PRO�INENT ALUMNI TO REPORT I PRESIDENi OFIOWA TO---! TO� I'liiicilAJ!l��ONS�TONIGIiT1 �HiRD:FOUGHT TRACK MEET·'The Chicago Alumni Magazine" I HE CONVOCATION ORATOR ��e3ult of � With Minnesota May! GOES TO Illl�OIS TEAMSecures Noted Graduates to Send \iv nether Maroons or Go- I 11News of Their Classmates to Its pners Will Take First Honors in i.�!'.:�:ni Department '!;R. G. E. MAC LEAN WILL DE- Basketball. II MAROONS LOSE CONTEST INLIVER ADDRESS AT SPRING I BARTLET1' BY SCORE OF"Th,_. Chic.ur« Alumni ).lagaZille,,,lr CONVOCATION. �il,,;;tou '.\ iii corn c \ . cry dose to I 48 TO 38d Kramer also llll'''lirst iS�lIc ui which \�'.ill make it" ._ . ,"IU\\ 11Ig tUlllgd t, whe n tile wuist le IHewitt -;'. nple ton :,ii. . Icw .1'1'''' I'..: _�e is One of the Leading Educators T � 1 k f.Elected. '..!'!tmg r,'l chine IS �sed_ I:)�)ca��nn: wit hin a u; .}�, ., in the West-Dr. Henderson to ,JlU\\::, .,l uic cnu ul I Ire second h al i u moo ed- or Reversal on Part of. . ...... ,,-V-t . -l·hralll�"lor �'I'�'-"""l'llnul' .. lcuartrne nt � .. " .' - "- - ...... _. - :'-".'" ...... �iu�-' • .,.·.ll'·-·:....i.-l'I.··_·�.·l ,_" " .. ,_..L._�_oi.versity A.L.1-tes_ --.- Du' ecter---W.til Success-!..hg 0 e. 1:'-' 1':>0' 1':"'- ....... 'I '-U'l"." :. Preach 'Coiivocati�n Sermon.' ... _., -;y ......... , _�l.J' .� � .... -- . �'-ucor;;c . ';lIrwcat icr, t lic editor, :.:- .)1' llvl IH.:r· "pu rurcu . baskcLba11 te.nn Stagg Talks.Rc.�:lts Q£ the Election: .n correspondence with prominent .� l�cl,)' Lu ra k e III a championship. I. r-'_ I )r. Geurge Edwin Maclccan. pr e s- The Results: •r:6:d�'111 \V. F. l l cwit t :dUI1111i rcprc scnt iu g all the thirty- ;(kllt of t l.c State University of lU\\',1 . ,,; ) ct t lic \ ars ny team has won, , 1- H Templeton 11: nc ,:la:,:,e5 that have graduated from ...;\ ":1')" gallic by a .conuortuble mar- Chicago. Illinois.ricc-pH'_"" n t ....•• -: • will he the urator of the sixty-second IKIll)' i l.c Uuivcrsit y from the first class gill UUl uic dop stcr s 'uuur c that the .-,: y.rr. d:l�It........ 8Sl.crctary.. . '. IXO!1" , -. couvocat ion uj the University of Chi- �J F 1)'11 which left the Univcr sity in 'o:?, tG \JuplIcrs a rc t lrc st ronuc s t a:.!.'rega- .:;o-yard hurdles .... " 4Trcasnr"r. '. I c :;!1.!(I to he held March 19. Dr. Char- <:> �<:>........... A. F. Kramer last year's graduates of '06. These L1Ull that Lillcago will meet. Arter �-lo-yard run 9Lihraria1l. lcs Richmond Henderson, University 8.l..!o-.)·,'lr,1 run ,. 8., 1 1 I t ·.!radl:ates, rcprcse ntinz the different ,I s g.uuc til' Ctucuuo ti v IttJohn F. i '11 t' was c cctcr reasurcr ,_ .:h:q:laill. will preach the convocation .., c b . I c nus mcc., Cl 1_ t tl tal yca r». arc heill� asked to act as re- ruruuc aud vviscousin, but both of r-rn ile run : ..of the 1\.,':' l!1I:1l" un a te aum < -crmon on Sunday. Xl arcl: 17· TheI 'I Itt' It' porters for their c1:IS!'CS. If they ac- t u csc arc considered. weaker than the -ruile run ..........•election Yl'-tl'n :1,)", rut cr a JO Ig I . President's reception will be on Mon-I In R � the ccpt, t l.e y \\':11 be expected to keep C.0l,iter te.uu. Tonisrius results \\'1'11 ll ig h jump.:......... 5ill which t'll�y 1). ,-oney was c :l:1y, March It;. The final examina- I:> .... � ...."1'1 fi I It ga.· _ :n touch with other memher� of their llirui::.h a pretty goou.l:ne 011 til" filIal Pole \·:Illlt. 3competitor. IC lIa resU • tion� for the quarter will occupy" the '-Dille a hare majority of I I. votes. classes. and sen(l the 'magazine any rcmaiilder of the week. These all- a ward of honors a�ld root�rs for both Si'ot put .1 I !1l'W� items of intercst. �ulcs arc on tiptoe. Relay 5Karl II. I >ixon was e ecte( secre- '101ll\Cements concerning the' ap-tary on'r 1 kan S, Denton hy a rna· Two oi the classes, those of '63 and I . . Tonight wilL be the Varsity team's(j '64, have each hut one member sur- prO:le.ll11� convocatIOn were madelast appearance. on its hom .. door.jority of -l I. ye:-;terday and' arc- the first to be '-For the presidcllcy. the vice-pre,si- "i\'ing: :\icholas ]. Aylesworth, 0; '.:nblished. . The three games remain:ng to be.Iency. :11111 the lih�;arianship,· ther:c '63 and James A. ::\Iets of '64 being Dr. ).IacLean has been president of 1>laycd, those with Purdue, \Visconsin '""'''1' F H 'tt Ihe onl\' Ih'inJ! mcmber.;; of their chss ,lilt! the second with l\iin,nesota ''''1'11 Illillois won the retut.n track meetwas no l"(lIIte"t. . I' lam '. eWI' -. . , "' - 'he State University of Iowa since ..wa� l'll'c'l.(1 p:-e:,idcllt, recei\'illg two �s. In additioll to these, twcnty-ont: r899. From ISS3 to 1895 he was pro- all be played �n the road. I from �'hicago in Bartlett gymnasium) I. . 1 t I" alumni, man" of them well known f f The stronO'· �.·IIO\\·I·IIL.r l'l!r,ltte ,vas la't mght hy the score of 48 to 38.hundred all( t lIrty-el;; It \'0 es, W 11 C '" e�sor 0 English Language and Lit- b'7 uI, I t h men ha\'e ·II-ead ... - consented to act able to ltl,'lk·· ,'lg,'II'llst i'll'llllcsota For spectacular performances, sur-Frank H. 'cmp eton got wo un- '." '" '. t'rature at the UniverSity of :\[innc' � .nI I· fi t d t1 as class reporters .. Th·e .... arc: George' F Tl:l:sday night, "'lleIt tite "ol'lerma- pri�es and live enthusiasm, the con-dreu am t llrty- vc \'0 es an Ie '" sota. 'ror.1 1895 to 1899 hej was .. U. I \1' F' K \V. Thomas, '6:?: Hen'ey W. Booth, CI II f .. l· S held the Gophers .to 37 to tltel'r test has seen few parale1Js. The big-"ice-presl( l'IlCY. .