�be IDail� aeccnCHICAGO.1"'HUR�DAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1907. Price Two CentSTo Make Rooting a Feature' of Event-Illini to Hold' MasS Meetin,Burroughs Eligible.When y",: �ct down to the bottomof an :\IlI, rica n's character, I be­lieve yOll II;; i find he is an idealist. Urbana, Feb. 27.-Burroughs, theIlIini star shot putter, passed off his '."con" today, and is now eligible forthe Chicago meet.ffI� \jjIII. I"',, .-TH� DAtLY MAROON. ClttCACO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1907.mitt laily .fIlarnonTEE TAILOR SHOPNew Powers Bldg .. 156 Wabash Ave.««'zrii;, ... '" PICTURES ADORN�GYMNASIUM COMRADESHIP IS RELIGIONPictures of Past Athletic Heroes Dean Vincent Tells Women ThatPlaced on Walla of Locker Room. A8�ciation Is Necessary·Pictures of past athletic teams ot ,"Comradeship is true personal re­the University have been placed in ligion," declared Dean George E. Vin­the locker room of Bartlett gymnas- cent in his address at the meeting ofium by Dr. Raycroft. �he Y. W. C. L, yesterday morning.He has placed a series of pictures "It seems to me that personal re­around the walls, which, with one ligion takes tw� forms-subjective":D�t'rt!d •• Sec.'ond.('la. ,...11 .t i"e Cbl. exception, includes every football, and objective. People fall into theseCIl�O Itoetom,... baseball, and track team since the various types. Therefore we cannotS b8 I I founding of the present University judge other people by ourselves norf u3 er pt on price. $3.00 per rear; $1.00 in 1892. The one exception is the can we prescribe for them. The sub-or months. SubacrlpUooa recelYed at .tl "1 . . track team of 1895, but even of this jective religionist is introspective andIe � aroon Omce. Ellis Hall. or at lb. f h., team the names 0 t e men are l Is given to the study of his own self.l-ucult,y. Exchange. Cobb lIall. Order. printed out and framed in their place. \ person who believes in the object-lakcn by maJi or telephone. II de P k1 ar The pictures are the usual sized ive form glories in the associationphotographs of the teams, and Coach with his fellow men""':"'in planning a IStagg has had them framed in series realization of justice and love. Christin dull oak frames. There are, ;'I.t' vas given to association with his fel­present, places for the pictures for lOW men. I believe that if we livemore than five years to come, and by that Christ life day by day, if we lovethat time more room will probably comradeship, if we are ardent in ourbe found. Upon each picture is the desires to better understand our fel­date and name of each person on the low men, then we wilt possess theteam, so. that the Universities ath- true personal religion."letic honors and the names of themen who have battled for them will U HIGH GIRLS ARE DEFEATEDThe Sock and Buskin society metyesterday morning and elected of­ficers for the remainder of the year.Miss Esther Hall was elected presi­dent and Misses Alida McDermid,Esther Godshaw and Sarah Wilkesmembers of the executive committee.The other nominations for presidentwere Misses Phebe Bell and MaryArcher, and for. committee membersMisses Rosemary Quinn and MarySwan.The vaudeville, which the Sockand Buskin gave this quarter, provedsuch a success that the society wasvncouraged to.. try .. �mething bet­·er. The executive committee willstart at once to find a popular local tfternoon at 4:00 o'clock. An excel-play suitable . for production' next '.uart Th' lent program has been prepared, andqt ��. ti e. society �equests any all students of the Romance depart-I;c:: rt u t'O�bS '�r sUlgfgestlonsLof plays. ment having more than three majors. y con n utron e t on· exington' di ., . . .Ihull ti bo d . h f I ere It In f rench, are invited to bee 10 har .. elt .er or. the presi- present. It has been decided to' hol;:1" Ident or t e commIttee will' be con- . .'d I' h d h mcetlngs every week during thc�: ered. t IS ope t at the produc-· . .tion can b . ']\1 �l'r1Og quarter, mstead of hI-weekly.____C_g_Iv_c_n_ 10 ely. :l!' has been the rule. This changewas made bccause of the increasingnumbers of French students attend­ing the meetings.Oftl caa I Student l"ublicatloD of tb� UDlyer·all)' of Chlcqo._e. r= n'. "'orm�rl,Tb�: Unlnralty uf ('blc ... co WHIlI,.'uundedTbe \\'eeklr. Oct. 1. 