tated by a Iand anatomyJ. Kroh, di:(hool of .1'..'an article 111Elementary.Mr. Krohmuch of thepetitive athmaking a m:it may do hphysical injtheory ofKroh says:. "Mere phyelude the \question. Ipreparationlive the 01'needeft !:! \,]li�·: .. g invohcourse whiknowledge (tal laws ill'often jeopa:be regarded"Can thiswhat we secof pure athcouth andwitticisms ;from ourfrom our sccompanimelnity of theclamorous Iricher enjo:tional procthe aims 0concept ofbe ideally,remote outwe can fillsi_hool youlmethods, s�-:-----------T-I-h----------�-------· weigh bye ep one �umet 251 16th and Llichipll cater thtfie ',I �th St. Livery· .. methods?"Riding AcadeinyHigh-Class��ddle and Harness Horses for Sale.Horses SchooledSend for Circular. Open Eveninp.Dr. Angell Speaks at ,Indiana­D� �m� Rowbnd A�cll, h�d,��----------------------------�of the Department of Psychology,md pre��� � ilie Ameri�n Ps� r--�---------------------------�chological Association, spoke to In- . F� S. Young.diana students Friday night on the"Utility of Philosophic Studies."noA warning' against the dangers of"good fellowship' was sounded byDr. C. R. Henderson in his addressto the men of the Junior Colleges atchapel exercises yesterday morning,on "The Quality of Friendship.""Friendship may work a damage,"he said. "It depends on the kind ofa man, whether his qualities be ablessing or a curse. There are thosewho are known as 'good fellows,' but ..they are good, to themselves nor tothose to whom they are good. Thebetter this sort of a, man dresses themore kindly he is in outward man�IH. r, a Ithough he may be sincere inthis attitude, the more damage hecan do to us.ow cia! Studl'ht l'ubllcatJoD of tbe UDlnr·lit,. of Cblcqo.'r ,_.. '�ofte:(o'ormerl,.Thl' UnlveMllt,. ot Chh'aa:o WHkl,.Founded1'b@ Weeki,., Oct. 1. 1892.' .. he Dall,.. Oet, 1. 1902.., .I-:n�t>rwJ as Slt("ond·Cla_ Mall at I be Cbl,CAJitO 1'08tOJftce. pleasing incident in connectionthe track meet Friday night wasthe return, by membersof the' Illinois team, ofa sweater stolen at themeet at Champaign twoweeks ago, from one ofthe Chicago men. Just before theclay race at the meet in the Illinoisgymnasium Ned Merriam asked anIllinois man to hold his sweater.When he went to look for it afterthe race the man ":a5 not to be found.The Daily Maroon took the matterup with "The Lllini," the Illinois stu­dent daily, and the editors of "TheLllini" instigated a rigid search forcne offender, making it clear edito­rially that such actions would not becolerated. The result was that thesweater was restored to the ownerwith little ceremony., I'he outcome of this incident is ap­preciated by Chicago students, not be­cause of the value of the sweater,but because it reflects an admirablespirit on the part of the Illinois stu­dents. Thefts will be found every­where, but it is gratifying to fin�chat student sentiment is so strongagainst such practices that, as in thisinstance, the offenders are compelledto produce the goods. ---Registration continues this week Ifor graduates, in order of application,seniors who have more, than .21 ma­jors credit and juniors, alphabetically �from A to L, who have . less' than 9majors credit. Candidates for· thetitle of associate will register with thelean of the Senior Colleges.According to schedule, registrationcloses next week.!AwithSubti('rlption price. $3.00 per ,.ear; $1.00(or :1 months, SubscrlptioDS recelnd at Admirableth� llnroon Office. Ellis Hall. or at th(>I,'aculty Exchang@. Cobb Hall. Order. Spirit atIllinoistaken by mall or telephone. Hyde Park-i2G.It, gDD\" MATHEWS. Managing Editor.I·;DWAH.D G. ,,'ELSENl'HAL. News Editor.LUTUEH D .... ·EItNALlJ. Athletic EditorGEOltGE E. .'ULLEIt. fiuslness Manager.ASSSOClATE EDITORSC. W. ['altzer.A. W. HeDdersoD. fiernard I·. �ll,l>reston Fo. Gass.WarreD D. Foster, Melvin J. Adams.l'eter 1". Dunn, W. I'. llacCrackeoJerome Frank. Hurry A. Hunsen,I'. W. 1'lnl;�rLOu. llu:-vcy B. Fuller. JI'W. J. HalDBlnrther, REGISTRATION TO CONTINUEDeans Will:Be Busy, for Two MDre.weeks.l'rlnted by the Maroon