� \'111 • ramer, lance or 0 the Nebraska' Uni,·er ..the nominees for the librarian's of- 'i2: John RidlC'n. '75; John E. Rhodes, :;ity. . o\\'n 26, gave a raise to Chicago's L!'est �"urprisc of the evening was theflee, reccl·\ ... (1 t\\·o l,ltllldred and twen- 'i6; Eli B. Fclscnthal, '78; Georgc D 'I' T' . . b' '.' C .IOpcS. Chicago was able to defeat "howlOg made by Walter Steffen." r ..• \ :!.c _ean· was orn In onnec-\Varren Hall '81' J ".Iia A Dexter' . 8 . .'1.-. (Itle I,,, a l ...�rger s· "ore. The star hurdler and sprinter wasty-two yotes. . ,�- � . . 'tlCllt JIl' 1 50. He receh'crl his hach�. u", '-A'd' l't b 'Q,. £drrar ' 'nllZZ .. 11 '86' Jelln'I'e K 1 '1 f' -I-IIC Inelt are I'n good shape for ·th,'· apparently off form, and had to beSl I...' trom tIe c.ose contcs e·· "'"t, ".' .�. , '-" ' or s Gcgree rom Williams in 1871 . �twecn Dille and Roney, the feature Boomer, '95: \Varren \V. Atwo�d, '97: 1!HI was graduated from the theolog- game and expec,t to put up their ("ontent with a lone point-third inI I . I' JOhl1 I;' Hagev and ;\r .. ", Perry B . I str.ono-est figilt. Cltl'cago wI'II have 'a' the hurdles.of tIC C l'C!IOll \\'a� tIe mterest ., . J' •• ..... • Ica y scmin:!ry of . Yale Uniyersitv l:'o-SitOWll :n '!hc ·-\�()t;i1i-m;;chirie:--wmcli- :Eckhart, _'�· •. ;,�.iln:;:u�¢J-.A.LChQat�, l-..:oce. �c;'.r.���·.�-:.I88J-.� "1va' :o>econd tight wit�l Minnesota on Beyond thirds in the mile bywas used fur balloting. Two hUll- '00: Arthur E. I3estor, '01: F�ederick w;:s made Doctor of PhilosopI�y b; . "i:i'Tt""tf"lboiF.mnnesolli'Stto�·�-::, Sc:heid.:a"d-.he-two-mile-by�"£aJd.w:elt.-.---_._,.�.�,-dred and sixty-four members of the D. nramhall, '02: Restor Ridlon, '03; !he Uni"e:-sity of Leipzig and later ---. -- tile University squad did not get oneClub cast heir votes during the time 'T. n. Hankley, 'o�: l'.lary E. Thomp- studied at th� University of Berlin'. GIRLS' TEA�S IN· FAST unexpected point. Illinois, . on the. -011 CI,'de \ I�laI'r and II 1 n ' BASKETBALL CONT other hanet, stole ., m"rch on t'hethe polls werc own. from' nine in th..::'" , - �... < • . - e c.". Upon his return to America. -he .was EST" ..morning until five o'clock. ).Iany of Freeman. '05; Fred R. Haird, '06. �i\"Cn the. degree of LL.D. by \ViI- dopesters hy getting first a'nd secondthe assol'iatc membcrs of the Club, I! is thought that a reporter for li:tnls.;:0n 1874 he married Miss Clara Campus Team Wins from Off Cam- in the clash, first in the hurdles andincluding iacllity a.ld alumni, came t·.,: �ach one of th(' classes will have been S. Taylor. For a time he was pastor pus Squad . by. Score of 28 to 19. �econd in the shot put.thc Cluh duril:g thc day to inspect secured within a short fme. The of the )'[emorial Preshyterian church The close competition :ill the way'the machine. lirst issue of the new magazine is af Troy, N. Y. An exciting basketball game 'was caused two records to be brok¢ri and'Mr. S. C. Hamilton, the wcst('rn now on the .press and will be ready Among hi� works are: "A Chart :Jcld yesterday afternoon when the one to he equaled. Schommer . raisedrtpre�elltati\'e of the United State� for issuance within a few days. I)f English Lite�ature with Rderen- Girls' Campus anc! Off Campus bas- his former mark in the high jump aStandard Voting ).r�o:::hinc 'Company cc.;;," "A Rcader of Old and ).riddlc kL'�h::lI h::llllS clashecl in Lcxingto:t ()ltartl'r of :111 inch, h_is �)CS�,J.e"J> be-of Rocl1l'"tcr, X Y., was present at: MR. MALLOCK TO DELIVER English,�' "The Next Stages in Edu� Gym. The CamplIs tcam won by a inJ! .3 feet, 10 I-.,J inches. .. during' thl' day to demqnstrate thc FIRST LECTURE MONDAY c�ltion In X cbraska." I3csidl's his :-'con: oi 2� to 19 aiter a hard contest. Thc Unh'ersity' �elay qllartc'i an-machilll:. which was one of the typo.? original works' he has edited man� �I :'5 Pcck W;15 the star of the game, l1e"ed a seconcl record hy' coveringmanuia,.tl1rcd hy hi:, company. In Se:-ies of Addresses on Socialism and �exts. n::lk:n;.! 24 oi the 28 points ior Cam- tl1l' t\\'d\'c laps in J milTlites.�21 4-5additioll to the m;!cl·,inc which wa!' Allied Questions to be Held 'in i,rb. :\Ii:-s Ileap played ;r4star g-ame �(.'C'onrl:.:, exactly two. s,,"conds J�weruscd i .. r !hc elccti"tl. two small(;� Mandel Hall. TO TELL OF "INLAND CHINA" ior Oft· C:Ul1pus. The team's� were th;!n the former hest tim�:. 'L�zearmachin" were on 11111<1 for use ;11 \\'l'Il ,.,Ilpporh.·d hy loy:tl hall(i� of eqt:alcrl thc hig'h hurdle rcc'0�d�:6 4-5demon-!r:lting- thc working of th,� The Icctur<.'S hy \V. H. :\Iallock, thc Dr: Ge�rge' Miller Will Speak Tues. roofers wilo showed g-reat orig-inalitv SC\'eral other marks, the mile. thelar�l' f)l:,'. The nH'n�l)er�"' of the elcc- E I' I . . I' day on Missions. 11 IJl;Iking lip yells for the OCC;ISI·OI-l. quarter. the .:;o-1.·ard <lasll, ,"11(1 tlte',ll� IS I eCOnl;l�1t<:t, on socia 15m and '" ..tion' .. I 1 I I' I Thl' lill('-u!) \\':t� a". f'ollo\,'�' 1'1 I ,It I I d, . ":Hl!h:,'on � �(" IC pe( III S 10W- the allic(1 social and economic ques- ". .' Ie \'.111 . \\'l're near y equa c .ing' ,I:, elnh memb.