1892."be Dal!,. (kL 1. 190:.'u, �DDY ·MA'fHEWS. Managing. Editor.EDW AltO G. "'ELSEN'l'HAL. New. EdItor.LUTHER D. l<'�ItNALD, Athletic EdItorGEO_': E. lo'ULLER. Bualne. Manqer.ASSSOCIATE EDITORSC. W. Paltzer. Uernard J.. Dell.Preston F.. G ....A. W. Henderson.WarreD D. Foeter. lIelviD J. Adam&.be preserved."'der F. OUDn. PICK MEN FOR FINALSIN W�STLING CONTESTW. P. .u.a.ecrackenJerome Fronk. Harr'7.A. Baoaea.P. W. '·'nterton. IInr\"C'y ('" I"uller, J.W. J. Halbllturtber. Semi-Finals in Junior College Wrest­ling. Championship Held Yester­day in Gym.Printed br the Maroon l'resa474 Esat �th 8�('bODe lIrdf' Park 3�1 The semi-finals in the Junior Col­lege championship. in wrestling were:leld yesterday in the gymnasium.In the heavyweight division, Meigsof Philosophy, defeated A. Barron ofScience, in a weIr" contested !lout.Meigs won the faU in � 1�2 minutes.In a preliminary mat�h to determinethe heavyweight representatve ofPhilsopohy . College, Meigs won fromHostetter in 2 minutes. In the mid­dleweight· division, Alexander of Lit­erature, showed his class by' defeat­�ng -.W':,· _L. Allen. of Science 'College,in a' minute ' and a half. Alexanderalso competed in the hea�eightdivision,. Literature being unable toproduce a heavier wrestler tha�Alexander. The bout between Alex­ander of Literature and Bauer (\iScience furnished the surprise of theaftemoono. Bauer, with an advant­age of twenty pounds in weight, wasdefeated in 6 minutes.'.,Debating enthusiasts in 'the Uni-versity have been prompt to realizethat the debating sys­RealiZing tem has': dwindledthe �bating down to the' limits ofSituation inefficiency, and that it. .: is in serious need of re-modeling. Some of the more faith­ful ones have demonstrated that theyappreciate the situation 'b). gettingdown'tto work out a system that wiarelieve the present difficulties, andput debating at Chicago on a basiscomparable with that existing at otherinstitutions. Debating has been onthe decline in the University for sev­eral fears, owing principally to lackof organized interest. The proposedarrangement promises to both furnishencouragement. to those who have aninterest in debating and to stimulateinterest in many who have heretoforedisplayed none. If the promoters SOCK AND BUSKIN ELECTSwill carry the plan to completionthey will have done a great service Miss Esther HaD Chosen President-to Chicago. To Give Another Play.THE MAN WHO DOESDOW IS SUQ 19,9The religiousclosed has beenthan Conference justa greater SUCcesswas anticipated.Ordinarily such confer­ences do not arouse agreat deal of interest. among students, butthis one drew out unusual crowds­a �a�i�yingly large percentage beingun ve�slty students. The Conferencehas been successful in getting mento t�!k . and say something worthheanng In a way 6hat arouses inter­es� and attracts attention. StudentsWIll always, listen to ar thing that isworth heanng and is effectively pre­sented, and these conferences on per­sonal religion seem to have hit themark,ReJicipnConf�cesSuccessfulRobert VanKirk in Recital::\Ir. Robert W. VanKirk, a notedstudent and inter�reter of B .'11 . rowmng,WI gn'e some dramat' .. lC Impersona-tions from Browning's "The Rinand the Book" th' f g• I .' IS a ternoon at 4:00p. m. In HItchcock Hall L'b:\lr V K' k' . I rary.. . an Ir s Impersonations are allfrom memory. rHE 'IIAN WHO DOESN'TKNOW, IIAY WEARFOWNESGLOVESNew Yorkers to Entertain.The New York Club ha . .N . Y s mVlted all("w orkers to a recital to b .Frid' e gIVen.ay evenmg, March " at 8:00m. In the League rooms, L .' p.1Iall. eXlngton A First·Class Hotel a Block !rom the University.THE HOTEL lWAROONFIFTY -EIGHTH AN D DREXEL AVENUE.'F�rst-Class Cafe. Well Furnished Rooms. LunchEspecially well prepared to take care of the students' patronqc.LUNCH ROO�l OPEN TI LL O�E A. M.PrOfasor St-tiona:.\lh(·rt Mathews. Pres. Geo. H. Fiedler. Vice-Pres. F. H. Stratton. SeeMathews & Co. Inc. ·THE LINE FOR S?2iNG IS HERE.IT'S THE BEST EVER. SEE IT NOW. (Continu�dCoocerThe extecomes thesupersedessistent witling the atttry. Refer:of commerbetween thUniversity Style -$3.00 per Doz.'Student's .Special $3.50 per Doz.They fill that Empty Space at Home.