i'rcas"i'4 I::a8t aath Streetl'bone lIy4(> Park 3;;::1Visitors in Bartlett gymnasium Sat­urday night, accustomed to regardChicago as the mostardent sponsor of fair. play, were frank in ex­pressing their surpriseand disappointment atseveral evidences on the part of the'spectators of an unsportsmanlike at­titude toward the members of theMinnesota basketball team.That there were times when-a con­tingent in the grand stand see'med t6forget themselves, and attempted to"rattle" the Gopher captain and"bully-rag" the umpire, must be' ad­mitted, but .it was noticeable to thecareful observer that for this condustoff-campus persons in the bleacherswere chiefly responsible. Univer­sity men were responsible, however,for not preventing repetitions of un­sportsmanlike behavior, whether fromamong their own number or fromoutsiders.Chicago men are not likely soon toforget their indignation at the treat­me-nt �ccorded the Chicago basketballteam 111 one of its contests last year.when the students of a great univer­sity made it only too evident that"anything to win" tactics, were notbelow them.The offenses to which the isiti"51 mgteam were inclined to taket' S excep-J Ions aturday night were, fortunate-y, not very pronounced, but the f .play '" air. SPirit in the University should�rovlde against any similar OCcurence10 the future. !-nones:Office'. H.P 1;88. Residence, H.P. 961. I .r .'.-� t:a��DENT.ISTSFairPlayChicago BEWARE OF GOOD FELLOWSDr. Henderson Tells Men at JuniorCollege Chapel of the QualitiesWhich Go to Make Real and Last·ing Friendships. , University High Wins Ag_ainTrack athletes from University HighSchool found their opponents fromOak park rather easy to defeat, Sat:"urday afternoon in the Gymnasium,landing 56 .points to 21 for the. visit­ors. The High School track men tookevery first. but the fifty-yard, dash, "'and had an even break with their op�ponents in the number of secondsand .thirds.I'!:I"Those of stronger will and' morals -can be friends to. the weaker marr. Residence,: PhoneAll friendship should possess kind- "13 Arlington- PI. Lake View I�Iiness and sympathy, but the most im- Phone Harrison 1644portant thing must be sincerity; •Friendship cannot be trafficked in. Goldsmith's Orchestra rThe friends you will have and res- !. .Goldsmith, Director.pcct through life will have intellectual l�ce. Cable PiaDQ Compay. .qualities. Otherwise your friendship ,Vabuh and Jackson.' CHICAGO.;will be a wooden one. We and our -friends must all be growing out in:iitTcrent directions, particularly�('sthetically.."A friendship is of value to us just:n proportion to the value of thefriend. The whole of friendshipshould he like a great orchestra 'i249 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 6,Jrd StlJringing into usc all the music of Hours 0-12. 1 :30-5-life."I.I The outcome of this incident .t b I' I� ap-�am y Illni Friday night was asunfortunatc as it wasgenerally une�pectedhut it is no indicatio�that the track team willl'Iot be thc important. factor in collegiate ath- Telephone your want ads to ther�tics that It has always been Th Daily Maroon. 426 Hyde Park.wcr b . erec anum er, of disapPOinting evi-dcnces of rcvcrsal of "f" YOU MAY SEE, orm 011 the�;1rt . of somc of the mcn who hav� I�\,lO� n thcmselves capable of better.ork: hut therc wcre aso pI . . FOWNEScilcatlons of marked . easlOg In-thc put of IOlprO\'ement onpreviously bc:�n inWhloscb POWers had GLO:t 11::'(:'(' .' c ou t. It . V J::A:)\ Idt'nt that with th(', V. wasbest a 4'ff . arslty at itsb ' ,I erent tale and tally Jde told, wouMARTYN'S MARO_ON ·STUDIO5705 Cottage Gro\"�V. of C. PJaoto5lTapber.Conso­lationsCongratu_lations .,i1it�. GOOD JUDGMENTis one of the factors of life. Cultivateyours by ha�ing your photographicwork done atON THE MAN WHO DOESN'TKNOW WHAT·S WHAT-YOtrROn the other hand h SURE TO SEE THEil ON THEexhibition IP, "'en by t'ht eVma�nificent 'lwIl\l� wHO DOES KNOW.. e arslty bas-' Albert Mathews, Pres. Geo. H. Fiedler, Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton. SecMathews &, Co. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers Bldg., '156 Wabash Ave.THE LINE FOR SPRING IS HERE.IT'S ,THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW., � ...University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 pel' Do?:.They', Fill that· Empty Space at Home.Gesmott'g )&1)oto �tulJfoPhone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREETYALESTUDENTS COPIED OUR',College Corn.erSUIT MODEL'LAST AUTUMN:tJIE :SPIING .IODEL Come in,IS··:IU£B· �IIANQSOIER and see it."C�er l:JWDkie.' .. rAiLORS . 185 189 Dearborn St.Bank Floor !WI J. Kra. School of'More:" '"POOL ANContest IsB(With itsin the R:::liard chamvery closefight is nosohn andfour and I,Powell whone; andand lost ]won five ISunderlancfour withIn yestc:won in hby a scoreMorse. 10,ages-�rolMaxwt·11by a S�I'nIn bil1i:1feited t"llor�( (by a !'("IrMorse, J �Sheldoll ..Stern (1by a ser,r,Stern. : .2'1\)01 r("ColliTi).!'�(125) hyruns-Col4- CollinStern (by a <;('01Stern. R.e�gc-StSpit 7.(120) hyIn the 1ing, littlebe heldJrotices f(Phone H.P. lIP'Young America LaundryBUNDLES BROUGHT IN AND CALLED FOR• . • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • . • . . • • • • • •• 8c: Co!lars � . , xCuff's •..••...•.• :..•....•....••....• 4C�-686 �t 63rd Street,:III1I1DE••·�I�p��ol_ 5_.rage .. V._. Co,.G.enI a..._·IL ... CaIaIet Aft.!'III.erDtI _........ • __ aD 05eea. Bnada 0Iice, '.'1 ...... __11 •• 01 (jNe II.. R. w.* ll4c:IIiaIp 1 ........__ c.a-.,....'TUESDAY, MAtCH 5, 1907.COMPETITIVE ATHLETICS'SCORED BY A, DIRECTGR SAt.', �MEORY At '�E t very different from that in �hich they• ,Qll .O��· ·WRONG at present appear to the prophets and- ' apostles of socialism, .and to the mnl-(Continued ,f�m pa,.ge I.) titudes who, more or less vaguely, areallowing themselves to be influencedby' their theories,"The lectures are given under theauspices of the University of Chicago,and the Public Lecture Bureau of theNational Civic Federation. Mr. Mal­lock has just concluded a similarseries of addresses at Columbia and inBoston.garl J. Kroh, Athletic Director of,School of Education Also forMore Scientific MethodL J: reduct ,of labor, labor' should re­ceive it. It, is the definition of labor,That competition in athletics is per- where the trouble, arises. The so­nicious and that physical training cialist would take it to mean manualshould be conducted along lines die- labor-s-the men whose palms aretated by a knowledge of physiology hardened by to�l, in the words ofand anatomy arc the opinions of Carl Count Tolstoi, In this connection theJ. Kroh, director of athletics in the speaker said:(hool of Education, as expressed in "Distinct: socialism becomes a defi-, an article ill the' March issue of "The nite and 'distinct doctrine. only when MAROON SWIMMERS MEETI Elementary �chool Teacher." the word labor is taken in an exclu- ILLINI AT URBANA FRIDAYI .Mr. Kroh dvclared that there is too sive sense and stands exclusively formuch of the "do or die" spirit in com- those ordinary manual efforts by Captain Rohde's Men Hope to Repeatpetitive ath le tics, that, instead of which, as Count Tolstoi says, the In Retum Contest in Urbanamaking a IlUIl healthier and stronger palms of the hands are hardened; in Tank.it may do him permanent nervous or other forms of effort, and the c.1aimsphysical injury. In support of his based on them. being ignored. The The date of the return swimmingtheory of physical instruction Mr. truth of the matter is, as I shall point meet with Illinois at Urbana has beenKroh says: out when I .next address you', that changed from Saturday to Friday of."Mere physical training does not in- the varieties of human effort invOlved this week. Coach Knudson is ex­clude the whole Scope of work i.l in the production of modem wealth peering the Champaign swimmers toquestion. I t is the emphasis of a are not one, but two; and that these put up a better fight in their homepreparation that will enable youth to differ not only in degree of produc- tank, especially as it is