--:·,; how to handlc tinns which arc to be held at the Uni- :\nn0l111l'(:mcnt was madc yester- C:ltllPll,.," Off (ampu� Dirl'cto:' St:tg-�, who' \':as at thethe 11: ,hille. \'l.r:-ity Ilext w .... ck. will takc place in d:Jy that Dr. Georgc ).riller of the ",,!til Peck.... I�. F :\brv lJea') 111"1'1. cxprcs�ed himself as IpleasedTh,. ';lperiority r,: thc mechanical :\landl.1 Hall. The tirst addrcss will Cl':ill:t (nl:lI1d ).Iission-:. will spl'ak on :\1 Ch:ll11herhiIJ. L. FoO F. -La \\,-:0;' with th(' showing- of the Universityhallol '.fl, O\·I.'r til" ')retinary way (.,f bc dc1in'rl.d' on :\ionday aitcrnoon. "Inlanil China" .in C6hh Ch�l)cI 011 \'. Jal1lil·..;ol1 C .. �I:try ).fcElrO\· "':11:'''. Coach Fricnd dcclared that"OtilL' i,y hallot. ,.:<: dC:lrly dC!l1' 'f I Tuesday aitcrlloon at'4 o·clocK. D I·:rlit;1 :\(arklcy. L. GoO .. :\Ian' :\fora;. thc rc�1tlt was wholly uhexpected •. \ arc I ..;, a! 4 o'clock, and the other r. :\1 •011'1:'. :"d. Tht' \'ot 'r' a\'eraged aho�:� at tllc ':\filll'r eomc:, !o the Uni"er�it\';!s the' ;'I11;l' l,illy .. I'. G ... Grace ).Iortol\ hm that c\'(.·ry man clid his hest. He. four on tlte succceding- day" - Sforr .. _, l'illlll:-o in 11". hooth. '''hCIl >�1l1l' hot;r. J!uest of thc Sturients" Voluntcer .lIh..;titllt\·-.-:\nna L:rVcntllre.Edith -.aid that the Illinois team was con-� II ,,;'_; callle thl' ";e('tiotl commis- .. . . Ballll, for the purpose. of stinJtllatin� r(,\\·�·I!. h,:cl!e Etlll'n·. :\rar� Smith -.;t) .... r:lhly �t!"onJ!er than at the first�;I):' "_ \\l'f(' ahk :', a<:certaitl and I he Inll(l\\'lIlg allllOUnCl"l11l'nt C(lll-. gr<'ater interest' in Chillc:,c mi-:sion- (;1);.1, ij(\T11 Fielll_::_\1is.o; r'eck. II; 111t't'!.:1111:' ,"" �he rc"ui'o; of thc contc�t t'l'1'lling !he Icctltrc...: ha� heetl i"sllc<1 ary work. and will cIHlca"oi to in- \1;" Ch;llllhn);lill, :?; :\Ii,," Ileap. 4;. Ii' .I t J I\" ChicaJ!o �tartcd 011t fa\'orahlv when\\'11i !i,'" millutc<: ly 'l'SH C�I tH ,;on: du("c more lJ.ll'lI to enter that ficlrl .1f . ,1,:- (,;1\\':-(111, 5. . -''I' I 1 "()lH·'tion..; ma.\' he'1l in th .. · .. c· I' r.' �('hl"id slid ill thc odd point in the(' u) cotl"fil,I(01l as anlCl1<Jec1 >.. :IC!lnty. :11:1" ""ll! ,'0111,,-:'<-1;...:, P\.'('k. ",.aliI! ;"'1' I I I tl '1' hn, ;It th(' I)nnr ior :\Ir. \r:.1lnC'k'� nr .. \II·II"r (I' 1 f \1; ... IInl T mile rlln aiter a clo:,e ("on test with, (g'('( lY 'I' pr(,�l'llt otl1ccr� , I" a :lllal Ian aTH or·'· ,I.. 1-I ;,"1l11-.ideratiflll :It tl:c I1C"t lecture. I I 1>' \1' ,';Irrett :tlld \';111 Tn\\'egCll of. Illinois.( uh. \\";]<: a,loptc(1 In' the y(:ar ... :as hC.CI.l,working- i.n.Chin;! lIll·t ...... ,,· r. "rl'l' ... 1.'-. ()rti1l;lycr. Scnrl'-. . "'I'll c i c. I I I I. . . \ i � < :!ame \\'I)rk WOIl 10lHI rl'SpOnse"11l1in� "ok ni OIlC hUlldre(1 �., � nn'" la,'c WCII :lrrange( «( r tl.e allspices of Rntl-:h clwrch . " III r, . J.ln,!',lrl't I�,,·II. Tilll ... kl·cpe!".. I' 1 I I) 11' 1 'I :1" ,jll t1l... ChiC::,'To cnthusiast.... TIII'-":l'{y.tiw' to 1(':1. Tt r1oc� 110� ill �·n·I)!lCr;1 Inn \\·It I t II' II) U' .eC- nrg-anization<:. \\"hieh ha,'c 110 le<;� .', i" 1>11dky. Till1c oi :1;l1n·-,. 1.= ...Iii (1' . '1;1;'" 1:llr":111 .. i the X;ltillll:11 (1'\'1'" l' I . :1'1> i.)I1"\\'l'd this performancc hy11,;ttenally i:""'m the 1 � n·' ' 11;111 (100 1111...:�iol1aric<; in their 1111'1111'",In-" ). e"(� c'FI'rkr:�li"l1 Xo tickd..; oi ;ld1l1i�.;ioll <:('1'-1 '.' '·'.l1lJoIl'lI·l_;.- 111'';l'lti11g' (!."'pe in the fiit:r. :"111. T!lC "haTlg'e� ('On<:I"':; \'!C't'. -r,ri' "' .. ll1_:-' i \·ill he rCIllli-cll. hllt thc door� \\·ill Iw :,::r,( t(:!,il. hllth \lay allrl Jenkin<: ofn. om; __ 'ol1<: of l1..;ck-� . J:J�jor Coil C '1 M('1:1: I I . ,·1"-1·1) l.roll1I,th· ;It the 1)('.g-ill11;I1,:': oi E IS' h 0 .... er.e ounct eets. l'li:l":' 11",ill:': Ill'llllchcrn' out for,_ :Ill( (' a:-liyin_:, phr:....;c<:..· 2r rrat to rchestrate Music. 111(" r('l�IJ1:I:' -1·"i"11 !Ii th.· TIl'li():"'lt' .. ' .. k 1'1; " r('tirin� o:ij("( ... - will i"'<'I1(, their: l';:ch 1<-.-lllre," E:lrl Scntt �ll1ith h:t� rc("ei\'c<l I (,.,"1,·::(, Clll:1H·;1 \\"1_ held . "'� '..l .. r. ,1l Ilr-.t two) pl.:l(,c�. It too' tIeI ' • It' '. .. _:- (. cr ... l':<-: F,(l:l'-' -'·\'I·r.d 111lll11tC" to decide the;)111 ':.' rcport .. 11(':<;: wcck. nccan<:c I :'<-Ir. \(;t1lflck I,a, he(,11 "IH:I'I'.;-flll a" ('fllllr;lct io:" thl' orehl'..;tratioll of th.' �l:'·:·;l'lI:: ill {'"Ioh 11:111. FrI\\·;.rc' \k 1 . 1 I Iof 'i.,' 1 1 .' •. . ,.' •". ,. 1,1.1(','-. -II C o...:e y wcre tiC three mcn'l lact t l:1t t" alllll1al l1l<'etmg-"1 nfl\·l'll ... t ;1�111 .1 ;)()et a, \\'�'11 a-. :111 111- ll'II'IC 1.1 "SlIrc Enough Segre�ation" 1,1',01(· l'rl'-:d111:':-. 1 he l·III!lll·il 1':1-<;ed 1 I I I Ii '.1\\"1 11 Ii I '.. . . . ' .! ' , , ,;;111' 11'( :It t IC lilt.; 1• '�d (";)I1('e c t )('<;" rcport-: will he i \·('�t;;.�,;ltor (Ii cCOllom.iC, COIHlitioll". I t it I' I'I;.!Y. to bl' �i\"t'tl in :\lay hy thc'l Ii" 1'1l11';1I.: 1111 .... ;n·,· ... " ,11111 hl'ard COll1- \ '"aeh Fril'IHI. rC:llizillg- that luck�r.l ',('(I. .Thc tre:\<;I:,:-r's w;" show al \Il:dl oi h;s liie ha� IwclI sp('nt in I l!laddriars. Smith is now at work llJ:':,'(' r,';lO.r!..; .. 1111 :1('tiOll of any im·'( r" 'atlc;.f t Ii . I I' . I .. I . I . \'. :1"; c:ning- ;)�ain:'t the )'larooI1!", en-" .. , .:lC ory 111:111('1;) ('onf Itloll f I.C ('OtJlltl":C<;' (\1 tIC C:l.;;tern Jlortlo�lll)!1 !ltt' "("('.re. Thcre :trc twch'c mu-., �)":'::lllCl' IH';:I'� l:1ke-n.;)1 t I b 'f-o' :n(·d \Icrriam. Quiglcy and narker.. Ill' C t1 • of '·.lIropc. 'whcT'(, ... oc:alism a!ld kil'l-: "';c;d 1ll11111)('r" in tlli - . pia". I .----Lnlh of '11 11 I . . I :-, yc:tr s oJ I in the (jllartcr mrle. ;lncf this friosets officers WI mcet to- (.rc( economIc doctnnc� ha\'� '\. - Edwin In...:cph TkttclldorfT. TO. of r',m)l{'rI away with all thre� p,.aj�es inre-:lche!l perhaps thcir fullest practi� Ch;c·.1�o:\f cds \Yisconsin III bas- !):I' cllp(\rt. J ()\\·a. ha<; hccn plcrlgc'l ---------- --------(Continued on page 4-) c::1 dc\"Clopment. kctball �[arch 6. I :lhi !)elta Theta. (Continucd on page +5. ��be lDafI� maroon�VOL. \" ," ,,:,. Cll I CACO. S.