��mOtr'6 J0boto �tu))ioHyde Park Wins Victory of 16 to 8Over Varsity School Girls.The University High School GirlS'1'msketball team met the Hyde Parkhigh school team in the former's \gymnasium yesterday afternoon, and " phoneNere defeated by the score of 16 tol The" �nivers�y �igh School\�----�------��--�---��--��---���eam played a scrappy game, but Ivere outclassed by the speedy HydeParkers. The excellent team work.of the Blue and White team, and the Iplaying of Miss McCracken, were fea­tures of the game. Miss Foster playedl star game for U. H. S.. The line-up:u, K S. Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STREET.H. P. VALE:. r:students copied our C()LLECiE. CORNelt:suit model las., autu'mn and want to see .our SPRING MODEL.C�er. 6 WilkieMay Phister L.' G M. StantonH. Foster R. G A. TrudeD. Potter C Z. Shepard TA ILORSM. CaPtP R. G.: ._. McCracken�. Si�ky : L.G ..... � Eckersall ���������1_8S�1_8_9�D_ea_r_b�o���S=l���������Umpire, Dr. Frew. Referee, HazelPage.HIGH SCHOOLS TO CONTESTFOR TRACK HONORS FRIDAY 16th and IJ(ichi&ii�'. �e 16th St. Livery ... ,.�Riding Academy f)High-Class Saddle and Harness Horses for SaIe.:":Horses SchooledSend for Circular. Open Evenma1Telephone Calumet 251Three Teams Entered in First Pre­liminary Meet - Englewood the' \Favorite.Along with the Varsity-Illinoistrack meet, the first three preliminarycontests for the championship of theCook County Athlteic League, willbe held in the gymnasium Fridaynight. Three high schools have 'en­tered in this meet, but Hyde Parkand Englewood are considered tohave the only strong teams. .. 8c Co.Iaro IeR. T. Crane high school will . put Cuffs ................•............ ·4Cseveral individual stars in the .field, I 684-'686 East' 63rd Streetbut lacks team strength. Englewood, �������������������������������from the showing mad. e this season.]I's ilie fuv��� �though Hyde Puk ������������������������������may spring a surprise on the "dope-. iFRENCH CLUB TO ME.ETI Frank S. Young. Phone H.P. u�'>LaundryBUNDLES BROUGHT IN AND CALLED FOR .Young AmericaShirts-ters."Geaeral Oftica.._. St. aDd Calamet A'ft..Phoae'DoaClu �Priftte Exchance aU Office •.HIiRDEr.f'ireprooli Storage A Van Co.Will Hold Meeting in Beecher at4:00 this Afternoon.The regular meeting .of the FrenchClub will be held at Becher Hall this ftJRN1TURE. PIANOS. TRUNK& MERCHANDI" ....::teaiDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, D .AND SUBURBa. .' II,GOOD JUDGMENTis one of the factors of life. Cultivateyours by having your photographicwork done atMARTYN'S MAROON ST�DlO5705 Cotta�e Gro"eU. of .�. P_boto�raphC'r.:'1;2 r»: .... v "!:\��O!-· e-:tCA�6, THURSD.-\��, FEBR�ArY �:;,.��,.....- ...... --- •• -- ,==.' ===�.�---- ,nl __ � __ ����� __ � __ �� __ "" " __ � __ ,,�� __ ,,__ ........t""":.___ _ _ ..... __ . ._�P·A-L LAW 'It-PENDS l�e�"rucl�npro��dfurilicmw��ExpE� A HOTCONT�; ��������������������������10101 L1 of an equal grade? ! DISCREDIT BEAR STORIESifNi INTERNATIONAL LAW To t!!:waf�=�: !�:� is per- (Continued� page 1.) .• haps more in point. The treaty. be-f U S DeO;1!·tment of State tween .the United States and Liberia. will be put in here. if he is needed ... _UMtor 0 .'.• nal' I d d' u.t:: id ' th t it ,',!\fat' hews, Scheid. and Caldwell willOW-W' 'tel Ar�icle for Internatio. cone u e III lov2, prOV1 es a C1-n ., 'es. izens uf the United States shall "en-Civic League .... en. ioy all other rghts and privilegeswhich are or may be granted to anyProI�r Scott is AI.: :hority On In-other foreigners. subjects or citizens... tionall .. aw-Arti:le Concluded uf the most favored nation. The cit­" In this Is.rue, izcns of the Republic of Liberia shall,. in return. enjoy similar protectionIntercollegiate and privileges inzhe United States ofAmerica and!n their territories."(Article II. "Treaty of Commercennd Navigation" with Liberia: Treat­'es in Force. 190-1. page 49R).Suppose a colony of Liberiansd .' ) should settle in the United States and(Continu:.