longer thanlive the most useful life, which is tivity, but in kind-in the very na- the one in Bartlett. The entire Ma­needed !:! our day, The hygiene of ture of their operation; and that econ- roon squad is being drilled for theli�·: .. g involves so much that a school omists who attempt to expain the pro� relay and it is likely that the Illinoiscourse which does not impart a duction of wealth today, while giv- sw'mmers will not be able to take thisknowledge or some of the fundamen- ing' a single name to two different event again, as they did in the firsttal laws involving nervous activities, kinds of, effort, are like a man who meet in Chicago.often jeopardized in athletics, cannot insists on putting his· hands into box- The polo men are being tried in allbe regarded as fulfilling its purpose. ing-gloves as a preparation for taking kinds 6f new combinations and by the"Can this be denied in the face of to pieces the delicate works of a time the Eastern teams come to Chi­what we sec and hear in the contrasts chronometer." cago they will find the Maroon ag­of pure athletic competition-the un- In commenting on the theory that gregation a powerful scoring machine.couth and rude behavior, the slang accomplishment is the result of -noth- It is likely that the Yale team willwitticisms as they re-echo, not only ing but labor and -Iand (natural re .. be the most formidable competitorfrom our park commons, but also sources), Mr. Matlock said: ' for polo honors, as shown by' its de­from Our school halls? Are these ac- "If two yachts were built for a race feat of Pennsylvania last Saturdaycompaniments in accord with the dig- between; America and England, the by the score of three to one. Thenity of the school? Should, not these trouble of an actual race might be Pennsylvania swimmers are the bestclamorous outbursts make way for a spared. We could discover which as shown by their 38 to 15 victory.richer enjoyment, the result of a ra- was the. most valuabie boat before- The entries for the: meet, as an­tional procedure more in line with hand, by -discovering ,which had taken nounced by Dr. Raycroft yesterdaythe aims of educative pursuits? The the longest time to make. Or, if the are ;concept of a strong character must merit of the crews were in question 50-yard swim=-P, V. Harper. \V.be ideally, if not the immediate, the we could tell which was the most Morse.remote outcome of such training. If efficient by discovering which had" 75-yard swim=-P V. Harper, S.we ran fill the' athletic fields with the worked itself, into a state of the most V�ralker.sEt00l youth at hand, through proper, violent perspiration," roo-yard swim-So V\'·Ollk�r,,·:.f.me�hods, should not the results out- O�doz Economy Behiud Times Rhodt·;", .. ,'. _.' .. -"', ' ',..,weIgh by for the results now advo- . . Relay race=-Harpe-;' Morse, P. P.cater through our competitive In reference to what he termed the Princell, A. A. Goes, :�. Walke r. J. J.methods?" orthodox books on political economv, Solomon.Mr. Mallock declared: ,Plunge for' distance =-Solomon, C.POOL AND BILLIARD RESULTS "It was the boast of Karl Marx thai Schott,all his most revolutionary.conclasions, polo game-Rhode, Schott, Goes,Contest Is Now Narrowing Down In which threatened the whole system of Badenoch, Solomon, Walke-Both Tournaments capitalism, was deduced from theWith its daily progress, the ccnrest doctrines of thinkers who regardedin the Reynolds Club pool and bi'l� that system as unalterable, and wno,liard championships :, now becoming so. far .as intentions went, were itsvery close, In billiards the grcn -cst .chief intellectual supporter z. .Andfight is now centered between Jessel- in this Marx was absolutely right.sohn and Ehrhorn, who hav z won "Nobody must think that I om go­four and lost no matches; Morse and ing to follow the example of RuskinPowell who have won three and lost and Carlyle, and other distinguishedone: and Reddy who has Whh three writers, and attack the science of the men.and lost none. In pool, Carter' has orthodox economists as a no-science,won five matches without a loss and whose conclusions-to quote Rus-. . Patronize Daily Maroon Advertisers,Sunderland and Gaarde have each won kin's language, are practically value-Thcy are reliable.four wit h no defeats. less and nugatory. My sole conten-In yesterday's contests Morse (150) tion is that this science is incomplete,won in hilliards from Powell (120) and that instead of denying itself· itby a score of 150 to 113. High runs- must complete itself; and that theMorse. 