\-JT I{ 1 >:\ Y, ,\1 ARCH 2, 1907. Price Two CentsmxoN p.HO OiLL: WIN IN(_ REYNOLDS G�:_:B ELECTlO�CHOSE!'! :_70R o: FICE AFTERCLOSE C')NTES-l AT ANNUALELECTION.5oI88468oTotal 38r·IS.Iff{;,'I1,:tI THF. DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO, SATURDAY, M�RCH 2, 1907.(o'ormerl,n. UnlYenltl of Cblcaso 'WHkl, that is to be a "semi-climax" of the According to the statement madeFouuded Va��y baskeili�1 �aso� Chkago by the Minneso� Alumni �eek�, ���������������������������.���Tbe Weeki,. Oct. 1. 1892- must win from Minnesota to be in the financial aid sought, by the Uni­The DalI,. Oet. � 1'G02.:, At';'_______________ "the clear running for the champion- versity of Minnesota from the state�endl" Second.CI .. Mall at lb. Cbl. ship, and the fact that the visitors tor educational purposes is not un- IalSO pa.tom�. are coming with an exceptionally reasonable. ThC;,.'Alumni publication Istrong team makes it necessary that states:Subscription prIce, $3.00 per ,ear: $1.00 every possible help be mustered for "The totals asked of the state 'atfor_ � IDOD� .:�tI�ptl0D8. �IT-'. at the game. The men are all in good :h�s' ,ime, even including the extratb� !IIaroon Oflke, Em. nail, or at tbfo trim and with the' support' that they .ums . for -increased salaries. enlargedJ(abI, .. 'E&c�e;, -Cobb Ban. -Order. should have from the bleachers -they- .campus and. improved library and thecollege of education building andsupport, arc not unreasonable. The ICOLUMBiA 'GiV'ES' LAST' .tate of Minnesota will spend moreB. 'EDDY MATBBWS, Managlug Editor. OF UNIVERSITY TEAS during the : next .biennial period for If!DWARD u; FELSENTBAL. News EdItor. �he care of its insane. Other sisterLUTHER D. FK RNA LD, Athletic EdItor Has Many Prominent Guests-Base.: states are spending as much or moreGEeRGE E. lo'ULLER. Bulne88 M�' 1 ball Stars Coa� Candidates, for' . Illinois is likely to get as much forD�nd-Few Men Out. general support as Minnesota is ask-ing . for all purposes. We must faseColumbia University, Feb. 27.- the issue e .Either Minnesota mustThis week the last of a ser'es of support the university as other statesuniver'sity teas, which has continued do or be content to take rank as afur several months was held. These .second. rate .university, Do we wantteas,. which were under' the 'supe'r- to' do this."vision of the ladies of the faculty,were held 'to give the students andfaculty ail' opportunity of meeting 'so- :w- E B S Tit R' Scially. Prominent men' have been .JNTERNATION.ALpresent as guests at many of these Die TI 0 NA.IIY"" .teas and they have' been altogetherenjoyable affairs.'New men are" corning out 'eachweek in the indoor track handicapsand the winners are seldom the same.The High jump was won at 5 feet 8':nches last Monday by a' 'man' whoExperience has. shown, that there h3S not been competing'' n'othing to gain and a great deal 'T-be' baseball candidates are not: 'a�to be' lost' by holding yet very mrmerous;' bat' ma:ny of themare experienced' 'men who haveplayed on' the 'va',:sity i� . previous:years. 'Four' candidates.' for pitcherhave reported and' 'One or two o(them' have shown considerable ab:l�itT· . 'Indoor practice will' probably Ili�;I;ii������cOntittue for several weeks. ·'Billie'·,�il�of ��e }le� :VQ!k: Jf�,i�n�ls:�tS-·c��g:· tkeJ�fea1h 'and' h�r f>eetl�ssi��ed, �or the' -p�,sr week b,' KJei·now; of ·the Ntw York AmericanswhO-: has cmll'ge' '�f 'the' pitching ma-terial. 'OR ,_ _=- �'h ". ,During the excitement and inter- YINNESOTA STILL CALLINGest attending the running off of. the Otl·STATE FOR MORE MONEYtie meet with Iilinois;it· must not be' forgot- Alumai Weekl,. Says Issue is Moreten that there is to be- Funda or to· Hoe _,'Second Ratea basketball game in UDiverait3r.the gymnasium tonightOGle... Student Publication of tiW Unlnr. Importantall, of Cblc:qo. Contat__ ...... __ .. ...... �ITomlbt�n �. ....1, or telephone.42& BTde Par" ought to win the game.ASSSOCIATE EDITOa5c, W. Paltatr, Bernard. I,. B.!II.A. W. Bendenon; .' Prdtou Fo.:··Gua.Warren D. Jl'oeter, llel.lo J .• \dam&JlE.l'O&UU ,l .. ter F. Duun, W. P_ M&eCrackerJerume Frank, 'lIsrr), A. naMPa.P, W_ l>Ju!;erlulJ; IIn:-v<')' U: I'·uller. JI'W. J. UallUllortl1el'.l'rlnted bJ' tbe MarooD l"rea474 East' G:J� Strfttl"bone U,df' Park 3:;!)1Keef.\ Htgli' high school' meets � inSdlo:Ol: ,'-eets conjuncti�n with ;h::Varsity indoor trackmeets. The high school'. ,". THE D�IJ.Y �AROON,IS AS" GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOttCi\N"'IIAKE.HAVE' YOU INvESTED?AN AD.· IN.... -Residence ; Phone�.\..1 Arlington PI. Lake View I�. ._. .,Pho�::Harrison 1644encouraging the competitors from th�'h1eac�'ers is dampened by the 'disin.terested noise from the high schoolcontingent. Hyde Park, Englewood,Wendelf Phillips and the UniversityHigh, yens, are all' right' in their prop­er place, but they do little- good at' a President Northrup Upbolds Studentsin Objections to ConventionalAttire as too Effeminate Gold�lih's Orchestrar. '. Ooidsmith. Director.,�e. Cabk'Piano Company.�V ..bash .. nct)ackson. . CHICAGO,.: ,·C.--------" �;i�. Fnones en(J1�� .' ".p.... '�w.. Resid�nce. H.P. 961: . JDc.!&,.. � .l ��D �TIS�' -.i49·Eimbark Ave.Hou,rs �12.The Senior Jaw students at Minne.