-d i;';llll yc st cr ay s Issue.suppose it should be determined thatresidence implied the right to schools.Could the Liberian complain if hewere treated as his fellow African inblood. but American hy birth andeducation ?No attempt is made to decide these'!uestions. and their difficuty is asgreat as their importance, A knowl­edge of International Law is neces=vary 'and even then a specialist may�o astray,Knowledge is NecessaryFrom these instances. taken well­nigh at random. it is seen how thor- r nwagen.oughly International Law and the Mile run-Richardson, Barrett. Vanrights and priviliges arising and claim, J nwagen. Fosland, Burkhalter, Miller.ed under that law enter into the life Two-mile run-Van Inwagen, Rich­of the American people, As citizens ardson, Smith. Miller, Connard, Bar­we must understand, these questions rett..for as voters we pass upon them. If Relay-May, Pettigrew,. Gardner,the vote is to be intellligent the voter Oliver, Lindberg, Jenkins, Spitler.must be trained, and if the voter is' C ttrained in matters of International JUNIOR SEMI-FINAL. onkhn'sLaw his vote will go for a foreign DECLAMATIONS TODAYand domestic policy pased upon en- ::!. Penlightened and well-recognized prin- One Man and One Woman To Beciples of International Law and in- Selected From Eight Contestantsternational policy. It is a trite say- For Finals March 7 For busy people,ing that we cannot understand a stat- . No bother..ute unless we understand the corn- Semi-finals in the Junior College Fills itself ..mon law which the' statute either has decl a mation contest will be held this Cleans itself.changed or �as intended to modify. :;ft�-;no�' at"4'-o'�I�in k�';rt�-·1'IIr-N1".""'''''ppe--i-.�, ---- .."In whatever relates to rights of It is equally true. jf not so trite. that For the final contes� to be" held �othiilgtotakeapait.c-,'..Ience and travel. ..... the citizens, -we cannot understand the municipal Thursday, March y ,one man and 'one 'A othing to ipill. ."t '4 . dip in' ink, •r subjects of each contracting party law of the United States and mun- woman will be selected from the eight touch of thumbhan enjoy in the territories of the ;cipa! problems which confront us un- speakers this afternoon. Those who to nickel cres-th,er the same privieges, liberties 'ess '\#e understand rnt�rnatlonal Law. participate today rare S. C· 'Trotcky cent and. thend rights, and shall O.! subject to no which is a fundamental and consrit- and Miss Rosemary Quinn, Philoso- pen is. full,tiber .imposts or charges in these ·.Ient part of the law of the land. phy College; M. T. Price 'and Miss ready to write.sp�cts than native citizens or sub- (The end.) Mabel I. Dodge, Arts Collegej- G. S. .AUtbebelt�eftr7�.1\1 k d l\f' 'I! E L· �DeJ'8..!.':'p'!a.-eels of the most favored nation." • ar s an ISS ze emery, 1t- pm�':;Article I). CLUB ELECTION TOMORROW erature College; and W. Rogers and Itl�=:=o�:':-oWJ. 1\I'ss Clara Spohn, Science College. =�'=L��California maintain� on the other f»oom abo,rn tn oa eII'-'OC' New Officers of the R. eynolds Club Each contestant will deliver the en- flll'niabtd tree ran. d that it has the right to ·J·udge AnYIQUe or ;:ren�:Will Be Chosen-Voting Machine tire selection. C&1Dpm� pruDpt17.hat is be!'t suited to the needs and TIlE celiltLUI PE.... ()G.Coming-Contests Are Close IIo�forts of the st:lt� and that the �.a;..�::::;:..�.An 8 :30 course in the study of the A large select"... l·on ofration of the Jap- nese is a "alid. Voting for ofliicers of the Reynolds life of Christ under the direction ofercise of the poFc(' power of the Club for the coming year, will com- Professor Sharman has . been an- -------- ,Spring Overcoatings attite recognized hy t:.c treaty itself; The Vates. Fisher Teachersmence tomorrow morning at nine nounced for the spring qu;:rter. 11.- temptl·ng pn·ces.or in Article II of '. ne treaty it is o'clock and will continue through the A"'ency •. id that "It ;s, how� :er, understood 5'day until fi\·e. All preparations for Election of officers for the R-- 200 style of Fat the stcpulations contained in -.I Paul Yates, Ma_nager. S ancyis �nd tht' precediw:- Article do not handling the first election at the Club nolds Club will be held Friday from Room 740 Fine Arts Bldg. Vestl.ngS.in three years have been made, and it 9 a. m. to 5 P. m.any way affect the bws, ordinances 203 Michigan Ave. Chicago� ilLis expected th:tt everything' will god regulations WTt'� regard to off smoothly.rade, the immigr:ttiC:1 of laborers, Although there has beenlice and public ,,�,,"dty which are.fo�ce (Ir which 111" ". hereafter bected 1!1 ·:ither of t:�e two coun-J�pyright. :�o7. by\ 1�-;\IC Lea.r. c.)By J�mes Brown Sc.o'.