10. 8, 8; Powell, 9, 6, 6. Aver- point at which its extension must be-. . h' .. 6. Chicago at Wisconsinages-�'()rse. 1.5; Powell. 1.12. gm, IS t IS pomt which we are n�wMax\\'dl (105) defeated Kroh, (120) considering-namely, its present com- bali).,- Law YS. Science (basketball).by a sCflre of 105 to 104. t prehension of aU the varieties of liv- ,.. ..' ff 8 Second Prelim]n. arv TR,c. k MeeIn hilliards Saturday, O'Bryan for- ing lOdustrial e ort under the com- .w :rd 'd f I ' of the Coo_ i..County Hiahfeited t,. Honberger. mon name an common I ea 0 abor. GSchools. . .:; J "�(or�( (150) defeated Sheldon (13::) The economists of the days' of AdamoJ • 9 Chicago at Purdue (basketbam.by a !,\"',re of 150 to 90. High run- Smith and, Ricardo wer� content, ,.12 Philosophy \'s. Arts (basketball)Morse. 15. 14. Average-Mors.. 1.8', since in th�ir day, no practical issue .Sheld('ll. I. I. �was involved. to leave all forms of 14· Senior vs. qterature (basket. bali).Stern (120) defeated Hebberd (ISO) living industrial effort, from th?se of15.by a su,rc of 120 to 138. Averag�s-- a Watt or an Edison, down to thoseStern. :.2i: Hebberd. 1.48. of a man who.. whitewashes a fence,Pool r('sults as follows: grouped together under the commonCollill�s (1,15) defeated Lindsey name of labor."(125) hy a score of 135 to 11,1. High The conclusion of the address wasruns-Collings, i, i, 6: Lindsey,s, 4, as follows:4- Collings averaged 1.00. "At present the orthodox econo- 21,Stern (120) defeated Mcagher (130) mists and the socialistic economistsby a !'core of 120 to 93. High run- alike give us all human effort tied up, 2,1-Stern. �. 6, 5; Meagher. 8. 6, 4. Av- as it were, in a sack, and ticketedef?lge-Stern. 1.09: Meagher. :;0. 'human labor.' J propose to open theSpit7 (105). defeated Goodenow sack. to spread out its contents be-(J20) hy a score of· 105 to liS, fore you. and. ask you to examine lO.In the two man tournament in bowl them ";th your own eyes; and th�ing. little has been done. Entries will -esult will be to exhibit not laborbe held until Mr. English sends out, only. �ut· capital' .also. the 'fo�ces Small ads bring large rett.ms in.wtites for them to be sent in, ..�.. �taI r.".".,.t', itt • lip' The Dail, MarooJJ. • FIELIIERS·GLOVESWill do wood� toward. makiq you aVanity player. Get one aDd � how e .. yIt ill to pull doWll the high ODeS. 25C to f3.00.mE�SJlLLi. used 10 all the big Iotercollmate pm�Eodorsed by all i.eaguC1l aod adOpted as the. Official Uall of the American Leacue., REACH OFFICIAl. AMElUCAN LHACU!CBALL SI,'5- Others from sc: to SI.so.Buy a copy of the RF.ACH OPFICIAL BAS.BALL GUIDE for 1907 aod get posted on thegame. All the hew rulcs-t1Chcdules. etc. At.hlstory and .Photoll of 1'}06 World'. SeriC1l. IOC atdealers or by mall.A!1t yo"r deater for R,a�1I Sptwli"X Coods. fludiNS "01 Ita"� IlIn", W� Will '''pply yo. dir�c ".r�uipl of Iriu.Jtp7 Base Ball Catalogue FREE-write for it.A. J. REACH CO .• 1719 TULI�ST •• PHILADELPHIA.ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE BudSTOQA6E COnPANYPhone Hyde Park 571. Kimbark Av. &Fifty·Sixth St.The Cleanest and Best Kept StoraaeWarehouse in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed andShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for Pianos.Rooms for trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carriages, Buggies andSleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local Transfers for Baggage, Fumit ure, Packages, etc., at short notice.Special Attention Giveu to Univers ity Orders.