·sota have protested against wearingVarsity track meet. caps and gowns at graduation. ThisBesides creating the troubles abov� conventional attire, they say. is ef­enumerated, the attempt to run off feminate and riot becoming to men.the two meets in the s�me eVFi In �ommentirig--on'-�their 'attitud�string� tIle Varsity ,meet ori int�, t� t��5Ident Nor!hrup �id:small hoUrs of the m()rning. 'For· the I do n�t disapprove of the actio�past two yea-rs the � Illinois'-Chicago of the senior law class in refusing tomtef!' ha�e lasted until after one-' wear caps and gowns at grado�tion.o'tloek .a. m., and thosc inter'st d The only students who reaJJy getC C h' ,in the outcome of the Varsity m t elr money 5 worth out of the gar-. h eet t h' Ihave either ad to go home befote men s are t e gtr s of the academic�he mee� was decideo or be put to department."Irrcorn'enlence to "see it throu h"The two meets furnish ample en��_t:dnmem for the price of adm' .hut those who come to sec onlSslon, IF. YOU LIKE TO WEAR· YOURe are CLOVES 1,0 NG, WE ARl�snaJJy not greatly interested in theother. Cor. 6,3Td 5!I :JO-5.-----.-- _. ,------GOOD JUDGMENTis one of the factors of life. Cultivateyours by having your photographic�ork done at 'MARTYN'S MAROON STUDIOS;OS Couage Gn:)\"e\.T. 9f C. PJ;oto�nphf'r.The high school meets Could wellhe separated from the Varsit. h I' I y con-tests Wit Itt e detraction f. rom theprogram and with considerabl'b . h' e Con-tr: utlon to t e Interest and '.p; the VarSity meets. SPlnt FOWNESGLOVES,THEY WEAR LONGER. A Jrirat·:Clus Hotel a Block �rom the University.THE, HOTEL MAROONFIFTY-BIGHTH AND DREXEL AVENUE:Flrat·C1aaa Cafe. Well Furnished Rooms. Lunch Room.Especially well prepared' to take care of the students' patronage,'LUNCH ROOM OPEN TI LL OXE :\. :\1.Albert Mathews, Pres. Geo. II. Fiedler, Vice-Pres. F. H, St r.» !nn. SecMathews & Co. Inc.THE TAILeR SEOPNew Powers Bldg .. (56 Wabash AveTHE LINE FOR S?2ING IS E-:ER�,IT'S THE BEST EVER.They Fill that Empty Space at Home.�smotr'S _boto �tunioSEE IT NOW.'University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz.II Phone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST. 55th STREETYA·LESTUDENTS COPIED OURCollege CorraerSUIT MODEL, LAST AUTUMNTHE SPRING MODEL Come inIS MUCH HANDSOMER and see it.C�er i?J WilkieTAILORS 1 BS 189 Dearborn St.Bank FloorTelephone Calumet 251 16th and Idichipn&[he 16th St. -'_ivery ..Riding AcademyHigh-Class S:lddle and Harness Horses for Sale.Horses SchooledSend for Circular. Open EveniDp.Frank S. Young. Phone H.P. 1251,Young America LaundryBUNDLES BROUGHT IN A!'�D CP.L�ED FORShirts .' _ .. .. .. .. 8c: Co:la:,z xCuffs .. _ 4C684-686 East 63rd StreetOlice ..HARDEIFSrireproof 'St(,rBge A Van Co..DIIITU_ PIAtfoa. TRUNK&. MBRCHANDISB ucI PARCELlDm.lft1tD TO ALL PARTS OF THB CITY, DBPeT�AND SUBURB&.A ... Brandl Otlice, hdiormatla. Oi�UIliT. of Claicap.R. R. Wareboale,Chicqo laactioa R. R._.. aDd CaJullMt.G.-.I 0Iica... St. ... Calame!PIIaaerDoqIu 3IDoPIift_ ..... apall HaveYou8el1The PU!!I(.-�AM;,ACVOF :,MLBE:In tIlt.:Music:T:CJCHAIPrese!in A.cessfu"}_'_--ThtI •�-!!.-.: .... .; --:...._-BLABA'GIRL (TMRHOwTheBE:KJ._,- .. ,ell \I' .ETTil--_.THE1l'tI F. n \fLV �1AROON. C.HIC.�GO.SATURDAY, MAR.CH �,t981•. ::z:::ATH;t.ETIC SCHEDTJLE.------------l N�ROUS WOLVERINESHave The You ASK FOR WITHDRAWALIYou Tip Will IMichigan Students Still Want toI Leave Big' Nine-Plan DebatesBeen Top Like I on Subject.There? Inn It Two thousand student signers havebeen secured :It :"01 ichigun to a peti­tion asking the hoard of control towithdraw from the Conference. Thepet itiou is still being circulated andrno'l' s:gnaturl'S arc expected.\\'hill' student opinion among' the[ .._I \Vol\"eiinl':' �t"" se e ms largely in fa­_. A M V .3 E oM E N �. S.. vor o.f witbdr:� wal , it. that__ • there IS a grow111g scut nnent 111 favorI ·)f ill"'�sti�ating- all aspects of thequestion before taking any action. '5.To this end, also to acquaint the;;tudcnll body with 'all 'the facts of the'1l1t'stion, it has been proposed tohave a public debate by six of. thet111in.'rsity·s dcbntcrs. three on a side,who will in this way put all the factshefore the student body. Another:>Iall suggl'sted is to have the "Mich­'gan Daily" publish papers and com­------.----- municat ions hy everybody willing to,nite his opinion.Some of the questions which witlhe con side red are:r. Is Michigan under any obliga­'ion to stay in the Confcrence?2. \"hat effect would withdrawalhave upon obtaining games with Con--t_'reIlCl' colleges? .'l. 1 S t lu-rr- rt':I<:Of1 to exncct <1 c;P-l ri;s of games with I�adi;g- - ea�ter-n'-:ollegcs?4. What effect would withdrawalhave upon Michigan's standing?I llinois will hCJ,...Jn outdoor baseballpractice in a few weeks, Contraryo the usual custom Coach HuR will1'I�t begin the weedin� out process'(II \ l�1.ES FR()HMAN ·tnti1 the teams go out on the dia-I' . -cnts 110l1cI. The �ql1;:c1 .. wil" then he grad-ELLEN 1·.1:111Y s iitl'cl clown until the team isTERRY 'lractic<tlly chosen. Later on the,:1(1 her Ellglish Company I h��t freshman team will play '\'itnill a Great Double Bill I'he \';Ir";lry 011 the IIlino's field cl'a-:\ -.. \"CE OLDFIELD l·llOl1rl. Hrnnb will prohohly coach-A�D- I !he irt'�h111an team wlwn it gets out.T; ; E GOOD I·IOPE I TIlt' \';:r..;ity' i.. now. gettinJ.!' into.. haIH� �() that !he men can almost b�'licked wi!h ("l'rt:linty. The pitchinJ.!'.. I::(f i .. prohahly the most uncertainoi the lot. :11HI it can he seen nowthat there will hl' no o,'crflow ofThe Pullman Company Build'gCor. :".;;\rns St. and MichiganAve.(.