�. of the De-7 partment 0;' ,:,tate.Concerns Japanese TroubleThe extvnt to whic.: a treaty be­comes thl' law of the ;�!.nd rcpe�ls orsupersedes a local oi·.Jmancc mcon­sistent with it, terms 1:' now occupy­ing the :lttelltioll of tl:e whole coun-t Rcfercnl'I.' i� made to the treatyry. ., f Q..,,�of commerce and navrgat-on 0 I.."..between the United St.ites and Ja.pan,e contention lies · ... ·ithin a smallcompa.ss but its importance is great.The city of San Frar cisco, pursuanto a statue of California, passed a 10-al ordinance by the terms of whichapanese students wcr e forbiddden tottend the public sci.ools with theither chidren of S2.11 Francisco. At. e same time separa ;c schools wereesignated for j ap: "leJ;e children.apan insists that Article I of thereaty of 1894 gives, : t least by im­lication to the JapGll cse the same'gltt of education as is enjoyed byther residents of the state and baseshe contention especially on the facthat the right of residence necessar­Iy invoves the right to education,apan also invokes the- favored' nationlanse, The exact language relied up­ri !. as follows: be our mainstays in the mill' and two­mile. and may cut into -the scoring.Schommer is looked upon as thestrongest man entered in the highjump, while Maddigan has been doingbetter than ever before in this' event.Henneberry is our best man in thepole vault. Our three shot putters,Captain Russell, Maddigan andSchommer. have been hoisting the"':1(1 hall around the forty-foot mark.The relay men are all in perfect.' ..rrnu.The Illinois entries were receivedyesterday by Dr, Raycroft.· Theyare:50-yard dash-May, Hodge. Spit­ler. Jenkins and Pettigrew.50-yard . hurdles- Brown. Lazear.Gardner. Pettigrew.Shot put-Burroughs. Carrithers,Dunham.Pole vault-Norris. Tarnoski, Dis-soway.44o-yard run-Jenkins. Lindberg,)Iay. Pettigrew. Oliver, Spitler.SSo-yard run-c-Lindherg.Bloomfeldt,Barrett. Richardson. Fosland. Van South Side TransferLindsay Storage Co .1907·W BAGGAGE-EXPRESS..... L .... "'" E.63d St. 9 L m..a.a�.1 p. m.DeartiNi'ni St., 10. m..3:3O p. ID.,S:3DP.1IL.. OaieSunda1 trip-Trip:» to Wood- .- ....... ewood Staai... _OlPP'ICES •IIIOVING-PACKING-SHIPPIHGWe have careful mea and eIluipmtMfor moving Household Goods .... Pl­anos in Hyde P:l:k,. Woodla.. ...Euglewood. �:jecial attenac. p­to pawni and r�,ippinc.The Best Meal in Chicagoat 5489 Lexington Ave.Full Dinner, Home Cooking for548g Ellis A venue. ir."., It. SIxt7-thlrd � Ll'e�Tel. Hyde Park u61.We secure positions for college anduniversity professors. normal school,high school, grade, and all kinds of�pecial teache.rs. IWe also have astrong department of athletics, Writeor call for further information.sometrouble in securing the voting ma­chine desired. it was announced lastnight that it would surely arrive intime for the election. The machine11, ': the purj,o.-l' of this paper wiII be one of the type manufactured'take ':Iil:�: the I"!··· .. ;tion is merely by the United States Standard Vot­ted t(' ... how how i:nportant a role ;ng �rachinc Company of Rochester,!ltemati· naJ Law n� y play in the N. Y. It has been secured throughe and ,.'duca!:on '.': a community. the kindness of Mr. I. N, Powell.'Anotll' " question n.ight weI arise Clerk of Elections for the City' of.conn,· cinn with !!':s treaty. Can Chicago. and also through Assistant. forc:j..:�l<'r 'hope �(' obtain greater Professor Charles E. Merriam. �f the. rbts ill , country th::n a native born departmcnt of Political Science, Mr. Residence: Phoneen ('.,:1 acquire? If by laws of �ferriam hrought to Chicago the fir:,t .�.;.1 Arlington PI. Lake.View rC2..; .e stat., of the .