(basket- The Yates - fisher Teachers'Agency.Baseball NotkeFreshman candidates hr the ha�e­ball' team, excepting pitchers andcatchers, need not report for furtherpractice until the outdoor season, asthe coaches want to devote their timeto batting practice Ior !h� VarsityFrank L. Dick� 1<;<:11, ':c ach.ATHLETIC SCHEDULEMarch.Chicago Freshmen at I11inois(track).16. Chicago at Minnesota (basicet­. bail).16. Third Preliminary Track Meetof the Coole County HignSchools.22 and 23. A. A. U. basketballchampionships at Evanston ..Semi-Final Meet of the ConkConnty High Schools.1.1 and 29. IllinOIS Athletic ClubCharity Track Meet.Final Track Meet of the co,>�County High Schools. Conklin'sMs:1!gPenFor busy people.No bother.Fills itself.Cleans itself.No dropper.Nothingto take apart.Nothing to spill.A dip in ink, atouch of thumbto nickel cres­cent and thepen is full,ready to write.An the beltdealen �'ftI"J-��:"�cH:�.... or e&Il I"'J'OU ma" upon C:It. c .... DO more Ulan 0(IMi'tocmtalD � Qt"'bIst..-..e.100 ",lea and 8lZIftI CO _Iee&= .bb..tn In ClCIr eatalc�U:;=�=�ta1D pm repaJreil praaptl,..TIlE �"ItLI. PElf ce.51WU,.._.I-.. .................. c.u. ...... r ... BfSURfYou are CorrectlyDressedIt will make you feelbrighter and betterand convey the im­pression that yourbrains are paying div ...idends.OUr spring StylesAre Now' Re&dyPaul Yates, Manager.Room 740 Fine Arts Bldg.203 Michigan Ave. Chicago, III\\. e secure positions for college anduni\'crsity professors, normal school,high school, grade, and all kinds of�pecial teachers. We also have astrong department of athletics. Writeor call for further information. The World LikesProsperous PeopleA. N. )ERREMS. Manacer.Tailor for Youna Meo.Bither lltere131 1 a Salle Street, _." Jackson BlvdWIUtR8 do you get ,-oarN pap dlea •• aDdat.tI.D.Q.At NORTOWSPhon ,Free Deliftf'}'II" Hyde Park :US 57th Stri.-etTeteplleDa H,.se Park 18 ...... 7A. McAdamsTh.U.I .... I�••• F lor ' .• t. ••..-aona:CDr. _at. ... ma..�.w. Chloa,o OUR SPRINGSTOCK IS READYA large selection ofSpring Overcoatings attern pting prices.200 styles of FancyVestings.PRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests � to SSO20to 505 to 15WILLIAM JERREMS' SON ••\,;lark and Adam. Ita.THE I)AIL\' �Ak(HtN. (. Hi' At8·). TUESDAY. MARCH 5; 1907.'�have long been the standard 25 cent garter. The patented flat �prevents chafing, binding and catching in the c1othin,. The BrigbiFlat Clasp Garter is as flat as your hand. Worn by mea who appItdate comfort and neatness. Made of pure silk elastic webbing. "Jjwhose UII:(ll1� Iearure s and exceptional This gives Chicago a clear lead in m� partsof brass--heavilynickeled. 25 cents a pair, all dealers or.,'ld,·.ant<tge: . ..; have already made it one: .he .strugglc for the championship mall prepaid. For men who prefer a cord garter, we have perfectltA tile bc..;! schools of its kind in the j aonors. but the five, to fasten down Lo� ...r -GRI'" .. ':country. It is cousidcred by many .j he penuaut.cannot lose any of the n:- � � .:.the trustees to have taken the place .naining games, with Purdue, Wiscon- BRIGHTON GARTERSof the: Morgan Park Academy in the .;:n and ::\liIllH:S?ta., Tomorro\� (.",·el.I' While th� are quickly and easily detached, et they haYe theeducational scheme of the University. -ng the team WI)) play at Madison in I 6f!Dest �p of all cord carters. The ftexibfe rubber diamond"It is srill the opinion of the Board, '1 badly crippled condition. only six i gnp� 'WJt� a bull dog tenacity. �o wear or te3W of the socks... . Can t spring loose or become aCCIdentally detached. Made ofhowever, that there is room for use- )f thl' la rge squad of thirty-five which; 6nest quality webbing; all metal parts beavill nickel platedful work by a school conducted for started the season being elig ible. The brass. 