--------------------�Colonial.A CYCLONEOF :,IIRTH,MLSIC ,ANDBE:\UTY,CARLE!n till.: Full-FeatheredMmiC:;ll Hit,THE SPRINGCHICKENPowers ..CHARLES FROHl\lANPresentsJOHNDREWin A, \V. Pinero's Most Suc­cessful PI�y,"HISHOUSEIN ORDER"The Garrick:"!�.-.� .':' --:.. .... :': .• � 4 •BLANCHEBATESGIRL OFTHEGOLDEN WESTThe Grand'MR.HOPKINSONWithDallas Welfordand the Best Cast .Eyer Seen in Farce--------- -----The StudebakerBERTHAKALICHIn Harrison Grey Fisk'sproduction ofTHE'KRUETZERSOXATAIllinoisOthersComeandGo. Pont.­THE TIMETHE PLAZ-E and-r'HE GlR!.GoesOnForevel 'March.OUr Sp_ StylesIre Now Ieady_. Minnesota at Chicagoball), (basketUuive rsity High vs, Oak Park(track). Lindsay Stora.e Co.6. Chicago at Wisconsin (basket­ball).i. Law vs. Science (basketball).8. Second Prelimiaary Track Keeof the Cook County HipSchools. _ ...........L�., ...-C'''�.......... .t=ao ......·""�•• lrw"""...... 111_9. Chicago at Purdue (basketball).12. Philosophy \'5, Arts (basketball)'. Senior vs. Literature (basketbali).Freshmen at IllinoisChicago(track). , it16. Chicago at Minnesota (baSket";ball).r6. Third Preliminary Track Meetof the Cook County Hi gil ,'_. _..,... ............'N., . ...,., ...Schools,2 t, 22 and .23, A.. A. U. basketballchampionships at Evanston ..!3. Semi-Final Meet of : the CookCounty High Schools,l3 and 29. Hlinors Athletic ClubCharity Track Meet.�o. Final Track Meet of the Co?icCounty High S�l1ooJs. BfSURfYou- are· £orreetl,­DressedIt will make you feelbrighter and: betterand convey the im­pression that yourbrains are paying 'div-idends. .The World LikesProsperousi PeopleSmall ads bring. large returns in"he Daily Maroon.v ,01IY£it·I--------·mnMla,··. Conk. lin'sDe standard VJslb1e Wrtt..'sea. '.... PenFor buy people.No 1tother�Fill. itaelf:Cleaaa i_If •.Nodroppej-.. .Netlinltotalteapart..NotIaib4 to '�JU.It dip' 18 ,iaiC. .•toIIch'of Jh1llllbto: Dick*- c:....ceat: &D�' thepea i. : fall,'-yto:�··...... ...,., �1Ii�p:.-'!'!�LS.., ..HARVARD FAVORS RADICALREFORMS IN ATHLETICS I�-Report by Pre;;jdcnt Eliot to Super­visors Advocates Abolition ofProfessional ,Coaches.; .';_-.The report of a special committee.on athletics that professional coachesarc to - be abornloucd and that thenumber. of big, contests.cis to -be re­str icted at Harvard University, wasyesterday submitted by PresidentEliot to. the board of overseers of theinsfitution.The report a lso contains the pro­vision that the amount of.• gate rc­cc pts is to be reduced, and advocatesthe appointment of an agent to super:­vise athletics,In a minority report. Moorficld ... ... __Storey severely censures athletics.and urges their complete abondon-ment.It is supposed that Harvard author­it ics will definlely decide the questionof Inter-collegiate athletics withinth next ten days. A. II. J ......... j.y* .....Tailor for YCMIIWi II ............III La ..... a.r-t. ...... J ....... �·OUR SPRING .s.rOCK IS IffAD'IA large selection of'De Yat8&.-.flsller I_en" Spri� Qve.FCoatings at.Afea.y. �D,lpnng prices,Pal' � II..... 200- styles of FancyRoom 740 Pille Arts Bide- _.';3 IIlcbipa A� .Cbicaco. m Vestings,We secure. po.tions for coJleae profe$sors, normal school.high school, �de, arid all kinds ofspecial teachers, We. also hue a Suit to order· . -OYercoats to orderstrong department of athletics. Writ� :J"aaq Vat.or call for furtb�r infonnatioo.ILLINI TCj .GO OUTDOORS Makes-18:-Own'Coach Huff Will Not Weed OutBaseball Squad for a Few Weeks. -tao to.,.·.·to p,StD 15,W-OWId J'OU Jib. an attnac:d ..Picture, _ artistic bit of Potter7,or a cood Pluter' e.t far ,.,....I"t'oaa?W. haw theM at inespeD8iftprices and many other beautifultbiDp IIOt to be foand elsewhere.Let as eWe J01I prices on fnuaincJoar piCtareLTbe Chicago IIrtEducation Co.A. c. IIcClure BJdc.,:n5' Wabash Avenge. WlWAM .tERRE •• ' .ON ••UarIt ... A .... It&.YIk., •••• ,.. ... 11 .... 7Shredded Wheat BiIaitbeenle It I ..... e of � ....... alldllCeltc, It contain. all tk wMII-cftfF b •of it-and a kernct of "lIc. �retefttl Inconcentrate4 Iona CftfJ' c'_allllat ca1nSInto tile cOlll�otition of Ik lIa_ 1104, aD' C. COIlleqHDIiF. til. SIa�Whole Whcat PrMWCtl aM. IMlr __.and.r'·of lIulth-tHre II 110 OIMr roo.of which lhe .... can be .al'. C. .1Irc4-'c4 Whcat It DCIt .. "prcplft4:' hI .. II .....r.1 roo.. It It lICIt • ,rcfi,ate4." ladfoo4. enfeeble the _adl bJ 1ftaItt11l1to 410 for It ,,11. II for _I.e. Slrri.� WIIoIe W1Idt It.., ..� "ltll .11-. aaa. Inll ., .....tables. e. TI'I8OuIt. die ".. ___. cracli:cr. neoI • � ��clOll. wIda beuer. c ., ,..- ..101. bJ all pocen. c...... .,.,..v"., 0-- a.I " .......... R__... CI_.�R R.Y. waR •• 410 yo. Cd· JOGI'New lc ......... �.At NOa.TOWSPree DeUnry3t8 51th Strednitchcrs,:\11 kinds of typc,,, ... itin� don.c.:'tul!cnts flatrona�e solicited.Term, rea.; saticfactory'-:tIT :It .�i:;.� Drex('1 Avenue.�ri"c; VauJ.!'hn. Sccond Rat.. -------.-- ._---_ �---SIll:l" :id, hr;r:s:r l:lr,::!"c returns inThe Dajly :\Jaroon.,-',' •\' . '·\TURDA Y. !\IARCH 2. r907,TJlEiI! ,, U. HIGH TO HAVE ATHLETIC'mLD :'Ianual Training sdlo�i s'h�lli assist 15 fl.::l"t, 4 iuehcs. Norris followed this El.I C('Il:j{U�IlE�in the. co-operation and br inging i pcrfo rmauce by clearing the bar in..bour oi the desired end, Whenever [t hc pole vault at II feet, 2 5-8 inches,it, is p os s ible for the members of l l cmtcbcrry failed at I I feet, whilet l.e se, schools to do any work it will Taruoski and Dissosway of l ll inois ,Parents' Associat.on of School ofEducation Pushes Project, for Ree­reation Ground for· UniversitY's be done.Freparatory Schools., �.... ,.., .. �V) "It seems hardly necessary to sayhow such a piece of land, devoted t.