-\l'1erican Union voting machine used in this city. Phone Harrison r6.wlI'Ier.ic;IL negroes aI,' excluded from Opinions still vary a!' to who will Goldsmith's Orchestra5O<:Iat;, !J with whitr persons in the win the contc�ted offiices. \Vorkers Y GoJd ·th Diihv:.y, . I I I . G f II I I' I . ... SInI, rector." \ Oll ( S11 ):. cts of rcat or a t Ie can( 1( ates are active and).r "'-bl Pia Contaln (G b" h' , • W.ce, � e no mP3D)'Ir ermany 0 Ject If they t ('re 1S a grcat('r 1I1terest in Cluh V bash d J)[so CHir d tl:(,�lseh'es �('.:.::-regated in a I politics than at any time ouring th(' I � • an.c n. CAGO.lin C�('\\' car: I f :�cgroes horn in past years. It is expected hy' the I .f, U�l�('d States :Ire debarred from c;omp:tign managers that of the four !-hones:, J)n"J]cge of atttr;:(Iing schools in hundrecl member .. of the Cluh, O\'er Officf'. H.P. 1788. Residence. H.P. 96t. pany with the;;- :nore fortnnate thrce hundred :Inri fift.- will go to 1Dr • .lttll D. f)erlrrIte. hrrthern, wo:'··' . Italians or the polls to do their duty tomormw. I)r. Ba'n GIll. Plrlrt�t7ns have cau�(' to 'Complain if The tu .... le hetween Dixon and Ben. DENTISTSOU1HI themseh-· � placed separ- ton for the sccn'taryship i .. particular- ').2-19 Kimh=\Tk Ave, Cor. 6.1rd S!� and apart in our schools, aliilouSh iy keen. Hours 9-12. r :JO-S---.___,-- - 20C ----at noon or night.Meal Tickets, $3-50 Jor $2.75, to stu- :-' _dents. Try .it, and see if you can dobet�er. Breakfast from IOC up.THE ELLIS CAFE Would· you. like an attractivePicture, an artistic bit of Pottery,or a good Plaster Cast for yourrC'')m?We have these at inexpensivep::-ices and many other beautifult��ings not to be found elsewhere •Let us give you prices on framing) our pictutes.The .Chicago ArtEducation Co •.A. C. McClurg Bldg.,215 Wabash Avenue. BfSURfYou are CorrectlyDressedIt will make you feelbrighter and .betterand convey the im­pression that yourbrains are paying div­idends... 'The World Likes ,Prosperous PeopleOur Sprfug StylesAre Now Ready.. �A. N� JERREMS; Manager.Tailor for Young Men.Either store131 La Salle Street. and" Jackson Blvd---.-----OUR SPRING'STOCK IS READYPRICESSuit to orderOvercoats to orderFancy Vests $20 to $5020to 505 to 151NILLIAM JERREMS' SONS.\,;lark and Adams St ..WHERR do you �(" yourNow.papers, Perlodlca •• aDd3t.lloDor7.At NOR. TON' SPIIM� ,U6 HJd�Park Pre: Delivery:US ;;'ith StreetTeI�laolla Hyde Park lSaad �7A McAdamsno UDI.o ... lt7••. F lor,: .t..�..... OUBBS: . .Cor. S3t St. ad �rt A'ft. Chicago[ IMPERFECT II IIIII.AL 1I� . THE DAILY MAROON ... CHICAGO. l'HURSDA Y, FEBRUARY;;!". :';-;j, '';:'j,.. .,eternal life as that we currently think I �of as eternal life, as a place to be;The intcr-fratc. nity bowling con, reached after death, where we will :test W:IS finished Tuesday afternoon, sing anthems, wave palm leaves, andDelta Kappa Epsilon carrying off the walk to and fro in the city of God,"pennant by winning from Alpha Del. he said. "Connected with our idea Lo� ....r, GRIThe Pullman Company Build'g ta Phi in all three games, the first of this life is the word 'everlasting: '-" � -�ame. n� to 6c.)6; the second, 851 to and ·that it is eternal just because it BRIGHTON GARTERS;..._ ' 5jo. and the third &>3 to 6<)4. mak.ng lasts .and lasts forever. ... . . . I The neatest, easiest and most comfortable cord garter made. The_--------a---_,.---.- t he total points over those of the This IS the eternal hfc-to know. rubber diamond holds with a vice-like grip that will never slip, WillI' A M U s E· MEN �. S ,,� Alpha Delts 320 pins. If being religious were not being not Injure the finest hose, Thesmalle;;t,smoothestflattestgripc\'erI 111 the second game, Essington of sentimental, if had, not the idea to a u.>ed on a cord garter. Finest quality webbing. Metal p�rtsllt�a�'y.. � ;., nickel plated brass. 