25c and SOc a pair, all dealers or by mail, prepaid.the benefit of boys who can thus ob- men who played in last Saturday's PIO.E ••• U.N'1�� ��88=�t., Philadelphia..ain educat ional advantages not to be gam e will b e the ones who will makefound in a day school. But under all the trip.the circumstances it docs not seem The inter-collegiate schedule forwise for the University to carryon' the rest of the season is as follows:Top floo� of 'Iwork of this character at Morgan Wednesday. March 6, Chicago atThe Pullman Company Build'g Park. Wisconsin.''In closing the Academy the annual, Saturday, March 9. Chicago at Pur-Cor. Adams St. and MichiganAve. oJ::...---------------.-1 expenditure will be added to the Uni-; due and Wisconsin at �linnesota.,versity resources for higher work and Friday. March 15, Purdue at Min-I, A M U ;5 E MEN 'I.' S """ I will be annually expended in render- neso:a._ _ 'ng that work broader and more effi- Saturday, March 16, Chicago at Min-cicnt. For these reasons it has been 1I('�ota and Purdue at \Visconsin.decided to bring the work of the(HaveYou The YouWillTipBeen Top LikeThere? Inn ItColonial.A CYCLONEOF MIRTH.MUSIC ANDBEAUTY,CARLEIn the Full-FeatheredMusical Hit,THE SPRINGCHICKENPowers ..CHARLES FROHMANPresentsJOHNDREWin A. W. Pinero's Most Suc­cessful Play,"HISHOUSEIN ORDER"The' .GarrickBLANCHEBATES'GIRL OFTHEGOLDEN WESTrI,f The GrandMR.HOPKINSONWithDallas Welfordand the Best CastEver Seen in Farce-------------The StudebakerBERTHAKALICHIn Harrison Grey Fisk'sproduction ofTHEKRUETZERSONATALa Salle, {L; 1,�,(.I OthersComeandGo, But­THE TIMETHE PLACE andTHE GIRLGoesOnForevel (Continued from page 1) BRIGHTON(Continued from page I.),_____ _ ,'cry valuable assistance to the other"�!orl'o\"t:r, the University has :t- nembers of the team. Carter tookself established a uecessary part of dl·nry·:-; place ill the middle of the .::s School of Education. a high school .ccond half and showed his class. FIAT-CLASP ·GA.B.TERS(Continued from page I) _----VOl ..'__-c FISHIS'SociolcpertAfter Commencement, What? Ex·TrwereFIf you will be in the market for a business,prof essional or technical position in theearly summer or' fall, we can help you.Don't fail to call or write today. wi«bate iciolug\"ersit�tracticmostthe pplainelccturthe �sity,theatcgivcnmornseconweek.ordin;weekThe:curedman,l\I r.andbest;Up tl.of SIthatserio:and'atelydinarwillChic;'., "Tpornthe jdec);E. �port'tialingthouthatginbotlU. HIGH DECIDES TOSTART A DAILY PAPER ••• HAPGOODS •••\cademy to an end."The fact that Morgan Park Acad­erny was losing ground was noted inthe report of principal Franklin W.Johnson, which was published lastJanuary. In this report PrincipalIohnson advocated a general reorgan­'zntion of the Academy and an exten­sive advertising campaign in an effort;0 gain more students. The enroll­nent of the academy for the presentrear is about 170.The' Academy is located in the su­nirban village of 'Morgan Park whichies on the Bever-ly Hills, Blue Island'idge about thirteen miles south-west)f the center of the city. The town'las a population of 3,500.The Academy has a group of seven'ruilding s. three of them, Morgan Hall,West Hall and East Hall, being dor­nitories. The other buildings areBlake Hall, which contains the chap­el, the recitation rooms, and the ad­ninistrative offices, the library build-'ng, the .science laboratory and thegymnasium. The gymnasium Is acomparatively 'new building and is!ery complete. The National Organization of Brain Brokers.Hartford Bldg., Chicago, III.Publication Will Start March 13-W. L. Dallas is Managing Editor'-H.W.Danow Business Man.Phone Harrison 803"TO' MASOSCHOOL andORCHESTRAThe University High School hasinally decided definitely to publish a.laily newspaper.Plans have been thoroughly worked.mt and the management of the pro­;ect organized. The paper, the pub­iication of which will begin March!3. will be of four pages, each page.o contain three columns. The sizeof each sheet is to I I 1-2 inches by 7.