·these. purposes, will," as .the yea,r�I�ISS by, acquire associations, feature:and scnt inu-nt s. to he much desired,"05'8"':"'::0. •..'litAI·iI.- .........•I•t.. S -,.. : rlltl'fl$ COV/IITS ,} ;• - , I, .� :I .• «Dt:6. �. ;::,,;:},�� :;'J........ '!-- •• �"-'�-'_-J;r.;�"''''''''''''-''''''�� :). �':.: .. ,,,:,"�,�,Playgro�lI1.Lb ..-.;Ill:ty be constructed. Besides this,the 1,Ian arr:tnges for tennis courts;baseball _diamond, f90tball ·field.swings and othe� apparatus, basket­ball courts and a general playground'of three acrcs, It is propo�ed to en­close th(' field with a hedge �f locusts11ch as i� �cen south of the L¥wsc!�oo!. I t i� planned to prepare tlH'. g!"outld hefore the fall quarter. Tht:circular has the foilowing to say" ::1u.rgjn� the need for an athleticground: . ." ,"\\'e would point ont that 'the ohli­;.:atiotl� of thc t:tli,'ersit�, arc suc;',that· we C;UlI:0t rC:1sonaLly ('xpeet ·thi:.\\'or� to Qe (loT}c ,))' �hl:m in 'the ne:1:­il1tnre: �lal;Y o'f us ·(tc�irc that. 011rchil.)r·cl{ �!;�11 at once (;l� 1he' h(,1 ',._ . c1its of slieh a .,{llay�roun(1.. . ""\�-t't t11('n·fore fec) it \\'i�e to suI>'!-..qihe the '�tl;;t11 �u'm ne('c"�:try fll�l'a�h j.('j-�on 'to . hrin� ahollt the oc';;.ir·�() citd.· '"\\'c tllink that evcry parcnt 111\1,tTcd hllw irilPprt:tnl it � .to a'iociatc\\'.ith ,tbi�. !,plcndid iq"tittltion a, prop,('r play�round... :\11 ;l(hllt�: l"ttamng th('ir scho . ..,1davs. tll11;'t c('rtainh' rcmemher th�.• th;�il1 Jf associatiol� :ltt;j('l'f��1 ';to the.�'Jlnt:" ��'herc 'Ihey pla;'c(I.: in weir,.youth. r"It i�' ;ntcndecl that the ElenH'n­r:try S�h.ool.· the High School a'nq,..t�cE .. C .. �, . :Il�,nson �rcb�str8vvn t on! at 10 feet, G incites,,I 'I .. I:'U�1 --- --SEAS():'\ ._- 1�:J7The relay race proveu a "erne Iwho, ihe Benson Orchestra will furnish music for the following well knonfor the Uuivcrsity. Graves,Istarted for Chicago, ran his mall clubs throughout the season :about l'\'.:ll, Barker finished with a - --.-------- C! .l.� l:S .--.---- ---.i ve yard lead, Qui�ley increased the i [(!IlH'\"'ood Cot:llt;y South SIde Cololl:::1 Ca,;;lll) .t Ed�e",·.il�,�:!i> to lift ccu, while Xl er riam ended 1.._·;.lUllH't Cllwl'nt.;i:1 l . '\,esidt!t hc race over thirty ya rd s in the SOltt;1 Shore CIllO Xe w l l linois At h let ic Club R::". ·';00(1 Ct:l�lead. The t imc, 3 minutes, 21 4-5 Union Lea�l1l' Ch:l.':t�o 't'acllt ,'.'-.: ·"r Go!f J-cconds, is � seconds better than t hc HOTELS -,'iormcr �)'llln;;�il1m record. The Moraine \Vellington Met ropole C, ,:ago Bta(-�The summar ic s : . I Virginia Lakota V en.Ion,htty-yard dash--\\'ull by �la'y, 11·. 0 h . th disti . f havi 1 d £, ,... 1 II ThIS rc estra enjoyed e isuncnon 0 avmg p aye or cLe, Kirme!,linoi- ; j cuk ins, 11111101';, S\.'COlH; en- and the Midwinter Cotillionncher ry Chicago. third, Time,Relay race-Won·. for Chicago(Graves, Barker, Quigley, Merriam).Time. 3 :'2\·4-5 (new gym record).Final 'stor,�-:-! Ilinois 48; Chicago 38DIXON AND OILLE WIN INREYNOLDS' CLUB ELECTION(C�ntinued from page I)----------- -------Finest Orche!itr.1 in the ('jt�'night at a dinner at the Chicagol'.��������������������������������Beach Hotel at 6 o'clock. At thisGri�o'lIkcthon:ll�ympltony,\nthcTll "0 \\'orship theKing" \VidniAn athletic ground for the' Uni­vcrsiry's preparatory schools. which. \\':11 -cov e r 3 acres and contain afieldfor ioot ba ll and baseball, an athletic,• t, tennis and basketball courts. HARD-FOUGHT TRACK MEET.: ,;\\'il!:�s and other fittings of a com- GOES TO ILLINOIS TEAM; plctc 'playground is the',>fojcct being -. j'lll1sl:ed by the Parents' Association (Continued from 'pag'� '1.): A t hc School of Education. It:,; _j/':IlIH:,1 by 1!1<:, association to raise !h(' order nn merl. I t was a prell:,. �2.0�O ior the. undertnking.. . race all the way. Barker started Ott.Ci r cula r s and subscription blnuk- in the lead and held it for over twoha�'c been distributed amonp the par, lap-; k ccpiuj; even with Lindberg.cnt s. and already amounts from ten l lluoi-,' be-t mall, At this point 0:'-'5 3-5·1111'11(.)1'5'.'\Iile rl1n-\Von hy liity do llar , have been receive-I. Quigky rcl icvcd Barker. Then Mer- '1Van 1 11 wcgc 11. l lliuois, second; Schci-Then' is :1 '\':tc:lnt lot just cast of th« -lam. il.'ar:ng the Ill'nois crack's ,Suitt.' 500-51.1 l l a ndc l l l l a ll. Chicago. third, Ti111l.', -l :-l7 :.:!-5·school, wh ' ch can be suitably pre speed, took the lead on the stretch. I'" I I ,II \\' t, La-., , . -u t v-varr lllru es- on uypared for a' playground, at an expcn and fi nishcrl within one-fifth of a - 11-' . '1'" \ CI ', . . zcar. I InOI ... ; ,\ c. \"0)', llcago, sec, ----------diture of $2.000, The plans provide second or the gyrnnasrum record, his 1ST CI . I'd 1"��r a:::�el�:;:��';�' ::x 1:::'5 P;:I I:: ;7,:'. ::::"�I. hI��:�:� :.5�f '; �iin�;::c s;;::�· :,�. ;:��: 4.;d e n. ncago, 1 '" . ,m •.I, r'le. e Co lIege Ma n 's Opp or':!.u· nl· IvI j " I Fuur ht1ndrl.'�1 and f�rty-yard �UI1- " C I J���������������������������������- \\'011 by �lerrl:ln1. ChIcago; Qlugley.j _ . .