25c and 50c a pair, all dealers or by mail prepaid,D. K. E. made the high score of 222. boy of being a girl, and to the girl PIONEER aUSPEND •• CO., 718 Market St., Philadelphia.Colonial. I beating the previous high score of of being preacher like, if it were con- Jldff.qf Piin&ur 8u�,uh,."the tourney, 217, made by Steve sidered as something in accord withA CYCLON E C:IPP in the semi-finals against Delta I knowing, we would have no obiec-OF MIRTH. up�lloll. Taylor, D. K. E., in th,c tions. But what about the idea ofl\lUSIC AND �.llfll game, tied thc 217 score, his I time? It is not in the idea of Jesus.BEAUTY� "cores III the nuals grvrng him the There is not more living because itCAR L E.,'gll average of 103 2-3 lor three lasts. Life is a thing of quantity,In the Full-Feathered �.IIJlCS, turs wrnmng tne md'viduai not quality. It is not measured byMusical Hit, l)(lZC or tilt: club. Essington holds years. It is a process of transforma-THE SPRING l cue nouor of being higu average man tion and assimilation,"CHICKENi or me wnote series 01 15 games with Dr. Gunsaulus pickde up a rose, I•1,'0 1-3, but Tracy, who was high and then, through the rest of his ser-La Salle .,\,er;lge man in the preliminaries, mon proceeded to build up a beauti-I1..1\-0 1-3), lias tne right to play ills ful similie between the rose and theI eruammg SIX games. sun and the human soul and God.Atpua Velta 1"l1i WOIl the' high "We know that man is the God-�a me 111 the' �tol1rney with a total 01Cor, Adams St. and Michigan Ave.HaveYou The YouTip WillBeen 'Top LikeThere? Inn ItOthersComeandGo, But­THE TIMETHE PLACE andTHE GIRLI·!, GoesOnForeverThe GarrickBLANCHEBATESGIRL OFTHE'GOLDEN WESTThe GrandMR.HOPKINSONWithDallas Welfordand the Best CastEver Seen in FarceThe StudebakerBERTHAKALICHIn Harrison Grey Fisk'sproduction ofTHEKRUETZERSONATAIllinoisCHARLES FROH�fANPresentsELLENTERRYand her English Companyin a Great Double BillXAXCE OLDFIELD-AXD-THE GOOD HOPEI:I't�I Po\versCff:\RLES FROJl�IAXPresentsJOHNDREWin A. \\ .. Pinero's :\Iost Suc­cessful Play,"HISHOUSEIN ORDER"1.jI.1U plant." he said. "We can accountfor him without having a sun. I care Inot how low a person has gone, howlimited or weary or worn, rio soulmoves who does - not move with thegrant that requires infinity of placeand eternity."Religion is life. We are bound tosomething that furnishes an inspira­tion of life.144 "It is an awful thing to see people145 gathered in.a church with nothing THE ',UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUM15�J else to do but to speculate' about God.13u and to substitute 39 articles about presses your suit every week and shines your shoes122 God for the experience of God. If $1 0' hany �f the church are just doing th�t tor.. . U P t r mon t696-.<--670- � and have nothing, of the rich exper- 564� Cottage Grove Ave. Hyde Park ·37ISDcl�k����n �n�,in wh� �b� iliro� iliey! �_175 are missing eternalHfe.217 "This, is the life 'etrenal-e-here, in127 Chicago. in the University of Chicago ;110 in .�andel Hall. Eternity is everlast-174 ing now. The beams of eternity arefocused on the present. Now is the738 8S1 803 day of salvation. _If you want eter-I n individual games, Gilbert made nal life, you' must get hold of thethe record score of the alleys Mon- eternal purpose of God. The soulday afternoon, with a total of 279 of man must have' God. It is madepins. This breaks the record of 273 for infinity."set two years ago by Ed Ferris. A particularly impressive feature ofDoubles Start Monday quartet from the Central ChurcnEntries for the bowling tournament choir.in doubles, which begins Monday, PLANS TO REVOLUTIONIZEare coming in well. Each man hasthe right to bowl with as many part- DEBATING IN UNIVERSITYners as hc wishes, providing he doesnot howl with the same man in morethan one series of five games, thetotal pins to count. There is no en­trance fee, but each team deposits $1,which pays fur the bowling. The en­tries .close next Saturday. Thirtyteams will be entered in the contest.A silver loving cup. �alued' at $15.will be ginn to the winner of thisDefeat Alpha Delta Phi-EsSingtonGets High Score, Taylor HighSeries, Alpha Delts High Game. (Continued from page 1)�'o5 pins..;., 0 team in the past three years hasnowicu so consistently as have theIJe"es in this tournament, Sigma�'1 u won the pennant last year, and\..ni Psi in 19O5.r-otlowmg is thc score of finalgames:Alpha Delta Phi.Buckley 129135 137116148KOC ••••• ' ••••••••r'homas •.••.•.•.•.\J Iller . 121lIS196 122Capps ..........•Gilbert ..•........ 142 141142 198147, 131,IS4 - . 16gTaylor .Vail . � .Sunderland .•. � ..•.c;�sillgton ... � ..