\V� L. Dallas, a senior in the pre­»aratory school. is managing editor,H. W. Danow is bu�ness manage��_�������������������������������.and Roy L. Parker his assistant. All AT THE�hree men have been associated with UNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTthe publication of the High School WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON 1'WO FLOORSWeekly. It is probable that the pub- Wl�L FIND A 'SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER MENUication of the Weekly will be dis- WILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEcontinued. Serving only the Best the Market AflordsOfficial announcement of the 111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREETlaunching of the venture will be made We make a Specialty of Club, Fraternity Dinners. Etctoday from the office of the Dean of Finest Orchestra in the City'he University High. I"·�������-�--������--�����--����-".511 KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.MANDOLIN LESSONS, $1.50.MuSi� Furnished fOT�=======----All Select Occasions.FRATERNITIES HAVE RELAY THE UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUMPresses your suit every week and shines your shoestor $1.00 ,per month645 Cottage Grove Ave. Hyde Park 3718Pre-Legal Club TonightThe regular meeting of thePre-Le­zal Club will be held Tuesday, March5. in Cobb Lecture room, at 7 :30 p.m. There wilt be extemporaneousspeaking from subjects drawn atcommencement meeting. All mem­hers are especially urged to be pres­ent. All students are invited. FIFng the Fraternity relay champion­.hip, to the winning team.There will be eight men on each.carn, each man to run one lap.Any man in residence this quarteris eligible for this fraternity team,jrovided he is not a member of thevarsity or Freshman track squads.Four teams will run in each race,two teams on each side of the track,and the first two teams will qualifyfor the succeeding round.Drawings will be made to deter­mine what: teams compete againsteach other in the preliminary races.The entrance fee will be $2 perteam. This fee will be returned if! he team actually competes. Makecnt rics with Leo DeTray before 10 :30,Thursday morning.The races " .. ill be held in connect:onwith the next three high schoolmeets. The first series of races will cate with owner.he held Friday, M.arch 8, in the even-n�. The second series wilt be held Small ads bring large returns in';atnrday. :\Jarch 16, in the evening. The Daily Maroon."!ncl the final race Saturday, :\IarchIII in the evcning and the final raceS;aturday. �farch 23. iil +he after- g�e 9{cot StuJi� IKIMBAU. BALL243 Wabv'b. Ave.Original Ideas and Exclusive Styles inPHOTOGR.APHSSpacial R.I�. to u. or c. �tQdeDt. ;;;;d;�� 8FOR A CATALOGUE OFColumbia Five Ties YaleBy defeating Harvard Saturdaynight at Cambridge by the score of'9 to 10. the Columbia basketball LeoDSpalding Athletic Cioods.team secured an equal claim withYale on the intercollegiate champion­ship. I Mention what sport you are iDler,cstc-I in and ask for ,a list of collectand school supplies.The Spalding Athletic LibfUJTextbooks on every athletic sport10 cents per copy.Send for Complete List.Mail Order Dept.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.126 Nassau St., New York.149 Wabash Ave., Chicq"l.Est. 1856'BRYANT (1' srnnoNBusiness CollegeLost-A round brooch pin. set withone large turquoise and six diamonds.Lost Sunday afternoon on the Cam­pus or in one of the T�i\'ersityhuildings. Finder please notify TheDaily Maroon Office. and communi- wa.th,·COl1".:joy"T1del'Offers SuperiorAdvantages in.. Business Training ••AND•• Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents M3Y Enter at An7 Time. ----._----_' --' --- Il� , ,PATRONIZEUNIVE�SITY'"PHA.�MAC1�(l() E. 55th Street.: R. R. BOW �N, Prop.noon. AN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED? L. Brent Vaughan. U. of C, '97, Patronize Daily Maroon Ad\'Crtisers.Manager. They are reliable.315-321 Wabash Ave.:\11 kinds of typewriting done.Students patronage solicited.Terms reasonable,work saticfactoryC:l)) at 5753 Drexel Avenue.Miss Vaughn, Second flat. H. W. Bryant. Pres.leI272 East 55th. Street. Chicago.------- ......... -TELBPBONE HYDE PARK .. --- ..... w:T�w;E. C. MOORE. FLORIST. Illino