__j .r." . I' D'lrk"r Cl11· . I s the na me ot Oll r new booklet, of mt'stllna hieI... IlIl'ago. :-.econ(. _t, ... , '" •tll·rd. Time, :55 1-5, value to every 1 !)U, graduate who will enterShot put-Won by Burroughs, IlIi- business or take t_IP pro�essional or technicalnoi�: Dunham; ] lIinois, second; ,Rus-1 work. Call or wnte tor It today.,s�!1. Chicago, third, Distance 41 feetl GOODS:; lIlches. HA P••• • ••. Two mile run-Smith and Miller, .Illinois, tied for first; Caldwell, Chi- The National Organization of Brain Brokers.cago. third, t. Time, 10 :40 3-5, Hanford Bldg., Chicago, III.High jump-\�lon by Schommer,Chicago: Ropp, Illinois, second; La­zear. Illinois, third. Height, 5 .feet.10 1-4 i·nch��· (r.e·w gym record),Eight hlil�dred and eighty yard run-Won by Shuart, Chicago; Barker,Chi�ago, second; Bloomfeldt, Illinois.third. Time, 2:09 4-5,. Fole vault-\Von by Norris, Illi­nois; He�neberry, Chicago. second:Tarnoski and Dissosway, I11inois tiedfor � thl�d,. Height, II feet, � 3-8!inches.,hirty yards to �he good, with Darker;, I hi� heels,"I.anky John" Schommer hctt<;rc'!hi� rccord oi .5 feet, TO inches in highjump hy one fourth of an inch 1«>ppof 1I1il1oi..:. came in �ecoJ1d 'i.·itlt .1jump of 5 fcet� 8 incht's,' wlti1c,·:{..a-7.e:'lr wa� a poor third, his mark bC\ng,f.-----��--------�--------��----------------�------------�--�--�,------------------------------- _--------------------------------, ',. " " . ...� ,-, ' ','.t-, ,MOORE. FLORIST.. _ ti,l1le thi: administration of the affairs'., -.--�---�, , �f the Chlb will be formally turnedQt the blg�est surprises of the evel!,j ,. _-. .' '[" d St f: �.n�r to the men elected yesterday,11).; by detcatlllg ., c.""voy an-. e -TI ' 'ffi F D IT. , • ',. f 1e rettnng 0 cers art" '. ,�os-tell after a tlgnt. battle In the fi ty. E "v n G� • E G F 1- _t d bl k tetter. . \" " J, ay., 4' , e senyard hurdles,: he orange an ac'I J I D P \1 I:l1an .. ' equaled. the Bartlett record., t 1:1: an( . . .. � >ott.,,f ,1 he membcrs ot the electIon COtll-:\Ic .. \\·oy nosed Steffen out or seC"1,. , I I ' 11 Iond, •q mISSIOn. wl11ch h:l( c lar�e ot a t 1l', ' '. details of the l'l('ction were: ]. :\.I:urronghs ano Dunham .}lad an I' F I-I I-lIP V H" I" 1 f 4t\'cr.·,. on )crger. . , :tr-:a,;)' tIme 111_ the s 10,t put, t tC ormer\\T 'I C k p, I;. Otll111 al1(1f . I pl'r....\ c rac ·en •hl.';I\'ing- the weight 4' cet, 5 I�C 1e5. .the lattcr ",0 feet,' 4 inches. Captail: J. C. Rurton.Rn�,;t'll gathered'. in the odd paill�," � DR.' BLACK TO PREACHwith a )lut of .18 f�et, l' inches, of .Jllinois, winner of 'tilt" AT TOMORROW'S SERVICEmile. hy fainting in the two ll1i1:· , BRYANT .1'. STRATTONthrt'\\' third place to Caldwell in " As ttliversity Preacher Will Conduc! "il1riot:s r;'tc�, Smith and ).Iillcr o� 'Regular Sunday· Service in Man--B .Illinois; tied' for first .place in thi"' del Hall DSlne"S'\'ent in TO:40·3-5. "Shuart and Barkcr had little diftl The Rl'\', llugh Black will he th�' I.:-nlty in (ldl'atillJ,( Bloomfeldt of ,llIi· prc;'l"hcr' at morning sen'icc' t0mo'··noi< in the hali mile. :Vhe down I row ill \Iarukl Iiall. The order oi:-olate athlt-te hit lip a hot pace al1\1 tht' ..;,'n'icc will hc as ioll(l\\,�:•• Bus,·ness T"�'·n'·ng ..11p to the half \\'a,.' mark was ;-thcad. Or�;'11 Prel11de • aIlert' he heg-an to w.eaken noticea'!>ly C(l1ll1lll1ninll ill F:1111) the '\(ar(wll wearers gra<ltully :\ndante in ,\iIlCfe:t,;{,d their: le:td, Shu:trt finl,;hin:..: rrelud(' to �nd Or�anOfiertorya Xc\\' Earth"Wiljrcd H. Worthro,;tlt1<1c Finale irom Son- GattIatano Puit!i JARSIH. TEAM�Mto Winvanity R-Are :fIParr)EDGAR i\. BENSON40 Eas: l�:l! .olph Stree - '-':'-l��"UI�. will compmeet at tIlday, Marcthat ever.: to' 'areen:-. by Dr. Rwill be adthe rankswill be r<and the raffair. \\Universit)carry offmen areUniversit�A. U_ wilcootest.Besideswill be ;hurdle ra4schools awill be athe highethe winnlwill receisilver me, medals,to the te" member,Tc lcphoucs-c-Ccut ra l _'entraI5;13e ', TOMASOSCHOOL and_ ORCHESTRA51 I .i�IMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.·MANDOLIN LESSONS, $1.50,Music Furnished for====�=====----All Select Occasions.•Phone Harrison 80,5 .:. �r :ned�and Jamcroon star·tached., -Walter. as one 0of officialThe li5lows:6o-yan:Quigley,6o-yardAvoy, �I6o-yard; fen, Mcl44o-yarQuigley.Sl:uart, 188o-yalShuart. :I-mileStella,2-miePole \HighMorgan.ShotSchommbJe.-.---- AT THEUNION HOTEL and RESTAURANT'WILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON '1"110 FLOORSWl�L FinD r... SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE .Ser\'in� only the Best the Market Aflord�111 to 117 RANDOLPH STREET·,;Je �ake a S�ecialty of Club. Fraternity Dir.�er:;. E�cTHE UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUMPresses your suit t;very \\'eek and shines your shoes .tor t-1.(;(_J per month645 Cottage Grove Ave. Hyde Park 3n19{oot �. \).C5tudlC' ;;;;;i�� ,FOR A CATALOGUE OFKI�dR,' },I. HALL2;3 W:-:b3�h Av'.Ori�inalll�t.'.l:-. all,l .i .. :.;C.I:",,·C �tylc"mPliOTOG:-.... APUSSpeci011 I\:'l� s t , IT_ 0; C. "'!Ud�nt5: Spalding Athletic Cipods.Est. 1856I �I('lltion what sport yv: are inttr,: c�!cd i:l :lnd :1�k ior a li�; of collqt'Colle ' e ; ;1l�dT��lf;;a�����iC�thletic Lib�e i Tcx'hnnk" on ","cry o'!;l<lic 'P'" I-milelIerriamShuort.CITc:-s SuperiorAdvantages in 10 .:\'nt� per ('();) .Scne! i .. : Completl' List.r..-i3i! Ore'!. D,�::.A. G, 3t'A LDING & BROS. LaThe T.phy inba�keth:Arts 2f Igame \',and ai"Which 1"'as' :tand �Tf)ners :til'tists,AND r26 Nassau St,. Ncw York.149 Wabash Avc .. Chic:tg"... Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL, PATRONIZEStUtiC:lts May' Ent�r at Any Time . Till':H. W, Bryant. Pres. UNIVERSITYPHA.RMACY:;()() E 55th Stren,� R. BOW4.N. Prop.L. Brent -/aughan. U. of C. '::)j.Manager315-321 \\'ahash Avc, Mrs, 1ter. �I rnext WItop.'272 East 55th Street9 Chicago9- -----TELEPHOHE HYDE PARK 31---------Illinois",' ....