•• 153(Continued from page I)tourney, by Chicago spoke before an aUdieilceof 1500 persons, while the debate heldin Mandel Hall, on the same nightand on the same subject - was heardby only, about 300 persons.The committees in charge of thework will report to' the Platform Clubat a banquet to be heJd in March andthe matter will then be formally laidbefore the faculty.MARC CATLIN SECRETARYOF WESTE�N CONFERENCEAdvanced'StaDctiDg Notice.Students offering advanced cre";tfrom other colleges, and who havebeen in residence two quarters, andcompl�ted six majors of work are re-:quested to' leave their names at theoffice of admissions at once if they\.."ish their claims placed, b�fore theBoard of University Relations for of,ficia I action.Fonner Chicago Football' CaptainMade Officer 'in New League ofMiddle Western Universities.:\Iarc Catlin. '06, has been madesccretary of the Missouri Valley con­fcrence. the new athlctic organizationformed between a number of univer­�itics of thc :\Jiddle \V cst, includingI OW:I., Kan�as, �Iissouri, Washmgton -:111(1 X ('braska. Thc schools that also :\ 11 kinds of typewriting done,arc Illemhcrs of thc Big Nine con- !;uulents patronage solicited.ien'Ill"<'; �ay that this organiz.ltion T('rms reasonable,work saticfactory.will lIot in allY way 'interfere with Call at 57$3 Drexel Avenue.that cnnfcrcncc. Miss Vaughn, Second flat.Ejection of officers for the Rey- Small ads bring large returns innolds Club will be held Friday from The Daily Maroon.ga.m.tosp·m. ".\IOTT ��' lNIFERGUSICUREUnique BSpeakinT . '--...SCHOOi_ and'o MASOORCHE�:TRA511 KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.MANDOLIN LESSONS, SI.5CJ, Frank Ioratoricalin Mand�"Christopward Fe!with 60ThGeorge"Blind Po-men beinlThe .attelpected, a1cert andtreat forIessor Fsided.Fergus(discussedHe declaof his option to flPattersfor a coit sketch.ef .1 fralmen.Pierretof natiorstrict pal. tc)'icfo�11W;mdeLertton'svolt" de;The beo'clock;Blancharby Floy:cause ofso unwicontra I"Asleepremarkal'becausebroughtJ1IDi«. (In theCollegeyesterda:Trotcky,Spohn.E'!1ery. IcompeteEach Idates. wPrice, wone qualwinningquarter'ssdtolatslrewudthird inThe fTuesdayMusic Furnished for��--·­----------------- --- --- - All Select Occasions.Phone Harrison 8o�AT THE- UNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON 'tWO �'LO'JRS. WI;"L FIND A SPECIAL AFTER· THEATER MEr�UWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICE -Serving only the Best the Market J\n()I'''�, 111 to 117 RANDOLPH S TREE'We make a Specialty of Club, Fratc_,":�j' ��,:-: ,."Finest Orche-r r.: in t';(' (_�:,ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE and'STORAGE CunPANYPhone Hyde Park 571. , Kimbark Av. &Fifty-SixtbSt.The Cleanest and Best Kept Storage."Warehou�e in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed. andShipped to all parts of toe world. 300 Private Ster­age Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for .PianosRooms for trunks and Wheels, Large Room for Carr-iages. Iluggies andSleighs, TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local Transfers for Baggage, Furniture, Packages. ct c., at short noticeSpecial Attention Given to Urrivcrst v Orders.Send Yo', rName teSpaldingFOR A CATALOGUE OFSp.clal R.a,f'S t� 11_ or c_ �'udeD's---- '--- ---� ;---- i Spa/dimj Athletic Goods.Est. 1856BRYANT � STunONBusiness CollegeI ..\(cntion what sport y ou are inter·estcd in and ask for a list of colIegta,�d school �l1pplic�The Spalding Athletic Library.Tc xt hook s on every :It:,letic sport10 cents per COl'>Send for Complete i .ist.Mail Order D�r:,A. G. 3r'ALDING & '3ROS.r26 Na�:;au St., New Y rk.149 Wabash Ave .. r.hi�",.Ofl'era SuperiorAdvantages in•• Business Training •• IAND. j•• Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents May Enter at �n7 Time.H. W. Bryant. Pres. PATRONIZErilEUNIVERSITYPH.\F \\A.CY Ed\\'arold C. (bidder�for thi�onCe tiltready,by theday, aft,mitted ;"Suresbow t(into tilKlein, tshortly.mediate:spring IL Brent ·'aughan, U, of C. 'Oi. :Manager_ i " !�JI,5-J.21 Wabash Ave.'II �,O R DEN'SCondenKd Milk, Fluid Mji�. en..and Buttermilk.ALL BOTTLED IN THE Cfl�:!fDY.Borden', Condensed MIlk Co.J'Z'/- J29 F_ Ferty-seventb St.THE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED?AN AD. INE. c. MOORE�. F�ORJ�T, 272 East 55th Street. Chicago.__ -------TBLBPHONB HYDE PARK 31---------Illinois